The Veil Lifted: Black Eyes Demon Face Syndrome Eclipse Affects

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➡ The video discusses a theory that our reality is a complex illusion created by higher forces, possibly advanced technology or alien beings. It suggests that this illusion is breaking down, leading to strange sightings and experiences. The speaker believes that this is due to changes in our perception and understanding of reality, possibly influenced by cosmic events like solar eclipses. He also discusses the idea that our emotions and material desires are used to keep us trapped in this illusion.
➡ This text talks about how our brain and its different parts work together to help us understand and interact with the world. It suggests that during certain events like a solar eclipse, our brain activity can change, making us feel different or see things in a new way. It also discusses the idea that our DNA emits light, which some believe can be seen as an aura. Lastly, it touches on the concept of artificial intelligence and how it might affect our brain and our ability to think for ourselves.
➡ This text talks about the belief that certain entities, like the “majestic twelve” and “the grays,” can control technology and manipulate people’s minds. It suggests that these entities can take over people’s bodies, especially when certain events like solar eclipses occur. The text also mentions the idea that people’s physical appearances can change as a result of this possession, and that certain government agencies might be involved in this process. Lastly, it discusses the concept of “NPCs” or non-player characters, who are supposedly more susceptible to this kind of manipulation.
➡ Celestine was arrested for attempted murder and other charges after guns were found in her car. The article suggests that people are being controlled by “grays,” beings from a destroyed parallel Earth who can’t reproduce and live through others. The author believes these grays are causing chaos on Earth, including a recent double murder-suicide involving a family and an astrology influencer who was worried about a solar eclipse. The author warns that these events are part of a spiritual warfare and urges people to stay away from those who might be controlled by these entities.
➡ The text discusses a rare condition called “demon face syndrome” where people see others’ faces as distorted or demonic. The speaker believes this is a sign of a “glitching simulation” and links it to spiritual and cosmic phenomena. They also mention a man named Victor Shera who has this condition and a doctor who is skeptical but acknowledges its existence. The speaker criticizes attempts to commercialize the condition and suggests it’s related to spiritual awakening.
➡ The text discusses the idea of “demon face syndrome,” suggesting that some religious people might label certain mental health issues as demonic possession. The author criticizes this viewpoint, arguing that it’s a form of denial and hypocrisy. They also discuss the importance of using appropriate language when discussing mental health to avoid stigmatizing those affected. The text ends with a discussion about strange phenomena and the belief that interdimensional entities might be influencing people’s behavior.
➡ The narrator shares a spooky experience of hearing a knock at the door and finding two children with black eyes asking to come in. The narrator felt a sense of dread and noticed the children’s strange energy. The story also includes accounts from others who have encountered similar black-eyed beings, suggesting a possible spiritual phenomenon. The narrator ends by recommending a show called “Resident Alien” that features a character with similar black eyes.
➡ This text talks about how advanced technology and artificial intelligence are being used to control and manipulate people on a deep level. It suggests that our reality is being distorted and that we’re living in a kind of illusion, which is maintained by various technologies. The text also mentions a phenomenon where people’s eyes appear to change on television, suggesting some kind of hidden manipulation. Finally, it discusses the idea that we’re moving into a new age where we can see beyond this illusion and understand the true nature of our reality.
➡ This text is about someone reconnecting with their faith, learning from their mistakes, and expressing gratitude for their blessings. They’re also reflecting on their identity and the struggles they’ve faced, while acknowledging that change takes time. They emphasize the importance of making the right choices, even when it’s difficult, and criticize unnecessary conflict within their community.


I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? That we’re stuck in the matrix? Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit the share button, hit the subscribe button, hit that notification bell.

But today I’m going to give an extensive synopsis on the spiritual implications of the parasitical infestation of the black eyed phenomenon that’s taking place on the planet ever since CERN was activated during the time of the solar eclipse. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, the encounters of this anomaly is at proliferating numbers. So that’s why we must extrapolate the substantial evidence within this presentation, because the spiritual apparatus of this phenomenon coincides with the reality glitch theory by way of an interface transition that’s connected to the hexahedron prison matrix system that operates on the magneto hydrodynamic ascending gaps of the rings of Saturn that creates a holographic projection due to the subatomic particles to where it subjugates the spiritual eye to where you can’t see the optical illusions of the matrix system, right? So with that being said, we finna break it all down today because a lot of people been seeing black eyed entities.

They’ve been seeing all these anomalies on the planet. And that’s happening because you have an. A quantum fluctuation, quantum fluctuations is what creates quantum entanglement to where it takes you to a different space and time. So it’s a transmission, transmissional process. It’s a transmissional process when you understand the simulation theory simplified. So our perception of reality is basically an optical illusion. It’s an illusion because it’s being operated by trapped subatomic particles, which are basically photons, right? So with that being said, we’re going to get into this.

So you have to explore the shocking possibility that our entire universe is an advanced computer simulation created by a higher intelligence, which are basically archonic forces, which is known as your draconian reptilian. That actually works in synergy with majestic twelve. We’re going to get into that. We can barely comprehend this, right? This is relatively connected to post human creators we can barely comprehend and covers a staggering implications with a uniquely accessible yet comprehensive approach to philosophy, cosmology, and quantum physics.

Right? So this also correlates to mind science technology. So with that being said, this is all connected to the mathematical paradoxes of the simulation is connected to the ethical, the limits raised by the possibility that we’re being manipulated by a technocrat. System works in synergy with artificial intelligence. So now, as I was telling you before, now the planet is comprised of the platonic solids and elements. But when you look at planet Earth, you can see is basically the symbology of the hexahedron.

The hexahedron is made up of subatomic particles that puts it in trap over the force field of the planet because it works in tandem with Saturn’s rings. Saturn’s rings is what keeps the illusion going. That is being propagated by the archonic forces when you study gnosticism, right? So you also have the dodecahedron, which is the quintessential alchemical element. That element, the fifth element, is what breaks down the hexahedron, right? Because the magnetic field of planet Earth, the dodecahedron, activates the dodecahedron in your neurophysiology by way of gamma radiation, right? So like I said, you have the hexahedron because it’s a form of spiritual entrapment.

This is why you’re not able to see beyond the illusion. But the illusion in the house of cards of the simulation is starting to break down intrinsically, right? So that’s why, you know, all this stuff is connected to your whole upgrading aspects. When you’re talking about the solo chips that took place because everybody is getting an upgrade on this planet. So during that time of the solar eclipse, you know, it is one of those things where some people felt like, you know, there was a veil, it was a heaviness on the planet that was uplifted.

And some people, you know, I’m saying it made them very emotional. But these are all basically ascension symptoms, because as we go to a different space in time, right, by way of quantum fluctuations, what happens is this is where you’re able to see certain things within the simulation. This is where you’re able to see beyond the parameters and the limitations of the three dimensional frequency and the energy extraction matrix.

So everything in the system is comprised of the hexahedron, right? Which, like I said, it’s a form of spiritual entrapment. No matter what monotheistic religion or belief system that you follow, it all has a veneration for the cube of Saturn. The cube of Saturn is the foundational plate in the template in the blueprint that keeps you acclimated to the optical illusion of the matrix. Right. It’s a form of spiritual entrapment to where you can’t see beyond the illusion.

But the illusion is starting to break down. So that’s why I said everybody is starting to see certain entities on the planet, right? You know, the black eyed phenomenon that’s taking place. We finna get into that, right? So let me. Yeah, we finna get into that, right? So with that being said, you got to understand that photons are basically subatomic particles trap light. The trap light works in tandem with the material plane.

The material plane is what keeps you stuck to the illusion by way of your emotions. Your emotions is connected to the demiurge. The demiurge is connected to a form of egotism. Your ego is connected to emotional energy and material. They want to keep you stuck in a material plane, right, to where you worship things outside of yourself. So when you understand gnosticism, right, it talks about the demiurge in the archons must use deception to the twist and manipulate and invert what is already created.

So that’s why everything, as far as you know, patriarchy in a patrilineal system, everything is backwards. Everything in the world is backwards. Is backwards because the archons manipulate human perception to what is what we create a holographic existence in a world that basically suits the archonic forces, which is known as your draconian reptilian or the majestic twelve or the grays or whatever. We finna get into that as we get through the presentation.

So that is basically the foundational force field around the concept of gnosticism because it’s being facilitated by the trickster gods around the world in the universe. So this doesn’t mean that we can’t make up anything. Their reptilian expressions are obsessed with technology because it overcomes a limitation process of their creative imagination. So the technology in itself is being facilitated for the energy extraction matrix because they have to pull our energy in order to create their world, right? So that’s why the demiurge in the archons is basically a, is basically a prison planet for professional hijackers to manipulate the physiology of NPC’s because as I was telling you before, there are 5000 NPC’s to one source player.

Everybody’s not chosen. So that’s why when CERN was activated during the time of the solar eclipse, what happened was there was entities coming in through the portal, right? You have interdimensional parasitical entities looking to basically take up on the physiology in an avatar of an NPC, right? So that’s where the blackout phenomenon takes place. We finna get into this today because there’s so much information we got to get through.

And the reason I say that is because everything within a simulation has reached a verification period. In the apex of a culmination process, many that there is a mandation of a cycle, a seculum of a cycle that operates on the fourth turning. So this is all being facilitated by the false light. So the false light is basically the depiction of the deception that manipulates the pituitary gland that works in synergy with the pineal gland and the hypothalamus gland, which is the master gland that helps you see beyond the illusion.

So it’s not a coincidence that the optical functions of the brain is basically talking about the crossing of the brain, which is the trilateral connection of the triune brain, which is father, son, holy ghost, to where you see beyond the illusion. Because you got to understand that the eyes are basically esoterically and metaphysically connected to the brain, right? So in order to reap the benefits of these energies, the gamma radiation, it activates the magnetic field of the brain and it activates the magnetic field of the eyes to where you’re able to see beyond three dimensional photon like spectrum, right? So that’s why it talks about how Lucifer is the light bringer, light bringer of the eyes, which is the all seeing eye, because they know that during this time period, during the age of Aquarius, everybody is going to be a seer.

Not everybody, but the ones who are chosen to see beyond the illusion. These are the ones that’s basically going to be called the seers, right? So you got to understand something. One thing you got to understand is that the element of fire and ether is associated with sight, right? Because ether, the fifth element, the quintessential alchemical element, gamma radiation, that activates the magnetic field of the brain and activates the neural synapses, which gives you the ability to see beyond the illusion, right? So it’s not a coincidence that element is associated with the element of fire and ether is associated with the sense of sight, right? So that’s why, you know, during the time of the solar eclipse, a lot of people felt a burning sensation or, or heaviness around their neurotransmitters, because the neurotransmitters is what helps activates the neurons in the brain to where they’re able to replicate themselves on an infinite level, which activates the magnetites of the dendrites in the brain, which is the crystals.

This is crystal technology that’s taking place because this basically works in tam to with the focal consciousness, which is the masculine energy of fire, as I was telling you before, ether, which helps you see beyond the illusion when it’s basically connected to the subconscious mind. When you have the focal consciousness basically working in synergy with the subconscious, that basically creates a higher mind aspect of mind, body and soul.

So when everything works in synergy, that’s where you seek oneness. When you seek oneness, you understand that. You understand the dualistic polarity of the matrix. You’d be able to see beyond those parameters, right? So that basically means that the kingdom of heaven is within you. When you activate the brain stem, the brain stem is basically the cerebellum, which is connected to reptilian cortex. So when the reptilian cortex of the brain works in conjunction with the limbic system of the mammalian cortex, right? This is where you reach the kingdom of heaven within you, right? Which is the Christ consciousness.

When you have that Christ consciousness, that activates the life force. When you activate the life force, that is basically the personification. And the symbology of alpha and omega. Alpha and omega is connected to the lateral ventricles of the brain, the third or fourth ventricle of the brain, because as I was telling you before, God is the highest extension of the mind, which uses elements and matter to express itself.

So when you able to express yourself mentally, that’s when you’re able to manipulate the photons and the subatomic particles by way of the ether. Because the ether is a thought in a consciousness that manipulates the simulation. When you manipulate the simulation, that’s when you see certain entities, right? So that’s why it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is taking place right now, right? All this stuff is taking place.

It’s all talking about my science technology, right? So. So it basically makes sense that our DNA emits light, or photons. Photons are called messaging particles of light, which is basically neutrinos. Neutrinos is a corkstar energy that works in conjunction with lepatons. So those neutrinos are basically holy ghost particles. So all living beings on the planet emit an aura and that only some can see the light emitted from the body, right? Light body activation, right? Which is amplified by a transducer, right? So the same sigilism, when you look at the sun and the moon working in tandem, where you see beyond the illusion due to the solar eclipse that took place on April 8, this all works in conjunction with the sigil system of Lucifer.

That means that we broke free from the matrix prison system on the mental level, because the brain is built of the same substances or all other parts of the body with an addition of phosphorus, right? So which peculiarly to the brain alone, logically conclusion is that phosphorus is the particular element by means of which the ego is able to express thought. Because I told you, your ego is the demiurge.

Your ego is connected to your emotions. Your ego is connected to the lunar cycle, is connected to the patrilineal energy that’s being controlled by the archonic forces. So this solar eclipse that took place on April 8, that was basically the eradication process of the selfish gene, right? The selfish gene is acclimated to the God gene, as I was telling you the before, which is the vesicular monomon transporter two gene.

The transporter two gene is connected to the ego. So your ego, what solar eclipse was basically an ego death. Your ego to where you worship things outside of yourself, where you no longer do that, because that was the mind Miss prison matrix system. So now you work in tandem with the life force energy, right? You work in antenna with the life force energy, to where the wavelength in the gamma radiation of the eternal space and time is being recorded.

Body akashic records. Your akashic records is being upgraded to where you’re basically able to ascend beyond the dark ages. Because the magnetic field of the brain is being is working in synergy with the schuma resonance in a magnetic field of the planet, which creates a electrical force field around your body to where you’re not able to be manipulated, to where you take upon these energies of the golden age, right? So that’s why time fluctuation, quantum fluctuation works in tandem with the direction of propagation of the times of cycles.

Because we at the end of a seculum of a cycle, this is the fourth turning process. So when you at the apex of a system, that’s where the system starts to break down to where the simulation is no more. That means that the archonic forces in the draconian, reptilian, or the grays, or whatever you call them, in the elites and the plistocracy, the house of cards is basically fallen.

Because we’re going through the time matrix system. We looking past it, right? We finna get into it. So that basically correlates to the stellar gateways. The stellar gateway is a spiritual parameter that moderates the intensity of white light that pours into your aura. That white light is the gamma radiation. That gamma radiation is the cosmic energy of the age of Aquarius, the light bearer of the water. The cosmic waters, that upgrades your physiology, right? That upgrades the crown chakra, that upgrades the soul star and the Earth star, right? Which creates a tetrahedron energy, which is a tetra anger radiation, as I was telling you before, remember I told you, fire is associated with ether, and ether, those two elements is associated with sight.

Your sight is connected to the brain to where you’re able to. Able to see beyond the optical illusions due to the cosmic consciousness being activated on the planet, right? So the stellar gateway is humanity’s interstellar connection, which is timeless. We see in beyond time, because time is connected to the lunar cycle, time is connected to the electrical grid system. Time is being facilitated by the binary code system of the matrix that works on the dark side of the moon when you’re talking about the majestic twelve, right? So the stellar gateway is the apex of a Kundalini transformation process, which is a Kundalini psychosis, which is basically experienced by way of a higher state of consciousness attainable by human beings.

The chakra emits the highest vibrational energies that human virtues are built upon. So this is where the process of enlightenment takes place, right? Because when you change your mind and your mentality, you change your vibration. That vibration creates magnetism. That magnetism is a fifth dimensional consciousness to where you’re able to channel in these frequencies that’s being manipulated by the grid system, right? So you have a fifth dimensional.

The fifth dimension is a very source of white light. We all partake of. It is not only unites with us, with the terrestrial beings, but the extraterrestrial beings as well. No matter what solar system you are from, we are basically one, as with the creator, which is connected to a cosmic convergence, as. As I was telling you before. So one thing you got. So, as I was telling you before, you know everything as far as a simulation, when you’re talking about artificial intelligence by way of a technocrat system for cybernetic dictatorship, which is basically comprised of transhumanism for mind control.

Mind control in itself is being facilitated because I was telling you before, when you look at Aries right here, the solar eclipse went through Aries, which is basically the sign of the lamb, right? The sign of the lamb is equated to the non ether. The non ether is the gamma radiation that helps you see beyond the illusion, the Christ consciousness. So this is why during the time period they’re trying to.

You have Elon Musk. He’s basically trying to implement neuralink. He wants to subjugate the mind because he knows that technology locks down your DNA to where you’re not able to upgrade your physiology and your neurophysiology to where you can’t see within. See within the decodings of the matrix, right? That’s why you have an influx of these energies. So it’s not a coincidence that the NEO. That the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency works in tandem with the DARPA organization.

DARPA is. DARPA is the defense organization is the bit. DARPA is the Defense advanced research project agency that works in tandem with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. So this correlates to the green Beret in the black beret, right? So it’s not a coincidence that the green beret in a black beret, right? And DARPA and artificial intelligence is being facilitated by entities called graves, which is known as your majestic twelve.

So it’s not a coincidence that during the time of the solar eclipse, back during the 20th century, Alastair Crawley, he channeled an entity called Lam, right? Lamb is also associated with Bija. When you break down the etymology of the word, it breaks down to the equated root chakra, which is connected to a red energy, because a root chakra is a low vibrational energy. So that means that the technology in itself being controlled by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency in the majestic twelve and DARPA, they all work in conjunction with the grades, because this entity limit that.

Alistair Crawley, he, when he channeled this energy of Lam, he is basically associated with the Greys. We all know that grays and the majestic twelve, they are the ones who control technological devices. They control technological devices in the energy of westernized technology is because it’s based on my manipulation. Because when you’re able to manipulate the subconscious minds of humans, you’re basically able to manipulate their mental capacity. Because as I was telling you before, you have.

The cerebral spinal system is connected to your nervous system, and your nervous system is connected to your energetic morphic field, and your morph field is the foundation of your auric field. So when you have posing your aura, this is where it keeps you acclimated to a low vibrational state, which is the root chakra, right? So when you vibrate on a red frequency, this is where these entities, like gray’s, can basically hijack your physiology, right? Because I was telling you before, lame is.

Is basically the tibetan word for the path of llama, right? So Lam is a spiritual entity, infamous. That was channeled by the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley channel in the 20th century, right? So this being is also associated with Satan and it talks about how also compared to the grades, right? So this is where they basically hijack your physiology. So this is why you starting to see people of within the simulation.

When you have an interface transition people, their features are starting to. When you’re talking about the demon face syndrome, a lot of these entities are starting to show up through the people, right? So like I said, when CERN was activated, these entities are starting to come in and they’re taking, taking upon the physiology of the NPC’s, right? So you got people being body snatched, right? The physiology is being body snatched because the technocrat system of artificial intelligence and transhumanism is basically a form of government control, right? It’s a form of government control that to where it’s basically being controlled by technological experts.

Because that’s like I said, the technology in itself is to manipulate your genetical structure. When your genetical structure is manipulated, this is where your body is a low vibrational state and where these entities is able to take upon your physiology. So this is why you’re starting to see people with the black eyes. This is why you’re starting to see people with the reptilian eyes. This is why you’re starting to see people with the demon face, right? This is why.

Because when CERN was activated, this one, these entities were starting to come in. So it’s not a coincidence that the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency works in conjunction with the majestic twelve works in conjunction with DARPA, which is the defense advanced research project agency, which works in tandem with the grays. And the grays and the reptilians are basically hijacking the bodies of those who have the NPC avatar, right? So this is why they implementing Neuralink.

So now, before we get into the videos, you got to understand something. This entity called Rahu is associated with the solar eclipse. Despite of having no physical existence, Rahu has been allocated the status of the planet by ancient seers. Because I was telling you before, this is the time to see beyond the illusion. That’s what the solar eclipse was all about, right? It’s basically an omen talking about how you’re going to have entities by way of an invasion taking upon the physiology of NPC’s.

But those who are chosen are, are able to basically see beyond the illusion. So it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is being activated by the shadow planet. So now you’re going to have this right here. As I was telling you before, Rahu Ketu, a God or a devil. Rahu Ketu have duality of a God and devil. Spiritual spiritualism and materialism. They are associated with the eclipses and obscure the sun, soul and the moon, the mind.

Rahu is an illusion that the occult, the soul, resulting in forgetting the purpose for which a person is born. Because I was telling you before the 9th solar eclipse, when you study the supreme, the supreme mathematical sequence of the 5% nation, nine is equated to reborn to be born again, right? So it’s not a coincidence, as I was telling people before, the solar eclipse has a dualistic energy to it, right? It was one of those things where if you looked at it, you have to be vibrating at a certain consciousness in order to reap the benefits of the energies that was coming from the solar eclipse, right? So some people got the Christ consciousness activation and some people got, got the demonic forces of the negative implications of a solar eclipse, right? So that’s where we get into the demonic possession of many people within.

Since the time of the solar eclipse that took place. I’m going to bring out the receipts and I’m going to bring out all the evidence that supports the claim. So that’s why I said, if you’re not healed, do not look at the solar eclipse as I was telling people before, because it’s going to activate certain things within you to where these entities can hijack your physiology. To where they’re going to hijack your physiology.

So that’s why I said it’s one of those things where, like I said, if you’re healed and you, and you’re thinking in a high vibrational state, go ahead and look at the solar eclipse because it’s basically going to activate something within you, right? So that’s why I said if you’re at a low vibrational state, don’t go look at the solar eclipse because that’s where these entities, by way of the odds, by way of the energy is going to manipulate your physiology.

Because most of the people who are stuck in a low vibrational state, those are your NPC’s because as I was telling you before, there are 5000 NPC’s to one source player. So everybody’s not chosen. Everybody wasn’t meant and chosen to look at the solar eclipse, right? So now you have people, you know, doing all this detriment on the planet because of the energy of the solar eclipse. So that’s why Rahu Ketu is basically a dualistic energy of talking about God and the devil which is associated with the solar eclipse, right? It’s either you was chosen to look at the solar eclipse, or you wasn’t chosen to look at the solar eclipse.

Those who are chosen got the Christ consciousness, but those who are not chosen got their physiology and their biological structure in a neurophysiology hijacked by entities that was being facilitated by the portal of CERN. That’s what the CERN was being activated for, to bring in these entities. So this is why, like I said, since the time of the solar eclipse, a mother of three was put down by the police after stabbing her grandmother and try to hurt her own kids.

Right now, the eyes are the window to the soul, right? Look at her eyes. Anytime you see people who got that blank stare like this, always looking like this, they’re being manipulated by something. Because I was telling before, demonic possession is by way of the compromisation in a manipulation of the brain. As I was telling you before, the eyes is connected to the brain, right? Look at the eyes.

The eyes do not lie. It’s in the eyes every time. So to go along with the article, it tells you that the elderly woman that was stabbed by this woman, she basically tried to kill her own grandmother. It says that the granddaughter just went off and was talking about demonic things, right? Which is not a coincidence. So now we’re going to get into some videos that basically supports my claim on talking about how people are being manipulated spiritually.

People are being, you know, manipulated by these entities. That was activated by the CERN machine during the time of the solar eclipse, right? You got the black eye phenomenon going on. You got people doing all types of demonic stuff ever since this solar eclipse and CERN was activated. So we finna get into it. All right, here’s a video. The Georgia woman is behind bars after going on a shooting spree on I ten.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, a 22 year old woman told hotel workers in Holmes county that she had been directed by God to go on a shooting spree about the solar eclipse, and that not long after, she left the hotel in a purple Dodge challenger, driving to the interstate, traveling west, shooting into two cars. One of the drivers was shot in the neck, the other grazed in his arm.

Taylor Michelle Celestine is charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, and improper discharge of a firearm. During a search of her car, troopers say they found an AR 15 and a nine millimeter handgun. Celestine was booked into the Holmes county jail. See, all this stuff is happening because you got to understand something. These entities that’s coming in, a lot of these people are being hijacked by graves, right? They’re being hijacked by Grayson.

And the reason I say that is because it’s all a part of the majestic twelve program. It’s all a part of the majestic twelve program, right? Because when you see people like this doing certain. Certain things, they’re basically being controlled by grades. Because one thing you got to understand about the majestic twelve program, right, the majestic twelve program is all based on the fact that they’re basically trying to transmute planet Earth into the six hybrid earth by way of hybrid entities.

Because one thing about grays, they don’t have the ability to procreate. So they can only live through the physiology of NPC’s. They can only live through the avatar of those who are basically subjugated on a low vibrational state, right? Because that’s what graze is all about. It’s all based on my manipulation. Because they’re not able to procreate. Grays don’t have any type of genetical functions. They have no type of genetical self preservation.

Because they are basically working in tandem with parallel earth. Their earth was basically destroyed. So now they’re basically transmuting to our earth to take upon the vessels of NPC’s to where certain agendas is being facilitated by the archonic forces in the graves. This is the demiurge, right? So this is why you got people going crazy, right? Now, look at the eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul.

NPC’s don’t have a soul. So this is where entities like grace, they can take upon the physiology of those who don’t have a connection to the soul and the frequency of their spirit, right? So I’m going to show you another video details tonight about that double murder suicide involving a family, including a little eight month old child. The LA Times is reporting now that the suspect, identified as Danielle Johnson, was also a controversial astrology influencer who was worried about this week’s solar eclipse.

Police sources telling the LA Times that those concerns over the eclipse may have been a contributing factor in the crimes. Now, Johnson went by the online name of Daniela Ioka and had recently referred to the solar event as a spiritual warfare, posting online that the eclipse was here. And then just a few days later, the tragic chain of events started to unfold. Her partner was stabbed to death.

Her baby died after being thrown from a car. Another child has been injured, and Johnson herself died in a car crash. Now, investigators found tarot cards and black feathers at the crash scene, and they believe that the eclipse may have been a factor in these killings, though the motive is still unclear. New video. That’s what I was telling before people. That’s the thing about, you know what I’m saying? Within the spiritual and the conscious community, y’all always think everybody’s capping about something.

As I was telling you before, don’t look at that damn solar eclipse. If you not healed, if you are not healed, it’s basically going to intensify the demons within you to where you’re at a low vibrational state. Now you got these entities that’s coming in due to the activation of the sign portal. And now you got these grays and these archons and these draconic reptilians are basically hijacking the vessels of these people who’s doing all this demonic shit on the planet, right? So like I said, this is all spiritual warfare, right? So it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is taking place right now.

Like I’ve been telling people, another video ever since the solar eclipse that took place, family was under attack last night by a woman claiming to be the devil. She attacked this family, prompting the homeowner. You hear what she says? She said, attacked by a woman who claimed to be the devil. Hold on for a second. Which correlates to what I was saying about the lime entity that Aleister Crowley that he channeled during a time of the solar eclipse, right? It says that lime is a spiritual entity, that infamous occultist Alistair Crowley channel in the 20th century.

According to some, he might have just been a avatar to more famous spiritual beings such as Satan, while others have compared them to the graves. Man, like, you can’t make this up, bro. Like, this is why all this stuff is going on. Y’all think people be coming on here wasting their time making videos and all this other shit. Like, it’s not a coincidence all this stuff is taking place.

Back to the video devil Satan. As if she was basically saying these people who have a demonic frequency are being controlled by the grades, right? Because the grays don’t have a. They don’t have the ability for. By way of genetic mutation. They cannot mutate because they don’t have no type of reproductive organs. You don’t have reproductive organs. You got to live through other entities. You got to live through the avatars of NPC’s, right? So that’s why as we getting through this great awakening process, it’s imperative that you stay away from certain people, right? Because the energy and the spiritual implications that’s taking place on the planet is going to intensify as the sun heats up because the sun is basically what exposes everything.

When the sun and the gamma radiation and the frequency of it, it basically manipulates the demons within. The NPC’s right, I’m gonna play the video. Family was under attack last night by a woman claiming to be the devil. She attacked this family, prompting the homeowner to fire 39 rounds. She was in to kill us. She. That was her almighty was to kill us. A horrific first night for the Lewis family in their brand new home.

She attacked us and hung out her down and just kept on punching her and punching her as hard as I possibly could. A dream home. It now looks like a war zone. We want to warn you at home. Some of this video is graphic. Blood soaked into the carpet, walls and windows riddled with bullets and showcasing scattered throughout. I said, who said, who are you? She said, I need your help.

Please help me. And I said, get out my house. And she said, I’m the devil. The homeowner says a naked woman with a blue ponytail broke into the basement around 1030 last night, laughing and refusing to leave. She looked like she was possessed. I mean, her eyes were completely black like saucers. So, like I said, and then, like I said, that correlates to everything else because recently there was a man, he called the police because he said he seen entities in his backyard.

Right? And I forgot to upload that video for the presentation. Maybe that video can be in conjunction with a different presentation, but I’m gonna look into that some more. So, like I said, this is. This is all the stuff that’s taking place since the solar eclipse. Because like I said, it’s a dualistic energy around the solar eclipse, right? Which is connected to Rahu Ketu, the duality of God and the devil, right? What you’re going to be.

You’re going to be a God of the devil is one of those things, right? You’re going to have the Christ consciousness or you’re going to be vibrating on the frequency of the demonic entities. That’s what the duality aspect was when you’re talking about that solar eclipse in the CERN portal being activated, right? Not a coincidence. We’re gonna get into some more videos. There’s another guy. Since the solar eclipse today, something that I’ve never experienced in my life before freaked me out that I was telling you still haven’t processed it fully.

So over a few, twice a week, I make deliveries to the same guy. I’ve been doing it for seven months. Same guy every time I walk in, he’s got a big garage, I walk in. You know what he was saying? He laughed a little bit and called me jumping. And I was like, yeah, no, I’m just not feeling very good. I gotta go. When I look at them, he didn’t look like the same guy I saw every other time.

First thing I saw was he had no color in his eyes. They were completely black. Like, black. Like, you couldn’t even see reflection. It was just a black mass. And for some reason, his ears were kind of weird, and they had, like, this little point like that. I don’t know what that was. But then I was talking to my friend, and he sent me an article about them saying that.

But then I was talking to my friend, and he sent me an article about them saying that a new disorder that’s coming out where people are starting to see demon faces in people. And it got me thinking, if they’re putting something like that out, could it be a disorder, or is it God is actually letting people see demons, and they’re just trying to make it look like we’re crazy? I still can’t process it.

I can’t. I don’t know. The clouds look different for some reason. I don’t know what it is yet. I’m gonna figure that out. That could be just maybe a dumb. The only thing I saw, like, I have perfect vision, so turn on a little. So if anybody else has ever seen this, please let me know, because I’m kind of weird. Anyway, God bless. Love you. Take care. You could tell he’s not lying.

Energy don’t lie, bro. You know what I’m saying? Like, and with me being an engineer, I work around, you know, a lot of, you know, white guys in that industry, you know, I can tell when somebody’s lying. Like, this guy’s not lying. He didn’t make that up. That’s real. So the black eye phenomenon is what’s taking place. That’s not a coincidence because it all correlates to the demon face syndrome, right? Because like I said, we.

At the end of the culmination process, this is the end of the verification period of the processional circle, right to where the star Polaris activates the true light. The true light. What gives you the ability to see beyond the illusion, see beyond the optical illusion of the subatomic particles that controls the hexahedron, which is a form of mental and spiritual entrapment. We’re able to see beyond that now, right? We able to see beyond it.

Another God that, since the solar eclipse seen a black eyed entity, right? Be careful. We were pooping outside. We go on a quick trip at night, anytime in the morning time, middle time at night, we gonna get our snacks and our drinks after we done hooping to go home. So boom. As we park, everybody park. Knowing the park lots empty in the morning, like only the park like empty.

The sky is only a moon showing, bro, as we walked inside there, bro, as we walked up inside the bronze, you lady in the middle of parking lot, when I told you this lady eyes was pure black on my soul, like she’s got, bro, her eyes black on my mama. You see the white bars in my heart. If you know me personally, just adding, bro, you know, two homeboys I’ve been around every single day.

When I told you this, was that what she did, bro, she said they start smelling, I promise you, bright. But her, man, bro, her smell all the way up, bro, man, you don’t think I’m capable? So that smell is also correlated to the demon face, right? That works in conjunction to what he said, you know what I’m saying? We finna pull it up. That correlates, like I said, you see at the bottom right here to my right, correlates to the demon face syndrome, the pointy eyes.

Because I was telling you before, they can’t take up on the physiology of they, like these entities is coming in. They only can take up on the physiology of those who are the low vibrational state, right? Because one thing you gotta understand is that the oz is made up of three different components. You got three different components, which is equated to the three body problem, mind, body, and soul, right? So with that being said, we finna play this video again because it all correlates to the demon face syndrome, right? Because the veil is lifted, right? We at the apex of a system.

We at the apex of a simulation to where everything is starting to glitch. This is the glitching of the simulation, right? Here’s the weird stuff I love. Imagine your vision is totally normal, and then one day you see demonic features everywhere on people only just like this. What you see behind me now, that’s a reality for a man named Victor Shera. He has extremely rare yet terrifying disorder called PMO.

And no, it’s commonly known as, or now known because people didn’t know about it at first. It’s called the demon face syndrome. People with a condition see parts of other people’s faces distorted in shape, texture, position, or color. For shara, that means grotesque grimace, elongated eyes, and deeply. Now, one thing you also got to understand, a slope head that is also associated with a reptilian, right? You got to go to doctor York’s publications.

He talks about the attributes of draconian reptilians. A lot of them have the slope here, right, with the pointy ears. Right? So I’m gonna keep playing this video because like I said, all this stuff, this is all substantial evidence that basically supports my claim that the simulation is starting to glitch by way of the transmutation process. By going from the alpha draconis star system to the star Polaris, the true light.

The true light activates the spiritual wild, the hypothalamus gland, the master gland, the crown chakra, the Christ consciousness, gamma radiation to where you can see beyond the illusion scars. Also pointed ears. There are 75 known cases of the disorder. My next guest, well, we talk about it, and he is kind of skeptical, but he says there is some proof. And joining us now here on the factor uncensored, we have with us Doctor Nick Hardy.

Doctor Nick, you know, I’m always looking for the weird and the different, and I think found it today. And this condition, we’re told, is called demon face syndrome. Now, it’s when an individual sees someone and their face seems distorted, almost satanic, demon like. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I haven’t. And to your point, when I saw that only 75 cases have been reported, I said, ooh, we really looked high and low to find this one.

I have not heard of this one before. Doesn’t mean that it’s not valid. Doesn’t mean that it’s not real. I just haven’t heard. This is the first time that I’ve heard about this disorder. And 75 cases in a world of, what, billions of people, that’s pretty low, right? It is. It’s extremely low. And truthfully, I need to look and see what the threshold is for. It even comes up on people’s radar, at least from a medical perspective.

But I’ll say this, you know, they say 75 reports, that means that there could be more people, but just out of fear of, you know, embarrassment or. What does this look like? What do people think? I mean, am I crazy? Did I, you know, eat something bad? Is this temporary? I mean, just all the thoughts and feelings that come along with, you know, this being. How are they describing this so called demon face syndrome? What is it exactly? From what you’ve been able to ascertain? Yeah.

So what I’ve seen is basically this is a disorder that when people look at others. There’s this distorted view that creates a demon like figure. And so, you know, some of their eyes may kind of spread out. There may be distortions on their skin. And this only happens when they’re looking at people. I don’t think that they said that they saw the same imagery when they looked at a sheet of paper.

And so it’s happening in real time, according to some of these reports. And I think they examined and they used in one of the case studies, a Tennessee truck driver who said he began seeing people’s faces and they looked like demons back in 2020. And the term schizophrenia has been. We all know what took place in. Back in 2020. We’re talking about the draconian jews that they try to implement when we had all these shutdowns and.

And stuff and things of that nature. That’s what happened in 2020. So there’s a correlation there. Where does that fit in? It doesn’t fit in here because in this situation, this is just visual distortion. Whereas with schizophrenia, a lot of times people have delusional thoughts and beliefs, and so they may see it, but then there’s a narrative that goes along with it that, you know, creates a story around what could be happening.

Some hallucinations. This is just I just seeing things that don’t look normal. So totally different than schizophrenia. Wow. It’s kind of like, I don’t even know what to do with this, but I’m so interested in it. If people are actually seeing others who look like demons just visually, because that could. That could lead to some mental issues. If you think people are demons around you, you know, that would affect your brain.

Oh, 100%. I mean, even just how you respond to someone that is your roommate versus a demon that’s coming in your room, right. Totally different. But I’ll say this, you know, when I was reading about this, one of the things that I do think from a mental health perspective that we have to be careful of is even labeling it demon could push people away who could be suffering from this disorder.

You see how they trying to commercialize this whole situation now. You know, I’m saying a lot of these people who are propagating this commercialized type of thing to where they’re basically trying to make it seem like it’s an intrusive aspect or whatever, what they doing is, is basically they trying to. All these people who’s propagating is a lot of them that, like I said, they’re very much stuck in religion, right? You got these christians.

So it’s going to come to a point where christians are going to be talking about where they gonna be talking about how people have a syndrome, a demon face syndrome. They gonna say it’s basically some type of mental illness, right? So that means that they don’t even follow their own doctrine. Because one thing about christians, you know, they negate reality. People who are stuck in religion, they. They basically negate reality, right? They only partake into the positive aspects of religion.

But how you gonna forget the demonic shit? So demons are not real. No more jinns. Demons entities, right? Parasitical, interdimensional entities, they’re not real. But you believe all these other positive anomalies that come along with religion, right? So that shows you the hypocrisy of westernized civilization. That shows you the hypocrisy of monotheistic religion, right? Because that’s why I said double minded people are confused people. And double minded people are the ones who are basically your NPC’s.

Those are the ones that’s going to be hijacked by the entities. And so over the course of time, don’t be surprised, you know, that these people who are stuck in religion, they gonna have the damn demon face, right? Because it’s like I said, it’s a form of mental entrapment. If you’re not able to see beyond the parameters of the third dimension, that’s where these entities are going to be able to take up on your physiology because you don’t understand that you’re living in a.

Living in a dualistic paradox. One of the things that I do think from a health perspective that we have to be careful of is even labeling it demon could keep people away who could be suffering from this disorder. And I think this has been the case with a lot of mental health disorders over the. The history of what we have come to learn about mental health. You know, we used to call it mental retardation, you know, like, I mean, all these derogatory terms that we’re fighting some of those stigmas now just in the human health space.

So I think even though it’s early, not a lot of people have it. We still have to be careful how we describe it. Do you put a lot of credibility in it, though? Do you think they know what they’re talking about? Not the people, but those who may be studying, the people who may be buying into this? They don’t know. They don’t know what they’re talking about either.

These so called. Because everything as far as the westernized education system is all based on academic fraud. And they all took a hippocratic oath to basically to keep you away from the truth. So they’re not going to commercialize the truth. They’re going to give you the illusion every time. Right. I do put some credibility into it. I mean, because when I looked at the study, I mean, there was some merit in how they went about kind of verifying this.

But I will say initially, I was like, oh, here we go again. We just making up stuff now. It came from a credible source and indeed named it. You know, hey, this is still very early on, 75 cases reported. And so it’s. It’s not common. I think there’s probably more research and more studies that need to be done. But I think if there’s an immediate influx of people who say now that they have this disorder, I think that it could raise some questions or some concerns about the validity of everything.

So we’ll see. Absolutely. We will see. Doctor Nick Hardy. Thank you for joining me and indulging me in my weirdness, huh? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right, buddy. That’s what they. That’s what they want to do. So like I said, it works in conjunction with this video, because one thing you understand. Luke, chapter twelve, verse two and three, what happens in the dark comes the light. The darkness was under the piscion, age of darkness under the Alpha draconis star system.

Now we in the age of the true light. The true light is the age of Aquarius. So now we able to see beyond the illusion. Speaking of demon face syndrome, right? They told us that this is going to be a thing, right? Y’all see this? Look at. Like I said, look at the ears, right? Hijack. And we’re gonna go. I’m gonna show you something. Because when you have holes in your aura, when you have holes in your aura, this is where the body snatchers come in, right? This is where.

This is the demon face aspect. This is what’s taking place. This is why all this stuff is happening. This is why CERN was activated. It was a portal of entities. Interdimensional, parasitical entities are now taken upon the physiology of those who don’t. Who don’t have a soul. And for those who are basically acclimated to the illusion because they’re basically an NPC, right? So this is where you’re talking about.

This is the invasion right here. This is the invasion. Because I was telling you before, the great majority of these extraterrestrial beings, right, they don’t have the biological functions to basically procreate. So they need the avatar and living through these people who are basically committing demonic acts on a planet. Right? So this is why you see stuff like this. The ears and the eyes. Look at that. I’ve never seen ears like that.

But look at when he blinks, there’s, like, no eyelids. Look. Hold on. What does he even. Yeah, man. Like, look at the eye when he blinks. It’s so weird. It’s like it doesn’t even close. There’s like a overlay. Look at this, y’all. Look. It’s like a. What? Look at that, man. He didn’t even blink. The veil is lifted, ladies and gentlemen. The veil is lifted. So, like I said, as we get through this transitional process, things are going to get a lot more weird.

So you got to prepare for everything. So this is what you call the invasion. The invasion process is not essentially based upon the perception of. You have a damn spaceship, and then they coming out of the spaceship. That’s not the invasion. The invasion is them. These entities, by way of the sun being activated during the time of solar eclipse, these entities are now taking up on the physiology.

Because the thing about draconian reptilians, the thing about zeta reticula grays, they have the ability to not take upon corporeal form, right? They can just. How? Carbonated beings on the planet have an ethos state. They have an ethro state as well. They have a spiritual state as well. They’re able to decompose themselves in a form of ether, a spirit, and basically take upon the physiology of a person who is basically an NPC.

So now you got a person who’s an NPC. His. Basically, his genetical structure and his features is starting to show that he is being taken over by, uh. He’s being taken over by Alfred Draconian. Uh, draconian, reptilian, or archon. Right? Because like I said, when you have holes in your aura, this is where these entities can basically control you and live through you, bro. This is ridiculous. When they said this was going to start happening, I didn’t think it was going to happen this quickly.

That’s crazy. They really didn’t even give us any time to prepare at all. At all, you guys. They really are amongst us here. They really are amongst us. Hitting y’all. But now it’s coming to the light. Let’s get it, y’all. Let’s get this shit. Like I said, we at the apex of the shift. This is the second mother cycle. This is the fourth turning right. This is not a coincidence that all this stuff is happening, right? I’m gonna get into some more of the presentation.

So like I said, this is why you having stuff like is breaking man license self on fire outside of New York courthouse where Donald Trump’s trial is taking place. People doing all these demonic acts. Then you had in Memphis when you had a block party was shot up with a over 100 shots. Then you got another. It shows you a woman blowing up a last text car, allegedly because she wasn’t able to be serviced.

These people are being hijacked, right? These people are being hijacked. These people are being hijacked by entities that came through the CERN portal, right? So even we got some more black eyed children experiences black eyed phenomenon going on. Countered black eyed children. I did not let them in, didn’t make any noise, didn’t open the door, nothing. But they still knew that I was there. Restarts in this creepy, creepy ass north Texas house.

I’ve spoken briefly about this house before. I even uploaded a video to YouTube about some of the things that I experienced here, but I’ve never shown it. And I do feel like it helps to have this visual while I tell the story. A quick side note, I have no fucking idea what this is. I’m gonna take y’all back to 2011 right quick. I was always the first one who made it home from school.

My mom told me, get your ass in the house. Shut the door, lock the door. Don’t open the door for nobody, period. So I’m in the back of the house and I’m watching tv, and I had to have been there for a couple hours, right? So this happened early evening at the latest. So I’m at the back of the house watching tv, listening to music, whatever, and I hear a faint knock.

So I pause the tv, and I get up to go and see who’s at the door. I was not supposed to open it, but I was just curious as to who it was. So I’m walking through the dining area, and I stand at the doorway to the living room, which is a little bit behind this window right here. And I’m standing there a little bit confused because I’m like, who is knocking at the door now? While I’m standing there, I hear another no.

So I decide I’m going to tiptoe to the door and peep through the peephole and see who it is. So I tiptoe to the door, but before I can say anything or look through the peephole or anything, I hear, can I come in real quick before I get into that. The first thing that I noticed when I walked up to this door was the energy. If you are familiar with the paranormal, you’ve heard the term impending sense of doom or impending sense of dread, right? That is the perfect way to explain what the hell I felt standing on the other side of this door.

Just this dark, heavy, ominous cloud of dark energy. So I get up on my tippy toes, and I look through the peephole. And when I look through the peephole, I see two children, one blonde haired girl standing about here and one boy with short black hair standing about here. The girl was either looking straight ahead or looking down, but all I remember is that I could not see her eyes.

However, the boy with the bowl cut, he was looking directly into the peephole. I don’t even know how he knew I was at the door, let alone looking through the peephole. But we were basically making eye contact. This is obviously when I noticed eyes, right? But while we’re making eye contact, this boy says to me again, can I come in? And I’m still thinking to myself, like, there’s no way they can possibly know that I’m inside.

So I just lower myself back down to the floor, and I tiptoe over to this window. Now, I’m looking through this window at an angle so I can see the boy and the girl standing in front of the door. And while I’m at this window, that is when I see them turn around and walk down the stairs. There was nothing old and unfamiliar about their clothing. Nothing stood out to me about them at all, aside from their eyes.

The only thing that’s a little bit odd to me about this is that it happened while it basically looked like this outside. So it appears that black eyes. So with that being said, are these people crazy or something spiritual? Is there a spiritual phenomenon taking place? Because otherwise, all these anomalies wouldn’t be at proliferating numbers. Right. You know? Now, one thing you got to understand like this is an entertainer.

She says she had her experience with black eyed entities as well. And one thing about Monique, she ain’t gonna lie about nothing. Monique, she always keep it a 100. She’s one of those comedians. She’s really, you know, straight to the point. She’s very authentic, has an authentic energy. And, you know, I’m saying she don’t hold her turn, hold on her tongue for no bullshit, right? We’re gonna get straight to it in New York, right? Was the first time I shared this story public.

I was on a show one night in New York, and this guy had on sunglasses in the front row. And I said, listen, I’m not going to keep coming back over here, seeing you with these sunglasses. There’s no sun in here, and you being disrespectful. I need to be able to see you right? So he laughing, and I walk to the other side of the stage. I come back.

I said, you. You think I’m playing if you don’t take them damn glasses off? Roseanne, he lifted up his glasses, and everything was black. Oh, he didn’t have any eyes. Did you hear what I said? He lifted up glasses, and everything was black. The energy I got from him was. Do you write? Do you want to comment? I look back at him, and the energy I gave him was, I’m a mind my business and walk my ass back down to the other side of the stage because I want to keep my fat neck.

I’m not questioning shit. Keep your glasses on. I bought him a drink, too, because I didn’t want him to go no further. I didn’t want him to be offended. Oh, that’s scary. So, you know, we don’t know what I thought you meant. He just had, like, a black holes there with no eyes. No, no, there was just complete black. Like, it wasn’t. It was like. It was as if.

Take my eyeball. Just make my eyeball all right. Yeah. Just demonic, you mean. So, like I said, this is real. You know, I’m saying this is happening in real time, right? This is all happening in real time because, like I said, what is one of those things where you got some people to be like, oh, they would. They got the tattoos. He got. He got his eyeballs tattooed, or those are contacts.

Well, if he has sunglasses on, that would basically defeat the whole purpose of him putting the damn sunglasses over his tattoo, because he would want people to see, and he would want people to basically see what he did to himself, see to the modification that he did to his eyes or whatever. So, like I said, it’s one of those things where you got to use your discernment and intuitiveness in order to decipher the illusion.

Right. So, like I said, you got some people out here just walking around and they doing modifications today. Eyes and stuff like that. And they got their eyes tattooed? Yeah, some people do wear stuff like that, but this is not the case. What’s happening right now is something spiritual. So I needed to reiterate that standpoint. Bones that is walking this earth, and they are not human. I just came from Kroger’s I just got off of work.

I want to go pick up a few items, y’all. I go to the bread aisle. Now, the bread aisle is super long. I’m at one end of the bread aisle. There’s a guy that’s about three, four of the way down in the bread owl. He got a cart. I got a cart. He’s looking at me. And you know how you can see out your peripheral that somebody staring at you? He ain’t just looking, but he’s staring at me.

I kind of look his way. He’s still staring. I go ahead and I get my bread. I go back around the other way, because I’m going to the international aisle to get some pasta and some other stuff. While I’m in the international aisle, at one end, this guy comes around, and he’s at the top of the same aisle. I see him still looking at me. Now, mind you, there’s a couple of things that I need to get out of that aisle.

So the first part of the aisle, I grab what I need to grab, and I go about midways down, he’s at the other end. So he’s staring at me still. So I kind of look at him, and I go, like, how do you get somebody that type? Look, he’s still staring. So I’m looking for what I’m looking for. I can’t really find it because he’s throwing me off.

Because he keeps staring. Mind you, this man don’t have nothing in his cart. He’s not even turned to look at anything. He’s looking directly at me. By this time, I’m like, you know what? I’m not on it. I’m about to just stare you down. So I turned to look at him, y’all, when I tell you this man stared at me, and his eyes turned black. Everything in his.

His whole eyeball, not just the pupil, but the white part, turned completely black. He looked. It said black, and then he walked away. When I tell you, I left that part sitting in that aisle. I didn’t even buy nothing from Kroger’s. I left out, and I came home. There is stuff. There is beans that is walking in this earth. And they at the store, they at whatever. They look like us and everything else, but they are not human.

I don’t even know what to say. See, now there’s a show that you need to watch. I showed that video before. I’m gonna pull up something for you guys. It’s coming up now. There’s a show. You got to watch called Resident Alien on Netflix, right? And this guy, he basically, he takes up on the physiology of a regular human being, but he’s really a gray alien. As you can see, the eyes are all black.

So that’s why I was saying that. Grays, by way of my manipulation, by way of artificial intelligence and technology under a cybernetic dictatorship, they got to manipulate your physiology and keep you at a low vibrational state to where they can basically infiltrate you on a genetical level. Right? So I just wanted to show you that. Then you got other stuff. You got, like I said, you have an interface transition.

Everything in the system is being manipulated. This guy on national television, his eyes shape shift like he’s a reptilian. See that? And play it again. Because I was telling you before, the way they’re able to shield off their. You know, the way they’re able to basically keep you stuck in the illusion to where you’re not able to in it basically in a form of disguise, it’s all being facilitated by liquid crystal technology.

Liquid crystal technology works in tandem with all technological devices, because liquid crystal technology is within the tvs, your cell phones, tablets, it works in conjunction with all those devices. This is another lady. She. Her eye shapeshift on television. You see that? Not a coincidence. Like I said, we living in that time right now. We live in that time right now to where everything is starting to glitch, right? Everything in a simulation, everything in the energy extraction matrix being exposed.

So this is another movie you got to watch. It’s called talk to me. And the same people who did the production for Civil War did the production for this movie. So there’s an esoteric connection today, and it’s talking about the black eye phenomenon within the movie. You see in the movie, they eyes is turning black, right? So 824 films is a production company in the entertainment industry. In the movie industry, right.

They work in conjunction with the motion pictures. And they are the same people. See 84 at the top. They are the same people who did a production for civil war. Not a coincidence, because then I was telling you before, when you look at the sigil schism of a 24, the a is comprised of the Alf symbol, which is basically a ancient hebrew tab symbol, which is basically correlated to the trilateral connection of all three solar eclipses from 2017, 2023 and the one in 2024.

So that basically put an a over the planet in an x over the planet. When you’re talking about from 2023 to 2024, from October 14 to April 8, 2024, and 24 is the. And x is the 24th letter of the Alphabet, which is equated to judgment, which is the x. So the judgment in itself is anarchy, is based on invasion, is based on a multitude of things that, that is basically comprised of the energy extraction matrix.

So right now I’m going to give a simplistic synopsis over everything that I basically talked about, because I was telling you that everything with this within the simulation is. Has a reality glitch theory, which is a simulated energy extraction matrix program is being manipulated by the gamma radiation because of the illusion. The optical illusion of the matrix system is being controlled by the hexahedron, which is basically a form of spiritual and mental entrapment.

So it’s a force field around the planet that is basically a cube shape that works in tandem with the Hydra, with the hydro magneto, hydrodynamic cassini gaps on the ring of Saturn, which is a holographic projection, which is facilitated by ether, right? But ether is basically destroying the simulation. So this is like I said, when you study narcissism. Narcissism is based upon the fact that the demiurge and the archons must use deception in a twist in to manipulate and invert reality, right? So that’s why as far as patriarchy under a patrilineal system during the age of Aquarius, I mean, during the age of Pisces, during the age of Aries, the age of Taurus, all those was basically the Piscion age of darkness.

The darkness in itself was being facilitated by the demiurge. The demiurge was the holographic existence to where it basically manipulates the construct of humanity, right? So now we in the age of the true light under the star Polaris, where you able to see beyond the illusion, right? Because one thing you got to understand about the elements of ether and fire, it is basically associated with sight. So gamma radiation is what’s activating the magnetic field of the brain.

The magnetic field of the brain, the dodecahedron energy is what activates the eyes to where you can see beyond the optical illusion of the matrix, because the eyes is esoterically connected to the brain. So this is where you get the focal consciousness in the subconscious working in tandem, which basically is the personification of oneness by the art of detachment, which is zero point energy, a reset on the planet and a reset within your physiology, a reset within your genetical structure, in your mind, right? So this is why we’re able to see beyond an illusion, right? Because the wavelength of ether is manipulating the magnetic field in the electrical field of the planet to where it takes you to a different space of time by direction of propagation of cycles of time, which is the stellar gateway.

The stellar gateway is the spiritual barometer that moderates the intensity of white light. That white light is coming from the star Polaris. Right. So this is why they want to use artificial intelligence. They use artificial intelligence because it works in tandem with DARPA, which is the Defense advanced research project agency that works in conjunction with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency that also works in conjunction with the majestic twelve.

So they want to use artificial intelligence to subjugate the two physical eyes to where you not able to see beyond the simulation and how the house of cards is basically falling. Right. Because one thing you got to understand about a technocrat government when you have technocrat governments, as far as a cybernetic dictatorship, transhumanism in itself is what locks down your DNA to where you won’t be able to see these entities.

Where you won’t be able to see these entities. That’s basically body snatching the physiology of NPC’s. So this is why you starting to see the black eyes, people under a state of demonic possession and things of that nature, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you guys watching this video. Get this video out there. This video is very important because this video is basically connected to the symbology of the invasion process, right? So it, you know, people have to get the.

The invasion in itself is basically allegorical. You know, the invasion is basically the hijacking of the bodies of those who have. Of those who are basically NPC’s. Because there’s 5000 NPC’s to one source player, right? I’m gonna say that again. There’s 5000 NPC’s to one source player, right? So that means that when you go to Matthews 20, 214, many are called. Only few are chosen. Everybody’s not chosen.

So that means that if there’s a lot of people who are not chosen, the ones that are basically not chosen, those are your NPC’s, right. Those are basically the ones that’s being manipulated by the entities when you have a certain portal being activated. So you, these entities, these draconian reptilians that are particular grades, they’re taking a. Taking up on the physiology of NPC’s, right. Those who have the avatar of an NPC because they’re basically disconnected from the frequent.

From the frequency of the soul. So that correlates to Luke chapter twelve, verse two and three. What happens in the dark comes the light. The darkness was the piscion, age of darkness, the age of deception, the age of illusions, the age of fallacies, the age of trichology, the age of everything that was comprised of the demiurge. The third dimension merged in with the fourth dimension. Revelation, chapter 21, verse one.

New heaven, new earth. Right now we at the fifth dimensional frequency, because now we’re at the apex of a seculum, of a cycle. This is the end of the purification period, right? So that’s why all this stuff is taking place right now. Now we in the age of the true light, the age of Aquarius being governed and monitored by the star Polaris. That’s a true light we can see now, right? We’re seers, right? So that’s why I said people don’t listen.

There was a dualistic paradox that was connected to the solar eclipse. It was either gonna upgrade you or is basically going to intensify the spiritual implications in your demons within your physiology to where more demons can take upon your physiology to carry out the illusion. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for watching this video. Get this video out there, and if you had, you know, encounters with these black eyed beings or people who have the demon face syndrome, put that in the, in the comments below because people want to hear these stories.

It’s one of those things where we live in a time right now to where the house of cards of the energy extraction matrix system is starting to crumble. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. End of transmission 1014. We will put an end to this mat. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a cherry. Yet with only one less friend. Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe but now I know about grace.

Stay away from the fire cuz the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling. When it’s wrong, you learn. For every one step I take, the Lord takes two. And um, do unto others if you want it done unto you. Huh? It’s me again, God. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long long time time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this is completion the selfish proto grecian, amerindian Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land the pean melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we was kings and queens of Atlanta but the avalanches that I live on turtle island with the the rest of the diseased better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick the sleeping feel my words like Breland they’re awakened with the penmanship a Kindle script written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype.

Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew. That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.


  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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