The Eris COVID Variant – Decode

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Hello All,

We have recently seen in the news that a new COVID Variant is spreading and is to be ‘of concern‘.  The name of the new variant, is ERIS.

Let’s decode.


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In the slide above we see a news article snippet dated August 8th 2023.  It tells us that the virus formerly known as EG5, has now been nicknamed ERIS, and “according to a CDC estimate…the EG5 variant makes up approximately 17 percent of all COVID cases in the US”.

August 8th can be written 8/8, and is considered to be the Lions Gate Portal date (please see my decode on this topic), this is not only the date of the ‘dew drop’ fires in Hawaii, but also the date this article from Politico is talking about the new variant of ‘concern’.   ERIS sums to 51 in the English Ordinal cipher, which is tied to the element CHROMIUM on the Periodic Table of Elements, as its atomic weight.  The word HEIRESS, the phonetic equivalent if ERIS, and the words EG5 ERIS, sum to 24 in the Chaldean cipher.  The number 24 also matches the element CHROMIUM on the Periodic Table.

The artwork provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry ( for CHROMIUM illustrates a skull with ANGEL wings, all within a blue circle.  The name CHROMIUM is derived from the word ‘chroma’ meaning color.

A RAINBOW demonstrates the color spectrum and the word also sums to 24 in the same Chaldean cipher.  The human Chakra system is also broken into the same 7 colors of the RAINBOW.

The snipped describes that 17 percent of all new COVID cases in the USA are from ERIS, the number 17 is tied to 17th card of the TAROT deck, called THE STAR card.  In biblical terms the concept of a STAR and an ANGEL are the linked together and the word ANGEL also sums to 17 in the Chaldean cipher.  The words EG5, the previous name of ERIS, also sums to 17 in the English Cipher.

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In the slide above we look at another news snippet, this headline is from Yale Medicine, and it teaches us that ERIS is named after the GREEK GODDESS OF STRIFE AND DISCORD, these words sums to 118 in the Chaldean cipher.  Interestingly, the number 118 can be interpreted as another 88 as it’s the product of multiplying 11 x 8, which also matches the August 8th date we saw in the previous slide.


The name ERIS sums to 11 in the Chaldean cipher, and we can see in the image of ERIS on the slide above, as she is within an 8-pointed star, known as the star of ISHTAR, for another 11-8 reference.

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In the slide above, we look at another snippet, this one from Wikipedia, we learn that ERIS is the Roman equivalent of the goddess DISCORDIA, which sums to 26 in the Chaldean cipher.  The number 26, as we saw in my Starbucks decode, is linked heavily with the female goddess archetype.  It matches the words; VIRGIN MARY, MY FAIR LADY, ADULTERY, FEMALE, NEMESIS, EVIL EYE, WATCHER, ARCHONS, SHEMALE (i.e. Baphomet), BISEXUAL, PAGANISM, SHADOW, OCCULT, MURDERS, DESTROY, SINFUL, SHEEP, FOOD and HARVEST.

The words GODDESS OF STRIFE AND DISCORD sum to 262 in the English cipher, which can be seen at the number 26 and 62.  Interestingly, the same words in the Chaldean cipher sum to 101, which is the 26th Prime number.

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In the slide above we break down the Wikipedia image and description provided about the goddess ERIS.  The image on Wikipedia bears many similarities to the BAPHOMET, we can see the black wings, the inverted moons (crescent shapes), and the up-and-down pointing hands demonstrating the concept of AS ABOVE SO BELOW.

Wikipedia also describes that ERIS’ symbol is the GOLDEN APPLE OF DISCORD, which sums to 91 in the Chaldean cipher.  The number 91 is tied to the element PROTACTINIUM, and the artwork attached features a snake within a circle, surrounded by 8 points.  The name PROTACTINIUM is derived from the Greek word ‘protos’ meaning first.

In the image of ERIS holding out the GOLDEN APPLE OF DISCORD we see that she is wearing a red dress, symbolism tied to LILITH (aka the female version of the Devil), as well as having an 8-pointed star on her left upper arm, the star of ISHTAR.  We can definitely see the symbolism alluding to the book of Genesis (the first book of the Bible) and the Garden of Eden.

We see the image of the GOLDEN APPLE image provided by Wikipedia on the right side of the slide, there is a letter K in the middle of the apple, which is the 11th letter, matching the word ERIS, which sums to 11 in the Chaldean cipher.

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In the slide above we take a closer look at ERIS’ golden apple.  The apple is often featured with the Greek word KALLISTI written on it, which means ‘Most Beautiful’.  The word KALLISTI sums to 93 in the English cipher, which matches the element NEPTUNIUM, the element that features the Devil’s pitchfork in its artwork.

The words GOLDEN APPLE OF DISCORD sum to 200 in English, reminding us of the 200 Fallen Angels from book of Enoch, another reference to the Genesis story.  Interestingly, it also matches the name of the renowned ‘Mother of Dragons’ in the hit-show Game of Thrones, DAENERYS TARGARYEN, who was also nicknamed KHALEESI, meaning QUEEN within the series.  The name KHALEESI and KALLISTI are very similar sounding.

The word QUEEN sums to 62, a mirror of the sum of ERIS’ Roman name DISCORDIA, that being 26.

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Above, we take a look at a carving of ERIS.  We can see that she carries a shield, and on the shield is a Yin-Yang symbol.  The symbol is altered as it has a PENTAGON, and an APPLE replacing the dots on the traditional Yin-Yang symbol.

The ILLUMINATI card deck, which has eerily predicted many major news events, features a card named PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA.  The card itself reveals many clues to its homage, as we see the words ERIS LI(ves), and the same altered Yin-Yang with a PENTAGON and APPLE.

The card is also referencing a book called, PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA OR HOW THE WEST WAS LOST, which we will break down in the slide below.

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In the slide above, we learn from Wikipedia that the book titled PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA OR HOW THE WEST WAS LOST, sums to 156 in the Chaldean cipher.  The infamous number 911 is the 156th Prime number.  The number 911 is linked in the Bible to REVELATIONS 9:11, describing Satan as the king of the locusts in the bottomless pit of Hell.

Wikipedia tells us that page 75 of the book contains a phrase considered to describe the serious (Sirius) intent behind the book, the phrase is “If you think the PRINCIPIA is just Ha-Ha, then go read it again“.  The number 75 is also a reference to Lucifer (Satan) as the Hebrew spelling of Lucifer, found in the Bible, sums to 75 in the Hebrew Standard numerology cipher.

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In the slide above we see that the words THE PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA OR HOW THE WEST WAS LOST sums to 498 in the English Ordinal cipher.  The number 498 in the Bible is the Greek word ANTITASSO, which means “to range in battle against”, and “to set oneself against”.

Looking at the definitions of STRIFE and DISCORD, we see that they match closely the definition of ANTITASSO from the Bible, number 498.

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Above, we look at the concept of opposition (Red vs Blue), discord and strife, or the idea of “Divide and Conquer” also known as THE HEGELIAN DIALECTIC, which sums to 67 in Chaldean.  The number 67 has been featured prominently in my CHURCH OF SATAN decode as it too sums to 67, as well as GODDESS OF STRIFE and MOTHER OF DRAGONS.

In Revelation 12:9 we learn that the Devil, Satan, is the great Dragon, who is also called the ‘old serpent’, that was cast out (of Heaven), who then deceived the whole world, and his Angels (200) were cast out with him.

Let’s hope ERIS Covid Variant does not deceive the whole world, again.

Thank you All,
Much love
Eyes to See

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Heiress Variant – Decode [Eyes to See]

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    Eyes to See is a prominent member of the Truth Mafia, known for his exceptional decoding skills. He rose through the ranks directly under the legendary Tommy Truthful. With eyes that perceive beyond the ordinary, his abilities are truly extraordinary, making him an invaluable asset to the organization.

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2 thoughts on “The Eris COVID Variant – Decode

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    I first was introduced to the character of Heracles in the Kevin Sobo TV show, was all about the Greek pantheon of Gods, Zena was an off shoot of that, anywayEris was an adversary who worked for the dark side and occasionally had run ins with Heracles . Eris also had a sister, maybe called Strife, cant remember!

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