Esoteric Book List: Part 2

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Esoteric Book List: Part 2



➡ The speaker discusses striving for greatness and immerses in a deep exploration of quantum physics, metaphysics, science, technology, and other esoteric contexts. It also covers issues related to reptilian entities, the manipulation of human genetic structure using technology, and the potential impact on artificial intelligence. Speaker presents theories around holographic projections, energetic fields, and numerology in relation to human existence and control.
➡ The text discusses the principles of religion and spirituality, referencing several deities and mythologies. It emphasizes the importance of understanding etymological roots of certain religious terms and recommends several books on the subject, such as “The Body Parts of God” by Dr. Malachazi York, which details beliefs and customs. The narrative also includes theories of creation, evolution, and the nature of the universe, denouncing the concept of a ‘prison planet’ and predicting a time of natural regeneration and spiritual awakening.
➡ The speaker endorses several books aimed at understanding esoteric subjects such as the connection between the zodiac and genetics, the hidden meaning behind UFO sightings, and the nature of ether. He focuses on various works by Dr. Malakazi York, stressing the author’s sacrifices to enlighten readers about differentiating between specific demographic groups and the plistocracy. He also recommends books dealing with African roots science and understanding the dichotomy between biblical context and real history, suggesting that understanding one without the other is impossible. Finally, he suggests a book about powerful, influential women for understanding the transition from a patriarchal society to a matriarchal one.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of selected publications that provide insight into current world events, distinguishing between good and evil, for better understanding of our contemporary situation. They encourage watching and sharing their videos for further enlightenment.


Be Frankie. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness. Trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness. Trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix. Bdell if you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit that Share button, hit that subscribe button, hit that notification bell.

But today, I’m going to give a definitive synopsis on a compilation of books that I put together that’s conducive to the planetary timeline that we live in. So with all that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get those notes out. Screenshot some of these publications, because we’re going to be talking about quantum physics, metaphysics, my, science, technology, eschatology and esoteric, biblical context, planetary alignments and energetic shifts and genetical upgrades, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, the first book we’re going to start out with is a publication dealing with a woman who understands the mechanisms of body snatchers when you’re talking about these Draconian.

Reptilians, right? Let me get this blown up real quick. So this book right here is called Body Snatchers a True Story of Body Snatching by the Draconian. Reptilians an Alien Conspiracy by Susan Reed, BSc. Right? So now, when you go to the table of contents, it gives you an introduction about the alien experience. It tells you about the reptilian entities, how they use genetic sampling. It tells you about the debilitation process through neutrinos and financial debt, space stations by compromising the atmosphere to transmute it into a different environment.

It talks about the secret weapons. When you’re talking about these direct energy weapons, it goes into a multitude of things that’s conducive to the timeline that we live in right now. Right? So first, some of the weapons that they use is based on black magic witchcraft, which is combined with EMF radio wave frequency enhancement. So that in itself means that it has the ability to create a form of neuromodulation by breaking down the genetical structure to extract neurons from the body by using a technological advice for bioinformatics and upload it into a neuromorphatic Cybercloud.

So this is why artificial intelligence today knows everything. So they have to break down your genetical structure by using direct energy weapons to extract neurons from the body and to upload it into these technological devices, because the third eye for the beast is actually artificial intelligence, right? So like I said, that’s why artificial intelligence is basically being a form of weaponization, because it’s being calibrated by everything when you’re talking about humanity and things of that nature.

So it’s basically just talking about how they use black magic, you know what I’m saying? By breaking down the genetical structure of humans to usurp your DNA by technological radiation, right? So like I said, it’s being used to manipulate the human’s energetic biofield. And your energetic biofield is connected to the reptilian cortex of the brain. And the reptilian cortex is the foundation of the cerebral spinal system, which is connected to your nervous system.

And your nervous system is connected to your auric field. And your ORC field is connected to your energetic morphic field. So this is how these Draconian entities are able to attach themselves to your auric field by manipulating your physical vessel. So that’s why we live in a holographic universe, right? Meaning that it’s based on a metatronic overlay that works in symbiotic connection with the magneto hydrodynamic and sending gaps of the rings of Saturn.

Meaning that the holographic projection in itself is how these entities can take comporeal form. They live in the lower fourth dimension, and they live in the third density, the third dimension, basically. So through the holographic projection of these technological devices, they’re able to infiltrate your energetic frequency through technological devices. That’s why I tell people all the time, those shadowy figures that you see, like when you’re in a state of sleep paralysis, those are actually Draconian entities.

Those are actually Zeta Reticular grays that basically can’t take comporeal form. So they got to come in a form of a shadow refigure, basically. So, like I said, that’s why you see this woman right here behind her? Her nervous system, her energetic morphic field, her humanoid biofield is being manipulated by a Draconian entity in the lower fourth dimension, right? So, like I said, that’s why it’s imperative to get your endocrine system in alignment, right? Get your nervous system recalibrated, go to the massage parlor, get massages, stay in a gym.

You got to keep your vibration up, because like I said, all technological devices is based on a technological radiation form of debilitating your energetic aura to lower your frequency. Because when your frequency low, that’s when these Draconian entities is able to attach themselves to your nervous system and control you like a literal video game. So that’s why we live in a simulation. So one thing you got to understand is that the great majority of these Draconian entities, they know that we live in a numerological atmosphere.

You know what I’m saying? Everything in the universe is based on supreme mathematics. So it’s operating on a binary cosystem of zeros and ones. Zero is the personification of zero point energy, which is dark matter. And then you got the one is personification of the accumulation of subatomic particles, which are photons, right? So within understanding that mechanism and you understand Gematria, you can attach yourself based on the numerological code that’s connected to the energetic matrix system by us having Social Security numbers, because everybody in the system is a number.

So that’s why the Vatican, they do a lot of experimentation and a lot of incantations on these birth certificates. So when these entities, they able to connect themselves to your Gematria body because I broke down. You have five higher cells. You got the eco body, the Zika body, you got the electromagnetic body, the Gematria body, and then you got the Zohar body. The Gematria body is basically connected to one of the five principles of your higher cells that’s connected to this fixed position reality of the metatronic overlay.

So what happens is they know that everybody is a number. Everything in the universe works on a numerological concept. So these entities, they’re able to use the manipulation of the simulation to attach themselves to carry out certain agendas that’s connected to humanity. So that’s why it’s imperative that you got to get this book, you know what I’m saying? Because it’s basically giving you a definitive breakdown about these Draconian reptilians.

Draconian. Reptilians, yes, you do have hybrids that work in the political infrastructure when you’re talking about the demonstrative government that we’re living in. Yeah, we have those Draconian entities that are basically hybrids of the canaanite bloodline, but you also have ones that are basically controlling everything in the higher dimensions when you’re talking about the lower fourth dimension. So like I said, it’s based on the extraction of neurons and uploading your genetic samples into a neuromorphic Cybercloud on the dark side of the moon for the majestic Twelve, which is basically comprised of your Ashtar command, which is the negative aspect of the Palladians.

And then you got the Zeta Reticular grays and then you have these alpha draconian draconian reptilians. So you got to get this publication right here called The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed. Very good book to read. So like I said, you got to keep your vibrations high. So now this book kind of works in symbiotic connection with the last book that I just showed you. This book is written by Dr.

Malachazi York, the 19th elder who is known as Baba Yanun. This book is called The Body Parts of God, right? So this book is going to basically break down the dichotomy between God and the Most High because Most High is not equated to God, right? Because the most high is the supreme being, the supreme architect of the universe. God is broken down through governmental ordinance departments which is connected to the Draconian Empire, right? So when you’re talking about under Draconian law, which is connected to Gomar Ars Debar, which is a Draconian entity, so that gives you a fictitious energetic triad.

I’m going to break that down in a second. So like I said, you got to understand the dichotomy between God and the Most High. When you’re talking about God, you’re actually talking about Yahweh, right? Because Yahweh, who was in Lil, already broke that down. Enlil is translated into ball. When you go to the strong accordance 1180, right? It translates to ball. Who is Moloch? Right? So Yahweh is actually enlil for all you Hebrew Israelites.

So it tells you right here where the word God spelled with all capital letters in the Bible is Yahweh. Right? And who was actually in Lil, who was L, right? So that is basically the God of the Canaanites. So like I said, that’s why it’s imperative for you to understand the dichotomy between God and the Mosiah, because when you’re talking about God, won’t he do it? You’re actually praying to a Draconian entity.

So this breaks down the verbiage in itself from an esoteric principles of a triad. So you have a triad that’s based on a trinity, and a trinity has an energetic tetrahedron energy. So like I said, it’s putting you in a lower dimensional state when you’re talking about God instead of the Most High, because God is based on the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, right, which is equated to Brahma, Krishna and Shiva, which is also connected to the Elohim, Adonai or Yahweh, right? So that’s connected to RA, Horus and Osiris.

So like I said, there’s many different mythologies talking about the word God, but you got to understand the etymological roots of certain words in order to reap the benefits of the understanding of what you’re talking about when you’re talking about God and the Most High. So you got to get this book right here called The Body Parts of God by Dr. Malachazi York. Very good book to read.

Now, since you got Halloween coming up. This book is based on Druid customs. This book is also written by Dr. Malachaze York. The Halloween, the evil one sabbath. So this book is giving you the multitude of everything that’s connected to the Canaanite bloodline because Druid. Customs is the foundation of Celtic culture. And the Celtics are basically connected to the Canaanites, right, which is the curse. So everything on Halloween is actually based on human sacrifice, right? So one thing you got to understand is that when you understand the exceeded limitations of this verification period on this planet, the 24,000 year equinox, you have the Balfour Declaration that was created by the Canaanite, who is connected to the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, who control the state of Israel, which is connected to the Canaanite bloodline.

Because I told you that druid. Customs is connected to the Canaanite, which is under Celtic culture. So with that being said, the state of Israel was the Is. It basically loses the leases up on Halloween. So that’s why this book is kind of connected to the Canaanite infrastructure when you’re talking about human sacrifice and things of that nature. So you got to get this book right here. The Evil One Sabbath by Dr.

Malachi Z York. It tells you right here, druid means knowing of the oak tree. It breaks know ancient Druid customs that’s basically set up on human sacrifices, basically a sin for the soul. So it’s based on GrecoRoman culture and things of that nature. So you got to get this book right here. Very good book to read. Now, another book that you got to read is called Moonset and Sunrise and the Nature of nature.

So it’s basically giving you the inception points of creation and destruction at the same time. It’s written by our fruit ono, right? So we’re going to go through the table of contents. So it’s basically talking about the ethnic race of the black people. What is the origin of our black skin and kinky hair. So it’s basically giving you a definitive breakdown about the non ether genetical properties, right? And it’s basically accumulation of sun, heat, gene prominences, which are basically granulations that works in symbiotic connection with the magnetosphere.

So that energy that’s coming from the fifth dimension, it basically works in symbiotic connection with your genetical structure to where it creates immortalized cell lines, right? So it’s going to be a point in time I don’t know if we’re going to see it in our lifetime but it’s going to be a point in time where these immortalized cell lines is going to be able to replicate themselves on an infinite level.

Meaning that you’ll be able to chop your arm off. It’ll grow right back. Because that’s just the intrinsic radiation and the cymatic frequencies that’s coming from the spiritual sun outside of the dome. Because when that dome opens up, that’s when you’re going to see fruits and produce and everything is going to grow intrinsically. That’s why the great majority of humanity today, you know what I’m saying, we’re not able to reap the benefits of growing our physical vessel to where we can be giants.

Everything is being condensed down in a lower state. The fruits, the vegetables, the humans, the animals, everything’s a lot smaller as we’re living in this encapsulated dome because like I said, we are light bodies trapped inside of a light prism of prison. So we inside of a prison planet. So we’re only able to reap the benefits of the spirituality of the spiritual sun in increments. We can only connect with it when you have certain energetic portals that’s opening up on the planet.

So it talks about the true culture and the heritage of nature. It talks about racism, systematic racism. It tells you what and where is the creator, people, places and things. It tells you about the resurrection of the universe, you know what I’m saying? It gives you the originality and the power and the uniqueness of nature right now. So it tells you right here everything is based on a dorgation cycle which is basically the inception of the beginning of creation.

And it goes into an oregation cycle in a cycle of evolution and the cycle of revolution. So it’s based on the multitude of the two celestial bodies that’s inside of this encapsulated dome. When you’re talking about the sun and the moon, because I told you the sun is the foundation of incarnation, you’re incarnated from the spiritual sun inside of this dome, this prison planet. Then you got the moon is basically an interstellar vortex portal, an artificial celestial body that is being used for the Usurpation process for reincarnation.

So that is what this basically talking about because we at the end of the 24,000 year verification period, because we at the cycle of revolution. So the cycle of revolution is based on the fact that a matriarch has to take back the planet in a form of nature. So that’s why you’re going to see a multitude of calamities and stuff as we go forward into this Aquarian age when you’re talking about the Great Awakening.

So this book is a very good book to get. You got to get this book. It gives you an extensive breakdown about the infinite internal aspects of nature, right? So it gives you, you know what I’m saying, once you understand the doctrine of signatures, you understand that your zodiac is conducive to everything that’s connected to your genetical structure. So as you’re going through these planetary shifts, you’re going to have genetical upgrades due to certain planetary alignments, right? So it’s basically talking about how you have the counterworld, have the counterworld basically copulating with different worlds and time zones and different states of the mind.

So there’s going to come a point in time very soon actually, to where nature is going to have to take its course. So these energies that’s coming from the fifth dimension, which is the magnetosphere, a lot of these energies is basically going to cause a revitalization standpoint to where it’s going to upgrade your genetical vessel. So it’s going to come down to the point where just based upon who you are genetically, everything in the third dimension, everything that’s connected to the metatronic overlay is basically going to start breaking down.

Meaning that when you upgrade the 144,000, when you upgrade the chosen ones of the planet, when you upgrade those who’ve been subjugated by the tyranny of the imperialism of democracy, what happens is nature has to take back the planet, and those who are connected to nature is going to basically dematerialize everything that’s connected to this infrastructure. So like, for instance, these new energies that’s going to be coming in when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024, by you being at work, you’re going to see a malfunction of machines like, let’s just say you work at a factory, you know what I’m saying? Every machine that you’re going to be on, everywhere you work, everything is basically going to start to basically dematerialize, right? You’re not going to know why it’s happening, but everything that’s around you, you know what I’m saying, is basically going to start to manipulate in a negative aspect.

So like I said, that’s why I forgot the lady. But I’m going to put it in the next video. We’re going to talk about that in the next video. Because it was an Israeli woman that was a part of the infrastructure of a government saying that black Americans are actually a problem, not Hamas, you know what I’m saying? Not all these different things that’s working, not the palestinians or whatever.

They said that black Americans are actually the problem, right? And the reason that we’re the problem because they know that the chosen people are on this chosen land when you’re talking about the geographical landmass of America, right? So like I said, the chosen people, the chosen ones are going to get an activation, you’re going to be working computers, is going to be starting to malfunction, your energetic frequency is going to cause a crumble to the three dimensional matrix system, right? They businesses, they enterprises and everything is going to basically be in a form of destruction, right? So that’s why they said that we’re a problem because they know that the chosen people is basically in this chosen land.

So this book is basically giving you the aspects of giving you the aspects of the doctrine of signatures that’s connected to the zodiacs and the planetary alignments that’s connected to who you are genetically. So you got to get this book right here, moonset and Sunrise and the Nature of Nature, right? Very good book to read. So like I said, screenshot some of these publications and now another book that you got to read because like I said, as we’re going forward into this great awakening in the age of Aquarius, you got the mystery clouds or the UFOs, but this book is also written by Dr.

Makaze York. The great majority of the books that I’m putting out to you guys is written by Dr. York because he is basically a political prisoner because he basically sacrificed himself by giving people this edification on how to understand the delineation between certain demographics of people and the Plistocracy. So that’s why I venerate the great majority of his publications because he wasn’t really compromised. So this book right here, the Mystery Clouds are the UFOs by Dr.

Malakazi York. Right? So it gives you the esoteric breakdown from biblical context talking about how clouds are basically UFOs because the great majority of these UFOs, they go into fourth octave ether. Ether is basically the personification of a gas, right? So what they basically do is they extract energy from everything that’s connected to the third dimension and they basically manipulate the electromagnetic field and the inception of it by converting it over into an invisible state, basically.

So the great majority of these UFOs, they have an Omnicron based atmosphere. So an omnichron based atmosphere meaning that you have the ability to manipulate ether in the atmospheric realm of the third dimension by going into fourth octave ether, right? So that’s why it tells you that the pillar of clouds, when you go to Exodus 1419, the children led of Israel, the journey of the wilderness. The cloud dictated every move of Israel.

And it tells you that yahweh God himself comes down on the clouds, have the speaking of the voices of 17 five of Matthew, and it talks about the canopies of clouds. When you go to the Holy Quran so it gives you an esoteric breakdown of how clouds are basically UFOs. Not all of them, but you know what I’m saying? You could tell when you’re looking at something, you like, man, that’s an object.

You know what I’m saying? So this is a good book to read. The mystery clouds are the UFOs by Dr york. By Dr Malakazi York freedom Master teacher. Now, another good book to read is the Re Engineering. So let me blow this up a little bit. So this book, when you go to the table of contents and it’s basically giving you a definitive breakdown about ether, about antimatter electricity, thermodynamics hydrodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, the resonant energy it tells you about a multitude of many different coherent radiations.

You know what I’m saying? It basically talks about the acute cosmic radiation that basically amplifies the forgot the term of it basically the physical vessel of the carbonated body, which is basically an amplifier and a converter by transmuting the carbon body into a crystalline state. So the crystallization in itself is based on the non ether that’s coming from the magnetosphere. So it’s operating from a place of cosmic radiation that’s basically copulating with the carbon body, right? Because carbon is the building block of all civilization.

We all know that. So this book breaks down the nine esoteric attributes of non ether because it tells you that ether permeates all nature. Ether is basically a primordial source. Ether basically exists outer space in the third dimension in the sky and the heavens. It tells you about ether exists in the upper air, in the atmosphere. It tells you about how ether is related to intrinsic light, which is solar radiation.

It tells you about how ether is associated with energy, right, when you’re talking about plasma gas, electromagnetic radiation, and neutrinos. And it talks about how the non ether genetical body has the ability to have a call and a response in a transmitter, in a receiver by connecting themselves to nature, which is a form of dark matter energy, right? Meaning that you’re connected to everything that’s connected to the three dimensional paradigm and the higher dimensions.

So you got to get this book right here called Non Ether Reengineering, right, written by African Creation Energy. It doesn’t really have an author. So screenshot this publication. Now, another book that you got to read is this called Pata, which is Technology Engineering Applications of African Sciences. What you got to understand is that when you’re talking about in order to combat everything that’s connected to a technocrat system a technocrat system is based on merging humans with cybernetics.

And cybernetics is basically the foundation of artificial intelligence. In order to combat that energy, you have to use the technological devices of engineering that’s connected to African science roots, right? So in order to combat it, you have to understand the mechanisms of God’s technology or the most high’s technology, right? So this book basically breaks down how it gives you an esoteric breakdown on how to build structures in order to manipulate the grid system.

It gives you the multitude of earth, water, wind, and the sun and the sound energy cymatics. It breaks down the UNC and occurrence of technology. It breaks down the mechanisms of devices. It breaks down everything that’s connected to a form of the utilization of scientific information and technology, natural technology that was created by African root science. So you got to get this book right here called Pata technology Engineering Applications of African Sciences, written by the African Creation Energy.

Now, this is the book that made them come get Dr. York. So you got to get this publication right here. Very imperative that you get this book. So there’s other books I got on this too. Yep. So this book you got to get this book screenshot this publication written by Dr. York. Another book that you got to read, it tells you about the inception point of the creation of the Sons of Canaan.

So we already broke that down. You got to go to the last video. That’s why it’s imperative to understand the dichotomy and the delineation between who’s who and what’s what according to the esoteric historical timeline that’s connected to real history. Because I told you, if you don’t understand biblical context, you don’t understand the history. And if you don’t understand the history, you don’t understand biblical context because real history and biblical context go hand in hand.

You can’t know one without the other, right? Because it gives you an extensive breakdown about who’s who and what’s what according to certain bloodlines on the planet, right? So this book right here, the Sons of Canaan, the symbol of the ever living. So you got to get this book. So that’s why the last video I put out saying they gave me a warning for that video. They did not even take the video down.

They just gave me a warning because it was breaking down the infrastructure about how everything is connected to the canaanite bloodline and things of that nature. So if you haven’t watched the last video, go watch that video. Just watch the last video because it basically syncs up to everything that’s going on right now. So that’s why I wasn’t able to upload nothing for the last three days. So they gave me a warning.

They didn’t take the video down. They just said that I can’t upload anything for the next three days. So get this book right here called The Sons of Canaan. It gives you an extensive breakdown and an esoteric timeline about where the canaanite come from. It gives you a breakdown of everything from etymology, just basically tells you who the canaanite is from a historical point of view and from a biblical point of view.

And it’s written by Dr. Malakazi York. You got to get this book called right here called The Void of Darkness. Hold on. Got to get this book right here called The Void of Darkness. It basically gives you the inception points of creation, right? It’s only a nine page publication. It just really gives you a simplistic breakdown about how everything was created in a form of alchemy and ether and things of that nature.

So this book is called The Void of Darkness. Another book right here for the divine feminine. Since we go into since everything in the system has been subjugated by imperialism and theocracy, which is the foundation of patriarchy, got to read this book right here because everything is reverting back into a matriarch. So this book right here, written by Dr. York, is called The Women Who Changed the Course of History.

Very great publication that you need to read for all the Divine Feminine. So it tells you about the women of the world, both old and young, so anybody can read this publication and connect with it, because it’s basically giving you the whole infrastructure on how to mobilize in a matriarchal. Energy, as you have a patriarchal energy is starting to phase out under a lunar cycle. So you got to get this book right here, the Women Who Changed the Course of History, written by Dr.

York. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I really just wanted to put know a compilation of books that’s conducive to the planetary timeline that we live in right now, because it’s imperative to understand the dichotomy between good and evil, because a lot of people don’t understand a multitude of what’s happening on the planet right now. So those are publications that can basically give you an intuitive understanding about what’s taking place, right? So that’s why I only give you publications that resonates with the timeline that we’re living on.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you watching this video. Get this video out there. Watch the last video that I put out because it stopped me from uploading a video for the last three days. That’s why you haven’t seen me within that seven day verification period when I upload videos and things of that nature. So with that being said, the video is still up.

You can still watch it, but get this video out there, because these publications is actually going to put you in alignment to the timeline that we live in on. So for those of you who are basically confused about everything that’s taking place on the planet right now, you don’t understand what’s going on. These are the publications to read. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video.

End of transmission. Bye. .

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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