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Spread the Truth



➡ In March 2023, a group called the Truth Mafia was formed by researchers to investigate ancient mysteries and conspiracies. Led by Tommy Truthful, they explore history, pop culture, and ancient symbols to find answers to long-standing questions. They also host a podcast where they discuss their findings and encourage listeners to join their daily newsletter. They use a method called Gematria, a hidden code, to help in their investigations.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of understanding numerology and gematria, which he believes are used to manipulate and control people, especially celebrities and athletes. He mentions creating a new date calculator to help with his decoding work, and criticizes other platforms for being filled with ads. He also talks about collaborating with others to improve their tools and platforms, and emphasizes the need for these resources to be freely accessible.
➡ The speaker advises people to focus on their personal well-being and happiness, rather than getting caught up in politics or media. They suggest taking a break, especially if living in a tense city, and spending time in nature for peace. They emphasize the importance of protecting personal energy from external influences and taking care of one’s family and environment. They also mention the potential volatility of the upcoming weeks and the need to stay calm and relaxed.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief in numerology and its influence on events, particularly in the world of sports and celebrity. They express surprise and excitement that a well-known figure seems to be aware of their work in this field. They also discuss their suspicions about a media blackout in certain countries and the potential collapse of physical currency. The speaker is eager to have a podcast with the mentioned figure to discuss these topics further.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the significance of numerology, the Chinese zodiac, and the impact of certain events on the stock market. They also touch on the launch of FedNow, a service by the Federal Reserve, and the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). The speaker suggests that these developments are part of a larger, methodical plan, likening it to a chess game. They express skepticism towards doom-and-gloom predictions and encourage a deeper understanding of these complex systems.
➡ The speaker discusses the future of digital currencies, suggesting that tech companies might create their own stable coins, leading to a need for global regulation. They also discuss the role of Ripple and XRP, comparing them to the rails of a railroad – important but not the main value. They argue that investing in the technology behind banking systems won’t make you rich due to the need for stability. They also suggest that gold will never collapse but may lose its utility.
➡ The text discusses the shift from physical to digital currency, suggesting that as older generations pass away, younger ones are less interested in traditional investments like gold. It also delves into the concept of a fully digital, cashless society, arguing that physical assets will lose value. The text further explores the symbolism of Saturn in mythology and its connection to materialism and time. It concludes by encouraging readers to embrace the present moment and not to fear the transition to a digital world.
➡ The text discusses the idea of choice and self-realization, using references from popular culture like The Matrix and Stranger Things. It suggests that understanding oneself is key to understanding the universe, and that this understanding can help us move beyond polarities and divisions. The text also proposes that many popular stories are just repackaged versions of ancient mythology, and that the process of awakening and becoming conscious is a recurring theme. Finally, it encourages people to use their knowledge creatively and not just focus on identifying good and bad.
➡ The discussion revolves around the interpretation of Michelangelo’s painting in the Sistine Chapel, suggesting it represents a cross-section of the brain. The speaker believes that the figures in the painting symbolize different parts of the brain and the creation of thoughts. They also discuss the idea that Adam was initially a hermaphrodite, split into male and female (Adam and Eve) representing protons and electrons. The conversation ends with speculation about blackouts in Cuba and potential internet censorship.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that weather events like hurricanes are artificially created weapons, and the existence of an artificial Aurora Borealis. They also delve into theories about portals to other dimensions, referencing pop culture like Stranger Things and the movie Us. The conversation also touches on the idea of a hidden continent and the manipulation of time. Lastly, they mention the “8th sphere” or lower astral plane, suggesting it’s a realm where entities can possess people.
➡ The speaker discusses their perspective on the current state of affairs, focusing on their personal success and the importance of creating one’s own reality. They also delve into the upcoming election, expressing skepticism about the impact of the presidential role on the direction of markets. They share four potential scenarios for the election outcome, each leading to different societal reactions. The speaker concludes by suggesting that regardless of the election results, they believe a war is imminent next year.


March 2023, a group of researchers formed the Truth Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomena. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature.

Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations, or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome guys, to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. Make sure you smash that like button share this video before we get going this is called fair use and allowed for purpose of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody, which doesn’t infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. Now make sure guys, you go and opt in to our daily newsletter.

That link is down below. It takes you 2 seconds. Click on the link, throw your email in there and hit enter. That way you get a notification when we go live. Our whole team, we got a special guest today. I’m going to introduce him in a second when he drops a new project or Logan from decode your reality. Donuthenne, you know anybody on the team, you’ll get a email. So you know, it’s a lot easier than trusting social media. Now if you’re new to this platform. In the movie the Matrix, there are several people who wake up from the system.

They learn to read the hidden code of the green letters and numbers of the Matrix. This is not just a movie. We too have a hidden code behind everything as well, and it’s known as Gematria. And we have a calculator on and then my guest that I’m going to introduce here in a second also has a calculator. Him and Logan just launched one. And that link is also down below in the description their Dakota website. It’s really awesome, guys. Actually, I’m not even gonna lie. It’s a little better than mine, so, you know, I’m a little jealous there, but.

Waters, how you doing, brother? I’m doing better every day. I’m really grateful to connect. I think this is our first time ever getting together, right. I do believe we did one, like kind of a roundtable between a bunch of us, but this is our first time one on one. Yes, sir. Yeah, you came on my birthday and I was on like 700 milligrams of edible. So, yeah, I was on another planet. But I remember we had a really good, you know, connection, me and you. Yeah, we were vibing. I thought it would be cool to bring you on.

And, you know, I wanted. I got some clips I want to show you, get into different topics. You know, break down the simulation that we’re in and off. Airmen, you was talking a little bit about the source code tied to all this. You know, a lot of people think, like, everything is controlled and there’s somebody in a room just making sure all these numbers line up. And although I do believe certain people and certain power structures know how to hack the frequency and use, you know, do certain rituals on certain ley lines under certain astrological alignments, the numbers lining up, I do believe a high 90 percentile is organic.

What do you think about that? Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, it’s the debate of what’s organic, right? Because you could always go deeper. And when you start arguing about that, you never end up anywhere. So I’m not here to say I know what’s organic or what isn’t organic, but what it does seem to be is that a majority of what’s unfolding here on this world stage is just chaos. And nobody has full control over the chaos. And if anything, it’s a superpower to just allow the chaos to be what it is. And what I say is it’s kind of the difference between rowing a boat or sailing a boat.

You get to learn how to work with the elements and you save energy. You burn less calories, but you’re more efficient. And I think that’s what happens when you learn how to decode. Yeah, that’s. That’s a great way to put it, brother. Yeah. Because sometimes we focus on the wrong things and put our energy into the wrong things. Couldn’t agree with that more. And guys, all waters links are down below. Make sure you go subscribe to his YouTube. He has an amazing platform over there. Check out his website. His calculator is down there. All of his links follow him on Instagram, his ex, all that.

So yeah, today what? And before we go, if you want to get your gematria decode, you can get that over on, that links down below as well. Guys. And this podcast is sponsored today through body align in the energy wellness band. So shout out to them, we appreciate them. If you want to get your band, that link is down below. Use promo code. Truth Mafia got all that out the way. And the band’s pretty cool. It’s got the shug night, the organ, the shug night, the torlamine all grounded up into the wristband. And then the hologram, there’s certain frequencies binded to it, which is supposed to help you with the EMF and all that.

So they’re an amazing sponsor for our podcast and we appreciate them. So today, what I wanted to show you first, brother, to really pop this thing off, you know, because we’re going to get into Saturn. The whole connection between Saturn in this reality that we’re in, because there’s such a strong connection there esoterically with the symbolism, you know. And then when it comes into the numerology, I was looking at Saturn and that’s why we went live at 511 eastern standard Time. That was me, guys. You know, I picked that time because Saturn is 511. And you can see some of the words that are tied to this number, like army climate control, nightmare fuel, I think a loose energy harvesting.

When I see that one, I can never say this word. Tall. I’m not even going to try it. Secret message. AI intelligence. Subliminal. Subliminals in there. And president death. Totalitarian. That’s the word I was trying to say. There we go. So that’s a big one in that 511 code. And this is in the latin cipher, guys, also known as Jewish or Hebrew. There is many different ciphers. I’m a big fan of Chaldean myself, but when you talk about gematria, this is really gematria, the Latin jewish Hebrew cipher. Which one’s your favorite to decode with waters? Yeah, I don’t really have a favorite, but I do prioritize the chaldean and the basic English ordinal.

And a lot of the time I also use full reduction. So it’s just English ordinal. ABC is 123, z is 26, but then reduced below nine or below ten. So one through nine. I really like that cipher. Right, that’s fine as well. Yeah, that’s another powerful cipher. Um, I’m not one to say that one cipher is better than the other. What I think matters most is what’s your utility for the cipher. So to get that out of the way. Like, I’m a crypto and market decoder most of the time. That’s what? I’m putting my energy into decoding the markets and trying to, you know, teach people how they could benefit from that.

But furthermore, I know there’s people out there that are interested in decoding sports, right? So everyone has their own utility, and I think that’s what’s best to kind of just attack it from that angle. But at the end of the day, gematria is Hebrew. And anyone who’s doing non Hebrew Alphabet is not doing actual gematria, but we just call it gematria for semantic purposes. So, yep, I would be telling people I do gematria, but I’m using the English language. And I think that’s very important to delineate because a lot of the time when you get into real Hebrew gematria, you go down a whole different rabbit hole than the typical stuff you’re seeing, maybe even on my channel.

So I’m a big fan of real gematria, but it has such a big learning curve and it’s a more philosophical concept. Whilst this english language, this spellcraft language that we have, it’s effectively designed to just reprogram your subconscious and make you completely deactivated in a lot of ways. But real Hebrew Gematra is powerful stuff. And greek isopsophy is also incredibly powerful. But those are rarely ever shown to anyone. We rarely see a rabbi, for instance, on a live stream, showing you real gematria. Um, so it is important, like, if people are getting into some of this stuff, you know, it’s, it’s cool.

But once you get down the rabbit hole of true Gematra, that’s a whole different ballgame. Yeah, it is a whole different ballgame. And I always recommend anybody, like, when they first start out, to start out with English ordinal because it’s based on our language. It’s really, you know, it’s pretty easy to, uh, that’s a good one to master that one. And then I, uh, move on to the others because that, that’s, that’s what I learned from first English ordinal. But, um, I like reduction, too. I think pythagoreans got a lot of. I just started really getting into that one.

And another one based on one through seven. Marty Leeds, uh, in sepentree, I found some crazy stuff. Like, if you’re decoding biblical or anything to that number seven, that’s a really good one to use for that. I know Logan started out really using that cipher a lot before he got into Chaldean. So you guys got a lot of different ciphers on your calculator over there. Before we go into these clips, let me, let me pull up your guys’s calculator you got over here, because it’s just really amazing what you guys, by the way, I’m going to give Logan his flowers for that.

That’s all him. I even talked about this the day that he launched this platform, what it was birthed from, believe it or not, Washington. I was talking with him about some issues that I have with a lot of date calculators. And if you come across my channel, you’ll find that I’m working a lot with dates and numerology and astrology. Of course, I do apply gematria, but I love the date calculations and using that for predictive analysis. Right. Because that’s a big part of the markets now with the ciphers and all of that wizardry. You know, that’s really Logan’s work.

He’s the one that influenced me into getting into chaldean, but all the other stuff, pie fi and, I mean, it’s. It’s madness. He’s really the master of all the ciphers. And I actually brought this up to him that I’m. I’m actually working on my own date calculator behind the scenes. So that will be 100% me working with a programmer that’s in my community. So I will definitely be giving all the credit to him. As a programmer, I’ve been the mastermind behind coming up with all of the elements of this, but it’s going to be super like a symphony of all the most important things when it comes to numerology.

Astrology dates concepts like eclipses, equinoxes, sidereal, and tropical astrology. We’re going to have lunar astrology built in. We’re going to also go into hebrew numerology. So a lot of people, they do date numerology. They’re using the gregorian system, and I find value in that. But there’s, of course, inaccuracies in gregorian. Like when we have the. Well, let’s just say it’s October 21 today. We know October Octo and prefix in Latin is eight, but we still call it the 10th month. And then we get discrepancies with our numerology. Right. So I’m going to be recreating a lot of those to give more accurate dates.

And then this way, I think it’s going to be a revolutionary calculator for people that get into date numerology. That’s. That’s really cool, bro. Yeah. I just embedded your guys. This thing right here on truth mafia. So the link in there, guys, you’ll see a link in the description will take you to this video where Logan introduces the Dakota public calculator. And then it’s right embedded right there, right on our page. So you can check it out under his thing. He’s got some really cool ciphers. Ciphers we don’t even have. It’s a pretty cool one, you know, of course, we got ours over here.

And shout out to my boy, he built this one. I got to give him credit. My boy, paranoid American. And as far as a date calculator goes, brother, you should check his out. His is pretty cool. And you can click on like this little moon down here. And then like, say it’s a specific day, you click on the moon and it’ll tell you everything that ever happened in history on that day. Whoa. Yeah. If you want to send me that link, I’ll definitely check it out. That’s pretty cool, right? Yeah, it’s amazing. He’s got some pretty cool stuff on there.

Let me, let me. Oh, shoot. Let me show my screen right there. Sorry about that. That way they can see what we’re talking about. Hold on 1 second. There we go. All right, so here’s the one. Yeah. You click on like this little moon thing right there. And then it gives you all these different events that happen on that day. Wow. Yeah, it’s pretty cool, man. So that’s really amazing. I wonder how they coded that in. I’ll have them get in contact with my coder. Well, he’s. You could talk to. I’ll plug you in with paranoid american.

He’s one of the best coders, bro. He built this over a weekend for me. I was like, dude, I can’t get nobody to build me a calculator. And then he built this in a weekend. It’s got all the elements on the periodic table built into it. Wow. Yeah, yeah. This was an idea that me and Logan had too, but we haven’t quite gotten around to that yet. Amazing. He’s even got the band word list, bro. So, like, if there’s certain words we can’t say on YouTube, you, they can go on here and correspond it. Me and him are getting ready to do some other things with this platform called dot.

But yeah, I think it’s really cool how, you know, like with you launching your thing, I’ll plug you in with paranoid american. He can probably give you some good ideas with the code. And we just, all of us learn from each other. And make it better, and that’s for our followers, you know what I mean? 100%. I mean, my thing was just me trying to come up with solutions to make my own personal decoding a little bit more efficient, right? And with decoding in my work, I’m using the moon phases. I’m using date numerology. I’m looking at eclipses, and I had to have, like, seven tabs open, right? So I was just like, well, fuck this.

Let me just build something where everything is in one box, and it’s correlating with another box that has all the same information, and then I could see the relationship between the two. Yeah, that. That’s. That. It’s always cool when a real decoder builds one of them. And then, you know, we try to like the one over there. It’s 100% free. You know, one day we might put a membership section on there, but the basic thing is always going to be free for the people, you know, because there’s other calculators on the Internet that used to be cool, and now you go on their platform, and it’s just all ads.

It’s like, that’s pretty rough. Yeah, it sucks, man. So it’s like, come on, man, with all this ad stuff. But, guys, you can check out Waters, his website. He’s got a bunch of cool stuff over here. His courses, his merchandise, his patreon. He has a awesome patreon. So let’s get into the show now, brother. I want to show you. Let me stop my screen share. I want to show you this video that is making its way, especially in our community, and then we’ll have a little conversation about that. I got a couple queued up for you, but this one first.

Let’s take a look at this, guys. Big talking about the Hunt family, knee deep in the assassination of JFK that the NFL is gay. Have I said this in a tweet like August 2020? All of a sudden, they want to award me a special presentation, just like how Franco Harris did a special interview before he was killed. This is how they get you. You former football players. They get you to show up in interviews. They get you to show up at presentations. And if you don’t understand the numerology of anything, this is how they can get you and trap you.

I could. I would have gone and wouldn’t know, and it could have easily put me in a predicament. I could have been at the bar. I could have been drinking. They could have came to my hotel. Any situation that would have fit my natural foolishness, which means either been drinking or been to fight with a woman. That was, that would be the only thing they would catch me with. And they would tell you, this is how I fell. Oh, he died from alcohol poison. He died from fighting. That’s. And people would have believed it if I went to that show and y’all would have heard that I got killed and you would have told you I died by alcohol poison or something like that.

Most of you would have believed it because, you know, that’s usually what I’ve been in trouble for. This is how they get you. It’s kind of comical because once you understand numerology and gematra and they use the same numbers over and over and over again, it becomes pattern recognition. Okay. I’ve seen a lot of football players die and, and it be because of numerology. I’ve seen a lot of celebrities die and it be because of numerology. And it’s always when they’re by themselves, they’re found dead in the hotel or some craziness that they attach it to.

And no one can know what’s the real truth because they really, they’re really that slick with it if you don’t have your eyes open. So it’s funny to me that these people do not like me. They do not like me around. When I was there, when I was in the world, they didn’t want me around. So all of a sudden they’re going to give me a presentation after me saying football been rigged, after me saying their family did everything. They did all this stuff. I’ve been talking that smoke and they want to invite me into an award show to give me a special award for something, bro.

What do you think about that, bro? I was like, when somebody sent that to me waters, I was so shocked, bro, that he even mentioned commentary. I’m like, whoa, he knows. It made me a fan of his instantly. Yeah, well, it’s funny because I’ve known about him for a long time and just unbelievable to see how many people are now kind of waking up to what these things are through that clip and through him. And I think he’s probably had a couple other clips from, back from, from the past, but yeah, that one blew up. And I don’t know, man.

I’m, I’m not sure where he’s at with his knowledge in gematria numerology. So I would, I would definitely love to see what he’s working on. Cause he’s just kind of spitting out a lot of information and it’s very, very tough for the average person to probably even know what the hell he means, because who the hell knows what Gematria is, right? You. Nobody you’ve ever met knows that. So this is one of those. Those moments where it’s like, oof, I wonder how many people are going to actually investigate this further or how many people are going to watch this and just go, this shit’s crazy.

But we’ve had enough weird incidences now happening with celebrities where I think a lot of people are gonna go, okay, you know, at least I get that part, and then it’s gonna be the part of the rabbit hole. And I love it. I mean, it’s great. It’s very courageous for him to do, because when you start talking like that, I mean, they could take you out whenever they want. So it would be super dope to be able to have a podcast with them and talk and see, like, what. What has he heard behind the scenes? Because he was in the NFL for a while.

I think he even has a record. He has a record for. For. He’s a. He was the running back for the Chiefs, I believe. Yeah. Kansas City Chiefs. He’s. He was really good, bro. Super, super, super talented athlete. And I wonder if he got into Gematra numerology or any of these things during his time in the NFL or if it was after. That’s what I would love to ask him. Yeah, I had my team reach out to him, and. And donut will tell you one thing I’m good at, bro. I can get people on the show that no one ever thought we could get.

So I’m confident that we could probably get him. And I’m sure he probably even knows us, some of us, if he’s paying attention to Gamatria. That’s what I thought I was like. He has to know my work, because there’s a lot of those moments where I found some. Someone kind of important knows about what I’m up to just because of crypto, because crypto is so popular. Right. A lot of. A lot of the gematria. I mean, I might be the only kind of known gematria decoder who’s specifically doing finance. Right. A majority of them do sports.

So, yeah, I’m definitely thinking that just from that, there’s probably a lot of athletes, a lot of celebrities that have found Gematria through those sports decodes. But I would, um. I would venture to say that because crypto is getting quite popular. Did I. Did I show you about the, uh, Scottie Pippen? Tweet? No, no, bro, let me show you this. It’s crazy. I don’t know if your screen. If you put present. Yeah, 1 second. Let me try to find it. Yeah, I got a pretty cool clip, too. I want to show you it’s about the currency because, I mean, bro, I’ve been saying this since 2019 without me getting into what we’re on lockdown for.

I don’t want to say that word because, you know, we’re on YouTube, but, um, we call it code red over here. So that’s the nickname for it. Uh, that whole code red situation, I really believe a lot of it is just to collapse the physical currency and, you know, get us into this whole digital currency, social credit score, you know, that whole situation. And I guess there’s, like, all these rumors right now. Waters. I’m not sure how true it is, but that other countries have already collapsed certain currencies, and, like, some of these third world countries, they’re burning the banks down and all kinds of craziness, and there’s a complete media blackout on it.

I’ve seen a couple videos, but they’re. They get taken down so fast. There definitely is something going on with it that it seems like they’re trying to hide. And you know what’s interesting to waters? So about a couple months back, I’m always on a VPN, right? I don’t trust nothing. So I’m on a VPN. A firewall. It’s triangulate me in, like, three different locations at once. And when I was on the VPN in Brazil and France, and I would try to go onto my rumble, it wouldn’t let me go on there. It said, these. These two countries are banned.

So I’m like, okay, this is weird. And I remember I brought that up to my community. I said, guys, for some reason, France and Brazil are banned on rumble. Next thing I see, Brazil bans x completely. Like, it’s gone. So now there’s something going on in Brazil and something in France where this whole media blackout thing is. And they’re telling us, oh, it’s because of this, but I’m not buying it, bro. I think something way bigger is going on down there. Yeah, well, you know, bricks is the first in the acronym bricks. And that comes back to this conversation about what’s going on with finance, because BRICS is a big part, and then the banking collapses that are slowly happening is because of Basel three regulations, and we’re going to be moving into Basel three endgame next year.

So if people in your community are aware of this or brand new? I mean, get ready. We’re going to see a lot more regional banks start to fail ASAP. Like, we just had one this Saturday. It was called, like, Lindsey First Bank. I forgot what state it was in. But they’re going to keep happening. You know, we had a couple big ones last year. We’re going to have more, a lot more in March and April of this upcoming year, 2025, the year of the Snake. And then we’ll have way more in September, October of next year following the total lunar eclipse in September.

But, yeah, this tweet that you have up right here is wild because Scottie Pippendeh, for those of you that don’t know, was in, in on the Chicago Bulls during the time where they were the greatest team pretty much in the existence of all sports, right. They’re always being referred to as, like, the. The greatest, right. And they have their own rivalry between Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen. It’s a big dramatic bullshit. But to get to the point here, this guy is super famous in the, in the world of sports, and he, he has this tweet, which I don’t believe is cryptic.

I believe it’s because he probably is watching my channel. And he says, scott, satoshi Nakamoto visited me in a dream last night. He said the real bitcoin bull run hasn’t even started. On November 15, 2024, the super moon will rise and the bulls will reign. And I have this clip that’s right below it from my instagram, but it’s being taken from a YouTube video that I put out in September. So this was like a full month before this was even spoken about. And the reason for this November 15 date isn’t just because it’s a full moon.

There’s a couple other things going on astrologically, but it’s the last day that Saturn’s retrograde, and Saturn will go direct on November 15. And Saturn is Satoshi. So this is this kind of dynamic mythological story playing out. And you probably know about Saturnalia, which is in December, right? In December. We also have a black moon. We have two new moons in one month. So this is really big energetics. We know that the crypto market in general has been sideways for over half a year now, but the fact that Scottie Pippen came out and shared this exact date is crazy because it’s a date that I’ve been specifically talking about on my channel for probably like four or five months now.

Ever since Saturn went retrograde back in June, I’ve been revealing the state. August 29, you did one crypto bull run decode. I wonder if you got any of that from that one. You got the big bowl on the front of it. Remember, you did that one? Yeah, I wonder if that has any. But, yeah, you. You got a bunch of them, bro. There’s been numerous times where you said black swan events were going to happen and then they happened. So, you know, I’m like, man, this dude, he’s definitely tuned into something, you know, it’s pretty cool to watch.

Yeah. A lot of it came to me through studying the chinese zodiac. I think that’s been probably the most powerful element of all of my work, which is crazy, right? Because most people skip over that one. But I’ve realized you could keep it super simple. And just every time you see a big, important year, just bring it back to the chinese zodiac and you’ll see some connections. Yeah, yeah. This 1 March 2024, black Swan confirmed yet a couple on the Black Swan events where you were. You were right on, bro. You nailed it. So, yeah, you got some pretty.

Yeah, that one with Abraham Raci dying in the helicopter crash on May 19, it was a 68 double digit date. Numerology, they love that. Last Trump assassination attempt was on a 68 double digit date. Numerology. It’s the war code. So the Russian Ukraine. Sorry, every world war one started with numerology. 68, world War two, and the Ukraine war. And another interesting thing about that, brother, 1968. That was the year they say we allegedly went around the moon, right? It was the year they coined the word coronavirus. Made 911 emergency dialing code that year. Broke grounds on the World Trade center that year.

George Bush graduated scalding bones that year. 33 years later, he’s the president, and the towers come down. Yeah, 19 years later, you know, Covid-19 and we’re on that whole 19 year matonic moon cycle, the 19 hijackers. So it’s kind of interesting when you see that pattern recognition, right? Yeah. And they’ve been ritualizing 19 standard date numerology this entire year. Like the first assassination attempt of Trump was on a 19. Abraham Raisi died on the 19th day of May. Um, there’s been so many connections for that specific date. Numerology. It’s been wild. Yeah, it’s been crazy out.

There’s our boy donut. Shout out to donut factory guys with his little reptilian in the thing. Go check out load donut. Yeah, shout out to Donut. I haven’t heard from him in a long time. I hope he’s doing well. He is doing well. You know, I, I talked to little donut a couple times a week. He’s a, he’s always doing good and always high spirits. So he’s got really good energy, too. This other clip I want to show you, this one’s going viral right now. It’s talking about. I really don’t understand everything this guy’s talking about.

That’s why I wanted to show it to you. Maybe you can tell, tell us. It’s about the finances, though, are going to take place. Well, now, once the Fed now system goes in place, supposed to go online July 1. That’s the infrastructure that allows the CBDC to work. Now they’re saying the COVID story, if you google what that is, it says it’s a payment processing point to point, so it’s instantaneous. That’s all bullshit. That’s the COVID story. Because if they told you this is the infrastructure for what’s going to make you a slave from now on, nobody would go for it.

Like, they would revolt. So they have to put a cover story out about what it is so that they’ll, you’ll allow it to go in place. So just know that that story is bull. Once that’s in place, you’ll watch the market start to decline because now they’re set up and they need to crash the markets, cut off the supply of money, which is already happening in other countries, if you’ve not seen the videos, because they only last a few minutes when people post them before they take them down, of the riots going on and the banks being burnt to the ground in other countries right now because they’ve already seized their money.

They’ve got a total blackout on it. So what’s he talking about there? Yeah, well, there’s a couple of things. Like, first and foremost, I don’t know who that is. Secondly, the date of when that was released must have been before July of 2023, which was last year, over a year ago now. And the most important thing about all of this is the stock market as of today is at all time highs. And it’s substantially higher than when Fed now was launched. So everything he said in that video as a form of, like, predictive analysis was completely inaccurate.

Again, no offense. Maybe he’s not actually a finance guy and he just knows about Fed now and cbdcs. I don’t even Alex Jones’s show yesterday. So they just shared that clip that went viral yesterday. Okay, yeah, well, Fed now was, Fednow was launched last year in July. So that actually I gave a decode for before it happened because I did a decode on the, on the Titanic and the connections between the date numerology with the Titanic event. The Boston marathon bombing also notred on fire and how it landed on that specific day of April 15, landing on a Monday, on a moon day.

But anyways, that’s just a side note, but that data allowed me to determine that there’d be an event for April and this year because April 15 landed on a Monday. And then we had the burning of the Copenhagen stock Exchange. So I don’t want to go into too many directions, but I was using that April 14, April 15 data for what eventually ended up being the sinking of that Titan, the Titan submersible. You probably remember that event. That was last year. And then that led to the launch of Fed now, which was very surprising, by the way.

Like, nobody really anticipated the launch of Fed now. It was just kind of out of nowhere. And they don’t ask the public to vote on this, right? They don’t let you have a choice in what they end up doing in regards, because the Federal Reserve’s nothing federal at all. It’s not tied to your personal government, it’s not tied to the USA. It’s its own private institution. It could do whatever it wants. Nobody could veto what they do. They run the show. Anywho, a lot of people have become hip to what CBDCs are, central bank digital currencies.

And in my opinion, CBDC is equivocal to, like, agenda 2030, where everyone is starting to wake up to it, even people who have no clue about much at all. And then they start throwing around these ideas as if things are going to go this way. And I think the new world order wants us to do that. They want us to, like, be all doom and gloom and low spirits and just like, never feel like we’re ever going to be able to figure shit out. So, um, since the launch of Fed now, the market has gone up more and more and more since, um, now.

But he did mention some things that are, that are quite valid, which, like, the banking system is slowly crumbling. But, um, that’s been the case for a long time now, man. Like, it’s just the same old shit happening in different areas. And you could point to isolated events and go, look, see, I was right. But, you know, at the end of the day, we’re still using tap to pay on our phones and we’re ordering food on Uber eats, and everything’s pretty solid. Like, I think these doom and gloomers, especially the people that are showing up in like the Alex Jones situation, they, they don’t, they don’t see the chess game here.

There’s a, there’s a really deep, methodical chess game and we’re all here playing checkers, right? People like me and you and our audiences, we’re learning the rules of the game, right? Like we’re finally learning how to move the knight and move the bishop and move the. Like we’re past the pawns and that’s good. We’re evolving, you know, it’s not that we’re better than anyone, it’s that we’re evolving. You know, Larry Johnson you had on before, he’s, he’s evolved to that place where he can now see behind the curtain and it’s going to allow him to make some deeper connections.

So I don’t really have too much doom and gloom regarding cbdcs, but I do think that the infrastructure has been laid out for a lot longer than just the introduction of Fed now. And that’s part of their chess game. It’s the same thing with the invention of bitcoin. People think that bitcoin was just invented in 2012 or 2009. I think that’s horseshit. I think bitcoin was invented probably post World War Two by the same people that did Operation Paperclip and launch of the federal, you know, launch of United nations and World Economic Forum and all of these globalist institutions.

They knew about the creation of the credit card and bitcoin before they created credit cards. In bitcoin. It’s all just part of their, like, I call it, planned product obsolescence. That’s a term that we hear with technology. They’re doing the same thing with the financial system. So they know that these things are momentary and they’re going to fail and they’ll have a replacement system, but they need people to be comfortable with it. And I don’t think anyone I’ve ever met knows what Fed now is. But a lot of people I’ve met have heard the term CBDC because of the rise of some of these savvy people who are market analysts or even people on like MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, they’ve come out and talked about CBDC.

So the last thing to say on this is CBDCs are not esoteric, they’re exoteric. A lot of people have heard this term. And what’s the solution? You rarely hear anyone give you that, right? So it’s like, why are you telling me about the problem? If you can’t give me the solution. There’s no point of even. It’s just kind of spinning our wheels here and it sounds like it’s to build the negative and overshadow the positive. So with, with the digital currency, do you think it’s going to be XRP? Do you think that’ll be the one they’ll go with when it does come into play? No, I believe that there’s a technology that Ripple and many other companies have been working in the background to build out, but they’re being used like any other tech company is being used, like Google is being used by the NHS.

Like everybody is being used in this grand script. When you think somebody has power, if you know them, they probably don’t have power. Yeah. If you’re seeing Elon Musk get up on stage and grab a microphone, he’s probably not as powerful as you think. It’s the people that we never get to see that we don’t know their names that are actually running the world. So just to get to the quick end of this, it’s like the people at Ripple and the thing we call XRP is known the same thing with the Federal Reserve. They are known like we all know them.

It’s the things that start getting launched under us that we don’t even realize. Like for instance, I think we’re going to watch a moment where a lot of tech companies start making their own stable coins. Now you need to watch out for that. When Amazon creates Amazon coin and you could only buy from Amazon with Amazon coin, you feel me? When you could only pay for your YouTube subscription with YouTube Coin, when you could only pay for your. This is the world we’re gonna move into. You worried about cbdcs? Like, wake up. We’re moving into a world where everyone is gonna create their own currencies on the blockchain.

And that’s what will make the new world order go sit, say, whoa, whoa, whoa. We can’t have this shit. We need to regulate this. We need a global, we need to make this a unified concept. And then boom, then there will, that will be the, that’s, in my opinion, how it’s all going to unravel. But to answer your question about ripple, no, they’re being used, very much so for the cryptocurrency people to have this belief that that’s how it’s going to go. And that’s a very dangerous thing because that’s how cults form. So they’re building their entire investment thesis off of this theory.

And for the most part, they’re right about some of it. But a majority of what they’re forecasting and how it’s going to make them rich, that’s completely wrong. It’s not going to make you rich to be investing in the technological layer behind the commercial banking system or the retail banking system, because, remember, the infrastructure needs to be something that is not fluctuating, it’s not volatile. Right, bro? Like, imagine I wanted to sell an item or. No, actually, I’ll make it super simple. So we’re not working in theory. We’re working, in fact. Do you know about the Weimar Republic? No, I’m not.

Okay. Just really quick. Like, leading up to World War, well, leading up to the rise of Hitler, we had this financial collapse going on in Germany created by the Zionists. So we had this thing called wheelbarrow money. And people who got their paychecks would go out and immediately buy shit, because by the end of the day, the price would be higher. So people were just like, their money was devaluing so rapidly that it would be like a wheelbarrow of money. This is all like the. It’s like more. I’m being hyperbole right now, but I’m just giving you all, like, something to visualize.

It would be like a wheelbarrow of money buys you a loaf of bread. Yeah, they were, like, burnt. They were saying they were burning money during that time and, yeah, it was toilet paper. So this is what happened to the turkish lira recently. Yeah. Argentinian peso, colombian peso. These fiat monies have gone to concert dust, and we’re just wash, watching the ashes blow away in the wind. And the solution to it all is this larger system that they’re building out behind us. But, you know, I mean, Weimar Republic in mind, you don’t want to have that level of volatility for a base layer currency.

You understand what I mean, right? Yeah. You would only want that with something that you would be tradable in and of itself for fiat, but you wouldn’t put that behind services, you wouldn’t put that behind. It would just be too chaotic. And I don’t think that’s what the ripple people are assuming. I don’t think that’s what the XR people, XRP people are assuming. But again, in order for to have this coin appreciate and price so dramatically, you can’t have it be commercial and regular and a household thing if it’s going to have that level of volatility.

It’s just, it doesn’t make any sense it would have to be super, super low volatility and like a stable coin like a dollar per dollar and it would have to match, and then it would also have to match all the other currencies around the world. For instance if I pay for something in Europe they use the euro, I use the us dollar, it will do some conversion rate, right? And then the same thing would be for Australia. Well the new world order is trying to move into a system where we’re not going to have those conversion rates anymore.

But if I was to give somebody bitcoin for my serve for a service in Argentina and they received bitcoin, well it’s bitcoin for bitcoin and I get the service, right? So this is just the, this is the conversation. I don’t think. You know what, I’ll end it here by saying I don’t even think the XRP or ripple people should want that because that doesn’t benefit your goals or agendas at all financially. It would just get the work done for the new world order which then would make it not an investment for somebody who knows truth. Yeah that’s fascinating because all the people that are supposed to be experts in the whole bitcoin thing, you always hear him saying yeah when the digital currency comes in it’s going to be XRP.

Like all of them are program in that XRP thing. So that’s interesting to hear your perspective on that man. It’s kind of like this, like imagine XRP was included in some capacity but it would be like the rails on the railroad. It’s not the train, it’s not the tickets you buy to get on the train. It’s not the nails in the ground, it’s not the ground itself. You feel me? There’s many layers here in the train. Oh yeah, yeah. No that would probably be my best way of explaining it. Like if I had to explain what XRP is to somebody who’s brand new to all of this, just imagine it’s like the rails and that’s fine that the rails are fucking super important, right? Like having a paved road is important when you’re driving a car.

But it’s not the whole thing, it’s not the value. The value is movement of the thing that’s in that cardinal, right. The, the value would be can I get these bricks of gold in the back of my freight train from here to Switzerland? And if the answer is yes then great, the rails serve their purpose. But it’s not the rails that have the value, it’s the fucking gold. Right, right. And um, do you think there’s like, do you think there’s a point where gold could ever collapse or. No. Well, I mean, based in Fiat, it would only go up.

So when we, by the way, I’m saying fiat, not fiat for a reason, because that’s the actual way it’s pronounced. I heard Adam, I heard Alan Greenspan himself said Fiat, which works perfectly because that’s what it is. It’s a fight. And you need a military to protect it. It’s the same thing with gold. Same exact concept. So gold is backed by dollars, right? It’s valued in dollars. Excuse me. So when we think of the collapse of anything, I don’t think it’s about that with the gold conversation. I think with gold it’ll just be, it’ll lose its utility more and more and more as the older generation dies off.

No, no offense, it’s not something I want, but that’s the inevitability of life. As older people die, younger people don’t give a about investing in gold. Also, the dollar in and of itself is designed to devalue and collapse slowly. And then we’ll eventually have fully digital, cashless society and gold will have no use case at all because, well, first of all, you can’t use it right now. Like, I can’t take my gold coin and go to the grocery store. I would hand it to the person and they’d be like, what the fuck do I do with this? Right? They can’t like break it down into smaller gold chunks to give me my change back.

And one gold ounce is like 3000, almost three k. So if my groceries are a $100, what are they gonna do? Give me, what are they gonna cut a piece of it off and then weigh it on a scale they don’t have any of this shit. They can’t do that. It has no utility as a, as a transactable currency. People call it money, right? And that’s fair. It’s a store of value momentarily, but it’s an archaic store of value. And I’m not trying to be negative about gold. I personally hold about 10% gold in my overall portfolio.

Yeah, I got it. It’s still smarter to go the route of where’s the new world order driving this, this train? They’re making it digital. Like we’re heading into the age of Aquarius. So you don’t want to be burdened by the physical stuff because that’s not going to have value in the future. Again, no offense to those out there. That are sensitive to this stuff. But the new world order doesn’t care about your feelings. They have a script to play out. And the script is we’re in the transition between the piscean age and the aquarian age, and we’re heading into a world where there will be no paper, no paperwork.

Everything will be biometric. Everything will be tapped into whatever smartphone you own, and then eventually it’ll be wearable and then injectable, and then we end up with, you know, like, black mirror. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the black goo digital chip that wall have, you know, it’s. It’s. It’s definitely headed that way. And I think a lot of that ties back into the whole Saturn situation, too. You know, it’s like they’re trying to trap us in a matrix within a matrix. They’re creating this whole kind of a phantom matrix. It’s like when you take a website, you have the original, then you create a copy of that.

So the original still there, but you can put all the other users on this copy, right, this artificial version of reality. And I mean, well, what are you? Aren’t you just a copy of your parents? Copy of your parents? Yeah. Yeah. That’s the most important thing to realize about Saturn. You know, I’m not. I’m not sure where you stand on this, but I’m very big into the mythology, and everyone, everyone gets into the Saturn guy as if it’s like the Satan, like the bad person and this, that and the third. But everyone, brother, I’m a Capricorn.

Saturn’s my ruling planet. I was born on Monday, moon day. So I’m not anti Saturn. Saturn puts us to the test. You know, it’s. It’s there for a reason. Yeah. That makes that. That definitely resonates. You know, Saturn is symbolic of this physical experience here in the Matrix. And that’s the purpose of that black, that black cube symbolism. That metatron’s cube symbolism. So, like, one of my favorite, favorite Renaissance paintings that you see quite often. If you go into any museum that has Renaissance paintings, you’ll see some stuff of Saturn, probably a lot of Mercury, a lot of Mars.

But there. There will be a painting of Saturn clipping the wings off of Cupid. Have you ever seen this? No. No. What’s that all about? So there’s a lot of chronos, Saturn symbolism that shows Saturn, like, eating babies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’ve all seen that. But really what this is, is it’s telling you about a much more deeper story. It’s not evil it’s not satanic, okay? It’s when you were born into this matrix, you were d livered, meaning d is to remove live. It’s to remove your life. When you were born from your mother, she gives you the thing called death.

She’s not the deliverer of life. Please, women out there, don’t take this personally. I’m trying to educate you into the language spells. So when you deliver the child into the world, you were taking away its purely spiritual essence. Okay? You are making it part of the matrix now. It’s part of the simulacrum. So when Saturn is cutting off the wings from the baby cupid, who is Eros? This is where we get the word eroticism from. This is the visual that we get of a baby cupid. So in Valentine’s day, and this, that and the third. But the clipping of the wings off of Cupid is showing you that the wings are a spiritual symbol.

And now you’re here. Welcome to life, where you are no longer spiritual anymore. You’re a Spiritual being inside of a physical Costume, a physical Avatar. And this is what you have to learn how to master here in life, here in the Matrix, just like Neo does. So that symbolism is not evil. It’s that Saturn is father time. And time is only physical. You cannot have time in the Spirit realm. That’s interesting. Yeah. There is no time in the spirit realm. Age and decay and rotting and birth and death and life, these are. These are physical phenomenon.

When your spirit, you’re just infinite light, your infinite consciousness, and then you get born and you’re given the identity Tommy and this, that and the third. So this is a very powerful thing to realize. And it’s all been even termed into the stages of birth and the symbology you get with the Vatican. One of my favorite things to tell the women that are burdened by this information that I just gave them is when you have the baby, what do they call it when the head’s coming out, what do they call it? They call it the crowning.

So you are crowning the king, the mother is crowning her child, and now you’re born king, you’re born queen. You don’t need to have all of this nonsense of government and title and this. But they created that. The Vatican made that. Right. They forced us into it. To maritime law, too. Right, precisely. Admiralty and maritime law. But what’s so fascinating about this? Like, we are all crowned, we’re all given that halo, and that’s the symbology we get with Saturn. It’s Saturn’s rings. You were given the crown of Saturn, Saturn’s halo, but he has to clip your wings off.

Get over it, right? Yeah. Welcome to another day in the Matrix. Welcome. So you’re here. Yeah. And that’s what’s so beautiful about is when you go, when you get new to, to everything I just said and you see it for what it is, then you realized, oh, I have to master time by not being upset about yesterday and not being worried about tomorrow. Then you’re walking with Saturn, you’re walking with the Grim Reaper. He’s your homie. Like, Saturn is your best friend in this matrix. You need to realize that he’s here to walk you through this thing called life.

And that’s why we have the Saturn’s return and yada, yada, yada. But that’s also why they have these people worshiping the cube unconsciously in all of this abrahamic religion stuff. And I believe you showed a lot of symbols there. Yeah, yeah. And Saturn is really heavily tied to materialism. Right. All the material world. So because it is material, everything about Saturn is showing you life. Everything about the saturnian symbolism, the hexagons, the, the rings, all of this, even the stuff that they’re doing in Judaism, wearing the black cube on their forehead, the Teflon, wrapping the Saturn’s rings around, putting the cube on the bicep.

This is all ritual, and it’s not evil. It’s not. It’s just paying homage to the maker of the lord of lords. You know, Kendrick Lamar says it, one of the, in that song, count me out, but nobody, nobody hears it. He says, I, he says, most of you blame it on the devil when you fall short. I blame it on my ego, lord of all lords. Because your ego is the identity, and the identity is the saturnian experience. It’s the saturnian aspect of it all. Yeah. It’s so fascinating when you look at it like that because I think we get caught up, a lot of us, with looking at everything as evil, especially, you know, I call them freshly red pill people, are these kindergarten truth seekers where they, they’re like, yeah, he’s wearing the color red.

That’s Satan. You know, it’s like they don’t even understand the red and blue, how it ties into the pillars of Solomon, the sacred feminine, sacred masculine, all that which also represents. You can have the gold and silver. The gold represents the sun, the silver, the moon, you know, it’s all that sacred feminine, masculine. There’s nothing evil about the color reduced. Yeah, but you know, some. And there’s nothing positive about it either. Like, the people that are like, oh, the red pill. And they think that’s a good thing. And it’s like, yeah, that’s not what it is, guys.

It’s choice. This is all symbolic of choice. Every great movie, you’ll realize that that’s the main theme. And the matrix, that was definitely the main theme. And stranger things, that’s deaf. Absolutely the main theme. Oh, I love stranger things. It’s my favorite, dude. Yeah. And, like, I actually have this pretty, pretty amazing visual representation I’m going to share about the below world, like, what they’re calling the upside down things. Yeah, I want to hear it. Yeah. I mean, there’s plenty of things I could answer if you have any questions off the top of your head. But it’s such a grandiose concept to lay out.

It’s just my realization of, like, we have the as above, so below. Right, right. The key as above, so below is, it’s your body is teaching you about the cosmos, not the other way around. And that’s why they gave people the thing called astrology, so that you externalize yourself from the stars and then you never learn anything about yourself when in actuality you were to learn know thyself. Right. Remember in the matrix movie where he goes to meet the oracle and it says, know thyself above the doorway? Yep. Yeah. The oracle of Delphi and all that.

So, like, when you know thyself, then all the art and imagery and everything that you see will no longer be looked at as duality, consciousness. You won’t look at it as good, good and evil anymore. Right. Because everything is an extension of you. You are the universe, and everything is just happening because you exist. Right. So once this realization is in place, you remove the polarities, even though you’re aware the polarities need to be. Without them, we would have collapse. So they’re, they provide structure, but that’s not where you end. You don’t end on Republican, Democrat.

That’s slavery. You have to go beyond. You don’t end at red pill, blue pill. You have to go beyond. And a lot of people, they don’t ever have the intuitive force to go beyond. They’re usually just programmed into, this is right and everything else must be wrong, or everything is wrong. This must be right. And they’re divided in that sense. So the realization that I had of, okay, sure, my body teaches me about the cosmos, and if I want to learn about the cosmos, of course I could learn more about me. But let’s take it further.

What if below is a mirror world or just a reflection of what’s happening here? And whilst here we have the light and we have this diurnal existence, you know, day and night. Maybe down there, they don’t have that, but they have a different interpretation of that. And then I thought about what it’s like to be in a black room. And they show you this a lot in the stranger things show. They show you Jonathan character, and Jonathan is always safe for some weird reason. Like, you know how some characters are always, like, getting harmed and fucked with and some are not? Yeah.

Jonathan is, like, unscathed, homie. Goes through the whole fucking show and, like, never actually has any problems. And I’m talking all the way until the end too. Yeah, yeah. He never does, does he? Exactly. And my point here is that Jonathan’s the photographer, so it’s like, jonathan’s like the pineal gland of the whole show, and nobody even realizes it because it’s always. The truth is hidden in plain sight. But it’s very, like, subtle. But he keeps going into this. He keeps going into these. And he’s a. He’s a photographer. He keeps going into the rooms, these dark rooms.

Yeah. But then they get to the Vecna story. And in the Vecna story, they show you this red underworld, this leg. And to me, I think they’re revealing something. And I’ve loved how the Matrix movie in particular reveals to you all the mythology with, like, the Merovingian and Persephone and the key maker. And I personally feel that that’s how our world is. We have this world that we associate with as, like, very fine line between good and bad. Right. But then we have that world that they’re showing you in stranger things where that shit doesn’t exist.

Like, there’s no emotions in that world. Like, this is the world of emotions down there that doesn’t exist. So that’s kind of like, my take on it. And I could get into a lot of other stuff, but it’s a good starting point for. For a fractal in conversation. Like, kind of like in dark city in the matrix, they got the. A very similar theme to them. The scorched, darkened world, right? Mm hmm. They both got that. Bro, I haven’t watched this movie Dark City in so long. So now that you brought this up, I need to rewatch it because I’m sure it was so inspiring for some of the things that I’ve going on.

Oh, you’ll love it, dude. And they both got this, uh, the spiral staircase with, with the whole, you know, checkerboard floor, the duality of it all. They both have the injection into the mind, the parasite octopi. Always think of the archons with that. Um, they, they all have the scorched world. The hero escapes from the false reality, stopping bullets with the mind. They have the three, the antagonists, you know, in dark city and in the matrix, and they, yeah, the agent Smith. So it’s, I mean, there, this is, and I look at Neo, like Jesus Christ, which neo code equals 36.

Jesus Christ equals 36. They’re in chaldean because agnosticism, that was what Jesus was. He was sent back to bring man the true knowledge of Yaldabaoth being the demiurge and this false goddess. And, you know, it’s kind of like that same story of neo waking up. Yeah, there’s parallels. Yeah, it’s pretty, there’s definitely parallels. I’m in the process of fully decoding this matrix movie, but I’ve had to break it into sections because it’s so magnificent. You know, it’s like, where do you even get started? There’s so many independent scenes in the Matrix movie that have a deep meaning and come back to esoterica.

And same thing with stranger things. Same thing with Star wars, same thing with a lot of these Hollywood movies. So it’s, it’s dope to have the eyes of a decoder and then see things for what they are and realize that, you know, what the grand realization is. And perhaps this shifts the conversation. It’s that the people who are making all of our, all of the movies, they don’t have any creativity at all because they’re just taking mythology and repackaging it over and over and over again. It’s just Uranus creates, Saturn creates, gets overthrown by Jupiter, then blah, blah, blah.

It’s the same fucking story. They’re, they’re not giving up on it because they can’t. It’s, that’s the story. Every fucking thing comes back to that. And then they turn it into the Jesus story and it’s like, great, we’re back here at it again and they make it feel old, but it’s really just, it’s the process of awakening. It’s the process of becoming conscious. And it’s the process of realizing that the body is here for a reason. And you’re synchro. To synchronize with the spiritual self or the ethereal body with your still body is what makes you the Christ.

Just like neo becomes the one, right? Neo is a neophyte. He’s a novice. And then he finally realizes, oh, I can do all this shit. I’m like, I can master this stuff. And then people start worshiping me for it. What does that sound like? So you’re parallel drawn of the Jesus character, and then eventually you have to sacrifice yourself, because life isn’t about staying here forever. It’s about doing this thing called life fearlessly. Be fucking great. Don’t be a hater. Right? Don’t be a fucking hater. Be great. And then just keep it moving. And. And you’ll pollinate this experience wonderfully.

You know, there’ll be so much creative essence pouring through you. Um, and that’s a really key piece to, uh, to kind of keep coming back to, because I think people who are in the truth community need to have a takeaway here. And I see too much conspiring, too much, like, teeter tottering. And it’s like, if you want to get out of the playground, kids, you know, you’re gonna have to put this knowledge, this. You’re gonna have to turn this knowledge into gnosis. You’re gonna have to be able to transmute this data into creative essence and give something to the world instead of just the back and forth between who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.

Yeah. Become that alchemist. Learn to bend reality to your will. Precisely. You know, and I preach that all the time to my people, but, yeah, it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s fascinating. I love to hear different people’s perspectives on it, and, you know, it’s. It’s. It’s really cool. And it does represent that whole kundalini activation, too, right? Activating that inner Christ, that inner Christos, releasing the kundalini up to 33 vertebrae. And then what’s that stuff called? The. There’s, like, some cerebral spinal fluid? Yeah, yeah, that’s where the story of Santa going down the chimney and all that. Right? Yeah.

And you know what’s fascinating? There’s this, um. You know about the Sistine Chapel and the creation of Adam. Um. Enlighten me. You. You’ve. No, no, you’ve definitely seen this. Just google it real quick while I’m talking. Just type in Sistine Chapel. Uh, or the creation of Adam. It’s a painting by Michelangelo. It’s the fresco on the, uh, final room of the Vatican museum. Oh, yeah. Whether touching the fingers precisely. Yeah. And. And in this, um, you’re gonna see if you pull that up. I could walk everyone through it real quick. I got it. If you could pull up the image.

This image here, brother. The whole one. If you can. Not just the. Not just them touching. Um, yeah, maybe go just the first one that you see. I can’t see what you’re doing on your screen. Oh, it’s not. Oh, let me. Hold on. Let me go full screen. It’s not showing you present. Share screen. So, I heard there’s a blackout in Cuba, guys. Did you guys hear about that? We’ll talk about that a little, too here in a second. Some crazy blackouts. Was this the one you’re talking about, brother? Yeah. Can you get a lighter image? Like, not one that’s so high contrast, like, click the one below it.

This one or this one? Or the top right. Top right. Sorry. I would bring it up, but I’m like, uh, kind of not the most computer savvy. Yeah. Okay, just zoom in, and that’s good enough. So you’re gonna see God, and then it’s blanketed by this pinkish, kind of, like, orb. Whoa. What just happened right there? It took us way out of. All right, sorry about that, guys. I’ll try to look it up real quick. That way I could show the exact image, and then. Yeah, yeah. Just share your. Your. Your screen. I’ll let you 100%.

Yeah, I’m trying right now. Let me know if you could see my screen. Okay. Let me give you waters to control. Sorry, guys. There you go. So over here, you’re gonna see this is actually a cross section of the brain. Oh, wow. Let me see if I could get a full image. Be even better. I can already see. This is a cross section of the brain. So you have here at the legs, this is like the pons and the medulla. And this right there would be the thalamus. So what you see is God as a man.

And the only other adult here in this cross section of the earth. It would be the sagittal section of the brain. The only other adult you see is a woman. The rest of children, like cherub, kind of angels. Well, this woman would be in the third ventricle. So this, like, cave of Brahma, corpus callosum. This is the cerebral, where the cerebral spinal fluid is kept. Okay? It’s kept with God, or the architect and the oracle, the mother of this matrix, who is the. She is the. How would I put it in, like bait. In, like, the most basic term.

She’s the foreshadowing of what becomes Eve. Okay? Because God is going to make her out of his rib, which is the split. It’s not necessarily the splitting of the atom, but it’s. It’s pulling the electron out of that neutron, creating the duality of proton as Adam and Eve as electron. But in the brain, before this happens, before the spark of them touching, this is all thoughts, by the way. This is, like, what’s going on in your head. This is the creation of all things, thoughts, which becomes thoth. But anyways, yeah, this is in the third ventricle.

She’s even coming out of his rib right there, kind of, right? No, well, yeah, that’s one way to look at it, for sure. Yeah. Yeah, that’s cool. Yeah, that’s a cool way to. That’s a cool way to look at it. And you know what’s fucked? Yeah. Sorry. You know what’s messed up is with the translation from Hebrew and where they say rib. It’s actually not the rib. It’s that she’s made of his, uh. Oh, man, I forgot the name of it. Like, baculum or something. It’s the penis bone. It’s not the rib. And what’s fucking crazy, bro, is that, like, Adam has made hermaphrodite, and he’s.

He’s neutral until he becomes positive by the turning, by the splitting of them, creating Eve from. From that. And what’s. What’s so funny is the hebrew word is Tisla, which almost looks like Tesla. And I’m pretty certain that Nikola Tesla is not a real person. He’s like a. He’s like a George Washington situation or like a Napoleon, where they just took a random old man’s picture, and they called it Tesla, and we all believe it. Yeah, you’re probably right. And I’m not even trying to be right. I’m just using my intuition here. And I know in the great OSCar wilde quote, everything popular is WRONg.

And they want you to believe in this Tesla guy, and they have elon kind of, like, riding him, and needless to say, that word, that, which, of course, isn’t pronounced the way I said, but it’s basically Tesla, and it’s the penis bone. So now you know. Now you know why the tesla logo is this baphomet head? Because that’s the male or female reproductive anatomy. That’s the fallopian tubes. That. It’s not a bad thing. Like, everyone sees that, and they’re like, oh, it’s evil. And it’s liKe, it’s not. It’s female and male reproductive anatomy. So Adam was a hermaphrodite, and then he gets split through the creation of Eve.

He becomes a proton, she becomes an electron, and now you have Life. And that’s why they feel naked when she walks away from him and is tempted by knowledge. Right. And then it keeps going in deeper. And it’s more philosophical, but it’s. It’s really dope when you look at it from that lens. And for them to show you this cross section of the brain the way they did shows you that they were high level, man. Like, oh, yeah, super high level. Who painted this? This guy. He knew. Exactly. Michelangelo knew. And Michelangelo’s not even a real person.

You know, it’s just all kind of shit that’s probably been there for so long, and they found it later, and then they had to make up a narrative about it. Like, I’m sure you’re savvy about that stuff. A lot of the buildings and architecture, we have no fucking idea who built it. Anything I’m told, I immediately say probably not. And then I just use my imagination from there. My imagination is usually more accurate. Right? Yeah. I mean, it’s so crazy, dude. It’s like nothing they tell us is quite accurate. You know, once you really look into it, it’s like, man.

Then you wonder, do they know or do they not just want us to know the truth? Like, what is it? You know, it’s. It’s. It’s fascinating, though. But, um. So I guess we. We have a blackout in Cuba. Have you heard about this? Waters? Yeah, I forgot. I think it was, like, Hurricane Oscar or something. It happened, like, two or three days ago, but the black. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the blackout was happening before that hurricane hit. So I don’t know what the fuck’s going on with that, but that all sounds to me like a humanitarian crisis.

I don’t feel so good about. About what’s going on there. Yeah, me neither. I don’t. I get a bad feeling in my gut with a. All this stuff. Like, with the blackout in Cuba, then there’s the Internet blackout, and some of these other countries, like Brazil, you know, with the. They’re. They’re cutting off. Because think about it. If. If they want to stop something from going viral or they’re doing something down there, they don’t want the rest of the world to know. You know, Rumble is definitely. Rumble, and Twitter are ones you want to cut people off from.

Right? Because Rumble something can go viral on YouTube. They kind of got back doors and everything. They can just take your video down or shut it down. I don’t think they control rumble as much yet, but I’m sure they will. Just like with a telegram where they got that. Dude, even if any of these people are real, maybe the government owns all these damn websites. Who knows? For real. You know, I have a feeling the whole story we heard with Facebook is a bunch of bullshit, too. You look into Facebook, bro, and before it launched, they had this DARPA called lifelong, where they were trying to do the exact same thing and harvest the data from all of us.

And, you know, the Congress didn’t want to go with it. And then the day lifelong goes offline from DARPA, Facebook launches, and there’s this whole Mark Zuckerberg character. Remember, they. They really drove it home with us. They made a movie about it. You remember that? Yeah. Yeah. It’s like, what type of narrative are you guys trying to set? But, yeah, they say a nationwide blackout, now a hurricane. How much can Cuba endure? Oscar makes landfall in Cuba, could lead to humanitarian crisis. That was 10 hours ago. Well, they’re literally using the term I just said. Yeah, yeah, I.

And it’s pretty much exactly what, you know, it sucks, man. Like, this weather, um, weapon. It’s a very clever weapon for them to use, because who can you blame it on, right? And I was trying to tell people about this a couple weeks back with, you know, Helene, and then all these events that have happened kind of, like, one by one by one, but people are seeing all these northern lights everywhere, you know, the aurora. And I was trying to get people to kind of realize that this isn’t natural. Like, this is the byproduct of the utility of harp, you know? So when they’re.

When they’re lighting that up, you’re gonna see signs in the sky. Yeah, well, this is, like, biblical, right? Like, they tell it. Talk to talk about this in revelation. Oh, yeah. And, I mean, you can look it up, man. I showed people. I did a whole video on it. YouTube actually striked me for it. And that’s why I started the second YouTube channel, guys. And that link is down below truth mafia tv. Because, you know, every time I get to a certain amount, they seem to take mine down. Dude, this. This is my 30th YouTube channel since I’ve started this.

Yeah. Yeah. I’ve lost quite a few, but, um, the heart can create artificial Aurora borealis is. This is not a conspiracy. This is a fact. You can look it up on their own website. So. Well, bro, real quick, like, I don’t want to, like, bust your pineal gland, but I think I will right now. Like, do you remember in stranger things, where they opened up the well, l allegedly opens up that portal by killing one? Yes. Okay. And then he goes into the fucking underworld, and then hell is created by him or whatever. But the portal’s open.

Right. And then Hawkins is like, this portal’s geolocation tag place. Well, my theory is that there’s no such real thing necessarily as Aurora borealis or as the northern lights. It’s that there’s a portal open at that, quote, unquote, north polar opening. I’m with you. And I can call it the black sun. You know, for fun. I believe it probably is. It’s not even about the sun. And that. That black sun is what’s creating that. But that’s a portal that was opened. Not artificially, but it was like a cataclysm. It was a. It was a. It was like when l opened up the portal.

And that’s your upside down. So you can get to your upside down through there, but you have to go through a fucked up world. Right, but it’s so funny how they tell you. And, like, all the. You know, you probably looked into Mount Shasta and Agartha and hollow Earth. Admiral Bird. Yeah. And it’s like, they always make it seem like it’s so pleasant down there. Like, it’s awesome. Like, you went to a world of Narnia. Great. Like, I don’t think it’s like that shit at all, bro. Like, I bet it’s exactly, like, stranger things. Yeah, it’s a fucked up mirror world.

And then one of the craziest things is, I just. I realized this recently, when they go into the upside down, like, near the very end of the. Of the last season, Nancy is looking through her diary, and she’s like, yo, like, this isn’t up to date. You feel me? So what when that portal was opened, that we call the northern north polar opening, it was probably date stamped for that moment. And when we have this phenomenon, like, giants and all the stuff, you know, it was like, it. That was the end times. And then, whatever on this other world, it’s like a pimple, and it’s just.

This is the one side of it, and then there’s the side of it that’s inside of the skin. It has the surface, and then it has the reverse. Have you? That’s why time travel could be possible, because it’s not that you’re actually time traveling, bro. It’s that you’re going through that portal. And that portal has a timestamp of where all the. Everything ended after that. Oh, wow. And that’s where our cataclysms come into the conversation in, like, a much cooler way. Right? Because you’re thinking like, of course we could have had. You know, everyone’s like, dinosaurs aren’t real.

It’s like, why not? Isn’t that the anti conspiracy? It’s like, people, like, they can’t be real because it has to be this. And it’s like, well, what if we were just genetically modifying to a point where it became that, right? Then it got time stamped cataclysm happened, and then now we have no more access to it. All the bones you’re seeing in a fucking history museum are fake. They’re composite, like casts. But the concept of it is in the mind of man, and the mind of man is quite evil. If we had the opportunity to make that shit, we would look at AI.

Oh, yeah, yeah. We are always. People are making. People are making sex robots. You don’t think that if we had the tech to make some crazy monster that we wouldn’t do it? Of course we would. But then what happens? Shit gets off the rails, and we need to end the. We got to end the transmission. So just like coming back to what you said about the Cuba thing or the blackouts, when shit gets a little too chaotic, the new world order goes, okay? And then they pull off a don’t look up, right, where they show you them, like, leaving to another planet.

It’s not that they’re going to another planet. It’s that they’re going to another continent that. That we’re not allowed access to. And. And they’re just doing whatever they want to do there. Yeah, yeah, the. You’re talking about the movie don’t look up where that asteroid was coming. That was so funny, dude. And it was kind of like they were trolling us because there were so many things going on in the sky that people, at that point, when that movie came out, nobody was paying attention to the sky. Dude, I’ve been showing people anomaly like, something is wrong.

The sun don’t look the same as it does it used to. It’s white now. I know we’re going. We go through shoulder maximums and stuff like that, but it’s just so bizarre. And now, from September 29 until, I think it was, like, November 18 or so, which is the 322nd day of the year. I might be November 15. We’re supposed to have these two moons in the sky, which I haven’t seen it yet myself, but it’s interesting that they picked September 29 for that day to start because that was the day Cerna was established in 1954.

September 29. So, yeah, yeah, there’s a. There’s a giant CERN connection to all this in portals and what you were talking about with the upside down, this mirror world where there might even be like our evil twin there, I think. Yeah, like the movie. Uh, well, us. Yeah, yeah, something like that, bro. Yeah. And. But have you ever heard of what’s called the 8th sphere, the lower astral plane? No. So that’s kind of what that talks about. You got to check out this girl. Um, her name is Gigi Young. She’s on YouTube. She would like her, bro.

She’s fascinating. She don’t really get into numerology like us, but she gets into spiritual science. And she has some really fascinating theories, though. She, you got to hear her, her breakdown on the lower astral playing, this 8th sphere. And she talks about these entities called walk ins. And she says, like, in their reality, it’s came to an end already. So when she believes that during like the whole Philadelphia experiment, when we ripped a hole in that spacetime continuum, that’s when they walked in and they were able to possess people in the whole like, reptilian shapeshifter thing, she thinks them them type of entity.

It’s very fascinating. Wow. Yeah. So I see what this is from Rudolph Steiner. Yeah, she’s very into Steiners. Okay, so this, what I would call this 8th sphere, looking at the imagery, I would call that Pluto or Hades. That would be your underworld. That would be the, uh, that would be the merovingian in the movie the Matrix. Yeah, that would be tied to that. Fucking fascinating. And what’s so super cool about this? If anyone just googles 8th sphere, you’re gonna see it’s like the way birds fly in the sky in this like, v pattern. And I would not be surprised if that’s tied to the energetics of it all.

Same thing with schools of fish, etcetera. Yes. Everything is just kind of mirroring the energetic movements. Right. So this is super cool. Yeah, I’m glad you brought this up to me because I’m working on some underworld stuff right now, and this will definitely be useful to bring up. Yeah, I think, yeah, I think you’ll find it fascinating. I love looking into everything waters, you know, I’m just interested in figuring out what’s all going on. I don’t know. I try not to get myself caught up in the doom and gloom of it all because there’s nothing we can really do, you know, I mean, it’s just, we got to live.

I’m doing the best I’ve ever done in my life. And ever since I learned how to take control of my own reality and create my own reality, I mean, I’ve done the best I’ve ever done financially. I do what I love doing for a living. You know, I’ve done this for over four years now, full time. And it’s amazing that we’re able to, to do this, create content, you know, still. So we have, still have some freedom here in America. Hopefully it remains, but I guess we’ll see. What do you think before we wrap this up today? What are your thoughts on the whole election situation? Do you think there will be election? Do you even care? Yeah, I mean, I, I definitely get this question a lot because of being in Marketland, and a lot of people are under the belief that whomever wins president will change the direction of markets.

And I don’t personally believe that at all. But your question is probably a little broader. And I have a couple of scenarios and I’ll share them and then you could tell me your feedback. And I’m not trying to predict anything right now. I’m just sharing my feedback because at the end of the day, like, nothing’s going to change. They don’t. The people who are in the president’s role are like a hundred layers below the actual controllers. So with that being said, they’re just like the four year temporary employee of the head of the snake. And Trump winning immediately is my first scenario.

And I think that right there means expect an event to come shortly after that’s tied directly to him. It could kind of be like a JFK situation. Scenario number two is kamala wins immediately, and then there’s an immediate reaction from the left of like, look, we did it like, we beat you guys. And then the right gets violent and super, like, civil war level shit because it’s not possible for her to win immediately. So the new world order knows that if they want to have her win this selection, they need to have a little gap in between.

You feel me? So, couple of things that I’ve realized is the connection to the year 2000, which was also a year of the dragon. And we had the George Bush and Al Gore election where we had the recount in Florida. And I think that’s very symbolic because Florida is tied to Trump and he had an assassination attempt in Florida. He also was tied to Mar a Lago. Maher is Mars and Elon just came out and said, voting for Trump is voting for Mars. And what’s fucking crazy about the election date is the election date, obviously. It’s a Tuesday, Martha’s day of Mars, and it’s also a 15 date numerology.

And then just basic Gematra, full reduction. Mars is 15. That’s number two in Chaldean. Yeah. So with that 15 connection, Mars happening on the Mars day. Also, there’s the one five one pal anagram, which is the, that would be the palindrome. But we have the eleven five date for the election. I think me and you talked about this a little bit, like, right when we, before we started filming. But anyways, yeah, and the thing about the Mars connection is very simple. It’s Mars is God of war. So what is he saying there? He’s saying, like, with the Trump, expect the war.

But in general, the whole thing sounds like war to me. Like, it’s either immediate, like, you know, I wouldn’t call it, like, civil war, but what I would say is that, like, imagine George Floyd all over again where it was that, like, just rioting happening in each big metropolitan city, especially the ones that are more liberal. And then the fourth scenario would be none of that happens. And there’s just some, like, weird, like, the american spirit is sucked away and the new world order just gets, you know, whatever system in place that they want. And I’m very.

I’m lesser on that one. I think that what’s going to happen is Trump stands for patriotism. He stands for, like, the american spirit. Even though it might not be the most enlightened spirit, he still stands for that. And even people that are awake, who are really awake, kind of still in their gut, want him to win because they believe, probably what I believe, too, which is we’ll have a less annoying country. Right? Like, whenever, if we were to. Yeah, if we had Kamala winning, it would just be an annoying country. Like, it would be annoying to drive around and see Kamala Harris bumper stickers.

It would be annoying for people to be wearing Kamala Harris t shirts. It’s fucking annoying, right? Can we all just admit it? Like, it has nothing to do with my emotions or my desires. It’s just. It’s obnoxious. They’re obnoxious. Everything about the liberal movement is obnoxious. All of that stuff. Gentlemen, to win. This gentleman, Kamala, Big Mike’s twin. But, yeah, like, so, so with the immediate wins, if that’s the way the, the thing goes, I am very skeptical that things are going to be good. Like, whoever wins immediately, I think they’re going to push a delay.

I think they’re going to delay it. I think they’re going to push the results. Give people some time to, like, stew in this big jambalaya together. The new world Order is going to use all their intelligence to gather data from the Internet. See what we’re talking about. See what people like me and you are talking about. You know? They’re going to use that time to just run it through their AI algorithms and be like, okay, how will, how are we going to do this? You know, and I think that’s what George Floyd was. George Floyd was like, the new world Order used AI.

They noticed. Okay, we’re getting a little rambunctious. We’re getting a little, like, ready to riot. So let’s film this guy getting killed and tell people they could go outside for once and it’s fine to go outside now to riot, even though a couple weeks ago we told you to stay inside no matter what, what it was, right? They probably used like, some higher form of chat GPT to just be like, what’s the play here, guys? Like, we know they’re gonna start doing weird shit and we need them to calm down. So we need to do it this way to that way.

They could like, be like the spoiled little brats they are. They can just shake it out. It’s the same thing with the stimulus checks. It’s no different. It’s like, shut up. That’s their way of telling you to shut up. Just like you would treat a kid, I just like you would treat a kid who’s yelling and screaming that because you took the video games away, that’s how they’re treating the american public. So I think whatever the results are, just the last thing I’ll say, just whatever the results are. I think they’re going to let a couple of days go by, maybe a couple weeks.

They’re going to gather the data and then they’re going to see, like, how can we play this chess game and then take it from there? And I still kind of in my, deep down, if I had to predict, I think it’s Trump’s going to win and war is still happening next year no matter what. Yeah, I’m with you there. I would rather see Trump win than Kamala just because, you know, I mean, Trump makes me laugh more. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t think he’s coming to save the world or nothing, but he makes me laugh more than her.

So it’d be more interesting America with him. But what about this scenario, bro? Before we go, what if they say, like, Joe Biden passes away of some old age or something, right? And then they postpone the situation until after 2024, like the new year. Out of respect for Joe, Joe steps down. That puts Kamala as the 47th 1st female president. Like we’ve seen in house of Cards, where the 46th president died. His wife became the 47th 1st female president of the United States. We seen that same narrative in Veepdeh to the series Veep. And, um, I’m wondering if.

And then maybe they. They stage some why she is the president. Something big happens. They’re like, okay, look, we. We gave it to a female. We got nuked, and, you know, now we got to move on. I was thinking that could be a hustle move for him too. I don’t know. So you think getting her in and then hitting us with an event, and then I being like, there’s incompetence here and we can’t have it. And then they change the script again. What do you think they would change it to? Um, I don’t know. That part is interesting.

Maybe that’s when Trump comes in after that. And, you know, that would be ridiculous. If they did. If they did that, I would be like, congrats to the Hollywood producers who wrote this script, because this is fucking Golden Globes level. Yeah, it’d be so good. Yeah, I’m at a point right now, we’re like, yeah, I think coming back to what you said a moment ago, like, I just have my in order. Like, I have my spiritual stuff figured out. I have my conscious, like, stuff figured out. Like, I’m just happy with life. I’m happy with the people I keep in my circle.

So I don’t let shit like politics get in my way. But I do realize that as a response, like, from the responsibility of being a decoder, everyone wants to know how I feel. Everyone wants to know, like, and I’ve tried to get people to just protect their piranha, you know, with this whole thing, because it’s another one of those events that I think it’s going to be volatile. No, no doubt about it. Oh, yeah. How to situate yourself to be in the less volatile side of it is probably ideal. You know, like, anyone out there who doesn’t want to have to deal with the fuckery, like, maybe take a two week vacation if you can.

If you’re living in Chicago, you know, like, if you’re living in a city that’s already a ticking time bomb. No offense. Maybe consider getting out for a moment, like just some wise words. Go somewhere peaceful, spend some time. Mother nature, you know? Like, I think those two weeks after the election, even if we get the results immediately, is going to be fucking weird. Yeah, this whole. This whole election cycle has felt super weird to me. Like, I don’t know, it’s just not like any other election cycle. They always ramp it up with the black versus white.

They get that going, you know, every election cycle, every four years, we have to deal with that shit. And they try to divide and conquer us. It’s like a massive loosing, you know, like they’re just loosing the. The public for all their energy. And then there’s got to be something tied to that too, that they, they must know how to manipulate that energy some way because there’s definitely something to it. But yeah, bro, it’s. It’s been a great to have you on today. Just thankful that you came on here, bro. You know, it’s always fun talking to you.

And I had fun the first time we ever hung out, so it was really nice to have you. Come on, brother. I appreciate you. Yeah, I appreciate you too, man. It was great to connect and hopefully your community found value and what we discussed today. And more importantly, man, these next three or four weeks are going to be very, very volatile for the human spirit. So get calm, get relaxed, you know, take care of yourselves, commit to yourselves more than you’re committing to consuming media. I think that’s super important right now. Yep. I agree with you 100%.

Yeah. Because there’s, there’s ultimately nothing we can do with all this power outage in Cuba. Hurricane Milton, Hurricane Helene, like, that’s all a major loosing too. Sometimes it’s just good to step back and, you know, take care of what you can take care of in your, your family and in your environment and protect your energy because they’re always trying to steal it from us, you know? So that’s what I recommend, guys. Make sure you go check out my boy waters above. All his links are down below. And we’re just really thankful that we got, had the opportunity to talk to you guys.

Hit that like button, share the video and we’re out of here, guys.


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