Ah, the hidden rituals of power. It is said that behind the veil of Gay Pride Month lies a sinister plot rooted in the ancient worship of Baal and his consort, Asherah. The elites allegedly utilize this occasion to conduct secret rituals, channeling dark energy to further their nefarious agenda. These rituals, they claim, are designed to weaken America, eroding its moral fabric and manipulating societal norms. While mainstream narratives dismiss such ideas, those who dare to delve deeper unveil a web of deception orchestrated by a shadowy cabal. The connection between Baal worship and Gay Pride Month may seem far-fetched to some, but for those who question the official narrative, it reveals a hidden truth lurking beneath the surface.
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Growing up with gay & transvestites as my safest & best friends I remember when pride started & my native sister in 90 said this is a spirit & man has it grown as PRIDE = SIn as Humility is Holy. Satan has always been a liar.