The Rise and Fall of O.J. Simpson

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➡ Famous football star OJ Simpson, known for his successful career and controversial murder trial, has died from prostate cancer. Simpson was a standout athlete and actor, but his reputation was damaged when he was accused of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. Despite being found not guilty, he later served nine years in prison for robbery and kidnapping. His life was a mix of triumphs and scandals, making him one of the most talked-about figures in American sports history.
➡ The text discusses the numerology and symbolism surrounding O.J. Simpson’s life, trial, and death. It suggests that numbers like 76, 59, 42, 113, and 32 have significant meanings related to race, deception, and other themes in Simpson’s story. The text also points out that these numbers appear frequently in Simpson’s life, from his age at death to the dates of significant events. Lastly, it implies that these patterns might not be coincidental, suggesting a larger narrative or conspiracy.
➡ The speaker is wrapping up a video about a significant event and asks for viewer support through comments, likes, shares, and subscriptions. He also encourages viewers to share their thoughts on the discussed trial and reminds them that these actions are free.


The great football legend was charged with murdering his former wife and a friend. We will find Mister Simpson and we are going to bring him to justice. KCAl are one of our La affiliates. Police believe that OJ Simpson is in that car. Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Brentwood areas, where OJ lives and where the two people killed also live. This is the driver’s side of the vehicle. OJ Simpson is in custody.

If you look in the backseat of the car, you will see OJ Simpson seated between two police officers. OJ Simpson is a murderer. Murderer. It makes no sense. It doesn’t fit. If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit. We, the jury, in the above and title action, find the defendant orwithal James Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder ability upon Nicole Brown Simpson. You know, I don’t care whether you’re black, white or green, I really don’t care.

The bottom line is you got off. You’re innocent. You’re innocent. Thank you. Just. Did you do it? No, I didn’t. Nope, did not do it. Till I remember I grabbed a knife. I hate to say this, I’m sorry, I know we gotta back up again. Nope, did not do it. I feel it’s going to be the same outcome this year. And Kelly, you really couldn’t script it any better than this? Any better than this? Any better than this? Any better than this? Any better than this? Yo, whats good? Yall, its ya boi.

Cthrohthescript here. Back with another video. And as im sure youve all heard by now, the football legend, broadcaster and actor whose career soared to unparalleled heights before plummeting into the depths of infamy, OJ Simpson has reportedly passed away on the 10 April due to his battle with prostate cancer. From his record breaking days in the NFL to his charismatic presence on screen, Simpsons journey is a rollercoaster of triumphs and controversies.

But amidst his accolade stands the shadow of his infamous murder trial, a saga that gripped the nation and forever altered his legacy. Born Arenthal James Simpson on July 9 of 1947 at the San Francisco General Hospital, to his parents, Eunice and Jimmy Lee Simpson, both were hardworking individuals doing their best to provide for their family. But their marriage was far from conventional. Jimmy OJs father was a well known drag queen in San Francisco.

Known by the stage name Mama Simpson, the unconventional nature of Jimmys profession eventually led to their divorce when OJ was just four years old. Raised primarily by his mother, OJ learned the value of perseverance and determination from an early age growing up in the tough streets of Petrero Hill, OJ faced his fair share of challenges. Despite the obstacles, he attended Galileo High School where he discovered his passion for football.

OJ quickly made a name for himself as a standout athlete, showcasing his exceptional talent on the field. But it wasnt just football that caught his attention. OJ also had a thing for the dramatic arts. During his high school years, he participated in theatre productions, hinting at the versatility that would define his later career. After high school, OJ continued his education and football career at the University of Southern California.

He became a football sensation, earning the nickname the juice for his electrifying playing style. It was during his time at USC that OJ also delved deeper into acting, landing roles in movies and tv shows. His charisma and charm made him a natural in front of the camera and he quickly gained recognition both on and off the field. In 1969, OJ was drafted into the NFL by the Buffalo Bills as the first overall pick.

He quickly became one of the leagues top running backs, earning Pro bowl selections and setting numerous records along the way. Off the field, OJ continued to pursue his acting career, appearing in films like the Towering Inferno and the Naked Gun series. But in 1994, OJs life took a dark turn. His ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson and friend Ron Goldman were brutally murdered and OJ quickly became the prime suspect.

The ensuing trial captivated the nation with the infamous glove incident becoming one of the most memorable moments in legal history. Despite being acquitted of criminal charges, OJs reputation was tarnished and he faced numerous legal battles in the years that followed. In 2007, OJ was arrested in Las Vegas for armed robbery and kidnapping. He was sentenced to 33 years in prison with a minimum of nine years before he would be eligible for parole.

The conviction marked a new chapter in OJs tumultuous life, further eroding his public image. After serving nine years in prison, OJ was granted parole and released in 2017. He tried to keep a low profile, indulging in his passion for golf and attempting to enjoy his retirement. However, the shadow of controversy continued to linger over him. OJ made headlines once again when he shared a post on social media revealing that he was battling cancer.

Now, in recent years, I unfortunately caught cancer. While he didnt provide specifics about his conditions at the time, it was a sobering reminder of the challenges he faced in his later years. Unfortunately, OJs battle with cancer proved to be his final challenge. On April 10, 2024, OJ Simpson passed away due to complications from prostate cancer, bringing an end to a life filled with triumphs, trials and tribulations. I mean, love em or hate em, OJ will always be remembered as one of the most polarizing figures in american sports history.

Now, when it comes to the trial of OJ Simpson, it was undoubtedly one of the most infatuating stories across the nation, with over 90 million viewers tuning into the infamous white Bronco car chase during the summer of 94. To the 150 million Americans who tuned in to the October 3 verdict in 1995, it was a story that literally had people sitting at the edge of their seats with emotions running rampant on both sides, as some loved the hall of Famer while others were convinced he was guilty.

However, despite the case being riddled with many inconsistencies, the media coverage of the case was so sensationalized people couldnt even bother to keep up, and had already made up their minds despite whatever happened. But meanwhile, its worth really questioning why this case got so much coverage to begin with, as if there was an underlying message the media wanted to spread to the public. A lot of the time, people forget not you watching, though, that television has arguably been and still is the most effective form of mental programming.

Literally everything on television is production and curated for our eyes. From the words spoken to the mood music in the background and everything in between. What we see is always meant to elicit some sort of emotion out of us as emotions are literal energy in motion and we are constantly being harvested for our energy. With the trial of OJ Simpson, it was undoubtedly doing just that, with peoples emotions and energy.

Many say the verdict was a message not only about Simpsons innocence, but about racism. Many say the verdict was a message not only about Simpsons innocence, but about racism. Racism. Racism. Racism. Racism. The country was split on so many levels, with race being a primary theme, as a large majority of white Americans felt. OJ Simpson got away with murder, while many african Americans thought he was innocent. Now regardless of whether you think this whole trial was a hoax or real, whether he was guilty or innocent truly doesnt matter at this point, the damage had been done.

The case served its purpose of further stigmatizing the african american man in the eyes of white America, causing racial tension and division amongst the public, all at the same time giving tv networks millions on millions of dollars in advertising revenue. A quote that perfectly explains what I mean by this. Practically being a made for show trial comes from none other than William Shakespeare. All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.

They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts. With that said, let’s use the practice of english gematria which involves coding letters into numbers, meaning when you spell out a word, phrase or sentence youre given a numerical value. These numbers are often a pattern of some sorts, in line with the narrative at hand. These numerical values also get paired with the date numerology to provide additional insights into what often appears to remain unseen.

Alright, so starting with what I shared on Instagram the day he passed ethrothescript which you should go follow your boy if you dont already notice, the phrase used in the TMZ headline cancer battle matches his age of death being the number 76. Well get back to that number shortly. OJ Simpson passed away due to cancer on the 101st day of the year. 101 is the 26th prime number.

The word cancer equates to 26. For those familiar with the channel, by now the number 38 is synonymous with death and other words of a similar meaning. OJ died on a date with 38. Numerology. Going back to the phrase cancer battle for a second notice, it also equates to 104 in the ordinal cipher. This matches the date OJ died, which could be written as ten four. Oddly enough, the NFL where OJ left his mark had just wrapped up their 104th season just a few months before the hall of Famer died.

I also noticed that he died exactly 13 weeks before his upcoming birthday, matching his name in the ordinal cipher written as such. Also for those new zeroes are null in numerology. Now here is where I want to focus more on the interesting observations surrounding the infamous trial of OJ Simpson. As I was saying earlier, this trial served a purpose, and that purpose was to divide the nation, which it really did.

And at the center of it all was a man by the name of Arenthal, James Simpson, a name that equates to 246 and 84, like the phrase divide the nation, which is far from a coincidence. As promised, were back to the number 76 which was OJs age of death. Now this number also has a racial connotation behind it, as you can see the words on the screen that also equate to 76.

Now ive covered this stuff in a previous video titled 42 and 59 decoded, which I strongly suggest you watch to get a much better idea of the meaning behind these numbers. But basically there are certain numbers that are often branded on black folk in the public eye and one of those numbers is 76. The other number that we often see is the number 59, which also matches with OJs cause of death to be exact, which was prostate cancer.

I know someone will say, well, wasnt he just old? So he just naturally died of cancer? And sure that could be true, but this isnt the first time weve seen black entertainers die from a type of cancer that also had the number 59 behind it alongside all the other racial shaming numbers. A recent example being Chadwick Boseman, who died of colon cancer, which also equates to 59 like his name.

And he was also known for starring in the role as Jackie Robinson, who sported the infamous jersey number 42, a number I touch on in this video, which you definitely gotta watch. But on the topic of cancer OJs defense attorney Johnny Cochran died of brain cancer exactly 113 months after winning his biggest case yet with OJ Simpson, whose name equates to 113. And on top of that, and notice his cause of death aligned with the date numerology of his death.

You can see that brain cancer equates to the number 88 and 209 like the number 29 using the rules of numerology. So boom, you can see that March 29 is the 88th day of the year, which happens to be the 29th day of the month during a non leap year. Anyway, another number I touch on in that video is the number 32 which matches the word negro. And of course OJ wore the jersey number 32.

This honestly reminds me of how Jackie wore the number 42, a harsh number for black folks as youll come to see, during the trial of OJ, it was reported that Los Angeles homicide Detective Mark Fuhrman used the n word approximately 42 goddamn times. Now aint it convenient that the racial slur equates to 42 in the most pure cipher? I assure you the media puts this information out on purpose.

Plus, I mean, who the hell is really counting? And to add to that, the phrase racial slur also equates to 42 in the same freaking cipher. Along with a bunch of other relevant examples you can go check out in that video. Moving away from the racial side of things, a number we talk about in the gematria community is the number 113, widely considered to be the number of deception as its associated with many words that imply falsehoods.

I mean its quite convenient that OJ Simpson equates to the number 113 like the date his ex wife and her friend were stabbed to death and the news became the mainstreams hot pressing topic for years to come. Its worth noting that the phrase scripted narrative equates to 113, which I very much am confident that this whole scenario was. But hey, do what you will with that. Now aside from OJs ex wife Nicole, the third prominent character in this story was the friend Ron Goldman, whose name holds the value of 113, like OJ Simpson.

I also thought it was interesting that OJ was acquitted a year and 113 days from the death of Ron and Nicole. Just another instance of that same number popping up throughout the story fed to us. But on top of that, there was the infamous white Bronco car chase broadcasted by the mainstream media publications pulling in millions of viewers across the nation on June 17, 1994. June 17 can be written as 617, like the number 617, which happens to be the 113th prime number which we just discussed, syncs with OJ Simpson and Ron Goldman, along with the number of deception going back to the list you see here.

So this whole story really got serious on the 12 June 1994, the day Nicole and Ron were found dead outside of Nicoles Los Angeles home. June 12 leaves 202 days in the year and this number matches with the value of the phrase scripted narrative. Many say the verdict was a message not only about Simpsons innocence, but about racism. June 12 was also the 163rd day of the year.

163 is the 38th prime number matching the words murder, death and a bunch of other related words. What I found to be wild was that the narrative they ran with was that Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman were stabbed to death. This phrase holds the value of 126 in the english ordinal and they so happen to get stabbed to death on the 12 June, a date that can be written twelve six, like the number 126.

To me, this is further implying that this was all curated carefully by the numbers and other means, of course. But of course, despite being acquitted, many would run with the narrative that OJ Simpson was indeed a certified murderer. OJ Simpson is a murderer? Nope, did not. And its quite convenient that his full name matches with what most people know him for despite not being charged, at least in a criminal court.

Alright, but real quick, I just want to turn your attention to two key figures in the trial of OJ, which was the judge, Lance Ito, and OJs main defense attorney who we talked about earlier, Johnny Cochran. The same man that dropped that infamous quote throughout the trial. If it doesnt fit, you must acquit. Both of these mens names hold the value of 137, a number tied to the word mind control.

And of course for those that watch the videos often you guys know that 137 is the 33rd prime number, 33 being a master number in numerology and a number with tons of occult meaning behind it. Many people link it to the Freemasons and the 33rd degree. Others associate it with a form of numerical programming through media. I mean the number has tons of meanings and if you want to know more about it, check out this video that I did on it a while back.

The number 33 would appear in headlines with OJ many times over the years. For one, his surname Simpson equates to 33 along with the phrase actor. Its worth reminding y’all that despite being known for his athletic skills, we did discuss that he was an actor and from my perspective, he played his role quite well throughout this televised trial. However, despite being acquitted in the criminal trial of 95 just two years later, in 97, the Goldman family took OJ to court in a civil trial where he was found liable.

In civil cases, the standard of proof is lower, allowing the jury to reach a decision based on the majority of evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt, resulting in a fine of $33. 5 million. Then ten years later, in 2007, OJ Simpson was charged with armed robbery and kidnapping in connection with an incident at a Las Vegas hotel casino, leading to the judge sentencing OJ to 33 years in prison with eligibility for parole in nine years, which was in 2017.

So those are just a few of the 33 examples you could find throughout OJ Simpsons career. Im sure there are tons more. Lastly, how convenient is it that the word acquitted equates to 37 when in fact October 3, 1995, the date that he actually was acquitted had date numerology of the number 37? I mean theres honestly just so much other things one could probably find if they kept digging and more things will eventually come out.

I did just see a headline claiming that OJ had people visiting him on his deathbed sign NDAs, which to me just sounds like another spin to the narrative to keep the people wondering then what about how exactly 13 years later to the day OJ was acquitted for the murders of Nicole and Ron, he would be found guilty on twelve charges in the robbery case. And remember, OJ Simpson equates to 130 and using the rules of numerology were left with the number 13.

And this pitfall in his life happened exactly 13 years after a previously big moment in his life. But guys, Imma wrap this one up here. I hope that you guys enjoyed the video. Regardless of what people think, I still gotta drop an rip out of respect for OJ. Be sure to support your boy by dropping a comment and telling me what I missed and also drop your thoughts on this trial.

Id honestly love to hear it. Oh yeah, don’t forget to like this video, share it, and most importantly, subscribe. Man remember all of those things are free to do spin your boy script, and I’m out of here. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. .


  • Seethruthescript

    "A dedicated member of the Truth Mafia, Seethruthescript is not only a close ally of Tommy Truthful but also an adept in Gematria - the age-old Kabbalistic art of attributing numbers to letters, thereby embedding numerical significance into words and phrases. Mainstream media consistently leverages this code to mislead the public. Equip yourself with the knowledge of Gematria and discern the hidden narrative with clarity."

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