Dogon Amphibius Origins
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➡ The Dogon people, an ancient tribe, had advanced knowledge of astronomy, including the existence of invisible stars and the concept of elliptical orbits, long before modern science confirmed these facts. They claim to have been taught this knowledge by beings from another planet. Despite skepticism from the scientific community, much of the Dogon’s knowledge aligns with modern findings. However, their claim of extraterrestrial teachers remains unproven and controversial.
➡ Robert Temple, a scholar, had strong opinions about ancient civilizations and theories involving Atlantis. He believed that the sudden emergence of Sumerian and Egyptian cultures was due to the intervention of beings called the Nomos. Temple also argued that the Sphinx was a dog, not a lion, and that it was associated with the afterlife. Despite facing opposition and financial difficulties, he continued his research, suggesting that our sun and the Nomos’ suns are connected in a way similar to quantum entanglement, and that the Great Pyramids of Giza are a reflection of this relationship.
➡ The article suggests that the Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of Kefron in Egypt might symbolize the masses of our sun and the star Sirius B. The author proposes that our solar system and the Sirius system are part of a larger entity, which they call the Anubis cell. The article also discusses the Dogon tribe’s belief that the Sirius star system is where the soul goes after death and their lore about a mothership from Sirius. Lastly, the author explores the possibility that the moon Phoebe of Saturn might be a sanctuary for beings from Sirius who are stuck in our solar system.
➡ This text talks about a mysterious bag that appears in many ancient cultures, from Gobekli Tepe to Central America, but no one knows what it means. It also discusses the connection between the words Dogon and Dagon, which are linked to a semi-demonic being named Oanis. The text also mentions the Chinese belief that their civilization was started by a fish-like being named Fuxi, who wrote the Chinese Book of Changes. Lastly, it talks about a Sumerian story where Enki tries to save mankind from a flood, and the Nomos, a group of beings who breathe through their clavicles and live in reed huts, similar to humans.
➡ The article talks about how the Babylonians, who started civilization in the Middle East, saw the creatures they credited with this achievement as ugly and horrible, which is unusual because usually, founders are glorified. The article suggests that our disgust towards certain things, like snakes or spiders, is learned when we’re young and hard to change. The author also shares an experiment where adults and children reacted differently to a story about the origins of knowledge, with children more open to the idea of learning from a greater power. The author concludes by suggesting that instead of growing up, maybe we need to “grow down” and be more like children, open to the idea of not being the top of the hierarchy.
A little girl was playing in the sand by the ocean. And despite the perfect scenery, she was bored. You see, she was known for her vivid imagination, which often got in the way of schooling the fuck out of her in order to make her fit in our little box. She had been secretly praying night after night that something extraordinary would happen in her life to strip her away from the everyday regularity that we adults to pendant, to survive while peering out into the ocean.
On this day, her prayers were answered because cutting through the water in her direction, she saw a dolphin. This dolphin must have been tangled in seaweed or some netting that trailed behind it, and it was coming to shore for a helping human hand. She had heard that this happens often and was very eager to share a connection with such a wonderful friend from the sea. But as it approached the shore, it stopped just short of her eyes clarity, and she called out, it’s okay to come close.
I want to help you. To her amazement, right next to this dolphin, a woman’s head popped up out of the water and looked at the girl with a sigh of relief, the girl asks, are you here to help the dolphin? Seeing that this little girl had no fear and was pouring with love and curiosity, the woman began to emerge from the water. Quickly occurred that this woman was, in fact, what she thought was the dolphin.
And as she realized this, there was an audible snap, a noise that the girl assumed must have been the woman’s bathing suit strap being pulled like a rubber band and released, clapping against her skin. As the woman got closer and began to climb to shore, the girl noticed several attributes that did not add up. The woman’s skin was a glossy, bluish gray. What she thought was seaweed or a net dragging behind was, in fact, her hair.
And most fascinating was that this woman did not seem to have elbows or knees, but instead her arms and legs were like that of a squid with no suckers and equally smooth fingers. Just as she noticed the face had no eyelids, her all was interrupted by a series of clicks and pops, followed by a sharp whistle that came from her mouth, consisting of a beautiful row of small, pointed teeth.
And then the snap. The noise of her bathing suit clapping against her skin was actually two flaps just above her bare chest, just beneath her collarbones. These flaps opened and collapsed shut, creating this crisp noise. Despite this woman’s face, seeming more froglike than human, this little girl now knew what she was looking at and was not shy to announce to the being, you are an angel. You are a mermaid.
I have never seen anything like you, and I love you so much. With no hesitation, the girl ran up and put her hands on the woman of the sea, continuing to exclaim out loud, you, are not a fish. You are smooth and graceful. I have to get my mother to see you. Will you wait here while I go get her? There was another series of clicks and pops that could only mean one thing.
Of course. I will wait here for you. Running to her mother, who was working on her tan, the girl exclaimed, mother. But she said mother instead of mom because she had a bad case of being british. She said, mother, you have got to see this. There is a mermaid. The mom got up, expecting to partake in another one of her child’s frankly, overtly imagined games with a slight disgruntlement.
But as she came around the bend, she got a glimpse of a wounded animal stuck on the beach. She said, we need to go get your father. He will know what to before she could finish her sentence, her entire world came collapsing in on her in a moment that would practically ruin her life, haunting her until the day she died. Because as she uttered those words, this assumed wounded animal heard and turned its head and made direct eye contact with the mother.
Again, we have to remember that this is a mother, not a mom. Because of all the British, this eye contact was not like that of a dog, but instead the paralyzing stare that can only come from a person. The mother was completely frozen in absolute terror when the unthinkable happened. A series of clicks and pops followed by a sharp whistle made it clear to the mother that despite the face being more like a frog than that of a dolphin, that this was a hideous monster, a creature from the depths of the abyss and a nightmare to even lay eyes on.
As the clicks and pops woke her from her paralyzed fear, the mother grabbed her daughter’s arm, a grab that would later leave bruises, and yanked her daughter away in such panic that it dislocated the young girl’s shoulder. The adrenaline hit the girl, too. Unaware of her new injury, she cried out, what is it, mother? What is it? The mother cried, panicked. It is a monster. It’s a demon.
Get away. Get away. Run. Understanding that her mother knew best, the girl and the british mother ran their little asses off back to the human streets, where they were safe from this angelic mermaid, this beautiful abomination that should be hunted down and killed, or at least locked in a cage and studied for the heinous crime of kind of looking like a frog. My viewers will know that my favorite part of this story is not the cryptoid that it revolves around.
But instead the vast difference in reaction between the mother and the little girl. Because living in regret today, this now old woman and her adult daughter do not skip an hour of each day without wondering what they could have learned on that fateful day that changed their life forever if they had just sat down in the sand and trusted the instincts of the once little girl who seemed to manifest, through invitation, via prayer, a message from a being that they could just not handle.
This is the unfortunate difference between children and adults in today’s age. To the little girl, this miracle was no surprise. After all, we are here. Why wouldn’t there be somebody else? To the mother, this miracle was a nightmare. After all, we are here, and that is the finished product. Anything else to impose on that reality must be demonic. What if I told you that this problem was not limited to today’s age? What if I told you that this has happened before? And as uncomfortable as it sounds, what if I told you that the initiation into the mysteries of all ages since antiquity hinged solely on the ability to confront this fear? And lastly, what if I showed you proof that our current society and all of our technological comforts are in debt to a people called the Dogon, people who had the balls to look one of these nomos square in the face and say, teach us to build society in your image.
So, by now, you have heard me mention the Dogon people having advanced modern knowledge of the cosmos and quantum physics for thousands of years before us. So let’s take a closer look at what they know and how they came to know it. Indeed, there is a lot of information in the books that just doesn’t find its way online. Check this out. On the left, we have a drawing by high initiates of the Dogon illustrating the orbit and trajectory of the binary star system called Sirius.
And on the right, we have a modern day depiction of the same stars. I encourage any upcoming astronomers to pause this video and find a discrepancy, as I myself am not qualified to do so. But it looks identical to me. And Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye as it is a white dwarf star. It was argued by scientists in denial that they must have picked up this knowing from anthropologists in recent times and added it to their belief system, even though Sirius B had only been discovered four years before gathering this information from the Dogon.
However, that skepticism is easily squashed by the fact that the Dogon relics are often older than America itself. Even Carl Sagan could not accept this information, claiming that there must be something off here. Controversy arose. For some time after this, arguments came in hot from both sides, arguments that stopped dead in their tracks when the unthinkable happened in 1995. You see, the Dogon also spoke of a Sirius C, a third star, making this a trinary star system.
And here is a Dogon sand drawing of a planet orbiting c and c orbiting b, and of course, b orbiting a. So, dude, like something out of star wars. This world has three sons, something unthinkable to us. Not only was this idea ridiculous to us, but it was used as an argument against the Dogon, claiming that they were at this point just making it up. But while studying the orbit of Sirius B, which takes 50 of our years, there was a discrepancy found an anomaly in its orbit, made it clear that another object of incredible density was affecting the orbit of B.
And in 1995, astronomers unaware of the Dogon claims came to the assured conclusion that orbiting b was another star, this time a red dwarf star that is not only invisible to the naked eye, but also invisible to our modern equipment. What is also alarming is that the Dogon described b as a white dwarf and c as a red dwarf, only for us to confirm these findings later, and I hesitate to say, confirm these findings, as we’ll talk about that at the end of the video.
They also well understood the idea of elliptical orbits, describing it as egg and shape. Back when, we still assumed that orbits were more circular. And while Copernicus and Giannardo Bruno were being executed for saying it, the Dogon understood that the Earth was a sphere and that planets move around stars. So, I mean, who are the barbarians here, really? Even though this finding did not make the news, it was plenty to get our skeptics to shut the up, because the Dogon were not only right, but light years ahead of us in astronomy.
We have to keep in mind that these people do not use today’s tech, but instead have a process of hermetic initiation passed down from Egypt. And we’ll come back to all that jazz later, realizing that these natives that we tend to ignorantly look down on had knowledge that we sure could use. Anthropologists made their return in earnest to find out more from these ancient initiates, and they got so much more than they bargained for.
And hold on to your buttholes, because this is where all heaven breaks loose. After earning the trust of the Dogon, which is very hard to do, by the way, and I can’t stress that part enough, as this is quite literally sacred, forbidden knowledge, an anthropologist named Marcel was invited to speak with the highest initiate of the Dogon people, an initiate who was a woman. And I can’t help but feel that these people are a true reflection of ancient times, as we know that the Catholic Church in modern times has gone through great lengths to dehumanize women, something we covered on this channel before.
But becoming a high initiate to these hermetic or cometic people is no walk in the park. The person must be highly skilled in geometry and quite the polymath to gain this position. And here we have a woman, a woman of a native tribe who dwarfs the education of any Harvard graduate you can find, and even those who put attended Harvard in their bio without a scrap of diplomacy.
But Sirius B, being invisible to the naked eye because of its smaller size, has a strong tug on Sirius A nonetheless. This is what causes this binary dance in which they seem to kind of orbit each other, represented by a tiny seed. The Dogon insists that Sirius B is extremely heavy because it’s made out of metals that don’t exist here on earth and are very dense. One of these metals is called sagala.
It is part of their mythology that Sirius B has control over Sirius A despite its size, and seems to keep it in check, so to speak. This is a fun fact because it was quite a mystery for a long time to astronomers as to how a giant star like Sirius A can be altered by such a small orbiting body that is, a white dwarf. But all of this passed down knowledge checks out quite nicely with our modern findings, except for the part where the Dogon describes Sirius B as weighing 480 asloads, something that you think I made up.
I didn’t. And I really wonder now exactly the ratio of pounds to this so elegantly phrased asload is. How much is one assload? I don’t know. It was found that the Dogon could name the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and describe the activity of electrons and atoms with accuracy, despite a difference in phrasing. For example, while we were still speculating that electrons orbit around protons and neutrons like a planet, they described them as being like a cloud of possible outcomes, which again was later found to be absolutely true.
When asked about Saturn, it is no surprise that they knew it had rings, but they described it as being the planet of limitations. I’ll repeat that they called Saturn the planet of limitations. So obviously, people who are not versed in the esoteric as we here are, must have assumed or shouldn’t say must have. They did assume that the Dogon meant it as being the last planet in our solar system, something that any viewer of this channel knows better about, as Saturn is indeed.
Well, never mind. You saw the damn video. I can’t believe I called it a hexagram three times. I’ll never live this down. So anyway, it hit the fan. But it gets so much crazier because the obvious question that we are all wondering also occurred to the french anthropologist. How do you know about the nature of the universe? And the answer they got was enough to turn our caucasian friends even more white and shake the scientific community down to its bones.
Because when asked how they knew, the Dogon replied, we were taught these things by the Nomos people, water people from a planet orbiting Sirius sea. If you thought modern science had problems accepting the Dogon having knowledge in the first place, well, you can imagine that this little nugget came in hot and caused a storm of utter denial. Even scientists on the fence about the great mysteries heard this and unanimously stated, the Dogon are right about everything else, but they’re wrong about this.
Rude. We hit a brick wall. And if it wasn’t for Robert Temple exploding on the scene with his book the Serious Mystery, all of this enigma would have been buried by our society of denial. You see, despite the Dogon being far from liars, being descendants of egyptian priests, and not needing anything from us at all as they live off the land, their word is not proof, because words and stories, no matter how accurate, are not proof.
Proof to us means something that we can capture, lock in a tank and own so that we can cut it up and strip it down. To have proof of non human intelligence, we are required to strip away all its dignity and poke and prod at it and expose it naked for our peers to review. And this kind of science is quite alien to the dogon, as you might imagine.
And I often wonder what it says about us in today’s age. Are we thorough and skeptical, or are we ignorant and egotistical? The Dogon have given us drawings of this cosmic knowledge, as well as illustrations of what the Nomos actually looked like. And as you might expect, this ancient visitation has led to an ample amount of mythology from all over the world, involving teachers from the sea. If you follow the path of this mythology, you can see the progression of a game of telephone, so to speak, from the original description into a slow devolution of making these beings more and more human, eventually coming to the point in greek myth where the bottom half is a fish and the top half is just a dude.
It is no surprise that greek mythology is what we teach in schools, considering it is kinda the most watered down and convoluted of ancient myths, like being the Carlos mencia of myth, they just ripped off and changed the stories before them and made it their own. Certain aspects do remain, though. For example, it was said that Zeus could not walk because his legs were fused together. But sumerian and egyptian mythology, however, is so staggeringly close to what the dogons say that it seems that they also had the privilege of laying eyes on these visitors as well.
Just like Oanis of Babylon, the Sumerians describe Enki as amphibious, and he would be seen laying sprawled out in the swamps in his downtime, laying on his back with his belly up. Something to keep in mind for later. Several other myths tell of these fish people who had to be carried on platforms through the cities while seated, as their bottom half was not capable of walking. As you can imagine, catholic people today probably don’t even realize that this is why we carry the pope in the same fashion on a platform while he wears that fish on his head as a hat.
Just like Christmas traditions, we do without wondering where it came from. And that episode is coming, by the way. But Robert Temple changed the scene when he wrote his book, and I very much enjoyed his take on it. But a fair warning, this brilliant man is certainly a bit of an asshole. In his book, he mentions Timothy Larry inviting him to speak, and his answer was not only a firm no, but he said that he despised so called drug culture.
What? But that’s read Ram Dass and Timothy Leary’s book. They transcended the cultures at the time. But he also calls out anybody who he feels is guilty of over speculation. God, I hope he doesn’t see this channel. Hide me from Robert Temple, guys. He was also not at all a fan of Zachariah sitchin, calling him a very unpleasant man, and then went as far as to say this and get ready for the sting.
Have a very strong dislike for sitchin. He’s a very unpleasant man. I don’t know if he’s still alive. He passed away several years ago. Well, good ridden, but he was a very unpleasant man. Really unpleasant man. I mean, damn. He regularly rails against the ancient civilization theory involving Atlantis, claiming that the high strangeness involved with the sumerian egyptian cultures popping up all at once out of nowhere was due to the intervention of these watery beings called the nomos.
But speaking of which, some of these later depictions look a lot like people in fish costumes, don’t they? I would be halfway kidding when I say this, but you all remember when they flew those drones over the uncontacted tribe? I’m not sure if that was real or not, but what if this is the case of the what if the Nomos were just atlantean people with the Dogon? But of course that is silly.
The level of teaching and knowledge delivered by these people does not at all point to any sort of atlantean hoax, as funny as that would be. God, I hope Temple doesn’t see this. In his defense, though, Temple went through a lot of hell and threats when his book came out, and many friends and colleagues became enemies, some of which went out of their way to attempt to sabotage his work.
It seems that the closer he got to the truth, the more his colleagues acted like our british mother in the intro of this video. And also in Temple’s defense, he had some trouble with his sponsors, namely the rich, where they would well, I’m just actually, I’m just going to read this account because this is hilarious. Some highly qualified experts were prepared to help us, but we could not even cover their expenses.
Eccentric multimillionaires have wasted my time toying with the notion of paying for some serious mystery research, but they have always turned out to be hopeless characters. Most of them have been egomaniacs. One in particular wasn’t, but he was just as useless as the rest. There is something about very rich people that makes them a complete waste of time, like an overendowed birds of like over endowed birds of paradise who show their colorful feathers only in some remote forest where only the monkeys can see them.
It’s a great analogy. And the strangest thing of all is that every time I have ever had any dealings with a very rich person, I have always ended up poorer. They have some way of sucking money out of your pocket by a vacuum. Robert certainly had a zero bullshit policy. Temple also had a great argument that the sphinx was a dog and not a lion. As I have said previously on this channel.
In fact, it turns out the sphinx may have been Anubis. And if that is so, I don’t have to say how much this connects all of the wisdom of the Dogon with the idea of Sirius being associated with the afterlife of both humans and the Nomos. John Anthony west is known for his proof of the sphinx being much older than we thought based on the water erosion. We have all seen this, and certainly it sold me.
However, Temple swooped in like the bulldog scholar that he is and pulled up an ample amount of evidence that the sphinx was once surrounded by an enormous moat. This moat was specifically meant to protect ancient stone records beneath the sphinx from looters and the eyes of the profane. And anyone who wanted to get into the chambers beneath the sphinx would have needed advanced scuba diving gear and be well equipped with the craft, something that we could not do, but an amphibious being certainly could.
This reminds us of several portions of our video thoth of Agartha, and the connections between this video and the Mars video. They vibe so much that I’m still having trouble taking all of this in. It’s like these last videos have been all sequels of each other by complete accidents, and they’re just all so well connected, despite the mystery that we’re left with, despite being a desert now, it is very ironic, because that it’s a desert now because it was once highly associated with water, even in mythology, and the Nile often rose all the way up to the pyramids themselves, making this place, as the Dogon have claimed to be, a perfect place at one time for amphibious beings.
It has been said in many books, even by skeptics, that intelligent life in the universe is much more likely to be like that of a cephalopod that is like a squid or an octopus. And I shouldn’t have to tell you about how intelligent these problem solving octopuses are, octopi octopuses or whatever. Moving on. But unlike the Sumerians, who considered the Anunnaki to be creator gods, the Dogon make it clear that the amphibious nomos from Sirius, b or c were people just like us.
And there was a greater source of both of us humans and them that they considered to be God. They called this creator Ama, which, again, seems very close to other deities, like the egyptian Amun. And that’s where we seem to get the phrase amen. It also seems a lot like the sumerian God Anu. The likelihood of all of them having such a similar word for the same idea is, I mean, well, you know, very unlikely.
They back up this concept of a creator by pointing out the harmonic difference of sizes between our son and Sirius. The son of the Nomos, Sirius B has a mass of 1. 53 that of our sun. It also has a radius of zero point 78 of our local star. This ratio lines up accurately with what is called the comma of Pythagoras. What is scary about this is that when we see this kind of mathematics displayed in pyramids and temples, we are amazed, but we can accept it because those were built by somebody designed.
But to see these same mathematics with stars begins to have a haunting theme, because in the world of sacred geometry and musical theory, this ratio represents a perfect harmonic. Robert Temple states that our pyramids, being a representation of those numbers, are a way to signal to us that, and I quote, this is a symbolic representation of a real cosmic fact, unquote. If you want to get deep into the mathematics of all this, I suggest picking up the book for yourself.
But basically, it seems that the Dogon were also right about the relationship of our sun and the Nomos, multiple suns described like quantum entanglement on a macrocosmic scale. These stars are connected in such a way. When one is affected, the same happens to the resonance of the others, like when a tuning fork is struck. None of the other tuning forks nearby will vibrate, except for the ones that are tuned to this same frequency.
Those tuning forks will vibrate at the same rate, despite having no contact with the original tuning fork. So it seems that our entire local star system are practically sets of twins, and very much by design. Well as above, so below. This brings up once again the great pyramids of Giza. Although the great pyramids are laid out like the star system Orion, this seems to be a placeholder for what can’t be seen by the naked eye.
And old Rob T has this to say about that. We should never lose sight of the fact that Orion’s importance is that of a substitute for an invisible counterpart. The significance of Orion is thus derivative, not intrinsic. Sirius b was represented amongst the stars by a visible substitute of Orion, and was represented in the solar system by a local substitute we call the planet Mercury. So the math involved concerning the differences of the size of the stars in Sirius and ours happens to match the size differences of the great pyramids by ratio.
They’re a reflection of the above. The mysteries of these pyramids seem to be more and more staggering the more we learn about them, because their sizes are in perfect ratio with our sun, Sirius a and Sirius b on this, Temple writes, I have now discovered a further association, which I suspected in the 1970s, when the existing astrophysical measurements were imprecise, so that my instinctive hunch could not be confirmed now, however, the astrophysical measurements available since the publication of the new figures in astrophysical data in 1992 make it possible for me to suggest this correspondence.
The figures appearing in the former reference book in 1973 were inaccurate, and it did not yield the intuitively sensed correspondence which I strongly felt at that time. I am referring to the strange fact that the great pyramid stands besides another pyramid, which is nearly but not quite the same size. This always seemed very peculiar, peculiar peculiar. I felt that it must symbolize something. But what? I look upon the great pyramid as being associated with the Sirius cult, and I felt that it must represent the star Sirius B.
I knew that our own sun had a mass nearly, but not quite that of Sirius B. Couldn’t the two pyramids represent, by some key measurement of theirs, the relative masses of our sun and Sirius B? However, it was not possible to pursue this notion in the 1970s, because at that time, the mass of Sirius b was incorrectly believed to be zero point 98, that of our sun, and such relative measurements did not correspond with the two pyramids.
However, that situation has now changed. According to the new figure, Sirius B has a mass of 1. 53 that of our sun. It is now possible to make a correlation whereby the great pyramid may be seen to represent Sirius B, and the pyramid of Kefron may be seen to represent our sun. The significance of the mass ratio between Sirius B and our sun suggests that our solar system and the Sirius system are elements of a larger entity, which is a self organizing open system, what is called in thermodynamics, a dissipative structure far from thermal equilibrium.
But let us give it an actual name. I propose to call it the Anubis cell. And these are the words of temple, not my own. Perhaps the Sirius system is the actual location of the quote, other world in more than one sense. Inspiration may even come to humans on Earth from the Sirius system by harmonic resonance articulated by the still undefined Anubis field of the Anubis cell. And this might be instantaneously transmitted not as a signal, but by harmonic resonance response within the continuous Anubis field subsisting within this cosmic cell, it may be alive.
The vast ordering principle may be an entity, despite being a little bit of a butthole. The man’s on his. Oh. We should also keep in mind that the egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius was a triangular face of a pyramid. Robert Bauval was able to work out the math that showed the shaft of the so called queen’s chamber once pointed directly at the star Sirius, as the king’s chamber pointed to Orion.
If you saw our last video about the face on Mars, you might have noticed that the cluster of three sided pyramids nearby were laid out like the Pleiades star system and Orion combined. Going through the face there, something that is mathematically impossible to happen naturally. But I digress. Sirius has been called the dog star by many isolated civilizations. And how strange is it that Anubis, who weighs our hearts against a feather after death has a dog’s head, and the dogon, like the ancient Egyptians, claim that the Sirius star system is where the soul goes when the body dies.
So back to the Dogon lore. They claim that the Nomos parked a mothership within our solar system and called this mothership the star of the 10th moon. And then it was said that in a fiery blaze, they sent down a sister ship in order to make contact with us. This mothership, they have sand drawings of and show it in different phases. That implies that it could be expanded and contracted at will.
This seems to me a lot less like interstellar travel through thrust and more of a wormhole or portal type of deal going on. Even the illustration they make of the arrival of the ship seems to look a lot like some kind of rip in spacetime, as opposed to an actual fueled thrust mechanism. But Temple argues that they used rockets and suspended animation for their travel here, like in our Sci-Fi movies, because the Dogon drawings of these ships look like rockets.
And although they do have a phallic like rocket sense, to me, they really resemble obelisks, like in Egypt. And I can’t help but notice that each one has this set of seven spheres within it that remind me a lot of the alignment of the chakras that it takes to come out of the body astrally. But that is only speculation. Also in tune with this idea of entering our reality from the outside of its hard drive, instead of interstellar travel by motion, comes these direct words from the Dogon, who say, when the arc was descending, space had four angles.
When the arc was down, space had four sides. And if you create that shape in your mind and you’re a regular of this channel, I don’t really have to give you any hints as to what that seems to indicate. Something else that temple writes up that I really can’t get on board with, but feel like I should mention here, is that the 10th moon of Saturn is called Phoebe, is the one moon that we cannot get a good photo of.
In fact, it does seem to be perfectly round, as if it were either artificial or completely made of water. We have heard of these airships of old that even before we had airplanes, would go around and collect fresh water, to the astonishment of farmers and even city folk. City folk? I just said city folk. But there are ancient accounts of this throughout history. If we connect that to what we just said about Phoebe, we can’t help but be reminded of what the Babylonians said about Enki, who warned mankind about the coming flood.
It was said that enki would sleep in a freshwater receptacle shaped like the ark that he had instructed man to make an ark called abzu, not to be confused with the black metal band temple seems to indicate that this so called star of the 10th moon that matches some of the anomalies of Phoebe orbiting Saturn might be a sanctuary for those who are now stuck in the solar system and for whatever reason cannot return to the Sirius star system.
And I’m going to refrain from ranting about fallen angels that could not return to heaven, as it might be an entire nother rabbit hole. But with a low 3% reflectivity and an extremely elaborate elliptical orbit and a very low density compared to all of its sibling moons, this particular moon of Saturn is indeed unusually difficult for us to study. We just can’t seem to get a clear picture of it, and it seems to be on purpose.
But speaking of Saturn, the great Plutarch held the opinion that Anubis, very simply, is Kronos. And of course Kronos being time the devourer and spelt with an age, is synonymous with Saturn. Saturn, of course, was the chief God prior to Zeus, aka Jupiter. So a cosmic change took place, and if we stick with our axiom of as above so below, a parallel function would have also happened on Earth at the same time.
So let’s check that out with our similar timelines. The Dogon maintained that when the Nomos landed on Earth, they, quote, crushed the fox, thus making his future domination over the earth, which the fox had made. This causes Robert Temple to hypothesize that man’s brutish nature was sufficiently subdued in our distant past, hence crushing the fox within all of us. But I am reminded of a time when there were multiple species of humans on Earth, including Neanderthals, who hunted and ate homo sapiens, sometimes even for sport.
As you guys might know from previous videos, Neanderthals seem to disappear in the blink of an eye from our timeline, according to our rough fossil records. So just like our recent events of Uips shutting down nuclear facilities that are about to go to war, I wonder if something similar happened in the past concerning the brutish and fox like nature of neanderthal man, and in a way, clearing the path for us sapiens and some of us homos.
In the epic of Gilgamesh, our main protagonist has a dream of a star that is so heavy that it can’t be lifted with mortal efforts. It is said that it descended from heaven and was connected like a thread to Anu, that sumerian deity who reminds us of AMma, the universal architect of the Dogon. Gilgamesh is said to be attracted to the star as if that of a woman.
And if, you know, allegorical myth, I could see this indicating some kind of gravitation, metaphorically calling him a planet for this particular part of the epic. Which makes it interesting that he was accompanied by 50 anonymous companions. 50 anonymous companions. Why would these friends of Gilgamesh be not given a name or a personality? Well, it turns out that this theme of groups of 50 without individual attributes is very common throughout the mythology of presumerian times.
And it just so happens that the planet of the Nomos takes 50 years to orbit its son, Sirius C. And that is what I have in my notes, but I don’t think that’s right. My apologies. I believe it’s Sirius b that takes 50 years to orbit serious a, and so not to beat a dead horse here, but, you guessed it, the Dogon knew about this 50 year orbit long before we confirmed it.
And by the way, I hesitate to say confirmed it again. End of the video. Another bit of mythology worth noting is that the personification of SiriuS A in Egypt was Isis. And it was said that IsiS had an invisible sister, reminding us again of Sirius B. My notes just says add section about Osiris. Which one was. I guess I could go through the book again and figure out which one Osiris was, but you let me know in the comments.
But besides themes of 50s, fish peeps and civilization jump starts, there is another reoccurring archetype that began with these amphibious beings and has held strong in all pre recorded cultures, all the way to Gobekli Tepe, to the Anunnaki, and even on the other side of the world in Central America. A mystery that has had researchers of every trade stumped, asking the question, what’s in the fucking bag? Because this thing was everywhere and there is just no obvious meaning behind it that we can find.
But it was very important to all of these cultures, and it’s everywhere, like shown here in one of the oldest units that we have of Oanis, of which, unfortunately, we only have the bottom half. The depiction of the handbag had old rob t quoting the figure, whether intended to actually represent Oanis or a priest dressed up as Oanis, holds the usual mysterious handbasket, apparently made of reeds. No one knows what is in the basket.
Exclamation point. And I’ll go ahead and have to fold the same way because I got nothing on it either, as I have wondered about these man bags for years, ever since reading Hancock. And honestly, if anyone here has a hunch about this problem, hook it up, because like you’ve all seen, sometimes your comments turn into entire videos here. But I can’t stress enough that if we had an idea about what these bags were, it would connect dots that we don’t even know are dots yet.
By now a lot of you might be wondering about the obvious spelling similarity between Dogon and Dagon, and your curiosity is certainly justified. Having the same hunch, I looked and I found that Oanis, as mentioned above, was considered a semi daemon that is existing in a state centered between the physical and the astral. Dagon is a philistinian word for Oanis. This is special because for the connection of the words dogon and dagon to happen, they would have had to go through the being itself, the one named Oanis.
And that notion rids us of any possibility of a group of people just picking up the vocab of a higher society. They would have had to also have made contact with this being or type of being to pick up this phonetic similarity. This theme continues on in other mythologies, including greek myth, which says, well, we can go ahead and skip greek myth. Well, actually, no, I think it’s worth bringing up so that we can take a look at the misconceptions here, because in greek mythology we have Orthrus hooking up with his mother Echidna.
And this is a prime example of Greeks turning something egyptian into something that’s just weird. It is a copy of a copy of Horus succeeding his father Osiris, to join up with Isis, which are, as we have seen, personified stars. So this is about sages becoming one with the stars and not some weird Freudian Moripovich bullshit. But anyway, the Chinese have maintained that their civilization was jumpstarted by an amphibious being named Fuxi.
And believe it or not, this fish tailed motherfucker is credited with being the author of the Chinese book of Changes. That’s right, the I Qing. And I’ll put that under the long list of I didn’t know until going to the books as opposed to the Internet. And this is no secret, because in the appendix of the Qing, the part we all skip, it reads clear as day. Anciently, when Fuxi had come to the rule of all under heaven, he looked up and contemplated the forms exhibiting in the sky, and he looked down, contemplating the processes taking place on earth.
He contemplated the patterns of the birds and beasts and the properties of the various habitats. In his body, he found things for consideration, and the same at a distance in events in general as within, so without. Thus he devised the eight trigrams in order to enter into relations with the virtues of bright spirits and to classify the relations of the 10,000 things. It should be noted that in chinese culture, the 10,000 things basically means everything, all things, in the same way as the 480 assloads of the Dogon meant either all things or just all kinds of a lot.
Basically a plethora, if you will. But that is not nearly the end of these kinds of beings appearing in eastern civilizations. But for the rest of that list, I’ll have to refer you to a playlist on our channel here entitled simply Zen. This is the Zen playlist. While reading about the mythology of fish people jump starting and warning mankind, I found this little bit that is so ridiculous that I guarantee you haven’t seen it online because it’s downright silly and funny.
I laughed for like 20 minutes after reading this until I realized the reason that it is so ridiculous. But in sumerian tablets, there is a section where Enki is determined to save mankind from a great flood. So he runs up to the reed hut of Zusudra, so he runs up to the reed hut of Zusudra and an older archetype for Noah, and begins shouting at his hut. And begins shouting at his hut in the bizarre fashion.
Speaking through the wall of Ziosudra’s reed hut, Enki proclaimed, reed hut. Read hut. Wall of the reed hut. Wall of the hut. Listen, o reed hut. Consider, O wall of the hut. O man of Shirupak, tear down your huts of reeds. Build them of a reed boat. Abandon things, seek life, give up possessions, keep your soul alive and into the boat. Take the seed of all living creatures.
So very strange. But through text, this is just weird. But if you continue on in the tablets, it is made clear by the humans taking this account, that they recognize a sensation of nostalgia coming from this particular nomos. By repeating the term reed hut, he was, in his own alien way, very excited to see humans mimicking the very origins of his species, who took on the same type of homes on their own planet many thousands or millions of years ago.
As reed huts are a perfect private sanctuary for any swamp dwelling creature. This being identified personally with the reed hut and saw that their teachings were in fact taking hold on this new planet, where perhaps the same teachings might have fallen flat on other civilizations, and despite being excited about this, knew that it was all about to be wiped out in a flood because of some kind of war in heaven that may or may not connect to the Mars thing and the anunnaki within the same tablets.
It is also mentioned that the Nomos breathed through their clavicles, which is right below the collarbone. So it seems that these guys would have often been doing the backstroke, like we see otters do today. And if you were one of these creatures, you might see human beings as repulsive, our bony limbs and punch and smells that aren’t washed by the sea, the rough hair, and not to mention the fact that the bottom half of a human seems to split in order to walk across dry land.
And it certainly seems that vice versa, when we see something that we don’t understand, it gets very uncomfortable for both parties. Robert Temple had this to say about the fact that everything we are skeptical about eventually becomes self evident. In the past few years I have learned of increasing numbers of planets discovered by astronomers in other solar systems. Those astronomers who by nature of their psychological dispositions are determined to be skeptical, and they’re used to take refuge in saying other solar systems don’t have planets.
How well I remember that most sensible people always thought that such sentiments were crackpot, and now it has been proved. So then the argument shifted to there may be other planets on other stars, but they don’t have any life. That too has been called into question by what we already know about Mars. So once again the argument can be expected to shift. There may be life, but it can’t be intelligent.
And so on. People who are determined to have negative thoughts can always find new ones. I have mentioned the planet Mars in passing. Do I believe that there was intelligent life on Mars at one time? I would not be surprised at a martian connection with the serious mystery, as I have thought for some years. He also mentions the shock involved in seeing these creatures firsthand. Like mentioned in our intro today about the british mother, he writes, burosis, according to the close account of Apolloduris, calls the amphibians by the collective name of the anidati.
They are described as being semi daemons and not as gods. I suddenly wondered what the word anecdotus, which is never translated in the Corey translations of the fragments of Burosis, could actually mean Musaris and Oanis being synonymous, he continues. So I turned to the lexicon to find the meaning of these words. I assumed that Corey would have translated them into English if they had simple, obvious meanings, but to my surprise I found that their meanings were quite simple and specific.
A musaris is an abomination and an anecdotus is, quote, a repulsive one. Now the reader might appreciate why we added the allegory at the beginning, which I rephrased, of course, for our intro. For the creatures credited with founding civilization in the Middle east were frankly described by the Babylonians, who revered them and built huge statues of them as being repulsive abominations. If ever anything argued the authenticity of their account, it was this babylonian tradition that the amphibians, to whom they owed everything, were disgusting, horrible, and loathsome to look upon.
A more normal course, for any invented tradition of the origins of civilization would have been to glorify the splendid gods or heroes who founded it. But instead we find the specific descriptions of animals endowed with reason. The problem of revulsion is a difficult one. It seems to be partly a result of what we are taught when we are young. No doubt psychologists would have a great deal more to say about it, but whatever origins it may have, it seems to be almost uncontrollable once the propensity to it has developed.
If someone finds snakes or spiders repulsive, it would take a great deal of persuasion to get him to change his attitude. And hypnosis is generally required to overcome a genuine phobia. Basically, when us humans create gods, we make them glorious. And even though the gnomes were not considered gods, but like Enki was, for example, in anunnaki times, sumerian times, if something is made up, it’s made to be glorious.
But our founders happen to be hideous to the eyes of the Babylonians. A bit of a conundrum there. When I was in the middle of diving into this mystery, I felt the urge to conduct a little bit of an experiment. We all know that children tend to tell the truth because, well, for lack of a better description, they don’t know any better. As you guys have heard me describe them before, children are just people who are not ruined yet.
I should put that on a t shirt. But I told the basics of this Dogon story to five adults, each of which had similar reactions, saying that the knowledge of the Dogon can’t be refuted, but the way that they learned it is just too much to be possible. But between my son and the younger kids, to my good friend Mike, I told the same tale. And to my amazement, they all had similar responses that were similar to each other, but the opposite of that of the adults.
They responded like, well, of course we got this stuff from somewhere because everything comes from something, and you can’t argue with that logic there. We call it logic that might be instinct, children are just closer to source. We’ve been quite distracted since then, but the children that I told this mystery to had no issue acknowledging that there is something greater than themselves, because after all, as children, they are already under that impression.
But every adult I spoke with outside of this community had an almost hidden repulsion to that very idea. And it seems to come back to that same hypothesis that we gained in our video gnostic lore, part two, which can be summarized with the belief if I’m not the top of the food chain, I don’t like it here. We will use our ego to reject anything that compromises our position at the apex of this triangle or pyramid hierarchy, and we never dare admit it being second best.
Oftentimes, when exploring these factually backed up ideas, we are told to grow up. You know the old adage stop believing in fairy tales? Well, truth every ten years, always without cease, turns out to be stranger than fiction. Perhaps it’s not up to us to grow up, but instead up to them to grow down. After all, it was Jesus who said, to enter heaven, you will have to be like children, safe, just passing the masses confusion no model social cued hypnosis, the finest form of mutual wonderful shine and I do fall no life without no I no longer wonder why.
Questions bitch, questions bitch untorments suffering is terminal enlightenment. .