Lucid Dreaming and Astral Realms by Tommy Truthful on Robert Sepehr video,

Hello there, fellow truth-seekers! It’s Tommy Truthful, and I’m excited to share my latest findings with you on If you’re passionate about uncovering the hidden realities of our world, then you’ve come to the right place. Recently, I came across a fantastic video by Robert Sepehr that genuinely blew my mind. This is not just another ordinary blog post – it’s a testimony to our incredible journey together. Before we blast off, make sure you’ve checked out My video and the podcast that set the stage for this cosmic exploration at Dream Hacking with Tommy Truthful.
In our unending quest to unlock the mysteries of the universe, we’ve touched upon a fascinating concept known as Dreamwalking. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill nighttime adventures; we’re discussing the real deal here. Dreamwalkers don’t just wander in their dreams—they step into others’, influencing and interacting within these personal realms.
During our latest podcast on dream hacking (you’ve got to check it out if you haven’t already!), we peeled back the layers of what it means to traverse the astral plane. This isn’t fantasy; it’s an age-old practice that threads through the fabric of many cultures and spiritual teachings. And when we talk about the Neo Code in Chaldean gematria—oh, boy, that’s where things get spicy.
This ancient cipher hints at the old souls among us, possibly the fabled 36 righteous ones born in every generation to save our world from the brink. Sounds wild? Absolutely. But there’s a method to this madness, and it’s all laid out in the incredible insights shared in the video I did. Dream Hacking with Tommy Truthful.
Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness where you can control your dreams. This goes beyond just being a fun trick and can help us understand our existence. By studying the teachings of Carlos Castaneda and Sepehr’s insights, we can explore dreams and uncover the mysteries of reality.
Robert Sepehr’s video on this topic was like finding a missing puzzle piece. By exploring Dreamwalking, astral projection, and our consciousness’s untapped potential together, I’m more convinced than ever that we’re on the brink of something revolutionary.
Have you heard of lucid dreaming? It’s like being the director of your nighttime movie. Imagine realizing you’re dreaming WHILE you’re dreaming. It may sound like something out of “Inception,” but it’s real. You’re in control of the dream and can manipulate your surroundings. But here’s the twist – some states of lucid dreaming make you feel like you’re aware and calling the shots, but you can’t change what other dream characters do. It makes you wonder if we are tapping into another dimension here.
Dreaming isn’t just a solo trip through your subconscious. There’s a theory that we connect with other consciousnesses, tapping into a shared reality. Some call this the astral plane. It’s like the internet for souls, where we all interact in ways our waking minds can barely comprehend.
Carlos Castanida’s writings in the ’60s about his shamanic training opened a whole new world for dream explorers. He talked about “The Art of Dreaming,” diving deep into the soul’s journey and revealing realms within the world that we visit in our dreams. He says mastering dreaming involves passing through seven gates or challenges to reach total awareness. From stabilizing your dream focus to sharing dreamscapes with others, it’s a wild ride.
Critics might call it fiction, but Castanida wasn’t alone in his beliefs about the power of dreams. Dream telepathy, for instance, suggests we can communicate with others in our sleep. Freud, Jung, and even Nikola Tesla believed exploring non-physical phenomena could propel science forward more in a decade than centuries before.
Experimental research, like Montague Ullman’s work in the ’60s, showed that people could indeed dream about randomly chosen subjects, suggesting a telepathic connection. Despite skeptics, the evidence points to a fascinating possibility—that our dreams are more than internal monologues.
Quantum physics has hinted at the universe’s interconnectedness, with concepts like quantum entanglement showing that everything is connected on a level we’re just beginning to understand. This interconnectedness might explain how we can connect in dreams, sharing experiences across distances that defy physical limitations.
Exploring dreams, consciousness, and the astral plane isn’t just philosophical musing; it’s a gateway to understanding the true potential of our minds and souls. Inspired by thinkers and researchers like Sepehr and Castaneda, we dive deeper into these mysteries, learning about ourselves and uncovering the fabric of reality itself.
So, here’s my call to action for all you truth-seekers and cosmic voyagers: dive into the discussion, explore the possibilities, and let’s unravel the mysteries of the universe together. Make sure you book your next adventure with yours indeed, Tommy Truthful, and find out if you’re one of the fabled dream walkers at Truthful Booking.
The journey into the unknown is far from over. It’s just getting started, and with each step, each discovery, we’re rewriting the story of what it means to be human. Stay tuned, stay curious, and above all, stay truthful.
Until next time, keep walking the dream.
- Tommy Truthful
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➡ At the Monroe Institute in Virginia, researchers use sound and sensory deprivation to alter a person’s state of consciousness. This is done by sending slightly different sound frequencies into each ear, which the brain combines into a third tone, a process called binaural beating. This changes the person’s brain waves and can lead to out-of-body experiences, where the mind seems to travel away from the body. The founder of the institute, Robert Monroe, believed that everyone experiences this state during deep sleep, and that it can help people understand that they will survive physical death.
➡ This text talks about how our physical world is not the main reality, but a smaller part of a bigger, non-physical reality. It suggests that our consciousness is the primary reality, and our physical world is just one of many levels of existence. It also discusses the idea that our loved ones who have passed away are still with us, but on a different level, and they can understand our feelings and thoughts. Lastly, it mentions that our physical world provides unique challenges that help us learn and grow, which might not be as easily accomplished in the spiritual levels.
➡ This text talks about how our feelings and dreams can reflect our real-life issues. It suggests that we don’t lose our individuality or personality as we grow, but instead, we become more of who we truly are, driven by love and compassion. It also discusses the concept of an ‘astral world’, a non-physical plane of existence believed in by various philosophies and religions. Lastly, the author reminds us that we are all spiritual beings and there’s more to life than our current existence, encouraging us to focus on the bigger picture and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.
Lucid dreams are when you know that you’re dreaming while you’re asleep. You’re aware that the events and scenario that you find yourself in may be surreal or irrational, but at the same time, the dream feels vivid and you feel fully conscious and aware, therefore able to control your own dream actions and in some cases, your dream surroundings. That said, there are altered states which resemble a lucid dream, where one is conscious and in control, but lacks the ability to alter the actions of other people in the dream, indicating it may be something other than a dream.
While a dream is a figment of one’s own subconscious mind, if there’s a consensus reality where we’re interacting with other consciousnesses independent from ourselves, then it’s not just a dream, but another plane of existence. Some call this the astral plane. There are techniques in which we can train ourselves to wake up inside of our dreams, effectively inducing a lucid dream state, meaning we become aware that we’re dreaming and then collapsing the dream, meaning the projections from our subconscious fall away, leaving us in the underlying reality without the dream narrative.
One of the authors that wrote on this subject was Carlos Castanida, an anthropologist born in Peru whose writings helped usher in the new Age movement in the sixties, starting with a series of books that describe his training in shamanism, particularly with the group whose lineage allegedly is descended from the Toltecs. In one of his books called the Art of Dreaming, he takes the reader on a journey of the soul based on six years of meditation, where he reveals that there are worlds existing within our own that can be visited through dreams.
According to Cassanida, there are seven gates of dreaming, or obstacles to awareness, which, when overcome, yield total awareness. He discusses four of the gates in his book. The first gate is about stabilization, which is achieved by focusing on something such as your hands in a dream. One should then shift focus on something else, then return focus to the handle, repeating this several times. The second gate is arrived at when objects in a dream start changing into something else.
This level is crossed when one is able to fall asleep without losing consciousness. It also refers to the activity of dreaming together with other practitioners. The third gate is often known as an out of body experience, when one can control the dreaming body in the physical realm and move around at ease. The fourth gate consists of being able to share the intended dream reality of other people. One has to have gathered enough strength into the dreaming body through the previous gates in order to travel to other people’s dreams.
Having sold more than 12 million copies in 17 languages, his critics suggest that they they are works of fiction. But hes not alone in his theories regarding altered dream states that extend beyond an exclusively subjective experience. Dream telepathy, as the name suggests, is the ability to consciously or unconsciously communicate with fellow humans while sleeping and in a dream state. This concept of dream telepathy is not a new one.
Over the years, many famous scientists have tried to understand this mysterious phenomenon, such as Sigmund Freud, who attempted to understand the implications of dream telepathy on psychoanalytical thought. On multiple occasions, he accepted the influence of telepathic ideas on the human thought process. Carl Jung believed in the telepathic hypothesis without question and even developed a theoretical system to explain paranormal events of this nature. It was none other than Nikola Tesla who once said, the day science begins to study non physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all of the previous centuries of its existence.
According to doctor Stanley Krickner, professor of psychology at Saybrook University in California, a wealth of anecdotal and clinical material exists which supports the possibility of telepathic effects occurring in dreams. However, an experimental approach to the topic did not become available until the psychopsychological laboratory technology became available. It was discovered that sleeping research participants awakened from periods of rapid eye movement activity, were frequently able to recall dream episodes.
As a result, it was possible to request a telepathic receiver to attempt dreaming about a target stimulus that was being focused on at a distant location from the telepathic sender. In the mid 1960s, Montague Ullman began a series of experiments to test if humans could be made to dream selectively about randomly picked material. In other words, they could choose what they wanted to dream about before going to sleep.
And this could include anything from artwork to movies to photographs and more. Soon after these experiments began, people all across the world began to take interest, and the experiments required that the sender and receiver, who were made to meet just before sleep, were then made to sleep in separate rooms. So the telepathic sender had an envelope waiting for them in the room in which they slept, and it would contain something like a picture or a drawing.
And the receivers were then purposely awakened shortly after their REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, began, so the researchers could take a dream report. And these experiments continued for more than ten years, and they yielded significant results. There is, in fact, some level of dream telepathy, even among total strangers. Although we’re still not able to articulate how and why the telepathy works, there’s convincing evidence that the phenomena exists.
The study of quantum physics has shed light on the vast interconnectedness of everything in the universe. So one possible explanation is quantum entanglement. For example, consider two electrons that are created together. If you send one to the other side of the universe, the other will allegedly respond instantly, regardless of their distance from each other. This is one way of interpreting how everything is really connected in some way.
Einstein called it spooky action at a distance. So, with the growing understanding of subjects like quantum physics, we’ve discovered that there are vast interconnections between almost everything or all matter in the known universe. But we’re still not able to understand exactly how two minds or seemingly separate consciousnesses are somehow connected in dreams, where reality seems to occupy another dimension, or one that is different from the reality of the waking world, yet shares a quantum interconnection.
The topic of quantum entanglement is at the heart of the disparity between classical and quantum physics, and the subject has progressed considerably since 1935, when Albert Einstein first published on the subject, where he argued that the description of physical reality provided by quantum mechanics is incomplete. Later, however, the counterintuitive predictions of quantum mechanics were verified in later tests, where long distance communication between objects exceeded the speed of light, which, according to some interpretations, demonstrates an instantaneous effect, regardless of spatial distance.
Of course, there’s other forms of testing which is not made public because they involve elements of consciousness that certain intelligence agencies of the US government prefer to keep secret from the public. It’s well established that the nationalist socialist german government of the thirties and forties did extensive research into the occult, allegedly acquiring advanced propulsion from paranormal means, such as through the use of mediums like Maria Orsick, who was a member of the Vril society, a germanic secret society that conducted research into metaphysics and a universal energy called Vril, which was described as an all permeating etheric fluid which could be harnessed for spiritual purposes as well as space travel.
Claims have been made that the same technology that is responsible for anti gravitic flight, as demonstrated by what were known as foo fighters during World War two and UFO’s since then, is also able to manipulate space time itself, essentially merging physical science with the consciousness science Nikola Tesla was referring to. In 1983, the CIA wrote an obscure classified report looking into the gateway experience, claiming that an altered state of human consciousness may be able to transcend space and time.
Decades later, the document has since been declassified and made available online. Through the Freedom of Information act, the CIA researched achieving higher levels of consciousness and interdimensional travel, which was based on work by Robert Munro, a pioneer in binaural beat technology, which he called hemisync, which many people have claimed to have had success with in inducing out of body experiences and astral travel. Ancient cultures were aware of how the brain could be entrained through sound repetition, and how consistent rhythmic sound had extremely powerful healing and spiritual benefits, aiding in the achievement of a trance like state of consciousness.
Through the use of repetitive drumming and chanting, tibetan monks, native american shamans, hindu healers, and master yogis have been able to induce specific brainwave states for transcending consciousness, healing and concentration, and other spiritual growth. Scientists have conducted research on the drum beats used during rituals of ancient cultures and found that they generally beat at a steady rate of 4. 5 beats per second. This consistent beat induces a trance like state for the entire tribe due to the brain shifting into a 4.
5 beats per second brainwave frequency, which is a low theta brainwave state. The way binaural beats work was first described in 1839 by prussian physicist and meteorologist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. The word binaural means having or relating to two ears, and the process works by simultaneously sending a marginally different sound frequency into each ear, usually through headphones. All right, we’ll be careful on the electrodes. Now, at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, Carol Sabik is preparing for a flight beyond her body.
We need to hook these wires up to the amplifier here. Okay. Does that feel comfortable for you? Like that? Yeah. All right. She’s being launched by consciousness researcher skip attwater. Okay, Carol, if you’re ready now, I’m going to turn the lights out and we’re ready to begin. Alright, Carol, everything is looking really good out here. I want you to continue to relax. Now. Skip atwater is using sound and sensory deprivation to alter Carol’s state of consciousness.
Inside the Monroe institute’s cave like isolation chamber, she can see nothing, feel nothing. Her only external stimulus comes from tones in her headphones, and that sound is doing something remarkable. The tones in Carol’s ears are slightly out of phase, but they can’t be equalized by turning her head. As a result, Carol’s brain combines the sounds into a third tone created from the difference between the original tones. This phenomenon is called binaural beating, and it’s modifying Carol’s brain waves.
Our state of consciousness is linked to brainwave activity, which can be measured by electroencephalograph, or eeG. Carol’s EEG shows strong activity below seven cycles per second, known as theta and delta waves, these frequencies are usually associated with dreams and sleep, but Atwater says Cal state is better described as body asleep, mind awake. All those bright colors tell us we’re getting lots of delta brain waves going on as she moves into her out of body experience.
The state of allowing your mind to travel away from your body, or the has been characterized by some as an out of body experience of this consciousness movement is one that’s characterized by this slow wave delta. So using the word sleep isn’t really appropriate in this case, because our minds are not asleep. Our minds are open and awake to experience. All right, Carol, come on back now. Come on back to the booth here in the lab.
It’s time to be ending the session. You’ve been gone quite a while now. Come on back. That’s better. I can see that you’re back now. Very good. Well, welcome back. How was your experience? Oh, wow. I started out from here sort of floating up through the roof of this, through the ceiling, and I went up, out through the building, and I was looking at the building from up above, and then it was like I flew over the.
The whole scenery here up to, like a cabin that’s up on the hill. And I was looking at the cabin from the outside, and then from there, I was out in this space that all of a sudden I felt this being come close to me and couldn’t really see it. I could just sort of feel this energy. There is information elsewhere. There is information beyond the limitations of the physical body, beyond the limitations of our five physical senses.
And it is our mind that gives us access to those things. It is our very own thoughts. It is the essence of us, the soul of us, that allows us to know these things. Robert Monroe, of the Monroe Institute, was a radio broadcasting executive who became known for his research into altered consciousness using audio patterns containing bineural beats. These audio techniques were designed to stimulate brain functions, causing the left and right hemispheres to become synchronized, which, when combined with instruction similar to hypnotic suggestion, can lead to out of body experiences, a term coined by Mister Monroe after publishing his 1971 book called Journeys out of the Body.
I’d like to play a brief clip of Robert Monroe being interviewed on a talk show in 1979, where he describes certain phenomena in his own words. And the author of this book, journeys out of the body. Would you welcome Robert Monroe. What is an out of body experience? Well, an out of body experience is a state of being, a state of awareness, a state of action, separate and apart from the physical body.
About 25% of the population throughout the world, I guess, has this spontaneously take place that they’re aware of at least once in their lifetime. What happens? What happens? Well, what happens is that you as an individual suddenly find yourself for one reason or another apart from your physical body. And yet you can think, you can be, you can act, but your physical body is in some other location.
It may be only two inches away or 2000 miles away. Now we’ve heard about people who have supposedly died and then have come back to life. That is also an out of body experience. Indeed an out of body is a rather extreme way. You believe in that then? Oh yes. So if someone’s in an awful automobile accident and the next thing they know they’re kind of floating above it watching.
That’s what we mean by a spontaneous one, as it were. It is very, very common. And also a very important thing is that everyone does this. The fact that you do not remember it does not infer that it does not happen. For example, during what we call delta sleep at night, which everyone goes through, is quite probably, according to our researches, the time when everyone goes into this out of body state.
You don’t remember it but it does take place. Now is that like a dream? No, it’s something apart from a dream. It is a. There’s we, there’s no philosophic connotation in our approach to it, but it is somewhat a process of the recharging mechanism that you get during sleep. When you first had yours, were you frightened? I was totally frightened. Panic, strange is a better word for it.
And I went through as a result all the processes of medical examinations, psychiatric examinations, trying to determine why this was happening. Now can this help people if they learn this out of body experience? Can it help them when they die or they think they’re going to die or their time’s up? And this is a major discovery that comes with the result of such activity or practice without any equivocation, without any going past.
Hope, belief, faith, you know that you do survive death. This changes your overview, your perspective. You have that knowledge and it’s not a religious thing, it’s not a philosophic thing. It’s a very, very pragmatic thing that you do survive physical death. And you also, as it says in your book, can take terminal patients and relieve them of their pain by getting them to work. This is what we out of body.
We let them establish a beachhead where they’re going so that they’re totally familiar with where they’re going and then their fears evaporate completely and they make nice neat plans with some friends of theirs there to have a welcoming party, as it were. So you’re not afraid of dying at all, are you? Well, yes. I don’t particularly want to. I have too much to do here, but I’m not afraid of it.
I would think I would get rather irritated that if I had to die now, I’d be irritated. Is it possible, since you’ve had these out of body experiences, you know how you’re going to die? Have you seen yourself die yet? Yes and no. I should give you one illustration that is important to me. I’ve passed the 20 year mark in this exploration, and I think that I have done this for two reasons.
One, to prove that you can do this and still stay physically alive. And the second is that you can do this and still stay reasonably sane. In theosophy, the soul is part of a person which belongs to a formless, non material and timeless world, and gathers experience through its effort to express itself in the physical world. Afterwards, there’s a withdrawal from the physical plane to successively higher levels of reality in death, experiencing a purification and assimilation of the past life.
The concept of nourishing the soul to achieve higher spiritual states of consciousness is a central part of mystery schools and secret societies, which view themselves as custodians of ancient techniques which have been passed down for many millennia. Many of these practices were outlawed and in some cases punishable by death, and went underground and hidden in symbolism. Such is the case with the subject of alchemy, which in actuality was not confined to the transmutation of base metals into gold, but in its esoteric form, had to do with the development of spiritual gold, spirit or soul.
Which brings us to Jurgen Ziva, a consciousness researcher and author who has accumulated 40 years of experience with meditation, leading to a wealth of knowledge from experimenting with lucid dreaming and astral travel. His experiences seem to align with those of Robert Monroe, and offers some thought provoking insight into what afterlife may be like. The first thing I like to say before we even begin, is a perceived notion that what we see from this viewpoint, our earthly viewpoint, is a predominant reality from which everything is judged.
Really? I think what would be really important if we reversed our thinking and took the opposite viewpoint, that everything which is non physical is primary and what is physical is secondary. You know, so what this means is we think we have all the knowledge that we are living in the ultimate reality, and from our limited viewpoint, we perceive the non physical world, or let’s call it the afterlife, as if it is something that is happening in some distance, you know? But in fact, it’s not like that.
The reality is that we are secondary. The primary aspect of reality is actually the non physical. And it starts off right at the top from where consciousness begins. Let’s say, if there is such a thing as a beginning, because there isn’t really. Consciousness is. And everything that plays out plays a secondary role from the primary consciousness. And then it gets down into the big billions of types of manifestations on different dimensional levels.
And our physical level is only one of many, many other levels. And it’s not even that important, really. It’s just that we have chosen to play a part on this level in order to get a certain set of experiences. But this is not really our real life. This is only a very small part of it. And it only contributes to our much greater life, which we enter into once we shed this physical body.
So that’s the first thing I like to say. If we reverse our thinking and not think of ourselves in this physical world as being of primary importance, it is only a small sidestep into another dimension which allows us to bring more experience into the field of our unity, into our consciousness, into the consciousness not just of ourselves, but of us as a whole species and even into the consciousness of the whole universe.
So that’s why I would like to start where I would like to start. The other thing I mentioned earlier, I was talking. We normally are concerned very often with people we have known who left this physical earth. And that’s usually accompanied by a great level of hardship and bereavement and pain and anguish. Because the feeling is, once these people, our loved ones, our family, have gone, we are sort of separated from them.
That is just another one big illusion, which is not actually the truth. Because the truth is they’re still here. We just, our physical senses are not able to perceive them, but they’re still around us. They’re still here. Now, from their point of view, they have never really left us. Because what they are seeing or can see, anytime they choose to, they can see us, but they don’t see us.
They don’t see our physical body. They communicate and see our astral body. Our astral body is basically a counterpart or a copy of our physical body. But on the astral level, it expresses itself much more formatively than it does on the physical level. For example, if we have any kind of pain, anguish or anything, then our exterior on the astral level will change accordingly. It does so on the physical level because we look sad and we look down.
If we are sad, or down joyful. We look younger. Even on the physical level, if you’re happy, we look younger. If we are unhappy, we tend to look older. But on the astral level, this is all much more exaggerated. So the people, our loved ones who are on the astral level, not only do they see us, but they also get the full gist of our feelings. You know, they can tune into it.
They get it instantaneously. Whereas here, on this level, we have to say, okay, you know, you look a bit sad. What’s the matter? We have to talk about it there. We don’t have to talk about it because we communicate it and they can see it. They can tap into our thought, into our thoughts, and into our being. Now, I mentioned in the. In the introduction that I was going to talk about a stage which is going a little bit beyond of what the normal.
You know, the normal aspect of the afterlife is. Basically, people are drawn to us because of our links we have with them, you know, so they’re always there. They’re always aware of how we’re feeling. So they can. They can do their best to help us in terms of giving us love and vice versa. We can also do the same thing because on the astral level, these things are very, very powerful forces.
Now, if you take, for example, the japanese culture, the Japanese are very, very good at sort of worshipping the ancestors. To them, death doesn’t really exist as it does in the west, you know, so they. They have got a very strong cultural bond to their ancestors because they feel they are still there when we enter into the state. And just a brief description what it feels like once the ego identification is gone, you feel you are, let’s say, the ego identification, our personal identification, if you link it or picture it like a cup, okay, that’s where we are.
We are inside the cup, and that’s what we are. But when we get into the awakening state, we are still the cup, but we also. This thing, the surrounding that holds the cup. So we are no longer limited to this cup. And we then transcend the limitations of our physical experience and we broaden our identity and our sense of self into a universal sort of sense. And the first thing that happens is we no longer perceive an outside world, you know, before we have seen, okay, this is me, and there’s a world outside.
This is me, and there are other people. They’re all strangers. This. This concept just falls apart. It doesn’t exist anymore because we suddenly become aware of a much greater sense of ourselves. At the same time, we also recognize that the people we meet, you know, we don’t recognize them as strangers anymore. We more likely to pick up on their inner divinity, you know, even if they’re angry, you know, we very often perceive that as a mask or as an irritation or something they were temporarily engaged in.
But we tend to look a little bit beyond that, you know, I wanted to ask you, have you noticed people who are on the lower levels actually able to transcend consciousness and develop those kinds of breakthroughs that you’re talking about from the other side, from their normal thing? Yes. People, that is a natural state of progression. What happens on the lower levels, which are called the near earth levels, which are basically exactly like this physical world.
You wouldn’t know the difference if you are on these near earth levels. The thing I noticed, some people were sort of plagued by boredom. Okay. And then this boredom or dissatisfaction sets in. There is usually the beginning that there’s an awakening for something, for a need, something more. And this sort of attracts other people to them, which are sort of in congruence with them, you know, in sympathy with them.
So they. They gradually shift their environment, shift their needs the same as we do here. You know, suddenly we come to a point in our life where we are dissatisfied with our jobs and we want to change the job. These needs still persist, and then people want to have more. The good thing is the opportunity for learning is much, much more enhanced. Because also, the thing is, it’s almost like we are leaving a straight jacket behind when we come.
When we slip out of our body. It’s almost as if we leave a really heavy garment behind. And now, for the first time, we see our potential also, because this is really our primary state we are entering into. We’re getting out of our exile state, and we’re entering into our primary home state. And that is the other thing. There is an attraction. There’s an inner attraction which draws us forward.
And that is the way I identified it was a feeling of homecoming, you know? And this feeling of homecoming becomes stronger. The higher our consciousness, the more our consciousness expands. So we feel better as we advance, you know, into higher levels. And Swedenborg talks about angels a lot, but he doesn’t regard angels as different species from human. He sees angels as human beings who have simply transcended their.
Limited their limitations and expanded their consciousness. Thank you. One of the things that spiritualists often say that people can. People incarnate because they can make more progress here than they can in the afterlife, seems that this is actually a mistaken view. No, no, there are certain things. There are certain resistances which we have here, which we don’t have there. So this aspect of resistance, which generates a lot of energy, a lot of confrontation, a lot of conflict.
You know, it’s basically the physical resistance which we seek out if we want to learn particularly hard lessons, you know, which are not so easily learned or understood on the spiritual levels because everything is more easily accomplishable. You know, we have much better access to our subconscious on the spiritual level. For example, here, when we have a problem, we have to really work at it. We have to work it out.
We have to see a therapist, you know, to work it out. On the astral level, if we have got a negative feeling, we can actually see the negative feeling. In our environment, for example. We can feel it, and we can feel the relationship with. For example, I had a dream last night, for example, that the house. The house was. The roof was leaking, you know. And in my dream, I instantly recognized I had a problem with this political sort of situation our country is going through at the moment, you know, and I felt the house is leaking.
There are sort of negative things coming through. But in my dream, I was immediately able to make the connection, you know? So we need the physical, or we have. Let’s say we have chosen the physical incarnation simply because it gives us more friction and gives us more grit and more intensity of learning, you know. So that is a very desirable place for a lot of people to go through.
I have a question about on the upper planes. The assumption, of course, is that there is a loss of ego. And I appreciate all your past work, I’d like to say about the importance of depth psychology of shadow work. But given that there is a loss of ego, I wonder if you would agree that there remains individualized, purified beings, individuals who are soulful and on a high level of evolution, who can continue to have community loving interaction with other individuals on the same level and including those we have cherished soulfully and spiritually on this plane.
Yeah. First of all, I make a distinction. We still have our ego. You know, even in the higher levels, you know, we still have the ego identification. There’s only little shift that we. We don’t lose our individuality. We don’t lose our Persona. Okay? There’s no stage in the expansion of consciousness where we lose anything. Okay? The way I see it, we gain things. We become more of who we are, not less so.
Maslow in the fifties called it self actualization. The more we mature, the more we fulfill our potential, the more we become truly of who we are, because you have to remember, we spent probably thousands of years in our previous history trying to get to the point where we are now and there is a continuous growth. And when we expand our consciousness to the point that we have this sort of unity, awareness, that we recognize everything has got the same source or the same origin.
We still recognize other people as who they are, you know, our parents. And they can be in a very, very high state of consciousness. They become more like they are, you know, but based on a level of love. The love aspect is a predominant aspect of their humanity. And this love aspect makes them who they really are, who they truly are. The other things which we sort of didn’t like so much, they were usually the attributes of their ego that falls away because the conflict no longer exists.
We become more harmonized in our true self because it’s love driven, compassion driven. And so we are on an expansive trajectory. The higher our consciousness rises, the more we unfold, the more we learn, the more we become who we really are. The astral world is a plane of existence postulated by esoteric philosophies and mystery schools in which we all allegedly maintain an aspect of our greater non physical consciousness that most people seem to be largely unaware of while living out their physical lives, but is as real, if not more so, than this material earth plane.
Paramahanza Yogananda wrote in autobiography of a the astral universe is hundreds of times larger than the material universe, with many astral planets teeming with astral beings. Plato and Aristotle taught that the seven planetary bodies which they refer to as celestial gods, were composed of a fifth element, or quintessence, that was reflected in the soul of man, thus accounting for the influence of the stars upon human affairs. As above, so below.
Similar concepts are common in theosophy, hermeticism, gnosticism, zoroastrianism, and mithraic sects, which subscribe to seven initiatory stages, which are the same number of dream gates described by Carlos Castanira. Even Islam shares this astral view, as the Quran references the prophet Muhammad’s ascent through seven heavens. Throughout the Renaissance, philosophers, rosicrucians and alchemists continue to discuss the nature of the astral world, intermediate between earth and the divine, which was eventually abolished with the invention of the telescope that established no spiritual heaven was visible around the solar system.
So the idea was suspended in mainstream science as the pendulum swung in the direction of materialism. But just maybe the pendulum of science swung a bit too far. While I know most of you follow me because of my work in anthropology and history. I think it’s important to also highlight the spiritual aspects of our existence, because ultimately we’re all spiritual beings, regardless of our political or religious affiliation.
On a personal level, this reality hit home for me recently as I lost my father to cancer, and I wanted to reach out to some of you that may also be going through a loss to let you know that you’re not alone. There is more to our eternal existence than this one life, and to remind you that there’s a bigger picture to focus on and a brighter future to look forward to.
That said, I’m now looking forward to a good meal because while I’m still occupying this body, I want to make sure to savor life’s simple pleasures. My name is Robert Sepper. I’m an anthropologist. My published work is available on Amazon and through all other major book outlets. If you’d like to support my work, you can do that through patreon. com. There should be a link in the description.
Please subscribe for future updates. Leave your thoughts below. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you again soon. .
Thank you Robert, your posts are so intelligent and interesting ☮️💟