Spread the Truth



– Old story has it that as we go through life, we really don’t change. We just become more the same. Yet change, sure thing. The only variable is rate. We trying to bring a change to enlighten our generation.
– Dr. Jewel Pukram is one of the mothers in my community to high frequency research. She’s cracked the secrets on the science of immortality in several lectures. We can all become intergalactic beings, okay? And it’s your destiny.
– The cosmogram is applying archaeometrical science into what’s called the chode. In each and every one of our bodies, there’s a way that energy travels through the body based on astrological alignments. Where your soul is going to be at a certain time when the energy hits the planet can determine what type of consciousness you project.
– Okay, so do we have should I open it up for questions? Are we good on that? I’ll allow one question period right here and one questions period at the end. I’m adding you all to the stream and removing people that couldn’t get in. All right, so we can continue.
– Call us by our Name Ancestor Spiritual retreat going on July 21 through the 23rd here in Columbia, South Carolina. About 30 different activities going on on private owned land. Mother Jaguar coming down. And we want to give this environment to everyone.
– All right, family, it looks like there’s no questions. Hope y’all got some information. We won’t be back on YouTube, probably to the week of the retreat, so I can do some promo. Enjoy the rest of your day or night and I’ll see you soon.


Site: : full summary text presention: cosmogrammaton-enochian-physics-and-nephilim-gnosis

Old story has it that as we go through life, we really don’t change. We just become more the same. You look around you as the years go by, and it seems a very valid premise. People don’t change. As a matter of fact, most of us resist change very strongly. Yet change, sure thing. The only variable is rate. Only variable is rate. Only variable is rain. We trying to bring a change to enlighten our generation. So creation vibrations on this planet. Got to raise it. My chakras. Bright lights, not too dark. Buried this pin with the side of my heart like a flame ignite. The spark made my link to truth and art never thought I would break these chains attention to the Astral planes motivate and bring some change. Only way to cease the pain never would. I just thought in my life the passion built from living with light expand my brain and light my sight take a stand for earth we fight circles for insanity the imagery is symmetry start regaining my memory feel like I popped a sensele beat escalate. When I’m up in the tank demonstrate how I diminish hate chose the row my mind is gold revive my spirit divine bestow image division y’all ain’t in ali he lost in the vibe he down underneath that brother some weed and for with a jeep. They tried to put knowledge to fight for the peace. Changed my whole life myself living for love. Too many problems or too many drugs. Now I sit back and just twist up some blood. Remember the days when we didn’t have none? Locking my mind, I escaped. Twist up the Dutch with an eight. Said he’d be blowing his sink to the face. Just searching for my comfort state visions of riches while shifting the mission beyond my existence. The indigo mission. Y’all living with fiction predictions of making a change regain the power and open your brain yeah, open your brain open your brain me and my brothers just trying to bring change take on the system and exit the maze over the Prophet never forfeit evil. Tried to see through the fortress blind by lies and crime. They worship Allah one on one. I’m limited. Want to see my nigga? I’m like gilligan I am no cop you cannot be my nemesis from a club no longer do those menace my skin is full of melanin fuck it, I’m pissed. I lit up for the hell of it and if I miss, I probably get your relative roll with the gangsters. But we still intelligent. Indigo can join the Fellowship bitches bugging me, repellent shit. First they hate you, then they cherish it irritate me, I embarrass it. Elevate each and every statement on a deeper way than like a parable sit with Satan when I’m there booth kind of notice paper with a miracle take a look into my soul by your eyes with the roll so the devil through the smoke gave him hell and then I roll secret. Juicy yes, I’m clones can’t produce it on your own free your mind and feel at home. Get it independent I can’t trust no one but you. Nick is slipping. If you think I’m duller, you can follow what’s? The man of reality? Reality where the profit is always telling you peace and chaos to the family. We are back. Shout out to my noggis and my fangs any of the new subscribers on YouTube. My interview on the 101 podcast has caught a lot of people’s eyes in the Esoteric community. Shout out to him and any subscribers from his platform that are here today and I’m thankful also to any of the first time listeners that joined this live stream, probably from social media. Also shout out to the high frequency music. These artists are producing great music for the community right now. The one you just heard is Aura the Prophet. We’ve been playing a series of his songs on Patreon but you can find that song on YouTube. It’s called metamorphosis. He probably has it on, you know, these other platforms as well. But make sure just to subscribe to or the Prophet play that in your car when you’re riding and support those type of people who bring that to us. With that being said, we want to get things going today with a wonderful topic of discussion. There’s a lot of things that lined up that I want to speak about today. It’s going to get some people probably mad, but we got to do it. We got to shame the devil when we see it. So I hope you get some information up out of this video. This is Cosmogrammaton Enochian physics and nephilim gnosis. We get a lot of confusion with that word nephilim and the fallen angels and all of that but we’re going to get deep into some stuff and yeah, we’re going to get in the ass. We’re going to get in the ass. You all know how I go we goes hard in the paint but there are some things I want to clarify. The 4 July pass shout out to see through the stripped anybody that’s a part of Truth Mafia tommy Truffle donut shout out all my brothers out there. That’s a part of the truth. Mafia. But see through the strip made some great graphics for us that I’m going to showcase in breaking down what the 4 July was just about, which is all a ritual. Of course. The 4 July is a ritual for the star Sirius reaching its highest apex of the heavens. So as you can see, July 4 is written seven four, which is 74 in Gematria holiday Independence Day. I believe occultism is also 74. In reverse you get 47, which is the big Masonic number. The Masonic compass is set at 47 degrees. Of course, Trump is predicted to be not just the 45th President, but he could become the 47th president. Think Donald Trump equals 47 on one of those numbers. News, authority, government, president, Republican, Democrat, wig all equals 47. Of course. Yeah, Trump equals 47. So we know where this 47 is coming from. It’s a fact that the three Founding Father presidents john Adams, Thompson and James Monroe all died on July 4. Independence Day anniversary. You see the connection back to killing, occult, gematria holiday, jesus, Lucifer, all equals 74. So that day that just passed was a very magical day yesterday. And what it is, is a free Masonic initiation. In actuality Society of Jesus Jesuits, the 56 delegates of the Second Continental Congress represented by the 13 colonies Declaration of Independence on the July 4. So society of Jesus equals 56. There’s 56 delegates. But what it really is is a free Masonic initiation of where the word Jason descends from Jason. This is a good note that came from my master teacher, Bobby Hemet. The word Jason is a acronym for when the star Sirius reaches its highest apex in the constellation. So Jason is an acronym for July, August, September, October, November, July, August, September, October, November is Jason. So any of those who have the name Jason in their name, that’s where that name actually comes out of. It’s from occult mystery schools of the dog days. The dog days is the hottest days of the sun because the star Sirius is lined right up and sending that radiation straight through us. And of course, when the star Sirius starts its arc in the constellation, it descends into the underworld at the end of the year. And you know the mythology, the Jason and the Argonauts, which is a mythoposis, a story showing what’s actually happening with our DNA. When you really follow the story, is something happening corresponding with DNA? Hold on, let me let some of these people in. If y’all come in, make sure your mic is muted. See, I gotta mute the mic. Y’all come up in here and hold all questions to the so, yeah, jason and the Argonauts is a mythoposis to our DNA corresponding to the shifts in the telesmatic behavior of the energies relayed between the stars. That’s information technology. Telesmatic behavior is an information technology which deals with the long distance transmissions of data encryption, spiritually. So they’re mapping to see where these stars at because it really influences the consciousness. This is where the Enochian tablets come into play. You’ll get a good distinct history of that and what John D and the boys was up to dealing with that. But we should all be thinking of our DNA as tiny antennas. Got some people coming up. You should think of your DNA as tiny subatomic antennas. And what your spirit is focusing on is where the atMans, a VedicSure! Here is your text formatted into natural paragraphs:

Term that you should get to know. We did an excellent breakdown on Patreon on the Atman, the Titan, the whole submersible explosion. We did a breakdown on Samadhi all of that within the last two weeks if you’re not on Patreon. But your Atman’s attention is where you focus your spirit on. And wherever the Atman’s attention is on is where embeddability happens in physics. So that’s deep metaphysical research into what we’re dealing with, what our spirit is focusing on. That’s why they always distracting us because there’s a difference between people in information and information like this.

The path of the NPCs. Remember the movie Free Guy? They were dealing with NPCs. And of course, when you see Free Guy as a title, I always tell you Free Guy means freemason but is also contextual to the person who is a sprite, a name for a free spirit. Even the drink sprite comes from that. It’s all metaphysical. But a Sprite inside of the holographic program isn’t litigated to that holographic template. The NPCs are, though. The NPCs are programmed to do something in a functionality towards the gaming system of the archives. Whereas there’s a group of people that’s free to make their own decisions. They’re not NPCs, but there are NPCs we’re dealing with. You come across them all the time. The NPCs cannot be on the path of the founders. So we have founders DNA. I’ll get into that a little bit later.

But let me tell you a funny story. I was at my nephew’s birthday party at my house over the weekend, right before the fourth, and I was speaking to someone close to my family, making casual talk. You’re around with your family. You’re making that casual talk with your family. And this particular person, which I’m not going to name, you can put out your family business, but he’s a pastor and really a fake pastor because he doesn’t really have a church. I ain’t trying to bash him or nothing, but that’s just the truth. But all the members he had left, he has likely literally two members of the church, other family members, and they go on live stream from like a zoom every Sunday for like an hour. But not to go into too much detail, but he heard some things that had transpired in my mouth. I mean, not in my mouth, I’m sorry, transpired in my life. Sorry. It was autocorrect. But there are some things that was transpiring in my life that I had to jot down because it was very funny. When I see instances like this, I take it as a spiritual lesson so we can understand what’s actually happening in the hologram, the Matrix, or this program.

All right, I ain’t going to let nobody else up in here. You all stopping my flow of things coming up in here. You all wait to get up in here until the end. So he heard through the grapevine some things that transpired and he had the nerve to bring it up to me. So he’s bringing it up and I’m like, wow. And this guy literally told me, based on this situation, I’m not going to get into it, but he told me to pray a blockage on another person that he heard I was dealing with in my life. He told me to pray a blockage. You all ever come across these fake pastors or what’s called prosperity Pimps? There’s a lot of them in the community right now. But he told me to pray a blockage on another person and hope that God closes every opportunity on that person to force them in submission. So I’m like, I had to ask the question, you all know me. I was like, So you’re saying, like, pray a curse on them? Is that what we’re doing now? Should I pray a curse? I mean, that’s what it sounded like. So this dude just looked around, and he looked at me, and he smiled. Get this. He said, no, not a curse, but allowing God’s will to be done. This is where we’ve come to. This is where we’re at now with this thing. Never actually heard anything. I’ve been to a lot of churches and never actually heard anything like that. So now we’re praying curses on people. They might as well be in the coat now. This is the type of characters we are dealing with. They’ve stooped so low to start doing this now.

Now, when it comes to churches, let’s just talk about that for a second. Because I am a Gnostic Christian, and there’s a lot of people come to my page, oh, you’re into that Kundalini devil stuff. You’re really into black magic science and don’t know nothing of what they’re talking about, have no idea what they’re saying. They’re just repeating something given to them since childhood. Most of the time, things that we learn at childhood, we cling to it. We don’t want real knowledge, because knowledge is something that you don’t know. Knowledge has to be grasped. So you have to relearn something to obtain knowledge. And most of the time when we go to these churches is regurgitations of something that we heard over and over and over again. And that makes us feel comfortable even in the conscious community. Now, people really try to grasp something that makes them feel good. It’s not about breaking a cyclic nature, a repetitive pattern that no longer serves a person. They cling to this thing. They get into the whole old love is light and spirits and all of this type stuff. And in actuality, what they’re really trying to do is find some type of trauma bond is what I call it. And that’s what would happen in church a lot of times. That’s why they build these churches certain ways.

So I figured out at a young age, studying the hierarchy of the angels, around seven, eight years old, I literally would open the Bible, look up all of the hierarchies of the angels and the demons. And this is around, what, 1998? So we had the windows. I think we only had windows 96 or something? Or 95 or something. But I used to be up on a computer doing research when everybody goes to sleep because I really wanted to know these things. Well, we’re going to get into the eunochian text later on, but I was looking into the science of the angels and wondering, are there really white, blonde haired people with wings saving us every day? Because that’s how it was presented. It’s presented always through a Eurocentric eye. That’s just truth. And that can confuse a young Melanated kid trying to understand these things. And of course, the evangelists are all over these indigenous countries and Jesus conquered the whole world through war, or war was used in the name of Jesus. If we have sensitive Christians in here.

So preachers, ministers, evangelists, always make it seem like the physical building of the church is where God is. You see, they always try to make it seem like the physical building of the church is where God is. But the body itself was the original temple in church. And today these cathedrals and sanctuaries are human suction machines. There is sacred geometrical patterns architecturally designed to allow the spell of these cryptocratic bodies, of the brass of the Jesuit order to penetrate dimensions. That’s what they’re doing. They’re penetrating dimensions where the spiritual essence can become food. Lucius what is called, and I always noticed a very negative presence behind the smiles and deception in my childhood church. I was programmed to only look at good memories of the church. My mom and two of my aunts and uncles attended the same church. So our family was one of the focal families because we were very large. We had a lot of people from my family at that church, so we brought a lot of other people to, quote unquote, God. Then a new family with more money became members to that church. And our pastor turned on us because the new family, who had more money, didn’t like how the church renowned my family. So we ended up having to leave my childhood church. Then after we left, all of the demons was revealed. There were homosexuality exposed, love triangles between the ministers, sunday school teachers, choir directors. It was like a veil was lifted and that church was never the same. So the new family ended up leaving a couple of years after us. And today the church is no bigger than like 20 members. So I believe that the spirits got me up out of there, the ancestors got me up out of there so I could do this real work here for.Reformatted text:

Because the communication frequency bridge is what gave us access to that dimension that used to help us and that collapsed human societies. Everything became more complex when the bicameral mind went away and our forebearers had to awake with modern self-awareness, which was a complete internal narrative, which Julian James believed that had its roots in language.

So the nephilim were a symbiotic clan data of genetics in a prater humanoid form that had bicameral access to the flow states of diagrammical Glyphs. Let’s play the video back. If it don’t make sense, you come to a video on here. You got to play it a couple of times because it is new information. So it sounds weird, but you play it enough, you’ll be like, okay, I can grasp that.

Now you see how these informational fields, there’s a circulation at the points of which direction this energy current is going and its flow state around the circle, just like I showed earlier with the cosmograms. And I’m showing here, same thing that the planets are doing, or the stars moving one unit a day in changing the way that we perceive reality.

Even showing on the Mayan chart here, when you see these different beings, this is the communication within that frequency bridge to those primal realms. This is your cousins, your uncles, your grandparents, their grandparents coming to tell you who’s now in the physical form, what you need to be doing at certain times. But the frequency relies in all of you all. It’s not literal, it’s not your grandma, it’s not your cousin, it’s not none of that. I’m just using that so you can understand it. It’s really you helping yourself because it’s only you. And you’re cloned a billion times in multiverse in a schizoid endeavor because of what the decision of an entity did a long time ago. It’s very complicated to understand this stuff.

But this is Enochian physics. I’m showing you the decons, and these particular stars dictating consciousness. Hold on. Somebody coming in here. You got to come back out, Chuck. Your thing is not connected. So I’m showing you the diagrammical glyphs to the flow states. Okay? So these are flow states I’m showing you. And the four flow states are the four corners of the watchtowers. You hear about the watchtowers in the Enochian tablets. The watchtowers.

Guess what the watchtowers are when you hear about the watchers and the watchtowers, the watchtowers are stargates inside of the Earth. Now, I’m about to explain this. So each of this is that same tower that you see. You see the four elements, and all of that is connected to the astrology half of it, but it’s also connected to the rays, or they’re calling it photons, and how when it hits the planet, how it affects your consciousness. Let me explain this.

So you need to always look at these things that I’m showing you as metaphysical when I talk about this, because it don’t matter how many times I explain that. Until you get that everything in these texts that they’re describing is about you and something dealing with your consciousness, you’re not going to break through the threshold to get it and understand it for your soul.

So there’s something called telesmatic streaming, long distance, conscious streaming from the stars of a certain cymatic collective consciousness of an ontology, and there are beings drawn down into a network. So the same way I showed you these beings in this Mayan chart is the Enochian angels, the watchers mentioned in John D’s spiritual diaries that was coming in and out of his body, giving him information. The choles, or the hot points called the PowerPoints in the bodies are similar to the universal constellation grid of how stars pass through these particular spaces and give consciousness to planets, planes, stars, or cymatic frequency fields.

Let’s call the beings that’s drawn down into this network the giants, fallen angels, or nephilim. And the watchtowers in which the watchers or whoever they call, in which they dwell are the stargates and the planets. Okay, I said before that the giants, Titans and fallen angels were children of Gaia, which is the Earth. That means that they were the ones that fell into 3D bodies.

Technically, the Masons, the Freemasons know where each star permeates in a certain region or landscape with a celestial effervescence over that landscape that changes consciousness. So we can think of it in a quantum mind lattice field before it enters into a structured lattice field. It is free information for those who can enter that field and get the information. But once it becomes a part of the structured lattice field, it can become food to the ARCONs. It can become food to the archives.

So how do we get into the quantum lattice minefield on Patreon? I told you, that whole submersible thing or the Titan is the science of immersiology. I-M-M-E-R-S-I-O-L-O-G-Y immersiology. Immersiology is the involuntary movement in the body of networks of our infra consciousness, that’s consciousness up under the subconsciousness. The infra consciousness is parts of the deep mental state that have yet to emerge or have yet to have been discovered by the self.

If this 3D landscape is a womb for cosmotic emerseology, so that’s the difference between immerseology and emerseology. Emerseology is the emerged states of deep mental consciousness that comes out so we can understand it. But immersiology is the involuntary movement of infra consciousness, of deep mental states that have yet to been discovered. But the cosmotic immersiology coming out of the 3D dimension, that can be interpreted, but the power is coming from that deep mental state, which is where the Titan the Titan is the atman that I mentioned in the beginning of the video. It is where the self is. And until you find the self, the self is unidentified.

The soul is asleep until you identify what you are. So what you’ve yet to discover about how the networks of consciousness commissions itself is where the next rim, or what we call the new God that’s coming into existence is being birthed from. And wherever this new God or this new dimension is coming into, that is the only thing that truly exists. So the parts of yourself that you have yet to discover about yourself is the only fucking real thing about this reality is go back and play the video.

That is the new guy. That is the Horace. The Horace is what’s being born. You all see they don’t wipe my chat again. Are you all seeing that they wiped out my chat again? You said the gates are 49 in number. There are 49 Hebrew letters in total when all twelve tribes are spelled out in combination. All right, let’s get into the science. Let me show you this real quick.

I told you that semiotics is just the study of symbols and its correlation to symbols. What we’re learning on Patreon right now is how to program chromatic rims. That means color, how to make in your mind, you could visualize color filling up your body, so you can visualize blue or red filling up your body. And then once your entire body from a mental projecting is filled up all around you, you can begin to program the color that fills up your body. And now, when somebody messes with you, or when a situation happens to you, you have programmed the color red and blue to work for you.

So now I can shoot blue or red out my eyes like Superman hit a motherfucker across the head with it. And it may not happen right there, there in the time frame, because you have to program the time logic station of the colors as well. The color itself is becoming an entity for you. Literally, all colors are the fallen Light. They’re also the fallen angels. Fallen light. When Lucifer fell, he brought a kingdom of angels with him. The kingdom of angels he brought was colors. The color spectrum. He being representative of the Perugia, the Samadhi state.

But people get scared of that. Just talking about the pineal gland. Once the centripetal force reaches the top of the head, it says it absolves at the top of the head. But all of the colors are the rest of the fallen. Yeah, the colors are the fallen angels as well. That’s why when I was showing you earlier the science of the Enochian Sigil of Amphitheater, look at the cymatic chart right here. It’s nothing but the color system when you look at it. But they’re not going to tell you that. John D ain’t going to tell you that shit because really, they don’t want you to learn this stuff. So the colors is an angelic communication system as well.Well, in the mechanics of the Nayagapatu system, you’ll need to learn how to program different chromatic rims. For instance, me, I program this blue rim. I call it the Azer templic body because Azer means a deep blue type of color similar to the Teklet in the Hebrew Bible. And I imagine this color. I’ve been programming it for months, and I told people that I specifically programmed this color.

When I go into meditation in the morning, I send this Rim wherever my son is to be a protection over his auric field. And that’s all it does. It’s programmed to protect my son. This is the highest science of soul physics of what you can do. It’s not about what you can physically see with your eyes. It’s about what you can manipulate in materialism. That’s what the elites have done. They don’t have to physically show up to your doorstep. You’re going to go out and buy Walmart products tomorrow because they’ve already embedded it into your mind. So you believe that going to Walmart is the best thing because the prices are cheaper and cheaper prices must mean something to you, right? You’ve been programmed.

So programmed this rim. So you have your ruddy landscapes that’s red, you have your azure templic bodies of landscapes. Then you have to program what type of time logic stations exist there. And how do you in different landscapes, extract data from the bonding of frequencies that’s matched with the program ontology of the entity that abodes over the Rim.

So, for instance, when they speak of the new Earth, you’ve heard this phrase repeated over and over, oversaturated New Age mumble jumble. The Earth has an interdimensional transparticle stargate system built inside of it for a person’s consciousness to access and these are reality systems to how consciousness between different beings have a relationship to stargates. And there is a security clearance to who can utilize the stargates to go further out into the multiverse.

So when they say the New Earth the new Earth literally is when a being has tapped deep into the DNA morphogenetic substrand and can feel what’s called as a cult term called aesthesis. Aesthesis is a metaphysical feeling. It’s kind of like a hunch, but more like you can feel it in the chodes, those points in your body. Some people can have certain feelings deep in their body when a spirit is coming through or when an astrological influence is affecting an area they’re able to fill it in their astral bodies when it’s going on. Or maybe they have a shift. They never get a cold or a cough. It varies is what I’m saying. But it’s called aesthesis and they can feel this aesthesis and they can feel aesthesis of other beings that’s connected to the nearest stargate. So it’s like almost a symbiotic relationship to that person, to the other people connected to the nearest stargates that’s on the planet. And that’s why the cryptocratic governing brass has set up their religious temples, their churches through mystical typonomy geomantical grids that align right over the stargates.

And this is the true knowledge of where the Nephiline and Watcher codes come from because all we’re talking about is Kabbalistic catharic technology of twelve strand DNA information fields. All right, I’ve been talking for a while. Let me open it up for questions. Let me open it up. I’m open up for questions. I could go deeper into it but I’m going to leave the link open for anyone. We don’t got nobody in here now. Or you all can put the questions in the chat.

You said visceral the lowest price is the law. The colors they use as well, subconsciously and everything. Absolutely send everything. All right, so the movie you need or the series you need to be looking at right now is Secret Invasion. Secret invasion with Samuel L. Jackson and the scrolls. Of course they’re going to talk about the reptilians again but the beings they’re talking about that’s secretly invading is a thesis. It’s an interdimensional invasion of yourself from another multiverse. And they’re using the melanin because the melanin they already know when they drop all of this stuff out of the skull and bones year just like them dropping affirmative action which never ever worked for Melanated people anyway. They have to target a certain group to get the consciousness shifting where they want the consciousness to be.

But you have to determine where your soul going to be before they make the shift on us. That’s why it’s a constant daily routine of work. In your meditations you have to be two to three steps, ten steps ahead of them because most of the time they are 100 steps ahead of us. What they want to do with us. The other show, you got to look into. You got to go get the witcher. You got to go get the witcher. Let me see what the witcher is. Hold on. The witcher is talking about some stuff. Now, the little girl, her name is Siri. That’s the star. She’s because they said her power is chaos and she will bring the destruction between the kingdoms, Nilfgard and all of these places. But the way that she received the power was when this monolith a black rock.

Because, you know, black rock, what is it, ENT or the Black Rock Company is buying up everything they own, everything. So this black rock erects out of the ground, which is a multi semiotic representation of symbolism, but it also represents the Enochian Towers because what happens when it’s erected, it opens up portals. You see this right here? It opens up portals, which is exactly what I was showing you on that chart with the stargates. The stargates are the portals. Same thing. So they’re showing you they want you to think the portals is going to come out of the CERN machine, and the fucking portals is right inside of your ass right now. Depending where you at on the planet, you see the portals is already open.

You said, are the stargates similar to the hyperlucidity? You mean the Hyper Kingdoms? Yeah. The Hyper Kingdoms. Yes. That’s definitely a stargate. But it may be a stargate right where you’re at. Yes, they got them in the Hyperkingdoms as well. We talked about the hyperkingdoms, and the witcher drinks this black liquid when he drinks his black. That’s also melanin, because the melanin is the melatonin. It’s the fuel of the pineal gland. And when he drinks it, his eyes turn pure black and he’s able to see in the dark and he gains these magical abilities. Go back and get the witcher. If you haven’t seen it. He can push people with telekinesis and shit, but right now, that’s one of the most metaphysical shows out, I think. They’re not coming out with a new episode until July 27, but go ahead and binge watch the third season and you’re going to get a lot of information out of that right now if you can understand it.

Also, there’s some things going on. Speaking about how Jewel Pukram was saying they can program your mind. They got these purple lights. We just talked about how colors are conscious entities. So what are they programming with these purple street lights that’s out here that’s increasing in all of the cities since 2022. Let me show you this real quick. Purple street lights that people are seeing across the country is because all of these lights are going bad. They’re saying that there’s a coating that comes with these Led lights that causes them to turn white. And without that coating, they turn purple. Aka. They should be covered by warranty to get replaced. But they’re popping up all over the country, and nobody’s replacing them. Oh, we have to wait. Oh, we’re working on it. Literally, if you Google purple streetlights, there’s an article from every major city.

Here’s the Carolinas. Here’s Florida. If you have seen these purple lights, please tell me what you think is really going on, because I don’t think that they’re going bad. It just doesn’t make sense mathematically why they would all go bad at the same time. And even though they’re covered by warranty, they’re not getting replaced. Hold on. Light. So they got these purple street lights, and every time you’re riding past this light or you’re just sitting up under it, there’s something called mitogenic rays and how these mitogenic rays can divide consciousness in atoms, particles. It can manipulate the movement of these things. So it’s easily for them to induce heart attacks, induce brain aneurysms. They’re getting ready. It’s a spiritual war, and there’s a physical war happening at the same time. Yeah, it was installed back in 2021. TheyDidn’t cut them on until 2022. They just sacrificed Robert De Niro’s grandson. I didn’t get the name of the guy, but I think he was trans, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve seen a lot of photos, so it fits the whole thing. But they sacrificed him 46 days before Robert or before his yeah. Robert De Niro’s 80th birthday and sacrifice in Gematria is 46. Chaos is also 46. Order out of chaos. So that was big news headlines the other day.

You said you heard about those lights from Rambo associated with a book about MKUltra. Yep. So you remember the news said they were installed by mistake. I was looking at Shakari Richardson and Soulja Boy, and it’s either two things. These are literal clone, cookie cutter templates of an inorganic strand of DNA that’s called somatic cloning, or we’re looking at something even more insidious grown Humunculus. In communities, Humunculus is an artificial person. Corporations are Humunculus. Juan be going deep in that information, but the only thing we’re dealing with is Humunculus, physical and invisible.

So it’s no coincidence somebody said, well, maybe they’re of the same tribe. There ain’t no coincidence. Both of these people reach the particular status of what they reached, and they look this identical. You see in Jay Z’s mother. Gloria Carter Wed’s longtime partner. Roxanne, Wiltshire. So Jay Z’s mother is a part of the alphabet crew. Of course. And you best believe those Carter kids, they may have one or two a part of that alphabet crew, because what did the people say the other day? The LGBT people were saying they’re coming for the kids. That’s their words, not mine. They’re coming for the kids. And all of that is a template that they’re uploading getting you ready for it.

They announce for the first time in history, a flying car has been approved and will be available in 2025. I think it’s about 300 grand. They just playing on the whole UFO thing in the year of the Rabbit. It looks like a UFO turn sideways and all of that. So they’ve been talking about flying cars since before I was born. Even more weirder news, jorge sent me this article. He sent us the article in Skype. It says, Boil in the bag water cremations that dissolve dead bodies look set to be the UK’s next big thing. Says a so called water cremation is to become available in the UK, following on from its popularity around the world. It’s called resomation. A rather tasteless leap has been described as a boil in bag service, which the UK’s largest funeral provider co op funeral care set to offer later this year with the rise in aquamation burials, an environmentally friendly 14 hours alternative to traditional cremation methods use water instead of fire, which is called resumation, described as alkaline hydrolysis. Different in that than the process was faster, just 4 hours. So now they’re going to start this boiling the body, boiling bodies into water. This is rituals because what they do with that water I said, that’s going to be the water they use on the soil of those 15 minutes cities and even some of those dead bodies in the grave. When they took the Jab, they said the dead bodies, there was an app that was out that shows the location of GPS trackers. And when they got near the graveyards, the app would go off because there were still nano robots sending some frequency waves from the grave out and it was picked up on the GPS tractor app.

So this is a type of necromancy or nigromancy and geomancy at the same time, killing people and using whatever you would call the hydrolysis of the body to fuel the magical evocation of what they’re trying to do, which is disgusting. I’m not sure what that means. 62.62 degrees Fahrenheit. I’ll have to break that number down, look into it. They caught Tracy Ellis. She took a picture like this. Hope I don’t get marked with that, but I don’t know. These people be seeking attention. But she took it in France. It was interesting because there’s these riots going on in France. Did y’all see the riots in France? Over the dead melanated child or was a boy or something like that. Then people was letting animals out. Let me show y’all the video. They were rioting. Look at this shit, y’all. They got animals walking out. I ain’t going to play the sound. This shit is crazy. Got a rhino. Imagine walking down the street and there was a rhino. Yeah, they were turning up over there in France. I got a goat. I don’t know who let these animals oh, nah, if I seen that. Yeah, man, it was crazy stuff going on out there. But this is all contrived by the Jesuit brass. I think the Jesuits probably let the animals out, tell you the truth. Yeah, they snapped over there, ain’t it? It was a 17 year old. 17 equals murder in Gematria or kill. Now, look, there’s a Netflix movie about a France boy who a melanated child that was killed, and it sparked a riot. It came out about two or three years ago called Athena. You see Athena? Go look it up on Netflix predictive programming. It was already in the works. Athena is the Greek goddess that’s equivalent to ISIS and Paris in France. Paris means ISIS. A lot of people don’t know that. The word Paris means ISIS because the Jesuit brass went over to Egypt and stole the whole temple of ISIS, took it apart and brought it over to France and set it up in Paris. A lot of people don’t know that. It’s crazy stuff, man. He says facts in it. I don’t even need to talk about this. You already see it on the screen. I don’t want to get too marked, but that’s the agenda with that.

What’s going on with that right now? Let me see some more stuff. So your boy Drake out here coloring his fingernails. I think he’s supposed to drop his new album for all the Dogs, but of course, he has to be Buck Broken. He has to get Buck broken real quick. He’d been painting his fingernails for the last couple of months now, and that was during the whole Toronto skies were supposed to be smoky fires, which was all fake. The Toronto fires was fake. All contrived. All of it is made up. None of that is real. Alright, if we don’t have no more questions. We didn’t have much questions anyway. They bought to bring Sandman back. We’re going to break that down. Yeah, I saw little Uzi Vert is coming out with the pink tape and had the illuminati eye in the sky. Looks like an aggregore. If I show you a picture of an Aggregore, but they just do all types of rituals with it. Oh, he painted it pink around that same time. Okay, y’all know what I said about the color pink? Go on, Patreon. I did a whole video on it. And is Madonna dead right now? I don’t know. I have no idea. I’m not speaking that because YouTube will market video. But what’s going on with Madonna connected to the day that Freemasonry started? You said ANI. How can they fake the smoke and bad air quality like that? All they got to do. They can fly something high in the sky and drop something down. These people study biological warfare, and they can say, hey, and anybody who’s flying these planes, most likely it could be AI flying drones or something. And they fly it high in the stratosphere. It don’t have to be in the troposphere. They could be in the stratosphere even higher up, and they can drop these things over an area, and instantly people start feeling the bad effects of the air, and they just blame it on the Toronto fires. When you’re getting attacked by biological warfare and whatever they tell you on the news, you believe it. And your ass getting fucked up through some biological warfare, don’t believe nothing they tell you, even this bull crap. They saying that these people agreed to be locked in a room at NASA for a whole year to simulate being on Mars. So they’re going to check on the progress of these people in a year. I bet half of these people probably going to damn eat each other or something or kill each other with these MKUltra experiments. Or maybe they never even went in the room in the first place. It’s just bullshit to start with. And you all can look forward to my breakdown of from I’m about to start that this week. The breakdown of the show from it’sGoing to be some high connections to it. We got to get into that. And looking forward to my video with Donut. We got to get into the illuminati worms and break that whole metaphysical history down and make some instant classics for So.

All right, family, it looks like there’s no questions. I appreciate y’all today. Hope y’all got some information.

We won’t be back on YouTube, probably to the week of the retreat, so I can do some promo, let everybody know how they can get a virtual ticket if they’re not attending, at least for the lectures. And we’ll be back on Patreon later this week.

Enjoy the rest of your day or night, and I’ll see you soon. Peace.”The community. And that’s why I’m here for you today. If some of you all have a similar story, put a thumbs up in the Chat or put a fire emoji and we’re going to continue. So everybody has similar stories in the south.

All right, so let’s get back to get to some deep stuff today. You got to get into some deep information. Whole lot of things going on. Whole lot of things are going on. Family, let’s see. Where can we begin?

Okay, so there’s two things that happened this week that stood out in what I call the Reptilian Kings of Edom coat community. Oh, yeah. Y’all remember the reptilian myth video? Thank you to all who reviewed it. That’s a classic on this channel. They don’t brought the Reptilians back out. You all know I got to go in on this. Hold on. Let me play this.

I’m telling you, I’m getting the off, and there’s a reason why I’m getting the fuck off. And everyone can either believe it or they cannot believe it. I don’t give two fucks. But I am telling you right now, that motherfucker back there is not real. And you can sit on this plane and you can fucking die with them or not. I’m not going to bye. The guy at the end said bye. That was so funny. It was also funny when he looked behind him to look to see what she was looking at. We’re going to look at another angle of it, then I’m going to go a little bit deeper. Hold on 1 second. That motherfucker back there is not real. I’m telling you. Hold on.

So there’s trying to say, look at three’s eyes. And I’m like, yeah, we got to stop this junk, man. Can we please stop it? Please stop it. Because the real story came out, and a lot of people that went to TikTok are part of that Kings of Edom Reptilian cult. A lot of people that’s a part of that. They had to take their video down because the truth came out and they didn’t want to look stupid. And that’s why we expose this whole Anunnaki Reptilian thing all the time. And people get mad at me because I expose the Reptilian Anunnaki myth. It’s a myth, guys. It is not physical. I’m going to go deep into this thing again today.

So a woman on an airplane supposedly spotted a, quote, unquote, unreal person, blurted it out loud that everybody was going to die based upon what she saw. Now watch this. There’s another woman. Let’s see what she has to say. Hold on.

If you want to know what happened to the lady on the plane at the airport who saw something and told everybody that they were going to die, listen, this is what happened. I heard firsthand from another woman on the plane who just shared the whole story on TikTok. And I’m going to try to give it back to you verbatim as best I can in very short form. She said that this woman boarded the plane. She was seen drinking before she got on board, and she was sitting there with her air pods in. They left the terminal, were on the tarmac about to leave, when she, like an AirPod fell out. And she accused the man sitting next to her, who is African American, of stealing her AirPods.

So as you see this woman on this airplane hold on, I hope you heard that. Hold on, hold on. They messed my video up sometimes when it plays. So as you see this woman, if you want to know what happened to the lady on the plane down, that’s when she starts flipping out, yelling, pitching a fit. The flight attendant came over, fell out, and she accused the man sitting next to her, who is African American, of stealing her AirPods.

There you go. Started yelling, pitching a fit. The flight attendant came over a man and was trying to calm her down. That’s when she starts flipping out and saying that the flight attendant is not real. This flight attendant is the man who she’s accusing is not real. So she gets up and she’s yelling, get me off the plane. I want off the plane. That man is not real. And they have to turn the whole plane around. She starts yelling how everybody’s going to die? And they turn the plane around for her. Go back. Everybody has to get off the plane. Because of all of this being said about everybody going to die, they have to sweep the whole airplane. The plane is delayed 4 hours. Apparently she tries to get back on board and the woman said that she is asked or escorted back, like when she’s trying to come back to the terminal, people come and stop her. People that work there come and stop her and escort her away. And the whole of the airplane, the people that are on board start cheering as she’s escorted back.

All right, so I would have been pissed, I would have been freaking pissed if you didn’t hear that story. Basically, this woman was drinking before the flight. She’s nothing but a drunk, supposedly racist. I’m going to put on, quote, unquote, we don’t really know, but we know that she accused a black man, a melanated man, when she drops her ear pods on the floor, she accuses him of stealing it. And people clearly see that the man didn’t do so. And after a flight attendant came over, tried to tell her, you need to chill out, she says that just because the flight attendant didn’t join her side of accusing this melanated man on doing something he didn’t do, that the flight attendant has to be unreal. You see, I see somebody talking about Variel lizards. No, same reptilian stuff. Same reptilian stuff. Now, I heard of the virill worm. I heard of the worm put into the eyes of certain victims. I do have a magical manuscript from the Sidu of Ameth in the Yinochian tablets. Yeah, it’s basically a Karen. Basically a Karen situation. Cherry. That’s basically what it is. Another Karen situation.

So it was debunked on the internet in a couple of hours because people that were on the plane debunked it. But let me show you how these grifters out here and it had to be another melanated guy and how these people lie. You got to watch out for the Reptilian grifters. You have to watch out for this, because he has a pretty decent size following the Raw report on TikTok. But he’s one of the people that took his assessment video down because it was debunked. Let me play this.

So as you see this woman on this airplane, she’s willing first of all, look, let’s analyze what’s going on. A person picked a flight, pay their money to go on the flight, all right? The only thing that would disturb usually when a person taking a flight, they got to be there because they ain’t driving, or they don’t want to drive or whatever. But you don’t pay money. All right? You can tell she’s obviously upset, very upset, all right? She’s holding it together. When she says right before she say that motherfucker is not real, she takes another breath. She’s fighting back emotion like then. All right, this is where my bachelor’s degree in psychology comes into play. On analyzing shit like this, this woman is telling you the goddamn truth. I don’t know no other way to put it. She’s telling you the truth. She saw something that disturbed the fuck out of her enough to make her get the fuck up. She didn’t just get off the plane. She tried to warn people, all right? Because she saw some shit that she probably can’t even comprehend right now. It’s not registering. The only thing she obviously ain’t probablySure! Here is the text reformatted into natural paragraphs:

Heard of reptilians and stuff like that, probably don’t believe in aliens because she didn’t say nothing like that. She just said, he’s not real. All right? Now, what does that mean, not real? It would mean not human. All right? So I put Reptilian because these are the beings that we know that’s here that’s shapeshifting and doing stuff.

All right, here you go. Nobody has been able to get any footage of a Reptilian doing the actual shapeshift except the one I posted, which, again, I’ll post here. God damn it, man. God damn it, man. Damn it, damn it, damn it. It has to be the goddamn reptilians.

You all need to go back and review the reptilian myth video. What they’re doing is they’re mixing the extremes of esoteric, metaphysical semiotics, and they’re making it physical. They’re making the relationship between these metaphysical concepts. You see, they have the word archon in here, but an archon has nothing to do with this word reptilian. This word was made up by this guy Zachariah Stitchin and the whole anunnaki thing. You see, both of their know, I forgot, what is the name of that guy, whatever his name is. Both of them talk about reptilians and it equals 33 in Gematria, which means it’s freemasonic. It’s an inception into the mind of an ideal.

The guy even said we don’t even have footage of a person shapeshifting, but he has the one footage. So first he already debunks himself before he finishes his next sentence. He says, we don’t have footage. We don’t really have footage. Then he goes, yeah, david ike. David Ike. We don’t really have footage, but I have footage. Then he names some man, this is a big grift, man. And these are type people. They get like 500,000 subscribers. Because the inception of reptilians has been put in the subconscious of the people for over 70 years, 70 plus years now until it’s created on a quantum level, a templaic template inside of our subconscious where we see things and we just call it a reptilian. It’s magic. It’s magic. But we clearly see that was all a lie. We got proof that the woman was lying. But this guy and these other people are going to be making videos all week trying to say that she saw reptilian.

Now want you to look at this woman. She’s probably a little bit older now. Somebody said that she looks kind of like the woman here. I’m not sure, I’m just hypothesizing some things. Snakes on a Plane, speaking about reptilians, you see the Caduceus, the Caduceus staff right here in this symbology? This is semiotics, but Snakes on a Plane, which was about a reptoid, a snake or snakes in general being on a plane, and a black man, Samuel, which correlates to the angel of the Enochian tablet, Samael, which is Azazel, who gave man technology and actually makeup, whatever you call makeup, cosmetics or whatnot. But yeah, they said that she could have know this woman here whose name was Maria in the movie Snakes on a Plane. Let me go back to I don’t know. I’m not saying she is or not. I don’t know. I don’t have a good angle to really assess that. We don’t have a name. We don’t really have a name or nothing. But it’s interesting nonetheless, very interesting.

So you said Jay Z was accused five years ago of shapeshifting? Yeah, that’s a bullshit. Now I did tell you what did I always. Tell you the Reptilians are people who wear fake silicon skin. They’re called bodysuits or mask. They even showed it. Look up the Family Guy episode with fake skin. What is that episode called? Episode on Family Guy where this dude was wearing the skin of other people in his closet. Let me type in bodysuits. All right. They’re not showing it on here, but you can find it if you look it up. It could be on YouTube or something like that, but it’s on there where the guy, he was playing a different character every week. And if not, you can also look up Metamorphosis Mask. Look up the company. Hold on. Hyper realistic silicon mask. Here’s the website here where you can literally order a bodysuit of anybody you want, name the celebrity, and you can just wear their skin. They even show you how to do it on here. These are the Reptilians, to me, because you look at Joe Biden every week, looks like he’s wearing a skin mask, you know, so they literally got a mask like that’s funny. But y’all seen videos of Joe Biden looking like he got a fake skin mask on. I don’t have to show it, but those type of people, yes. Silicon Valley.

Yep. You said, have I seen their new skin suit? Technology is mind blowing. Yes. You said fake silicon skin. Like lovecraft, country. I finally got into a few months back. Good recommendation. Yeah. Remember in Lovecraft Country when the girl wanted to become white so bad, they did a ritual, but after the ritual was done, she turned and she ripped the skin off. She ripped the skin off her body. That shit was disgusting. Right. That’s the reptilians. It’s not literal creatures like that. You got to evolve past that mind state.

So Eddie Murphy was playing an entire family in a barbershop staff on his own. Yep. You said, Why are they wearing masks? Because it’s Masonic. It’s free Masonic. You get an agenda. Once you join in, they initiate you. They say, hey, in about three years on this date, we got to talk to you about something you got to do if you were getting $500,000 to a million dollars in your account every two weeks, not saying that you would do it, but the morality of human beings, they’ll do anything. These people will say, yeah, Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry wears the skin suit of Medea. And Medea, in mythology, was actually a witch. A witch who brought down the first artificial intelligent robot, talos. Medea brought Talos down. And it’s interesting how Tyler Perry now owns Bet. And the word Tyler, if you look up Tyler in Masonry, a Tyler is the name of the office of an outer guard of a Masonic lodge. So a Tyler guards the door from outside. Ineligible masons or malicious or curious people. So a Tyler pretty much is somebody who protects Masonic lodges. So it’s like a gatekeeper. So they just made Tyler Perry the gatekeeper of Black Entertainment Television. Tyler. That’s why a lot of stuff was going on in Tyler, Texas, a couple of weeks ago. Betnvh one. Well, there you go.

So, yeah, I hope we got that situation all wrapped up. So this is another thing I want to deal with this, too. Let’s go deeper. So they’re talking about a soul trap in this video. Let me see if I loaded it up here. They’re speaking about a soul trap. It it I don’t see it loaded right here that I loaded up here. Hold on, guys. Give me 1 second. Let me just go to my videos. So the same guy that tried to say he had a bachelor’s degree, he also said on his page that there are soul traps. Here it goes right here. Let’s watch his video, and let’s debunk it.

What is the soul trap? The soul trap is the reincarnation cycle. It has been proven from little children ages three and four that we reincarnate every single time we die. This reincarnation cycle. Many believe through their religious text that they are bound to do until they reach a certain level of enlightenment. However, this has been proven untrue not only by Buddhist monks who do learn to escape the reincarnation soul trap and move on, but also, we know this is not true, because you are not given a memory when you come back so that you can try and do better. Therefore, how can you reach any type of attainment or level of enlightenment if you cannot remember what it is you did before? Ancient Sumerian text states that modern day Homo sapiens were created goddamn simply by aliens called the Anunnaki to work on this planet as a god damn it, man. Do they really always got to bring this thing in, man? Do you all see what I mean? That should discuss you all, too. It has to be the aliens. I’m going to debunk all of that stuff he said with reincarnation in a second. I’m going to get into that in a second. But it has to be the aliens, the Anunnaki. This is what they bombarded our brains with. Damn it, man.

Let me just play the rest of this. Hold on. Slave.Race and the reincarnation soul trap is them keeping your soul here and giving you a new sleeve, a new body. Now your ass is keeping your soul here, getting a new body because you didn’t do what the hell you were supposed to do when you was in the body to continue your work, and they never let you escape when you get a soul trap session. I explain this in very great detail. Improve everything that I’m saying. These beings are wise. I can’t finish it. Oh, God. Please stop it. Please stop it. God dang, man. That is so disgusting to me that people would even listen to that bull crap. But people need an excuse because you didn’t do what you supposed to do in the physical body with your spirituality, they get mad because people like myself have a Patreon. You can get lessons for $5 or you supposed to be a spirit man. Spirituality is supposed to be free information. No, everything’s a business. Spirituality is a business because it’s currency. Just like you have currency that men and women agree that a piece of paper, a federal note, is worth something. The energy you spend time in the ethers doing work in the physical plane is also a form of currency itself. Everything you do is business. So if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do with your spirituality, you’re going to reincarnate. Simply put, that’s a business. So spirituality is a business. You heard it from me. You don’t have to listen to these people. See a real god. Let’s just use that term. Because even to all the Christian people, Jesus said that ye are gods in the scriptures cannot be broken. I don’t know the exact chapter and verse, but you can look it up yourself. Jesus said that ye are gods. So if a real god doesn’t mitigate an excuse to why they keep coming back in the reincarnation cycle like he did, saying it’s these goddamn reptilian Anunnaki people stopping us from getting out of the matrix, quote, unquote. I think it’s about to rain here, guys. So if my signal goes out, looks like a big thunderstorm, so you guys just let me know in the chat. So he’s talking about a soul trap of the archons, and they’re calling it fake, since enlightenment, he says, doesn’t stop incarnation into the physical. This is where they made a mistake. Buddhist monks, the Yogis, what you call Zen Masters, have only studied the magnetic immaterialisms of the Astral realms. Maya, when they meditate and they do their chakra practices, they don’t do it to escape Samsara. I’m not saying that all of them haven’t done it. Of course, there’s probably been some that’s done so. But the primary practicality that they apply to their research has nothing to do with escaping Samsara’s will. It’s about going deeper into the Astral plane and mastering the Astral plane. And I told you, on Patreon, the astroplane ain’t nothing but a template, a layer for you to practice projecting your body through so the soul can understand how it is to be outside of the flesh. So when you actually do leave the flesh, which is the only fact in the physical realm, that you do have to leave the body one day. Doing those Astral exercises that these Zen Masters and Yogis left manuscripts on helps prepare you to leave permanently and not reincarnate. But they’re not trying to do that. They’re trying to become what they call Ascendant masters because they’re messing around with something called astro light. Let me go into it in a second. Hold on. The Buddhist monks, the Yogis, these Zen Masters only deal with the light side of the bifurcated spectrum. And that’s what theosophists call astro light. Now, we got to understand what astro light is. Going to get a full class today. Here go the astrolite. It says a term used by French occultist Alepheus Levi. Refers to a medium of all light energy movement, which is accordance to the theory of luminephorous ether, commonly held 19th. Okay. H.P. Blavatsky adopted the term and used it in her writings. The astrolite is not a universal principle, but it belongs to our planet. There it goes, right there. I highlighted it. It is not a universal principle, but belongs to our planet. It is a lower aspect of the universal Akasha. It embraces the second, third, and fourth procreatic planes, although sometimes it is characterized as being only the second plane. It’s corresponding with the linga sara-wa. In human beings, the astrolite receives the impressions produced on the terrestrial plane and retains a record of all that happens. It also mirrors, that means it ain’t the real shit, the higher planes. However, due to his nature, the reflections are fragmentary and misleading. You got that? You got that? So all of these people going up, when you hear people saying they’re on the astroplane, “Oh, I’m all deep in the astroplane, foolish.” That’s what the neophyte does, the uninitiate. See, the astroplane is an illusionary rim, just like the physical, but it’s like a practice slate for the soul to understand itself. It’s almost like going into another cocoon state to test the freedom of activity, of leaving the body. But what these people do when they go further in the astral plane, they go further into the illusion called Maya. They go deeper and deeper into Maya. That’s what’s happening in actuality with this thing. Now they got something called the astral tablets. Hold on, let me see. What this? It says, “As Esoteric philosophy teaches us, the astral light is simply the dredges of Akasha, or the universal ideation. In this metaphysical sense, though invisible, it is yet, so to speak, the phosphorescent radiation of the latter and is a medium between it and man’s thought faculties. It is these which pollute the astral light and make it what it is, the storehouse of all human psychic iniquities, astral tablets. You can’t barely see that. So it has the ability to receive and store impressions, just impressions. That means that’s some fake shit. That ain’t the real stuff. That’s an impression of something. So the astrolight reflects on its lower individual plane, the life of our Earth, according to its tablets, according to occult teachings. The astrolight is the recorder of every thought. Sounds like aggregore. It is the universal mirror which reflects every event in thought, as every being and thing, animate or inanimate. We call it the great sea of illusion. Maya and I knows what he’s talking about. He knows what he’s talking about. So it’s illusion. It says it is neither a spirit, nor is it spirits, but living men who can draw before their eyes the picture of any book or manuscript, wherever existing, and in case of need, even that of any long forgotten and unrecorded event. Who helped Blavatsky? The astrolight is the storehouse and the record book of all things. So it ain’t nothing but a record book of illusion. It’s a record book of illusion. Makes a lot of sense, right? I hope you take them notes and let them know you got some scholarship. You know, you said, I watched your debunk of reptilian myth and I’m cool with it, but I don’t mean to make you mad or you can’t make me mad, but I get your gist. So when did the lady accuse the guy of being a reptilian? I didn’t hear that whatsoever. I never said the lady accused the guy of being a reptilian. Might need to play the video back. I was talking about the other guy calling, the thing that she called. I said that she said it was unreal if you go back and watch the video. Unreal person. But yeah. Now that we’ve identified what is the astral light and why these yogi Zen masters keep coming back into illusion, we can see why the uninitiated hasn’t really drove deep into the metaphysics because they don’t understand the full picture. And Blavasky was important to the understanding of metaphysics and occultism and the occult phenomenon. So much so that Hitler’s occult teacher, Rudolf Steiner. Rudolf Steiner got all of Blavasky’s books. And that was the guy during the whole pandemic that was saying that in the future, the V word, I can’t say that word because they’ll take my video down. But he said that the V word was going to take the soul out of the human body. Hold on. I don’t know where my pictures don’t went. Give me a second, guys. Maybe I passed it. It probably was right in front of me. Guys, hold on a second. Maybe it didn’t load. Maybe it didn’t load. Yeah, I’m not seeing it, guys. So yeah, I’mJust talking about HP Levoski and Rudolph Steiner and them y’all can look them up. Y’all can look them up and see what all of that is. So yeah, so let me go back. Okay. All right, we’re going to get deep today. So the real research to help you understand how all of this comes together is the research of cymatics. I don’t even know if that picture loaded, so it’s missing a lot of my pictures, like usual. But we’ll be okay. See if they got my site. Okay, here it goes, right here.

So cymatics, that’s how you understand DNA. It’s how you’re going to understand sound and light. Follow Cymatic Jewel. Shout out to them on Twitter. They do a lot of great information. And jewel is spelled J-O-U-L-E. Cymatic jewel because I’m studying cymatic physics, and we now know that time in space is the illusion of waveform mechanics coming into structures. And we are talking about elementary particles that come into form based off the spin orientations of the wave, which determines the frequency. Frequency is based by the seconds of revolutions within the accounting for the measurement of hertz in which the waves oscillating together form the combination of particles which gives us simplistic geometry, or very complex geometry depending on the frequency.

Matter can be nothing more than a symbolic description of the unseen physical and metaphysical forces which form it. Matter and life are a collection of a very complex set of waves and standing waves. These waves form interference patterns that result in complex geometric structures that the matter in life itself coalesces around. It grows and evolves and these become harmonic intervals that are transferred from sound into light. And we studied the Kabbalah and we showed bala ain’t nothing but the tree of life, you’re the tree of life. All of that is symbolic. But the Kabbalah is talking about these diagrammical circular glyphs that gives us metrics into scaling how realities are built upon themselves. But we also study the cathara grid on Patreon, which is a twelve base mathematics system. So there’s a difference between ten base mathematics, twelve base mathematics and the word cathathera refers to a core structure. When you say core structure, that’s what we need to understand. What is the Christosis of the morphogenetic field? What is projecting the illusion? See, the Yogis and the Zen masters aren’t getting into that black dot godhead seed that’s causing all of this. They want to go further out around the cellular. Let’s just look at it as a cell. They want to travel around the cellular membrane. Well, you come on Patreon. We’re going to teach you how to get directly inside of the nucleus that’s producing all of this stuff. Then we can properly diagnose what is giving the holographic templates sound, light, scalar waves that serves as blueprints on which matter manifests the word Ka. And cathodara means light, tha means sound and RA means one. The light sound one science. The light sound one science going to get pretty deep today.

So today’s lecture is called cosmogrammaton Enochian physics and Nephilim gnosis. And I want to dedicate this lecture to Dr. Jewel Pukram. And she’s still alive today? She’s alive and well. But most of the time we give our elders and master teachers their flowers when they’ve already made the transition. And this sister here was dropping on deep, she was dropping on these deep quantum light code information and she was doing it in a time when we were limited to computer accessibility. We didn’t really even have search engine optimization and it was still premature data on what that type of science is coherent to in soul physics. So she’s one of the mothers in my community to high frequency research. We very much love her and everything she’s contributed.

You can find her network is called the Jewel Network. Jewel. And you can get all of her videos and information from she has two books, vitamins and Minerals from A to Z by Dr. Jewel pukram and straight from the heart, a physician’s loving message of healing and wellness. And she’s cracked the secrets on the science of immortality in several lectures. Her name is very fitting because she was definitely and still is a jewel of consciousness that hasn’t gotten enough credit for her contributions. Thank you so much, Dr. Jewel Pukram. We love you. We hear you, and we are doing the work, and we’ll continue to do so. It’s a latter picture of her. Here’s, let me show damn. They erased all of my chat. I don’t know what’s going on with YouTube today. They don’t erase the whole chat. Can y’all still hear me? Give a thumbs up if you can hear me. Still. They don’t erase the chat. I don’t even see nobody see Janae’s message. That’s it. Okay, yeah, the chat is gone. You see that? The chat is going. You see that? That’s crazy.

So you all see they watching my videos. And this is Jewel Pulcorum. Here, let me play a video, show you how the sister used to get down. These neurotransmitters have been isolated for the last 20 years, and especially the ones on emotion. There is a particular neurotransmitter for joy, peace, harmony, love. The frequency of vibration of the atom, the content of the chemistry, the electromagnetic spectrum that it activates has all been identified. It’s in the literature. So therefore, it’s understood that exposing person to particular sound, particular color, to a particular frequency of light, actually will create neurotransmitters that will immediately put a person in a particular mindset of thought. So, yes, depending upon your environment and who’s manipulating it, you can be put into depression, you can actually be put into suicide thought, you can actually be put into violent thought. But if you do not understand this, then you’re just a victim, and you will carry out these acts, and then you will then have a sociological reason to be prosecuted and incarcerated. Let me play one more hold on. I told you about that, though. What I need to develop to be the best I can be. Guess what? We can all become intergalactic beings, okay? And it’s your destiny. Whether you want to do it this lifetime or 500 lifetimes from now, you must become intergalactic. I can tell you that right now. So the evolutionary she said you must become intergalactic right now, within this lifetime. I always tell you that. She was talking about that probably before I was born, more than likely. So, once again, thank you, Dr. Jewel pulcrum for your contributions.

All right, getting that out the way, there’s some things we want to deal with. Want to deal with some things. So the cosmogram in cosmogrammaton is applying archaeometrical science into what’s called the chode, or it can’t be pronounced child, but chode is spelled S-H-U-D workings. I mean, I’m sorry. C-H-A-U-D-C-H-A-U-D is chode or child? So the chode workings came about through Kenneth Grant and Michael Birdio. They brought this term into the occult philosophy. Then Tau, Allen H. Greenfield, he comes and gives the most information on it. And you have to know what this chode is. We’ve been covering it three weeks straight in classes on patreon. You can think of the stigmata in movies. Sometimes they showed us stigmatas. Let me see if I got that graphic here. Something called stigmata when they showed the markings on Jesus hand in certain pictures. Okay, maybe it didn’t load. That’s cool. Okay. Yeah, those pictures didn’t load. We’ll just keep it how it is. But just look up what the stigmata? Some of you all know what that is. You’ve seen it in a horror movie or something. So think of this stigmata as an actual noetic entanglement that’s derived from that in symbology. But the chodes gives the science on the functionality of the vehicle. So in our hands, throughout our body is these things called nadis, and these are where I call the Naga wormholes. In Chinese medicine, they put those pins in your body to hit those choles. But the nadis are called spiritual cells. You see what I’m saying? No. Dr. Ju Poo room is not dead. She’s alive and well. So there can be a field of study for practitioners using the inyagapatu technique in the approach from the physical, chemical, biological, and Esoteric engineering to address archaeometrical questions. The word archaeos etymology is rooted from the word ancient.

So all Gnostic physics is a form of ancient biophysics, because what we are doing is examining consciousness, I e. Directed fields of energy. That’s what consciousness is, or Effervescence. It is at times necessary to move our explorations of these chodes, which I call the chodes. These points that you see in your hand, inYour body, you probably can only witness it through a psychedelic experience or psychedaisic experience most of the time, but they are quantum points of universe b within our own cosmograms. And what the cosmograms is, it’s going to be a great bit of the lecture on the Enochian physics.

But in each and every one of our bodies, there’s a way that energy travels through the body based on astrological alignments. And where our spiritual sun, the bindu seed is traveling up the seminal fluid of the spine. And where your soul is going to be at a certain time when the energy hits the planet on a certain day can determine what type of consciousness that you’re projecting to people that day and how to make an adjustment to prepare.

That’s why I always give a shout out to our goddess Kalini. Our Vedic astrologer gives us great information. She keeps me on par. Every one of you needs a astrologer to denote how these frequencies are affecting the rim. Her email is, and I always advise for everyone to get a reading from her because to me, she’s the master to me right now of understanding the Vedic science. Of course, she is learning from masters as well, but she knows it very well and can interpret it different ways. And that’s how you know that’s the makings of a master teacher, if you can diagnose it several ways in the cosmogram is lined up with the astrology in the body.

So at different times of the day. 06:00 A.m., 02:00 P.m., 11:00 P.m., you may have a sun in Aries. You may have a moon in Gemini. The spiritual sun in the spiritual moon is the electrical and magnetic fields of consciousness. The sun is electrical, the moon is magnetic, and the centripetal force is the snake or serpentine energy. That no reptilian folks talking about. And it’s talking about something spiritual going on. And it opens portals. Each and every one of this is a portal that opens up at different times of the day. And if you’re on the right infraconscious wave form, you can define something about yourself that you never knew and unlock the soul data extracted from the substrands of DNA, which we’ll get into a little bit later on.

So, yeah, we get very deep in here to understand that, because only thing happening in this world is cosmograms of what we are. What is the true secret of the UFO? We the motherfucking UFOs. You looking for something outside of yourself. You will always be fooled by how the Neophyte sees the rim. And the only thing happening here is spirituality, which is shifting the perception of how you see the realm. And these illuminati, quote unquote elites has shifted your perception so their perception can be the perception of the realm. Don’t put a piece of paper with cocaine and prostitute vaginal stains on it and you get it in your hand and you throw it around like you rich. No, Vernita, no. She did not make the transition. She is fine. She is fine.

Alright, so that’s only thing that’s going on is these cosmograms, correlative to the astrology and the mental states that we’re evolving or devolving into according to our consciousness. Even Mayan OMEC Glyphs showed us cosmograms cosmoglyphicus into how our mind is reacting to the consciousness.

Okay, so do we have should I open it up for questions? Are we good on that? Before we get into the anokian half, do we have any questions? I’ll allow one question period right here and one question period at the end.

I’m adding you all to the stream. I’m removing people that couldn’t get in. You have a question, Melissa? No? Okay, just making sure. Alright, so we can continue.

Alright, so what is the semiotics to the Enochian language in the Esoteric understanding of the Nephilim? The book you need to get is by gerald J. Schuler. I don’t even have this book because, honestly, I’m doing a whole lot trying to get this retreat together. Matter of fact, I need to plug my infomercial in after this. But the book is called Enochian Physics the Structure of the Magical Universe. You have to get this book. It is kind of pricey, but I’m about to get it myself, and we’re going to go through it. I already have an idea what’s in it. I got some pieces of it. We’re going to get deep into the Anochian Physics today.

But let me let everybody know that we do have the Call us by our Name Ancestor Spiritual retreat going on July 21 through the 23rd here in Columbia, South Carolina. We have the event bright up. Everybody asking for hotel information. Any type of information is on the event Bright. We even have different tiers for the tickets for the event. We’re going to have about 30 different activities going on on private owned land. This is the land right here. We’re going to be on 30 different spiritual activities from Reiki Healing yoga instructors. We’re going to have a cacao ceremony. Plant medicine will be administered. They’re going to have horseback riding. There’s going to be a musical concert with conscious artists and poetry. It’s going to be a real vibe. Also, they’re going to have a bunch of different vendors, probably 25 different vendors that’s going to be giving they have similar spiritual commodities like the shop that I’m over along with my partner. And we want to give this environment to everyone. And we want to do it on a regular basis. Hopefully, we want to do it on a regular basis.

But right now, we have a great event set up for you guys. It’s going to be in this compound at the Yahuru Academy, about 25 acres of land. We even have, I think, the ex wife of Talib Kwali, the rapper. She’s coming. Empress Darcel. And when I looked up her information, we spoke. I didn’t even know who she was. But this woman is spectacular, a spectacular healer. She’s a Master Reiki healer. She has all of the credentials. She sent me certificates. She’s going to be there. We also have Mother Jaguar coming down. Let me show you Mother Jaguar’s video real quick.

I’m Catherine Aduni, and I lead ceremonies with plant medicine. I’m a counselor, and I help guide people back to their original souls. And one of those modalities that I use is plant medicine. I’ve sat with plant medicine for over eight years. My personal experience with plant medicine has been liberating and allowed me to find confidence in my being. There are several different plant medicines out there for different reasons and for different people. If you would like to know more about the work I do involving plant medicine, you can check out my website at

There you go. That’s Mother Jaguar. Miss Catherine is going to be out there. We also at the very last minute was able to secure Dave from generation Z. He’s coming down from Canada. He’s coming all the way from Canada to share his information. Of course, he’s one of the main CEOs to Salt LLC, which is a strategic analyst and assessment of longitudinal technologies specializing in propulsion, biophysics, bioplasmic effects and consciousness. We got our brother coming down there. We have Nadera Mazani, dr. Angel green, and sakima bay. Sakema is into indigenous laws. Somebody was speaking about they’re looking for the laws. The whole aspect with the laws we have that going on as well.

So July 21, family. We’re going to be on the land, and the second day, we’re going to be back at the shop. We’re going to be back at the shop, and we’re going to have all of the lectures inside of UNC life. And we’re going to have vendors there for catering of the food. Alright, so that’s my infomercial. Let’s get back to it.

So what is the semiotics to the Enochian language and Esoteric understanding of the Nephilim? One thing that we should know, because the video game Diablo is one of the biggest video games in the world. It sold 666,000,000 copies. It made $666,000,000 the first week it came out. And that’s all Enochian science. They got that whole Diablo game from the Enochian understandings, from the Ethiopian Bible. Enoch was never a man. Enoch wasn’t a man. Enoch and the Watchers were the first recordings from man of what we call Aggregors. We spoke extensively on what Aggregores are. The etymology of Aggregore means a spirit of a group. The spirit of a group. From ancient Greek, it means aggregoros wakeful, but it means a watcher angel in the book of Enoch. So the word Watcher means Aggregor. An angelic being of the BookOf Enoch, is an autonomous psychic entity that is composed of and influences the thoughts of a group of people. So we’re all up under these aggregores as well. We’re up under those Aggregors and the Watchers. All of that is connected to our consciousness.

The word Enoch means one who has walked with God. And the name Enoch was also said by occultists to represent an ancient group of adepts who kept the flame of occultism burning through many dark centuries. So that’s clarification to the group spirit entity collectively.

So to understand all of this, the main thing we must be studying is looking into magical landscapes through the cosmograms, the archaeometrical structures of a magical universe.

You’re not going to get too deep into the Enochian information if you don’t know how to build a mental temple in the mind. Because if you’re trying to connect with the quote unquote angels or the Watchtowers, the angelic languages, you have to be able to build a mental temple to make that communicative correspondence to the cosmos and the multiverse.

So how is a nonphysical universe built? It comes from mental temples and that is how we look through the meta layers of frequency to perceive the differences of illusion or perceive inward dwellings of truth hidden inside the effigies of his or hers consciousness and how it has unraveled in our understanding of this construct.

The meta layers are not present for the interpretation of these normal NPC neophytes, these clones out here trying to find their way on the path. The Enochian model of physics isn’t simple. We need to insert the nephilim gnosis from John D to actually grasp some of this information I’m about to share with you. Hold on 1 second. It seemed like my pictures load and they didn’t load. Here goes right here in front of me. John D. The original seven. Him and James Bond equals 32. And Cal D and Gematria.

So John D studied at Cambridge in Leuvain, and he achieved the status of Renaissance celebrity in 1550 with a lecture on mathematics and the spiritual aspect of numbers, which we teach on patreon. The numbers that you see during the day, it’s called rep digit numbers. 1111, 112233. There is an angelic language, a cosmic language connecting through what we call the crystal grammatic propagation of how you project your consciousness.

In this reality, the angelic communication is speaking to you and you have to be able to understand what type of portal is opening before you to tell you something that you need to pay attention to in your life at that moment, to have a grasp and understanding of why you’re seeing that number over and over. Plenty of people I do spiritual consultations had somebody come in the shop the other week asking why is he seeing the rep digit numbers over and over? And I was trying to tell him that it is a portal. We are mortal portals here and the entities are coming through depending on which stars are lined up over certain lay lines. And I’m going to go into how there’s stargates right up under us on this planet, which is the connections to the Hollow Earth and the New Earth. All of that stuff is quantum and it’s already in us, but I’ll explain that later.

So he did a lecture on that with the numbers at the University of Paris. During the reign of Edward VI, john D became involved in the political maneuverings around the throne, and by the summer of 1555, he found himself in prison on an unspecified ecclesiastical charge. Catholic Mary, also called Bloody Mary, had succeeded the young Edward, and times were tough for Protestant mathematicians and magicians, especially for those who have caste horoscopes of the queen. John D spent three months in prison. His cellmate went to the stake, as did over 600 others, for witchcraft and heresy. D survived his trial and lived to joke about it with his new patron, queen Elizabeth I, who was also accused in the plot.

Soon after her coronation, he was proclaimed a royal astrologer and given specifically freedom from ecclesiastical harassment. Then Dee settled at his mother’s home in Mort Lake, which would eventually house the largest library of his time. So this guy had access to the largest library in his time frame. Means a lot of knowledge to access there in all of Europe. So only the great national collections of the next century surpassed it.

In the early 1580s, D listed over 4000 volumes, 3000 printed books, and over 1000 in manuscript. The libraries of Oxford and Cambridge together numbered less than a quarter of that total. Mort Lake acted as the Elizabethian equivalent of a university research center. So his mom’s house was the equivalent of a university research center. And it was said that the library contained the whole of the Renaissance thought.

At the end of 1562, Dee departed on an expedition to the continent proposed by Lord Berlay, Queen Elizabeth’s chief minister, and Sir Francis Wellish Ham, the head of Elizabeth’s intelligence service. The exact reason for this intelligence gathering venture remains unknown. It was speculated that Dee discovered during his travels several critical important manuscripts, texts that would shape the rest of his life and revive, through the resulting Rosicrucian movement, the esoteric traditions to the west. One of those texts was the Steganographica of the Trithamus, the Abbot of Sponge. He spent ten days copying a manuscript of his work and crowed to Lord Berlay about its value.

The steganographica appears to be a textbook on codes and ciphers that sound like Gematria. All very valuable to spies and intelligent networks, but is really a hermetic text on angelic communication designed so that the codes and ciphers described in the first section of the book must be used to read the second section on angelic magic, which is the trithamous masterpiece. Works like our modern interactive games. The reader has to be absorbed in the mindset of worldview in the book by the time the important information is reached.

All right, let me explain this. So much to explain today’s. All of this is Cymatics, by the way. Okay, so D discovered that there is a type of meta linguistic programming that was at the core of mystical illumination in the 15 hundreds located in something called the Seals of Anniel, which is an archangel. The archangel Niall. Of course, this isn’t the real picture, but this is the depiction I saw on some of the libraries on it. It’s nothing but a frequency of energy. Don’t pay no mind to the picture. So the book on the Seals of Nil was called the Consecrated Little Book of Black Venus, and it gives us a grasp of higher dimensional geometry.

So this Nil, these Seals of Nil gives us a grasp on how to understand this high physics of geometry and correlating to what the angels are actually saying to us at the times that they’re communicating. You talk about the retreat. The retreat is on July 21. Cosmic stylus. July 21. July 22.

Okay, so in 1577, it was revealed in the Euclid mathematical preface that a book called The Perfect Arte of Navigation gave a basic understanding to how a person should embark on an explorative insight into angelic communication the logic of turning supernatural forces into knowledge about the universe. In scientific sensibilities, there was an image in similitude of how God and how spirits or angels was given to Enoch or Ezras, Elijah and Moses. And we’re talking about an Aggregor when we say Enoch. So we’re talking a group of people, people that have DNA that emits a weak form of coherent light. Our DNA works like a communication system.

And those people, they have a hard time of bringing themselves into this similitude to how God and the angels set up this communication system or network. But the network is in the DNA and is in our cells in larger organisms. And it forms a mechanism or a framework that allows the mind to exist in the universe of the gods or the angels. This language of light is omitted and received by the DNA and may be the origin of all languages. So we getting deep into how that is. I’m getting ahead of myself. Or it may be the ultimate language of initiation in that it means only one who has the skin of the dragon I E has become one with the cosmic serpent of DNA can understand this symbolic language of light.

The reconstruction of this dragon speech is the green language of light’s syntax in grammar and vocabulary that was told in the ancient Chinese I Ching or the more modern Tarot symbolism based in part on the Renaissance understanding the Christian.Kabbalah and the I Ching both provide alphabets to spell out meaningful words, allowing us to use these words in sentences and metaphors. The tree of life in Kabbalah and the Tarot also organize the information of DNA, representing Eastern and Western approaches. Comparing these approaches helps us understand the architecture of DNA and its complex meaning. However, it is difficult to conclusively prove a connection between the DNA’s language of light and the nature of language itself.

DNA acts as tiny subatomic antennas to the universe, receiving and disseminating information through telesmatic fields. The language spoken in this realm is currently hard to understand. It may correlate with the science of Enochian magic. To explore this relationship, a unique experimental situation is needed, involving a small group with shamanic abilities able to project a language from the spirit realms.

The speaker shares an experience where the points in their body began speaking to them during a psychedelic trip. Some people interpreted this as demonic, but it is a deep metaphysical concept related to interdimensional stargate openings and the multiverse. The speaker believes that every time we dream of something that never happened in our life, it is a glimpse of another universe connected to our quantum consciousness.

To understand the relationship between the DNA language of light and language itself, a small group can enter a shamanic trance or record information. Further study can be done through classes and exploring the Enochian language. The Enochian system is based on geometric foundations and uses sigils as templates for communication. The Enochian language includes angelic names transmitted in letter form, forming a chart. The approach towards these names reveals different angelic characteristics.

The speaker proposes the idea that when connecting with angels or non-local intelligences, we may be projecting them from our own DNA. The Enochian tablets resemble Tibetan Mandalas and are full of poetic linguistic patterning. Speaking in tongues, known as glossolalia, is the language produced under trance conditions and is linked to the unconscious. Trance states facilitate a more complete understanding of the angelic language.

The speaker then addresses the concept of the Nephilim and asks who they really are. They suggest that esoterically, the giants represent something other than the literal interpretation commonly associated with them.A nine-foot, ten-foot giant before, but you’re sure the military in Iraq don’t found these big-ass giants, and you’re saying that’s the nephilim or is the Nephilim, the rich billionaire families eating babies? What are the giants really?

The word giant stems from the etymology of the word gigante gigas or gaga. Now, you know where Lady Gaga now gets that name from. Lady Gaga means female giant. But I’m not saying that she is a giant or nephilim. I’m just showing you how they play with these transliterations.

The word nephilim or giant simply means a race of divine, monstrous beings. But how can something divine be monstrous? It can only be meant that the etymological origin of this word had to oppose the polarity of something that was being conveyed.

In mythology, the giants were said to be the sons or the stars of Gaia in Uranus. Uranus was the father of all Greco-Roman deities. His Sumerian name is ANU. Uranus means the sky or heaven. And Gaia was the consort of Uranus, and she was representative of the soles of the feet that is supplanted on land, the sky being the mind. That’s a big note.

The giants were called the savage monsters because what is defining is the natural destructive forces of nature. So the natural destructive forces of nature are the giants. Another note. The giants were said to be destroyed by the biblical God, or the demiurge God, the ruler of the archons.

But the word giant. In the Septuagint, Gigante refers to a race of beings of great size and strength or it means a person of an extraordinary quality or a class of stars. So now it’s back in the sky because every man and woman is a star. So now we’re speaking of prototypes of soul genetics. A class of stars of extraordinary quality now is back in the conscious fields, you see.

But the Neophyte wants to believe something literal. So they were also depicted as creatures. Speaking of the Nephilim and giants. They were depicted as creatures with serpents, as tails in the place of legs, meaning that their power comes from a serpent-like force that is their foundation. That kind of sounds like the Lucifer story.

The Gigantes were said to be related or representative by a primitive tribe of a place called Thrace. Thrace was one of the ancient civilizations in northern Greece. According to some, the Thracians were born from the blood or ashes of the Titans, which is called the Vanquished Giants. The giants and the gods are detailing a race of people whose history is unrivaled and the minds of these people shape the world, which makes them large in history in the contemporary view of how we should look at that particular group.

Now, what’s extremely important that we know here, moving into parapsychology to what the Nephilim and Giants are, we can show in history something called the Bicameral mind, which we spoke about on Patreon, which was wiped from the memory of the original hominids humanoids.

This Bicameral mind was wiped away from the same jealous God of the Bible. But it’s still metaphysical. They’re talking about a process in physics where these trans particles of a metal layered frequency, it slowed down as the planet begins to shift. And the shifting of the planet is the shifting of the pole stars in the sky. Once that shift happens, consciousness changes, environments change. People start to migrate to certain places, they start to change the way they look, they start to integrate into other cultures, start blending into other genetic families. It’s a whole symbiotic relationship that’s driving this thing.

But what happened was we had a Bicameral mind and it was wiped away through this change or shift. And the reason why it was shifted in the memory of the original hominids. We had to go through a time of polarity, of being without trial and error, meaning that these earlier people didn’t really look at the physical realm like how we did. They were also in contact with other astro, etherical bodies of multiverse landscapes within their minds.

So they weren’t too worried about how beautiful somebody was, what type of size home they had, what type of vehicle they had. It was completely different from how they looked at things. It was a different frequency. So now that they became subjugated because the radionics of the stars and their movements subjected and put up under the conscious mind was now fully the egoic mind reducing the Bicameral mind down into the subconscious.

So at one time, God was directly in the head of these hominids and speaking to them. Just imagine walking somewhere and you had a loud voice saying don’t go down there. It’s not like the little whisper you get because after you make a bad decision, you had that whisper and you’d be like damn, something told me not to go down that fucking place. Imagine a loud voice in your head.

Now we’re getting into the science of the Nephilim and what actually was going on back then. We’re getting deep into it. That Bicameral mind when they talk about these fallen angels was a fallen Rim that fell. And that rim was helping this holographic template. Because when that rim fell, some of the beings fell out of the rim and went into a 3D construct. But they still were connected through the consciousness. They had a monadic soul intelligence to still connect from that Rim that fell. That wasn’t in the physical, but they had fallen into physical bodies. So they had to till the ground, they had to hunt and hide while at the same time knowing that there were these divine cosmic beings that somehow fell because of a mistake of another entity, which is the biblical God. And his mistake was that he thought that he was greater than the gods above him. He didn’t look above him to see that he came from somewhere. But it also was the mistake of the feminine androgyne, but I don’t want to get too technical, so well, how technical have we gotten today? That’s funny.

So basically, this Bicameral mind began to disappear and the hominids had to hunt for themselves. The Radionics of the stars’ movement became almost object to the Catholic interdimensional bridge of the primal worlds. The primal world is the Rim that failed.

So the Bicameral mind, it was defined as psychomimetic linguistics. Psychomimetic linguistics. So let me explain this. Humans were not fully conscious of this Bicameral mind until about 3000 years ago. And instead of relying on a two-part mind, one half of the hemisphere speaking to the other, and the other becoming the voice of the gods, what was going on is we had a guide, a frequency bridge connected to us.

And just like you have a sixth sense that tells you to do something or not to mess with a certain thing today, it was a literal voice in your head. And whenever a difficult situation presented itself, there was a physics to how it came in and gave you the right direction. Just look at an aguasa, or what’s called a babalau. When an aguasa doesn’t know an answer, which is a medicine man or a shamanic man, they call him a witch doctor today. But when he doesn’t know the answer of something, he has this sand that he puts these… I can’t remember what it’s called, but he shakes it up in the sand, then he finds the answer. So he has to. He, the aguasa, would tell you when I don’t know something, that I must meditate, then I must divide my consciousness, then reconverge it.

So I have to divide myself, split my consciousness back into the universe, send it up out of my body, divide it throughout the multidimensional planes, and then bring it back here. And I promise you, I’ll pull the answer from another dimension. That’s what they’re doing. It’s chaos physics.

And we’re not talking about channeling divination. It’s not channeling because when you channel, you’re pretty much asking a non-3D-bodied entity that’s on the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh dimension to overtake your conscious ability to be in control of yourself. And you’re giving it permission to seize control over you and tell you something that it may know or do something in control of you that you would otherwise not do. That’s why you have people barking like dogs and doing all types of stuff because you’re giving access to an entity that you don’t even know what the hell that entity is or wants. So it’s not channeling. It’s more like a telekinetic communication to our founder abode of clan data.

And when this Bicameral mind eventually collapsed, that was the fall of the Nephilim.

  • Ani Osaru

    Ani Osaru, the Consigliere, holds a distinguished position as the Boss's trusted advisor and the third-in-command in the family. A beacon of wisdom and enlightenment within the Black community, Ani stands out among the self-proclaimed teachers. With unparalleled courage, Ani dares to shed light on the agents and gatekeepers that corrupt this community, impeding the pursuit of authentic knowledge.

    Ani Osaru (@AniOsaru) / X (

    The True Occult Newspaper

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