Occult Science of The Solar Eclipse

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➡ This video talks about the spiritual and scientific connections of solar eclipses. The speaker explains that solar eclipses symbolize the unity of masculine and feminine energies, which can activate a higher state of consciousness. He also discusses the significance of the number 144,000 in the Book of Revelation, suggesting it refers to our chakra system. Lastly, he mentions the Age of Aquarius, which he believes is a time of truth and exposure, and how this relates to the concept of finding the divine within ourselves.
➡ This text talks about spiritual abilities, consciousness, and energy. It suggests that our spiritual abilities are connected to our nervous system, specifically the vagus nerve. It also discusses the idea of cosmic energy from stars like Polaris and how it can affect our consciousness. The text also mentions the importance of maintaining a high vibrational state and avoiding negativity, as it can interfere with our spiritual growth and abilities.
➡ This text talks about how movies and stories often use symbols and hidden meanings to talk about deeper ideas. It suggests that the brain’s hippocampus helps us remember past lives and that movies like King Kong use symbols to talk about this. It also talks about how the Bible and other religious texts use symbols to talk about spiritual ideas. The text suggests that understanding these symbols can help us understand ourselves and the world better.
➡ The speaker discusses the hidden meanings behind the word “demon” and its connection to melanin, a substance in our bodies. They suggest that fear of demons is actually fear of our own substance, melanin. The speaker also talks about a movie called “28 Days Later” and its connection to solar eclipses and the activation of “demonic forces” that put people in a state of “zombification”. Lastly, they discuss how solar eclipses can affect mental health, especially for those in a low vibrational state.
➡ Native American cultures view solar eclipses as sacred and powerful events. They believe that the energy from these eclipses can affect people, either positively or negatively, depending on their mental, spiritual, and physical state. This energy is thought to activate a person’s inner power, but can also have negative effects on those who are not prepared. The solar eclipse is also linked to various cosmic and spiritual theories, including the activation of the ‘black sun’, a concept tied to healing and transformation.
➡ This text talks about how our brains and bodies work together, like the sun and moon, to create energy and consciousness. It suggests that our brains have different parts that control different things, like creativity, logic, and memory. It also talks about how we can activate different parts of our brains to remember past lives and understand the world around us. Finally, it suggests that everything happening in the world right now is part of a bigger plan, and we should pay attention to signs and symbols to understand it better.
➡ This text talks about being aware of your surroundings, especially during events like a solar eclipse. It emphasizes the importance of staying connected to your purpose and learning from your mistakes. It also discusses the speaker’s relationship with God, asking for help and expressing gratitude for blessings received. Lastly, it touches on the struggle of identity and the desire to return to a time when people were seen as kings and queens.


Video 101 four hell I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit that, like, button, hit that share button, hit that subscribe button, hit that notification bell.

But today we’re going to be breaking down the occult science of the solar eclipses and how it’s basically esoterically connected to the allegories by way of the doctrine of signatures that’s connected to your neurological faculties and your physiology, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get your notes out for this video. Man, it’s so much information that’s lined up with everything because everything is based on the metaphysical versions of occult science, right? Everything is based on occult science.

So that’s why the further you go inside the rabbit hole, the more you start to find out about certain things that lines up with prophetic divination, right? So the solar eclipse, we’re going to be breaking down the esoteric, the metaphysical, the hidden information that’s acclimated to all the, you know, the biblical context and everything that’s connected to it. So it’s really talking about the unification of the divine feminine and the divine masculine by way of a centripetal and centrifugal forces, right, which basically creates a harmonic convergence.

That has a cosmic convergence. Right, left brain, right brain. All of it’s basically connected to the celestial bodies that activates the Christ consciousness. So you got the man, the male is a personification of the sun. Then you have the female, the personification of the moon, which equates to the solar eclipses, right? Which. Where you activate the spirit of Melchizedek, right? Which is also the sigil, the tetrahedron energy, the sigil of Tahoudi, right? So that is basically the foundation of unity consciousness.

When you look at it from a cultic standpoint, the male and the male working in synergy, like a machine in the factory, right? So one thing you got to understand, this is all acclimated to freemasonic ideologies. You got Jack and Boaz, that is basically the male and the female working in conjunction, because the right brain is acclimated to the feminine, the creative aspect where you get your passion and your arts, that is basically the foundation of chaos.

Then you got the left brain, which is basically the personification of masculine energy. Logistical order, mathematics, rationality, being pragmatic, which is basically the foundation of chaos and order. Because in order to reap the benefits of chaos and order, the both hemispheres of the brain must be working this energy. Meaning that you have to activate the Christ consciousness. So that harmonic convergence in itself is not only subjected to the man and the woman, but it’s also talking about your neurological faculties, right? Because when you understand the concept of the Book of Revelations.

When you go to the 144,000. The 144,000 in the Book of Revelation is talking about your chakra system. That’s in alignment with the endocrine system, which is equated to the seven churches, the seven letters, seven spirits, seven lamps, seven stars, seven seals, seven horns, seven eyes, seven angels, seven trumpets, seven heads, seven crowns, seven plagues, seven bows, seven heels, seven kings, seven vision. And all that is equated to 144,000.

Right? So the 144,000, a lot of people think it’s only subjected to a certain demographic of people. As I was telling you before, it’s based on the metaphysical aspects. When you’re talking about the activation of certain neurological faculties, right? Because all those neurological faculties is what helps you activate the ethyl state. The ethyl state is based upon the spirit, which is your physical vessel. And then you have the matter, which is dark matter energy, the carbon activated by the Shakti energy.

Which is activated by way of gamma radiation. In that gamma radiation, the Shakti energy is being activated by the cosmic energy. When you look at the sigil of the age of Aquarius. When you see the waters is pouring down, that is basically Tahuti or that is basically Heru pouring down the cosmic energy to hit the planet. To where you activate the Christ consciousness. When you go to Luke 22, nine apostles, where do you want us to prepare you? At Luke 22, ten Jesus applied.

As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you there. Follow him to the house that he enters. Now we in the age of Aquarius, which is basically the age of truth. The age of truth is being activated by the ethers. That ethers is activated by the cosmic energy. The Gamma radiation, that’s Shakti energy. So the age of Aquarius has always been represented in the zodiac as a man pouring a bucket of water.

Water symbolizes truth. Now we in the age of truth, this is why everything is getting exposed in real time, right? Because this is the occultic science that’s connected to the solar eclipses. Right? So hence, in the age of information, you will be able to find Christ within. Because when you go, when you understand the metaphysics of the Bible, it does not say the return of Jesus, it says the return of the Christ.

The Christ is within you by way of the activation of the crown chakra, right? As you have the harmonic convergence of the 144,000. So the only way you can activate this Christ energy, right? Because one thing you got to understand about the numerical aspects of the solar eclipse is since 1776, all the way up into the year of 2024, this is the 9th solar eclipse that’s going to be taking place on April 8.

So when you understand the supreme mathematical sequence of the 5% nation, the number nine is equated to rebirth. That rebirth is activated by the cosmic energy. So as your cerebral spinal fluid, Christ comes from the 33rd vertebrae, which is equated to Jacob’s ladder. It meets your twelve cranial nerves, which is equated to the twelve disciples. It ignites the pineal gland, which is the personification of your resurrection, right? So when you’re in the state of resurrection, right, that’s when our set, she travels up the seven k’s, which is connected to the seven energy cortexes, which is your chakra system.

You go from hell to heaven, lead to gold, right, which is basically the foundation of heaven, because as I was telling you before, God is the highest extension of the mob, which is the elements of matter to express itself. So when you’re able to reach the God mind, you’re able to manipulate the simulation by way of activating the ethers with the Shakti energy, right? That shakti energy is activated by the crown chakra, which is the throne room, right? So when you activate the Christ consciousness, you have to activate it by way of the twelve cranial nerves in the brain.

The twelve cranial nerves in the brain is also acclimated to the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve apostles of Christ, 12 hours, twelve months, and you got twelve zodiac signs, and it’s also the altar of the twelve gods. In Athens, you got twelve knights at the roundtable. Then you got twelve laborers of Hercules. So everything is basically, you know, it’s an esoteric allegory. It’s not meant to be looked at it from a physical perception.

But that’s, you know, by way of westernized ideology and academic fraud, everybody has been subjected to the indoctrination program that’s connected to these religious systems. So when you’re talking about the twelve disciples, right, twelve, anything that’s acclimated to monotheism. It’s talking about the twelve cranial nerves. The twelve cranial nerves is activated to. Is activated by the vagus nerve, right? Which is basically the wandering nerve, right? So with that being said, the twelve cranial nerves is activated by way of the olfactory nerve.

The olfactory nerve is also the personification of tahoudi Melchizedek, or tho, right? So that energy, the olfactory nerve of the twelve cranial nerves, what happens is it activates the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus gland, which is the master gland, that is the foundation of the crown chakra energy, right? So you got the vagus nerve is the wandering nerve. Hence it’s an attempting to cause a form of luciferian enlightenment initiated, penetrates the victim at an upward angle.

The wand, right? Where you get your magic from. Because as I was telling you before, when you get the cosmic energy, when you look at the age of Aquarius symbol, that cosmic energy, that cosmic energy is. What’s that? That cosmic energy in itself is gamma radiation. That gamma radiation is basically breaking down the firmament in increments, right? As I was telling you before, the firmament in itself is connected to the electrical grid that controls the simulation by way of technology.

So when you see these cosmic waters hitting the planet, right, it activates your magic, which is the wand, the wandering nerve, the vagus nerve, because your magic was spiritually cut off. When you go to Genesis, chapter three, when you’re talking about when God created the heavens and the earth and created the firmament and things of that nature, the firmament in itself was a spiritual cutoff. You’ve been cut off from your magic, you’ve been cut off from activating the vagus nerve, where you get your heightened spiritual abilities from when you activate the Christ consciousness, right? Hold on for a second.

When you activate the Christ consciousness, so the vagus nerve is the base of the spine, causing a white light, a temporary neurological paralysis, and a shift in consciousness. Because as I was telling you before, everything, as far as you know, works in tandem. As above, so below. So the processional circle is based on the fact that you went from the alpha draconis star system to the star Polaris.

The star Polaris is how you heighten your spiritual abilities with the activation of the gamma radiation, the cosmic energy that’s pouring down when you look at the age of Aquarius sigilism, right? So the shift in consciousness is basically where the root chakra resides and collides in the serpent base at the spine. This is not an act of violation causes a collide serpent to violently uncoil and rise back up to the allegorical tree of life that is the human spine, often causing the victim’s mind to splinter or even break.

So that’s why I said during the time period of the solar eclipses, that is a time period of activation. So your consciousness has to be at a certain energy in order to reap the benefits of the full awakening process. When you have the divine feminine and divine masculine, the sun and the moon working in synergy. The silver key and the golden key, the key to unlock the seven energy cortexes, right? Which is the seven tablets of destiny, which is also known as the scroll of all.

The scroll of all is within you, right? So the scroll of all is one of those things where you cannot activate that energy if you’re subjected to a low vibrational state. So if you low vibrate of a low vibrational state, it is not good for you to go look at that solar eclipse. It’s only for those who are ready to awaken by way of the rebirthing process, to awaken the genetics and the genes within them to where they can activate the Christ consciousness, right? So for those who are subjected to low level living, low level thinking, people who are very toxic and things of that nature, that solar eclipse is going to activate many different demons to basically infiltrate your energetic frequency and it’s going to take over your whole physiology, which is why they’re going to open up the portal of CERN.

Because I was telling people before, the CERN machine is nothing but a technological Ouija board. That’s all it is. It’s a nothing but a technological Ouija board. That’s what a CERN machine is. Because it’s going to open up portals by manipulating the space time continuum, right? It’s going to activate many different demons and gens to take over those who are not for take over the minds of people who are subjected to a low vibrational state and a low vibrational way of thinking, right? So as I was telling you before, everything is allegorical, right? This, that is the hidden science of occultic knowledge.

So when you’re talking about the twelve cranial nerves of the brain, right? Right. That is basically talking about the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere of the brain, the sun and the moon, working in tandem with the cosmic energy. Twelve zodiac houses of the sun, twelve apostles of the sun, the twelve cranial nerves, which is basically the foundation of the human brain, right? So all this is connected to the celestial event that’s taking place on April 8.

Right. Now, as I was telling you before, you have the olfactory nerve. The olfactory nerve is what activates the hypothalamus gland, right? Which is known as the master gland. The master gland is activated by way of the pituitary gland that activates the pineal gland in the thalamus gland. So that is when you activate these energies by way of the magnetites and the dendrites in the brain, which is the 144,000 crystals, right? Cause I was telling you, the 144,000 is not only subjected to a demographic of people, it’s a form of consciousness by way of activation in the brain.

Because the magnetites and the dendrites in the brain produces more neurons. Those neurons ties the frequency in the soul and the mind together to where you become a whole brain thinker. You become a whole brain thinker by way of right knowledge and left brain thinking, working in synergy, man and a woman. Right? So when you go to revelations, chapter 21, verse ten, a great city, the holy Jerusalem, right? As I was telling you before, the solar eclipse goes through seven cities called salem, because the word salem is the suffix of the word Jerusalem.

So the great city, the whole. The great city, the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of the heavens from God, eleven, having the glory of God, and her light was unto stone, most precious, and the Jasper stone, clear crystal twelve had on the wall and the twelve gates. As I was telling you before, when you’re talking about twelve, it’s talking about the twelve neurological faculties of the twelve cranial nerves.

Twelve gate. Twelve gates. And the twelve gates of angels names was written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. So the 144,000 is acclimated to the 144,000 crystals, which is connected to the twelve tribes of Israel, as it said in the passage of revelation, chapter 21, verse ten. Right, so when you activate the magnetites and the dendrites in the brain, that’s when you’re able to manipulate timelines.

Right, because the brain ain’t nothing but a portal that connects you to parallel worlds in other dimensions. Right? Because the magnetites and the dendrites in the brain is activated by way of the neuroendocrine transducer to where it transduces the carbon body into a crystalline state. So when you’re in the state of crystallization, right, that is basically activating the magnetic antennas in the brain, right? And those magnetites in the dendrite sits on the roof of the cerebral cortex.

So the cerebral cortex, it’s kind of crazy how everything is acclimated to, you know, the green ethereal energy. Because gamma radiation at its highest state is the color green. Because I was telling you before, the green is a state of evolution. It’s a state of healing. So it’s not a coincidence that when you look at this depiction of the brain, it has a green energy on it as it’s basically propagating.

Talking about the magnetites and the dendrites, right? With 144,000 crystals in the brain. Now, this is where it gets crazy. That’s why everything. As far as, like, the great majority of people in Hollywood, they’re basically occultists. And the reason I say that is because they understand the science of occultism and they put the symbolism in the movie. So when you watch the Godzilla in King Kong movie, the new empire, it is not actually talking about, you know, two physical beings, right? It’s actually talking about the reptilian and the mammalian.

In the neocortex of the brain, which is also the personification of the human brain, right? Because as you see, inside hollow Earth, that’s where everything took place. That was the. That was the setting of the movie. Everything took place inside hollow Earth. Notice inside hollow Earth, you got these green crystals. As I was telling you before, magnetites and dendrites. You have crystals in the brain which are green.

That is the green ethereum energy. When you activate the Christ consciousness, the spirit of Melchizedek, the sufi order of the sons of green light. So, like I said, hollow Earth. Like I said, the brain in itself is a holographic brain computer that is able to manipulate timelines to where it could take you to parallel worlds. So hollow Earth is actually within your neurological faculties, right? To where it could take you to a different space and time, right? And I’m approving.

Now, you got the trilateral connection of a trial brain, which is a three party brain. You got the lizard brain, which is equated to Godzilla, which is the brain stem and the cerebellum, the autopilot, flight, fight or flight. And then you have the mammalian cortex of the brain, which is your limbic system, which is acclimated to your emotions, memories, habits and attachments, right? Which is personification of King Kong.

Then you have the human brain, which is the neocortex, which is equated to language, abstract thought, imagination, consciousness, reasoning and rationalizing, right? So the trilateral connection of the brain is based on the fact that you have left brain, right brain. And then, like I said, the magnetites and the dendrites creates more neurons to where you become a whole brain thinker. So you got father, son, holy ghost. What makes you holy is by way of you being able to activate your whole brain to where you become a whole brain thinker.

Righteousness. That’s right. Knowledge, right? So, like I said, all this is equated to talking about the brain by way of the doctrine of signatures, right? Everything in these movies is allegorical. So it’s actually talking about the reptilian and the mammalian cortex, right? Because I was telling you before, the limbic system of the mammalian cortex is activated by way of the hippocampus layer of the brain, right? Because the hippocampus layer of the brain is.

Is where you activate your epigenetics to where you can remember your past lives, right? So all this stuff, when you’re talking about these movies, everything is allegorical now, also within the movie, right? You. Now, when you understand the esoteric science of the cranium, right? When you look at the top right here, it says go Gotham, right? I got a circle right here in red. When you’re talking about Golgotha, when you understand the etymology of the word, it means the place of the skull, right? Go Gotha is equated to Argartha because Gortha and are basically one in the same, because our garth is inside hollow Earth.

Remember, as I was telling you before, the king Kong and the Godzilla movie took place inside Hollow Earth, which is the argartha. Golgotha is the place of the skull. Now, when you watch the King Kong movie, right? Where did he come from? He came from Hollow Earth. Hollow Earth. There was a place called Skull island. So as I was telling you before, the movie is an esoteric science also talking about your neurological faculties on how to facilitate the Christ consciousness by unifying the reptilian and the mammalian cortex, right? So Gortha is Agartha.

Right. It’s not a coincidence that they both sound the same, and it’s not a coincidence that King Kong, he came from Hollow Earth. Go Gartha is a place of a skull. King Kong came from Skull island. Now, when you look at this right here at the top, now, you see the sigil, schismatic of a solar eclipse taking place, as you have Jesus being crucified, right? And this is basically the personification and the allegory of Golgotha.

Golgotha is equated to Mount Calvary. In the Bible, Mount Calvary is where Jesus was crucified. So all this is allegorical because it’s based on the astrological narrative, and it’s based on the sun’s processional movement by going through the crux constellation, which is equated to the word cross. Now, when you look at the ancient hebrew tab, what is it? Is the personification of a cross. The cross is basically equated to the solar eclipse.

That’s over the geographical landmass of America, right? Which is also the symbology of judgment of Christ, basically the judgment of the Christ consciousness, meaning that you’re going to have people, as far as the 144,000, there’s going to be a consciousness activated by way of truth that’s going to place judgment on the planet, right? So as I was telling you before, go got the. A place of the skull is equated to our gartha.

Our gartha is inside hollow Earth. King Kong, he came from hollow Earth, which is Skull Island. Skull island is the place of the skull as it was basically talking about your neurological factor, neurological faculties activating the twelve cradle nerds where you activate the Christ consciousness, right? So all this stuff is allegorical. So now, as I was telling you before, you know, do not throw away your bibles, because the Bible in itself is an esoteric blueprint that’s acclimated to a certain demographics of people, the end of their age.

So in Christianity, the sign of the dove is recognized by the messiah. The messianic figure is the Christ consciousness, right? So the dove is also equated to the sign of Jonas, right? Remember I was telling you before the dove. Now, Jonah, when you go to Jonah three, four, it says that in 40 days Nineveh shall be overthrown. 40 days from April 8, 2024, where the solar eclipse takes place.

It goes to May 18 of 2024. That’s 40 days after the solar eclipse. So that’s why I was telling you right here, the dove is the personification of the Christ energy, right? This is all esoteric science. This is all occultic knowledge that they hire from you. So this is why it’s imperative for those who are stuck in monotheistic belief systems. Ask your pastor, ask your papal Asho bishop and your reverend, why aren’t they giving you this type of knowledge? Right? Because all this is sacred knowledge is to put you in a state of evolution, right? But they giving you the false reality subjected to monotheism to keep you in a state of belief, to believe in things outside of yourself, which makes you an antichrist.

Because as I was telling you before, in the beginning of the video crisis, within, it’s within the activation of your neurological faculties. Right. The reptilian and mammalian and the neocortex. You cannot be holy until you become a whole brain thinker, right? So when you activate those crystals in the brain, that makes the brain tighter. Right. That’s what makes you holy. So that’s why everything as far as westernized, westernized religion, westernized anything that’s connected to the western world, in western civilization, it’s all subjected to left brain thinking.

Right, to where subjugates the divine feminine aspect, which is equated to the right brain. Right. So the dove is also a representation of Joan, Jonah, Jonas. Right. So all this stuff is esoterically, esoterically connected. So now you have many different things that was taking place. Like I said, nineveh shall be overthrown. We already know that Nineveh is a esoteric codex for the word babylon. Babylon or hidden Babylon or mystery.

Babylon is actually America. Right? So you just had an earthquake that happened, this happened the day before the earthquake. So what you see right here, lightning striking the Statue of Liberty, which is also equated to the movie civil war, as they sit on top of the Statue of Liberty. Right? So you had a magnitude of an earthquake that was at 4. 8 in New York City. Because I was telling you, New York, or wherever you want to call it, or United States or America, whatever you want to call it, it is mystery Babylon.

So that’s why everything is being judged by way of the activation of cosmic radiation that’s in the planet. So the 4. 8 magnitude earthquake is equated to the April 8 solar eclipse. Right. So it’s not a coincidence that when you understand the gnostic text, it tells you that I am the Alf and I am the tab. The tab is the ancient tab symbol, alph and omega. Alpha and omega, which is the ancient hebrew tab symbol, right.

Which is basically a microcosm in a microcosm of the dragon’s head and a dragon’s tail. Right. Getting out of the infinity loop, basically. So I think I went down, went up too far because I want to get into some videos. I was talking away too much. But like I said, you know what? I don’t even think I have to go there again. We get there later because I think there’s a, uh, there’s a piece that is connected to that video.

So you also got to understand that the ancient letter of Alf started as a picture of an ox. Now, the ox is equated to Aries, because I was telling you, the solar eclipse is going through Aries, which is also the sigil schism of the lamb. The lamb are those who are subjected to the 144,000, which is those who have the non ether hair follicle. Right? Whoa. So all this stuff is esoterically connected.

It’s talking about the lunar light locking of the silver key in the golden key. Jack and Boaz. Right? So that’s, it’s not a coincidence that Aleister Crawley, he put out a novel in 1917 called the Moon Child, right? And it’s basically breaking down the esoteric science of the solar eclipses. That’s what it’s basically talking about. And if you notice right here as we was talking about Skull island or the Golgotha in our Gartha.

Skull island, you see when you look at the depiction at the COVID of the moon child book, it shows a child holding up a skull, right? Because Golgotha is the place of the skull. King Kong, he came from Skull island. So that is basically the epitome of the esoteric science. So when you talk about Hollow Earth, hollow Earth is within. The black sun is within right now. Now this wires imperative for those, you know, I’m saying like movies is everything is all these celestial events, all these cartoons and movies or whatever, all these things are essex esoterically connected to each other, right? So I went to go see this movie the other night.

It’s called the first omen, right? You got to watch this movie called the first Omen because it’s connected to the sigil schism when you talk about the Antichrist or whatever. And it’s also connected to a solar eclipse. So now it says the battle of the eclipse fought in 585 BC between Mendes and Lydians and came to the abrupt end due to the total solar eclipse. This unexpected celestial event was interpreted as an omen.

Notice at the top right here, it says the first Omen. Now in the movie, in the movie it tells you at the end of the movie they basically tell you about the Antichrist, the basically the resurgence or whatever. And they was looking for the sigil of the Antichrist on the head of a certain individual, right? So when the Antichrist was born in this movie, what happened was he had a name.

And guess what the name was? The name was Damon. Now I’m going to show you this clip of Bobby Hemet basically breaking down the esoteric science of the word damon, right? So one thing about, you know, westernized monotheistic belief systems, they keep you stuck in belief to where it keeps you connected to the demiurge, right? The demiurge is connected to your ego and your emotions, which gives you.

Gives you the propensity to believe in things outside of yourself, to where you don’t understand the occultic knowledge that’s connected to these words and a symbolism and things of that nature. So the Antichrist’s name in this movie, when they, at the end of the movie, they said that his name was Damien. Right now I’m going to show you this video of Bobby Hemming demon. And the word melanin is the fucking demon in the word melanin is the fucking sane.

And can you understand why the damn government can give you a religion? Because when you go up in the church and you are scared of demons, you are scared of your own substance, which is melanin. I’ve been talking about this for years, but we gotta break it down in scientific terminology for you. Remember I talked about a few minutes ago about these demon type things in the movie 28 days taking over the earth and it was in the blood system.

Now, remember I put out that movie called 20. I was telling you that the same producers of the Civil War movie also produced 28 days later. Now, people try to look for that movie. That movie is basically redacted. You can’t even find that movie, you can’t even stream that movie at all. But because in my opinion, I think it’s something allegorical that’s connected to the solar eclipses when you’re talking about that movie, which is why you cannot find it on the Internet, nowhere.

So if you watching this video right now, try to go back and type in Google and see if you can find it. If you can find a video, let people will find a movie 28 days later, let people know about it. But as you cannot find it on the Internet nowhere, if you have a jailbroken fire stick or whatever. So as he was saying about 28 days, right? Because 28 days later is basically talking about the solar eclipses and the activation of demonic forces on the planet that put people in a state of zombification.

So like I said, it’s one of those things where everything is based on occult science. But I’m gonna play back this video so y’all can watch it in full circle. A demon. And the word melanin is the fucking same. And can you can understand why the damn government can give you a religion? Because when you go up in the church and you are scared of demons, you are scared of your own substance, which is Melanin.

I’ve been talking about this for years, but we gotta break it down in scientific terminology. For you. Remember I talked about a few minutes ago about these demon type things in the movie 28 days taking over the earth? And it was in the blood system. In your blood system is these microscopic elements. I’ve been talking about this before. You got to break it down. Is demon demonic substances.

I’m talking scientific. But you have let someone come in with this religious bullshit and fuck up your blueprints of your higher levels of scientist science. Because you are scared based on your indoctrination. The word, Damien, the word. You get the word amen, which means hidden, hidden substance. You get the word amen, which is almond, hidden substance. Then you get the word demon, which is hidden substance. And later on, the degradated word demon.

Damien, Damien, I’ve been talking about this for years. We trying to show you how these things work. So, like I said, man, it’s not a coincidence. And rest of peace to the God. You know, Bobby Hemet. Now, like, as I was telling you before, watch this movie called the first omen. At the end of the movie, I kid you not, they said that the Antichrist, his name was Damien, and he had the sigil of the 666 in his head.

On the back of his head, which is basically the foundation of the Christ energy, the Christ consciousness, right? Everything is reversed. So when you’re talking about Damien. Hold on for a second. When you’re talking about Damien, a demon. It’s also talking about omen. Omens is equated to almond, which is hidden. Hidden substance. Which is the melanin. Six proton, six electrons, six neutrons, right? 666. So that 666 is by way of the activation of the Christ consciousness, right? The unification of the divine feminine and the divine masculine.

Activating the neuroendocrine transducer. That is basically what it’s talking about, right? So now, in the activation of those neurological faculties, other 666 energy is connected to the physical and the dualistic matrix system, right? So that tetrahedron energy activates the dodecahedron energy of the magnetic field of the brain, right? So where you break out of the prison planet by way of your consciousness, right? You break out of the energy extraction matrix by way of your consciousness.

But by activating the memory chip of the 666 ethereum energy of the galaxy, right? So it was not a coincidence that when you understand the dualistic composition of carbon, right? It’s also equated to the beast and the animal, which is basically the unevolved physical existence of your physiology, right? Which is basically the exterior God. So with that being said, then the numerological, the word of God itself, adds up to eight.

Now, we, in the 8th year, right? 2024 is the 8th year, building and destroying eight, which is an infinity with an f, right? This infinite God is repeating a to a tourist field loop of duality, the external God fashioned by the creator. Guys that have controlled the planet for ages. Duality has no vertical or vortex will tie to the spirit. Duality has no acceleration, only constant velocity, which is equated to PI, right? PI holds the perfect geometrical shape to ascension.

So the first 144 digits of PI is a horizontal bar, which equates to 666. And 666 in itself adds up to 144,000. Right? When you take six plus six, times six plus six, that is 144. So it’s also talking about the neurological faculties. But as you have the tetrahedron energy, the tetrahedron has a tetra engine radiation that activates the magnetic field of the brain. So now this is also equated to how the solar eclipse affects the mental health, right? So, like I said, for those who are stuck in a low vibrational state, this solar eclipse can be very detrimental to those who are not in a line if they have a.

If they’re unbalanced on a neurological level and at a spiritual level. Now, a study has found that prolactin levels increase during and admittedly after total solar eclipse. And that is increases associated with behavior abnormalities in patients. So it’s basically, if you stuck in a state of indoctrination toxicity, if you stuck in a state of you stressed all the time, you’re depressed or whatever, it’s basically going to enhance that energy.

Enhance that energy to. To where? It’s going to put you in a state of schizophrenic. It’s going to make you very schizophrenic over the course of time, right? So it says the study involved 13 psychotic patients, including eight schizophrenic, four maniac type, and one depressive type patients. The patients were clinically symptom free and had their blood drawn twice a day for almost a week before the eclipse, and on the day of and on the day of and for six more days after.

So, like I said, the solar eclipse in itself can cause a shift in your genetics. That’s why they rolling this whole thing out like a damn Jay Z album. They rolling the whole solar eclipse out because, like I said, it’s also talking about the war with the mind, because mine is the hep. The mind is the heaven, right? So now this is all connected to this video, because the ancients, like I said, in my opinion, you know what I’m saying? Like I said, if you’re in alignment mentally, spiritually and mentally, spiritually and physically, if you’re in alignment, go ahead and ground yourself out in the dirt and go meditate and look at the solar eclipse.

It ain’t going to do nothing but activate you. But for those who are stuck in a low vibrational state, these NPC’s out here, the great majority of them going to be put in a state of zombification. And when I’m talking about zombification, I’m not only talking about to where it’s going to give somebody the propensity to bite somebody, meaning that it’s going to make people very. Their mental health is going to be at a low vibrational state.

You know what I’m saying? They’re going to be very docile that they’re not going to be very socially aware about the world’s happiness, right. Is basically, is going to cause a lot of neurological misfires to where it basically dematerializes their neurological snapsis, right. In the neurotransmitters. So with that being said, I’m going to show you this video because when you understand, like the hopis, they propagated to stay inside during the solar eclipses, right? So I’m going to play this video.

The Native American. Sure, let’s talk about that because I don’t want to lose this information. It’s important to know how does the native american culture hold the solar eclipse in reverence? The solar eclipse, it’s any eclipse that we have, either it’s a lunar or solar eclipse. It’s a very, very sacred event that it’s a very powerful thing to view. So because of that, we tell our children and our people not to be in the presence of that eclipse or to even take a sneak or be outside, because there are many different things that we cannot do during an eclipse.

Like I said, you cannot escape the energy anyway, you know what I’m saying? Because the energy of the solar eclipses has been on the planet for the past couple days, right? And it’s going to be on the planet after the solar eclipse. So like I said, you cannot escape the energy whether you’re looking at it or not. Like I said, it’s one of those things where you at least want to be in the comfort of your own home as you receive these energies, right? So like I said, if you’re in alignment mentally, spiritually and physically, go ahead and look at the solar eclipse because it’s going to activate you, right? It’s going to activate that Christ energy, where our set goes up, the seven caves, the seven energy cortexes, the chakra system, to where you’re going to come from, lead to gold, right? Where you’re going to activate the magnetic field of the brain, the Christ consciousness, those are the ones going to be activated.

Now, for those who are stuck at a low vibrational state, which is at least 95 or 85% of the planet, right? Those who are very subjected to the westernized construct, those are the ones that are going to see the, the, the negative implicit, the negative implications from the solar eclipses, right? So because it’s a very sacred event and it’s very powerful, take a snake or be outside, because there are many different things that we cannot do during any clutch.

So because it’s a very sacred event and it’s very powerful, it does have its repercussions, and it can affect the person, either health wise or mentally. And it can happen down the road, maybe a few years down the road, it can affect them. Let’s talk about. So for those, like I said, if you one of those people who are very subjected to the westernized construct where you’re not eating, right, you’re mentally out of shape to the point where, like I said, you’re compromised on all levels, do not go look at that solar eclipse, right? So now the solar eclipse is also talking about the activation of the black sun as well, right? Which activates the tourist field to where energy expands and returns to itself to where it creates this phenomenon, the Rory Borealis, right? Because when you understand the inception point of the anunnaki story, right? When they came from planet risk, which is the 19th galaxy, right, the 9th planet, what happened was when Nibiru was in our solar system, the vibrational frequency of Nibiru, it basically broke off planet Earth, right? It broke off planet Earth by way, the by way of the extraction of plutonium bombs.

So because the moon and planet Earth, the original moon, they basically worked in tandem. They was basically connected to each other. So when planet Earth broke in half, right? In order to revitalize planet Earth again, Nibiru has its own magnetic field. Nibiru has its own, basically has its own solar system in itself. So they projected one of their signs, whether it’s this Utu Aptu shaman, they projected a sun inside the planet, which is the black sun.

And that black sun was projected inside the Grand Canyon, right? Which is why there’s many different interstellar vortex portals inside the Grand Canyon. So that. Same for not. That’s why it’s not a coincidence that the Aurora borealis and the Grand Canyon are in alignment with the Milky Way galaxy, right? Because all these frequencies is basically operating by way of fractions of light. That fraction of light is the supersonic battery of planet Earth, the womb of creation, giving off the green ethereum frequency, because green is also the symbology of healing.

So in order for the planet to heal itself after it broke off from the extraction of plutonium bombs, that’s when, uh, Nibiru, the ship of the Adonaki, the mothership, healed mother Earth by projecting the black sun inside the planet where the Grand Canyon is at, right? Which is basically the womb of creation, right? Which is why America is actually Egypt. It’s not a coincidence that the solar eclipses is coming here in America because America, right? It’s basically the foundation of the inception of change.

Because once judgment takes place here, judgment takes place all around the planet. So that’s why a lot of people in from other countries that watches this channel, they don’t understand the phenomenon that’s taking place. Because in order to revitalize everything as far as, like, the unity, consciousness and reverse the polarity of apostocracy, it has to start in America first, because this geographical area was basically where everything happened first, right? That is basically the home base of the black sun.

It was projected to planet Earth to basically heal the planet, right? So now you have an area surgeons. So like I said, this is all esoterically connected to, uh, the free masonic sigil sizzle, right? You see star Polaris at the top, which is the true spiritual sun outside of the dome, right? Because it was first, like, as I was telling you before, the shift, when you’re talking about people, we going through a shift, the shift in itself.

A lot of people don’t know what they talking about when they say that you’re going from the Alpha draconis star system in the processional circle to the star Polaris. The star Polaris is the true spiritual sun. The true spiritual sun is actually the white light. That’s the true light. That’s why the sun back then, like in the early two thousands or whatever, the sun used to be yellow, right? Now what you’re looking at is the true spiritual sun, which is the white light.

That white light operates on fractions of light by working in synergy with the sun and the moon, and that activates the supersonic battery of planet earth, which is the black sun. Inside the planet. And that black sun activates your Christ consciousness and your pineal gland, which activates the hypothalamus gland. Right. By way of taking you to a different space of time by activating the Bathari gland. Right. Because the Bathari gland is also connected to the hippocampus layer of the brain.

Right? So that’s what’s taking place. So now when you got to get this book right here, secret ages of all teachings, because it basically breaks down the occultic science that’s acclimated to everything that’s taking place on a celestial level and by way of prophecy and things of that nature. So this book goes into astrology. Let me read some of the table of contents. So you got, it goes in, it goes into the metaphysics and the science of modern masonic symbolism.

It talks about secret societies. It talks about Atlantis and the gods of antiquity. It goes into the pythagorean theorem, acoustic knowledge, zodiacs. It goes into supreme mathematics, isis in the virgin world, the initiate, the initiation of the pyramid. It goes into the writings of Tahoudi and Melchizedek. It goes into the flower of life, the ceremonial magic and sorcery. You got to get this book. It go. It talks about the Roskorheuchin doctrines and tenets.

Talks about alchemy. It talks about the hermetic principles, kabbalistic keys, fraternity, rose of the cross, freemasonic symbolism, talks about the cryptogram and the factory in philosophy. Like I said, you got to get this. But American hint, American Indian symbolism talks about the inception of the crucifixion and the mystery of the apocalypse. So you got to get this book right here called the secret ages of all teachings. Very good book.

But one thing you got to understand when you come to cross books like this, that’s, you know, very extensive. You know, I’m saying it’s like 800 pages. When you get books like this, these types of books is not meant to be read from front to back. You got to use it as a reference point. So that’s why, like a lot of times, this book is kind of like the foundation of my research.

So I only use this book as a reference. I don’t read it from front to back. Only read it one time all the way through. And then I started to use it as a reference point. So, you know, people who do, like, extensive research know that you’re not supposed to read every book front to back. You got to use it as a reference point. Right? So now I’m going to give a quick rundown for those coming in very quick, very quick rundown.

And we’re gonna. Now. Now, the occultic knowledge that’s connected to the symbolism of the solar eclipses is basically talking about the activation of your neurological faculties and your physiology, right? So it’s basically the foundation of the male, which is the sun, and the female is the moon, which works in synergy by way of the centripetal and the centrifugal forces, that has a tachyon energy that creates a solar eclipses within your neurological faculties.

A consciousness. A consciousness by way of unity consciousness, which is a harmonic convergence. The harmonic converges in the SelF is equated to the freemasonic principles of JAcK and BOAZ, the sun and the moon. The lunar light lock energy connected with the golden key, right, which is the foundation of right brain. Left brain, right, which is the feminine aspect, which is the creative and the purpose, the chaos. And then you got the left brain, which is the Mass MAsculine, which is equated to the Logistical, the MAthematical, which is the foundation of order.

So when you’re looking at the solar eclipses, just look at it from this standpoint. Chaos in order, because in order to get order, you have to have chaos, right? Because the black sun is the epitome of chaos. That’s dark matter energy. Right? Now, that is equated to the 144,000 by way of a unity consciousness through cosmic convergence. So the cosmic convergence in itself is going from the spirit activating the cArbon, the dark matter, and it’s activated by the shakti energy, which is gamma radiation.

That gamma radiation is the cosmic energy. When you look at the age of Aquarius sigilism, that cosmic energy is pouring down and basically dematerializing the firmament in increments, right? So where you have the Christ consciousness, because the age of Aquarius has always been represented in the zodiac as a man pouring a bucket of water. Water is basically the symbology of truth, right? So now we in the age of truth, we in the age of the true light, the star Polaris.

So that’s why when you speak truth in the ethers, it manipulates the simulation, which causes a interface transition, right? Because the rebirth process takes place by way of the activation of the solar eclipses, because it contains a certain energy, right? So now when you go to the supreme mathematics of the 5% nation, right, the number nine is equated to rebirth since 1776. All the way to the year of 2024, you had non solar eclipses, which is basically the symbology of finality and rebirth.

So the rebirth takes place when you have your cerebral spinal fluid. The Christ climbs up the 33rd vertebrae, which is equated to Jacob’s ladder, right? Which is equated to the Christ. Christ energy, which connects you to the twelve cranial nerves. The twelve cranial nerve is ignited by way of the pineal gland, which is basically the personification of your resurrection. The resurrection takes place when you activate the olfactory nerve.

The olfactory nerve activates the hypothalamus gland, which is the crown chakra. Father, son, Holy Ghost. You don’t become a you don’t become holy until you become a whole brain thinker. And you become a whole brain. Think about going from lead to gold. You go from lead to gold, which is equated to going from heaven to hell, which is the throne room, right? So when you tap into the throne room, that is activated by the twelve criminal nerves, which is equated to the twelve tribes of Israel.

The twelve apostles, 12 hours, twelve months, twelve zodiac signs. All this is acclimated by way of allegory in the doctrine of signatures. That’s talking about your neurological faculty. Neurological faculties and your physiology, right? So this, like I said, when you activate the twelve cradle nerves, it activates the magnetites and the dendrites in the brain, right? Which is the crystal city. You have a crystal city inside the planet.

And you have a crystal city inside your neurological transmitters, right? That’s activated by the hypothalamus gland, the thalamus gland, the pineal gland, and a pituitary gland, right? So all this stuff is also connected to the hippocampus layer of the brain, right? Where you get your epigenetics. That’s how you remember your past life, right? So that. That connects you to the Bathari gland. When you look at the word borrower, it means to take you to a different space and time.

Take you to a different space and time by way of manipulating the timeline to where you remember your past lives with the activation of the magnetites and the dendrites. Because the magnetites and the dendrites of the brain sits on top of the roof of the cerebral cortex. So it’s not a coincidence that you see the color spectrum of green. Because green ethereum energy. Cosmic radiation coming down from the age of Aquarius, right? That’s how you activate those energies.

So all this stuff is connected to the movie Godzilla is actually. The movie Godzilla is actually talking about the trilateral connection of the trial and brain, which is basically this lizard brain, which is the brain stem and the cerebellum and the mammalian brain, which is the limbic system that controls your emotions, memories, and habits and attachments. And then you have the human brain, which is the neocortex, and the neurological interface that creates language, abstract thought, imagination, consciousness, and reasoning and rationalizing.

So the reptilian cortex of the brain is equated to Godzilla. The mammalian cortex of the brain is King Kong. The human is us. Right? So that’s what this movie is basically talking about, because as you see inside hollow earth, in your mind, you have magnetites and dendrites in the brain. The crystals. The crystals that activates the Christ energy. Which is why it’s not a coincidence that the word gogotha, when you break down the etymology of the word, it means skull, a place of the skull.

Skull island was inside hollow earth. Agartha and Golgatha are basically one and the same. So that’s not a coincidence that King Kong, he came from Skull Island. Skull island is inside ortha. Hollow Earth, the place of the skull is where you activate the twelve cranial nerves, right. The Christ consciousness, which is why I was telling you, in order to become holy, you got to become a whole brain thinker, activating the reptilian in the mammalian cortex, right.

Christ consciousness. So it’s not a coincidence that the word golgotha is equated to Mount Calvary. Mount Calvary is based on a crucifixion of Jesus. He was crucified on the solar eclipse. So if you look at the top, you see the solar eclipse about to take place right here, right before the crucifixion. Because the crucifixion in itself is a astrological narrative. It’s an astrological narrative that’s based on the sun’s processional movement by going through the crux constellation.

Crux is equated to cross. The cross is put over the geographical landmass of America, which is the solar eclipse, the ancient hebrew taft symbol, right? So that’s what, you know, that is basically the foundation of this whole video. Right? So I didn’t want to go too deep, you know what I’m saying? But I was just giving you something to think about, because this is all based on occultic science.

That’s what this whole system is really just based upon. Right. So hold on for a second. I forgot the. That’s what this whole thing is basically talking about. Hold on for a second. Forgot to show you one more thing now. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, like I said, it’s one of those things where we have to be very imperative about many different things that’s going to be taking place on the planet because it’s one of those things where we live it in the timeline of the end times.

Like I said, we live in on two different timelines. You have the cosmic timeline, then you have a biblical timeline. Right. But don’t get so subjected to the monotheistic aspect that’s being propagated by westernized civilization. Because what they’re going to do is they’re going to create this dynamic to where you’re going to believe in things outside of yourself, to where they start to commercialize everything. That’s why they commercialize in the solar eclipses, because they don’t want you to understand the metaphysical aspects of the solar eclipse.

Because all this stuff is based on hidden symbolism. It’s all based on occultic knowledge, right? Everything this is, you know, everything that’s taking place right now is basically hidden information, right? It’s all basically hidden occultic knowledge that’s basically resurface resurfacing right now during this time period. Because like I said, we in a timeline of eschatology. This is all prophecy that’s taking place. Right. So that’s why it’s very imperative to be very meticulous of your surroundings during the course of the summertime, especially around the time of June, right? Because, you know, you got to watch these movies.

You got to use them as a form of research. Don’t watch these movies in the form of entertainment. You know, look for the signs and symbols, look for the synchronizations of numerological sequences or whatever. You know, look at the symbolism in itself and just look at everything from a grand scheme and then piece everything together to where you can understand everything intuitively about what’s going to be taking place.

Because the information in itself can save your life or you can save somebody else’s life, right. So that’s why it’s imperative to dig deep into the research, do your own independent research to where you’re able to facilitate your own interpretation about what’s taking place on the planet. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, the solar eclipse takes place tomorrow. So it’s one of those things where you got to be very meticulous of your surroundings, pay attention, stay vigilant, be socially aware, stay grounded, and stay connected to your purpose.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, please get this video out there. End of transmission 1014. We will put it into this madness since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a cherry. Yet with only one less friend. Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies.

So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive. And thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe, but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling. When it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes too.

And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you. Huh. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the.

This is completion. The sophist, proto Grecian, Amerindian, Phoenician. I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pen melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we was kings and queens of Atlanta. I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased. Better than the medicine for seven different treatments. Niggas try to ride away, but end up getting seasick asleep and feel my words like Breland.

They’re awakened with the penmanship of Pendle strip written in them. Vacant monastery, honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow’s only a day away, but nothing happens overnight. The fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Fightin off more than I can chew. That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.


  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X (twitter.com) View all posts

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