Truth in Movies! #106 STRANGER THINGS (Ep:6)

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➡ In the sixth chapter of Stranger Things, the characters are trying to find their friends who have been taken to a parallel universe called the Upside Down. The episode explores the concept of monsters, not just as physical creatures, but as larger, more abstract entities. The episode also delves into the idea of portals, specifically tree portals, that transport people to other realms. The show uses music, specifically the song “Sunglasses at Night,” to hint at the idea of being possessed by an otherworldly energy, which is a recurring theme in the series.
➡ The text discusses a video game where characters fight against a plasma-like entity that possesses them, turning their eyes red. This is seen as a metaphor for the “plasma apocalypse,” where negative energy from the sky makes people evil, while positive energy from the earth makes them good. The text also talks about a movie where people can’t sleep due to being energetically charged, and a group of characters trying to understand and defeat a predatory, otherworldly creature. The author suggests that such creatures were real in the past, and people documented them in books to know how to deal with them.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism in the TV show “Stranger Things”, focusing on the character Eleven and her connection to ancient myths and legends. It suggests that Eleven represents ancient beings who descended from above with advanced technology, and her powers are similar to those attributed to gods or fallen angels. The text also explores the symbolism of Eggo waffles in the show, linking them to the concept of birth and rebirth, and suggesting a connection to the character of Humpty Dumpty. Finally, it discusses the government’s desire to harness these powers for their own use, as depicted in the show.
➡ The text suggests that Humpty Dumpty, a character from Alice in Wonderland, symbolizes the moon or a celestial body that falls from the sky, causing significant changes in our world. This event is likened to the Tower of Babel falling, which led to language changes. The text also proposes that the moon, referred to as “sin” in ancient times, is responsible for creating different luminaries in the sky. The author believes that the moon’s fall introduces an ice age and is the source of all the one-eyed god symbolism in various cultures.
➡ The text discusses the linguistic evolution and symbolism of the word ‘egg’, tracing it back to Proto-Germanic and Proto-Indo-European roots. It suggests that the word ‘egg’ and ‘eye’ share the same root, and their meanings have evolved over time due to changes in pronunciation, dialect, and accents. The text also delves into various mythologies, including the story of King Og from the Bible and the Titan Atlas from Greek mythology, drawing parallels between these stories and the symbolism of an egg. Lastly, it explores the concept of a plasma volcano at the earth’s core, suggesting that this phenomenon is represented in ancient glyphs and is connected to the symbolism of the egg and the eye.
➡ The text discusses a Jewish lore about King Og, a titan who survived a flood by riding on a unicorn or a beam. The story also mentions a symbolic representation of King Og on a unicorn and his agreement to protect Noah’s descendants. The text further delves into the symbolism of red color, associated with evil, and the significance of a unicorn’s horn. Lastly, it narrates the death of King Og, who tried to destroy Israel by throwing a mountain but failed. The text also explores the concept of the Garden of Eden, depicted on ancient maps and even in modern architecture, and the protective shield in the sky, often associated with the face of the gorgon Medusa.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ionized hydrogen, or plasma, and its potential to change the chemical and electrical bonds of things it interacts with, possibly leading to a new stone age. It also explores the Greek word ‘aegis’, which can mean a violent windstorm, a shield, or a goat, and its connection to the concept of an evil god. The text further delves into the symbolism of the goat god, the devil, and its representation in various cultures and religions. Lastly, it talks about the significance of certain symbols and rituals, like the hot cross buns offered to the moon goddess in ancient times.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism in a movie or show, possibly “Stranger Things”. It talks about the character Eleven, who has telepathic powers, possibly due to her mother being experimented on by the government while pregnant. The text also explores various symbols like the moon, white rabbits, and clowns, suggesting they represent otherworldly beings or events. Lastly, it discusses a scene where a character, Mike, takes a ‘leap of faith’ off a cliff but floats instead of falling, which is linked to theories about pressure and electromagnetism at the earth’s center.
➡ The text discusses various examples of the “leap of faith” concept in movies, suggesting it symbolizes overcoming fear and achieving safety. It also explores the idea of east and west as relative directions, challenging the conventional understanding of these terms. The text further delves into the concept of the “Zephyr,” a specific wind associated with the west and darkness, and the idea of the earth breathing. Lastly, it discusses the character Eleven from “Stranger Things,” who accidentally creates a portal to another dimension, and how she represents powerful beings from other realms who are misunderstood as monsters.


Aloha, everyone. Welcome to Truth in movies, where we continue straight stranger things. We’re on stranger things, chapter six, the monster. Before we get started, I just want to give a special shout out to an anonymous viewer who made me a special little thing in the mail. It’s a little panorama thing inside of a matchbook. It’s got a jellyfish swimming around in the sky and me and my son standing there.

I don’t know if you could see it that great, but it was really cool and it was a nice surprise, so thank you. I just want to say thank you for that. All right, so where’d we leave off last time? Well, what’s up, everybody in the chat? Welcome. This is going to be a huge one. There’s a lot of information in this one. And we’re going to discover the secret of Eleven’s eggos and what that means, why she’s so enamored with the eggo waffles and whatnot, too.

Let me turn on this light right here real quick. All right. There we go. Okay. Sorry about that. All right. Sweet. So, last time, where did we leave off? We left off with Jonathan and Nancy. They were in the forest, right? They were looking for Barb and hoping to find Will, who have been abducted and taken to the upside down by the Demagorgon, which is an interesting creature and an interesting word study.

So that’s where we’ll start here. Now, this chapter is called the Monster. And the monster is something we’re going to break down throughout the course of this presentation. The word itself. And we’ll find out what monsters are, not just physical humanoid creatures, but we’re going to go much bigger than that. You’ll see. So where we left them off last time was in the forest, if you remember, Nancy had crawled into that tree that had a portal inside of it.

And we talked about tree portals that take people into Wonderland and the other realms, et cetera. Right? So that’s where we pick things off. Here’s the monster that starts things off. You can see the demogorgon as a monster representing an otherworldly entity, a phantasoid, as I like to call them. And she crawls into the upside down through this tree portal, right? And Jonathan figures out that she’s in the tree portal.

So he creeps down and he calls out for Nancy, right? And he’s trying to get NAncY back out of the upside down, which is basically underneath our world, or down underneath our world. Now, this is where it gets really interesting. They start the movie. They start to show off. And it says at the bottom, you see that? Where it says, pop song playing in the car stereo. I always pay attention to which songs they choose, because I find that the lyrics are quite interesting, and they provide esoteric context to the esoteric story that’s being told to us.

Now, this particular song is by Corey Hart. It’s called sunglasses at night, and it’s really popular in movies, too. They play it quite often. I want to read you the lyrics to this, and I want you to keep in mind the lyrics to sunglasses at night as it pertains to the apocalypse, the plasma apocalypse, and the plasma coming down and possessing people and basically amplifying their energy and taking control of them, making thralls and slaves of people who become plasma possessed.

Right. So here’s the lyrics to it. I wear my sunglasses at night. Sorry. So I can keep track of the visions in my eyes. So this dude, whoever’s singing, wears sunglasses at nighttime. This is what TheY’re LIstening to, so he can keep track of the visions in his eyes. So he needs these sunglasses so that he can see something, a vision. Right. You’ll have to excuse the train as it goes by.

Which reminds me of bird box. Right. So whenever the plasma apocalypse happens, otherworldly energy that comes down into this world in the form of plasma, I believe it’s ionized hydrogen. And many movies reference this energy that swirls down in from above, and it’s seen as dragons and worms and things like that, too, that come down from the sky. Serpents. These are the fiery serpents or wonderful serpents of old.

In the movie bird box, they couldn’t look at them, because if they looked at them, they would become possessed by that energy. It would possess them, and they would lose the ability to think for themselves, basically. So they wore blindfolds in. Bird box continues on. The song continues on. While she’s deceiving me, it cuts my security. Has she got control of me? I turn to her and say, so imagine that this person is not singing about some girl that cheated on him, and also imagine that he’s talking about the plasma that comes down in the form of the mother goddess or whatnot, right? That may possess people when it does come down.

This is also shown to us in the sequel to Bird Box. There’s a part two to Bird box where it shows you the perspective from the plasma possessed from those people who did look at the light, and they’re struggling, trying to take back their sense of identity, because that’s basically what happens when you become possessed by this is you lose your identity if you have a weak energetic source or a weak spirit or a weak soul.

And it says right here, if you take a look at the top of this movie poster for it, fear the ones who see. Fear the ones who see. Right. Well, why would you fear the ones who see the ones that see the light? The light that comes down from above. Right. They usually get possessed, as is seen in, like, skyline. Whenever you’ve seen that movie skyline, the people that looked at that heavenly light, they automatically just became so enamored with it, they were enthralled, which means to become a slave.

A slave to the light. Basically, every person in that movie was staring at that light. They got caught up in it, and they became slaves. And it goes on to say, don’t switch the blade on the guy in shades, or basically, don’t hurt the person who’s wearing the sunglasses. Right. Interesting. Or don’t possess the person who’s wearing the sunglasses. It would be interesting to see if sunglasses, just regular old sunglasses, help to keep people from being plasma possessed and having this otherworldly, evil energy enter in through the eyes, which are the windows to the soul.

He goes on to say, don’t masquerade with the guy in shades. Masquerade is to change shape, to put up a front, to give a falsity or a pretense. Right. To trick somebody, basically. And that’s what it does when people become plasma possessed, as it’s portrayed in the movies. Typically, they see things. They see things, and it’s visions that they believe. They’re so compelling that they believe in the visions that they see.

And oftentimes, these visions lead them to kill people, to commit murders, and to believe in things that are not true. So don’t masquerade with the guy in shades. Right. Reminds me also of they live whenever Rowdy Roddy Piper puts on his sunglasses, and he can see things for what they really are. He says, I wear my sunglasses at night so I can. So I can see the light that’s right before my eyes.

Right. I mean, it’s pretty plain in that verse right there that he’s talking about putting on sunglasses so that he can see this light, right. Because you imagine it’s so bright, it’s hard to tell where those plasma streams are. This is also portrayed to us in many different films. We broke down this one. It’s called the color out of space. And one of these girls, before she looks at this color out of space, she looks like that.

But then this big old plasma tentacle comes down and she stares right at it and it possesses her. And she looks like this afterwards, right? And it basically just takes control of her. Let’s see what else comes next. Oh, also in Ghostbusters part two, this is also shown to us where the Ghostbusters, they’re fighting a special type of ghost or entity or energy, and they have to put on sunglasses.

This is when they’re in that store where everything’s made out of glass, and then they break everything on accident. They all wear. Right. Egon. Egon. Think about. I want you to remember that name, Egon, because it’s going to come into play later when we talk about the waffles. At least the root of it will. So they’re all wearing sunglasses as well, so that presumably they’re not going to get plasma possessed by a ghost or a spirit or so they can see that particular energetic spirit.

This is also in the movie. I can’t. I don’t think we broke down Brightburn. It’s come up quite a lot in our plasma possession research because it’s a great example. This is the boy who is little boy Superman. This is like the evil Superman. If Superman was evil, this is what he looks like before he looks into these red lights, right? And these are where the red lights come from in the movie.

It comes from this circular object, and then when he looks at it, it turns on and it turns red, and he stares into these red spectrum lights. And then the lights turn on, which kind of almost look like stars in the sky, right? And of course, his eyes turn red because he becomes plasma possessed. Basically. He becomes evil and he starts killing everybody. Hey, shout out in the chat to Howard White.

Thank you so much for your donation. I appreciate you. This is also shown to us in video games all over the place. This is one of the best examples I’ve seen of this, just being very direct and showing us the truth of the plasma apocalypse and what it does or what it can do to individuals. These are all of your super Nintendo, Nintendo characters and whatnot, and they are basically going to go to war against this plasma that comes down from the sky.

The sky bursts open. There’s a black hole that rips open in the sky in this video game. And all these streamers of plasma. Tentacles of plasma. These are your dragons and fiery serpents and whatnot. And this is shown to us in a video game. They’re all staring at it. And there’s Mario. He’s included, right? There’s a link. Mario. They’re all there, Icarus. And they start fighting against the plasma.

The plasma comes down, and it tries to possess them. It tries to engulf them. Sonic can’t get away from it. It’s taking control of everyone. And once it grabs them, their eyes change to red. That’s usually one of the symbolic ways that they show that a person is plasma possessed or possessed by a negatively charged entity, you know what I mean? Or bad spirit energy or whatnot, is they show their eyes lighting up red.

Mario’s eyes turn red along with everyone else’s eyes. They all turn red as they’re all plasma possessed. Now, here’s the lyrics to the song. So while they’re playing this in the video game, this is from Super Smash Brothers. While they’re showing all of this, there’s a song playing. I just want to show you some of the lyrics to that song. The song starts off, and it says, on that day when the sky fell away, our world came to an end.

In our eyes did a fading sunrise in the dark, glimmering shadows. I was going to sing it, then I was like, nah. On that day. So this all happens when the sky falls, right? The sky actually falling, or at least pieces of the sky falling down, when the atmosphere depressurizes and the physical portion of our world, which is the boundary of what they call space, right? Which is spaces between two physical objects.

So the floor, the ground, the surface where we live, and then the sky, which is the other physical boundary. On that day, the sky fell away and the world came to an end, right? That’s the song that they’re playing in this video game. Back to the movie. So Nancy’s the dude that has a crush on Nancy. He pulls up to her house, and one of his friends says, oh, this is, huh, the princess’s castle.

That’s another reference to Mount Maru, which is the castle or the tower or the mountain or the volcano, whatever you want to say. That encapsulates and hides the princess, which is Sophia, which is wisdom, which is the opposite of that red spectrum energy that comes downward from the sky. This is terrestrial earth energy, which erupts in a flow of positive energy, you know what I mean? And it fills the world.

Those who become possessed or amplified by that energy become very good, and those who become possessed and amplified by the other energy tend to become very bad. Then they go to bed. Nancy goes to bed. She wakes up in the morning, and her new boyfriend is like, oh, you couldn’t sleep. Now, this is really interesting because this comes up a lot in these movies, especially when it’s the apocalypse, they don’t show people not sleeping just because they’re scared or the world’s crazy or whatever.

I’m sure that’s a factor, but it’s because you can’t sleep. People will not be able to sleep whenever they’re energetically charged when the world is filled with energy, which right now, it’s drained, which is why people, most people sleep for, like, a third of the day, sometimes more than that. And people are constantly tired. And we have drinks to give us energy and shortcuts to try to get energy and stuff.

That’s because the energy is being charged. It’s being pulled inward into the earth, into the middle of the earth, where the surface, where we are, we become really tired. We have to start trying to eat to get energy and break down physical things into their components so that we can make energy out of that and things of that nature. So people can’t sleep, nor would you probably want to whenever you’re just energetically charged and your soul is just energetically charged up, which this came up in my research was this Netflix movie called Awake.

So after I actually was done studying this particular episode of Stranger Things, me and my son sat down and we watched this movie, awake. That’s the whole movie is all about that concept, that there’s an apocalyptic event, the stars fall from the sky, symbolically, and all of the world’s electronics turn off. There’s a worldwide EMP, and nobody can sleep except for, like, one or two people. And it’s a whole movie breakdown in itself.

But that’s exactly what they’re talking about. And then they start talking about the demagorgon, and they want to find it. Why? Because they want to kill it and make sure it doesn’t kidnap anyone else. But they also want to keep the people who it has taken safe. They want to keep Will and barb safe, right? Will, representing the well or the wishing well, the well. Mount Maru, basically.

And Barb or the pole, the beam, the nail that shoots up out of the well, the wishing well. And then. So this is how they do it, right? They want to find this otherworldly animal, this strange, fictitious, mythic animal that would never be accepted as reality in this world apart from talking about and referencing a movie, right? But they want to find it. And furthermore, they want to know how to kill it because it’s bad.

So they start thinking about it. They say, okay, let’s think about what we know. It’s a predator, right? Which reminded me of the movie predator, same concept. And then they start going to books and they start learning about predators that are known predators that they know about. And she says it hunts at nighttime, like a lion or a coyote. So they’re reading these books about these predators, right? So they can glean information.

It’s always alone, like a bear. And remember at Steve’s when Barb cut herself? Remember? So the blood, right? It was attracted to the blood. And then last night, the deer as well, it was bleeding too. So she points to this page about a shark, which is basically a phantasoid that survived. And we’re just used to it. So we just call it shark, when in reality it’s a gigantic fish.

This is a giant fish. It’s actually a fish. And many of the things in the oceans and even animals on land, they’re still remnants of gigantism. It’s just that we are so used to them that we don’t acknowledge them as such any longer. We forgot that giants existed because academics dismisses that. She said sharks can detect blood in one parts per million. They’re looking through this book, learning, trying to figure out how to kill this otherworldly entity or monster.

They can smell it from a quarter mile away. And he’s like, so you’re saying it can detect blood? Everything they’re doing is what humans, many humans across the world, and especially going back further in time into the Middle Ages and the dark ages, et cetera. This is what they did. There were otherworldly monsters and entities and strange creatures. Not just creatures that they hadn’t seen yet, like a bear or a monkey or whatever it may be.

There were those things, too, that they had not seen. But there were also otherworldly alien creatures that came up from within the earth and came down from above, too. And they wrote them down. They had books called beastiaries, books of beasts, strange beasts. You know, like that movie that Harry Potter spinoff. What is that? Know where to find the fantastic beasts or whatever. Same exact concept. Because those are real.

Those were real. They were so real that people across the world swearing to God, most oftentimes these were like monks and people that lived in monasteries and churches and stuff. They wrote down exquisite, detailed pictures from many different people’s accounts and firsthand accounts of real, actual monsters that they encountered. And they drew pictures of them to the best of their ability and described their attributes, positive and negative, so that when they encountered these strange and mythic and legendary creatures, they could be better prepared to either kill them if they were predatory, hide from them, right? Or which ones were friendly and which ones to stay away from and what their eating habits were like and things of that nature.

Even unicorns. There’s many, many examples of many of these different kinds right here, especially this one. And some of these people would look at and just laugh and they would be like, oh, that’s know people, Drew. They just believed in dumb things back then. No, they recorded what they actually saw. They recorded the truth. All right, we get back to Lucas and the gang, and Lucas is upset because eleven used her telepathic powers to knock him away.

And the other kid likes eleven. So they’re having a little argument right now. And he says, no, she’s a liar. She’s a traitor. And remember, she represents the giants or the elven race that came down from above. The humanoid phantasoids that descended with technology. They came down and they were seen by some to be scary and harmful and hurtful, but by others to be helpful and helping to reshape and reestablish the world, bringing their technology, which was lost to us because we went through a cataclysm, right? And Dustin’s like, she threw you in the air with her mind.

We need her. You know what mean? Like, she might be scary to you, but, man, she’s got powers that we don’t, which is basically the story of the ancient gods or fallen angels or whatever you’d like to refer to them as. They don’t have to be fallen as in bad angels. They’re just angels that came down from heaven, right? Or aliens or whatever you see them as. And then he says, which is exactly why we need her.

She is a weapon, right? So this is humans and aliens working together. The human race getting along with the elven race or the Elu, or those of the gods, the children of the gods and the gods themselves. The giants that came down, they were always gigantic in stature. He says, I’m going to the gate and I’m going to find will. And that’s exactly where will is at the gate.

The gate of our world represents Babylon, or the gate of the gods. Mount Maru. The Tower of Babel. Right. The entrance, the plasma volcano that goes down into our world. That’s the gate into paradise or into the hollow recesses of our world. Now, there’s a flashback where, you know, with her papa, which is this government guy who I can’t stand, and he says, I want you to find it.

And he’s saying he wants her to find these otherworldly aliens. They want to find aliens the government, in stranger things, wants to find aliens or extraterrestrial life or creatures that are otherworldly so badly that they look for and kidnap children and humans who have powers to find them, so that they kidnap people who still have. There’s still a remnant of people that have supernatural abilities and powers, especially mental ones, especially being able to manipulate your aura and send your spirit out of your body and travel through the astral realms, if you want to call it that, astral traveling and stuff, telepathy, telekinesis, et cetera.

They purposefully, in stranger things, the government hunts down and looks for and kidnaps these individuals, testing them to make sure that they’re the individuals that they want, so that they can find these otherworldly monsters and entities, so that they can use them as weapons and things of that nature as well. So they put her into this isolation tank. It’s filled with water, specifically salt water. And what this does today, we would call it the sensory deprivation tank, right? So it deprives you of all of your senses and stuff.

And that way you can just focus and concentrate on your spirit, on your energy, which is really the only thing you should feel afterwards. Your thoughts, your feelings, your energy. And it’s full of salt water because it allows for electricity to flow through it, right? It allows you to move your electrical field around. Also, that’s shown to us in this older movie. This is a mind blowing movie called Altered States.

I think it’s from the 70s. But this movie is the exact same concept that people who were commissioned by academic schools of notoriety, right? They had professors and stuff looking into these modern pseudosciences, and they were paid thousands and thousands of dollars to do the exact same thing that’s shown to us in stranger things where people, they took lsd and different drugs and stuff. And then they went into these isolation tanks, just like you see here, to see what they could find.

And throughout this entire movie, he’s shown glimpses, symbolic glimpses, right? Picture forms of the apocalypse and of our hidden history. And the whole movie is amazing. It’s really all about that. It’s a really good flick. It shows petrification, shows all kinds of stuff. But you’ll notice while he’s in this isolation tank, he kind of looks like he’s inside of an egg. Which takes us to our next little breakdown and rabbit hole we’re about to go down.

So eleven goes into the grocery store, she’s hungry, and she steals boxes of eggo waffles, eggos. And they’re shown to us throughout the entire show. And it’s not just because ego paid stranger things and they want to make a lot more money. So it’s a little product placement. I’m sure that that’s a byproduct of what’s happening, but in reality, it’s extremely deep. Why the producers and the people who made this movie allowed this to be in there, not because they just wanted an extra buck, but because this fits in perfectly with what’s being shown to us esoterically.

Also, note the 88. Okay. And she’s crossing the 88. She passes through the 88, which is going through those doors. Right. I’m going to come back to that if I remember to. Okay. But right now we’re going to focus and zoom in onto the egos, and we’re going to break down the etymology and the origin and the root of egos and why ego waffles are portrayed and why elle is shown as loving them so much.

Remember, she represents the alien bipedals that come down from another world. Right, that float down from the sky or the fallen ones, et cetera, that bring technology, that have telepathy, all of these things, right? So eggos and eggo waffles. Why do stranger things show them so much? What is it about these that are symbolic and hearken to a forgotten past or a hidden past? Right. Well, basically the word itself is the exact same as why we have Cheerios, a cereal, a breakfast cereal.

It’s cheery o’s. Cheery happy o’s. Right. Why was it called that? Well, originally cheery o’s were called cheery oats. And the. Hope you notice the yellow box, right? That tends to be, like, happy and cheery and makes people feel happy because it’s all using vibrations and frequency and cymatics to influence your thoughts and therefore your decisions and therefore what you buy and what you don’t buy. Right. So the gimmick with cheery oats was that instead of having to cook and use real oats and people would have oats for breakfast, children thought, they say that children thought they were bland, et cetera.

No, it was a gimmick so that they could get kids to eat this new form of cereal. And they said, these are cherry oats, and the kids will eat them. They love eating cherry oats. You know what I mean? They taste much better than just bland oatmeal or whatever. Right? Same exact thing with the eggs. They’re egg o’s or circles, right? They’re egg circles. So they’re egg o’s.

Right. Just bust out the Sesame street picture. So egg o’s. They’re o’s made out of egg, basically. It’s going to get deeper than that. So hold on. We’re going to come back and this is all going to circle around just like an o, right? Back to stranger things. Check this out if you don’t believe me. Says here eggo waffles were originally called frothles. When they were created in 1953, it was another way of saying frozen and waffles together.

Frothles customers started calling them eggos due to their egg flavor, and the company decided to rename them in 1950. 519. 55. That’s right, 1955. They were renamed. So they were only called frothels for two years, but in 1955, they were renamed to Egg O’s. And this was one of their original brand logos. Was the egg breaking open? Keep that in mind as well because that’s going to come right back to aliens and l or eleven.

Or the Elu race. Right. The elven race. The Eggo and the egg breaking open. This was their original initial mascot was this guy right here, a giant egg. Mr. Egg was promoting the Eggo frozen waffles. Right? Or the egg o’s. This guy right here is Humpty Dumpty. That’s exactly who this is. Mr. Egg is Humpty Dumpty and it’s related to Eggo waffles and it’s related to eleven. I’ll show you how.

Now, Humpty Dumpty makes an appearance in Alice in Wonderland, which also makes an appearance in this particular chapter of stranger Things. I’ll show you here later on. But in through the looking glass, which is basically Alice in Wonderland, part two. Right? Alice goes through the looking glass, and one of the characters she meets on her way is Humpty Dumpty. And they have this really interesting discussion as they’re talking about the Jabberwocky.

And Alice is like, oh, that’s just a made up word. And she keeps hearing all these words in wonderland that seem like just gibberish to her. Now, anyone that studies books and literature and whatnot, they’ll tell you, oh, yeah, this is, you know, it’s just all about creative license to just make up gibberish and words and stuff. I disagree. I believe Humpty Dumpty was talking to Alice about how he can make a word mean whatever he wants it to mean.

And he can, if you know who Humpty Dumpty is, right? When Humpty Dumpty falls off that wall, he changes our language. Our language as we know it. And the words as we have them will change, right? Because it’s happened before. And I’ll explain the Humpty Dumpty falling as well. But they have this whole thing talking about the language changing and him being able to change the languages, which is the whole tower of Babel falling.

Keep that in mind. Right? And the languages changing once more. So, Humpty Dumpty, look at the shape. He’s on the wall. He’s talking to Alice, the truth seeker. Now, I’m going to be more direct, okay? And I’m going to show you some diagrams that I myself have drawn and come up with here so that I can show you who I believe Humpty Dumpty actually is physically in our very real world.

So, what I like to do is, I’m just going to back off for a second, explain the image. For those of you who have not seen this before. This is the ancient hebrew cosmology of our world or concept of the earth or our realm that we live in, okay? I actually added this little inverted dome at the top. I also added the plasma that’s wrapped around it because that represents the plasma sphere that’s wrapped around our world or the firmament.

So I’m going to show you Humpty Dumpty, okay? Now, before I do, I want you to notice at the top, oftentimes they will put a hole in the firmament. And above that hole, it says gate of heaven. This is the entryway for angels or for the gods or for anyone that comes into our world. This is where they enter in through the apex. At the apex, because there is a hole created when the atmosphere depressurizes and blows out all that pressure and all of the gases in our atmosphere.

When the magnetism that is created, that our earth naturally creates a magnetic dome around it, okay? When that magnetic dome disappears, that magnetic dome is holding in and pressurizing the world. So when it releases and when it lets go and the magnetism disappears, we go through a worldwide electromagnetic pulse. We go through an Emp. It’s a neutral point in a polarity shift. When that disappears, all of that gas flows up and it hits the apex, which is right here.

Or originally, it was just up here, blows a hole into it. Right? Now, those gases will freeze after the pressure is reinstituted and the dome goes back up. Or at least the invisible portion, the electromagnetic portion of the dome. Not the physical ice dome itself, but the magnetic dome, okay? When that goes back up, it will push those gases again once more, but they will reform to a new shape, a new current, a new path, because this up here will be cut off.

This up here will be cut off. And therefore, when the gases freeze, they will create a little barrier or a dome, which is exactly how the bigger version of it is created as well. So it’ll create a little mini version of it, but that dome will face inwards towards us. Hold on. Right? Just hold on. And I’m going to come back around, and we’ll wrap it all up in a nice little bow.

It’ll make sense. Okay. All right, so here is the inverted dome. I believe this is actually the physical moon, or this is what is responsible for projecting this image right here next to it, called the moon or the luminary in the sky. Okay? So let’s imagine that that’s true. The moon was called sin. In the ancient world, the moon had many names. Sin was one of them. Nana.

Which is why ba na na looks like a crescent or a moon shape or one of the moon’s shapes that it takes. But sin was in the world. And I’m going to show you the fall of sin, right? Whenever all of that pressure is released up here into our atmosphere, the firmament breaks open. Okay? And as it breaks open around the weakest points, parts of that firmament will fall down.

So sin, being the God of the moon, right? Enters into our realm or the surface world. It falls down. There’s also the energetic amplification of pressure and stuff like that, and degradation of energy and stuff that also happen around the same time. But let’s take a look. Okay, I’m going to zoom in. Now, let’s imagine there’s a hole in the apex of this mini dome at the top, this little inverted dome at the top, okay? A hole would blow out, and because of that, people would see the color that’s behind it, which is this red spectrum plasma behind it, okay? Ionized hydrogen, basically, I believe.

So this would light up. It would look like an egg, basically, with a little hole in the middle that’s red. This is the evil eye. This is sin, or the moon God. And what happens is it falls, okay? It goes all the way down. It breaks open, and the sky falls. It goes straight down. And keep in mind, I’m saying, let’s suppose that the firmament is made of ice, which seems natural to me because the gases, they would skip from gas to liquid form and go straight to a solid form with enough pressure and a cold enough temperature, which is extremely cold up there, right? So this falls, sin, the God sin, or what is called the God sin, right? Or the evil eye falls down into this world, crashes down into our world and lands around the arctic circle.

It smashes into the arctic circle, which breaks into many different pieces that the king’s horses and the king’s men cannot put back together again, right? Which gives rise to icebergs of pure, fresh water. Pure fresh ice, right? And we find those all around the arctic circle. We do not find those at the exact center, though, right? Because there’s a hole in the middle of that dome. You see that? So in the exact center, you don’t find at the north pole, you don’t find icebergs.

I mean, you can find frozen saltwater, but that’s much different than an iceberg, which is fresh water, right? But all the way around, you find. And this is the introduction of the ice age, which doesn’t really cover the entire world or anything, just up here, right? And it’ll melt over time, too. So this is Humpty Dumpty. This is the hump. And this is why he’s called Humpty Dumpty.

I asked Chat GPT, and it just had no idea. It’s like, oh, it’s just a made up word. I’m like, no, it’s not. It’s hump that dumps. This is a dome that falls. You know what I mean? This is the sky falling. This is the place where it all begins. This is the place where it starts. This is the entry point. This is this star. People will look up and see a light.

This is the star in the sky because it’s actually real and physical, as opposed to the other stars, which are just luminaries, right? Which are cast from that object because of the little domes or craters on the moon. Basically, the same amount of craters that are on the moon visible with the naked eye is the same amount of stars that are visible with the naked eye in the sky.

That’s an interesting study if you want to look that up. So, boom, the moon falls, crashes down into the earth, all the way around the arctic circle, ice everywhere. Humpty Dumpty breaks into many different pieces. This is the egg of the world falling down and breaking open and life emerging, et cetera, right? So here’s a close up version of it. This is also the eye that is in the sky.

There’s only one eye, okay? This is the one eye that’s in the sky up there in the heavens that faces downward. And on occasion, conditions in our world change. The light changes and reverses direction, and we can see that eye that’s up there in the sky right now. That’s hidden. It’s hidden from us right now, but it’s also responsible for creating different luminaries that we can see in the sky.

So this is the ultimate eye in the sky. So all of the all seeing eye symbolism, all of the eye of gods, all the various one eyed gods, et cetera, this is their eye. It’s a physical portion of the firmament, which is made of ice, and it looks down on us. Now, let’s get back to the etymology of the word egg, right? If you look up the etymology of egg, it says here that it stems from old norse egg, which is how we normally spell it from the proto germanic aja.

You see that right there? Let me check this out. Now, follow me with this. Words change, okay? We have different letters that sound like other letters, so they start changing over time. Ega, the g sound is the exact same, depending on how you say it as the j sound, right? J, just like, I don’t know, there’s g can make a j sound, right? Like it sound like a j.

So aja and ega are the exact same. Just take a look at down here. It says from the protoindoeuropean root word oyo, or oyo, or oyo, which means egg in protoindoeuropean. This is interesting. So remember, these are two y’s in a row, sometimes two j’s in a row, right? Which are basically the exact same letter, sometimes two g’s in a row, depending on the pronunciation. This says this norse derived northern word lived on in Middle English with native cognates or related root words to I, as in the eyeball itself, the word I has the exact same root word as the word egg, which means they’re the exact same word.

It’s just different pronunciation and dialect and accents over time transform them. Different inflections, give them different meanings. You know what I mean? So the word oyo, aja, all of these words are the exact same word. Or the word egg is the exact same word as the word eye. Eyeball. In Spanish, it would be oho, I believe, is how that’s pronounced. Right. Ojo. Oyo. There’s different ways to pronounce it, depending on your dialect, right? And this is why it is the eye symbolism, because it looks like an eye.

You know what I mean? This is exactly what the dome looks like, except for maybe not yellow in the middle like that. The outer portion would be the firmament, the ice part of the firmament. Then you have that inverted dome that faces downwards towards us, giving us the eyeball symbolism. I and egg are the exact same word. Exact same word. So when the egg of the world breaks open, life pours into this world.

We go through an apocalyptic change, right? And dragons are born and skyworms are born, and wonderful serpents and alien creatures fall down and angels come down into this world, et cetera, and phantazoids and otherworldly creatures and animals and stuff, they float down into this world, which makes that egg. Right. Where’d it go? This one? Whatever. They’re the same. Okay. This is an egg. That’s all egg egg symbolism, right? Not an actual chicken egg, not an actual bird egg or whatever, but egg, like in what it looks like, right? That is the king egg.

That’s the main egg of the entire world. That’s Humpty Dumpty, who is sitting on the wall of ice, which is the ice wall, right? This egg, or at least when you look at it, like at the dome portion of it, right, is the king egg. It’s also the king eye or the king, the giant king that only has one eye, which is king Aug, or the cycle ops or the round, circular eye.

That’s why that’s called that. Not because there was giant creatures walking around that only had one eye in the middle or whatever. I’m not saying that’s impossible. I’m just saying the quintessential root of that is a physical part of our own world that we have forgotten about. Now, this Cyclops king right here, he represents King Og. And if you don’t know who king Og is, he was a notable giant or titan, you might say, that’s described in the Bible.

It goes into detail. Jewish mysticism also talks a lot about king Og, as does muslim tradition. In Arabic, you can read about King Og, and he makes this exact pose. You see how this cycle ops is holding his arms straight up into the air, holding on to what looks like a giant rock. That’s because in Islam, they have stories of king Og, as they do in Judaism. And the story was that king Og hated God’s chosen people so much that he stood directly above their camp and he picked up a huge mountain or a mound.

Kind of looks like a brain in that picture, you know what I mean? But he picked up a mound or a huge mountain or a dome, right? And he held it, and he threatened to throw it down onto the God’s chosen people, where they lived and gathered. Where is that? But the story goes that the real God, he interceded and he caused this mound to fall around King Og’s neck, basically, right? And he didn’t allow it to crush the people, the chosen people, the survivors, if you would like to call them that, the Nem or the Nemo.

Right? This is also Atlas, the Titan God, holding up another realm or another world. One way of saying a world in the ancient languages was mon, or moon, basically. That’s because Titan was this blue beam of energy terrestrially shooting up from the earth, which gave birth to the titans. And it was seen as holding up or wrapping around this mound that was up there at the firmament. Why? Because it split up there.

Because plasma is repelled by a strong magnetic force, right? So if you have the magnetic force of the firmament itself, and then the firmament changes and creates an inverted dome, when the plasma gets close to it, it’s going to be repelled by it splitting and creating a y shape or the tent peg of the world, the Vov. This is also Atlas. Atlas, just so you know, I clarify this all the time.

Atlas does not hold up the earth ever. So all of these new depictions of atlas holding up the globe of the earth or whatever are completely false when compared to the original stories. That’s an atlas we made up. That’s a God that we created in our own image that we made up saying that the earth was a spinning marble flying through space and all this stuff. So we said, oh, well, how’s Atlas going to hold that up the sky when it wraps around et cetera? So we changed atlas.

That’s a false atlas. This is the real atlas. That’s holding up a portion of the sky, which is responsible for creating stars. Right? Which is what you see here. Atlas held up the sky. Conspirator, good to see you. Thank you. So Atlas stood right here where you can see it. Let me zoom in on the bottom. He stood at the north pole, at the apex, at the top of the world, represented by this split mountain right here, just in this particular image.

Right? This is at the north pole. That’s where he stood at the Axis Mundi. Right? Hold on, let me zoom out. He stood at it. He held up the sky. But in all reality, everyone saw him holding up this other world or this other realm, which was the moon or the actual, physical, real moon that he was holding up or seemed to be holding up. It was just wrapping around it, because it’s plasma and it’s repelled by the real moon’s electromagnetic force.

So I drew a picture in the same diagram just to give you an idea of what that looks like right here, you have the firmament at the top. You have the inverted dome. You have the blue beam of ionized, probably oxygen that shoots up out of the earth. When we go through this polarity shift, all of this gas just shoots up. I mean, the gases are already starting to leak up out of the earth.

If you pay attention, you can see a lot of signs and omens that point to that. So they become ionized or electrified. When they do, they become plasma, which has this bluish green bright color, and it can change colors, too, but it shoots up out of Mount Maru, which is a plasma volcano. Orupus negra, the black magnetic mountain, right? Shoots straight up into the sky. You have a little dome of energy that wraps around the garden of Eden right here, because there’s an electromagnetic magnetic force that covers and goes around the entire island, where Mount Maru is in the center of it.

So a lot of that plasma gets trapped inside of there, and that gives you the legs of this squatterman glyph, or the stick figure glyph, which is seen as this titan that was holding up the sky itself, right? Then you have these subsidiaries, these little side anode and cathode mountains, as I just affectionately call them, right? And they also shoot up their own little beams, too, in these little staffs.

And this is your quintessential godlike image that is portrayed in different ways all across the world of a hero that saves the world when he appears, when needed most, that seems to have be holding up like two animals or tigers or other gods or staffs or whatever you want to call it, right? And it reaches up and it wraps around, and it looks like its arms are holding up the sky.

This is also a symbol of peace, which is why when you don’t want problems, you hold your hands up into the sky like that. And this is also a titan with one eye. If you see this as being the head of this stick figure that doesn’t have a head, right? And you look up at it, you see this gigantic eyeball where the head should go, and it becomes the cyclops or the cyclops.

It also becomes the greatest of all of the titans. King Og, who was said, according to jewish lore, to have survived the deluge, the only one to have survived the deluge of all of the giants or titans, by riding on a unicorn, not by riding on an animal with a one horn, but he rode on top of one beam. That’s how he survived. He stayed up there with one beam, you know what I mean? Or whatever one unicorn means one horn or one beam or one protrusion, et cetera, and so on and so forth.

Right? So it’s symbolic of him on the unicorn. I don’t know if you guys ever heard that story, but basically in jewish lore, King Og survives the flood, and he actually has offspring that become giants and titans and stuff, too. But he survives by riding on the back of this huge unicorn. And he just follows Noah around, and Noah tosses him some food from time to time. And the deal was that he would protect Noah’s children going on into the future, and he would never make war with them, basically, as long as he was fed.

This is also in the movie legend shows you, like the devil. We’re going to get to the goat horns and stuff like that in just a bit. This is why the devil’s red, because there’s ionized red plasma. It’s why Santa’s red. It’s why all the red spectrum tends to be seen as evil or whatnot, and why this guy wanted the unicorn’s horn in the movie so much, right? Because that’s what it represented.

Next up, just the story. I’m going to read it to you real quick of the death of King Og. It said that Og uprooted a mountain 3 miles long, intending to destroy all of Israel at once by hurling it upon their camp. So imagine, right, you have this inverted eye in the sky. You have this beam of light. And so you’re seeing things when you’re in the red sky or the time of magic, when you’re used to all these beams of light and stuff, right? So you see this huge titan that seems to be holding up this mountain or mound up above the place where the people of God or the chosen people, the survivors, have gathered, which is that island at the center of the world at the north pole.

And he’s looming above it, getting ready to throw it down onto them and crush them, basically. So he held up this mountain that was said to be 3 miles long, and the camp of Israel was also the exact same size. So that island down there at the north pole was the exact same size, 3 miles or not? Right? Same size as the moon, the real moon, or the mound that’s attached to the firmament itself.

Exact same size, which we’ll come back to. And it says, while he was carrying it upon his head, a swarm of locusts burrowed through it so that it fell around his neck. So it created a hole in this mountain that he was holding up, and then it fell right over his neck, right which is this exact story we just talked about. Now, here is the map, or here is the island at the center of the world, at the north pole at the center of our world.

Right? This was shown on many ancient maps. We’ve gone over this quite a few times, right? It’s got Rupus Negra right there in the middle, the plasma volcano, et cetera. But you can see it’s circular and it also has an x right through it in the form of the four rivers of the Garden of Eden. Right? We’ve got like the Euphrates, the Tigris, probably the Pichon and the Gihon.

These two might be switched around, I can’t tell yet. But anyways, this is the Garden of Eden. This is Atlantis. This is the quintessential island where all of the aliens, gods, et cetera, gathered at this mountain at the center. And this is paradise where they lived. Right? Now, it’s said that this island was the exact same. This is the hebrew camp. Okay? If you think about God’s chosen as being like the Hebrews, this is the hebrew camp.

And it was the exact same size as the mound that Atlas holds above his head, or the mountain that king Og, or Ogius, or whatever you want to call him, he held onto. Right? So this is interesting. Keep in mind the shape, right? There’s an x right through it with a hole right in the middle. Right. It’s the exact same as what we find with the inverted dome at the top of the world.

Right. That hole is filled with water down here on the surface. Right. But this is super interesting because that’s what creates this land. If we overlaid the moon, this is what it would look like. Right? So if the firmament were a reflective surface, like pure ice is, we would expect it to cast a reflection of what is directly below it. And therefore, when we see the real moon, or sometimes even when we see the luminary, we may actually see a big ol x in the moon.

Can we find a historic example of this? If we go to the Anglo Saxon Chronicles, we can. During the dark ages, in eight, six ad, it says down here. This year, also on the next day, before the gnomes of June, so the summer solstice, a cross was seen in the moon. Right? These are people, monks and whatnot, that were sworn to God to record the truth, right? They wrote people saw a cross in the moon itself.

Now, I did another video about this interesting piece of architecture, which is like the Capitol building in the United States. And in the Capitol building, they have this dome that goes up. Now, pay attention to a lot of our architecture, because it reflects these truths that I’m sharing with you. Now, in my opinion, they reflect this. So what we have here is George Washington and all of these forefathers or whatever who are sitting on clouds up in the sky.

And if you look at the capitol building, at the dome at the very top, and you take a good, hard look at it, what you’ll find is that the same map I just showed you is right above their heads. Check this out. So I put a filter on it so you can see it a little better. Right? That’s Eden. That is the garden of Eden. That’s the moon reflecting that land down at the bottom where we live.

Okay, so take a look at it. Here’s the map. There’s the actual dome. This one is. I haven’t done anything except for put words on it. Okay. This one’s got a filter so you can see it better. It’s very dim. Okay. I don’t know if they painted over it and it still bleeds through or whatever, but it’s there. There is a map of paradise on the ceiling of the Capitol building or the Capitol dome, and it’s right there, clear as day.

Right, let’s zoom in a little bit more so you can see it a little better. Right. Here it is with the filter on it so that you could see the light part better and the dark parts better. And here’s the map as it emerges. Just put it on top of there. Interesting. Right? And that brings us to another word for this protective barrier up in the sky, which is what the firmament is.

It’s a protective shield. This one usually had the face of the gorgon medusa in the middle of it, who had these wonderful snakes, fiery serpents. Right. That came out of her face or around her face and would petrify people, turning them into stone. This was called the eggs, or the eggs agus. I mean, it all depends on how you would like to pronounce it. Basically, it’s the word egg, right? Or strong egg or mighty egg is what this is.

And it was the shield of Zeus, which he passed on to his daughter. Says the norse derived northern word lived on in Middle English with cogniz, which means the exact same root word for I. As we went over and egg, you see that A-E-G. So the eyeball. The egg is. The egg is. The. Is at the end is a suffix just meant strong. Oroz, just pronounced in different ways.

Right. Eggos, egos, the eggs, et cetera. This was the protective shield of Zeus, and they always put the gorgon’s face in the middle of it because that’s what people saw when it blew a hole into it, and it was all red. And these fiery snakes came down, which is plasma, which we showed you on the super smash brothers, right? Fiery snakes came down out of that black hole in the sky and petrified stuff.

It did many other wonderful things, too, but because it’s ionized hydrogen, or if it is ionized hydrogen, that will bond with nearly anything it touches, and it will change the chemical bonds and electrical bonds of all things, the bigger, powerful streams of plasma that come down could solidify things and bring those bonds in tighter and make them rock and petrify them, humans and animals and people and objects and technology all alike, petrifying it and bringing us into an age of stone, or the stone age.

Now, one definition of the greek word aegis is a violent windstorm. Well, I find that to be extremely interesting, right? Because that’s where the world storm comes from. That’s where the tempest comes from, is whenever that eye in the sky opens or the hole bursts into the apex of the dome, and all of that pressurized atmosphere in our world gets sucked out, and it creates a world storm, a funnel cloud, a tornado that’s gigantic, bigger than any scene before, and it takes people to other lands and worlds.

Oz, right? It means violent windstorm. But look down at some of these other meanings, too. It also can mean goat or goat skin coat. So back in the day, people would have these shields, and they would call them egguses, and they’d name them after the protective shield they saw in the sky. They would put Medusa’s face on it and everything. And they would line it with goat skin oftentimes.

And it’s called goat because the root of aegis in Greek is these three letters. Let’s check this out. This is where the origin of sin and some evil God comes from. Greek eggs. Eggs, or aix aches. So it means goat. This is exactly what it means. That’s very interesting to me, too. We read on Zeus. Zeus, who holds the aegis is how it was translated. It also may have meant the sky or heaven, who holds the thunderstorm.

The aegis was the sky or a piece of the sky that held onto and was responsible for creating thunderstorms, the world storm. Right? This is from etymology. com or, I’m sorry, edomonline. com. And you can see here under aegis, it says protection, or it conveys protection, right. Aegis the name of the shield of Zeus, a word that was said by Herodotus to be related to eggs. That’s how you pronounce that.

It’s just like the word eggs plural. Right. Eggs or eggs. Goat. So it means and implies goat in Greek, which is interesting. Goat is the exact same word as goat in German, which means God. It is an evil God that looks like a goat because it has these horns that come out of it. Right. Which is plasma that comes out of this circle up there in the sky.

Goat. Goat. Same. Right. Also down here, if you check out the root for the word God, it also says it comes from the root gu or go, almost like geist, like poltergeist, like a ghost. And it means to call or invoke. The notion could be divine entity that is summoned to a sacrifice. The go, the goo. The goo. L, the ghouls. Right. To summon a mighty being or an l.

Right. To invoke a mighty being is a ghoul. That’s what you call up. This is the goat God with a star right in the middle of its head. Forget about how many points the star has. That can change depending on conditions up there in the atmosphere and stuff. But this is the goat God with wings because it seems to be flying up there in the heavens, up in the sky.

Right. This is the goat God. This is the evil God. This is sin that falls down into the world. That falls from the heavens. Right. This is Pan. This is also the same dude, the devil dude from the movie legend. Not I am legend, but legend with Tom Cruise. Right? Is that Tom Cruise? Yeah, Tom Cruise. And he’s walking around with his little horn, and he’s red and he’s got the goat horns.

This is the quintessential devil type, right? That falls from the heavens. That comes from up there. Not down there in hell, comes from up there. Here is an interesting correlation. This is an image or a piece of artwork that was done to represent in the Bible in the Old Testament. First of all, you can see, like, they’ve got the dome going up here on the sides, right? And then we have the patriarch Abraham.

There’s a story where Abraham was called to sacrifice his son Isaac, which is right here. So he ties up Isaac. Isaac represents, like, the beam or whatnot, because that beam will retract, okay? It will die, and it will sacrifice itself to stop the apocalypse. Basically, down here you have this little goat or ram or whatnot. Then you have these three angels. Check out what these three angels are eating.

Kind of looks like eggos doesn’t it? Right. Or waffles, at the very least. That’s what waffles used to look like whenever you make them in a little waffle maker, right? Is they put, like, little x’s on them. These were cakes that had x’s that people made. I’m going to come back to those cakes here in a minute. They’re referenced in the Bible, right, as being a sort of abomination.

This is what the original waffle makers. Look at this chick’s eyes. Yeah. I don’t know what’s in her waffles. But anyways, these waffle makers had lines right through the middle so that you can break them into these quadrants or whatever. But symbolically, it also represents those four quadrants of the land at the north pole. The waffles. Right. Here it is again, you can see the four lines. And those four lines form the x or the aches or the eggs, or however you’d like to say it, which are encircled.

And we have the tet, which is the x with a circle around it. The egg o’s or the X o’s. Right. The eggs. Now, this right here is called a hot cross bun, right? So remember earlier we talked about these people seem to be eating some sort of pastry with an x in the middle of it. These were called hot cross buns. They were buns with crosses on them or an x right in the middle of them.

And they baked them in ancient times and offered them up to these entities that came down and appeared to be eating them. And we’ve talked about how ghosts can actually eat food offerings or appear to eat food offerings as plasma hovers over gases that are released whenever stuff like this decomposes. When you just leave it out. Right? So people would leave out these hot cross buns, and they were paying homage to the goddess of the moon, or the God of the moon, sin, or Inanna or Nana or Ishtar or Ishtar or Esther or.

There’s so many different names, right? It says here in the Bible, the sons gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women need the dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven. That’s that inverted dome that we’re talking about up there, because it’s like the mother figure, the mother goddess, et cetera. Sometimes it’s seen as male, sometimes female. They pour out, drink offerings to other gods to provoke me to anger.

And that’s from Jeremiah 718. That’s talking about these hot cross buns. Ishtar of Babylon. Notice it has the word star, which is basically star, right? So the s and the sh sound going far back enough in time, they have the exact same origin. They’re the exact same letter or glyph. Okay? So this is the word star. This goddess is the star, the actual star at center stage in the world, up there on high, okay? Not little luminaries and stuff, but a physical, actual entity, which is a portion of the dome that faces towards us, which is the eye in the sky.

The actual star that makes all of the other lesser stars. Ishtar, known as Inanna in sumerian mythology, or the daughter of sin, the daughter of Nana, is a prominent goddess worshipped by the ancient Mesopotamians. Right? I think that’s in reference to not just modern Mesopotamia, but the actual original Mesopotamia, which was the land between the rivers, which was those four rivers of the Garden of Eden. Right? The foreman x.

Now, here’s an example of these different stars that represented these different gods that we’ve just gone over. Take a look. Take a look. That reminds me of skyrim anyways, in the middle you have like the crescent shape or the nana shape, the banana, which is where that comes from, which is the moon. This is whenever the actual moon, that actual inverted hump or the Humpty dumpty up there in the sky, as the light swirls around and moves about, it goes through its own cycles and rhythms and stuff.

So it looks and appears different depending on how the light is touching it, basically. Right? So it’s got different forms. It’s got this form, which is the eight pointed star with a circle right there in the middle, which is the light coming out of the depressurization point in the firmament. Sometimes they draw as the Agus, which also has these eight sort of lines running through it. And also keep in mind it’s reflecting the four rivers that are directly below it as well.

Right? All right. And then, of course, the moon, et cetera. All right, moving on. Ashtart, or ashtarte or Astarte, was also a celestial goddess possessing astral traits and who was identified with the morning star and occasionally to the moon. This is the moon goddess, right? The real moon is at the apex of the world, where the north star is now, or where we believe the north star is now.

Okay? And it’s directly above Mount Maru or the holy mountain. So that mountain is the mountain of the moon. That’s another one of its epitets. Back to the movie. So l representing the gods or the alien race or the angels or however you’d like to see them Anunnaki, right. Et cetera, who come down from the opening in the moon, right? Not that they live on the moon or anything, even though that might be possible, but they come down through the moon, right? This other worldly realm that’s red in color and looks like it has an x on it, which is planet x, which is Niburu, which is the planet where beings cross over from the heavenlies into our world and come down into this world.

She passes the boundary marker, which is 88. We’ve talked about that many times. It’s het. Het, which is two outdoor boundary markers. Those are the pillars of Hercules. When she passes through that, for no good reason whatsoever, like she’s already gotten away with it, she breaks the glass in the doors behind her, right? This is how she comes into our world. This is how the aliens come down into our world, is the highest, hardest glass ceiling, which is.

The firmament breaks and shatters. And that’s when you have a storm immediately. That’s when you have monsters appear or magic or whatever, immediately after that. So it’s appropriate that eleven steals these egos, right? Which is also a type of like Prometheus and stuff like that, too. But anyways, she steals these egos and the glass shatters, which is symbolic of the sky opening, basically. Now we move forward in the presentation and Hopper, the sheriff, the town sheriff, and Will’s mom, they find out that eleven’s mother is still alive, and they go to her house to ask her questions about eleven, because now they’re realizing that they’ve been chasing eleven this entire time instead of chasing will.

So they want to find out what’s going on with eleven. So I think this is Eleven’s mother’s sister, if I remember correctly. And she says, this is what happened for a couple of people like my sister. They’d give Eleven’s mom money, the government, and they would give them drugs, psychedelics and LSD mostly. And then they would strip them naked and put them in isolation tanks. People like Eleven’s mom had telepathic powers, right? Some people in this world, a remnant of us, have and contain powers or a strong spirit or an amplified spirit of that blue beam.

It’s a trace, resonant energy of the blue beam, or terrestrial energy or earth energy. Good energy, good vibes, right? Which is what I promote here on my channel. And that’s who we naturally emulate and naturally represent. And the war is against the opposite, which is the nasty energy that comes in and fills this world from above. So they would put her into these isolation tanks filled with salt water, as we talked about, so that you can float around inside of them.

And they wanted to expand the boundaries of the mind. This is the government in stranger Things. This is their government, which is reflecting our own right and what they’re trying to do. They’ll condemn anything that is esoteric or fringe or any of that, when in reality they have secret groups and organizations and splinter cell groups and stuff that are dedicated to unraveling the mysteries that we are now and have been talking about for some time.

That were the old ways that were once common knowledge. The world across things like magic and monsters and apocalyptic events and telekinesis and telepathy and many other words that start with tele, basically, right? Not teletubbies, I don’t know, might be related. She didn’t know that she was pregnant at the time, right? So this woman with these telepathic powers was pregnant, and she was giving all of these drugs to amplify her abilities, and she was put in isolation tanks while she’s developing an embryo.

Did they know that? She says they didn’t know that she was pregnant, but maybe they purposefully got her pregnant in the hopes of amplifying that power in another version of her, so that when she gives birth to it, they can snatch it up and keep it underground and refine that power for their own selfish motives. So they go into eleven’s old room. When she was a baby or before she was born, her mom started to make her a room that she never changed.

Take a look at what’s inside of this room. Look at the symbolism. The white rabbit. ALice in Wonderland once again, right? Rav, or rab, means teacher. Someone that you look up to, a guide. Basically, RabOt is a strange spelling of a plural feminine of the same world or same word, basically. DOwn here we’ve got another white rabbit. There’s a chicken there, too. The chicken symbolism refers to the survivors of the apocalypse, okay? They’re seen as chickens because they run away and they all go to Mount Maru.

They go to the center of the world, which is the place of safety. They zoom out, and you can see above Eleven’s crib, there are these floating clowns moving around in circles on this carousel, right? All of these white beings from other worlds. Everything that’s from space is basically, I’ve found it to be oftentimes very white albino clown like, looking pasty and colored, much like it doesn’t have to be pure white, but it’s much like the demagorgon that’s like an off white, a shiny white, these creatures that have the shine, etc.

So we have all of this alien symbolism right above Elle’s crib there. All right? So Jonathan and Nancy, they’re out buying weapons to try to kill the demogorgon. And this guy that’s selling it to him says, what are you guys doing with all this stuff? They bought bear traps and gasoline and guns and stuff. He’s like, what are you doing with all this stuff? And they’re like, they’re trying to think of an excuse and they can’t, so they just tell the truth.

We’re monster hunting. And the guy goes, right? He doesn’t believe them, basically. So that’s interesting that you can tell people in the world that don’t study these things the very truth, and they’ll just dismiss it. You know what I mean? Like, okay, whatever. They don’t believe you. Elle, meanwhile, is busy eating and grubbing on her eggos, which are also a form of the moon that eats is a giant eater.

Whenever you see the moon breaking open, when the moon breaks open because of the depressurization, buoyancy increases in the world and it sucks everything up. And the moon is seen as eating living beings. Everything that gets sucked up is eaten by the moon. It’s also a pacman symbolism, too, right? Just want to throw that out there. So her friends are looking for her. Her new friends, the little gang are looking.

They’re running through the forest saying, eleven ll. Meanwhile, some bullies creep up on them and some bullies corner them and they take them to this gorge right now, this gorge we’ve talked about in the first episode that sort of represents Mount Maru and the very hot, high and lofty mountain, et cetera. And they back them into the corner on this gorge, and Mike’s over there and the bullies say, hey, if you don’t jump off that, know I’m going to cut your buddy here, right? And they’re like, no, Mike, don’t do it, don’t do it.

So he takes a step and he just trusts that he’s not going to die, that he’s not going to fall to his death. This is known, I affectionately call this the leap of faith, which is something that could possibly happen. If you are at the top of Mount Maru and you want to go down inside of the earth right after you have scaled up this lofty mountain or whatever, you don’t have to scale back down inside of the earth because of how the pressure works and how the electromagnetism works.

And because there is a wind that blows up, a strong wind, a zephyr that blows up from the middle of the earth, you actually just float. Right. And depending on how your body is, you might actually be blown back up. Or you can slowly float all the way down into the earth itself. Just like we talked about on the Godzilla movie where he goes down into the earth.

So Mike takes a step, he starts to fall, but there’s Mike, and all of a sudden he starts floating back up. And you notice his posture. That’s just know whenever skydivers want to slow down, they do this exact same type of a thing because of that zephyr that’s blowing him back up there. Right? So if you take a look right here, these are basically the cliffs of insanity as well.

This right here is Mike. So take a watch. Keep your eye on that. He’ll go back up and he just goes right back up to safety. He’s fine. He made the leap of faith just as is shown to us in many, many different movies. I’ll just show you a few examples. The matrix. Whenever Neo is supposed to make his leap of faith and he doesn’t get hurt. He doesn’t, you know, he gets hurt a little bit, but he doesn’t die.

Trinity does the same thing earlier on in the movie. She actually does the leap of faith before anybody jumping from building to building. Indiana Jones does the leap of faith when he’s actually going to the holy Grail, which is a form of the fountain of youth, which is Mount Maru. Right. And he walks right across. They also show this image of this knight who is wearing armor to protect him from high electrical atmospheric charge, basically not for fighting humans.

Okay, I know that maybe it turned into that, but that’s not what that was originally for. That was for protecting against electricity so that he can get to the holy grail. The cup. Right. Same thing shown in this Disney movie. Man, I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head, but it’s the same thing. The kid has to take a leap of faith. He totally just walks across this chasm, this gorge, this bottomless pit.

Right. What is a zephyr? A Zephyr, if you look up, the etymology of it is the west wind. The west wind, not a western wind from what we call today, west. Right. West and east in the modern sense are ridiculous. They don’t exist. They’re just left and right. And it all depends on which way you’re facing. There is no west and there is no east, because if we live on a spinning, wobbling marble, flying through space or whatever, or a ball or a spheroid or whatever, you want to call it a glob, right? If you go east, eventually you’re going to be in the west.

So east and west are the exact same thing on the world as it’s presented to us in academics. But in the old world, west was down. Down into the earth. That was the west, right? So the westernmost part of our world was the exact center where the huge opening was to go west. To go down into the earth, right? And then east, of course, was up. Related to the star.

Ust is kind of how it was originally pronounced, with the star, which is the actual only star up there in the sky. The physical star, the west wind, is the Zephyr. And it says, sometimes personified as a God. This is not just any wind that blows from a western direction or anything like that, okay? This is a specific wind that is specific and locked into a specific part of our world, which is in the north, or what we call today, north.

Probably related to zophos, which is the west, and also the dark region, darkness and gloom. So if you’re thinking left and right in the world as an east and west, that doesn’t make any sense. You know what I mean? Both of those are equally lit all of the time. There’s no gloom or darkness or whatever, but in the abyss, there is. In the bottomless pit, there is. And there is a wind or a breath that comes up from the earth that is called the zephyr, which is why winds oftentimes are called caves of the winds, or breath.

Or you can hear, like the breaths of the gods or whatever in the earth, because the earth is breathing. All right? So we get back to eleven, and she’s using her astral projection powers to try to find the demogorgon for the government. And she comes up on it, it’s growling, it’s feasting on some sort of a body. She’s right in front of it, scared to death. And it turns around and scares her.

It jump scares her. So she freaks out. And because she freaks out, I want to say this too. People that have telepathy, telepathic powers, people that have a strong energy or spirit, quite often you will find, and I’m sure there’s probably people in the chat that can corroborate this, okay? This is also my experience. Your power comes out accidentally quite often, okay? It comes out in moments where you just need it or when you weren’t expecting it or when your emotions are charged and stuff like that.

So this is what happens to Elle, and she freaks out and she just sends out this wave, the shockwave of power that cracks open or puts a crack in the wall of this facility, which is representative of our entire world, cracking the wall and creating this portal, right, which is the portal that will lead into the upside down, where the government agents quarantined it all. And they started looking into these things that Elle herself actually created by accident.

So she wakes up after this flashback, and she’s the one that helped to save Mike because she likes Mike, and she says, I’m the monster. Because she created the portal that goes into the upside down. She’s like, I’m the monster. Now, remember, she represents those gods, those beings, those giants that came down from other places that have technology and power and strong spirit energy and whatnot. They were magicians and wizards in comparison, right? And the elven race.

And she’s starting to believe what the humans have said about her. But the humans, after walking with her for a bit, they start to realize, they warm up to her and they say, no, just because you’re different, you’re not the monster. It’s not you, right? And it’s not. It’s not the beings that came down. It’s not the elven or whatever. Are there bad? Yeah, of course there’s bad energy.

There’s always balance, there’s always evil, but there’s always good, right. No matter where you are. So he says you’re not the monster. L right? The giants, the elven race, the angels, the aliens, the Anunnaki, whatever you want to call them, that came down. It’s not that they’re the monsters. The monster is the apocalypse. The monster is the energy that comes into this world in the form of those red plasma filaments, okay? That’s the monster that changes the world and can possess people and make you a thrall and a slave to it.

So the humans and the elven race hug, and they decide to walk together and to work together, which is also shown to us in many other things, especially in the Lord of the Rings stuff, too, which I’m probably going to break that down pretty soon. I already did all three of the Lord of the Rings, but I think next up, we’ll probably do the rings of Power tv series.

Susie flat, thank you so much for your donation in the chat today. I really appreciate it, and I hope all of you had a good time as we broke down chapter six of stranger things. Called the Monster, or the realm of the Star, or the man from the star. Man is actually directly related. The word moan or man is related to men, which is to think, right? So those creatures that appear to have intelligence are men or moan from the star, or east star, or Easter, Esther, et cetera.

Right? Or the depressurization point, the star gate, the portal in the firmament above us. Until next time, I’m Jay Dreamer, saying good vibes and goodbye so hard to fade away but something for save me to say it’d be easy upon me if I can wait to sleep but there’s something moving on the way we are gone there’s so many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I know I should have done this should have quit this long ago can’t send another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I turn away to sleep but there’s something holding on the way being ungone there’s ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up I don’t escape but I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I don’t escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up.

Time to wake up. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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