Just one of many takes that I have, but again, that is thoroughly decoded in the recent release, the Black Moon decoded. Then we have the fact that this 25 synchronizes with not only our upcoming year, but it synchronizes with the current Hebrew year 5785 reducing to 25. We also have Kamala Harris. And this is where it gets really interesting, because she gives us 49. And this ties to the 49ers who are from San Francisco, and they just lost a Super Bowl this year in the year of the dragon. She is from Oakland, California, which is the San Francisco Bay Area.
And they lost this game on the first day of the year of the wood dragon, which is the year that she was born in 1964. That was the last year of the wood dragon. She’s also the 49th president or vice president, excuse me. And she became the 49 vice president during the election year where the 49ers lost against the Chiefs, the first matchup in 2020 Super Bowl 54. So it’s perfectly synchronized. [tr:trw].