Chronicon 6: 31 AD Career of Jesus to Hun Invasion 375 AD

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Chronicon 6: 31 AD Career of Jesus to Hun Invasion 375 AD


The Enigmatic Jesus: A Figure Beyond Kingship by Tommy Truthful on Archaix Chronicon 6: 31 AD Career of Jesus to Hun Invasion 375 AD

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Jesus of Nazareth, a central figure in Christianity, remains an enigmatic personality in history. Contrary to some expectations of a kingly or conquering messiah, Jesus embraced the roles of a healer and advocate for the impoverished. The accounts of Roman historians, though controversial and sometimes viewed as dubious, offer a glimpse into his life and the perception of his contemporaries. The Essenes, a mystical Jewish sect, held beliefs eerily reminiscent of Jesus’ story, hinting at a broader cultural and religious tapestry from which his narrative might have emerged.

Crucifixion and Cosmic Phenomena

The crucifixion of Jesus, an event of profound spiritual significance, is also marked by reports of extraordinary natural occurrences. Accounts of an earthquake and an unexplained darkening of the sun have been subjects of scholarly debate. While some view these as symbolic or allegorical, others search for historical and astronomical evidence to support these claims. The imagery of the Phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and renewal, interestingly aligns with the transformative impact of Jesus’ crucifixion on world history.

The Apocalypse: A Mosaic of Visions and Predictions

The Apocalypse, or the Book of Revelation, has been a source of fascination and interpretation over centuries. Theories about its authorship, including attributions to Corinthus the Gnostic, add layers of complexity to its understanding. This text, often seen as a collage of ancient prophecies and cultural narratives, delves into apocalyptic visions including cataclysmic events and cosmic upheavals like pole shifts. Its significance lies not just in its supposed predictions but also in its reflection of the religious and cultural milieu of its time.

The Dynamic Evolution of Early Christianity

Christianity’s early years were marked by a kaleidoscope of events and influences. From Simeon bar Koshba’s rebellion against Rome to Zhang Heng’s invention in China, these centuries were a crucible of cultural and religious transformation. The compilation of the New Testament by Marcion, distinct from later versions, underscores the fluidity and diversity of early Christian texts and beliefs. The eventual recognition of the four canonical gospels, amidst natural disasters and geopolitical shifts, highlights the dynamic and often tumultuous journey of early Christianity.

The Intersection of Christianity with Ancient Cultures

The origins and evolution of the Christian Gospels suggest a complex interweaving of various sources and influences. The mysterious ‘Q document’, speculated to be a source for the Gospels, points to a rich tapestry of oral and written traditions. The Roman Church’s role in canonizing these texts shaped the trajectory of Christianity, amidst a backdrop of persecutions, philosophical discourse, and the history of other great civilizations like the Chinese and the Mayans.

Christianity’s Expansion and Its Ties with Ancient Israel

The spread of Christianity, catalyzed by apostles like Peter and Paul, represents a unifying force for the scattered descendants of ancient Israel. This new faith, while rooted in Israelite traditions, evolved to embrace a broader scope, transcending literal interpretations of resurrection and ascension. Its acceptance across diverse regions highlights the universal appeal of its core teachings and ideals.

Early Christianity and Rome: From Persecution to Establishment

Christianity’s journey from persecution under emperors like Diocletian to its establishment under Constantine’s rule is a story of resilience and transformation. The Edict of Milan, the Council of Nicaea, and the establishment of Easter illustrate the evolving relationship between the Roman state and the Christian church. These events mark pivotal points in the history of Christianity, shaping its doctrines and practices.

Christianity and Ancient Religions: A Tapestry of Shared Narratives

The parallels between the story of Jesus Christ and narratives from older religions like those of Horus, Krishna, and Buddha suggest a shared heritage of mythological and spiritual themes. The exploration of these similarities raises intriguing questions about the transmission and adaptation of religious ideas across cultures and eras. The text implies that Christianity, while unique in its expression, is part of a larger, interconnected religious and philosophical landscape.

Each of these topics offers a fascinating glimpse into the complex interplay of historical events, religious developments, and cultural interactions that have shaped human history. Christianity, emerging in this vibrant historical context, reflects a synthesis of ancient traditions, philosophical insights, and transformative teachings.



➡ Jesus, a figure of controversy in his time, was seen by some as a king and conqueror, but he himself did not claim these titles. A Roman historian named Valius Paterculus wrote about Jesus, describing him as a healer and helper of the poor. However, some scholars believe this account to be a forgery. The Essenes, a Jewish sect, believed in a prophet who was killed and rose from the dead, similar to the story of Jesus.
➡ Jesus’s crucifixion, seen as a voluntary sacrifice, was marked by unusual events like a powerful earthquake and the sun darkening for three hours. These events were recorded by various historians, but some accounts were disputed or considered forgeries. The sun darkening was interpreted by some as the appearance of the Phoenix, a celestial bird. Despite discrepancies in historical accounts, most Christian authorities agree that the crucifixion occurred in 33 AD.
➡ The text discusses the origins and interpretations of the Apocalypse, suggesting it was written by Corinthus, a Gnostic teacher, and not John the Apostle. It argues that the Apocalypse is a compilation of ancient texts from various cultures, predicting major global events in the last days, including a pole shift caused by the return of a planet called Phoenix. The text also explores historical events related to Christianity and Judaism, such as the persecution of Christians and Jews in the Roman Empire, and the annexation of Britain by Rome. The Apocalypse’s authorship is deemed unimportant compared to its prophetic value.
➡ In 132 AD, Simeon bar Koshba led a rebellion against Rome, causing significant disruption to the Roman Empire. Despite the destruction of Judea and Jerusalem in a previous war, the Jewish community managed to rebuild due to their large diaspora. During this time, Zhang Heng of China invented the first seismograph, a device to detect earthquakes. In 144 AD, Marcion published the first version of the New Testament, which was different from other versions as it did not include many traditional elements such as miracles, crucifixion, or resurrection.
➡ The text discusses various historical events and theories, including the existence and recognition of the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the spread of Christianity, and various natural disasters. It also mentions the influence of the Roman Empire and the Church of Rome on the spread of Christianity. The text suggests that the four gospels were not widely recognized until around 180-200 AD, despite covering events from 150 years prior, and questions the authenticity of these documents due to this delay. It also discusses the impact of a supervolcano eruption in New Zealand and the decline of the Roman Empire.
➡ The text discusses the origins and development of the Christian Gospels, suggesting they were written long after the events they describe and were influenced by multiple sources, including a mysterious ‘Q document’. It also mentions the influence of the Roman Church in adopting these Gospels, which shaped the course of Christianity. The text further explores various historical events and figures, including the persecution of Christians in Roman Carthage and the writings of various philosophers and historians. Lastly, it delves into the history of other cultures, such as the Chinese and the Mayans, and their calendars.
➡ In the past, the Goths, descendants of the Israelites, invaded the Roman province of Dacia, erasing its culture. This invasion was seen as liberation by the Roman Empire’s slave population. Later, these Goths’ descendants founded the United States in 1776. The Roman Empire, which had a significant impact on world history, faced various challenges, including Christian persecution, military defeats, and internal divisions, leading to its eventual fall.
➡ In the early centuries AD, Christianity faced persecution, notably under Emperor Diocletian. However, Constantine, who came to power in 306 AD, eventually ended this persecution with the Edict of Milan in 313 AD. He also moved the Roman Empire’s capital to Byzantium (renamed Constantinople) and held the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which condemned Arianism. Despite rumors, this council did not edit the Christian books to form the New Testament. In 326 AD, the Roman Church established Easter as the official Christian holiday, replacing Passover.
➡ The text discusses various historical events, including the establishment of calendars, natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis, wars, and changes in religious practices. It mentions the creation of the Jewish calendar, the earthquakes in Macedonia and Nicomedia, the birth of a two-headed child in Antioch, and the Council of Laodicia’s decision to observe Sunday as the day of rest. The text also talks about the destruction caused by earthquakes and tsunamis in Alexandria, Egypt, and the wars between Rome and Persia.
➡ In the period from 366 AD to 375 AD, significant events occurred that shaped the course of history. Pope Damasus established the doctrine of papal endorsement, which stated that a belief could only be accepted as true if endorsed by the Pope. The Goth-Roman war began and ended with a peace settlement, and the Goths, led by Ulfilas, converted to Christianity and migrated into Europe. Meanwhile, the Huns from Asia began their violent invasion into Western Europe, causing fear and chaos, and forcing the Goths and other Germanic tribes to move further west and south to escape them.
➡ The text discusses the origins of Christianity and its similarities with other ancient religions. It suggests that many elements of Christianity, such as the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, were present in earlier religions like those of Horus in Egypt, Krishna in Hinduism, and Buddha in Buddhism. The text also mentions that these similarities are found in ancient texts and artifacts, implying that Christianity may have borrowed from these older religions. Lastly, it points out that some historical evidence supports these religious stories more than the existence of Jesus himself.
➡ The text discusses various ancient gods who share similar stories to Jesus Christ, suggesting that these stories might have been prophecies about Jesus. It also questions the accuracy of the Gospels, pointing out that many historical figures from the time don’t mention Jesus or his miracles. The text also highlights the lack of physical evidence for key locations in Jesus’s life. Lastly, it suggests that while Jesus may have existed and been a significant figure, the details of his life and death might not have been accurately recorded.
➡ Christianity, with roots in ancient Israelite beliefs, emerged simultaneously in major Mediterranean regions, uniting scattered Israelite descendants under a new faith. This faith was spread by apostles like Peter and Paul, who traveled to various regions, including India, Asia Minor, and the Black Sea coast. Despite controversies and attempts to erase Jesus’ existence from history, his teachings and the concept of resurrection became central to this faith. The faith’s spread and acceptance did not rely on the literal belief in Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, but rather on the ideals and teachings he represented.
➡ In the early days, Rome hadn’t yet influenced the church. Some of Jesus’ disciples visited Britain, and Christianity arrived there 622 years after Judah fell. In 39 AD, Rome imprisoned Caligula and invaded Mauritania to seize their wealth, but the Mauritanians fled with their treasures. In 41 AD, Mauritanians, including Christians, fled Rome’s oppression and sailed to North America, possibly bringing Christianity to the continent within a decade of Jesus’ crucifixion.
➡ Simon Magus, a heretic from Samaria, tried to merge philosophy with Christianity and believed that angels, not God, created the world. He also believed that these angels were mismanaging their creations. The Apostle Paul, a Roman citizen, wrote many of the oldest Christian documents and was friends with the British royal family in Rome. Gnosticism, a belief system that combined elements from various religions and philosophical systems, was one of the first to accept Christianity, suggesting that Christianity is a revival of the original Israelite faith.
➡ In the years 59-65 AD, significant events occurred in the Roman Empire and Britain. Roman General Suetonius was sent to Britannia, and Nero murdered Agrippina. A comet was recorded, and the Romans attacked Queen Bodicia of the Aichenai, leading to a revenge campaign. The Apostle Paul converted many to Christianity in Spain and Britain. Meanwhile, in Rome, Nero was accused of setting a fire that destroyed the city, leading to the persecution of Christians. Lastly, Nero ordered the death of his advisor, Seneca.
➡ In the years 66-70 AD, significant events occurred in the Roman Empire and Jerusalem. Nero, the Roman Emperor, committed various crimes, leading to his downfall and suicide. Concurrently, the Jewish War began against Roman occupation, with Jerusalem being the only city to revolt against the Roman Empire. This rebellion was crushed by Roman forces, resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and the death or enslavement of many Jews. The city was later rebuilt as a Roman city, Elia Capitolina.
➡ Special coins labeled “Judea Conquered” were found, showing a sad figure representing Judea. These coins were made after Titus emptied the temple and took valuable relics, including a copy of the ancient book of Jasher. The temple relics were taken to Rome, where a large architectural complex was built to commemorate the fall of Jerusalem. This complex, located on the Arch of Titus, features reliefs of the siege and the artifacts taken from Jerusalem.


By this time, the controversy over Jesus was widespread in Galilee, Samaria and Judea. Though the gospel account holds him as a king of the Jews, Jesus never made this claim, asserting that he was a king. Only others claimed he was a conqueror come to subdue the nations, to make them subservient to the Jews. But his message was not of a conqueror. In the Vatican archives is an account of an encounter between Pilate and Jesus before his trial.

Pilate wrote that the Jews that hated Jesus were darker skinned and dark eyed, while Jesus was fair haired and fair skinned. The Vatican archives have also yielded forth another account of Jesus, one very little known. A close friend of Caesar, who was descended from an equestrian family named Valius Paterculus, wrote an extensive book called Historia Romania. Historians attest that Paterculus was once a widely known roman historian. He had written about Mithradate’s king of Pontus and about the trojan war.

Valius Paterculus wrote that when he was 51 years old, he passed through Judea on his way back to Rome after 16 years of military service. He wrote that he witnessed Jesus, that Jesus was the most interesting man he had ever seen, a cure of disease, helper of the poor and raiser of the dead. He wrote that among the Jews it was a matter of controversy at that time as to who Jesus was.

But the roman statesman declared that he, quote, was more afraid of Jesus than of a whole army, unquote. The writings of Paterclus have not survived and are found only in quotations of other authors. However, this text was allegedly discovered by accident over a hundred years ago among the Vatican archives. Scholars believe the citation a blatant forgery. Patercalus calls him Jesus of Nazareth. Nazareth being a later christian invention, no place existed by this name.

Jesus was a Nazarite, and this identifies him with being an essene. Further, the miracles were also a later invention. The oldest reference to Jesus performing miracles was in the epistle of Barnabas, dated circa 130 ad. Not even in all the writings of Paul in the New Testament is there a reference to Jesus performing miracles. The Essenes considered themselves to be the remnants of the true Israel. They believed in the teacher of righteousness who was killed and then rose from the dead, a prophet.

As we will see, this was a very ancient faith. The Essenes and the druids maintained the same faith. The druids were the spiritual leaders and guides of the Gauls. And even as early as the 1890s, historians have noted that the druidic faith was akin to Christianity. Isaiah, the prophet, declared that God would one day in the future after 7th century BC reveal his word to Israel, not through the Hebrew they spoke at that time, but through another language.

Quote for with stammering lips and another tongue will the Lord speak to his people. Unquote. The ancient Hebrew word for stammering is gael, which is the origin of Gaelic, the language of the Gauls of old, a tongue later preserved in early Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Tongue of Manx. Gaelic was the celtic mother tongue. Jesus was of pure israelite blood of the royal family of Judah through the chimerian line known later as the Gauls living in Galilee.

Galantius, his israelite pedigree was at least 750 years removed from those living in Judea, known as Jews, a people distantly related, who had amalgamated with Babylonians and Edomites. One, the poisoned king two, the origin of greek civilization three Archcoat volume Vatican Archive four history of the christian religion to the year 206 the Gospel Truth 7 March of the titans eight, the Bible fraud nine, the evolution of the idea of God ten, Isaya eleven, tracing our ancestors.

Twelve four witnesses. 32 AD 39 20 06:00 a. m. Jesus continued his ministry. The calendars for this year are impressive. This was ten judged time periods of four three four years each since the Phoenix chronology began, when the preademic world was totally destroyed in 43 nine bc, when earth was shoved off its ancient orbit along the dark star’s ecliptic. This was also 744 years golden proportion number after Earth’s orbit was again slightly altered, changing the year from 360 to 365.

25 days in 713 BC, as this was seven seven six years since the Israelites were deported into Assyria in seven four five bc, where they became the chimerians of Samaria. This year is very important to the descendants of Israel. 33 AD 39 20 07:00 a. m. Jesus declared that, quote, I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, unquote. Judah continued to honor the law and the prophets, though they added talmudicism.

And for this, their strong affinity toward tradition, the Jews are easily identifiable in roman times, as they are even 2000 years later. The Jews have never been lost. All know who they are. The Jews assumed that the covenants belonged only to them, for they still possessed Jerusalem and their lot in the land of promise. They being totally oblivious that millions of people in those days, dispersed throughout Asia, Africa and Europe, were also the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Israel. To the Jews, the other countless millions were also to be ignored by God. Those in deepest Africa, the Middle East, India and the Far east and those rumoured to be living on the other side of the world. By excluding the whole world from the promises of God, the Jews cursed themselves. When Jesus was taken to Pontius Pilate, the Jews cried, quote, let his blood be upon us and our children, unquote.

As Pilate washed his hands of the matter. The greek word lost in lost sheep is apolumai, which is made of root words meaning separated by punishment. Apo and alumai. This was a reference to the ten tribes of Israel deported in seven, four, five bc for their worship of Bal and Ashera. Who the lost Israelites were is clearly seen in where the apostles traveled after Jesus was gone. As will be shown, the apostles of Christ travelled to all those lands where the descendants of Israelites were settled.

Evidence that the lost Israelites no longer lived in Palestine only is found in that Jesus told them that they would not go over all the cities of Israel before the son of man comes. If Israel was only within the narrow confines of Palestine, then Jesus’message would have filled the land in months. But the Son of man still has not come. And yet Christianity is spread throughout the world with new cities inhabited by christians being built all the time.

This is because the abrahamic covenant has been fulfilled that the seed of Abraham would literally fill the earth. Jesus spoke before the synagogue and declared, quote, the spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God. Unquote. This statement is the key to Jesus’message. It is a chronological statement and one totally ignored by christian eschatologists.

Ancient man was given a year specific timeline of 6000 years to the return of the chief cornerstone. A 6000 year period that had a definitive beginning date of 38 95 BC and ended in 21 six AD 6000 anus Mundi. Christian writers all too often proclaim that the timing of Armageddon is unknown and cannot be known, being God’s secret. Unaware that the 6000 year countdown is discovered in so many ways.

C. 21 six AD. They say that we cannot know the time because scripture reads, no man can know the day nor the hour. However, there is no bar to knowing the year. Jesus is arrested after Judas betrays him for 30 pieces of silver, which was the price of a slave. Tradition holds that Pilate’s wife was a woman of Gaul, France, and that she had a nightmare that revealed to her the supernatural divinity of Jesus and begged her husband to have nothing to do with this man’s death.

Her dream specifically portended an earthquake and the darkening of the sun. The presence of a woman of Gaul married to a roman official is not surprising. In 37 AD, Pomponius Mila of Tingtera wrote in Decorographia that there had been some Gauls in France that had relocated, sailing east to Palestine. Philo of Alexandria was a jew alive at this time who wrote a history writing about Pilate, describing him as inflexible, merciless, and obstinate.

Philo claimed that the Jews hated Pilate because of his severity, having ordered a hundred crucifixions the day Jesus was crucified. According to tradition, Gaius Cassius, later called Longinus, was a representative for Pilate, who reported on the religious and political scene in Jerusalem. Because the passover was approaching, the Jews wanted the three men on the crosses to be dead by sundown. So they petitioned the Romans to break their legs.

When the soldiers broke the legs of the two men on either side of Jesus, Gaius Cassius, in an act of mercy, stabbed Jesus in his side with a spear, fulfilling two Old Testament prophecies. Isiah wrote that, quote, a bone of him shall not be broken, unquote. And Ezekiel wrote that, quote, they shall look on him whom they have pierced, unquote. The crucifixion of Jesus fulfilled an ancient motif in human sacrifice in antiquity.

The victim was bought for a price. The money paid absolved the people from guilt. The payment of a price to kill an innocent altered the act from murder to sacrifice. Jesus’s price was 30 pieces of silver. The head of a sacrificial victim was anointed with oil. And Christ actually means anointed. It was important that the victim made no show of resistance, but had to accept his or her fate in order for the people to gain by the sacrifice.

For this reason, drugs were often used to sedate the victim, and often after sedated, the bones of the victim were broken so as to prevent struggling or resistance once the sacrificial ceremony began. This was all common knowledge in the days of Asia, giving more meaning to his prophecy that no bones of Jesus would be broken. This meant that his sacrifice was completely voluntary, even though it was also literally fulfilled.

This willingness made Jesus the kinsman redeemer of those he gave himself. For Jesus was executed upon a staurus, a stake. Roman crucifixion was not on a cross, but on a stake that the victims were nailed to. The majority of christian authorities affirm that the date for the crucifixion was 33 AD. The year 33 AD is itself quite unimportant. Calendarically, under any calendar while this is noteworthy, we turn here to the erudition of Oswald Spengler, who in his decline of the west, concerning Jesus’statement, my kingdom is not of this world, wrote, quote, this is the final word which admits of no gloss and on which each must check the course wherein birth and nature have set him.

There is no bridge between directional time and timeless eternity, between the course of history and the existence of a divine world order. Unquote. The gematria specialist Bonnie Gaunt wrote that the value for the greek word resurrection is nine six three. Greek being the language of the New Testament, it has already been shown that in nine three one bc, Israel and Judah split into the two kingdoms, and that this division began a 3000 year countdown to the resurrection event in 2070 AD.

Interestingly, 931 BC also began a 963 year resurrection to 33 AD. While the crucifixion was a local event that had to rely on word of mouth and published mediums to spread abroad. The gospel account also relates that a powerful earthquake and the darkening of the sun occurred at the death of Jesus. A review of this evidence is as controversial as the historicity of Christ. The gospel account relates quote now from the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land unto the 9th hour, unquote.

This is a three hour period, a duration that completely rules out an ordinary eclipse which lasts only minutes. This would require a large celestial object or thick dust cloud to transmit between earth and the sun. Immersing the earth in shadow, a simple local transit casting part of the earth in shadow is also ruled out because of the three hour duration. The darkening of the sun was widely regarded by many nations in antiquity as the appearance of the phoenix, a great celestial bird in the heavens that flew into the sun, darkening it for a length of time before being reborn, emerging out of transit, freeing the sun.

The roman historian Tacitus lived closest to this time within a decade or so, and he wrote that Phoenix appeared in what translates as the year 35 AD. However, translator and antiquarian Michael Grant, a prolific writer in histories, remarks that Tacitus was two years off from all other chroniclers. This refers to 33 AD and infers that the sun darkening was widely published in antiquity. The problem scholars have, and it is a legitimate one, is that it can be shown that regarding Jesus, the writings of Tacitus had once been tampered with, as will be shown.

Another red flag to the historians is the fact that the historians alive in that time, in that year, Flavius Josephus and Philo, both men writing extensive histories covering everything relative to the jewish world at the time. But neither man recorded any darkening of the sun or earthquake for 33 AD. Neither did Pliny the Elder or Seneca. As noted by the historian Hazelrig, both Pliny and Seneca lived at this time, and both men made a habit of recording all the known accounts of seismic activity, an unusual phenomena.

Hazelrig wrote, quote, nowhere do they mention the miraculous darkness which is said to have overspread the earth at that crucifixion. Neither do they make mention anywhere in their voluminous text of a man named Jesus, unquote. As will be shown, the four gospels that relate these events do not date any earlier than 160 AD. Before the appearance of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, there was a gospel in existence called the Gospel of Markion, an account of Jesus totally devoid of the fantastic, that is reviewed under 144 AD.

This appears to be the oldest known gospel account, and in it we find that at the death of Jesus, the sun was darkened. The miraculous birth, the virgin mother, miracles, the three days dead, and resurrection and ascension into heaven. Laden in the four gospels do not appear in the Gospel of Markia. So the reference to the sun darkening here bears significance. In about 220 AD, almost 190 years after the events, Julius Africanus wrote that a nonchristian historian named Thalus in the year 52 AD, what translates as the year 52, had written that a fearful darkness and earthquake occurred over Judea.

We have no surviving writings by this Thalus. In about 230 AD, Oregon of Adamantius, a scholar of Alexandria and christian historian in Contra Kelsom, wrote, quote, but of the eclipse which happened in the time of Tiberius, in whose reign Jesus was crucified, and of the great earthquakes which were at the time, Flegon writes, in the 13th, or as I think, the 14th book of the Chronicles, unquote. The purpose of Oregon’s book was to argue against an enemy of the church, Celsus, who, though against Christianity, nonetheless still recorded the sun darkening and earthquakes.

Celsus was quoted by Rabbi Akiba, who wrote that a dark mist obscured the sun and the earthquaked. Phlegon was an historian and freedman of Hadrian, who wrote his works about 150 AD, about 120 years after crucifixion, books allegedly read by Vopiscus. Plegon’s account has been attacked by scholars for the known fact that no eclipses occurred at that time in 33 AD, no one considering that a dust cloud of gigantic object transited, casting the world in shadow.

We do not have any surviving copy of Flegon’s book. About 100 years after Oregon, the church father and historian Eusebius also wrote about Flegon’s account. Eusebius wrote that Christ was crucified in the 19th year of Tiberius Caesar. This was exactly 33 AD. This is also the date provided by Flegon, according to Eusubius, quoting Flegon’s book Olympiads, a nonchristian chronology in the 13th book of Olympiads. According to Eusubius, it reads, in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was an eclipse of the sun, the greatest of any known before.

And there was a great earthquake in Bithnia which overturned many houses in Nice. Also about 230 AD. Tertullian wrote that a record of the world portent of the sun, darkening and the earthquakes was preserved in the archives of Rome. This record was also known to Justin Martyr Yusubius and Jerome, who all claimed that Pontius Pilate wrote a record of the event. The roman church claims that this record was preserved as Pilate’s report to Tiberius Caesar, which reads, and when he was hanged, supernatural signs appeared and in the judgment of the philosophers, menaced the whole world with ruin.

There was darkness over the whole world, and the sun was obscured half a day, and the stars appeared, but no luster was seen in them. And the moon lost its brightness, as though tinged with blood. And the terror of the earthquake continued from the 6th hour of the preparation to the 9th hour. The sun was altogether hidden, and the sky appeared dark while it was yet day. Wherefore, I suppose your excellency is not unaware that in all the world they lighted their lamps from the 6th hour unto evening.

And the moon, which was like blood, did not shine all night long, although it was at the full. So dreadful were the signs that men saw, both in the heavens and on the earth, that Dionysus the Ariopagite is reported as saying, quote, either the author of nature is suffering or the universe is falling apart, unquote. This account claims that it was sent to Rome and read before the senate.

Scholars are well in agreement that the document is a forgery. In about three, two, seven AD, in against the heathen, the historian Arnobius wrote, quote, an earthquake shook the world. The sea was heaved up from its depths, the heaven was shrouded in darkness. The sun’s fiery blaze was checked, and his heat became moderate. For what else could occur when he was discovered to be God, who heretofore was reckoned one of us? Unquote.

Anobius was formerly an enemy of the church, who had converted and then wrote seven books against the pagans over 380 years after 33 AD. About 415 AD, Augustine of Hippa wrote in his celebrated city of God concerning the crucifixion of Jesus. The crime was indicated by this deprivation of the sun’s light, as in truth was the case when the Lord was crucified through the cruelty and impiety of the Jews.

For it is sufficiently demonstrated that this latter obscuration of the sun did not occur by the natural laws of the heavenly bodies, because it was then the jewish Passover, which is held only at the full moon. Scholars are at variance over these accounts because they were all recorded by christian historians. The non christian sources, Thalus Phlegon, are only preserved by christian historians, and the original works cannot be verified.

Tacitus remains the best evidence, but christian interpolation has already been documented in his writings. As will be shown, even the relatively modern Book of Mormon continues to relate the same event. The Book of Mormon purports to be a translation of ancient records copied off golden plates c. 498 BC, concerning the wanderings of ancient Israelites into early America. In three nephi, and dated by mormon scholars at 34 AD, we read that a terrible catastrophe occurred in the Americas, of devastating winds, a storm, unusual lightning, never before seen earthquakes, the sinking of cities, altered landscapes, great depopulations, followed by a vast darkness like a mist that hid the sun, moon and stars, lasting three days.

Grant Allen in 1897 AD, wrote in evolution of the idea of God, no more truer statement than this quote. When we look at documents so overloaded with miracles and legends as the gospels and acts of the apostles, we find it hard indeed to separate any element of historical truth from the enormous accretion of myth and legend. Unquote. The origins of Christianity in fact antidate anything today considered christian all around the old world.

Long prior to Christianity, the belief that one man should die for the salvation of the people was widespread and thoroughly documented. Sometimes after human sacrifice had ceased, the victim was replaced with an effigy, an idol, an artificially made God of the people that was scourged and tortured ceremoniously before being put to a mock death. In 170 AD, Melito, bishop of Sardis, wrote a letter to Emperor Marcus Antoninus informing him that Christianity was in fact of high antiquity, as having been imported from countries lying beyond the limits of the Roman Empire, arriving during the reign of Augustus Caesar.

This assessment is taken up also centuries later by church historian Yusubius. Quote, what is called the christian religion is neither new or strange, but if it be lawful to testify as to the truth, was known to the ancients, unquote. Strangely, there is more historical evidence in the story that the gospel relates than there is evidence that Jesus even existed. A story long predated Jesus’lifetime. Horus was the son of Osiris of Egypt and was called the Lord of lords and king of kings, the resurrection and the life.

The good shepherd Horus suffered, died, and rose again to give men eternal life. It was as if theology of Jesus was borrowed straight out of ancient Egypt. Horus was born of a virgin on December 25, announced by the appearance of a star, and his birth was attended by three wise men. At twelve years old, Horus appeared at the temple and taught the elders. He was baptized, chose twelve disciples, witnesses, performed miracles, was transfigured on a mount, and was crucified between two thieves, buried for three days and resurrected.

Horus was the way, the truth and the light, the Messiah and the word made flesh. Horus came to fulfill the law. He was called the Krist Christ anointed one. All of the gospel story was already known in the egyptian faith of Horus, and they are found on the walls of the temple of Luxor, dated circa 13th century BC. In the prechristian Sanskrit dictionary, we find the God Vishnu appeared on earth in human form as Krishna.

Having come down from heaven to remove the sin and misery from mankind. He was born into the world through the virgin Devaki. His birth was announced by a star. He was born away from home while his parents journeyed to pay a tax. He being the descendant of a royal family. At his birth, he was recognized by cowherds and given presents. A prophet visited him after reading the stars, deterning that he was indeed Krishna.

Because the local king sought his death, he was taken to Gokul, a fact immortalized in the release of the most ancient hindu temples, which represent the flight at midnight when Krishna was an infant, where he had been born, all the male children in the region were slaughtered, depicted in the huge sculpture of the cave temple of Elephanta. Krishna’s father was a carpenter, and he astonished his elders with his learning.

He became a healer of the blind and sick, diseased and raised the dead. He chose twelve disciples and a woman anointed his head with oil. He taught in parables and was transfigured. The evil one assailed him, but he prevailed. Krishna taught the Brahmins, priests, and he told his favorite disciple, Arjuna, quote, I am the great sage without beginning. I am the ruler. Be not sorrowful from all thy sins I will deliver thee.

I am. I am the cause of the whole universe. Through me it was created. I am its way and refuge. Unquote. Krishna was crucified, arms extended on a tree, holes depicted on his hands and feet. Another hole appears on his side. At his gruesome death, a black circle appeared around the moon. The sun darkened and the sky rained fire and ashes. Flames burned and demons ran rampant upon the surface of the earth.

And at sunset were clearly seen thousands of beings at war in the sky. Krishna was Vishnu in the form of a man prophecied to return in the last days riding a white winged horse when the sun and moon darken. At his approach, Krishna was immortalized as the saviour, redeemer, comforter and the mediator, the holy one and the good shepherd. It has been noticed by scholars that hindu writings like the Chanakyaniti are echoed again in the christian New Testament texts.

The same is true of the buddhist texts called the Dhamapada and the Daniyasuta, which contain entire passages mirrored in the gospels. This is a problem for the New Testament scholar for Buddhism was established 500 years before Christianity. Quote and widely publicized throughout the Middle east. Unquote. The syrian city of Antioch is considered the capital of Christianity where the movement began. Galilee being lower Syria. It is known that at this time in the first century AD, Antioch was a haven for buddhist concepts.

Budha was born on December 25 at the appearance of a star. Gifts were given to him and he was visited by wise men and declared ruler of the world. He taught in the temple at twelve years old, was baptized, performed miracles and healings, fed 500 from a small basket of cakes, abolished. Idolatry was transfigured on a mountain, was killed and resurrected, ascending bodily into heaven. Buddha was called the light of the world, redeemer, the good shepherd and the Alpha and Omega.

He was to return in the latter days. Buddha was also called the great physician, the only begotten the word and the way, living a life parallel to what was later said to be Jesus’life. In the four gospels. Amazingly, Budha was called the lion of the tribe of Sakya. In the biblical records, this title was lion of the tribe of Judah. The Israelites that passed through Assyria were called by the house of Isaac, Bitzak or Saka.

And many of those descended from Israel were deported and settled as far as northern India, called Aryans from their city of Arya. At the death of Buddha, the earth and rocks split. He descended into hell and preached to the spirits of the damned. He was buried but walked out of the tomb ascending into heaven. This is also the story of Indra the God of Nepal and tibetan tradition, a God who spilled his blood for the salvation of mankind and that his body was pierced through with nails, though they claim he did not suffer the penalty of the cross.

Nevertheless, they find pictures of this in their books. In Phrygia, the God Atis was the son of God worshipped at least by 300 BC. He was born on December 25 of a virgin. He was the divine son and the father in one. He was crucified and resurrected three days later to cleanse mankind, becoming the most high God. He was the only begotten, the savior. This faith in Attis was maintained strongly in Galatia in early Christianity.

The new faith was readily accepted quickly in Phrygia among the worshippers of Attis, Galatia being located at Phrygia. Even the New Testament attests that Paul visited and taught the faith in Phrygia and Galatia. In the Book of Acts, Phrygia was occupied by the descendants of Israelites that invaded the region in six eight, seven bc. Atis was a God parallel to Adonis, who shares the same traits. Adonis was the God of Biblos of ancient Syria, origin of Christianity and early Greece, a God imported by the phoenician hebrew migrants from Palestine.

Adonis ascended into the heavens before witnesses. A different branch of israelite descendants were nearby. In Thracia, a people who worshiped a Zalmoxis God of Moses, the savior, who promised eternal life to all. At his last supper, he descended to the underworld and rose again on the third day. Also popular throughout the greek world before Christianity was the God Dionysus, who was born on December 25 of a virgin.

Placed in a manger. He was a traveling teacher and miracle performer. He turned water into wine. Dionysus was a God of wine. He was called the king of kings, the only begotten son, the sin bearer and the Saviour identified with a lamb. He was also called Iyasius, or Jesus, and was the godman of the orphic mysteries of semathrace. He was little different than Mithra, Hercules, and a host of other early gods.

And on the other side of the world, the same story is told of the prechristian God Quetzalcottl. He was the God of the Aztecs. He had disciples observed a 40 day fast, was put to death, and died for the sins of humanity after having been placed on a beam of wood with arms outstretched. He was sometimes represented in american art as crucified between two other victims, and in some images can be seen nail impressions on his hands.

At his death the sun darkened, he descended into hell and rose from the dead. Because christian researchers have been made aware of these older faiths, many have made valiant efforts attempting to show that Jesus actually traveled to India, Egypt, Phrygia, throughout the Middle east, the far east, and even the ancient Americas. This concerns the supposed lost years of Christ, those 18 years of which the four gospels are totally silent.

From his 12th year teaching in the temple in Jerusalem to his appearance in 30 ad, Jesus may have indeed traveled widely and studied with the druids of Britain and Gaul, the magi of Parthia, and the Brahmins of India. But still his traveling cannot account for the high antiquity of the gospel story. Because of this, another theory has been advanced, one that, if correct, implies indeed that Jesus did exist and was who he claimed to be.

This theory holds that all of these ancient gospel stories of Osiris, Indra, Mithra, Atis, Quetzalcotl, Adonis, Horus, Dionysus, Hercules, Hermes, Baldur, among others, only became passed off as history after long periods of time, their original form being prophecies. The ancient mysteries of the dying God, the saviour of mankind who descended to the underworld under various names, were but fragments of an elder faith, of prophetic glimpses of him and what he would accomplish among humanity.

As F. C. Happold wrote in mysticism, quote what had been before a myth became a fact of history. The reality glimpsed and expressed in ancient ritual and mythology was incarnate in the phenomenal world. The perennial dream of mankind became true. Unquote. In the years 1837 to 1825 BC, Abraham Brahma provided the sages of India and many others in Egypt, a vast corpus of ancient prophetic information concerning the future histories of the world.

The apocalypse we call the book of revelation, at least its core material is very old, as will be shown, and this information was known to Abraham. All the messages of the chief cornerstone were through Abraham, given to the learned of those assembled to listen to Abraham, knowledges translated from off the surfaces of the great Pyramid. These writings were the original pre flood world of God, and they were composed in past tense, just as the prophetic passages in the Old Testament are often found written in past tense.

Like the narration of the Book of Revelation. As the word of God is eternal, the original composition in past tense serve the purpose of being unchanging, especially in a distant future. When all prophecies are fulfilled, the original scriptures do not change, for they were written in past tense to begin with. As the centuries and millennia passed, this method of eschatological preservation became misunderstood cults and priesthoods, mistaking what was to come with what they thought already happened.

Entire religions were built upon the foundations of these oldest faiths into what occurred the creation of a host of savior gods. The crucifixion, sacrifice began a 50 day countdown to the day of Pentecost, when, according to christian writings, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and others, and they amazed those listening to galileans speak in their own languages. This same 50 days parallel the 50 days from the exodus of Israel from Egypt in 1447 BC, led by Moses to Moses at Mount Sinai, receiving the law and covenant from God.

The Israelites, as assigned to God, were to paint their doors with lamb’s blood to be saved from the same death the Egyptians suffered. And now Jesus was called the lamb that was sacrificed. Strangely, it was not until the year 692 AD that the roman church officially changed the christian symbol of the lamb on the cross to that of an actual figure of a man crucified. What makes this odd is that one of the first church fathers, one who actually aided in the development of early Christianity and the authority of the Church of Rome was Irenaeus.

And this man wrote, quote, the Lord did not die on a cross, and that those who claim that he did do him great disservice, they rob him from the honor of teaching in his old age. Unquote. It is evident that the real historical Jesus is very different than what he was later made out to be. Even the earliest christian histories make no mention of miracles performed by Jesus or his resurrection.

Clement of Rome, a man who knew Paul and lived in the first century ad, makes no mention of Christ’s miracles or the resurrection in his own writings. He was a prolific writer. Philo of Alexandria was a wealthy jew who had traveled extensively. He was sent to Rome around 39 40 ad from Egypt to seek relief from emperor Caligula for roman treatment of Jews in Egypt, in which he was unsuccessful.

He had also visited Palestine. Philo wrote a huge book on history of the time that survives today. But there is no mention of Jesus. Not Jesus, nor the gospel events can be found in the writings of the contemporary historians of the time. Plutarch, both Pliny the elder and younger, his nephew, Juvenile Epicletus, Celsus, Plotinus, Porphyry, Tacitus, Philo, Seneca, Justus, Marshall, and Tiberius. All of the works of these writers have survived, and none mention Jesus or the events of the four gospels.

Josephus was the son of Matthias, a leading jew of the time. In the writings of Josephus, book 18 of antiquities, there is mention of what christian researchers claim is a reference to Jesus and indeed on the service it is convincing. Some believed it to be a blatant christian interpolation and this is exactly what has now been found to be the case. Many theologians believe Yusubius himself forged the passage in Josephus when he rewrote the writings of Josephus after the Council of Nicaea in three, two, five ad.

We do not have any copies of the original antiquities, as is the case with other texts that mention Jesus. A perfect example of interpolation by later christian translators appeared in Tacitus’writings. The annals quote they had their denomination from Crestus, who in the reign of Tiberius was put to death as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate, unquote. We do not have the original book by Tacitus, but only a later translation.

The falsity in the text is found when considering that Clement of Alexandria studied all the known texts in his day, even quoting Tacitus in his fervor to cite all sources that may have referred to Jesus. Clement not once cited this passage and he would not have missed it had it have been originally in the text. Further, even Yusubius had missed this passage, which he would not have omitted either.

In the biblical account. The trial of Jesus to his death was only hours, the whole of the trial, death and resurrection encompassing three days. But this is untenable, for under roman law there was a 40 day waiting period to allow for anyone to come forth with exonerating evidence in order to prove the innocence of the accused. Condemnation in roman law was not absolute. Thus the grace period. These facts have been provided to show that a man of Galilee named Jesus Yeshua Joshua may indeed have lived, taught and died by crucifixion.

By the Romans. He may have been a prophet of exceptional learning, a master orator and even a faith healer. Jesus may have even been God in the flesh. But the facts of his life and death have not been accurately recorded for posterity and the account popular today received through the filter of the four gospels was deliberately manufactured. As will be shown. C. One, four, four and 160 ad Jerusalem has enjoyed an unbroken occupation of Jews, Christians, Arabs, Romans, crusaders and many others since 33 AD.

But alarmingly, the places that Christianity should have never lost are not to be found. Places where there should be located shrines simply do not exist. Where is the birthplace of Jesus? Where is his home in Galilee? Where was Mary’s home? Where was the last supper conducted? Where was Golgotha? Where the crucifix took place? And where is the empty tomb? Where were the places where Jesus was seen and talked with after he was crucified and arisen? These places should have been immortalized.

Where was the place Jesus ascended into heaven in the presence of about 500 people? Even the place where Enoch the prophet vanished, Akuzan Giza, is known even 29 40 years after at 33 ad. The problem is deeper than this. Not only are these places unknown today, but even the earliest christian writings make no mention of the location of these sites nor their preservation. In fact, it was as late as three two six ad that an excavated tomb was suddenly declared to be that of Jesus.

One, John, Matthew two, Luke, Isaiah three, the Archko volume four, the Bible fraud five, Christ the power and the passion six, the spear of Destiny seven, the evolution of the idea of God eight, Jesus God, man or myth ten, the decline of the west eleven, Matthew twelve, Tacitus Annals 13, the Christ Conspiracy 14. The history of the christian religion to the year 215, Jesus goes to Hollywood 24, the lost books of the Bible 27, the Golden treasury of patristic sayings 28, Augustine, city of God book 329, evolution of the idea of God 32, aryan sun myths, citing Jogynes 35, fountainhead of all religions 49, the lost language of symbolism 50, mysticism 51, the Gospel Truth 57, the Bible fraud 34 AD 39 20 08:00 a.

m. The core teachings of Christianity have much in common with buddhist concepts, which, as we have seen, were already popular in lower Syria. Interestingly, this year of 34 AD was precisely five seven six years, a major golden proportion number after the start of the buddhist calendar in five four three bc. Five seven six is 144 times four. And this year was also 1440 years after Israel became a nation, occupying this same land in 14 seven bc.

Spengler notes, quote, christianity is the one religion in the history of the world in which the fate of a man of the immediate present has become the emblem and the central point of the whole creation. Unquote. This is indeed the difference between all those gods reviewed under 33 AD who are parallel to the gospel story of Jesus. Attis, Horus, Dionysus, Quetzalcotl, and the others were all saviors of the ancient past.

Not one single documented historical account can be found about any of them. Not the case with Jesus, a man that has generated so much controversy that entire movements were created throughout history to erase his existence in the historical record as others strove to prove he existed. Christianity emerged simultaneously in all the major population centers of the mediterranean basin, Antioch in Syria, Alexandria, Egypt, Thessalonica, Cyrene, Byzantium, and even Rome.

The highways of this faith were the sea. Though partly jewish in origin, it was a faith strong in Galilee, but from its earliest days it is evident that Christianity was a universal and international religion. This new faith was born in antiquity and became the new mold by which men perceived and worshipped their maker. Peter began his letter to the exiles. Quote to the exiles of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithnea.

Unquote. This is a list of those countries all occupied by the descendants of Israelites, who, as we have seen already thoroughly documented throughout Chronicon, were by this time well settled and even in communication with one another. These were the lost sheep of the house of Israel, spoken about by Jesus, who declared that his message was for them. Peter did not minister to the Jews, whose dispersion the diaspora had not yet occurred and would not transpire until 70 ad.

And then again and finally in one, three, five ad, with the total destruction of Jerusalem and Judea by the Romans, the New Testament records reveal that the apostles were sent out to quote all the cities of Israel, unquote, to the lost sheep. Revealingly, we learn where the descendants of Israel dwelt by the destinations the apostles reached. Yusubius wrote that Thomas went to Parthia, Iraq, Iran, and this is remarkably supported by the traditions of the syrian Christians of Malibar, India, who claimed that Thomas founded their own church.

The story of Jesus appears to have reached India and Tibet early on, calling him by the name Issa, which is close to the Hebrew Yeshua Joshua. The accounts are many, but one startling series of facts emerge from these eastern traditions. They claim John the Baptist is not mentioned that Pilate feared that Jesus would start a revolution in Rome and occupied Judea, and he wanted Jesus dead. They claim the Jews were fascinated with Jesus, not wanting to kill him, and most alarmingly, they say that Jesus was never resurrected, only that he taught resurrection.

They believed Jesus to be the God man, but that he died. Historians attest that it is believed that the apostle Thomas made it to India by 52 ad. Yusubius goes on to report that Andrew went to Scythia on the northern Black Sea coast and that John went to Asia Minor, Ephesus. Peter went to Pontus, Galatia, Bisnia, Cappadocia, and southern Black Sea coast, where Paul was from. Peter also went to Asia Minor and visited dispersed Jews.

Paul traveled to Jerusalem, to Hungary and Illyricum, Balkans. As will be shown, Paul may have traveled far more extensively than this. The study of early Christianity in Chronicon has only just begun. As the first century ad is reviewed, more and more light shall be shed on this most fascinating beginning. But from our present vantage point up to 34 AD, it is obvious that the scattered israelite descendants were unifying under the banner of a new faith with ancient roots that spanned back to their earliest beliefs as Israelites.

Christianity is but a filter by which God continued to fulfill his promises to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all those who were adopted into the faith. That a literal man, resurrected and ascended has no bearing on the ideal and its acceptance by the faithful in dealing with future past phenomena. What happened is just as real to us as what could have happened. And God does not damn the soul for so petty an offense as doubt, especially in light of fact that the evidence is wanting.

This year was 1480, years after the exodus of Israel in 1447 BC from Egypt and Moses at Sinai receiving the law from God. Bonnie Gaunt, Gamatria specialist, notes that from the passover of the angel of death in 1447 BC to the passover when Jesus was crucified was 1480 years. She, like so many others, ends this timeline at 33 AD, when actually the 1480 years ends in 34 AD.

Intriguingly, she demonstrates that the greek title Christ anointed one equals 1481, the decline of the west. Two, the evolution of the idea of God three, history and quotations four, the lost years of Jesus six, the stones and the scarlet thread. 35 AD 39 20 09:00 a. m. Traditional christian date when Pontius Pilate was cited before the roman senate and then condemned by Caesar for the illegal crucifixion of Jesus.

37 AD Tiberius Caesar is sick and old, but recovering in bed. He is smothered to death. In his 78th year, Tiberius is succeeded by Caligula, who was initially very popular with the people. He suffered a coma and emerged to find the senate opposed to him. Caligula was the great grandson of Mark Antony. His closest lifelong friend was the jewish potentate Julius Agrippa, who became his chief ally against the Senate of Rome.

The jewish influence over roman affairs of state was a source of much animosity against the jewish people. Caligula immediately began eliminating his political rivals. Tutonius wrote that Caligula was of the habit of saying when he was having someone executed, quote, make him feel that he is dying, unquote. One, Tacitus annals, Vi. Two, the lost treasure of King Juba. Three, history in quotations 38 AD 39 30 02:00 a.

m. Roman emperor Caligula removed the gigantic obelisk from the egyptian city of Memphis, known anciently as Heliopolis, and on Anu, the obelisk being one erected by thermos three. Using israelite labor, he removed the immense obelisk to the circus area of Rome, a feat of tremendous naval engineering. 1554 years after it was erected. The obelisk is a symbol of israelite heritage and iron empire status. Rome, in the prophetic records is the iron Empire, one of slavery and oppression.

Like Egypt of old, at this time in history, no other civilization in the world had enslaved so many people. This obelisk was the twin to another that would be removed. And both obelisks erected by the Israelites in 1515 BC, would one day be removed again and erected in the capital commercial cities of Manasseh and Ephraim. Patriarchs of the empires of adoption in London and New York. The obelisk measured 1584 inches high.

And in 1586 AD, Pope Sixtus V would remove this one from the circus to the court square of St. Peter’s Cathedral. Altogether there were four obelisks raised by Thermos three. The prophetic empires of the descendants of Israel, Manasset and Ephraim, are Britain and the United States, which will be shown abundantly as this chronology progresses. Interestingly, it is no coincidence that Christianity was brought into Britain in this year.

According to british historian Gildas, who asserts that it was brought into Britain within a year of Tiberius’death. Further, the word came by way of Jerusalem, not Rome. As at this early date, Rome had not yet exerted its authority over the church. Yusubius wrote that some of Jesus own disciples visited the British Isles. It is to be recalled that in five eight five BC, Jeremiah escorted a royal judahite princess named Tamar to Ireland by way of Egypt with his friend and scribe Barak, a visit well remembered in the irish annals.

This year of the arrival of Christianity into Britain was 622 years after the fall of Judah, a number seen over and over in abrahamic and israelite histories. First, Paul in Britain. Two, freemasonry and its ancient mystic rites. 39 AD 39 30 03:00 a. m. Caligula of Rome imprisoned. Ptolemy, king of Mauritania, northwest Africa, jealous of his wealth and perfectly administered kingdom founded by Juba two and Cleopatra Selene.

The people of Mauritania revolt and slaughter the Romans in their kingdom, and Ptolemy is executed. This is the modus operandi of Rome to instigate and prod their allies into retaliating so they can treat them as enemies and take their wealth and sell off the population. Into the mediterranean slave market. One, the lost treasure of King Juba. 40 AD 39 30 04:00 a. m. As preplanned by Caligula, the Romans invade Mauritania in an effort to steal away their wealth.

The kingdom set up by King Juba, too, was tremendously prosperous. The people of Mauritania know their peril and refuse to give over their wealth to the Romans. When the Romans invaded, they found nothing of worth for the Mauritanians fled with the famous treasury, the library of Juba two and the gold coffins of Juba two and Cleopatra Selene. While the defense of Mauritania was led by Adamon. Also in this year, Philo of Alexandria, a wealthy jew, visited Caligula in Rome, seeking relief for ill treated Jews in Egypt.

But he was unsuccessful. Pomponius Mella drew a map of the continent of Australia called antipodes. This was the 790, second year of Rome. One, the lost treasure of King Juba. Two, Jesus God, man or myth. Three, elder gods in antiquity. 41 AD 39 30 05:00 a. m. Caligula is murdered, and the praetorian guard of Rome makes Claudius the emperor. His full name being Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus.

He is the first emperor of the legions. His wife, Messina. The source of court intrigues and unrestrained sexual activities. Messina once had sexual intercourse with 25 men in a 24 hours period to beat the record of a lowly servant girl that had excited her jealousy. In Mauritania, the resistance against Rome is led by Adamon, who successfully defend themselves but cannot drive off the Romans. The Mauritanians were descendants of Phoenicians and Hebrews, Jews, Celtiberians and Syrians.

Many in Mauritania at this early date were Christians, led by Alexander Helios, the last of Cleopatra the Great’s children. Acquiring the help of local black Africans, the fleeing Mauritanians built a fleet of ships and sailed to North America. Because of storms on the Atlantic during their passing, some ships landed in Central America and South America. The plan was executed perfectly. The Atlantic crossing planned long in advance, the Mauritanians, knowing of the greed of Rome, the majority of them, some 10,000 people, traveled up the Mississippi river from the Gulf of Mexico, the Ohio river, and ultimately the embarrass river in what is now southern Illinois.

In the year 1447 BC. 24 40 08:00 a. m. The Israelites fled the oppression of Egypt, led by Moses, into a new land. In this year of 41 AD, the mauritanian descendants of Israelites fled the oppression of Rome into a new land led by Alexander Helios, a macedonian descendant, this being exactly 1447 years after Israel conquered the land of promise in Canan in 14 seven BC. Among the Mauritanians in this exodus to North America were many Christians, a fact borne out by the discovery in 1982 AD of relics from the lost treasury of King Juba, two which depict profiles of Jesus and a picture of Jesus resurrected with holes in his wrists, not hands.

This was eight years after the Crucifixion event in 33 AD, which means that some of those who crossed the Atlantic in this year just may have witnessed the crucifixion or had known and met the apostles or Jesus himself. This means that christian missionaries could have set foot on the american continents within a decade of the crucifixion for the discovery of the treasure of King Juba. Two seen 1982 AD in history of the church by Yusubius, church father and historian.

We read, quote, in the reign of Claudius, the all good and gracious providence, which watched over all things, guided Peter, the great and mighty among the apostles, who, because of his virtue, was the spokesman for all the others to Rome. Unquote. Also in the Shubius, we read, quote, second year of the 205th Olympiad, the apostle Peter, after he had established the church of Antioch, is sent to Rome, where he remains as bishop of that city, preaching the gospel for 25 years.

Unquote. Suetonius, in his life of Claudius, wrote, quote, since the Jews continually made disturbances at the instigation of Crestus, Claudius expelled them from Rome. Unquote. This is confirmed in the Book of acts 18. Two, for when Paul was in the greek city of Corinth writing the Book of Romans, he met Priscilla and Aquila. Refugees, quote, lately come from Italy because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome.

Unquote. One, the lost treasure of King Juba. Four witnesses. 42 AD 39 30 06:00 a. m. The Mauritanians rebuild the mausoleum of King Juba two in southern Illinois, North America, and buried the treasures and artifacts in subterranean vaults. The amassed relics depicting Phoenicians, Hebrews, Romans, Mauritanians, Jews, Christians, and even black Africans would be discovered entirely by accident. By Russell Burroughs in 1982 AD, the christian scholar Jerome wrote, quote, peter, the prince of the Apostles, after his episcopate in the church of Antioch, went to Rome in the second year of Claudius and continued there for 25 years, up to the end of his life in the 14th year of Nero, unquote.

Won the lost treasure of King Juba. Two four witnesses. 43 AD 39 30 07:00 a. m. Emperor Claudius of Rome invades Britain, this being 96 years after Julius Caesar’s last attempt in 54 bc. 96 years is 1152 months, or one four four times 847 AD 39 40 01:00 a. m. Traditional date for when the christian convert Paul, formerly named Saul of Tarsus, went to Cyprus. He visits Anatolia, Asia Minor, and returns to Antioch with Barnabas in 48 AD.

Paul will be fully detailed in this chronology. 48 AD 39 40 02:00 a. m. The census of Claudius Caesar showed a citizen body of 5,984,072 roman citizens. This citizenship was highly prized, for it guaranteed against becoming a slave. This was the 800th year of Rome, and 792 years after the ten tribes of Israel were deported into Assyria instead of five BC, many descendants of those same Israelites, now citizens of Rome in Gaul.

One Tacitus, Annals, xi. 51 AD 39 40 05:00 a. m. After 136 years orbiting the sun, the romanid Apocalypse comet group enters the inner solar system in a 20 year long detritus train that begins passing over the ecliptic. At this time, during Claudius consulship with Cornelius or Fitus, according to Pliny, a strange sun appeared in the sky in addition to our own, probably a disintegrating comet, brightly reflecting the sun’s light.

Repeated earthquakes also afflicted Rome, destroying houses and property outside the city. In the war in Britain, the Romans defeated King Caraticus, bringing the british king and his family to Rome. The celtic king gave a stirring speech to the Romans and admiring his bravery and truthfulness. In his speech, the Romans pardoned him, freeing him and his family to live in a palace in Rome. It is believed that in this year the apostle Paul witnessed to the Ephesians, this being 601 years after the completion of their famous temple to Diana.

The fervor of the Ephesians for their goddess almost resulted in Paul’s untimely death. One Pliny, natural history, universe and the world two Tacitus, Annals, xii 52 AD 39 40 06:00 a. m. In the roman war in Britain, the welsh clan, called the Silyers defeated the roman 20th legion. Paul preached at some time during the rule of the proconsul of Acaia, named Gallio, staying for a year and a half, Gallio’s writings have survived, but he does not mention Paul, though Paul’s writings claim that he obtained audience with him.

This denotes that either Paul was not popular or noteworthy enough to mention at this time or that Paul was not known by Paul at this time. Possibly this could also mean that Paul was a fiction later created by the church to put a personality to the many early christian epistles. One, Saxons, Vikings and Celts. Two, the Gospel truth, 53 AD 39 40 07:00 a. m. Earthquakes afflicted Phrygia in Asia Minor.

This was a thoroughly greek region. And this was the year eight two eight of the Olympiad calendar. This is the third year of the passing of the romanian apocalypse comet group. In this year, the people of Ilium petitioned Nero to exempt them from the public burden solely on the fact that Rome was descended from Troy. This is the accepted approximate date for the death of Simon Magus, whom the church fathers wrote that like Iranius, he was the father of all heretics.

Simon Magus studied the greek philosophers intensely, and his great heresy was his attempt at trying to bridge philosophy with Christianity. Simon was from Samaria, lower Syria, and his followers at this date contended with early Christianity. Simon taught in allegory and took everywhere with him a former prostitute from Tyre, a phoenician woman named Helen. In his teaching, she stood with him and symbolized, quote, the lost sheep, unquote. The Samaritans were proud of their ancient israelite pedigree.

They were not Judeans and did not claim to be. And they were aware that through Phoenicia the ancient Israelites sailed to the aegean world as the Ionians and Danan, later known as the Helenes. In the Trojan War, the israelite Danan of Dan even fought to get back Helen of Sparta. Simon Magus had a greater grasp on history than did his christian enemies, for he knew that the ancient Helenes, the Greeks, descended from the lost sheep, were descendants of Israelites.

Many of Simon’s beliefs were gnostic. He believed that the angels were the creators of the world and that the angels were mismanaging their creations. The angels designed the world and laid out precepts for men to follow, deceiving them. Clement of Alexandria, referring to the beliefs of Simon Magus, wrote, quote, for righteous actions are not according to nature, but from accident in the manner that the angels who made the world have laid it down by such precepts, enslaving men, unquote.

This is amazingly in accordance with the archaic, sumerian and babylonian texts that read that the Anunnaki, the seven kings, created the world. Simon believed that there was a most high God that was more powerful than the angels, and those who belonged to him were free of the dominion of the deceitful angels. This was a tenet of the gnostics that the lower gods, the archons Anaki, created the cosmos and skilfully designed the mechanics of the universe to thwart every good work that righteous people would find their every whim and work in opposition to the natural laws of the world.

The early church fathers were not past relaying false information about Simon Magus either. Justin Martyr, also a native of Samaria, wrote that the Romans erected a statue in honor of Simon on Tebore island near Rome, an account later related by Iranius Usubius Antutullian. This account is untrue. In 1574 AD, the statue was excavated and the inscription reads in Latin, semo sanchos, the title of ancient Sabine God of oaths one Tacitus annals xi three Simon Majus 54 AD 39 40 08:00 a.

m. . A comet quote with a terrible glare, unquote, appeared over Rome. One ancient mysteries 56 AD 39 50 a. M. Lightning struck both the temples of Jupiter and of Minerva in Rome. This was the year Tacitus was born. Roman historian author of the Annals of imperial Rome Tacitus wrote that at this time the beginning of the year was January 1, which was in accordance with ancient religious custom.

The apostle Paul is sent to Rome in second year of Nero, according to Jerome, as agreed by Bede Ivo Scalinger, among others, he was a roman citizen who appealed to Rome for unlawful confinement. Born in Tarsus, a city of Cilicia, which, according to Strabo, was the leading city of learning to rival even Alexandria and Athens. On the way to Rome he was shipwrecked. The oldest of all christian documents preserved in the Bible are the epistles of Paul.

He wrote to the quote strangers, unquote, in Rome, not to the Romans. His writings were addressed to Helene’s in Ephesus, to Galatia, Colosse, Corinth, to the Thessalonians and Philippians. From Rome did Paul write to Timothy on behalf of himself and the royal family of Britain. Pudins, Linus and Claudia, the son, daughter and son in law of king Caradoc of Britain. Also called Caracticus, Caradoc was the son of Bran, the celtic king of Britain.

Caradok led the british forces against the Romans in 32 battles, but was captured by the treachery of queen Aragwed of the Brigantes, who invited him to stay in her castle. The Romans had venerated caradoc and freed him in Rome, taking up residence in the Palatium Britannicum, which his granddaughter Claudia Prudentiana converted into Rome’s first christian church. The apostle Paul was personal friends with the british royal family in Rome.

Who Paul really was has been a mystery, for his writings had been rewritten and many false statements given about his apostleship. His birthland. Cilicia was founded by Phoenicians on the Black Sea coast. He was probably of israelite stock. The people of Cilicia were semitic. Here are some intriguing facts. Paul never mentions any of the four gospels in his epistles. Paul never quotes anything Jesus ever said in his epistles.

Paul does not mention any historical facts about Jesus, no Pilate Caphas, no mention of the Sanhedrin or Herod, Judas, or any other person in the gospel narratives of the passion. Paul does not mention the trial before Pilate, the scourging crown of thorns, the sun darkening, only mentioning that Jesus lived during Pilate’s reign. Paul wrote nothing of Jesus’bodily resurrection. To Paul, Christ was resurrection in spirit. Paul’s epistles never mention any parables of Jesus, any miracles or acts of Jesus.

In the writings of Paul. There is no Bethlehem, no Nazareth, no virgin births, no parents of Jesus, no Magi, no John the Baptist, no Judas, no betrayal, no sermon on the mount. In fact, Alexander Holleb notices that the epistles of Paul bear a resemblance to the gasses from the Zendevesta of Persia, beginning with Yasna xx onward. On the other side of the coin, neither is Paul known to the first christian chronicler, Justin martyr of Samaria, who never mentioned him or his epistles.

The Book of Acts reads that Paul was known to Jews everywhere, but the jewish historian Flavius Josephus never mentioned him in his exhaustive histories. Philo never mentioned him, and the epistles of Paul are not mentioned anywhere in the Book of Acts. It is very telling that the very first historical mention of Paul is with Marcion, a gnostic, before 104 AD. Paul’s writings are found mentioned nowhere. C. 144 AD.

Paul’s writings are mentioned later by all three of the apostolic fathers, Clement, Polycarp and Ignatius, cited even by Athenagorus. Scholars believe that Paul was a gnostic and that his epistles were altered for use in the early christian scriptures as the church rose to power. As the church doctored the epistles, they include statements toward the end of chapters and books like this one. In one corinthians, Paul allegedly writing that about 500 people watched Christ ascend into heaven, a statement scholars believed was not in the original text.

According to era, the Gnostics did not take the resurrection of Jesus literally, but they did believe in the coming of a messiah. Gnostic belief held that there was a spiritually pure race long ago descended from Seth, and that they assumed this lineage through their faith. The Gnostics, the Brahmins of India and the Persians of the zoroastrian faith held many things in common in lower Syria. These Gnostics were also akin to the Nazarenes, Maneans, the Essenes and the Therapeutans, all these being branches of the same tree that became Christianity with a trunk planted in Samaria and roots extending into remote antiquity.

By Yusubius’account. The Therapeutans were Christians, a people who strived to assemble the pieces of a pure belief system from the ancient world. By employing teachings from almost all religions and philosophical systems. The gnostic beliefs and writings seemed to stem from multiple sources, an amalgamation taken from old persian, babylonian, egyptian, syrian and greek beliefs. The links to archaic Judaism are unmistakable and by extension this means that Gnosticism has roots to ancient israelite institutions.

The Israelites were deported into Babylonia via the assyrian deportations. Then the Babylonians deported Judah, even settling many of them in Media and Persia. Through Asia Minor and Phoenicia, the early Greeks and aegean peoples absorbed wave after wave of israelite migrations. It was at Egypt where Gnosticism took its known forms, at Alexandria where the scholars and intellectual elite put back together the pieces of the elder faith that had been disseminated and sifted among the nations between 1830 718 25 BC, when Abraham Brahma taught at Memphis and at the Giza complex in Egypt, before the surface blocks of the great Pyramid.

As the alexandrian scholars collected more and more scrolls and texts from the east, the aegean and mediterranean worlds, they began seeing the stunning correspondences between all ancient religions. One of the greatest beliefs common to all nations discovered at Alexandria, was the faith that a saviour was going to be born among men who was going to teach the truth at the beginning of the movement called the way, later popularized as Christianity, the Gnostics were the main body of these believers.

As the early christian communities recognized Jesus as their saviour, embodied within the flesh of a man. It was his message of resurrection and forgiveness that fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of the coming of a new covenant. As Gnosticism and its various sects were the first to accept Christianity, we clearly see that it was the descendants of Israelites who accepted the message that Christianity is the revival of original israelite faith.

One, Tacitus annals three. St. Paul in Britain four. Strabo, x one. V five post captivity names of Israel eight, the greek myths nine, the evolution of the idea of God ten, the history of the christian religion to the year 20 211, the Gospel Truth twelve, the Christ conspiracy 16, Jesus God, man or myth 21, history of the christian religion and church, to the year 358 AD 39 50 02:00 a.

m. Roman general Suetonius was sent to Britannia to subdue the Welsh. He was a veteran who had led the Romans in a series of victories in the Atlas mountains of Algeria. In this, the 7th year of the passing of the roman apocalypse comet group. As the roman army destroyed the city of Arta Zatta in Armenia, a divine portent appeared. According to Tacitus quote, while the sun shone brightly all around the walls, the area of the city itself was suddenly enveloped in a dark cloud with unearthly lightning flashes.

Unquote. The Ruminalis fig tree, situated at the place of assembly, died in this year, being 830 years old, planted seven seven three BC, its shoots died and trunk withered, which was thought to be a portent of evil. But then the tree revived and grew fresh roots. The apostle Paul is confined and placed under guard of governor Felix of Caesarea. Knowing his confinement was illegal, he had appealed to Rome when originally arrested.

One Tacitus annals, Xi Livy two wrote of the Ruminalis tree in early history of Rome. 59 AD 39 50 03:00 a. m. Nero murdered Agrippina. This is the 8th year of the passing of the romantic apocalypse comet group. In this year, according to Tacitus, the sun darkened over Rome and all 14 districts of the city were struck with strange lightning, one woman having been killed by a thunderbolt in her husband’s arms.

The Romans recorded the passage of a comet, and about the same time, a flash of lightning struck and broke the table Nero was eating at in his mansion at Subluquayum, the famous city of La Dochia was destroyed in an earthquake. One Tacitus annals, Xiv 60 AD 39 50 04:00 a. m. . A comet is recorded by the Romans in a rich kingdom in northern Britain outside of roman occupation.

Prosutagus, king of the Aichenai, died. His queen, Bodicia, ruled and was attacked by the Romans. She was bound, stripped and lashed in front of her two daughters as the roman soldiers raped them both princesses. The Romans ravaged and sacked the kingdom of the Aichenai, turning their lands into a roman province. Bodicia was a tall, red haired warrior queen who, after her release, rallied her people. The masses joined her, and she marched her army against the Romans.

In Britain, at the roman colonial city of Colchester, slaughtering the Romans and their loyalists. A roman legion sent to aid Colchester was also slaughtered to a man. Roman occupied and sympathetic. London was defeated and burned to the ground as well as St. Albans. The revenge of the Iceeni set back the entire roman colonial program. Tacitus recorded that the Acinai slaughtered 70,000 people in their revenge campaign. But the Romans regrouped, were reinforced from the continent, and routed the Acinai, killing Bodicia, resulting in the deaths of 80,000 Celts.

The Romans had been reinforced by those Romans trying to defeat the Druids among the Welsh. The apostle Paul departed Rome and traveled to Spain, converting whole multitudes to Christianity. He purposed to travel further to Britain because he had learned from studies at Phoenicia that some of the children of Israel at the time of the assyrian captivity had escaped to the Isles of Britain. According to a copy of the Book of Acts found in the turkish annals at Constantinople, which has an additional chapter, the standard book of acts does not have Paul preached mightily before the tribunes at Rome and then travelled to Britain.

Paul sailed from Ostium to Spain, and in Spain at Amorica, he found a merchant sailing to Britain, who voyaged along the european coast to a port called Rafinus in Britain. But news of his coming had already reached the Isles, and when Paul arrived, great multitudes gathered at the news of his arrival, his name already known to the British for exploits abroad. Paul preached to the throngs of people on the shore, and as he spoke, the Holy Spirit fell upon him, and he prophesied to the people concerning the last days.

From this date, Christianity spread rapidly over the British Isles. Recall that Paul was a personal friend to the british royal family, to King Caracticus of the Celt, who lived in Rome. The calendarics for this year are strong. The Olmec calendar was a western calendar, this being 30 312 years since its inception, or four one four times eight, or five five two times six. The anunnaki Nephilim hybrids before the flood oppressed the Sethites and mankind, their reign beginning in 28 39 bc, or 28 98 years earlier.

This being 4114 times seven, it is 52 plus 52 years. 104. After the start of the roman Julian calendar in 2046 AD, the entire western world will die, and 60 AD is 2046 years before the death of the rest of this present world at Armageddon in 21 six ad. One, ancient mysteries two, the philosopher and the druid four, tracing our ancestors. Tacitus Annals, xiv 62 AD 39 50.

06:00 a. m. . A. Violent earthquake damages buildings in Pompeii and Herculanium near Mount Vesuvius in Italy on February 5. This is exactly 21,000 months, 1750 years after Mount Vesuvius buried alive entire cities in Italy in 1687 BC. This is the 11th year of the passing of the romanit apocalypse comet chain one. Great disasters, 63 AD 39 50 07:00 a. m. . A huge earthquake afflicted parts of Italy.

2 miles from Baya, where landslides buried roman settlements and elaborate bathhouses were was the greek city of Kumai, where the cave of the Sybil was located. Lightning struck the gymnasium at Rome, burning it down, melting a bronze statue of Nero into a shapeless mass. One, the Jesus papers. Two, Tacitus Annals, xv, 64 AD 39 50 08:00 a. m. In the 13th year of the passing of the romanid apocalypse comet group, lightning struck a portrait of Nero that stood 120ft high, the largest painting ever.

The portrait was on linen and immediately burnt up in the gardens of Mals. According to Pliny the Elder, in this year the city of Rome burned for seven days and many historians claimed that Nero was grossly negligent in attempts to put the fire out. Some claimed he set the fires through his agents because he dreamed of rebuilding Rome according to his architectural fancies. Tacitus recorded that Nero sang a hymn of the destruction of Troy as Rome burned.

The historians of the day noted that Rome began to burn on September 19, the exact date the ancient Gauls burned Rome. This was exactly 148 years, 1776, months after the capital of Rome burned in 83 BC. The story of Nero playing the fiddle as Rome burned was not in the original accounts. A story that appeared about 1500 AD in decline and fall of the Roman Empire, published in 1776 AD by Edward Gibbon.

We read that there was a very prominent jewish community in Rome at this time, even possessing a very powerful advocate in the imperial palace. Nero’s wife was Poppa, quote, a favourite actress of the race of the Jews, unquote. When the city burned and the rumours filtered into Nero that he was being blamed, his own security was threatened immediately. Agents of Rome went about through the city even as the fires continued, saying that a sect of Galileans were those capable of this horrible crime against Rome.

This was a reference to the same people who would later be called Christians. Nero had been given a scapegoat and many historians believe that this scapegoat was offered by his jewish lover, Popeya, for the Jews were involved in much international strife against the galilean adversaries. Tacitus boasts anti christian sentiments in his writings, so to have any references to early christians is very interesting. Unfortunately, the writings of Tacitus are lost.

The originals and we have today only those that were later preserved through the pens of those allied to the church of Rome. This was at 108th year of the roman Julian calendar. Tacitus wrote that a comet appeared toward the end of the year that was accompanied with an unprecedented display of lightning. He wrote that later the comet was associated with a rash of abnormal birth defects. Emperor Nero panicked at the appearance of the comet.

His astrologer, Suetonius told him that a change of emperor could happen if he allowed his most prominent subjects to live. With this revelation, Nero began exterminating his political rivals. One, pliny, natural history, mining and metallurgy. Two, Tacitus Annals, xv 3 march of the titans 65 AD 39 50 09:00 a. m. In this, the 14th year of the passing of the roman apocalypse comet group, an earthquake in Ireland sank an entire region of the coast and hinterland into the sea.

According to Geraldus Cambrensis, Nero ordered the death of Seneca, his longtime tutor and advisor. From his youth. Seneca’s writings survived today. Seneca cut his veins and his distraught wife chose to die with him, opening her veins as well. But Nero knew she would attempt this and ordered secret agents there to prevent her death, which would only bring about more public ridicule. She was bandaged and saved. Seneca’s brother was Lucius Gallio, famous for his appearance in the biblical record of the acts of the Apostles in 1812 to 17, where the Greeks of Acaia had brought Paul before the judgment seat of Gallio, who then sent them all away because jewish law and religion was not for the roman arbiter to judge between.

Seneca had written that one day the huge land on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean would be revealed. America. And that quote, many discoveries are reserved for ages yet to come. Unquote. One, the antidiluvian world. Two, Tacitus annals. Xv. Three, lost cities of Atlantis, ancient Europe and the Mediterranean. 66 AD 39 60 A. M. In the 13th year of Nero, an earthquake struck nosos and pushed open a tomb wherein the people found a box containing ancient tablets covered in writing they could not read.

These were reported as records of the trojan war. Very doubtful. And these writings were sent to Nero. A comet appeared, some today thinking it was Halle’s comet. But this is wrong. A plague decimated the city of Rome, filling the houses with corpses. In this year began the jewish war against roman occupation, starting with riots and then the killing of an entire roman legion commanded by general Cestius Gallus.

Josephus was one of the generals of the jewish forces. This war would define the times. It was a tiny strip of country that threatened the balance of roman power. Abroad, watched with interest by all those other nations weary of roman oppression. This was the year 39 60 anus Mundi, since mankind was banished from Eden in 38 95 BC, or seven nine two times five years. Also, this was 31 68 years since the vedic calendar began.

The Kali Yuga black age, or seven nine two times four. Further, the Anodomino calendar, a retroactive timeline not designed until five to six AD, or 460 years after 66 AD, had this year as 66 AD, 66 years being seven nine two months. In a fit of rage, Nero kicked his pregnant jewish wife Poppea to death, historians writing that her pregnancy was advanced. Though Nero’s murder of Popeya was disgusting to the people, the roman people equally remembered the wicked and cruel exploits of Popea, a woman they despised equally for also being a foreigner.

We are informed that Nero, in an act of sorrow, found a boy that looked a lot like Popeya, had him castrated and dressed as a woman before marrying him in a formal ceremony. The veracity of this account is unknown. This year was 28 eightynopyramid or 1440 plus 1441 history in quotations, two ancient mysteries, three Tacitus annals, xvi 67 AD 39 60 01:00 a. m. Josephus leads a jewish army against roman forces and is defeated by Vespasian at Jatapata.

He is taken prisoner. His virtues as a writer and historian discovered and commissioned to write a history of the jewish people. Josephus, known now as Flavius Josephus, wrote antiquities of the Jews, the jewish war and against apion. All three of these major historical works preserve today, though, in regarding certain christian statements, there is evidence that later christian translators interpolated small passages into his work. This is a traditional date for when the apostle Peter, with his wife Concordia and many others were crucified in Nero’s gardens.

Peter crucified upside down. It is said that Paul was beheaded at this time at the aque salve in Rome. One secret places of the lion. 68 AD. In the 17th year of the passing of the Romanit apocalypse comet group, an unusual occurrence of geological displacement occurred. As recorded by Pliny, an entire roman estate was completely turned around. It was as if the estate was sitting on a giant underground cone that turned around, twisting, setting the estate backward for many reasons, including murdering his wife.

His mother, Seneca, and multitudes of other crimes. The senate declares Nero enemy of the public and condemned him to a slave’s death, which meant he was to be whipped before the people until dead. Galba is elected emperor and Nero flees Rome, committing suicide with the aid of a former slave named Epaphroditus. Tacitus wrote that Rome was in uproar with auctions. Quote. Yet great was the joy to think that men whom Nero had enriched would be as poor as those whom he had robbed.

Unquote. With Nero’s death, a civil war erupted between the provinces and legions loyal to Galba, Otho and Vitalius throughout Gaul, the german territories and Italy. The civil war would not end until 70 AD. This was the five seven 6th year of the Republic of Rome, founded in 509 BC. Five seven six being one four four times four, and a major golden proportion number. This was also 408 years to the fall of Rome.

In four seven six AD or 48 96 months. 24 48 plus 24 48 one pliny, natural history, universe in the world two Tacitus annals three Tacitus, the Histories, 69 AD 39 60 03:00 a. m. Roman general Vespasian offered sacrifices at the altar on Mount Carmel, which was said by Tacitus to be quite ancient. This was in lower Syria, a famous site in the Old Testament narratives. The local priest prophecied that Vespasian was destined for greatness, and astrologers confirmed this by noting strange omens appearing in the heavens.

This was the 18th year of the romanic group. In this same year, Vespasian became emperor of Rome and appoints his son Titus to lead the roman legions against Jerusalem to put down the jewish war. One Tacitus, the history’s book II 70 AD 39 60 04:00 a. m. According to Josephus, in the jewish war, quote, there appeared a star resembling a sword which stood over the city, Jerusalem, and a comet that continued a whole year, unquote.

While the entire mediterranean world was under roman dominion, across much of Europe, Asia and Africa, only Jerusalem revolted. A tiny nation hinged between three continents. The hostility of the Jews alarmed the Romans, and the political ramifications of this war were far reaching. For a victory by such an insignificant nation would quickly initiate revolts in other areas. Vespasian, with his three legions, had invaded Judea and besieged Jerusalem. But now, in 70 AD, Titus appeared with his 10th legion and broke through the city’s walls.

Tacitus wrote that Jerusalem was a famous city of antiquity whose people originated in Egypt long ago, but had left due to a plague. Tacitus also recorded that it was a widespread belief of antiquarians that the Israelites were mentioned in Homer’s epic Iliad as the Solmi, their city of Jerusalem, called Hiro Solemi Yeru Salem. On the day of Pentecost, just before the fall of Jerusalem, as the priests in the temple precinct were seeing to their duties, a trembling occurred and shook the temple with a great noise, and the people in and around the temple were terrified at hearing a mighty multitude of voices in the air that said, quote, let us remove hence, unquote.

As the battle raged for the walls of Jerusalem, many people witnessed what appeared to be armies fighting in the sky over the city with fiery weapons as the temple was illuminated with a strange light, according to Josephus. Interestingly, Tacitus supports Josephus’own account in writing that the temple doors were thrust open and a mighty voice declared a departure. Some reported the air around them mysteriously stirred. The fall of Jerusalem and the emergence of Espeasian and Titus, according to Tacitus, were found in the prophetic books of the Temple.

Josephus reports that a million Jews died defending against Rome in the jewish war or were executed afterwards, and that 97,000 Jews were captured and sold into slavery. The fields were salted, just as the Romans had done to Carthage in one four six bc. The Christians of Jerusalem and surrounding land were the only ones to escape the Romans, for they heeded the warnings of Jesus uttered in Matthew 24 concerning the destruction of the temple.

After Jerusalem was encompassed with armies, Jesus had instructed the people to flee to the hills, and the christian population did in fact flee to Pella, a city east of Jordan and Petra. Jesus had said, quote, for the day shall come upon thee that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the ground and thy children within thee, and they shall not leave in thee 1 st upon another, because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.

Unquote. The last words here reveal that this destruction was a judgment specifically due to the jewish denial of Jesus. E. G. White said it best when she wrote that the great sin of the Jews was their rejection of Christ, and the great sin of the Christians was their rejection of the law books of Moses. All men who fought defending Jerusalem were executed, crucified, and those surviving this were sent in chains to arena garrisons throughout the Roman Empire to die violently in colosseums by the jaws and claws of vicious animals, or in gladiatorial combat matched where they died at the hands of armored gladiators.

For the enjoyment of the crowds. Jerusalem was torn down. With the temple and its districts burnt. Roman architects laid waste the city and rebuilt it as a roman city named Elia Capitolina. Rome began minting special coins with the caption Judea conquered. These coins have been discovered showing a sorrowful figure representing Judea. Titus had the temple emptied, taking the valuable temple relics and artifacts recast since five through seven BC.

Among the treasures of the temple acquired by Titus was a copy of the ancient book of the Upright, known today as the book of Jasher. This amazing chronological history of the world is available today by Booktree Press in San Diego. The true Book of Jesha. Not to be confused with its forgeries, which gave it a bad name among academics. The Temple relics are taken to Rome, where the Romans built a huge architectural complex in commemoration of the fall of Jerusalem.

With reliefs of the siege and of the artifacts taken from Jerusalem. This is located upon the arch of Titus. Oswald Spengler in his decline of the west quote the destruction of Jerusalem hits only a very small part of the nation. One, moreover, that was spiritually and politically by far the least important. It is not true that the jewish people have lived in the dispersion since that day. For it had lived for centuries in a form which was independent of country.

Unquote. This was indeed true. For there were very populated jewish centers at Alexandria and in Persia. They were ruled not by kings or high priests, but by ethnarks and exilarchs. The calendars for this year are telling. In the year seven one three BC, Jerusalem was surrounded by the assyrian army of senatib and miraculously delivered, this being 31 82 anus Mundi. Now roman armies surround Jerusalem in 70 ad, which is 31 eightyan calendar.

Further, in seven two three BC, the Assyrians again besieged Israel, this being Samaria, the capital. And this siege was exactly seven nine two years before the Romans defeated Jerusalem. This year was also 1480 years after the Israelites conquered lower Syria in 1411 BC, occupying the lands formerly belonging to Og of Bashan and Sion of the Amorites. But the greatest calendar timeline attached to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD is that it was precisely 1000 years after the civil war between Judah and Israel that resulted in the two kingdoms in nine three one BC.

This is the 1000th year alluded to in the prophecy of Hosea. This ended the first day which began with the nation being torn. This begins another 1000 years to the emergence of the descendants of Israel as the european nations we know today, every single one of them. By 1070 AD, being christian cultures, the unification of Judah and Israel will not occur until the final 1000 years is complete in 2070 AD, known as the Resurrection event, the fall of Judah begins 65 years to the final destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, which will be rebuilt in the year one three five ad.

This is the second fulfillment of a prophecy uttered by Isaiah made in 810 BC. Isaiah predicted to the king of Judah that Ephraim, Israel will be broken in 65 years, indicating the year seven four five BC, when the Assyrians carried them away into captivity. Now this same 65 years is repeated for Judah. 70 AD is 65 years before the fateful date of one three five AD. Interestingly, the news of the burning of Rome reached the Druids in this year.

The Druids proclaiming that this was a sign from heaven indicating the coming fall of Rome, end quote. Portended universal empire for the transalpine nations. Unquote. The transalpine nations were all descended from the deported Israelites. One, Josephus, the jewish war. Two, Tacitus, the histories five, Luke six, planet in rebellion. Seven, the Jesus papers nine, decline of the west ten, Hosea 73 AD 39 60 07:00 a. m. The last stronghold of the zealots.

960 men commit suicide. The Romans besieged their stronghold and at Passover, rather than suffering their women to be raped and sold into slavery with their children and themselves dying by execution and crucifixion, the entire zealot community in Judea committed suicide. Won the Jesus papers 76 AD 39 70 a. M. In this year, the Saka calendar of India begins. The Saka being the eastern designation for the house of Isaac Beth Sak that populated and overlorded the lands of Persia and eastward into northern India.

This calendar marked the beginning of the Saka dynasty of India, connected in time to the beginning of the israelite dynasty of the Danan over Mycene in 1255 BC, which began 1332 years before 76 AD. This year was the 660th since the fall of Judah in five eight five BC. This year marked the end of the 8th mayan Bucktun of 144,000 days since the start of the mayan long count in 30 113 BC, this being 1,152,000 days completed or 144 thousand times eight under the original 360 day year system, prior to seven one three bc, the baktuns were exactly 400 years.

But with the alteration of the year to 365. 25 days, the bactons were now 394. 5 years 144 thousand days. Additionally, the dark satellite passed through the inner solar system close to Earth. On its 395 year orbit, Pliny relates that a bright object was seen like a javelin in the sky over Italy. Seen by Titus, it was regarded as an omen of doom. This year was the 820 8th year of Rome, this being 4114 plus four one four years.

A cylindrical system having its origin with phoenix orbits of 138 years each. This year began a four seven six year fall of Rome in four seven six AD. Countdown to the year 552 AD. The phoenix cycle is 552 years, when the european Huns would invade India. One pliny, natural history universe in the world 79 ad 39 70 03:00 a. m. Mount Vesuvius in Italy erupts violently and the cities of Pompeii and Herculanium are buried in pumice and ash.

Thousands and thousands of people suffocated and buried alive. Later, all of this would harden, become a newer surface. These were roman luxury resort cities with retreats, expansive baths, spas, pools and brothels. Archaeologists have excavated beautiful frescoes on the walls of buried structures that exhibit light and beautiful women wearing modern style bikinis. Some women with blonde hair. Other artistic depictions are sexually explicit, of lewd acts or posing in provocative postures.

These people who were buried alive had no idea that their own cities were built upon a former civilization that had also met the same fate. Volcanic burial in 1687 BC, the famous historian Pliny the Elder sailed toward the destruction when he received word that a female friend of his had called for his assistance on getting out of the area. Pliny died in the attempt. His renowned book natural history is internationally esteemed.

He sourced materials, including 147 roman and 327 foreign authors. Of other works he cites. Throughout his writing, he refers back to trojan times, admitting the origin of the roman people. Pliny wrote in natural history that the world experiences, quote, ominous and long drawn out eclipses of the sun, unquote, and that, quote, their cause was hidden by the rarity of their occurrence and for this reason they are not understood, unquote.

He wrote that these strange darkenings of the sun were quite natural and that they transpire at fixed times. Pliny here was referring to planet Phoenix, his source materials no doubt dating back through history to times when there was a more accurate knowledge of the phenomenon. One, lost cities of Atlantis, ancient Europe and the Mediterranean. Two, secret cities of old South America. Three, the antidiluvian world. Four, Pliny, natural history universe in the world 81 AD 39 70 05:00 a.

m. The coliseum in Rome is finished, a marvel of architectural engineering. During the celebration of its opening, 5000 animals died in a single day. Pitted against each other, against armed slaves and against gladiators, countless many people would meet horrific fates in this colossal structure for the next few centuries, all for the entertainment of the roman people. Much of the coliseum still stands today until 1930 years later. 86 AD 39 80 by this date, the British had fought the invading Romans in 60 major battles, and still Rome had not subdued as much of Britain as they wanted.

No nation had ever withstood Rome so mightily. 94 AD 39 Eightyus Josephus completed his celebrated antiquities of the Jews, a true mine of antiquarian knowledge. One history of the christian religion to the year 296 AD 39 90 a. M. This is the date of historians for the composition of the apocalypse, called also the Book of Revelation. In this year, the christian oppressor emperor Demetian died a peace beginning for the Christians.

Ignatius and his church survived. John was exiled upon the isle of Patmos, and upon being freed, he returned to Ephesus until his death, he being about 87 years old at this time, the revelation was a direct message to the seven churches. Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyrotira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicia, all greek cities in Asia Minor, the same region that was thickly populated with and exported waves of people descended from Israel, Danan, Ionians and Gauls.

Justin Martyr, about 140 AD, claimed that revelation was written by John, but almost all chroniclers afterward disbelieved this. About 250 ad, Dionysus was head of the alexandrian school and once bishop of Alexandria. He was also the pupil of the scholar Oregon. And he wrote that John did not write the apocalypse at all, claiming that the material was from one named Corinthus, founder of the Corinthians. Dionysus said that the author of the apocalypse was not the same man as that who wrote the Gospel of John or the epistles of John.

Corintheus lived at Ephesus in 96 ad and taught at the same time as John the Apostle. According to Iranius, writing about 170 AD, Corinthus taught that the world was created by a power subordinate to God. Epithanius claimed at about 380 ad that it was the belief of Carinthus that the world was created by the angels. This made Carinthus a gnostic, as seen earlier. This was also the belief of Simon Magus.

And as related in 40 39 BC, this is exactly what we find the renovation of a ruined earth by the hands of angelic beings called anunnaki. Carinthos was very specific in making a distinction between original Judaism and the latter faith of the Jews that was filled with corruption. Many historians are in agreement that the apocalypse is a gnostic text. It is an amalgamation of writings from older texts of Phrygia, Egypt, the Hebrews and Greece.

The eastern churches knew that the apocalypse was compiled from much older texts. Pike wrote that it belongs to extreme antiquity. Quote it reproduces what is far older than itself, unquote. Its ancientness is shown in that it makes the year to be 360 days, not 365. This means that it dates at least to 713 BC, but it is no doubt much older. It is very possible that a lost writing of John was used to prefix the actual apocalypse account, which itself derived from very ancient prophetic manuscripts.

Revelation is probably a christianized version of the last days drawn from the lost hebrew prophetic works. The books of the Sybil and the greek prophecies burned in one ad, as shown in lost scriptures of Giza. The revelation text reproduces over 70 points priorly found in the Prechristian Book of Enoch. Sometimes word for word, the subject matter of the Apocalypse concerns three major events that will occur in the last days that will affect the entire world.

These are the 6th seal of the apocalypse, shown in when the sun darkens and Nostradamus and the planets of Apocalypse to be the return of planet Phoenix that will cause a pole shift that will literally kill a fourth of the world’s population and alter the geographical boundaries of nations as the seas and oceans overextend their coasts. Also depicted is the alteration of the Earth’s orbit, changing the motion of our planet, altering the length of the day and length of the year, altering our calendar.

This is fully described in Anunnaki homeworld as the Passover of planet Abiru. These two intruder planets will cause these global disasters in 2000 and 42,046 AD. This third message of the apocalypse is the coming of God to Earth to engage the enemy to defeat the Anunnaki seven kings who created the present world in 21 six AD, the subject of descent of the seven kings. Lastly, the year 96 AD is very significant.

In this year, the Anunnaki planet Nibiru reached Apelion, the farthest distance from the earth and sun. It traveled away from the inner solar system for 366 years and now begins its 366 year journey back. Additionally, 96 AD is precisely 1944, years after God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the elamite cities of the Harappan valley in 1849 BC. Counting this same 1944 years after 96 AD is the year 2040 AD, when planet Phoenix will destroy a quarter of the world’s population and plunge surviving humanity back into the neolithic age.

For these reasons, the authorship of the apocalypse is unimportant. The old document is still of profound prophetic value. One four, witnesses three, the secret teachings of all ages. Four, the Christ Conspiracy five, history of the christian religion and church to the year 309, the Gospel truth 108 AD 4000 and 02:00 a. m. This is the 33rd pass of planet Phoenix through the inner solar system since the destruction of the preademic world in 43 nine bc.

There are not records of any kind of astronomical sighting in this year. This is 690 years orbits of Earth around the sun since Phoenix transited between Earth and the sun in five eight three bc by this date, the science of the phoenix has been completely lost. This, as the year 108 AD is exactly 1998 years, triple six times three before Armageddon. Remarkably, this is 1554 years after the exodus of Israel from Egypt, and in the year 1554 AD, Nostradamus the prophet, a french scholar and doctor of jewish lineage, finished his centuries, a mysterious coded prophetic text that has much information about the return of Phoenix in the year 2040 AD, a date specifically targeted by Nostradamus himself.

See Nostradamus and the planets of apocalypse triple one AD 4000 and 05:00 a. m. Pliny the Younger was the nephew of the famous Pliny the Elder, author of natural history, who died trying to save a friend from the disaster of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. At this time, Pliny the Younger was the governor of Asia Minor, and he wrote a letter to Emperor Trayan asking how he should treat the Christians.

He claimed that the Christians quote sings hymns to Christ as to God, unquote. Note here that his jurisdiction was Asia Minor. One Christ, the power and the passion 115 AD 4000 and 09:00 a. m. , Alexandria, Egypt boasted of a thick jewish population, much of which was resented by the Greeks and Egyptians as well as others, many having grown rich as tax collectors and enforcers under the Ptolemies.

A jewish leader named Bukhuus leads a revolt in protest of the roman occupation of Palestine, but the uprising is put down violently. Lucaus claimed to be a Messiah. The prosperous jewish community is crushed by the Romans. An earthquake occurs late in the year in Syria, and the Christians are officially blamed for the disaster. Ignatius, the christian bishop of Antioch, Syria, a prolific writer, was cited to Rome and condemned by Emperor Trayan to be fed to the wild beast in the colosseum.

Ignatius wrote a letter to the Ephesians saying that at the appearance of Christ, unquote, all the power of magic became dissolved and every bond of wickedness was destroyed. Men’s ignorance was taken away and the old kingdom was abolished. God himself appearing in the form of a man for the renewal of eternal life. Unquote. This apocryphal document demonstrates even the early belief of Christians that Jesus was God in the flesh.

The document, if authentic, would have been written about 75 years after the crucifixion. One Christ, the power and the passion. Two history of the christian religion to the year 203. Ignatius letter to the Ephesians, 116 AD 40 10:00 a. m. The extermination of the Jews in Alexandria, Egypt, is completed, though many escaped. Lucas had proclaimed himself king of the Jews, but was killed and the jewish community destroyed.

Emperor Traian, exasperated by the jewish uprising spreading throughout the provinces, orders that all Jews in Mesopotamia be killed. He blames them specifically for all of the civil unrest, threaten, invades Mesopotamia and defeats the Parthians all the way up to the Persian Gulf. Christians are viewed as little different than Jews at this time and are rounded up and executed as well. This is the year eight six eight after the founding of Rome in seven five three bc, or two judged time periods of 434 years each detailed in Stephen Jones’s book secrets of time.

This is also 828 years after the Assyrians under senatib in seven one three bc, surrounded Jerusalem and carried many people off into captivity into Mesopotamia, though Jerusalem was spared. This was also the 700th year after the fall of Judah, in five eight five bc and 160 years of the roman Julian calendar. Lastly, this was the 40th year since the beginning of the sacchar calendar of India. This was an evil time for both Jews and Christians.

On the Jesus papers, too much of the Titans 117 ad 40 11:00 a. m. Hadrian becomes emperor of Rome. He was born in 76 AD, reigning until one three eight AD 120 AD 40 14:00 a. m. Rome annexes Britain by treaty. But even at this late date, the Romans cannot conquer all of Britain. Hadrian orders the building of a wall which is built 78 miles across and 16ft high across the strip of land, joining Scotland and Britain to keep out the violent and barbaric people of the north.

Britain was thickly populated with the descendants of the Israelites and the calendrics between Rome and Britain are very telling. This year was 15 six years after 1387 BC, when ancient Italia invaded old Britain. The sum of 15 six being seven five three plus 753753 BC. Rome founded. This was also 1530 years after 1411 BC, when the Israelites conquered lower Syria and settled in one five three being a number early on associated with Christianity and being the number for sons of God in Gematria and jewish kabbalic system.

Further, 120 AD was exactly eight six four years after the Israelites were deported into Assyria in seven four five BC and 432 years, half of eight six four after the start of the syrian greek Seleucid calendar in three one three BC. This year of Rome’s annexation and invasion of Britain was 840 years after the last of the ten tribes were deported in seven two one BC. And this was the 1000th year since the building of the israelite capital city, Samaria, in 881 25 AD 40 19:00 a.

m. Saturnius wrote that the world and all things in it were created by seven angels, all subservient to the father. Even as early as this date, the Christians were at ods with one another over many gnostic tenets, such as this one. Official Roman Christianity would soon completely wipe this belief out, both humanity’s origin and the creation of the world by seven angelic beings. Anunnaki dates back many thousands of years.

One history of the christian religion to the year 200 132 AD 40 20 06:00 a. m. Exactly 66 years seven nine two months after the start of the Jewish War in 66 AD, Simeon bar Koshba, the name means son of a star, led a rebellion in Judea against Rome. Again, Judea sent shockwaves throughout the far reaching roman empire and threatened roman stability. As roman occupation forces and agents kept in check their vast holdings in northern Africa, Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, Iliricum, Italy, Sicily, Spain, Gaul, and the german frontiers to the Rhine, as well as much of Britain, the tiny jewish state again exhibited fortitude and a significant military threat.

Unlike other nations, the Jews were able to repopulate their little nation after the total destruction of Judea and Jerusalem in the earlier jewish war, because more jews lived abroad among other nations in jewish communities than could ever live in the small geographical confines of palestine. Also in this year, Zhang Heng of China invented the first earthquake sensor, a seismograph. This incredible device was about eight foot high, with eight bronze dragons holding metal balls in their jaws.

The device had an internal pendulum connected to the dragon’s tails like levers, and when an earthquake occurred, the pendulum would pull and make a dragon drop its ball into a frog’s mouth, indicating the direction of the quake. One technology of the gods 133 AD 40 20 07:00 a. m. Hadrian led the invasion of Galilee and then Judea, his second in command being Julius Severus, governor of Britain. The Romans invaded with 60,000 to 80,000 troops, about nine to twelve legions.

The jewish defenders fought a guerrilla war that taxed the Romans. The war would continue throughout this and the next year won the Jesus papers 135 AD 40 20 09:00 a. m. The jewish war through 133135 AD was an embarrassment to Rome. Emperor Hadrian’s losses of roman citizen soldiers and foreign auxiliaries was astounding. The actual death tolls censored after the war in the same fashion modern government censor casualty rates and death tolls during unpopular wars.

At the start of the war, Julius Severus was in Britain, but he was summoned to the jewish war and after conscripting more troops with the promises of roman citizenship, the armies of Rome, according to Cassius Dio, completely destroyed 50 of the most important jewish strongholds. Nine, eight. Five villages and towns killed in battle 585,000 men of the judaic province in raids and battles. Though the death toll far exceeded this due to the ensuing famine, fires and disease.

Cassius Dio asserts that the whole of Judea was laid waste, for it was an embarrassment to the roman government that such an insignificant people could have threatened the security of so powerful and widespread an empire. Hadrian was disgusted with the jewish people and wanted to forever end their memory. He renamed Judea Palestina, which is the origin of the name Palestine today. After the fall of Jerusalem, the rabbi Jonan ben Zakai led Hadrian into the temple site and into a deep catacomb underneath the Temple Mount, Hadrian was shown the bones of skeletons of gigantic humans who had stood over 9ft high.

Zachai informing Hadrian that these were the amorite giants that the Hebrews had killed long ago, saying also that it was only by the will of God that Rome overcame Jerusalem. For had the Jews listened to their prophets and served God, then the whole of Rome’s greatness would not have sufficed to defeat them. This year is the year 65 since 70 ad, when Jerusalem was priorly destroyed with the temple.

The quote breaking of Ephraim, unquote. According to Asiah the prophet one, Cassius Dio, circa 205 ad. Roman history two, the Jesus papers three, Bubas Tanhuma Devarim seven in Judaism, edited by Arthur Hertzberg. About 265 years later, Augustine of Hippo wrote, quote the jewish nation condemned for unbelief is rooted out of its own land and dispersed through every region of the world, that it might carry everywhere the sacred scriptures and that the testimonies of the prophecies by which Christ and the church were foretold might be furnished by our adversaries, so that it could not be thought that these predictions had been forged by us.

Unquote. Letters to Marcelinus cited in the Golden treasury of patristic sayings 139 AD 40 30 03:00 a. m. Roman occupied Egypt celebrated the Sossek festival, believing they were commemorating the passage of the sacred 1460 years. The chronologists by this date were in error, for this date corresponds with absolutely nothing. One end of Eden 140 AD 40 30 04:00 a. m. Ptolemy published his Almagist, a model of a geocentric solar system that accurately predicts the movements of the planets.

One human accomplishment 144 AD 40 30 08:00 a. m. In this year, Marcion published the first version of the New Testament on record. Marcion was 48 years old, born 96 AD, a man of Pontus, his father a bishop of that church. According to Epiphanius, he was a well educated man, and some believed him to have been the son of a Britain that Marcian Marcellus was actually a druid at Tongres who influenced the development of the celtic church.

Some held that he was a gnostic named Mark, who taught at the christian church at Jerusalem. Whatever the case, in this year Marcion brought forth to Rome his New Testament books written in the greek language. However, we are told that his gospel was originally written in Samaritan and that it was rabbinical. His New Testament consisted of the gospel and the apostolicon. Marcion claimed that this gospel account came from Paul himself, who was a gnostic.

Marcian was a sea captain, and it was probably on his voyages that he became acquainted with Paul’s teachings and epistles. Further, his contact with so many different cultures of early Christians is why there are diverse accounts of who he was. He collected ten of the letters of Paul and published them. But interestingly, Marcian is not aware of any other New Testament writings. The Apostolicon consisted of ten of Paul’s letters as follows.

Galatians, first and second Corinthians, Romans not the 15th and 16th chapters, first and second thessalonians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians. These were published in this order. The epistles of Paul to Timothy, Titus, and the Book of Hebrews were unknown to Marcian. Further, Marcian did not include the Book of acts. First and second Peter, James, Jude, or the Revelation. Additionally, Marcian’s gospel was totally devoid of the fantastic. This gospel version does not mention anything about the birth of Jesus or his childhood beginning with Jesus 30th year, the start of his ministry.

This gospel does not mention any miracles performed by Jesus, no John the Baptist, no Mary Magdalene or Judas Iscariot. There is no crucifixion, resurrection, or ascension to heaven. Scholars assert that there is abundant textual evidence to show that the gospel account of Marcion was the source material for the Gospel of Luke, Matthew and Mark. Marcion was different from other gnostics in that he adhered to a literal interpretation of the holy scriptures.

While the Gnostics were fond of viewing them as allegory, even his principles of worship differed from the Gnostics. Marcion saw a difference between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament, and he held that Jesus was not the promised Messiah. A follower of Paul, Marcion accused the other apostles of perverting the gospel doctrines. There are historians who believe that Marcian was a member of the Therapeutan brotherhood.

By all accounts, his gospel text originated at Antioch in Syria, the cradle of Christianity. Marcion was considered a Christian even by his adversaries. Remarkably, though he had no adversaries until afterward, his enemies contended with him. Retrospectively, this literally indicates that the Christianity we know today did not exist in 144 AD, but was manufactured later by men who were later compelled to discredit Marcian. This year is eight eight eight years after the Israelites were deported into Assyria in seven four five BC.

One history of the christian religion and the church to the year 302, the Christ Conspiracy three the bible fraud eight Jesus God, man or myth 150 ad 40 40 04:00 a. m. Jewish rabbi Joe’s wrote that according to his calculation, the great flood transpired in what translates into this calendar as 21 three BC. He was 136 years off from 22 39 BC. But this is consistent with the one three three disparity between the modern jewish calendar and the anus Mundi.

About 150 AD, Justin Martyr wrote two apologies defending Christianity. He was a great scholar and historian, long regarded as the most influential of the early church fathers. He sought to prove the divinity of Christ, quoting 300 passages from the Old Testament and almost a hundred from apocryphal texts of the New Testament. But strikingly, Justin never mentions the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. In his dialogue with Trifo, he attempted to show that Jesus was predicted in the Old Testament, not mentioning any of the four gospels, though he does cite the apocryphal gospels of basilites, anapelles, as well as the memoirs of the apostles.

This was almost 120 years after the crucifixion event in 33 AD, and still there is no historical hint of the existence of these four gospels. This is the 1080th year of the divided kingdom. One, the incredible discovery of Noah’s ark. Two, the Christ conspiracy. Three, Jesus God mental myth. One, six one ad 40 50 05:00 a. m. . A council of christian leaders at Alexandria assembled and formally pronounced that there was an historical Jesus.

Thus, the incarnation became formally accepted doctrine. This council would not have been required had it been the general widespread belief that Jesus existed won the Christ conspiracy. 162 AD 40 50 06:00 a. m. Out of the far east in China, a plague spreads into the Middle east and quickly into the provinces of Rome. The epidemic will cripple China for eleven years and will afflict the roman world for 16 years.

A dark age begins in China that will last 46 years until 208 AD. Entire provinces of the Roman Empire are depopulated by the plague, and the Goths begin encroaching upon the fringes of the empire, none in the lands to oppose them. On the other side of the world, in the land of Ophir called Peru today, where there is gold, according to the scriptures, the andean empire at Kutzko is devastated by earthquakes and the appearance of comets, strange portents, and warfare.

This occurred in the reign of the 62nd king of Kusco. The megalithic city is abandoned, and the people go and dwell in the mountain city of Tamputoko, believed by Zechariah Sitchin to be the city of Machu Pichu, where 28 kings would rule until that people returned to Kusko in 1012 AD. The calendars for this year are very prominent, linked to the anciently highly regarded great year of 600 year epochs that the very earliest chronographers claimed the history of the world was divided by.

This was 600 times nine years of the Anunnaki chronology, 600 times seven years of the orbital chronology, when earth assumed its present orbit around the sun in 40 39 BC, and 600 times six years after the descent of the watchers Anunnaki in 34 39 BC. This was also 600 times five years after the founding of the Anunnaki dynasty, the year of Noah’s birth in 28 39 BC, as well as 600 times four years after the great flood in 22 39 BC.

Further, this was 600 times three years after Manasset and Ephraim in Egypt were adopted into the family of Israel in 1639 BC and 1200 years 600 plus 600 after David was born in 1039 BC. This was also the year 29 76 Ano pyramid and four eight years after the founding of the parthian dynasty over Mesopotamia in two four seven BC, 408 years being 48 96 months. This was the year 670 since the founding of the Republic of Rome in 509 BC.

170 AD 40 60 04:00 a. m. Athenagorus wrote the Book of Angels and Giants. It was accepted history of this time that wicked angels Anunnaki long ago, before the deluge, copulated with human females who then gave birth to monstrous giants. Only later was there an official church movement to suppress this history. Also in this year, Roman Emperor Marcus Antonius received a letter from the bishop of Sardis in Asia Minor named Melito, requesting the emperor’s attention concerning christians being vexed.

Informing the emperor that he was a descendant of emperors who had overturned the policies of Nero concerning christians, Meleto also informed him that what was known as christianity then was actually of very high antiquity and was imported into the roman empire in the reign of his ancestor Augustus Caesar. One aryan sun myths citing Diogesis 177 AD 40 70 01:00 a. m. The New Testament Book of Acts first enters the historical record in one seven seven AD.

In the western frontier of the Roman Empire at Gaul, France, in the area of Leon, a terrible persecution of christians emerged. The worst wave of tragedy to occur since Nero’s tribulation in Rome over a century before. Mobs had assembled all the believers and spent many days torturing men, women, and even children while their leader Irenaeus the bishop, was away traveling. These were the first gallic martyrs in Christendom.

This occurred exactly 144 years after the crucifixion event in 33 AD. That the Gauls were of ancient israelite stock has been sufficiently demonstrated herein. But the true extent of the gallic world at this time in history is best found in the words of Reverend H. J. Warner from 1922 AD, when he wrote, quote, in order to understand the situation, political and ecclesiastical, in southern France, we must bear in mind that the Gauls of the west and the galate of the east were of the same stock, and that each branch, though several nations intervened, retained unimpaired its racial characteristics.

Galai, galate, kelte are all but different forms of the same word. Livy would speak of the Gauls of the east, Polybius of Galatians in the west. The Gauls were a warm hearted people, but unstable in their friendships impetuous and courageous in war. To these traits may be added vivid imagination, a fondness for song and poetry. Gaul had become one of the perpetual conquests of Rome and had submitted to its governmental system, but nothing could eradicate its racial peculiarities.

A Gaul was an individualist, the Roman and imperialist, and hence the Gaul might be conquered, but never destroyed. The western Gaul had never lost touch with its eastern kin. Its Christianity from the earliest times was on eastern rather than western lines. The letter which the Christians in Gaul in AD one seven seven describing the sufferings and deaths of the martyrs in the persecution sent to the brethren in Asia in Phrygia, can only be explained on the assumption that they were the same kith and kin.

In fact, one of the martyrs, Alexander, was a Phrygian. Unquote. One Simon majus. Two four witnesses through the elbigensian heresy 178 AD 40 70 02:00 a. m. The calendrix for this date suggest that something major occurred relative to either or both Rome and the descendants of Israel. This is also an approximate date for the detonation of a supervolcano that erupted in New Zealand. It is believed that this eruption thrust ash as high as 40 miles into the atmosphere, causing cooler temperatures around the world.

The date for this explosion varies from one seven seven to one eight six AD one. The Science Times Book of a natural disasters apocalypse 2012 180 AD 40 74 AD. Roman historian Cassius Dio wrote that from the death of roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Romans had descended from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust. This analogy is interesting for the prophets of the Old Testament foretold of the Romans, specifically describing them as the iron Empire church.

Father and historian Irenaeus of Gaul was the first to mention one of the four gospels, that of Luke. Irenaeus studied the writings of Polycarp and was his student. Polycarp having been a disciple of the apostle John, one of Jesus’twelve. Apostles. Irenaeus referred to the four gospels as the four pillars. In fact, Irenaeus was one of the three fathers responsible for influencing the introduction of the four gospels into circulation with Clement of Alexandria 200 AD and Tertullian of Carthage 200 to 210 AD.

Irenaeus being the first to mention the four gospels. It is curious that Ireneus was also the first to mention the supremacy of the church at Rome. The writings of Irenaeus, Clement and Tertullian laid the foundation for the roman catholic supremacy. In Reverend Dr. Davidson’s book, introduction to the New Testament, 19th century, we read there is reason to believe that very soon after the full gospels appeared, somewhere between the years 180 to 200 AD, they were published under the authority and by the direction of the Church of Rome, in a volume with the Old Testament and with the other New Testament books then in circulation.

That the four gospels cover events at least 150 years prior to any references that they even existed is disturbing. Not one of the four gospels is mentioned in any other part of the New Testament writings. No manuscripts of the Gospels are in existence dating further back than the fourth century ad, and nor is there any trace that older manuscripts existed. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John are not mentioned by the earliest christian fathers, Clement of Rome, Ignatius and Polycarp.

Nor did Justin Martyr know of any such gospels. The first epistle written outside the New Testament writings was the epistle of Clement of Rome, written about 97 AD, in which there is not a hint about the existence of these books. To illustrate how odd this is, take this scenario into consideration. How authoritative would a book be concerning the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865 AD at Ford’s theater? If the book was not released to the public until the year 2015 AD, that would be 150 years.

Again, what about a book about the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 963 AD at Dallas? If the book would not be released until 20, 113 AD? Again, that’s 150 years. We have the histories of historic men like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar, because their lives were recorded by their contemporaries, and every one of these men lived long before Jesus did. The four gospels appeared well after the Bar Koshpa rebellion and fall of Jerusalem, 132135 AD.

As this is the earliest date for the Gospel of Luke, we find it further incredible that Luke himself was not even an apostle, nor was Mark an apostle. And John is believed not to be John the apostle, but John the presbyter at this time also wrote Athenagorus, an athenian philosopher who had become a Christian, contributing greatly to its literature. He even wrote an apology to roman emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus defending Christianity.

He nowhere mentions any of the four gospels by name, which is remarkable when considering that he mentions by name Moses, Jeremiah, Jonah, Thales, Plato, Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Pythagoras, Euripides, Aristotle and others. It is believed by scholars that John’s Gospel was first mentioned about this year of 180 AD by Theophilus, bishop of Antioch in Syria. Scholars have made intense studies of the content of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and discovered what the german scholars have termed a Q document from quel, which is german for source.

When comparing the texts of Matthew and Luke, they discovered that they only agree when following the text of Mark. This indicates that Mark was used as the source material for Matthew and Luke. Mark does not have any genealogies, no mention of Mary or a virgin birth, no Old Testament messianic prophecies, no resurrection appearances of Jesus, no ascension into heaven. The Mark text is almost entirely duplicated in Matthew, with 606 of the 661 verses appearing word for word in Matthew.

Whoever wrote Matthew copied Mark while adding much more material from another source. But many passages in Matthew and Luke are not found in Mark passages appearing in both Matthew and Luke. This indicates that there was yet another source material, the mysterious q document. The Q document, source of the Gospel accounts, was evidently written in Greek in the area of Palestine, perhaps Galilee. It did not mention a messiah or Christ concept, nor was the judean religion scorned, and there was no death and resurrection that would transform the world.

Alexander Holleb in the Gospel Truth wrote, the Q document was devoid of mythological additions, but had instructions on how to live in troubled times. A writing having developed out of Galilee, the queue document came from an oral tradition put in writing around 20 to 30 ad. Here is a perfect example of a knowledge filter in action. Close attention to the manufacture of the christian books has been heeded to in this chronicon to illustrate how we have been manipulated and deceived in increments over the passage of centuries.

In 430 AD, Theodore wrote, quote, I found myself upwards of 200 such books held in honor among the churches, and collecting them all together, I had them put aside and instead introduced the gospels of the four evangelists, unquote. The christian believer in Jesus has been offered a collection of books heralded as authoritative accounts, books that took preeminence 250 years after they were written. These books, written 150 years after the events they are supposed to relate.

Had not the roman church adopted the four gospels, then Christianity would have developed along entirely different lines, especially had the other 200 books put aside survived this censorship. One, history in quotations. Two, the Gospel truth. Three, the Christ Conspiracy. Four, a quest for answers. Five, history of the christian religion to the year 216, the Bible fraud. 186 AD 40 80 a. M. Famous church historian, Oregon was born in this year.

One eightyat a comet appeared, as recorded by the Chinese. One, introduction to comets. 192 AD 40 80 06:00 a. m. Tertullian wrote that, quote, regions of Britain, which have never been penetrated by the roman arms, have received the religion of Christ. Unquote. There are historians that assert that Druidism dissolved by the natural action of its own principles into Christianity. First Paul in Britain. 200 AD 40 90 04:00 a.

m. Julius Africanus died. Two, four, five ad was the originator of the erroneous theory that the sons of God in Genesis six, rebel Anunnaki, Nephilim, and the giants Anunnaki hybrid offspring, merely described a union between the daughters of Seth and canite males before the flood, and was not really referring to the appearance on earth of divine beings that descended from the heavens that were so popular in all the pagan histories.

Despite the immense corpus of written and oral traditions of these visitors to early humanity and their gigantic offspring, the church was attempting, through its historians and bishops, to distance itself from all pagan history. This was a time of heavy christian filtering of knowledge. 203 AD 40 90 07:00 a. m. At roman Carthage in North Africa, the Christians were undergoing persecution. A woman named Perpetua was with her infant daughter and servant girl when they were taken and offered a chance to recant her faith or die.

She refused to recant despite protests from local leaders and her father. She was herded in the coliseum at Carthage with the other Christians, and she, with her servant felicity, were hacked to death by a gladiator before a cheering crowd of Romans. The incident and fame of Perpetua spread throughout Christendom because while in prison awaiting her death, she wrote a diary that was afterwards published. 204 AD 40 90 08:00 a.

m. Plotinus born died 270 ad a venerated christian mystic, philosopher, and writer. 207 AD 41 01:00 a. m. The war of the Three Kingdoms began in China and lasted 58 years to two six, five ad. Chuko Liang, known as Sleeping Dragon, led the armies of the Shu kingdom. His enemy approached with 150,000 troops, catching Chuko alone with only a small force in a town. So he ordered his own men to throw down their flags, open the city gates, and hide in the town.

As he stood alone on the city wall, he wore a taoist robe, playing a loot and chanting, watching the approach of his arch enemy Simi Yi, who stared back suspiciously. Seeing his nemesis on the wall, alone with the gates wide open and nobody else around, Simi Yi panicked, sure that this was a clever ambush, ordering his army to retreat. In this way, sleeping dragon escaped. This is a period of great confusion in China.

Won the 48 laws of power. 208 AD 41 02:00 a. m. This is a year prominent in the calendrix of Rome, of the descendants of Israel, and of China this year was 1332 years. Six six six plus six six after the dynastic change that occurred in 1123 BC, when 250 thousand Chinese took to ships and sailed to the ancient americas. It was also 4114 years after 207 BC, when chinese emperor Huang Ti died and China erupted into warring states.

210 AD 41 04:00 a. m. This is a year that cannot be ignored in chronicon. The calendars are too strong. These are most significant timelines. Perhaps a more in depth analysis of history can yield forth the events that occurred in this year. 221 AD 40 01:15 a. m. Julius Africanus finished his chronographia, a five volume history of the world from the supposed creation to 221 AD 228 AD 41 22:00 a.

m. This year, 228 AD is the earliest date found on any mayan site. Inscription written in the familiar mayan bar and dot numerical system they inherited from the Olmecs. The Maya inherited their culture, sciences, and calendar from the older Almic of the Yucatan. And this is exactly 600 times six years after the start of the olmec calendar in 33 73 BC, and triple six times five years after the start of the vedic calendar in 31 three BC.

One fingerprints of the gods 235 AD 41 20 09:00 a. m. Maximin becomes emperor of Rome a man of Germania, of scythian goth descent, he stood 8ft tall, was of enormous strength, and very cruel. He reigned until two three. 8240 AD 41 30 04:00 a. m. Money the Persian wrote the Book of Giants, a text not to be confused with the Dead Sea Scrolls text, also called Book of Giants, discovered in 1947 AD from the Kumran site.

Money was a reformer who believed that Christianity had become corrupted by the influence of Judaism. To him, Christianity was more akin to the Persians Zoroastrianism than to Judaism. He preached at a time after the Persians had liberated themselves from parthian rule, but it was under the Parthians that Christianity had been allowed to flourish. Unobstructed, he founded Manichaism. His death is variously dated between two seven four and two seven seven AD one, fallen angels two the history of the christian religion and the church.

During the first three centuries. 246 AD 41 40 a. M planet Phoenix passed through the inner solar system, completing its one three eight year orbit. This year concludes exactly ten cursed earth periods of four one four years since mankind was banished in 38 95 BC, which was 1656 years before the deluge. This year is 1656 years after the Israelites invaded Lower Syria in 1411 BC and conquered the kingdoms of Argob and Bashan.

Now in two four six AD, the descendants of the Israelites, called the Goths migrated in a full scale invasion of the roman province of Dacia, totally erasing this culture from history, either through violence or assimilation. Probably both. The invasion of the Goths had a ripple effect through the Roman Empire. Roman civilization was supported by the institution of slavery, there being more slaves in many communities than freeborn people and citizens.

The incursions of the nonslaveholding Goths and other germanic cultures that defeated the legions and occupied roman territories were looked upon favorably by the immense slave populations as liberators rather than conquerors. This was 1530 years before the descendants of these Goths founded the christian nation of the United States of America in 1776 AD one a short history of the world two four eight ad 41 40 02:00 a. m.

The Romans throughout the empire celebrated their 1000th year anniversary from Rome’s founding in seven five three bc. Throughout the roman holdings, the circus was alive with celebration. Games were held, and arenas boasted the slaughter of exotic animals. This was the seven five 6th year of the republic, founded in 509 BC, or 108 times seven years. One history in quotations 250 AD 41 40 04:00 a. m. Emperor Decius begins to persecute christians.

He has the bishop of Rome named Fabian, executed earlier in Chronicon, it had been noted a few times the connections Buddhism had with early Christianity. The similarities here we find that a number usually associated with evil and tragedy. Seven nine two, is connected to the buddhist calendar in this very year of christian persecution, as Christianity relates to the descendants of Israelites. This year is also connected to 14 seven bc, when Israel became a nation.

1656 years earlier or four one four times four years, also a sum involving cursed earth periods. Further, as the great flood was the termination of the ancient world and the beginning of another timeline, we see this year as 24 eightyight after flood, or twelve four four plus twelve four four years. The number twelve four four, over and over again associated to israeliteish peoples, won the Jesus papers. Two five one AD 41 40 05:00 a.

m. The gothic army defeated the roman forces at Abritus. Killing Emperor Desius and his son at the Dobrija swamp won the God kings of Europe. Two five eight AD 41 50 02:00 a. m. Pope Stephen I of Rome sought to justify why the bishops of Rome had preeminence among all bishops elsewhere, because they had followed Peter, although the evidence that Peter was ever in Rome has been historically lacking.

Also in this year, Emperor Valerian ordered the execution of all christian bishops, priests and deacons. Many indeed were rounded up and killed. This was 1260 years after the throne of David was established in 1003 BC. Won the Jesus papers. 259 AD roman emperor Valerian and his troops are captured by the Celts from the north, a complete embarrassment to the Romans. 260 AD 41 50 04:00 a. m. Sapor one, the second sassanid Shah of Persia, captured the city of Antioch.

But the shah did not survive the year, for he was killed on his way back to Persia by Adenathus of Palmyra. Two six four AD 41 50 08:00 a. m. Emperor Constantine divides the Roman Empire into eastern and western political divisions, this being the fulfillment of biblical prophecies recorded in the book of Daniel. The legs of iron prophecy began with the head of gold, Babylon in 603 BC, a fulfillment that would count down 1080 years to the fall of Rome in four seven six AD, which would be in two divisions, two legs.

This was the ten 18th year of Rome, 1018 being 509 plus five nine. And in 509 BC, the Republic of Rome began. Also in this year began the christian coptic calendar of Alexandria, Egypt, which commemorated emperor Diocletian’s persecution and martyrdom of christians. As this is the start of a new calendar, we find it connected by the golden proportion number to another calendar, the seleucid calendar, by five seven six years.

In the prophecies of Daniel, the seleucid and egyptian ptolemaic dynasties are described as having their origin with Alexander of Macedon, the brass empire. This calendar counts 1776 years major golden proportion number to the destruction of the western world and a quarter of humanity in 2040 ad by Phoenix Transit, which fulfills the prophecies of the 6th seal of the apocalypse. As calendars go, this was the year 1480 of the ancient chinese calendar that started in 1197 BC.

One Alexandria. 270 AD 41 60 04:00 a. m. The Goths invade the cities of the Balkans, which were settled by earlier migrating descendants of Israel. In 603 BC, roman emperor Aurelius defeated the Goths, killing their king cannabords. This initiated the split of the gothic kingdom, creating the turvingi visigoths of the west and the Grutungi Ostragoths of the east. This year was the one two hundreds of the divided kingdom since Israel and Judah split in nine three one bc.

Further, this was 1480 years since Israel conquered Argob and Bashan in lower Syria in 1411 BC this was also 600 years after three three one bc when the macedonian king Alexander had become the king of Babylon, Persia, Egypt and the king of the west in biblical prophecy. This is 1776 years to 2046 ad, when, as recorded by Nostradamus, the entire western world will die one the God kings of Europe.

Two seven four AD 41 60 08:00 a. m. . Money the persian founder of the Manicheans, persecuted by Zoroastrians throughout his ministry, is flayed and crucified by order of Bahram, one of the sassanid dynasty in Persia. He met his death sometime between two seven four and 2771. Zoroastrianism two a short history of the world 284 AD 41 70 08:00 a. m. Diocletian’s first year of rule as roman emperor.

Diocletian’s parents had been slaves in the house of Anolinus. A roman senator, Diocletian was a soldier who emerged through the ranks of the military by his achievements. He institutes many economic reforms as well as legislative, radically altering the structure of the roman government. Many historians claiming that he brought life back into the Roman Empire. He strengthened the two halves of the Roman Empire. He ordered the destruction of all christian libraries.

This was 27 30 years after the exodus and receiving of the law in 1447 BC. Being 390 times seven. The prophet Ezekiel learned that 390 years was a period of judgment. And in the levitical law we read that God, quote, will chastise and discipline you seven times more for your sins. Unquote. This seven times 390 years is 27 30 years to two eight four AD, when Diocletian’s great persecution began.

This was 43 20 years of the orbital chronology being 1080 times four and 868 years after the fall of Judah in five eight five BC. Further, this was 21 60 years after the institution of the abrahamic covenant in 1877 BC and the 792nd year of the Roman Republic, founded in 509 BC. In this year, we’re rediscovered the golden inscriptions concerning the great Pyramid. Read to King Philippus in four nine eight BC.

One history of the first council of Nice. Two elder gods in antiquity. Two eight five AD 41 70 09:00 a. m. Diocletian assembled the roman armies at La Vale and held a pagan festival of sacrifice in honor of the roman gods. But the commander of the theban legion, Mauritius, refused to bow before the pagan gods and Maxime threatened to decimate his entire legion, killing every 10th man. Mauritius protested.

A manichean Christian, he stepped forward and offered his own life to be taken first. He was killed, and his captains were moved by the display of passive resistance. So they too stepped forward and were killed, refusing to bow to roman gods. Then the entire legion was decimated. But still the remaining soldiers of theban legion refused to yield, preferring to die with their christian faith intact. Maxime then made the terrible decision to behead the entire theban legion, and this was carried out.

6666 soldiers were killed rather than bowing to Rome’s pagan deities. This event was precisely 250 years after the 33 AD crucifixion event, and the news of the unyielding faith of these legionnaires lit a fire throughout Rome that no emperor could put out. In fact, this single event in the history of the later Roman Empire was the cause that made Rome, decades later, adopt Christianity as its official religion.

Won the spear of destiny. 293 AD 41 Eightyocletian’s persecution of christians now carries over into the British Isles 10,000 christians and several bishops being slaughtered. He reconstitutes the Roman Empire into a tetrarchy, essentially creating a four Caesar government. One, tracing our ancestors. Two nine six AD 41 90 a. M. Diocletian had esoteric and christian books burned at Alexandria, Egypt and the greek city of Byzantium. One, Egypt child of Atlantis.

303 AD four one Diocletian initiates the great persecution against Christianity, which would last ten years until three one three AD. Some believe these ten years refers to the ten days predicted in the Book of Revelation that the believers of Christ would endure. This year is 270 years after the 33 ad crucifixion event. An edict of Diocletian called for the destruction of all christian books. Yusubius wrote that many leading and new christians were tortured and executed.

Nicomedia in Bithnia, an early stronghold of Christianity and founded by descendants of migrating Israelites who once occupied Ugarit until eight five five BC had 600 christians shut up in their church. At order of Diocletian, the church was set on fire and they all died. Also in this year, Heracles wrote in his filelethes that the Jesus story was totally manufactured around the life and deeds of a remarkable samaritan named Apollonius, who had been born in two BC.

One, the gospel truth. Also a quest for answers. Two, history in quotations. Three, history of the first Council of Nice. Four, the Christ Conspiracy. 306 AD 4200 a. M. Constantine comes to power a man from the city of York in Britain, already an ancient city and international port. Also in this year, a large group of the people of Pontus, a people descended from Israelites of the tribe of Benjamin departed Cappadocia and sailed to the Atlantic around the coast of Europe, reaching Norway, where they settled in a heavily forested land where they would emerge centuries later as the historic Vikings, their cultural standard being that of the wolf.

In the Old Testament we find the house of Benjamin represented by the wolf standard, and in the prophecy of Jacob, Israel in Genesis we read, quote Benjamin shall raven as a wolf. In the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil, unquote. As the Vikings, the people of Pontus would eventually found a vast scandinavian empire from Russia to the British Isles, through their norman descendants as far south as Byzantium, and eventually help populate the Americas.

This year was 21 jubilees after the ten tribes of Israel were carried away captive into Assyria, and 1944 years after Manasseh and Ephraim were adopted into the family of Israel in 1639 BC. This was 552 years after the founding of the last great partial israelite dynasty in two four, seven bc, that of the Parthians in Mesopotamia. One, the Bible fraud history in quotations. Two, tracing our ancestors. 312 AD 42 06:00 a.

m. Emperor Galerius continued the persecution of christians. Constantine deported Britain and crossed the atlantic channel with an army of Britons consulting the sibylene books before defeating his rival Mexcentius at Milven Bridge. Constantine reports that he saw a cross in the sky with words that commanded him to use the cross as a symbol when conquering, and we are told that this led to his conversion to Christianity. Most historians believe that this is a fiction perpetuated by him to gain popularity with the rising christian population throughout the empire.

In this year, Yusubius wrote Chronicon, a chronology based off of data provided by Alexander Polyhistor in the first century bc, as well as extracts from the lost works of the babylonian historian Barossus. This year was 1242 years since Israel and Judah split in nine three one BC, and 1056 years since the ten tribes were deported in seven four five bc. 1056 mirroring the year 1056, anus Mundi 28 39 BC, when Noah was born.

A type of savior in the first year of the oppression won the Bible fraud two elder gods in antiquity. Three one three. Ad 42 07:00 a. m. Constantine published the edict of Milan throughout the empire, ending the persecution of Christians. This was an edict of toleration for Christianity, not, as claimed by many theologians, an official adoption of Christianity for the roman state. One, a quest for answers. Three one four AD the christian council of Als is held on the continent that Britain boasted a large christian population at this early date is found in that three british bishops were in attendance.

One tracing our ancestors. Three, one, seven. Ad 40 02:11 a. m. The beginning of the late mayan dynasty at Tikal, an ancient pyramid city with a history dating far into the archaic past. Mayan Steele interpreted by archaeologists reveal that in this year began an unbroken line of kings at Tikal to the year. Eight, six, nine. AD. A dynasty lasting 552 years. One. The lost realms. Sky watches in the jungle sitchin.

Three, two, one. Ad 40 02:15 a. m. Constantine issued a decree officially honoring the first day of the week. As Sunday. It was the bishops of Rome that urged this unification of paganism. This was 280 crucifixion event. One planet in rebellion. Three, two, four. Ad 40 02:18 a. m. Constantine became the sole emperor of the Roman Empire, there being over 5 million known christians at this time under his rule.

He had been born in Britain to a christian woman named Helena. Sozoman wrote, quote, it is well known the great Constantine received his christian education in Britain, unquote. And Melanthon wrote that, quote, helena was unquestionably a british princess, unquote. Yusubius, a close confidant of Constantine, wrote that some of Christ’s own apostles had early on visited Britain. We do not know if these early records are reliable or the manipulation of facts to best favor Constantine ex post facto.

This year is 1728 years to 2052 AD, when another empire, unifying its political and religious spheres, will begin under the Antichrist. One, the gospel truth. Two. Tracing our ancestors. Three. St. Paul in Britain. Three, two, five. Ad 40 02:19 a. m. Constantine holds the Council of Nicaea, including 318 bishops held in Bithnia. One of the major results of this council was the condemnation of a branch of Christianity known then as Arianism.

And one of the decrees of the council called for the burning of all writings by Arius and the penalty of death to all those caught with copies of his books. Yusubius himself was banished because of his leaning toward Aryanism, though he was later called back. There has been a persistent rumor among theologians that this council edited the books of the christians, creating the canon of the New Testament we know of today.

But this is not true. 20 rulings were issued from this council and all their contents exist today. Not one concerns the canon. The origin of this fiction is traced to Voltaire, who used as his own source a suspicious document dated about eight eight seven ad vetus synodicon, written 560 years after the council was held. One history of the first Council of Nice. Three, a quest for answers. Three two six AD 42 20:00 a.

m. The official roman church rejected Passover and established Easter as the official christian holiday, a day venerating asterith, or Ishtar, an archaic mesopotamian fertility goddess. By adopting the spiritual heritage of Babylon, Rome became the new Babylon. This inheritance of the spirit of Babylon occurred exactly eight six four years after the fall of Babylon to Persia in five three seven bc. The Easter bunny, a rabbit is an old fertility symbol.

330 AD 42 20 04:00 a. m. The ancient city of greek Byzantium was founded in six six one BC and in this year, 990 years later, or 330 times three, in 330 AD, the emperor Constantine relocates the seat of the Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium, changing its name to Constantinople. The city of Rome in Italy continues with success to assume the powers of authority over the rapidly growing christian world.

As the political power of empire is transferred to Byzantium, Constantine takes with him a huge library of christian texts to Byzantium. In this year, the greek historian of roman histories, Ameaanus Marcelinos, is born. The descendants of Israel have literally filled the continents of Europe, much of Asia and northern Africa, and the calendars for this year are very important. This year was the exact midpoint between the exodus of Israel from Egypt in 1447 BC, that happened 1776 years earlier, and the great War of Armageddon in 21 six AD or 6000 Anus Mundi, precisely 1776 years after 330 AD.

This was 4000 years since the years were counted according to jewish chroniclers, and it is 31 68 years since the anunnaki dynasty was founded before the flood in 28 39 BC or seven nine two times four. This was also 1736 years after Israel was born as a nation in 14 seven BC or four judged time epochs. This year was also 1260 years after the divided kingdom chronology began and 1584 years after the israelite danan dynasty of Mycene was founded in 1255 BC.

One the Archko volume 337 BC 42 30 01:00 a. m. Constantine the Great died and the Roman Empire is divided between his three sons, Constantine, Constantius and Constance. Theirs will be a struggle, one against the others for supremacy. 351 AD 42 40 05:00 a. m. . A brilliant comet like a cross, appeared in the sky, witnessed by Cyril and the people of Jerusalem. It shined like the sun for several hours before disappearing.

One Jesus God, man or myth 354 AD 42 40 08:00 a. m. Pope Liberius formally declared that the birthday of Jesus was December 25, which he knew was the birthday of Mithras. This was also the birthday of many savior gods who were crucified deities all venerated before Christianity. Augustine of Hippo was born in this year. Famous christian historian, author of City of God this year was the origin of Christmas, a christian holiday that would become the most celebrated holiday on earth throughout the western world.

As the descendants of Israel have filled the western world, we are not surprised to find these calendarics. Mithras was an eastern and earlier version of Jesus, and the eastern vedic calendar of the Kaliyuga began 34 56 years priorly, or eight six four times four. This was 31 68 ano pyramid, or seven nine two times four, the pyramid being the seal of Israel. This was 25 92 years after the deluge, or eight six four times three.

And it was 1800 years, 600 times three after the Exodus in 1447 BC and 600 years after the parthian dynasty was founded in Mesopotamia in 247 BC, where Mithraism flourished. Lastly, this was six six six years after the start of the syrian Seleucid dynasty. Calendar in three one three bc. Syria, being the cradle land of Christianity, won the 48 laws of power. Three six seven. AD 42 50 01:00 a.

m. The fixed jewish calendar was instituted in this year, a system that approximated the new moons by which the calendar of the Hebrews was to be measured. It had become difficult for the Jews, a widespread race separated in their communities from keeping the same calendar. Roman emperor Constantius, son of Constantine the Great, erected an obelisk taken from Thebes in Upper Egypt. His father had priorly removed the monument from Egypt and brought it to Italy on a gigantic boat requiring 300 rowers.

Up the Nile and over the Mediterranean, thousands of laborers, using pulleys and cranks, were needed to lift the stone relic into a standing position. This was 324 years, 108 times three after the 33 ad crucifixion event. One Amianos Masalinus, book 17 358 AD 42 50 02:00 a. m. Terrible earthquakes shook the cities of Macedonia, Asia, Pontus, Bithnia, with Nicomedia the capital of Bithnia taking the worst. At dawn on August 24, the clear sky quickly gave way to thick masses of black clouds that descended to the ground, blotting out the sun, rendering everything invisible.

Amianos Marcelinos reports that the unusual destruction began from the sky in the form of loud crashes, winds, fatal thunderbolts, and a torrential downpour which was all accompanied by an earthquake. Just as fast as it occurred, the quake ceased, the sky cleared, and a beautiful day was ruined by the sight of broken cities with thousands of torn bodies among the piles of debris, survivors were transfixed on sharp timbers to die slowly, while others were buried alive under the rubble, where their moans were hurt unceasingly until they expired.

Many people trapped in the lower recesses of the building starved to death, and a fire spread through the broken city of Nicomedia, burning alive all those trapped in the ruins. By this time, all these cities were christian. This was the 900th year of the buddhist calendar. From five four three BC, jewish rabbi Hillel three popularized the jewish fixed calendar, his own invention for the jewish festivals and holy days.

But this was in direct contravention to divine decree in the Old Testament statutes, which mandated calendar periods to be observed by lunar phases. Interestingly, by coincidence, this calendar started 360 years after two BC birth of Christ. Hillel three wrote, quote, after having viewed our present condition, it may be well for us to look back and review our former history and get a knowledge of the state of the world in former times.

Unquote. One amianus Muslinus Book 17 359 AD 42 50 03:00 a. m. At the city of Antioch in Syria, now called the jewel of the east, one of the four major cities of the Roman Empire, in a suburb called Daphne, a child was born with two heads, a beard, and very small ears, the population announcing the birth of a monster. Also in this year, Roman Persia begin three years of intense war.

One Amianos Masalinus, book 19 362 AD 42 50 06:00 a. m. On December 5, an earthquake finished off the city of Nicomedia, destroying what little was left or rebuilt after the quake. In three, five, eight, much of no sea was also destroyed, the two quakes being 52 months apart. One amianus Masalinus book 22 three six three AD 42 50 07:00 a. m. In the 6th year of the passing of the romanid apocalypse comet group, several comets were seen at the same time, some in broad daylight.

Constantinople Byzantium was shaken by an earthquake, and emperor Julian Augustus witnessed a bright meteor. Etruscan diviners asserted that the omen was bad for anyone thinking to invade another’s country, using as their authority the ancient tarquishian books of the Sybil. Nevertheless, Julian, called the apostate, prepares to invade Persia. Julian was of the family of Constantine the Great and fantasized about leaving a great monument to posterity to perpetuate the memory of his reign.

His chief idea fell upon the restoration of the temple in Jerusalem, which his predecessors, Vespasian and Titus, destroyed with great difficulty, then finished the devastation with general Julius Severus of Britain. Julian’s workforces could not carry out the rebuilding of the temple because of strange fiery explosions from the ground that burned the men. The project abandoned. Julian invades Persia and wars against the Sassanids, laying waste to fortresses and towns in Mesopotamia, even crossing the Euphrates river and marching his troops all the way to the Persian Gulf.

After several victories, his men starve because of the Persians. Employing scorched earth tactics, he unwisely burned his own ships and was killed in battle. Jovian ascends the throne and immediately is assassinated for negotiating a peace settlement with Persia that relinquished roman territory. Julian was a scholar and philosopher called the apostate because he refused to believe in the divinity of Jesus. He wrote, quote, jesus and Paul have surpassed all magicians and impostors that have ever lived.

Neither Paul nor Matthew, nor Luke nor Mark dared to say that Jesus was God, but John began the concept. Unquote. One Amianos Marcelinos, book 25 for the Gospel truth. Three, six, four. AD 42 50 08:00 a. m. In the Council of Laodicia, the roman church, officially, with government support, declared that the roman world would henceforth observe Sunday as the first day of the week and the day of rest, formally abolishing the Sabbath in violation of the ten Commandments.

Quote remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Unquote. Also in this council, the Passover was abolished. Also dating from 1447 BC, at the Exodus, this council successfully separated Christianity from those institutions considered jewish. Though both the Sabbath and Passover were ancient israelite observations, the council consisted of 32 bishops from all the asiatic churches. At this council, the New Testament books were discussed, and the Asian Church agreed on which ones they venerated, as this was the council of Laodicia and the apocalypse, or book of revelation, was prefixed with a warning to the Laodicians.

We are not surprised that they omitted revelation from their own canon. The world is at war. Persia invaded Armenia, a former territory of Rome, and german tribes invaded roman provinces. The Alamani ravaged Gaul and Ratia, the Samarians and Quadae were laying waste to Pannonia, and Britain suffered onslaughts from the Picts. Scots Saxons and Atakotai Goths invaded Thrace and Moesia, while in the southern provinces of Africa, the Moors and Austoriani were raiding roman allies and settlements.

This year is 408 years in the roman Julian calendar or 24 48 plus 24 48 months and 1447 BC was 24 48 anus Mundi one national Sunday law two history of the christian religion to the year 203. Amianos Masalinus, book 26 three six five AD 42 50 09:00 a. m. On July 21, an earthquake shook Alexandria, Egypt, in the 8th year of the passing of the roman apocalypse.

Comet group roman historian Amianos Marcelinos wrote that the quake was preceded by fierce lightning and thunder, which continued through the quaking. The sea off the coast of Egypt, where Alexandria was located, receded, withdrawing far away from the shore, and the people found themselves far inland, looking out over an immense drying region of stranded fish and shelled creatures trapped in the mud vast valleys and mountains where the sea had been before.

As a great throng of people went out to gather fish, a tsunami came rushing back at hundreds of miles an hour, overtaking them. The wave and returning sea rushed up the coast and drowned the city of Alexandria, even depositing ships atop buildings. When the water subsided and drained from the city in coastal regions, many more people were pulled out to sea to drown. Approximately 50,000 people died. In his history of the later Roman Empire, Marcelinus relates that this disaster overwhelmed the world, surpassing anything related either in legend or authentic history.

His opinion he wrote that the quake was felt from Egypt into the Aegean, and that towns and buildings on coasts were destroyed when the sea was removed from its bed. Even in the Aegean, ships were deposited far in land, some still holding their dead passengers. Near Masona, in the Peloponesus, he personally surveyed such a wrecked vessel. He wrote that, quote, the whole face of the earth was changed by a mad conflict of the elements, unquote.

Ameonus was greek, a roman citizen, having been born at Antioch. His amazing book, only one single copy surviving, and that dated from the 9th century AD, also relates that underneath the great Pyramid were subterranean passages and winding retreats. Quote which men skilled in the ancient mysteries by means of which they divined the coming flood, constructed in different places, lest the memory of all their sacred ceremonies should be lost.

One, great disasters. Two. Marcelineus, book 26 three, the secret Doctrine, 366 ad 42 60 a. M. The goth roman war began, which would end in three six nine with a peace settlement. This year was 1776, years after the Israelites conquered Lower Syria in 1411 BC. And it was 1296 years of the divided kingdom since nine three one bc. Pope Damasus, one of Rome, murdered his rivals, and he established the untrue doctrine that the church of Rome was the authoritative successors of the Holy apostles of Jesus.

He also created the doctrine of papal endorsement, meaning that a belief could not be accepted as true unless endorsed by the pope. His secretary was the famous scholar Jerome, who he advised to revise the holy scriptures, the papacy introducing subtle alterations that would justify its positions. One, end of empire. Two, the Jesus Papus 367 AD 42 60 01:00 a. m. Athanasius provides us the first list of New Testament books as we have them today.

This amazing date is linked perfectly with the calendar signature of Israel, the people of Israel obeying the word of God. In 24 eightyight a m 14 seven BC followed Joshua in the conquest of Canan and became a nation inheriting lands promised to them in the abrahamic covenant. 24 eightyight is twelve four four plus twelve four four. And this year of three six seven AD is exactly 1244 years to the publication of the Holy Bible in English in the authorized King James Version.

In 1611 AD, the ancient Israelites were told by the prophets that they would in the future receive the word of the Lord in an unknown tongue. One, a quest for answers three six eight AD 42 60 02:00 a. m. In the 11th year of the passing of the romanid apocalypse comet group, a comet appeared in the sky, shining brighter than the sun. According to the report of Kirillus, a christian bishop, a Goth named Ulfilas ministered to the Visigoths and translated the Gospels into their language, essentially creating for them a gothic vernacular.

In doing so, while living in Dacia along the Black Sea coast, the kingdom of the Visigoths were converted to Christianity. Ulfhilas died in three eight two. This was the year 1080 since Jerusalem was delivered from the Assyrians in seven one three BC. And the dark satellite passes by earth too closely and the solar year became altered from 360 days to three six 5. 2513 books of occult philosophy three six nine AD 42 60 03:00 a.

m. The goth roman war ends with a peace settlement after emperor Valens and the gothic commander Athenaric met on a boat moored in the middle of the Danube river. One the end of empire. 370 AD 42 60 04:00 a. m. As the ancient Israelites had crossed the Jordan river into the land of promise in 14 seven BC, exactly 1776 years earlier. Now their gothic descendants crossed the Denu river into Europe with the permission of the roman emperor.

Led by their christian leader Ulfalas the bishop, whom the Goths considered their own personal Moses. They were among the first of the germanic kin kingdoms to accept Christianity. The 14 seven BC date is reflected isometrically in that counting. 14 seven years after 370 AD finds us in 1777 AD, within a year of the american declaration of independence from Britain. Further, the Goths were one of the ten kingdoms that emerge in Europe after the fall of Rome.

In four seven six AD, which is 1300 years before the founding of the United States of America in 1776 AD and 1300 years before. 370 AD was the year Israel broke away as ten tribes from Judah in nine three one BC. The calendrical isometric projections of 370 AD identify the Goths as the children of Israel. One decline and fall of the Roman Empire, volume 4372 AD 42 60 06:00 a.

m. The Huns from Asia began their excursion into western Europe, pillaging, murdering and raping. The kingdom of the Ostragoths is defeated by the Huns and they become a vassal state, their men conscripted into the Hunuk army. Those communities that resisted the Huns had their men executed, their children enslaved, and their women raped in a widespread insemination program. This was two nine six years after the Huns invaded India, or 35 52 months.

1776 plus 1776. One Saxons, Vikings and Celts. Three seven five AD 42 60 09:00 a. m. The Huns migrated with their families in tow, living in covered wagons. Their origin is a mystery. They overwhelmed the Goths near the Black Sea. They left no written records, and all accounts of them are filtered through the prejudicial eyes of their roman enemies. Though described as barbarians, they were expert administrators with a well organized military.

The gothic leader Athenaric of the Turvingi went to aid the Goths in the north, who were being pushed back by the Huns. The Huns attacked his camp at night and scattered the Turvingi. Several comets seen in the sky, according to Marcelinos, workers removing old walls at the historic city of Chaldecon for rebuilding material to be used for the baths of Constantinople. Byzantium happened upon a square block of old masonry which had an earlier greek inscription which was prophetic quote and what once a city wall shall serve.

Oh, what a mournful change to guard a bath. Then countless hordes of men from lands afar shall cross fair Istar’s river, lance in hand, and lay Oscitia and Mizia waste. Next on Peonia turn their mad career to spread their likewise naught but death and strife. Unquote. This was deemed a prophecy of an invasion of foreign people into the realm. And at this exact time, the Huns were invading northern Europe.

And the fleeing Goths and other germanic tribes migrated further west and south to escape them, the Huns. Capturing men, women, and children, as well as livestock. The Huns were unknown to the Romans, and their appearance on the world scene, coupled with the stories filtering in from the outer frontiers of wholesaler slaughter, provoked dread and wonder throughout the empire. One, the end of Empire two, Amianos Marcelinos, book 30.


  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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