Fall of The Red Dragon: 6/6/2024

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➡ The video discusses a predicted significant event on June 6, 2024, linked to the number 666 and the Antichrist. The speaker suggests this date is connected to a shift in astrological narratives, a change in the world’s energy, and a revealing of truths. He also mentions a potential calamity in Las Vegas and Los Angeles on this date, as stated by Ryan Garcia. The speaker emphasizes that these are predictions and not guaranteed events.
➡ The text suggests that there might be significant events happening on June 6, 2024, possibly related to Las Vegas and Los Angeles, based on their numerical values. It also mentions a connection to the date when the Hoover Dam was built and the symbolism of the number eight. The text further discusses the possibility of a major disaster or event, possibly an earthquake or an invasion, and references the movie San Andreas and the 9/11 attacks. Lastly, it talks about a recent violent incident in Las Vegas, suggesting it might be related to these predictions.
➡ The text discusses the theory that certain frequencies can affect our bodies and potentially alter our physiology. It suggests that these frequencies, emitted at specific times, are connected to various events and symbols, including the solar eclipse and the number 911. The text also mentions a video showing a person who appears to have been transformed by these frequencies, and discusses the idea of a ‘great awakening’ where hidden truths are revealed. Lastly, it refers to a reported non-human encounter in Las Vegas, suggesting a connection to these theories.
➡ A teenager named Angel shared his eerie experience of encountering a strange entity that left him paralyzed with fear. Despite skepticism and accusations of seeking fame, Angel insists his story is true and he’s not profiting from it. His family supports his account but prefers to stay out of the public eye. The story also touches on various conspiracy theories, including secret societies in the entertainment industry and occult practices among the global elite.
➡ This text discusses the connections between various secret societies, the music industry, and human trafficking. It suggests that these groups use symbolism and rituals related to ancient deities, such as Moloch, to propagate their influence. The text also implies that popular figures in the music industry, like Drake, are involved in these societies and their activities. Lastly, it delves into the concept of reincarnation and how it’s manipulated by these forces.
➡ The text discusses different interpretations of the word “God” in various contexts, relating to Sumerian mythology, Christian beliefs, and ancient occultism. It suggests that the use of capitalization in “God” can indicate different entities or concepts. The text also explores the influence of music on human physiology and psychology, suggesting it can be used to manipulate people’s states of consciousness. Finally, it delves into prophecies and spiritual shifts, particularly the return of the white buffalo calf woman, a symbol of a shift from masculine to feminine energy, and the potential for a significant event to occur in 2024.
➡ The text discusses various symbols, prophecies, and events, suggesting they are all interconnected. It mentions a mysterious reflection appearing on a building, which seems to show ancient symbols, possibly indicating a future event. The text also refers to a solar eclipse and its path, which is believed to be linked to these symbols and prophecies. Lastly, it mentions various global events and speculates on their potential significance, hinting at a major change or event in the future.
➡ The text discusses the belief that significant events are connected to the color red, rituals, and the date June 6, 2024. It suggests that the world is undergoing a shift from darkness to light, symbolized by a transition from the Alpha Draconis star system to the star Polaris. This shift is believed to expose hidden truths and bring about divine judgment. The text also links these ideas to various cultural and societal elements, including music, movies, and the concept of karmic retribution.
➡ The text discusses the importance of changing one’s mindset to attract positive cosmic energies and improve spiritual intelligence. It suggests that the world is undergoing a transformation, likened to a birthing process, which may involve pain and exposure of truths. The text also emphasizes the need for mental strength to benefit from this knowledge and use it to improve oneself and others. It ends with a call to share the message and a prayer for divine assistance.


I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? That we’re stuck in the matrix? Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bdell. If you’re new to the channel, hit the like button, hit the share button, hit that subscribe button, hit that notification bell. Today I’m going to be decoding the hidden dynamics of the prophetic date of June 6, 2024, and how it’s esoterically equated to the numerical synchronization of 666, and how it’s also in alignment with the afflictions of the Kendrick Lamar and and Drake beef.

And how it’s also synonymous to the statements made by Ryan Garcia talking about the spiritual implications are going to be taking place on the planet in the near future. Right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, this is one of those videos. You got to get your notes out for this one because I came across some intrinsic evidence, some substantial evidence that supports this claim. There’s a lot of information we’re going to get into tonight, right? So when you’re talking about the shifting process, right, a lot of people hear this thing called the shift. What are you talking about? When you’re going through a shift? The shift is based on an astrological narrative that’s based on the sun’s processional movement, that’s also subjected to the processional circle of the equinox, right? So you’re going from the Alpha draconis star system, which was ruled by patriarchy under a patrilineal system, which is basically the sheer form of capitalism, imperialism and theocracy.

So when you’re going through a shift, everything starts to change within the simulation, right? Everything starts to change. The rules start to change. Right. That means that everything that was subjected to a subordinate energy on the planet has to revert back into a natural frequency by reverting back into the star Polaris, which is basically a transmutation process, right? So the star Polaris is the true light. So that’s why everything is getting exposed in real time. When you talk, talking about the movie industry, the music industry, politics, all these things is getting exposed because it’s going from a shifting process.

Because the Alpha Draconis star system was basically ruling and managing the planet under the age of Pisces, age of Aries, in the age of Taurus, right? So the age of the true light is the age of Aquarius to where everything gets exposed in real time. So when you look at the top right here, you look very closely. It’s got Alpha Draconis, right? Alpha Draconis draconian star constellation, which is also equated to Drake. Drake, which is equated to Draco. We’re going to get into that as we get through the presentation because it all lines up with the judgment of the Red Dragon.

Right? So when you look at the top right here, it says alpha Chacona star system. So when you’re going through a shift, you shifting from the Alpha Chacona star system to the star Polaris, which is the North Star. Right. That’s what’s happening. That’s why everything is starting to change. That’s why Cat Williams said that 2024 is going to be the year where everything gets revealed. Right. Because we in the age of the true light, meaning that there’s a cosmic and divine order that has to be implemented on the planet, right. Because if you don’t tell the truth during this time period, right, you bait.

You basically breaking cosmic oath. Right, with the. With the Elohim. So now there’s this date called, you know, June 6, 2024. And this date was projected on Monday evening, the Michigan Central train station in Detroit’s court town neighborhood. So this date is very prophetic because as I was showing you guys not too long ago, it’s in alignment with this movie called the First Omen. The first Omen is basically talking about the resurgence of the Antichrist. Right? And in the movie, the Antichrist’s name was Damon. So this movie actually came out three days before the solar eclipse that took place on April 8.

So the first omen. This movie is a brand new movie that came out last month. And it’s also talking about the spiritual implications that’s going to be taking place on the planet, because they said that the Antichrist, he is born on June 6, 2024. As I was showing you here, it was projected upon this building in Detroit. Right? So this is also in alignment with Detroit because you have a new landmass is starting to shift. There’s a new monolithic structure underneath the water that’s starting to basically resurface on the surface of Lake Michigan, which is close to Detroit.

Right. So it’s not a coincidence. All the stuff is taking place. Now, this is also an alignment to Ryan Garcia because he also made some claims about June 6, 2024. So when you look at June 6, 2024, you got 666 which is also equated to the sigil of the Antichrist. Right? That is basically the numerical nomenclature title. So when you look at the time from his fight that he had with Devin Haney, right? You got on 420 24, all the way up until June 6, 2024. That is exactly six weeks and six days apart, right? And also did the Vedic Gematria code on this fight.

When I looked up the numerical spectrum and the values Ryan Garcia’s name equated to earthquake, it equated to tsunamis, it basically equated to some type of weather modification that’s going to be taking place within the simulation. So now, also, when you look at the Vedic Gematria code, right, Las Vegas equates to 33. Los Angeles equates to 36. Right? Not a coincidence, because these are all freemasonic numbers. Now, I’m going to play this video by Ryan Garcia. Matter of fact, I didn’t even send it to myself. So hold on for a second. I got to play this video.

I’m gonna send it to myself real fast. Here we go. So this video is basically going to be telling you about everything that I’m saying, because everything within the simulation is basically staged. So when you understand the energy extraction matrix and the binary code system on it, it is operated by a supercomputer. So that means that everything within a simulation has a number. So that’s why everything is basically subjected to a new numerical value. Right? Everything is subjected to a numerical value. Right. So that means that everything within the simulation is actually being staged by the trickster guys who control the simulation in itself.

Right? So I’m. Keep talking. As this video is starting to upload on the screen, I’m trying to get it to the. My computer. You know what? All right, here we go. Because there’s a lot of stuff that’s, you know, that’s acclimated to this video, right? There’s a lot of stuff that’s acclimated to this video. All right, we got the video pulled up, ladies and gentlemen. So this is one of those videos, man. You want to get your snacks out? Because I came across some very intrinsic evidence and new information that nobody is on the Internet, nobody on YouTube is talking about.

And we’re going to bring it as we get through the presentation, right? So get your snacks out because this is a wonderful time to be alive during this time period, because, you know, everything is based on prophetic divination. Everything that’s taking place is divine cosmic order, right? Everything is divine cosmic order. So I play this video by Ryan Garcia. And he’s going to be telling you about the spiritual implications that’s going to be taking place in the geographical land masses of Las Vegas and Los Angeles next June 6. Any specific location or LA and Vegas, June 6 in 2024.

All right, that’s where I’m gonna leave it with. There you have it. Everybody get the hell out of Los Angeles. Everybody get that. If you’re watching this, y’all better bible verses. Mom. If you’re watching this. Mom, get out. June 6. Come to Florida. June 6, Vegas and LA. There you have it, right? I have. I’m gonna play it again. For those who haven’t seen it, play it one more time. He said specifically verbatim, that on June 6, 2024, that there’s gonna be some type of calamity that’s gonna be taking place in Las Vegas or Los Angeles, June 6, and he’s a specific location, or LA and Vegas, June 6 in 2024.

All right, that’s what I’m gonna leave it with. There you have it. Everybody get the hell out of Los Angeles. Everybody get. If you’re watching this. Run, bitches. Y’all better get spin Bible verses, mom. If you’re watching this. Mom, get out. June 6. Come to Florida. June 6, Vegas and LA. There you have it, Ron. I have. So I’m not. I’m not sure what he’s basically alluding to, but like I said, you cannot negate what’s taking place. You cannot, you know, you know, make this situation the common denominator in your life if you live in those two places.

And the reason I say that is because, you know, I’m not one of those people who date set. I’m not date setting. And saying something is actually going to happen on June 6, 2024. I’m going to say it again. I’m not saying that something is going to happen on June 6, 2024, but you have to keep your eyes open. So it’s one of those things where when people date set, you know, when people say, oh, something’s going to happen during this time period and nothing happens, but what if he’s saying something and then it actually happens, right, to where they basically use in a form of dark psychology and reverse psychology to basically placate to your emotions, to where you basically sweep and undermine the situation, to the point where you get caught up into whatever’s going to be taking place on that timestamp, right? So that’s why you see right here, Las Vegas, the numerical value of 33.

Los Angeles, the numerical value of Los Angeles is 36. Right? So you got the numerical value that’s equated to that. So this is also in alignment with Las Vegas when you’re talking about this publication right here. And it’s talking about the reassurance of the Antichrist in Las Vegas. Right? And it’s also talking about climate change and global warming, as you have the resurgence of the Antichrist in Las Vegas. So that’s something to look at as something to think about. Right. It is, you know, something to look at from a critical standpoint. Now. Now, this is where it also gets kind of crazy, because when you look at the timestamps from Monday, September 30 and 1935, where the Hoover Hoover dam was basically built, goes all the way up to real time of June 6, 2024, it is basically exactly 88 years, eight months and eight days apart.

Now, when you understand the numerical sequence of eight, or you see a synchronization of eights, eight is also the symbology of justice. It’s the symbology of leadership, prosperity, balance, but it also represents karma. So karmic retribution is basically the personification of the 8th year, which is 2024. Right. This is where everything is starting to change. This is why everything in the simulation is starting to basically dematerialize. Right? Because it’s basically the symbology of judgment. So that’s why the solar eclipse on October 14, which was on my birthday, that was the ring of fire eclipse, which is basically the foundation of judgment, of justice.

Right? The scales of justice put the red dragon, the beast, the leviathan energy, the sleep spell of king, who. Everything was under judgment during that time period. Right? So that is basically the precursor to what everything is happening right now. Now, one thing you got to understand is that, you know, he was talking about Las Vegas and, uh, la and things of that nature. One thing you got to understand is that Los Angeles and just California and itself is in the cascadian subject subduction zone. San Andreas was also talking about a big, massive calamity or earthquake that took place on the San Andreas fault line.

So that is also equated to the. The cascadian seduction zone. Right? So it’s not a coincidence that this movie released on May 26, 2015, and it also released in the United States, all over the planet on May 29, 2015. And the dates in between was nine years and eleven days from June 6, 2024. And you also got the same numerical nomenclature value from nine years, one week in one day, which is also equated to 911. 911 was a form of a ritualistic sacrifice. That took place back in 2001. Right. When you’re talking about the so called terrorist attack.

Right. And this is also going to line up to the numerical spectrum of 911 as we get through the presentation because. So it’s not a coincidence that on April 26, on 2024, Congress voted on a bill that would basically criminalize questioning the events surrounding 911. Right. So everything is basically a ritual. Right. So it’s not a coincidence from the movie when it’s talking about earthquakes. The movie San Andreas with Rock, when a movie came out on May 26, 2015, and you go all the way up until June 6, 2024, that is nine years and eleven days apart.

Not a coincidence. And we all wouldn’t know what took place on this day. Right. So that basically means that there’s going to be another black swan event. There’s going to be another big calamity that’s going to be taking place on the planet. Now, also, you got to understand, you got to look at something about the west coast in Las Vegas or whatever, because like I said, it could be one of those things where it’s not only signifying that there’s going to be a big earthquake, it can be some type of, you know, these interdimensional parasitical entities coming to the planet.

It could be one of one of those things. It can be one of those things where it can basically be the symbology of some type of invasion or some type of attack on us soil. So I’m gonna play this video, and it’s going to be showing you about many different things to look at because we just had a zombie, a zombie attack in Las Vegas not too long ago, around, like, last week. So I’m gonna play this video, the grisly murder in downtown Las Vegas. We thank you for joining us here at six. I’m Denise Feldett.

And I’m Brian Loftus. It happened yesterday morning around the area of Third street in east Charleston, eight years down. Investigator Kyle Kane was there first with news of this murder yesterday, and he joins us live. Kyle, with the latest. Denise Bryant, consider yourself warned. The details of this murder here in downtown Las Vegas are disturbing, but this is the blog where police say they arrested a man named Colin Check, age 31. He was arrested yesterday on open murder charges, not in court today, Judge Rebecca Sacks said check was in the hospital. The police report identified the victim as Kenneth Brown.

A document obtained by the Ignazow investigator says Brown had a large cut to part of his head and that he was missing an eye and an ear when police found him. And neighbors yesterday were amazed with what they heard. Now, so this is also in alignment. And I was telling you before, like, the last video that I put out talking about the effects of the solar eclipses because like I said, you have these interdimensional parasitical entities basically hijacking the vessels of those who are basically NPC’s, right. Because these interdimensional entities are basically grays. Because grays, they have the ability to not take comporial form.

They can use their ethral state to infiltrate the anatomy of an NPC to carry out a certain agenda. Because grades, they don’t have the ability to basically procreate, right? They don’t have the genetical faculties to basically procreate and to basically create and extend their race in the future. So they got to live through the physiology of NPC’s. So this is why you see the mass production of. This is why you see the mass production of demonic possession that’s taking place on the planet. Right. This is why you see an influx of energy, a negative energy on the planet.

And this is basically a part of the implications of a solar eclipse that took place. So I’m gonna play back this video a little bit so you can know what’s going on. So the black guy is the guy who basically was subjected to a demonic frequency and he turned into a zombie and killed somebody basically in Las Vegas. So it’s not a coincidence that Ryan Garcia was talking about Las Vegas. Something’s going to be happening in Las Vegas on June 6, 2024. So the numerical value within the simulation, you understand, Gematria, it lines up to everything that’s taking place within this video.

When police found him and neighbors yesterday were amazed with what they heard. Pretty bizarre, man. Obviously, there’s a lot of stuff that goes on out here. As you said, what this is, certainly this takes the cake as far as just all out there. This, you know what I mean? It’s pretty disgusting. Yes, sir. Absolutely. So I’m not sure what this person may have been going through, but something else I would say entirely police say, check what’s going in and out of consciousness while he was in police custody and told cops that something was, quote, possessing him.

Possessing him, possessing him. Here at the bus stop where police arrested. Check. The scene is too bloody and gory to show you on television. Just about as bad as those gory details in the police report, which you can read more about on our website. Morning live in downtown Las Vegas, Kyle Payne. Kyle, thanks. Now, today at Las Vegas Justice Court, a new date for check was set to be in court. The new date is May 1 on Wednesday. Meantime, he’s being held without bail while he is in. See, everything is taking place, so don’t be. It’s not a coincidence that you see the manipulation of people’s neurological faculties that’s taking place.

So now I just had a download because it’s not a coincidence that you starting to see stuff like this. Everything as far as you know, is based on frequency warfare because the frequency in itself has the ability to manipulate your neurophysiology, which is also connected to your nervous system. So when your nervous system is basically infiltrated, that basically puts holes inside your field to where you’re basically at a low vibrational state, to where these entities can take up on your physiology. So this video is going to be showing you how all these frequency waves is also in alignment to the path of totality when you’re talking about the solar eclipse that took place, right? And this happened last week, 16th.

They started at 911 at night until 911 in the morning. You see the pulse. Now, remember what I said about 911, because 911 is a ritualistic sacrificial number and the freemasonic occult, right? So he keeps saying 911. They started these frequencies from 911 in the morning to 911 at night, right? Which is also connected to what I was telling you, because there’s a big sacrifice that’s going to be going on, right? I told you, when you look at the numerical value in Gematria san Andreas, the movie came out on May 26, 2015. And then when you go to June 6, 2024, which is equated to 666, the is basically nine years and eleven days apart.

911, right? 911. We all know what took place on 911, right? That’s why they don’t want you speaking about it. They just passed the bill, right? Congress signed an executive order to bend the law to not talk about it. Right. Now, as he was telling you before right here, he said it on from 09:11 a.m. To 911 pm, they was putting all these frequencies in the atmosphere to manipulate the neurological faculties to where these entities can take upon your physiology, right? So this is kind of basically like a precursor to the last video I put out last week, right? You got to watch that video going from the east to the west coast, all right? Boom.

You see that? Those are next rad stations. Each of those towers are 750 kw, pumping out between 2.7 to 2.9 GHz in the microwave range. This is roughly the same frequency as your microwave oven, and it has the same cause and effect relationship. This was twelve. You see all these frequency. Just imagine, you know, for all those people who have, you know, the draconian juice within their physiology, just imagine what it’s doing to your whole biological structure. You know, I’m saying it is basically dismantling all those, uh, metals within your body long that they held this pulse while we slept.

Look at all the other, uh, anomalies that are happening here on the screen. Look at. Look at what’s going on in Texas. All right? You see that big blast? Looks like a giant laser, doesn’t it? See that? Then it gets obscured by the towers. Now, they can add the Doppler towers with this. Nexrad has like, 159. Doppler has 160. Now, you can consider the harp stations. There’s 33 of those, but they don’t show up on this satellite. This covers the microwave ranges. The next rad. All right, also notice where it gets work. Also notice he says 33.

I’m gonna turn it back. This satellite, this covers the microwave ranges and x ray. All right? Now, here’s where it gets worse. Stations, there’s 33 of those, but they don’t show up on this. You got 33. Weather modification. Frequency modification. Weapons within the geographical landmass of America. Right? Frequency warfare satellite. This covers the microwave ranges and x rad. All right, now, here’s where it gets worse. On the 17th, the next day. There you go. Starts at 811 and goes until 911 in the morning. So they increase it another hour each day. So this is 13 hours.

We’re getting hit with these frequencies. All right? You go to the 18th. They start at 711 at night, going till 911 in the morning, increasing it to 14 hours. If you feel like hell. This is a really good reason. Noticing they are ramping. So it’s not a coincidence that all this is taking place, right? Because the frequencies in itself has the ability to turn you into a shape shifting skinwalker, right? So this is a video of a person who looks just like a dang skinwalker. Look at this. Y’all seen this? Do y’all see that? Hang on.

Let me slow it down for y’all. Check this out. Remember they said these people. People are starting to change. Their physiology is starting to change because of the frequencies, right? Because like I said, from April 8 all the way up to June 6, like I said, is one of those things where you got to be very meticulous of your surroundings, right? Because these people are showing themselves. The system is basically starting to crumble. Because that was, as I was telling you, before the age of the false light was under the Alpha dracona star system, right, that was ruled by the red dragon, right? The alpha draconis star system, under draconian law, under patriarch, under a patrilineal system, is.

Was basically working in tandem with the electrical grid system. So now, since everything is getting exposed, right, because we, in the age of the shoe light, the star polaris, everything is getting exposed in real time. Everything is getting exposed to where these entities cannot hide from their true form, right? This is all connected to the demon face syndrome, too. You can see that, bro. And that’s not a filter neither, because as soon as she seen this, like, she tried to hide her face. Y’all see that? Like I said, I don’t know if that’s a crackhead or a draconian, you know what I’m saying? So it’s one of those things.

Like I said, you still got to be very meticulous of your surroundings during this time period because like I said, things are going to really start to get weird as we segue through this. This great awakening process, right? So you also within Las Vegas, as he was talking about in the video, because I remember during the time period of Las Vegas last year, it’s kind of, it’s not a coincidence that this. That this video started to reassurge again on national television. So this video came out last week, and it’s also talking about Las Vegas just like Ryan Garcia was talking about.

There’s going to be many different implications that’s going to be taking place within the geographical area of Las Vegas on June 6. So it’s not a coincidence that this video came out last week. So I’m gonna play this video. Talking about the Las Vegas non human encounter was traumatizing. Teensay’s happened in Vegas, not stay in Vegas. It circled the known universe. The frenzy grew when reports surfaced that unknown authorities had afterwards placed cameras around this family’s home. The family was driven into hiding, off the grid, out of sight, underground. But ten months later, the mystery lives on.

And lookie loos and alien hunters are still on the prowl. The family posted no trespassing signs, but break ins have been reported frequently here as recently as last week at this home. Tonight at News Nation exclusive, the teenager who made that 911 call is finally speaking publicly at length and laying out exactly what he saw that night and what has happened since. Our national correspondent Alex Capriello joins me with that live from Las Vegas tonight. So, Alex, it’s really compelling. With the advent of a year passing almost, that they’ve had a chance to digest what it is they’ve been through.

They have kept quiet. They are not looking for attention. And yet now you’re getting information, especially from this 15 year or the 17 year old, that some. That’s pretty alarming. Yeah. And I found out from speaking to Angel Kenmore that life just really has not been all that easy for the past year, since they saw that ten foot tall creature in their backyard right here behind me. For him, he says that he’s plain and simple, traumatized by it all. He says he can’t sleep at night. He’s become slightly paranoid. He cries at night, trying to make sense, heads or tails of what exactly he saw that night, playing it back over and over in his head.

You can imagine the torment that’s going through in his head. But to this day, none of the family has a very good explanation about what exactly they saw that night. But to their credit, they’ve stayed pretty consistent about the facts and the details. I really grilled him about that, trying to get him to remember as much as he possibly could about that night. Here’s a portion of our conversation. What do you remember about that night? What do you remember seeing? Oh, um. Uh, start again, I guess. Um, we were, we were in the backyard fixing the truck.

And then out of nowhere, we just see a big light fall down and basically crash in the backyard. And, um, moments after, like, that’s like, couple seconds after I saw the big giant creature in front of me. The alien, whatever you guys want to call it, the alien demon. What are you, what do you believe it is? A demon. A demon? Yeah. So maybe that’s changed that once you thought it was an alien, now you believe it was a demon. Yeah. I mean, I don’t know what it is, you know, only God knows what it was.

But I’m thinking it’s like, something bad. It’s not a good thing. Was it moving? Was it doing? Yes. I’m almost. You could see, like, he was breathing, like, he was like. Like pissed off, like you want to do something. And he was looking at you and your brother. Look at me. Yeah. Did he say anything? I remember he was growling like a dog. Like, ah. Like, when did it end? Um. As soon as I closed my eyes, I guess. I don’t know. I think I was praying something. They just let me go. That’s when I went inside and, you know, I saw my dad.

Like, it out of control of your body. Oh, yeah. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t move? Yeah. You were paralyzed at the sight of this thing. Yeah, I couldn’t move. And you were looking at it for 30 or so seconds, and then all of a sudden it was gone. Yeah, that was pretty creepy. A lot of people think that. That’s just hard to believe, you know, like I said again, they can think whatever they want. What do you say to the people who believe that your family just made this whole thing up to try to get attention? They could believe whatever they want, you know, I’m not doing it for.

If I did it for frame, I want to be on YouTube and stuff like that, doing more videos. But I don’t care, guys. I just went on TikTok and YouTube, made my story. That’s pretty much it. I made no money off this. I want people to know that I made no money out there. I don’t need money. That’s pretty much it. They can believe whatever I want. I bet you hope it doesn’t happen to anybody. Oh, no, hopefully not, though. I hope not. Really bad experience. Really traumatizing. And, Ashley, I don’t know what your impression of him was, but when I was speaking to him personally, I was really struck by how confident and authentic he was about his memories of that night.

There’s a lot of people, obviously, out there in the world that would make up ghost stories in order to chase any sort of clout or fame. But to me, angel came across as somebody who truly believed that he saw something that night in that backyard right here behind me. Yeah, Alex, he didn’t really seem to have canned answers either. So if this was all a big ruse, he’s either a really, really good actor. I mean, Meryl Streep quality. And, you know, he certainly didn’t score. Didn’t seem to plan out answers at the grasp. I do want to ask you about the family.

This is the 17 year old finally talking at length about his experience. Boy, did he ever add some details there that what he saw seemed to be angry and breathing heavily with growling, looking right at his brother and him, and that he felt frozen, which is an account we’ve heard from other people who have felt that they’ve seen something out of this world before, that they’ve been frozen and unable to move. What about the family? Does the family back him? Yeah, the family does, although they’re much less willing to go public about it. I spoke to his mom, who basically said that she has no interest in speaking about it because she just feels differently than angel.

She feels like nobody in the world is going to believe her angel. On the other hand, while certainly not trying to publish his case widespread, he feels the need to share it because he wants the world to know what he saw. And also he wants the world to know that his family is doing okay and moving forward. In general, the family wants the spotlight off of them. Take, for example, all these no trespassing signs. There’s at least four of them, but at this time, they are just basically saying, look, we don’t really want to talk about it anymore, but we still stand behind the things that we saw.

So, like I said, energy don’t lie, right? Like I said, you can tell his energy wasn’t subjected to clout, Jason. He wasn’t trying to get any type of fame. He was just, you know, breaking down his experience on national television. Right? So now, as we get through the presentation even more, like I said, Ryan Garcia, like I said, he was talking about how something’s going to be taking place in Las Vegas, right? So, like I said, california, Los Angeles, Las Vegas is one of those things. You got to be very meticulous of your surroundings in that time period, right? So, like I said, I’m not dates that I’m not saying something’s going to happen.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. But, you know, you still want to be very meticulous of your surroundings, right? Because you cannot negate when you look at the chakra system of the planet earth, right? You got Los Angeles, or the state of California, is basically the first chakra, which is basically the sacral energy, the base of the spine. So that is basically the lowest vibrational place on the planet, California, where you have mouth Shasta, when we talking about Hollywood and things of that nature, that’s why everything is subjected to a low vibrational energy. This is why the rituals go on, right? This is where all the sinning and all the sexual proclivities, all the diddy parties, you know, all the, the sacrifices, all that stuff is subjected to that geographical area.

So that’s why, you know, the first chakra, which is a sacral chakra of planet Earth, is in the geographical area of California, right? So that’s where that was also where the Church of Satan was founded, right? We’re going to get into that. The. The Church of Satan, when you’re talking about anti lave in the Satanic Bible, right? So the Church of Satan was also founded in California. Not a coincidence that it’s also in alignment with the lowest vibrational place on the planet, California, because it’s on the root chakra of the planet. Now, so, like I said, I’m not saying that it’s going to be on this date is going to be a massive earthquake.

But like I said, it’s many different things to look at. Because we all know that the deep state shuttle government has high intrinsic technology, right? Because Nicholas Tesla, he patent a electromechanical oscillator in 1839. That uses steam to generate electricity and create earthquakes. That’s because he understood the law of thermodynamics through cryolysis, right? The law of thermodynamics, which is the conservation of energy as a transmutation process. Taking the heat and the energy and the frequency of it. And using it as an alchemical frequency to create something that’s basically detrimental to the planet. So that’s where he used this oscillator machine right here.

To basically create frequencies within the foundation of the planet to cause earthquakes. Right? So also, one thing to look at on June 6, 2000. I mean, June 6, 1944, is also known as D Day, right, when you’re talking about World War two, right? So it’s not a coincidence that all this lines up with June 6, 2024, which is 666 in the eight year karmic retribution, right? Not a coincidence. Now, as I was telling you before about Ryan Garcia, he is also the one we all knew about. Everybody who’s been doing this work for a long time, everybody is not, you know, new to the information about Bohemian Grove, right? But for some people who are within my age bracket, they don’t understand the implications of the secret societies.

That’s also connected to the movie industry and the music industry, right? So this is where the ovo al. The ovo al was basically an emulation of the Al at the Bohemian Grove, which is also the ancient relic statue of Moloch, right? We finna get into it. So one thing you gotta understand is that, you know, Ryan Garcia, he made some statements about how he seen ritualistic sacrifices. Ritualistic sacrifices at, um. At the Bohemian Grove when he was a child, right? And we all know that the Ovo club, Drake’s record label. Is basically the personification of the ovo out, right? Not a coincidence.

Because the ovo is actually acclimated to the OTo. Right? It’s an anagram for Oto. And oto means auto temple oriented, right? So that’s where you. When you get the talking about the ovo Al. That is basically the nomenclature title for Oto. Ovo is synonymous to Oto. Because one thing you got to understand about the movie industry, the music industry, those industries in itself are basically masquerading as record labels, when really they’re secret societies. So it’s not a coincidence that when you look at Drake’s ring, Drake’s ring has a red ruby on it. And then when you look at the ring, it’s also connected to the crown at the bottom of the Oto symbol that has the Knights Templar sigil on the heart on the ruby of it, right? Not a coincidence, right? So now you got the global.

The global elite occultism. Since 1837, the global elite meets in a secret, meets in secret in the railroad forest of northern California, where they practice the cremation of care ceremony, which is basically an occultic ritual in appeal to luciferic tendencies and egotism. Because we all know that the ego is connected to the demiurge, right? The demiurge is being controlled by the archonic forces, which is connected to Ball Moloch in Lil Yahweh, when you break down the etymology of the nomenclature title. So when you look at the owl of Moloch, right, is synonymous to the Bohemian Club, established in 1872, right? So when you see the ovo Al, think of the.

The Moloch Al, right? Because it’s basically showing the credence to the God of Moloch, who was also Baal, which is also known as the canaanite God. As I was telling you before, in the judgment of the Canaanite and the black nobility, the Canaanite is subjected to demonic rulership by way of democracy, which is the deep state. So that’s why the deep state always shows credence to the rappers and the celebrities and things of that nature. So that’s why it’s why it’s not a coincidence that Drake, he propagates the six ether energy. The six ether energy is acclimated to, uh, the sleep spell of Leviathan, which is the sleep spell of King Goo under the lunar cycle, under patriarchal, under a patrilineal system.

So that’s why it’s all connected to these secret societies, right? When you go to Doctor York’s publication, it tells you right here, you got the Brotherhood of the Snake, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, the Knights of the Knights of the KKK, you got the Order of Luciferians, you got the Satanic Order. Then you got the open, friendly secret society, which is connected to the VATICAN. Then you got the Nazi party, ss, then you got the Jason society, the Bavarian Illuminati, the seekers of the ages, the guardians, the millennium, the skull and bones, which is equated to the three two two.

You got the demolition society. Then you got the order of the quest, the JesuitS. Then you got the Roscoharians. And then you got the Assatara order. Then you got the SCROLL and the key, which is the lunar light lock frequency of the planet under a patriarchal energy. And then you got the odd fellows. Then you got the order of ZiON. Then you got the least serpent, rogue, which is known as the Red serpent, which is also synonymous to the Red Dragon. And the red dragon is connected to the Alpha dracona star system, Draco, draconian, Draco constellation.

Drake is all connected, right? Because all these secret societies is connected to human trafficking, right? We’re going to get into it as we get through the presentation because we all know that the God of Moloch is the God of sacrifice. In order to have riches, right? You got to sacrifice something on the planet. So that’s why all those secret societies that I name is connected to human trafficking. So, as I was telling you before, when you go to the H 14 OA strong concordance, the word God comes from the word gad. Gad is a babylonian deity who was also known as Moloch.

Moloch or bail, right? So it’s basically equated to Gad. GAD is a deity which is a God of fortune. So in order to have something within the simulation to sell your soul for, you got to sacrifice something. So the 666 is also. There’s a negative connotation to it. It’s not only subjected to six electrons to protons, six neutrons, because we all know that we live in a dualistic paradox, right? So that’s why Drake calls himself the six God. To propagate the six ether energy. The sleep spell, right? So that when you’re looking at the six points, six triangles and the six sides of the hexagram, that is basically the star of rimframe, right? The star of rimframe.

So when you go to x for 743 in the King James Bible, it says, ye took upon the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your God, Rhenfran, figures which ye made to worship them, and I will carry you away beyond Babylon, right? So therefore, Rhenfran Moloch is basically the same entity. So when you see Drake propagating the six God symbol, he is showing his credence to Moloch. When you look at the ovo l. Not a coincidence, right? So, like I said, there’s a. There’s a positive connotation because six electrons, proton six neutrons are talking about the carbonated body, but it’s also subjected to a negative connotation when you’re talking about the veneration for the God of Moloch or Renfriend.

So, like I said, that’s why when you look at the. The layout and the blueprint of the landmass and over in the district of Columbia, it shows you a l. It’s got the owl on the dollar bill, it’s got the owl on the National Press Club, the Bohemian Al and Ovo Hour. Basically one the same, right. So also inside the Bohemian Grove is basically an elite retreat of rituals and secrecy linked to Clarence Thomas. So, like I said, it’s all connected to human trafficking because Drake. Like I said, Drake’s record label is being used as a proxy for human trafficking.

So Toronto man faces human trafficking charges. So, as I was telling you before, in the last video, in the video before that, that Drake, his. He hires people, he signs them and gives them record deals to basically traffic. Traffic in younger children. So that’s why in this song by Kendrick Lamar, he was talking about euphoria. Euphoria is basically equated to a movie or tv show that is basically executive produced by Drake. And it’s basically talking about the sexual gratification of teenagers within this movie. Young teenagers. Right. And they. And they’re basically doing stuff that they’re not supposed to be doing.

So he’s actually pushing a agenda that’s acclimated to the plistocracy. Right. So it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is taking place because some people saying that the beef is staged or whatever, but everything in a simulation is staged because everything, even you, me, everything around you, is operating on a numerical value of gematria. So that means that everything in a simulation is connected to the binary code system of the matrix. Right? On the dark side of the moon, the supercomputer. Right, which is subjected to the sleep spell of Leviathan. We’re going to get into it today.

So that’s why, you know, you see this mansion. I’m not sure if this is a Drake’s mansion, but it was basically in this depiction that Kendrick Lamar put out. He was basically saying that Drake is also in alignment with human trafficking. Basically. So it’s not a coincidence that he put this song out called 616 in LA, because when you look at 616, one thing you got to understand about the numerical spectrum in ancient occultism, the six, the one and the zero are basically interchangeable, right? So when you go all up to here, you got 606, which is also equated to 616, right? Or 666.

So when you understand that science, right? When you understand that science of that numerical value that the one and the zero are interchangeable because they’re basically one of the same. Because it’s connected to a dualistic paradox, right? So 616 or 606 or 666 is basically one and the same, right? So that’s why when you look at this, you got the red house and a blue house. York. Right. Scottish. Right. So that’s why the scorpion in itself is subjected to the veneration of Moloch. That’s why Drake, he named this album Scorpion, right? Because the scorpion is also known as the Red Dragon in ancient occultism, right? So now this is where we get into the gnostic sector of cosmology, right? So when you study gnosticism, right? Generating the intrinsic evil in the entire universe.

Leviathan separates the lower world, which is basically the demiurge, the third dimension, mixed in with the lower fourth dimension which is governed by the archons who are basically the trickster ruler. Gods from a different realm of God. After death, a soul must pass through the seven spheres of heaven. If the soul does not succeed, it will be swallowed up by Leviathan, which is basically the personification of reincarnation. Because reincarnation is not a divine concept. So that’s why everything that is propagated by the archonic forces is basically under the lunar energy. The moon is the false light that keeps you stuck in a artificial time analysis mechanism of reincarnation.

So when you stuck in reincarnation, you under the sleep spell of King Goo and a sleep spell of Leviathan. Leviathan, who holds the world captive and returns the soul into a animal body. Because when you subjected to a low vibrational frequency in a emotional energy or toxic level. That’s when they transmute the soul and put it inside of an animal, right? Because you was acting inside of your animal nature, right? Which is subjected to the root chakra, right? So that’s why one thing you got to understand when you see the word God. When you see the word God, that’s why I had to reiterate this for you.

Because when you see the word God, just like here in Drake’s publication right here talking about the six God. Hold on for a second. Because when you see the word God, a lot of people on the planet don’t understand the diametrical differences between God in all caps, God with a capital g in lowercase letters and God in all lowercase letters, right? So now the delineation process of the difference between this word because these words are basically nomenclature titles to separate who’s who and what’s what within the simulation. So when you see God in all caps, that is basically telling you who’s the most high, who is.

I knew. Right? So if you’re a Christian, a lot of christians when they see the word God, they think it’s the same entity when it’s not. Right? So that’s why it’s important to study ancient occultism and study gnosticism. Right? So when you see God in all caps, that is the most high who is Anu. Right. So this is all connected to sumerian mythology. So when you see God with a capital g in lowercase letters that is equated to Enlil, Yahweh, Satan, Moloch. So when Drake says six God, he is showing his veneration to Moloch, who is bald.

Then when you see God and all lowercase letters, that means that we’re basically a microcosm of the macrocosm. That means that we’re basically a derivative of the most high who is Anu. Right. Because God is also equated to Enki and the seeds of Enki which is also known as the spirit of Melchizedek which is the Christ consciousness, who is Tahuti, who was tho or cancer code. Right, which is also connected to the olfactory nerve in the brain. Right. So that means that God and lowercase letters is within is not an actual deity. Right? So now it’s not a coincidence that I had to show you that because the six God in itself, like I said, you got to read these publications right here by doctor your talking about Leviathan, 666, the beast as the Antichrist.

Because everything is taking place right now on the planet means that something big is about to happen. Right? So this is why they hitting you with all types of distractions. This is another publication I think this is part one and this is part two of the 666 Leviathan, the beast as the Antarcites. Right? Because everything is taking place because this is the fall of the red dragon. The red dragon is also equated to Drake or Draco or draconian star. Draconian star constellation. Right? So when you see Drake that is basically a nomenclature title for draco, the dragon.

The dragon constellation Alpha draconis star constellation by shifting to the star Polaris. So that’s why the six God or the. In the 8th year, in the dragon year, that’s why everything is dismantling, right? This is the fall of draconian law, right? So that’s why when you go to doctor yours publication Leviathan 666, it says verbatim, some of these beings now on Earth originated from the draco star constellation. Tiamat is also the name for the Draco or Draco star system. Because that was basically when the planet was under a management process under the Alpha Jacona star system, right? This is why you have capitalism and patriarchy and colonization.

That’s what this star system was basically propagating, right? So that’s why we going through the shift. Not a coincidence, right? Not a coincidence. Because they call Satan the serpent Shaytan or the dragon, who was also known as your so called devil, when you go to revelations seven, not 1279, right? So also when you think of the word drake. Also when you think of the word drake, it’s dang. Also when you think of the word drake, right? This is also connected to Transylvania because the word Transylvania comes from the word trance. Now, trance is a phonetical energy to where it puts you under a sleep spell.

So just like when Dracula bites you on your neck, it puts you subjected to a sleep spell. It puts you under a lunar energy, right? Which is basically my manipulation under psychological indoctrination. So the spell in itself, just like the music, the music in itself is to put you under a sleep spell. The spell which. Under which he controls. I don’t know why it keeps doing that. Basically takes an effect over your physiology, right? So that’s why it’s not a coincidence that, you know, modern day music and modern day technology has a certain octave frequency in a vibration that has a yield yell.

Yet another electronic device in a click system, music that would otherwise be lifeless and rhythmless has same characteristics as songs written by black people today. You hear high pitch electronic sounds, which is affected a portion of your brain. It basically manipulates your neurophysiology and your neurological transmitters, which basically controls the sympathetic nerves, which executes the physiological effects through the nervous system tissue. Because, like I said, the music in itself. This is why they wanted to keep you distracted with the music. Because the music in itself is what keeps you at a low vibrational state to where these entities come in and manipulate your physiology.

Because now you stuck in a trance. You stuck in a trance worrying about the Drake and the Kendrick Lamar beef, right? As you had these entities coming in from the solar eclipses. So, like I said, the tissue controls as tending to reduce the digestive secretion, speeding up the heart, contracting the blood vessels. The music also destroys the brain. The high shrilling sounds in the music are also. The language. Is basically the language of satan, which is the sleep spell of King goo, which is also known as the frequency of leviathan. Right. So it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is taking place when you’re talking about the so called beef, right? That’s why all this stuff is taking place.

They. All this stuff is taking place because it’s a distraction to hide the fact that something big is about to happen. Right. Something big is about to happen. And the reason that I say that is because, you know, you just have the resurgence of the white buffalo, right? I think I got a video for it. The white buffalo is a prophecy, and I’m going to show you this video here. A white buffalo calf born on April 25, 2024. So not a coincidence. Now all this stuff is taking place because it’s divine prophecy is divine prophecy. Within the simulation, everything is a stage, right? Everything is a stage.

So when you go to the white buffalo calf prophecy, so this is all connected to a spiritual significance on the planet. The white buffalo calf woman told the people that she will return in the form of a white buffalo calf, and that it will be a. Both a blessing and a warning. And a warning is an omen, and an omen is a judgment. We all know that we had. That solar eclipse was basically the personification of judgment because the white buffalo calf will be born. This would be the beginning of a shift from the masculine energy back to the feminine energy.

As I was telling you before, there’s a delineation between the divine feminine and the divine masculine, because the divine feminine is basically the foundation of a matrilineal system, which is basically a matriarch. The matriarch is governed by the star Polaris. The masculine energy basically subjugated the feminine energy because the masculine energy was the alpha draconis star system. Under draconian law, under the age of Pisces, which is basically the age of darkness. Right? That basically put a shattered shadow over the divine feminine energy. So it’s not a coincidence that, like I said, a white buffalo calf will be born.

This day would be the beginning of a shift. That’s why we going through the shift, shifting from the alpha chacona star system to the star Polaris, the age of the true light, the age of truth, from the masculine energy back to the feminine energy, that, with the birth, is signifying the beginning of the return of the white buffalo calf woman, that upon the return, she will begin to use the thunder beans, which is basically. The thunder beans, is basically the seven thunders. The seven thunders is also connected to the so called seven plagues of the Bible to start purifying.

So this is the great purification process of the abomination of desolation that’s going to be taking place on the planet. And she will start with the rebalancing of nature. Right. Nature must take back the planet, as I was telling you before, after which the dominant feminine energy will start to shift from the male energy to the female, and we will start to see the balance in the material world, and then we’ll start to see the shift in the spiritual world. So that’s why I was telling you the dimensions are basically starting to collide. Right. So that’s why it’s all equated to revelations, chapter 21, verse one.

New heaven, new earth. Right? New heaven, new earth. When you have the spiritual world merging in with the material in the physical world, she will bring a harmony, a balance, a spirituality to all nations of the world. Right? So is that why that Ryan Garcia said that something big is going to happen on June 6, 2024, right, as we go back to this date? Is that why. Is that why within this movie, they said in the first Omen, it came out on April 5 of this year that the Antichrist would be born on June 6, 2024.

Is this the why that Drake propagates the six ether energy? Right. Is this, you know, everything is connected, everything is not separate. Everything is esoterically connected. So also it shows you through the sacred, the sacred hieroglyphic carvings of the meta netscher, or hieroglyphics. It shows you the white buffalo calf. This is all prophecy, because all this is connected to the alf symbol. The alph symbol is the sigil of the lamb. The sigil of the lamb is also connected to the ancient hebrew tab symbol, right? So now this is where we get into this, because as I was telling you before, a lot of things are starting to change.

A lot of stuff is starting to get weird. So this is why they want to hit you with, you know, all these distractions in the movie industry, in the music industry, having people beefing with each other. This is why all this stuff is taking place. I’m gonna play this video for you, because this video was showing you there’s a reflection that’s being projected, reflection of the sun being projected on this building. And it was basically showing you some type of ancient cuneiform or ancient Hebrew, some type of alien language that’s being projected okay, so I don’t know if you guys see this, but every day at this time, when the sun sits in a certain spot, this appears on the building across from me.

See how it just went away and then it goes away. It’s like, is it Hebrew? Somebody told me something. Did you see that there? Then the sun. The sun peeks through at this hour. We get that. Anybody know what that is? Anybody? Please drop your thoughts in the comments. I’m like, is this a message? Is it? He also, like, when you look at the bottom right here, it looks like it says may right here, right? And I was telling you before, it tells you from the solar eclipse, from April 8, when you go to Jonas, chapter three, verse four, it says that Nineveh shall be overthrown.

Nineveh is another nomenclature title for the word America, which is also connected to the assyrian empire of mystery, Babylon. So with that being said, it tells you that in May, right. That Nineveh shall be overthrown in 40 days. 40 days from the solar eclipse goes all the way up to May 18. So is this a sigil or is this some type of symbology, some type of warning that something’s going to be taking place? Is this all connected to what Ryan Garcia was basically saying, talking about June 6, right. Now, I’m play the rest of the video.

Is it alien? What does this mean? Is it just. Just a coincidence? Maybe it’s a coincidence. I don’t know. Tell me what you think. Now, when you look closely up here, you can see some of the sigils right here is also equated to ancient Hebrew, right? And I’m approving. When you look at the alph symbol, right? You got the al symbol, which is also the sigil of the land. And then you also have the sigil, which is the sigil of the house symbol. Was also talking about a prophet, the resurgence of a prophet or the mashiach or the messiah, right? So some of these sigils in ancient Hebrew, right, is also equated to what you just seen in the video.

There’s an alignment there. So some of this stuff, it looks just like the sigils in ancient Hebrew is on this wall. Right? So could this basically be signifying some type of judgment? Is it basically talking about the return of the me? The machiac or the messianic figure is one of those things, right. But you cannot negate that. You see the ancient tab symbol, the ancient hebrew symbol, the ancient alph symbol. So you can see the alph symbol on there. Now, as I was telling you, before the Ring of Fire, this solar eclipse that took place on October 14 was basically in Libra.

This solar eclipse took place on the sun’s processional movement as it was going through Libra, right? So when it went through Libra, Libra is basically the scales of justice, which is also connected to judgment. Judgment of who? Judgment of the red dragon. So this energy of the solar eclipse basically was a segue to everything that’s taking place right now. So the ring of fire solar eclipse was the judgment of everything that took place, because this energy right here goes through the cascading and seduction zone, right? So this solar eclipse, the path of totality, right. Goes through Albuquerque, Mexico.

Right? So it’s not a coincidence that it shows you the sigil of an alph symbol, which is the sigil of the lamb. The lamb is connected to the non ether. Right? So the path of totality on October 14, 2023, the ring of Fire solar eclipse, it went through the hidden mountain of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Now, one, this is one of the things that I was telling you that nobody is talking about. You getting this information from this channel right here, verbatim. You ain’t getting it from nowhere else. Right? So get your notes out. So during the time of the solar eclipse on October 14, which is my birthday, 2023, the path of totality went through Albuquerque, New Mexico, which is also known as the hidden Mountain.

But the path of totality in New Mexico. In Albuquerque, close to Los Lunas, they found a mystery stone on October 14. And on this mystery stone, it is basically showing you the Alf symbols that is basically equated to the solar eclipses in all the path of totalities from August 21, 2017, April 8, 2024, and October 14, 2023. And this rock, or this was found back in the 18 hundreds. Well, it was basically goes all the way back to the 18 hundreds. That’s where it’s dating back to. But they found it on my birthday on October 14.

Right. So there’s a divine prophecy that’s taking place because, you know, when you see an Alf symbol, that is basically to a form of judgment. So during the path of that totality, it, like I said, it goes through the cascading seduction zone, right? So it’s imperative that whatever’s supposed to happen on June 6, be very careful, because you can see these sigils of the owl symbol or the ancient hebrew tab symbol. You see it all over this rock, right? This mystery stone, this ancient mystery stone that was found in Albuquerque, New Mexico. And they say it came from back in the 18 hundreds.

Right? So we don’t know, like I said, we don’t know if some type of, you know, nuclear war is going to be taking place, you know, because we all know that Iran and is on America’s radar right now, you know what I’m saying? They. They be wanting to take us out. That’s why, you know, the World Economic Forum, they said it was inevitable. Inevitable that they’re going to knock out the power grid, right? So, like I said, I don’t know if it’s going to be the precursor to another lockdown. We don’t know if this is all about the climate energy change.

You know, I’m saying we talk about weather modification. We don’t know what’s going to happen on June 6, right? I’m not saying something’s going to happen on June 6 of 2024, which is also connected to the nomenclature title of 666. We don’t. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I’m not saying something’s gonna happen. But we all know that something big is bound to happen. It may not be on that day, but we all know something is gonna be taking place because it’s too much going on at a spiritual level, so much to the point where the material world is basically trying to subjugate the spiritual prophecies and divinations that’s taking place.

Right. So not a coincidence now. So also you got all types of anomalies that’s taking place, all types of weird stuff. So this is why you have all these distractions talking about the beast. Because everything in a simul. In a simulation is basically a stage. So when you go to the independent tv publication witnesses recalls chaos as blood soaked horses ran loose through London, right? Which. So this is also connected to. Conspiracy theorists believe that a bloody horse running through London and big being stopping the dark omens signaling the end times, right? But like I said, the eight year is a form of comic retribution.

So this is the end time, but it’s basically not the end of the world, but it’s basically the end of an age. The end of an age that basically ends. The energy of the Red Dragon, the fall of the Red Dragon. This is why Drake is getting exposed in real time by Kendrick Lamar, whether it’s a stage or not. But everything in a simulation under draconian law must fall, because draconian law was the foundation of a patrilineal system under patriarchy. So that’s why everything, all the rules by way of cosmic order have to change. Everything has to change.

Right. So is this why they doing all these rituals in London? You got rituals going on in London, right. Also, for those who do not know, red is also a satanic color, because when you propagate the color spectrum of red, you let in these lower form interdimensional beings when you do these rituals or whatever, right. That is being used, they use the color red at the cremation of care when they do those rituals at the bohemian grove. Also, like I said, red is also a babylonian color red and purple ritual for climate change. Right. They doing some type of ritual.

But as we get through the presentation some more, like I said, that took place in London. We don’t know what’s going to take. That’s going to be taking place on June 6, 2024. Right. 666. We don’t know what’s going to be taking place. So for those coming in, I’m going to do a quick, in a brief synopsis and a rundown as we get through the presentation. As I was telling you before, you know, you hear people always talking about, we’re going through the shift. The planet is shifting, the poles are shifting. A lot of people don’t understand and comprehend what’s going on.

When people say that, what is the shift? The shift in itself is based on the sun’s processional movement that’s connected to the processional circle of the equinox. That is a transmutation process by going from the Alpha draconis star system, shifting to the star Polaris. Because the Alpha draconis star system was under the age of Pisces, Aries, and Taurus, which was the age of darkness, the age of darkness was subjected to the draconian law. So the Alpha draconis star system is basically the epitome of patriarchy in a petri lineal system, where you have capitalism, racism, classism, theocracy, imperialism, you have all these things under the foundation of the Alpha Chacona star system because it subjugates the feminine, feminine energy on the planet.

So that’s why I was telling you before, the white buffalo is basically the signification of the divine feminine energy coming right back to the planet as we going through the shifting process to the star Polaris, which is the age of the true light under a natural order. Right? So everything right now in real time is getting exposed under the age of the true light. The true light, the star polaris, basically dematerializes the firmament in the grid system. So that’s why everybody, everybody right now is getting exposed. So this is also connected to June 6, 2024. When you look at the nomenclature, numerical spectrum of it, it shows you 666, right under the eight year.

Because the year eight is connected to karmic retribution. Karmic retribution is taking place, which is a form of an omen and a form of divine judgment. So that’s why it’s not a coincidence that Ryan Garcia said it’s something big is going to happen on June 6. So I’m not. Like I said, I’m not date setting. I’m not saying something’s going to happen on this date, but if something happens, you know, I’m saying it’s one of those things where they’re basically playing fifth dimensional chess, because nine times out of ten, when they say something’s going to happen on a date, it never happens.

But it can be a form of reverse psychology and dark psychology to where something actually does happen. We don’t know if it’s going to be the grid going down. We don’t know if it’s going to be an alien invasion. We don’t. We don’t know if it’s going to be a big ass earthquake. We don’t know what’s going to happen on June 6. You know, we don’t know. Right? So, like I said, this is all connected to Ryan Garcia from his fight on 420 to June 6, 2024, is exactly six days and six weeks apart. And then when you look at the nomenclature title of Vedic Gematria, Las Vegas equates to 33, which is a free masonic number.

Then you got Los Angeles 36, which is also a free masonic number. So, like I said, all this stuff taking place because it’s based on divine judgment, right? And then you had the movie San Andreas, which came out. When are you talking about the cascadian seduction zone in the San Andreas fault line being activated. That’s where it caused a big earthquake in Los Angeles. So the movie came out on May 26, 2015, and from May 26, 2015 to June 6, that is nine years and eleven days apart, part which is equated to 911. 911 is a ritualistic nomenclature title.

It’s a ritualistic sigil for the plistocracy. 911. So, like I said, some could happen, because we all know when you look at the chakra system of planet Earth, California, Los Angeles, Mount Shasta, Hollywood is at the root chakra. So that means that it’s a low vibrational place. Anything low vibrational has to go through a form of a great purification in order for the planet to revert back into balance, in order to balance out your chakras, you got to get the root chakra in order. You got to get that ass in order in order to reap the benefits of ascension.

So the planet cannot ascend unless that geographical area has to be destroyed. Could it be destroyed with an earthquake? We don’t know. Right. This is all connected to the Drake beef, right? Ovo is synonymous with oto. Oto is the order template oriented. Now, when you look at the sigil at the bottom of this crown, it has the knights of Templar Sigil, and it’s also connected to Drake’s ring, who has the ruby on it, right? So the ovo is the OTo. So that’s why when you look at these record relabels, they’re basically proxies and masquerading as record labels when really they secret societies being used for human trafficking.

Because the God of Moloch is also connected to the Al. The God of Moloch. And Bell is also the sacrificial God. Right. When you understand canaanite culture, all this stuff is connected. So it’s not a coincidence that Drake calls himself the six God. The six guy is connected to the star of Ren friend. The star of Ren friend is also connected to this passage of acts 743. Moloch, the star of your God, renfriend. Right? Rinframe, Moloch, Enlil, Yahweh. When you study the tetragrammaton, is all the same entity that’s connected to the bohemian grove where they do ritualistic sacrifices.

When you’re talking about Ryan Garcia, right? It’s like I said, it’s all connected to human trafficking. Drake, he signed his Guy Bacchanais because he is a man who was facing human trafficking charges. That’s why Kenneth Lamar put out the disc called euphoria. Euphoria was a. Is executively. Executively produced a tv show produced by Drake. And it’s talking about sexual gratification when you’re talking about teenagers. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, all this stuff is connected. Everything is connected. I don’t care if people’s like, oh, that’s. This is the distraction. But everything has, you know, has an occultic message.

Everything in the simulation has an occultic message. That’s why when you look at certain things, you got to look at it with. You got to look at everything with a supreme spiritual eye, you know? I’m saying you cannot make things the common denominator, so much to the point where you ignore certain things that’s taking place, whether it’s in the movie industry, the music industry, or whatever. So like I said, you know, June 6, 2024 is the nomenclature title for 666 in the 8th year, which is karmic retribution. So everything has to revert right back into a balance.

So Garcia, he basically says something is going to happen on June 6, 2024. So like I said, I’m not dating. He’s date set, right? So it’s one of those things where you got to be very meticulous of what’s going to be taking place because we all know we going through the shift. The shift is real. Everything is changing on the planet, right? Entities are starting to pop up. People’s faces are starting to change up. People getting exposed in a movie, in the music industry, right? All this stuff is being exposed. Everything has to be exposed because the processional circle of the equinox is under new management.

When everything is under new management, that means that by way of cosmic order, everything has to change. There’s new rulership, right? New rulership under a divine feminine energy, right? So it was one of those things where, you know, like, you know, when it comes to this type of information, people have to take everything with a grain of salt and, you know, come up with their own interpretations and do their own independent research order to galvanize the influx of information intuitively. Because other than that, your ass is going to be lost in the sauce. So that’s why I tell people, man, like, even if you think it’s a distraction, still look into it.

It’s not going to hurt you. You know, I’m saying, like, you. You bullshitting anyway. You know, saying you sitting around eating cheeseburgers and things of that nature. You still watching bullshit ass shows. Why not try to use everything as a teaching moment? Everything on the planet is being used in the form of edification. You have to use the edification in the self in order to see beyond the illusion that was subjected to the three dimensional frequency. That’s why you got to start looking at certain things as a teaching moment. Everything in a form of education. That’s why you got to look at, you know, you can’t look at things as a, you know, in a form of entertainment, you know, I’m saying, because like I said, everything has to shift.

But it all starts here. Your mind has to change because when you change your mentality, you change your vibration. That vibration becomes magnetism. That’s when you’re able to become a magnet to get these cosmic energies to upgrade your spiritual intelligence, right? To where you’re no longer subjected to the illusion to where you’re no longer subjected to everything low vibrational in your cipher. Right? So that’s why it’s imperative to understand that you have to get your motherfucking mind in order to reap the benefits of the ascension process, right? Because we don’t know what’s going to take place on these dates.

We don’t know. But we do know something has to happen. Something has to happen because it’s one of those things where, you know, in order to get to the hereafter, everything has to go through a process, a process of pain, a process of affliction, a process of implications. Everything has to go through a detrimental energy. So that means that it’s the same thing when a woman is giving birth to a baby. You know, it sucks and it hurts, but at the end of the day, you know, when the baby is born, you have a beautiful baby, but you got to go through that pain first.

The planet is going through a birthing process. It’s going through a pain. Everything’s getting exposed. Your favorite celebrity, you know I’m saying, I know it hurts you to see your favorite celebrities get exposed. Oh, I can’t believe Drake and Diddy. I know you can’t believe it because you’ve been lied to. Under the Alpha draconis star system, under the age of Pisces, the age of darkness, they kept your ass in the darkness. Now you know, age of the true light. Now you starting to see what’s going on, right? This is why celebrities are being forced to come out.

Cat Williams said everything is going to be exposed in 2024, right? Ain’t that what he said? So that’s why I can say it. Some is one of those things where you cannot negate what Ryan Garcia is basically saying about June 6 because everything right now is divine timing. Everything is divine timing. Right? So that’s why you got to get your mental fortitude in order. You got to stand on your square in order to reap the benefits of this knowledge. Use this knowledge and use it as an alchemical resource to better yourself, better your family, better the people around you who was also looking for the truth to basically dismantle the illusion.

Right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there because this video is very important, because we don’t know what’s going to happen on June 6. We don’t. We don’t know what’s going to happen 40 days from the solar eclipse, right. When you go to Jonah’s chapter three, verse four. Nineveh shall be overthrown. America mystery Babylon shall be overthrown in 40 days, which all goes all the way up to May 18 from the solar eclipse. We all know a solar eclipse means it’s basically an omen, and omen is basically judgment. This planet is under judgment because of the implications, because of capitalism, theocracy, imperialism, slavery, you know, subjugating the melanated carbonated beings on the planet, right, propagating false religions and false gods, right? Because the western world is a idolatrous civilization, right? Because they want you to believe in things outside of yourself.

That’s why this planet is being judged right now. All this shit is being judged. It has to go through a process of judgment, because if it wasn’t, how are you going to get karmic retribution? By going to the divine feminine energy. Everything has to go back. This is new rules, news rules. New rules are basically being said outside. So, you know, that’s how you know that people are basically under the sleep spell of Leviathan, the illusion they under the sleep spell of King goo. Because people really believe that patriarchy is natural order, right, when it’s not, everything under nature, natural law is the matriarch under a matrilineal system.

Everything in nature is matrilineal. That’s why I call planet Earth Mother Nature. They don’t call it father nature, but father time subjugated Mother Nature. Father Tom subjugated mother Nature when he created the firmament, which basically was a spiritual cutoff that works in tandem with the electrical grid system under the Alpha Jacona star system. So now, like I said, 2024 is the fall of the dragon, right? It’s the fall of the dragon. This is why Drake got to go down. This is why these draconian reptilians, this is why they got to go down. The blue bloods, right? The blue bloods, who control Jay Z and all these other people in the music industry, in the movie industry, politics, all this shit got to get exposed, right? Everything has to get exposed.

That divine cosmic energy, the divine feminine energy is what exposing everything, right? Because patriarchy was basically the illusion. Patriarchy was the sleep spell of leviathan under the lunar energy, right? So this is basically the symbology of the dissipation of the six ether, as you have the rise of the non ether beings. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there. Share this video. End of transmission. And hit that subscribe button if you knew, please. Been a long time since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

Calm is going to get to you. And then you’ll have a cherry. Yet with only one less friend. Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive. And thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe, but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling. When it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes two.

And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you. Huh? It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the. This is completion. The sophist, proto grecian, Amerindian, Phoenician. I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pean melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta but the avalanche seized it.

I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased it better than the medicine for seven different treatments. Niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep. Can feel my words like brelling. They’re awakened with the penmanship, a Kindle script written in them. Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight. The fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew. That’s a overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page.

History. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X (twitter.com) View all posts

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