The Jesuits: Secret TAKEOVER of Christianity (WARNING)

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In 2016, the Jesuits took over the Catholic Church. Six times six times six equals two hundred sixteen.
Jesuit Christianity Takeover-Sumerian-2016

Below is a rundown of some key events and developments related to the Jesuits and the Catholic Church during 2016. The 36th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus: 666 is the 36 triangular number. He’s known as the black pope!

    • Commencement in Rome: On October 2, 2016, Jesuit delegates from all over the world gathered in Rome for their 36th General Congregation (GC36). These gatherings don’t happen often—only when a Superior General dies or resigns, or when significant matters of governance, identity, or mission need to be addressed.
    • Election of a New Superior General: A critical moment came on October 14, 2016, when Venezuelan-born Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, S.J., was elected the 31st Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He succeeded Father Adolfo Nicolás, S.J., who had announced his intent to step down after leading the Jesuits since 2008. Father Sosa made history as the first Latin American to lead the order, mirroring the global Church’s shift under Pope Francis, himself a Jesuit from Argentina.
    • Key Themes and Decrees: During GC36, the delegates produced a set of decrees guiding the Jesuits into the future. They focused on deepening the Society’s discernment processes (the spiritual decision-making at the heart of Ignatian spirituality), renewing the Jesuits’ approach to mission and ministry, strengthening collaboration with lay partners, and reaffirming commitments to justice, education, social outreach, and ecological responsibility.
  1. Engagement with Pope Francis’s Vision:
    • Year of Mercy Conclusion: 2016 saw the culmination of Pope Francis’s Jubilee Year of Mercy (which ended in November). Jesuits across the globe embraced the Pope’s emphasis on mercy, compassion, and outreach to the marginalized. They integrated these themes into their educational institutions, social apostolates, retreats, and parish ministries.
    • Alignment with Papal Priorities: Jesuits continued to respond to Pope Francis’s calls for a Church more attentive to refugees, the poor, environmental stewardship (following the 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’), and interreligious dialogue. While not exclusive to Jesuits, their unique global network of schools, universities, and social projects served as fertile ground for implementing these broader Church priorities in tangible ways.
  2. Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and Social Justice Initiatives:
    • Although the founding anniversary milestones had passed the previous year (JRS was founded in 1980, so its 35th anniversary events concluded in 2015), in 2016 the Jesuit Refugee Service continued expanding efforts to aid displaced people worldwide. It ramped up educational initiatives in refugee camps and advocated for more humane migration policies. Their work aligned with the Church’s increasing focus on migrants and refugees as a pressing moral concern.
    • Jesuit communities and associated NGOs intensified their work across conflict zones and border areas, offering spiritual, psychosocial, and educational services. In 2016, they continued collaborating with other faith-based organizations to address the global refugee crisis.
  3. Local and Regional Apostolates and Institutions:
    • Across Jesuit provinces, various colleges, universities, and retreat centers launched new programs and initiatives. In 2016, these often emphasized interfaith dialogues, ecological responsibility, engagement with indigenous communities, and research aimed at social transformation—though these were more “bread-and-butter” expansions rather than singular headline-making moments.
    • Many Jesuit educational institutions began integrating the outcomes of prior congregations and papal teachings into their curricula, hosting symposiums on global justice issues, fostering service-learning opportunities, and enhancing the Jesuit presence in public discourse on ethics and public policy.
  4. Progress in Canonization Causes and Spiritual Heritage:
    • While no major canonizations of Jesuits took place in 2016 itself, ongoing causes—for figures like the Salvadoran Jesuit Rutilio Grande, who had been martyred decades earlier—gained momentum in discussions. This year was one of quiet steps forward, as advocates and Church officials advanced preliminary stages of such cases.
    • New scholarship and commemorations took place, looking back at the lives of prominent Jesuit saints, missionaries, and martyrs. Publications and seminars aimed to inspire new generations of Jesuits and lay collaborators, deepening their spiritual roots and understanding of the Society’s storied history.

In Short:
The year 2016 was pivotal primarily because of the 36th General Congregation, culminating in the election of Father Arturo Sosa, S.J., as Superior General.

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The Black Pope is the person who is truly in charge of the Vatican.

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➡ Pope Francis recently spoke about the unity of all religions, stating that all paths lead to God. However, the modern church system is criticized for becoming more of a financial institution, with exclusive content often hidden behind paywalls. Concerns are also raised about certain religious apps promoting practices that some believe are deceptive. The article also discusses the issue of Freemasonry within the church, highlighting a past investigation into its prevalence within the Southern Baptist Church.
➡ The text discusses the rise of a new form of Christianity and warns against being deceived by different interpretations of Jesus. It emphasizes that there is only one true way to reach God, through Jesus Christ, as stated in the Bible. The author encourages readers to stay true to their faith, resist the influence of modern religious trends, and continue spreading the gospel. The text also highlights the importance of not letting religious callings become commercialized, and trusting in Jesus for provision.



The Vatican, the Knights Templars, Freemasonry in the Church. There is an invasion in what we call Christianity and it’s been happening for a while now but we’re now seeing it globally accepted. Concluding his trip to Asia and the Pacific, Pope Francis spoke to young people at an inter-religious gathering. Because every religion is a way to arrive at God. It’s not a comparison. It’s not like living in a living place. It’s like living in a living place. Sort of a comparison, an example would be there sort of like different languages in order to arrive at God.

But God is God for all. And if God is God for all then we’re all sons and daughters of God. But my God is more important than your God. Is that true? There’s only one God and each of us is a language so to speak in order to arrive at God. There are different paths. Just to understand that there’s only one way. But in the world that we live in the modern day church system has become a financial institution. Modern worship music for the most part not all of it. There’s still some good ones out there for the most part has become an industry.

And you see it in many ministries now that if you want exclusive content you have to go through a paywall. Paywall here, paywall there, content here, everything behind a paywall. There’s something wrong with what has happened in what we call the church. The Vatican knows what it’s doing. And through the deception of Euchanism where they’ll tell you that we have way too many denominations which is true way too many denominations. There shouldn’t even be one. It should just be the body of Christ. But the Vatican which calls itself the mother of all churches.

And the pope who calls himself the vicar of Christ that is anti-Christ right there. They have a massive campaign at uniting the world as one. You have the hallow app as an example. This is an app that is promoted by a lot of people even by that individual who did the series The Chosen which is also sponsored in very widely part by the Vatican church. And they’ll tell you that this is an app for you to be able to pray. But this app is introducing to you meditation practices inspired by wicked people. This app is telling you to pray to the rosary.

This app is telling you to do the catholic cathisism. Hello and welcome to hallows how to pray series where we will walk through step by step how to pray and draw closer to god today we’ll learn how to pray the rosary together when we pray the rosary we seek to grow closer to christ we contemplate him through the eyes of mary his mother who shows us how to know and love him more deeply praying the rosary can help us find peace dedicate intentional time to god they’re using the name jesus to enter your home in your household in your phone in your churches but then they’re introducing to you catholic deceptive doctrines the guy from the chosen he’s telling you that one of the most powerful tools that you have against the devil is the rosary praying to the rosary how can you make a difference number one pray the rosary saint padre pio said the greatest weapon against the devil we have is the rosary try it try it folks let me share with you praying to a rosary bead is no different than what is done by hindus in fact most of this is believed to come from hindus buddhist and hindus use the japa mala which usually has 108 beads to chant their chant 108 times it helps some people be able to keep track with their fingers while using their voice to chant we know when we’re done the 108 because we feel this little piece here with our fingers even if we have our eyes closed funny enough in the japa mala we have the head bead which is also called the krishna bead we start with the first bead which is next to the head bead and we hold the bead with the thumb and the middle finger we avoid using the index finger and on each bead we chant the full mantra one time and on completing that mantra we move on to the next speed and it is recommended that we move forward after completing the mantra we move to the next speed and this way we complete one round when we come to the last bead in the japa mala it’s also based on chance that if you chant enough if you say it enough it’ll come true and you start counting bead after bead after bead after bead after bead and you start doing meditation practices in hopes that your chance can be heard they also promote you going to another man to confess your sins so you go to the confession booth and you pray your way your sins instead of repenting coming to jesus christ the only way and as you start diving deep into many of these apps that are inspired by the vatican church itself they’ll start telling you to pretty much worship mary here’s our confession myself my senior mag sometimes there’s a guest priest this is the light that’s on that tells you there’s a priest in the confessional now if you saw somebody go in then you probably don’t go in usually if the door is closed that means somebody’s in there if the door’s open that means there’s nobody in there all right so then we go in come on now the thing that i love about st pats confessional is that it’s a little bit cozy right and so it’s kind of like a nice little country cabin so first we have right here where you can go behind the screen if you’d like to go behind the screen that’s great you don’t want to see the priest face to face you want to more focus on the presence of jesus keep it anonymous that’s awesome that’s what god wants for you but you also have the option come on in to squeeze past the priest who’s sitting down here and then to go and sit right there so you’ll sit down and you can go this is the face to face option both are great the priest is wearing a purple stole purple is the sign of penance it’s also the sign by the way of royalty and so we begin confession in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit and the priest will say that the priest will begin that way and then you’ll say bless me father for i have sinned it’s been how long since your last confession maybe five weeks maybe seven months maybe 40 years and you know what the longer it’s been the happier i get okay just start telling you about purgatory the rosary as i’ve just mentioned but are any of these things new no this is a new app and these are new tools that are trying to unite the world is one with a new form of christianity that uses the name of jesus but it’s far away from jesus in 1993 in march 17th 1993 a report was done because the problem of freemasonry was so huge in the southern baptist church that they had to do an investigation in the report on it in fact the southern baptist convention was able to get approved an investigation to conduct a report and the report clearly indicated that the church the baptist church was filled with mason and their pastors pastors that’ll get up on the pulpit with their masonry ring on okay proclaiming jesus in the pulpit but in the actual lodge they have to conduct rituals to the great great architect of the universe and some of these individuals are calvinists so they’ll tell you that they’re preordained and preordained and preordained and because they’re preordained who’s going to tell them that this is a sin that god preordained them to go to the lodge and worship idol worship and worship idol gods you see the modern day church system relies on men teaching men doctrines which are diabolical like john calvin john calvin was a wicked man but here we have in the modern day church calvinism according to this report look what it says after they conducted a report and below this video on the description tab i’m going to have a link for you to read the report okay but these are just some highlights we acknowledge that many outstanding christians and southern baptists now are and in the past have been masons including such notable past southern baptist leaders as bh carol george w truit l r scarborough wt connor louis d newton and jb lawrence this report is pretty biased because look at what it even says and this is endorsed by the southern baptist church we recognize that many of the tenants and teachings of some grand lodges could be considered compatible with and even supportive of christian faith and practices whoever wrote this document from the southern baptist church if you’re part of that you need to run there’s absolutely nothing in a grand lodge in a freemason lodge that has anything to do with jesus christ read that document for yourself and be astounded at what is happening all around us a new religion is rising and it’s going to accept a new brand of christianity and as it keeps on rising they will use keywords to enter your house but there’s only one i am exit is 314 and god said unto moses i am that i am there’s only one way there’s not multiple ways there’s not many ways to come to him there is one way daniel 992 the lord our god be long mercies and forgiveness though we have rebelled against him yet there’s one who forgives in mark 2 5 through 7 and his name is jesus christ in zechariah 12 10 this is yahweh speaking here he speaks and says they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and then we see in john 19 37 and again another scripture says they shall look on him who they have pierced and jesus was pierced jesus is god manifested in the flesh jesus is that word become flesh first hemati 316 god was manifested in the flesh there is only one way it is not the vatican it is not this modern christian church system it is not this modern church industry they will come talking great about jesus muslims are doing this now with the honorable elijah mohammed he talks great about jesus but when you listen to him that’s another jesus i felt so sad the other day when i saw roy jones jr roy jones jr a man who loves the lord who’s preached the lord to many boxers and many people he was over there because of redodge season you see dubai and saudi arabia arabia is buying up all sports and that includes boxing and he was over there kneeling with a muslim praying as if they’re praying to the same god it is not the same god roy jones jr joined artur beterbiev in prayer during their recent tour of the uk a beautiful sign of unity and brotherhood between a christian and a muslim they were joined in prayer by spencer fearn at the entree restaurant at the conclusion of their tour at conclusion of the prayers spencer spoke to roy and artur about their experience so we just prayed uh we just prayed my greetings uh and they shot together now i didn’t know you were is that the first time you prayed the muslims very very sad the very first and fifth world feeling did you have it’s a awesome feeling uh every time i’m around you guys i feel like we all love it for it’s like it’s a great feeling to me to see that people are come integrated speak to god or preach without everything i think it’s a thing more than one time a day i feel the disconnect with the they were living with really good you think say that yeah how do you feel after the late always that don’t try to spin this whole world utopia will we all come together as one no there is one way anyone who tells you different is a liar is a thief is a deceiver anyone who tries to come up another way is a deceiver there is only one who purchased the church with his own blood acts 2028 only one it’s amazing because when you see the picture of the tabernacle in the old testament there was one gate man it was beautiful it was separating the holiness of god from this world that gate was located directly in the center of the outer court of on the east end the one and only gate was a representation of christ as the only way it was a foreshadow of the things to come in fact it was in direct opposition to awesome worship of the time and you mean to tell me modern day church that when people come with a little app that says jesus you’re just going to not be a berian and go in there and test what it says Jehovah witnesses will knock on your door talking about Jesus but they don’t believe Jesus Christ is the only way and god the Mormons will come riding their bicycle and knock on your door as well but there is another Jesus out there i warn you brothers and sisters as ministries out there i know it’s hard man don’t you think i don’t get offers all the time we want to sponsor your video just keep it lighthearted on the Jesus stuff no there is no lightheartedness on the Jesus stuff it’s Jesus or nothing and i don’t say that from a prideful stance as if i’m the only one no there’s many godly channels out there standing for the truth of Jesus Christ and it’s becoming harder and harder and harder with censorship and many even christian believers that want that new version of Jesus i’m sorry i can’t give you that new version of Jesus here the Jesus that you’re going to get on this channel and the Jesus that you’re going to get on many other godly channels is the Jesus of the scripture and the day you don’t get that you be a berian and you leave because it’s better for you to serve Jesus Christ than serve the new version of Jesus that Freemasons the Vatican church and mainstream media is creating they’re using actors they’re using sponsorships they’re using ad revenue better is a little with the Lord okay better is little with the Lord okay better is little with the Lord and you keep preaching the gospel then your ministry blow up financially be set for life but you’ve compromised you can do all things in Christ who strengthens you you can do this in Jesus name be a berian in your house be a berian in your workplace be a berian in your congregation set the standard for Jesus plant the seed in a person God is able God is able God is able Heavenly Father thank you for our brothers and sisters around the world that are just trying their best to spread the gospel and they’re finding oppositions and family members they’re finding oppositions and with friends and family and workplaces they’re finding so much opposition encourage them in the name of Jesus Christ for them not to be easily offended for them not to take it personal for them to understand that this is how it’s going to be you told us enter ye and at the straight gate for why it is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction you told us and many there be which go in there eat because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leaded unto life and few there be that find it if you have found it because of the grace of Jesus hold on to it preach it teach it don’t let your ministry become an industry don’t let your calling become an industry don’t believe the lies of the mega church don’t believe the lies of the modern day monetary way of doing things no believe that Jesus will provide believe that Jesus can do all things because he will in Jesus name amen if this message resonated with you could you press the thumbs up button as a non-monetized channel that’s how you support this channel you press thumbs up you leave a comment whether you agree or disagree and you share it on facebook and twitter because channels that are not monetized are not going to get as much traction this goes for this channel and any other channel okay it goes a long way all right god bless you and for those that are considering supporting this ministry i appreciate that as well you have a blessed blessed blessed week thank you for tuning in and i’ll leave another video on the screen right now so you can keep on enjoying the content remember to subscribe we have weekly videos on this channel and tune in often god bless you and your family



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