No Blood on the Harvest Floor: Cattle Mutilations on People/Chupa of Colares Brazil

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➡ In the 1980s, there were reports of attacks on people in Brazil by mysterious flying objects, nicknamed “chupas”. These objects, which looked like flying refrigerators, were rumored to be a new weapon being tested by the US military. One man, Manuel, survived an attack by covering his mouth and nose from a foul odor emitted by the chupa. The incident left him with physical injuries and a deep fear, causing him to give up hunting and sell his guns.
➡ In 1986, a night known as the “night of the UFOs” occurred in Brazil, with many sightings of unidentified flying objects. A boy discovered a human body with strange injuries similar to those found on mutilated cattle in the area. The body had been drained of blood and had organs removed through holes in the abdomen. Despite the strange circumstances, the case was covered up until autopsy results were leaked six years later, revealing the man had been alive during the mutilation.
➡ This text talks about strange events linked to UFO sightings and the harmful effects they had on people. People who got too close to these UFOs experienced weird symptoms like severe sunburns, hallucinations, and even death. The text also discusses the idea of Occam’s razor, which suggests the simplest answer is usually correct, but in these cases, the simplest answers don’t seem to fit. The text ends with stories of individuals who had close encounters with UFOs and suffered severe health problems afterwards, but their cases were often ignored or not taken seriously by authorities.
➡ This text talks about a special team that was set up to investigate UFO sightings and strange happenings. They found a lot of evidence, like photos and interviews, that suggest these events are real. The text also discusses how these events might not be from outer space, but could be a form of consciousness we don’t understand yet. Lastly, it mentions that these events often happen near water and can cause harm or even death to people who get too close.
➡ A military team once studied a UFO event and made a detailed report, but it was hidden away. The photos taken by newspapers were bought by an unknown American company. Despite lots of evidence, the study of UFOs isn’t openly discussed because the information could impact future military systems. The study of UFOs is difficult because it involves many different areas of knowledge and can happen anywhere, anytime.


Between the there were militaryconfirmed attacks on the brazilian people by these so called chupas. They looked like your average refrigerator and flew around like drones, too small to carry a pilot and would inflict unspeakable harm to multitudes of hunters and fishermen in the nil populated regions of northeast Brazil. The rumor in this region is that they were us military experimentation concerning a new kind of weapon. But there are a few problems with this assumption, and we will come back to that.

Manuel was a 46 year old prospector and a rugged outdoorsman who was known to stay out in the jungle for months at a time. He announced his usual hunting trip to his wife one day in 1982, and she pleaded with him to change his mind. A man named Raymond recently died due to what was rumored to be an attack by a chupa. Manuel, being easily confused with the man that you would see on your bounty quicker picker upper label, was not concerned and only laughed this off.

That very night, Manuel accomplished hunting down a deer and decided to put up his hammock and retire for the night. But before he could fall asleep, two rectangular blocks came into hover above him and fired a beam of light about three inches in diameter as the fight or flight response kicked in. Well, classic Manuel. He decided to open fire onto the chupa when, shortly after, he was overcome with a surprised dread, seeing that it had absolutely no effect.

This time, he decided the flight response was the way to go. So he jumped down and began to run. One of the chupa followed, firing another beam in his direction and caused him to become weak and fall to the ground. He caught a foul odor that caused him to cover his nose and mouth with a torn off piece of his shirt. Running into a cave seemed like a good idea, but the insistently violent drone simply lowered itself down to the mouth of the cave and fired another beam.

He had two choices, run deeper into the cave and possibly become lost in the cold pitch black, or run out passing the chupa itself. But again, this is Manuel we’re talking about. He covered his nose and mouth with his handy cloth and ran out, getting struck directly by one of these downright Sci-Fi beam phasers. He became extremely dizzy and disoriented, but pushed on, running, scrambling through the jungle.

His clothes became completely torn up and he lost his shoes. He ran for hours, managing to struggle his way to a house in Legoa de Dentro. A boy opened the door and was awestruck at the sight of the flying refrigerator and instantly recognized it as a chupa. Manuel ran inside and fell to the floor, reflecting in awe and withering denial about the dire warning he was given by his wife before trekking out earlier that day.

He survived, and this is unfortunately rarely the case. Manuels survival tactics and persistence kept him alive. He attributes his survival solely to his reaction to the foul odor that caused him to cover his mouth and nose. Although refusing to discuss this, the details at first, he was forced to change his mind about the existence of these violent flying refrigerators. You gotta look out for those vfRs. The event affected him so much that he sold his guns and has never hunted since.

Manuel was covered in red and purple welts shaped in tight circles on his body in the locations that he was hit with the beam. Describing the incident as the worst thing in his life, he described the smell being what affected him the most. He described it like burning sulfur caused him to have a running nose and throat problems from then on. Despite this graphic outcome, he is one of the lucky ones.

If people who experience an attack from a chupa even make it back home at all, it is common for their muscles to atrophy, their hair to fall out, and their skin to fall off over the course of the next couple days, when they eventually die. Speculating on the government experiment hypothesis, Vale writes, quote this hypothesis could explain some cases, but it quickly runs into a logical contradiction. What kind of sophisticated weapons system would need to chase an easy target like Manuel for 7 hours through the underbrush without once getting a clean shot? We already have helicopters that give off no lights and make no sound.

And we have many Rambo types who would have nailed Manuel between the eyes with one bullet from a rifle with an infrared before he had made a single move to leave his hammock. The evidence once again seems as incontrovertible as it is absurd. Vale is right about this. If the goal was to kill a person, but if the weapon being tested is meant to tranquilize a riot, then it seems to me to make more sense.

However, we have not seen a weapon like this used in our modern age or any time since 1982, and there have been plenty of riots and uprisings to make an opportunity for such usage. So, again, bringing our speculation back to something else entirely. Strange as it might sound, there is a bit of irony to the events that took place, and it seems to match up with the absurdity in the modern hypothesis of ultra terrestrials.

Unlike extraterrestrials, the concept of ultra terrestrial seems to follow a tongue in cheek pattern that parallels our current technologies and ways of living. The ironic strangeness has occurred in many ways all over the world since before recorded time. And this case is no different except for its specifics, because in this case we have hunters being hunted. And the way of execution is with a piercing bright beam of light.

Shining a high beam of light is exactly the same method used by the human hunters when blinding deer in order to get a clear shot, leading to a dark speculation that perhaps the earth, the universe or whatever has a way of returning the undesirable favors of mankind right back to him. So tv channels like history and discovery have become almost as embarrassing as NASA when it comes to reporting the strange when they cover cattle mutilations, for example, they cover it in the same way that they do crop circles.

They report on the ones that are obvious hoaxes and beat around the bush for 20 minutes, enough to keep your attention, but leave you positive that the rest of the cases are the same. There was a string of cattle mutilations in and around Texas that seemed to be conducted by dark cults, sure, but years before that there were bizarre instances in Brazil that seemed to have inspired the ones that we see in North America and of course did not make it to the tv screen.

In fact, if you go to Wikipedia, you will see plenty of cattle mutilation information from New Mexico, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, even London, but no mention of Brazil. The consistent anomalies listed are cleanly executed. Draining of the blood not a drop in the animal or on the ground. Carcasses are often found with no tracks leading up to the body, but there will be strange holes punched into the ground in sets of three, and bushes will be flattened all over the surrounding area.

The carcasses will be found with a depletion of vitamins and minerals and with specific preservative chemicals added to the flesh. An area closer to Brazil and New Mexico. They tested some of the carcasses more thoroughly and found that they were completely devoid of copper, which is absolutely impossible to explain. We don’t currently have a way to drain something of copper, and it is found in trace amounts in all flesh.

Something that some cattle mutilations have in common with specific crop circles is that they happen way too quickly. Basically, a person conducting a hoax or occult ritual is able to perform a lengthy articulate surgery in the dead of night with no light or sound in the time that it takes a farmer to have dinner. This is not a new phenomenon, by the way. The earliest cases were in 1606 in London, but we didnt have the forensics back then to gather any substance worth noting here.

But in 1967 a horse named lady was completely defleshed from the neck up. The cuts were clean, with no abrasions to the bone and no blood anywhere. Not in the body, on the body, or on the ground. This particular case in 1967 was the first time that anyone hypothesized UFO’s being involved. However, the sheriff cleared this up real quick by saying that it was lightning. Lightning. And this is swamp gas.

The association of UFO’s to cattle mutilations is not because of the surgical precision, by the way. In all cases, at least, there are often sightings of classic UFO’s seen in the same regions just before the mutilations were found. Now, sometimes the sightings are reported after the mutilations, but this could easily just be hype, and that is what makes Brazil so important here. Brazil is such a hotspot for UFO sightings and injuries due to paranormal that most of the reports come from a branch of the brazilian government dedicated solely to the UFO investigation.

And refreshingly so. This organization is extremely open about their findings, except for one case in particular. Keep in mind all of the above similarities found specifically anomalous to the brazilian cattle mutilation cases. The case that seems to have been hidden and covered up was treated as such because it involved a person. The only reason we know about it today is because someone on the inside decided to leak the autopsy results and photographs of the body.

So, in 1986, there was a particular night in Brazil that ended up being called the night of the UFO’s. The name is not very imaginative, but it certainly suits, because on this night, there were flying objects everywhere, seen by just about everybody, and there are photos all over the place about it. The flying objects were so belligerent that the military held a press conference the next day just to say the obvious, that they had no idea what was going on.

But the devices surely seemed to be controlled by something intelligent. This would easily throw a country like the United States into a frenzy, like what happened in 1952. But this is Brazil we’re talking about. And UFO’s are so commonplace in this part of the world that people just kind of went on with their lives like, uh. Like, yeah, you’ll have that fast forward. And a boy named Francisco was poking around a lake when he found vultures gathered around a human carcass.

The authorities showed up and shut down the whole scene, which was, frankly, out of character for this type of thing. The body was taken in, and nothing was said of it. Six years later is when the autopsy was leaked. Amongst other findings found in the autopsy, the man had his eyes removed, one ear removed, his tongue and genitalia removed. There were four holes bored into his abdomen, two under the shoulders, and one at the belly button, and one, unfortunately, uh, in some lower real estate regions of the body, the holes bored into the man’s body were used to suck his vital organs out with some kind of vacuum.

He was also subsequently completely drained of blood, and the skin of the face was strategically removed. In particular areas, the decomposition level showed the man to have become deceased during the same time of the so called night of UFO’s. And unfortunate as it sounds, the spikes found in the vagus nerve showed that he was alive when the surgery was being performed. And if you haven’t guessed it already, every single one of these details was found in a plethora of cattle, all along the same region where the UFO sightings happened.

If this particular mutilation was a prank or some kind of satanic cult, we are looking at unbelievable skill. Skill that I would easily call impossible. They, first of all, would have had to wait until there was a night of enormous UFO sightings. Then they would have had to travel hundreds of miles to perform articulate surgery on thousands of cattle, plus one man doing all of which in the dead of night, without being detected in only a matter of hours.

I don’t think even Santa Claus would have been able to manage time this well. Alright, I’m not saying that all motorcycle people are annoying, but that one is. Look at me, look at me. I’m on a bike. This case is unique because although we have hundreds of murder cases involving the chupa, this seems to be one of only two cases where a body was found showing parallel injuries to that of the classic cattle mutilation.

In 1980, police got reports of a bunch of cattle being loose. Officer Alan Godfrey meant to drive out to the area, but was stopped by a very large flying saucer, literally just in the middle of the road, blocking his route. He was mesmerized by this thing and kind of froze up. He said it shined a blinding white light onto him, and when it finally let up, the saucer was gone.

And it was now, later in the evening, he had been completely bamboozled from what he had set out to do about those damn cows. What makes this case interesting is what happened five months earlier. The same officer, Alan Godfrey, went out with his partner, Malcolm, because of a report of a body laying dead on a pile of coal, seemingly on display. They noticed immediately that there were no footprints leading up to the body in the loose coal dust surrounding it.

They also observed that he was hastily dressed by a third party. Or so it seemed. You know, with the buttons all out of place and the shoes thrown on without being tied and all that. There were burn marks on the body in very specific spots as if they were put on by electrodes that you would wear from an EKG machine. And each one of these burns was covered in a green ointment.

This was a murder case and was not suspected of having any UFO connection. So the ointment was sent off to several different labs to be identified in order to help them catch the perpetrator. However, they not only couldn’t identify the ointment but found no substance similar to it even after comparing it to 6500 other types of ointment. Now, for those of you who are squeamish from the word ointment from here on I’ll use the word cream.

Oof. Oh, that’s so much worse, isn’t it? Anyways, this creamy ointment was still very moist. Per usual, this case was closed and then quickly classified. Fast forward 30 years or so later, both of these officers have come forward flat out claiming that this was a cover up and that there were several reports of flying saucers in exactly the same area on the 8th and 9th and 10 June.

Basically the day and the days leading up to when this body was seemingly dropped onto this pile of coal from above. Back in Brazil, we rewind to 1966. There were two grown ass men with homemade lead masks that trekked out to go make communion with a UFO using techniques that we can only speculate at. This is obviously a silly habit for anyone to have, but the story takes a grisly turn.

Both of the men were found dead on the hill where they were meant to make contact and the bodies had absolutely no injuries whatsoever. The only clue was a note on one of the men that said, meet at the designated spot at 04:30 p. m. At 06:30 p. m. Ingest the capsules after the effect is produced, protect half the face with the lead masks. Wait for the pre arranged signal.

What makes this note so much more mysterious is that no drugs were found in the blood system of the two bodies. So, what were in these pills? And what killed these men? Of course, it should be no surprise at this point that there were several saucer sightings in exactly the same night in the same exact location. Again, the obvious answer seems to be of a violent occultist doing some weird ritual shit.

But the plethora of UFO sightings throw a wrench into that entire theory. When you have hundreds of people making reports of the same style of UFO’s at the same time, it is really hard to place the blame onto black metal. Fans of the book, titled confrontations by Valet, contains 47 cases that were investigated firsthand by the author, many of which involve physical and medical effects, including twelve cases of fatal injuries in which the victim typically survived less than 24 hours afterwards.

It’s interesting that in the introduction of his book, Valve La claims that he was never interested in the subject of UFO’s, because it was his life dream to become a professional astronomer. And surely if there were UFO’s, astronomers would see them all the time. So he dismissed it until he did in fact become a professional astronomer, only to realize that astronomers do indeed see a plethora of UFO’s, but never report them.

And I don’t think I have to tell you why these go unreported. He also goes into a long list of misconceptions about UFO’s and makes clear a lot of the mistakes made over the years when handling physical samples and and carelessness when investigating the subject. Basically, it’s not treated as a genuine science, so things are done very sloppy and this gets in the way of getting surface results.

So you could have all the evidence in the world that would convict UFO’s of murder in a court of law. But because the evidence is not taken seriously, it never goes anywhere. We are left with no verdict, despite knowing better. He also brilliantly illustrates how futile it might be for us to even speculate on the agenda of the beings in question by holding out a computer chip motherboard to a friend.

As he says. As he says, quote, this is not, obviously not the most high tech equipment in the world. And guitarists all over the world are going to make fun of me for this one. I don’t care. So he held it out to his friend and he said, I want you to assume that I am a 15th century farmer, that I have just found a strange object while plowing my field.

You are the learned abbot of the local monastery. Now, dear father, will you tell me what this is and what I should do with it? His friend, being a bit witty, responded by saying, burn it, my son. It is the work of the devil that’s now realizing how silly it is. I held this thing out when I could have just held my cell phone out and used that as the device while reading it.

At the same time, these videos arent quite as planned as you guys might think. He also brilliantly argues the notion of occams razor being that the most simple answer is typically the solution, skeptics love this one, as well they should. But what is more simple? In the case of the chupa and the kettle mutilations, either a group of hundreds of pranksters and or cult members with the surgical abilities of seasoned doctors who can work so effectively in the night as to cut up hundreds of cattle in a matter of hours without spilling a drop of blood, and harvest the organs via vacuum machine without making a sound on the same night that just so happens to have a splurge of UFO sightings, or the possibility that something more technological is doing it.

This is where Occam’s razor gets a little dulled down. Of course, as we can see here, the simple answer just simply cannot be. But he maintains that we are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the earth, and also makes it clear that he does not believe that these dangerous encounters have an origin in outer space, claiming that this theory is most likely a result that stems from our modern culture of Sci-Fi something that ties together the missing time phenomenon and the beam shot by the chupa involve electromagnetic radiation like that found in a microwave.

This radiation can induce sleep and give way to hallucinations and also cause a convulsive state or even death. He notes several cases where people who got too close to UFO’s came out with terrible sunburns, but their burns could not be attributed to ultraviolet sunlight. Considering that they were off, they often appeared in areas that were covered by clothing. However, microwave radiation would pierce clothing, so this hypothesis helps us, along with two cases in particular, noted in confrontations.

On January 23, 1976, Shelley McLanagan saw a weird red and green light in the sky near Bolton. The object was the size of a small house, flat on top with sloping sides and three legs. She felt a terrible pressure in my head and shoulders, an off taste in my mouth. My teeth seemed to vibrate. When I tried to run, it was like being in a nightmare. My arms and legs moved, but in slow motion.

I tried to scream, but nothing came out. That weekend, Shelley became ill. A purple rash covered her neck, chest, shoulders, and upper back. Her eyes and joints ached in her mouth. Her top fillings had come out, and the bottom ones had crumbled. An army officer who served during the Korean War has described an even more remarkable incident in which an orange, luminous object came over a village that was being shelled by a whole artillery unit.

It hovered at low altitude, apparently unharmed by the powerful explosions. When it moved up the hill over the gun emplacements. Permission was sought to fire at it with a precision rifle. The object was visibly displaced by the impact of the bullet. Then it proceeded to sweep the hill with what the officer described as a strange beam. You could not see the light unless you were right in it.

The next day, the entire artillery unit was violently ill and had to be removed from duty. But no formal report was ever submitted to identify the source of the strange illness. The clinical data that have been collected by serious investigators of the UFO phenomenon thus form an impressive body of empirical facts. Various explanations have been proposed, from magnetic fields to pulse microwaves. They account for some of the effects, although no single explanation accounts for all the phenomenon.

Given the complexity of the reported observations, I propose to postpone the analysis of these effects and to consider carefully the evidence from the most extreme cases, those that involve lasting injury or death. The book then goes into its darkest portion. I’ll read my favorites, but you know, they’re the worst ones, so put the popcorn down and hold onto your tummy. Let’s go. On July 5, 1969, at 08:30 p.

m. Two children saw a luminous object 300 yards away. They grabbed a flashlight and sent signals out. The object came closer. The children called. The rest of the family and all 13 people who lived in the farmhouse watched the light as it flew off and disappeared behind a hill. The glow remained visible. The father, 45 year old archesio Bermudez, took the flashlight and went to investigate. I’m getting a bad feeling.

When orchestio came back, he was scared. From a distance of less than 20ft he had seen a small person inside the top part of the object which was transparent. He saw the being. When he turned his flashlight towards it, the object became bright and took off. Over the next few days, his health started to deteriorate. His temperature dropped. He was unable to eat and he had dark blue spots on his skin.

There was blood in his stools. He was seen by two physicians who diagnosed acute gastro. Gastroenteronitis. Hey, Siri. Pronounced g a s t r o e n t e r I t I s. Okay. I found this on the web for pronounced gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis, sir. They were not told of the UFO incident. The doctors archesio died shortly before midnight. Since gastroenteritis is the third leading cause of death in Colombia, the diagnosis was accepted and archesio was buried.

One of the doctors commented later, if I had known of his experience, I would have performed more tests. The cool thing about this book is that it includes the doctor’s report which reads as follows. I arrived at 11:00 a. m. And found archesio suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. The pulse was almost unnoticeable. His face was pale, the liver was inflamed. I returned to the house at 06:00 p.

m. And found him worse. I could not find any pulse and the temperature was below normal. The digestive system was affected by bloody diarrhea, black vomit, dry mouth, painful abdomen. But the mental faculties and nervous system were normal. The skin was dry, pale, cold and dehydrated. I find kind of weird that they amongst the bloody diarrhea and black vomit, they included dry mouth in the symptoms. It almost sounds like the side effects of basically any medication that’s advertised on tv.

The physician wrote a note at the bottom of his report that said, quote, two days after the death, there was news that this gentleman had been a witness to an extra natural phenomenon. Oof. Alright, let’s do another one. Luis Fernandez Barros, a wealthy businessman and rancher, was found dazed at 07:00 a. m. On April 23, 1976. He reported that 2 hours before daybreak he had seen a large, luminous object that projected a beam in his direction.

Here again, the victims health soon deteriorated. He suffered from nausea, diarrhea and headaches. He was seen by his physician, Doctor Megalhes. The medicine he was given did not help. Other specialists were consulted. They diagnosed a brain lesion and sent him home. Burroughs health continued to worsen. He no longer told his story because no one believed him other than Doctor Megalhis and his wife. Doctor megalhes. I’m messing that name all up.

Sorry. Doctor megalhest himself was ridiculed by his colleagues for taking the report seriously. Can you imagine doing your job to treat a person, to better them to health as they clearly need it? And other doctors saying, what? What are you doing? Treating him? He saw a UFO. Let him die is unbelievable when you read some of these. In three months, the victims speech deteriorated and his hair turned white.

Six months later, he had regressed to the level of a one to two year old child. Pratt, who met with Barros in 1986, found him staring ahead, apparently seeing nothing. However, doctor megalhest showed him that Barros had control of his arms and legs, had not suffered a stroke. A dedicated researcher, Daniel Rebecco Geis, has compiled a well documented report on another cluster of lethal events on the islands of choleras, who stated that UFO incidents had begun there.

In September 1977, a number of patients started coming to her with complaints related to the Chupas. At first, she counted these reports as popular myth, perhaps related to local sorcery. When every day started bringing a new patient, she realized that the complaints were serious. She conducted a more thorough study of the lesions exhibited by the victims, notably burns that resembled radiation injuries, along with a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

Upon trying to get some second opinions on these, it says the official diagnoses totally ignored the data that the doctors had forwarded along with the patient. The physician became suspicious. And since the authorities remained silent about the whole situation, she stopped sending statements about such cases. Basically, just. She just gave up on it. And, I mean, this is. This is a doctor. These are medical issues. However, the military took the phenomenon very seriously, and the first regional air command created a special UFO investigation team.

Their main mission statement was all possible information and witness reports about the phenomenon must be gathered, and public statements about the events should be avoided. Its mission lasted 90 days. The task force came back with 300 night photographs and several motion picture reels. A 500 page report was compiled, accompanied by a catalog of sightings, maps, and interview transcripts. And, uh. And here are those photographs. Well, f of course, this drama with the chupa is unique and marks a turning point point in UFO research.

Many injuries and deaths are often attributed to getting too close to these flying objects, like the case with Travis Walton, where the beings did not intentionally harm him, but curiosity killed the cat, and it was his own that got him zapped. But unfortunately, the same cannot be said for these crafts in Brazil, as they have been reported literally chasing people down. Valet makes it clear, though, that this still might be a form of misunderstanding, considering the technology we are looking at here.

If they wanted to take over the planet, it would be done and over with. Weve seen in our prior videos that these things can simply shut down our defense systems, including nuclear facilities. In this case, though, I have a feeling it was saving us from ourselves. Or on a worse note, maybe to save the planet that they intend on having in the future. Either way, this seems to be a systematic process of some sort.

All the assumptions people make about alien beings coming from other planets are directly contradicted by five major facts that vale lists. One, the total number of close encounters far exceeds the requirement for a sophisticated survey of our planet. Two, the appearance of the UFO operators is overwhelmingly humanoid. They breathe our air and display recognizable emotions. Not only does this make an extraterrestrial origin very dubious, but implies that the operators are not making use of genetics and engineering to optimize a space mission.

Three, the reports regarding abductions display behavioral patterns on the part of the operators that contradict the idea of scientific, medical, or genetic experiments. Simpler, more effective methods are already available in Earth based science to accomplish all of the alleged objectives of these so called aliens. Four, the patterns of close encounters, contacts, and abductions are not specific to our century, contradictory to what most american ufologists have assumed. In fact, it is difficult to find a culture that does not have a tradition of little people that fly through the sky and abduct humans.

Five, both the UFO’s and their operators are able to materialize and dematerialize on the spot and to penetrate physical obstacles. The objects are able to merge together and to change shape dynamically. So it seems more likely that this is a phenomenon of physical manifestation of sentient form, of sentient form of consciousness that is alien to humans, but not necessarily extraterrestrial. There seems to be a symbolic nature parallel to dreams happening here, that seems to shape our lives in ways that we just don’t fully understand.

The symbolic nature of this phenomenon will have to be for another video. This one is about murder. Murda speaking of the little people often involved, there is a legend in this brazilian valley that speaks of small beings, similar to the elves of celtic folklore. They called this being the kaipara. It is said that the kaipura is humanoid and can go from one point to another instantly without using its legs.

And speaking of that, if you can find any culture without a legend of humanoids jacking people up, I’ll change the name of this channel to like of the surprised. What fascinates me about this particular book and invalids direct correspondence with the subjects is the multitude of rugged cowboy types who would say that they never believed in these stories until one night that it happened. Yada, yada. These are the men that you won’t see interviewed on tv like on the History channel.

They dont make claims, they aint got time for any of that. Many of them speak of their hunting dogs becoming extremely nervous and hiding with their tail between their legs before anything even occurred to the men that something was about to happen. Vale said that he was struck by the sincerity in the culture of these people. He described it as a straightforwardness that he would rarely see in France or the United States.

He describes these witnesses as being not brainwashed by scientific superstars and television academics. The people of Brazil are closer to nature than any scientist. They survive by observing and noticing, by understanding patterns and wild things and natural phenomenon over an area half as big as the United States, where few scientists would ever dare set foot. These are people whose intelligence has never been insulted by the pundits of the New York Times or the arbiters of overt rationalism.

They speak in simple, direct ways about what they saw. They admit to being afraid and are in direct correspondence down in the trenches with their fellow brothers and sisters, sisters who are not just dying, but who are being killed. Killed by something completely unknown. And I can’t think of anything more existentially frightening than that level of helplessness. Even if it was a gigantic army of hooligans like. Like we saw in the days of Genghis Khan, at least they would have some sort of an idea of how they were up against.

These cases are a sheer abyss of complete unknowing. There’s no wisdom that can save you in this case. And it’s no wonder that so called civilized people are so quick to live near highly lit tall towers and busy sections of society. It makes me wonder if the archetype of cities like New York might be subconsciously the result of this same age old fear. There is one more hint in this plethora of high strangeness that valet has noticed and is certainly worth mentioning.

If you look at this map, we have arrows pointing to the areas that have the highest concentration of attacks by flying objects. And every one of them them is right next to a large body of water, if not the ocean. Now, I don’t know if this brings any new hypothesis to the table, but I like throwing things like this out there because maybe one of you has an idea about it.

You know, hit me up in the comments if you want. You guys know, I love reading your theories, most of your theories, but just as many cases concerning deaths by UFO’s that claim that these things came from out of the sky, there are an equal amount of cases where they are seen to come up out of water. I can’t think of a better hiding spot. In the case of the Chupa specifically, there was a solid three months where these attacks happened on schedule, like every evening, and could be predicted, causing hundreds of people to evacuate, almost eviscerating the infrastructure of society, society in the affected areas.

There was nothing elusive about these objects, and they didnt hide from anyone. They exhibit a variety of shapes that would, in the words of valet drive an aeronautical engineer to insanity. They werent aerodynamic. The absurdity of that, it makes you wonder if theyre just out to confuse. But when the brazilian air force had issued confidential orders directing air traffic away from that area. The events just got worse.

Almost as if the intelligence behind the chupa knew that area was becoming more secluded because of it all. Patients that survived an attack from a chupa long enough to be studied by a legal physician was shown to have a severe drop in red blood cells. Every one of them. This case has single handedly changed the mind of more doctors about the case of UFO’s than any other in history.

The doctors heard the same story from every patient. Basically, they had been resting in their hammock when the light beam hit them from above. They were immobilized as if with a heavy weight. The beam was about three inches in diameter and white in color. It never hunted for them. It just hit suddenly. They report that the column of light would slowly retract before it disappeared. And that’s about the freakiest thing I’ve read so far, because light doesn’t do that as far as I know.

I’ll have to look up the inner workings of a lightsaber for that one. And of course, the blisters and discoloration marks on everyone involved were consistent and the same. This is hundreds of people over the course of a fairly short time, making it that much more insane. Saying that so few people have heard of it. I find it insane that cases like these are swept under the rug by science, despite having a mass of concrete evidence.

Yet when you search for evidence of things supernatural, we are often brought things like this. We have more important issues to address in the realm of paranormal and the esoteric. Civilians here in the west might not be concerned with the paranormal, but the military certainly is. In Brazil at the time, the military team, which operated in full view of the population, is known to have compiled a thick report with a wealth of physical measurements attached.

The report was sent to higher authorities, where it presumably disappeared into a drawer and valet. As adds to this, all the negatives taken by the newspaper teams have left Brazil, purchased from the publishers by an unnamed american firm. Somebody in the United States owns a collection of records that contains the proof of the reality of the phenomenon. Ground truth. There is a simple reason for the absence of open academic interests in the UFO phenomenon.

As we have seen throughout this book, it is not a lack of evidence. On the contrary, the evidence that has now been obtained by the major powers is so valid that it has such devastating implications for future military systems that the decision has been made to keep it under lock and key and to entrust its study only to highly specialized teams with selected compartmentalized access. In my opinion, the work of these teams is doomed to failure.

The UFO phenomenon cannot be compartmentalized. It is global in nature, and it touches every part of human knowledge, from folklore to astrophysics, from ethnology to microwaves, from particles to parapsychology. What happens in this region can happen again, anywhere, tomorrow. I detest the thought that it will find us unprepared once again, I think in the Parker blade. .


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