THE FOG and NEW Outbreaks what are they hiding?

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🌫️ The Mysterious Fog: Is Predictive Programming Showing Us the Truth? Blog By Tommy Truthful 

Lately, reports of a strange fog appearing in different areas are surfacing, and it’s raising serious questions. Everywhere this fog shows up, people are falling ill—experiencing sore throats, coughs, and respiratory issues. What’s going on? Is this just a natural phenomenon, or is there something more sinister at play?

🎥 Let’s talk about predictive programming. In Stephen King’s movie The Mist, we see a terrifying narrative that feels eerily familiar to what’s happening now.

In the movie, a violent storm causes widespread chaos and power outages, forcing people to seek shelter in a supermarket. But the real danger isn’t the storm—it’s the mysterious mist that rolls in, concealing deadly, otherworldly creatures. The survivors grapple with fear, dwindling supplies, and rising tensions, showing how quickly humanity can spiral into chaos when faced with the unknown.

But here’s the thing: is this fiction, or was it a warning?

🔌 Cyber Polygon and the Power Grid
In real life, governments have been conducting simulations like Cyber Polygon, which focus on the power grid going down and creating chaos across society. Could this strange fog be part of a larger agenda? A way to collapse the economy and force us into a digital currency system, destroying physical cash in the process?

The fog’s sudden appearance and the illnesses it brings feel too coincidental. Just like in The Mist, where the storm was only the beginning, could this fog be the prelude to something larger—something planned?

🕊️ The Fog as a Silent Weapon
Think about it: in today’s world, they don’t need creatures from another dimension to create chaos. Chemical agents, bio-engineering, and psychological warfare are tools far more effective. Could this fog be linked to weather modification programs like HAARP, spraying unknown substances into the atmosphere? Could it be engineered to weaken us while they implement their digital dystopia?

This is where predictive programming comes into play. Hollywood isn’t just entertainment—it’s a mirror held up to the world stage, showing us fragments of what’s coming. We’ve seen this time and time again, with events eerily mirroring plotlines from movies and shows.

What Do You Think?
Is this fog just a natural occurrence, or is it part of a larger agenda? Is this their way of priming us for a total collapse? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and let’s discuss!

Reality is a Code—I am the glitch that reveals its secrets.
— Tommy Truthful

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➡ A mysterious fog is causing illness worldwide, coinciding with new disease outbreaks. Some believe the fog is artificially created, citing past instances like the U.S. Navy’s Operation Sea Spray in 1950, where bacteria was sprayed over San Francisco. Meanwhile, hospitals in China and the U.S. are overwhelmed with patients, reminiscent of the 2020 pandemic. Amidst this, there are reports of a new bird flu strain and reinstated mask mandates in response to a “quad-demic” of diseases.
➡ A spray caused one death and made 10 people sick in San Francisco, with almost all residents inhaling bacteria. Some think media like movies hint at such events beforehand. While most fog is natural, we should consider weather manipulation. New disease talks are worrying, but we should protect our freedoms and seek accurate information. Despite uncertainties, faith in God and the Bible provides unchanging truth and promises for believers.



Something strange is happening around the world with a mysterious fog that many people are claiming is making them sick. At the same time, we have new outbreaks happening around the world. In the U.S. we’re hearing talk of a quad-demic. What some people are terming the quad-demic of infectious diseases hitting hard this season. In China, reports are coming out that hospitals are being overwhelmed with patients very similar to what we saw in 2020. There are theories that the fog is connected to the sicknesses, which may sound crazy at first, until you hear about Operation Sea Spray, the U.S.

Navy-led operation in which the entire population of San Francisco was sprayed with biological bacteria infecting over 800,000 people in September of 1950. First, let’s take a look at this mysterious fog situation. Dense fog spanned nearly the entire U.S. on Tuesday morning as weather advisories were issued from Montana to the Gulf of Mexico in Texas, an unusual occurrence according to one meteorologist. Fog is not uncommon in January, particularly along the Gulf Coast as water temperatures drop. However, Roth called the extent of the dense fog on Tuesday an unusual occurrence. A lot of people are posting on social media that the fog looks abnormal and that after it appeared, it was making a lot of them sick.

Mysterious fog sparked fear across America. The scare began during the last week of the year and blew up on social media on December 29th when a flurry of postings appeared. Many people claimed that they could detect a chemical-like odor and that it coincided with flu-like symptoms. The most common theory is that the government is creating this fog, this chemical fog, and while that might sound crazy, there are patents for this type of technology. This video here has been seen many times, but it’s worth considering because this machine created by NASA can produce clouds that create rain.

We also have multiple patents that many people have been posting on X, such as this one which is the process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists, as well as this patent from 2022 which uses 3D graphene oxide nanoparticles for cloud seeding. So we can see that the ability to create clouds, mist, or fog does exist. A lot of people are saying that that’s what’s going on and that’s why they’re getting sick after this unusual fog. Now I’m not saying that these two occurrences are connected, but I just want to put all the information forth in relation to the mysterious fog and the outbreaks that we’re seeing.

But in a moment we will look at again a United States operation ran by the Navy where the United States population was purposely sprayed with a biological cloud that made people sick. But first let’s look at this whole outbreak situation that’s taking place all around the world. The coronavirus are making their winter rounds nationwide. In the triangle, the rise of respiratory illnesses is forcing some healthcare facilities to restrict visitors beginning Monday. WRL’s Laura Levine explains the quadruple whammy. A major threat is hitting communities hard this winter and no, we’re not just talking about winter storms. I would say for the past couple of weeks we’ve seen a pretty drastic rise in flu and RSV.

The most frightening one is probably what’s happening in China. Reports are coming out that hospitals are overrun with patients experiencing sicknesses. And this is very reminiscent of what we saw in 2020. Videos coming out of China are once again very similar to what we saw in 2020 with the fearful sights of mass amounts of people extremely sick. Many of you probably remember these types of images that came out of people laying in the street in China with other people in hazmat suits surrounding them. This drove a lot of the fear in people as this was right in the beginning of the whole 19 situation.

And people thought that they were just getting sick and dying in the street, which of course we later found out to not be true at all. But again, we’re seeing similar things coming out of China right now with these overpopulated hospital waiting rooms and people being brought in on beds and large groups of people in masks and getting IVs. Here’s a news report talking about this whole situation. And again, you’ll see how it’s very reminiscent of what we saw in 2020. Pretty weird stuff. Take a look. China is facing a new health crisis, a new disease outbreak, which looks a lot like the Wuhan virus.

And as always, Beijing is sharing no information. They’re calling it a pneumonia of unknown origin. That’s how Chinese authorities have described it. Beijing says it has set up systems, systems to monitor the outbreak. This is all happening right before Trump gets into office. Maybe this is an attempt to change the world stage before that happens. Hard to say, but things are definitely changing. Some great news coming out of Canada. Justin Trudeau is stepping down as prime minister, which is really great to hear if some of these outbreak things do increase, which we hope and pray that they won’t.

He was a terrible, unjust leader in that whole situation, and Canada really needs a breath of fresh air. So praise God for this answer to prayer that he is stepping down. So last night over dinner, I told my kids about the decision that I’m sharing with you today. I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister, after the party selects its next leader through a robust nationwide competitive process. As far as these new outbreaks, these aren’t just happening in China. We’re getting a lot of talk about this in the United States and in Canada as well.

H5N1 bird flu has been on the front page of news sites the past 24 hours, pushed pretty hard. America’s first bird flu death reported in Louisiana. Teen hospitalized for bird flu shows worrisome change in people. A Canadian teen who contracted the H5N1 bird flu in early November has fully recovered after a prolonged battle with the disease. However, genetic analysis of the virus that infected her revealed alarming mutations that could potentially enhance the virus’s ability to target human cells and cause severe illness. In some parts of the United States, we are seeing mask mandates come back in response to the bird flu, these other diseases, the 19, this quademic situation that many of the news sources are talking about.

Mask mandates are coming back in many parts of the U.S. due to concerns over a so-called quademic. Experts say a combination of flu, RSV, and neurovirus after the holidays is causing a sharp increase in hospitalizations in cities such as Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago. While more people getting sick after the holidays isn’t new, it’s happening as less people get vaccinated overall, and that’s due to what some call a c*** hangover. During the last week of December, California declares state of emergency in response to bird flu outbreak. This action from California Governor Gavin Newsom comes as cases were detected in dairy cows on farms in Southern California.

So we’re seeing that outbreaks are increasing around the world. We’re also seeing the strange fog around the world at the same time, so let’s look back at the fog for a moment because many people are claiming that’s how they’re getting sick. FogVid24 conspiracy theories about the fog across certain states engulf social media. One of the main reasons people are claiming this isn’t normal fog is because when they drive through it, there’s no moisture accumulating on their windshield and they don’t have to use their windshield wipers, claiming it’s some sort of chemical fog. SueHairOnX says, Pay attention.

Fog should have moisture. I just drove through thick fog, which by definition is when water condenses and creates tiny water droplets. All my life I had to use windshield wipers in fog, not anymore. This is dry chemical fog. Driving 30 minutes in fake fog, no windshield wipers required. Video 1230, 2024, Mississippi. Someone replied to her post with a video of them driving through fog, not needing any windshield wipers as well. I’m not an expert in driving in fog, but it does seem like there should be some sort of moisture accumulating on their windshield, at least even just a tiny bit when you consider what fog looks like when you’re looking at it at nighttime with a light.

Which is one of the other main claims that people are making online that the fog looks really thick and look strange when you look at it with a light at nighttime. Fog is practically just a cloud that is at ground level. So when you shine a flashlight in it, especially at night, it will look like that. So that’s really not that abnormal. But we do live in strange abnormal times where clouds and diseases and all these things can be manipulated, which brings us to a known event and one definitely worth looking into, which is Operation Sea Spray.

Operation Sea Spray was a secret biological warfare experiment that took place in 1950 by the US Navy in which they released two different bacterias that were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area. This was done to figure out how vulnerable a city like San Francisco was to a biological weapon attack, and this Operation Sea Spray did lead to the death of at least one American citizen and causing at least 10 to get sick. Based on the results of 43 separate locations around San Francisco, the Army determined that nearly all of the city’s 800,000 residents inhaled at least 5,000 particles of the two bacterias that they released.

So that is a very real event that we know took place. Some people believe that some of these events are told to us ahead of time in movies, music, and other forms of media. This is known as predictive programming, and when we look at the movie The Mist, there is a strange similarity. It’s okay. It’s okay. Here’s my opinion on this situation and how I look at all of these things. The majority of this fog is probably just a strange natural occurrence, but we do have to always consider the possibility of weather manipulation since we know it exists.

This recent talk of new diseases is a little concerning, but we should stay on top of it and make sure we keep our God-given freedoms while we also do our best to look for real information and how to actually keep everybody safe. This situation in China and the bird flu talk is definitely something worth keeping an eye on. But what’s most important is that God is still in control, Jesus is still Lord, and we should be declaring biblical truths over our lives. Jesus is the Word of God, and the Word of God is 100% true, and if Jesus is your Lord, then what it says about you is the absolute truth.

If God is for me, who can be against me? There’s a lot of uncertainties and unknowns in the world, but one thing that will never change is that the Bible is the 100% truth. If Jesus is your Lord, you can stand on the promises of what it says about you and about your future, so keep your mind focused on those truths. Keep your mind focused on those truths. [tr:trw].


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