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➡ The video discusses how the recent Super Bowl and its results might be connected to the cryptocurrency market, specifically Bitcoin. The presenter believes that certain numbers and events, like the Chiefs winning and the 49ers scoring 22 points, could predict important events in the world and the crypto market. He also mentions a new course he’s offering on his website that teaches how to decode these signs. Lastly, he talks about a strange post from Joe Biden’s account after the Super Bowl, which he finds suspicious.
➡ This text talks about a lot of connections between numbers, events, and people. It mentions how the number 45 and its mirror, 54, are linked to various events and people like Usher, the Kansas City shooting, and the Super Bowl. It also discusses how these numbers are tied to Bitcoin and people involved in its creation, like Hal Finney and Satoshi Nakamoto. The text suggests that these connections might reveal something important about future events.
➡ Last year, a Silicon Valley bank tied to California failed, which some believe is a sign of upcoming negative events, or “black swan” events. This belief is based on patterns observed in past events, such as the Super Bowl and the Chinese Year of the Dragon. The article also discusses the rise of Bitcoin, which has been growing faster than ever before, but warns that this could lead to a bigger fall in the future. The author suggests that a healthy correction for Bitcoin would be beneficial, and that we should be prepared for potential dramatic market changes.
➡ The article discusses the current trends in Bitcoin and XRP, predicting a possible pullback in Bitcoin’s value and a potential surge in XRP’s value. The author suggests that Bitcoin’s value might decrease to around 40k, which would be a healthy correction. On the other hand, XRP is expected to increase due to an upcoming court case involving Ripple, the company behind XRP. The author also mentions a new course available on his website for those interested in learning more about these trends.


Welcome to another day in the Matrix. This is waters above. It’s been another wild week in these markets. The moment the Super bowl was over, bitcoin did something it’s never done before. So in today’s video, I’m going to dive deeper into how this Super bowl ritual is coded into these markets and how it could be revealing a very important event that could be happening on the world stage very soon.

Also, just a quick update, my new decoding mastermind course is officially available now over on my website, watersabove. com. And if you look in the description of this video or in the pinned comment below, you’ll see a special link as well as a promo code that’ll be available for a limited time. So if you missed out on the presale launch I was running last week, this is a chance to get this new course I just released with a discount.

And since my courses are a one time payment for lifetime access, you’d be getting in at the lowest price available right now. While this promo code is active and I’m grateful for all your continued support, I know you’re going to love this new decoding course. It’s absolutely my best work to date, and I’ve received so much incredible feedback lately that I thought to run this intro sale for those who weren’t able to join the Patreon and still wanted to invest in this course.

Again, I really appreciate all your support and I know you’re going to love this project. So if you’re new here, we do cryptocurrency, technical analysis and combine it with camatria, numerology, and astrology to understand these markets. Feel free to subscribe and turn on the bell notification to stay updated on when new videos come out. And make sure to give this video a like and share this channel with other conscious beings to help grow our community.

And with that being said, let’s take the clear pill. So we need to talk about this recent Super bowl with the Chiefs winning this rematch from Super Bowl 54, which took place on February 2, 2022. Two. So I want you to keep in mind all of those twos. And as we all remember, a month after this Super bowl in 2020, there was a black swan event that shut down the whole world in March 2020, specifically March 11.

Well, the 49 ers lost that Super bowl I’m referring to, and of course, they just lost again this year. And today, February 16, actually marks a special connection that we’ve been talking about for some time now between now and the solar eclipse. And we have to talk about, again, if we’re talking about the solar eclipse, the connection to Satoshi Nakamoto’s birthday. So we have between February 16 today up to Satoshi’s 49th birthday, and we’re 49 days apart.

This is big because the 49 ers just lost their second Super bowl against the Chiefs and the first time was in 2020, again, on the two two date, February 2. And this recent Super bowl was the second ever Super bowl to go into overtime. And the 49 ers lost with 22 points. So you’re already seeing a bunch of. Could be crucial because bitcoin is up right now and a lot of people are wondering when is this rally going to end? And coincidentally, bitcoin is kind of trapped in this 52k area for right now at least as I record this video, there’s been many four hour candles that are continuing to get rejected around here.

And I think this code is revealing itself to us. And you’re going to see throughout this decode today what I mean by that. So again, if you’re brand new to this channel, we’ve been using some of these dates with pivot points, such as the upcoming bitcoin having, which is also in April. We have the next solar eclipse, which is in April. We tend to get big pivot points in the market on eclipses.

And then we have just a couple days shy of this Satoshi Nakamoto mythological birthday. Of course, this is a mythological character, but we need to play the exoteric and decode it to get the esoteric. That’s what we’re doing here on this channel. So we have today potentially a pivot point. And we’ll get to this later when we actually go into the charts and do technical analysis. But we are wondering when is this rally going to come to a conclusion? And we have some code today, and I think this 49 code to Satoshi’s birthday, 49th birthday to be exact, could be very telling.

Okay, so we’re just going to quick run through with some of these twos and 22s. We have the 49 ers just lost their second Super bowl against the Chiefs. The date was the two two date. And this recent Super bowl was the second ever Super bowl to go into overtime. And the 49 ers just lost with 22 points. And this recent Super bowl was on February 11, 2nd month, 11th day, two times eleven is 22.

And on February 14, there was a mass shooting in Kansas City during the Chief Super bowl parade. And at the time of that event, there was 22 victims. This number has probably updated since, but that was the official number on the day of this event, it was 22 victims. Also, regardless of all this bread and circus with sports, it’s important for us to remind ourselves that people just like you and I were affected by this event if they were there.

So let’s show some love and respect to those who were caught up in this, because I’ve seen several people in the so called truth or community bring up how this was a fake or stage shooting. And whether it is or it isn’t, people were actually injured. And it’s important that even though we’re seeking truth here, to stay compassionate in the process, and I know I have many supporters and fellow wolves over in Kansas City.

So shout out to y’all and your family here. So I hope you and your families are safe. It’s all love here. So, getting back to this code, we have this repeating theme of twos. And the master number 22, in our code, 49 ers, just lost with 22 points in their second Super bowl against the Chiefs. This was the second Super bowl to go into overtime. And right after this Super Bowl, 22 people were injured in a shooting in Kansas City during this Super bowl parade.

This was on Valentine’s Day. Remember, this is Cupid. Cupid shoots the arrow shooting. All right? The main color associated with Valentine’s Day is red, the main color of the Chiefs uniform, also red. And for those who watch my year of the dragon decode over on Patreon, you know about the significance of this master number 22 for this year, because it’s the year of the dragon, and you have your 22 in that code right there.

And this Super bowl was on the second day of the year of the dragon. This is massive information right here. I cannot stress that enough, because the last Super bowl, the Chiefs won. Following after that, there was a black swan event in March. Multiple retail banks failed. Silicon Valley bank was the most popular on March 10. And after the Super bowl in February of 2022. So we have two, two, two.

When the Rams won, there was the Russia Ukraine event. All right? And look at that. 22. There. You have Ukraine giving you 22 by the code. Also, 79. 79 is your 22nd prime number. So you’re seeing what’s going on here, right? There’s a war theme. And this upcoming February 24 will be the second anniversary of that event, the Russia invading Ukraine situation. And this recent Super bowl was a rematch from Super Bowl 54 that happened four years ago.

So this upcoming March 11 will be the fourth anniversary since the start of c 19. And this recent Super bowl was the Chiefs fourth Super bowl win. Of course, four is two plus two twos or 22. And you see all the 22s we have, like this recent Super bowl. So in this recent Super bowl, the Chiefs won with 25 points. And we also see that in the code of Chiefs with 25.

Coincidentally, both Biden giving you 25 and Trump in the same cipher giving you 25. And we know the elections are the current royal rumble on the world stage. And immediately after the Super Bowl, Joe Biden’s official ex account posted an incredibly creepy picture of Joe with laser eyes and a caption saying, just like we drew it up. And the alt image text says dark Brandon, like, what are we doing here? This is clown World 3.

0 confirmed. And this was posted right around 11:00 p. m. At night in Washington, DC, a little past the old man’s bedtime. I mean, did he get up for a midnight diaper change and then tell one of his interns to post this insane picture? This is just very weird considering how intentional this whole picture is and the timing of the post. And this man could barely string together a couple of sentences.

So getting back to the Super Bowl, Usher performed during halftime, and we also have some code with that because Usher’s name is Usher Raymond, and that gives you 45. In Chaldean, Usher is 45 years old. And this current event that we’re talking about at the Kansas City shooting was on February 14. And February 14 is the 45th day of the year. And when we decode, we always mirror the numbers and the mirror of this number, 45, is 54.

And the first time these teams went against each other, the 49 ers and the Chiefs in the Super bowl was Super Bowl 54. And this current Super Bowl, Super Bowl LVI or Super Bowl 58. When we write it out this way, of course we know these are roman numerals, but we’re doing Gamatria right now and we type this all out. We get 54 in Gamatria. And the day from the Kansas City shooting on February 14 over to the following solar eclipse that we’re going to have on April eigth is 54 days.

This will be the solar eclipse that forms an x over the state of Texas, the state that Patrick Mahomes, the quarterback of the Chiefs, is from. He was also the mvp in both Super Bowls. The Chiefs went against the 49 ers, and he’s the athlete that gets the most prana right now. And remember, this 45 and 54 code is also tied into bitcoin. We could see this right here in Gamatria with the 45 and Satoshi’s mythological birthday on April 5, the four five date.

And Hal Finney’s birthday is May 4. And we’re going to decode this guy in a minute. So Hal Finney’s birthday is just a mirror of Satoshi’s birthday. This gets really interesting. For those that don’t know, Hal Finney was an early player in the bitcoin saga. He was allegedly the one that received the first bitcoin transaction from Satoshi Nakamoto himself. Hence why some believe still to this day that Hal is Satoshi.

Now, this is where it gets mind blowing, because Hal Finney, going by this name popularly, exoterically, Hal Finney equals 49 in Gamatria, also the mirror number of 94. And we’re approaching Satoshi’s 49th birthday in April. And the 49 ers just lost this Super Bowl. Hal Finney tragically died quite early, actually, in life. Hal Finney died at 58 years old, and we just had Super Bowl 58. Hal Finney, who died at 58, was born in California, just like the 49 ers tied directly to bitcoin.

So I thought about this connection to the number 49 with this Hal Finney decode, as you can see. And if we take from the date of this Kansas City shooting, which is again the unfortunate ritual, but could be very revealing as a pivot point of energy, specifically because it was on Valentine’s Day, a day of love and positivity, and all of the happy energy is pent up for that day.

Well, it was quite the opposite for the team that won this Super bowl. It was a tragedy, actually. So you see how they’re playing with the energy here. This is why I’m going to start using this date now for some of our decodes, because I feel like it’s a significant event. So we’re taking from this day and we’re going to move it all the way over to the 94th day of the year.

And this is going to land us on April 3. So we’re using 49, we’re using 94. And this again, tied back to Hal Finney’s Gamatria. You could see both dates share the same date numerology of 15. Patrick Mahomes, the quarterback of the Chiefs. Where is number 15, just a side note. And this date of April 3 internationally would be wrote three four, just like Hal Finney in Chaldean equals three four.

So anything tied to early April is incredibly important considering the power of these solar eclipses during a solar cycle which we’re in right now. As mentioned earlier, we have this solar eclipse on April eigth. A couple days before Satoshi. Sorry, a couple of days after Satoshi’s 49th birthday, which is just a couple of days after this date that we’ve discovered of April 3. It’s a powerful week for us.

So while I was decoding Hal Finney, I thought to look into his death date, which is right here of August 28, 2014. And I wanted to kind of tie this into the main code of that number, 58, considering Hal Finney was 58 when he died. And we just had Super Bowl 58. So let’s go over to the 50 eigth day of this year, and that’s going to be February 27, and we’re going to tie this to the day after Hal Finney died of 2014.

So this is going to get a little bit deep, but I think that this is revealing something big. And I also, again, took into consideration this key number of 58, Super Bowl 58. Hal Finney died at 58. And I took these two dates of last. So the day that Hal Finney is no longer with us all over to right now, this very powerful year for bitcoin, and we have 3469.

And this number, 3469, is the 487th prime number, which is the 93rd prime number. And this 93 is incredibly important for crypto. I cannot stress that enough, because this 93 is the mythology of Satoshi, the creator of crypto, father Blockchain, who is the mythology of Saturn. And you’re going to see that 93. So whenever I have a 93 connection, I know it’s powerful for bitcoin because of this mythological story that’s playing out on the world stage.

And many speculate Hal Finney was Satoshi. And note these 20 ones in Saturn. Well, if I take Hal Finney’s full name, Harold Thomas Finney II, we’re going to get 73 in Chaldean, and 73 is the 21st prime number again, tied back to Saturn, 20 ones, just like there’s 21 million bitcoin in supply. And like Hal Finney’s full name equals 73, the 21st prime. Well, this date that I discovered of February 27 is a 73 double digit date.

Numerology. And this is so synced because the following day after it would be going into the nine years and six months time frame. Nine six. Since Hal Finney passed away during this leap year, Satoshi’s mythological birthday actually lands on the 96th day of this year, as you can see. And these two dates of February 20 eigth to Satoshi’s birthday on April 5. We’re going to show you really quickly how this is all tied together, 2024.

So we have from the end of this month to Satoshi’s next birthday, 37 days apart, 307 days left in the year. You remove the zero, you have the 37 code again. And this 37 is three sevens. Seven. Seven, seven. That’s 21. Or your jackpot number. That 21 again ties back to Saturn 21. Saturn is also called the Grim Reaper. That’s Patrick Mahomes’s nickname, the quarterback for the Chiefs.

This was a code I talked about last year, actually, in regards to Super Bowl 57, when the Chiefs went against the Eagles, where the total score of both teams combined was 73 points. And I showed you just a moment ago how that’s tied back to Saturn. 73 is the 21st prime number, and Saturn is tied directly to Patrick Mahomes on purpose. All of his Super bowl victories were around Saturn years.

And what I mean by that is the Shmita year, which is a seven year cycle, and the Jubilee, which is a 50 year cycle. So it’s interesting how the last time before they won their Super bowl against the 49 ers for the first time was 50 years before that in 1969. How crazy is that, that it took them 50 years to win a Super bowl, and then now, all of a sudden, around our Jubilee, they’ve won a total of three Super Bowls recently.

Just think about this. And their last Super bowl that they won before that, before that reign was 50 years ago. We also had another 50 year cycle of between the Yom Kippur war and the recent war that started in Israel. You can see the power of this 50 year cycle. And this is perfect because the jubilee is on seven cycles of the seven year Shmita. The sabbatical year, which would be seven times seven, is 49, like the 49 ers.

And on the 50th year is biblical Jubilee. And the Chiefs won the Super bowl before the year of the Shmita in 2020, leading into 2021, then just won again. Now, the year after the Jubilee year as above, so below. This would have almost no significance, by the way, if it was all just coincidence. It could be. But the fact that it took them 50 years to win a Super bowl, and then they happened to win the Super bowl before the 49th year Shmita, and after the Jubilee, both times against the 49 ers.

Well, that right there is called a script. And all of this code pointing to the end of this month. And considering we’ve had a track record of black swan events after a Super bowl, as explained earlier, with the c 19 ritual after the Chiefs beating the 49 ers in Super Bowl, 54. Then the Russia Ukraine invasion in 2022 after the Super bowl. Then last year, a retail banking crisis on March 10, the day before the c 19 date of March 11.

On March 10 last year, Silicon Valley bank failed again, tied to California. Like the 49 ers, California is getting ritualized a lot lately, and one key thing to note was the. com bubble. If you look into that, you can see right here in this data, it peaked on March 10, 2000, which was also during the chinese year of the dragon, which we’re in the year of the dragon now.

So since we had the 49 ers lose against the Chiefs back in 2020, followed by a black swan event in March, we have the sequence of black swan events lately happening after the Super bowl. The question is, will we get a black swan event next month, considering the Chiefs beat the 49 ers again in this rematch, especially since we already had a negative event tied to this Super bowl with the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs parade? It’s also very interesting how the old flag of Kansas City actually looks like the flag of France.

And we know the next Olympics is in Paris, France. We’ve been decoding this for years now in preparation for this moment. So that’s another layer to all of this that could definitely be significant for what’s to come. If you were to look at the Missouri flag, kind of looks like the flag of the Netherlands, but this was a flag of the city of Kansas City right into about maybe a year to two years ago, right around the last Super bowl, actually, and now it’s changed over to this one.

But this is the one they had, literally, the flag of France and the baphomet head, this rams head, they’re clearly showing you what this is all about. It’s pointing towards war. Ram Aries the ram, Mars, God of war. That’s what this is all about. And that’s why they did a shooting ritual on Valentine’s Day, the day Cupid shoots the arrow. Arrow. It’s Eros. So there’s a lot of rituals that are going to play out on the world stage, and they already gave us all the ingredients we need to decode it.

So now let’s head over into the charts and see what’s going on in bitcoin since we had our first daily close above the golden pocket in the fastest time we’ve ever accomplished such a move, a move that usually takes five to six months or even longer. In the example of 2019 and 2020, where it took over a year for this move to play out. Well, bitcoin just did it in 74 days, a little bit over two months, the quickest it’s ever done.

It actually over two times faster than it did it in the quickest example, which was in 2012. So here we are. This is pretty incredible to watch. And it’s precarious from the day closing into this golden pocket territory regarding a macro candle close and then the day closing outside of it, it literally took us 74 days. And the day that this happened was on Valentine’s day, the day of the Kansas City shooting rituals across the board that day.

And that number 74 is very powerful. Can’t really get into it right now because I want to stay on track with this video. But what we have right here in this chart is a parallel channel that’s been in play now for 600 days, and it’s held a support for over 450. And the times we traded on this support actually look nearly identical where we have a correction and then give or take about 60 trading days on this support line.

In both of these scenarios, measuring from the correction date right here to the recovery dates, we’ll call it two months. The space between retesting this support is somewhere around eight months, or 240 to 250 days. And if I was to align this recent test zone of the support, it would be taking us to around late May or the June time frame. So think about June, and you’ve heard me say this many, many times throughout my last maybe ten videos about June of 2024, because it’s two months after the having.

And that’s around a time frame where we tend to kind of do our final lows or boring trading before things get very exciting. Well, lately things have just been overly exciting way too early and not in a sustainable fashion either. So let’s get back to this. I just wanted to share that we do have a parallel channel that’s forming, and as of today, we are at its resistance.

It is still in play for over 600 days. And I’m not saying that we can’t break above it, because bitcoin has been doing a lot of firsts lately. We also know we have the ETF narrative that’s been what every bull wants to talk about as the reason why we’re doing what we’re doing right now. And sure, if that’s the case, great. But these seem like traps to me because I’m not entirely sure why the most wealthy institutions on earth would want to be buying bitcoin above 50,000 right now.

It just does not make any sense to me. Anyways, getting back to this, we have this fractal of about 60 days of trading at the support. This same identical fractal, about 60 days trading at support and taking about eight months to retest. If I was to take eight months out from this area and put it into the future, it would be about the June time frame. And if this support at that time would be retested, that actually puts us around thirty nine k to forty k bitcoin, essentially at the bottom of this golden pocket.

This would be like a shorter time frame, double bottom, and continuation to the upside into July. Now, considering we’ve brought up a potential march black swan, and for years now, I’ve been warning about the date of April 15 of 2024. And this would be around the solar eclipse that’s coming up. And both of our solar eclipses, we saw a 20% correction for bitcoin. We had the solar eclipse over here of the April twelveth.

And from this microcycle top to this correction right, there was about a 20% correction. And from this July top over here, leading into the following solar eclipse, which was in October, that was a 20% correction, both very healthy pullbacks and necessary. And right now, this bitcoin chart is getting incredibly overheated. And it would be healthy for bitcoin to chill out, build some structure. Otherwise, if it just wants to keep going up now, well, then that’ll be a very short and sweet bull run.

And that’s not what you want, honestly, because bigger pumps means bigger dumps. So if we look to the march and April time frame around this support zone, that would be somewhere between 34k bitcoin and pullback down to that level would be incredibly healthy for bitcoin right now. And any 20% to 30% correction at this time would be normal, especially leading into the having. And based on bitcoin’s prior performance, we know, for instance, in this cycle over here of this 2016 moment, let me turn off all of this noise so you can just see where I’m coming from here.

Pretty much when we started this breakout, every one of these dips here was a 30% to 40% correction along the way, even after we broke into price discovery. So that’s healthy in bitcoin world. And right now, we’ve only had 20% corrections along the way. And I suppose the market maker has this all mapped out. They know that a 20% correction will liquidate x amount of people, and that’s probably good enough for them.

But I think we’re in the cards now for something that’s a little bit more dramatic of a shakeout just because of how early we’re so bullish based in prior cycles. So if we think about the having and where we are right now, I’ve shown in past videos how around every having bitcoin is trading either within the macro golden pocket or it’s right below it. In the case of 2020, it would have been in the golden pocket if it wasn’t for that black swan event in 2020.

But let’s just call it within the golden pocket. And we’re there right now, and it’s mid February and the having is in about two months. So we’re on schedule with that. But we’re breaking out right now in a bullish fashion a little bit too soon. And around the having, bitcoin tends to be actually quite sideways and low volatility. So let me show you what I mean by this.

I’m going to be pulling up and we have these blue lines across the screen. Those are the havings. I’m going to zoom in right now. And you can see to the left and to the right, we’re quite sideways. We’re not yet parabolic around the having phase over here. In the following example, you can see we actually had a kind of yinyang as above, so below dump. It almost looked identical the way the dump was to the pump that came in slightly before it.

This is kind of what we’re doing right now, actually. We’re pumping hard into the having. And we can see that a couple of days shy of the having, about three weeks. We did get a pretty substantial correction on this extremely bullish move up, and it was about a 30% pullback stalled out at the bottom of the golden pocket, the macro six one eight. And we held that level.

And I just want to show you how long we were trading in this level for before we really recovered. It took about 100 days or so before we remained on the uptrend. Right now, I think it makes the most sense that this should be coming to a conclusion soon. Regarding this bitcoin pump, it would be very weird for it to just keep going up now and retest all time highs.

So if we were to look at how long it takes after this having to stabilize, it was about 50 to 60 days in most cases. In this example here, it took a little bit longer. But still, you can see around this 50 to 60 day mark, we start the recovery energy. Well, if we were to think about that today, based off of the predicted having, somewhere around the 20th 50 days out would be June.

Again, I put emphasis on this. We brought it up at the start of our analysis, June, and when I say sideways, I’d assume we’re probably trading at this parallel channel support zone that I called out earlier. If we’re going to remain on this parallel channel for a while now, it would make the most sense for us to be trading around this and having this sort of higher lows uptrend even after a correction, just like we did back at the end of 2022 and here in the September, the fall time of 2023.

That would be the May, June into July time frame. It’ll still be bullish regardless. And around forty k. Now, since I keep bringing up 40k, let’s go to the CME chart, because bitcoin does have a CME gap at down here. It’s hard to see, but if you go on the 55 minutes chart or the hour chart, you will see, in fact, the gap right over here. And it formed around January 23.

So if we were to have a pullback to just fill that gap, that would be healthy enough. Now, I know people want bigger pullbacks. Everyone either is a mega bull right now or a mega bear in either direction. That’s kind of where we’re at in this phase of the cycle. We’re starting to see polarization, which is a good thing. That’s how you shake out the most people is you make the market very polarizing when you could be a wolf and be neutral and not be a bull or a bear like everyone has become out of nowhere.

So I have the CME gap at 40. I’ve shown you this parallel channel that’s been in play for 600 days, again aligning with this post having time frame somewhere around forty k. And this aligns really nicely for a healthy pullback and a deserved pullback. This is a little too dramatic right now. Let’s go over to XRP because I believe XRP has essentially hit fifty eight cents. And this fifty eight number is big for XRP because it’s in gamatria of XRP.

We have that 58. And think about how we just had the 50 eigth Super bowl. So let me go over to this chart right here because we have a major rejection after gravitating up to this trendline again and again and again. We continue to stall out at it. And it’s a trendline that’s essentially been in play now for a little over 200 days. But I want to show you something real quick.

I’m going to switch over to the weekly chart. I’m going to turn this into area, and you’ll see how important this support trendline is at the bottom. We bring this up a lot, but I just want to show you where this comes into play. Last cycle’s automatic rally, where we broke above and entered price discovery, where we’ve returned back to at the end of the cycle in 2020.

This is the c 19 crash after our mid cycle rally in alt season of 2021 came back to it. And since it’s been a perfect support even recently, we held the weekly close into the monthly close of January. XRP is coiling up in this zone, and as it builds this kind of energy, it’s ready to pop. So I am expecting this breakout very soon, actually, because we’re getting closer and closer to the apex of this pattern.

And the timing of this is perfectly aligned for this grand trial of this SEC versus ripple case on April 23, which is coincidentally right around the same exact time of the bitcoin having. How interesting. So this is why I’ve loaded up on XRP in anticipation for this isolated event tied directly to XRP. It seems by mid March is when this will start becoming noticeable. And it could very well align with what happened in March and April of 2017, what happened right here when XRP broke out over a two week period into early April.

This could be what happens this time tied to this SEC case. Due to speculation over how the turnout of this case will go, I actually don’t think this type of move is going to happen after the case. It’s likely to happen before it. And if we look at what bitcoin was doing around March 23 into April 2, I just want to pull that up really quickly so you can see for a comparison, we’re going to go to late March of 2017.

Turn off all this noise. Boom. It was this fractal here. You see the difference. Bitcoin actually had about a 20% correction over the time that XRP was up 75%. So you can see we can have an isolated event happening for XRP, and it wouldn’t matter what bitcoin is doing at the time. We could even have bitcoin correct 20% into this upcoming having while XRP pumps over 70% into the having.

Of course, the having is an isolated event for bitcoin. And we know we have this grand trial for Ripple as an isolated event for XRP. And evidence in the past charts shows this type of move is possible. We even have a very recent piece of evidence for this with what happened back here in July, where essentially we had a 70% move for XRP. While bitcoin was sideways, bitcoin was barely doing anything at this time.

If anything, it’s better if bitcoin sideways. This way liquidity could roll into the altcoins. So this is big for XRP. For those that invest in XRP, considering it’s my second biggest position, I’m definitely preparing myself for this move. And if we get any pullbacks between now and then, I will absolutely be taking advantage of that. I’m not going to change my stance whatsoever. And we could have a retest of this peak that we got in July of 2023 in a single trading day, just like we had back in July, once we get more updates on this current case.

And I think that it would make the most sense for this move to happen, probably around the lunar eclipse of next month. And we also have a technical pattern. We’re getting closer to this apex. It’s coiling up. It is ready for a breakout. And even if bitcoin was to retest right now and have a 20% to 30% correction, it seems that this major support line will hold. So that’s the update for today.

Again, I appreciate every single one of you. I hope you’re all having a beautiful week in the matrix. I’ll be catching some of you tomorrow in the live stream. And if you head over to my website, watersabove. com, this new decoding mastermind course is available now and you’ll have a promo code here at the top. Definitely click that and check it out. And I appreciate and I’m grateful for all of your continued support.

Wishing you all a beautiful rest of your day in the matrix. Much love. .


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