Spread the Truth



➡ The two speakers discuss their recent engagement in a live show where they included a song and chat session dedicated to their fans. They touched on the topics of health and body fitness while reminiscing about popular body fitness icons and their personal tricks for maintaining good health. The discussion concluded with various advice on hydration and achieving regular bowel movements.
➡ The text emphasizes the benefits of natural hydration sources, attentive sleep management, and supplements like liquid magnesium compared to pure water and excess screen time. The individuals share personal experiences and preferences, including the consumption of watermelon, coconut water, grapes, and magnesium supplements, as well as the importance of quality sleep, minimizing screen time, and maintaining balance in life. They acknowledge that their advice comes from personal experience and not professional medical expertise.
➡ The speaker discusses numerology, comparing numbers to various elements like McDonald’s logo, golden ratio, astrological charts, and mainstream concepts. They believe understanding these numerical codes provides a deeper insight into reality, make life seem more light-hearted and offers comedic relief. The speaker also mentions using this knowledge in artistic creation and in interpreting elements of popular culture. The speaker ends by discussing how such “codes” can also relate to everyday experiences like interacting with insects.
➡ The speaker reflects on an ongoing issue with ants in his home, which led to contemplations of humanity, life and death, and his role within this cycle. He gradually realizes that, through his actions, he has both the power of control over these ants and also the regret that follows his decisions, making him think about the greater purpose of life and our individual contributions. He also explores the idea of our roles not just for ourselves, but for potential impacts our offspring may have on the world.
➡ The speaker discusses a significant moment with his mother that shifted his perspective on fear, helping him utilize it as a tool rather than allowing it to control him. He transferred this learning into their perception of life, accepting it as inherently perfect despite imperfections. This concept, he believes, is reflected in our interactions and perceptions of our world, and shifts how we engage with acts of perceived control and ownership. He emphasizes that true love is not about ownership but the opposite.
➡ This long conversation deals with various topics, primarily focusing on the limitations of societal frameworks like marriage and the importance of self-awareness and understanding in personal relationships. It argues life should not be viewed strictly in terms of personal meaning, but perceived as it is, and discusses how application of conditional love brings about dissatisfaction. Furthermore, the dialogue also covers societal constructs such as certification for life events and proffers perspectives on how relationships should be a collaboration rather than a conflict zone.
➡ The speaker advises against going into interactions, whether relating to dating or investing, with a specific outcome in mind. In dating, he suggests not trying to get someone’s number but practicing vulnerability and taking risks instead. In investing, he advises not to aim to be rich, which often results in becoming poorer, but to prevent issues such as being kept in a “death spiral” by fiat money. Using these approaches may lead to unexpected abundance.
➡ The text discusses the endless possibilities of Earth, human desires and dissatisfaction, the importance of serving others, and the positive, guiding function of ego in life. This abstract conversation expresses that life is not solely about personal benefits, but rather about providing assistance to others and using wealth responsibly. The ego is seen as not inherently evil, but a compass guiding us to better ourselves.
➡ The given text comprises a conversation which explains the importance of self-improvement and expansion of one’s comfort zone. Various analogies highlight the concept – upgrading from a coach to a first-class ticket to experience luxury, rejuvenating one’s lifestyle from a normal to an extravagant one, could positively impact self-perception and motivation levels, pushing individuals to aim for a higher quality of life. It also emphasizes on change as an essential factor in life, highlighting the importance of self-contentment and striving to make changes in order to achieve happiness.
➡ In a discussion on podcasts, the speakers reflect on their experiences streaming and creating content, acknowledging the growing audience and impact of their voices. They discuss the importance of creating authentic content for personal satisfaction, not just for audience appeal, and express the ambition for their work to have a sustained, generational impact. Acknowledging Joe Rogan’s success, they also delve into the concept of belief systems and the manipulation of history, concluding that powerful narratives often originate from a European context.
➡ The speaker discusses the connection of various events in history, society, and religion, unveiling a coded pattern alluding to a shift in global power towards cryptoeconomics. He posits that this shift is symbolized by the number 24 and the letter ‘X’, with its influence seen in entities like Twitter’s recent transformation into ‘X Corp’. The speaker further relates this to Jesus and the Age of Aquarius, suggesting that the world is gradually moving into a new age of digital currency and technology-induced control.
➡ The text discusses the nuances of appreciating movies and artwork from a new perspective, highlighting Stanley Kubrick’s work as an example. The speaker also discusses how online conspiracy theories and assumptions about secret societies can detract from a more meaningful engagement with art and other intellectual matters.
➡ The speaker shares their personal experience battling H. Pylori, a bacteria that colonizes the stomach and small intestine, causing malnutrition and gastric ulcers. They highlight the importance of testing for this bacteria, which is considered the third leading cause of cancer and is estimated to be present in over 50% of the population. Their journey included a 14-day protocol to eradicate the bacteria and healing the digestive lining through various methods. An exchange of life transformations, self-growth and future projects also unfolds.
➡ The text explores the notion of facing one’s own biases and fears by engaging in conversation with those they dislike or fear the most, suggesting that such exchanges can yield valuable insights and personal growth. Admitting to personal biases and challenging oneself to understand different perspectives, even scary or controversial ones, can lead to enlightenment and personal improvement.
➡ The text delves into the concept of perception and how it influences one’s interaction with the world. It emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom from experienced individuals, not falling for superficial show-offs, and having a curiosity-driven approach to learning. It also underscores the notion of existence as marketing and one’s role as serving others. Drawing analogies from nature, it propounds the idea of humanity being a carbon copy of nature and how every aspect of existence is a manifestation of the human mind. It encourages reflection on our actions and their wider implications, hinting at interconnectedness of all things.
➡ The text is a deep conversation about various topics, including upcoming movies, musical influences, reflections on song meanings and societal perceptions, predictions about the future, reminiscences about past predictions, and an emphasis on living in the present instead of anticipating an apocalyptic future.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of living in the present and being an observer rather than reactionary. They discuss the influence and success of Steve Jobs, debunking ideas of conspiracy, and argue that life is an artistry where disagreements should be seen as a shared dance rather than conflict. They critique widely-used spiritual terms like ‘grounding’, urging people to aim for the skies instead.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of reality and existence as part of a grand cosmic design, drawing parallels between the Earth, humans, and an egg. They argue that everything, including God and the devil, is part of one unified system and emphasize the importance of self-reliance, understanding the system we live in, and retaining individuality.
➡ The conversation centered around varied topics like the importance and versatility of water, contrasting views on detachment and embracing problems, and the significance of being open-minded towards differing perspectives. Participants also shared personal insights and plans revolving around diet, particularly having a watermelon-only fast, and the potential benefits of such methods.
➡ The speaker is reflecting on their personal growth and the realization of their commitment to growing the decoding community. Despite previous self-limiting beliefs, they have utilized their platform to express truth and inspire others. They remain committed to authenticity, refusing sponsorships and controlling interviews. They are also planning to complete a course by the end of November that will enable self-reliance among the community by allowing them to decode information for themselves.
➡ The speaker posits that everyone embodies characteristics of all twelve astrological signs and encourages embracing this rather than forcing alignment to specific ones. They relate how numerology also plays a role in our lives but warns against over-emphasizing it in making decisions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the ups and downs life presents, rather than blaming external entities. They highlight the idea of surrendering to the code, mentioning a new decoding methodology tied to the Illuminati and the Great Pyramid of Giza with a focus on numbers. The speaker further explores the concept of learning from demonized or negatively perceived entities to transform one’s perspective towards life, embracing both the positive and negative aspects with neutrality.
➡ The text discusses the idea that humans often operate on instinct and habit, much like animals, frequently reacting aggressively to defend their stances, leading to significant energy release, akin to the Big Bang. It highlights how humans avoid conflicts internally, leading to conflicts with others, and use distractions such as social media to escape from dealing with underlying issues. The role of astrological charts and how they somewhat dictate our behaviors is also highlighted, suggesting that understanding our charts can enable us to harness our strengths and address our weaknesses. Finally, it suggests the importance of taking risks and embracing fallibility for personal growth.
➡ The speaker encourages embracing all aspects of oneself, resisting categorization, and embracing adversity as growth opportunities. They emphasize the importance of fluidity and open-mindedness, cautioning against letting spiritual or astrological beliefs create rigidity or bitterness. They advocate introspection, self-improvement, and recognizing how outer conflict is often a reflection of inner conflict.
➡ The text talks about the importance of handling hate and criticism as an individual, with encounters serving as lessons for personal refinement. The idea of curious listening and speaking was presented as a significant self-refinement method, emphasizing attention to subtle, everyday actions and thoughts. The author discusses understanding and healing the impact of habits, particularly unconscious ones, on our lives. The text emphasizes more conscious living, active dialogue, and compassionate communication as tools for community building and individual ego refinement.
➡ The speaker emphasizes self-growth through observing others without judgment, striving for collaboration rather than conflict, and focusing on serving others. They suggest learning to manage judgement and frustration, shortening time spent dwelling on problems before taking action, and embracing a minimalist lifestyle to aid personal refinement. They also highlight the importance of being a ‘disruptor,’ challenging norms and creating change, rather than retreating from the world.
➡ The speaker discusses the notion of being a disruptor, relating it to the monk lifestyle and how the focus to disrupt can drive growth. They analyse numbers and symbols, particularly the numbers 13 and 31, finding them represented in everything from DNA structure to solar movements and cash symbols. Additionally, they make insightful remarks about the movie ‘The Matrix’, suggesting Neo represents chaos rather than the popular view of Neo as a Christ-like figure.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, it ladies and gentlemen. A little sneak attack for you, jordan and I coming at you live. And we got a little bit of I was made for loving you for you and let’s talk. And Jordan, you know what’s so funny is this is number 16. I had it pegged as like, it should have been 13 because it was the last one was twelve, and I had it wrong.

So now it’s let’s talk 16 and we’re going to get into some more damn Spice. And Jordan and I, like usual, decided to kind of improv this. And just last minute, we kind of planned it out a few days ago, but we didn’t know when we were going to land this thing. And I was like, hey, just let’s just go live. And here we are. So Jordan waters above.

Always a pleasure, my friend. What is happening with, you know, keeping busy, but I’m really glad to be reconnecting with you. It’s been a very long time and I’m sure there’s so much for us to get into today. So appreciate you, grateful for you and your community. Looking forward to this. Yeah, me too, man. People are probably like, what? I know you guys are coming on here live.

What’s going on? Yeah, exactly, ladies and gentlemen, what the hell is going on? I don’t know. The world is a wonderful place. I’m sitting here like Jordan and I haven’t really talked. Jordan’s been doing his thing, I’ve been doing my thing. But always amazing to be able to connect with him. And we’re going to get into a whole bunch of Spice kind of dedicated to you again. So I got the Spice up here and we’re going to talk a little I figured, let’s talk a little health.

Let’s talk a little bit of health and wellness, maybe some health hacks, some things that people can do to help themselves out, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, for sure. We could totally talk about that. Yeah. All right, let me see if your volume is probably going to have to do away with the music here. All right. Okay, I’m looking at the comments, ladies and gentlemen. Keep your comments in.

Hopefully the volume will be perfect on both ends. So, Jordan, I just wanted to share with you and everybody listening, I got inspired by this guy. His name is Callie Muscle on YouTube. And you know who he is. Okay. He used to be this big, huge professional bodybuilder, and he reduced down in size quite a bit. His health was in dire straits, and he had this video about doing a watermelon fast for 30 days.

And I was like, oh, man, I love watermelon. Wait, really? Yeah, dude, totally. Right? And I’m like, I can get watermelon year round here in Mexico, and they’re so cheap, right? So I started not doing just watermelon only, but I’ve been doing, like, three liters of watermelon juice a day. I just literally take a watermelon, I cut it up, throw it in the blender without any water, and blend it up, and I just drink three of those a day, man.

And it’s amazing. Like, I haven’t had anything to eat yet today. I’m just drinking my first liter of watermelon juice. Have you done any stuff like that? Yeah, a ton of it, actually. That’s why I’m really surprised to hear that this guy, out of all people, did such a thing, because I’m aware of him. He was very viral back, like, maybe ten years ago or maybe a little bit less than that in the health and wellness weightlifting bodybuilding community in that niche in YouTube.

And he was promoting all this, know, eating tuna fish and ramen. When he was in jail, he was in you know, there’s a lot of things going on here. But anyways, to get to the positive and the utility of today, absolutely. I’ve done a lot of juicing. I’ve personally done an almost four week juice fast where I did all my own juicing at home with a slow masticating juicer.

And typically, most of my days, I prefer to do about 50% calories from fruit only and then have that be, like, a majority of my eating window to be mostly fruit. And then I’ll have, like, one big cooked meal. That’s what I prefer to do. That’s what makes me feel the best. And when it comes to healing, I actually just try to go for doing nothing, just a pure blown dry fast with the watermelon for 30 days.

What was his experience? If you don’t oh, man, he was saying he just had amazing digestion. He had so much energy. He said he got a little flat because of, you know, the the food calories being low, but he he said it was an amazing experience. I got really inspired by it, and I’m like, man. And so I, you know, and I love what watermelon is like, so good, man.

And it’s just so easy. I just cut these big two and a half inch slices, and I just cut around the wine, throw it in the blender, and blend it up, and it’s just such an easy meal, man. It’s so light. You know, you could also juice the rind as well, which is something that I and if you mix it with some regular juice and maybe a little bit of, like, lemon juice, some regular watermelon juice as well, it’s really nice.

Yeah, it’s kind of weird at first, but it grows on you. And one thing that’s fascinating about watermelon is it’s probably the quickest digesting food. Yeah. And it also is packed with citrulline. Citrulline studying pre workout stuff. It’s like, why even get all these powders and concoctions when you could just eat watermelon before workout and be way more ideal for vast escalation and just blood flow and for this so called pump that everyone’s trying to chase.

It would be much more ideal to have it with something that’s bioavailable, which is you can’t get from pills and powders that’s really difficult for the body to digest no matter what it is. And when you take the quickest digesting food, we possibly can find in nature, and then it’s particularly packed full of this amino acid citrulline and other things. There’s other great compounds, but I don’t really care to go too much into the isolation of these micro macro phytonutrients.

It’s better to just look at Mother Nature for being the solution here. It’s when we start to create pills and potions and powders where we get into some problems. Yeah. We all want to be the wizards. Yeah. Well, I think we all just like to have something that’s in a pill. It’s why the pharmaceutical industry is so successful. It’s this whole get results quick thing. And we feel better when it’s packaged into some bottle.

I don’t know why it’s so effective. And it just is. It’s a multigenerational programming. It’s been going on for a long time. Yep. So we have a few questions. I’m looking at the comments. I’m going to try to pay attention to some of these comments. I know you’re totally cool with that. Sure. Ryan’s in the house. He’s asking on any words of wisdom for digestion to reduce hemorrhoids.

That’s a fun thing to talk about. Are you taller sitting down than standing up? Well, the number one thing that’s going on here is your body’s having a very difficult time digesting protein. So large percentage of daily caloric intake being in protein is going to be especially protein with a lot of fiber, too. This could be sometimes a slippery slope for some people. Yeah. Because the body is trying to push all this out in a short period of time.

Yeah, man. I mean, it’s hard to give advice on this, particularly because there’s probably so many other things going on in the individual. Like if you’re dehydrated, that’s a number one thing that’s going to make bowel movements really difficult. So cure to this would be actually what we’re talking about. Do like two days on watermelon only and see that your bowel movements are going to be much better.

It’s going to reduce inflammation and any other horrible things that come along with hemorrhoids. And then yeah, probably be some better shits ahead. Yeah. No more Preparation H. I’m really considering for my community, I have this thing called the green box detox. And I’m moving to round three, GreenBox detox three. And I’m really considering doing some micro detoxes with just watermelon. I really like this protocol, dude. It’s so easy, man.

It’s my go to only isolating watermelon. Only isolating black grapes or red grapes is probably one of the most powerful fasts you can do. Yeah, it’s amazing, man. I mean, it’s just so simple. It fills you up. It’s super inexpensive. And if you can get watermelons like I can get here. I don’t even know what they call. They’re so cheap here. But that’s a definite, like, digestion. Ladies and gentlemen, your bowel movements should be regular.

You got to be hydrated. That’s like the foundation of anything. Hydration number one, right? I mean, that’s the foundation. And watermelon is the most hydrated fruit. Yeah, it’s pretty much all water. You solve a lot of problems. And the thing about watermelon, particularly that’s different than drinking water, is, first of all, a watermelon is a naturally distilled waters that comes along with organic minerals within the actual liquid within a watermelon, which means that it’s not only bioavailable, but it’ll create interstitial hydration.

So the cell will actually be fully hydrated as opposed to what happens when you’re drinking pure water, which is just moving through you very quickly. It’s typically getting rid of electrolytes, and it could actually promote dehydration. So be very careful with over consuming pure water and try to I’m not telling you to completely get rid of pure water, but maybe think of it like this. Trade away some of that pure water for things like coconut water or things like watermelon or grapes.

This will be very helpful for you speaking. Dude, you’ve had the coconut water here when you came and visited? Yeah, I’m drinking some right now. Are you? Man, it’s so good, dude, they can’t keep it. I go over to my little juicery that I got it at. They can’t keep it in stock. Man, even a small town like this, I mean, I get a whole liter for like, what is it, 50 pesos for a whole liter of coconut water? That’s like $2 for a whole liter.

One thing, maybe people will be interested in this, although I’m not huge on supplementation, as I spoke about earlier, I do think liquid magnesium is very helpful for people, and especially if you never get in the ocean for you. I know you are living near the ocean. Some people that are living in seaside towns, et cetera, they might have more. This might be easier for them to hop in an ocean.

But for those of you that can’t consider liquid magnesium, and every day, I recommend just a serving of that with coconut water, some lemon juice, and regular distilled water if you can get it, and just drink that as your water. Like, for me, I try to stay away from drinking as much tap or any regular filtered or bottled water as much as I can. And, yeah, the coconut water is really helpful.

But adding in that liquid magnesium, that’s huge because most governments on Earth have pretty much stripped our soils down to being useless. So it’s super important for people regarding blood flow, for sure. We see a lot of cardiovascular injury and causes of mortality that come back to the heart, mostly due to a magnesium deficiency. Yeah, magnesium is my favorite. I take a magnesium every single night before bed, man.

And I tell you, it was a game changer for me, for my sleep. I mean, I’ve always slept. Oh, that’s great to hear because I know that you stay up really late, right? Yeah, I mean, I’ve been getting to bed. My average is usually three or 04:00 A. m. . That’s pretty much when I go to sleep sometimes 05:00 A. m. If I’m really burning the midnight oil.

But I mean, I get my 8 hours. Yeah, I’m a bat, but I get my eight or 9 hours of sleep. And I don’t skimp on my sleep. I always sleep amazing. And magnesium is my go to supplement. Like I said, I’ve always slept great my whole life. I could sleep anywhere. I can sleep through anything. But when I started taking magnesium at night, it’s like turbocharged my sleep some best way I can.

Really great advice. Yeah, thank you for sharing that. I’ve never recommended to do any form of supplementation before bedtime that sounds like because that is the only supplement I ever take, that or shilaji. And I’m very cautious of where I purchase my shilaji. But yeah, I’ve pretty much been sticking to the liquid magnesium for over a decade now, and it’s the only supplement I buy. But I’ve never tried doing it before sleep.

Yeah, you get the chelated magnesium, the bisclicinian, whatever the hell they pronounce it the long word there. You got to get that one. You can’t get the magnesium oxide or the other one they’re not going to penetrate. They don’t have the ability to really kind of absorb in the body from my recollection and my knowledge. And then if you really want like, my cocktail, like giving away all my little health secrets, here my cocktail if you really want to sleep amazing.

And I don’t do it every night as I take the magnesium, 400 milligrams and then I’ll do a melatonin. But I do this melatonin by the brand I use is by Life Extension, and they’re out of Utah, I believe. That’s where I get my magnesium from. It’s extracted from the Great Salt Lake. Yeah, there you go. Right. And this melatonin is an extended release and immediate release. I think it’s called irxr, and it’s like one and a half milligrams.

And let me tell you, man, if I take that of magnesium before bed, oh, man, it’s like I can’t wait to go to sleep. I have these amazing dreams and it’s pretty prolific, man, for me. That’s my little sleep hack, if you will. Well, there you go, family. It’s been like ten minutes into this transmission of gems falling from the sky. Yeah, well, I figured we’d talk about some one thing I think we should bring up, though, and I think it’s bigger than any supplementation or any of this when it comes to sleep quality.

It’s funny because I just finished up one of my expansion group coaching meetings and we were talking a little bit about quality of sleep versus just hours of sleep, right? Because that’s the difference. Like anyone could do ten push ups, but can you do ten full range of motion, solid contraction of the muscle, plus push ups? Probably not, right? And we see everyone like, in life, they’re looking for numbers, they’re looking for the stats, but they rarely care about quality.

So anyways, what could be very helpful for people that are having issues with sleep could just be taking that light away from your eyes. Like get that phone away from your face. I know it’s not the most sexy thing to tell people, but that’s huge, man. A lot of people spend their last hour just staring at a phone screen and this is fucking up people’s circadian rhythm and it’s making it so that the hours that you’re waking the following day are going to be lower quality performance.

So we see huge improvements in people that trade. The first hour, basically, I’ll make it quick and sweet. The first hour and the last hour of your day should not be looking at artificial light. And you’re going to see your circadian rhythm get back on track, you’re going to see your energy levels basically reset. And it would be a good thing to partner alongside something like a fast or something like a detox protocol.

Yeah, for sure. I know there’s going to be exception. I would just say I’m an exception to that, but I guess because there are exceptions, I’m being a little biased because I already know I can authentically tell everybody here listening that I spend too much time in front of the computer. For sure. Way too much time. The path you chose, it’s the path I chose to, yeah. I say the path that chose me or the path I chose.

But it’s like kind of for the greater good, if you will. It’s service to the world, et cetera. Everything’s a sacrifice, man. Everything’s a sacrifice. Yeah, for sure. I’m in the same boat where I wake up and a lot of things are prioritized around getting on the screen and I just know methods to keep it in balance, right? That’s what it’s all about. It’s all about just keeping it in balance.

I know when it’s time to walk away from the screen and pick up the guitar. I know when it’s time to walk away from the house and go outside. I know, like, over time. It’s the same thing with any practice, right? You know when you’re overdoing it because you could feel it. Problem with the world is everyone’s so numb to everything that they never even feel. So their intuition never flares up, they never have any discernment and they keep going about the additive principle.

And a big piece of my core philosophy is reductionist in a world that is always adding on more. More and more is going to make you excellent. It’s going to remove any sense of mediocrity. It’s going to allow you to achieve success. Yeah, absolutely. Simplify your life, as you always say. Dude, it’s been the greatest blessing for me is is being a minimalist. I don’t know if it’ll last forever, but it’s definitely been a major blessing in my life.

Just having very little attachments know, since we’re talking about health, I also want to let everybody know kind of a little bit. This may help you. I think it’ll help a lot of you, actually. And I do want to put this disclaimer. Like, Jordan and I are not health. We’re not claiming to be these health gurus, so these are just suggestions to take into consideration. This is not information to try to heal you in a certain way.

We’re not doctors, so I just want to definitely put that disclaimer out there. We have to kind of say that stuff in this day and age. But I wanted to let all of you know that just last week, I finished a 14 day protocol to eradicate a bacteria that I think I have had for probably over a decade called H. Pylori. And when I started to research it, it’s a bacteria that invades the stomach area, the duodenum, the small intestine, the stomach, and it just basically thrives in your stomach.

It goes inside the membrane below the lining of the stomach to survive from the acid of the stomach. And what it does is it robs your body of the nutrients. It’s like a parasite. It’s a bacteria. And what this does is it causes malnutrition issues. It causes gastric ulcers. And I found out from studying this thing that it’s the third leading cause of cancer, is H. Pylori. And this H.

Pylori, according to the statistics, over 50% of everybody on the planet has H. Pylori. Most people do not have symptoms of it. So if you get kind of any bloating, if you just haven’t been able to figure it out I mean, there’s a lot of variables. Obviously, you have stomach acid issue if you have stomach acid issue, if you have Gird, if you have heartburn, if you feel like you’re just malnourished, if your blood panels come back and you’re low on this or low on that, and you just can’t figure it out, you may want to test for H.

Pylori. I mean, it’s been a game changer. I had to go on this 14 day protocol, and I noticed a big difference already with eradicating this bacteria. And I learned a lot about nature from having this bacteria, which maybe I’ll get into it a little bit, but I wanted to let everybody know, like, how do you test for it? I did the stool sample. You got to do it, send out your stool the fun way, right? Or you can do this thing called the urea breath test, and you can probably just order that from your doctor, but I definitely would check that out and make sure that you don’t have this, because I’m telling you, it’s a gnarly bacteria that will jack your digestion up.

I think I’ve had it for over ten years. Jordan, have you heard of it? I’m sure you have. Sure you know about it? Yeah, I have. What were some of the things that were going on for you that led you to getting interested in this? What made you start to see the symptoms and kind of make that connection or what was going on for you? Yeah, I can remember all the way back to 2010 when I was competing in Bodybuilding, much bigger, 30, 40 pounds bigger, way different regimen.

And I noticed that I started to get distension after I would eat, no matter what it was, I would just bloat and my stomach would get and I couldn’t figure it out. And I’ve literally been dealing with this symptom for over a decade and couldn’t figure it out. Couldn’t figure it out. Obviously, certain foods would trigger it. And then just my last trip to the US. I went to La.

And I went to my guru nutritionist, who’s up in Woodland Hills. His name’s Drew. He’s the best of the best. He’s a queen of, like he’s a wizard when it comes to nutrition. And he’s like, dude, let’s do a stool sample to see if you have any parasites or bacteria. Now, I had already done a dark field microscopy session with a naturopath down here in Playa del Carmen.

They analyze your blood, which is amazing. I would have recommend everybody to do that. And the lady was like, yeah, you got parasites, bacteria, et cetera, et cetera, in the blood. Your blood is kind of a mess. My blood looked like a traffic jam at 05:00 on the 405 in La. If you know what La looks like at 05:00 at the 405, it’s all backed up. My blood literally was not looking like donuts or cheerios flown down the river.

They were all clumped together. It’s a condition called it’s Gnarly man. So confirming that and then going to La. And getting my stool test sample done, it came back and Drew phoned me up. He’s like, dude, you got Klbslia, you got a form of E. Coli, you have H pylori. He’s like, no wonder why you had all these situations been going on. So I’ve been on this protocol just get off the protocol, and it eradicated it.

And now I’m taking, like, some mastic gum to heal the digestive lining. I’m doing a high round of probiotics, et cetera, et cetera. And I tell you, it’s been a major difference. I mean, I’m doing a lot of other things as well, but I have my molecular hydrogen machine here, which I recommend everybody get one of those. I breathe in and I go I fall asleep with it.

You put, like, breathe in oxygen and you put it on your nostrils and I just fall asleep with it, and I breathe in molecular hydrogen, and it reduces inflammation in the body as well, which is important for a lot of people my age. When you hit 50, I know certain people here may not be at the 50 mark like I am. When I was 30, when I was in my prime, man, I was immortal.

Nothing really going on. But now when I hit 49 and 50, my body’s like, dude, you’re doing an overhaul. It’s like you got 250,000 miles on that engine. We need to change the pistons, the rings. We need to change the heads with the head gaskets blown. I mean, that’s what it felt like. So I’ve had to really make a lot of health changes in my life. Dude, you know how I eat, man.

I eat so clean. It’s ridiculous. But it’s just the body wears down. Yeah, it’s cool that you’re embracing the change. A lot of people just let their know rust away in the parking lot. Yep, exactly. There’s some comments in here, people asking about Drew’s contact information. I’ll be putting that information if you want to contact. He’s the best of the best, man. The best of the best. It’s called david Allen, nutrition in Woodland Hills.

If you just Google that and find it, they’re right off the 101. He’s the absolute best in my opinion, and he cares about people. That’s the thing. And I’ll put his information in there, but you can just go like a David Allen Nutrition, Woodland Hills. You phone them up, you ask for Drew, tell him Logan sent you, and he’s the nicest, most loving guy you’ve ever met. And he really cares about people, and I just think he’s a gem, and he’s a queen of clubs.

So there you go on just a little sneak peek on him. So that’s kind of what’s been going on with me. How about you, Jordan? Do you have any big things that you can tell the audience here? I have two big projects that I’m working on simultaneously. I have a decode coming out next week called The Great American Eclipse. Decoded? Talking about October 14 and the April eigth eclipse in 2024.

That’s the small project. And then the next big thing that I’m going to be well, the big thing that I’m going to be releasing next is probably sometime in November into December, and it will be a full decoding mastermind course. It’s going to be big. Going to come at it from my own take, my own unique channeling in of my experiences with the code and symbology and all the other things that people typically hear me talk about.

But what I’ve done is I’ve consciously made an effort to compile all the frequently asked questions that I’ve been receiving for past couple of years and just trying to create something that’s beginner friendly, comprehensive. But also if somebody who is aware of how to decode, they’re going to be able to step into it and still walk away with so much value. Yeah. That’s awesome, man. That’s one of the things I admire about you, is that you continually push the threshold of making people better.

And you have this. I mean, dude, by the way, congratulations on your last live, because I was there to witness you hitting over 1000 people live, bro. At 66. 6 thousand subscribers, you just hit that off this past Saturday. That was just truly an amazing sight to see, man. Yeah, I got to admit, I’m really working on removing the ceiling of belief that I’ve had. Cool. I know that that’s the only thing that’s holding me back.

I used to quite often be like, oh, I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t have a live stream with 1000 people, or I couldn’t have a channel that has over 50,000 or like, whatever. And a lot of people who don’t have this going on in their life might be like, why do you even care? And it’s like, well, because the way I look at it is every single person that becomes connected with my art, they’re part of this ripple effect of the people that I believe in and that I connect with, such as yourself.

And that’s change. This is where the growth happens. This is where the expansion happens. It’s not about having one follower. It’s a new opportunity to expand consciousness in the whole realm. So to have this platform and to be able to communicate with 1000 people at one moment about these ideas and to not hold back and to just channel in my truth, expose it, it’s just I’m super grateful, man.

And I think that it’s silly for me to even have any of those limiting beliefs, but at least I could be vulnerable and be a man about it and say that I’ve had them. And every time I’m more vulnerable and I expose that shit, I just become more and more in my purpose and I’m able to tap into more people. And my whole commitment to 2022 was to help grow the decoding community.

That was really my mission in 2023. It was relationships. So now that I’ve had these back to back years, I’m like, I really love being that neutral, kind of in that neutral place where there’s no division and it just allows us to all look at each other like we’re useful rather than being used. So that’s really where I’m at. And I appreciate you noticing and other people noticing and being a part of it.

And I’m grateful to be connected with you, man. I know that we’ve been connected now for a while now, and I’ve been seeing you grow too, which is beautiful, seeing you expand and connect with so many people. The one thing that I really find so great about what you’re doing is I’ve noticed how many people want to interview you, how many people want to talk. With you. No one wants to talk to me.

That’s not true, dude. No, it really is. No, it really is. A lot of people want to pay me for sponsorships and advertisements and I say no to all of them. I block all of them. I will never take any sponsorships from anyone. Not that I’m against other people doing that just with me. I’m here to create art. I’m here to inspire people to create their art. That’s what I’m about.

So I have a lot of saying no to people who want to basically use my platform to grow their product or whatever it is. But as for people wanting to interview me, that list has shrunk down to almost nothing over the past four or five months. So it’s really fascinating. I’m not entirely sure what it is, but there has been some people that have wanted me to get on their interviews, and then they tell me what I can’t say, and then I reply back saying, go fuck yourself.

So I will never communicate ever, with a human being who doesn’t allow me to speak my truth. That’s it, baby. Well, that just be it. I’m not sure. Yeah, well, I mean, that’s the interesting part about us as marketing our materials, expressing ourselves. You have your strengths and you have what you just described as I wouldn’t even call it a weakness, but it’s a void, so to speak.

We have these voids. If I compare, your viewship of your videos are massive. I mean, the percentage of people that actually watch your videos and click on them are monument. They’re huge. You know, if I compare them to mine and it’s just much different. It’s just a very unique aspect to take into consideration for content creators, et cetera, et cetera. I just appreciate you, man. I’m so glad that I got to meet you and we got to connect.

And we’re now doing this podcast. Number 16 just keeps going on and on. I love it. And just the growth and connecting with all these people that are making a difference in the world. So all of you amazing people that are here in the Chat could have been anywhere. You decided to come on here and join with us and we appreciate all of you. I know that to be absolutely true.

I just wanted to throw this out there, everybody. October 21, next month I will be in the great city of San Diego, saturday the 21st at the Adams Theater, just a few minutes from the San Diego airport, where I will be joining Jason from Archaics. I guess Autodidactic Campbell is going to be there, I just found out, and Max Egan and a few other people I haven’t met.

So it’ll be really cool to interact with some of you. There are still some tickets available, so if you want to come and join in, it’ll be a whole day event. We only get so much speaking time. There’ll be a panel at the end. We’re doing questions and answers, but I’m going to have a little booth there. And I don’t think I told you, Jordan, I invited Donut to sit in my booth with me, so he’s agreed to do that.

So I’m looking forward to meeting Donut in person, and he’s going to share my little six foot table with me, and we’re going to talk to people and have fun, man. So that’s something to look forward. Yeah, something to look forward to. So that’ll be cool. So you got your course coming. When’s your course coming out? The new course that you got, I’m aiming to have it have at least 50% complete by the end of November is my target I’m aiming for.

And it’s going to be mastermind style. So it’s going to be so packed with the initial information that people aren’t even going to get through it by the time I’m ready to release a new round of stuff. And I intend to add to it for as long as I can when any new breakthroughs come up. And, yeah, I think by having it done that way, it will make sure that I could release it before the end of the year.

Otherwise it would be impossible with just all the other stuff I have going on. But what I could say is, so far I have probably 300 slides already of just how the hell are you going to make how are you going to condense that down into how long is this going to okay, well, you know how this goes. Even with the frequently asked question of what is the meaning of a number? Right? Yeah, that’s a common one.

People want to know, what does 33 mean? And they don’t even know what three means. So I get it. There’s a lot to get into here, and a lot of the teachings that you see on the Internet are stuff that people have learned from other people and not things that people have learned from nature. And I look at all of this reality as we, as humans, you as the individual, are the witness of this world, and as the witness, everything that is you, you are an extension of that.

You are literally the reflection of Mother Nature. The cosmos, the sea, the wind, the air, all the elements. There’s something that’s mirroring back to you. So I think that’s what’s going to make this unique is I’m going to go about it from that angle. Instead of being like, 33 is a freemason number. It’s the illuminati’s degree level that fuck all that shit. It’s all nonsense. It doesn’t really help anyone.

Plays the victim and blame game all day and never learn shit. So I don’t want to be so harsh, but it’s just the spicy truth that people need to hear. If you hear people saying stuff like that, go the other way, just words of wisdom it’s a trap to make everything dark because that’s it, right? Duality consciousness. That’s where they want to keep everyone trapped. You start to realize that it’s just the other side of the same coin.

So we’re going to be revealing a lot of that kind of stuff. And I think just with the intro material alone, it’s going to provide somebody with a new set of eyes. So where they’re walking around this realm or they’re relooking back at their birth certificate or whatever the hell was going on, they’re going to now see it in a whole new way, which ultimately they’re going to be able to walk away as a decoder themselves instead of needing to rely on me to decode for them.

So I’m all about self reliance and I think that creating this course really just taking the time out of my life to get this all out there and sequenced in a user friendly way will make the community so much stronger. And that’s all I care to do. I’m totally in agreement with you on that for sure. I got this course I’ve been working on myself for a long time, so behind on doing it, but eventually is going to come out and I’m personally creating this so people can level up and understand themselves.

A lot of people want to really have somebody read their charts. Maybe it’s not in their budget. So this course that I have coming out is going to do just that. And it will allow you, if you’re a researcher, if you’re somebody who likes to research, which I hope all of you will want to do, you have it in your DNA, everybody. It’s so funny. Some people say, Logan, what’s your sign? What’s your astrology sign? And my answer is I’m all twelve.

I’m all twelve signs. Well, how can you all be all twelve? Well, if you pull up my astrological chart, you’re going to see twelve houses. And that’s my chart. So I’m all twelve signs. I’m not into this. Well, I’m this and I’m that. No, I’m all twelve, ladies and gentlemen. So that’s what you are. You’re all twelve. And because of that you have the characteristics of every single astrological sign.

If you read them all one by one, you’re going to see that. Oh yeah, there’s a little bit of that in there. Oh yeah, I’m a little bit of Aries. I’m a little bit of Mars. Yeah. Because you have all these planetary placements and then the numbers as well. The numbers. And this is kind of going from that into numerology and realizing, yeah, there are specific dates. Somebody was asking, oh, I’m going to open my business on October 3.

Is that good? Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you feel it, go with it. That’s a huge thing that I think we need to debunk right now is like stop trying to force the code. Just let the code live through you. Yeah. Beautiful. That’s it. I go back and decode it, and I see the code and I see the comedy behind it for me personally. And then all the other things I’m decoding.

I don’t ever plan my stuff out. It’s just all improv. And then I look back and I’m like, oh my God, it’s just so funny. So I try to encourage people, like, yeah, you can select a day on the calendar that matches up with your birthday if you feel like it’s going to enlighten you or enrich your life. If someone pats you on the, oh, it’s okay. It’s going to be good.

But ladies and gentlemen, just if you choose a date, it’s going to give you the ups and downs. You’re not just going to have a skittle bridge with your business, man. You’re not going to have unicorns running around, and people aren’t going to be pushing themselves in the bushes, laughing and crying. It’s not going to be always like that. It’s going to be the ups and downs. It’s asset and liabilities in everything that we do.

And this includes the numbers. Even when you look at the numbers and the dates and all that stuff, it doesn’t really matter. And if I talk about dates, like right now, I just released a massive, massive new methodology in the decoding world. My last video just released this morning, early this morning, called Paradise Decoded. And it had some comedy in there because I decoded the song by Eddie Money, Two Tickets to paradise, and just how hilarious this song is when talking about a reality.

But I was able to take 360 degrees and place it over the astrological chart, and, man, it’s just a game changer. And I started doing this. Jordan with the Great Pyramid. I got another deco coming out on Khufu, and it’s probably one of the biggest layers of my research career. This one coming out Khufu. It’ll be released on my patreon first, that’s for sure, for all the patreons and support, big shout out to all the patreons.

But what I found, my friend, is the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It’s a portal. It’s a portal. And you know what’s interesting about it is it’s tied to the Illuminati. And I say that because the Illuminati, the Bavarian Illuminati, was formed on May 1. May 1 is otherwise written as five, one or 15. These numbers are very big. Now, May 1 is the 121st day of the year.

That number combination 51 and 121 ties to this element on the periodic table called Antimony. If you go look up Antimony, the icon chosen to represent it is the all seeing eye inside your brain. Now, the 51, which is May 1, which is tied to the birthday of the Illuminati, just so happens to be the angle at which the degree of the Great Pyramid of Giza’s slope goes up.

So when you start to connect all the dots, yes, you can start to see why these dates were chosen and what they mean. But again, as Jordan and I had said, when you surrender to the code, you’re going to be more in tune with it instead of fighting it. And when you stop doing the blame game and all the finger pointing because you’re just blaming God is what you’re doing.

Whatever created this reality, you’re just like cursing it all the bad stuff. You think well, you think there’s a separation between that. You got to just surrender to that stuff. And you talked about this. You talked about this so many times in your podcasts, which I love. I just sit in the background, I listen to your words of wisdom, and I know there was this one time you were talking about Kronos, and you were talking about people normally saying, oh, Kronos is so bad.

And you were like, dude, you got to make peace with that. I can’t remember exactly what you said, but it was pretty dynamic when you were talking about that. Yeah, I mean, this Kronos Saturn character has been demonized, and obviously in the mainstream exoteric, they call it Satan, right? And my whole perspective on all of this is like, whenever they tell you something is bad or negative, it’s up to you to flip it around or it’s up to you to learn how to play with it.

And when you learn how to play with all of this stuff that’s been turned into a negative aura, negative essence, then you won’t let it fuck with you anymore. It can’t bother you anymore. So what I was saying is, I think we’re walking with the Grim Reaper. He’s our homie. He’s trying to show us the way. We’re here in the Matrix. We’re here in the third dimension. Time is the only thing that’s really against all of us, if you want it to be.

But once you just surrender to time and become timeless, then Father Time isn’t demonized anymore. You see it as this is a gift. Life is a fucking gift. It’s not a problem. It’s not a prison. It’s not whatever. If you want to look at life like that, you will slowly create that ripple effect of negativity that reverberates coming back to you all the time. And it’ll show up in these weird ways, like you won’t even realize it, but it is.

And that’s why when you remove yourself from this trap of wanting everything to be bad or this stuff to be good and that stuff to be evil or whatever, your whole reality changes. You shift. So for me, I know I specifically got into cryptocurrency at the exact time that I did, learning about this mythology of Saturn and Satoshi and all of this for a like, it set me up to have just more of an abundant mindset to the future that’s coming our way.

But also, I’m not sitting here praising this blockchain shit like it’s called blockchain chain to the block, right? I’ve just removed all the excessive need to hate something or worship something to be more neutral. So I practice this quite often, and if everyone wants to call something bad, my way is the opposite. Like Oscar Wilde said, right? Everything that’s popular. Love that quote. So the Grim Reaper, for me, this character, it’s a teacher, like Saturn is a teacher.

Whatever negative aspect you want to talk about with Jupiter or with Mercury or with Venus or with whatever, like all these mythologies are here to teach us that there is a polarity to everything. But also there’s something that connects those poles, and you kind of need to be the electrolyte between the positive and negative. That way you could harness its energy. You could tap into its wisdom. Yeah, I think that’s the foundation.

I really hope more and more people can catch on to what you just said and realize that there’s foundations. Everybody listening here. You have foundations. You have your your foundations that are unmovable the foundation of your house, right? You have your foundations. And I’m hoping that you are all catching on to these words of wisdom here by Jordan. When you realize that liability and asset is involved in your life, and we constantly blame the liabilities, we get mad at the liabilities, and we praise the assets, of course, because the assets make you feel good, the liabilities make you feel bad, but you can’t have one without the other.

You can’t just have a complete life of red carpet and there’s no errors in your life, et cetera, et cetera. A lot of it is habitual. I was outside the other night and I saw these two cats, these two stray cats. They were fighting, and it’s kind of funny to watch two cats fight then. They weren’t like bloody fight. They were just doing that really that real growl and they’re real loud.

No, they have really loud cats are, right? And I’m like, man, they’re doing it off of instinct. That’s what they’re doing. They’re instinctively wanting to fight because it’s territorial or whatever the reasoning was. And I thought to myself, you know, it’s interesting because that’s what a lot of humans do. They fight like cats and dogs. They do it are they consciously doing it, or are they just habitually doing it, like an animal does instinctively? Well, most of them are doing it like an animal because they’re not in the now moment.

They’re, like, giving their energy to the other person. They’re trying to defend their position or whatever. The reason is that you’re arguing or debating between this other person. You’re causing this massive explosion. It’s causing an energy release. It’s like ATP. And that’s what this whole reality thrives off of, by the way, ladies and gentlemen. It thrives off of big bangs going on. You know, when you have an argument with somebody, that’s like a big bang and you’re releasing a lot of energy, and you’re draining your energy at the same time as well.

So I just thought it was really interesting. I love studying nature. Man especially being here in Mexico, all the animals that are here, I’m just so enamored by nature. It’s just so amazing, man. Yeah. Everything is through your observation, right? Like, once you begin to observe and judge less, you start to see things as it is. And then there’s a lesson there. There’s something that teaches you. I think the reason we’re always focused on pushing towards conflict is because we don’t want to deal with the conflict we have internally.

We have a lot of trauma that we’re all working with, right. And we feel very uncomfortable being vulnerable and exposing how we feel and what we’re going through. So big piece of where I’m at in life is to just let it all out. Whatever I feel, whatever I’m going through, whatever I feel might be something that is bothering me or something that even if I get annoyed, if I get frustrated, it’s okay to be frustrated.

It’s okay to be annoyed. It’s okay to be aggravated. The cat gets aggravated, and then it swats the other cat in the face and then they figure it out. Shit needs to get solved, and that’s how they do it. It’s life. You watch the way everything is, and it’s just looking for stimuli because nothing wants to be bored. Our version of boredom as a human is just different than the animal kingdom and plant kingdom, et cetera.

But what we do with our boredom is we quickly numb ourselves. We just slip in the needle of dopamine into the main vein, and we just keep sucking up TikTok feed all day. That’s what makes us feel better, to just always be consuming. So I actually would think it would be better to be more like the cat, go out and risk shit with your other human beings instead of just hiding away inside and needing to fulfill your so called stimuli and needs with scrolling.

The cats are doing it, right? We might look at it and call it loud and annoying and this and that, which I agree with you. It is what it is. But they’re actually handling shit in the now. We don’t want to do that as humans. We always want to escape it. And then we take that, we apply that 100 times over the next 100 days. We develop this new behavior.

Then it’s a pattern. Patterns are hard to break for humans, and then it’s a slippery slope. There’s a lot of tiptoeing around. There’s a lot of tiptoeing people tiptoe. To me, this is all a matter of it’s all a matter of my foundation, which I’ve adopted from the great Werner Earhart and doing landmark, is that this world is all about looking good. That’s it. That’s my foundation. My final answer.

Everybody walks around looking good. No one wants to look bad, right? We don’t want to be wrong. We want to look good. And if there’s any piece of our reality that has any compromisation of looking bad, we avoid it like a plague. That’s the common, average human being, and we’re all guilt. This is all of us, folks. I’m not just saying it and being an exception here. Everybody out there listening to this.

You’re trying to get it right. And if you laid all your truths out on the table, if you’re authentic, you realize that you don’t have it all figured out. You don’t have all one plus one equals two truths. But you pretend to be like you have that and we all do it. You were talking about this earlier about people just jordan, you were talking about people know. I call them professional regurgitators.

They just take something that’s, oh, that sounds good. And so I’m just going to go ahead and spin that information and I’ll just put it out on my Facebook. I see a lot of people copying and pasting things. They never give credit. They just try to take the credit for the information to look good. Right? They look good. And it’s just so fascinating how this whole reality is set up.

And it’s really a big ego based consciousness. And I’m glad to see that we’re really kind of coming out of that, especially in these communities. Yes. It’s great to express your feelings. Like you said, be the cat SWAT, not tiptoeing around. I think that’s really important. You got to look at your charts, too, ladies and gentlemen. You look at your astrological chart. If you’re somebody who has a lot of energy in Scorpio like maybe your Mars or your Venus and Scorpio, you’re going to be somebody who’s, by default will be somebody who’s very serious because Scorpio is serious and it’s deep and it’s intense and this is how your feelings are going to be.

So sometimes when you have this energy, you just want to suppress it and you want to do kind of like a slow burn. Whereas somebody who has a lot of Aryan energy, aries being fire, if you have Mars and Aries or Venus and Aries, you may fall in love easy because this energy or you may want to fight. And this is going off of your codes here. So everybody’s not set up the same exact way.

We just got to realize what our strengths and weaknesses are. And like somebody who has Aries, a lot of Aries energy, it’s an energy by default over the years where you want to talk about it right away, you want to get it off your chest. You may want to be that person who wants to create some fire in your life. And this is where the value of being more of an observer off of your astrological chart than being somebody who submits to the default.

So if you’re an Aryan energy and if you find yourself wanting to debate or get in arguments or we got to talk about it and stuff like that. And you’re talking about a partner who may not have that same exact chart. There has to be some kind of compromisation in there. And then when you observe your chart versus just giving into it, that to me is going to completely give you more of an asset based reality.

And I think that’s really going to be a game changer. What’s your thoughts on that, Jordan? Yeah, you brought up something a little bit earlier too, about being the cat and that whole kind of picture that we’re painting for everyone here based off of what you saw yesterday. And my whole thing about this is that you create a landscape that allows you to be fallible, and through there is where some of your biggest teachings will arise.

You learn the most through your risk. And nobody in this world wants to take any risks. Therefore there’s no reward. So it’s just this mediocrity, and that’s a scary place to be. If you look at the state and condition of humankind right now, they’re all supremely in debt. They don’t really have too much money and savings. They’re working a lot of their waking hours, and just nothing really feels like it’s being produced by them.

It’s just a perpetual consumption. And I know it doesn’t feel great. I’ve been there too. And what broke the cycle for me was deciding to risk deciding to be the cat that swats the other cat, deciding to talk back to my boss about an idea that I had, which might have been scary initially, but it led to a promotion. However it goes in life, when you see a beautiful woman, don’t walk past her.

If you feel that connection, go fucking talk to her. Stop all this, like, pussy footing around again. Be the cat pussy, no pun intended. Pussy footing around. That’s on purpose. But no, for real, I think that’s really all I could say. I was talking a little bit about some of these astrological concepts and a lot of this stuff where you learn more about yourself through it. But I just want people to be and I know you preach a similar thing, is just be cautious about what you learn and what you accept as your new truth.

I would just be cautious. Be playful with all of this new information. Play with it. Don’t commit to it. If you learn more about your so called code or your partner’s code or whatever, and you’re starting to see why, quote, unquote, things are the way they are through your learning, don’t make that build a system that makes you more stubborn. Like, you must be more in a flow state in all ways.

Be more compassionate. You’re going to learn a lot of stuff listening, tuning into people like Logan. And don’t let this stuff get the best of your whole beingness. It’s nice to learn. And I tell people the same thing about my stuff very often. Save the belief for yourself and then resonate with everything else. Come here as if you’re showing up to be in a it’s like a symphony.

We’re all playing our instrument. The world is not operating as a symphony right now. The world is operating like the scene in Braveheart where one battle is like we’re colliding in the center with swords. It’s fucked. So don’t do that to your wife or your best friend or whatever, because you learned about astrology. I’m being real here. I’ve seen too much of this shit happen where people learn about this sort of stuff, especially from the Eastern spiritualism side of things, and it’s destroyed their whole foundation.

And it’s not made them a more compassionate person. It’s not made them a more likable person. It’s actually made them quite the opposite. It’s made them very bitter and like a know it all. And like this whole, like, you know and that goes across every sign because I’ve spoken with all of them. I’ve had hundreds and thousands of client calls, probably at this point. I’ve talked to everyone from every country on Earth.

It really feels like I’ve had the conversations to speak with confidence that no matter what you learn in this game, don’t give up the deep work. Don’t give up your desire to put your calories burned per day towards the deep work. It’s easy to learn. It’s very hard to apply. Yeah, the truth bomb. I did a decode on the Beast, the great Beast, ladies and gentlemen. My final answer at this point is the stargate above your head.

And so people say, well, why would you talk? Why would you look at astrology? Well, because it’s a layer of your reality that you need to take into consideration. How you react to those defaulted positions is what will make or break you. And this is why people say, well, what’s your sign, Logan? All twelve. How can you be all twelve? Because I got twelve zodiac signs in my chart, that’s why.

And I’m all twelve. I’m this colorful human being. You, Jordan, everybody here listening to this. You are all twelve signs. You’re going to be a little bit more of this, a little bit of more of that. Yes. But you’re all twelve. And when you become all twelve, you now become more of an asset based human being versus where you force yourself in a box where people say, oh, Logan, you must be an Aquarian, because my moon’s an Aquarius.

Okay, great. But that doesn’t put me in the box of being an Aquarian. I’m all twelve signs. And when you realize you’re that, it’s kind of like the Devil card, the Tarot card. You have the two people chained up on the block, right? Blockchain technology is the Devil card, right? You want to be the devil. You want to be the guy. Sitting at the top of the block.

You don’t want to be chained to the damn block. So this is why. Is it a coincidence that Grim Reaper numerology equals 33? Uhoh, it must be the Masons that came up with Grim Reaper, because it’s 33. But anyway, you want to be best friends with that energy, you don’t have to sit there and invite it to dinner. But again, you were talking about this Jordan with the Saturn, and you and I have talked about so much about this blaming stuff, and that’s old news, man.

That’s out. That doesn’t work. That methodology, we know, doesn’t give you a blissful soulless ride on the surfboard. It just doesn’t it doesn’t really work unless you want chaos in your life. If you want to be part of some of those other people out there on YouTube that are constantly blaming and it’s them, it’s they, it’s their fault. We gotta take them. And they ain’t doing anything about it.

They’re just sitting there blasting their horn. They’re not taking any action. They’re just a big talker. That’s all they are. Big talkers. Big talkers. So when you stop doing the blame game and you realize that this reality is liability asset, and of course you want more of the assets, I get that. But you realize that the liabilities are probably your master teachers, not the assets, that’s when you have big changes in your life.

Yeah. My method is to learn from the so called bad thing. It’s to go back in my rolodex of the liabilities and thank every single one of those people. They help me grow. All the pain is a teacher, and it leaves when it’s done teaching. You beautiful. Everybody that’s broken up with you, everyone that’sinned against you, those are the gods. It took me so long to realize that, man.

But the day that I realized that, shit changed a lot. Yeah. The biggest thing for me was realizing that everybody’s right. That was like the game changer of all. Game changers at the start of my career, of doing this great work was everybody’s right. And it takes away your desire to call them wrong, right? Yes. And of course it’s taken me, and I still feel it because I have a lot of years of programming, of defending my truth, trying to prove other people wrong just so I can be right.

Because there’s the payoff, right? In life, there’s a payoff for everything. And the payoff is you get to be right. And oh, I proved you wrong. Well, I’ll show you. And it’s just like, not really, because you’re still going to go home and say, that dude’s an idiot and I’m right. And how dare they talk to me that way? And you just create this division and resistance that completely disseminates your whole being.

So the better route, when you hate someone else, you secretly are hating yourself, hating yourself. Yeah, but the reason why people want to get in these conflicts and they want to win is because people like trophies, but they forget that you don’t even own your body. You don’t even own your skeleton. This whole physical experience you’re having, it’s like a rental car you get for a moment, like your soul, your spirit, what you really are.

That has nothing to do with this place. Just enjoy this place. Stop trying to debunk everything and turn everyone into the loser so that you can sit on the throne. The king doesn’t act like that. The king doesn’t wait around for a crown to be put on its head. It just goes up and grabs the fucking crown. It learns how to make gold crowns. You want to be the king? Learn how to make gold crowns.

There you go. Feel better about yourself now? Your ego. Feel better. That’s it. Everyone wants the secrets, and they want the answers, and they want someone to gift them meaning. But I think it actually comes back to what I was just talking about before. All of the problems, all of the sins that were against you from other people, all of these so called liabilities. That’s what makes you king.

It’s you being able to realize that they were like I said this recently, it was one of the most important things that I thought of off the top of my head. Quickly share it. I wrote it on X, which that platform is what it is. But I think it’s important that we use any of these platforms to almost do the opposite of what they’re commonly used for. Needless to say, I said the legs of your throne are stabilized by the hate they project onto you.

Wow. After I wrote it, I sat there and I thought about it for, like, a couple of hours, and I was thinking, like, that turns over the power dynamic, because when you’re a creator, especially, it does pain you sometimes when you receive hate. Right. Like, we could all admit that. Yeah. Now consumers are just basking in hate all day from every angle. But when you finally become a producer, when you tap into your creative essence and you become a creator, even when you’re floating in the clouds, somebody’s at the ground shooting arrows at you so it’s just these little hacks.

To remove the power from all of these haters and all this shit that people are trying everyone’s trying to take you down from your position. They don’t even mean to a lot of the time, but that’s what it is. It’s funny to talk about this too, right? Because so many people want to be a creator. So many people want to be a solopreneur or create their own business and be successful in all of this.

But they won’t be able to handle that. They won’t be able to handle the hate. If you can’t handle the hate with where you’re at now, and you can’t break through some of this stuff with where you’re at now. It’s going to be super difficult when all eyes are on you. Yeah. Persecution. When it comes at you. It’s definitely a teacher, that’s for sure. Not the comments that praise you, the people that give you testimonials, those are rather weak when you compare that to the people that persecute you, when people persecute you, tell you, you’re an idiot, you’re a moron, you don’t know what you’re talking about, you suck.

Which one is more of a teacher or someone that says, oh, you’re the best. Oh, my God, I just learned so much from you. I mean, yes, they’re even keeled, depending on the energy that you focus on. But the habitual programming in this day and age, we look at the Grim Reaper as the teacher that propels us to move forward and to refine ourselves. And I think that’s really something that’s important to talk about is refinement.

What would you say to the audience here? What are some of the simple ways to refine yourself in life? Jordan, what would you say? Listen curiously and speak curiously. Listen curiously and speak curiously. Interesting. Yeah. I think that that’s been a huge change in practice for me to refine myself often. It’s like, I talk about this a little bit. I know you’ll resonate a lot with this brother.

You know, when we work out, we go to a place to isolate out a muscle for, like, whatever, 30 total reps, and then we move on to another body part, whatever, right? If you’re working out chest, you do whatever, three sets of ten of bench press, then incline flies and do yada, yada, yada. But have you noticed how you take maybe 10,000 to 20,000 steps a day? So, like, your soleus gastrocnemius, everything down the Achilles, your toe splay, every little muscle that’s inside of your feet, it’s all making these micro movements over and over and over and over again.

10,000 reps a day. 20,000 reps a day. We look at everyone who has back problems and hip problems and all these issues, and we see that a lot of it is actually systemic of what they do a majority of the time that they don’t even notice it’s their posture, right? So I apply the same knowledge to the way my mind works. Everyone who’s trying to study and go through a course or go through school or something, they’re showing up as if it’s a fucking gym.

I’m going to be hard on people right now. You’re showing up like it’s a fucking gym where you do three sets and you hit a PR. No, it’s not. It’s every little second from the moment you wake up, and even in your dreams, there’s shit going on. So it’s those little movements. So I listen curiously, I speak curiously. And now I’m focused on 80%. Not just singling out those 20%.

It’s like Pareto’s Principle in reverse or something, but the bigger point here is that I think we have to put a little bit more effort into the small things and then the devils and the details. That’s where the most growth, that’s where the most changes and that’s where also the unlearning and the deprogramming and all of those other things we speak about. That’s where it really is. It’s not about the big fines, the gems that are dropped on you.

It’s about restructuring all the little moments, all the little actions, all the little thoughts. You notice that they’re much, much bigger than the thing you were consciously going out of your way to seek. Yeah, for sure. I like that. When I said, how do you refine yourself? And you mentioned the word listen, right? Listen. How much listening do you you’re listening right now. How much listening do you do? Not just of the other things around you, but yourself, listening to yourself.

What reactions that you give, are they habitual? Most of you have habits that are ingrained in your life and they’re kind of unmovable and you don’t pay any attention to them. I mentioned this before, like the simplicity of brushing your teeth. I noticed that in the bottom right hand corner of my mouth I started to have gum erosion. And the reason why I did is because guess where my toothbrush goes in first in my mouth.

The bottom right hand corner. And that was where all the pressure started. So that got a lot of action first. And I had to change that habit consciously. I listened, I looked. I was engaged consciously. And this takes practice. And it’s very challenging for all of you out there that have a very busy lifestyle because life gets in the way. Life is literally the vampire, all vampires because it just demands all these things from you.

And the more things you bolt on to your life, the more your life becomes more of kind of like a liability. That’s really kind of how I look at this reality. The more cars you have, the more houses you have, the more insurances you have to pay for. These are all liabilities liabilities, liabilities liabilities. And then how do you ever find time to be in the now moment to realize, oh shit, I have gum erosion down in the bottom right hand corner of my mouth because I’ve been brushing that’s the first place the toothbrush goes into my mouth or whatever your example is.

But I thought that was a really big deal for me anyway. A big fine for me and I’ve shared it with the audience here many times. But how about you? Just you being in the conscious moment, listening to your surroundings? What have you found some big markers in your life where you can cut the habitual ties and move into more of a conscious based living? I don’t want to have conversations anymore where it’s based upon other things people have learned.

I like to always ask people, what do you think? That’s been very huge for me also as a practice, because then it gets us away from talking about another man’s mind. I really try to go there because a lot of the stuff that they unlock from there, it always comes back to me and it evokes this other essence from me and it’s beautiful. I don’t like talking about another man’s ideas.

Like, I spend a lot of my time conversing with people and if they don’t want to talk about how they feel, I’ll take it out of them. I’ll figure out a way to work with them in that way. But you were well aware, and a lot of people are well aware that a majority of my life is in service to the world. I rarely spend too much time even thinking about myself much.

Everything is always about the doing this for them, doing this for this, doing this. And I’m working towards being balanced, but I feel like this is just my purpose. So this is where I feel alive and I’m not going to self sabotage, right? So of course there are little moments for me in my situation with what I’m going through where I’ve learned to like, okay, you need you time right now to get back to that balance.

But yeah, I think that’s probably been huge for me solely because I said earlier I’ve committed 2023 to relationships, which means I have to focus a lot on communication and I have to make it less about me. So whenever I talk with people, I try to not talk about what I do or what I’ve done. I try to always just wait for the questions and then I respond.

And communication for me is everything because I see that that’s what’s torn the world apart, right, is our lack of ability to it’s like that tool song Schism, right? Yes, that’s real. Those lyrics are literally the world right now. And again, I don’t play the blame game. So if the world is falling apart in regards to communication, then I have to be the one to piece it back together.

I know that might sound egoic, but that’s my only way to be the change, right? Instead of just saying the world sucks, everyone’s annoying, everyone’s asleep, everyone’s an NPC, everyone’s a sheep. Like most so called truth ers perpetuate, which I think is awful and it doesn’t get anything done and it doesn’t promote our fellow man as a god within. It just makes you it reduces you down into something that they set a value on you.

When you’re calling people sheep or NPC, it’s like you’re doing that because you want to feel better about yourself because of some nonsense, a list of shit that so called you know about that they don’t that’s not compassion though. That’s just your ego. That’s all. Ego. I mean, ego is necessary, obviously, but when you refine the ego. You’re not going to be calling people this or that or talking down to them like they, oh, if you don’t do it my way, you’re an idiot, or you’re not doing it right or any of that kind of stuff, or you’re doing the blame game.

And when you do the blame game, hopefully everybody here is not in that space anymore. And the thing is, when you want to refine yourself even more, how do you refine yourself? By being an observer in this reality, seeing other people do it. Just observe what they’re doing without passing judgment upon what they’re doing, remembering that I used to be one of those people. So now when I look at somebody that does that, I look at that, and I’m like I get grateful.

Why do I get grateful? Because I know that I’m not doing that anymore, and I know that I graduate. I’m, like, allergic to that shit now. Anyone who wants to talk like that with me, I can’t anymore. I’m just like, all right, thank you. Have a good day. I don’t even want to prove the point or prove them right or tell them my opinion. I just know that they’re not at that consciousness.

So it’s safer for me to protect my Prana and share my Prana with another being, and that’s okay. I don’t have to judge them in the process. And I admit the same thing that you just did. I’ve been there, too, even on my channel, even during live streams, and I’ve just been man enough to correct over time. I want to be honorable. I don’t want to just be this dude who has a platform, making myself look better or feel better because of whatever nonsense I look at.

The only true achievement of what we’re doing here is to collaborate. That’s the only achievement that could ever be made through these socials. That’s it. It’s just how can we collaborate and protect ourselves from something that we know doesn’t have our best interest in mind? But we don’t need to focus on that at all, because if we just take that energy and keep it towards our collaboration, that’s what serves us, and that’s the change.

Yeah. There was this really good movie by Marvel called Doctor Strange, and there was a scene in Doctor Strange where he does astral projection with kind of one of his masters, and they’re sitting by the water outside of their body, and they’re having a conversation. She’s about ready to die, his master. She’s on the operating table, and she’s doing this out of body experience, and he blasts out of his body, and they’re having the conversation.

It was so monumental, this part of the movie, and he’s a doctor, right? And he saves lives. And she had told him, the reason why you became a really good doctor is because you’re afraid of not looking good. You’re afraid of getting it wrong. That’s what made you a great doctor Fear, which is your teacher. And then she goes on to say she’s like, this life, it’s not about you.

This life’s not about you, man. It’s just not. You’re only here for a short period of time, and then that’s it. A blip, a grain of sand on the beach. It’s not about you, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, you have your mark in this reality. Yes, you’re going to try to get everything right, not be wrong. You’re going to try to look good in everything you do. But when you can become someone who’s an observer of the static, the busyness of going on in this reality and then really own up to who you came into this reality to do, like Jordan has said, I enjoy helping the world.

I enjoy being service to others. That’s your payoff. That’s Jordan’s payoff. He gets to feel good about helping the world because it’s not about him, but he still gets a payoff from that. And the feeling is, I help people, and that makes me feel good. That gets me up in the morning and like, you’re doing this court. Why are you creating the course? Does it have monetary value to it? Of course it does, but that’s part of the equation.

That’s part of your machine, that’s part of your engine. But overall, you’re providing the car for everybody. You’re the engine, and then everybody gets in the car, and they ride the Jordan car, right? And this is what gives you pleasure. This is your payoff. So you have to look at your life, ladies and gentlemen, that you’re listening to this. What are your payoffs in this reality? What makes you feel good? And hopefully you’re not like, well, what makes feel good is, oh, yeah, I showed you.

Oh, yeah, you’re an idiot, you’re a moron, you’re a sheep. Is that the energy you really want to get as a payoff? Or would the payoff because it’s not about you. And I can assure you that life’s not trying to get out of you, trying to tell people that they’re sheep or trying to tell people that they’re this or that, and they’re not wrong, ladies and gentlemen. Your neighbor is not wrong because they’re not following your way of life.

That’s just the way it is, ladies and gentlemen. So when you look at somebody that you don’t agree with, that you don’t side with, when you can take a step back and just be more of an observer and maybe look at maybe they’re having a bad day. You had talked about this one time. I remember this distinctively you talking about this during one of your podcasts. Like, you don’t know what’s going on in that person’s life.

Yeah, maybe they’re having a shitty day. I remember you talking about this in one of your lives. I was like, damn it’s. Coming back to the thing that I summarized earlier, speak curiously, listen curiously, just observe. And when you’re about to start speaking, just do it with curiosity, and whilst you’re listening, just do it curiously. And if you practice this, it solves a lot of the issues with all this judgment shit.

It really does. It gets you out of this whole, like, my time is more valuable than this other person’s time, or My space is more important than your space, or whatever. We’re all protecting something, right? If you own a house, you’re protecting your house. If you have a dog, you love your dog more than the next door neighbor four blocks away’s. Dog. I get it, man. But at the end of the day, we all need to be more just collaborative.

And I think that quick speak curiously, listen curiously thing, it could become a mantra that could provide a lot of clarity in the now and get you away from this whole projection stuff, because it’s there. And I do it, too. Honestly. I do it all the time. What I’ve learned, though, is you shrink the time to fix the problem. It’s okay to be aggravated, guys. It’s okay to be frustrated.

Nobody’s saying, bottle it all up, feel it, feel into it, but just shrink the time in between you bitching and moaning, and you taking action to correct it. That’s it. Yeah. It’s a matter of being in the conscious moment. That’s why I favor the minimalistic lifestyle, because it allows me to look at myself on a more conscious level. I mean, if I had a partner, if I had kids and dogs and cats and a house and a mortgage, my life would be consumed by that in a big way.

Which I’m not saying it’s wrong, ladies and gentlemen. I’m just saying is that if you study monks, if you study people that live that way of life, their life is so simple, and it allows them to focus on their consciousness, which, to me, is the way to fast track your refinement in life. I really feel like at this stage of the game, where we’re at in the evolution of consciousness, I really feel like refining yourself is really the big head honcho here.

Are you refining can I make a quick comment? What I think is different, though, is you’re a disruptor. That’s what’s different here, is being a monk and just sitting in full lotus in the Himalayas. That’s not going to create a glitch in this matrix. You are coded to disrupt. That’s the beautiful thing about you. So everyone who’s listening to this, like, what Logan’s saying regarding minimalism and a lot of these, it’s it’s what provides the landscape for him to continue to be a disruptor.

That obviously isn’t the way for everyone. And this whole monk thing, I just wanted to comment because I have to deal with it. Often of people thinking that their problems get solved or their success arises from them, just, like going out into the woods or some shit and fasting for 40 days like Jesus did. Come on, family. If you’re resonating with what me and Logan have been talking about, if you’re resonating with this podcast, if you’re feeling this stuff that we’re saying, then you’re probably a Disruptor, too, and that’s good.

The chaos is what’s needed to shake shit up like you’re. The chaos here. I talk about it a lot. That’s why I’ve started to embrace the chaos and embrace the darkness more as what I am. My know that’s where a lot of the shift, like, no matter what Logan wanted to do, if his ego got in the way and his mind got in the way, I guarantee it probably would have still led down the same path and code to be sitting here right now with me at this exact time.

Oh, for sure. That’s a great have. I have said so often that I don’t find the monk lifestyle, that whole jumpsuit and shaving the head, I don’t find it appealing. Right, so you brought up a good point, like being a disruptor, and I think that’s what everybody is that causes resistance, keeps the game going. The simplicity of the monk life was where I was just kind of focusing on the consciousness and allows you to but I think that point you made is profound, that it’s not just meaning that you Logan.

You could be the guy that fasts for 40 days and 40 nights in the middle of the fucking woods and does it. I would hate it, though, dude. I would hate it. Yeah, I bet you the thing that you would be disliking would be like you’re just thinking about the next thing. You want to create the next thing to disrupt. That’s what you were brought here to do.

So this is why I think it’s important to continue to go back to intuition. As children, we were probably feeling like we never wanted to be obedient. That’s because we’re disruptors. It’s not that we had Add or whatever non bullshit that they spell cast us. It’s because we didn’t care about this nonsense. We didn’t care to be programmed like we were here to disrupt. And I think that’s what allows a lot of growth for people like me and you.

And that’s probably who we’re speaking to the most here. Those are the people that are the most attracted to this type of energy. It’s not people that want to sit around all day and twiddle their thumbs on a mountain. Yes. No. Totally agree. I love the whole disruptor thing, actually. That’s a good tagline to make for a T shirt. Disruptor. I’m going to write that one down. You don’t need to credit me on that because I know you couldn’t put I couldn’t put Jordan in parentheses and put disruptor there.

But I do know that what it means, though. Did you listen in on the I believe it was probably towards the end of my last live stream. I’m not sure if you were around for that part where I started talking about Neo and how he’s actually in my opinion, and my belief is that Neo is that Neo is or Seth neo is chaos in The Matrix. And I know a lot of people, they want Neo to be the Jesus guy.

But in my opinion, I agree. Movie is showing you and what this idea of the glitch in The Matrix as a quote, what it is, is it’s Set. In Egyptian mythology, go look at what Set was. It was chaos. So of course, the small minded person wants to demonize this idea. But in actuality, that’s where the explosive growth is. That’s where everything is happening. Like, even if you looked at a rose going from seedling to bud, the process of it becoming this beautiful thing that we look at and we call a rose, it’s violent, it’s very, very chaotic.

In essence, the same thing with a birth of a child. It’s not this walk in the park. Unicorns and rainbow know it’s very much this explosive energy surge of prana. And I feel like if anything, neo in the Matrix is not this Jesus character. I know people want it to be that because that’s the archetypal story that most people fall for. But I believe it’s set. I think you’re absolutely right, bro.

I think you’re absolutely right. It’s the I. The I am is the disruptor. And that’s what everybody is. When you look at these numbers, we can get into some numerology and talk about to me anyway, as a decoder and a scientist and more computer science, the 13 and 31 are the head honcho numbers when it comes to creation because, yes, one is 1. 61 and three is 3.

15. And these two mathematical equations are our reality, the base fundamentals of our reality. The golden ratio being tied to light, 3. 14 being tied to matter, light into matter. This is in the equations of the Great Pyramid of Giza, ladies and gentlemen. By the way, these two equations. And when you take the number three and you flip it on its side, it becomes the sine wave. It becomes the wave that the sun makes as it moves through the sky.

And it’s the sine wave. It’s also tied to ribonucleic acid, which is the single strand of the DNA. It’s RNA, the deoxyribonucleic acid is your DNA, the two base pairs. And then you have the ribonucleic acid, which is just one strand of DNA, which literally is the messenger. And that is the sun moving in its sine wave shape. And that is the number three along with the number S.

That’s why the sun starts with the letter S. And the companion of that is the number one. And the number one, when you move that through that number three that you moved on its side, which becomes the letter M, you now form the dollar symbol. The dollar sign symbol is the. Letter three, the number three and the number one. And it’s the diamagnetic pulse of light chasing the transverse electromagnetic wave, chasing the diamagnetic pulse of light.

And that one is the diamagnetic pulse of light. The one, the neocharacter, the disruptor that everything chases in this reality. And it’s so beautiful when you can look at the symbology of numbers tied into letters. That’s why the golden arch of McDonald’s is the number three, because it’s the sine wave. That’s why it’s yellow, because it’s tied to the sun. It’s the ribonucleic acid, which is the messenger, which it’s kind of interesting when you study the deoxyribonucleic acid, our DNA, which the two base pairs, which form the double helix, you start to look at the RNA, and the RNA, the ribonucleic acid, which is the single strand of the messenger.

A lot of scientists say that came first. So the messenger comes and it influences the DNA, which is what we are, the double helix. And that’s three in one, folks. It’s really three in one. And it’s so fascinating to look at these layers and how big the 13 is sitting in the very middle of the astrological sign. 13 is tied to the Christ, which is tied to light, which is tied to RA, which is tied to the great beast above.

And this 13, it wants to play. It wants to create, right? It wants to create. And it’s just so fascinating when you look at it. Symbolically alchemically. Aluminium is the 13th element. You can call me Al. That song by what’s his name? You know the song I’m talking about. You can call me Al. They all sang that song. Paul Simon. He had that song. You Can Call Me Al.

And it’s aluminium. And that sits in the very dead center, folks. And you’re talking about the numbers 26 and 27 and 13. And that’s your source energy. It’s just so interesting when you look at these layers. Sorry, I kind of went off on a really different angle here. It’s powerful stuff, man. I mean, it’s like, really wild. What have you found with 1313 or 31? There’s anything prolific in your research and your decoding efforts? Because you’ve come out with some freaking bombs.

So I’m interested to hear, have you really found anything 13 wise or 31? For me, it changed when I started looking at the moon cycles as a part of this matrix and specifically my study of the Hebrew calendar and then implementation of the Hebrew calendar of my work and how it’s not that a mother is pregnant for nine months. She’s pregnant for ten months. And this number ten, the one, the zero, the binary code, the lock and key, if you will, we could get deep into the symbology of that.

But that made me now look at the number 13 in a whole new way. For whatever reason. It kind of set me on that path. Just because we would have 13 moons per year. So that kind of was a change for me. But off the top of my head, one of the 1331 combos that I often see in my work is with the word cash in just English ordinal and full reduction.

3rd, 31 and 13. So you’re literally talking about the symbol for cash. And regarding coming back to what I was talking about a little bit earlier, well, we have 31 being the 11th prime, number eleven, the two poles, the polarities, that’s the two lines of this dollar symbol that we see. And then, yeah, that snake kind of energy. However you want to interpret that. There’s a billion ways to do this, but obviously that caduceus is a symbol we see often sign of like, I mean, a lot of this symbolism is in plain sight.

It’s not hidden or kept away from us. It’s actually quite exoteric. It would just require some people to see it for what it is. So you shared so many great thoughts, but the 13 to me is important because it seems like a completion of the thing we call a year or annual ANU. Now, this is like, again, we could go down so many other roads, but keeping it on the money side of things.

Yes, the word cash, 30, 113, and those two pillars that come out of the 31 through it being the 11th prime, and then you have 13 being the 6th prime. We all know about the 6th day, the Sabbath day. Then we get into the Saturnian sort of energy in all of this. Yeah, that’s the beauty of decoding, is you could really go deeper and deeper and deeper, but it’s best to kind of know some of these basics.

The 13, I think, is the one that changed my whole outlook on cylindrical systems, which then made me start looking at overall everything regarding sidereal tropical, just calendars in general. I started to see them in a whole new light. Yeah, the numbers are just so expansive when you get down to I mean, really quickly. Logan, you talked about McDonald’s logo. I mean, M is literally the 13th letter in the alphabet.

So, boom, right there what Logan was saying about it being a three. It’s so important. Family, if you’re going to get into letters and numbers, play around with rotating them in alchemy. You always mirror, you never mimic, but also literally rotating all of the symbols. Game changer, big game changer. Because if you take the 13 and you move it into the golden ratio and you start to measure the numbers there, it’s so profound because if you go 13 digits, 1.

618 00:33 and you go 13 digits in the ending digit, the 13th digit is the number nine, and the number nine is the great repeater number. That’s why any cipher, numerology, gamatra, you can create your own. The number nine is going to make sure that it gets encoded into the source code it just may be branched out farther down by the instead of the root. But this is how amazing the golden ratio is.

The 13th number is the number nine. And then where is the 13th found in the golden ratio at digit 56 and 57. And 56 always means lights, camera, action. And 57 is the Truman show. You have the movie twice with the 13 because that’s what the 13 wants to do. The 13 is the king of hearts, and the king of hearts becomes the king of cups, which is the 50th card.

And then you get into alchemy and you get into the tin man. And that’s what the whole story of the wizard of Oz was talking about. The tin man’s character was looking for its heart. It was looking for its heart. It didn’t know what it felt like to be a human being because it didn’t have a heart. So it was this empty shell of metal. And this is the story of the wizard of Oz, and it’s spirit, spirit coming down incarnating into matter and saying, I’m going to be a human being, maybe going, this may be a vacation spot.

I just paradise. This may be a paradise. I’m going to go on vacation. And it was just really funny because of how sin, the word sin is the number nine, and that number nine is the digit that occupies the 13th digit in the string of the golden ratio. And it’s light. The golden ratio means light, folks. The McDonald’s arch, it’s why it’s yellow. It’s tied to the sun.

The sun tied to the sin wave, the sine wave, the serpent wave. It’s just so fascinating. Man, I just love all this stuff. I could go on and on and on. Yeah, I know. Me too. I always kind of get down these rabbit holes, and that’s why it’s important for me to take a moment to pick a topic or pick an idea and just focus on it and decode it.

I know you do that as like a core piece of your art creation, but for me, not as much. So whenever I get around to dedicating some time, like I am right now with this great American eclipse decoded, it’s just so fun to go into the flow state of decoding and bring all these elements in and play around with them. Yeah, most definitely. Which you’re really the master of, by the way.

I’ve never seen anyone do it at your level, not even close. So I always tell people if they want to take it deeper regarding some of the stuff with the code, check out your channel, because you’re going to take something that flip it upside down, left, right, back, forward, center, inverse it, and connect in like 30 different layers. And it’s just mind blowing how you do it. Thank you.

Well, I got a new shiny new toy. I released it on my paradise decoded, and I talked about it earlier. And it’s a game changer, folks. When you take the 360 deg circle and you lay that over the astrological chart, it’s a game changer. It’s so fascinating because there’s a show that I’m very fond of called the 100. And it was on the CW. It’s on Netflix now.

And you can watch it. And there’s like seven seasons. And it was actually created by this author named Mallory Cass. She goes by Cass Morgan, and she wrote the series called the 100. And it’s just so interesting because she’s a cancer. She’s a cancer. July 21, cancer. And when you go and look at the astrological chart itself, and this is where you get into the Royal Arch of Freemasonry, they use that.

Is that cancer? The sign of cancer sits at the very 90 degree mark of the chart. So the zero degree marker is at the 09:00 position because it goes clockwise. So we start at the rising sign. The sun rises at that 09:00 P. m. Position. When you use the land mass of Earth right, or comes towards you, whatever you want to believe in. Round, flat, doesn’t matter. But the 90 degree sits at the very top in the apex, and there’s cancer.

And wouldn’t you know, when you slap that 360 degree wheel over the astrological chart, wouldn’t you know that the number 100 marker is inside the sign of cancer? And this lady that wrote the book on the 100 is a cancer. It’s so fascinating. And you know what’s across the way down in the underworld of that 360 degree marker? 280. And how many days is a general pregnancy? 280 days.

So you get the 100, the incarnation, you get all the fallen angel stories. All of them are going to play a role. So the 100 is teamed up with the 280. It is absolutely fascinating. And you have this cancer element, of course, cancer being a very debilitating disease on the world stage, one of the major killers, and they named this. And of course, we have the Tropic of Cancer.

So fascinating how this stuff just esoterically fits into our reality, really. So fascinating. Mind blowing, man, right? Yeah. This kind of knowledge and awareness, it continues to just make me more at ease with what’s going on. Yeah, I think that that’s really been the change. I know that for a lot of people, and I’m sure you’ve seen this too, as they learn some of this code, and perhaps because they’ve been learning it from some people that are pointing fingers.

But needless to say, there’s like this I found out about the code, but it’s evil energy. And when I started getting into decoding, it made me so much less aggressive and less volatile and just more calm. I don’t know how it did that to me, but it does. And now I’m at this place where I think it probably is, where you’re at, where it’s all just comedy to you, I just start laughing.

I’m not even surprised anymore. I’m like, this shit’s fucking hilarious. It is. If you can’t have fun with it, man, then it’s not wisdom. Yes, that is a tagline, right? If you can’t have fun with it and nuts with it, because that’s what it’s all about. I don’t see it any other way. The more and more I add on layers, and these are things that I’m not taking any credit for.

Whatever’s using me. If I have a voice in my head, I’ll just call it God, whatever, using me as this instrument to deliver this information to all the world. And the same goes for anybody out there. Jordan, you’re like, you know how I feel. My final answer on this kind of stuff, and it’s just the comedy is that that’s just life, man. And I don’t look at it as Know, and we’ve kind of already talked about this, but I really feel like it’s a game changer when you stop looking.

Not saying you’re going to eliminate death and nefarious stuff going on, but when you can see the comedy in Know. I had this profound moment with insects many times here in my casita in Mexico. I live in a brand new building. It’s only like two years old, but the building’s settling. So I have those little brown ants. And I’ve always been a fan of Know, so I’ve talked about this before, so I’m gonna give you a new story, a real quick one, a real analogy, right? So they started to come out in my bathroom, so I would feed them so they’re not hurting me.

And it would really kind of alleviate the burden of leaving food out, because that’s a nightmare. If you leave any food out, you wake up and you got a million thousand ants on your counter. So it’s really kept me in check, and I started feeding them, and then there were spiders came, and they started nesting above the ants. And then I started then I’m like, don’t these ants get it that there’s a damn killer above them? And you could see all the carnage.

The carnage would be below the spider web, but the ants would continue to march on and do their thing. And I’m like, that’s really kind of fascinating. So one day, I pulled the spider down with my pair of tweezers, and I threw it down in the ants. And instinctively, the spider tries to run off, and then I put it back in there, and it took like, sometimes five or ten times.

And then finally the spider gets attacked, and the ants, they kill the spider. And at that moment, I kind of felt a little bit of resentment. Not resentment. Is that an assisted homicide? Yeah. Well, I mean, I was playing God there because the ants were probably like, dude, who’s this dude? This dude just saved, like, all my friends. This spider was killing all my friends, and I stepped in, and I became God at that moment.

That’s really how I felt. And so that led me into like just last week, I started having issues with ants in my kitchen again. Of course, I’m making lemonade out of it. So I’m like, okay, it’s keeping me really clean because I keep everything wiped down. I don’t leave anything out. It’s made me more order in my life. So it’s a teacher. But one day I came in and somehow, some way, there was food left in the sink, like in the drainage thing area, and there was ants everywhere.

And I just kind of woke up that day, and I was in one of those moods, and I got irritated because I’m like, how am I going to get rid of these things? How am I going to get rid of the ants? What am I going to do? I can remove the food, but I don’t know. And I provoked me. I turned the sink on, and there was the flood, and all the ants went down the drain.

And you know, at that moment, I can honestly tell all of you listening, I had sadness in my heart. I had regret that I did that. I feel it right now emotionally, and I’m really telling you the truth here, right? Does this how God works? It’s like, all these freaking people, so annoying, and God wakes up and it’s just annoyed on one of those days, and then it’s like, oh my God, I can’t leave my food out.

You freaking ants. And then you just wipe them all away. So in this situation, is God the one who has the feelings about what’s going on outside of it? Or is God the one who gets to make the choices of if this thing gets to live or die? Yeah, I’m just wondering, based on what you think. Yeah, well, both. And then I would say it’d be both sides of the coin.

But the thing was, when I looked at it, that’s not the end of the ants. There’s a ton more, and they’re going to regenerate, and they’re going to keep regenerating and keep regenerating. You can’t get rid of them. It’s not going to happen. So, yeah, I stepped in. I created this Red Sea part of the Red Sea. The flood. I turned the sink on, the ants went down the drain, and I felt bad about it.

I did. That’s my level of consciousness. So it teaches me, don’t leave food out. So I don’t have to do that. I don’t have to take them out. Right. But at the same time, I realize that life is never ending. It’s not going to stop, folks. And we are ants. Human beings are like ants. That’s how I look at it. Disposable. One day you’re going to die. And that’s why it’s not about you, this whole reality, it’s not about you.

We’re all working for a purpose. Yes, but it’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s not about Jordan at this moment in time. You’re going to debate that probably. And you’re going to you know, I have this, and some of you incarnated to pop a kid out, and I’ve said this so many times. Maybe your kid’s going to save the world one day. You should be thinking that way.

Somebody’s going to do it. So I tell this in people when I do readings when they have kids, I’m like, do you realize I look at people’s charts, and sometimes you can see in an astrological chart. Oh, yeah, I can see why you would pop a couple of kids out. You kind of see that. And then I postulate that to people and parents, and it’s been an ongoing conversation that your child may you may be the proud parent of a child who saves millions of lives one day, and you get to look at that kid.

The kid wins the Nobel Prize, and it’s like, that’s my kid. And that’s why you incarnated, because I see a lot of humanitarians if you have a nine life path, well, that’s a humanitarian life path. No, not every you think it’s so interesting, Jordan, because I’m decoding the World Economic Forum right now, and of course Klaus Schwab is in there. Guess what? His life path is a freaking nine.

He’s got a humanitarian life path. And of course, people would swear up and down, he’s not working for the good people. He’s not working for the greater good. Well, how he sees it, he is whatever his mission is. So anyway, it’s just so fascinating how your position it’s not about you, but at the same time, you may pop a kid out, and that kid could look at you.

Your mom right now, your mother, your family should be so proud of you. Like, if I was your parent, I would be like, man, that’s my son, and he’s saving lives. He’s changing the world. That’s what you’re doing, though, seriously. I’m not smoke. I mean, that’s so true, man. You’re doing it’s so funny that you’re bringing this up, because I have a quick, quick story to share that please do.

I’ve been rambling, so please do. No, it’s all good. During the whole C 19 I’ll speak coded. I assume people know what the hell I’m talking about. During this whole C 19 pandemic thing, obviously, everyone wanted to talk about the Jab, right? Everyone wanted to talk about the V. And I remember having the conversation with my mom where my mom didn’t want to do it because my baby sister almost died from a vaccine sorry.

From a v injury. So it was really fucked up, man. Like, it was serious. And I have a personal experience with this. I’m not just this truth or guy trying to tell people, don’t do it. I literally watched somebody that was my yeah, you get it. I don’t want to make this dark, but the point here is that was my mom’s reason. She said, I would never do this to myself or anyone.

I would not want anyone to do this because of what happened to insert her child’s name. But then I was like, on whatever energy I was on. I was like, rambling about something. And she quickly checked my ego and she left the room and she came this is like, the best story of all time. She left the fucking room silent and came back with all of my V records.

Really? She showed me all the ones that I got as a child. And she was like, if you’re the way you are today, if you turned out this way, but you also took these jabs when you were a child, doesn’t that prove to you something? And I was like, Fuck, bro. She clear pilled my ass. Wow, that’s pretty. She was like, you keep saying this and this and this and this about all these people and what they can’t do and how that’s going to do this to them.

And she’s like, look. And she just showed me the whole list. It was crazy. And I had to go, Fuck, bro. She put it right in your face, man. You had to look at right in my face. And I loved her so much more after doing that to me, because then it made me look at the whole thing differently. I truthfully believe that people like us, we show up here and we’re like, fucking indestructible.

Sure, you’re going through this thing right now with some of the things with your body, but it hasn’t slowed down your capacity to reach out to people and do your deep work with the people or your people. So whatever this matrix tries throwing in our way, like, whether it’s fucking 5G or this or whatever, after I had that moment with my mom, I was like, why am I scared of? Literally changed everything I was doing, moving forward.

I’m like, this shit can’t hurt me. It only hurts me if I let it. So everything changed after that moment. I didn’t look at it being like, oh, why is she trying to prove a point? None of that. I was just like, thank you. Thank you. You completely changed me. So, I mean, yeah, man, it restructured what I believed. The technology of fear. I learned how to use it instead of it being used against me, I learned how to utilize it instead of it being a weapon, formed my way.

So yeah, man, I’m really grateful for all that kind of stuff. And luckily, I’m coded in a way where I don’t take things personally and I’m able to grow out of these clear pill mean, I know that a lot of people are so against all of this. Like, they look at everything, and that’s just built off of what we were talking about before with Klaus Schwab and any of these guys, Bill Gates or any of them, bro, they are insignificant.

They are the ants that Logan flushed down the fucking drain like the Queen of England, fucking whoever. You can minimize them down to being specks of sand outside your house. That’s true. The more prana you give them, they become the sun. Yep. So wise right there, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’re taking notes on that, because that simple analogy right there has got profound meaning behind it. It’s what you make.

You can become the source of your own essence instead of forfeiting it and giving it up to this so called global elite bloodline or whatever. Yeah. I mean, that’s big for me. That was a big shift. And it happened during the whole lockdown. Wow. I had to meditate on all that shit whilst we were in lockdown. Wow. Like I said, I often say you made lemonade out of a situation.

Instead of complaining about it, you made lemonade. It debunked a lot of bullshit. It debunked a ton of that. Know, at the end of the day, these things get the people that they were coded to get. Like, I know that sounds evil, but it’s no different than Logan talking about those ants that were in that sink at that time. They got to call that God. You could call that the devil.

You could call that whatever. But really, it’s just circumstances, and they happen. And if you think that there’s some sort of crosshair sniper from the sky that’s aiming down on you because your life sucks or whatever, it’s really not the case. That thing’s actually trying to get you back to where you got to know. Like, I see a lot of comments from people, especially on Facebook. I know you’re not on there.

Right? But I just use that as kind of like a bridge to my YouTube. I see a lot of people on there when I make comments about I put a post out there about life’s perfect. Life’s already perfect. And I learned I literally had, like, a big, monumental DNA activation upgrade. Just a few weeks ago, I was decoding watching the movie Tron Again, the 1982 remake from Disney.

Right? And Jeff Bridges. Have you seen Tron legacy? Have you watched that? Oh, you haven’t? Oh, man. Okay. So anyway, the whole premise of the movie is Kevin Flyn creates this digital world, and he basically goes inside of it. He goes down in the world, and he wants to create this perfect environment. So he creates this individual that looks just like him, and he calls him Clue. And he designs Clue just like him to be kind of his sidekick.

And his job is to create a perfect world. That’s what he creates Clue for. Now, through the whole process of this, clue ends up kind of turning on him and eliminating anything outside of what Clue ends up believing is perfect. And so this whole world of tron becomes this kind of this perfect world in a sense, right, even though it’s not. And so at the end of the movie, the climax is Jeff Bridges, who’s the originator, Kevin Flyn.

He knows he’s going to die, and he’s facing Clue, who’s his nemesis now, and he ends up having a conversation with him, and he says to him, he’s like, I didn’t realize when I first started creating this reality with you that it was already perfect. Like, I wanted to create the perfect environment, but what I realized, it was already perfect. It didn’t need any changes. And I really felt that emotionally.

I wrote this post about that. Now I look at life, and life’s already perfect, even though it’s not, because we define perfection as something that doesn’t have blemishes. But I really feel like life is that way. And when you look at life that way, perfection includes the imperfections, and it’s so profound, man. It’s so profound. And then, of course, what you view, what you observe, and what you accept as your truth and what you accept as your reality becomes part of your reality.

So if you turn on the mainstream, you’re going to see a lot of what you’re going to define as imperfections, and you’re allowing that information to flood into your consciousness. So then you’re going to have more of this imperfection imperfection, and then you’re now going to say, life sucks. It’s not perfect. It needs change. And that’s going to promulgate you to go make the changes. But at the same time, life’s exactly the way it’s supposed to be right now.

It’s one big symphony, one big orchestra playing itself out, and I think it’s just so magical when you look at that through our reality. What’s your take on that? Absolutely. It reminds me a lot about the moment in the Matrix movie where Neo meets the Architect, and you could clearly see that the Architect is wearing all white and Neo is wearing all black. They’re already kind of getting you in this vibe.

But I truthfully believe The Architect exposes everything you need to know about what’s happening here in this place, in that moment where you were dealing with the ants, you were just the Architect. And actually, you probably would have felt amazing if one of the ants escaped. Yeah. Isn’t that weird that you could watch 99% of the thing that you’re causing? The problem of be like this is going super deep.

Right. I love it, though. No, because I get it. You could watch every sink. Imagine family, everyone, right? Now, imagine you’re in that position where you see a bunch of spiders in a sink, and you know that you can be the one that gets rid of them all by turning on the hot water or whatever. I know that you would feel like shit if every single one of them died, but for some reason, if.

You were to have, like an A B test to have this variable, a controlled experiment. If you were to have the same scenario repeated where all of them died but one of them escaped, that one would be Neo. That one would be the chosen one. Isn’t that funny? Yeah, we do this all the time. This is why a statement that and I don’t love this dude, but he said something that I just needed to accept is something I needed to meditate on for a while.

It’s this guy Slavo Zizek, which I don’t follow his theories on anything because I don’t believe that Zionism or communism is the solution. It’s actually the parasite. Anywho, I know people are going to hear that name and they’re going to go research it now. But this individual, he said something that really transformed my outlook on love. He said that love in its formal sense is evil. And I needed some time to think about that, and it was rough.

But I agree. When you start to isolate out individualized things and you are just everything else is now fuck, it energy. I mean, that’s where it starts to get like that’s why we have the world we have today. It’s that. It’s my dog, it’s my house, it’s my rolex, it’s my lambo, it’s my girlfriend, it’s my this, my that. Everything is about your ownership of it. That’s what creates this.

That’s not love, by the way. Yeah. Love is not about ownership again. First podcast we ever did love is yep. So I had to think, it’s not what I believe love is in its true sense, but love in its formal sense is evil. It’s what has created this reality, this essence of what we’re all experiencing today. But we could prove it quite often with these little scenarios. Again, if you had two sinks filled with spiders, both of them you turned on the water at the same time.

The right sink, every single spider died. But on the left sink, all of the spiders died except one. You’re still committing, like, a fucking atrocity in the spider realm. You’re creating like a genocide. But the chosen one, the Jesus, the main player character, the main star, the chosen one, you feel better about yourself that there was an escape artist, that there was a houdini. Yeah. And then you expect the world to treat you any differently.

And that’s where I think that could pivot to where you stand on this. That’s actually what I think is making people so fucking soft, is you want everyone to treat you like you’re the chosen one. Wise words there. You want it to go your way. You want it to operate out of this sort of reality tunnel. And that’s why you’re so disappointed all the time. That’s why you have all these expectations, and when they don’t come through, you feel like a failure.

One of the things you said before about this life isn’t about you. Is that what you said? Yeah. And you heard it from the movie where I would take this, is that it’s not even that life is about anything. It’s just life. Like, it’s just here. When we as humans apply meaning to all of this stuff, it’s where we have a difficult time working with it. I think that’s kind of been my take on things.

So, yeah, love is an interesting technology, and we misuse it quite often, and we’re very selective about our love. We have many conditions. And I think when we have these conversations, that actually helps us a lot with our partners and the ones we keep close to us, like, to even start to admit some of this shit, I believe, will bring us closer and make us more compassionate and make us more in collaboration rather than at war.

Yeah, well, it’s so interesting that you talked about kind of love and the whole different spin on that. Maybe a few weeks ago, I was on my YouTube and this video popped up, and it was on this divorce attorney, and his name’s James Sexton. And I was like, oh. And the title was a divorce attorney’s. Thoughts on Love and Marriage. And I’m like, oh, that’s interesting. I was married three times, right? So that’s part of my joke.

In my reality, I kind of just laugh at that. Been to prison, been married three times. I wonder which one’s the prison. Anyway, I clicked on the video, and it’s like an hour and a half long, and I literally watched the whole thing. It was so freaking good. This guy made so much sense on love in marriage. And he had said that. He said, statistically, marriage is a negligent act.

It’s negligent. You’re getting into a negligent. Very offensive. It will get offensive. I get it. So I’m not talking about you folks that you’re married, because I know your marriage is the Holy Grail. I’m not talking about yours. You’re going to be the exception. Right. But I’m saying is that statistically and I know why this guy made. I couldn’t believe how much sense this guy made. I’ll leave this video I’ll remember to leave this video in the description of this podcast, and you can go watch it.

I would recommend everybody go watch this interview. This dude was killing it with his information, and it was so logical. It wasn’t like bias with emotions. It was logical information that if you’re married, you should watch this. You should watch it. And he talks the guy’s just a genius, man. I thought it was so beautiful. And he was basically talking about how love can get you into a lot.

It can be beautiful. And he’s like, I went to him even as a divorce attorney, and I’ve seen them all. I’ve seen them all. I’ve seen how gnarly people can nasty people can get, how love can turn into hate easily. He says I’ll go to a wedding and I’ll get emotional and I’ll think to myself, oh, these people, maybe there’s a chance that they’ll make it. But then he goes back into work and his whole work is and think about that, thinking about having a job.

Your career is on splitting people up. Your job is to see people at their worst and divorcing and whatnot. And I think that this moves into that show on Netflix. Amazing show. One of the best shows ever called The Good Whole. The whole premise of that story was really Earth. You think you’re in the Good place, like the afterlife, and where do we go after that, right? Do we just get reincarnated back in? And the whole story was when you incarnate back into the reality, your whole screenplay pairs you up with resistance.

You’ll start to see that in your life. You’ll start to see that because they say marriages and partnerships, that’s one of your greatest teachers. Yeah, because partnerships, they become a lot of resistance. And that’s because you see you won’t live and let live. You won’t do the love is allowing. You’ll look at your partner and you’ll be like, you know what? I don’t like the way you do that.

You shouldn’t be doing it that way. Well, I didn’t do that how I grew up. And my way is the right way, so you need to do it my way. And that’s what causes the resistance in relationship. Even not even being married, just relationships. And this is where love gets that’s not a relationship. Yeah, that’s an experiment. Dude, I’m telling you, man, this conversation this guy had was amazing.

And I think you’re right. Life is an experiment, right? If we really want to generalize and that’s okay. The thing that I’ve seen that’s triggered the most people during my live streams is when I talk about relationships from this angle. And I even break down the word marriage. Mary age, the age of Mary, the age of Mars. Aries. What was going on? Yep. So what is Aries, god of? Like, we don’t want to be at war.

We want to be in collaboration. That’s why most relationships, nobody’s trying to make an effort to relate. They’re doing quite the opposite. The scales of justice, if you will, are always balanced until we work against each other, which is the common programming that we were taught, that we watched as we were growing up with our fathers and mothers, et cetera. And it’s the way that most people interact.

So we’re programmed to wanting to protect and maintenance pride quite often. And a lot of people come at me talking that hire me on these calls and they want to talk to me about relationship stuff. And then I tell them like, well, you’re not trying to relate everything you’ve told me. You are not attempting to even put in the work to relate to this person. Stop calling it a relationship.

I know this is hardcore, but yeah, marriage is a liability. It’s tying you by contract to your fucking government. You want freedom. You want sovereignty. Why do you need to have a contract for your love? Why do you need a contract for your partnership? Don’t you see that they’re giving you a certificate for everything? You want a gun, you have a child, you die, and there’s a fucking certificate on your death.

Stop signing yourself up to these paperwork shackles. Just love somebody. Love them and be willing to take risks. But the worst risk you could possibly take is one that’s tying you back to the government. Come on. Yeah, it’s sad to even have to explain some of this stuff to people. And I know why it triggers certain people, because either one, somebody’s currently in a marriage that they absolutely love, they’re able to be in this harmony with this person, even with the government contract and the ring and all the other shit.

So congratulations. There’s nothing wrong with the way you decided to go about your partnership. I’m not here trying to put you into a place where you feel like you did something wrong. But let’s go back to this experience of this person you were talking about, which it’s their entire career to focus on this particular thing. And it’s overwhelming with evidence. It has not created harmony. It’s done the opposite.

It’s enhanced the distortion. It’s increasing the static. It’s not relationship based. That has everything to do with furthering the experiment. All a marriage is extra variable in your looking at the I’m looking at the questions, and here’s a cool question. I’d love to get your answer on this chosen one saying, hey, Jordan and Logan, how do I grow confidence to go out and ask a girl in the street for their number? What would be your answer to that? Get a cuter dog.

You want to get yourself the cutest possible dog and then yeah, that’s the whole reason you get the dog. I love it. So it’s all strategy. I love it. My answer is fucking around. I know. Mine is just very simple. Have no expectations on the outcome, so then you don’t care. See, when you have an expectation on the outcome, the expectation is probably like the reason why you won’t do the approach is because you’re afraid you’re going to get shot down when you don’t give a shit.

Rejection. Yeah, you’re afraid of rejection, which is looking bad. That’s his whole thing about life is looking good. You don’t want to walk up to somebody, ask them for something and then say, kick stones, dude, you’re not even my type. And all of a sudden now you look bad. And that shatters your ego and your whole involves your spirit and all that stuff. So the thing is, if you want to go ask somebody their number, just do it without any expectations, and then you won’t have to worry about getting an answer of yes or no.

Who cares? That’s how I would remember. What would be your answer besides getting the cute dog? And what dog would it be? What would the dog be? I don’t know. A husky or something. A husky? All right, but seriously, I think don’t even ask for the number. Go in it with a whole other strategy. Don’t even try to get anything out of it besides building up your practice of taking risks, talking to the opposite sex.

That’s it. Stop going in there with some fucking agenda. Like the same thing with investing. Everyone wants to get into being an investor because they want to get rich and they all leave more poor than where they started. Why? Because they’re going into it with the wrong purpose. Like when I got into investing and I talked to everybody about this and this does directly apply to what we’re talking about with this relationship thing or trying to start up a conversation with anyone.

Well, I went into it all because I thought there was problems with the currency I currently held. I saw there was issues with it. Like fiat money is a problem, but I could use that debt and I could leverage on that debt to now grow my wealth in other ways. So I went into it not trying to get rich, but to prevent myself from the problem that’s been keeping 99% of the populace in a death spiral.

And the byproduct of all of that ended up being abundance in all these other ways because I had a different purpose behind it. Yeah, there was some scarcity there, but again, there’s always that kind of need to protect yourself just like you protect your house by locking your doors at night, right? So the idea here is don’t go into communication with a female trying to get her number.

That’s just setting you up for why even do that? Just practice being vulnerable with other people. Practice taking risks. Stop trying to get something out of it. Yeah, I mean, if you think about it, if you really set yourself back and you observe the act of going and engaging with somebody, what is your real true intention? And I’m asking the audience this. When you are single and you see somebody attractive and you want to go ask their number, if you were to fast track a year from that day, what would be happening? What’s your intention, folks? The intention? What’s the drive? What’s your drive? Humping.

That’s the whole reason why you’re chasing ass. That is it. That’s why you’re trying to get the phone number. Don’t tell me you want to get the phone number because something else no, if you’re attracted to somebody, that’s your animal instincts kicking in, male or female. And that’s exactly what your intentions are. Now, they’re going to be exceptions, but I would say that’s and I’m having fun with this man because we just got to get real with this and be authentic with how this reality operates.

And that’s my answer. Yeah, we’re magnetized because of the lower chakras. That’s the way this whole place is. Like, when a dog sees a new dog, the first thing it typically does is smells its ass. Yeah. Imagine if you well, they call dog the man’s best friend. So maybe it’s trying to teach us. Yeah, right. No, I’m just fucking around. But no, for real though, I think this goes into anything of life, stop going in it with some sort of outcome based structure.

I’m very big on this. Be in process, not outcome. Yeah, that’s so true. Very wise words right there, ladies and gentlemen. Take notes on that. Yeah, it’s more observing, testing the ropes, et cetera, et cetera. Let’s get some questions in here. I see a lot of comments. Let’s get some questions, see if we can postulate some more. Know Jordan, I want to throw out to know a lot of people ask you, what do you think’s coming down the pike for mankind? And I’ve given some answers, some possibilities, but a lot of the questions are pertaining to the Mark of the Beast, and the mark saying that you can’t do anything without it.

And it says everybody will receive the mark. It doesn’t say there’s a choice there in the notes of theology and all stuff. So I know you don’t really follow that stuff, but you kind of fancy looking at it and you discovering what it says. What’s your take on that? What do you think the Mark of the Beast is? Or do you have an answer? Or maybe you’ll just I don’t want to discuss it.

Yeah, no, I mean, I think that everything could get very philosophical, and I tend to try to go that route without it being some tangible thing first. Because everyone wants it to be like a chip in the hand, right? Yeah. That’s where the modern conspiracy theorist goes to. They go to like it’s going to literally be like an X on your forehead and then you’re like, headbutting like your fucking grocery store cashier in order to walk away with your food.

It’s not going to be that, man. We are already there. Whatever you postulate the Mark of the Beast to be, whatever your imagination can possibly set up, I think we’re pretty much already there. If you’re only looking at it from the lane of finance, economy and stuff to do with payments, we already have tap to pay. We already have all these conveniences, some places more than others, some places not at all.

Like when I was visited Mexico, there was no tap. I mean, it was really rare to see tap to pay. People are still using cash quite a bit. So if you’re one of those people that you think the Mark of the Beast is some sort of tap to pay chip thing, well, that’s going to take a while for that to happen. In rural Mexico, even in the cities, they’re barely doing this in some situations in certain places.

Now, that’s just kind of my take on it, to create some foundation. I think what the mark of the beast is, is not having the eye to see what’s happening, which I think me and you have pretty much all of our podcast, we’ve been discussing how do we react or respond to this world? Most people are blind, and then the few that can see are very reactionary instead of responsive.

They don’t actually know how to deal with the prana that comes in from this world or the player characters or whatever you want to call the external. Right. So I think if you don’t have these abilities, you’re already there. You’re already unable to, quote, unquote, transact. I flipped it in the other direction where I talked about the World Economic Forum with Klaus Schwab and this whole, like, you’ll own nothing and be happy thing.

I went on about at least 20 minutes on this, where I’m like, it’s kind of true, the world’s ownership and desire for ownership. We just talked about it, bro. Like, the my car, my wife, my house, my this, my that shit is fucking destroying us. We live in a world where we’re so acidic because we’re worried about the shit we own. We have no flow. Like, there’s no flowy quality to us anymore because everything is packed into something material that you have this connection with because of whatever memory and sentiment.

So I’m not trying to say don’t have that. I’m just letting you know that first of all, we already don’t have anything. Yeah, we said it earlier. You don’t even own your skeleton. Yes. You’re just renting this for a second. So when they say you’ll own nothing and be happy, you could break down the philosophy deeper. And to be completely honest, and I know we both have had a similar thing, the less you actually keep bogging yourself down, the more flexible you are and the more responsive you are physiologically, not only just mentally.

So if some shit hits the fan, you will be instantaneously able to respond to that, right? Yes. That’s why you live the way you live. You actually enjoy that type of life. Some people don’t. I get it. You’re not supposed to copy what me and Logan do. All I own is a suitcase and a guitar. A lot of people are blown away when they hear that, but it’s a truth.

But that’s why I don’t live in fear. Every waking moment, who is calling me? And the most fearful about what’s going to come in the future, it’s people with all the shit, the ones that are really it’s people at the walk in closet with all the fucking clothing. Like, you have 15 pairs of shoes and only 2ft. You have 14 watches, and you only have two wrists, and only one of them is necessary to know the time.

Fucking get rid of some stuff, man. If you’re stressed about what could happen in your local environment or whatever to your house, that’s a sign, right? That’s a sign. You need a light in your that we were talking about this correlates to life, right? Life happens. Life is not about you. It happens. It continually moves on. You look at nature, you study nature, and you can see it just regenerates, regenerates, regenerates.

It grows. It grows. It grows. And literally, earth is a walk in closet. I mean, it would be the epitome of a rich woman’s walk in closet. Earth would be because it has everything in it. All the animals, all the herbs, all this, all the food. It’s God’s walking closet. Earth is and it’s limitless, right? But when you start to see that earth has everything, you look down upon that, and you’re like, oh.

And you’ve been through countless creations, you’ve been through countless games, and you’re like, I want more. It’s not enough. I’m kind of bored with that. And that’s why and I’m not knocking women here. I’m just having fun, ladies. So I’m just saying, those of you that have a million pairs of jeans, and you go to the store and you’re like, oh, babe, I want to get this pair of jeans.

Well, you got 50,000 pairs. I know, but I don’t have this pair. I got to have this pair of jeans because I just don’t have them. They feel so good on my ass, and they make me look so good, and the other ones don’t do that, and I got to have them, right? And I went through this whole thing, this ego buster for myself. I have my little fetishes of like, I like sunglasses, and I own three pairs.

That’s it. I like ray bands, and I find myself like, I want another pair, and I struggle with this. I don’t need another pair. What do you need a pair for? And I wanted to do this, and I just find my egos, it’s never satisfied, and that’s what makes us create. But when you flip it into creation for what we talked about early and what you said, the reward you get is service to others.

Me buying a whole bunch of sunglasses, that ain’t service to others. But if I buy them for other people, it is like random acts of kindness. I have a lot of t shirts, and just like a couple of weeks ago, I was cleaning my closet out, lightning, the load that’s already light. And I found and I’m like, I haven’t worn this in six months. And I had a stack of t shirts.

I bagged them up. And on my way to the gym, I know there’s a house over there, and these people are kind of struggling, and I just took the bag of clothes and I threw it over the fence and I just kept riding. I know they’re going to get them right? Because I see the clothes that’s out on the clothes hanger, so I’m like, oh, they would definitely and this is like me feeling good about service to others and helping the community out here in Mexico.

And I don’t need to be know what’s coming from it’s. When’s the last time those of you that are listening, when’s the last time you kind of did a random act of kindness? And I’m not telling you that to be above anybody. I’m telling you that because life’s not about you. And are you going to be service to others or are you going to be that person to hit the mother load in crypto and then just buy everything in sight? And you talk a lot about this.

You talked about it in your last podcast of people getting wealthy. And we’re going to see that, right? If crypto goes where we think it’s going to go, they’re saying the first trillionaires, right, are going to be on the planet created. Maybe. Sure, yeah. I mean, think about that, man. Ladies and gentlemen, you got a million dollars coming in your bank account every month. Now you think your life’s not going to change? Is it going to be service to others? Or are you going to flip that? What are you going to do with it? That’s the question.

What are you going to do with it? And Jordan, you talk a lot about this. I listen to your podcast. I try to tune in on your lives. You talk a lot about this, as you should, because it’s a big topic to talk about. Yeah, well, it comes from the people who complain about stuff going on with finances, the market, their cash flow, whatever, their crypto investments. Like a lot of these complaints and energy.

It shows me that if this type of person had wealth, they would squander it. It would be like monkeys throwing shit at each other. They wouldn’t know what to do. So wealth is in the exact hands it needs to be in. I’m a firm believer of that. Good point. This doesn’t get into the conversation of deserved or not. That doesn’t serve me. Wealth is in the hands of those who can harness it and utilize it for I don’t even want to call it good.

I don’t look at anything. I had to go within on this because I got asked a question on one of my group coaching calls. Somebody asked about, how do you feel helping people? And I continuously say that I’m not here to help. I try to think of myself as I’m here helping people remember, we’re all just here wiping away this cosmic amnesia. We’re here reminding each other of things we’ve always known.

It’s not like I’ve acquired some new knowledge or you have acquired some new knowledge. We’re all just remembering. And this to me resonates a lot more with me. And I think if I look at everything like I’m helping, then that’s obviously my ego, too. And I try to look at the ego from a perspective of healthy or damaged. Like, it’s not bad or good. It’s just it has either vitality to it or it’s in a state of decay.

Now, your ego health can be in a complete state of decay at the age of seven years old. That’s just depending on the culture you’re in, like the people that you’re brainwashed by, et cetera. Now, it doesn’t mean that ultimately sometime you could break that hypnosis. You could break that pattern. A lot of us have. If you’re listening here today, you’re one of them. So when I look at the ego and I look at myself and I look at all these things that we’ve been talking about, what I believe I’m doing is I’m just the pilot.

You’re all here on the plane with me. My ego is the copilot. He’s helping me land this shit safely. I feel better when we land on the runway and we’re not on fire. I feel better knowing that I don’t need to land in the ocean right now because I fucked up or I let my ego get overfed. Like, see, we should check in with our ego often. Don’t feed your ego.

Your ego doesn’t have a digestive system. But your ego isn’t evil. Your ego is here kind of pushing and poking at you to make small realizations of how to be a better fucking pilot. And the only thing that makes your value as a pilot increase is how quickly you can make something happen or how safely you can make somebody get from point A to point B. That is all.

We’re just guides people like me. I’m aware that I’m a guide, but I’m not trying to take credit know, credit comes from the Latin credare. That means belief. I didn’t know to I’m not trying to get anyone to believe in me like you believe in yourself. But you signed up to be on this flight. Right now, you’re here with us. Me and Logan are flying the know, so don’t get pissed off at the person coming by who forgot to offer you your drink.

Yeah, I mean, if everybody here exchange playlists, here’s my spot. If I listen to my spot, you think everybody’s going to say, oh, my God, you got an amazing playlist. No, you’re going to get people. It’s like, your shit sucks, man. Your song sucks. And then what are you going to do about it? Well, let me see yours. You’re going to try to stand out? You’re going to try to look good? It is all about I mean, you become the pilot.

Not everybody has to agree with your playlist. It’s just your playlist, folks. That’s it. Like, Jordan brought out the thing about the plane. We’re taking you on a plane ride. You’re the passenger of the plane. You decided to come here by the way, you punched your ticket by clicking on this link and joining in. Now you’re on the ride. This is the ride that we’re taking you on.

We’re talking about a lot of things. You may get some turbulence during the ride. You may get some things you may not. Like you may hear a baby crying in the background. Oh, I don’t agree with that. That’s the annoying baby crying on the plane. How do you block that? Just you look at the baby and you know what’s going on with the baby. Yeah, like some dude ate a bunch of Taco Bell before he got on.

He’s farting a like, that’s annoying to you, right? You hate a dude farting and you’re like, I just want to be here to enjoy the show and this dude’s farting. Yeah, that’s life, man. Somebody yeah, exactly. I always like looking at who am I going to sit next to? I wonder who I’m going to get. Who’s going to sit next to me? I wonder what kind of like why am I getting this person sitting next to me? It’s kind of fun.

Where I want this whole picture we’re painting to go though is that no matter if you’re the pilot, no matter if you’re sitting in the back of the plane, we’re all landing at the same time. Like coach lands at the same time as first class. Exactly. We’re all getting there at the same time. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s just a matter of you may have a how much effort do you want to put in to promote yourself from coach to business to to what are you going to do? Do you like that? I once actually heard one this is cool.

I heard Steve Harvey say this and I’m not a fan of this dude at all, but it was a video somebody shared with me and I don’t even think they knew what this guy was or what he but he was saying something powerful. He said if people want to get rich or they want to get more wealthy in the bank account, go out of your way to book a first class flight.

Because he said what you’re going to do is once you go there, once you get in the lounge where instead of 2 hours before the flight, you’re sitting there in the normal area where whatever’s going on, you could barely hear the announcements. Normal food. You get the lounge, though, now you have all these free drinks, free food. It’s not free, you pay for it. But that’s the feeling.

State of luxury. And then you sit in the plane, you have a bigger seat, you just have it’s way more. All of that stuff, when you get to feel what that is like, that actually can trick your system, you know what I’m saying? So a lot of people when they talk about manifestation from a spiritual thing. We all want proof, right? Well, my strategy is in direct alignment with what this guy was saying that is invest in the proof before it even occurs.

And that’s a trick. Go just take one first class flight. I know this probably doesn’t resonate with everyone, but if you want to get over these mental blocks, these abundance blocks, this is it. Because you might be the person right now that’s like fuck first class. I don’t like those people. They’re all snooty rich assholes and I don’t need that. It’s fine. And Coach, it’s like sit your ass in that first class chair that reclines and becomes a bed.

Yeah, let’s hear that complaint next time. Yeah. When you’re able to literally go sleep on the plane while everyone else is cramped up like trying to lean their head against the window. It’s not that it’s more glorious. It’s not that your ego needs to be promoted by this risk of investing in this more expensive flight. It’s that you get to have that experience and you’d see how it might completely well, not might, it will completely reprogram the way you behave once you get off that plane because you’re never going to want to take another coach regular class flight ever again.

True. You will start to change your small habits, all of these behaviors to go have that be your norm. And I completely agree with that. And that whether you’re only taking it for the plane example or you want to apply it into any other place, it’s going to be applicable and it’s going to change. Yeah, well, I think conformity is a big thing in people’s lives. I think we conform to certain ways of life.

And then this is what moves us towards expansion because you’re not satisfied with what you’ve conformed to. Like that new car. I’ve talked to use this example a lot about somebody. If you’ve ever bought a brand new car, maybe you got a shit box. And I say shitbox. I’m saying it’s like it’s beat up, it’s ready for the junkyard. And you trade that sucker in and you now drive off the lot with a car that has no miles on it.

You have that pride of ownership and then you’re that person who you’re washing and waxing it and your friend wants to get in the car and they have a bag of food. You’re like, oh, don’t come in here with that. You can’t eat in this car. And then a year later there’s french fries on the floor and there’s coffee stains all over the coffee thing. And like, what happened? Well, the conformity you now don’t cherish the shiny new toy anymore.

And now that new car doesn’t have that feeling as it once did. And now you’re moving towards what now can I have to make me happy? What wave can I get on to make me happy? And I think that’s the expansion of reality and why this reality continues to move on and it changes. And then you get into this whole the aspects of the ages and what’s coming down the pike for all of us as a species as we move out of conformity and into the annuity of life.

Getting on the waves, riding the waves. And this is one of the reasons why you’re coming out with your course, right? Like, your reward is you get the payoff of, like, I helped a whole bunch of people, and that makes you feel good, right? If you eat ice cream, your tongue’s probably screaming at you. Yes, thank you. Because you’re getting all these taste bud activations. And the payoff is you get to feel all that sugar on your tongue with the ice cream.

Well, it’s the same context with these things that we’re doing as content creators. We get to make these things. What keeps us going is the reward of the feeling that we get of how many people that we help. And I think that’s really important to take notice in our reality. Absolutely. Yeah. So, anyway, we’re not getting a lot of questions in here. I thought we’d get maybe somebody have some questions in here for either one of us.

Is there anything you want to talk about, Jordan? Not a ton. I feel like we’ve spoken on so many things. I still have a little bit more time, though, to hang out. If somebody has a question, if you don’t mind, if I could quickly just take a 1 minute break. Yeah, you could answer a question. I’ll be right back. Okay, cool. Yeah. All right, so, ladies and gentlemen, as Jordan goes and goes to the let’s let’s go to some of your questions in here.

There’s a lot of comments. Thanks, everybody, for being here. Got a really nice crowd in here, which is great. Somebody’s asking, what is 42? Well, I did a decode on 42. 42 is life, the universe, everything. I’ll give you the breakdown, the really kind of the bullet points of 42. 42 is tied to the word lake of fire. 42 is tied to the word reincarnation. 42 is tied to the word wonderland.

42 is tied to the word crucifixion. That is why I have specifically said you will never catch me wearing a cross or having anything to do with that symbol. That’s my opinion. Some people want to use it for their life. That’s totally fine. Again, live and let live. 42 is tied to the reincarnation cycle, the water cycle. Just if you watch my 42 decoded, you go to my channel and you type in 42 decoded, you’ll see it.

It was one of the a lot of fan favorites. Like a fan favorite. 42 decoded. All right? 51. 51 is tied to the great pyramid of Giza. The great pyramid of Giza Khufu the angle, the degree at which it was built is 51 degrees. 51 is the element, antimony 51 is tied to May 1, which is the birthday of the Illuminati, the Bavarian Illuminati, which just so happens to be the 121st 122nd day of the year.

And if you compare that with alchemy, 121 122, that is the 51st element, which is antimony, which means not alone. The voice in your head, that’s the 51 through the through alchemy and mathematics and stuff like that. And 51 in the string of the golden ratio sits at 368 and 369. 51 does in the string of the golden ratio. If you type in 51 into the string of the golden ratio, you’re going to get digit 395, 396.

If you don’t count the one point, it’ll be 394 and 395, but it ends at the 396 decimal digit. And that’s the keys to the universe, 51 illumination. All right. I am back. Beautiful. Welcome back, man. Feel better? Feeling better. You ready to go for another 2 hours? I’m just kidding. No, I’m sure we could do it. I’m sure we could. Of course. Dude, you and I, have we ever had a three hour podcast? Yeah, I think we did.

We must have, right? I think we have had one. Well, you know how I roll. I mean, you seemingly have get you’re getting up there with your length of your lives. You’re doing longer ones, too. Yeah, as you should. I had one that was like super. I really want to commit to continuing them. I feel like I’m getting a little squeezed, though. Like, I’ve been more vocal about this than ever because I just need to have a little bit more me time.

And I just don’t respect my time as much for myself as much as I do for what I’m doing here. So I just want to continue to do it as long as I can. But the two hour plus ones are probably not going to be as normal in 2024, I don’t think. Needless to say, though, there’s so much that we could pack in into just 45 minutes in an hour.

And most professional podcasts that are out there are an hour. I know Joe Rogan is doing these, like, three hour whatever ones, but he sets up his whole goddamn day to do this with top people in the world. And who knows how much this dude is earning for a single podcast. It’s probably Mind. He’s so decorated with his career. So much going on, from the octagon to being know, to being a trainer, studying jiu jitsu.

Now going into the podcast. He’s an interesting character, that guy. Joe Rogan. Yeah. It’s also amazing that he’s a comedian. Oh, he’s a comedian? That’s right. He’s a stand up comedian, too. I forgot about that. Yeah. And I think that the fact that he’s a stand up comedian and he also is very curious when he talks with people is quite a skill. Not only is he curious, but he actually listens to the people that he’s talking.

I’ve seen enough podcasts now to see that it’s an art form to allow the space for people to share their ideas, but also not to let them perpetuate bullshit, like to call them out. And I’ve seen Rogan literally do this to people. But anyways, not to make this all about that kind of just I do love doing the live streams. I think they’re one of my moments where I could kick back and hang out with everyone and share these ideas.

And the last one was record breaking. Who knows, maybe in a couple of months it’ll be on average 1000 every time. I’m not sure I think you’re going that way. You definitely deserve it. I strive to praise you a lot because you just have that voice. Your voice is and I’m not the only one to say this, people join it because they hear your voice and they just feel you.

And it’s like the message you deliver has that much more of an impact. And then when you study your code and I see your code, for me, as a fan of this mystical arts, it just makes it more gratifying just seeing like, you’re exactly where you need to be and your growth is going to continue. And I’m looking forward to where you get 2000 people. It’s amazing because I was watching this video with Gary Vanderchuk because some people say, well, my audience is small.

He’s like, man, you get to a thousand people, put him inside of a room, envision yourself being on stage and put a thousand people in front of you. That’s not a small room, man. That’s a big room, bro. It’s so true. A lot of us, as we’re growing in this place, and I hope people that are tuning into this, you could see the potential and you could see the opportunity for yourself if this is something that you’re interested in sharing your truth on any of these platforms.

It is so true. If you pack a room full of 500 people that are paying attention and that are engaging, and that’s a lot of fucking bodies. If you look at the view count of some of these videos, even if it only gets 50 00 10,000, that’s a lot of eyes that are taking time out of their life. So I’ve been trying to tap into Grace as much as I can and that energetic shift has helped me.

I do have a very weird algorithm though, on YouTube. It blows my mind that I’m seeing 30,000 views on a regular video when I look at some people with a million subscribers and they only have like 15,000 views on some of their videos. I don’t know what’s going on with that, but hey, I guess it shows that I’m keeping consistent and that I have a lot of meaning behind what I’m sharing and I’m not just doing it for the sake of it.

I’ve noticed that if there’s some wisdom that I could share with people who are up and coming or desiring to create their own platform. Never make art for someone else. Always do it from you, for you. And the byproduct will be they resonate, right? I’ve seen too much of this trend chaser influencer shit, and it’s like they have a high rise and a very quick fall. It’s bad, it’s not sustainable, and it’s not generational.

I want what I’m doing here with Waters above to outlive me. That’s the ripple effect I want to create. And I do everything in that kind of essence, where even if I know the video might get 30,000 views, I feel like I’m speaking to 30 billion people, even though there’s not that many people on the planet, right? It’s like a weird type of delusion, but I’m confident in it.

And I’ve been feeling this way since the beginning of the channel. I’ve started to think in those terms and think in that way. You know what’s funny, too, is you probably heard this, where you’re growing and people are like, oh, you’re becoming popular. That means that it’s like, Dude, are you serious? If you were to listen to any of my live streams, like the shit that we start talking about, mama Mia, it gets real spicy.

It does. I haven’t shifted at all. There’s code that needs to be spoken when needed just because of trigger words, but you need to do that, but revealing the truth. I remember the first time just talking about that documentary, Europa The Last Battle, which changed my life. Watching that documentary completely changed my outlook on history. Because it showed me that all history is written by the it’s. Again, everything that’s popular is wrong.

But when I started talking about Europa and these sorts of things like Zionism and what’s really running the world fuck, man. Like the amount of hate and the amount of negativity that came from that, and I never changed a bit. I continue to talk about what’s going on with that because it’s important that people make this realization, whether you’re religious or not. The thing that runs this reality that is affecting all of us is a belief system.

It’s a belief system that is not religious, but it operates as a religious cult. And it’s just fucking parasite of the consciousness of man. And a lot of us are having a difficult time breaking through it, even as more abundant beings. Maybe this is room for another conversation in the future, but that’s what watching this documentary showed me, that there needed to be a loser so that the winner, that prevails is one of them, of course.

And them just so happens to be the thing that owns the banks, that creates all your mainstream media, all of your now social media. It operates, it has its tentacles on every single nook and cranny of what we know is popular. Yeah, I broke down number two. Two. And it was tied to the movie John Wick four. And in that decode I showed at the end that the big church in Paris, the 222 steps you got to climb to get there.

At the very top, at the very center point of the church is Jesus. And the connecting points to Jesus was so fascinating because the Latinized spelling of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the numerology, is 63. And it just so happens that the 63rd element on the periodic table is Europium. And Europium has an average atomic mass of 151, and the 151 is the 36 prime number, which matches the words Jesus Christ.

So I had postulated the idea of Is Jesus just a European idea? And they create this character to harvest the energy, to utilize that energy, because you were talking about Europa and how it’s all about the winners create the story. And I totally concur with you. Like, World War II is the it’s just what we’re all still dealing with the remnants of to this day, like all the organizations and all of the structure, which is quite Saturnian in nature, but also has its own other things going on.

It’s complex to talk about, but yeah, man, it is all of a European fantasy that controls and operates to this day. All roads lead to Rome. That’s a factual statement. Yeah, I was watching this and you just talked about the 36th code with Jesus. And I have this little segment inside of my new decode coming out where I’m talking about how the 36th president you know who that is? No, who was the 36th president? So the 36th president was Lyndon Johnson.

Lyndon Johnson, right after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Okay, so he was the 35th president. JFK 35 is 15. You see a lot of code in this. So there’s a reason behind this ritual family. You don’t have to worry about Oswald and all these other fucking schmucks. It’s about the code. There’s a code there and it’s a set up. So 36 president who becomes president in 1963.

There you go. The dude was assassinated on 1122. But, yeah, I have a little bit to share on that because I feel like time is working like a ripple effect. And here we are right back at it, where we have a Kennedy running for President, and we’re in a pre election year, moving into an election year, and we have the stage set up for whatever this thing is that’s currently in its position, this clone that’s slowly malfunctioning till its end.

Well, that thing is clearly being ritualized after we had the last guy be ritualized, and it’s just passing on the baton of making the so called United States look like shit. And it needs to go this way. You need to distract everyone with the USA so no one focuses on Europe. Europe is the fucking ticking time bomb. Like, if people want to really know the problem. It’s the it’s all it’s all going to like I’m not trying to create fear.

That’s not the point. But it’s Europe that’s in its process of being ritualized right now. It was designed to be used the most to implement the system, but now it’s in decay, and America is also in decay, but it’s just decaying much slower and it’s much more secured. It has a little bit more time left under its belt. But Europe is in a process of yeah, I mean, Christine Lagarde came out like six, maybe five months ago, saying that by October, which is coming up in just three days, the eurocentral bank, ECB will be making a decision about digitizing the euro in October.

Meaning she just admitted that they’re thinking about turning the euro into a CBDC. Yep, it’s coming. It’s coming. I mean, who is someone had sent me a message telling me that on the utility bills in Europe now, they actually have the XRP logo to take as payment run on utility bills. I would love to see, like, from a regular person, not like some mocked up photoshop. If I can see if I can get it.

Sure, I see if I can get it. I thought it was pretty interesting. That symbolism is very clear. That’s what the new decode is about, actually. It’s about kind of going a little deeper into the symbolism of the X. Like, the year of the X is what we’re in, actually, since we’ve moved into this new Hebrew year, but we have a lot of that essence, and it’s been exoteric with, you know, acquiring Twitter and then changing it to X Corp and all the other X’s that he’s a part of.

And we know that he was used as a talking head to promote the last stage of the crypto Bull Run. Crypto is part of the new economy. That’s how you use people like him to get sheeple to be interested in this asset. Sorry to sound offensive, but that’s really why he’s used. His handlers are pushing him to make those moves so that it’s sexy to people. This is why he focused on dogecoin and shiba inu, because it’s playful, it’s fun.

You don’t need to learn, and it’s cheap to get in. Yeah, with ETH and these other things, it’s too much for the average person. Right. I remember at the end of the last Bull Run, I was in a grocery store and I heard somebody that was at least in their 70s talking about shiba enu. And I walked over to them and I said, hey, do you know about ethereum? And they were like, what’s? Ethereum? Really? Yeah, but I don’t blame them.

They learned this from their grandson. They learned about shiba and crypto and blockchain from the hey, grandma making money in this digital fairy dust that everyone cares about now because Elon said, know it’s a fucking scam. And the scam here is that they waited and waited and waited to promote these ideas at the top. And then when it’s at the bottom, when it’s in an opportunity, nobody it’s so that’s kind of the ideas.

It’s it’s fascinating. Like Elon Musk, I broke him down astrologically, and he was all about Occupy Mars, right? That was a big tagline for him. Well, wouldn’t you know it? His Mars is an Aquarius. Aquarius is what the age of a crypto is all about. The number 24 actually sits in the house of Aquarius, which is the letter X, which is what Twitter got changed to. He has space X.

The X is the symbol of XRP, of course, XLM and the 24. And this is why I’ve told people like, Jesus is not what you think it is. I know you go ahead and keep professing all that stuff, that’s totally fine, but you’re actually paying tribute to the Age of Aquarius. That’s what the energy is being harvested for. And why I say X is Jesus, because X is the 24th letter and the original spelling of where Jesus? See, I know a lot of people say, oh, it’s yeshua, but there was no miracles that were performed by Jesus in the Old Testament.

Zero, zilcho. There was no healing leprosy. There was no making loaves of bread out of fishes. There was no Mount of Olive speeches. Jesus was not in the Old Testament. That’s my final answer. Jesus came on the scene in the new Testament because the new testament was created by the Roman catholic Church. And there’s your Julius Caesar, et cetera, et cetera. But Jesus is the number 24. Through Jesus, the original Greek spelling Numerology is 24, ladies and gentlemen.

Church equals 24, okay? Peter equals 24 in numerology. That is why all these connections. And 24 is tied to the X chromosomes. And 24 is the number that is being harvested for this new age that’s coming in the age of Aquarius. And the age of Aquarius is the age of cryptocurrency. That’s why Jesus came into the scene on the Piscene Age and says, my kingdom is not part of this world.

Yeah. And then he goes on to say, in Luke 22, verses ten, follow me into the house with a man burying a pitcher of water that is telling you that the age of the Christ is the crypto kingdom. And it’s the age of Aquarius, folks, the digital age, which is ruled by Uranus, which is tied to the Father, which is heaven. Uranus is ANU, which is heaven. Okay? That’s what it means.

And Klaus Schwab’s full birth certificate name, including his mother’s name, is 92, and that is the protons of uranium, okay? So when you dish all this stuff up through the mystical arts, you’re going to see that the new world order is the age of Aquarius. That’s my final answer. And the Christ, the Jesus character used by the church, is taking the energy of you guys praying upon it, using it, making that symbol of the cross.

The cross is the letter T. Duality is 20. It’s the cross. It means you’re in duality. That’s totally fine if that’s what you want to do with it. But that’s the real story behind the Christ, the cross and the number 24. That’s really where it’s at. So that’s kind of my final answers on those things. Yeah. No, it’s powerful stuff. I mean, I can kind of touch on this thing that you were summarizing this all with, which it’s like it’s just a Prana harvesting experiment.

If you get everyone to believe in this guy, well, then the magician that’s behind the scenes, the wizard of Oz, it knows how to work with that pole, if you will, and it has that electricity, it has that Prana going straight to them. That’s why 0. 1% of the world’s population can control everyone, because they gave you something to worship. So you’re at war for your ship. Yeah.

It’s all chaos and order, man. Fucking distraction. Yeah, it’s a total distraction. It’s all marketing chaos and order, man. That’s why you’re not going to see me cheering when the order comes in. The order is coming in. Yeah. I won’t be there cheering. It’s not going to happen. I’m not even part of the mainstream anyway. I don’t get nothing from it. I think I kind of turn a lot of these ideas back into, like, what technology? Are they servicing Christ technology or savior technology is a necessity for the average man.

It’s needed at the end of the day, I bet the spider in the sink that was able to live. The one spider out of the 99 that died, it probably believes that you are Jesus. Yeah, exactly. It goes, oh, my God. I know that I was the one who put this is the nuance. I want people to pay attention to this. The spider goes, I know that I was the one who made the effort to get out of the trap.

I know that it was me that decided to respond quickly to this. But still, I see that guy who is bigger, who receives more energy than me, who takes up more space than me. That must be the guy. He saved me. And it’s like, no, bro, he never saved you. He was drowning your whole fucking tribe. But you weren’t able to realize that. Yeah. So you look at him like it’s like in that 2001 Space Odyssey thing where that black fucking monolith just lands.

Yeah. Best scene, dude, that movie is dope you like that movie? I should probably it’s very boring, but in Kubrick fashion, like, everything you want out of a movie doesn’t do it’s got a lot of depth, and I love that. About the one thing that I like a lot about his films is it’s not like I almost feel and I heard Louis CK talk about this. If anyone.

Wants a moment of entertainment, go type into YouTube, Louis CK. Stanley Kubrick, and you’ll hear him. You’ll see how brilliant Louis CK. Is, even if you don’t like his comedy. Because what he starts to unpack about his analysis of Kubrick films is just the highest level of appreciation and gratitude for the arts. Not, like, worship, not fanboying. Like, he’s pointing out things that he knows makes the average consumer uncomfortable and why he appreciates that.

So when I watched that video, I took something away because a big thing that I talk about often is I look at everything as art. I try to practice that so that I don’t look at it as so I take it for what it is. Like, even the rocks and the mountain and all of it, it’s all art. Everything the conversation we’re having is art. So I could tell that Louis was able to see the movie as art and not just some film.

So he went into this one thing where I don’t want to take up too much time with this because everyone could just go watch this on their own. But he went into this whole thing on Kubrick’s methodology of how it seems that every time somebody came to him with an idea, he was like, Fuck off. Like, he had this vision. Right. And what’s the standard person’s vision? It’s something that makes people comfortable.

It’s ice cream. It’s french fries. That’s what people want. And Kubrick was like, no, I’m giving you fucking Brussels sprouts that are uncooked here. It yeah, he’s a good that makes you uncomfortable. That changes. Like and his films are boring a lot of the time. But it’s in that boredom that you find some wild, uncomfortable feelings. And if it makes you feel something, then it’s real. How many movies out there I know you talked about this so many times where you talk about crying during a sad scene in a movie.

It’s like, how is that possible? Because it’s a technology. It has the ability to move you. They know that by creating this moment where you, as a human, have this you share these feelings with an intangible, non existing character. Even in a fucking cartoon, this happens to us. I know. Like Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki films. It’s hard not to cry when you watch one of those. They’re just super emotional.

And it’s like, if you think back for a moment you’re crying over watching a cartoon, how is that able to move you that way? Well, it shows you what emotion really is. And then ultimately, from that, hopefully you could now use emotion as a tool and not what most people do, which is as a weapon. Yeah. Well, I mean, it’s so fascinating that imagination equals 33 in numerology.

Emotion equals 33 in numerology. These are two big things that get tapped into to create this reality when you become conscious of it. Like, yeah, an artist does a filmmaker really know the mystical side of it, what I just said, emotion and imagination of both 33, how powerful the 33 is and what it’s tied to, really what it’s tied to. And then do they really know this as an art? No.

Come on, folks. They’re artists making movies. That’s what their life’s consumed with. Is so funny to say, oh, they’re a freemason. That’s what you get with people. Like what where’s your brain at? You automatically just are programmed habitually say, oh, well, they’re making some weird movie. They must be a Mason. They’re Mason and they just regurgitate this stuff, and it just blows me away. And no, ladies and gentlemen, I am not a Mason.

I belong to no society at all, just so you know. But I have nothing against any of the societies. I find value in these societies that come out with some stuff because they have stuff that I don’t have, so I find value in it. That’s just how I chalk it up. So whether I’ve heard people say, oh, Kubrick was a Mason, and then I’m like, do you know the guy? Do you personally know, like, oh, Matthew Graning of the Simpsons is a and I’m like, huh? Do you have dinner with you? Do you know him? Are you buddy buddy with him? Yeah.

Is he feeding you breakfast in bed? Yeah, man. It’s like, come on, how do you know this stuff? What it shows to me, and I think this is the lesson here, is that we’re so caught up in the identity. What you think of as a Mason is just a form of an identity. Why does that concern you? Oh, man, whatever. I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to not go that route.

And I know me and you both consciously go out of our way to talk about it from this other angle, but I know it will always exist. So there’s no point of even trying to fight it or to stand up for it because people just want to have an enemy and people realize that the Mason’s an enemy. I’ll be straight up with you guys. Every so called person that I see walking in and out of a freemason lodge or anyone that has I’ve had people that are Masons that call me, and they’re like, bro, you are talking about shit we haven’t even gotten close to learning about.

Where the fuck did you learn? And I’m like, Bro, this is a recruitment camp for imbeciles. I used to call freemasonry play Pen University just a troll on it. Like, it’s just a bunch of dudes sucking their thumbs. Unless your bloodline tied into any of this shit, you’re not going to become the top level dude who can make change. It’s just a room for a bunch of dudes.

It’s just a club shit about shop. It’s just a talk shop. Stop getting so worried about these guys, man. Like, the same thing with the order of the star. Like, they’re harmless. Yeah, they’re just clubs. They’re just clubs. Somebody like Ghislaine. Maxwell is harmless. Like, if you really, really think about what these people like in the grand scheme of things, and I know this is really awful to talk about, but we need to be consistent here.

Yeah. There’s predators out there. That’s unfortunately how this world works. I know that we want to be super compassionate. We want to cry every time we hear about the atrocities that are committed against people, no matter what their age, gender, religion, whatever, but bro, that’s just life. Some people get hit by a car for no reason. It happens. And they wanted us to spend, like, two to three conscious years of just studying the pedophilia rings in Hollywood for a reason.

They perpetuated that. They wanted to push that as much as much as they could, because they wanted to build a deeper, bigger conspiracy, which is the QAnon shit. And now they catch you with one thing, and they’re able to influence and manipulate you with ten new ideas. Chaos and order, man. Talk about classic chaos and order. Exactly. So I’m not trying to, like, bro, pedophilia is fucking disgusting.

It’s awful that this happens, but I want people to realize that going down the rabbit hole of that during that particular time came at the consequences of all the other stuff that comes along by falling down that rabbit hole. And it’s destructive. It’s the same thing with the flat earth shit. It’s the same thing with a lot of this stuff. So the new world order, whomever they are, they know that this Internet is perfect to catch you.

If they can’t catch you with one thing, they’ll get you with the other. That’s why it’s called the world wide Web. Yeah, the web. They’re just sitting in the middle like the grand spider fucking with eight legs, eating little meals here and there. As long as you give it energy, they have a meal. You’re a meal to them. Like, get off the web, man. Learn how to use this stuff.

But I see this quite often, and I forgot who talks about it. The conspiracy minded being. And when you’re trapped there, it could be a death spiral. You tend to be less action taking and less willing to take risks, because everything is the enemy. What you just said before, I’m not able to I’m using quotes right now. I’m unable to see the art and wisdom in a kubrick film, because Kubrick is a oh, so now every single person that has taken on this position what if your grandfather was a yeah.

And you found out later in I just I’m at the point now who if he took care of you your whole life and fed you and everything was coach yeah. You just dismiss it. Yeah, you would just dismiss it. No, you reduce them down to a fucking identity. That’s the thing. Stop doing this to people, man. You’re never going to grow. Last thing I’ll say, and I want to hear your thoughts on this, you have two people to select.

One of them is Klaus Schwab, and the other one is the local gas station attendant at whatever, Chevrolet Chevron. Sorry. So you have a dude that’s the gas station attendant, and then you have the Klaus Schwab guy. Who would you rather have a conversation with? If you could only have one conversation, it would be Schwab, of course. For sure, because he holds the fucking secrets of the universe.

And this other guy, what is he really going to talk with you about at your level? So why would we as more conscious and more wise? Like, I know that me and you don’t take it so personally and so seriously, but I want to help people maybe become more playful with all of this stuff. Like, if you had the opportunity between Bill Gates and the local pizza delivery boy, you would probably sit down and share a Scotch with Gates.

Yeah, of course. I think everybody would admit to that as much as behind the scenes, they’re talking shit and they hate the guy, and apparently he’s waking children up in the middle of the night with a syringe. Right. That’s what we’ve been coded to. Absolutely. I totally concur. And these are big, big points here. People should be taking notes. Ladies and gentlemen, more words of wisdom by Jordan.

Who would you rather have a conversation with if you were able to choose? I bet everybody here if you really were authentic with yourself and you would get rid of your ego and your fears and your blaming if you’re one of those people, I hope most of you here, all of you here are not doing that now. But you would scrape away all that and say, well, which one’s going to bring the most value to my life? Which one’s going to give me the most bang for my buck, so to speak? I only have 30 minutes to spend with somebody.

What is it going to be? And I think everybody would choose the person they probably hate the most. If you really look at your life and the question I would ask you is who’s the person you can’t stand the most in your life besides maybe your wife or husband or your partner? Right. At this point, at the stage of game, but I’m talking about on the world stage, the person you’re constantly attacking and blaming and this and that.

And imagine if you were to flip it and you were to be able to sit in a room for 30 minutes and have a conversation with them. Wouldn’t that be inspiring and interesting? Like, oh, my God, this person just rubs me the wrong way. Wouldn’t it be inspiring to sit with that person and have a conversation with them and really kind of get it from the horse’s mouth, as they say.

I think it’d be really interesting. I really do. I think that everybody here would have some interesting conversations with the person they can’t stand the most. Yeah, I think I tried this exercise in one of my live streams. Somebody was asking me how to break free from some of these so called problems or how to be awakened or enlightened or whatever, and I told them, Just think of the person that sinned the most against you and forgive them.

Yeah. Until you’re able to do that, you’re going to always have that ceiling very close to the top of your head. Yeah. It’s going to make you way harder to be compassionate with everyone else. And you’re always going to be scaling everyone else against that person because that’s your ideal version of what evil is or a problem or an asshole or whatever. It’s the same thing about these illuminati and secret societies and Skull and Bones and all this other stuff.

It’s like they didn’t even exist in your reality until you learned about them. Yeah. So anyone who’s going off in the Chat right now getting all, like, butthurt, get some lube, and then think about what I’m about to say. Yeah. I think everybody here that’s interested you’re here because you’re intrigued by the esoteric and the occult and all that stuff. That’s why you’re here. You want to know the secrets.

If you could spend a day in the life of a Skull and Bones member, you would do it. You would do it. You would take that ticket, and you would go enter that place, and you would talk to him. You would, every single one of you. I mean, think about it. If you had the chance to talk to the Grim Reaper, if you had a chance to actually, literally talk to the devil, the Boogeyman, right.

You would do it without getting anything in return. Just knowledge. You would do it. You want to know why? Why are you acting this way? And I’m talking in the context of people saying, oh, well, the Devil made me do it. The Devil’s a character where it goes around and tortures people, and it’s demon based. You’d want to have a conversation to figure out, why are you doing this? Why are you doing all these actions in the world based upon what your premise is of what the Devil is? Imagine having a conversation with that character.

What would it say and what value would it bring to your life? And as Jordan always says, what kind of utility would it bring to your life? I think it’s kind of fascinating, honestly. If every single one of us got a chance to go sit down with the Boogeyman himself and you get 30 minutes, then you get to have a conversation, I think it’d be pretty damn enlightening.

I really do. It’s so funny that you bring this up because I have a section in my expansion course called Asking Effective Questions AEQ and How I’ve learned a lot. When I want to connect with people who know more than me about a subject, somebody who specializes in something, first of all, I respect their time. And one of the best ways to respect somebody’s time who’s a specialist is come prepared with effective questions.

And one of the best effective questions that I could think of is instead of asking somebody about how they became successful, ask them how they were able to deal with their problems, what were their solutions in those moments. It’s just one example. So if I was to connect with the Grim Reaper, I would be prepared with those questions. But I feel like this being this archetype is within all of us.

Whatever you think of as Aquarius or Jupiter or Libra or any of that, it’s all an aspect of you, just like you shared before. Like I’m all twelve signs. That’s what you said, quote. So these are all aspects of you. It’s always within you. And if you are more curious with that stuff, instead of point trying to figure out what’s the evil in it, you don’t do that in anywhere else in this world, do you? You don’t look at the coyote running across or maybe you do, I don’t know.

But when I look at nature just operating in its chaos, I don’t go like, that’s the evil tree and that’s the good tree. Yeah, you don’t do that. You also don’t even think in numbers. You don’t look at an ocean and go, that’s the 7857th wave that just went by. It’s just waves, never ending waves. Yeah. In the wintertime, the trees give up their leaves. Humans are just unable to give up their leaves.

We never want to have a winter, so we want everything else to be the winter so we don’t have to face it. And that’s why we create this bad guy. Evil guy, evil team, evil organization, evil corporation, evil conglomerate. People say that they do it all the time. Since I work in the financial space a lot, predominantly people are like, BlackRock’s going to rule the world. It’s like BlackRock already rules your world.

Yeah. Because you’ve commanded it into your existence. Yeah, you’re just manifesting that. I know that sucks to admit, but once you could go there, instead of wondering how BlackRock will rule the world, or even if you’ve come to the space where you think they do, why don’t you study where their money goes? Why don’t you follow the money? Why don’t you see what they’re doing? Study the schematic.

Study the blueprint. Come on now, man. You could sit and talk shit all day, but the grandmaster, architects of our world surround you like you want to become a specialist in something. Go find them. Be humble, speak curiously, listen curiously. We all have the opportunity to do that. I think everyone wants, like a get rich quick thing to happen in everything in life. And that circles back to the beginning of our conversation with health.

It’s no different. People want to get better at something, but they don’t want to communicate with people who are already good at that thing and they’re lured in with false proof. Like, just because somebody has a Lamborghini doesn’t mean that they’re actually wealthy. You can go rent out a Lamborghini for a day and film a fucking video. You know how easy it is to swindle people on the Internet for sure.

Showing them all your shiny shit. So if you guys are getting sucked into that, like the people showing you their houses and cars and all of this stuff, then there you go. You fell for one of the traps. Just like you might have learned about flat Earth, but then whilst you were seeking that, you found out about six other things that are just distracting the fuck out of you from actually extracting any real wisdom here.

Yeah, well, I mean, it all comes down to the whole Lamborghini, filming it and just renting it. It’s marketing. This whole reality is based on marketing. You’re marketing yourself right here. We’re marketing our voices, our ideas, right? You don’t have to accept our marketing, our ideas, the things that we postulate. Jordan and you know, some of you hear your voice in your head’s gonna be like, oh, these that’s not true.

I don’t agree with that. That’s because you’re cherry picking the things in life that you’re going to agree or disagree with on what Jordan and I are marketing here, which is our ideas, our expressions of how we feel. This reality operates through and of course, for the greater good, for the service of mankind. That’s really like people say, what do you do for a living? I service mankind.

I’m service to others. That’s my purpose. Service to others. Now, the reward I get is I get to be an artist. I get to make artistry through graphics and videos and fun things and music and everything else along the way. But the main thing that I do in life is I market service to the world. That’s what I do. That’s what I market. And that’s what Jordan does as well.

And when you start to as a decoder anyway, when you start to break down people, places and things like you and I have, you start to see that this whole world is a perfect balance of chaos and order. And it’s a machine. And that machine is designed to have the antagonists and protagonists. And when you start to study organizations and cults and people like you had said, like, oh, would you rather have a conversation with Klaus Schwab or just some random dude at the gas station? Of course, I think everybody here would pick Klaus Schwab.

But the thing about it is that the entire reality that we’re living in this construct of these machinations is designed to market to you, and you’re going to pick these layers of marketing to join forces with your marketing, and then you become this archetype in this reality. And I really hope people can get this archetype thing. And when you start to study the archetypes of the world again, just study nature.

Nature has got the good and the bad and the ugly. That’s not different in our world. We talked about the ants and all that stuff, and I use this analogy of ladybugs. My mother has a garden, and she’s fond of, like, rose bushes and all that stuff. And I remember a few years ago, you can actually buy ladybugs. You can buy them on ebay, or you can buy them on the Internet.

You can buy a whole bunch of ladybugs, and they ship them to you. And the purpose of that is you open it up in your rose garden bush or your rose bush garden or whatever, and the ladybugs are supposed to go eat all the aphids that are chewing on your rose bush leaves, right? That’s what you buy them for. So she had done it a few times. And of course, the rose bush, if it could talk to you, it would say, you are my God, because you just brought in a bunch of Jesuses to kill off all my aphids that are eating my freaking leaves.

Oh, my God. I’m going to worship you. That’s how ridiculous we can get with this reality in nature. And that’s what people do. They take nature and they spin it off into these ideas and constructs which are just nature. And then they deem it, oh, that’s pagan. You shouldn’t do it. Pagan just means nature. I thought it was such a bad word growing up. Pagan just means nature, studying nature, not worshipping pagan, paganism nature.

And I just think it’s so fascinating how we can look at nature and we can realize that mankind is a carbon copy of nature. We’re trying to copy it. We’re copying nature, and we’re doing honestly, if we had to rate it on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate it? How would you rate the copy of nature that human beings are doing? That’s what we’re doing.

We’re copying nature. We hump make babies. We procreate, we kill. We help, we survive. We help those in need. Nature does the same thing. Human beings are carbon copies of nature. They’re copies of nature. What’s your thoughts on that, Jordan? Yeah, I always talk about everything as an extension of us, because I said this earlier, that we are the witness. Like, we are the eye in the sky, we are the eyes of this reality.

So we’re just here witnessing it all. Therefore, everything is just of the mind of man. Like, you even call a tree a tree because somebody once named it. And then we have language, we have definitions. It’s all done for semantics, of course. But this is all just the mind at play. Everything, the whole nomenclature. So everything is what it is because man made it. Even if you think nature made it in actuality, its value, its purpose, and its belief around it is because of humans.

I know some people are going to get triggered by this, but why did we have a tulip mania in the Netherlands at one time and today it’s pretty much just worthless? Why do people believe gold has value but the rock in my lawn. Yeah, okay, so we could debunk this all day. We could play the game. Why do you think organic food should cost more than conventional food, even though the organic requires less actual work and it should just be the default way of Mother Nature operating, you see? Yeah.

So it’s all a fucking scam based on belief. Remember, credit means credare. It’s belief. This is all credit. So that’s how I feel. I think we’re an extension of it. And that’s where we could learn the most. We could learn the most by belief. Like, first of all, outer space. Yeah, that’s tough, right? That’s a tough conversation. It’s a very tough conversation. The breakthrough for me was just well, as above, so below.

So everything that is up there, the naming system that they went forth with to create all these constellations, again, the mind of man. The reason why Ophiuchus and Sirius A is serious b, that’s because a person named that nature didn’t call out to you from a megaphone in the sky and be like, I’m the Gemini, didn’t wake up family. This is the mind. The reason why we have all of these systems and all of these everything, it comes back to the mind.

So I’m a firm believer that the mind is all we are. Nature. We don’t have a mind and body that’s separate. It is one. The mind and body are the same. Everything is here as an organism. When something else gets hurt, it hurts us. When we get hurt. When we get hurt, it hurts something else. Even if you want to talk about pain and pleasure, I heard this one guy once say when you flip somebody off in traffic, you’re creating a train accident in India.

And that’s pretty deep, right? Because a lot of people are going to take that as, like, literal. But the reason it’s going to touch some people, the reason it’s going to resonate a lot with some people is now you’re going to think differently about the way you treat others. For sure. That little moment of aggravation now just killed 2000 people. That completely didn’t do anything wrong to you.

They were the spiders that were drowned in the sink because you wanted to turn the faucet on. And you’re the spider that gets to walk out unharmed. It’s like the Hunger Games. By the way, there’s a new Hunger Games coming out. I think me and you that would probably be the best time for us to reconnect if we don’t reconnect sooner because that movie is probably going to be very big for the decoding ballot of songbirds and snakes.

Yeah, I think me and you can have our own take on it and share our thoughts and I would love to talk with you about that because I’m purposefully going into it with no research. I didn’t even know the title until you just told me. Somebody recently was like you know, the new Hunger Games is coming out and I was like what? And I think that’d be fun for us to do our own decodes and see what we align with because that does show us somewhat of the world that a lot of people believe we’re moving into, right? Yes, it’s very possible.

I mean the release date is on November 17 which is the same day that Thomas John Ellis came into the world. The character they cast to play Lucifer. It’s also the three of clubs card which is the game master card according to Alice in Borderland and much of my research. Yeah. You know that song by The Misfits we are 138. Yeah, I was just listening to The Misfits, where are you okay, yeah, I love that band, man.

Yeah, there’s a lot of truth in that song, if you know what you know why? I really like the misfits. And again, it goes back to a deeper, more philosophical place than I’m at now, is I remember people just loving the misfits so much, and they would sing the words to the songs. And then recently, somebody was like, man, I love the misfortune of my favorite bands. And then what I did was I pulled out the lyrics to one of their songs and I read it back to them and I was like, how do you feel now? And they were like what the fuck did you just read to me? And I was like you see when you have this sing songy melody and the happy for most punk bands they actually do keep in a happy chord progression and has a good vibe.

It’s not like dark like death metal. So anyone could kind of get into it even if they don’t like fast and loud music. And it was just a funny experiment to be like yeah, this is a song about raping children and you are singing it out loud with pride, like screaming the lyrics and you love this song, isn’t that funny? They can get you to fall for like and I’m not like against The Misfits but you know my point, my point is totally get my point is the experiment with people to be like you guys don’t even know a lot of the times what you do.

You’re like controlled like a puppet. Who’s the puppet master? Yeah, well that’s because people are not in the conscious now. Moment their life consumes them. And I get that they’re hypnotized. It’s like hypnotist. It is when you’re loving and singing along to a song that’s talking about rape and torture and all these dark things and you’re doing it in a way that you don’t even realize what you’re saying.

That’s what hypnosis is. You’ve been hypnotized. Not by the music. This is on you. You fell for like all I think people like me and Logan are doing is giving you the truth so that you are not hypnotized by the hypnotist. So that next time when something tries to hypnotize you, you say, fuck that shit, and you walk the other direction. Yeah, I mean, the word hypnotized equals 47.

Scripted reality is 47. Tetragrammaton is 47. And this whole misfits, 138, what is the 138? The clue is in the song, the length is a minute and 27 seconds. That’s the element delirium, which means prison planet. So the 138 just means it’s part of the phoenix. That’s why Jason from Archaics talks about the 138 and the phoenix. That’s what it is. And Earth is the phoenix. It will rise again once it gets crushed under the water of drowning the ants.

So have you connected with Jason at all recently? Yeah, speaking to him. I talked to him on the phone. I was in your podcast on Saturday, I think I mentioned it. And you ended up saying, I talked to him that day, I think it was. And the day before he called me back and he was saying, hey, he mentioned it to me, like, hey, we had such a good turnout with me, you and Jordan.

Let’s do another one. So he wants to do another podcast. I think we need to make that happen before I go to San Diego in October. That’d be awesome. We just got to pick a topic. So we have some things to talk about. You and I can improv stuff and that’s what we do, we just improv it. But I think it would be good to have a topic to talk about for us three.

Yeah, absolutely. For sure. I mean, I don’t know what’s been going on in his world. I know that he had a lot of content and stuff that was going on based around September 23, which has come and gone. Yeah. I don’t know where he stands on anything else. I would love to know some of his updates and all that jazz, but of course, directly from him. Yeah, I don’t know.

Yes, Santos had a big video on September 23, too, and then people were sending me emails. What do you think about September 20? And I’m like, it’s probably just going to be another day. And of course, it fell on a Saturday, right. So typically things don’t really happen in the mainstream. And then the 25th came and that day went and come. So this is why it’s tough to predict the whole thing was people.

And this is why I decided to not entertain that specific date, because so many people were like, well, we know that it was wrong every other year. Because family, I want everyone to realize this. This September 23 thing is not new. There’s been other people in the past that have made similar compilation videos. I know we given our flowers to certain people, and I’m not telling you who to decide on where you put those flowers, but this isn’t new.

People have been banking on this September 23 thing for like four years straight. And we’re talking about communities of millions of people that aren’t even decoders. It’s as exoteric as it fucking gets because everyone wants to know the end of the world. And a lot of the people that believe in it are Christians or people that have prescribed to these type of end times prophecies. No offense, but it just is what it is that’s so enticing to people.

They salivate at the end of the world. They don’t even want to taste life. So the thing here is that the whole defense of this must be the year because all the other years is wrong. I hope you guys learn something from this. Yeah, these are big points. Stop with the prediction shit. I had to move on from it. I had to move on from it. I’m like, this isn’t the way, man.

We have to be here. We have to be now. We got to be now. I know it’s interesting to set ourselves up with some sort of strategy if and when something happens, but like, wasting all this energy and not taking any action. Now for the day, as me and you dedicated a podcast to this. The Day that it never comes. Perfect. Everybody should go listen to that again.

Exactly. September 23 was the day that did come around and nothing happened. Nothing happened. Took a shit, you shaved. You probably got into an argument with somebody. It was just another day in the matrix. And that was why I dedicated my last live stream to that. It was needed. Like, people need to move on from wanting the world to end. The world doesn’t end. It doesn’t end. And if you want it to, then yours has already ended.

Yeah, you’re waiting. September 23 came and went. This is why predicting things. And like I said, I got a lot of people asking me about that day. I got emails after Santos come out with that and I’m just like a few emails. I’m like, can you just going to be another day. Tell me what Santos said. Well, he actually brought in some amazing gems on astrology. And of course, he brought out the fact that 923, September 23 is kind of the fall of the sun.

If you look at the disc of astrology, it’s in the sign of Libra and it’s Virgo Libra, and it’s now moving down past the horizon or moving away from us if you’re a flat Earther and this is where you get the darkness comes in, set comes in. And of course, this correlates with the fall of man, and it does. It correlates that into so many different ways. So he had postulated that 923 is if he goes, go look back on it in time, which I did.

And there wasn’t really anything I saw that stood out. And he was saying, it’s the day of judgment. He kept saying that for me. I’m just like you. I’m focused on the now, the day that we saw we did the day, and it never comes. Because, see, here’s another perfect example. Predictions are really, really challenging. And if you get them wrong, you get hung. You’ll get hung for it, and you get less and less credence in your expressions in life.

And it’s not that you’re trying to win people over, but it’s just like when you’re just open and you’re just new. And this is why I’m a huge fan of neutrality. Neutrality in the aspect like, who gives a shit? 923-92-4925? Who gives a shit? It’s all about right now. You’re here right now listening to this podcast. You decided to piss, to come in here and be a part of this, and you’re here right now, and 923 is gone.

Right? I’m the same as you, man. I’m not into this whole prediction thing. I have talked about it. I do postulate things on the astrological chart. And then when I do postulate things on the astrological chart, which I had just done on my last podcast, I said, this is the energy of Rahu and K Two moving in December of 2023. This is what possibly could happen, the energy coming in.

And this is where you should be more of an observer than somebody who reacts, which is something that should be standarded in your life anyway, right? Should be standard in your life to be more of an observer than someone who reacts, because most people react. And like you said, they don’t want like, Steve Jobs said something so prolific. He said, everybody wants to go to heaven. No one wants to die to get there.

And it’s the same thing with people that want this apocalypse. It is, man. Right? It’s just the whole thing that people I just watched a documentary in Steve Jobs last yeah. Because I’m pulling a lot of influence out of that type of energy. I know that he was a piece of shit to a lot of people, but we’re all holding this device. We’re all everyone said this couldn’t happen.

And we’re all like, for some reason, we’re all holding that device. And I think that there’s a lot to extract there from how was he able to do this? Yeah, people are like, oh, he’s an elite. I’m like, oh, really? That’s why they fired him from his own company and brand that he created. Right? Because he was an elite. That’s why his whole board got rid of yeah, he’s an elite.

Yeah, I do. When I broke down wake up, people. Not everyone’s some fucking insider wearing a black cape. And I know as soon as they’re in front of the public eye, people have the regurgitation of saying they’re part of the Masons. That’s what they normally will say. Oh, he’s a freemason. Oh, interesting. You must know him personally. And then they’ll it’s just so crazy, man. Well, for me, my final answer, I did the decoder on Apple.

I broke it down. Apple decoded. And what I showed was something so prolific. I mean, Apple sits off of I think it’s I 280 in Silicon Valley. Yeah, it does. It sits right on I 280. And I told you earlier in this broadcast, which I didn’t know at the time because I didn’t have the tools that I had. The 100 sits opposite of the 280 and the 100, the story is the fallen angel story, apple biting the Apple.

See how it all fits into this? And when I did the decode on Apple, I showed Steve Osniak, who actually created Apple, the product, the Apple one, how he was coded to do it, how Steve Jobs was coded to do what he did, and how Apple sits in Silicon Valley, how it’s supposed to sit there and why it sits there. And it’s to me, you can’t get anything past, but it was destined to be this.

That’s my final answer. And I know that rubs some people get rubbed the wrong, like, oh, do I have control over my life? And my final answer is, you have very little. That’s my truth. You don’t have to agree with that. I know some people won’t agree with that’s. Totally fine, and I’ll leave it at that. But this is something that would be interesting to talk about because I know some people that follow you.

And I had some really good comments. I’ve had probably more comments on you guys are amazing together. I love both. You guys are my two favorites. I love when you guys come together to do podcasts. So I’m really excited we get to do this live. But I had gotten some comments. Yeah, I’d gotten some comments from people saying, you know, what I’ve observed about you and Jordan, you guys don’t see eye to eye in everything, but you have the love and respect towards just accepting each other for who you are.

I really love that about our relationship, because I know you don’t agree with everything I say. You don’t live the same exactly the same way. The thing is, bro, is I don’t look at life like agreeing or disagreeing. Like I said, I look at the world like art. To me, you’re an artist. It’s not my place to be looking at what you’re right and wrong about. I’m just past that, man.

I don’t care anymore about the rights and wrongs and ups and downs and left. No, it’s like, we’re here to make music. Like, that’s one of my favorite things that I got out of that one Steve Jobs movie where he talks to Waz about, you know, he’s really mad at Jobs that he’s this famous guy now, and he’s like, clearly. This is a problem in a lot of companies.

When the egos bash, when the two creators, the two polarities, are bashing against each other and they don’t want to help to enrich each other. Yeah, well, he was getting jealous, basically. He’s like, Jobs, you’re not an engineer. You don’t know how to make computers. You don’t know any of this stuff. And then he responded back to them. He said, you play the violin, and I play the orchestra.

Yeah. And that’s my code. I know my place. So I don’t look at life in this right and wrong. It would be like looking at the violin player and being like, you’re wrong. Now, the violin player could be off key. The violin player could show up drunk, and then he gets fired and replaced. Yeah, that’s basically life. Like, you make a circle that is more like a symphony, and your life becomes music.

Yeah. That’s a very beautiful, simplistic way to look at the evolvement of mankind through artistry. And I know you’re not only an artist through the way you speak your words and your thoughts and stuff, but you are somebody who creates music. So I really see that dance in you. And I’m the same way, man. I’ve postulated, like, why do we argue? Why do we debate? It’s like, no, your religion is wrong.

I got the right one. It’s like, okay, well, is the Circle K guy going in front of 711 and picketing and saying, you’re an idiot because you work at 711, I work at Circle K. That’s really kind of the joke of this reality. And when you can nobody does that. Nobody’s doing that shit. No, because I work at Circle K. You work at 711. Okay, cool. Right? And this is where it’s just all artistry and what you’re talking about here.

And I just think it’s so beautiful, man, when you can do that dance, when you can say the predator is dancing with the prey, and that’s just life, man. That’s art. And they’re creating together 100%. One thing that I shared in the past about having to deal with this so called nefarious group of elite is like, just realize that you’re here on the ground with a water pistol, shooting your little stream of water at a dragon that breathes fire.

You got to just be entertained by that dragon in the sky. Look at it, understand what it is, know when it gets too close to you, what it will do. And you have to just continue to move and operate in your life until you become the dragon, too. But that’s a mindset change. You will continue to be grounded. It’s funny, right? I love that term they use in spiritualism.

They say be grounded. Yeah. Stay grounded. Go do grounded. That’s where you want me to be? You want me to be on the Yo. I hope people are listening to what I’m saying right now. I really do. They want you to be grounded. Guru tells you be grounded. So you’re never in the sky, so you’re never in heaven. Right? It’s a trap. Family, like, never fall for these big buzword terms.

This is it. Too many people are getting sucked into that vacuum. So you’re dealing with a dragon in the sky. Learn how to fly like it, observe it, learn how to breathe fire like it. And you will become no longer in this fight with it. You’ll see it as a friend. If anything, it’s here. The New World Order ain’t worried about you and your search history and the shit that you’re up to.

Trust me, AI is here to take care of that. AI does it for us. The tool they use, they’re playing golf somewhere. They’re not worried about you, bro. That’s right. They’re enjoying life. They’re not taking it so serious. You’re the one who’s taking it too serious. Exactly. Yeah. And that’s the same thing as part of the music conversation. It’s like, I realize the elite are in my crowd watching my music.

I’m not going to flip the rolls over. I’m not sitting here being a side character in this shit. Remember, you are Neo. Like you’re set. You’re chaos. You’re the one that brings the disruption here. And that’s a beautiful thing. Embrace that, all of you. They want you to think that you’re a consumer and mediocre and small, a speck of dust in an infinite, ever expanding galaxy and universes and all this shit like trap.

You’re the witness of life. Without your eyes, there is no sight. Without your existence, there is no God. God was made by the mind of man. Not the other way around. Yeah, not the other way around. That whole chicken and the egg kind of thing, that whole debate, man, you should decode that chicken. Fascinating to hear. Yeah, because I think you could take a spin on that. And people also have been used to these decodes from you where you take one of these statements or ideas and you go deep into it.

I would love to hear your perspective on it because I literally just wrote a note down maybe two or three days ago about this chicken or the egg thing. Came directly back to the God idea and, like, the necessity for the God and why we treat it the way we like. So I’ve talked about the egg a lot. I believe Earth is the egg and this is the firmament.

And this is where I kind of laugh when people get into this flat Earth and, oh, it’s the globe, and it’s not the globe. It’s like, listen, it’s all of it, everything, right? The firmament is the globe, so to speak. It’s the protective barrier. We live inside of an egg, and inside the egg you have the yolk, and the yolk is the sun. That’s why the yolk is yellow and that’s why the sun is yellow.

And the egg albumin is the protective barrier, which is the atmosphere, the air you breathe, nitrogen, oxygen, et cetera, et cetera. That’s the cosmic egg. That’s earth and the egg. Exactly. It’s called the vitalis. The vitalis is the yolk that provides the nutrients once the embryo is developed. Any egg you buy at the store, by the way, it’s an animal byproduct. But there’s no embryo inside of an egg.

Zero. Zilcho. The actual egg has to be heated in order for the embryo to grow, which is why the chicken sits on it. But the egg is the perfect expression of nature. The yolk is the sun, the yolk provides the embryo life, the sun provides the Earth life. And what does Earth give its offspring? What are the embryos? US human beings become the embryos. That’s it. It’s as simple as that.

So, yeah, which comes first, a chicken or the egg? Were we the chicken or we the eggs? Because we were the embryo. That’s why embryos are created in the womb. So nature tells you everything you need to know, ladies and gentlemen. There’s no escape. That’s why reduce it down to nature. And you’re going to see mankind just tries to copy nature. And then we come up with these weird names and titles and ideas, and then we fight about them.

We fight about them. You don’t see two cats fighting. We talk about the two. They’re not fighting about God, they’re not fighting about the ideas of they’re territorial. Yeah. You know, or dogs or whatever nature is. Nature is all I study now. And it’s moved me. It’s moved me like I’ve never been to move before. And when I deduce it down to nature, I realize that whatever God is, it’s just everything in nature.

It’s everything. It has to be everything. It’s everything in this reality. So that’s just kind of my final answer on that. Any final ideas, thoughts, words of wisdom somewhere we could yeah, I was writing some notes down. I think I may come out with a new series called Ask the Devil. I’m thinking about coming out with this new series. Yeah. So who’s the devil to you? You. It’s me.

It’s anything you want it to be. Yeah, the light. Bringer it’s. All of it. It has to be all of it. I mean, the sun is the devil too, because the sun without the light, man, there’s no game. If Earth went dark, if there was no sun, you’d have to rely on artificial light, and that would be a game changer. You can grow plants with that still, but it would be a game changer.

Photosynthesis is part of the ecosystem. And this is the whole you were talking about grounding and putting your feet on the ground. Well, the ground has a contract with the sun because an earth is the black sun. It doesn’t give off any of its own light. It’s feminine. It needs the masculine sun to grow, and it has a contract with the sun. This is the as above, so below whole thing and the bride and groom and all that stuff.

This is where you’re going to get marriage and all that kind of stuff. So the devil is everything and God is everything. That’s why they’re one and the same. And if you bring theology into it’s, a no brainer. Isaiah 45, verses seven. I create peace and evil. Hello? And then Job 41, everything under heaven is mine. The whole spectrum of our reality is everything in one. That’s it.

And this is why I’m leaning more variable. I look at the devil as just the variable. The variable, right? And without that, that’s why you were talking about. You want to make friends with that because it teaches you something. And then you can get into the whole like I say, who’s the devil? It’s your ego. That’s it. It’s you trying to be right. It’s you trying to make everybody follow the way you want to live your life.

I was watching this amazing I’ll keep this really short. I was watching this amazing interview with this Native American earlier on when I first got up this morning. And I don’t know why I clicked on it. Someone had sent me to it. He was talking about how they’ve had to fight for their rights and how the white man came over, the Europeans came over and wiped them out, right? And it was like it forced.

And then I’m thinking to myself, Damn, man. Because, I mean, I’ve watched Native Americans and they have their own land and they’re tax exempt, and they have these casinos, and then they got to pay taxes, but their taxes, that’s how we all should be as human beings. I don’t need a government to tax. I don’t need you. It’s like being like, I like Daddy to consistently take care of me.

Or like I need mom to always be breastfeeding me until I’m 50. And where’s the box to say I am not a part of your damn society anymore. I will be the first one in line to check it off. I will be the first one. And you didn’t get that choice, and I hope we do one day. Self reliance is huge. Like, self reliance is huge. People need to tap into people need to disconnect from this umbilical cord to the system in any capacity, but learn the rules of the system.

Learn how to have 1ft in the matrix and 1ft out. Because there’s shit that we all got to do, right? And then just keep it moving, even what I said before about grounding. I’m not trying to tell you to not take off your shoes and be out in Mother Nature stepping on the grass and sands. It’s that there’s a mind programming going on here where they’re getting you to be literally.

It’s a crutch that they develop in your consciousness where you’re like, I need to do this in order to get this, which is making you no longer a magician. The Alchemist doesn’t have a need to rely on some laboratory or a fucking specific size of beaker in order to do what it does. That’s what I’m trying to remind people of. Be out in Mother Nature as much as humanly possible, obviously.

But all this Eastern spiritualism shit of just meditate and stick your feet in the sand and all of your problems are going to be solved as you. You need to be the yep. Be the variable, man. That’s it. I mean, so many different ways of different artists out there. Different decoders, different jason says be an Errant. Be the resistance. I say be the needle without the haystack twisting it on.

Being the needle in the haystack. I’m going to be the needle without the haystack. I don’t need the haystack. It’d just be the needle. So many different ways to spin this kind of stuff. But overall, this has been such an enlightening conversation to listen to you, to see some of these amazing comments coming in. Thanks, everybody, for coming in here and joining with all of us today. It’s been a very, you know, like, whoa, these guys are doing know.

I know. Nobody was planning this. We didn’t plan this. Jordan, you just hit me up like I know, because a couple days ago, but then you hit me up this morning. Right. Hey, you ready to do yep. Yep. No, I mean, my schedule is all over the place. It was the only day that I could have made it happen where I had enough time to make one of our conversations come to life.

Because I know if I’m ever going to connect with you, it’s going to be impossible to make it happen in under an hour. Yeah, it was the day. And I’m grateful that you were able to take the time out to make this happen too. Yeah, it’s been great, dude. And I’ve only been on watermelon juice this whole time, so I’m going to go make myself another one. Probably have one meal tonight and that’s it.

Have one big solid meal tonight, which won’t even be be it that big. Nice. Yeah, man. I’m digging this watermelon. I’m probably going to put together some kind of I don’t want to call it a fast or a detox, but some kind of make it look enticing with watermelon and just maybe do a few days of just watermelon only. That’d be kind of cool just to get people interested, to get them on that path so that’d be really kind of absolutely.

And I mean, I agree. If you’re going to do a mono fruit fast, it would be best to do watermelon. Yeah. Unless you live in like Iceland or something where you can’t get watermelons, obviously you need to pick something else. But if know, take advantage of the quality watermelons when it’s that time of year, wherever you I mean, that’s times to do fasts on monofruit is when it’s in season, right? For sure.

I mean, I’m fortunate being in Mexico. It’s always in season here, so I get it it’s all the time, which is amazing. And I love watermelon because my biggest nemesis being here in Mexico is getting food poison. And it’s because you got to rinse anything that you’re going to eat, and you can’t use the tap water. So you got to constantly put water in a bucket or a pan and rinse it out.

And even with that, but with watermelon, you’re guaranteed you can cut it open and there’s nothing that can mess with it. That’s what I’m trying to say. Nature provides its waters to you. You don’t need to get it from a faucet or a bottle. People disregard this and then they get very confused by what hydration is. And they believe that drinking all this pure water is hydrating them, but it’s just flushing out the system.

Anyone who’s newer to this podcast right now, go relisten to the beginning because we were talking about some really important stuff. Yeah, we were. I know water is massively important. And somebody had sent me this video of this woman. I can’t remember her name, maybe you’ve seen it, but she literally takes pictures of water. She imprints pictures of water. She freezes the water in a petri dish, and water actually can take on the picture.

So she’ll take a petri dish, she’ll dump water in there and put a picture underneath the petri dish. And then she’ll leave it there for like 30 minutes. And then she’ll put the petri dish in the freezer and the ice crystals come out. And you can see the picture in the ice crystals. Yeah. Water is programmable. It is programmable. It’s amazing. Yeah, water is programmable. And the type of water that’s programmed for you is within fruit.

Yeah. Not waterfalls. Yeah. And water being, as I’ve said so many times, that’s why I say you are Jesus. Because water is 18, just like Jesus is 18. Body is made up of primarily water. Jesus was baptized in water. You are jesus Christ, folks. So just go be that person. Be the light in your world, if that’s what you want to be. Right? You don’t have to wait for something to come back.

You are the comeback. You’re the comeback kid. That’s it. So just go be that. Instead of putting all these energies into a character that the church has taken, and now they’re just harvesting all this energy, especially these symbols, especially. These symbols. It’s good. Last thing I’ll say and then we’ll wrap this up is just be okay with all if you’re resonating with what me and Logan are talking about, just be okay with the way everything is collapsing.

It makes it easier for like, if you’re about to run a race and everyone that you were competing, not that this needs to be a race or a competition, but just play with the idea for a second. If you were about to run a race and everyone ate at the same restaurant in the morning and for whatever reason, you decided to skip breakfast and then everyone got food poisoning before the race, and then you’re the winner, just because of that decision they all made going along with the herd, you see who prevails.

It’s the one who goes the other direction. So whatever is getting you right now, whatever’s going on, that’s probably the thing you should be embracing and not trying to detach from. That’s another term that I try to work with a lot of people on, similar to what we talked about earlier with Grounding, everyone’s pushing this idea, this so called wisdom of detachment. I’m the opposite. Plug your cord back into that problem and figure it out.

That’s where your expansion is. That’s how you heal this detachment shit. It’s bypassing. It’s really doing nothing. It’s the waiting game. Maybe things will get better. All of that, none of that serves you, but I love you, man. I think we should wrap this one up. Four full hours. Has it been that way? It’s almost 3 hours and 48 minutes. Yeah, this is our longest one, so this is good.

And I mean, it’s definitely 16 side to your birthday, so there’s kind of strength of numbers there. It’s kind of interesting, right? This is let’s talk 16. Anyways, it’s been an honor and a blessing being here. Not just with you, Jordan, but all of you. All of you. Great decoders. Just remember my last words of wisdom here is my opinions. Jordan’s opinions. You don’t have to agree with them, right? But if you can get in the habit of saying you’re wrong, just saying, okay, but this is how I see it.

That’s how you’re going to cause less division in your life, and you’re going to have more bliss and soulless and all that kind of stuff. Because there are more ways to observe one thing than just the way you observe them. So just because it’s not your truth doesn’t mean it’s not a truth that can be bolted on and you can take a look at and say, oh, I didn’t really take that into consideration.

So that’s it. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been an honor and a pleasure. I will throw some music on here so all of you can sit here in the chat room and chat away. I’m going to start this back off where we left it off. Jordan, I’m going to say thank you so very much and we’ll connect again soon on the phone and talk a little bit more about what we’re doing.

Absolutely. I appreciate you and everyone that tuned in. Much love. Yeah, much love, everybody. So we’re going to end this off with a little bit of kiss. I was made for loving you. The great band. That’s life, ladies and gentlemen. I was made for loving you that is life. Talking to you. All right, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. For Jordan waters above Logan here at decode your reality.

Until next time. We will see you later. It. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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