The Chosen Ones: Why You Receive Weird and Strange Vibes

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Truth Mafia


➡ When you feel strange vibes from someone, it could be a warning sign of their upcoming change in behavior. This is often due to their internal struggles, which can be exploited by negative forces to harm others. It’s important to stay alert, maintain a balance in life, and not blindly trust everyone. If you feel these vibes, keep a safe distance, pray for them, and stay strong in your faith.


Ever felt those weird and funny vibes from someone? What does that really mean? I’ve talked about bad vibes and bad energy before. That’s the devil at work. But you get different vibes from people, right? One thing I’ve learned is that when you get weird and funny vibes from someone, it’s a warning they’re about to switch up on you. Prepare yourself, because it’s not really them. It’s what’s working through them. Some people are more vulnerable, and some are literally at war within themselves. Let me explain something about demons. When someone is at war internally, demons thrive off it.

They love it because they can destroy that person and use them to attack others, especially those on the righteous narrow path. You’ve got to be cautious with these vibes. Pay attention. The signs are there. If you have even a hint of wisdom, you’ll be able to detect it. Even back in my past, I got these vibes from people and chose to ignore them, thinking I was just overreacting. But then days or weeks later, I’d be betrayed. The vibes were there all along, warning me. I could have heeded these signs, but I opted to be kind and nice.

However, the Bible says there’s a time for hate and a season for every purpose under heaven. Remember Jesus in the temple? He flipped the tables and used a whip to drive out those who were corrupting the holy place. If he did that today, many would criticize him, claiming it’s not holy or righteous. But you’re not always supposed to be nice. Being nice all the time can lead to being used. You need balance. Ecclesiastes 7 16-17 tells us not to be overly righteous or overly wicked. Solomon in all his wisdom wrote in Ecclesiastes 3 that there’s a time for everything, even war.

Recognize the weird vibes as alerts to guard yourself and maintain a balance to navigate life’s battles without falling into traps or being manipulated. So the next time you feel those weird and funny vibes from someone, take it seriously. It could be a sign to protect yourself and stay alert. Remember, it’s not about always being nice, but about being wise and discerning. What does the scripture say? A man’s enemies will be those of his own household. The Bible also warns, trust not in a friend. Why does the Most High tell us this? He knows that in the last days, the spirit of betrayal will be at an all-time high.

Picture a man’s own family turning against him, daughter against mother, son against father. He warned us not to put our trust blindly in friends. The Bible even says, cursed be the man who puts his trust in man. So don’t just put your trust in my videos or any other content creators. Place your trust in the Most High. But let’s delve deeper into these weird, funny vibes. These people are at war. The demons thrive on this because they can work through others to try and ensnare you. It’s not that these people are inherently evil.

They’re just caught in a battle. Maybe they’re dabbling in witchcraft in secret. Or perhaps they’re struggling to leave their sinful ways behind. Remember, darkness never lets you go without a fight. Remember, when you step away from sin and darkness, it will react. You gave these forces access by your previous submission to darkness and sin. The very people you once parted with, the ones you shared laughs and highs with, could become your enemies. This is because, as the Bible says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places.

You must understand this if you consider yourself chosen or a warrior of the Most High. Ephesians 6 is essential reading here. To deal with these weird, funny vibes and energy, keep such individuals at a distance. Love them from afar and pray for them, for they might not even realize they’re being used. They might be unaware that the devil or demons are manipulating them through schemes like all forms of witchcraft, mind games and manipulation. When you’re targeted, they want you to destroy yourself. Look at Christ. I study him because I strive to live like him.

Of course, I’m not without sin, but his example shows that even in the face of overwhelming adversity and betrayal, there is a path of righteousness and a way to fight back without succumbing to the darkness. So remember these lessons when you feel those odd vibes from others. Pray, keep your distance, and stay rooted in your faith and the wisdom of the scriptures to navigate these trials. But you know, let’s talk about what happened to Christ when he fasted for 40 days. The devil approached him, and what did Satan say? He told Jesus to jump off a cliff, essentially telling him to end his life.

The devil is the father of lies, constantly lying and playing mind games. When you’re targeted by these dark forces, they want you to destroy yourself, just as Satan told Christ. He tried to manipulate Jesus, suggesting that he wouldn’t die and playing all sorts of mind games. Satan even manifested himself to Christ, showing the intense battle even the Son of God faced. This is why I emphasize the importance of prayer and fasting. This is how you truly break free from the devil’s power, from the grip of darkness, through prayer, fasting, reading your Bible, and applying its teachings to your life.

Spending time alone, at least from my experience, connects you more to the Spirit. One realization I recently had. When you fast, you gain immense spiritual power. I don’t know exactly why that is, but look at Brother Paul, Christ and Moses. They all fasted for long periods and were spiritually fortified. I struggled to go a week without food, so I’m nowhere near their level, and a lot of people claim to be at a high level of spirituality. But to me, if you’re not casting out demons or doing what Christ and his disciples did, that’s not truly high spirituality.

Many of us content creators, at least those I watch, we’re not doing that. So, reflecting on these truths, remember that the path Christ showed us involves more than just words. It involves action, prayer, fasting, and confronting the darkness with the light of faith. This is the journey to true spiritual strength and freedom. So we’re not on that level yet, and that’s okay. Those who walked before us, like the disciples, didn’t receive their power instantly. It took time. You have to be tested. With new levels come new devils. God has to trust you before he can grant you certain powers, and you’ll be tested many times.

Like I always say, new levels, new devils. Be cautious about those funny vibes and strange energy. It often appears out of nowhere because demons are using those people, planning something against you. Remember, everything starts in the spiritual realm before manifesting in the physical. Take demonic dreams, for example. If you have a wet dream, that’s a succubus attack. That entity will try to manifest itself in the dreams a demon in the spiritual realm got to you. And now, in the physical realm, they’ll send trials your way to the brink of spiritual death.

The Bible says, the wages of sin is death. They’ll use people to lure you back to your old ways, leading to spiritual death again. Proverbs tells us, a man who wanders out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead. All praises to the Most High, so be cautious. Those funny vibes and energy, that’s not always the devil. It’s often just people at war within themselves. They might be succumbing to their demons, or might not even realize they’re being used. It could be anyone, but often the devil loves using those who are unaware, including women, who can be seen as the weaker vessel.

So stay vigilant, understand the spiritual battles behind these interactions, and protect your path by staying connected to the Most High and his wisdom. This understanding will guide you through the spiritual warfare and help you navigate the challenges that come your way. Or it could be a man experiencing weakness in his flesh. Consider Peter, a true warrior for the Most High, who had his moments of weakness, which were exploited by those against him. So it’s clear it’s not only women who can be manipulated, men are just as vulnerable. Always be cautious, even with those who call themselves warriors of Christ.

Anyone can be a channel for these conflicting energies if they are facing their own battles or weaknesses. Remember, pay close attention to everyone around you. The devil has his role to play in this spiritual warfare, and so do you. Stay vigilant, maintain your discipline, and always be on guard against those who might be unknowingly used by darker forces. Peace to you all as you navigate these challenges. Keep your eyes open and your spirit tuned to discern the true nature of those around you, whether they are fellow warriors or not. Your spiritual awareness is your greatest defense.



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