Sun Cycle Activation: Pole Shift

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➡ The speaker is striving for greatness and is giving a comprehensive demonstration on sun cycle activation, which they believe is a primal source of the universe. They present the theory that sun emissions can change the sociopolitical environment while ushering in a new age that reverses patriarchal structures, restores matriarchy and sparks revolution.
➡ The text talks about the spiritual awakening tied to solar activity, particularly the solar maximum expected in 2025, which is believed to activate the “Christ consciousness” or “the spirit of Melchizedek”, within people freeing them from the material plane. The author argues that while some will fall with the decay of the technological patriarchy, the “chosen ones” will ascend with this surge of solar energy, invoking greater brain function and spiritual enlightenment. The text also mentions potential electromagnetic disruptions due to the solar activity and warns about discerning between natural and human-made events.
➡ The text discusses theories about significant changes occurring in our solar system, including two suns visible for 24 hours in Antarctica, suggesting a major shift or cycle. This shift, combined with nanotechnology present in the human body through food, potentially triggered by solar energy, may result in significant threats to human life and possibly lead to mass depopulation by 2025.
➡ The text speaks of global preparations signaling an imminent yet undefined major event, urging readers to prepare by stocking up on necessities. It philosophically explores concepts of ether and its ties to various elements, and emphasizes the importance of understanding these principles to harness power. The author relates the ideas of ether and elements to theories of activating internal energies and refers to the notions of ether and carbon being able to absorb different forms of radiation. They also discuss human body’s ability to comprehend different frequencies of visible light and interpret seemingly incomprehensible phenomena.
➡ The text discusses the awakening of higher abilities within oneself, comparing it to seeing the world clearly for what it is. It then introduces the concept of solar activations on the planet and their resultant effects, including solar flares and their potential for disruptiveness. The text discusses the looming magnetic pole shift and the interplay between natural events and geopolitical instabilities, ending with an admonition about the dependence of society on technology and its potential vulnerabilities.
➡ The text discusses the phenomenon of solar flares and coronal holes, detailing their impact on Earth’s atmosphere and electromagnetic field. It further highlights a noticeable shift in celestial bodies and reiterates how solar maximum phases spark revolutions due to increased solar energy. The potential effects of powerful geomagnetic storms, like radio blackouts and satellite disturbances, are also discussed. It concludes noting a prediction of peak solar activity by 2025 and the potentially disastrous impacts of a major solar storm akin to the Carrington event of 1859.
➡ The text discusses the potential dangers posed by infrequent yet powerful solar storms, mentioning their implications on weather patterns and potential catastrophes, and their impact on our technological infrastructure. It also frames a symbology-infused interpretation of a movie called ‘Leave the World Behind’, suggesting that the film acts as a warning of an upcoming major event, tying this with a historical narrative of the settlers coming to America in 1619, implicating that this period marks an end to a theoretical 400-year curse.
➡ The text implies a process of transformation from a system under a shadow corporation and international banking system, represented by alleged misdeeds of entities like the Vatican, United States Corporation and the Federal Reserve among others. They supposedly filed for bankruptcy, leading to the restoration of a republic signaled by a second declaration of independence, signed by Donald Trump in 2020. This action is thought to end the so-called “400-year curse” and begins a sun cycle facilitated by a matriarch (the republic), leading to a tribulation period from 2023 to 2030.
➡ The text discusses the concept of a spiritual awakening in humans through divine energies and forces, focusing on achieving a balance in consciousness, which involves the unification of divine feminine and masculine aspects. It also covers the significance of the number seven, related to God’s frequency, and the impacts of sun’s energy in triggering a high conscious state. Moreover, it warns people to detach from materialistic obsessions to navigate the upcoming transformation of the Earth into a higher dimension successfully. The message also includes a prayer song about seeking divine assistance and self-realization, emphasizing spiritual development and interconnectedness as the pathway to enlightenment.


Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy B d. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit the share button, hit the subscribe button, hit that notification bell.

But today I’m going to give an extensive demonstration on the sun cycle activation that amplifies the quintessential alchemical element, which is the primordial source of the universe, that connects to the ether plane through the grand unified theory. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, there’s a lot of stuff we’re going to cover tonight. There’s a lot of stuff that’s going on. There’s a lot of psychological operations when you’re talking about these movies and predictive programming that’s acclimated to the solar cycle 25 and the pole shift in itself.

Right? We’re going to get into it. So first we’re going to start out with the fact that, see, the sun is actually a celestial structure that produces an amalgamation of coronal mass ejections, which are x class solar flares. That activates the X gene, which turns you into an X Men. We’re going to get into that because it’s all acclimated to the spirit of Melchizedek, because it’s basically the personification of the etheric force within you that connects you to the spacetime continuum as the planet is going through a metamorphic change due to the sun cycle, which is propagated by solar cycle 25.

So you read this publication by the science alert. It says, a gaping hole in the sun bigger than 60 earth just blasts a solar wind right at us. So when you’re looking at the sigil system of the sunspot, that’s basically on the celestial body of the sun, it is basically a direct emulation of the hebrew numerical component of the letter six. Right? So when you look at the sigil system of six in ancient Hebrew, it’s a direct emulation of a sunspot that is being projected down to the planet to basically project and amplify a magnetic pole shift.

Right. And the reason that’s connected to it is because it’s connected to the citrusism of the spirit of the moon. The spirit of the moon is the six ether energy. So when you’re looking at these coronal mass ejections, this is actually reversing the polarity of the six ether energy that kept us stuck in the piscean age under the dark frequency of the lunar cycle, which is the sleep spell of King Goo.

So these corona mass suggestions that hitting the planet is basically reversing the polarity of patriarchy to restore the matriarchy. Because when you understand a sun cycle, a sun cycle is activated by nature. In nature, it’s personification of a matriarch. That’s when you have the dualistic forces of the divine feminine and the divine masculine working in symbiotic connection to revert to polarity of this demonic energy that’s on the planet.

When you’re talking about the cursed and the black nobility and these archives that control everything in the higher dimensions, when you’re talking about the demiurge, right? So it’s basically a direct emulation of the spirit of the moon sigil system. And it’s a direct emulation of the sigil system of the letter six in ancient Hebrew, right? So it’s basically going against the celestial body of the monolithic megastructure, which is a satellite for the energy extraction matrix.

We’re talking about the moon here. So the sun, these coronal mass ejections that you’re looking at, this sunspy activity has the ability to reverse a polarity that’s connected to the metatronic overlay. So this was where you’re talking about the propagation of religion, the propagation of technological devices, the propagation of a crypto control system, the propagation of everything that’s connected to the material world. So this sigil system that you see right here on the sun is a representation of the dematerialization of the six ether energy that was controlled by the Canaanite, who was doing the biding of these arconic forces, who is also known as your black nobility, right? Says a giant hole in the atmosphere of the sun more than five times larger than the diameter of Jupiter is unleashing a powerful solar wind that’s blasting through the solar system, right? So with that being said, that energy is going to reverse the polarity of patriarchy in the lunar cycle because we in the aquarian age, the aquarian age is the golden age, and the golden age is only going to be galvanized by those who are connected to nature and carbon and things of that nature.

So when you get into scientific, quantitative, analytical data, the sun in itself has the ability to alter things all throughout human history, right? So when the sun was at solar maximum in solar cycle 24, right, you had all these things that happened all throughout ancient history. You had the American Revolution, you had the French Revolution, you had the predecessor of Emperor Napoleon, then you had the Vienna congress, you had the July Revolution, you had the union of Italy, you had a war of succession.

Then you had the french and prussian war in the Paris Commune, and then you had the revolution in Russia from 19 five to 19 seven. Then you had the great October Revolution. So the sun in itself, when you’re talking about sunspot activity, it is basically the foundation to respark a restoration process. It has the ability to reverse a polarity of everything that was subjugating the planet in a form of revolution.

That’s why you see many different forms of revolution taking place when you’re looking at the sun’s influence on historical history. American Revolution, the great French Revolution, July Revolution. So when the sun is at solar maximum during a time in between 2024 and 2025, when the sun reaches solar maximum, that is basically the personification of the seven seal being open. Because when you understand the metaphysical codex of solar cycle 25, two plus five equals what? Seven, because that energy of the sun is going to break open the 7th seal, the 7th seal that connects by turning everything into a new heaven and new earth.

When you go to revelation, chapter 21 21, verse one, right? So with that being said, you had the cuban revolution, you had a revolution of 19 five in Russia. All these revolutions is basically ending the concept of a corporation because 2023 was actually the inception point of the seven year tribulation period, right? We go all the way back to seven, because seven, when you understand the numerical components of it, seven is a representation of God.

When you understand Hinduism, of KrIShna, KrIShna comes from the word Christ, and crystals, which is a Christ consciousness. And KRIshna is the outer manifestation of Shiva, which equates to seven, right? So that God frequency is hitting the planet is bringing a revolutionary progress to restore the matriarch back on the planet in a form of nature. And nature is connected to the sun, right? So all this works in symbiotic connection.

In order to understand everything intuitively, you have to understand that politics, quantum physics, metaphysics, mind, science, technology, spirituality in itself, religion, politics, all this stuff works in symbiotic connection. If you don’t know one, you don’t know the other. So that’s why all this stuff ties into historical context, right? So when you’re looking at. I don’t know why it keeps doing that. So when you’re looking at these chronomass ejections, it is producing an amalgamation of galactic cosmic rays, right, that has a tetrahedron energy.

And the tetrahedron energy is basically the foundation of the God frequency, right? That God frequency in itself is the etheric frequency that connects your etheric cord to the planet, right, which gives you sovereignty on a spiritual level, right? Which gives you a nationality. Nationality comes from the word nativity. Nativity comes from the word birthright. Your birthright is basically your etheric cord to the planet in the form of ether that is being projected by the sun.

Because the inception of all ancient civilizations started with what? A sun cycle under a matriarch, under a republic, right? So when the sun reaches solar maximum, it has the ability to produce the golden age, right? So when you’re looking at this data chart, it’s telling you that we just got out of solar cycle 24. Now we’re basically in the middle going into 2025. I mean, 2024, which is basically the personification of the eight year.

When you understand the numerical supreme mathematics of the 5% nation, the eight of 2024, two plus two plus four equals eight. And eight is a symbology to reverse the polarity of building and destroying. So the eight year is basically the segue to the year 2025, where you’re going to have solar cycle 25, because 2025 is two plus two plus five equals nine, and a non ether energy that’s coming down to the planet to create a magnetic pole shift.

So the seven seal. So that’s when you’re talking about seven mind, God mind, non ether energy, non knowledge, which is. Right. Knowledge. So you got to be operating from the place of activating the spirit of Melchizedek, right? That spirit of Melchizedek is being activated by the sun, the energy of the sun, which operates on fractions of light or angles of light, because you got magnetites and the dendrites in the brain, which produces more neurons.

And those neurons activates the neurotransmitters through the neuroendocrine transducer to where you receive these energies to where you activate the Christ consciousness. So you cannot activate the Christ consciousness if you’re still connected to the metatronic overlay. If you’re connected to the metatronic overlay, when the sun has the ability to reverse a polarity in the name of a cyber attack or a coronal mass ejection or EMp, you’re going to fall when the system falls, right? Because this system is based on a technological system, right? Because the third eye for the beast is technology.

So you’re still going to be connected to the lunar energy in the midst of a sun cycle, right? Which means that you’re going to fall when patriarchy falls. Right? So right here, you’re looking at solar cycle 25 predicted, it says right here. And the sun is going to reach solar maximum in between the year of 2024 and 2025. Right. Then also when you got to understand the supreme mathematic sequence of the 5% nation, nine is the symbology to be reborn.

You’re going to be reborn from these solar frequencies that’s hitting the planet which produce nitroid that sparks the soul of man. Solomon’s temple. Right? And it tells you right here, solar maximum is expected in July 2025, with a peak of 115 sunspots. The sunspots that we just had, it basically produced 60. That was the size of 60 earths, right? It’s the size of 60 earths. And then when you look, it says right here, solar maximum expected in 2025 of July with a peak of 115 sunspots.

Right? So that’s why I told people, I don’t know which video it was. It’s going to be a time in 2025 that is going to be intrinsic sunlight for three days straight. It’s going to be sunlight for three days straight. No moon, no nothing. It’s going to be sunlight for three days straight. So that’s why it’s imperative to get your lymphatic system and your underground system in alignment.

You got to activate those seven energy cortexes, the chakra system. You got to activate and unlock so you can receive this transmission to unlock the junk dna, right, to activate that x gene within you to where you become an X Man. Right? Because the planet is in a state of judgment. So there’s a diametrical difference. You got two different timelines that’s going on. You got a timeline to where the chosen ones is going to be activated.

When you’re talking about the 144,000, when you take the one plus four plus four equals nine, then you get the nine ether energy that activates the 144,000 and the sun cycle of 2025, which is two plus two plus five equals nine. So that nine ether energy, when a sun is at solar maximum in solar cycle 25, which is a symbology of seven, which is the God frequency, you’re going to receive that energy, the spirit of Melchizedek, during this time period, to where you activate your higher capabilities, because I told you that ethereal energy in the last video, that is coming from the magnetosphere, which is basically the abode of the most high, which is the personification of the fifth dimension.

So this is where you get your biblical context of a new heaven and a new earth, right? So with that being said, this sunspot activity has the ability to create radio blackouts, geomagnetic storms, solar radiation storms. It has the ability to create many different implications for the energy extraction matrix, many different afflictions, right? So it says right here, the solar cycle prediction panel forecasts the number of sunspots expected for solar maximum along with timing, peak of minimum of solar activity levels for the cycle, right? And this is all being facilitated by the International Space Environment Services, right? So this is a good time to be alive.

You’re going to have those who are connected to the metatronic overlay, which is the material in the physical plane, those who are stuck in third density, you’re going to fall. When patriarchy falls, the chosen ones, you’re going to activate with the planet in the form of nature and matriarchy. You’re going to rise up. The 144,000 is going to rise up. You’re going to start seeing a lot of people like me, the young elder, phase one, Dr.

Phil Valentine, Rod Hayes. You got all these people bringing the truth to these platforms. Yaki, awaken, bro. Yosef. There’s going to come a time where everybody’s going to know and work in symbiote connection to reverse the polarity of everything that’s being propagated on the planet, right? And that energy in itself is going to basically destroy the interstellar projection grid system that’s connected to the fermented dome, you got to watch that firmament in the Arkons video that I put out maybe like a week and a half ago.

So now, when you’re looking at the life cycle of a sun, right, when you’re talking about sunspot activity and things of that nature. So when you’re looking at an orange or a yellow sun, that is basically personification of an old star, and when a sun turns red, it’s basically about to die. And then it’s transmuted into a form of a planetary nebula, which loses its magnetic field and the frequency of the red sun, and it’s transmuted into a white dwarf star that is also transmuted into a black hole.

And the black hole has the ability to taking you into a different space and time that is your personification of a new heaven and a new Earth, right? So this is basically the cycles of everything that’s going to be happening. When you’re talking about solar cycle 25, right? Matter of fact, there is a planetary nebula, the magnetic field of it. I have a video of a person experiencing that, right? I’m going to show the video here right now.

I hope you all taking some notes, man. Because the intensity of everything on this planet is starting to wake up. You know what I’m saying? Like I said, this is the seven year tribulation period. 2023 was basically the segue because the reason I said it was the segue of everything because they had to dismantle all the corporations. We don’t get into it. I’m going to play this video.

So what this video you’re looking at, this is basically a magnetic field energy of a planetary nebula that’s basically in our solar system. Wait for it. What the hell going on here, America? Now that looked crazy right there. That looked like a whole planet entering into our solar system. It looked like a fireball fell through. Look at that. Or do this look like the firmament? See, I got the little.

Did something hit the firmament? You know what I mean? I don’t know. I can’t call this one. All I know is it looks real. Preach. Look at this. I can’t make this up. And I wonder why they show this on the regular news and everything. They trying to touch everything up. It has a color spectrum on it, you know what I’m saying? It has its own frequency bandwidth.

So when you see something has its own frequency bandwidth, it means that it basically has its own magnetic field. Excuse me. So like I said, this is a good time to be alive. A lot of stuff is starting to happen in our solar system, right? A lot of stuff. So there’s another thing I wanted to show you. Where is it at? Yes. As I was telling you earlier, there’s going to be a time period on this planet where the sun is going to be intrinsic solar radiation on this planet for at least three days, right? And during that time period when the sun is at solar maximum, that could be the time period when these blackouts happen.

So one thing you got to understand about the elites and the blistocracy, the black nobility, the illuminati or whatever you want to call them, what happens is sometimes what they do is they create psychological operations around celestial events, right? To hide the fact that the planet is going through a metamorphic shift in a great awakening period, right? Which is the desolation of abomination, right? So one thing you got to understand is that they always create psychological operations.

They create false flags during a time period when you have certain planetary alignments, right? So it’s going to be one of those things where you have to decipher if it’s going to be an EMP that’s going to be projected by Iran and China and all these other countries, or is it going to be projected by nature? Is it going to be a CME, which is a coronal mass ejection? Now the diametrical difference in between the two, now the energy of the sun has the ability to produce coronal mass ejections that can knock out the power grid all throughout the planet.

Now a EMP has the ability to knock out the power grid in a certain geographical landmass. So that’s the difference. So if it’s just happening in one landmass, that happened by the plistocracy, the government, the government facilitated that energy in order to create a hengillian dialectic principle, problem, reaction, solution. And the solution is a false solution of the propagation of the new world order system. So when you’re looking at this is already starting to go on right now, you had two sons in Antarctica for 24 hours without setting.

This is a video right here, right? I hope you need to get ready, man, because there’s a lot of stuff that’s going to be taking place. Their time is up and it’s the end of the corporation. I put out a video talking about the end of the corporation. So what you’re looking at right here, you got two celestial bodies, two suns in the solar system without setting for 24 hours.

We in that time period, right? In Antarctica, because we all know the inception of the planet. When you’re talking about the 24,000 year purification period, the first 6000 years on this planet, it was a sun cycle. So that means that Antarctica was a tropical civilization. So since it was a tropical civilization, that means that it was a matriarchal civilization during that time period, right? And that goes into the hollow Earth theory and things of that nature.

Because when you go into the caverns of these ice cycles and beyond the ice walls or whatever, there’s tropical civilizations beyond ice wall and inside the planet when you’re talking about those ice caverns. But that’s a whole nother lecture that I’m going to give a definitive broadcast on right now back to what I was saying. Like I said, this is basically a transmutation process of the life cycle of the sun, right? Which is equated to billions of years.

So what you see, it could have been another sun in the magnetic field of this planetary nebula was in our solar system, right, to activate the pole shift. So there’s many different things that’s going on, you know what I’m saying? There’s a lot of stuff that’s going on in our atmosphere at the time period. Now, I’m going to show this video because all this stuff works. In junction, a massive hole has opened on the sun this weekend.

Two significant solar eruptions are heading our way. The solar maximum is likely to hit in January. Why is it so important now? Consider the uniplanetary evolution theory. It suggests all our planets are Earth in different stages of its evolution, visible all at once. Mars, Earth, destroyed in the future. Venus, Earth in the past. Every billion years, our sun ejects a huge clump of iron rich plasma surface. That plasma becomes the iron core that breathes life into our earth.

NASA recorded a massive piece of the sun’s plasma breaking off the surface, now swirling around its pole. And here’s the kicker, the sun is about to flip its pole magnetic field as early as next month. So like I said, when the sun has the ability to reverse the frequency of the pole shift. Now we’re going to get back to this video. Now, this is important. This is very important.

You got to understand biochemical castration, nanotechnology, right? So now this is where we get into the genetical stable, which is basically a form of a kill switch that’s engineered by microbes, right? So those microbes are basically nanoparticles within the food that we eat. These nanotechnologies, right? So these nanotechnologies is all throughout our molecular structure, and it’s all throughout all these technological devices. So it says the probiotic microbes have become the effectiveness chases and the engineering diagnostic, therapeutic technologies.

Now, what I’m saying is when you have these coronal mass ejections coming to the planet, and you got this technology in you from the food, from the things that you’re around, when you’re connected to these devices and things of that nature, when you’re connected to everything that’s artificial, what happens is it has the ability to create a form of p 136 deletion syndrome, which basically dematerializes the two frontal lobes of the brain.

So that’s why they said during this time period, when you have the sun at solar maximum, that’s where it sparks many different illnesses on the planet. Right? That’s important to know. So that’s why when you go, we’re going to get into the movie thing later. But that’s why it’s imperative to understand, like, you got to practice fasting and things of that nature. You got to be able to have the mental fortitude and the discipline to fast and go without food, right? Because like I said, this food is going to destroy us as we’re going through the pole shift.

And you got to create your anatomy around the fact that when the pole shift happens, it can create a massive depopulation by 2025. Right? Because I told you, the 2025, the numerical spectrum of it is a personification of the nine year. The nine year is the nine ether that’s coming from the sun in solar cycle 25. Two plus five equals seven. That’s the guy. Energy, right? The 7th seal has been open.

Right? That 7th seal, that’s when it comes out about the deco publication, when they was talking about how the great majority of all the population is going to be in a form of depopulation. So that’s why you got to get this book right here called White House Years, right? White House years. Henry Kissinger, he just died at 100 years old, right? He was a eugenicist, right? When you understand anything about eugenics, everything is based on the personification of global depopulation.

So global depopulation is a form of basically germinating our bodies with many different forms of nanotechnology. When you have these energies hitting the sun. So that’s why I say you’re going to see a lot more people dropping, collapsing and dying and things of that nature, because these energies from the sun, right. That’s imperative. That’s why you got to understand that. So you got to read this book, right? You see how thick it is, right? White House years is basically telling you about many different afflictions about eugenics, why they created eugenics.

You know what I’m saying? But you got to understand a language. That’s the thing, though. They’re not going to say everything verbatim, but you got to understand the language and understand the symbology of certain words. You got to read between the lines, right? Because they like to dress everything up. Because what the elites like to do, they like to play semantics with wordage, right? Because they know the great majority of people on the planet are not going to understand what they’re talking about, right? So now we’re going to go back to this video.

Would that trigger the release of the plasma, so it says, around its pole? And here’s the kicker. The sun is about to flip its polar magnetic field as early as next month. Would that trigger the release of the plasma, the creation of. A creation of a new planet. Planet right before our eyes. Repeat your eyes to the sky. We’re about to witness something that will change our perspective on where we came from.

So he said, a new planet. What he’s basically saying is a new heaven and a new earth. That’s what he’s basically saying, right? You got to know how to read day language, right? There is a video that I’ve been wanting. I don’t think I. There’s another video that I need to get. Need to send it on here because it’s important. So bear with me here. I’m about to send it to myself here.

No, that was a video. Sorry. But anyhow, so like I said, now we’re going to get into another video right here, because like I said, these solar energies have the ability to reverse a pole shift and a pole shift reversal in itself. If you’re still connected to the six ether energy, you’re going to fall when the system falls. That’s why I was telling you, the six ether is patriarchy that dissipates into nothingness.

There’s no sustainability around six ether. So I said, the dego publication, right? When you have the sun at solar maximum, it has the ability to kill off a lot of people, those who are following the principles of the six ether energy, which is basically the silver key. And the silver key is the lunar light like energy under the spirit of the moon. Because when you look at this right here, this is the sigil of the spirit of the moon, which is basically a direct emulation of the sigil system that’s on the celestial body of the sun, which is basically the personification of a solar wind.

And those solar winds is the size of 60 earth earths. So then you also have. It’s basically a direct emulation of the sigil system of the number six in ancient Hebrew. So, like I said, the sunspot activity is basically dematerializes everything in the material plane, right? And it’s going to activate the six electrons, six protons, six neutrons, the God body, the God frequency. Right? So with that being said, when you’re not operating from a God frequency, you’re going to have many different people falling, collapsing.

So this is why this video I got to show you. They are shipping out hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of body bags all over the country. This is proof that something big is about to happen. Why else would they be preparing millions of body bags, sending them out over the country in unmarked vehicles in FedEx vehicles? Why would they be doing this? Something big is about to happen.

Are you prepared for what’s coming? Have you stocked up on food? Have you stocked up on water? If you haven’t woken up yet, you are running out of time, because whatever’s coming is right around the corner. They are censoring me. I need you to like the video for the algorithm. So, like I said, they shipping out body bags just like that time period, I think was in early 2010, 2012 or something.

Remember they had those plastic coffins by some train tracks all around the planet? So, with that being said, now, this is where we get into the fact that, like I said, it can be one of those things where you got to understand the anatomy, structure, right? You got to understand what non ether is, right? Non ether is basically when you’re talking about these frontal mass ejections that’s in the planet, these x class solar flares that activates the x gene, right? So non ether is basically the personification of antimatter.

It’s basically personification of electricity, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, and resonant energy. So when you understand the principles of the non ether energy, you will be able to tap into your power, right? You’ll be able to tap into your power. So that’s why you got to get this publication by Dr. York. It’s talking about the reengineering of the reengineering of the non ether, which is acclimated to the nine attributes of the ether in the ancient science.

Ether permeates of all nature, because one thing about ether is basically the fifth element. It’s the quintessential element that sparks creation, because it’s connected to the four basic elements of earth, wind, water, fire, right? So that sparks creation in itself when it’s conjoined with ether, which is a dark energy. And that dark energy is a foundation of the grand unified theory of everything on the planet through ionization and plasma and electromagnetic radiation, that causes neutrinos.

And those neutrinos sparks everything on the planet in the form of carbon, because carbon is the building block of all civilization. So this is where the planet and your biological system is able to receive and transmit information right through the neuroendocrine transducer to where it transmutes the carbon body into a crystalline state. So, like I said, you got to be metamorphosizing with the planet, because when that ether that’s coming in, ether ain’t nothing.

When you’re talking about the Aurora borealis, when you see that green energy that’s hitting the planet, hitting our atmosphere? That ain’t nothing but electromagnetic radiation and ionization basically happening at the same time. That’s ether that’s coming in, right? That’s basically the aura of the planet. And when you operate from the God frequency, that is your aura. And that aura in itself is what connects you to the sun when the sun is at solar maximum.

So this is where you’re talking about the poleship activation, pole ship activation. The planet is activating. You supposed to be activating with the planet. You supposed to be activating with the planet under the sun cycle. For those who are stuck in the lunar cycle with patriarchy, you want to get artificial intelligence, you want to eat all the genetically modified foods that have these nanobots and stuff in there or whatever, you’re going to fall when the system falls.

Because one thing about coronal mass ejections and x class solar flares, it basically dematerializes everything from a form of technological devices. So when you have these devices in your anatomy, you’re going to fall when all the grid system basically falls, right? You’re going to fall when a metatronic overlay. So ether is basically the electromagnetic radiation that permeates outer space is a fundamental force of nature that motivates movement of matter.

Matter is dark matter energy, right? Ether. So that’s why it’s imperative to understand, like I said, the neutrinos sparks the soul of man. Solomon’s temple. Matter of fact, like I said, ether is basically the fifth element. It’s the quintessential element that’s connected to the four basic elements, fire, air, water, earth, and conjoined. That’s when you get the star Polaris, or the tetrahedron energy of the tetrahandria radiation that’s coming from the sun, right? So this is where you get into Tahooti, who is thoth as above, so below as within, soul without.

So that dark matter energy, like I said, those neutrinos, sparks the soul of man. Solomon’s temple. When you’re looking at this star, Solomon’s temple is basically the soul of man, or activate the son of man and the son of man connected to the sun from that radiation. So that’s how you activate that energy, right? So that’s why how you activate the Markaba light ship, it’s the centripetal and the centrifugal forces conjoining together, right? Which is to where it combats the dualistic paradox of the energy extraction matrix.

So you activate your macabre light ship. The ka is the spirit and the ba is the body. You activate your light ship by working in connection with the solar cycle, right? So the combines of posing energies in perfect balance, masculine and feminine, Earth and the cosmos. This union results in activation of light and protection around your body that can transport your consciousness to higher dimensions. Connect you to the spacetower continuum, where you activate your akashic records through the epigenetic body, which is connected to the oversold.

And your oversold is your Zohar body, your higher self, which reminds us of the potential power we yield when we find balance and raise our vibration, right? So that’s why you see thoth with the emerald tablets. The atlantean priest guy, he is holding what, right, he is holding that sigil, right? The conjonine forces of the Mercaba light ship. I told you. You connect all the four basic elements amalgamated with ether, right? That’s how you activate.

So all these four basic elements is basically connected to the planet, planet Earth, which is a form of carbon. So when you have carbon amalgamating with ether, that sparks the soul of man, right? Solomon’s temple, that green ethereum energy. So shout out to young yelter in phase one for the green light movement, right? So that’s why it’s imperative to understand the electromagnetic spectrum of the frequency bandwidth, because that frequency bandwidth, that radiation, that cosmic radiation that’s hitting the planet, that is the God frequency, that’s ether that’s hitting the planet.

So, Ether, what it does is when it’s collaborating with the carbon body, it doesn’t matter what type of radiation that’s coming to the planet. It can be military modification weapon that’s being facilitated by the government. It doesn’t matter. All these energy, 5g frequencies, all these ultraviolet frequencies, radio frequencies, microwave frequencies, fm radio frequencies, it don’t matter what frequency. Ether and carbon has the ability to absorb it all because when ether and carbon collaborate together, that creates gamma radiation, right? That creates gamma radiation.

When you’re looking at this right here, which is also the symbology of the color green, what is green? The green is basically the personification of the green ethereal energy when you’re talking about the sufi order of the suns of green light, right? Because now, that’s when you get into the Hulk, right? Hulk, he was operating from a place of gamma radiation. It tells you, right here, it says, gamma radiation normally destroys human tissue.

So when adamus took on the power of hope, he used Samuel Stern’s nanobots to alter his cells. When you alter the cells of ether collaborated with carbon. It creates immortalized cell lines to where the cells has the ability to replicate itself and to have a form of restoration in a revitalization process that activates the God body. So this is where you allow them to contain and use the hoax gamma energy.

Gamma is the same color as the heart chakra, right? That green ethereum energy. So that radiation is a unique thing in the visible eye. So one thing, when you activate that God frequency, when you activate that gamma radiation, right, what happens is you’re able to see in certain visible light spectrums. So this is where when you activate the God frequency, you’re able to tap into where you can see beyond the electromagnetic spectrum, just like dicenian glass has the ability to.

Because when you activate that heart chakra, one thing you got to understand about the heart chakra, the frequency band of your chakra system, you have to have your endocrine system in alignment. Your endocrine system is basically comprised of three things, which is the thymus gland, the hypothalamus gland, and the thyroid gland, your thymus gland, which is connected to the heart chakra that connects the frequency of the soul and the mind together to where you become a whole brain thinker.

When you become a whole brain thinker, right. That’s when you activate the magnetites and the dendrites to where you activate the same capabilities as a dicenian glass. Dicenian glass is where you can activate the two physical eyes merged in with the spiritual eye to where you can see frequency, where you can see entities, where you could see draconians, ufos or whatever, right? That’s where your personification of the veil being uplifted within you, not just when a dome cracks open, right? So what you look at, there’s a reason why it costs almost $9,000, right? It’s kind of like the same thing, like when you activate the God within you, when you activate your higher abilities, what happens is you ever seen the movie they live? When he put on those glasses, he was able to see the world for what it truly was through the two physical eyes.

Because the two physical eyes are basically the personifications of the false light when you’re trapped inside of a dome, the sun and the moon. And the third eye is the personification of the true light, which is the spiritual sun of the star Polaris, outside of the dome in the fifth dimension, which is the magnetosphere, right? So like I said, when you activate these higher abilities, that’s when you be able to see things for what it is.

So that’s like I said, during this time period, you’re going to see a lot more things that’s going to get exposed. As we’re in solar cycle 25, you’re going to have a lot more people waking up to see beyond the illusion, see beyond the metatronic overlay, to see beyond the piscion dark energy that was propagated by the deep state shadow government, the cabal. So, with that being said, I’m going to show you this video.

Whoo. So just to simplify things when you talk, I just want to show people, through scholarship and through. Just to show people, you got to show people through the arts that all this stuff is taking place. Because I’m not one of those people where my word ain’t, I don’t want my word. I can just get on here and talk all day, but I got to show my receipts to show you what time we really living in.

So this is what westernized news is saying about these sun activations on the planet. Because I got to show you this in real time to let you know that we in this shit for real. I got to show you this stuff. There’s a lot of action happening right now on the sun. Just like climate patterns on Earth, the sun goes through a cycle of activity and it is ramping up right now, resulting in some pretty spectacular eruptions or solar flares.

But as Brian Hackney explains, that could cause serious disruptions here on earth. Getting pointed right at the sun with a little bit of focusing. Voila. That’s Professor Jeff Matthews. Close one eye, keep the other eye open and take a look down. What do you think? I think it’s not the sun. It is the sun, right. That is, the only thing bright enough to get through this filter is the sun itself.

Andrea Zapala isn’t the only one excited about what’s happening on the sun lately. Wow. Late in November, what’s called an archipelago of sunspots rotated into view around the sun’s northeastern limb. And under the watchful eye of Stanford student Ethan lopes. On the sun right now, we get to see these fairly dark spots and which are very large, magnitude, which means that they’re like several earths, large for each little dot that we see as the sun rotates, it’s bringing these things to bear on us.

And then we hold our breath. As the eleven year cycle of solar activity approaches its peak, the number of sunspots is increasing. So as more activity is ramping up, we’re seeing more of those solar flares and coronal mass ejections, but basically just big eruptions on the sun. That part isn’t unusual. This is one of the first times that we get to see so many dark spots that are close to each other and so large.

In fact, just hours ago, massive prominence is leapt from the sun, carrying billions of tons of solar plasma. Last week, the sun spat this coronal mass ejection from its surface. When it hit earth, it just produced amazing displays of northern lights. But if they’re big enough, they can reach. See, that’s what westernized science to say. You know what I’m saying? This is why you should not listen to eurocentric information.

You know what I’m saying? Because they’re going to tell you things that’s actually not the truth or whatever. Because what they do is, when you live in a dualistic paradox, they mix truth with lies. Because somebody’s lie could be the truth, and somebody’s lie, somebody’s truth can be the lie. So that’s why you got to operate from a state of reality, because the reality is THe aurora borealis.

These aurora frequencies is actually ether that’s coming to the planet from these coronal mass ejections. So, like I said, it’s the same color spectrum of the heart chAkra. It’s the same color spectrum when you’re talking about Hulk, it’s the same color spectrum of the spirit of Melchizedek. When you’re talking about the Sufi order of the sons of Green light. It’s the same color spectrum when yOu’re talking about the CHrist consciousness or CHrisTos or KrIsHNA.

And Krishna is the outermost manifestation of Shiva. ANd SHivA is equated to seven. ANd seven in the alphabetical spectrum is the letter g, and g is the 7th letter. So that means it activates the God frequency, the Christ consciousness, in you, right? So when you’re talking about a magnetic pole shift in new heaven, new earth, when you go to revelation, chapter 21, verse one, when you’re talking about the return of God, I mean, the return of Jesus is not the return of Jesus.

It’s the return of the ChrIst. It’s the return of the Christ consciousness that is activated by these green ethereal energies, right? That happens through ionization particles, right? Through fractions of light that’s coming from the star Polaris outside of the dome. And the star Polaris is basically the personification of the activating the Merkaba light ship. But if they’re big enough, they can reach. Early this morning, 6 million people across Quebec woke up to darkness and disbelief.

They don’t know, but they suspect it may have something to do with solar flares. Quebec and part of the northeast United States had their power grid knocked offline the last week. Scientists recorded some of the lock. Like I said, now we’re going to get into the. He says something about the power grid, right? Like I told you, anything that’s connected to the metatronic overlay, you’re done. So this is why this just happened.

Yesterday, China’s cyber army infiltrating the United States. About 1 million people work in cybersecurity in the United States, but there are nearly 600 unfilled positions. So that’s why I said, when you understand the geopolitical instability raises threat of catastrophic cyberattack in the next two years. So that’s when we get into Iran and China and all these other countries. When you’re talking about an EMP, an EMP when it knocks out the power grid.

So it’s inevitable that this event is going to take place. Like I said, you got to understand the diametrical difference between a CME or an EMP. Is it going to be happening from nature or is it going to be activated by the government? Now, that’s the main thing. That’s all speculation. We don’t know which one’s going to take place, but we all do know that nature must take back the planet.

So it could be a coronal mass ejection that hits the planet and knocks out all the power grids in every country on the planet to bring about this new, or to basically dematerialize this new world order system. So, like I said, they been said it’s inevitable that the power grid is going to get knocked out. They’ve been saying it. You know what I’m saying? The Obamas, they just put out a movie called leave the world behind.

And I’m going to break a piece of that movie down because it works in conjunction to the solar cycle 25. When you’re talking about the magnetic pole shift activation. Right. Woke up to darkness and disbelief. They don’t know, but they suspect it may have something to do with solar flares. Quebec and part of the northeast United States had their power grids knocked offline the last week. Scientists have recorded some of the largest flares this century.

This was bad enough, but the event that was the granddaddy of them all, the Carrington event. The Carrington event. In 1859, this sunspot cluster fired a flare at Earth, literally burning up telegraph offices and pushing the northern lights down to South America. And that was 1859. That was 1859. Now we’re much more dependent on a system of long wires, right? Our power grid, where we have these wires struck across the land.

I told you, technology is the third eye for the beast. Technology. When you’re looking at these power lines, these grid systems is connected to the interstellar projection grid system on the planet. That’s what basically encases the dome structure. It’s basically the glue between the firmament and planet Earth. That’s what this grid and these lay lines do, right? It keeps connected to the metatronic overlay. It subjugates the body.

It subjugates everything in nature because it puts the planet in a state of cryostasis. It locks down and puts an encryption on the planet. It locks down, puts an encryption on nature. It locks down and puts an encryption on the body. So these ethereum energies is basically breaking open the dome in increments, right, to where you can get an influx of that energy that’s coming to the planet.

I’m going to play the video landscape. The disruption to long distance energy transmission would be epic. Sobering. Let’s go with sobering. That’ll be my choice here. In the meantime, put your eye right up there. We just can’t say exactly what we’ll see. I see like, some. A plane passed right in front of it. Oh, my goodness. That’s perfect timing. Oh, my. Well, the Earth’s atmosphere shields our bodies from the impacts of solar flares.

NASA’s solar dynamics Observatory. Notice she said the Earth’s atmosphere. I need you to just like in the firmament in the Arkansas video, our atmosphere is comprised of 78% nitrogen. That nitrogen has a hexahedron sigil system of the atomic structure of it. It’s basically encapsulating the planet in the form of a dome structure, right? It basically puts an encryption over the planet to block out these energies. But like I said, nature is going to reverse the polarity of the energy extraction matrix.

I got hiccups like a mug. But we still going to put out the edification because we got to make it all make sense, right? So this is why you’re starting to see anomalies like this. Shout out to Kala Amara. This is a video that he’s seen something in the sky, right? Saturday, December 9, 2023, on his gregorian calendar. This is not the moon. This is not the sun.

Look at all the colors. This is not the moon in which we know it is. I just recorded a video the other day showing you the moon was rising right before the sun. It was the moon, I don’t know if that was a star or planet, whichever. It was another celestial object and then the sun was rising and it wasn’t even a full moon. This is not the moon.

This is an object that is orbiting with the sun. I don’t know what this is. I’m not here to claim to tell you what it is. I do not know. You can see the pulsating. My hand is not moving. That’s that celestial object right there. That is moving. My hand is not moving. I’m going to move up a little bit now. Now my hand is moving. I am not moving.

I am not moving. I am not moving, people. Little shake there, here and there, but that’s not me. This celestial object, let me put it back in the center of my screen. Here you go again. I am not moving. I sit it in the center of my screen, people, and this is what’s going on. I am not moving. And that is rotating counterclockwise, that object is rotating counterclockwise and it has an energy field around it, like a black energy field.

I am not moving, people. I am telling you I am not moving. You can believe this if you want to. That is truly up to you. I am not deliberately turning my camera to the right and that object is moving to the left. I am not doing that. Star family years old. Like I said, man, we in that time, you better get right before it’s too late. You better get right within yourself, you know what I’m saying? You got to be working on yourself at all times because this is a real thing that’s taking place.

So like I said, you got many different life cycles of the sun. You got the sun. Now, like I said, an orange star is a sun that’s about to die. So when it reaches solar maximum, that’s where you get the red giant. And then the red giant is transmuted into a planetary nebula and then it’s transmuted into a white star. And that white star basically means that it lost the magnetic field frequency of the planetary nebula.

Then it’s transmuted into a black hole. And a black hole takes you to a different space and time. New heaven, new Earth, revelation, chapter 21, verse one. Right? So that is your magnetic pole ship. That is basically the symbology connection of the pole ship activation when you’re talking about the eschatological timeline, right? So like I said, the sun in itself has the ability to spark revolution. It can spark many different revolutions all throughout american history.

French revolution, July Revolution in France, that’s what the sun energy does when the sun is at solar maximum. It creates a revolution on the planet. And the revolution, like I said, won’t be televised because that’s when the grid system is going to be knocked out in solar cycle 25. Right. So I’m going to play this video has opened up in the sun’s surface and is spewing powerful streams of unusually fast radiation known as solar wind.

Right. At Earth, the size and orientation of this gap is wider than 60 earths, which is unprecedented at this stage of the solar cycle. The giant dark patch on the sun, known as a coronal hole, took shape near the sun’s equator on December 2 and reached its maximum width of around 497,000 miles, 800,000 km within 24 hours. Since December 4, the solar void has been pointing directly at Earth.

Experts initially predicted this most recent hole could spark a geomagnetic storm, which could trigger radio blackouts and strong aurora displays for the next few days. However, this time we were just lucky. The solar wind has been less intense than expected. So the result we get is that auroras are still possible at high latitudes. It is unclear how long the hole will remain in the sun, but previous coronal holes have lasted for more than a single solar rotation, 27 days in the past.

However, the hole will soon rotate away from Earth. Like I said, as a direct emulation of the sigil system of the spirit of the moon, which is the lunar light lock. They put an encryption on the planet, the sleep spell of Kangu, the six ether energy. And then it’s also an emulation of the number six in ancient Hebrew. So when you look at that, this is the number six in ancient Hebrew.

Then when you look at the bottom right, the sigil of the spirit of the moon. Same sigil, right, that’s the sunspot. That’s on the celestial body of the sun. That’s producing an amalgamation of sunspot activity. So that’s exactly what you’re looking at. So, like I said, that is going to reverse a polarity of that subjugated the planet, that six ether energy that was controlled by the argons and the Canaanite.

So we’re going to get into the canaanite stuff later, when the magnetic fields that hold the sun in place suddenly open up, causing the contents of the sun’s upper surface to stream away in the form of solar wind. According to the National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as known as NOAA, coronal holes appear as dark patches because they are cooler and less dense than the surrounding plasma. This is similar to why sunspots appear to be black.

But unlike sunspots, coronal holes are not visible unless they are viewed in ultraviolet light. The radiation streams from coronal holes are much faster than normal solar wind and often trigger disturbances in Earth’s magnetic shield, known as geomagnetic storms. The last coronal hole to appear on the sun, which emerged in March, stat out the most powerful in the US. But it also forced spaceflight company rocket lab to delay a launch by 90 minutes.

Strong geomagnetic storms can be troublesome for spaceflight as they increase the density of gases in Earth’s upper atmosphere, thereby increasing the drag on satellites and other spacecraft. In February 2022, SpaceX lost up to 40 brand new starlink satellites when they failed to reach orbit after being launched into a minor geomagnetic storm. We can expect more extreme space weather events like this powerful geomagnetic storm as the sun builds towards a peak in its eleven year solar activity cycle.

History has witnessed the destructive power of such events on at least two occasions in the past, leaving us pondering the implications of the approaching peak of solar activity in 2025. Now our sun is once again nearing its maximum activity, and the likelihood of another powerful blast of plasma is increasing. Back in history, on September 2, 1859, british astronomer Richard Carrington observed a giant solar flare. Just 18 hours later, our planet was struck by one of the most formidable geomagnetic storms ever recorded.

Telegraphs across Europe and North America stopped working, and many telegraph poles caught fire. People could see the northern lights almost all over the planet. Although humanity recuperated relatively swiftly from this calamity, our civilization wasn’t as dependent on electricity as it is now. The impact of another major solar storm in March 1989, though less potent, plunged the entire canadian province of Quebec into darkness, leaving millions without electricity for a staggering 12 hours.

Now the prospect of a solar outburst of Carrington event magnitude looms ominously, heralding potential catastrophe. Historically, scientists believed such solar storms were rare, occurring once in a century. However, groundbreaking research by the University of Warwick and the British Antarctic Survey unveiled a startling revelation. Powerful magnetic storms are more frequent than previously thought. The sun’s activity follows an approximately back to, I was saying, gamma radiation. Look at that.

Like I said, that green ethereal energy, that sunspot activity is activating that green ether. Like I said, that’s why everybody’s propagating the green light movement. That is the sufi order of the sufi order of the sons of green light. The spirit of Melchizedek. That’s the guy. Frequency approximately eleven year cycle, reaching a zenith of violent outbursts, where charge particles relentlessly target our planet. Thorough analysis of Earth’s magnetic field changes confirm that the most formidable burst of geomagnetic activity correspond to the sun’s most potent explosions.

During their investigation, the scientific team identified two types of dangerous events for Earth. First, there are strong magnetic superstorms, which happen about every three years. These storms can affect individuals sensitive to weather changes, but generally don’t cause significant disruptions to technology. The second type is the rarest and most destructive, the megastrong storms, which occur even less frequently. Throughout the span of over 150 years, only six such events have been recorded.

This suggests that these tumultuous cosmic events occur approximately every 25 years, with no megastorms transpiring. In the past two decades, however, scientists anticipate that the next colossal outburst is looming on the horizon. In 2012, a massive and potentially perilous solar eruption did occur, albeit with the solar wind veering in the opposite direction, barely grazing our planet’s surface. As we await the advent of the next monumental solar flare, our fortune may not hold as firmly.

The exact consequences in such a scenario cannot yet be predicted. But one thing is certain. The skies will light up with stunning auroras around the world. There’s also a possibility that among these auroras, a special kind called a strong thermal emission velocity enhancement, or Steve, may appear. These enchanting auroras, glowing purple or white ribbons, were observed during the August 2022 geomagnetic storm. Even as far south as Pennsylvania, scientists still don’t fully understand this optical phenomenon, but it frequently occurs during solar storms.

However, Steve is not merely a celestial light show. Scientists have valid concerns that this radiant spectacle could be accompanied by a catastrophic megastorm, which could unleash havoc upon our technological infrastructure. Imagine electronic and aviation equipment faltering, communications breaking down, power grids in chaos. Like I said, like you said, power grids and chaos. Again, like I told you, stay off the airplanes. I’m telling you, got to stay off those airplanes.

Stay off anything as far as, like, ships and things of that nature. I know they building up that it’s supposed to be coming out around spring of this year, that new. It’s a ship that. It’s a big old carnival ship, and it’s basically like when you go on a cruise with your family, but it’s supposed to be the biggest one. It’s even bigger than the Titanic and things of nature.

It’s the biggest ship ever created. And like I said, I think something’s going to go down with that, you know what I’m saying? It’s inevitable for certain things to happen, because, like I said, they got to create this. They got to put the truth in your face, basically. And satellites struggling to maintain their orbit. The destructive effects might even reach the depths of the ocean, endangering underwater communication cables and causing a prolonged Internet blackout.

The potential financial toll of such an event is staggering, with estimates reaching billions, if not trillions, of dollars. If solar winds of this power hit our planet in 2012, some countries probably wouldn’t have fully recovered up to this date. Still, the absence of technological amenities pales in comparison to the myriad of other catastrophic effects that solar storms can trigger, like droughts, floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Notably, periods of heightened and fluctuating solar activity correlate with a surge in the frequency of seismic activity.

The devastating magnitude 9. 1 earthquake that ravaged Indonesia in 2004, unleashing a massive tsunami and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, serves as a haunting testament to the potential perils entwined with solar storms. The consequences were also felt by nations such as India, Thailand, Bangladesh, the Maldives Islands, Sri Lanka, and Somalia, resulting in a tragic loss of over 283,000 lives, with thousands missing and over a million rendered homeless.

Now, as the sun approaches its peak activity in the eleven year cycle, our vigilance becomes even more crucial. Yet even after stormy activity subsides in 2025, can we truly heave a sigh of relief? Solar cycle 25. Ladies and gentlemen, we at the brink of the planet being at solar maximum. Now, this is where this movie basically works in conjunction to everything. When you’re talking about solar cycle 25, the sun being at solar maximum, and things of that nature.

So this movie was basically produced by the Obamas. The movie is called leave the world behind. It’s on Netflix. So one thing you got to understand about the movie, the movie came out in theaters on 1122, right? November 22. So when you add up all the numbers together, you get 33. And then when you understand the symbology of 33, that is a free masonic number. And then a movie also came out on Netflix on December twelveth, right? You take twelve plus eight plus two plus zero plus two plus three, you get 27.

27. Two plus seven equals nine. So that nine ether energy they know is going to knock out the power grid. Because this movie is based on a cyberattack. When you’re talking about the power grid being shut down in the movie, it shows you that the economic system basically faulted out. The energy extraction matrix grid system faulted out, had all these planes and helicopters and everything falling out of the sky.

You had many different forms of desolation happening during this time period. Right. That’s why you got to watch this movie, because it’s telling you this movie wasn’t actually a movie. This was the last warning. So that’s why at the end of the movie it said the last one, but the last one it was. According to a little girl, she wanted to see the last episode, but it was a metaphysical codex talking about the last warning.

So this movie is actually a last warning telling you to get your shit together, basically, because there’s a lot of stuff that’s going to be taking place. But within the movie, right. In the beginning of the movie, it shows you about the white lion. The white lion is equated to when the Dutch and the British came over here on the white lion in 1619, right. So one thing you got to understand about the British, the original inception point of the British were actually briffs, and a briff is another name for a blackamore.

And the Blackamores, they implemented the Spanish Inquisition and they collaborated with a contract, which is a covenant with the spanish conquistadors, who are also blackamores. Right. And these British and these Dutch that came over here in 1619, that’s when they established the so called 13 colonies, right. So that’s why the ship, the setting of the movie, is actually in New York. Right? So that’s where the white lion, which is the white lion, is an operating dutch letter of Mary, the first Africans, to the english colony of Virginia in 1619.

So now this is basically showing you the reality of the so called 400 year curse. So from 1619, when you’re talking about the white lion, when you look at this emulation, these are blackamores coming to the land, right. Spanish constitutes blackamores. The Dutch, they are coming to the land in a form of ecclesiastical law. One thing you got to understand is about the inception points. The European, during that time period, they didn’t have access to maritime law, they didn’t have the technology to circumnavigate the sea.

So that’s how you know it was black or moors that was on the white lion came to the geographical landmass of America and took us out of our sovereign capacity through ecclesiastical law and amorty law. Right, which took you out of your land. Right. Through a form of many different 1724 black christian codes and things of that nature, they created corporate internal codes, corporate structures that took you out of your own landmass.

Right. So with that being said, from 1619 all the way to 2019. That was basically the end of the 20 year, I mean, the 400 year curse. Then in 2020, that’s when Donald Trump, right? So like I said, we’re going to get back to the Donald Trump stuff, but right now, you’re looking at the black amores coming over here and taking the indigenous native american blacks, so called blacks, the so called Indians.

They took them out of their sovereign capacity because we was already here, right? So it tells you when the white line brought slavery to America, they came over here on that ship, right, and established, you know what I’m saying, your 13 colonies. Because like I said, one of the 13 colonies is actually in New York. The setting of the movie is in New York. That’s where the ship landed at in the movie.

So, like I said, this is all equated to Donald Trump, right? So, like I said, from 1619, when they came over here on the white lion and established slavery, from 1619 to 2019, that is the end of the verification period of the 400 year curse, right? That’s why in 2020 of July the Fourth, Donald Trump signed a declaration of independence, which is basically the personification of the restoration of a republic, because you know that the aquarian energy of the golden age has to be facilitated by a republic, which is a matriarch.

So with that being said, that basically dismantles the corporation in itself. So that’s why the Balfour Declaration on October 31, it expired. This is why the Vatican filed chapter eleven. The United States corporation filed chapter eleven. The Federal Reserve system filed chapter eleven. All these corporations and enterprises that’s connected to the energy extraction matrix, basically dematerialized. So there is no corporation for the deep state shadow government talking about the cabal, because he was talking about the cabal in a movie who control the world.

So that’s why you have in a reverse of frequency. You have in a reverse of frequency, because you end the sun cycle. The sun cycle has to be galvanized by a matriarch, and the matriarch is a republic. So that’s why Donald Trump signed the second declaration of independence on July 4, 2020, a year after the 400 year curse of 1619 to 2019. Right? So, like I said, that is full disclosure about what’s taking place on the planet.

So that’s why you have the seven year tribulation period from 2023 to 2030. 2023 was actually the beginning points of it, because that’s why all the corporations file chapter eleven. So this is why America, or the United States corporation itself, is $33 trillion in debt to the international banking system. And the only thing that’s connected to the international banking system as far as a corporate debt is the corporate war entities under the 14th Amendment, which is basically acclimated to the economic system of Wall street, because we all have a QCIT number, which is community uniform security identification procedure.

So that QCIT number, meaning that we’re a number to the system, because now we’re basically chattel property, right? So we’re basically collateral for the money and the debt that they got to pay back, which is the $33 trillion of debt to the international banking system. So since they can’t pay that money back, that’s why they got to create a form of depopulation, because it’s the end of their corporation.

So in order to depopulate the planet, that’s how they suspend the debt. So the debt in itself is going to be suspended. Like I said, it’s going to be from the knocking out of a power grid, from an EMP attack, or it’s going to be happening from a corona mass ejections. That’s what’s going to happen, right? They got to suspend the debt. That’s why it was projected in the Deagle publication talking about, it’s going to know a lot of people going to be dying off the planet, right? So that’s why, like I said, in order to suspend the debt, you got to have a lot of people dying off.

So like I said, now we in a sun cycle, you have the restoration of the republic, because like I said, it goes all the way back to the number 19, Donald Trump, he’s still the president under the continuity of government because he still has qualified immunity, meaning that he’s basically still the president of the republic. He’s the 19th president of the republic. Right? So he’s the last president, because there is no corporation.

The best way to understand that there’s no corporation. When you’re talking about Joe Biden’s inauguration and things of that nature, when nobody, the Navy SEALs, they didn’t have no emblems, no medals on their garments, when you’re talking about the 757 flight jet of the president or whatever, the seal is off there. The seal is off. Buckingham palace, the White House is basically closed down. All these capitol buildings, all these governmental buildings is shut down, right? So that’s how you know it’s the end of the corporation.

All these, their companies and enterprises they found in chapter eleven, right? The state of Israel expired with the baffle declaration. All these things is happening in real time. You just got to pay attention. So that’s why the beginning points of it was when he signed a second declaration. So a lot of people paint the perception that Donald Trump is a racist, but he’s really giving us back the land.

He’s telling us who we are. But like I said, he’s still connected to the establishment because he’s still in office. So you got to be very meticulous when it comes to people like that, even though he is propagating a republic, because all matriarchal civilizations, when you’re talking about indigenous people, we all operated from a place of a republic. So trusting our cause is having prayed for the fortitude and brave spiritual wickedness in high places, we, citizens of America make this announcement to shareholders of a corporation.

A shareholder is a slaveholder, right? We are basically slaves to the United States corporation under the 14th Amendment, because the 14th Amendment is a fraudulent contract. When you go to the federal laws and civil procedures, so it tells you it includes the city of London, the british monarchy system, and the Vatican, right? There’s nobody in Buckingham palace. There’s nobody inside. There’s nobody controlling the federal reserve system, because I told you that.

$33 trillion in debt. In order to suspend the debt, you have to depopulate the planet, because we are basically humanoid real estate. We are the money. So, like I said, the operatives in a government society. The second declaration of independence by the 50 states of America, right? So that’s how it basically works in conjunction with all this. So the new republic by Donald Trump, this is the second declaration of independence, distinguishes the United States of America from the subverse of the United States corporation.

One thing about when you understand that little word right here called of, denotes ownership of a certain people that connects you to the supposed to be. It’s supposed to be saying, the United States for America, not of America, because for America is for the people, and for the people is for a republic. So when you see the United States of America, it’s still connected to a corporation, and it asserts that the United States corporation was formed illegally and as foreign owned and shareholders, slaveholders have been quietly at war with America for 150 years.

Treasonous operatives embedded within the government and the fake news networks, which is the deep state shadow government. The cabal, as the guy he was telling you about, it was a shadow government who knew about the grid system going down in the movie, right? Divided the people, facilitated conflict among nations. To hire the US corporation illegally. That is a foreign own. So he’s basically talking about democracy. Anything under democracy is basically a foreign entity.

That’s the shadow government, right? So that’s how it’s basically connected to the whole movie, right? It’s connected to esoteric history that they hide from us, right? So for those coming in who’s late to the show, like I said, when you look at the celestial body of the sun, it is basically depiction and an amalgamation of many different sunspot activities that produces x class solar flares. And that sunspot that you see on a celestial body of the sun is an emulation of the number six in ancient Hebrew.

And six is a personification of the six ether, the spirit of the moon, which is the sleep spell of King gu under the lunar cycle, under the piscion age and under the age of Taurus. So that was the 6000 year curse. So the sun is basically extracting an energy in the atmosphere, that etheric force that reverses the polarity of the six ether, right? So you seeing the dualistic forces of non ether battling with six ether.

That’s what you’re looking at when you’re looking at this celestial body, right? So like I said, all throughout ancient history, when you study quantitative, scientific, analytical data, sunspot activity has the ability to alter human history. It can manipulate everything on planet Earth, right? Because like I said, you got green Ethereum energy coming down to the planet to reverse the polarity, the negative polarity that was propagated by the Canaanite who was doing the biding of black nobility.

Draconian archives. So ladies and gentlemen, with that being said, this video is very important for those coming in. Subscribe to this channel, get this video out there, share this video two or three times. Like I said, you got to get the information out because they putting it right in your face. Now they’re showing you through the movies because they have to follow and adhere to an occultic law.

And the occultic law is the three fold law. So they got to give it to you in a form of entertainment to basically get consent from you, from your subconscious mind, right? So they’re showing you through the movies, they’re showing you through the news, know what I’m saying? This is basically the last warning. So there’s a lot of stuff that’s going to be taking place because I told you 2023 was setting the tone and a frequency for the seven year tribulation.

2023 to 2030, that’s seven years, right? And I told you the seven is also the symbology of the God frequency, right? To activate the Christ ConsciousNEss, you activate the Christ consciousness from the Green ethereal. Energy from the sufi order of the sons of green light, the spirit of Melchizedek, right? Where you activate the Christ consciousness, because you’re talking about KrishnA. Krishna comes from the root word Christ, Christos, right? And ChristoS.

And KrIshNA is basically the outer manifestation of Shiva. SHIVA is equated to seven, right? Seven. When you’re talking about the letter g is a seven letter of the Alphabet. G is equated to God. So when you operating from the God frequency, that’s how you activate the spirit of Melchizedek. So that green ethereum energy that’s coming to the planet, that is basically producing an amalgamation of neutrinos that sparks the soul of man, which is SOlOmon’s temple, right? The son of man.

So the unity consciousness aspect of it is basically the dualistic forces of the divine feminine and the divine masculine, basically dematerializing the energy extraction matrix with unity consciousness. So there’s not going to be a macionic figure, everybody, when you’re talking about the 144,000, right? One plus four plus four equals nine, the non ether energy, the etheric force that connects you to the planet, right? That nine ether energy is basically going to activate the 144,000 chosen ones.

To reverse the polarity of the six ether energy that was created by the argons and the Canaanite, you go to revelation, chapter 1717 of Els holy and Jill. It tells you that the evil reptilian gave power to the beast. And the beast system has ended, right? And I showed you that in real time, right? The corporation has ended. That’s why all these businesses, these corporations, they found in chapter eleven, it’s the end of the corporation, right? So now when you back an animal into a corner, they got to create psychological operations to hide the fact that the planet is going through a magnetic pulse shift in the midst of a sun cycle.

So this is why you got to get your neurological faculties in order, right? You got to get your endocrine system in order. You know what I’m saying? You got to get on point, right? Because the best way to be balanced within the pole shift, you got to understand that the mind is also the embodiment of the frequency of the soul. So, like I said, when you study cardio electromagnetic communication, right, the heart chakra sends messages and transmitters to the neurotransmitters to transmute information to the brain to where you operate in a state of balancement.

You can’t get to the higher dimensions if you’re not balanced, right? That’s when you operate from the path of La Luke, that’s when you connect on the path of the middle way. That’s how you operate the spirit of Melchizedek, right? So that’s how you operate on the God frequency, the Christ consciousness, right? And it’s all happening due to the energy of the sun that’s coming, that’s producing these chronomass ejections and activating X class solar flares.

That activates the x gene, which turns you into an X Men, because when you activate the spirit of Chesadec, that is your higher self, that is the Zohar body. So when you activate that Zohar body, that’s when you tap into your higher abilities, right? That’s what makes you chosen. You know what I’m saying? That is the diametrical difference between you and npcs and the 85 percenters, the 85 percenters who are the ones who are acclimated to the metatronic overlay, which is the lunar light lock.

They going to be in a state of subjugation by operating on the frequency of the root chakra. And you’re going to be in a state of evolution by operating in a place of the green Ethereum energy that puts you in a state of ascension as a planet is ascending into the fifth dimension. So that is basically the delineation between the chosen ones and between the ones who have a veneration and accretance to the lunar cycle, right? Because the lunar cycle is basically the embodiment of patriarchy.

The sun is matriarchy. Patriarchy is connected to economics, religion, anything in a material plane. So the sun has the ability to dismantle everything on a material plane. For those who have a credence to the material plane, you’re going to fall when the system falls. So get your shit together. That’s what this video is all about. We in the midst of a magnetic pole shift and solar cycle 25.

I told you, when you see solar cycle 25, two plus five equals seven. Solar cycle 25 is actually the 7th seal. So, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. End of transmission 1014. We will put an end to this matter since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Calm is going to get to you.

And then you’ll have a cherry yet with only one less friend. No, I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive and thank you for my help and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage. Taking on another day when I used to not believe, but now I know about grace.

Stay away from the fire because the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes two. And do unto others if you want it done unto you. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the. This is completion. The Sofish protein Emerindi infinitian. I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pan melon and the Crecian. And we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of a lamb up of the avalanche seized it.

I live on Turtle island with the rest of the disease. Better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting c six asleep and fill my words like Brell. And they’re awakened with the penmanship of hindu script written in them. Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew.

That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the can.


  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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