Spread the Truth



➡ This text talks about personal growth, self-discovery, and the importance of being true to oneself. It also discusses the power of spirituality and metaphysics, and how they can help us understand ourselves and the world around us better. The text encourages us to learn about esotericism, occultism, and other spiritual practices to empower ourselves and reach our full potential. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding symbols and their meanings, as they can provide deeper insights into our lives and the universe.
➡ The text discusses the concept of the Messiah in Hebrew tradition, explaining it as the anointed one, chosen for a significant task. It emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and self-knowledge, suggesting that each person is their own savior. The text also explores the idea of a new dimension, Olam Haba, where people use their accumulated knowledge to make a quantum leap back into the Godhead. Lastly, it delves into the concept of spiritual growth, where the spirit realm protects us as children and serves us as adults.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the connection between Jim Harbaugh and the Chargers, the rising popularity of singer Doja Cat, and the significance of certain dates. It also delves into esoteric information, such as the celestial ship of the north and the Israelite souls’ connection to the polar region of the northern constellation. The text emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and understanding the mysteries of the universe.
➡ This text talks about various theories and beliefs about the Earth being hollow and having a world inside it. It mentions how ancient cultures, like the Egyptians, built tunnels and underground structures, believing they were closer to the center of the Earth where their ancestors resided. The text also discusses how some people, including famous writers and Nazi leaders, were fascinated by the idea of a hollow Earth. Lastly, it touches on the concept of Agartha, a beautiful and wise place beneath the Earth’s surface in Central Asian Buddhist beliefs.
➡ This text talks about the idea of hidden cities beneath the earth, like the lost city of El Dorado, and the concept of artificial intelligence. It discusses how our consciousness and understanding of the world is like a computer program, and how we can use this idea to understand complex concepts like mythology, philosophy, and quantum physics. The text also explains how compression, a process used in computer science, is similar to how our brains store and recall memories. Finally, it suggests that our ability to create art comes from our exposure to different experiences and our ability to draw from our stored memories.
➡ This text talks about the concept of a hollow Earth, where the center of the Earth could contain an antimatter sun, and floating continents could exist. It also discusses the balance between gravity and pressure in astrophysics, and how this could relate to the hollow Earth theory. The text also mentions ancient beliefs about the underworld and the existence of tunnels around the world, especially near ancient sites. Lastly, it touches on some religious and mystical concepts, including the symbolism of colors and numbers in Kabbalah and Talmudology.
➡ This text talks about various religious beliefs and theories, mainly from the Jewish faith. It discusses the idea that non-believers will face punishment, and the dead will be revived in Israel. It also talks about the concept of the world being turned upside down, with the surface becoming hell and the underground becoming a sanctuary. Lastly, it delves into the symbolism of colors in religious texts, particularly the color blue, and its connection to protection and destruction.
➡ This text talks about a woman named Juliet Bryant who believes she was abducted by aliens and woke up with a blue butterfly symbol, which is linked to mind control and the concepts of life and death. The color blue is also connected to a form of magic used by a group of people who believe in a complex system of symbols and rituals. This group is trying to gain power from chaos and uses the color blue to protect themselves and keep their actions secret. They also believe in a future where they can transfer their consciousness to new bodies, created using stolen eggs from women.
➡ This video discusses a theory about a religious group trying to rebuild a spiritual temple and achieve a divine state of consciousness. They believe this can be achieved by merging male and female aspects of God and the devil, and by transferring their sins to others through a ritual involving a scapegoat. Some think the third temple is a digital world created by artificial intelligence. The speaker also mentions a theory about this group planning to survive a nuclear event by living underground for hundreds of years, hoping to emerge as divine beings and inherit the earth.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including Elvis getting a vaccine on TV, a movie, and a discussion about symbolism in different cultures. They also talk about the importance of sleep direction according to Feng Shui, and the connections between different words and symbols. They discuss the potential political implications of Kamala Harris becoming president, and the symbolism of a white penguin and a white raven. They end by discussing product placement in media and its influence on consumer behavior.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including a mutation in animals that supposedly occurs when the Israelites are in trouble, a movie about Santa Claus, and a video about Illuminati penguins. They also mention their excitement about watching old vampire films and tying them to the female Illuminati. The speaker thanks the audience for joining and mentions future plans for more content, encouraging listeners to subscribe to their occult newspaper.
➡ The text discusses a music festival called Sukat, which is linked to a scientific discovery of a ‘cold spot’ that suggests a parallel dimension. It also delves into astro theology, the belief that religion is derived from human experiences with celestial bodies. The text further explores the concept of the ‘Black Stone’, which is connected to various goddesses and religious beliefs, and the idea of ‘glossolalia’, a phenomenon where people speak in an unknown language, often associated with religious ecstasy.
➡ This text discusses various theories and interpretations of movies, symbols, and societal trends. It mentions the role of actress Kirsten Dunst in several films and how her characters might symbolize certain concepts. The text also explores the idea of the “Upside Down” from the show “Stranger Things” as a metaphor for a different dimension or reality. Lastly, it delves into a theory about gender transformation and its possible connection to ancient worship practices and modern societal changes.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the concept of ‘free martinism’, the importance of spiritual growth, and the symbolism in popular culture. It also talks about the Super Bowl and its connections to certain symbols and events. The author mentions the significance of colors and their representation in performances and sports. Lastly, it delves into the topic of masonic orders and their origins.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and their meanings in different cultures, focusing on the egg symbol in Egyptian art and theosophy. It also talks about the color blue’s significance in various contexts, and the trident symbol in pop culture and its connection to Ukraine. The author also mentions the concept of the underworld and its representation in the Percy Jackson series. Lastly, the text emphasizes the importance of chaos and imperfection in nature and how it reflects in ancient architecture.
➡ The speaker in the text is sharing their thoughts and experiences on their YouTube channel. They discuss their journey through different esoteric communities, their learning from master teachers, and their exploration of Vedic astrology. They also share a personal story about a conflict at a bar, which they connect to their spiritual journey. They emphasize that their channel is about helping viewers come to their own conclusions and learn from their experiences.
➡ The speaker bought a new jacket and ended up in a fight the same day. He didn’t want to fight, but he won and believes this experience helped him reach a new level of personal growth. He also mentions a connection between his jacket’s design and his spiritual beliefs. Lastly, he mentions a rare event of cicadas emerging in 2024, which he finds significant.
➡ The text discusses a mysterious internet puzzle called Cicada 331, which was posted online between 2012 and 2014. The puzzle is focused on data security, cryptography, and internet anonymity, and is considered one of the most elaborate and mysterious puzzles of the internet age. The text also mentions a movie called Dark Web, which is related to the Cicada 331 puzzle. Lastly, the text draws connections between various events, symbols, and people, including the cicada, the Roman Empire, the Harbaugh brothers, and Joe Biden.
➡ This text talks about various conspiracy theories linking political figures like James Biden, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden to historical events and mythology. It suggests that James Biden owns an island near Epstein Island, and draws parallels between Trump and Biden’s political stances and the story of Romulus and Remus. The text also discusses a pattern of assassination attempts on U.S. presidents during Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions, and speculates about future events based on numerology and symbolism in popular culture.


One source, one energy we all bound to one force one God make the sound move yeah and I’m bound to make the ground move with every step I take earth shake as I pound through broke down barriers and rooms out of soundproof opened up my eyes lost lies and I found truth God on my side every time star gates open when these portals intertwine if it don’t align it’s a sign to get back in line with the colors going up your spine at the center of everything tourist vortex my conscious will abort breath leave them at the doorstep I see singular resonate with the nebula angelic source horseports molecular my green chakras or blood light being ross on divine medicines ancestors use before rust calculate my origin let them know that Moore’s won every day of battle ascension is when the war is won hard pounding every day every step I take only mean I’m that much closer to winning the race enemies is getting closer they tracking my pace when I’m old, demons show up that mean I’m close to the finish line od and m realm still got to pay your dues dog realize yourself he’ll sell from the roots off be the twin flame to yourself let the fire burn a roof as I breathe through the wormhole I’m about to leave depending how to dodge and weave all this energy run a cheap if it’s not for me I let it go I’m not stressing no more getting in tune with the earth getting in tune with my soul I will be okay I’ll still find a way because I have what it takes and I could never break yeah can I break me? The heartache it only made me mastering myself saying something yeah on a daily going through the phases healing through the changes I’ve been transforming into the greatest, greatest version of myself version of myself becoming a greatest version of myself version of myself version of myself become the best version of myself version of myself version of myself become the best version of myself I’m becoming the best me that I can be whoa, you ain’t got to talk about bodies that you never caught you ain’t gotta try to rock proud of you could ballot us trying to follow trends going to throw you there way off take a good look in the mirror when you feel lost be yourself king to be yourself to be yourself king to be yourself to be yourself king to be yourself and really the greatest thing that you could be is to be yourself it’s a whole lot of insecurities on display when he go and spend his whole advance on the diamond chain when he tricking off on these holes trying to fill the void when he steady popping on these hands trying to numb the pain when he flexing all on the ground showing off the bands when he knowing damn well that he got it off the scam I don’t want to see you do a bit trying to get a lamb it’s a lot of ways to go legit.

Think about your family because you ain’t got a lot of kick it, you ain’t got a pie description peace and chaos welcome back YouTube family. And Chelsea was right. This is the first stream of 2024, the year of the x. So make sure you support these artists I just showed. I put all of their names up and get that information and their albums. We want to give reverence to spiritual, metaphysical music genres, especially in hip hop, because when you can transmute that into a higher frequency, I feel like that’s a very positive thing.

So welcome new subscribers. Anyone that’s coming over that’s new to the channel here at the spiritual shade room, which is the true occult newspaper of camouflage academy. Our job is to educate the masses on esotericism, occultism, hyperlucidity, allyism, ufological phenomena, spirituality and spiritism, soul physics and esoteric engineering and enlightening the purpose of christology in one’s own path and the grammatography of language and vibrations, which is tonalities within the Nayagapatu system, the system of the Nagas, which is our very own language of vibrations called the gamma delta Fett that we cover on Patreon.

So we go over Gematria on here, we cover the world rituals on the world stage. We go into mysticism and spiritual techniques, spiritual technologies to motivate and encourage and ultimately for you to utilize the research to empower the deities inside of us all. What’s up YouTube family? Everyone needs to click that like button right now. I have one hell of a video for you today, one of the magnum opuses on this channel.

And I will have A-Q-A after the lecture for any questions. I wanted to start a little bit earlier so we can get all of the information in and then we can talk about all of the stupid stuff going on in the world after we get the metaphysical information out the way so everyone can understand that. So make sure you click the like button and check out my last video too.

Year of the X. The X symbology is crazy right now. I’m going to get into some of that today and it’s very important that you understand the X symbology, if you haven’t yet. And all of my moderators make sure you’re moderating the room, because I’m not going to be able to look in and out the room like I usually do as much. I have to get into this information early so we can complete it all, because we got a lot of phases to go through, and I got a lot of things to address separate as well.

So my moderators be on your p’s and Q’s. I don’t know any trolls. We don’t have prototypically problems with trolls on Patreon. We did that one time within the last month. But regulate, regulate, regulate. Don’t overdo it, though. Now, over the past few weeks on Patreon, we’ve done a deep dive into the legend of the Jews in israelite kabbalistic cliffhodic relations to the underground tunnels. Today’s video is under space decoded because we’ve been getting deep into the underground tunnels also.

Flat Earth talmudic cosmology. Talmudic flat Earth cosmology. How the esoteric lore of the flat earth precedes the literal search of finding proof of the firmament and flat Earth evidence. We can show you some things. Let me show you some things early. Before I start to cover some of this information, there’s a book you need to get, and this is going to be later on. I’m going to go into this book later in the video, but the book is called the Legend of the Jews by Louise Ginsburg.

And this is going to go deep into what the cabal is doing. They’re trying to replicate some things out of here in the Talmud, and we have that information. We can show you in the book legend of the Jews that the reason they found those tunnels in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, has to do with the symbology here that I’m about to show you of the flat earth model. Where’s that flat earth model? Hold on, guys.

Right here. If you look, know most of the flat earthers, especially Brother Sanchez, shout out to that, brother. They show this model right here. But if you look at the cranial structure above the skull, it’s the same thing as the flat earth. So crown height. So this is the crown of your head, also connected to the crown chakra, which is kept there on the kabbalah. A lot of that stuff in the tunnels is connected to the tunnels of set and has to do with the symbology of semiotics, which is the study of symbols.

But I’m getting ahead of myself saying this, but I want you to see. This is going to be an educational video to tell you what’s about to go down in the spiritual realm and the esoteric script over the next couple of months to 100 years, maybe 1000 years, I don’t know. It could happen tomorrow, I don’t know. But I’m going to address some of the people who was mistaken about who I am and what I’m doing for this community, separate from YouTube decoders.

And I’m going to do that in a minute. I’m not going to do that early. I’m going to do it in a minute. But I have to address that because I see some comments coming up. The channel is growing slightly. We’re around 7000. We’ll be at 10,000 before the next couple of months. So I want some people to understand what this is about. All of that will be nipped in the bud today for sure.

We have to establish the hierarchy of priesthoods separate from acolytes. The neophyte believes everything is physical. Green bug eye aliens, Nephilim and the elite bloodlines. That’s all. The neophyte, you’re just beginning to get into the information. If that’s what you believe, it’s way deeper than that. It’s in the symbology and it’s in the esoteric lore. But understand that most of these things will not show up that you believe in.

We have to know now. The age of Aquarius is about knowing. Ain’t about believing. Pisces was about believing. Aquarius is about knowing. So it’s either you believe something or you gonna tell me what you know. Tell me what you know. Tell me what you believe. But Rachel Starr Thompson, listen, she wrote an article on the Judahite Zionists and how they are waiting on the return of the messiah, son of David, which I will go into that.

But I covered some of that in the vedic scripts, in the video the metrea in the lands of black light. I did that video. A lot of people didn’t really check that out, but it’s some great information. But the term messiah is the meshiach in Hebrew, which means the anointed one. It comes from the hebrew word mashak. It means to smear, to anoint with oil. A special consecration by an appointment to a significant task.

That’s the people breaking through into the secret traditions of the pole star. All of this shit is Polestar’s mysticism. I have to emphasize that. So that the gods, the nephilim, the giants, I’m going to show you all of these decoders have it wrong. Now you have to make a decision. If you listen to this channel, you can go ahead and leave if you want to. At this point, you can believe the fantasy aspects of the truth because there’s some truth and some of the stuff they’re saying, but it’s not literal.

So you have to make a decision. You want to believe the fantasy aspects and just sit around and just keep regurgitating. The same thing that a lot of these cults of Edom. Go back and watch my video, the reptilian myth. I think that’s the classic video on this channel. How did the grifting start going all the way back? HP Lovecraft warn you about that? Or you want to break into the threshold of the knowledge on the other side? I’m not here to tell you to believe me because I’m not going to save you.

You’re going to have to save yourself. See, the frequency is going in a direction now where it’s time for people to understand that the only person that’s going to save you is yourself. Your higher self is coming to save you. That’s the only thing that’s about to happen. So with all of this stuff about to come up with the election, civil war, all of these things we’ll get into, you have to be knowledgeable so you can prepare and be ready in your own auric field to handle these transactions of energies that’s about to happen and go down.

It’s happening very quickly. Put my graph back up. I’m not here to tell you to believe me. You don’t got to believe me at all. Trust me. I’m going to give you sources and I’m going to give you connections that you can go research yourself. You don’t need me. The messiah is plural. If you understand this information I’m about to give you, you were chosen to be a part of that morphogenetic lattice of waveform conduits.

We talk about that on Patreon to change the plateau of the third dimension. It’s called olam haba. Another hebraic term that I spoke about. I spoke about this on my last channel that got deleted. This goes way back. Olamhaba. The people who use knowledge. This new dimension called Olam Haba is going to be the people who use knowledge collected over their lifetimes and incarnations through the physical cocoon to make the quantum leap back into the Godhead, which then leads to a transmittance to the Jerusalem that was promised.

Your Bible said that ye are gods, and the scriptures cannot be broken. So you’re a part of the Godhead. Go back and read the Bible. Read it correctly. Some people try to say, oh, they’re not talking about that and all. Yeah, yeah. There’s a book this woman wrote. What was her name? Her name was. Let me find it real quick. Ye are gods by Anna. Annalise Scaron. Want you to get this book by Annalise Scaron.

Ye are gods. There you go, right there on screen for you. Want you to go ahead and cop this, because it’s going to break down all of the scriptural texts that reference to that verse. So all of those people saying, he wasn’t talking about that. You better come with some scholarship. You better come with something. Don’t come with your beliefs. So the world to come, Olamhaba, isn’t even a physical reality.

The Garden of Eden wasn’t even a physical reality. I’m going to get into that, man. So I know that’s a lot of know. We got too saucy a little bit too early with that, but I want to begin to help you understand the concepts and why this channel was established in the first place. This is a big quote. I don’t think I’ve said this quote on this channel yet.

This is a big, big quote. The light of the cosmos and the interdimensions is called horus, or it’s called is where the word hero comes from. The word hero was transliterated in Greek, or heru was transliterated to mean the great face of God. When Jacob wrestled the angel, he saw the great face. The great face was called pinuel, which is the pineal. But Horus is a representation of this light field consciousness, a primal light field that comes before the color spectrum.

Color and light is two different things. I’ll explain that. Quantum thermodynamics. But the quote I want you to always understand, when Horus is a child, the elementals are his protectors. When he becomes an adult, the elementals become his servants. Okay, let me explain that. When you’re a child, the spirit realm or the energies of the ancestors are protecting you. But when you become an adult, when you come of age, and the Camites or the Egyptians acquitted the age of adulthood to around 33, so America reversed that.

Say you was an adult. Around 1833 is when the spinal cord fully grows in the body, and the spinal cord is the ladder in Freemasonry, the ladder of lights, all of this stuff that’s connected, the serpent, all of that stuff is connected. Jacob’s ladder is the spinal cord. Once your spinal cord fully develops. You get full usage of the kundalini energy. I know everybody think that’s satanic. You got to break through.

You’re in the alkalite side. You use the Kundalini energy every day. It ain’t nothing but cold fusion. When you go into the dream realm, sometimes you wake up in cold sweats. You had a Kundalini experience without you knowing. And the reason why you didn’t know it is because your consciousness isn’t in the right mind frame in the dock spiray of your soul to absorb the radiation that’s coming from the lattices of the other side, which is knowledge and frequency.

So you’re just going through the world, going through the motions like a piece of paper blown in the wind. And that’s how it’s going to be when you finally leave this earth. If you don’t get into that knowledge sphere and begin to absorb that frequency, you’re going to be blowing around and then you’re going to have to reincarnate. Like I say, you might have to come back 20 years in the future and be a trench.

Those of you who know I can’t use that word, but you all know what trends mean because that’s where this world is heading. So when that cold spot popped up, remember I covered even before the year of the x. I think this probably go back before Corvus tene breeds. But I covered that during the Sukat festival when the Israel war popped off in Gaza. Scientists found this mysterious cold spot in the regions by boates Leo and Virgo.

And it goes into the, you know, Virgo and Leo is the beauty and the beast which is connected to the Cocto twins. Elizabeth Fraser I spoke on that year in the x. You can go back to year of the X video to get the Cocto twins breakdown and come to Patreon to get the full article. I got this long article breaking down what the Cockto twins is and how it plays into this Super bowl in Las Vegas.

One of their albums is called Heaven or Las Vegas, something like that. It all connects. So this cold spot is an indication that something in the Messiah or the messiahs is opening up. And they call this cold know, biblically they talk about the whore of Babylon. They’re now placing the Whore of Babylon in the sky as a astro theological constellation right by boates because it’s connected to the shepherd which, you know, the shepherd is connected to the Christos energy, the story of Jesus and all of these things.

But this cold spot there was another article came out that said it leads to a parallel dimension. And at that Sukat festival where there was a massacre in Israel right before Hamas attacked the name of the people who funded that Sukat. By the way, the word sukat means festival of the harvest. And boatees holds a scythe, like Kronos, which is reference to. The scythe is the harvest, harvesting energy from people.

Kronos ate his kids. He harvested energy, which is also metaphysical. But basically, the name of the people who funded this event was called something. The name was Latin, but it meant parallel universe. I can’t remember their name, but the name of the people, their name was the parallel dimension or something. Let me look it up real quick. Sukat festival. I don’t want to give y’all the wrong information.

Parallel Israel. Okay, here it goes. Sukat festival. It was a music festival that occurred. They call it the ream massacre. Okay? It’s called la parallel. That’s what it was called. And basically that word meant parallel dimension. But around that time, the scientists had uncovered this cold spot, and they was talking about a parallel dimension. And the cold spot is next to Boltes, next to the constellation that represents the deity of harvest.

What is the coincidence of this? All of this is astro theology. The ancients told you that. So the cold slot is representative of the mother of Babylon, the mother of God, which goes into the Androjani information. I’m going to have to break through what the Talmud is saying and what they’re doing with the la a foe. I’ll explain that word later. Those on patreonic, y’all know what that means, going into Kybella or Kybel.

Kybel is also connected to the flat earth mythos, because in the center of the flat earth, also in the center of the hollow earth, it speak about the black sun, which I’ll get into. There’s this thing called the rupis nigra that I’m pointing at, which is the same area in your cranial where the pineal gland would be, right in the center of the head. And they say the center place of the flat earth cosmology is called the black stone.

Well, we hear about the kaba stone. We hear about these meteorites. Pan Spermia is a scientific evaluation of how possibly a comet caused human life. Everything came from a comet. Look up Pan Spermia. But Kybele is also a goddess that’s connected to the black stone. What it says linking the black stone. And you can get this. All of this I’m about to read to you is coming from the book.

I told you. I’m going to give you my scholarship. The book is called in search of God the mother. The coat of the anatolian Kybel by Lynn E. Roller, $84. Get this book. But what they’re saying, it says, linking the Blackstone in Mecca to the goddess Kybel is akin to linking the black Madonnas in the churches. So here’s the whole Pope Catholic thing to the pre christian goddess.

So there’s a pre christian goddess, or goddesses, as a manifestation of the goddess Kybella. The Blackstone can be traced even further back in the time in Africa. Evidence provided by Lucia Bernbaum links the worship of Kaibel to the worship of the predecessor, Isis, whose origins were in Nubia. The Blackstone was the epiphany of the goddess. And I will begin Adam Abraham as the original founders of the Kaaba.

So Kaaba, you got the connection to Isis. You have the connection to the Blackstone, which connects to Kaibel. And then they go even deeper. It says, addressing Blackstone. Islamic tradition claims that it was sent down by God and entrusted to Abraham as a white stone. Go get the book. Polaria, gift of the white stone. They’re talking astro theology right here. A white sapphire from the garden. The garden of Eden is where the pole stars is where the seven.

They call it the seven Rishis. They rotate around this primal star called Sirius that we all know, but it’s connected to the worship of the mother. They said that the stone turned black from the sins of the children of Adam. The sins. Let me explain this. The sin of the children. What is the sins? I have to break this thing down, man. You say it sounds echoey. How can y’all hear me now? It sounds like I’m in a bathroom.

Okay. I don’t know what’s going on with my mic. Hold on, guys. Let me try, like, to connect. It’s that better, guys? Put a one in the chat if my sound is better. Put a one in the chat if that’s better. Is it the same? Okay. Rod says it’s better. Says sounds hollow. I don’t know. I moved into a new space, and I got a lot of room up in here, so I got to wait for me to fill this space up.

Still echoing. I don’t know. I have no idea, guys. Yeah, I don’t know. It wasn’t echoing on Patreon. I don’t want to unplug it and put it back in because that’s going to reset the video and have the video all messed up. So, yeah, you all can hear me. You all can hear me. It’s all right. Yeah, y’all be all right. Y’all want perfect sounds and all of that? Y’all be all right as long as you can hear what I’m saying.

So basically what I’m saying is that the children of Adam was when the pole stars was in a certain position during ancient times. Understand that the stars are moving. When the pole stars shifted, we saw the first polar ship event. And the ancients didn’t know what that was, the first polar ship. They didn’t know what happened because the stars were supposed to tell them time. I’m going to get into this.

The stars are supposed to tell them time. The giants, nephilim, the timekeepers, the watchers, or the people who watch the pole region where the seven rishis were. And it told them what time it was. It gave them a calendar before the calendar. And it told them, I’ll explain that in a second too. I want to get ahead of myself. But basically the sin was in the first polar ship, the star shifted into a position and a new dynasty came in during the cometic era.

And they said, hold up, those stars aren’t telling the same time anymore. That’s the first sin. So then those stars were deemed daemons. They called the seven pole stars daemons because it stopped telling the same time. So civilization had to go off a different type of calculating of time. You see? You see that? So the first children of Adam was when the pole stars was in a certain region in the constellations, and then it shifted.

And that was a sin. They consider that the sin, but it’s also the sine wave. Sin is connected to sine wave. And it’s etymology, animatology, where these words come from. The sine wave is what directs the cosmic energy so we can get the information to decipher what is happening in reality. That’s what the constellations are doing. G low row says, sounds perfect. So some of y’all need to get y’all janky phones.

So it says that it turned black from the sins of the children of Adam in the touch of the menstruating woman in the pre islamic times. They’re talking about Kaibala, expanding beyond traditional islamic mythology, women’s spirituality. Sources demons. Oh, I’m sorry. Demonstrate. Sources demonstrate, I’m sorry. By going to the demons that worship the black stones. As many precedents in antiquity, the vessel of the stone was primary images of the goddess, beginning their epiphanies in the neolithic era and ending with the mysterious images in alchemy and grail legends.

So the Grail legends is about also the pole region. Blackstones represented the goddess of several cultures, white bearing and oh bearing. And Cashford wrote that in their book, the myth of the goddess. The associate goddess Kybella is with the Kaaba describing the worship, the black stone. The earliest forms of the goddess Kaibala’s name may have been Kubaba or Kumbaba or five eograms of Kubaba. It also comes to be kabbalah.

Kabbalah comes from the word kaibala. I just broke a big mystery for you. Kabbalah comes from the word kaibala. So the kabbalah is also based on the polar region, the energies of the polar region. We just gave you another key to it. But then they started having these women. These women started to come around called cybols, based off the word kybella. And what they could do, they could channel celestial information from the pole region.

And basically they spoke in a language called Inglossia. What’s the name of that thing? Inglossaelia, something like that. Let me try to look it up for you. It’s called glossaelia. Okay. Glossaelia is basically they spoke in this unknown language. They call it the language of the angels and the Cocto twin singer Elizabeth Fraser, she sings in Glossalea. And the glossaelia is like the same thing in church when people be speaking in tongues.

When the Kundalini rises, they start speaking in this weird language that’s not in any of the other languages. From the hierarchic syntax, the first language is the geese language. From the hierarchic syntax. Ain’t no damn sumerian shit. All of that. The word Sumerian, Sumer comes from the word sam or some. And that comes from the word cam, which also means black. The word Sumerian is the original sam cam.

Semite. Semite is one of the etymologies, Sumerian. So they’re still talking about this black, esoteric information connected to the stone and region celestially. It’s called glossaelia. So they started to become basically the channelers of Kybella. And these priests started to worship these women. Every king had to have a cybol come in, and the cybol would give them information of the future because they spoken this language. Now the cybo information is connected to a series of women.

All of this is connected. What’s going on? I’m going to go through a lot of scholarship today, but one of the cybols is connected to this new civil war movie. I was just on truth Seeker’s Twitter space. Shout out of truth Seeker. You’re in there. Anybody that came from that Twitter space. And I was talking about the civil war and the connections of the x, the confederate flag and the Shiloh flag and all of this stuff.

Where is Kirsten Dunst? Kirsten Dunst right here. So Kirsten Dunst, she played the cybol in a lot of movies, and I covered that as well. She also was Spider Man’s girlfriend. She was Mary Jane. And Mary is also the name of the mother goddess. So her prominent role is Mary, and she’s the star actress in this new civil war movie. The war is about a bombardment of energies from Taurus the bull in Virgo the Virgin, which is a form of the mother.

It’s the daughter form. So Kirsten Dunst also played in this movie called the Upside down. Here we go right here. This is going into what this video is about, the underspace. You got to know what the underspace is. I’m going to get into that in a second. And what the upside down is, because you remember in stranger things they were referencing a rim called the Upside down world.

You all remember that. And at the end of stranger things, they made this big x. They also have this entity which is one of the Lovecraftian deities in Yarl Totep, which is the black Pharaoh. Let me show you that real quick. I kept my cthulhu information on my Lovecraft breakdown of the deities that might run you all away when I break down these deities that might be a little bit too dark for y’all, but this is in Yarlotep called the black Pharaoh, which has to do with the blackness.

Again, a lot of people ain’t ready for that, but the entities is reminiscing in Miyalokotep, and they went to this world and they call it the upside down. And it looked like the same world, but it was in another dimension because we are part of a multi quasi reality. You see what I’m saying? And they also did it in monarch legacy of the monsters back into the lovecraftian thing.

Anything about monsters is speaking about the mysteries of the soul. The word monster comes from monstare. Monstare is the mystery. I broke that down on Patreon. But they went into the hollow earth. They went into the hollow earth. Here’s the hollow earth. They went down inside of the earth, which connects to what this lecture is about. What is the upside down? It’s connected to what Underspace is. They came out with four godzilla movies in one month.

And you think they playing around. Because the Hourglass on monarch, this is the symbol of monarch is this hourglass. If you look up what the hourglass is, it’s called the extinction symbol. This is the extinction symbol because they trying to extinct everybody, which I’m going to show you, the lahafo and the Talmud is all about that. But the monarch symbol symbolizes the Hourglass. And basically, in this dimension, the people who have awakened, and I know that’s a real woke term right now, but the people who are awakened are the last people left in the universe.

There ain’t nothing up there no more. There’s only things going inside, going down inside of those people’s amino acids and dna. Because the Hourglass is. If I pour the hourglass, if I flip it, all of the sand pours down to the bottom portion. Correct? So if all of the sand is in the bottom portion, what is up top? There’s nothing up top. Only to flip it again, which is how we move into the underspace, which is what the Jerusalem, what the Judahites is talking about.

The lahafo means the turning upside down of the world in Hebrew. And basically, I’m going to get into that. I’m getting ahead of myself. I want to get too far because that’s a whole other part of lecture. But they flipped all of the information upside down. That’s why your ass so confused. But also, the energy has left those celestial areas and they’re in us now, you see? So that’s what the hourglass is.

A monarch. I’ll get into that a little bit later as well. But upside down. Yeah. Everything’s upside down right now. Absolutely. But let me go into some of this. Let me get into this. The Kaibella is the first T ran goddess. Y’all know what I mean when I say that word? This is the first time they worship a T ran’s goddess and shout out to Wendy, because we’re trying to understand what the T ren’s connection is to all of this.

There’s something connected to the Star of rinfam. I ain’t gonna say what it is because they get mad. I can say what it is. Star of David is connected to this thing called free martinism. And Wendy sent this from our Skype group, which there’s a lot of symbology I can break down with this whole lot of symbology. I can’t get into all of that. This ain’t a free martinism video, but she sent me this thing.

It says one of the Kabbalah secrets revealed what is free martinism. These people are being transformed in the uterus. By the 8th week of pregnancy, the genitalia have not been formed yet, so they inject the opposite hormone into the people, into the womb. And a blood test will reveal if there’s testosterone presence in the mother’s blood. And the result is that the external part of the body is formed according to the hormone being injected.

So a boy will be born with the skeleton of a woman with a. I can’t say that word, but he will have to take an external testosterone for the rest of his life. Conversely, if estrogen is injected, the boy will be born with the v word, but will not be able to have kids since they cannot pass through the narrow cavity in the pelvis. So these are transformers, old school transformers that would just chop out the test.

You all know what I’m saying of a boy and give the mother testosterone from animals in order to change the girl. And that is their secret. It happens in nature by accident. Google what a free martin is. It’s connected to Freemasonry. So most of these people are exactly what I explained. But it’s the worship of Kaibel because there was a group of priests called the Golly back in roman times is where your book in the Bible, Galatians come from, comes from.

The Golly were worshippers of Kybella and the Blackstone, the Kabbalah, and the gollies were men who castrated themselves in order to worship their goddess. But the free martinism is present in this whole t rans thing. I’m the biggest person on the Internet that’s broken down the t ran’s flag. Nobody has spotted the t ran flag more than me. On the Internet, you will see these colors in almost every music video.

You’re gonna see these colors in music videos, movies. I just be laughing. I see it all the time because people ain’t going to see it because you got to be in a certain spirit of knowledge to spot it. You see what I’m saying? Some people will start to spot it because once I review these things, people will let me know what it. Yeah, it’s connected to the angel.

I’m going to the angel later. I’m going to go into that later. But your boy, TD Jakes pastor power bottom, look up what a power bottom is. He came out and he said this thing, and it’s connected to Kaibella and everything that I’m covering right now. And I’m going to get into the information, listen to what he’s saying. Let me see if the sound ain’t too high so it won’t blast all out.

Somebody told me to check my sound. I started thinking about coverings, and when I started thinking about coverings, I started thinking about clothing. And when I started thinking about clothing, I began to recognize that at his core, Paul is telling us that God is a dressmaker. Forgive the feminine usage. Normally, when we think of dressmakers, we think of women. They don’t have to be, but we normally think of women.

But if we use that inference, God is not insulted, because, after all, he is our father, but he is also the breasted one. He is our father, but he is also the breasted one. Free martinism. Also, he’s representing the mother goddess, the Andrew John. All of the guys used to be half male, half female in the beginning. But he’s not talking about no esoteric stuff. He’s into the whole baphomet thing.

He’s speaking it from the other side of the information, which you can change in the hermetic principles. There’s seven cosmic laws in hermeticism. One of them is polarity. So he can take something that means a significance in the esoteric lore. And he’s talking about this T ranch thing and this whole other thing that’s going on in the world where nobody wants to be what they are. Y’all know what I’m talking about.

I can’t get into that over here. So that’s what’s going on with him. And he’s integrating God in it so it won’t fall back on him, because now he has the lesson out as a video speaking about how God is the breast of one, but he’s still calling. But you saw in the video, go back and play it back. He said, God is still a masculine energy. So it goes into free martinism.

Half of these people in the world, most of them is flipped upside down. What you’re looking at is the opposite gender. So that’s why I never go too much. When people say, oh, that’s a man. No, it’s still a woman. They just say, free Martin woman. And Wendy broke that information. I was like, that makes a lot of sense. And look, it’s part of the kabbalah, which comes from Kybella.

Now you start to get deeper because you have the etymology, and none of these decoders ain’t going to break through to that, because the energy that’s output coming from a spiritual perspective is going to be stronger than somebody that’s trying to put some stuff out and get some likes which most of these people doing. I don’t care how many people like the video. It’s good if you do like the video, but really, I’m here for the ones that’s here to do the work.

That’s who I was taught by the greatest metaphysicists of all time. So I’m trying to speak to the ones doing the work. So go back and tell them. Ask them if they know what a free Martin is. You see? And this is the next thing. You got to start looking. Now you go back and go into information and start looking at these people, you’re going to start seeing a bunch of free martins.

Now I’m going to get all types of emails. They got spotted one. So, yeah, this is a whole lot of things going on, and that’s what we’re here to break you into. All right, so there was some symbolism. Let’s move on. Everything I tell you on this channel or on Patreon, that’s why Patreon is important, because Patreon is a community. It’s a group of people that’s on that level of frequency.

They bring information to me, I bring information to them. Then we put it out and we have roundtable discussions and we break through some real parameters around what this information is about. I told you two videos ago about the ravens connected to the Super Bowl. I said they may not even go to the Super bowl, but best believe they will have something to do with the Super bowl.

Didn’t I tell you that back in September when the movie house of Usher came out, which we know Usher is performing at the Super Bowl? I told you the woman who was a hyperborean, she came from where? She came from the center of the earth. That’s where hyperborea is. They call it the north, but they’re talking about the hollow earth, and she turned into a raven to disguise her appearance.

I said, it’s got something, everything to do with the ravens. Hold on, y’all. That noise is happening again. Hold on 1 second. All right, that shouldn’t bother us no more. All right, so I told you about the ravens and how this woman was changing into. Her name was Verna, which is the reverse of raven. If you do the acronym. Reverse the words. So this is a picture of Kanye west on the COVID of his new album called Vultures.

His new album called Vultures, which is also talking about an imminent nuclear war. You see the digging? They digging graves for the people. And this also represents the three crosses on Gagalpa. It’s all symbology. But, and also, the freemasons have to be buried alive. There’s a lot of connections. But the raven is called the dark Phoenix. In the video corvus to neighboris, I speak about the phoenix, but notice this symbology is around January.

In this time. We have this symbology around January, and he’s in this thing that resembles a egg. Remember, Rihanna was in the same thing last year. And shout out to Adonaija, he the one who broke this information. And I give credit to anyone who see it, because once I start to see it, they start to see it, and that helps all of us. Adonijah, he just got in the Skype group.

Brother, is fire with decodes on patreon going to another level, because you start to see the growth in people as well. And that’s very important, too, because that means the spirit is growing. Spirit is communicating. So he spotted this. He said, you know what? That’s the same thing we talked about last year around the same time before the Super bowl, because she performed at the Super bowl. Now they got me break this down.

Let me break this down to you. So we covered the dark Phoenix and the raven connection to the Super bowl, the last Super bowl, which was between Kansas City and the eagles. We saw Rihanna standing in the middle of an egg before her Super bowl performance, right before they posted these pictures. Now, Rihanna represents the goddess Anana. That’s why she sings the song Onana, what’s my name? Anana is her name.

She’s calling on the great mother God. It always goes back to the great mother. Anana is another form of Kaibala. So now she unveils her pregnancy during the Super bowl wearing all red. Red is the color of Babylon. And while she’s dancing, she’s dancing with these men dressed in white. But when she’s dancing, this bread and white symbolism indicates the barium, the strontium, the aluminum in the chemtrails, along with the 5g signal waves called dead oregon energy.

You combine all of that, that barium, strontium, aluminum with the 5g signal waves. I want you to get a book called I say it every video. You all know I got to say it. Geoengineered transhumanism. Going back in the T ranch thing. Transhumanism, because that’s what it’s all about. I’m gonna get into the Epstein stuff when we break that down. Geoengineered transhumanism, how the environment has been weaponized by chemicals, electromagnetism, and nanotechnology for synthetic biology.

This is one hell of a book. Everybody needs that book to break down what they’re doing. So when she was dancing out there, she was symbolizing wearing the red blood vessels. White and red blood vessels. That’s what’s flowing through your veins. And these things are being under attack. Your blood is under attack from the symptoms of the c word. We all know what the c word is, and the c word and what they’re doing with the nanotechnology, nanoparticles is attacking the heart and the bloodstream.

And remember, the Kansas city chiefs won that game in the same colors as Rihanna. So Rihanna had the colors of Kansas City, and they resembled the knights of Malta. And Kansas City is known as the heartland of America. The actual Kansas city is known as the heartland of America. You get it? Attacking the heart. It’s all there. It’s all there. So it’s all a big ritual. But around that same time, we had those mysterious egg balloons.

Remember the egg balloons? People forgot about the egg balloons. Hold on, what was it called? Let me just say foreign balloons. But they resembled eggs. They didn’t call them egg balloons. That’s what we called them. I forgot. But these egg balloons was in the sky. You see this? They had to blame China for it, and we didn’t know what it was. And it’s connected to this egg symbolism.

We’ll get into it for a minute right here. So understand what they did with Kanye is the same thing they did last year, but the egg balloons was happening when this extraterrestrial theory popped up that they shot down this UFO. And it also occurred around the time the Memphis incident happened with the guy Tyree Nichols, the king of Tyree. His name is Hiram Abif. It was a free masonic ritual.

The king of Tyree is Hiram Abif. And we know the masonic order of Memphis, Tennessee, is the Memphis. Right. The Memphis right order, or lodge is the only masonic order with 96 degrees. They were excommunicano. And let me put their symbol up here. This is their symbol here. Here’s the Ed again. They were excommunicano because they wanted an autocracy. A autocracy is when one person or whoever obtains the 96th degree in the lodge rules all other Memphis.

Right lodges, pretty much. They’re in control. One person is in control. So if you get the 96 degree before another person, you all both can be at 95. You become basically the ruler of the Memphis. Right. And everybody have to follow you and the other masonic orders. Excommunicano. This lies because it was the only lies that followed the egyptian lodges, because everything masonic comes from the moorish rights.

That’s right. Everything masonic comes from the moorish rights. And everything from the Moors came from the Egyptians and the Typhoonians or the Kushites. That’s where it comes from. So when you get the 96th degree, you become the king, basically. And the other masonic lodges didn’t want it to be like that. They didn’t want an autocracy. They didn’t want that. So they shut down the Memphis right lodge. Then Queen Elizabeth, she died right before that at 96 years old.

So it all makes sense. But the egg, the symbol of the MEmphis Rite, is the egyptian motif of egyptian art called the knef. This is what this symbol is called, the knef. Theosophy speaks of the cosmogony of the egg. Its solar form is the coming of Purana, Vishnu. Now you’re going to get some good information with that when I get into that and how, there has to be a yoking of Solar and lunar energy to the north going back into the Pole symbolism, which is called the sacred bird going to the dark Phoenix or the Phoenix energy.

In christIanity, it becomes symbolized through the Holy spirit, which is feminine. But that’s blasphemous to say in the church because the church has now, in recent years become a patriarchal belief system that excludes the feminine from the Godhead. Matter of fact, a female figure, the mother of Babylon I spoke about, becomes linked with the main enemy of the Bible at the end of revelation. But in theosophy, the creative God emerges from the egg.

His name is Canoe and he becomes Amun or Amun Ra, which means the hidden one. That’s all about this underspace thing. I’m going to get into that a little bit later because Amun, let me show you something, because I’m going to get into why the israelite flag is blue. This blue color is the most holiest color and the most satanic color of all time. But Amun, which is one of the four omnis, he’s blue as well.

Four omnis, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence and omni benevolence. He’s part of the ogdold of the original egyptian creation myth. But he’s all blue. He’s the blue God. And also tez kali Poca in America is the blue God as well. Got two blue gods out of that pantheon describing physics in the soul and the spirit ain’t got nothing to do with no worship of a bunch of deities. These other people talking about.

But in theosophy. Yeah, I just read it. Okay, so the lecture is going to speak on amu. The hidden one is all in mythology, and the egg symbolizes the generative matrix from the pole star. So they got that symbolism on repeat to start this year. And then they brought out a new Disney tv series at the same time that Adonisa sent me as well, Percy Jackson in the Olympians.

Now, I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve seen all of the other Percy Jackson’s, all of the movies, and I broke that down before, but you got to go see this Percy Jackson because there’s a lot of cult symbolism in it. And I haven’t watched the series, but Adonijah, he provided this photo. Now, first of all, you have to see the trident right here. Me, Tommy Donut, paranoid american.

And what’s the guy from. What’s his name from? Decode your reality. Can’t remember his name, but we all broke down the trident on the Aquaman video. Go on, truth mafia. Get the Aquaman. We broke down what the trident was and what that represents in Aquaman, because the Aquaman is about the two tridents. This trident that was controlling minds. One was a black trident. One was the trident of Atlantis.

And that goes into the whole inlial thing, but it also goes into the Ukraine symbol, which is the trident. And don’t forget about the war with Ukraine. That has something to do why Michigan won the national championship, which I’m going to go into in a minute. And it has to do with why the nuggets, which their logo is the same skull and bones logo. They were the last ones to win the NBA championship.

And they’re also blue and yellow. They put this little Red in there in the recent one, but their original color is blue and yellow. But you got the trident connected to Ukraine and the Khazarians, the origin of the Khazarians and their crest, but it’s also connected to Biden because Biden represents the Biden is also a trident. A Biden is a two prong trident, but it’s still the same trident.

Before you get the three prong, which is something. Kabbalah represents the letter shin. In the Kabbalah, the hebrew word shin is what the trident represents, but it’s the weapon of the underworld. We’re talking underworld science today, Logan. My bad. Logan. I’m sorry, guys. Logan, is. Is it. Decode your reality. I think that is channel. Decode your reality. If I messed that up, Logan, I’m so shout out to donut, I see you up in the chat.

Donut. Shout out to. So Adam and I sent me the picture. They went to the underworld. Here’s the blue again. This blue, man, I’m telling you right now, the blue is called Teklet in Hebrew. I’m going to get into that later. I can’t get into that right now. And the lightning bolt is representative of the Kabbalah. That’s the lightning boat right here. Also, them people over there in Germany, the Nazi.

I’m not going to say the real word, but they got that word from indigenous tribe called the Nazis. They got that lightning boat symbolism. Also, the Zionists got lightning boat symbolism from the kabbalah, too. Everything goes back. Kabbalah goes back to Cabela, which goes back into free mortality. You know what that is? Go back. Watch the video if you didn’t catch that. So Adonai sent me this photo.

Look at the underworld. Look at the underworld here. You see? It’s the same thing. So this is Hades palace. I didn’t even see this picture until yesterday or last night. We had already picked this picture from Jersey’s photos that he had. I said, okay, I’m going to go with that picture to be the thumbnail. That was last week. I picked that picture, and it looks just like this.

So everything that we start to uncover and reveal. And I was talking about The La Affo in Hebrew a week ago. The flipping of the world, the flipping of reality. That’s why I got two things coming out. One aspect, because it represents the flipping of reality, which is connected to the lecture today. But they got the same thing in Percy Jackson. And everything I’m telling you is going to pop up.

That’s what I’m trying to tell you. It don’t got nothing to do with me. It got something to do with how it’s moving right now. So these synchronicities, it’s going to unveil itself to you if you are able to sift through that wall and keep the neophyte perspective separate from the priests and priestess perspective. That’s all it is. Turn it upside down, or the world is Hebrew. La hafo.

And I’ll talk about that to the middle and end. And I’m going to break you into the final plan of the zionist black Brotherhood of catalystic wizards. And it has to do with the hollow earth theory, talmudology and flat earth mysticism. The Kleepoff Nephilim mystery. I’m going to unveil that today in a minute. And the tunnels, of course, you saw what happened in Brooklyn, Crown Heights I showed you earlier.

So let me nip this in a bud. I told you I was going to talk about this. We’re about an hour and a half in. Let me nip this in a bud real quick. So I said, underspace decoded his name of the video. We have a lot we’re going to get into. I just want to address the people in my comments. And the comments don’t bother me. I just like to put this on videos.

If people come to my channel, they like, this dude is weird as hell. This dude is all over the place. I saw somebody talking about, he’s real all over the place. That’s good, because the original primordial force of the universe is chaos. It’s chaos. All they did was create a civilized barbarism in our thinking. And we think we the shit. We’re living in a civilized barbarism. That’s all it is.

So the chaos is part of how the ancients. The ancients will build these temples. And the Greeks and the later Romans said that the Egyptians didn’t know what the hell they was doing because there was mistakes in the hieroglyphs. They would show one model. In the model they would have a column or a pillar that was 1ft tall. Then they will build a 20 foot tall pillar next to it.

They’re like, what the hell is the Egyptians doing? The Egyptians understood that nature isn’t perfect. Nature has mistakes in it. Nature has mistakes in it. So the chaos is representative, just like in nature, that everything ain’t going to be perfect. Every blade of grass is different. That’s a spiritual perspective to understand that. So the information that I’m given, they think there’s an opinionated, and I’m not researching. I know some of you all understand that I am, but I want you guys to the people that’s saying that, because I saw a lot of likes on the comment.

Go back out and look at the comment. I asked you all to name one person in the current date that’s given as much scholarship. I’m talking about from books to articles to research papers, for you to go look it up yourself. Name me another person doing that. It’s not an ego thing. I’m trying to just put this on video. We’re going to nip it in the bud, leave it in the past.

So you come to your own conclusions outside of mine. It’s not about me. You come to your own conclusions. That’s what the best thing about this channel. It ain’t about Ani, it’s about you coming to your own conclusions. I’m just here to be the voice and speak some of the conclusions that make sense to me, and maybe you can take it and it makes sense at a different perspective to you.

So I’m not going to put the names up there, but I’ve been through all types of different esoteric communities, and they either have a methodology to how they teach with their research, which is cool, or some of them just have, like, flashy presentations, or they say a bunch of buzwords repetitively, or some of them just pure grifters. I talked about the grifters and reptilian myth. Go back, watch reptilian myth, how that comes together, how they highlight a sensationalized topic like nephilim or reptilian and regurgitate it over and over and name, like one or two people like Zechariah stitching associated with their ideology, to work for it, to work for them, when really Zachariah stitching works for the Judah height Zionists.

I could prove that if I need to do a video on that, I can prove that they’re the ones who began the hegelian dialectics. So, yeah, go back, watch reptilian meth. By the time you finish that video, you will see how these people develop a vernacular to make it acceptable to everyday people of how this information is. It turns common people into the coats of Edom. And I’m not here to go back into how all of that destroyed the essence of learning this type of knowledge.

To learn this type of knowledge is a privilege. It’s a privilege. You have to understand that. Yeah, Asir is a master teacher. He’s not even in the category of what I’m talking about. I’m talking about people today. Asir goes back to the early 2000s. He’s one of my master teachers. I brought him on my channel, what, the year before last, some of these people you all name. I’m not talking about these new people today.

In the last three or four years, some of the people you all name been around 1015 years, you see. So I want to let the people know that you can’t lump me in with the rest of these folks, because some people try to box you in to define what you are in this new age era. I’m not a decoder. I’m not that. I know people liken me to a decoder.

That’s cool. But I’m more into other esoteric perspectives. Like, there’s this word in the vedic text that I would describe myself. It’s called the Vyashto Kishtum yagrak sargam. Viyastro Kishtum yagrak sargam. I’m learning this stuff from Kalini. Kalini’s got me into this vedic stuff. She’s a master teacher of vedic astrology. Y’all should go email her. Get a NATO chart reading kaliniasttralogger. com. No@gmail. com. It’ll change your life.

She’s on a whole other level when it comes to this. She even showed me a graphic. Just 1 second. Let me show you this before I describe that word. When you laying in your bed, how you lay in your bed can attract negative energy to you. So she sent me a chart where you place your bed at, in your house, where your head is facing can affect the frequencies of how your life is unfolding.

And she sent me this graphic and it blew my mind. I’m still baffled to the day because I’m trying to wrap my mind around. I didn’t put it in here. Let me put it up here. I just saved it. Let me show you this real quick. Lenny had sent me, she sent me this thing showing you, like, if you lay your head towards the north, you’re bound to go through a lot of negative phase in life.

And based on your astrological sign, you should be laying your head in a certain direction. It’s not popping up here. I don’t know why the demiurge don’t took that out of my foul. Let me read it to you right here. I got it in my notes. So you lay your head. Your head has to face a certain direction. It’s not uploaded. If your head is towards the north, that’s the worst sleeping direction.

It increases sickness and sleep deprivation. This is what the Vedic said, the best ways you should lay your head. Or there’s three other ways you lay it. West, south or east. West gives you a good name. It may make you a little bit more popular and give you prosperity. Laying it east, it gives a good sleeping direction for students. That increases your memory and your concentration. And laying your head south is also a good sleeping direction that increases wealth, happiness and prosperity.

So that’s the Bastu sleeping directions. I’m going to talk about that in a second. But the bastu is so even where you lay your head affects this whole thing. Nobody going to tell you that out here right now. Who going to tell you that? I take the information because the people I deal with is on this frequency. But she told me, looking into my chart. So I resembling the Viyasha Kishtom Yagra Sarbam.

It means there is nothing under the sun that Vayasha has not touched upon. So I symbolized this sage named Vayasha. He touched on all disciplines of knowledge. He’s known as the jack of all trades. He’s considered the master of all trades. That’s me. That’s what she told me. She said, hey, from looking at your chart, there’s not one thing that you can touch upon. You’re going to go through multiple subject matters and master them all.

I’m an avatar of Puranava, Vishnu. I just talked about Piranhavishnu. My sidereal vedic chart, NATO chart shows Piranhavishnu cannot be defeated. He can’t be defeated. That’s what it says. It says the definition in cosmic genealogy of the godhood. Your vedic chart can show you in person what is your cosmic genealogy, what is unfolding in your destiny thread. So it’s a part of your path. So there’s a story I want to tell you real quick before we get into this.

You all know I always got that one story, my experience, that I give on video. And that’s how you know you’re on the journey. If you can’t give a story that’s happening in your life that’s transcending you. You’re not on the frequency. I told you today was going to be a magnum opus. I didn’t get to tell you this story, not even Patreon. Some things I don’t reveal right away.

There’s experiences that you may have that you don’t need to let anyone know about it. That’s a part of your path. Because I see wild stuff all the time. I see wild stuff, but I don’t reveal everything. Of course, you have your personal life, but something happened to me. Guys, I want to show you. Well, wait, let me explain some stuff before I show you this. All right, so around New Year’s, about a week and a half before New Year’s, I got into a fight at a bar.

I know that’s shocking. I can’t even fathom myself doing some low level stuff like that at 32 years of age. It wasn’t my fault, though. I had to defend myself. So don’t think Ani jumping on people because he had a bar, getting drunk. So this guy had my neighborhood. I’m from this neighborhood. He had a tattooed on his shoulder. I was talking to someone and he heard me speaking to somebody else.

So he comes over, he daps me up, because we all figure out all three of us grew up on the same street in this same neighborhood. It’s very violent neighborhood, so it’s known in the area. I live in Columbia, South Carolina. If you’re from Columbia, South Carolina, you know what 48 is? If I say 48, you know what that is? Slightly after that, he accuses me of stealing his ring off his finger.

And that was kind of weird. Me and Sadat speak about the significance of the ring. I’m going to go into Solomon’s ring in a minute, but it was real stupid stuff. Real stupid stuff. But don’t even worry. It has something significant to it that’s connected to what I’m saying. So the bad thing about it, the security guards are right there while this guy accused me of stealing his ring.

They don’t even check this guy. This dude is about 65, tall guy coming up in my face and stuff like that. I’m 63. I’m not a short guy, but he’s definitely taller than me. He’s like right up on me talking about, give me back my ring or something. I know you took it or something, and everybody’s outside watching. And all of this is a part of the reason why I do this, because what I’m about to explain, I don’t tell things like this because it makes me or anyone else feel some type of way.

This is an example of how alchemy of the Naga works, which is waveform frequency. Look at this jacket. I had this jacket on. I had just bought this jacket for. It was expensive, but I bought this jacket. This is the back of the jacket here. I didn’t even know this was on the back. I like the aesthetics on the front of the jacket. I don’t have a picture of the front, but this is the back of the jacket.

It’s very metaphysical. I’m explaining I have this jacket on. What year is it right now, and what does it say? I bought this jacket the same day that I got into a fight with this guy. I’m about to explain some things. About to explain what this is about. Bought this jacket the same day. I don’t even. Fresh as hell. I’m outside, I got my jacket, got my shoes on.

I was just chilling with some friends, and this guy starts fighting me. And I didn’t even know this is on the back of the jacket, but I was attracted to the aesthetics. But what I’m showing you here is how the magic works. And we ain’t talking about no satanic all this. And we talk about how the cosmic frequencies can. Even when the Christians just call magic miracles, all they do is put other names to it.

Christians call magic miracles. This is how the miracles happen. So what I’m saying to you today doesn’t have to be in the way that I’m describing. I’m just showing you a happened for me to reach a new level in my metamorphosis. So you can find something in what I’m saying with this story to realize the same thing may have happened to you recently. Maybe not in the same way, but because you may be a little behind on the rent or something like that, negative thoughts, you may have a traumatic past that affects you.

You may have did something in the past still affecting you today or some stuff. You’re just not knowing. You’re lost right now. You’re not knowing what’s next in this life thing. That’s probably a situation you’re going through. Sometimes when you’re letting this overwhelm your thought forms, you miss the magic that’s happening right before your eyes. And I’m about to show you, I’m about to prove to you. So this guy tells me, we got to fight.

He said, we got to fight. You all know how I go, you like, we got a strap. We got a strap. So I turned to security guard. I’m like, are you all going to let this just go down? You’re going to let this dude just accuse me of this stuff? It’s a stupid accusation because you can’t just take somebody ring off their finger. You see what I’m saying? This guy takes his jacket off, he’s trying to be tough.

He’s a hood guy. Security guards basically told me they know me, they know him. But later I figured out that the guy’s brother is best friends with one of the security guards and that’s why he got beer muscles. The guy trying to fight me. Beer muscles is when a person gets drunk and they feel like they’re invincible and they can’t get fucked up because they’re inebriated. But he felt extra beer muscles because he knew the that security guard, best friends with his brother.

But this happens all the time. A lot of people got those beer muscle stories. Person get drunk and feel like they’re invincible. So I say whatever. So listen, before I was Onio Saru, I was a club promoter. I was club motor. I was out in these streets early twenty s. I started club promotion back when I was 16 years old. I was 16 years old. I was generating about $8,000 a week in club promotion.

So best believe when I retired out of that lower vibrational lifestyle, it wasn’t for me to do a grift, because I could have made a whole lot more money doing club promotion than what I do today. But my nickname was King Savage. That’s what my nickname was. So it was low vibrational, but that king was still in the title, even at my lower state of consciousness. So to make a long story short, I’m not going to explain what all happened.

If you know me personally, I’ll tell you. But it didn’t end well for him. It didn’t end well for him. So I can’t give you all the details. Not because I don’t love y’all, it’s because YouTube censors stuff like that. But I ended up placing the hands of Ogun on this brother. Let’s just say that I put the hands of Ogun on him, and I thought I was banned from that bar.

It’s one of my favorite bars near my house afterwards, because the guy was humiliated in front of all of the women. All of these women was around. So you already know I’m not going to take an l when the energy is on that type of level. Everybody looking at you, especially all of these women. So it was real bad for him. So this thing was like a movie, because while he’s doing whatever he’s doing, while we’re getting busy, it was like everything was in slow motion.

And I hadn’t gotten into something like that in over a decade. I hadn’t fought nobody since before college, maybe even before, I think it was high school or something like that. So I ended up coming back weeks later on New Year’s, New Year’s Day. And my homeboys with me this time, and they’re like, if they make us leave, they’re going to leave with me if I can’t get in.

So not only did they let me in, when we came back, they escorted me in. It was so weird. Family. They escorted me to the back, and it was near the pool table. He was this big hood guy. He works security, too, inside. He has this grill in and everything. And when he sees me, he runs up to me. He dapped me up, like eight times. Literally, this dude dapped me up eight times.

Not even exaggerated. He just keep dapping me up. I was like, all right. And he was like, yo, you the truth, man. You the truth, man. We watched that video, like 20 times. So these people was watching the video for entertainment. That’s how low vibration these people is, but that’s another story. But he was like, you didn’t phase at all when you got hit. I didn’t even know I got hit, by the way.

That’s how much of in a zone I got into. But he said, you got warrior DNA in you, so I’m going to buy you some drinks tonight. And I didn’t even feel when this guy hit me. And they’re describing to me, I don’t even know. They’re telling me stuff that I didn’t even know that happened. But the point is, I went into another dimension, and that’s exactly what time it is right now.

The energy on the jacket tells you everything, what time it was. First of all, I’m Piranha Vishnu. I’m the incarnation of that. And I can’t be defeated. I’ve never lost a fight in my life. If I had to fight, I never lost one. I mean, probably when I was a kid fighting my brother or something like that, when it was somebody outside a family, I’ve never lost a fight.

So the point is not to promote anything like that. And what I’m trying to say, I went into another dimension and I reached another level. I went into another level and I had to go through that to get to another level. I didn’t want to fight this dude. I was like, come on, man, I got a son. I can’t be doing no stuff like this. But the point is, I had to go through the ancestors and the energies put me through that because I had to go through that to get me to a new level.

So now when I go in there, every time I go in there, they call me holy field, like event or holy field. But I think that’s esoteric as well, because he’s likened to a field of holy energy. Holy field. You see, he’s a John wick God mode. Yeah, it was crazy, fam, crazy stuff. So that’s the point I wanted to make that. And also I had this blue on.

I’m going to speak about the blue when I get into the israelite information. This blue has a lot to do with the energy right now. But that dragon on this jacket and this nine point star has a lot to do with Piranha Vishnu and things that’s happening. So that’s my story I’m sharing with you guys. We’ll get into some more information, more interesting stuff I got going on.

So change gears a little bit. They came out 2024 and said that these cicadas is about to emerge. They said a 2024 emergence of a brand new cicada, brewed 13 and brood, 19 came together. The last time these broods seen each other was 18 three. And we won’t see them again until 2245. But it says, a once in a lifetime event, rare double brood emergence. Billions of periodical cicadas expected to emerge 2024.

Now, remember, back in 2021, the cicada was on Joe Biden’s neck. We might get into the Joe Biden information right now. Now, the cicadas hibernate underground, which connects us to theories, you know, in the tunnels and all of that. It’s catholic mythos, but the cicadas is representative. If you look at the cicadas wings, there was an event that happened back in 2012 when they said that the world was about to end.

There was a three letter agency propaganda called cicada three three one. You see that? 33. You all know what that means? Masonry. They put this thing out on the Internet. Go back and look it up. Matter of fact, I got the articles. Cicada three three one, a nickname given to three sets of puzzles posted under the name three three one online between 2012 and 2014. The first puzle started January 2, 2012.

Four chan 2nd January 4, 2013. January 4, 2014. All the way down to April 2017. What is the puzzle about? The puzzles? Cicada three three one is focused heavily on data security, cryptography, steganography, which donut covers, and Internet anonymity. It has been called the most elaborate and mysterious puzzle of the Internet age. See that? And it’s listed as one of the five eeriest unsolved mysteries of the Internet by Washington Post.

And much speculation exists in its function. Many have calculated that the puzzles are a recruitment tool for the NSA, CIAM 16, a masonic conspiracy, or a cyber mercenary group. Others have stated that Cicada three three one is an alternative reality game. What? Although no company or individuals has attempted to monetize it, some of the final contestants believe Cicada 3301 is a remnant of the late 1980s 1990s cyberpunk movement.

Wow. So you have this cicada. Hold on. They click me out. You got this cicada information going on, and I’m going to break you into that. There was a movie that came out. Shout out to the goddess on Patreon. She was talking about this movie called Dark Web. Cicada three three one. You got to go watch this movie. I was supposed to watch it last night, but I had to prepare some other notes for you guys.

I’m going to go back and watch this thing. It says a true hacker story that never happened. Now, if you go back, watch the Matrix, watch these latest scientific Sci-Fi movies. The hacker will be the christ of the future. Everything’s moving in artificial intelligence right now, but it referenced something as a cyber group, a cyber mercenary group or something like that. Remember, they spoke about a cyber attack and leave the world behind.

They were talking about a cyber attack, and then they spoke of a civil war. Then they released the Civil War trailer a week or two later based on this cyber, cyber war. Then you have cyber Polygon with the World Economic Forum and everything connected to Project Pegasus in Israel, with the Mossad and everything. So this cicada thing, they talking about Cicada, the rare cicada coming out. I think they’re talking about some shit with the Internet.

So be very careful. And yeah, the Crystals is a hacker. The hacker, because you’re here to hack this third dimensional reality and figure out how to usurp the information. Put it back in the Godhead. Put the energy back in the Godhead that’s still inside of you so you can get up out of the Matrix game. So you can get up out of that GTA simulation. So all of this stuff is connected.

And I explained that on Patreon. You want to go back deeper. Damn, they keep taking me out. But Joe Biden. Let me go back. Let me talk about Joe Biden. Kamala, here’s some information. So now you had the college football championship. I promise Patreon I will talk about this. So this is for my patrons. Thank you guys for supporting me. I told them I will give them this on this.

So, and I’m going to follow through with it. Who played it? It was Michigan and Washington Huskies. Let me break this down. It’s connected to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. So you had Michigan Wolverines versus the Washington Huskies and the college championship. That just happened. These things are connected. So the name of the team that won is the Wolverines, and they were playing the Huskies. It’s connected to the wolf.

Get into this. Wolf symbology has something to do the wolf symbology has something to do with the beginning of the roman holy empires. Romulus and Remus story is the beginning of the Roman Empire. These twin brothers that battled each other, but when they were young, I guess they were abandoned and they had to suckle from a wolf to survive these twin brothers. Now, the twin brothers right now is the Horbar brothers, but it also connects to James and Joe Biden.

And I’m going to speak about in a second because you got one horbar brother just won a national championship. And when I spoke about in my video CorVus to NeiGhboris, the Ravens is connected to what’s going to happen in the Super Bowl, Las Vegas. And the Ravens coach is one of the twins, and he’s in the AFC championship game right now. All of this stuff is connected to what’s happened.

So one team was purple and gold with a w as the symbol. The other was blue and yellow with the m as above. So below you see that it’s just flipped in the state of Washington. It has some connections to Washington, DC. So the game is connected to this date. I want you to look into Lupercalia. Lupercalia festival is very occult. Find a picture. The origins of the roman festival, Lupicalia is very occult, and it’s going to be connected to Biden’s family deaths.

A lot of things happened with Biden’s family deaths. That was very weird. He had a lot of family members die. Go get the show house of cards and look into this character named Francis Underwood. In the tv series, francis Underwood is the 46th president of the United States, and he dies. We’re going to connect all of this. Give me a second to build up on it. Francis Underwood.

Francis is the name of the pope, Pope Francis. This guy is the 46th president in the house of cards. He dies, he’s replaced by a woman named Claire Underwood. And I’m going to give you her connections in a second. Give me a second. The slow roast build is up. This is going to be my gematria for the day. I’m not going to go into much Gematria after this, but you’re going to get this.

So he’s replaced by Claire on the wood. Okay? Now, I’m not saying that this thing is going to happen directly with Biden or whoever the next president is, or whether it’s Trump or whoever. I’m just showing you how the symbolism connects all I’m doing. So wolf in Latin is lupus, which is the symbol of Rome, is lupus. There was a tv show I broke down last year called raised by wolves, which is the Romulus Remus story, but they changed it, and they made lupus, or the wolf, into this entity, this AI entity named mother.

Going back to the great. I told you everything. Gonna come right back to the great Mother. And what’s going on with Kydella? Because the woman looked like one of them damn free martinis. You look at her body and everything, and it has the serpent has the tree in it. Kabbalah, all of it. Everybody has to watch this show raised by wolves. Go back and watch it. This is the greatest Sci-Fi show probably of the modern time in the last 20 years, probably Sci-Fi tv series.

I ain’t saying Sci-Fi movies. Now, in the tv series, the AI represented the wolf and was programmed to raise these human children stranded on a desolate planet. So that’s talking about generation Alpha that’s coming right after us. Generation Alpha is these children being raised by AI. That’s our kids and everything. So the story is about the roman mystical twins, Romulus and Remus, also about the feminine twins. There’s these twins also in roman history named Amala and Kamala.

Here’s another roman connection to it, but this is in India. But it’s about these two girls who was raised by a wolf family. They call them the pharaoh girls. All right, so I told you just now, the twin wolves that they’re talking about is two people, is the Harbaugh brothers, which has something to do with the Super bowl in the college championships. In football, the football is representative of the Vesica Pisces, and that’s also the symbol of the mother, which I’ll get into the fish symbology and the Nomos in a second.

John Harbaugh coaches the Ravens, who is one game for the Super Bowl. Jim Harbaugh coach, the Michigan Wolverines. I know the Wolverine. The animal don’t got nothing to do with it, but it has wolf in the name who won the national championship. And they’re both twins. Now, you also have James and Joe Biden. Now, the reason why I bring that up, because you got to know these people names.

Jim Harbaugh name. Jim Harbaugh name is. His real name is James Joseph. There you go, right there. I just gave it to you. Let me explain again. If you missed it, this guy right here, he’s called Jim Horrible. His government name is James Joseph. This guy name is Joseph. This guy name is James. That’s his brother. Now, when I get into the information, I’m going to prove to you that right next to Epstein Island, James Biden owns this island called Water island, which is 30 miles from Epstein island.

And it used to be a submarine base. So the Biden trust owns an island right next to Epstein island. It was a submarine base. And there’s tunnels under this island that’s connected to little St. James island. And all of this stuff I’m telling you right now is going to go back to what I’m speaking about today. You just wait and I’m going to give it to you. Now, in the mythology, why did Romulus and Remus disagree? The twins set out to build a city of their own after arriving back in the area of the seven hills.

You know, the capitoline hills, the whole storming of Capitol Hill with the whole qAnon, Shaolin, what was the qAnon? Shawnan and all them people, what do you call them? The Jan Sixers was a ritual with the vandals that invaded Capitol Hill. That really happened in history, the Vikings. But in the story of Romulus and Remus, they arrived back to the seven hills and they disagreed about the hill upon which to build.

So there’s this hill or this wall that they wanted to build, and both of the brothers disagree. Now, this goes into Biden and Trump, because Trump wants to build the wall, Biden wants to let the immigrants in. All of this stuff connects to roman mythology because this is a recreation of Rome. You see, somebody in the chat said they’re from the Virgin Islands. What I’m saying is all facts, okay? Biden and Trump is a mythoposis strip of the same story because Romulus finally built a wall.

Romulus, when he kills his brother Biden, he builds a wall around palatine hill, the location that he chose for the founding of Rome. Remus was so bold as he jumped over Romulus’wall jestingly in a response to Remus mockeries and for jumping over the wall, Romulus is angered by his brother’s belittlement and killed him. Ain’t this what the immigrant thing is all about? You see, now, let me get into what this thing is really about.

I gave you a little bit of a backstory so you can see some connections. Every Saturn Jupiter conjunction, which happens every 20 years, there’s been an assassination attempt on each president during the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, which coincides with the US elections. The presidents have either died in office or survived an assassination attempt. Biden was elected 2021 during a Saturn Jupiter conjunction. I’m going to go through these presidents that happened, okay? Andrew Jackson, which they say is Epstein’s clone.

Let me show you something. Andrew Jackson on your $20 bill. I’ll get into that information in a minute. I’m going to get into that in a minute. But don’t be following this Q and a stuff. Don’t follow that crap. But Andrew Jackson, 1835, had an assassination attempt on his life during a Saturn Jupiter conjunction. Abraham Lincoln was killed on a Saturn and Jupiter conjunction. James Garfield, William McKinley, John F.

Kennedy, all presidents were killed. Well, John F. Kennedy was killed. The other two presidents I named, James Garfield, William McKinley. They were injured on assassination attempts. Theodore Roosevelt, 1912, assassination attempt on his life. Ronald Reagan, 1981, assassination attempt on his life. George Bush, 2000. You remember someone threw a live grenade at him, and the grenade didn’t go off. It didn’t detonate, which the cabal set that all up because he part of the skull and bones that happened on a Saturday, Jupiter conjunction 20 years ago.

Remember I said every 20 years? Every 20 years, three of the assassins that attempted to take the life of these presidents begins with the name John, and the other one begins with James. Who is that? Where’s the picture? The horbar brothers. Also, Trump’s middle name is John. Now, let me bring the Simpsons into this thing. There was an episode called Bart to the Future. Shout out to. Shout out to the brother.

What’s the brother’s name? I keep forgetting people’s names. What is his name? Truth codes. The brother from truth codes. Y’all put his name in the chat. He breaks down Gematri as well. But he did the episode when Lisa became president. Now, Lisa became president. Lisa Simpson in this episode back in 2000, and she was wearing these pearls, and he broke it down. That’s why they think that Kamala Harris, because she wore.

Kamala Harris wore the same outfit as Lisa Simpson in the thing in the episode, she wore the same outfit. Okay. The episode was on March 19, 2000. Lisa becomes president and says, we’ve inherited quite the budget crunch from Trump. From Trump. She said that in the episode, we’ve inherited quite the budget crunch from Trump. Predict the programming. Whoever is the president out of this election will become the 47th president.

It could be a woman. Could be 47. There’s 47. What is it, the euclidean equation, talking about how to build a foundation. Now, Kamala Debbie Harris, her full name equals 152. Female president equals 152. In Gematria, February 15, which is the day of luper, Calia, can be written 15 two. Because in other nations in the eastern side of the world, they don’t put the month before the day.

They put the day before the month. Only in the western side, we put the month before the day. So remember, I spoke about. Let me exit out some of this stuff. I spoke about the show house of cards. Here’s this woman wearing purple just like Lisa and Kamala. Claire Hale. Female president equals 152. She equals 152. She became the 47th president in this show house of cards, and she’s elected.

The purple attire, her alias is called Lone Star, which is interesting. She’s 56 years old. In the show, the word Satan is mentioned 56 times in the Bible. Jesuit order is connected to the word 56 because light, which is the illuminati, the masonic word, or the Illuminati word that is not allowed to be mentioned in a lodge, is called light. Joe Biden equals 152, just like Kamala and female president Kamala and her sister Maya, which Maya means illusion, wrote a book called the big ideal equals 152, just like the lupricalia date.

Her husband. Her husband, Doug Mhoff, who is the first gentleman ever. The first gentleman ever in the White House. He’s also a Silicon Valley lawyer. His name equals 215, just like February 15. February 15 is going to be a big day. Somebody’s going to get sacrificed February 15. You just watch it. His name is 215. Clara Underwood in the show is from Highland Park, Texas. Highland Parks. 215.

The season of House of Cards is season five, episode six. There’s the 56. It was released on May 30. May 30 this year leaves 215 days in a year. There’s 215. Joe Biden’s youngest son has a son. Let me just put his name in. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. We don’t even got no picture of this guy. I think this is. I think that’s him. Or is that hunter Biden? I want to mistake Hunter because I don’t mean these people be looking the same way.

Just put son in, I guess. That’s him. That is him. Okay. That’s him. All right, so the show was released on May 30 or the episode was released May 30, at least 215 days in a year. Joe Biden’s youngest son, who died in 2015. That looks like 215. Two. 2015. He has the same name as his father. He’s a junior. He died on May 30, 215 days in a year.

Matter of fact, let’s go to Gematria real quick. If you type his name in, put his name in Joseph Robin net Biden equals 215. Get that 81 out of the way. Equals 215, just like it left 215 days in a year. All right. The priesthood of Rome is called the Brothers of the Wolf. Joseph Robin Biden also equals 98. Just like if I put Luper Calia in. Luper Calia equals 98.

Catholic president equals 98. The brothers of wolf. The brothers of the Wolf equals 215. So the first catholic president, JFK, was killed on 1122. The first catholic president, JFK, was killed on 1122. Lupercalia happens during the eyes of February, which equals 1122. In English, extended Gematria. So this is interesting from the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. January 20, 2021 to February 15. This year, 2024 is exactly 1122 days.

215. 2024 is the 46th day of the year. Catholic equals 46. Biden’s 46th president. So the two wolf teams in the college football playoffs, the w, I think, represented women and men. Or maybe they’re talking about them. Free martinus. People we talked about earlier how they inject the hormone while the baby is in the womb so the male can come out, but the female can’t produce children because it’s really a male.

All of that stuff we just talked about that. Go back and watch the video. Free martinus. They’re talking about reversal of energies, talking about the Kai Bella energy. They’re talking about the androgene. They talking about flipping the world upside down, which is called the Lafo in Hebrew. Jim Harbaugh equals 98. Jim Harbaugh just went to the Chargers. He just coached the Chargers. The Chargers got the same colors as Michigan blue and yellow.

Now the chargers is interesting. Let me ask a question. Has anyone been feeling extra static electricity lately? Speaking of chargers, I’ve been walking around my house. I’ve been getting shot nonstop. I think there’s something rising because I put that post up. A lot of people was like, yeah, man, I’m feeling that energy, extra static electricity right now. That ain’t no simple scientific explanation, people. That’s on that frequency.

What happened? Y’all can still hear me? Make sure I put a one in there. Y’all can still hear me because y’all got kind of quiet. Okay, y’all can hear me. All right, so Phoenix, Detroit, Tom Brady, female wolf, all equals 98. All right, this is the end. Remember I talked about Kamala and Amala? What is that connection? There is a rising singer by the name of Doja Cat.

And Doja Cat’s real name is Amala. Now, Doja Cat is the fastest rising singer, female singer in the country right now because all of the satanic shit she doing. But her name is Amala. So everything connected with Kamala is connect through her because she just came out with a video we spoke about on Patreon, last video called paint the town red. But in that video, she’s shown eating raw meat like a wolf.

So the story of Amala and Kamala is the two girls fed by wolves, and they would only eat raw meat. Dolger cat was born October 21. Kamala was born on October 20. Their birthday is one day apart. Her full name. I don’t even know how to pronounce this. Zulu I don’t know how to pronounce that. Don’t ask me to pronounce that. But her full name, if you put it in Gematria calculator, equals 215 and 98.

So you best be looking at this date. You best be looking at February 15. Be looking at the 215 day of the year this year. And whatever the 98th day of the year is, or it may be 98 days left in the year, something like that. 215 days left in the year. All right, let’s get back into the esoteric information. That’s my gematria for the day. All right, so the book you need to get again is the celestial ship of the north.

We’re going to talk about this israelite thing. We’re going to go back into the israelite thing and put some stuff nipping in the bud. Let me exit all of this. We don’t need none of this. I might need that Biden graphic for later, but I’ll just bring it back up. It’s called the celestial ship of the north by Emma Valencia. Straighten. This woman had to go into hiding to put this information out.

You can’t even find a goddamn picture of her ass. Now, in this book, she’s going to speak of how all the israelite souls belongs to the polar region of the thigh that’s located in the northern constellation. It’s the first pole region of the stars that guided the ancients and told them time. So all of you people, let me just put this on the YouTube video that keep talking about these people being the watchers, that they’re the Napoline, all of that bull crap.

We’re going to prove in scholarship that the watchers, the Napoline, the giants, are nothing but the people who was guided by the pole region. And they studied the seven rishis and the Sirius star, and they obtained the secrets of the secret tradition, which the secrets of the secret tradition is understanding where the stars are to synchronize quantum probability to vector spaces that triggers events, phenomenon, and history. There you go.

That’s what that is. That’s who the nephilim is. That’s who the giants is. It’s the people who could look at that polar region. They could tell you this is going to happen in about 100 years, and it is exactly what happened on these dates. So you can go ahead and put all that stuff away about the elite, some aliens, some green, bug eyed, reptilian, lizard looking people. All of that is some bullshit, grifting type stuff.

And I’m glad. I’m glad people leave it. You should leave if you believe that, because that type of stuff is the reason why people call stuff like this weirdos or weird. That’s why they call this stuff weird, because you the one out there putting out repeat. I saw before I saw somebody eye change or some shit. Then they’re going to say they saw some actors eye change. Motherfucker is an actor.

They could have set that up like a set. I don’t believe nothing on the world stage. Everything is a strip. Yeah, I’m glad they’re leaving. That’s what I want to do. I want to make people feel uncomfortable because, bump. What? You know, for me to get this information, I had to put aside what I know to check my ego, to see what the mystery is. You think you know enough.

You don’t know enough. I don’t know enough. A lot of people leave. We was at 200. We was at 200. We down to 180. That’s good. That’s good, because now class is in session. We can get rid of the people. So you got to keep learning. That’s right. There you go. None of your business. All right, let me read some of this to you. So it says in deuteronomy eight, nine, it is written, when the most high is divided to the nations, their inheritance.

When he separated the sons of Adam, and he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel, for the lord’s portion is his people. Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. In the Septuagint, the text reads, according to the number of the angels. These were mythological Israelites, later brought down to Earth as a race of human beings. And the God of the descendants of these children of Israel was Jehovah, deity of the seven star.

She even explains, jehovah was a woman named mean, was a goddess named Hova. She explained that the tribal God of the Jews who were worshippers of the lower God of Sabof. Sabof is in planetary form, Saturn, the individualizer, the bridging planet connecting the material mortal side of man, which is his higher spiritual and immortal nature. Saturn regenerates through pain and suffering as he lifts the veil, revealing the great light beyond.

Beyond this bridge lies the great unfolding love, enveloped in the wondrous light of the world. The seven sons of the egyptian guy. Pata is the seven sons of Saitik. Also, many, many others can be traced to the seven of the great Bear, the seven stars, the seven spirits associated with the egyptian ritual. These are behind the constellation, the thigh, the Ursa major, the northern heaven. All talking about the northern heaven, Ursa Major.

They were appointed chiefs and were given the power over seven constellations. The Persians later gave the constellations to the planets. The 70 shepherds, princes of angels of the Kabbalah, who were said to appear on Earth during the downfall of the Tower of Babel, were rulers of the 70 divisions. All 70 can be found in rabbinical writings under the name shepherds, watchers, elders, so forth. They all have common origin, celestial allegory, or the phenomena of the heavens.

A ratification of astronomical grounds of the 70. The original 70 resulted in a total of 72, representing the Duodecans. That’s a type of star of the solar zodiac, when the latest arrangement was based on twelve signs. Let me go down here. It says that the 72 duodecans of the solar zodiac, the ten tribes, became twelve. Let me skip this excerpt. It says, when Jacob of the ten was changed to Israel, his name of the twelve, it was said that the 70 princes were not the children of the true later God.

They were not born of this image. That means they weren’t a part of the first seven pole region stars that they’re talking about stars here. So the 70 stars out there were a part of the first seven stars. They were outside of that canopy of energy. They were not born in his image and bore no likeness to him. The old allegory. There were 70 soul, celestial bodies. They became appointed watchers and timekeepers and keepers in the heaven of the 70 division.

So they’re saying in the sky there is a 70 division, division of stars in the sky in degrees that preceded the first mentioned. So they’re saying that there’s 70 stars, that after the seven pole stars fell off, which I explained earlier, they became clarified as sin, the children of sin, because when the polar shift happened, when the stars changed their position, the priest realized, damn, we can’t tell time with these seven stars anymore.

We have to look at these 70 stars, and it’s going to get more difficult for us to read it, to figure out what time it is right now on earth or what season we’re in. You see how that is? That’s allegorical. This is the secret. The first mention of the name of Israel is found in the 33rd chapter of Genesis, of course, 33, where we find Jacob elevated to the position of l Lord.

The name Israel. Israel derived from Isara Asar, which is Osiris, the sun God. The Israel, or Israel means striving with God. Jacob wrestled all night with the angel, or opposing power at daybreak, but his thigh was put out of joint. The thigh is talking about the constellation. Ain’t talking about no real thigh on your body. This was called the place of penial. He had seen the face, seen God face to face.

It’s basically saying the face of God is in the northern constellation. That means your pineal gland is the holographic replica of the thigh constellation called Typhon. The Typhonians taught the Egyptians, as he passed over penuel, the sun rose upon him and he halted upon his thigh, the hollow of which had been touched by the angel. The place penial is found in the heavens at the beginning of the zodiacal sign Sagittarius.

Now listen, this has to do with underspace and everything. With the video in the constellation scutum Sobeski or Scuttum Sobesky, you could pronounce it either way. Astrologically, this is a point which induces spiritual vision when favorably expected. Always at the beginning of the new cycle or age, spiritual light spreads more profusely over the world. And to see God face to face becomes the privilege of the attaining seer who was developed in his higher conscience.

I tell you just now, you had to be on a frequency to see this stuff. The constellation scupsum Sobasky is called the coal sack as it is the darkest place in the heavens where shooting stars are seen in the month of November. From out of that darkness come these creative birth giving elements, light out of darkness, which is the whole x thing. All right, I ain’t going to get too more deeper than that.

So I just explained what all of that is. So now you can put all that watchers, nephilim, all that stuff away. We’re about to talk about the hollow earth. Now I have more stuff to read to you, but I just realized about to be 830, so I got to get on the road right here. All right, so the underworld in the hollow earth is synonymous to this thing we call underspace.

Well, let me give you an introduction because these tunnels I’m going to speak about are all connected. There’s many rumors been spreading about underground portals. Now, everything that I just mentioned, if you go in any ancient holy place, all of them have tunnels. If you go to the sphinx, it has a tunnel, you go to Seti one, Komombo dendera. All of these places have tunnels under there because the Egyptians were the first antman.

You get antman in marvel. The Egyptians built an underground monument of a palace that reflected what was on the surface, what you were looking at. So anytime you saw a pyramid, there was another pyramid upside down. That’s what this video is about, the turning Upside down on the world. And it makes a diamond. Really? I got a picture of that. I didn’t put it in this file, but they would build these tunnels and they would bury their dead closer to the hollow earth, because they believe somewhere in the center of the earth is where the ancestors were really worked.

Remember I told you that all of the energy of the cosmos, just like the hourglass. If the hourglass starts to sift the sand through the middle region, you all know what I’m talking about. If there’s no more sand up top, that means all of the energy is down here. So they wasn’t looking at the stars and worshipping the stars. That was just to tell time and to know what time it was to do certain things so they could venerate the underworld.

Everything in egyptian mythology was connected to the underworld. And the christians come around, said, all of that is hell. Satanic stuff. All of that becomes satanic. So there’s rumors surrounding these underground. There are portals underground. So we have only to remember the mystery stories that revolve around the tunnels. There’s this guy, or this place named Quevad de los Teos in Ecuador. Stories about interests to underground worlds in the ANdes, the Himalayas, the Golby desert, Turkey, and even below, the sphinx of Giza.

The hollow Earth theory. All of these people has an expedition to understanding it. And the theory is stating that Earth is a hollow planet in the ancient interests to the subterranean world scattered throughout it, including the polar caps. The theory has been reported since ancient times that scientists like Edmund Halley had defended it throughout history. 1818 through 1816, the American John C. Seams passionately supported theory as well.

According to him, there was a subterranean world inside of our planet, illuminated by a tiny sun that includes mountains, forests and lakes. Scenes launched, or his name is siamese, or scenes S-Y-M-M-E-S maybe siamese. He launched a national campaign aiming to rise the necessary funds to send an expedition to the Arctic to search for an entrance to subterranean world. He even sent a proposal tongue twister to the United States Congress with the intention of getting government assistance to find the entrance to the inner world.

Nonetheless, the ideal of Siamese remained anchored in the minds of Hannifal writers. Thus, Edgar Allen Poe, the guy who wrote the raven, julie’s Bernay, and H. P. Lovecraft and others, was fascinated with theory of the hollow Earth. Interest of the hollow Earth did not end there. In fact, in the 20th century, with knowledge of geography, geology, of the earth, that was still lacking, there were those who continued trying to access that mysterious world under the earth’s crust.

For example, some of the nazi leaders, you know what that word means? The lovers of ancient myths and occult in Germany. They also showed interest in these theories go down here. So also Cyrus T. He became convinced that mathematically it was impossible to discern whether we are inside outside of a sphere. So we could live inside of a hollow universe. And in the center of it would be the sun, with planet stars only appearing bright to us because they reflect the sunlight on the surface of the concave earth.

And this land was called the Koresh. He wrote the hebrew transliteration of his name, which is the sirens. That’s all serious too. He founded a church and his adherence remained active until 1982. With the dime of 20th century. New names pop up. William Reed, Marshall Gardner. They believe that they could provide evidence of the existence of an inner world. One of the most curious facts wielded as an argument made by some arctic explorers that air and water temperatures warmed as they approached the North Pole.

Based on these and other observations, they claimed that mammoths were not extinct, but still inhabiting the interior of the earth. As previously mentioned, there were the nazi leaders that supported the hollow Earth theory. The mustache man also believed in the hollow earth theory. But for him, it provided the location of the pure and perfect areas. Here you go. And he thought dominating the world would have him meet them or something like that, which is the german tule society.

The esoteric circle of that time held very close hypothesis, although theirs was related to the myths of the underground kingdoms of Garthan Shambhala. Meanwhile, the first man to fly over the pose, Richard E. Bird. Remember I talked about the bird people? His last name is Bird. In his report, he said he inspected by 26,000 km around and beyond the pole, that the simple sentence with the words beyond the pole are the foundation on which many advocates of the hollow earth theory accuse us government, who funded bird’s flight to a cover up, saying that bird went into the inner earth.

But when I looked up his name, this is Richard Bird right here. And it got him with the dog. So I think this represents the full tarot card got him with the dog. But if you look up his name, his name equals 201. So there ain’t no coincidence name equal 201. We all know what that 201 represents. You all know what that is. So, Shambhala. In myths, the myths are as old as humanity itself.

So are the myths of beings that inhabit the depths of the earth. In contrast to the angels of heaven, the tradition generally sent demons on the ground, which is a clear example of christian hell. In the contrast, in central asian budhistic beliefs, the wonderful land under our feet is known as Agartha. Agartha is supposed to be a place where beings are more beautiful, that they’re more wiser than we are, and they have a king that has the power to read the human soul for thousands of years.

Tibetan scholars, besides teaching about the inner world, say that they are in contact with the king of the inner world, the supreme ruler of the entire planet, for whom the Dalai LAma is also representative of the outside world. They talk about Amen and Osiris is all they talking about. They also speak and write about tunnels that connect with Tibet to the inner world, which they protect, saying that there are many others scattered throughout the earth, such as those found under the great pyramids of Egypt, South America.

Entrances to the subterranean cities also are said to exist around the vast Amazon basin. In the lost city of El Dorado, which is the capital of the inner world, is said to be the city called Shambhala, where the king of the world resides in his court of advanced beings. Teach humanity about science, art, religion and philosophy. All right, now, I was going to get you into the information connected to the Nomo in the inner earth, but I’m running out of time, so I’m going to have to get and focus on these tunnels.

So come to Patreon to get my Nomo lecture that I’m going to go into. I have to talk about this underspace information. So the basis of this lecturer, that means it will be an underspace decoded two on Patreon. The basis of this lecture is to convey the underlying framework to the artificial. Artificial intelligence from a gnostic introspective study to understand the importance of how information and data formulates the foundations of consciousness.

Our consciousness is an existential model of creation and the definition of the language of communication. With the metaprogram of semantic continuum, which is a dramatic process of self knowledge and self organization, the formation of universal imperative maxims transform semantic patterns and archetypes of the unconscious and symbols, the decode of understace, whether it be the basis of computation or how a hollow earth opens up theories to mythological axioms, which is new transcendental meanings to reality.

We can find the interdisciplinary disciplinary approach that will substantiate consciousness on the conclusions and possibilities that defines artificial intelligence as an opening in the format of identifying the information matrix. We’re talking isomorphic intelligence systems in the synergy of the development of mythology, philosophy, psychology, theory of consciousness, quantum physics, computer science, cognitive science and mathematics. Anything that can express the lay in the equations of the machine program, or the complex concept of transcendence, which is the key to sense formation, self organization and creativity.

The basis of all of this in artificial intelligence, computer science is known as the definition of compression, which applies to the matrix, also to earth. Who is Gaia? Gaia has the word AI dead in the center of that, because that word is mentioning the hollow structures within the earth. Compression is fundamentally the first process in alchemy, so it has to be a hollow earth just off the compression.

The fundamental process. First process in alchemy is compression, but in computer programming, compression gives us the idea that all information is there, but you’re squeezing it into a single box that isn’t exactly accurate. Compression is much more advanced. There’s a book you need to get named the technology of belief, by James True, the technology of belief. In that book, he’s describing the concept of space as based in esoteric occult philosophy on consciousness, as well as computational data and computer engineering.

Now, you all know what a JPEG file is. It’s an image file. A JPEG has something called a lossless compression, and the opposite of that is called a lost lean compression, a loss link compression, believe it or not, is the heart of all magic. It’s the ideal that we can eliminate information that was there and recreate it without it actually being there. This is what the kabbalist is doing.

This is what Kabbalah can do. I’m getting into it, and I’m going to take you straight to what it is to be able to reverse engineer the process. So they’re reverse engineering the process of what the ancients looked at and reproduce a large amount of information. Like it’s likened to synthesis. Paragraphs is a body, and synthesis are its limbs. If we extracted synthesis from a paragraph, that can reappear out of the latent space.

An important part of the video understanding the metaphysics of underspace is the computer networking term called latency. Latency is an expression of how much time it takes for a data packet to travel from one designated point to another. From a cult perspective, this is the oldest mystical tradition on the planet. The enochian pool of darkness, Cthulhu, and the summoning of the depths of Rayle, the shield of the hebraic cosmology.

We’re going to talk about the heart of the abyss, where all of our magic comes from. In sub quantum mechanics. Latent space is the digitization of that process through a compression. Course, compression would be, in my opinion, the most simplest form of artificial intelligence, supplied in an artistic way. Because AI replicates the intricacies of orthogonal polynomial scaling, it can recreate anything through compression, and it recreates it at 85% of its bytes.

These bytes were not there before, but then it suddenly appears. This is how nature, ecosystems, erosion, all the way down to DNA replicates, and can also change at a rate that we can’t follow. The problems we had with storage in the past allowed our instincts to magically create systems for this compression. Short term memory works the same way. Our brain has a very limited desktop space to pull up memories.

Most of the memories that we recall are forms of hallucinations that we were decompressing from the underspace to recreate at a whim, just as AI and Gaia does to keep up with in sync and universal currents of the universe. The neurons in our brain is recording things, I guess we can call it ingrams, these recordings to obtain neurological information of an event. And the hippocampus in our brain is able to turn, flash, whatever we’re recording, then pull it into the phonological loop in a very tiny space to work in.

From that tiny space, it creates an entire universe. The physics of elyaism is what I’m describing. That basis is reality engineering from an individual soul journey. So it comes out of a cloud, like storage devices, a cloud device. That cloud is representative of this latency, this latent space. Latent space is the underspace in mythologies, which becomes the sector or becomes the sector in the spiritual realms, the ancestors called the underworld.

Software engineers reversed that process through compression, meaning that if they ever wanted to store every image of the human mind that has collected in this physical plane the entire existence, if they could store it on this supercomputer, an engineer, which we can call a magician, esoterically, would accept the challenge. Compress all of the images, which would be likened to analogy to demonic entities, all of these images. To a computer engineer, the images would be demonic entities, all in a singular space being compressed that we can liken to Solomon’s signet ring, because Solomon was trapping demons in a signet ring.

To control is what this is describing, what they’re doing with AI, then they would be able to reproduce the images whenever they want, however they want. That’s magic in a nutshell. I just explained magic in a nutshell. So in the process of compressing, all of these images become an algorithm that is discovered. It wasn’t created. It became reverse engineered in the process. And the magi, or the magician, the engineer, compresses images from big to small, big to small.

And if you do that a million and a half, 3 billion times, you will begin to figure out that it has a pattern to process and start to see concepts that will always, in three pixelations in a row, always have three pixelations in a row, and that’s probably going to materialize and be a corner or a face. This is the very beginning of the gnosis process in the AI’s recognition to a face of a person or the corners of a building.

What I’m describing to you is how we are witnessing this technology explode before our eyes. Currently, intelligence grows up the ideal of latent underspace of compression. So the big Bang compressed and gave us this type of gnosis to this algorithm. And then the algorithm itself learns to decompress things. This plays into the concept of the underworld, the hollow Earth shield, or relay the reduction of something dimensionally to an elementary space.

The magi would then call this part of the process latent noise. Inside of latent noise, you’re turning the image into jello, a flexible, permeable mutation that can become any other image out of that memory foul of human existence’s memories. That means the entirety of every artistic expression ever made can be reduced into a quantum equation of probability. And that’s what we call beauty and art. Beauty and art are nothing but latent noise from the underspace, broken down into vectors of probability computed within latency sub quantum fields that it’s drawn from.

So the exposure, simply being exposed to the process, is where the true magic envelops in occult, esoteric thought. Let’s put this into simpler terms for the layman. The reason why a person can become a good artist is because they expose themselves to the right information over a lifetime, just like what we’re doing with these videos. And they’ve accumulated from these experiences the ability to draw from the latency space and reproduce a demona Lisa, that’s not exact, but nonetheless, it captivates an attraction of it in a different way.

So the word art descends from the animatology of the goddess Earth. The goddess Earth represents the androgyne principle. We’re going to the androgene information, masculine and feminine poles of creative power in the universe. That’s in the book Secret Doctrine by Blavatsky. The anupataka is the sanskrit word for the parentless, self creating power that’s at the center of alchemy and magic, shaping the form of what’s projected out of the latency, the underspace is the daemon, or the intelligence, which only has a few choices to express themselves.

That’s what AI. You only give it a few choices. And the choices is what you want the daemon to exactly do. The demon or the daemon is nothing but an algorithmic quantum probability, or hail in a pit that represents what the latent space or the underspace is of compressibility. So the demon or daemon is nothing but an algorithmic quantum probability. That’s what a demon and a daemon is.

And hell in the pit is the latent underspace of compressibility. That’s what I meant to say. So, within astrophysics, there’s a principle called hydrostatic equilibrium. Essentially, there’s a balance between gravity and pressure. Gravity pushes all the mass of a planetary or star body inward toward a single point. While the substance of the body resists compression, it builds up pressure, pushing outward, away from the center of gravity. And when these two forces are equal, there’s something that’s called equilibrium.

If the body is not in equilibrium, it will either expand or contract, depending on whether the force is exerted by gravity or the pressure is greater. Okay, let me just explain what I’m saying, getting all these words. The only way the hollow Earth would exist would be a weightless drift towards the center of gravity, possibly floating continents. It could be floating, contributing to a world shield that replaces gravitational force that affects the portal to the plane of fire, which is our sun.

With another antimatter sun in the center of our Earth. The antimatter would generate antigravity, counteracting the gravity generated by the mass of the Earth itself. And this antimatter sun in the center of the hollow Earth is the heart of Earth. The floating continents inside could be equated to different organs, and they are held a locked in their orbits throughout. Through these unknown forces, which the world shields of these atmosphere controls.

Hyperactivity in underspace is a term we may use to describe it. The kernel is from the antimatter sun, the black sun. It will increase its antimatter, causing the forces of antigravity to overcome the gravity of accreted mass, thus causing the matter to be ejected into space, away from a polar opening. At this point, the central area will use the last of its energy to stabilize its orbit around what would be a stable star in our earth, and they become dormant.

When the polar opening becomes dormant, the heart cools down to a point that the antigravity gravitic energies generates to practically zero. And while dormant, the central area will not act in any way, though, it may be awakened by drastic changes in his environment from above, such as disruptions or his orbit could significantly impact on his shell. After lying dormant for a period of time, his energy reserves will be replenished, the heart will become active, and again, hyperactivity of the underspace may repeat the cycle.

This is an arcane space that acts of an independent spell jammer gravity. So, independent spell jammer gravity explains how this process is, and it works off bodily attractions separate from accelerated basis upon a distance of space. So that’s the physics of how a hollow earth could be possible. All right, we just explained it. Now, the lahafo, let’s get into it. We’ve been covering this thing. So the tunnels.

The concept of the hollow Earth is what the juden hoots is planning right now. Now, first, I want to also let me pay some bills real quick. I have a lecture in Columbia, South Carolina, February 9 at the Sphinx Paw herbal shop on two Notch road, 3402 Notch Road. Name of the lecture is gathering of the guides the new earth decoded. I’m going to go deeper into this information, and you will be the first to hear it.

There will be a recording of it. We’re going to record it. And I’m also bringing another brother to break down some stuff with indigenous law to help you get out certain circumstances. You need to have that knowledge just in case you do get into some circumstances. So you guys can look forward to that information coming from. That lecture is coming out real soon, next month, right? Super bowl weekend.

Now I’m going to cover some stuff real quickly. So we had this whole thing with the Shabbat 770, where they discovered some JWss on the ground, and they had to cover up these spaces because they didn’t know what was going on. They were like, what is going on down here? What the heck is going on? So this came out a couple of days after I started talking about the tunnels on Patreon.

I didn’t start with this. This came out days after, and y’all can confirm that in the chat. So they found these tunnels, and it was connecting to everything that I was saying. Basically, the tunnels are everywhere. They’re not just in America. We have these tunnels all over the world, especially near ancient sites, because in America, the underworld is called Shabalva, the deity, the Osiris, Osar of America is called of the four test kalipokas.

Niklanta Kupli is supposed to be the twin enemy to test Kali poca, the black sun. So it goes deeper into the black sun, the anti matter sun, and what can sustain the hollow earth. But the ancients believe that the ancestors were closer to this black sun than out there in the cosmos. So they revered the underworld. And they built these pyramids over here in South America and America to resemble the 13 model cycle of the year, separate from this twelve month cycle that we’re on.

Based upon the gregorian calendar. They believe it was 13 months. And every day was something called a portal day. That’s in all of the indigenous information going back to the Algonquins. And they based it off underworld information. Underworld, esoteric lore. So the police ran up in this shabbat and found these people underground. And it was right next to a children’s museum, which we have that. So they want to try to say that I’m lying about that.

Let me give you the coordinates of that before I start to get into the esotericism. So here is where it happened at. And here is the children’s museum. This is the headquarters right here. You see that? So the underground tunnels lead right through here. They say there’s an x right here. You see this x connects to the year of the x and everything. Okay. All right, so now I can explain this stuff.

So to cover up the tunnels with cement, they brought out this cement truck that has the same black and white symbolism that they use in hypnotism and mind control. So while they’re pouring the cement is a symbol of hypnotism and mind control. You see that? So they cover up these tunnels and they try to figure out what was actually going on down there. Now all of this connects to Jeffrey Epstein and connects to Gisele Maxwell, because Jeffrey Epstein’s temple is a talmudic, flat earth model of the underworld.

We broke down how the golden dome represents the firmament. And the seven blue stripes connects to what? The color. The color blue is the teclet blue on the israelite flag. And the color blue is connected to the goddess LilitH, which Lilith is another form. She’s the lower form of the shekhanah, which is the original holy spirit. Shekhanah is the blue cloth that the ERitz, the priest of the Judahites, covered the ArK of the covenant with, which is supposed to be where the Pineal Gland and Consciousness is projecting itself from.

The blue is the first color that you enter on the Kabbalah. It’s called Hokma. Hokma generates blue from this white cosmic prismatic light from the higher dimensions. And the first spectrum that it enters in the seven spectrums of colors in the rainbow. It has to come through blue first. Now, remember the hawaiian fires? All of those people were putting blue on their rooftops to protect themselves from the directed energy weapons.

The blue in Tetrahz is 666 tetrahertz. That’s the six six six number. Again. They love that number. And it connects to the mythology of the Judah Heights and the black Brotherhood of the Zionists. Now, there’s a lot of information I left out, but I’m going to try to help you understand this, because we’re a little bit pressed for time. So, the tunnels found in crown Heights, Brooklyn, Shabbat 770 is correlated to Kabbalah mysticism of Talmudology.

The mysteries of the Third Temple of Jerusalem lies in the color Physics and the connections to the Israel flag. The blue stripes on Epstein’s temple on little St. James island. The Shabbat’s blue crown on their flag. THEy GOt a CROWN on their flag. In the TALMUD, the resurrection of the messiah happens through the destruction of the gentile nations. They got to kill all of the nations that aren’t a part of Israel.

From the mythology of The TaLmUD, that the GeNTile nations will be striked down if they don’t believe, if they aren’t made believers, and that they’re verbatimly stating that have to be striked down. So those who do not believe in the Mishnah have no share in the olam habah, the world to come. Among these ideals associated with that is the belief that ideals during the messianic age were commonly expressed, that the dead will be brought back to life in Israel.

According to Talmudology, all bodies not already in Israel have to be rolled through underground tunnels to a holy land. So we’re speaking out direct text from the TaLMUD. Now, the Hebrew Mishnah means the teaching of law by repetition. That means that they’re repetitively or telling us the end game with their Hollywood actors. Political parties commencing the lahafo, a word that you must understand. It means the turning UPSIde down of the world is what the picture of the thumbnail represents, which we talked ABout.

The upside down also in stranger things, a black magic metaphor. The tree of KNOWLEDge. Biblically, in the kabbalah, is the opposite spectrum of glyphs called the tunnels of set. To turn the world upside down, they must reverse the placements of the trees in invert reality in its entirety. So the surface world will become hail, and the underground hollow Earth will become the sanctuary for a new living space.

There you go, right there. That’s a big highlight. The surface world will become hell. In the underground, hollow earth will become a sanctuary for a new living space. Just as you close your eyes in bed, in rapid eye movement, your eyes roll backwards in your head, which flips. Then the electrical activity internally to the brainwave activity. And the Zionist catalysts want to similarly reverse reality to a darker realm.

So the tree of life, of course, consists of ten diagrammical glyphs of sephiroths. These spears that you see here, that shows us the formalities from a physics sense of how the spiritual realm bestows psychoenergetic transmissions to a physical existence. Malkut is at the bottom of the tree that represents the physical world. Keter is the top spiray called the crown. The pluralities of the source, I. E. Where the energy of the Godhead transmits comes from the divine rays of the Godhead.

Kether is the crown, Father, and wisdom. It’s the first triad, the holy Trinity. In the Christ myth, throughout ancient cultures, we see certain crowns resembling pine cones, cymatic measurements of Hertz, because it’s speaking about tunnel spirals and geometry. Metaphysically, the tunnel, or portal, is inside of the quantum dot of the pineal gland. So the real tunnel is inside of us. I’m going to just go ahead and put that on the video.

The real tunnel is in us. The actual tunnel is in us. The tunnel spiral is geometrical to what you go through. Remember I showed you a Latice cobweb tunnel spiral. You learn how to focus your concentration and meditation and recreate this in your mind. You learn how to escape reincarnation. Actually, it’s all physics and angles. Lattice, Cobwell tunnel spiral. This is what these people were studying, and we covered this like last year.

All right, that’s real tunnel. So now you got the information on the real tunnels. Now, this ain’t no damn theory. This is what’s going on. This is what’s going on. Well, you can take it as a theory you want to. I ain’t going to judge you, but this ain’t no damn theory. They told you in the Talmud what it was. So there is no coincidence that the name of the area in Brooklyn is called Crown Heights, because it’s all kabbalah talking about the crown Kether.

The world is caught up in a calvinistic ritual. That’s why we call the satanic brass the cabal. These etymologies have deep meanings. Dealing with the taobu, what do the tunnels represent? How deep does the rabbit Hole? Epstein, who is a JWS, he seems to be an important character, representative of the holographic reality and of what’s really happened. Now, understand, I’m not saying that Epstein is representative of those people.

I’m saying that was his original faith and genealogy. But Epstein is an important character representing the holographic reality and what’s really happening to the world behind the scenes. He’s nothing but a figurehead to the real demons, moving pieces on the chessboard to commence the laha foe. We have evidence that his family may even have rabbinical roots to a substituted bloodline of the davidic traditions. Notice I said substitute, because we all know that most of these people is a mimicry of what the real source know, the synagogues of Satan, if you understand what I’m saying.

So I want to show you how the Kabbalah applies the tree of life and how the cliphoff applies. The zionist kabbalistic warlocks are basing their pato child trafficking highs around a talmudic underground map of tunnels on different ley lines and dragon paths, responding to the earth’s opposite polarity of the Kundalini spin network portal locations worldwide. They kidnapped, sex trafficked women, and they were made into surrogate liliths, vessels of the shekhanah, the feminine half of God on the Kabbalah.

Because what these people are trying to do, they’re trying to make Samael energetically. They’re trying to have him mate, or that side of the Godhead mate with the shekhanah. This is going to the blue. Okay, I’m going to talk about this. Let me put this up here. I got to get in the blue in a sec. So they’re trying to make the shekhana mate with Samael, and they’re trying to make Lilla make that into this free martinism.

See? So this blue on the flag, I’m going to have to get deep into this blue. It says one of the major themes kabbalistic symbolism is the last gradation, Malkut, the mystical personification of the people of Israel. And her biography symbolizes their history. MALCOT or Malkut not only represents, but also protects the Israelites from possible harm of the surrounding non jws. Gershel Schrolam’s book, according to the myth of the teclet cloth, remember I spoke about the teclet is a blue that they get from this Helaison, this snail out there in the Euphrates, it’s this snail.

And basically, this snail is a rare snail called the cumulus. I can’t remember the exact name, but it’s like the trunculus. Trunculus. I don’t even know. But anyways, this snail is what the Cthulhu head is based on in HP Lovecraft, because his wife was a jewish woman named Sonya Green, and she gave him apocalyptic Judaism and taught him how. This teclet blue was extracted from this snail’s blood.

So they will boil this snail. Once the snail is boiled, his blood will cause an alchemical purple, which had a very foul smell. It was so foul that if it got on your clothes, people can smell you from, like, almost a mouth. And they put in the laws in Israel that you can divorce a person just based on them having to smell. All the poor people worked in the factories produced this blue.

So how they made the blue is that the purple that came up from the snail blood, they used to hold the purple up to the sun. The sun is representative of God. And there was an alchemical process. When the rays of the sun strike the purple, it turned it blue, which blue is representative of the throne of God? The firmament, which the two lines on Israel flag represents Euphrates and the now.

But it also represents the waters above the firmament and the waters below the abyss. And this represents the masculine half of the godhead and the feminine half of the godhead to get into that as well. But the sky is represented up as the throne of God. The blue represents throne of God, and only the edits. The priest of the Israelites could wear this blue, or the royalty could wear this blue.

This is where you get the word royal blue and royal purple, because the Edomites attacked these factories that was producing this blue back in history. And then they stole the secret from the Israelites. But they didn’t have the secret of how to turn it blue. They didn’t know sunlight turned the purple blue. So they just started working purple robes. All of their royalty wore purple robes. And later the romans put on the same purple.

That’s the Edomites. So that’s the myth of the teclet color. The teclet is that blue. And it says the teclet cloth of Malkut against the evil gaze of the evil forces was also applied on a national level. That is, the covering of JWS, particularly by blue objects, serves as a protection for what is believed to be danger from the nations of the, basically the Gentiles, who are sometimes considered in kabbalistic texts as earthly manifestations of evil forces.

This covering resembles the metaphor being under the wings of Shekhanah, the divine presence. But also this blue is also. There’s an evil side of it where they’re using this blue because this law of polarity, not only can it be for protection, it can be used as a weapon. And the blue is basically a weapon to destroy the gentiles. It represents the destruction of the gentile nations. Now, Jeffrey Epstein owned Zodoro ranch out of New Mexico, which was 3 hours, six minutes.

Funny, because six, six six is the 36 triangular number from Dosay base, which had all of those extraterrestrials. And dose is famous for being an underground base. Zardo Ranch road is here. And there’s a Epstein survivor, or woman, that’s been speaking the last couple of weeks. Her name is Juliet Bryant. And we have evidence she is really one of these people that was there. Here’s some of the evidence right here.

Her name is on some of this stuff. But she was a model and she was captured. And she was saying that she woke up on the ground. And she thinks that they were in her mind messing with her. Because the first thing that she did when she woke up is put this butterfly, this blue butterfly. Let me see if I got a picture of it on her journal.

And then we figure out the butterfly. Let me just go to my other file here. The butterfly is also representative of the tree of life in the tree of death. Here’s the butterfly. The butterfly represents Lilith and the shekhanah. And it represents tree of life in the Tree of Death. And it also represents mind control. We know project monarch, all of these things. But the blue serves as a weapon of quantum chromodynamics to put the whammy on all of the gentile nations.

But let me explain that. Let me explain. I can’t get into the seven underworlds. There’s seven underworlds that we broke down on Patreon. Y’all look into Patreon. That’s what the seven colors on Epstein temple represents. So the zionist elders want to obtain the powers of the konoma, the void, the primordial waters of chaos, which the blue represents. There’s ritual magic through occult, obscene rites of maniacal orgies, sedomic gateways, interferon extractions from children.

Interferon is more easily available than anything with the ANC word. Some of you all know what that is, the whole fragile thing. But it’s basically a chemical formula that has these structured formulas that resembles atomic bonds in the white rabbit formula. I’m not going to say that word up here, but the East Indians called interferon pure sama, an immortal tincture that they get from kids, basically. And that’s what that really is.

It’s not really the other word, but I explained that. Yeah, it’s connected to the blue lotus too. So the kabbalists rule the third dimensional reality through their color, blue in the blue. Like I said, when you practice kabbalah, the first thing they teach you is to imagine when you’re speaking a letter. You have to imagine the letter in its true color essence at the same time while you’re pronouncing it with a certain vibration of light in the mental world, in the mental sphere.

This begets color magic, and they’ve been using it for a long time. This is how they put spells and all that stuff on people. So the letter a left corresponds to blue. And you’re supposed to imagine the spindling orb of blue light inside of your spirit that fills your thought, your body, even your vision, consumes your whole body in vibration. And you focus on that color and that’s how you use the magic.

So the blue, like I said, it comes from Hokma. When the white light comes down from the divine cosmic Aons, it passes through Hokma. Then it splits and differentiates into the colors we know as the rainbow. It represents the unity of the Godhead before it’s differentiated. This blue has always been a talismanic, magical color. It also represents a symbol to ward off the evil eye. But by flashing the blue at the world, they’re trying to ward off evil from the GOyam gentile nations.

Hold on. The blue butterfly is a connotation to the female aspect of Satan called lilith, called Labia Myora. In labia minora, the butterfly has always been a symbol of a certain sweetness, which means the v word. Esoterically, y’all know what that is? Poom Poom, out of which the child is born. In the Kabbalistic Understanding of the butterfly, in order for it to fly, it has to have two wings representing duality, polarity, male, female.

You know that. And also the two trees of the Kabbalah. The tree of Life has sephiroths. The tree of death has shells. The bottom of the tree of life is Malkut, which becomes Lilith. On the backside of the tree, whose higher form is Shechanah, which to the highest level of the Kabbalist, shekhanah is the divine form of Lilith. But they’re one and the same. So they’re trying to meet Lilith in Shekhanah.

I’m going to try to get down. I can’t get all this. I got to get to what it means. All right, so in the end times, the flat earth model that I showed you earlier. They also love models with blue eyes. That’s who Epstein collected all over the world. The flat earth. Psyop. There’s a satanic side of the flat earth. The models contain a design of the earth below the world, the hollow earth.

And the evil part is considered the best part. The best part to the Kabbalist, at the end of times, all of this is supposed to be reversed. What they’re going to do, they’re going to black out the sun to be perpetual light. They showed that in the matrix movie, by the way. In the matrix movie, they also showed you tunnels and they showed you a group of people living inside of the earth.

In the matrix, the people living in the earth was called Zion, right? Y’all remember this? So they said, we will be living inside of the earth. And Morpheus, the God of dreams, was the leader, later becomes Neo. So they got to black out the sun in the matrix. They blacked out the sun, where the God of Israel set typhoon will rule forever. Also they said the God of Israel is in a dark cloud in Tahoe, but a good replica of how you can envision this is how a cdrom which is compared to the flat earth.

There’s a hole in the middle of the CD rom which represents how the light traverses down below the earth where the black sun, the antimatter sun, sends its rays upwards. The northern star, or the northern hole connects to the black sun beneath the earth. And the sun and moon evolves inside of the firmament on different planes. So they believe that the sun and moon is inside of the earth, which I don’t know about all that, but it could be within some ranges of the firmament.

But every point of the six pointed star connects to the citra hatra, which is the caliphatic tree of death, which is refractions of the shards of light called the Sitra Yamina. So the blue has its connections to the primordial waters below the abyss and above the firmament. In the water, fishes never close their eyes. So the fish is supposed to represent the evil eye. So the shekhanah, the blue, closer.

The goddess of a kabbalah, or of all of this religious stuff, she clothes herself with the blue and she clothes her children of Israel in the blue and it’s supposed to protect the people from the evil eye. So the whole thing is drawing, what they’re trying to do is draw the power of the primordial waters of chaos through this flag, through the blue. Now, the color blue has a dual nature, like I said Epstein was entrapping people through Maasad blackmail schemes of lyring all of these people and using them for political favors.

By turning the sex trafficked women into forms of Lilla. Then the transhumanism thing has a connection. Because he was trying to replenish the earth by using the women’s eggs. So they were stealing eggs from this women. This goes into the Samael Lilith whole mythology. And they were trying to grow transhuman bodies for the elites. Using these women’s eggs so they can have another body to transfer consciousness to.

And I don’t know. They’re using these demon forms of transhumanist bodies to go underground. Or are they putting them out here with us? Who knows? But the blue is supposed to keep everything secret of what they’re doing. It keeps the Gentiles from looking into the temple and seeing what is inside of them. What is inside of it, they say in the temple, is the head of a golden ass.

The head of the ass symbolizes set typhoon, which means that they’re worshiping the God of darkness, yawda Boeth. In the gnostic text. They wanted to keep that carefully guarded. And this person named Antiochus of Epiphanous entered the temple. And that golden head of the ass they were worshiping was revealed. Then Epstein, these people, was applying the same magic, keeping themselves from being discovered. He draped his temple with the seven blue stripes and put it specifically in the teclic blue.

So they make use of this blue to have both the left hand side of the gods and the right hand side of the gods. Working as one against everyone, to destroy everyone. They’re using the magical powers of this color to attack the world on their flag and on his temple. So they want to rebuild the temple and install the bedchamber to commence the unification of the Androjian head that I talked about in the beginning of the video.

Kybella is representative of the shekinah and Lilith in israelite cosmology. The primordial waters above the firmament and below the abyss. And they’re trying to keep the male aspect of the devil from having sex with its female side. And they want the male aspect of God from having sex with Lilla. This rebuilds the temple, combines the godhead into one entity, which is talking about that. Free martinism. Free martinism.

And the one is actually four, because there’s four aspects to the conscious fields. So at the same time of doing this, there is an encouragement for Jewish men to make love with their wives during this yahweh and yada Booth may return to the shekhanah, but it cannot happen until the third temple of Solomon is rebuilt. Some believe the third temple is the digital metaverse rims of AI. I don’t know.

That’s the theory. But this then plays into why there is an increase of the t ran’s allity on the gentile nations. Metaphysically, they are seeking to make the androgyne conscious fields only in God’s chosen people, which will restore the gods and their androgynous aspects. On the holiday SHem kippur, they give a scapegoat to samael to confuse him and divert his interests away from the shekhanah. So the male side of God is distracted from the female half.

The male side of the devil is distracted from the female half of God. And the other reason they do this, they give him a scapegoat. This is the meaning of the word scapegoat is to forsake the gentiles and burden them with his sins from Israel. So basically, by giving Samael a scapegoat. Samael represents the jebra on the kabbalah is one of the spears on the left side, if I pull that picture up.

But Jebra represents the punishment of God when someone sins. So basically, by giving Samael the scapegoat, Samael is confused. And he said that basically the text says that SAmaeL will punish the GentIlE nations for what the israelites do. So all of the sins of the Israelites is then transferred over to the Gentile nations through the scapegoat given to Samael on Shem Kippur. And basically that’s what they’re using the blue to transfer everything they do wrong in the world.

And God will look at it as a pun, we’re doing it wrong. And they will move into the SHEpherd spear on the Kabbalah, and they will receive mercy from the Lord. But they’re trying to go underground pretty much. And underground, they’re looking for something called shining darkness, which is the rays from the black sun. They think if they stay underground for 100 to 1000 years and they build this underground civilization, that they will acquire some type of androgyne, merge with the godhead of the klepop underground.

And by the time they come back to the surface world, which I believe they’re trying to do a nuclear event, which it looks like, if you look at all of these tv shows, I think go back and they just announced that the Book of Eli is about to come back out. And I spoke about that on Patreon and they’re getting John Bojega, the guy from. They cloned Tyrone.

So they get in the clone to play the younger version of Denzel. But remember, it was like a nuclear war destroyed the world. So all of this world war three thing is about some type of nuclear war, which they’re trying to do to la ha foe, flip the world upside down, change the surface world of the world into hell. So the surface world will become a fiery pit from the nuclear chemical warfare and explosions and stuff.

And they go on the ground, and that’s going to become the new sanctuary where they stay down there for 100,000 years until the nuclear debris clear away. And when they come back from being on the ground for that long of time, they believe that they will become the androgyne angels, the nephilim reborn or something, when they come back to the surface world, and they will inherit the earth as the new Jerusalem.

All right, so that’s my lecture. I’m going to put a link in the group. So if you have any questions, I’m going to invite you up, and we will conclude after we get the questions out the way. Hope the information got through. I know that was a long, long video, but we got to do these things. We got to do these things. They’re getting Denzel clone the play now.

That’s hilarious. That’s hilarious right there, because everybody says he does look like him. All right, family, I just posted link. If y’all have any questions for me, y’all can come up on the stream yard. I’ll let you come on, ask any questions, and then we’ll conclude after that. Yeah, the book of Eli, about a blind man. Got these blades, excuse me. Started cutting people up and stuff. And basically, he knows the Bible by heart because I think he can’t see.

So at the end of the movie, he reads Braille. He makes a braille Bible, and they’re able to copy his braille and rewrite the Bible and give it to the world, and he dies. So, sacrificing the melanated man. Always doing that. I could get into some hyperlucidity. I could. But we’ve been on for a long. That’s a lot of information to absorb. That was a whole lot of information to absorb.

I could save the hyperlucidity for Patreon. We’ll talk about what happened this week. Appreciate that, Garrett. Great head. Appreciate that. Let me see. Did anybody come in for questions? Okay, we got Brian. Let me let Brian on. All right, brother, I got you on. Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear me going in and out a little bit. Say something. No, you hear me? Peace. You say what now? You hear me though, right? Yeah, we can hear you.

We can hear you clearly. Peace. Family. Peace. I wanted to go back to. Because I thought of something when I heard of it going to the. You said Martin. Did you say Martin? Yeah, pre martinism. Yeah, pre martinism. And that drove me back to those times when I was a little child to someone that looked to me, he looked underdeveloped and unsure of himself. And that came to the comedian, Martin Short, jewish comedian.

But it was just like my whole feeling was like, looking at this person, he’s unsure of himself. You know what I mean? He didn’t know which way to go. You know what I’m saying? But it just hit me. Okay. It just hit me in the mental core, like, wow, okay. Pre marginalism, right? Yeah, I appreciate you. No, I appreciate that. That’s an excellent example. We got it on the screen right now.

So that’s the example of it right there. Family. That’s the example of it. You’re going to start seeing more. Like I said, that ain’t the last one. You’re going to start seeing a whole lot once you start going through it. Another thing, I think this was refill day for some reason. Like everyone was taking their fourth, fifth, or maybe eight shots today because the shedding was going crazy.

The smell of the shedding, crazy. Like where I live, everyone had that charge, extra charge. They don’t know, but they look at me like, you know what I mean? That’s crazy. It was a refill day. Wow. As far as them getting the fourth or fifth or 6th or 7th shot like it was today, because everyone was doing it. We be careful, the words. Now we ain’t on Patreon the genitalic.

You know what I’m saying? Yeah, we got you. We got you. We understand. In my neighborhood, right. It’s going on all over the world. By the way, Darren Walker, the name of that book is the technology of belief by James True, technology of belief. He also has a book called the Ark of the Baphomet, where he covers that history and breaks into that esoteric lore. He got a new book that come out.

But yeah, the whole jab thing. I was talking about the movie. When fools rush in, y’all need to get this movie. I talked about it on the last Patreon video. Got your boy Matthew Perry that the leave the world behind movie was based around that whole ritual. He’s in his movie with Salmo Hayek. And it’s talking about the people who rushed, who got the jab. The whole movie is about that because in the beginning of the movie, he’s holding this Marlin.

He’s holding this Marlin. Let me see if they’ll let me find it, the actual picture of it. But like the first scene, he’s holding this fish. Y’all know what a Marlin is? Let me show you what a marlin looks like. He’s holding his marlin in his hand. And you see how the Marlin’s body is shaped. It looks like what gives you the jab. I’m not going to say the word, but it looks like what gives you the jab.

And the water connection in it is referencing. They’re saying the c word. There’s research now that it limits the body to absorb water as nutrients back into what the nutrients needs to go to in the body, basically. So go back and watch that movie. It was a whole thing about Elvis connected to Elvis because Elvis was the first celebrity who got the jab on television. You remember that Elvis was the only celebrity who got the jab on television.

I think it was for polio, though. So the whole movie is encoding. Go back and get it. When fools rush in. Do we have any other questions? Anybody need to chime in? Or we can leave it at that. We went in today. Okay, I see my brother donut. Let me add my brother up in here. What’s going on? Wow, what a great presentation, Ani. Thank you. I appreciate you, brother.

How are you, man? Very good. You know, you were bringing up the free martinism, which I never heard of, and I thought that was interesting. With the cows? Yes, with the cows. And right before you started talking about it, you were bringing up that symbol. Okay, so you were connecting it to the martinism secret society, too. Yes, it’s freemason. There’s a lot of things connected with it. But it says this is a Kabbalah secret.

And I was connecting it to that goddess, Kybella, because Kybella is the first t ran goddess. But her name, if you look at the animatology, her name is where Kabbalah comes from. I just proved that in one of those books just now. I gave the page of the. Yes, yes. And then you get different words. Sibels. And then Cybella. Kybella kabbalah. That’s where it’s coming. Also, she represents black cube, too.

She represents the Kabul cube. She represents all of that. The thing in the center of the world. So there’s a lot of symbology reference to her. Yes. And like the hexagon, I always look at the hexagon on the star because it is the top of the north pole of Saturn. And I really thought that was interesting with where you put your head down where you. Yeah, yeah. And I don’t put my head north.

So I’m happy about I. But it seems like putting it south is the best from what you were saying. But I don’t go south, but I go another direction laying down. So I downloaded this compass. I’m going to try it out. I’m going to start sleeping south to see. It’s interesting, though, because, you know, feng shui, I’m not sure if you’re into. Absolutely. I’ve had a story about something feng shui in China, but continue.

So I wonder if the feng shui, you know, how the bed is not supposed to be facing the door, I believe. Yeah, I do remember that. I’ve heard that before. Something like that. So my bed in either room, it’s kind of hard to set up because it will face the door. So I got to figure out how to try. And also, another thing with that w I see in the middle, because you were bringing up the letter shin.

Yes. And it looks like I could just see the w right there on that logo, that free martinism logo right in the middle. Yes. And it’s also the trident as well. Oh, I see it right there. That w. Right. Know with Michigan and Washington having A-W-I found a spell book, an ancient grim war in history that had symbol on it. Oh, yeah. Oh, the mcdonald’s. That’s what it looks.

Yeah, it’s going viral on TikTok, but, yeah, it’s like this symbol has some type of evil connected with it. Well, it’s very deep because me, I grew up going to hebrew school, so I know the whole olive bet. I know how to speak Hebrew and pronounce the words right and all. Yeah. Well, this is interesting. And I’m sure you can connect some dots because ani be connecting so many dots.

My favorite one was the to fill in, not the to fill in. I mean, the sit sits has the eight on it, like the octopus. And then the blue comes from the octopus. There’s just so much that you find. And it’s funny because I learned more from your channel about my religion than I did go to hebrew school. The kabbalistic black magic side. I’m pretty sure the religion aspect is.

Oh, sure. Well, that’s what I also loved about Jordan Maxwell, too, because he was breaking down the words, and I knew the words, so I knew he was saying the truth because I understood, like, elohim was plural for the gods, multiple plural. The most important thing in my religion is the tefillin, which is the cube. Right. How you got the mecca cube and you put it on your arm and your head, but it always has a shin on it.

But the shin is different. It has four on it. Yeah. And the cube goes into Saturn because the north pole of Saturn is the hexagon, and the cube is in every religion, the cross could be a cube when you fold it up. Another thing that this podcast was, so I listened to the whole thing, and I was just blown away. My mind gets blown away. But, yeah, the Saturn Jupiter conjunction.

April. Did you say April 17? February 15. Is lubricalium okay? Yeah, I think February 15. I’m also looking at February 18 because it’s two one eight. And that was Joe Biden’s text message was at 218. And also Kamala, if you look at her freemasonic picture and Kamala, I don’t know if you hinted that it sounded like kabbalah when you said kamala. Her freemasonic picture she posted on Twitter.

She’s like, on the checkerboard floor. And it was a Twitter post, but she posted it on February 18 a few years ago. And this person right here was sacrificed when they got in office, too. This dude was sacrificed for kabala, this wrestler as well. And then you also got Matthew Perry and Obama chef was. It was a great show. I appreciate know we about to set up and do something real soon.

Want everybody to follow donut. If you haven’t followed him his information, I want you to do something with that free Martin is I want you to do some digging, see if you could figure out a little bit more and give us some more symbology on it. I know you can go a little bit deeper. He’s an expert into the symbology. And like I said, I always listen to your channel as well, brother.

You’re one of my favorite top three, top two channels that I go to when I want to figure out information. I spoke about. I don’t know if you heard the video. I did video Patreon, about what you and Juan was talking about with the meme magic. That was an excellent video. If y’all haven’t seen that video, go to the one on one podcast and check out him and donuts and paranoid Americans video on Trump being a chaos magician.

Oh, yeah. It’s absolutely going on. And you brought up the show house of cards where the woman becomes the president. Yeah, I think that will be Kamala because I think Biden will croak and then Kamala will step in. But I think it’s so apparent. Like, I can’t see it happening because it’s too apparent. They always do something that we don’t predict, but it’s connected to the symbology of it.

So it could happen like that. There will be some type of assassination attempt, but I don’t know how it’s going to play out. And I always thought this was eye opening. The two things that he’s holding is a symbol for fascism. It’s a bundle of sticks and. Yeah, a bundle of sticks with a hatchet head usually is the symbol for the fascis. It’s on the dime, the US dime, the ten cent.

And it’s also in Congress where they talk. They got the two symbols of the bundle of sticks with the hatchet head. And why is there a fascist symbol in America? So everything is upside down like that. There’s an upside down. Hit it. We hit it on this. Oh, and another thing I saw today with the McDonald’s up is the new Travis Scott video. He’s eating McDonald’s because he’s promoted by it.

So it’s so obvious. You got also Cardi B’s new video bongos. They opened the fridge and the product placement. So you could just see this. If you watch. It’s always sunny in Philadelphia. Whoever paid them the most, they would get their beer on the show. So it’s product placement. We’re being manipulated to purchase products like 24/7 it’s nuts, but thank you, Ani. Well, before you go, you see this story.

Yeah. Reminiscent memory, January 15. Rare white penguin spotted in scientific base. Brave. Back to Penguin researches. I did a video called Corvus the neighboring. I talked about how they found this white raven a couple of months ago. And it’s a process called leucism. But they say in the israelite mythos that when the Israelites need Elijah, which, you know, probably way more about Elijah than me, but Elijah supposed to come when the Israelites is in trouble.

He alcoholic. I never do that. Well, he comes and he drinks the wine. So I call him an probably he’s like the Santa Claus for me. Instead of Santa Claus coming to the house on a passover, we put a cup of wine outside and Elijah drinks it. But it’s just your parents dumping it. Wow. You know, they just had a movie like the year before with the Santa Claus getting drunk and stuff.

With the guy that played the dad in stranger things or the guy. Yeah. Sorry for interrupting. What were you saying about the leucism? Happens? There’s a mutation, alchemically that happens, they say in the animals when the Israelites are in trouble, there’s this mutation that happens. Like the double heifer. You ever heard of double heifer? They believe when the double heifer came in, the meant that Elijah returned. So Elijah is returning.

So just wanted to add that in to our famous video, Illuminati penguins. If y’all haven’t seen that, they’re taking pineal glands out of penguins and it’s been recorded what they’re doing with that. Yeah, well, I’m excited to do the vampire. I’m going to watch. I got a bunch of old vampire films tying it to the female Illuminati. Be good. Oh, yeah. I’m going to go in, I’m going to bring the whole magic aspect that they do with vampireism and some more capitalistic stuff.

But man, I really appreciate you for coming on, brother. Yeah, thank you. Yes, sir. We’re about to go ahead and close out for today. I appreciate all of you all for joining. This is a great video for you guys to study. Look back upon it. And I’m going to be back on Patreon probably later this week. Me and donuts going to do a show very soon. And we’ll have probably another YouTube video in February.

So it won’t be no more in January. We’ll come back in February and we’ll pick it up. If you want more information like this, come to spiritualshade room. You’ll see the true occult newspaper pop up and you can subscribe. And we get it in during the week. So with that, I want to say Aaron Poya a Shulu ashe to the ancestors. Thank everyone for listening in and we will be back next time.

Appreciate you. See you soon. .

  • Ani Osaru

    Ani Osaru, the Consigliere, holds a distinguished position as the Boss's trusted advisor and the third-in-command in the family. A beacon of wisdom and enlightenment within the Black community, Ani stands out among the self-proclaimed teachers. With unparalleled courage, Ani dares to shed light on the agents and gatekeepers that corrupt this community, impeding the pursuit of authentic knowledge.

    Ani Osaru (@AniOsaru) / X (twitter.com)

    The True Occult Newspaper

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