Wastin’ Away Again in Margaritaville

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Hello All, and welcome to my Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville Decode.  We will take a look at the coded meaning behind this classic song.

My methods of decoding are below, I use the English Ordinal (A=1 to Z=26) cipher and also the oldest and most relevant cipher the Chaldean numerology cipher.  This cipher is based on the number 8 and is coded according to the phonetics, the sound of each letter, similar to the musical scale.

I also use the Cards of Destiny to help break down dates, as well as the Tarot Deck for deeper meanings and connections.  I like to tie  all this together with the Bible as well as Strong’s Concordance definitions and numbers.

I also use the Periodic Table of Elements and the artwork found at the Royal Society of Chemistry (https://www.rsc.org/periodic-table/) for deeper connections and meanings.  On occasion I will also use the infinite number string of Pi and Phi, as well as some understandings from Astrology.  All of this together works together for deeper decoding.  Please enjoy.

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For those of you that are unfamiliar with this song, please watch the following video:

Jimmy Buffet – Margaritaville

In the slide below we take a look at Wikipedia’s breakdown of the song and its lyrics.  Wikipedia claims that Margaritaville is about a man spending his entire season at a beach resort.  The song contains three verses, and the first verse is about the man passing his time playing on his 6-string guitar.

The second verse the ‘man’ is singing about how he has nothing to show for his time in Margaritaville except for a tattoo of a “Mexican Cutie”.  In the third and final verse he steps on a pop-top and cuts his heel, which ruins his flip-flop.

Wikipedia tells us that the chorus of the song is describing the ‘man’s’ failed romance and that his friends tell him that his girlfriend is at fault.  The ‘man’ comes to the conclusion that it is his own fault by the end of the song.

Now in the second chorus, the line “hell, it could be my fault“, gives us our Bible reference to begin decoding.  So let’s begin.

Margaritaville sums to the number 37 in Chaldean and the number 148 in the English Ordinal cipher.  These two ciphers compliment each other and both tie to the Periodic Table.  Interestingly, a poster about the song titled “Escape to Margaritaville” sums to 73 the mirror of 37.

The number 148 ties to the element Samarium on the Periodic Table, the 62nd element.  The number 62 is heavily linked to the Queen archetype, and Elizabeth used this number a lot throughout her life, I encourage you to look at her Wikipedia page.

The number 62 in Chaldean is associated with the following words; The Scarlett Woman, Lilith the Deceiver, Parthenogenesis, The Orion Group, Deal with the Devil, Blood Offering, Trapped in Flesh, On Inverted Cross, Til Death do us Part, A Beautiful Stranger, The Hammer and Sickle, Harvest of Slaves and A Harvest of Angels.

The number 148 is associated with the following words in the English Ordinal cipher;  Satanic Ritual, Opposition, Beast System, Idol Worship, Welcome to Hell, The Trinity, One Two Three, Time Traveler, The Natural Man, House Party, The Emerald City, Disneyworld, Hotel California, and Margaritaville.

So we can begin to see how Margaritaville is encoded with the concept of the Female Goddess and Hell.

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Looking at the slide below, we can see that the song was released on February 14th 1977.  February 14th is a date linked to the Jack of Diamonds using the Cards of Destiny system.  (https://itsallinthecards.com/jd.html).  The Jack of Diamonds is the 37th card of the deck, matching the Chaldean sum of the word Margaritaville.  The Jack of Diamonds is associated the concept of Creative Independence.

The following words are associated with the number 37 in the Chaldean cipher;  Alcoholism, Retirement, False Reality, Who are We, Human Being, Born to Die, The Zodiac, Afterlife, Full Circle, Death Hoax, Burn in Hell, and Case Closed.  Plenty of words and concepts associated with the song and its lyrics.

The song was released on the album called “Changes in Latitudes Changes in Attitudes“, which sums to the value of 125 in the Chaldean cipher.  The number 125 matches the atomic weight of the 52nd element called Tellurium.  The element named after the Earth, and whose artwork is also an interpretation of the Earth.  Furthermore, the word Earth sums to 52 in English.

Now we can see that the song is encoded with the idea of ‘falling’ down to Earth, i.e. “changes in latitudes“, could this be an encoded reference of us, the Angels, falling from Heaven to Earth?  Let’s continue.

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Below we examine the artist, Jimmy Buffet.  According to Wikipedia he was born on December 25th.  This day is tied to the Six of Hearts in the Cards of Destiny system.  This is the 6th card of the deck and it translates to the Tarot Deck as the Six of Cups.  The Six of Cups is associated with the following words;  The Past, Homesick, Nostalgia, Childhood and the Homestead.

On September 1st of this year, Jimmy Buffet passed away.  This was a Ten of Diamonds day, the 36th card of the deck.  Thirty-six is heavily tied to the number 666, and the number 6 itself is tied to the Hexagon and Saturn.  The Ten of Diamonds converts to the Ten of Pentacles in the Tarot Deck.  The Ten of Pentacles is associated with the following words and concepts; Financial Success, Status, Wealth, Old Ways and Contracts.

Jimmy Buffet sums to the number 48 in the Chaldean cipher, and this number is associated with the following words and concepts; Tree of Life, Foundation, A Promised Land, Chosen Ones, Enter the Stars, Circle of Fire, Ground Zero, Flesh Bound, The Titan Code, Human Sacrifice, Daemon World, Groundhog Day and Simulated Reality.

We will continue to break down the number 48 in the next slide.

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We can see that the number 48 is associated with both Cadmium and Titanium on the Periodic Table of Elements.  Both elements reference Earth, and Titanium references the Titans (Elohim, the Gods) as the sons of the Earth Goddess (Gaia, Mother Nature, Twin X System).  Cadmium also has an atomic weight of 112 and this number was examined in my Room 112 Decode and we saw that it was heavily tied to the Vesica Piscis and the Female Reproductive System.

Looking at the lyrics below we see that the ‘man’ is looking for his “lost shaker of salt“.  We learn in Matthew 5:13 that we are the ‘salt of the earth’.   Perhaps this man is looking for himself, his true identity?

Also contained in the lyrics we see that the ‘man’ is pondering the concept of having “a woman to blame“.  This too can be interpreted using the Bible, as we see in Genesis 3:12 that it is the ‘woman’ who is blamed for eating the fruit of the tree and giving it to man, considered the “Original Sin”.

In Proverbs 9:18 we learn that it’s “her guests” that are in the depths of Hell.  The Earth System we live in is female, known as Gaia, symbolized by “Two X”, the Mother, matter, also Lucifer, or the creation, not the Creator of All, the Most High.  Please remember that this is a reference to ‘female energy‘ within the Earth system, and not the gender.

So we can now see that the ‘man’ is making a Biblical reference when blaming the ‘woman’ in the song.

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Below we look at a lyric from the song that stands out.  “I blew out my flip-flop” reminds me of James 4:8, where we are reminded to purify our hearts, as we are ‘double minded‘.  This twin idea is also observed in Strong’s Concordance within the Greek definition of the word spirit, or Spirit.  The Greek word G4151 is defined as a ‘spirit’ or ‘ghost’.  In its Biblical lower case usage its referencing our human condition as being ‘superhuman’ – an Angel/Demon (twin).  In its Biblical upper case usage its referencing divine God, Christ’s spirit, the Holy Spirit.

A flip-flop is a reference to up and down, like the Yin Yang symbol, or the number 69.  Consider that Jesus was crucified between 6 and 9, a three-hour window.  Or consider that Nikola Tesla tells us that the keys to the Universe are found within the numbers 369.

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Below, I included a scene from “Alice in Wonderland”, if you haven’t seen the movie I would encourage you to watch the first five minutes, as it is another example of truth-in-plain-sight.  Below we see Alice (meaning of Nobility) tumbling down the rabbit hole.  After reaching for a lantern in the darkness (perhaps a reference to Lucifer) she encounters a mirror image of herself, inverted, showing us the twin system.

The words “Trapped in the Matrix” sum to 69, and the words “Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole” sum to its mirror 96.

A Woman to Blame” sums to the number 50.  The number 50 on the Periodic Table of Elements is Tin, and it also demonstrates the ‘Twin System’ in its artwork.  As the artwork is showing us a symbol resembling the Under Armour logo, or the letters U-N (Uranus/Neptune), a one-up, one-down mirrored symbol.

The number 50 in Chaldean also sums to the following words; Mother Nature, Fallen Elohim, I Believe I Can Fly, In God We Trust, In the Beginning, Book of Life, Tree of Death, Blood Sacrifice, The Other Side, Life is But a Dream, Flesh Prison and Double Minded.

Having decoded this lyric, we can now see that the ‘man’ is likely more concerned about his soul or spirit rather than his irreparable footwear.

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In the last slide we look at a little controversy over the lyrics themselves.  According to Wikipedia there is some confusion as to whether Jimmy Buffet was singing “Wasted Away” or “Wastin’ Away“.

Interestingly the words “Wastin’ Away in Margaritaville” sum to the value of 83 in the Chaldean cipher.  The number 83 matches the element Bismuth and Krypton on the Periodic Table.

Bismuth features artwork resembling a snake making a figure 8 type shape.  This also resembles the occult symbol of the Ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail.  Also a symbol of infinity and a symbol of the system we live in, a life-death-rebirth cycle within Mother Nature.

The number 83 in the English cipher matches the following words; The Snake, Dark Lord, Evil Eye, Looking, The Void, Black Sun, The Circle, Magic Circle, Lifewave, Child of God, Jumper, Titans, Gnosis, Confuse, Lonely, Eugenics, End Zone and End of an Era.

The atomic weight of Bismuth is 208, matching the words in the English Ordinal cipher, “Trapped in Time Loop”.

When we decode the alternative lyric, “Wasted Away in Margaritaville” we get a sum value of 86 in the Chaldean cipher.  Which is the number we see within the artwork for Krypton, the 666 Superman element.  Matching the element with an atomic weight of 83.

I guess we are all ‘Wastin Away Again in Margaritaville’.

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I hope you enjoyed this decode.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read it.

Much Love to All,
Eyes to See

  • Eyes To See Decodes -

    Eyes to See is a prominent member of the Truth Mafia, known for his exceptional decoding skills. He rose through the ranks directly under the legendary Tommy Truthful. With eyes that perceive beyond the ordinary, his abilities are truly extraordinary, making him an invaluable asset to the organization.

    You can follow me on Telegram: https://t.me/EyestoSeeDecodes View all posts

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