Paranoid American Podcast 035: Conspiracy Pilled Nephilim and the Book of Ham

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➡ The text describes a podcast by Paranoid American which covers a variety of mystical and conspiracy topics, including cryptography, secret societies, and occult symbolism in pop culture. The hosts interview Abby and PJ from another podcast, Conspiracy Pilled, who discuss their program and censorship issues they have experienced with YouTube and Twitch due to their content discussing controversial subjects like QAnon and adrenochrome.
➡ The speaker discussed their experience getting banned from YouTube due to posting content related to sensitive topics like adrenochrome, QAnon and child trafficking networks. After participating in a required sensitivity training course, they were allowed to return to posting. The conversation then shifted to the substance of adrenochrome, its presence in pop culture, and mainstream perception versus its potential nefarious use in hypothetical contexts. The discussion concluded with speculation on possible ritualistic use of the substance in Hollywood and politics, suggesting either a long-term trolling attempt, or possible involvement in dark magic.
➡ The discussion revolves around the possibilities and complexities of conjuring demons via books from Amazon, with the consensus being that intention matters more than the method used. It further delves into biblical teachings and interpretations, particularly about Nephilim, fallen angels mating with human women, and the curse of Ham, tackling different cultural idioms and interpretations.
➡ The speaker presents skepticism towards experiences of the divine via psychedelics, suggesting that these may be deceptions or encounters with demons rather than God. They find interesting possibilities in the interpretation of biblical texts, particularly in the analysis of “Nephilim” and theories that suggest a genealogical link between the descendants of Noah and biblical giants.
➡ The discussion revolves around the topic of Nephilim, believed to be the offspring of human-angel interactions. The existence and lineage of the Nephilim, their gradual decrease in size, and the possibility that they chose human partners for birthing purposes, are all points touched upon. The conversation then transitions into the story of King Solomon and his eventual downfall due to indulgence and idol worship.
➡ The given text reflects a deep analysis and conversation on different religions mainly Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. It puts forward the viewpoint that all religions share common narrative under different names and yet are inverse to each other. The discussion also delves into the concepts of salvation, comparison of various religions’ theories, the role of missionaries, and the idea of unknowingly worshipping God under a different name. It ends with the belief that there’s a path towards grace for everyone, despite religious differences.
➡ The discourse discusses the concept of unforgivable sin, the existence of free will, and apostates who become believers later in life. The speakers agree on the existence of an unforgivable sin, but struggle to define it precisely, and explore whether notoriety could receive salvation through genuine repentance, even after committing heinous acts in their lifetime. They also touch on the necessity and role of Judas’ betrayal for Jesus’ crucifixion.
➡ The text discusses various religious and philosophical viewpoints regarding biblical figures and events, specifically focusing on the roles of Judas and Jesus. There’s also a discourse on differing versions of the Bible and the implications of translation, mixed with some light-hearted banter.
➡ PJ and Abby from Conspiracy Pill discussed a variety of conspiracy theories, rating their belief levels for each, such as flat earth, hollow earth, the earth being 6000 years old, dinosaurs’ existence, dragons, celebrity clones, and Alister Crowley summoning a demon. They speculated about fame in Hollywood being associated with selling one’s soul to the devil, with Abby citing Taryn Manning’s statement about refusing certain offerings to achieve success. They ended their discussion by promoting their website and their other social media platforms, then concluded by promoting the Chaos Twins, a comic series created by comedian Sam Tripoli and Paranoid American.


Good evening, listeners, brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the paranoid american podcast. It launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world.

From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the aweinspiring frontiers of forbidden technology, to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.

Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me. They’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.

So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Coming back at you. Another episode. And today we’ve got a special guest or two. First, here’s Abby. And in addition to Abby, look at that. I’ve got like multiple spots. Even if we had like five or six, I’m going to have people popping up in all kinds of places.

I like it, man. So first of all, Abby and PJ are from conspiracy pilled, which is a great podcast. And I’ll let them explain where to find them, all projects they’re working on. So I’ll hand it to Abby first. So, yeah, Abby, go ahead and give all your shout outs. Well, we do a podcast called conspiracy pilled. All our links for the show and for our individual social medias are all on conspiracypilled.

com. That’s it. Short and sweet. And then. Yeah, yeah. So we stream every Wednesday night. We try to keep most of our people on Rumble. That’s just because YouTube likes to take down our stuff. So the only way to get the full show is to come over to slash conspiracypilled. But again, everything’s easily@conspiracypilled. com. It’s like a link tree, so you can find anything and everything. We also do an unhinged kind of behind the paywall show Thursday night.

So you can find us on locals, you can find us on Rock Finn. So that’s kind of what we’re doing. Then we’ve got other little things, other videos. We’re working on shorter form content right now. So we’ve got a new series that I’m doing, which is like, delving into the conspiracy motifs and hidden symbolism and occult stuff in movies and video games and stuff like that. And Abby’s got one where you can ask her anything, dear Abby, which has been super fun.

So that’s kind of what we’re working on. Are you fishing for a lawsuit? Is that what’s going on? Yes, 100%. They say that no press is bad press. Right. So like a lawsuit that was like a very specific person that said that. Was it Barnum or was it. I don’t know. I think it was PT Barnum. Yeah, right. No press is bad press. I thought. So you were saying that Rumble is the go to place because YouTube takes the content down.

What are the last couple things that got taken down from YouTube? What was the topics and what was the reasons? I’m trying to remember. I did one on that witch lady, what’s her face. Marina Abramovich. Yeah, that one got taken down and we were able to get it back. Our, I think our adrenochrome episode got taken down. Oh, for sure. I’m trying to had, we’ve had quite a few, and I just honestly don’t pay as much attention to YouTube anymore.

We stream there and our videos are there, but I just haven’t given it as much attention. So we’ve had at least four of our main podcast shows taken off of YouTube at this point. We’ve been doing this just over a year. So not a ton, but some of them were taken down and put back up, but I think at least three or four just are not there. And what, the QAnon one got us banned permanently from Twitch.

We did get completely kicked from Twitch. That’s right. They were like, here’s your $17 go. Yeah, that’s what it was. Were you guys organizing a new January 6 uprising on Twitch? Totally. 110%. No, it was weird. Because they didn’t even tell us that it was the QAnon one. That’s my best guess. And they didn’t tell us what the specific charge was. They just give us this laundry list of, like, this is what it could have been.

And at the top of the list was, like, promoting insurrection or something. But we’re not QAnon people, so it wasn’t like a big pro QAnon episode. So I don’t know. Well, you guys don’t know this, and I feel bad that I’m going to be blindsided you a little bit, but I actually was hired by YouTube for an intervention here because we’ve identified you, Abby, and UPJ as the highest threats of recreating an insurrection of QAnon.

And you jumped right out of the gate talking about adrenochrome. That solidified it. And I already know that you want to talk about Pizzagate, so go ahead. Let’s hear your hot takes on pizzagate. Yeah, look, some guy doesn’t just walk up to a pizza parlor, shoot one bullet. It ends up going through a door and into the hard drive. That’s not an know. I think that’s all I understand.

But we also know that there’s no such thing as basements in DC. It was built on a swamp, so there are no basements. So it’s impossible for any of that stuff to be true. I mean, come, come. Here’s a funny story about the basement thing, right? Is like, in our research for that one. I’m sure you know this, but they will say, if you look in the right places, they’ll say, look, comet, ping pong doesn’t have a basement.

They just have tunnels underneath that connect to the rest of DC. And it’s. And then on top of that, I have a friend who played in the not basement tunnel underneath. Both of you are sort of showing your lack of class right now because when it’s under a pizza restaurant, it is a wine cellar, so of course it’s not a basement. You freaking. I grew up poor and white, so I’ve never had in a trailer park, so I never had a wine.

Exactly. And what you guys are probably failing to realize, and this is only said slightly in jest, is that if you’re rich enough to have a wine cellar, then you can mutilate children. And it’s like an art piece, right? It’s almost like an expression of your power and just wanting to understand the world. But if you do it in, like, the basement of a Chuck E. Cheese, you’re like a sick, disgusting criminal for sure.

That’s horrible. You’ll be on every true crime documentary from now to the end of time. I mean, if you have to find yourself in that situation, do you want to be surrounded by creepy animatronics or do you want to be surrounded by, like, $20,000 bottles of Rothschild’s wines? Right. It’s a good point. What a choice. It’s like, I heard it said about 50 shades of gray. If the guy was not a billionaire, it would be like a true crime episode, right? Yeah.

There could be a kink out there. There’s probably some trailer parts. Trailer kinks, Shades of Gray out there. Yeah. Okay, so. Well, we already started out hot on Adrienochrome. I don’t know what we’re going to do with the YouTube edition of this. And funny enough, I’ve actually been through, and this is not a joke. I’ve been through the YouTube reeducation camp training. I don’t know if you know what this is.

No. So I did a video on adrenal. It was called, I’m going to have to censor all of this out. But anyways, it was called adrenochrome Freemasonry and mkultra. And to my surprise, YouTube was like, you’re not even allowed to have that as the title, let alone. So anyways, I had to change it to now it was called Thrill Oxide stone cutters, and mkultron. Got really creative with it.

I like it. Got it real creative. And it makes it super easy for people to find now, too, because everyone searching for thrill oxide and stone cutters. So anyways, I did the video, and they kept digging it over and over again. And I learned that I cut my teeth on this one because I made it, like, private instead of leaving it unlisted. And apparently you’re not. Long story short, I got the actual ban, like, red flag.

Like, you can’t post for a week. You can’t go live for a week. Like, the whole thing, it was the first strike, so they didn’t completely nuke everything, but I kept pushing back and I kept doing edits, and I was trying to find out where that line was. And eventually they forward me a timecode on my video. And the timecode had no voiceover whatsoever. It was music for, like, 10 seconds.

And the only thing is that it showed a vial of adrenochrome on the screen at that point. So they were basically saying, you can’t even show the word adrenochrome on the screen. And it was flagged as, like, hate speech and spreading medical misinformation and just like, all of the things, right? So they sent me last month, like, a little survey, and it was like, hey, you can get the strike taken off of your account if you go through this questionnaire, like, this training course.

And it was like a sensitivity training course for people specifically that had talked about QAnon, adrenochrome, anything that had to do with the child trafficking networks and politicians, because it was like a ten question quiz that you had to pass. And almost every question was like, true or false? Like, it’s okay to say that Hillary Clinton eats. I’m going to paraphrase here, but Hillary Clinton eats babies and she’s a lizard.

And it was just like, man, this seems very odly specific. Yes, I said that, but I thought I got a pass because, I don’t know, I was laughing as I said it. And I produce comic books and anyways, so it’s a very real thing. You’re not even allowed to say certain words on YouTube. And they’ll just like, even if they pass now, they’ll come back in, like a month, or they’ll come back in a year, two years.

And be like, hey, that thing that you said two years ago, now we care about. Let’s just talk. Let’s talk about adrenochrome a little bit. You’re making him do so much editing on this video, he’s going to, like, beep. I don’t know how I’m going to do it yet. We’ll see. I’ve been inserting the reading rainbow. I’ve been doing that one, but it gets annoying. So let’s. Abby, adrenochrome.

Okay, go. Okay. Well, pro or for or against adrenochrome? Well, I think it’s bad. Bad people do it against adrenochrome. Yeah, she runs the dare program against adrenochrome. Yeah. Simply say no. When your friends are passing around adrenochrome, just say no. I think the best evidence that it exists is that they’ve been telling us in movies and books for decades that Edritocrum exists, whether it’s in metaphor, like monsters Incorporated, or outright in something like fear and loathing in.

It’s just. It’s right in front of your face. They’ve been telling you a long time. Well, sorry if I cut in here a little bit, but also, they’ll say things like, it doesn’t do what you say it does. Right. There’s no way that blood has that effect on people. Except when Peter Thiel has a blood boy and he’s got, like some 17 year old jock giving him transfusions, that works, and we know that works.

But you couldn’t say that this other thing, which is very similar, also has any of the same properties. They just tell you all the time, this is a rabbit hole that I ended up going down, too, that I was originally trying to disprove it in a way, and I just kept finding so many weird claims that were like, matter of fact, I’ll give you a good example if you go on Chat GPT, but chat GBT really does reflect the general consensus.

If you went and did the research on Wikipedia and even on sort of fringe research angles, but if you go and ask chat GBT about adrenochrome after it’s done lecturing you that you’re naughty for even asking about after. Okay, okay, I get it. I’m a bad person. But tell me about it. It’ll kind of say that, yeah, it’s this real substance that exists, but it’s not a psychedelic.

And all that stuff is hogwash, and don’t pay attention to fear and loathing and all this. But then you actually did the research and I looked into it, and it is a psychedelic. 100% is a psychedelic, but just saying that is now medical misinformation. And if we didn’t get banned. Hello, fresh paranoid. 15% off of your adrenochrome meals come with an extra 15% of adrenochrome. But it’s an absolutely real psychedelic thing, in my opinion.

The only real conspiracy about it is that you don’t have to take it from humans or you don’t have to torture somebody to get adrenochrome. All you got to do is get epinephrine and oxidize epinephrine. And now you’ve got unlimited supplies of adrenochrome. And if you go and look, this is a crazy one, right? So adrenochrome is not. You’re not allowed to talk about it medically, but you are allowed to talk about epinephrine or adrenaline, right? It is the most common.

Like, people have epinephrine just like, on hand for a number of reasons, and they both come from the same thing. If you were to torture someone, they’re going to produce adrenaline. But we usually get it from either synthesis or, from what I understand, like cows, because we’ve got a whole bunch of extra byproduct from all of the other sort of industries that we’ve got that process animals, and those animals have perfectly good adrenal glands in them, and there’s really no reason not to use every part of the buffalo.

That’s why we’ve got chicken nuggets and hot dogs. Anyways, the conspiracy aspect of it is, like, you don’t necessarily need a seance and to torture somebody to get the best quality adrenochrome out of them, although it might be more fun. Well, that might be the thing. I mean, I also wonder. This leads me into some other angles where I’m like, we get the synthesized stuff. They’ve done studies on the synthesized stuff, and it seems to be like, at least in my research, that it’s not exactly what people are talking about.

It makes me wonder if there’s some supernatural spiritual aspect to adrenochrome component of why, if the rumors are true, why it would need to be taken from people. There’s, like, some black magic part of it, but I don’t know. Where are you at on that? Are you closer to that? There’s a spiritual component of it? I mean, I generally am closer to that. The more I study, people know Alistair Crowley and all these people.

It seems like their black magic works is my. So I don’t ever rule out the supernatural aspect of these things where it’s like, yes, we have a very scientific medical way to produce adrenochrome. We put it in epipens. So maybe it’s not as nefarious as they think it is. But then what if it is nefarious, and what if it has more to do with that supernatural aspect of it? That’s kind of where my mind goes.

But that’s 100% just, like, speculation. Well, you got to ask yourself why the Hollywood people are constantly doing these rituals. Why would they bother if they weren’t effective, right? Yeah, I’m devil’s advocate on this one a hundred percent, because I’m all in on the conspiracy angle. But devil’s advocate, just so that we’re not just, like, all nodding heads left and right, but could Hollywood just be a bunch of edge lords? And could the politicians just be a bunch of edge lords? And I actually shout out to my friend Andrea Zurtis, who does think tank, and a million other, but actually, this might have been from David Charles Plate, but he mentioned that maybe Marina Abramovich is, like, a troll.

Maybe the best example that he says is like, oh, yeah, Mr. Roth’s child. You want to take a picture? Oh, we’re just coincidentally taking in front of this painting. Don’t worry about what the painting’s about. Like, knowing it’s like Lucifer and putting them in these situations, like, oh, podesta, you want to do some spirit cooking? Yeah, come on over here. Let’s do think. It’s got to be one or the other, right? It’s either got to be that they actually are as nefarious as we think they are because it’s so in your face, or they’re just having the biggest trolling gag going on for 100 years.

Decades, whatever. Hundreds of years. Yeah, it really does. It’s not the mainstream narrative, which is like, it’s fun and cute and innocent and don’t look over here. It’s like either what you’re saying, that it’s like complete trolling and they’re having the best time with it, or they just are as evil as we think they are. I think it could have got lean towards the latter. Yeah, me too.

I think that people have been doing dark magic rituals forever and it never stopped. Do you think that if I were to go, and maybe not me. Let’s pick a 14 year old Abby before she gets into anything nefarious. Before you start practicing dark magic and listening to Alex Jones, let’s say you just order the top ten books off of Amazon that are all about conjuring demons and you just read those books and then you try to do what they say.

Do you think there’s a chance you could actually conjure a demon? It would depend as a 14 year old abby. Or would you have to be like an Alastair Crowley or be like a serial killer or be nefarious? Or could it just come from Amazon books? I think it would depend on my intention. I don’t think the content of the books would matter as much as how badly I was serious at 14 about calling a demon.

If I really wanted it for real, for real, I could do it. And then, same with PJ. You get the top ten Alistair Crowley books and you start doing heroin and mescaline and all kinds of butt stuff. Right? Do you think that there’s a chance that you summon, like, a legitimate demon? I do, actually. I think there’s a chance. But I also feel like part of that question is, like, getting stuff from Amazon.

I feel like there’s so much disinformation that’s given to the public out there that the real dark, deep, dirty stuff is probably not something that you’re going to find on an Amazon shelf. But the counter is, I think that you can buy a Ouija board at Walmart. And I have way too many friends who have played with Ouija boards and had really demonic experiences. So I think intention matters a lot.

But I don’t think that the secrets are in the Amazon bestsellers list, or at least if they are, they’re hidden in ways, like, we’ve talked about this before, where it’s like there are things that they want to push on the public as far as fallen angel worship, right? And all of that stuff is just hidden in twilight. It’s hidden in the most cutesy, or really not just cute, but depraved kind of sex books that women read.

And it’s like, you know what I’m trying to say? You read a book about a gargoyle, daddy Dom romance is one that we talked about on our show. And it’s like, on one hand, it just seems like some weird kink, right? And on the other hand, it’s like telling a deeper truth about anunnaki Nephilim stuff. So I don’t know. You said it, not me. Let’s just get into Nephilim now.

We talk about them a lot. Yeah. Tell me about Nephilim in general. Explain to me how a nephilim, like, where did Nephilim come from, daddy? Well, when a human woman thinks an angel is really hot. Go ahead, PJ. When a human mommy and a fallen angel. Daddy. Love each other very much. Yeah. No, it’s Genesis 64, right? Is that in that time, there were Nephilim on the earth, and they came from the sons of God, the angels, having sex with the daughters of man.

So that whole thing gets talked about a lot. I don’t know where you want to go with it, because I’ve got a lot of, like. Do you think it was consensual? That’s an interesting question, because nobody really talks about that. Were the human women, like, lusting over the angels, or were know raped? Because this is old text, and sometimes it’s just know, not think it’s. Well, the power dynamics, right? Yeah, no, I think it could be both.

If you look at consent in that sort of a power structure, there’s no consent there, right? If it’s like Harvey Weinstein, right? It’s like there’s a whole conversation. If you want to give me a good word with the big guy, there’s a little something you can do. Yeah, it could be that. But then I look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and it seems like the people were overtaken with lust, wanting to have sex with the angels who came to destroy their city.

So I can see it both ways is my point. But yeah, I don’t think that it probably wasn’t all consensual or like you said, like power dynamics, but there’s always people that have offered themselves up to fallen angels throughout all of history. We’ve got these huge ceremonies from like 6000 years ago around Ishtar that are just like people proselytizing themselves and mutilating themselves. We’ve got the Bach and aliens and we’ve got long history of people literally mutilating themselves and offering themselves up to demons throughout all of history.

So I could see that happening back in Genesis six as well. Are you both versed on the Bible? Fairly well. You’re throwing verses out at me. What do you think about the curse of ham? What happened in that tent with Noah? Oh man, I’ve heard some. Go ahead, you give yours is. This is hard because I think it’s been used for really nefarious things. But it is true that when Ham disrespected his father and made a joke out of his father’s nakedness, instead of covering him up when he was drunk, his father cursed him and said that he was going to always be subservient to his brothers.

And preachers in the old south use that verse as a biblical excuse to keep slaves. And I think that that’s wrong, but I think that prophecies are more prophecies as opposed to this is your permission to treat this people this way. It has been true that the children of ham have been subservient to the rest of the world. So we did a whole episode about the ham thing and like the Nephilim line continuing through him.

But I actually heard a very different take on the. You’re talking specifically about the tent where it says like the curse. I want to know what happened. His nakedness, what? I think this is going to be very different from Abby’s because I don’t think we’ve ever talked about this. I listened to a very convincing sermon from someone that was like going through idioms like old Hebrew idioms, and it was basically making the case that this was a nice way of saying that he had sex with his mother.

And I kind of lean towards that being true. The more that I study like the Hebrew and the idioms of that time, it’s like we’re going to say it this way. You’ll get what I mean, but I’m not going to be explicit about it. And then it just gets translated to English as, like, he saw his father’s nakedness instead of, he took his father’s wife as his own.

Interesting. As in, his dad got so drunk, he couldn’t stop his son, his depraved son, from, like, raping his own mother, and that’s why he’s cursed. I’ve heard the same, but it was. He basically had his way with Noah. I’ve heard that one, too. Yes. So either way, if you understand the context and the idioms, I do think it had something more than just he saw his dad’s wiener.

You know what I mean? I think it’s to kill you and destroy all your progeny, and when the flood comes, everybody gets taken out. You saw the wiener and you laughed, or you did something a little bit more egregious. I think it was more egregious than that, for sure. I can definitely get down with that counterpoint. There are other places in the Bible. I’m thinking specifically of Absalom and what he did to David, where the Bible explicitly says that Absalom slept with David’s concubines on the roof of the palace.

So sometimes I’m like, if the Bible isn’t scared of being clear about something, why would it hide it in another verse? It’s also different authors, though, because the author of Genesis was a bit more poetic than the authors of kings and Chronicles. Kings and chronicles are very like, this is super. Matter of fact, there’s no poetic language in it at all. So I think that that could actually explain it.

What’s up with the book of numbers? Not a fan. You know what? Yeah, so let’s. Can we talk about the ham thing a little bit more? Because we can. Because I actually have one other theory, just in case you haven’t heard this one. And then I want to hear what you have to say, PJ, that I really like. I think this one’s interesting. But that saw him in his nakedness, I’ve heard referred to as saw.

Either Noah talking directly to God, like, in that pure commune that you’re not an ineffable aspect, or that Noah was performing magic, and that this was like, no one can know. Nobody can know that I’m actually know deep down. So you are getting wiped off the planet. So anyways, I always found those approaches a little more fascinating. Only after you get over the novelty of, like, he slept with his.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s the second one that you said, but, yeah, no, that’s interesting. Psalm and his nakedness is in seeing him in communion with God, which is something you’re not supposed to visually see. Like Moses had to cover his face when he was talking to God on Mount Sinai. So that’s interesting. Never heard that, but the context was that he was drunk. I find that one hard.

Yeah, I feel like that’s why I’m lean more towards. He did something sexually messed up. Hold on. This is related on a tangent. Okay. Where are you at on psychedelics and spiritual experience? Do you think that it’s the same? Do you think that psychedelics is a different thing? We have a lot of stuff to say on psychedelics. I think it’s real. I don’t think that people are just like imagining seeing the same exact deities as other people are seeing.

But do you think that someone’s finding a connection to God deep down beneath all that God? So, no, I don’t. I think they’re being deceived, to be honest with you. I think that anybody I’ve talked to has kind of gone through that stuff. There’s this idea of good trips and bad trips for sure. And the people who are on good trips are going to say this was a connection with the divine.

This is a connection with the deity, and they’ll name it God. Sometimes I just don’t think it is. I think they’re being deceived. I think that there’s another realm that they’re stepping into. People have talked about the pineal gland kind of being opened up, and this could relate to the Garden of Eden and the knowledge of good and evil and all these things. It’s a whole nother conversation, I guess.

But I do think they’re seeing things. I just think that if they’re experiencing it as good, the evidence, the fruit of this is that they start worshipping this thing. And I don’t think this thing is God. So I think that demons present themselves as angels of light, according to the Bible, to plenty of people. So I don’t think it’s outside of the realm of possibility. They actually do have a good trip.

They actually see something that seems divine and wonderful and perfect. I think it’s a deception, personally. Sorry. You had attempt probably. I think it’s an attempt to get back to that closeness with the divine that was there in the Garden of Eden. But it’s going further into the error to try to reverse it, which is never going to work. Sure. Okay. And the lead there was just that some people equate inebriation to an ability to have some kind of an extra divine connection.

So that could be Noah’s drunk, and therefore, I don’t know if being drunk can bring you closer to God, but I’m sure there’s a cult out there that’s like, no, this is our connection. Catholics, right? I grew up Catholic. I know once they turn that wine into blood, it maintains the same alcohol content level, but you’re not allowed to pour it down the drain. So you have to drink it.

Yeah. Otherwise it is like an offense to God. You wouldn’t just pour God’s blood out on the ground, so you got to get drunk off on it. Yeah. That’s far more respectable. The idea that you have to be high or inebriated to reach God is an error, but it’s a way that people commune with demons on accident. Or on purpose. Or on purpose. Or on purpose. We’ve met a lot of people who do it on purpose, for sure.

To do what on purpose? To be specific. Oh, to take, like, DMT to meet these entities on purpose. Yeah. We actually just had a guy who came on our show that talked about this cult of people who take. What is it, DP? It’s nyquil or whatever. Essentially. Benadryl. Thank you, Benadryl. To meet the hat man. So they’re very specifically taking and inebriating themselves to reach another plane to speak to a very specific.

What is it? DXM. Robotripping, I think they used to call it. So there’s both. He talked about both. Yeah. So there’s the Benadryl one, which is DPT. I can never remember what it’s called. And then DMX, which is robotripping. So there’s two different cults around. Related. Yeah. Ingredients below, we’ll have links. 15% off all your robotripping needs. I am almost positive that would be funny. I could link to Robotussum and then get Amazon affiliate credits and totally say, buy this to get drunk off of.

So go ahead, get drunk off robotussum. I’ll link it in the link below. It would be awesome if I got some proceeds from Robotussum. Where do we go from here? I was about to break into the absolute action packed thriller blockbuster that is the book of numbers. Yeah. Are we ready to peel back and just get into the let’s do it stuff? Yeah. No, really. It’s just like a bunch of names over and over.

Right. This is what I wanted to talk about with ham and everything. Right. So there’s this theory that comes from Rob Skiba, and the theory is that it says that there was nephilim in the times before the flood. And there’s nephilim in the times after. That’s in Genesis. That’s not disputed. And then in numbers 1333, it tells you about og of Bashan, and it says he is a Nephilim who is descendant from the nephilim before the flood.

And it’s there in the way that they spell Nephilim twice. So it’s like Nephilim of the Nephilim, and it’s got, like, a yode. So what it’s saying is he actually descended from the nephilim, that the way it was written in Genesis six, because it’s written differently afterwards, as in a diminished, lesser form of nephilim. And again, I don’t know if you asked me what Nephilim were earlier, if people don’t know it, it’s literally the sons of angels having sex with women, and then they create giants.

So there’s a whole thing in numbers about giants. There’s a whole thing in Genesis 14 about giants. And with ham, the theory is that his wife had a recessive Nephilim gene, that she was not pure. So, like, Noah and his sons were the only ones. It says all flesh was corrupted. Everybody except Noah and his sons. And then if you look at the lines and why numbers is so boring, yet so important to these theories is that you can actually trace the lineage through the Bible and see that shem’s line has no nephilim in it, that Japheth’s line has some nephilim in it, and that ham’s line is just chock full of nephilim.

Like, this is where Goliath comes from. This is where Agabashan comes from. This is where the Canaanites come from. It says the Canaanites were like, tallest cypress trees. It says Agabashan had a bed that was, like, 14 foot tall and made of steel because he was so massive, he couldn’t sleep on a normal bed. So the reason why numbers. I have never liked reading. I still don’t like reading.

I still don’t like reading Leviticus. But when you understand that there are people out there who are going to trace these lines down and make connections, I think it was all preserved for that reason. So it’s, like, boring, not fun stuff to read. But when you get into the rob skiba kind of nephilim theories, it’s, like, crucial. And then the names and numbers are crucial. And the names in Genesis 14 are crucial to the hebrew names of some of these tribes where the people of lapping and licking up and the dead ones or the Raphaim and stuff like that.

And you understand their names are like specific Nephilim tribe names that had to do with the occult, things that they were into. So boring stuff started actually important. Yeah. Well, now you’re selling it, I think just suggestion. If there’s any Bible publishers out there, any writers that are still working on bibles, that could be. The new pitch is that as you open up the book of numbers, it would be like, this is outing all the nephilim of history, and now it’s like I’m paying attention.

I actually care about all those different names, but it doesn’t have a really good grab you sort of introduction to that section. It just gets right off and it’s just begat, begat, begat. And it’s like, okay, there’s names in between all those. Cool, right? Yeah. The Bible that I have has got, like, half of the page is like, notes about history and things like that. If someone did a thing of the Bible was like, let’s go back and actually try to understand the nephilim and not retcon them out of there and change Nephilim to giants when it’s convenient for us.

And they actually kept all the supernatural weirdness in the Old Testament and had notes on it, that Bible would be the Bible I would buy. I would have, like, an affiliate link on our page for all of our listeners, the whole thing. So if somebody could do that 100%, I think it would be heretical Bible. No, it wouldn’t be heretical to be like, hey, here is interpretations of what these words, because a lot of it’s like you’re reading the word giant in numbers 13 and whatever, right? But if the original Hebrew is Nephilim and they’ve changed it to giant, because a lot of Christians are just kind of, like, weirded out by the crazy, strange, supernatural stuff in the Old Testament.

And the Catholics in particular have completely written Nephilim out of the Bible. They say that there was no angels having sex with men. It was just the sons of Seth had sex with the daughters of Cain, and that made giants somehow. But also, we don’t want to talk about giants, so we’re just going to not explain that. Don’t ask questions. It’s like the catholic answer on Nephilim is, like, super terrible.

It’s not accurate. I wish I would have known that question when I was still actively going to catholic church. I would have been an awesome one to ask. Explain Nephilim to us. Point to this one. So, Nephilim, I want to understand the full lineage here, because I’ve just got a very loose idea. So it starts with the watchers in particular, right? Those are the angels that come down and either coerce or maybe it’s mutual.

Nobody really knows for sure. Then they make Nephilim with humans. And those are, from what I understand, like, the biggest of the giants that exist. And then over time, as Nephilim keep interbreeding with humans, they kind of, like, shrink. Until now, you’ve just got everyone sort of the same size, right? Yeah. And even by the time you get to first Samuel, you hear about Goliath. And Goliath is definitely from the tribes of Nephilim.

He’s said to be nine foot tall, but they never say he has six fingers. And what’s interesting about that is Enoch and other places say that the nephilim had six fingers and six toes. But what you’ll find out is that later on, David goes and continues to hunt down these Nephilim brothers of Goliath. And they all have six fingers, and they’re all bigger than Goliath. And this is right in second by a lot.

So this is all right in. I think that’s second Samuel. So what you’re seeing in the Bible is like, the Nephilim tribes hadn’t been killed out, but they had been so deluded that one of their biggest warriors was like a five fingered, nine foot tall guy. And his brothers are like, six fingered, 14 foot tall dudes. Someone you run into Louisiana somewhere, right? Yeah, for sure. But, yeah.

No, I’m sorry, what was your question again? It’s just like, it’s been diluted over time is kind of the. Yeah, yeah. Pro or con, Nephilim. What do you think a Nephilim looks for in a human woman? Subservience. Yeah. A big womb for his giant payment. Yeah. Maybe he’s looking for birthing hips. That’s what he’s looking for. I’ve also heard a very interesting theory, and maybe I partially helped develop some of this, but from Joel Thomas about the nephilim portal babies.

And it sounds like. And that’s what it. Well, we throw the portal in there, and it’s a long story, but it’s because they’re these interdimensional angels, so why couldn’t they create portals? But perhaps it is some sort of a loophole. Kind of like you’ve got anchor babies in the US, right? Like if you have a kid, maybe that’s what we should call them is Nephilim anchor babies. Nephilim anchor babies.

But hear me out. Right? So the angels were essentially jealous of the freedom that man had. They had free will, and they had all these extra. They could sense things and enjoy their senses, and they didn’t have to be subservient to God, whereas the angels were kind of, like, locked in Walmart twenty four seven and had to do the cheer every morning and pretend they were happy to be there.

And they were like, those guys have got it. So if we’ve got kids with them now, the kids can have the angelic powers, but also be able to experience this on the ground. So, yeah, maybe there was this, like, an anchor baby situation, but just at a spiritual level. I’m so glad you brought this up because we have a discord. And in our discord today, we have this section where people ask for episodes they want.

And very specifically today, they were asking us to do a nephilim portal baby episode in the future. So the fact that you brought it up is hilarious. But, yeah, no, I think reach out to Joel Thomas, if you know who that is. I know who he is. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, he’s the guy for babies. Yeah. So we’ve talked to Tony Merkel, which is the first person I heard talk about Nephilim portal babies.

I think we were talking about on his show. I don’t know if we talked about when he came on our show, but, yeah, definitely want to dig more into that. People are asking for it. So I think we have to do some deep dives on some nephilim anchor babies. What about King Solomon? What was up with that guy? Was he summoning demons for good, for bad? Does that make him, like, an evil warlock sorcerer? Was he, like, the smartest dude ever? And he gets a pass because he knew what he was doing.

Because, first of all, he was summoning demons. Right? Where or no, what part? It depends. Solomon in his temple with his sigils, and he was commanding daemons, and that. That was what all of his sigils were about. Or is this fabrication know modern history? It’s not directly in the Bible. Other than that, it does say he served other gods, so it’s not outside of the realm of possibility.

But I think what you’re talking about is stuff that comes from freemasonry originally. So the freemasons, they claim to go back to their roots as King Solomon, right? So they talk about him, Abif, and they talk about King Solomon and his temple and things like that. And they talk about the pillars and that’s like part of their huge ritual thing. So I haven’t dug that much into it.

I feel like the basic answer on King Solomon is early on, he’s like this wonderful king. He’s doing all these things, and then he starts to break the rules over time. And all of his rules, he breaks. He doesn’t just do it small, he goes big on all of them. Right? So it’s like God tells him, hey, don’t have your own horses and wealth and riches and stuff as a king.

Live amongst your people. Don’t promote yourself. And he’s like, you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to get, like, 10,000 horses from Egypt. I’m going to trade with our enemy, and I’m going to tax the people into oblivion. I’m going to have 700 wives. They’re all going to serve different gods, and I’m going to serve all of them. So when you read earlier King Solomon, it’s like the wisest guy.

He writes song of Solomon. He loves his one wife a lot. And then it’s like 700 wives, 300 concubines, 1000 gods. So King Solomon just went big on, like, heresy is not the word, but idol worship. Yeah, idol worship. So, no, I would say he didn’t do the. If he’s summoning demons, which couldn’t be out of the realm of possibility, I wouldn’t say it was for the good.

He has a very tragic end to his. Yeah. I don’t know if you had anything to add to that, Abby. Yeah, just that he’s not. He’s. The only thing the Bible says is that he went after other gods. But how far he did that and if he actually summoned demons is unknown. My understanding from it, I think, might even predate Freemasonry. And it was from the lesser keys of Solomon, and that’s where they detail, like, the 72 different demons.

It’s from the R’s Gauatia. Right. I’m almost positive that predates Freemasonry. It’s like alchemy and grimoires and stuff. I think it does predate Freemasonry, but what I’m interested in finding right now is, like, if you read ancient egyptian stuff, which also predates Freemasonry, and you read kabbalistic texts, freemasonic texts, early gnostic texts, what I seem to be noticing in all of them, they all have the same rituals, they all have the same symbolism, they all have the same basic, boiled down to the core beliefs.

So I think Freemasonry is not even the oldest of the religion that they serve. I think it goes back to actually. Yeah, yeah. Which is probably where Solomon got it. Exactly. Old is more accurate, do you think? Let’s say they find an old scroll that predates anything that we found to date, and it’s like, here’s what God’s about. Is that thing more or less accurate just because of its age? No, I don’t think the date has to do with everything.

I mean, if the Bible is to be believed, we know that there was all of this stuff going on pre flood. So there’s like pre flood nephilim worship, there’s pre flood fallen angel temples and worship and ball worship, and Ishtar worship goes back to predating the earliest written parts of the Bible. So, no, I don’t think just older means better. I think it has to do with truth, because the Bible story starts in the beginning and it doesn’t claim to be the oldest written text thing written down.

It was verbally passed for quite some time. But I think that every other story, every other ancient story especially, is exactly the inverse of the Bible story. So you see the Bible story and then you see, what is the oldest thing we have right now? Well, it’s gosh, that king, that’s like Nimrod, right? Why can’t I think of his name? Is it Numa? Elish? No. Oh, my gosh.

It’s going to drive me nuts. It’s the guy. We had a whole episode on this dude. He’s believed to be the same exact figure as Nimrod, but the Mesopotamians wrote down their story of him first. Right. And that’s supposed to be the oldest written text. It comes from Mesopotamia, from like 5000 years ago. The text is called the Enuma Alicia, but I don’t know what his name is.

Okay. But anyway, it’s the inverse of the Bible. So you see the two things that are claiming to be the oldest, truest things, stories. From the beginning, you have the Bible telling one story and then you have not just an alternate story, but a complete on its head flip of the story. Well, and like I was saying, with Freemasonry Kabbalah, we just did a whole conference about egyptian mythology.

And when they were explaining it, they actually had a high level Freemason explain it as well. And we had at least four or five people up there telling the same story. And that’s what I’ve been noticing is like, all of these stories doesn’t matter how old they are, doesn’t matter if they call themselves Freemasonry, kabbalah, whatever. They’re all telling you the exact same story, and they’re all using the same reference of, like, two pillars, open the third eye, the third eye is the middle.

Like, it’s the same exact religion and under different names. It’s been going back for a long. Like, I agree with Abby. I think that if you really study any one of these religions, you’ll find out that they’re all the same religion and they’re all the exact opposite of the. So, like, I think it really just comes down to two things. There’s essentially two religions in my book is there’s the fallen angel worship, and then there’s the Bible and Christianity and things like that.

But they seem to be. The more I dive into any one of these, the more I’m like, oh, that’s the same exact story. It’s the same exact inverse of the other story. So that’s just kind of my belief on it. Would you think anything that’s not exclusively christian worship, like Jesus Christ, the son of God, the only way into heaven, do you think that that’s the one category? And everything else goes into the fallen angel worship, like Hinduism, and, I don’t know, like, Buddhism, like every other ism that doesn’t necessarily point to Jesus.

What about, for example, the other abramatic religions? Are the other two just wrong? Essentially, yes. Well, I like succinct answers. I’m not going to lie. Yes, but when you’re saying the other two, you’re talking about Judaism and Islam, right? Right. Both the other major sponsor this show, by the way, so tread carefully. Yeah, tread carefully. No, no. Judaism was right. Judaism was right until they were wrong. And that’s, like, in my belief, they were right until they rejected Christ.

So I believe that we read the same Bible, Old Testament, and we worship the same God, Yahweh. But I think that people. Look, the early church was all Jews. Like, the early christian church was all Jews. Paul, Peter, all of them. And then other people just didn’t accept Christ. And I think that’s where they differ. But as far as, like, in its origins, I don’t think it’s a different religion.

I think that post Christ it is. But Islam? Yeah, Islam is like black cube, Saturn, alien worship. The more you dive into it. Are you familiar with the black cube stuff? Yeah, the Saturn, black cube, and the time cube and rabbit hole. I dig it. I like some of that. It’s interesting. I’ve actually been diving into the whole black cube thing, and realizing it just shows up everywhere.

The one caveat I’ll say is you’ll do find it in other religions, people who are kind of accidentally worshipping Jesus, and they will, over the course of time, walk out of Islam and into Christianity or walk out of Hinduism and into Christianity as they realize, oh, actually, the God I’ve been worshipping, it is not the God of the religion I’m in. And they’ll eventually come over. So that’s just kind of a side case.

You’ve talked about, like Christophanes, right? Like in the Old Testament, it talks about the angel of the Lord, and it’s like a certain angel of the Lord, that’s Christ pre becoming fully God and fully man on earth, right? So you see those happening around the world where people will say, I was worshiping this angel of the Lord, and then I realized it was Jesus Christ. I just didn’t know his name because no one had brought that religion to me.

So that happens in tribes in the middle of the jungle. Sometimes it actually happens all throughout history, which is interesting. So, growing up Catholic, I was fascinated with all the weird loopholes and rules. If you do this, you get this and this one. I’ve never had a succinct answer. Maybe you guys can bring. So we’re not Catholic, if that wasn’t clear. But, yeah, that’s fine. Yeah, I definitely was raised that way.

So that’s my only frame of reference, Christianity, which I realize is like the uga booga weirdo Christianity. I get that. So there was this concept that I had heard of. I’ll paraphrase it, but what happens if some poor little chinese kid grows up in communist China and they never even know about Jesus, and then they die? They go to hell. And the answer that at least I got was like, no, they kind of get a pass that if you were ignorant to it and you never had the opportunity to learn about Christ and you die, then no harm, no foul, you get to go through the regular motions like everyone else.

You don’t have to burn in hell forever. And then the concept came up was that missionaries, as they’re going around to spread the word of God, right? Then two things can happen. Either a, the person believes them and they become a Christian and they go to heaven, or the person hears it and they’re like, nah, what you’re saying, it’s not really resonating with me. I’m going to go over here and do my thing now.

Now they potentially are going to go to hell just because the missionary didn’t have a good pitch. I love this. Can I answer this? Yeah, go ahead. Okay, so there’s a couple of verses in the Bible that address this pretty directly. And I don’t know why the Catholic Church doesn’t keep up with it, but you know why? The question is, what about those who have never heard? And the answer is, there are none.

So in act 17 is, I think, the clearest. If you start in verse 26, it says, and he being God, and he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined, allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is not actually far from each one of us.

So the idea is that even if someone hasn’t, they don’t have the words for it. They haven’t had a person come say, hey, let me tell you about Jesus. God’s not far from any of us. And every single person on the face of the earth has the opportunity to reach out for God and find him. And as they do, you hear stories from all around the world of people in, for example, islam who begin to reach out for Jesus without realizing it, and slowly God pulls them.

This actually goes back to before Jesus as well. So Jonah would be the best example of the worst missionary of all. Jonah. Jonah’s this awful missionary who’s like, God’s like, hey, go witness to these people. He’s like, no, screw you, God. I’m going to go in the opposite direction. And then God destroys his ship. And when the waves come to destroy his ship, everybody on the ship’s like, we need to figure out why the gods are mad at us.

And they talk to Jonah, and he’s like, no, it’s my God. I didn’t listen to him. He’s powerful. He can do all this stuff. And they say, we don’t know the name of your God, but we’re worshiping him now. And it actually says that they’re saved. So there’s this pre Jesus salvation for these people who are these pagans who don’t even know the name of Christ, don’t know the name of Yahweh, don’t know anything about Judaism, don’t anything about the religion.

But the Bible is clear that these people turn to a God that was unnamed to them, that they just knew was the God was powerful and that they’re saved. And then Jonah gets thrown overboard, he goes to Nineveh, he gives the word to these people, and then he tries to kill himself because he’s like, God. I don’t want these people to be saved. That’s how bad of a missionary Jonah is that his beef with God is.

He’s like, I don’t like that these people who aren’t like me could get. So, like, the whole message of Jonah is like, even people who are not following Judaism back in this time, right, have a path towards grace and Jonah doesn’t want to give it to them. So that’s probably the best example of, like, a bad missionary. And God’s like, yeah, but I can still work in these people.

Yeah. I don’t know. It’s an interesting question. I hope that answered it. I don’t know if that answered your question. Do you think there’s unforgivable sin? Do you think that exists? Do you think there’s something that you could do that’s so horrible that God would never forgive you for it? Sleeping with fallen angels. The power dynamic again, man. There’s no consent there. You can’t consent in that kind of a power dynamic.

The nephilim are not able to be forgiven. That’s my belief. But go ahead, Abby. There’s not a sin that you can do accidentally that would never be forgiven. But I think the unforgivable sin is just complete and absolute rejection of God. Like an Alistair Crowley like way, looking at the work he’s doing in front of your face and saying, that’s not God. That’s demonic. What if you turn around? Could you ever, like, let’s say you turned into Alistair Crowley at his worst, and then the very next day you renounce, you rebuke, you do all the things, you start going to church, you do the confession again, my Catholic is coming out.

He’s going to start doing. But let’s say that full 180 complete redemption arc. Or would Crowley have just gone a step too far and God’s just like, nah, dude, there’s nothing you can do now. I think it’s one of those hypotheticals that doesn’t exist. There’s a point of no return where it’s not that you can’t return if you want to, it’s that you would never want to. Your choice is so complete.

It’s interesting. Yeah. I tend to look at these questions and go, when all is said and done. I’m not the guy making the decision. This is true. I don’t always have a good answer for some things. I’m just like, yeah, that’s a God level decision. That’s above my pay. Grade again, I don’t know. Well, this is one of those loophole questions because I also Catholic, Italian. And one of the premises was that you could be Al Capone and you could do anything you want, but as long as you get the priest to come in and read you your last rights and you do the like, I’m sorry, we’re cool now.

Then you get to go back up to heaven, even though you were kind of, like, a jerk for the first six decades of your life, right? I found that fascinating. The Bible does have a verse about unforgivable sin. Everybody debates over it, and I’m not going to try to. I was taught as. But it does seem like it exists. My point, that it was denial of the Holy Spirit, that that’s what the unforgivable sin was.

But it’s like, how convenient that it’s so freaking vague that even when you get the answer, it still isn’t an answer. Right? Yeah. Some people say blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. So, like, the unforgivable sin in some people’s book is saying, God told me to say this, but knowingly, that’s not God talking to you. I do believe there’s unforgivable sin, I guess is my answer. I just don’t know exactly how to define it.

And I think Abby’s right where it’s like, when you get to that point, Hitler’s not going to just become a Christian on his deathbed. No, but what’s an example? I don’t even know if this is a good one. But didn’t, like, dahmer start to read the Bible after he got sent to jail? Or there have been other serial killers as examples that they get in the jail, they find Jesus, they start reading the Bible, and I always wonder, does even one of them get in if they truly convert and they accept Jesus and they do all the things that you’re supposed to do and wash me of my sins, and maybe it’s like a baptist thing they get.

But, like, do you show up in heaven and you’re like, wait a minute, that dude killed my entire family and he’s here? Well, I think this is what Jonah was complaining about, isn’t it? A little bit, yeah. The idea is that every single one of us is a sinner, completely separated from God. And so in some ways, yes, certain sins are bigger than others. Yes, murder is more horrific than telling a lie.

But at the end of the day, separated from God is separated from God, and we’re all equally powerless to do anything about it beyond trusting in Jesus for our salvation. So it’s not that I couldn’t get to heaven and say, well, I was better than this other person. How come he gets to be here? Because we’re both equally. Don’t deserve to be there except for what Jesus did.

So I think there’s two questions there. Did someone like Dahmer legitimately repent and trust Jesus for his salvation? Let’s say he did. For the sake of argument, then yes, he’s in heaven. Yeah, I don’t hear that is a parable about this in the Bible as well, where it’s like a bunch of workers come to a field. One guy gets there at six in the morning and he works till six at night, and he gets paid exactly what he told he was going to get paid, aka, that’s salvation.

And then another dude shows up. Half hour left of the workday. He’s like, hey, can I come over here and stack rocks for a few minutes? And he’s like, will I get paid a shekel? And he’s like, yeah, you’ll get paid a shekel if you do that for the next half hour, he gets paid. The guy that was there at six in the mornings are pissed off. It’s like, dude, I’ve been working 12 hours, but I gave you what I said I was going to give you salvation.

Another guy came late and I gave him what? I said I was going to give him salvation. And the point being, like, you were not worthy of salvation. He was not worthy of salvation. Be grateful that you have salvation because you were separated from God. And don’t worry about the other dude. So that’s a tough one. But I think, yeah, it’s one of those things where it’s like, there is definitely some jealousy there where it’s like, man, I had to work my whole life to stay on the straight and narrow, and this other dude was like a piece of crap and got in too.

But it’s the view on it that needs to be shifted, in my opinion. It’s like, the view is I got salvation, not that guy got salvation as well. Are we pro Judas or anti Judas? Big anti Judas. Anti Judas. Both of you? That’s a pretty strong approach. Yeah. I don’t know what you mean. Well, have you read the gospel of Judas? Yes, I have studied gnosticism. Okay, yeah, for sure.

I’m not pro that. It’s a gospel. It’s written like 250 years after Judas killed himself. Well, the premise being that again, like a loophole area, but if it weren’t for Judas, then Jesus wouldn’t have been crucified and therefore wouldn’t have died for our sins and therefore wouldn’t have absolved us of our sins. So Judas is kind of the linchpin in this entire operation and that Jesus might have likely put Judas up to it and been like, you need to be the, like, I don’t want to see it coming.

I want you to be perched up on the 6th floor of a booker puzle. I want you to be on the grassy. You know, here’s my thing. I think God exists outside of time. So there’s definitely the view that we have in linear time where it’s like this guy had to do the thing to make salvation possible. And I get that argument. I think the point is that he was going to do the thing no matter what.

And God knew he was going to do the thing. He knew he was going to betray him. He gave him every chance to be good, to be a disciple, to follow Jesus and to help his ministry. But the guy was right. So, like, the guy chose for himself to be evil, but God placed himself in the flesh in that situation, knowing that that would happen because that was necessary.

So I think Judas chose it. I’m not calvinist on this, where I’m like, God made him do an evil thing and then punished him for it. But it’s like, if you know someone’s going to do something bad, does that change that they’re bad for doing it just because you know it’s going to happen? It’s kind of the question there, I guess, but I don’t know. Everybody’s got different takes on.

This is mine. I think he’s in hell, but I’m grateful for the role he played for the fair. It seems like he provided a much more convenient. Because here in my mind there’s two paths forward. Jesus lives maybe forever, and he just goes around preaching and teaching and you have to hear the word and follow it. Or some dude just kills him and we all get in just for acknowledging him.

And you don’t even have to wait for all the teaching and the like, if somebody kills him, it makes it easier for everybody. It’s almost like that was the right thing to happen. They tried to stone Jesus like three or four times before Judas sold him. So, like, I think it was going to happen good enough. No, I’m sorry. I think it was going to happen whether Judas was a part of it or not.

I think Judas just chose to be a part of it, you know, what? I mean. And God decided it was time because the Sanhedrin was going to find a way to kill Jesus. Whether it was a year from then, whether Judas gave him the final destination. It’s what it’s like, right? Yeah. I don’t think Abby’s ever seen that movie. Jesus swerved out of the way of the logs, and it was.

Yeah, he swerved out of the way of logs, and then, yeah. Death came for him. He got off the plane when Tiffany Gomez told him to. That’s what happened. And, Abby, you said that Judas is probably burning in hell. Yes. Shots fired. First of all, to Judas’family, I’m sorry for your loss, but this about, you know, this is a new one. Hey, watch it. He’s the sponsor of this show.

Yeah, this is another one of those weird little conundrums. So, like, I recently, after watching the new Indiana Jones movie, was called the Lance of Longinus. And my bumkin self never realized that the lance of Longinus was the same thing as a spirit of destiny. But in my research, I found out there’s a saint Longinus. And Saint Longinus is the dude that pokes JC with the skewer in his.

Right. He’s the dude that uses it, and he gets to become a saint. And I’m still trying to figure out he pokes Jesus. Not accidentally. He decides I’m going to poke him. The blood runs down the lance, and I guess it cures him. He was, like, going blind or he had an issue with sight. You can correct me some of this, but no. Why does the poke. Poke guy get to be a saint and go to heaven and Judas is burning in hell? Like, explain the math.

I said earlier that we’re not catholic. So this is one of the things I’m not catholic on, is, like, a catholic only thing because he’s a saint, I assume that’s my point. Right? So there’s a lot of saints that I’ve looked into recently where I was like, those people actually seem demonic and bad, and they get like this. Like, that’s a whole conversation. But, yeah, just because the catholic church calls him a saint, it makes up a story, which I’m not sure is true.

Or if it’s just catholic lore. You’re asking me to explain why he’s a saint. I don’t think he is, but because I think the story is made up, I think that this whole knowing his name, knowing what happened to him, I don’t think any of that’s true personally. But theoretically, going back to the Dahmer thing. Theoretically, Judas rejects Jesus, betrays him, and then rather than face his guilt, repent, anything like that, he kills himself.

Yeah, theoretically, the guy who stabbed Jesus could have later in life been shoot. That was God. Well, I did a rad thing also. Yeah. So in your scenario, like, if it’s true, right, Judas was with Jesus, saw him perform miracles, knew he was a son of God, saw the transfiguration, and then rejected him. So this goes back to the earlier question of, like, when you know that. You know when there’s no way to say that you don’t know, and then rejecting God, that could very well be the unforgivable sin.

Whereas this soldier is like, here’s a dude on a cross. We kill people all day. He stabs this guy in the side. The guy walks on the earth again, three days later. He’s like, oh, crap. That guy was not lying. That was God. And then he changes his life. I think that guy would be saved. Yeah. Do you think Jesus comes back to earth and he sees everyone wearing crosses around their necks? He gets spooked and bounces.

People are, like, mocking me. There’s a good question to be had about certain symbols that the church has adopted, whether that’s, like, a good thing or not. I think early on in acts, it says that the Christians called themselves the way, and then the people in one city mocked them and called them little Christs. Or so like, the name Christian is a derogatory name, and the christian church took it upon themselves.

Be like, you can call us what you want. We’re going to accept it and be like, whatever. We want to be, like Christ. So calling us little Christ isn’t so much of an insult. And that same concept gets transferred over to the cross, to the nails, to things like that. I think some people have a problem with it being like, I don’t know if we should wear the torture device that Jesus died on.

Yeah. So that’s a question, right? I always wonder, too, if you got shout out to, this is from an old KRS one lyric, but if Jesus had been shot, would everyone be wearing little golden guns around their necks? Golden AK 47s. We look like Russians. Could we have the tracksuit and the gold AK 47 necklace and just be, like, russian gangsters for Christ? Sounds like Russian Orthodox already, to be honest.

You know, it might be. Yeah. Just replace the golden cross medallion with, like, a golden ak, and it’s, like, super russian. So you mentioned that you’ve got, like, a Bible that’s got extra notes and stuff. Like this. So here’s another weird hard line in certain circles where it’s like if you’re not on the King James version, then you’re spreading filth. Mr. So, like, you know, if you show, what is it, the companion Bible or like the new Bible or the NTSC or so where are you at? Which one’s right? I don’t think any of them are perfect, but I don’t think the King James is as perfect as the people who love the King James.

Say, what Bible have you written, PJ? I did not write the Bible and I did not write the demonology, which was another king you just throw around. You’re just calling it not perfect, but you haven’t even attempted to write your own. That’s cool. That’s true. The translation, I’m a hater. Perfect. That’s what I the Bible is perfect, but the human ability to translate Hebrew is a thick language and we’re working with really old manuscripts.

I personally think of the translations, the ESV is the best. But that’s just my personal opinion and I don’t think anyone is wrong. The thing about the King James is we have gotten older texts since then, so we’ve discovered older texts that have more clearly, like this was the Hebrew, this was the original language. Some things were translated to Greek and then translated to English, and then we go back to the Hebrew and we translate them or go back to the Greek and we translate or whatever.

Right. We have a better understanding now than we did in the 1500. Whenever King James wrote the King James Bible, it doesn’t differ in any super important ways. But there are some little things that I think the King James Bible doesn’t quite have the translation right. But I don’t think the people who make that their whole personality bother me. Yeah, I think you can read the King James, be just fine.

I think you can read the ESV and be just fine, but not the message or whatever that one is. That one’s crap is the message. What’s the one that changes? Honey for Bubblegum. And they put it in like modern american. It’s a paraphrase. And then people started treating it like it was a translation. Yeah. The author never wanted you to do that. But no, I think the point is you find one that’s as faithful where the translators cared, like the Translators weren’t trying to push an agenda, they were just doing their absolute best to translate truthfully.

And then before the woke Disney translators got involved or what? Exactly. Yeah. Wait for Disney’s Bible to come out next year, since they’re losing so much revenue everywhere else. Find a faithful translation, but find one that’s readable for you. And my biggest problem with the King James version is that it’s not readable. It’s so old. The English is so old that you’re just not as a dialect. I don’t going to.

That wouldn’t be a good bible for me to read because I have trouble connecting with God through it. Right. Yeah, I agree with that. I feel like anyone out there fighting werewolves, if they write a book, I’ll read it. Do it. Yeah, we’re running a little bit long here. We haven’t even gotten to conspiracies. I’m just going to cut right into this and we’ll wrap this up for you guys.

Hey, conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCP. The paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go. All right, no qualifiers. I want your true, honest ratings zero to ten. And we’ll go PJ first and then Abby for each one of these. Flat earth, zero to ten. One. One. Yeah. Hollow Earth, zero to ten. Five. Three. Okay. We are 6000 years old, roughly seven.

I don’t know. I’m a full ten on that one. It’s hard to be without the disqualifiers. Some of these are hard to answer. Yeah, you got to just put a number on it. I’ll just put a seven on it. Dinosaurs. What about them? Did they ever existed? Okay, I hate the no qualifiers rule. Seven. I’m going to say seven, too. Yeah, dragons. And I mean fire breathing, flying dragons.

Nine, nine. Celebrity clones? Seven, five. Leah Harvey Oswald was a lone wolf. Zero, one. One. Adrenochrome rituals. Nine, seven. I want to ask more about adrenochrome, but I’m trying to bounce around all the other ones because you started out on this. I feel like I know the answer, but I’ll ask you guys. Zero to ten. Alistair Crowley summoned an actual demon at some point in his Life. 910.

Yeah, I was going to say ten, but I like to leave a little bit of like he could be full shit, but, yeah, I’ll give it a nine still. And then finally we’ll do two more. Zero to ten. Bigfoot. I need to know this one exists, has ever existed, the actual Bigfoot? Ten. Is this ham? Is ham the original Bigfoot? Well, I thought it was Kane or Hurley.

Kane. Hurley Kane. We had a guy on that Paul Staubbs that talked about it with us. The nephilim clown guy, right? Yeah. We’re going on his show on Sunday. I love that guy. Okay. And then finally, anyone that makes it big in Hollywood or in the music industry has sold their soul to the devil or Satan or something. I want to say ten, but I’ll say nine again.

Give myself a little bit of wiggle room. Nine, depending on what you mean by makes it big. Who’s the one? Is there someone that’s free? Like, are you guys swifties? And, like. Okay. No, no. Well, the only reason. I’ll tell you why I said nine. Because Taryn Manning recently, we’re doing episode of this soon, was like, I was offered the gold juice three times and didn’t take it.

She was very successful. I’m sure she did plenty of things to be in that club, but she didn’t go all the way, it seems. So I feel like there’s, like, a level of fame that people get to where they’re tempted with the thing, and maybe their career gets shut off after that. But do I think they’re not innocent at that point? So I got to say, nine is like a full sold your soul to the devil thing.

Would you guys ever do adrenochrome? Sorry, what were you saying? I want to leave a little room for. I don’t know if there’s a path, a clean path to that level of fame. I think for the most part, I couldn’t name a person I actually think took a clean path, but I wonder if one exists. Yeah, I think maybe it exists to a certain extent, but I feel like extending it to where Taylor Swift got right.

She goes away for a little bit, and then she comes back with, like, three number one albums, a tour with full on witchcraft rituals and the whole thing. And is, like, times person year at 33, she made that decision between those times. Right? Like, the final one. I think Mother Teresa is incredibly famous. Did she sell her soul? I don’t think so, but I’d have to. Mother Teresa episode.

She’s got shade that’s get thrown believed. So the skeleton version of this one is that she believed people found Christ through suffering, so she would be around suffering people. And then people just assumed that she was there to help. But it might have been more like just wanting to be there and watch them suffer, because that was, like, her kink. It’s weird when you look into the Mother Teresa stuff.

I’m not, like, fully in the camp that she was, like, ten out of ten saint that we’re told she is. I mean, I’m not surprised. Yeah, but she could have been, like, a nurse ratchet and just. That’s what I’m. Yeah, right. Wow. That’s cool, though. That’s funny. Yeah. All right, well, I’ll let you guys go. Sorry for running over a little bit. We were having way too much fun.

I didn’t even expect to talk about the Bible for an hour, I swear. Yeah, I didn’t either. And it was fun, man. Not sorry, but sorry. Yeah. Thank you for having us on, man. This is a good time. Thank you. PJ and Abby, again from conspiracy pill. Tell people where they can find you. Yeah. So go over to conspiracypilled. com. Follow all the links. We’re on Twitter. We’re on Rumble.

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