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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, is a group of researchers dedicated to investigating historical and cultural mysteries. They explore everything from ancient symbols to popular media, seeking answers to long-standing questions. In their podcast, they discuss various topics, including the potential connections between Hurricane Helene and the plasma apocalypse, and the possibility of the government using geoengineering to prevent or mitigate cyclical events. They also delve into theories about the manipulation of the skies, the significance of numbers, and the implications of having two moons.
➡ The speaker theorizes that Starlink satellites might be bombs, designed to create a large EMP to prevent plasma from reaching the earth. They also discuss various symbols, cosmic anomalies, and the potential significance of the date October 4th. They mention a connection to the number 128 and speculate about upcoming events. The conversation ends with observations of unusual phenomena in the sky, including fireballs and two moons.
➡ The discussion revolves around various symbolic interpretations of the number 101, portals, and the concept of a mystical island called Hi Brazil that supposedly appears every seven years. They also discuss the potential connection between the invasion of Iraq and the search for ancient technology or Stargate technology. The conversation ends with a speculation about rising prices due to pork strikes and the impact on the economy.
➡ The speaker discusses a theory that ancient tribes from the North Pole migrated south, becoming nomads and merchants. They renamed places after their original homeland, including Israel, Tigris, and Euphrates. The speaker also suggests that these tribes established power structures and invented banking. The discussion also includes skepticism about the authenticity of certain historical locations and artifacts, and the reliability of fact-checking sources.
➡ The text discusses various theories and interpretations about ancient cities, giants, and mythical creatures. It suggests that ancient cities were built around powerful light beams, which were seen as sources of power. The text also explores the etymology of various words and names, suggesting connections between them and ancient myths and legends. Finally, it discusses the possibility that natural disasters like wildfires could be caused by plasma events, rather than traditional explanations.
➡ The speaker discusses various theories about the earth, its origins, and natural phenomena. They suggest that volcanic activity and other natural events are linked to ancient stories and cultures. They also propose that the sun is transitioning into a hotter, blue spectrum, which could have implications for our environment, including causing forest fires. Lastly, they speculate that certain colors, like blue, might reflect this new sunlight and protect against its heat.
➡ The speaker discusses various theories and interpretations of religious and cultural phenomena, such as the rapture and the concept of a ‘dark winter’. They also explore the symbolism and themes in popular media like Game of Thrones and Dune, suggesting that these narratives reflect deeper truths about our world. The speaker expresses excitement about these ideas and the potential changes they could bring, despite the fear they might inspire in others. They also touch on the idea of cycles of magic and technology, and the potential for a shift from one to the other.
➡ The text discusses a group of bald, evil people who merge with a black substance. It also mentions a sacred bloodline and a child who represents a messiah. The text further explores a TV show where people time travel through a hole in the ground and gain future visions by consuming a certain dust. Lastly, it talks about giant sandworms in a desert whose blue blood, when consumed, gives visions of the future.
➡ The speaker is expressing their joy and pride in being part of a community of truth seekers on TikTok. They discuss their frustration with other content creators who steal their ideas, but also their excitement in discovering new perspectives. They mention their interest in the concept of the plasma apocalypse, which they believe connects various theories and ideas. They also talk about their collaboration with other creators, comparing their combined skills to a powerful team. They end by discussing various movies and shows they enjoy, and a website where they watch them for free.
➡ The text is a conversation between two individuals discussing various movies and series, including their interpretations and theories about certain elements like the symbolism of milk and black goo. They also talk about their interest in decoding these elements and recommend each other to watch certain shows. The conversation ends with one of them promoting his new book and the various services he offers on his website.
➡ The speaker is offering personalized consultations on preparing for a plasma apocalypse, including advice on necessary items and local geography. They also encourage buying books directly from authors instead of through Amazon, as it’s more beneficial for the author and allows for a more personalized experience. They also have a website for bookings and merchandise, including items believed to protect against negative energy and 5G. The speaker and their guest discuss the potential of certain stones and crystals to block both evil energy and 5G, suggesting a possible connection between the two.
➡ The speaker discusses the possibility of humans gaining superpowers due to changes in the world’s conditions, such as atmospheric depressurization. They believe that these changes could lead to increased buoyancy, allowing humans to perform feats like jumping high and running fast. They also suggest that these conditions could explain how ancient humans were able to move large stones and build megaliths. The speaker also mentions the possibility of people living longer due to different gravity conditions, as depicted in the King Kong movie.
➡ The text discusses a theory that the Earth is absorbing energy, benefiting those who live underground. It suggests that these underground beings, often depicted as serpent-like entities in ancient stories, might rise to the surface when the energy transfer occurs. The text also explores the idea that these beings could be subterranean rather than extraterrestrial. It ends with a discussion about celestial bodies and their movements, suggesting that our current understanding of the sky might differ from ancient perceptions.
➡ The text discusses a battle between a heavenly entity and an earthly one, symbolized by Kronos and Zeus from Greek mythology. Kronos, the sky god, is depicted as a mouth or eye that consumes everything during a catastrophic event, while Zeus, born from the earth, is seen as the force that ends the apocalypse. The text also explores the concept of a black hole sun, the shape of the heavens, and the idea of a looming catastrophic event. It ends with a discussion on the phrase “new normal” and its significance in numerology.
➡ The video discusses the theory that Hurricane Helene was not a natural disaster but was engineered using atmospheric frequency transmissions and geoengineering. The speaker suggests that these methods are used for population control and to create chaos, which allows those in power to gain more control. The video also mentions anomalies in weather patterns and satellite images that support this theory. The speaker encourages viewers to stay aware and question everything.
➡ The text discusses the potential implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and its ability to mimic human behavior, voice, and even appearance. It highlights concerns about AI being used to clone people’s voices and images, leading to a future where it’s hard to distinguish between real humans and AI. The text also explores the idea of AI being integrated into human brains, potentially replicating personalities and memories. Finally, it delves into theories about virgin births and cloning in a highly charged environment, linking these ideas to ancient legends and World War II experiments.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and their meanings in popular culture, particularly in movies and TV shows. It highlights the significance of the number eight and the eight-pointed star, which is often associated with superheroes and powerful entities. The text also explores the concept of magnetic islands and their impact on ships, leading to shipwrecks and stranded survivors. Lastly, it delves into the idea of plasma as a source of power, as seen in characters like Captain Marvel.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the significance of numbers, the concept of a simulated reality, and the power of dreams. It also explores the idea of people gaining abilities, referencing popular culture and movies. The text further delves into the symbolism of the eight-pointed star, the concept of Stargates, and the theory of a plasma event related to Saturn and the cosmic mountain.
➡ The text discusses a theory about how energy discharges from the earth, creating a mountain-like structure. This energy is likened to a tree of life, with the mountain as the trunk and the energy beam as the branches. The text also explores the symbolism of this energy in various cultures and media, such as the Stargate in movies, which represents a transition or change. The text concludes with a discussion about the need for large obelisks in an electrically amplified atmosphere to prevent or redirect lightning strikes.


A group of researchers formed the Truth Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy Truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomena. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature.

Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations, or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast with your host, Tommy Truthful. And today we’re going to have a special guest I’m going to introduce here in a second. We’re going to talk about what’s going on with Hurricane Helene, how it might be connected to the plasma apocalypse, and, you know, just what’s going on in reality right now.

A lot of people out there, I heard, are without their phones, and it’s kind of interesting that Verizon, the outage happened right after they got this deal to manage 6339 mobile towers across the US for $3.3 billion. And we all know that 33 number. So, you know, I thought that was kind of fascinating, but there’s all kinds of crazy things going on in the world that we’re going to cover and get into. We got some videos queued up for you guys. Make sure you smash that, like, button. And just to protect ourselves, as always, this is called fair use, and it’s allowed for purpose of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn’t infringe of copyright under us 17 107.

Down below the description. If you want to get a personal decode from your boy Tommy truthful and find out your role in the simulation, that link is down there below. Use promo code, decode the matrix. And don’t forget to get my brother J Dreamers new book that he’s got out right now. Jay, what’s up, bro? Hey, I know, the truth mafia. You finished the book, huh? Yeah, the part two. So, second book. So the first one was all about the plasma apocalypse and the cliffs notes and the highlights. The second one really focuses more on the place of origin.

So all of the myths and legends surrounding hyperborea and the Garden of Eden and the axis mundi plasma volcanoes and everything. That’s awesome, bro. I can’t wait to read it. I mean, you know, the first one was phenomenal, so I know this one will be pretty cool, too. And, yeah, I just wanted to. You know, everybody’s talking about harp right now and geoengineering. Like, that’s the big trending topic with what’s going on in the world. You know, we had record amounts of flooding ripped through North Carolina. I mean, it just got devastated, Jay. It’s really unreal what happened down there in Florida.

And the interesting thing about it all, which we’ll bring up here in a minute, I got a video. I found out there was actually Hurricane Helene in 1958 that started. It started to form on September 21, and then it reached its peak on September 27. So right about the same time frame, the same freaking name, it went the same route. And if you count from that day, brother, September 21 until this one, it was exactly 66 years and six days. And then if you. You know, I like looking at the numbers, harp hurricanes equals 666. So I thought that was really interesting.

You know, I’m like, man, what’s going on here? But with the plasma apocalypse and what people call pull shift and the Hopi prophecy, I was kind of thinking, well, what if, you know, playing devil’s advocate here, what if the government was using this geoengineering technology to try to actually reverse or stop what’s happening due to this cycle event? Yes. I like that kind of thinking, man. Like, just. At least to just check ourselves and run a quick self diagnostic to make sure we’re not just front running or going with the crowd or the flow, because it’s easy to just point fingers.

It’s so easy to blame and stuff. But if we look back, or I’ve looked back at the ancient records, like, for example, you know, a long time ago, these tribes performed human sacrifices and whatnot, and they wouldn’t say that it was evil or anything. They would say, hey, this is for the greater good. We’re trying to stop the apocalypse from happening. You know what I mean? And the people were clapping. They were happy. You know what I mean? Like, they weren’t all, oh, my God, this is terrible. Like, they were thankful for. And it was an honor for oftentimes, you know, these people volunteered, actually.

Yeah. You know, like the Aztecs, the Mayans, during these type of cyclical events. Yeah. And so now they’re telling us, Jay, that we have two moons now. And, you know, and it’s very interesting because they said, oh, yeah, don’t worry, it happened before in 2006. Well, I’m 41 years old. I don’t never remember no two moons. Yeah, dude, the sky’s turning into a bowl of lucky charms. It’s like they got two moons and lucky stars and green flying comets and horned devil, cryogenic ice volcano comets and all kinds of weird additions to our guy, things we’ve never, ever seen before.

And it’s kind of like manda, are they normalizing it? But you would think so. Like, again, me playing devil’s advocate, I’m thinking if I’m the government and I know this cyclical events going to happen because they, you know, they keep records of all this. And we know if you really study the plasma apocalypse and the cyclical event, there’s so much evidence of it and there’s so much evidence that they suppressed it, you know, and I, why wouldn’t you? Because if you knew that 70%, not in every single case, but some of the bigger ones, a big majority of the popular populace, you know, could die off.

And I know they’re smaller ones. Right. And then, yeah, cataclysms. I mean, there’s still pole shifts and stuff the sky has to rip open or whatever. But I like, I like the path that you were going down with the harp thing and wondering what it’s all about. And could they be trying to maybe either stop it or possibly minimize the damage that will be done? Right. So let’s suppose that the, the plasma apocalypse really revolves around a pressure release, right? There’s many other aspects to it, but if we’ve gone a real long time since the last major apocalyptic cycle which brought about the oceans, then the next time we go through a major one, it’s, it’s going to be big.

It’s a, going to be a huge release, and it’s going to be devastating. So it stands to reason that for, for those who are in power or the elite or whatnot, not all of them. I mean, it seems to me like, you know, there, there’s many that are getting ready to actually leave, that they’re going to blast off, try to go out through the depressurization point or possibly go to Mount Maru and try to go back into the earth as well to the place of safety. But inevitably, they’re going to have family members that stay behind.

Inevitably, there’s those that are not going to be approved to go or have improved themselves to be able to go or they just choose to stay, you know what I mean? Because they can, I’m sure they only have so many that can escape this world when the time comes. So it makes sense that for, at the, at least for the sake of their own families who are leaving, who they’re leaving behind, that they would try to set them up for success, you know, by minimizing the damage in their particular regions or the world across. Even so, Harp could be something like that.

Anything that they’re using to manipulate the skies. That also goes back to like things like the government projects, you know what I mean? In Antarctica especially, any of the Arctic projects or operations and stuff. The one where they were trying to detonate nukes up there in the sky. Yeah, fishbowl. Fishbowl, Dominic. Those ones along those lines, you know. You know what happens when you detonate a nuke up in, in the atmosphere, up near the Carmen line or whatever? They did it eleven times. Yeah. And it creates a huge electromagnetic pulse which reminded me because you know how I do the truth in movies, right, in the matrix, that’s how they get rid of those plasma tentacle looking squiddies that they call squeeze or whatever, the sentinels, right? That’s how they get rid of them is an electromagnetic pulse.

Anytime that they get near, that’s like the plasma coming in and then if they have nukes up there in the sky, they can just detonate. Those create a huge electromagnetic pulse and they, they care less about the fallout or whatever, especially since the jet stream will carry much of it or whatever to the extremities. Um, but the, the EMP would minimize, or in theory it would minimize the damage done by the cosmic thunderbolts of the God or gods that are, you know, coming down in the form of serpentine dragons and fire, fire worms and stuff like that.

And so that’s what I was telling you earlier is I, that’s my theory, that’s one of my working theories on what um, what do you call that, um, the satellite things that we were talking about up there in the sky? Starlink. Yeah, Starlink. I, I have a strong feeling that those might be bombs. Like I think those might be bombs. I think they’re just covering the sky with this net, you know, to detonate it when the time comes to create a huge EMP that, you know, could possibly prevent the plasma from coming down too far or whatever.

I don’t know, it’s just like a, an idea that I had. No, you might be on to something with that. I always like to look at it from, you know, both points of view, you know, just to see. Because if we stay in the same mind, thinking we’re never. You’re just gonna be stuck in an echo chamber. But donut, shout out to my brother, donut factory. He did a post on Starlink, and I showed you before live, and I. The eye in the sky. It looks pretty crazy, their new logo. Yeah, yeah, it does. What’s that silver ball in the left hand corner? Um, I think that’s one of them things in your house, like my house? No, no, they have them in the house.

I’m not sure, though, what that silver ball is in the left hand, but I think it’s like, you know how you have Alexa and all that type of stuff? It could be something like that. I’m not really sure. I know he put, um, cern over here. Then you got the ABC sign. That’s the new Starlink sign, which is kind of like the all seeing eye. I want to. Donut might be in the comments. If he’s in the comments. Brother Donut, what is that in the bottom left hand corner? But it does have that same look to it, right? No, yeah, it totally does.

Does. With the same. The same exact patterns of. And, you know, that’s what donut really studies is the symbols and stuff. So it’s definitely fascinating, man. That’s what I call the doom shape. Look. I think that’s the doom shaped in the colburn Bible. In the Colburn Bible? Yeah. Have you read the Colburn Bible? Um, I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never read it myself, bro, it’s. You’ll see if you ever do, if you don’t want to read it. I did a whole video on it, you know, just kind of, like, pointing out, like, the interesting parts.

But, man, they go deep into this crazy cosmic anomalies that they were witnessing, and they all saw this shape, and they called it the doom shape up in the heavens. And the way they describe it, it looks similar to these shapes that are on the screen right now. When they saw that, they knew, you know, they were in another era, another epic, another time. And that’s what all the big astrologers are talking about right now. I know that’s what me and donut was talking about before we went live, and we’re moving into a whole new time, and things are getting ready to change.

And then that eclipse coming up on October 4. And what’s very interesting about that is this hurricane that happened, Hurricane Helene, the one that took place in 1958, it ended on October 4. So there’s a crowd. Show you guys on the Wikipedia, and then if you guys remember here, let me show you a screenshot. Actually opened the thing so I could show you. I did this decode a while back on. I don’t know if you ever watch it, Jay. I know I tried to get you to watch it a few times. Evil. Remember that series evil I was telling you about? Yeah, it sounds familiar.

Yeah, well, it’s evil season four. They actually discontinued it, dude. And this is my members only. Like, 99% of our content is 100% free. But like any content creator, I do have a members only part two and any of my members only content. Like, if you wanted to watch this video and not be a member, there’s a link in the description. You can go to my Patreon and watch it for $3. Just a video and all mine. You’re watching the actual series with me as I’m breaking it down. So it’s pretty cool you get to watch it with me.

Um, but in this episode, uh, evil season four, episode ten, Leland got a note on his phone that he was dead. So he’s actually, uh, Christian Burchard’s mom. She snuck into the place where he worked and typed on the computer that he died. And, you know, he was freaking out because he was. He’s obviously alive. He’s reading the phone. But on the phone, you got the eclipse, bro. And it says Tuesday, October 4. So October 4 is the day Joe Biden sent out the FEMA text alert at 218 eastern standard Time. Donut told me that too.

And 218 is a. Is kind of a connection to the whole 128 code. It’s just the numbers rearrange differently. You know what I mean? 12828 or eight two one. And for any you guys that are new here, 911, the towers collapsed at 10:28 a.m. and the tower did, and then the bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh on January 28 of 2022. Matthew Perry died on October 28. And. And that’s one two eight. And then his girlfriend, Julia Roberts, she released that movie leave the world behind on twelve eight. So there’s this whole 128 connection with Cat. Oh, the Challenger blew up on January 28 of 1986 too.

So there’s like, this whole 128 connection. The first d wave quantum computer was 128 qubits, and then CERN equals one two eight. Key to the abyss is 128. So there’s a crazy one two eight connection. And that was the day Joe did that. So I think there’s something up with this October 4 date, bro. And that’s two days after the eclipse. The ring of fire. Eclipse. And look what he has on his freaking phone. Yeah. Fire clips. You know what I mean? Yeah. And that’s. Donut was made a good point, too, when we were chatting earlier about it being Rosh Hashanah or the new year.

There’s these different new years or times that the new year is celebrated in different cultures or whatever. But this is the ancient hebraic new year, which is really interesting that these things would line up exactly whenever they line up with the clock keeping system of the luminaries up there in the heavens. Yeah, this is going to be like you and donut were saying. This is going to be a big one because of, you know, it lining up with that jewish new year and everything. Definitely. As far as the occult goes, they’ll definitely, probably have several events taking place and, you know.

But I can just feel it in the air, bro. Something is. Is happening right now that we’re not being told everything about. I really feel like I’m in that movie Greenland. I swear to God I’ve said that. Yeah, I feel like I’m in that movie, bro. That one’s. Man, that one hit close to home. Yeah, it was so pretty much like. Remember when he went in the. Remember in Greenland when he went in the store and he got the notification on his phone that him and his family were. Chose to go to Greenland? Yeah. Right before that, he looks up in the sky and he’s seen that Comet Clark coming.

It looked just like Nibiru, bro. Look like the wing disk. Yeah. Had giant wings coming off of it. Right. The other night in the sky. I guess they seen some weird stuff. This was going on. I don’t really know what. Yes, the fireballs. See, that’s. That’s a lot of stuff that we start seeing, too. This is. People start seeing a lot of fireballs whenever, you know, the land of Oz is coming upon you because that’s what the witch throws. But these are fireballs. These. If those are not rocks that are slowing down, you can’t travel 30,000 miles an hour, 50,000 miles an hour or whatever and then just hit the brakes.

Because there’s some atmosphere, you know, the air is in the way and so it just slows down almost to. And then it just disappears. Why isn’t it a fireball all the way down into the earth like they show in the movies? Yeah. And look at the sun there. Don’t the sun look weird too? Like that sun’s own? That’s supposed to be the sun, I guess. Yes. That’s also weird times when you can’t tell if it’s the sun or the moon, right? Yeah, I mean, it’s so bizarre right now, bro. And now we’re like, like people are saying, you know, we got freaking two moons now.

I mean, and we’re post have two moons for 53 days until, I think it’s November. It might be after the 18th or something, but it’s 53 days from the 29th, which is interesting because the day we had two moons, guys, that’s the day CERN was established in 1954 on September 29. So that’s. Yeah, yeah, that’s allegedly when we first started seeing them, bro. So I’m sorry. I’m waiting for people to start powering up, Jay, you know, I’m with. Oh, believe me, they’re gonna power up. I’m thinking the superpowers are coming soon, bro. You know, all kinds of weird stuff.

They better hope I don’t get get no crazy superpowers, because I’ll tell you, I got a few evil people that I’m gonna go have a little chat with. Right? Yes. Oh, yeah, there won’t be no more. And probably like back in the old days, you know, I’ve heard you talk about it before, where the kings would pay them nights to go hunt the monsters and stuff after these events. And yes, they probably tried to hunt down the people too, that had abilities. That’s a danger to them, to the establishment. Yes, for sure that. I think that’s one of the major things that happened during the.

Just after the dark ages when they were rounding up all the people of power, the powerful people, you know, whatever names they went by. And they sure were rounding up people that seemed to have some kind of otherworldly power, you know? Right. And torturing them. And they could not kill them unless their heads were severed. That’s the only way that they could die. And even then, sometimes not. Yeah, there’s a story about this dude. He was from Africa, and this is like in the eighties or something, and he was supposed to have these abilities, right? And so they try to kill him like four or five times.

Dude, they got him on a plane, and the last time they, like, got him on this plane, killed him, tried to chop him up, and he still came back. And then he told him, I know some of you in the comments probably heard this story before. He told him that in the future there will be many of me that come and you won’t be able to stop us all, you know, and, like, they try to five different times, manifesting, that’s going to happen. I’m telling you, man, the, the, the fantasy and the fiction and all the things that people just thought were make believe and old wives tales and not real or whatever.

It’s not just going to come back one day, like, in the distant future and over millions of years, like, we’re conditioned to think it’s all coming back at once. Like, it’s all going to happen quickly. And, and these things we’re starting to see little tastes of things, dude. For example, mutations, like, mutations used to be something that has, that was normal throughout the world in ancient writings, even, like, whenever, whenever you, you know, if you read Zechariah Sitchin’s works and his interpretations of the Anunnaki and stuff, they talked about how the Anunnaki tried to make the humans, but they failed miserably, like, a hundred times, and they created all these weird mutated versions that, like, didn’t really work out or pan out.

And then you have all the weird mutant tribes and stuff from, you know, before the dark ages and stuff, and that’s going to come back, dude. Like, people that when the conditions of this world change extremely, then the people will change extremely. But however, that, that extreme will just be the new normal. It’ll be normal for those people that are born into that world. It’ll be weird for us as survivors who make it from this age to the next. But in the world to come, that’ll be normal in these modern days will be the fantasy and the legends and the stories of old.

That, that’ll be so cool. Yeah, we’ll be like. But won’t we be people like us that were born in this time with different atmosphere and stuff? Won’t we be stronger than people that are born? Yes, in the plasma apocalypse thing. Yeah. In general. I mean, there’s, you know what I mean? There’s exceptions and stuff. But if so, hypothetically, let’s say that the atmosphere goes through a major depressurization event, right? That means much of the atmosphere leaves, and it escapes, and it goes out of this world and into space, or however people wanna see that, right? But we lose.

We rapidly lose atmosphere when that happens. You know, one of the scientific principles is that however much atmosphere escapes will be equal to a brand new buoyant force that essentially causes things to weigh much less. And if it’s strong enough of a buoyant force, things will float up into the heavens. You know what I mean? Wow. Have you ever done that? Experiment in, like, school or something where you have like a two liter bottle and there’s like a little floaty guy or cereal boxes used to have one of these dudes, and you like, put it into a two liter bottle and he kind of just floats in the middle.

But when you squeeze the two liter bottle when it’s closed and you put pressure on it, the guy drops down to the bottom, and then when you let go, he floats back up to the top. Have you ever done that? No. That’s interesting. Now, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s the exact same principle on a small scale. That’s what happens to our world when there’s pressure and there’s all this atmospheric pressure and it increases and it increases then what we perceive as being gravity, you know, the mainstream perceives as being gravity, it also increases, which adds to the perceived weight of everything in this world, which adds to the perceived and experienced density to everything in this world, including our bones, our skin, our muscles, our bodies.

In this world, we’re just walking around naturally, exercising under extreme weight conditions that were not the way it was in the ancient world. That is true. So, yeah, when, when that releases, we probably be able to jump high and shit too, bro. Yes. Yeah. Because everything will weigh less. You’ll, um, be increased buoyancy. So it’s just like Superman. It’s all the same Superman qualities and stuff. Jumping high, leaping far, running fast. And this is not just in modern comic books, but this was described, man, there’s this. Okay, so, like, you know how like, there’s extra biblical books, you know, like Enoch and jubilees and stuff like that.

Yeah. Okay, so one of them, one of. Man, there’s a really so many good ones. But one of them is called, I think it’s called the Testament of the twelve tribes, or the testament of the twelve patriarchs, I believe, which is like the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel. And it’s basically each leader wrote down his own little diary and they put it together in this collection. So there’s just twelve collections of letters from these tribal leaders. And when he was describing the leaders of these tribes, it described these feats that they could do. Like, one thing I remember off the top of my head is the, the leader Neftali.

He could run as fast as a cheetah. He could keep up with cheetahs, you know what I mean? And another guy was describing as being able to leap over gigantic walls in a single bound. That’s exactly how it was described in this book. An ancient book. I actually have a friend named Naftali. I just. He has his own channel and stuff. He does content on YouTube. That’s his name, I swear. No, Thali. He’s pretty good content creator, but, yeah. So this. This also helps me to understand how, you know, people. People always ask, like, well, how did humans move such giant bricks, you know, when it comes to whatever megaliths and stuff, right? Oh, they would have had to have done this.

They would have had to have done that. Most of these people have ever heard saying this. They’re projecting modern conditions and modern man and what we are like today with these conditions onto the ancient past. And they’re saying, do it now. Do it under our conditions. But what if the conditions were completely different and the people were completely different? You know? And I’ve heard people say, like, well, there was giants, which is true, but we would be almost equal in strength to those giants because of our dense muscles and things weighing a lot less. You know what I mean? So it’s like we would be the superheroes, which are much smaller, and then the giants would.

Would be able to help out or whatever, but you’d be able to lift up things easily. Just, you saw that new King Kong movie, right? Where they went into the earth and those dudes were lifting up the thing and he’s like, all the gravity is different down here. Yep. That’s what they’re showing. They live longer down there. Member? Yes. Yeah. Like, they didn’t age when they were down there and in her earth, because that one lady, she was down there forever, and she didn’t even freaking age. Yeah, totally. So that’s all of the, all of the electrical charge.

It’s energized right now. All the energy that we’re missing energy on the surface, man, you’re getting me all hyped up right now. We’re missing energy up here. It’s being siphoned into the earth. It’s seeping down into the earth, which means the earth is charging energy. So whoever lives in the earth or in the underworld or, you know, the under dark and the underneath and the upside down, etcetera, they’re in the golden age right now. They’re the ones who are. They’re. They’re receiving all the power, all of the energy, cellular regeneration and all the benefits and stuff.

So where do you think a lot of them are going to go or want to go? If they know it’s going to transfer up here one day? They’re going to come up. Yeah, dude, like, the Harvard. So they. There’s a bunch of ancient stories like that, these serpent type entities that were very similar. You know, they’re. They always talk about these subterranean lizards, right? Yeah. And the. These serpent type entities, they would come up and they would feed on humanity. And like, they say that movie 30 days and what was it called? 30 nights or something.

Remember where all the vampires went up there to, um, Alaska, and it was dark for 30 days. You remember that movie? And they just went through the whole town or something? Yeah, yeah, something like that. So it was supposed to be based on these ancient ones that live underneath of us and come up. And they say Jupiter is sending that whole harvest. How they come and harvest the planet. It’s all based on them entities. I mean, in the Talmud, they talk about some freaking aquatic lizards, dude, you know, but, man, I mean, I don’t know what the hell is going on there is that it may be dagon and his crew.

It kind of like the nephilim, but spelled a little different. Nephilim. I’m checking it out for the world. Name a demon. Yeah, this is. It’s pretty weird. Name of a species of lizard living in the water. When I seen that, I’m like, what in the heck is that all about? One of my buddies sent me that, and I’m like, man, this is crazy. And then 1934, they had that article in the LA Times where they talked about finding all these lizard catacombs under La. Remember that? Yeah. And, bro, they said that they went down there because of some cataclysm.

That’s why. Yes. You know what? You know, it’s crazy. Speaking of the underground lizards as well, it reminded me of. I just broke down the decoded Jurassic park, like yesterday or something, and I was reading through the comments. I always go afterwards and I read what everyone says in the chat or whatever, and one person made the point that lizards just keep on growing. So if you have lizards that also are experiencing cellular regeneration and they’re going to live for hundreds of years, then naturally they’re just going to grow and grow and grow and keep on getting bigger and bigger and bigger that they don’t really stop.

I don’t know. I haven’t researched that, what they said. I thought that was an interesting point. And on top of that, have you heard of that book, um, vril the power of the coming race? Oh, yeah. Have you read that? Um, I don’t know if I read that one, but I’m in the middle. I’ve heard of it, though. But I am. But what about this one? You know about this one? The Florida project? No. Know that v symbol? Because I used to watch that tv show, like, dude, there’s so much crazy connections with this real thing in these lizards, bro.

I think there’s something to it, man. I think there’s something to this. Some type of suck. See, I don’t think they’re from a faraway star system, though. The draconian star system. That’s what I think is all the b’s about it. I think they’re subterranean, you know? I think they’re here, bro. I think they’re right under our feet. The mo lizards. And. I don’t know. Are they? You know, I don’t trust them myself. Maybe there could be some good ones. I don’t know. But let’s think about this. There. If there’s as above, so below. So if there are those below, it may be that there are also those that may descend from above one day as well.

Or they all come at once and clash. And you have clash of the Titans or the, you know, the war of the gods or whatever, like with. With Zeus and his father. Yeah, if you listen to them stories, the mansion stories, the battle of the titans and all that, I mean, that was some really crazy stuff going on there. And then how did zeus get his thunderbolt? The. The giants gave him that power, remember? Yeah. So they maybe was some type of technology they gave him that allowed him to be the king of the gods. Or it could have been due to.

Go ahead. I’ve got opinions on all of it. It’s so fascinating. But Kronos, he ate all his children because he was scared of them taking over. And then Zeus, his mother tricked cronos and gave her a rock, and then he ate the rock. And Zeus was raised down here. So Jews grew up in a cave and, you know, he went and freed his brother. He gave his father a potion that made him vomit up all of his brothers and sisters. And since they were gods and immortals, they were just kind of imprisoned in his stomach. And then they had that battle where he went down and freed the giants, too.

He had to go into tartarus. Zeus did. Yes, and got them on his side. So like that whole story, when you really listen to that, something crazy is going on there, bro. Do you want to know my interpretation of that? Yeah, let me hear it. Okay, so go back. Can you go back and pull up that, that image of the triple eclipse deal that we were looking at the eye? Oh, yeah, I think so. I want to use that as an example for explaining some of this. This one, yes. Perfect. All right, so let’s look at this one on the left.

The black and white one that you say that this is supposed to be Starlink’s new logo, right? Yeah. That’s insane. I didn’t know that. I’m gonna have to check that out. It’s like, um. I was. I don’t know if I mentioned it when. Since we’ve been live, but that’s the exact same symbol that’s seen in three body problem. Whenever those three, those, they have the great conjunction. Dude, the great conjunctions in so many movies. You know what I’m talking about? With the dark crystal, the three body, the three heavenly bodies come together. That really is a great conjunction.

And it’s shown to us so many different ways. But this is the three body problem version, I guess you could say they all come together. And remember, before we jumped on, I was talking. You pointed out the one, the shape that looks like a crescent moon. That’s, like, upside down, right? And I was talking about how it’s. This entire thing is the doom shape up in the sky, that it’s a portion of the firmament that that’s distorted. It’s different from the rest of the firmament. It’s more of an inverted dome. This is the eye in the sky, and it becomes illuminated.

Now, this is projecting. Or let’s suppose this projects light outwards. Instead of creating a focal point like a sun, it projects a light outward, and it creates what we call the moon, which is the luminary up in the sky. When this is seen again, which it will be when you. It’s also interesting that they put the dot right there in the middle because that’s. That’s the symbol for the sun. And our sun doesn’t have a dot in the middle like the ancient sun had these shapes in it, but it went through phases. This ancient sun, this ancient luminary at the center or apex of the firmament, it naturally would have gone through its own phases as the light that is emitted, basically, there’s light passing through the firmament or whatever.

But the light that reflects off of this goes through its own phases because that light is swirling and it’s cycling around in circles and moving according to its vortices. And that’s the same thing that we see up there in the sky right now. We just have a different sky than they did back then. So all of the luminaries, they all travel in the same direction. All the satellites go in the same direction. All the stars and the sun and everything goes the same direction. Right? So this object goes through its own cycles, its own phases. One of those phases is the crescent, and it creates the bull’s horns.

And this is the bull of heaven. And it’s. It was described in many different ways and was seen as being evil. It was seen as being. I mean, it. You know, some people worshiped it, but they were evil. Like, I don’t know, they were. Thought it was good. But anyway, so there was a battle between this entity up there in the heavens and one that is born of the earth, right? One that comes out of the earth or one that is a demigod and partially comes from Gaia. So this is when this opens up like the.

What is that CB’s on the right or whatever that I. So that eye is not just an eye, it’s also a mouth. It’s a mouth with the rock in the middle or the real moon or whatever. But that’s. That’s the. That’s an open mouth of Kronos right there. It’s also an eye, but it’s the old. It’s. It’s Kronos. So whenever the sky opens, it rips apart the sky God own, or Anu, or Kronos. They call this Kronos because of the other glyph that. The black and white one over there on the left. I don’t know where I’m pointing right now, but anyways, that black and white one up there on the left, that’s the horns.

It’s the horns. It’s the horned God. And that’s what chronos means. It means strong horns, gigantic horns, massive horns. Um, it’s the crone oz, or the horned God or whatever, right? So that’s Kronos. When it opens up and the atmosphere depressurizes, he eats his offspring, he eats the children that are in the world. Everything that gets sucked up from the earth goes. Well, much of it goes through the mouth of Kronos, including, like, rocks and stuff. So when the rocks start lifting up and sand and dirt and all this other stuff, you know, the depressurization only lasts for a certain time until it will reach equilibrium, and then those things will start floating back down.

Right? And so Chronos spits them back out or whatever. But Zeus. Zeus comes from the earth. Zeus, I mean, you know, this is. This is my perspective on it. But, um, Zeus was born in a cave in Cycros cave. And so he was born of the earth, he was born of Gaia, and he’s the. His thunderbolt would be the corresponding blue beam of energy that I talk about that shoots up from Mount Meru or rupus nigra, the plasma volcano. And it. It pierces that eye in the sky. It hits the target. It’s the arrow that hits the bullseye, and that’s the bull.

And the eye. The bull’s eye. And that arrow pierces that, and it cuts it. And because it’s an inverted dome, it’s also seen, you know, and interpreted as the genitalia or whatever, of Kronos and stuff like that. But anyways, pierces this, and it’s seen as being responsible for, like, that’s the sign that the apocalypse is over. That’s the sign that we’re headed into a new rule or whatever, right? And so that’s. That’s Zeus. And Zeus is also, you know, that’s the word Dios, which is like God and Spanish or whatever the ancient norse God to or do.

Oh, yeah, tie. Tie. Yeah, tie to. Some people say Tyr, which is what Tuesday is named after. It’s dues day or the day of God or the day of Dios or tew. It’s really hard to find a lot of information on Thai, too, because I, when I do them, decodes like somebody’s born on a Monday. You know, everybody’s like, oh, Monday, moon day. But. But it goes further back than that. It is moon day, but it goes back to the archons and the seven archons. They were so before tie. Before Thor. Thursday, Thor’s day before Wednesday.

Odin, mercury. You know, it goes back to these archons, bro. And I find that so fascinating. But what you were talking about with the ancient sun, and see how it has that dot in the middle? Ain’t it kind of fascinating? Yeah, that, um, the black hole sun, dude. And the masons have had this symbol forever, right? Yes. And now with the new solar simulators, ain’t it kind of interesting that these solar simulators have a black sun? So while what I was thinking is what ends with the whole solar sim, and this is playing devil’s advocate, guys, but one, was it the whole solar simulator thing they made up? Because it’s really the black hole sun, right? Yeah, our sun, dude.

I feel like our sun. Well, first and foremost, when I talk about the sun, for me, that’s a focal point, and that light is not self emanating. It’s not creating itself. It’s not just burning gas, like they teach in academics, but that it’s a focal point. That’s coming from a heavenly light that meets in the center or the sun, and then redistributes down onto the land, causing daytime. If that’s true, then that light is passing through the firmament or originating in the heavens. You know what I mean? So whatever the shape of the heavens are, this is why cosmology is so important to me.

And understanding the shape of the world that we live in, whatever the shape of the dome is, or the dome shape or the doom shape, whatever that shape is, is going to be reciprocated in the anomalies we see in the sun and the moon. Right? So what do you think? What do you think? What’s your opinion, anyways, on what this second moon is that they’re telling us garbage that’s off the top? Do you think it has to do with the event? And they’re just trying to, like, normalize it now? I think everything we’re seeing has to do with the event.

All it. This is all signs and omens, and they’re all interconnected, and these are all dominoes that are. That are falling over quicker and quicker and quicker. But we’re frogs in a pot. Nobody’s, nobody feels the heat getting increasing in the world today. The world’s a dumpster fire, and everyone’s saying it’s fine. You know what I mean? This is predicted in the Bible, they predicted people would be like this. They knew. How’d they know? Because it happened before. And they just recorded. They said this happened before. So let me tell you what’s going to happen in your time when this comes back around.

No one’s going to believe this. No one’s going to think it happened. People are going to think that the world is billions of years old. And it’s always looked like this. It’s always been this way. And there’s, you know, if there is any apocalyptic cycle or whatever, or cataclysms world the world across, that’ll be billions of years from now. And interestingly enough, they. They blame the sun expanding and becoming a red giant, but I think the sun is going to also be a part of it. Yeah. I mean, brother, look at this stuff. Like, dude, this ain’t normal.

Yeah, we do have hurricanes and stuff, but they never have went inland as far as this. This one did. No way. I’ve never seen one that deep in the United States. No. It’s so bizarre. And then that area that it hit, the Appalachians, these people from the Appalachian, shout out to them. I mean, they are so resilient. They’re they’re notorious for being, like, anti government. You know, these were the bootleggers back in the day. They live off the grid. They’re very self reliant, hardworking people, and they just. That that place just got leveled, so, I mean, it is bizarre, you know, what’s going on right now.

It’s. It’s so crazy. Yeah. And they’re saying this is. They keep. They keep pounding that phrase into mainstream media. New normal. You should do it. I would be curious to see what that adds up to in Gematria. What? New normal. Yeah, I would punch that in right now, Dee. Let me check it out. They say that so much. Oh, it’s new normal. It’s new normal, dude. Like, when you keep having a new normal, these are anomalies. These are omens and signs that people should be waking up to, that there’s significant changes that are happening in our world because there’s fluctuations that are happening energetically, and they’re manifesting physically in the physical world.

And the. The stronger they get and the more they occur, and the more crazier these new normals get. We’re just getting closer and closer to midnight, you know what I mean? On the doomsday clock. Wow. And new normal. What do you know? Guys, guess what it is. One, two, eight. No way. Yes, it is, bro. What? Yeah. One, two, eight. So, wow, that’s interesting. That 128 code. Mandy, man, that’s a big one, too. That’s crazy. New normal. And that’s in the reverse ordinal cipher. The same one. White lion. Remember the white lion ship that was in leave the world behind? That came out on twelve eight? White lion equals 128.

And there was this whole, like, white lion archetype. It was in the. The new series, those about to die. They had this white lion with blue eyes in it. They keep showing us these white lions, and, you know. Yeah, right. They’ll show us different animals and different symbols, and people don’t even realize that it’ll be part of a code, you know, that the uninitiated have no idea. These people are actually speaking to each other through symbols and numbers and stuff like that. It’s quite fascinating. Now, I did this video right here, brother. I want to. It’s.

It’s like, come minutes long. I want to show you. It’s about Hurricane Helene, and then we’ll conversate on it. It’s just a bunch. I was telling Tommy earlier, just for everybody, you know, so they know. I don’t know anything. I don’t watch the news, so I haven’t done my omens segment studying for this week yet, so I didn’t even. I mean, I heard that there was a hurricane. You know, I mean, everybody’s talking about a hurricane. So I was like, tommy, you got it. You got to show me this and show me what’s going on. Yeah, I mean, I was even late to the game with it, honestly, because I’ve just been trying to take a little step back.

That’s why I only do my shows a couple times a week now, you know, when we’re doing this kind of work all the time, jay, after a while, man, it starts to get to you a little bit, you know, like, man, that’s why you got to just remember it’s kind of a beautiful time to be alive. We get to see this happen, nobody else. You know, there’s so many generations that passed away and never got to see this event. So I try to look at the brighter side of it and not always the doom and gloom, because it’ll get to you after a minute.

And, you know, thanks for saying that. I super appreciate it. I feel like a lot of us are being weighed down by the many revelations that are coming to pass in, you know, recent years. Me, too, brother. I mean, I think a lot of us content creators feel that right now, and people just, you know, don’t. Don’t talk about it. But before I show this clip, just to make sure, I always try to cover myself. This is called fair use and allow for purposes of. Oops, let me take that off of there. Remove that from the stage.

This is called fair use and allow for purpose of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn’t infringe copyright under 17 U. S. C. 107. So always do that. Now, here we go. Add this. Seen in this video are frequency transmissions from the NEXRAD network of transmitter installations. All available science evidence makes clear that atmospheric frequency transmissions can and do have a repelling effect on air masses, especially if and when the air masses have been seated with electrically conductive nanoparticles. The brighter the blue flash from a frequency transmission installation, the more pronounced and powerful the repelling effect on any air mass or storm in the vicinity will be.

Where there are no blue flashes, there is no transmission, thus no repelling effect, thus no resistance for a migrating storm. A migrating storm will be hindered from moving toward frequency transmissions and will easily migrate a direction with no transmissions. So again, I ask, was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just an act of nature, or was it engineered? You decide. Hey, guys. Tommy, truthful here of so as we can see, Hurricane Helene was definitely engineered, and we’re going to prove that to you by the end of this video. I believe they’re using geoengineering as a form of population control.

And I’ve been warning about this for some time as they’re setting up their smart cities and their smart grid, you know, with the fires, trying to get us out of certain locations. In the original story, they reported 44 people dead. That was on September 27. Harp equals 44 and kill equals 44. Now there’s hundreds dead and over 600 people missing. And this video went viral on every platform. Well, I warned about this a day before it even happened. You can watch that on truth and in this video. Whenever a video goes viral, I pay attention because they usually hide little codes.

See that emblem on the wall the dad was talking about? We got to go up in the attic. The water is getting too high. Well, that emblem on the wall is for the first 1st Calvary division in the army. Guys in first cavalry division equals 223. In English ordinal. Well, guess what? Harp was patented on August 11 of 1987, the 223rd day of the year. Skull and crossbones is 223. Global currency. Reset. Electromagnetic pulse. They’re saying there’s that electromagnetic pulse. Jaydeh. Yeah. You know, tons of people are without power right now, and I think a major power outage event is coming.

The synagogue of Satan is also two, two, three. You flip it around, that’s three, two, two. The number of skull and bones. And in 1958, we had Hurricane Helene. The exact same hurricane on the same day. It started on the 21st, but it reached its peak September 27. And if you count from the day it started till September 26, when this one happened, it was 66 years and six days. And that’s including the end date. So if you exclude the end date, you would get 66 years and five days. Including the end date, 66 years and six days.

Because I know there’s some people out there don’t know how to count, which is 666. Well, in Latin, Gematria Harp, her hurricanes equal 666. And we know the elites take sacred numbers and invert them, attaching negative energy to them. Even though the number 666 is the breakdown of carbon, they’re using it for negativity. And now they’re saying we’re gaining the second moon, right? That happened September 29. There’s all these pictures going viral of strange anomalies up in the sky. Guys, why are they spraying all the chemtrails? Why is the weather so crazy right now. What is the government not telling us? That’s what I want to know.

Some people think it’s a solar simulator, a moon simulator, and that’s what’s causing these unnatural disasters. Then there’s other people that believe it’s nibiru, the destroyer of worlds. If you look at the coastline of Florida, I mean, it wiped it out. Look at this, guys. Kind of reminds you of Maui, right? I frequency active aurora research program, originally designed for research into the ionosphere. Now, Jay, this part right here, brother, I’m gonna let it play. I actually made this with AI. Jay, that’s not even me talking. It’s AI talking as me. It’s getting scary. So the first part was all me, but this part right here, I made with AI.

And listen to how much it sounds like me. Though HAARP has long been suspected of having the ability to alter weather systems on a global scale, it’s no coincidence that these catastrophic weather events often happen in key areas with large populations. When you look closely at the trajectory of the latest hurricane in Florida, many are pointing out how unnatural the patterns were. It’s almost as if someone’s hand was guiding the storm. So, how does this all tie into population control? Well, think about it. Weather warfare has been theorized as a method to destabilize entire regions, destroy infrastructure, and force populations to move or perish.

I when you devastate cities with storms, flood homes, and destroy food supplies, people become dependent on the system to survive. The elite, those in power, gain even more control over us when we’re in a state of constant crisis. Engineering efforts could be part of a much larger agenda. Imagine being able to create disasters at will. Hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes, floods. All tools of control. The more chaos they create, the more they can tighten their grip. They sell us solutions to the problems they’ve created. It’s a cycle of destruction and control, all while keeping the masses unaware of what’s really going on.

Look at the most recent hurricane that hit Florida. While mainstream media simply chalks it up to climate change, a deeper look at weather patterns, satellite images, and harp activity shows anomalies that just don’t add up. People have been digging into this, and if you search the Internet, you can find solid evidence and data that suggests manipulation. Weather tracking reports show inconsistencies, and some satellite images reveal strange formations in the clouds, almost as if they were being artificially steered. Now, I’m not saying every hurricane is engineered, but when you put all the pieces together, you start to see a disturbing pattern.

Governments have the capability and they certainly have the motive. It’s not just about power. It’s about control, population management, and keeping us in a constant state of fear and dependency. Stay awake, stay aware, and keep questioning everything. The truth is out there, but it’s up to us to find it. If you’re as passionate about uncovering the truth as I am, smash that, like, button. Share this video and watch until the end for more mind blowing information. And don’t forget to opt in to our daily, for updates on all the latest projects and insights we’ve got coming your way.

Reporting for, this is Tommy truthful. Remember, reality is a code. I’m the glitch that reveals its secrets. It’s pretty cool, though. But you could tell, like, it’s a little off, right? You can tell he talks faster than me. It’s getting close. Really close. It even takes breaths and kind of how you take your breaths, like the same pauses. Yeah, yeah, it’s getting scary. So you could tell the whole beginning part is mine. And then at the end of, I wrote the script to it and I ran it through in video AI. That one, I think I taught you about it.

I don’t know if I showed you that one yet. Yeah, I showed one, but in video, AI is pretty cool. But it’s cool because you can put, like, little clips like that together. But I’m always very transparent with my people, so I’ll tell them, like, this part of the video I made with AI, you know what I’m saying? Right. Just always try to let them know because so, so many people out here now just lying, and their whole video is freaking AI. Then they pretend it’s real. But it’s getting scary, dude. To where people can take the one thing I do like about Nvidia, AI, you have to say, hey, this is Tommy truthful.

I give him video AI permission to clone my voice. So I couldn’t just steal your voice and go clone it. I like that because that. That’s where it gets scary. You know? They even have things now, Jay, to where they could take a, like a minute clip of me and you, our image, us podcasting, and they could recreate it. And it looks like us. Sounds like us. Remember the one you had where you’re speaking in a whole different language? Yeah. I mean, and that’s crazy. And even sounded like you, dude. Yeah, that’s crazy. I mean, think about the implications of where it’s going to go.

So AI is we associate. Well, I think many people right now associate AI with. With being on the computer or being on your smartphone or whatever, but they’re putting chips in people’s brains, man, and that. That stack from altered carbon, that’s gonna be a reality pretty damn soon, and they’re gonna stick AI into that, and then they start replicating people’s personalities and stuff, because it can, it. Machines can log away all of your memories, but that doesn’t encapsulate, you know, who we are or our mannerisms or how we talk or whatever. It just. It’s just the information.

Right. But AI can be trained to mimic who we are, how we act and how we sound and whatnot. And so it leads to biomachinery. It leads to, like, in the movie AI. The. They called them. There was the, what they call them. There was, like, the. The real people were called organics, I think. And, like, the. The AI was called, like, synths or something like that. Yes. And there’s this. There’s this sort of hatred and animosity, and that’s like, the new racism in the future is, you know, the people who are synthetic or have synthetic elements or completely synthetic in some cases, but.

But you can’t tell the difference between them and the real humans. With the exception that, oftentimes the real humans look worse. They’re. They’re falling apart and stuff, you know? And they can clone people on top of that. So they can. They can clone people underground, clone you or me, just get our DNA, and then raise that clone, put the stack in it, put the AI and all that stuff, and then they just got a flesh and blood version of us walking around, you know, that’s scary, dude. And, you know, they already have that technology down there, bro.

And in one of them movies, like, I’m trying to think of what movie it was, but all the normal naturally born humans ended up going underground. J and they were, like, eating out of the sewers and stuff, and. Yeah. So they kind of got. They were, like, the ones that were racist against, you know, they. It was not good to be born naturally, like, naturally human. Everything was, um, synthetically made now and engineered. And I think we’re really headed that way. I mean, you can kind of see where it’s going. Right. But with all the, um.

Have you ever heard the whole. Well, I know you probably have the whole cabbage patch kids thing. Yeah. And that has to be. Yeah. Don’t that tied to, like, a go event. After the. The world depopulation, they cloned a bunch of kids or something. There’s a theory out there on that. Yes, totally. So I. I have my own little. So I sort of touched on this a little bit in my newest book when I’m talking about these subsequent islands, not just hyperborea and the Garden of Eden, that circular island at the Arctic, but it’s surrounded by smaller, other phantom islands as well, specifically.

And the most notable ones are the anode and the cathode islands that have their own little plasma beams as well. But one’s positive charge, one’s negative charge, or that’s what I speculate. And I talk about the inhabitants of those people on those islands as well, and how the energy, the differential between the positive and the negative energy and that such a strong influx of both, how it physically affects the inhabitants of these islands. Right? So on one, let’s say you have this positive earthly charge, right? That’s very life giving and, and whatnot, right? That would be more of the feminine energy, the island.

If the physical follows after the energetic or the spiritual principles, then the people born on that island would most likely be all female. On that particular side, there would be an island full of beautiful, healthy, tall females, which gives us legends of, like, amazonian women and things of that nature, right? There’s many. There’s many different legends of, like, islands of only mostly beautiful women or even islands of men or whatever on the other side of that. But on this island, it’s said that they would get pregnant by. By wading into waters that had power. Like powerful waters, basically, or by the wind itself.

This is energy, so much energy. Right? Like I was talking about how our bodies go through cellular regeneration whenever the atmosphere is electrically charged. Well, if it’s amplified to such an extreme degree that whenever women become of childbearing age that they just naturally start to procreate, they become virgin births, or there’s virgin births, actual real virgin births. They don’t need a man to get pregnant because they’re impregnated by the quote, unquote breath of God or the spirit of God, Orlando, to this terrestrial energy or whatever in particular locations that I call places of power. And if that’s the case and they have no male counterpart that has gone into them in order to create life, that’s more.

They’re. They’re likely to give birth to clones of themselves and. And they’ll just keep on having clones. Oh, that’s interesting. Yeah, because it’ll only be one person’s DNA. There will be no mix at all. It’ll just be a replica of the exact same person, basically. And oftentimes twins, too. Or triplets, man. That’s kind of like. That’s kind of like what the whole eugenics thing was all about, you know? And they. Man, they were, like, into world War two. I don’t want to say the names. I don’t want to get us in trouble, but, you know the guy with the little weird mustache over there? That dude that was in World War two? That’s, like, what they were all about in the twins.

Remember? They were doing all them experiments on twins, bro. Yeah. I wonder if there was something with all that connected to, you know, these type of events, like, if that’s where they learned to start doing that type of stuff. Yeah, I think so. And then also there’s a connection to the islands, you know, that I’ve been referring to at the top of the world. Whenever in your video you’re talking about the 666 and how they invert a lot of these holy figures, numbers, symbols, or whatever, they invert them and they reclaim them. That’s. That’s classic. Positive versus negative or good versus evil.

They’re reciprocals of one another, where they’re. They’re inversions of one another, basically. So if the inverse of 666 is 999, and nine wasn’t always just a number, it was a picture a long time ago. And, for example, if you take the. The Phoenician, right? If you go back and you count nine letters out in the Phoenician, that gives us the tet. And this is the tet, which is the. The circular shape of that island that’s cross sectioned by four rivers. It’s a circle with an x right in the middle of it. And that’s called tet. And it’s the root word for many of many of our ancient words that we have, like Lake Titicaca.

They say titicaca, but it’s. That’s not how it’s originally pronounced. It’s a tet, and then, which is more of a guttural. So it’s the tet kaka, which is. And kaka, or chacha, or het. Het. It’s pronounced in different ways. That’s the ancient number eight, which is where we get the sound ate. It’s more. Or heit. It’s a hate sound, actually. It’s more of a guttural. It’s a chet and it’s the number eight. So chaka is or chicken, or any of these words that start the ch. You know what I mean? Over and over again. That’s 88.

That’s eight and eight. And then the tet is the nine. The tet’s the nine. So, like, for example, I was just watching in pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides part three last night, and they all had these pirate lords gathering at this shipwreck cove or whatever. It’s, like, super symbolic of Mount Meru. And they all had these nine pieces of eight. You know what I mean? Like, it’s all. It’s all in there. The. The nine are the special people. That’s interesting you say that, because, like, the chaldean gematria that I’m always using, it’s. It goes back to the Akkadians, brother, and it’s based on one through eight.

And the Acadians wouldn’t use the number nine because it. It was divine to them. Yeah, that’s the bread basket of the world. That’s what it’s seen, as in the ancient Hebrew or the paleo hebrew script is the picture. They say that circle with, like, the x in the middle, that it represented a basket with a snake wrapped around it, or a snake in a basket sometimes. But what that really is is the Ouroboros or the energy or the circuit that swirls around that island, because that island is magnetic. You know what I mean? That’s why. That’s why in Pirates of the Caribbean, they all meet up at Shipwreck Cove.

And it’s all shipwreck symbolism, because these lodestone mountains, these plasma volcanoes, magnetized because of all that energy coming out for an entire age, it magnetizes all of the minerals, and especially, like, magnetite is one of the main ones, but it magnetizes it. And all of our compasses point towards the strongest one right now. And ships, when they got near, if they had iron nails in the masts or anything, like, the ship would be pulled and it would increase in speed, and it would get faster and faster and faster, and it would slam into and wreck onto these islands.

And then the people that survived, if there were survivors, they would be castaways. They’d be stranded on this island of the magic island with weird creatures and tribes and monsters and all kinds of stuff. And then they would go throughout all of these abandoned ship, shipwrecked, you know, ships or whatever, and they would salvage and they would take all the parts and they would recreate boats, but without the metal this time. And this is another reason why, like, weapons are not allowed in paradise, and no metal. And you have to take off your. Your metal and all that stuff before you go into like a holy place.

Just like they show on the rings of power. Like before the elves go into that, you know, that wall that opened up in the sky and there’s all light. They had to take off all that armor and all that metal and stuff. That’s because they. They would get shipwrecked. They get pulled. You know what I mean? Like they’d get pulled towards the magnetic mountain. Eight two, bro. In rings of power, the elven race is the eight pointed star that they. They worship it. It’s on their wall, it’s on their armor, it’s everywhere. And you know, you get into that ties into the plasma apocalypse too.

Look at Captain Marvel, bro. She has the eight point of star in her suit, right? How does she get her powers through plasma? Remember she got hit with that plasma. And I actually have not seen that one yet. Oh, you gotta watch Captain Marvel. Cuz she’s like, I looked up the scene where the ocean was getting sucked up for research purposes, but I haven’t actually seen the movie yet, bro. You got to watch the first one because. Okay, so it’s like this advanced spaceship, but it’s plasma driven in. The plasma engine blows up and it just radiates her.

And she’s like. She looks like the Phoenix, bro, is she glows like, you know, dark Phoenix does in X Men, and she just glows with that purplish blue plasma. And then that’s how she becomes Captain Marvel, which she’s like the strongest superhero out of any, any of them. You know, she could be Superman. People don’t even realize that Captain Marvel’s awesome. Whole other shit. She’s like unbeatable. Yeah. So even in her name, though, Marvel. Marvel is maru L because the. The V used to. Actually, it’s. It’s a U. If you go back into Latin and stuff, like, any u used to be a V back then.

So you and V are the exact same letter. They’re just different forced pronunciations of the same exact letter or glyph. So it’s Maru L. So it’s the gods or God of Maru. And the God of Maru would be the most powerful energy, which is the plasma that comes up out of it. You know what I mean? That’s fascinating. And so I want to show you something real quick. I might have showed you this before, but here, let me show you. So, like, with that eight pointed star, bro, I started connecting it to all the superheroes with powers and abilities.

I’m like, okay, there’s something going on here, and let me show you. So, first of all, we see CERN has the eight bars going around the eight original creator deities. The ogdoad, you know, there was these eight creator deities. This goes back to egyptian guys, and that’s where we get the egg symbolism. But, um, they, they had heads of frogs and heads of serpents, these eight creator deities. And then Anana’s name in cuneiform is the eight. So all the superheroes. Captain Marvel, here’s her getting radiated as she’s getting her power right there. She literally looks like the Phoenix.

And that’s where she, like, explodes everyone. Um, Wonder Woman, she has the eight pointed star in her forehead. Yeah, look at that. It’s crazy, bro. It rings of power. See, she has it there. It’s on the wall. And then even with Superman, what’s his name, bro, he’s l like you were just talking about. And in Superman, 45 minutes into man of Steel, at exactly 45 minutes in, he’s in that ship and he’s learning. It’s his father. It’s his. Remember, it was like a program of his dad. So it was kind of his dad’s consciousness telling him where he’s from.

He’s from the house hell. In that scene, at exactly 45 minutes and 41 seconds, they show the eight pointed star. And just for a brief second, you see it. Which man was 45? Fallen angels fall. I think the Anunnaki, the watchers, what we called the fallen ones, they’re tied to this star, which when I traced it back, I seen it tied to the chaos star, bro. It’s in so many different movies that it blow your mind. Cat Williams had it on in Monarch, legacy of monsters, season one, episode nine. They were getting ready to go to inner Earth, bro, at exactly 1 minute and 2 seconds in, which is the reflection of 201, and they show it on the wall right before they go through a portal.

So it’s tied to all this. Yeah, it’s tied to all this portal symbolism. Yes. And real quick, you see how that was 102. 201. What I’ve noticed about 201, brother, let me, let me load this up for you, and then I’ll go right back to that because it plays a role with all this. So 201 is a big number, right? We had event 201, which was, you know, simulation of the code red situation. Why we were on lockdown. Well, when you look into that number, guys, it’s black hole sun. That’s the code of the black hole sun.

So that whole simulation, I don’t think it’s what they’re telling us is about they wanted to see how we would react, you know, during a Marshall wall event. Like we when we got told to stay in the house, they wanted to see how people would react because of this event. I truly believe that house Targaryens 212 brother and that all gets into, when you really look into house Targaryen with their blonde hair, it gets into that nephilim dragon bloodline. And I think they all come from what we know is dimension x or nibiru whatever. Um, and up here that my little guy’s kind of blocking it out, but it’s the black hole sun in between the two pillars of Freemasonry.

You know, there’s so much connections in, in Game of Thrones, if you really pay attention to the symbolism in it. Um, the dragon comes down at the, the last episode of Game of Thrones when she’s burning up the whole city. And Jon Snow’s like, man, I got to take her out. You know, she’s. She’s not who I thought she was. Well, that dragon, you see, it descends from the sun and then burns the city. And even in House of the dragon, you’ll see these scenes where the dragons come down like it looks like it’s the sun, and then it turns into the dragon and burns up the city.

So symbolically, they’re showing you it’s something to do with the sun. You know what I mean? But, yeah, there’s a crazy connection to, um, that eight pointed star, brother. I went down a just a crazy rabbit hole with it. Like, it’s on Simpsons. It’s on their wall, bro. I found all this 137 connection with it. I think you told me to watch Willy Wonka by. Found eight point a star in there. Yeah. Oh, this movie too, bro. Love and monsters. It’s a total plasma apocalyptic end of. You would love it. Did you ever see it? Yeah, I think I broke it down, actually.

I would love to do that one with you. It’s so good. I love talking about all the fantasy and monsters and gigantism and stuff. It’s a girth of what? 616, remember, that’s what causes the end of the world in it. Oh, yeah, that’s interesting to. That reminds me of, um, Planet X, destroyer that love monsters. Remember that movie where they could predict they had time? What was it called? They could predict, uh, crimes, future crimes or whatever? Oh, yeah. Minority. Yeah. So that’s the chick’s name. There’s three prophets and the mean ones. Her name was Agatha.

Wow. Yeah, it was. That’s interesting. There’s something up with that. And then 616, if you look into the oldest version, excuse me, in the oldest version, guys of revelations, papyrus 115, that’s the number they say is the number of the b, 616, not 666. Right. So there’s this whole crazy connection to that. And then ritual sacrifices. 6162. But I thought that 64 connection, which is love and monster. First player character 64 to planet X destroyers 64, you know, and then like when we, we talk about the people getting power. So I always tell people you might have a positive, a negative side of a number.

But then there’s also a positive side of the number two. Like the number one two eight has a lot of negativity on it, but telekinesis is one two eight neocodes one two eight tartaria is 128. God’s plan. So there’s this whole positive side of that number. And then when you look at the negative side of it, that’s where you got smart. City blood offering bridge collapse divide and rule open the pit the first quantum computer, 128 qubits CERN 128. The Mandela effect. The deep state. You know what I mean? So there’s always negative and positive with it.

But when I was looking into like the first player character code, matter of fact, there’s three body problem in this one. And that gets into simulated reality and dream weapons. When you can create a weapon in your dream, in the dream realm. Because when you, when you really start to wake up, it seems like entities, that’s where they try to come after you, bro. In the dreamscape or what do you call the astral plane. Right? Yeah. At least that’s from my experience. I’ve been attacked many times in that dream world, in dream walking. Have you ever heard of dreamwalking? Yeah.

So that’s, that’s super fascinating to me. I’ve been really looking into that a lot. And that ties into the Matrix, dream power, altered carbon. And in what’s that movie, nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Cougar dream warriors. Yeah, that’s kind of what they’re doing. Remember they got put under hypnosis and they created their dream weapons and they were able to. Freddie, the dream demonization. Yeah, yeah, it’s kind of like that. Um, and then Freddie went invisible at the end. And that dude karate guy tried to fight him. There was a karate guy, the black dude. He was super strong.

I thought the girl was the karate person. Wasn’t the girl the ninja? I know one dude was like a karate or something like that. And then like Freddie was, and he knocked the glove off of him, and then the glove floated up and stabbed him. Oh, yeah. Yep, yep, you’re right. Then there was the little magician dude. He did magic to Freddie, remember? Yeah, he was trying to get Freddie with magic. But, um, yeah, like that 64 code where I showed you guys planet x guys, and planet x ties into you getting the Phoenix power, which I think people getting abilities.

So it’s all coded because we’re in some type of simulation, which 64 is the first player character code, right? Pineal gland open is 64, which is the awakened avatar, and then pineal gland sleep is 63, matching non player character, which all ties into Saturn. In 64 gets into Jupiter and Zeus. So, yeah, it’s pretty fascinating with people getting abilities. It all ties back to that, like that new series supercell. Bro, did you see that one yet? I have not got to see that one yet. The saint, dude, they get some plasma powers in it, bro. They all just start getting freaking abilities.

And they got. One guy’s really fast. Another guy, he can, like, teleport the other dude. What’s the other guy’s power? There’s a bunch of different powers. It’s pretty good. It was trending on Netflix, but, yeah, I think there’s something to it all with the eight pointed star getting into nibiru portals, Dimension X, and people getting abilities. You know what I mean? At least I agree, at least for my research. That’s what the numbers definitely say. I also see the connection between the eight pointed star and like you said, the portals and stuff, too, because so much.

I mean, it’s possible that four of those, what they call the points or whatever, I mean, it’s also like the compass, too, right? So it’s like the nautical compass or whatever, that’s how people know where they are on the world is. I mean, today they would say, oh, look to the North Star. Like, dude, no one knows where the North Star is. Like, you got to learn that. Like, but there was an ancient north star, which was Saturn and Kronos and all these other names, and it was gigantic. You can’t miss it. You know what I mean? Like, you knew where you were just by looking for the central point, the apex of the firmament that was lit up during that time.

And, you know, they. They documented the transitions of time by the cycles that that light went through. And I believe that they called this. I think this is the origin of what they called shars, which is like, you know, we interpret that to be, like, thousands and thousands of years or whatever, but I don’t I don’t. I think it was different, but it was just the cycles that that light was going through, or the central light, and that light, if it is the depressurization point also, or acts as the depressurization point and Chronos mouth and all of that other stuff, then that’s the star gate, and that’s the eight pointed star.

And that’s why, you know, all the transitional symbolism and superheroes of marvel or Maru or whatever, and the meeting place of Olympus directly underneath it on the mountain of the moon, or the moon mountain, or, you know, whatnot. But that’s. That’s. That’s the star gate. You know what I mean? I’m going to show you exactly what you’re talking about right now. I actually did a diaphragm of it in this video. I did. Hold on. I don’t want to show the whole video. I just want to skim through what he’s talking about right now. I actually thought of you when I did this video.

Where is the Stargate? I also showed a bunch of fake stargates that were going around. People are trying to say we’re real, and I found the original images of them, and they were fake as hell. But, you know, we have that problem with these people, unfortunately, putting out fake stuff. Okay, this is where I was starting to talk about the story. Stargates. I want to show you that picture. Oh, man. Where is it? Right here. Boom. Eight pointed star. Saturn in the cosmic mountain. The Stargate portal. St. Peter Square. So could you break down Saturn in the cosmic mountain? Because I know you talked about that before, and that has to do with the plasma event, right, Jay? My bad.

My eyes muted what we’re looking at. Like, let’s start at. Let’s start with the image on the far left over here. I like that one the most about. Of all of them. This is the keyhole, right? This is the keyhole to our world. And there’s. There’s the. There’s the gatekeeper and the key master. And the gatekeeper is above the gate of the gods. The gate of heaven is above. It’s at the firmament. And the firmament will open up, as it does from time to time. The world depressurizes or whatever, and right now, we don’t have the key master.

The key master is missing. The key master is gone. The key master is the one that holds the key, and this is the key. Okay. All the symbol, all the key symbolism, what you’re looking at. You know it. You have to use your imagination a little bit. But you have the highest, tallest mountain in the world, which is a lofty, tall, huge cliff all the way around, just like devil’s tower. Imagine if the devil’s tower was a volcano, and it just went straight up and it was hollow on the inside. That’s Mount Meru. Okay? And out of it, that that mountain is created by the beam of energy that erupts out of the earth, which is ionized gas.

And all of those ionized, all that massive amount of ionized gas that’s discharged from within the earth that has been building up for this entire age will be released. And it’s rushing up through the earth, and, you know, the static electricity ionizes it, and it becomes plasma, and it bursts up out of the top of this huge, tall Mountain, which now exists. But that mountain originally did not exist. Originally, it was just mud all over the place from the shaking of the world. And then the mud was attracted to this place where the energy was being discharged because, um, it’s electromagnetic, and the earth was pulled towards it.

Just like when you rub a balloon on your head and you pull it away, the hair will rise up and meet it, right? Same thing with the earth. The earth was pulled towards it. Whenever it gets really close, it petrifies it, and it changes density, and it changes its bonds and stuff. And then it just keeps building and building and building and builds this column. Right? Now, the ancient people, when they saw the beam of energy coming out of that column, they sometimes imagined that the mountain itself, there was no separation between the trunk of the tree of life and the actual branches of the tree of life.

So the trunk would be the mountain, and then the beam of energy that rises up to appear like it’s touching the dome or the heavens. That would be the branches, the tree of life. It’s also the wings of the phoenix and various cosmic birds and other things, too. You know, the double headed axe and all this stuff. So. Or does that kind of look like that eye in the sky thing we were looking at a little bit? That’s exactly what it is. That. Remember I was saying it goes through its own phases, right? So right now we’re seeing a particular phase where the light is on one side of it.

This is the original. This is. So the circular shape. Right now, I’m talking about the actual eight pointed star and the circular shape around it, which includes the crescent at the bottom. Yeah, yeah. That beam underneath it, that’s. That’s terrestrial, that’s earthly energy. Okay? But behind that, up there in the heavens. We’re imagine we are at the north Pole, staring directly up at the true north star, or the. The real star, the dark star, the black hole, sun, all that stuff. So we look straight up at it, and it’s going through one of its phases, one of its cycles, which gives us the horns of the great horns of kronos, or the bull of heaven, as it’s seen and described in ancient times.

And then in the center, you have the next circle. So you have two main circles. The outer circle, which is the main portion of the inverted dome that’s facing us, and then the depressurization point, and that will actually fill up, and it’ll create another little dome inside of it that’s besides the point. And that can get pretty complicated to think about domes inside of domes and stuff. But just imagine that’s a hole in the sky at the middle right there. There is heavenly light on the other side in the form of plasma electromagnetics, which is what the dome is.

The dome is a superconductor, and there’s crazy amounts of electricity running throughout it. And whenever the physical portion of the dome bursts open, it creates this gateway or this stargate up there in the heavens. And all that light comes out and shines outwards. And we see that in the form of this eight pointed star that’s right there in the middle. So that’s what we’re looking at on the left. On the right are, well, in the middle. Image number two, this is symbolic representation. This is the truth in the movies. This is the keyhole. They have to go through the keyhole.

Just like Alice in Alice in Wonderland. She had to go through the keyhole to get to Wonderland. She didn’t just have to go, you know, down the rabbit hole. She had to actually go to a key through a keyhole. Right. That doorknob or whatever, and he opened up his mouth. That was the keyhole. So they go through this keyhole. And in Stargate, when they go through the keyhole, first and foremost, that’s the water. They’re walking through water. That’s the waters above. They. They put it in the movie like it’s forwards, like they’re going forward because it works for the movie.

But in reality, this is them ascending up into the heavens. Right? Mount Meru would be the staircase, which is represented by the 33 steps in Freemasonry, because Mount Meru is 33 miles around. Wow. Even the warcraft. Warcraft, bro, when they go through the Stargate, it’s through water. Yes, you’re right. All those orcs or whatever they were. Yeah, man. It’s through water, bro. And then they come up, like you said, that’s heavenly water. That’s the great mirror above us. That’s the reflective surface that is above us. That’s the mirror that. That Atreyu goes through when he has to go through his second greatest trial or whatever in order to get to the southern oracle.

That’s. That’s the mirror that Alice goes through through the looking glass or whatever to get to other worlds. And in Stargate, when they go through that water and. And they go through that Stargate, they go to a land that has no. It’s like a desert world, which is Mars, essentially, symbolically speaking. That’s Mars. That’s the red planet. That’s our world to come. That’s the world that once was. We were a red planet. We were a red plane of existence because of all that oxygen from that beam that shoots up. It oxidizes everything and it causes rust, basically, just, you know, in short, everything’s very rusty.

It’s very post apocalyptic looking. And all of the waters on this world have been sucked up and out for the most part. So the oceans are gone. Or as it says in revelation, I beheld in the seas were no more. So when they go through that, it’s symbolically them transitioning or surviving the apocalypse because they’re at Mount Meru, they’re at the eye of the storm, and they’re transitioning. They’re not actually going to like another planet on the other side of the solar system or whatever. Not that that’s impossible. I’m just saying that this is symbolic for a transition, a change when worlds collide, when our world becomes a different world, when it looks like there’s another world above us, which is that inverted dome, which is usually red in color.

And it looks like Nabru is going to crash into us or Venus is too close or whatever, just like Velikovsky was talking about. He wrote worlds in collision. And he was, you know, putting forth the theory that in the ancient world, they thought that Venus was too close to the earth and it gave off all of these trails and stuff. And plasma, which is just plasma seeping out of that inverted dome up in the sky and that it messed with the gravitational pull of Earth because he was looking at it through modern academic. A modern academic lens as far as cosmology goes.

But in reality, it’s. It’s. We’re going through an electromagnetic shift where the light is no longer coming down at us. Creating this focal point that we call the sun. But the light is emanating up from the earth and illuminating the heavens, illuminating the. The firmament itself, you know what I mean? And we can see the eye in the sky because it’s. It’s the flashlights pointed in the other direction. Now, we can see that. So they go through that in Stargate. They go to the desert world, the post apocalyptic world, the red world, the red sky world, etcetera.

And that’s the time of ancient Egypt and obelisks, because you live in an electrified atmosphere that’s electrically amplified. So you need lightning rods, gigantic ones, to prevent the thunderbolts of the gods from striking your city. So you erect huge obelisks to prevent lightning strikes or to redirect them away from where people live, know if they are going to hit them. And then that’s. That’s where you have this over here on the right, which is St. Peter’s Square, where the basilica is. Right. And stuff like they had back in the tartarian times. And. Yeah, same exact thing.

And in the middle of St. Peter’s Square, you can’t see it because there’s that eight pointed, you know, white star right there. But there’s an obelisk right there. Yep, it’s right in the middle. They say it’s Nimrod’s phallus or whatever. No, but yeah, yeah, there’s many different theories of what it is, but, um. Yeah, like that picture you showed me, bro, in Colorado, you have them two obvious right there, and it looks like some freaking stargate thing in the middle of it. Yeah, that’s right here in Colorado Springs. That’s actually in the background. You see that white mountain top? That’s Pike’s peak.

And then to the left, way far to the left is NORAD. So NOrad sort of behind the left pillar right there. And then this is 101. This is lay line. If that’s Pike’s peak right there. Yeah, it is. Wow, that’s crazy, bro. Imagine the energy there. You’ve been there, Jay? Yeah, I’ve been there once or twice. And then we’re made out of. What are the mobilism? Is that some type of metal? I’m not sure. These, I mean, they sure look like metal to me. You can also see a huge radio tower in the background too, back there, whatever that is.

But this is what we’re looking at symbolically. Aside from just like, you know, what is an obelisk? What’s its purpose, what’s its use or whatever, what is that circle in the middle. Symbolically, this would be according to, you know, my plasma apocalypse research. This is 101, which is anode and cathode being the ones. And then the opening either above in the heavens or on the earth below, being the circle. Right. Mount Meru, or the heavenly opening. This is the place of creation. This is the beginning. This is the place where it all started, which is 101, which is why they use that in colleges and stuff to, you know, to, to name the first classes that you take or whatever.

That’s also like where Neo, his. I think his room was 101 in the movie. Oh, Neo’s room. Yeah, I have to check that out. One. Oh 100. One’s in. Ready player. Wait. Ready player. One member. All them characters are controlled by like that giant company that are trying to win that prize. All number 101. Yeah, yeah. They try to say, oh, no, it’s I o I. And it represents. No, that’s 101 and it’s the eleven in numerology. Eleven represents portals, right? It’s like opens a portal to your subconscious as far as those goes. Those are the pillars of Hercules as well.

So you that one pillar and then another pillar, you go between them, you’re going into the portal, into the unknown world, into a completely different place. Basically, you’re headed towards the Phantom island or paradise, or hyperborea or Eden or whatnot. And that’s the westernmost part of the world where Osiris was from. Osiris was the first foremost of the westerners, Phantom island. So this kind of reminds me of that one island that they say shows up every seven years. Something. Brazil. You ever hear of this? No, I don’t think so. Oh, man. Hold on a second. I’ll think of it.

It’s, it’s, um. It’s something. Brazil. It’s like kind of by Ireland. Hold on, let me look it up. Somebody in the comments I know will say it, but. So the story about it, Jay, is that it shows up like every seven years, bro. And when you look, when you look into it, they say the first story of vampires ever came from a chieftain from that island. Let me, let me look it up. I think it might be new. Okay. I’ve heard something similar on the Urbano Monty map. There’s, there’s a huge island in the Pacific that might be something.

It could, could be ancient Lemuria, but the island was named. Hi, Brazil, brother. Hi. That does sound familiar. Actually, now that you say it like that. Yeah. Hi. Brazil was the name of it. Let me see if I can share my screen here because I got some other stuff I want to show you, too, so. Hi. Brazil. Yeah, here it is. It’s supposed to have showed up, like, every seven years, if I’m not mistaken. I love learning stuff like this, like, all that weird stuff that no one really knows about. Yes. Hi. Brazil is the mystical island that appears on many medieval maps from the 14th century onward.

But now, you know, you can’t find it no more. They tell us, oh, it doesn’t exist. But it was on so many of the ancient maps, it seemed like they did existing. Hey, there’s a land, you know, like, the legend of Zelda. Yeah. Well, the land where Zelda lives is called Hyrule, and it’s spelled hy just like that. Brazil. Mythical land, also known as high Brazil. I’m checking it out right now. Ain’t this interesting? It’s. It’s a west of Ireland irish mess. Yeah. Like, when you really get into it, bro, I went down a rabbit hole on it, and there’s, like, this chieftain that lived there, and people think the.

All the vampire stuff comes from Romania and all that, but I. The actual first vampire stories were supposed to be from here. Like, some chieftain guy that, uh, start drinking people’s blood, and, you know, you’re supposed to be from here. And I guess this island shows up every, um, seven years. So they say that’s the. The story with it, anyways. But, yeah, it’s super fascinating, um, this type of. This type of stuff, and then some other things got. Oh, yeah. Don’t let me forget to show you this, bro, because we’re always talking about the golden Gate bridge, guys.

And did you guys see this? This. This some something was in the sky over the golden Gate bridge. Wow. Backwards. Or is it going backwards? Right. It sure does know. It’s kind of weird. That’s how they have the video, though. Yeah. So I don’t know what it is, but some anomaly in the sky right over the golden Gate bridge. And then when you look into the golden gates, guys, it represents the galactic center and the galactic center of the Milky Way. It’s supposed to be a portal, like, connecting heaven to earth, right? And then you got the golden gates over in Jerusalem.

So it’s very symbolic, and that’s why I believe some type of event will take place there. You know, how many movies have they showed us where them. That bridge goes bye bye? So, dude, there’s so many. It’s unreal. And I guess now, Jay, people are running out. At least this is what they’re telling us they might be. You know, they lie a lot. So us shoppers start to stock up on essentials as pork strikes pressure prices to go higher. Oh, yeah, I did see something about that. My boy naftali, he did a video, if you guys.

I haven’t got to see it yet, guys, so I don’t know. But over here on truth, jay has a channel over here. Like, I put his new video. Well, actually, my AI just pulls all the videos and puts it up. Cost me like $2 a video. But Jay’s new ones over here where he hit 100,000. I seen that. Congratulations, brother. Thank you. No, you work really hard to get there, and I’m super proud of you. Everything you achieved. But Naftali right here. Yeah, he did one port strike, 2024, the conspiracy to cripple the economy. He’s got some pretty interesting stuff.

He’s got like 150,000 followers or so on YouTube. And then slinging stone did one today, which I found fascinating because I just did one the day before on the tomb of Gilgamesh, and then sling a stone does one the very next day. And me and him ain’t talked in forever, so it was all organic. And his video that he did on God’s ten plagues is what inspired me to even write a blog on Gilgamesh and look into it. And, bro, this is from the Freedom of Information Acts website. Then look what they said. Their correspondence requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body in the location of the buried Nephilim.

You can go on the government website, guys. Freedom of Information act. Pull that up. And here’s the video I did on it. The crazy thumbnail Nephilim coming through a serm portal about to eat the human. You know, I’m always making weird ones. But here’s the link to the original. Well, it’s supposed to take you to that. Hold on. Oh, it took you there. Wait a second. Let me do this. Gods. This was the original article, gods, ten plagues, where I got the link to it. So sling and Stone did that back. August 30 of 2023, I watched this video his.

It inspired me to write this blog down here where I broke down Gilgamesh. How it gets in Gilgamesh and Osiris have matching numerology too, bro. So in Gilgamesh, they were trying to get his resurrection technology. Well, Osiris is the God of resurrection, so there might be some connection there, too. And then Jesus Christ, too, with the whole resurrection thing. But, um, right here is what you would look up, guys, on FOIA’s department of State FOIA log 2018. Breaking up. Bro, can you hear me? I can now. You’re breaking up while you were giving out the address.

Oh, yeah, I bet I was. Um. But, yeah, it’s. It’s on. Um, here, let me. I’ll show the people real quick. Freedom of Information act. Because this is real, guys. Like, I couldn’t even believe it. Let me show you. Like, they really found this freaking. And they say that’s why we invaded Iraq. Um, j because they had some Stargate technology then were the real weapons of mass destruction. What do you think about that, brother? Um, I think that they believed that. I genuinely. But I think that they are in the wrong place. I think they were digging in the wrong spot just exactly like in Indiana Jones, how they were looking for.

What was it? The. I forgot, man. I can’t remember the movie, but, like, in. In one of the older Indiana Jones ones, like, they were digging in the. In. In Egypt somewhere to try to find this. This temple. Oh, man, I can’t remember the name of it. Remember how he had that staff and it had, like, that winged thing on and he had to hold it in the sunlight and it made a beam on the map on the ground? Right. Well, he said they’re digging in the wrong place. Like, that’s exactly what I think was happening.

I think that they. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they have libraries and, you know, ancient information and stuff and in various places, especially those places. But I think as far as those weapons of power, I think they’re in the wrong spot. Oh, you think so? Yeah, I think they got it wrong. What do you think they were talking about in these correspondence with these emails and stuff about to show you where I got to figure out. All right, maybe it’s right here. Okay. Yeah. Because they. They believe that, or it seems like they believe that the.

That. That Jerusalem is in the Middle east, in the desert, and that that is like, the holy land and whatnot, and that’s why the United States protects it and all that stuff. I am not convinced. I’m not convinced that the Tigris out there is the real one. The Euphrates is the real one or the original one. Oh, I’m not convinced of. It’s the original. Any of that. Oh, I got a donation in the chat from Charlie. Thank you, Charlie. Shout out to Charlie. So, yeah, because some people think of America is really like, you know, it’s vice versa.

So some people think Egypt was really in America. What do you think about that? Okay, so, um, I can, I can explain my theory on all of that. So I, for me, the circular land, that’s, that’s on medieval maps of the Arctic, right? Just like, just like same maps will show the Antarctic, but there’s no ice, right? Those same, exact similar types of maps show land at the North Pole, circular in nature. And there was. The original inhabitants of that land were expelled. They had their own exodus. They had to leave. And when they left, they, um, they became wandering merchants.

They became the nomad or the nemo, basically, is exactly what that means. The leftovers or of the leftovers. Um, and they, they moved about nomadically around the Arctic, get moving more south and more south as they went to some tribes, you know, finding places to live, settling down, but others had to keep on going. This became, you know, they, they would be called by many different names. They would name themselves different thing as they went, as time went along. But these are the quintessential tribes from the north that came down to the south and, you know, taught survivors down there agriculture and astrology and all these different things that came down from the mountains or the high places because at that time the world had flooded and, and they learned to sail and stuff.

So these were also Phoenicians. These were the Tartarians. These are different tribes that became lost. They became, they, they integrated themselves with the survivors who stayed in the Southlands, in which is where we live now. And they mixed into those, um, or they, what do they call it in the Bible? Um, they, they grafted in, they grafted themselves into those tribes and they became lost. They lost their nature or whatever. So as they, as they became nomadic and as they settled from place to place and as they used their wisdom to gain positions of power within all of these pre existing cultures, and they established kingdoms and kingships and presidencies and all, all these types of things, they slowly started to take over, especially as they invented banking and stuff.

They didn’t have their own land to produce crops in order to trade things that were of substance, like animals and things like that. I mean, they had some animals they would take with them to move about in caravans, but they didn’t have any land to settle on in order to produce goods that they could claim as their own. So they became known as the traders or the merchants or the mercs. And their God was mercury. And anyways, my point is they renamed places after these original place names. So Israel, for example, would be one tribe that came down and settled in that particular region and, you know, mingled with the locals in that area.

And they renamed that land Israel, and they renamed those rivers Tigris, Euphrates. And then the same thing happened in the United States, which is reflected in the Book of Mormon and things like that, with Nephi and all of that and ancient native american accounts and stuff too. They would settle down as well. If you look at these old maps, Tartaria is not just in Siberia. Tartaria extends into Canada and all these other places too. It says it on these maps. So they would circle around and they would rename the original lands like Ethiopia and Ind or India or Babylon or Egypt.

And none of those places are the original ones. The original lands and the original city states as they originally were located at the North Pole in these quadrants that were their own little countries, island countries, basically. And then they renamed these places as they slowly started to take over the rest of the world, procreating and having children and really holding to their bloodlines and stuff. I’m getting pretty deep. Sorry. No, no, I’m listening, brother. It’s fascinating because look right here. And then look, when you try to search that lady’s name, the first thing that comes up, guys, look, they try to disagree.

Credit this. Watch, look, see, fact check. And let me tell you, I’ll show you right now, fact check. Admitted an open court that they’re not a fact, it’s an opinion. So look, it says hoax alert, right? But here, look at this. This is on the government’s website. Freedom of information at state government. Here’s the freaking thing right there. Resurrection document pertaining to resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body buried. So then let’s see what they say with the hoax. Because sometimes they’ll just like, oh, well, the. The email is real, but the video is what’s not.

So let’s see what it says. Where treasure from tomb of Gilgamesh discovered just before the Iraq war. Us military or Hillary Clinton cover up. No, that’s not true. The video is footage of one of several fake mummy hoaxes that have occurred over the years. In April 2003, there was news about german teams archaeologists finds associated with ancient city of Uric in Iraq. That discovery did not include a tomb full of golden treasures or a king mummy. George Fishbanger or professor. Okay, so they’re not saying, they’re just saying the video that goes around that video is not what they found in that tomb.

Now, a BBC’s news article reported Gilgamesh tomb believed to be found on April 29, 2003. Over 20 years later, or May 16, 2023, clips from much circulated video were republished on tick tock. So you see how deceptive they are, though. They’re not saying that this ain’t real, but they’re saying that the. The video, that entity in the video ain’t real. And they’re probably the ones that put it out so people, us true seekers, would use it, and then they can come and do this. But let me show you a little something. Hold on a sec. What’s going on my computer here? Oh, fact check.

Omits an open court. Fact check amidst an open court that. It’s an opinion. It’s just freaking out on me. Damn it. What the hell is going on here? My keyboard is messing up and everything. There we go. Fact check. I’m looking up a hebrew word while you’re doing that, just so you know. Oh, go ahead, brother. See this, guys? So in court. Oh, they’re gonna try to make it go slow right now. They don’t want you seeing this part. Look how slow it’s going. There we go. Facebook admits the truth. Fact checks are really just lefty opinions.

This was December 14. They had a court case, and right here, they admit it. Facebook finally admitted the truth. That fact check that social media uses to police what Americans read and watch is just an opinion because they had a lawsuit against them. So it’s not a fact. It’s their opinion. You know what I mean? That’s so deceptive. It’s so deceptive, bro. That’s why I don’t even like to believe in facts anymore, man. Yeah, I don’t. I don’t go. Like, I just go. I just go with what feels right in my intuition, on my path. Yep.

That’s smart, brother. I would like to know who this lady is. Danitra singer. That’s what I was trying to figure out. Like, who is she? Because she’s the one who says, requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body and the location of the buried nephilim. And as you can see, that’s on Freedom of Information act, state government, page 470, which is 47, though. 47 degree masonic compass right there. And I get. I give you all the links and everything in this blog so you can find it yourself. But I thought that was very fascinating.

Um, yeah, seems like they might. They found something. They probably did lie to us about the location, you know? And then, bro, remember there was that rumor, um, like, when Iraq was going on, that there was some giant that. That the soldiers got in a fight with over there. Did you ever put that. Yeah. Hand up giant or something? Yeah. I mean, as I don’t. I can’t say for certain, you know, because I wasn’t there. But I know giants existed, and I know those are the types of tools that they were reported to have used in ancient times, you know? And I also think that giant animals have sprung forth from cave systems and cavernous systems around the world, like mammoth Cave.

The mammoths, you know, that’s why they’re. That’s why it’s named that mammoths came up out of it. While you were talking, you mentioned the city of. Uruk. Yeah, Uruk. I was reading a lot. I was looking that up. So I was looking that up. Remember I said that I might. One of my theories is that the new names that we have in the modern world, many of those are renamed after their homeland. Right. The quadrants at the North Pole. So Uruk is an interesting name. First, if you recall going back to the rings of power, what’s the name of the.

Originally a name for Orcs? Do you remember? No, I don’t. What is it? Remember. Remember whenever Galadriel caught that one orc that was like the leader of all of them, and he was actually like just an elf, basically. It’s like a dark elf. And she kept calling him Orc. Like, it was like a derogatory way of calling him something. Right? And he kept correcting her. And he said. He said Uruk. He didn’t. He’s like, it’s not orc, it’s Uruk, or the Uruk I. Right, right. So those are the people from Uruk. And Uruk starts with. Because I like etymology.

I like to break these words down. Even Abraham himself was from a city called ur, or it’s actually three letters in Hebrew, or, which is the root of Orlando. And it means light, the city of light. A city. This is a place of power where those beams of energy were bursting forth from the earth, shooting up into the sky, just like you see in the Superman movies on Krypton. You know how their planet was destroyed? You see those same pillars, same beams of light shooting up into the heavens. And it looks like the earth’s exploding or whatever.

This is Uruk. So the Ur, it means light or fire. You could also say fire, but it’s really light. And then ook is just. It’s a vav and a cough at the end. Vav is just a connector. So it’s an attachment. It means like of basically. And then ka or kaf at the end. In modern Hebrew, I think it means, like possessive, like, like there. Like something that belongs to them, like it’s theirs or whatever. So it’s like the city could mean of their light or their light. But ka or kaf is also a prefix that means like as or according to.

So it’s. It’s like, um. It’s. It’s light with the likeness, basically. It’s something. Something along those lines. And that’s the ancient city of the Uruk, where the Uruk I come from in, you know, symbolically speaking, in the rings of power, at least in the lord of the and stuff. And those are where the orcs are. Orcs are just, um, different versions of elves. And the elves are really the Elu, which are the l with it, with the U at the end, which means of the l, right? And the Ilu is a. Is a. Is a certain rank that you can get to within Freemasonry.

It’s called the Elu of nine. And there’s nine again. Right? And there’s also have elu of something else too. I can’t remember, but Elu is elf. It means that the v at the end is just a pronunciation that turned into an f. It’s a hard v that became an f. It’s elf. You know what I mean? Those are the. Those are the elves. Those are the orcs, or the Uruk. Or the Uruk I. The people from ur. Or the. Or the city of light, or the city that produces light, or the city that surrounds a beacon of light and a beam of light, a column and a pillar of light that shoots up into the sky.

And those are where the original cities started, because there’s more than just one. There’s one main one that comes up out of Mount Meru, but there’s cavernous openings all around the world. So you’re going to have places of power. You’re going to have smaller versions of this light of the world that are all across the world, all over the place. And those who live closest to them and especially those who dwell within them, if it’s cold plasma, they won’t get burned or anything. They’ll just be empowered. Like that dude in quantum leap when he stands in like, that blue energy and there’s all that wind blowing and stuff.

That’s exactly what that is. Anyways, these people would settle in the Southlands. They would naturally settle around terrestrial light beams that shoot up into the sky in a time of darkness or mist or fog because of atmospheric depressurization. And they would create a circle around that beam, all way around, and they would settle. People would, you know, grab their land in a circle. Eventually that goes all the way out to the extremities. And this was the orb of the original circles, the original cities. Bro, what you’re saying about, like, the light bear, all that, you know, this full circle, Helen, this, this hurricane Helen, if you look into the etymology of that name, bro, it gets into light too.

And Helen is derived from the ancient greek name. Kind of looks like even, or kind of reminds me of elvin a little bit, but famously associated with Helena Troy. Why? The etymology of the name remains debated. It’s often leading to the greek word healy, meaning torch or light, invoking illumination and brilliance. This direct association with lightmare is the symbolic role of Lucifer, whose name is the light bearer. You know, I thought that was pretty interesting, bro. In Helen of Troy, remember, she was the one that caused that great war between the Greeks and the fall of Troy.

And you have many different theories. Some people say, oh, Troy didn’t really exist, but there’s tons of evidence it did exist. And the name in Greek, it also kind of resembles the word heaven. If you look at the top there, it looks like an ea v in heaven. And then also where it says helle, it says, it’s often linked to the greek word helle or helle. Now, in ancient languages, they had a sound that was that what we have today corresponds to our ph in English, which we say things like phone. Right? It makes an f sound, and in ancient languages, it can make a different sound or whatever.

But if that’s one of them, then that would be akin to Pele as well, who is also another fire God in Hawaii. So which means of the light, Helen, what is, if what happened in Hawaii, bro, was due to this plasma stuff? And I think so. And then chilty two, it caught on fire like that. Ones that are just like, oh, these are wildfires are happening because of this. But really it’s the plasma. They’ve done a good job covering this event up pretty good, haven’t they? I mean. Well, so have we, though. I mean, like, we.

We have some responsibility to take, you know, allowing ourselves to be deceived and to forget, you know what I mean? Like, so there’s some responsibility that lies with us as the general population. But on the other hand as well, like, you know, the. The sheep have shepherds. Like, they’re like, you gotta break, break out of all of that or whatever. There’s a lot of people that think like you, though, or think like me, like, where they look outside and look into the etymology of word like. How many people do you think are like, okay, Helen, let me go look at the etymology of the word Helena.

Why they named this? Probably no one. Nobody. But those are my breadcrumbs. You know what I mean? Those. Those are my trail of breadcrumbs. And I’ll tell you how I think a lot of these wildfires start just like the ones in, um, in Hawaii. I mean, Hawaii is amazing. That’s why I love, you know, always start all my programs off with aloha. And, you know, oftentimes I say mahalo, which is thank you, and Hawaiian as well. I thought you were hawaiian when I first met you. Remember I said, I get that a lot. I have a hawaiian spirit.

I have that aloha spirit. I like to embrace that. But, um. But, oh, man, Hawaii is an interesting place. I really vibe with, like, a polynesian kind of culture and mythology and things of that nature, because these are the islanders. These are people that live on volcanoes. And my theory on volcanoes is that they are inner earth entrances like that. Right now they’re not. Right now they’re plugged up. Right now, there’s radioactive decay that’s leading to molten metals that are mixing with the earth and creating magma and freaking lava and stuff like that. But whenever that stuff blows out during the next apocalyptic cycle, to make room for those doors open, to make room for these places of power and these lights that shoot up into the heavens or whatever, and they’re doorways.

So those creatures and beings can now go right on up. They can come out of those caves, those cavernous systems, and they settle in those areas. So those people’s cultures and their stories that they share to me are some of the oldest, most ancient records in existence. They’ve. They themselves have still been cartoonified or whatever, but that’s. That’s how you get these islands. Like, um. Damn, what’s the name of that island? Um, what’s, what’s the name of the guy that, that invented a freaking evolution? Darwin. Right? So anyways, Darwin. Darwin went to the galapagos, where he found all these weird animals.

Many of them have no business being stranded on an island, and they try to figure it out, like, well, you know, humans must have brought them here. But the problem is that there’s no record of humans having been there, you know, that long and bringing all these weird things like tortoises and stuff that, you know, or whatever. And many of these animals can’t swim. What are you doing on island? How’d you get there if you can’t swim? Mammoths also, like the, the last island that had mammoths or whatever, like, that’s an island way up in the Arctic.

And I mean, they’ll try to say, you know, oh, there was an ice bridge or whatever. Okay, well, how do you explain all these ones? That’s around the equator, you know? Anyways, these are earth entrances to me. That’s how I see these volcanoes and stuff. And Hawaii especially, the language is very close to Hebrew, the ancient Hebrew and many of their stories and traditions and myths and languages. Very close. Cherokee is very close to Aramaic. And that’s interesting, too. Yes. All of the. All of. Many of these people are brown in color. Okay. I’m just gonna be general in the whole color thing.

But they’re very brown toned. Okay. And that’s because in, inside of the earth where they came from, like the ant people, the hopi, all that stuff, those beings in the earth are said to be reduced. They’re said to their. The light source is different down there. The energy is different and the melatonin works in different ways. And they’re more of a red natural skin color. Right. Those beings who descend from space or the heavens are white. They’re fantasy white, gray colored. Basically. They have. They don’t have color. They come down from the heavens. And we in between are a mix of all these ones, you know, those of us who are live on the Southlands or.

Anyways. I forgot. I’m rambling, dude. I forget. You got me so excited talking about Hawaii. Oh, I was gonna tell you my theory. That’s right. On the. The wildfires, I went off tangent crazy. I love your tangents. I can’t. I need to get it all out. It’s all trapped in here. I need to share it. Please, let me. Let me talk. Let me get it out. I’m sorry, man. But my theory. My theory is that it’s gases that are being released. Um, two things, actually. One, the sun’s heating up. Okay? So that’s a contributor. And the sun’s transitioning into a blue spectrum right.

Now, if that’s true, bright white looking sun, that’s not the golden color we are used to when we grew up, right? Yes. And NASA admits the blue kachina or anything. Yes, it’s. I. Yes, you hit the nail on the head. I think it’s. That is going to be the sun, I believe is going to become the blue Kachina star. One of these days that it’s going to become that. Anyways, if I’m correct in assuming that the sun is going through a color spectrum shift and it’s transitioning into a hotter color, which is blue. Right. And this is what NASA says.

They say the real color of the sun is like a bluish green color. Okay. This is what they. They say. If you look it up, then it makes sense that to repel that heat or that light or that blue light, what color would you need? Blue. Right. So all of these things that didn’t catch on fire that are blue. I think that’s really interesting, because blue is blue because it’s reflecting back the blue light. It doesn’t keep. It. It doesn’t get. It doesn’t get that hot blue light. It reflects us back. What I mean, so if the sun is giving off blue light and the sun is slowly becoming a deadly laser, then all this blue stuff is going to reflect that blue light right back at it.

Another thing, though, are the gases that are being released right now from these fluctuations that the earth’s going through as. As. As birth pangs of a woman who’s about to give birth, which is the apocalypse. Um, these gases are being released en masse, and they’re coming up. They’re causing sinkholes, earthquakes, earthquake lights, as those gases ionize and also combustion. So if they go to places that are electrically amplified or have natural fires or whatnot, those gases can combust. They can explode. And when they explode, they’re going to set things on fire in forests and stuff. And all of these forest fires, these massive ones I’ve found are in places that have cavernous openings that go down into the earth and have massive amounts of gas that are coming out of them.

Like Siberia and Greece and Hawaii. China is putting all these blue roofs on. Maybe they know about the plasma apocalypse. Maybe they know that’s going to save them. And, you know, the laser beam doesn’t burn the blue. And now they’re selling these blue rollouts. They just started selling them here in America. Yeah, yeah. It’s because you were talking about the blue roofs, how it didn’t burn to. So. Yeah, man, wouldn’t that be crazy? Because whole cities in China is doing this, bro. They’re like, whole cities are putting their roofs blue. Well, is that laser blue? It looks like it’s a blue laser.

Yep, it sure is. Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. Imagine that’s the sun. Yep. Yeah, imagine that’s the sun, dude. So the focal point gets more and more focused as time goes on. We live during the time when the focal point gets more focused. The opposite age is whenever it becomes more dispersed. And during that time, which is our ancient past, the sun would become bigger and bigger and bigger. It looks like it’s growing in size. However, the atmosphere would become colder and colder and colder because the light is more diffuse. It’s more spread out, and that leads to the great winter that leads to fimblevinterhead.

But we’re not in that time. We’re in the time when the sunlight is getting more and more. So, like, if my aren’t, like, I can’t do it right now, but, like, okay, so where my. Where my hands cross, that’s the sun. Okay. Up here is the light from the heavens. They meet at the focal point, which is the sun. They redistribute themselves, which are my arms going down to the land. And it creates daytime, okay? But whenever the light above contracts, because it’s actually fluctuating all the time, which is why the sun goes. Goes north and south, you know, giving us seasons or whatever.

When that light above contracts, so does the light below or the daytime below. And it becomes more focused and hotter and hotter and hotter. The more it contracts and the smaller and more narrow it gets, the less daytime we’re going to have. And time will speed up, or it appears to be speeding up, and it will get hotter and hotter and hotter, and the sun will go through a color spectrum shift into the blue spectrum, which for lights, is the hottest form of light, until eventually it’s completely blue, as is the light that it will cast.

And because it’s created by the firmament, it will eventually get so narrow that it will hit that inverted dome, the eye in the sky. And the only light that we will see will be a ring of blue, and the rest of it will be black. So it will be the blue star Kachina, removing its mask with a black face or a dark face. And only the outside of it will be seen. Its true self will be seen, because it removes all that light. And you can see the darkness or whatever. And it will rest above the north pole as the anti beam that the light that causes destruction and desolation and causes the earth to become desolate as it burns a freaking yellow brick road spiraling its way to the north pole.

And it rests over the seed of God or over Mount Meru, over that plasma volcano, which provides the true light, the true Christ, the true beam that is life giving, and that blue beam of ionized oxygen I speculate on what the gas is, but I’m pretty sure it’s ionized oxygen. That one clashes, so they fight, right? You have the Christ and the Antichrist, the killer hot laser light and the cold plasma that rises up. And then one of them will win because the sun will disappear. As we move into a transition into the next world, it’ll go away for, like, three days.

And maybe that’s where that rapture thing comes from, too, where people get sucked up into heaven, dude. You know, during the decolonization, like, yeah, people are getting sucked up. And people probably did think back in ancient times when they see people floating away, like, oh, my God, you know, they’re getting raptured up. And I’m not saying the rapture is not real or nothing. I’m just saying maybe I’m just thinking out loud, you know? Yeah. Hold on. I’m pulling up my website while you talk. Go ahead. It’s just fascinating, bro, to see all this stuff happening in front of us and, like, all the conversations me and you have had off air and.

And to see it all coming true right now, it’s like, man, what the heck is going on? You know, it’s. It’s. It’s awesome. It’s a great time to be alive. Um. I’m not really scared about it at all. I know a lot of people fear it and stuff. I don’t fear it. I’m excited about it, bro. You know, I’m also excited because I don’t like the world as it is, because it’s so negative. It’s the season of Satan. You know, like, it’s. It’s a negative energy. We’re lacking energy, which. Which goes back to the concept of sin.

Like, a lot of this. A lot of the religious concepts are true. I just have a different perception of them. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, I agree. What about in Game of Thrones and, like, everybody, Joe Biden kept saying, dark winter, dark winter. And then Game of Thrones, they kept saying, winners coming. Winners coming. Does that play a role, what you were just talking about with the winter thing? Yeah. Um. So that. Give me 1 second. 1 second. I gotta find. I like that. I’m very good at paying attention to pattern recognition. When I notice they keep saying shit and repeating it, I’m like, something’s up with this.

There’s a reason they keep saying it. And they were saying that winners coming. And not just the Game of Thrones. It was in many different things, things. Winners come in, winners coming, and then in Game of Thrones, that’s when, like, the ice king and all that death came, and they had the Nephilim giants in there, too. Member? Yeah, dude, Game of Thrones, I haven’t even seen all of it, right. But, I mean, it seems to me it sort of represents a time of magic, right? Like, there’s. There’s magical show. Right. Or giant stuff like that that you would love it if you haven’t seen it, bro.

You got a new member. I tried to watch. I tried so hard to watch that. It started off good, but it got really political, and then they lost me. Shout out to rabbits. Dojo. Thanks for joining Jay’s membership. Oh, hey. Thank you. Okay, so let me answer your question, because I found what I was looking for on my website about the rapture. So let’s come back to the rapture in just a second. But I want to answer your question about the great winter. Yeah. Joe kept saying dark winter, didn’t he, Christian? I did. This girl right here shout out to her.

I remember her decode very vividly. Yes. So there’s. There’s two different cycles, to the best of my knowledge and my understanding, as it is now. Okay, so we have the cycle we’re in now, which is the non magical time where we create technology in order to still sort of have a remnant of magic, then the time to come and the time we just left is the time of magic. That is an electrically amplified atmosphere when we become magical and we have telepathy and all of these fringe pseudoscience, things that they don’t believe in today, because we live under different conditions.

The Game of Thrones represents the time of magic. So you have to. We. We would. We would do well not to project our modern times upon those times that are being represented in that fictional story. Right. They are showing us the time that once was. Right. If it’s the time that once was, that means that their cataclysm that they are going to go through is not the sun getting hotter and hotter and hotter. It is the sun becoming larger and more diffuse, which is going to make it colder and colder and colder. And actually it starts turning red.

So if you look at the ancient depictions of the sun, it’s red. In all these ancient Egypt, ancient Japan, all these places, the sun is red. And the red sun got. The red sun got bigger and bigger, and it got colder and colder, and it led to a great winter the world across. And this is represented in mainstream academics as, um. What do they call that? When, like, the. The world was frozen over or whatever, you know, talking about. I’m trying to think what it was called. Yeah, in school they teach about, like, you know, everything froze.

I forgot what that’s called. Yeah, the ice age. Thank you. That’s the ice age. Okay? That’s the great winter. And it lasts for. It starts for three years, in which case there’s, you know, the first three years are pretty bad. And then it culminates in the final three years or three and a half years, I think. It’s like a total of seven. And there’s war. There’s a great war at the end of that, which is ragnarok also. And anyways, it’s freezing cold the world across. It’s. It’s terrible. And not the apocalyptic cycle you want to go through.

One, because I hate the cold, personally. And two, after that, the deluge comes. The. The flooding comes, right. So that’s. That’s how that world always ends, is with the flood. Just like in Game of Thrones, how they keep seeing that the numenor was going to be flooded and stuff. That’s the elven time. That’s the time of magic and stuff. That’s their destruction is going to be the flood. Ours is the fire. Ours is this spiritual fire that descends from above in the form of plasma and stuff. And we return to a desert world like Arrakis. You know what I mean? On dune, you know? Oh, doom.

Yeah, that’s a good one too. Did you watch the new dune? Uh, like the part two? Yeah, I’ve not seen that one. No. I have killer clowns from outer space, like, prepped on my tv. After we’re done talking, I’m going to watch that, but I’ll watch Dune next after that one. I want to watch Killer Collins from outer space too, and do a decode with you on that. That’s an old school. That’s a good one there. But Dune too, it’s. Bro, you got to watch, and we got to do a decode on it. So in it, he’s like the coming of the Mahadee, they call him.

Yeah, it’s kind of like an arabic version of religion on that planet. Kind of very similar. They worship, um, water, though. So, like, when you die, they put you in this thing, bro. It kind of is like, um, one of them bags that you would, um, suck all the air out of and vacuum seal food in, you know? Yes. They put you in that, and then it sucks all your water out. And you go into this, like, lake that’s underground, and this lake is huge. It’s full of water, but in this lane. Yeah. In this land, people are dying to thirst, and nobody will drink from that lake because it’s so sacred and it’s just full of water, but it’s all from people’s bodies, you know? Oh, dude, that’s just, like, in three body problem.

Remember? Like, they. They wrapped up the people. Like they. They lay down in the sun and they dried up. Yep. And then they, like, wrapped him up, and then to bring him back, they threw him into that water or whatever. That’s what that reminds me of. Yeah, you’re right. They threw him in that water. And then the one time when they brought him back too soon, then they ended up dying. Remember? Yeah. And there’s also a dune connection with the golden compass, with the dust, because on dune, they sift through the sand to collect that special dust or whatever.

Yeah. Isn’t that right? Yep. The same thing with the golden compass, that they have that special dust or whatever that dust is. Why they make all that money on that planet. Arrakis. Yeah. It’s. It’s like a currency. You know much about it I don’t know much about because I never really finished the movie, but I’m guessing that that dust is, like, life giving in some way. It gets them high and, like, when it makes them have crazy, crazy dreams when they’re out in the desert and they first do it, and then there’s, like, these. There’s, like, these bald.

This bald race of people. They’re the bad ones, and they bathe in black goo, bro. They’re. They’re all, like, symbiotic. Yeah. They’re merging with black goo, and they’re the ones that are evil. They’re kind of. They, you know, they really look like the engineers and Prometheus. Yeah, I bet. Like I said, they come from above. They’re going to be that color. Yep. And they’re the bad ones. They’re the ones that go to Arrakis and try to kill that sacred bloodline and. Yeah, you know, I guess what that kid kind of represents is, like, the messiah. Spice.

That’s what it’s called. Yeah, spice. Spice. Good. Good job. Yeah. So check this out. There’s also a spice connection or that same dust, um, in that tv show. I forgot the name of it, but it’s in Wyoming, and there’s a hole in the ground, and it, like, the people go into it and they time travel, you know, I’m talking about. Oh, man, I do. But I can’t think of the name of it. Have you seen that? Yeah, I’ve seen parts of it. It’s so good. I don’t usually watch like a lot of like series, tv series or anything, but that one’s good.

I forgot what that was called, but yeah, open range. So I just started watching it. Actually, bro, he starts off the whole show talking about Kronos. That’s, that’s the intro. No, you know what made me watch that show? Cuz I was such a big fan of Yellowstone and I watch Yellowstone and then that got recommended to me and I’m like, when I started watching open range, I’m like, this is nothing like Yellowstone. But it would end up being really good. You know, they’re throwing a guy’s body in this portal thing and, well, when you continue to watch it later on in the episodes, the area where that hole is, when they dig it up, they find like this dust or this dirt or whatever and they eat it.

Like, they’ll lick it and it gives them visions of the future, dude. They can prophesy and they know what’s going to happen in the future. That’s what happens in dune. That’s what I’m saying. Oh, check this out. So the dust, the sandworms, the big sandworms, they’re huge, dude. And if they hear you move in the desert, they’ll come up and eat you. But the, the muslim type people, they know how to like ride them and shit. They, they communicate with these things and their blood comes out blue and it’s, it’s supposed to be like a concentrated form of that dust because they’re always eating that dust and it’s blue and they drink that blood, dude.

And it makes them see the future. Everything that’s going to happen, just like what you’re saying. So there’s got to be something there that they’re showing us. That’s in dune, that’s in. Oh, you know what I’m saying? So the sandworms blood is blue. Yeah. Okay, well, that makes sense, actually, to me because those sandworms, okay, in the world to come, gigantism will be reintroduced. Okay. Like, that’s the way it was. That’s the way it’s going to be, especially in the insect world. So that all we have giant worms and stuff that live under the ground, but they’re gonna get huge.

Okay. And all of those that the earth is gonna shake a bunch which is going to cause more of liquidy conditions as Lincoln liquefaction causes like, more of a swampy world for, for a little bit. Right? All the water rises up to the top and stuff. It’s perfect for worms and stuff, too. And they’ll grow to gigantic sizes with the influx of oxygen and the lessening of pressure in our world. And they’re going through all of the elements that are down there being energized by all these beams and stuff, right? So these beams of, they shoot up through these cavernous systems and cracks in the earth and volcanoes and stuff, too, right? Positive, life giving energy that is shooting up, emanating up and out of the earth.

And some of that energy is absorbed by certain minerals, like crystals and metals. And those metals today are called radioactive because they’re losing that energy. They’re giving off the energy, expelling it. They’re losing the energy. They can no longer contain it. So they’re become. They’re going through what’s known as radioactive decay, which means they’re magic rocks, basically. But the, but during the time whenever the, the earth was providing the energy and they were absorbing it constantly, they weren’t radioactive, like, dangerous how we think of it today. And people, this is what I think the Anunnaki were looking for.

I don’t believe they were looking for gold. I believe they were looking for life giving minerals that were magic rocks. Magic metals and crystals that gave them life, that they used, that had little properties of the original beams itself. If they couldn’t live in those places of power, they would go looking for this shiny material, which the old word for gold, you know, is, um, arg. And they were the. Right, because inky, there was a story about inky having this, um, serum that he would hog and he wouldn’t let none of the other Anunnaki have. And they said when they came down here, our son started causing them to lose their life.

So they were living, you know, 100,000 years on nibra or whatever, but then here they. They were dying early, and he had some type of potion that he would drink, and it extend their life. And like, um, uh, Rabid dojo, who joined your membership, said, the spice in dune, prolonged exposure turned the people’s eyes blue, too. So not only was the sandworm’s blood blue, but these beautiful arabic people, they were like. And I only call them Arabic because you could tell their religion is based on Islam, right? Right. Totally based on Islam. And, like, their messiah is the mahadi, that, that all comes from Islam.

But they were beautiful muslim looking people with beautiful blue eyes, dude. And it really made them stand out. And it was due to that spice. So, yeah, there’s got to be something there. You know, there’s these archetypes that they show us in different movies over and over again, and it comes from something real. I think it’s fascinating. I totally. And so, and so this dust is probably particles of those substances that they’re trying to mine. They’re trying to get it, you know, because it, it opens up the mind, acting like a drug that we would use today or that we have today, but it’s not a drug.

It’s energetic. It’s, it’s energy. It’s energized. It’s kryptonite. You know, I mean, like, it’s, it’s all these different types of glowing, you know, rocks and minerals and crystals that you see all throughout fiction and fantasy and Sci-Fi that, you know what it is in the rings of power. Remember? It’s Mithril. Oh, yeah. They put that dying leaf right next to it. And it regenerates the leaf. Yes, it does. And, guys, this ain’t the real donut. You guys do know that, right? Everybody in the chat keeps talking. This dude, like, yo, donut. That’s not donut is doenut and e.

But shout out to this person. They didn’t try to. That’s dangerous. I think he’s from. He said where he was from when he came in. He’s from, like, over the pond somewhere, which he wasn’t trying to pretend like he was donut or nothing. I think people thought it was donut. Yeah, I’m sure that’s his nickname, but shout out to him. But, yeah, that’s not a donut factory, guys. That’s a different donut. But shout out to that donut. Yes. I thought so. I can’t believe I remember that. He said, I’m the real donuthenne in Scotland. Yeah, yeah, you and Donut got to have a battle for that name.

But he spells it a little different. Brother, his is d o e n u t. You spell yours, I guess donut. Well, donut the real way is with the d o u g h, right? Yeah, they spelled many different ways. Yeah. Very strange name donut picked, but donuts, a weird guy he picks. Making me hungry. Mandy, I want a Boston cream. I don’t know why he came up with that name. Then. He’s got a picture of him riding a dolphin with his cat holding in his hand. You know, he just, uh, he’s very, uh, artistic. But donut.

Donuts actually highly intelligent man. When you. When he, he figures out stuff that is above the average person’s head. That’s why they don’t catch on. But, like, the decoders love to watch his stuff. You can tell they steal his shit all the time, you know, and that’s more of a compliment when you. Right. When you get that level, I know you have it happen all the time. I’ve seen some of your breakdowns go, I love it, and it’ll be like a different channel. I mean, if they. If they straight up, you know, reproduce my exact video with me talking and everything, and then they take out my.

Not forget that. But, like, I’ll go on to tick tock, and I see people like, oh, my God, plasma apocalypse, check this out. And they’re like. They’re talking about it, you know, and they don’t even have to say my name or anything. Like, I’m so honored and proud and happy to be a, you know, find my niche within this community of truth seekers that people on TikTok are talking about it and bringing it to light and everything. And I’m like, wow, that’s cool. I’m listening all these different perspectives on things, and I think it’s cool. That’s actually believe it.

I don’t get mad, you know, and say, oh, they stole that from me, or whatever. That’s. No, I get mad when it’s another content creator that just, like, steals it and pretends, like, it’s their information and. Yeah, like the same exact video, basically. Like, come on, man, don’t be doing. But, you know, whatever. Even then I laugh at them, but they do it to me all the time. But you know how I found you, brother? This dude on Instagram, what’s his name? Was like crouching Tiger, hidden dragon or something, but he was always talking about telekinesis and the plasma apocalypse.

And I’m like, man, this shit this guy’s talking about. Interesting. And he was sharing videos of you, and it was like a five minute clip video. It has millions of views on it, and it was you breaking down, um, how the. The plasma punches through the firmament and the depressurization. You had, like, some diaphragm there. Yeah. And I seen that video. I’m like, man, who is this guy? But he didn’t have your name in the video. And then I seen. But that was the first time I ever seen you. And I found you again because I typed in the word plasma apocalypse after I watched that video.

And then if that’s how I found you, I found your YouTube. I found your every video. I do is tagged plasma apocalypse. Like, you know how you put in the keywords? I got J Dreamers, plasma apocalypse, and there’s like, three or four other ones. And then I. Then I actually used, you know, the keywords for the video. But, I mean, it’s like, it’s all connected. For me, the plasma apocalypse is. It’s the key that has unlocked so many things that connects. It’s like, it’s like the grand unified conspiracy theory answer to me, you know? I mean, I can see the connection of the future prophecy, the past, ancient oblivion, the present world, where we are, who we are, logos, designs, etymology.

Like, it’s. It’s all a web that’s all connected together, and it’s none of it separate, you know? I mean. Yeah, no, I. I mean, dude, you opened my eyes to it. And I told donut that not too long ago, we were talking on the phone. I said, I’ll tell you one thing, bro. J open my eyes, this plasma shit. And it’s like, in everything, it’s encoded, and I. So many movies, I see it in everything now. It’s like the real hidden secret among the secret societies, you know? It is. Why do you think they’re all pointing up? You know what I mean? Like, why do you think they’re all doing one eye symbolism and spirals and, like, it’s.

That’s the eye in the sky. This is, this is this. If people want to learn, like, the secrets of freemasonry and stuff, dude, I’m sharing it daily, all the time. I’m like. Like, I’m telling people, this is what the ladder is. This is what the pillars are. This is what the, the tree trunk is. This is what the rabbit is. This is what the. This and that. And I’m not trying to brag and, you know, sound like I’m giving the answers away or anything, but I’m like, it’s connected and it makes sense. It resonates with me personally, and it’s reasonable, you know, between creativity, which is symbolism and fact and actuality and science and things of that nature, there’s a balance between the two.

And we’re so left brain these days because of the energy that exists around us, that it forces us to think more like robots and the ends justify the means and more mathematical and stuff, which is why I really like, you know, when we talk out talk, because, like, you bring the math, you bring the numbers and gematria and stuff, and that balances me out. Yeah, yeah, no, I love it, too. That’s, that’s why? Our whole thing, the truth mafia. You know, with you, with the plasma apocalypse donut with the symbols on. He gets into the numbers, the symbols, gnosticism.

Like, we all have our own different niches. And then when we come together, bro, it’s like freaking Voltron. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, that’s a good analogy. There ain’t no one out there messing with us. I didn’t say Power Rangers. No, I used to watch them all the time, though. I’m not even gonna cap. I was. What Power Ranger was you? Yeah, Voltron and then Ultron. I was the Green Ranger. Yeah, I was also the Green Ranger. Gangster dude. I. Yeah, green energy. I like the green one. I like the green one. And I think the white one too.

I can’t remember what he was, but I don’t know. I didn’t watch it really, unless there was nothing else on. Like, it was so over exaggerated and like the. The traditional japanese lips not syncing up with the words. And when that. When that lady’s fighting them and all that is. That’s the same reason I didn’t watch, like, the original godzillas and stuff like that, even though I will now, you know, or anime. I couldn’t get into anime until my. Until my son was born and he introduced me to Avatar, the last airbender. And I’m like, whoa, there’s truth in this stuff.

What is this? What do you got going on? You know? Oh, yeah, the avatar, the last airbender. What was that other one? There’s a pirate monkey. D Luffy wasn’t in that one. I don’t know. But. But I was going to show you before we go today because we knocked out, like, two and a half hours here. Somebody told me about this in the comments on Facebook. This person told me to watch this. They said there’s tons of symbolism in it. It’s called the wild robot. Have you heard of that yet? I saw a preview for that when I went to see Beetlejuice part two.

I don’t know what it’s about, but it kind of has, like an iron giant feel to it. Yeah, I don’t know what it’s about either, but I’m gonna check it out tonight and see, I can’t say the name of this site, guys, but you can read up here, you know, if you want to watch some. Okay. Yeah. I was wondering what the new spot was. That’s the new spot? Well, it’s our old spot. It came back, bro. Oh. Is it okay? Yeah. Well, I still got it on the computer. Yeah, he just using brave. Right. The certain brave search engine.

Brave search engine that we don’t get pop ups. And he just changed it a little. So, remember, it used to be like, he didn’t have that WW four there, but so it. Somebody told me that, like, he got hit with. He actually went to court and shit. Yeah. He’s had his sight taken down so many times, guys, and he just puts it right back up. He does not care. But he’s, like, in Russia or something, so, you know, definitely don’t log into it. I tell people that all the time. Probably Kg and Putin own it. But I watch all my movies on here, dude.

All my breakdowns. They got the new Deadpool, Wolverine. Some of them are in camera version, but even that’s just until they get out on the mainstream. Then there’ll be HD, and it’s perfect quality. Quality. But, like, all the new stuff is over here. You know, I got it. I mean, I also got peacock. I like that one, too. Hulu, Netflix. I got all the. I’ve been limited on funds lately, so I got rid of Netflix, and I just. I’m strictly on Amazon. And then I realized YouTube has free movies. Like, I just discovered that a month ago.

So everyone, a while, I check YouTube to see if, you know, whatever it is is free. You probably were so sad when this went away because we didn’t have to pay for nothing for, like a year. Remember, we all had this for free and any. Anything. Guys, that’s on Amazon. I watched that one with my son about the stuffed animal that comes to life. I forgot what that one was called. That one was pretty cool. Is there any new ones that are. That look. That look really deep or anything that you’ve seen? I’m gonna tell you as far as just a good show.

Yeah. And I was shocked because you think Penguin and you think Batman, right? Right. It wasn’t very Batman II. It was more like gangster mobster. But it’s. It’s the Penguin season one episode. I only watch episode one. It’s gonna be. I know this series is gonna be phenomenal. Jay, the penguin. So good. The first one, I think you’d like it. I also like from season three is out now. There’s a lot of weird stuff, and that kind of reminds me of the Vril. They get stuck in the city. That’s like a time loop, and they. I love that kind of stuff.

Okay, I’ll check that out. I know you would really like. That was a movie that’s a seat. That’s okay. Oh, it’s a series. And there’s these entities, bro. They’re always smiling, and they try to mimic you. They shape shift and look like you, but they’re not us, bro. They. There’s some type of, like, real reptilian type entity under there. And they’ll. They eat you, so. But they come up to you smiling. Yeah, huge smile from, like, they. Like, they don’t know how to act like a person. They’re trying to sound garden black hole, son. Yeah, it’s something like that, but.

And this is another good one, too. I think Tulsa King’s pretty good with Sylvester Stallone. Just as far as you know. There’s not a lot of symbolism or nothing in it, but just a good show. Just a pretty good show. But, yeah. How to get. You know, I always got to give some movie recommendations at the end. Did you go ahead. Did you decode Fallout? I breezed through it. I did a quick decode on it. I’m not satisfied with the decode I did. So if you want to jump on that, I’m totally willing to, because there’s way more.

I barely even scratched the surface of fallout. Yeah, let’s do one on it, bro. Because I did a members only one, and it did really good. I’d like to do one for the public. I got so much stuff on it, dude, it got nominated for like 17 Grammys or something. Did you see that shit? No. Yeah. I was like, what, this movie? I mean, it was good, but 17 Grammys? I don’t understand how it got all that stuff. I don’t know. Remember they had the fake sun, though, down there? The artificial sun that was underneath. Oh, yeah.

In the. In the vault. Yep. Yeah. Vault 31. So vault 31 was the hidden vault where, like, all the cloning shit was going on. And that’s very interesting because 31 is the matrix, right. In Chaldean, the matrix 31 then 32 and 33 were the vaults that were actually being controlled. And these are the three levels in Freemasonry that are very connected. 31, 32, and 33. When you go from the 32nd to the 33rd, that’s when you’re supposed to learn the true knowledge. Right before that, you really don’t know what the hell is going on. They say you start to learn it at, like, the 31st degree, and they’re starting to get.

Dip your toes into it. But, um, I was thinking about checking this one out. Borderlands J. I haven’t checked that out yet. I did check that out. I saw that one, dude. I’ll tell you what’s good if you haven’t seen it. Alien. Romulus, did you see this one yet? No. Where is it? Oh, that’s, oh, I’m so glad she’s wearing her face mask, bro. I would love to decode that with you, too. That’s the face hugger. I’ll have to check that out because I like all the aliens and Prometheus and stuff. Do they tie in? Prometheus? Yes, Prometheus.

They show you how Prometheus, the engineers are born, bro. Yep. And it, and it grows up instantly. It grows up into a, like, full grown. It comes out of a woman. It’s mixing the woman with the, um. Don’t tell me. Don’t tell me. I’m just kidding. You know. Name of that alien in the aliens. What do they call it? The, the xenomorph. Xenomorph. So the xenomorph mixes with the human female somehow, and, um, that freaking engineer gets born out of her. And then it grows up into this giant nephilim looking thing that’s like 15 foot tall, bro.

And it goes over top of its mom to suckle her like it’s going to start feeding. She has black goo coming out of her stud of milk. Interesting. Yeah. I was like, whoa, what is this? I mean, that’s on, that’s at the end of it. But, yeah, it’s fascinating. I think you’ll find some stuff in that that I didn’t even find I would love. Okay. Yeah, I’ll have to check that out. And we’ll do the black goo in the milk, too. Yeah. Oh, the white milk. Yeah, the black. Yeah. We should do an episode just on them two things, because I don’t think nobody’s hip to really.

The milk, everybody talks about the black goo, but they don’t talk about milk. Part of it. Yeah. Which gets into, um, westworld. Yeah. All kinds of things. All the bad guys drinking milk. All that stuff. Yeah. If you guys watch evil, what we were talking about, what showed you in the beginning of this, um. Yeah. Evil. They’re opening credits. It’s all that white milk that you see in, um. Yeah, Westworld. And then their hands rise up out of the white milk and it’s covered in black goo, bro. Yeah. And you know what else, too, that reminds me of, um, Ernest, scared stupid.

It’s like a Halloween earnest movie or whatever. And, yeah, there’s these trolls. And to kill the trolls, he figures out that, like, milk kills them. So it’s like, it’s like he uses milk to kill the trolls or whatever. It’s really interesting. What do you think that milk is? What do you think it represents? Before we go real quick, because some people are probably like, what the hell are Tommy and Jay talking about? Milk and black gill? I’m. I feel like I’m really close to a solid theory on it. I can’t say 100% for sure right now, and I don’t really want to, like, speculate before I have a better grasp.

But I will say I feel like it’s related to the land of milk and honey, which I don’t believe is milk, and I don’t believe is honey because I’m studying hyperborea and the garden of Eden and whatnot. And it has to do with natural byproducts of the earth in certain areas going through certain conditions and shifts and changes and stuff. Same thing with the black goo. It’s the same type of thing. And I think that the black goo probably has traces of magnetite. That’s why it seems to be, like, magnetic. You know what I mean? How? Like, the whole magnets on some of those things and they, they move and stuff.

And, like, if you put black goo when one side of the room and the other, it all, it finds each other. Like, it’ll find each other. Yeah. And it looks like it stands up and wants to, like, talk. But that milk is more the life, the lie. I mean, they both are sort of life giving, you know what I mean? But one, one is more, um, parasitic. One one is, is it. It creates new life by taking it. The other one is more just. It’s life in and of itself. And it gives life to whatever it comes around and makes it something better or more real or something.

Yeah. And the black goo, it kind of brings out the evil and things. You ever noticed that? Like, it brings out the worst in you and it does, it mutate you into a new life form, too, but it’s usually not a good one, right? Usually like, them people go crazy and stuff. So as we come to the end of our video here, guys, make sure you guys go follow my boy J dreamers. All his links are down in the description. Check out his new book that links down below. You know, if you haven’t checked out his first book, it’s, it’s phenomenal.

And I’ll definitely be checking out the new one myself. So, you know, give that a check out, guys, and they can get your book J on Amazon, if I’m not mistaken. Right? Yeah. If you just want the book all by itself. You can order, order either of them or both of them on Amazon. And if you want to order it special from me, I’ve made that available on my website as well. So if you go to my website and you click on, I think it’s a section called services or about. I can’t remember. I always just go right here.

I got all your links on my website. So like on anybody when you’re on truth mafia, if you go down to the bottom, you always see this little thing and we’ll check it out. You want to check it out real quick? Yeah, yeah, I just finished it. I’m trying to see. I thought this one took you to your website. Yeah. So go up to about. See where it says about right there. I’m going to change it. It says about right now, but it’s going to say something else later. So click on that. I love your website too.

It’s so colorful and shit. I thank you. And then just scroll down. These are all the little services that I’m offering. Like people can directly buy my books from me, in which case they’ll get an autograph, they’ll get some merch, you know, I’ve got bookmarks and stickers and mini posters and stuff that I design. And then down at the bottom, that’s a new service I’m offering as well, which is I got this idea from you because you’ve done your own consultations. I’m going to be offering plasma apocalypse consultations wherever. I actually make it a personalized experience and I look up people’s local geography.

We weigh the pros and cons, giving recommendations on, you know, things to include like necessary items in your go bags and stuff. And I answer questions about it and you know, there’s a whole list of things that people get, including my own personal notes that are, you know, on the consultation that I’ll email to them as well. And then like there’s stuff at the bottom if people want me to be a speaker or, you know, be on their channel as a guest and stuff like that too. Yeah, that’s awesome, bro. I’m glad you’re doing these consultations now.

That’s really cool. I know donut started doing some and yeah, I love doing them because you get to talk to the people and you know, guys, whenever you’re buying your books from someone, yeah, you could go to Amazon, but you might as well just buy it directly off the person, you know, that’s the best way to do it. Ain’t that better for you too? If they bought it directly from you. Study Amazon. Yeah. Way better. Amazon gets half my book sales. Yeah, they’re stealing a big chunk of it. Yeah. So if they buy from me, I just have to pay for shipping, basically, right.

And then I have to, you know, I have to, you know, get more merch and buy more merch every once in a while or whatever. But I make way more money if it’s bought direct from me. But it’s more personalized, too, because I get to actually transfer my energy into the book, signing it, maybe making notes, putting in the merch and stickers and little I. I’m probably gonna throw in, like, these personalized business cards that I created, too. So, for example, like, this is one of my new ones. I’ve got different ones here. That’s like the front.

It’s hard to see with the green screen. And then the back is this sort of van Gogh looking plasma apocalypse deal that I made. It’s very eye catching kind of business card. Real thick, real nice, you know, and it’s also kind of collectible. Yeah, that’s awesome, brother. So they’ll all get something like that. And, you know, guys, we’re not funded by, like, these multi million dollar platforms out here where they got billions of dollars behind them. We got to generate our own money. So that’s how we’re able to do this stuff and continue to bring you guys all this information that you love.

And this is my other site. You know, I got dot. I also got truthful, and that’s where I do all my bookings and my d codes. So if you want to get a gematria D code, just come over here. I try to make it real simple for people. Click on that. It’ll take you to the calendar. You pick your date. Boom, boom. And it just depends on how booked I am. On average, it takes ten to 414 days from your booking date until you get your decode back because it takes a little time to put it in.

But sometimes you get. Sometimes you get it back two, three days later. If I’m not booked right now, I’m super booked out. So it’s about ten day waiting list, unfortunately, but. So if you say you booked it for the 30th, right, you would get your d code back on the 10th or the 11th. And it’s all done via email. Real detailed breakdown. I create your custom image with it, too. And that’s all over here on truthful tv. We also got a shop over here, you know, where we do a lot of cool merch, and all of our merch is to protect you from the 5G.

Or we got obsidian, which they say helps to block out negative energy, black magic attacks. I’ve got some of that stuff. Yeah. I mean, I remember when you were setting up your shop, bro, and, you know, a lot of people, they. They weren’t really doing this. And I was telling people, like, man, I’ve been doing really good doing it, you know? And as long as you bring really good stuff to your people and stuff that can help them. Yeah, I think. I think they really enjoy it, you know, especially, like, this holistical stuff. They love that type of stuff, bro.

So, yeah, I just. Stuff that I know me and you would like. Yeah, I want to get some stuff that has magnets and stuff on it, too, man, I wish I had that crystal. Next time, remind me. I’ll show you my crystal. I’ve got one looks just like that, and I bought it because it’s sort of my colors, like the cyan and magenta together. You know that one? Oh, yeah, yeah, that. Like that. That crystal that you seen there, that was called unicorn crystal. Yeah. It’s. It’s supposed to block off negative energy. And before we go, one thing I want to point out through my research of all these crystals and stones, jay, I noticed this.

A lot of these stones that block evil and black magic, they also block 5g. I’m wondering, hey, that’s very interesting that, you know, is that 5g maybe some type of fallen angelic tech or, you know, something we don’t really understand. It’s kind of weird that the same, like, torlamine, for example, toramine. If you look at the ancient skies, the Greeks would go use tour lemine to ward off evil. Right. And tour lemine is one of the best elements in the world to reverse the effects from the 5G. So they make necklaces out of it, bracelets out of it.

Shung knights, another one. But tour la means even stronger than shug knighthood. So I always wondered. I’m like, man, that’s interesting that that blocks evil energy, and it also blocks 5g. You know, it’s like, hmm. Is that similar? I don’t know. But when they went into the, um, tombs in the ark of the coven, remember, they had them chest plates on with all the creation stones on their chest. Yeah. And I guess it was to block some type of radiation coming off that arc of coven. I don’t know. Yeah, I could see that, actually, because they.

They absorb radiation, so it would actually act as, like, an absorbent shield or something, or mini crystals like I was talking about, you know, and that might actually lead to what the real, um, and the thummim were that were used by the priests, because they were. They were supposed to be rocks that lit up. They were self lighting rocks or stones or something. Yeah, it’s definitely fascinating. So, yeah, guys, go check out Jay’s books, check out his merch, check out his website. All his links are down below. Jay, thank you so much for coming on here today.

And shout out to everybody. We had over the whole show. We had over 600 people in the live the whole time. So, you know, they obviously, yeah, it was a pretty good show. And we did 2 hours and 56 minutes, guys, so we’re out of here. We love y’all. Truthful out of.

  • Truthmafia

    The Truth Mafia was established by Tommy Truthful and his crew of independent content creators who refuse to be influenced by the Jesuit Elites. Meet our team: Underboss Doenut, Concierge Ani, and Capo Paranoid American, among others. Together, we strive for one goal: to uncover and share the truth with our dedicated audience. Explore our various channels and join us in embracing a unique journey towards enlightenment.

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cosmic anomalies discussion cultural mysteries exploration EMP creation speculation geoengineering government use historical mysteries research Hurricane Helene connections number 128 connection number significance in mysteries October 4th significance plasma apocalypse theories sky manipulation theories Starlink satellites theories symbolic interpretation Tommy Truthful investigations Truth Mafia research group two moons implications unusual sky phenomena

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