Truth in Movies! #112 The Rings of Power (E:1)

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➡ Welcome to a new series where we’ll explore the Lord of the Rings, specifically the Rings of Power. This series will explain the creation of the rings, their purpose, and the backstory. The series will also draw parallels between the Lord of the Rings world and our own history and myths. The first episode begins with the elven world, introducing the immortal elves and the two trees that light their world, which are similar to the two trees mentioned in the Bible.
➡ This text talks about a cosmic event where a giant cosmic spider and Morgoth, a powerful being, destroyed the trees of light, causing a shift in the world’s energy. This shift is seen as a battle in many ancient stories, like the elves going to war in Norse mythology. The text also mentions a prophecy about the return of the light, signaling a new golden age. Lastly, it discusses the elves’ journey from their homeland, Valinor, across the sundering seas to middle earth, a land filled with strange creatures and dangers.
➡ The text talks about a great war called Ragnarok, where elves, orcs, and other creatures fought. The war left the world in ruins and changed the color of the sky. The orcs, who are evil versions of elves, multiplied quickly, causing problems. The story also mentions a powerful evil wizard named Sauron, who is seen as a fallen angel and is responsible for a lot of the chaos.
➡ This text talks about various symbols and characters from different mythologies and stories, like Lord of the Rings and ancient Sumerian texts. It discusses how these symbols and characters, such as Sauron and Enki, can represent both good and evil. The text also explores the idea of memory and how events can be forgotten over time, turning into myths or legends. Lastly, it delves into the meaning of names in different languages, suggesting that the name Galadriel could mean both ‘evil light of God’ and ‘friendly light of God’.
➡ The text discusses the ancient Hebrew letter gayin, which no longer exists in modern Hebrew and has been absorbed into the letter ayin. The letter gayin is represented by a twisted rope and is linked to the biblical term ‘raqqa’, meaning ‘twisted in the head’ or ‘idiot’. The text also explores the concept of a physical paradise on earth, represented by a jagged mountain, and the idea that fire can change its qualities based on the atmosphere around it. Lastly, it mentions the petrification of objects and beings due to electricity, suggesting this gave rise to the Stone Age.
➡ The text talks about a frost troll, which is like a giant covered in ice, similar to a story about dog-headed humans who would create ice armor by repeatedly jumping into freezing water. It also discusses old maps and how they relate to the Lord of the Rings series, suggesting that the maps in the series represent real places on Earth. The text also mentions a band called 21 Pilots and their lore about a mythical land called Trench, which the author believes matches up with a section of an old map. Lastly, it talks about a time when animals were much larger due to an abundance of oxygen, as shown in the movie through characters wearing large antlers.
➡ The text talks about tiny creatures called Harfoots, who are related to Hobbits. These creatures, despite their small size, have large feet, which the text suggests is an adaptation to increased gravity. The text also mentions a place called Dima, where tiny people known as Pygmies or Skraelings lived. The story also introduces characters like Elrond and Galadriel from the Lord of the Rings series, and discusses the concept of crossing over to a different land, which is associated with hearing a song and being immersed in a light that can heal and change one’s body.
➡ The text talks about the story of Galadriel, an elf from the Lord of the Rings. Elves grow slowly and live in a place called Valinor. Galadriel and her companions are rewarded with a chance to return to Valinor, a paradise, for their bravery. The text also discusses the conflict between elves and humans, and the hope for a true king to return and bring peace.
➡ This story is about elves who are guardians of the human race. They decide to return to their homeland, Lindon, believing that the evil energy they were guarding against is gone. However, the evil isn’t gone, and signs of its presence start to appear, like black goo dripping from a cow and a broken sword piece that belonged to the villain, Sauron. The story also hints at changes in the natural world, like the moon changing color and the skies acting strange, which are seen as omens of upcoming changes.
➡ This text talks about a magical island where beams of light push away fog and allow inhabitants to see far distances. The island is surrounded by a storm that mixes with pollen from the island’s giant plants, creating a food source called manna. The text also mentions a character named Galadriel who decides not to go to paradise and instead seeks revenge on Sauron. Lastly, it describes a being falling from the sky, creating a fiery crater, and this being is revealed to be a giant humanoid, possibly an angelic figure from another world.


Aloha. What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of truth in movies. We’re starting a new series, just like we did with stranger Things. We’re gonna be breaking down the Rings of power, the Lord of the Rings, and hopefully everybody can hear me. If I could just get some thumbs up in the chat, we’ll start things off. I’m gonna do the entire first season of the Rings of power.

This is going to be episode number one. And before we continue, I just want to say thank you to all of my supporters, really, people who donate, people who are members, people who subscribe. I got a really nice letter from my friend that draws the horse pictures and sends them to me out of Florida. So I wanted to give them a shout out and say thank you very much.

Made my day. So if you haven’t seen the Lord of the Rings, let me just give you a quick breakdown. Tolkien wrote these book series called the Lord of the Rings. And thank you for the thumbs up in the chat. They’re basically in three parts. We’ve got like the main ones that people know about, like the Lord of the Rings. That one takes place towards the end of the series.

Then we go back a ways and we have the Hobbit and the whole Hobbit series. And then before that, we actually have the Silmarillion. And there are some other ones in between, but those are the three main works. The Silmarillion is basically the creation event of the whole Lord of the Rings lore and backstory and everything. So this, what we’re about to watch, takes place between the Hobbit and the Silmarillion, just between those two.

And this is called the Rings of power. And this is going to explain how those rings, especially the one ring to rule them all, was created, why it was created, and the whole backstory around it. What I hope that you’ll find, which is what I found too, is that these correlate with our hidden history, with the ancient forgotten history, the legends, the lore, the myths that accurately describe our world, our actual real history and our real world that have fallen into realms of myth and legend and fantasy and fiction and Sci-fi and all of that stuff.

We’re going to take a look and we’re going to find, um, the similarities basically, between that world and our own. So without any further ado, let’s go ahead and get things kicked off. Good to see everybody in the chat. Welcome. I hope you all enjoy the good, uh, the showing today and welcome everyone in the future, too. Alright, so we start things off with, um, the elven world.

Okay. So a long time ago in the Lord of the Rings, there was different races of humanoids, basically. Initially, you had what are seen as basically angelic types. Okay, and I’m going to get more into the backstory of the creation event, the God of this world, etcetera, or the God of this world. That’s in the story as we go forward. But all you need to know, as far as the humanoids go, is that there were these elves, and the elves were seen as being immortal.

Right. And then there were created afterwards. Actually, technically, the dwarves were created first, but they weren’t supposed to be. But you had the elves first, then the dwarves emerged, and then the humans, the human race. There’s other races of humanoid beings, and we’re going to talk about some of them here in this presentation. Now, first we go to the land of the Elves, where the story begins. And we meet our protagonist, Galadriel.

And I’m going to break down her name here in a bit. But she says, we had no word for death. The elves, the elven race, or those of the El or the Ilu, they had no word for death. They were immortal. They lived for a very long time. The legends say that when they wanted to die, they would just meditate and will themselves to die because they could not grow old.

They could not die of old age, basically. So they had no word for death. And then we meet a young Galadriel, and you’ll learn more about her here in just a bit, she said, for we thought that our joys would be unending. And then they show you the land of the elven race, their home, ancestral land. And in this land, they had these two trees. These trees illuminated their world.

These trees were their sun and their moon. These trees were the light that shed light upon the land itself. She said, we thought our light would never dim. And she’s talking about their own light, as in their spirit, but also these two trees right here. Now I’m going to make the correlation between the land of the elves and our very own forgotten land, our hidden land, our paradise, where people were said to never grow old.

At the north pole, also known as hyperborea and the Garden of Eden. She said, we thought that our light would never dim. And here you have these two trees that you can see. One gave off a golden glow, a golden color. The other one was said to be more of a silvery bluish color. Right. These two trees that grew in this land, giving light to their world. These two trees are the exact same two trees mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis, and they’re referenced in the Book of Revelation, the first and the last books in the Bible itself, where it compares these trees, these lights, to lamps or lampstands, and to two witnesses as well, witnesses to the lamb or the greater light.

And here’s a verse from the Bible. It says, these witnesses are two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the lord of the earth. Now, that’s super interesting to me, because stepping outside of mainstream religious beliefs, we look back into other ancient writings and historic records and creation stories, and we find that there are other stories about the creation event. But in the Lord of the Rings, it says about these two trees, the first sources of light in all of Arda.

Arda is the name for earth, things like that. It’s basically earth. The first two sources of light for all of Arda were two enormous lamps. Iluin, the silver one to the north, and Ormal, the golden one to the south. Now, those are actually different than the two trees that I just showed you right here. These two trees, these are not the first two lights to be introduced to the world.

These two trees actually came later on. But it says the first two lights were these pillars, these shining, huge pillars of light. And then it says these were cast down and destroyed by Melkor, which is basically the devil in the Lord of the Rings, or the spirit of evil in the Lord of the Rings. So these pillars of light retracted. They fell. They came tumbling down, and the towers fell down.

Afterwards, though, the valar, which are basically kind of like angels. At the beginning of creation, the valar went to Valinor, which was the land named after them. And this one angel, Yavanna, sang into existence the two trees, the silver telperion and the golden laurelin. Telperion was considered to be male, and laurelin was considered to be female. So here in this garden of Eden, like paradise, we have two trees, just as is described in the Book of Genesis, one positive and the other negative, energetically speaking.

One male and one female. One an Adam type and one an eve type. Right. And here’s just a couple of examples of the first two. Right. They’re almost always drawn as towering mountains, these huge, towering mountains that emit a light from the top, which, if you watch my channel, we talk about this all of the time. I call these plasma volcanoes, which is what I believe they are.

They’re actual volcanoes. And I also believe that volcanoes are created by the light itself or by the plasma or the electricity itself that’s so powerful, it draws mud and clay and earth and debris to it, piling up higher and higher as it goes, solidifying it and petrifying it by its strong electrical current, so she says. So when the great foe Morgoth, which is basically the devil, destroyed the very light of our home, these two trees in.

In the middle of the world, or in the land at the north Pole, in our world and the land of the elves, in Tolkien’s books, there was this devil like entity or energy that destroyed the light, which is the trees. And you can see his outline right here, sort of has a crown, this, uh, Melkor Morgoth. Later on, Sauron always has these crowns, a circlet of pointy spikes.

That’s important to keep note of as well, because it represents what is directly above these trees or what we see in the sky. When the firmament breaks and our atmosphere depressurizes, people see a corona, or they see a circle, which is the depressurization point up there in the sky, also known as the doom shape. And plasma streaks out of it looking like a circle that has little vines coming out of it or thorns or whatnot.

Now, officially, in. In this showing, they don’t really show the whole, you know, silmarillion, how the trees were destroyed. Destroyed. They just say that Morgoth destroyed the trees. However, if you read the books, it’s not just Morgoth, which is this guy over here on the right, but it’s this giant cosmic spider, not an actual physical insect, but something that was spider like that helped to destroy these trees of light, which I believe is cosmic plasma that I talk about, that’s negatively charged ionized hydrogen that comes down from above, and it branches out, and it’s got these mini legs.

The Native Americans refer to this as grandmother spider. And the spider helped to. The spider appeared with Morgoth, the crown, and helped to destroy these trees, which is not that they actually. The plasma destroys the light from below. It’s that we go through an energetic shift. We go through a polarity shift in our world, an electromagnetic polarity shift on Earth, where the light reverses direction. The energy in and on our world reverses direction.

So when one appears, the other disappears. So we have this depressurization of the atmosphere, where the crown shows up, the red light from above snakes its way down like a serpent. And that either brings about this saving sword that shoots up terrestrial beams of Energy that shoot up, and they appear to be killing the spider or MedUsa or whatever it may be or inversely, when those beams are already there and that spider shows up, those beams retract because the energy goes the other way, and it’s seen as being killed by the great spider, the cosmic spider.

That’s also. There’s also some symbolism there with Stephen King’s it as well. Now, there was a prophecy amongst the elves after these two trees had fallen, after their light had disappeared from the land of the elven race. The prophecy concerning the lights coming back and returning in historic times. In this one story, it says that the elves toasted to the rekindling of the magic sun. Now, that is that circle that I talk about, that is up there in the sky.

Some people call it Nibiru, right? Naburu, the red planet, etcetera. It’s all the same stuff. It’s. It’s that same circular object that’s up there in the sky. The doom shape or the magic sun. There were more than one light source in ancient times. There. There were many stories of different and varying light sources, but there’s one ultimate one that’s referenced all throughout ancient history. And it’s not the point of focus we see going around in circles above us.

It’s something that was steadfast. It was something that did not move. And it was almost always said to be located where our north star is located right now. It goes on to say that the prophet, the person who made this prophecy, warned that it would be a very long time, that a long time would pass before the glow of the trees or the magic sun will be seen again.

We lived during that very long time. We’re waiting for the return of the light of the world. We’re waiting to see that polarity flip back and bring us back into a golden age. So she says, we resisted. And you see the trees go dark and the land goes dark. A legion of elves went to war. Now, these elves, in ancient times, thousands of years ago, they went to war against many different foes.

This is Ragnarok of norse mythology, where you have all of these different races and beings and creatures all intermingling and being introduced and reintroduced to one another in one main spot, which is the opening of our world, where on the hollow recesses, creatures and beings can come up and do come up. It’s even talked about in the book of revelation, where these creatures come up out of the great abyss, right.

Or like a bottomless pit or hole, right? So creatures come up from below, creatures descend from above. And then we have others, travelers from the Southlands, which I’ll explain here in a bit who come from where we are now, and they migrate to the North Pole. So you have all these different creatures and races getting together in the land of the elves, and they go to war. Boudicca, thank you so much.

Hey, I appreciate it. Nice comment, too. Thank you. Let me just give that little heart action. Thank you so much, Buddhika. All right, let’s continue on. So they go to war. The elves decide to go to war. The reason they’re going to war is because this Melkor, this light from above, that circular object, it brings in energy that is programmed to destroy or reset this world so that it can bring about a new golden age.

And therefore, that energy is related to killing and murders and death and things like that. So to those who. Who are possessed by that energy or overwhelmed by that energy, they become what I call plasma thralls or plasma possessed, they can’t help but to do the bidding of Morgoth or Satan or the devil or Melkor or and so on and so forth. Right now, throughout this whole presentation, they show you this awesome map of the whole land.

This is Valinor. This is the actual land of the elves. I’m going to show you a modern map, or semi modern map of our actual world and show you where this exists and where it is. She says the elves left Valinor our home and journeyed to a distant realm. And here we go. Right. Let me show you exactly what we’re dealing with right now. Right here is Gerardus Mercator’s Arctic map, or map of the Arctic.

This circular land right here is, in my opinion, according to my research and experiences and belief so far in life. This is the Garden of Eden, right? And there’s so much evidence for this. And I’m finishing up a book about this land right now. This is the land of the mighty ones. This is the land where people cannot die and animals cannot die. I mean, there’s always anomalies and exceptions, but specifically, they cannot die of old age because they’re constantly being regenerated at a cellular level because of the high energy that’s in that area coming up out of this mountain right here, the mountain in the middle, which is Mount Meru or Rupas Nigra, the black mountain.

This is the plasma volcano at the center. Right? So this is the land of the elves. This is basically Valinor. And there’s different sections to it. There’s different parts and pieces, and I’m going to show you those in a minute. But the elves left this land right. So there is a coming together to this land, right. There is a drawing together. There’s a calling that people and animals and other things hear, and they travel to this land, right? But then there is a dispersal.

There is an exodus from this land as well, right? So there is an ebb and a flow going to and away from paradise. Basically, the elves went to war. They left this land in order to go help fight in this war in the Southlands. And then they show you this, the sundering seas. They have to cross this in order to get to the lands where the humans live or the mortals live.

She says one a land that was filled with untold perils and strange creatures beyond count. That would be where we live right now. We live in what this episode calls the Southlands, or what the. The rings of power refers to as the Southlands. And you’ll hear me refer to our lands as the Southlands as well. And it used to be filled with what I call fantasoids, otherworldly monsters and creatures.

Gigantism giants, actual humanoid giants, different types of mutated legendary tribes of humans. Monsters, other strange creatures. That’s why they used to put sea monsters and stuff on official maps that nobility had created and sometimes were commissioned by, you know, priests and monks who swore to God that they would draw accurate depictions of things, right, so these are the sundering seas. The word sundering means to be torn apart, right? To be divided.

Which reminded me of the Red Sea being split or torn asunder, right? So they have to cross these sundering seas in order to get to middle earth. Now, middle earth is where the elves in this story currently live. I just showed you the past where they used to live now, though, because they left because they. And it’s. It’s confusing because this is called middle earth. And the elves are actually from the middle of middle earth, basically, or the center earth.

But the Middle earth is called this because there is an earth below us. There. There is an underneath, just like we talked about with stranger things. The upside down world, right? There’s lands below us in cavernous systems way below our feet. There’s also lands above, there’s also places above us, beyond the firmament, beyond the sky and whatnot. So it’s called Middle earth. So they went from the land of the elves at the center of our actual map to the Southlands, or middle earth.

And that’s where they had Ragnarok. That’s where they helped to fight off dragons and giant animals and these creatures called orcs, which we’re going to get more into what an orc is. And how they’re actually related to the elves themselves. You have an Orc right here and an elf over here. They’re all going to war. This is Ragnarok. This is a. This is something that happened in ancient times.

And then she says, but the war left middle earth in ruin. And then they show you this red light that’s just all over the place. There’s bodies that are floating in the water. However, it kind of looks like they’re floating in the sky. This is sort of symbolic of the depressurization that takes place when our atmosphere depressurizes. The light spectrum shifts and we go back into a monochrome type of an era where we have one color of light.

And that color slowly starts to change over time. Getting brighter and introducing different colors over time. That’s why certain colors were more coveted as they started to appear in nature and in other places. And why some colors were very difficult to make in a world that was monochrome. Right? So this is the red sky. This is the sky of magic. This is the sky of mystery when the atmosphere is electrically amplified and charged up.

So she says, this war. This is the great war. This is the titanomachy. This is the war between the gods. This is the war. This is the world war. An actual real world war that makes our world war one and two look like tiny. You know what I mean? And she says it lasted for centuries. And you can see the. All the piles of the helmets of warriors that she stacks up.

So in the end, Morgoth, which is basically the devil, would be defeated. So they defeated Morgoth. Right? And that energy was killed off. All of the fantasy and evil creatures and stuff. They’re all dying off and whatnot. And then it shows you this forest. And she says his orcs had spread to every corner of middle earth. These orcs, which are basically evil versions of elves that are not immortal that they lost their immortality.

But we’ll go into that in another episode when they really get into the orcs. And what the word orc means, we’ll get into that too. So these orcs multiplied greater and greater. And the reason that these orcs multiply, and that’s a problem is because the elven race, they don’t. Okay, when they. When you’re an immortal, when you live to be a thousand years old or more then you go through instead of having puberty at like twelve or 13, it’s bumped up.

You have puberty at like a hundred and you don’t go through puberty the way that we do today. It’s much longer lasting, and it takes a long time. And people are children for a very long time, and therefore, they don’t have children right away. They don’t multiply and have babies all over the place as much as we do. Not only that, but there is a degree more of wisdom with the elven race or the immortals.

So consideration goes into procreation as well as, you know, determination and whether or not it is wise or a couple is ready or should be considered, approved, basically, to have children. Do you want to put more versions of yourself, little copies of yourself, into the world if you’re not approved, if you’re not mature, if you’re toxic or you still have issues and you need to work those out? We procreate and we make little replicas of that, of ourselves.

You know, we hope they don’t turn out and pick up our bad qualities or whatnot, but it does happen. Now, these were all under the command of Morgoth’s most devoted servant. And this is Sauron, a cruel and cunning sorcerer. And you can see him here, Sauron, you can see his name right here. It’s pretty easy to break down the o. N is just a suffix. Specifically, in Hebrew, that means of thee, somebody who is of thee.

So words that end with o in, typically, they mean something of the. Or of the something, right? Sour is like sore, like dinosaur, right? And it comes from the word sar, or shah, which means prince or ruler or princess, depending on how you say it. But it just means somebody who is a ruler. So this guy is of the rulers. He’s basically a fallen angel. Okay? You could just easily look at Sauron as being a fallen angel, okay? Or an evil wizard.

A powerful evil wizard. But you can also see all these orcs right here next to him. In comparison, he’s a giant as well. So gigantism existed in this land, in this world, just as it has existed in our very real world that we live in today. Even though academics would dismiss gigantism and actual real humanoid giants roaming the country, they did. There’s. There’s ample. Ample evidence across the world that proves that gigantism existed.

Um, I mean, they admit it about animals. I don’t know how they can admit it about animals. You know, like the ice age animals that were all gigantic, but they don’t admit it about humans. Now, Sauron killed Galadriel’s brother, and, um, he killed him in the war. So she’s pretty upset about it. She takes his his dagger and she vows to kill Sauron, basically. So Sauron marked her brother’s flesh with his symbol.

Sauron represents the evil energy that rules the world today, basically. Today, I believe this is me. I believe Sauron rules the world. Satan rules the world. And we talk about this on my channel in my ancient oblivion playlist where we talk about the season of Satan or the short season of Satan, Satan’s little season, etcetera. Right? So this is the devil we’re talking about. She says the devil.

Basically. Sauron marked her brother’s flesh with a symbol. This symbol right here represents Sauron. And I’m going to explain what this symbol means. Even though she says the meaning of this symbol, even our wisest could not discern. Very interesting. Boudicca says, much love, good vibes, mister awesome j dreamers. Thank you, Boudicca. I super appreciate your support. Give you a little heart on your comment. Alright, let’s continue on.

So this is the mark of Sauron. She says the wisest amongst the elves couldn’t figure out what this mark means. Let’s take a look at it. Right? This. This mark right here is actually an ancient letter in the old south arabian script. It’s called het. Or you could say het. There’s different ways to pronounce it. Some people say Chet. Right? It’s more of a good rule. But it’s the letter het.

It’s the 8th letter of the Phoenician and the Hebrew Alphabet. Thanks again, Buddhika. High five. And it looks like a fork, it looks like a pitchfork, it looks like a trident, it looks like a split spear, etcetera. Let’s take a look at these letters, at these glyphs. If you look at the Paleo Hebrew. And I’ve done a breakdown on the entire paleo Hebrew Alphabet or the Aleph bet this is the 8th letter right here.

In this instance, you could see it says het with a capital h and then another h. That’s because it’s a guttural breathing sound right

there. And it means a tent wall. It implies a wall, specifically one that is outside and something that also acts as a divider or something that keeps one side from the other or splits it in half. Right? And on this it looks like a ladder, which is appropriate because these letters represent these beams of energy that shoot up that are the pillars of Hercules from these anode and cathode or those two trees that we just talked about.

Beams of light that surround this island country of paradise, right? But a long time ago, it didn’t look like a ladder. It was actually on its side and it looked like the roman numeral three. Basically, this is the heavens above, the earth below, and the anode, the cathode and Mount Meru, or the beam from rupus nigra, representing neutrality, right? These were the pillars of Hercules, basically. And once you got into this area, you came into the land of everlasting, the undying lands.

Basically. This is how it evolved over time. This is that same letter that looks like a trident, etcetera. There’s just different ways to draw it, right? You can imagine that middle one being more elongated and you have sort of that pitchfork looking Trident symbol. It evolved into the letter h. Ha, more of a breathy sound. So we also have something similar to that trident in the hebrew Alphabet.

We have Chet, which I just showed you, but we also have, hey, like, hey, what’s up? Right? And it was originally drawn just like the pitchfork. It represents spirit, wind, breath, life by extension, right? And then also, if you go back further, it actually looked like a person right there because that’s what the plasma looked like when it shot up out of the ground. Also, Poseidon’s trident, right? The God of the sea, the God of the ocean.

Right? Now, this is super interesting because Poseidon is the God of the sea. Melkor became, or Sauron became, seen as, like, the God of this age. He took over the world just like Satan is taken over in today’s world, as evidenced by how upside down everything is and everything is evil and backwards. That’s my opinion, in my perspective. But. So Poseidon’s pitchfork, Poseidon’s trident, this is that exact same symbol as Sauron uses right? Now.

The God of the waters was also known not just as Poseidon, but as Enki in the ancient sumerian texts. And this was one of his markers. This is the land at the North Pole, Mount Meru in the middle, surrounded by a lake, four lands and then four rivers that come out from the center. That’s the. The mark of Enki. That’s this image right here. That’s exactly what you’re looking at, basically.

This is also reflected, I believe, in the inverted dome that’s at the top of the firmament above us because it’s made out of ice and it reflects the lands below it. So you will see this shape right here in the middle above us whenever the light reverses. And we can actually see the firmament once again. Now, it’s interesting too, because remember how I said that originally in this land of Arda, in the Lord of the Rings that they, before, they had the two trees that lit up, they had these two pillars, and those two pillars lit up the whole world, not just the land of the elves, those two pillars fell.

Now, according to the lore, Tolkien wrote, initially, he took it out, but he initially wrote that those two pillars, that the angels that were making these pillars, they asked for the devil’s help. They asked for Morgoth’s help, and he devised a plan to create these pillars out of ice, which the angels did not know what it was. Basically, they just knew it was a hard substance and that would work.

So he knew that eventually, one day, the ice would melt and those pillars would fall, which would cause a flood that would flood this entire middle earth world. So the God of the waters, the pillar God of the waters, Enki, etcetera, basically represents Mount Meru. And that blue beam that comes up Mount Meru goes back and forth between representing purity and goodness and everything that is good and wholesome and righteous and life giving to the opposite of that which is toxic and destructive and bringing disease and stuff because that light retracts.

And Mount Meru is blamed for that because it used to give us energy and light and stuff. So here’s some different depictions of these different babylonian sumerian gods. Enki is right here. He’s known as the lord of the earth. That’s what it means. On ki means lord of the earth, or Enki. And then we have his brother Enlil. We’ve got Utu, which is basically the sun God, and then sin, or sheen, which is the God of the moon, which is that inverted dome that I was talking about, which falls down and it crashes down into the world.

And sin is introduced into this world. And also the mark of the mark of the bad guy in this, or Sauron, looks like an e, looks like a letter e, doesn’t it? Right. She says no one could ever discern what the meaning of this glyph was. Well, now we might have more insight into it. For more information about what I think about the God Enki, etcetera, this is a really good video I did called the mystery of Enki and the ten Commandments.

Right now it’s got, like, 106,000 views or something, and it’s a breakdown of the literal translation or the transliterated version of the ten Commandments. And I believe the enki is actually mentioned in that. Now we continue on in the story, and she basically takes her brother’s vow to find Sauron and to kill him because she wants revenge for Sauron killing her brother. So she takes his dagger, she says, to the ends of the earth.

We hunted Sauron, right? So they show you the ends of the earth and where they travel, they go to this cold place, right, covered in snow and ice. She says, for many elves, there were pain in those, or the pain of those days. The pain of Sauron appearing and this great war and stuff passed out of thought and out of mind. All the people, slowly, over time, had their memories erased.

It fell into myths and legends and old wives tales and stuff. And people said, ah, that didn’t happen. You know, that’s just a story. So they began to believe that Sauron was but a memory. And eventually that he didn’t exist at all, which is basically us and our apocalypse. That happens. She says people began to believe that Sauron was but a memory. And then shows them climbing this huge wall of ice, looking for Sauron, right? Going to what we would call the northernmost reaches of our world.

She’s going all over the place to try to find him. And she looks at her little map and she knows that this is the last known location. And it’s basically this valley surrounded by mountains with this black, towering structure in the middle. And then one of her associates says, Commander Galadriel. And she’s pointing to Mount Meru. Symbolically on this little map, on this little piece of paper that she has.

She’s pointing at Mount Meru. Here’s another depiction of it from Stephen King’s tower. The dark tower. It’s the same exact type of thing. This is a real map from when people used to draw this on our actual earth maps. Rupas negra. Right here, you can read it. That means rock. This means black or dark. This means very lofty, very tight, high or towering, basically. So it’s a black tower, dark tower, etcetera.

Excuse me. She says, commander Galadriel. Let’s take a look at Galadriel’s name real quick. It’s directly related to our english word glad. Glad, real. And I’m not making that up. It’s no stretch. It’s the exact same root word, right? So if we take a look, it says old English, glade or bright and shining. That’s what we need to keep in mind. Basically, Glade. Glad stems from this proto indo european root word right here behind me, gel, which is where we get words like ghoul and stuff, right? It means to shine, which it says right here.

So galad in Galadriel means to shine. Now, galad ra el. This is very interesting. It depends on how you want to translate this, but Galadra el would mean. It’d be spelled like this in Hebrew. And this means evil. So evil, light. Galadra is what that means. El just means God. It specifically means this right here. This is how they wrote God or El in ancient times in Paleo Hebrew and Phoenician.

So on the right, because we go from right to left, we have the head of an ox, which means or implies strength. Over here, we have a staff, which is actually upside down, a shepherd staff. And it implies authority or a leader or a guide or a watcher. So together it means mighty one, strong one, leader or God, you could say. Right? And this is where we get that.

So galad ra el, which means, or could be translated as the evil light of God. But why would it mean evil? The main character is not evil. She does struggle with it, though. Right? Take a look at this. Ra. This is the paleo hebrew version of it with the head and the eye. This is just r and a, respectively. Okay, but it means friend as well as evil.

Isn’t that something? Why would one word mean two totally opposite things, right? And does Galadre el or galadra el really mean evil light of God? Or does it mean friendly light of God? Let’s take a look. Right? There is a secret letter in ancient Hebrew that not many people know about. It used to exist, at least many people believe. Scholars have suggested that this letter existed called Gayeen or gayeen.

It’s pronounced with that guttural at the very beginning, almost like a g sound gain, you could say. And it was represented by what looks like a twisted flax or a rope that’s twisted up right here in the beginning. Over time, they just got rid of it because it was almost the same. It sounds like ayeen, which is another letter, which is almost a silent breathing sound, right? And it was replaced, and it meant twisted, dark, and wicked.

And it’s this. This is what it turned into. It turned into this letter ayeen, which is the eyeball, which is right here. Right? So Ra might not have been spelled with our modern letter ayeen, which means I, but spelled r, and then, which is the head, and then this twisted, which means twisted in the head. That’s what that means. That’s why that means evil. That’s why that could mean evil.

One of them means evil, and one of them could mean friend. The head that watches out for you is the leader, the friend. You know, somebody that’s got your back, the head that is twisted, which is why we do this when someone’s crazy, right? Is somebody who has lost their mind or is out of their mind. This says, while the letter existed in ancient semitic languages and some modern semitic languages, it no longer exists in the modern Hebrew.

That’s the letter gayin, the secret letter. Instead, it has been absorbed into the letter ayin. So no more it’s just ayin because, you know, it sounds exact. Same evidence exists showing that this is in fact a separate letter. There’s very little evidence for the reconstructing of its original pictography. However, it survives in other languages where the closest candidate for this letter is the twisted rope. Right. Now, this helps to shed new light on some biblical passages specifically.

Well, I’ll get to that in a second here. I wanted to show you that twisted rope, this one right here, which could be representative of the secret gain letter. It’s also actually represented by certain egyptian glyphs. And in ancient Hebrew, it would be the letter het. Right? Chet, which is the 8th letter of the Alphabet. And you can see the letter eight right there, which looks like, you know, little spirals, two little circles together.

That’s where that comes from. This is the 8th letter, and it was a wick or a flax, etcetera, right? Now, this says in the Bible, but I tell you, anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother Raqqa will be subject to the Sanhedrin, which were the judges. Anyone who says, you fool, will be subject to the fire of hell.

This is equating the word raka. And there is much debate within Christianity, specifically about what this word like raqqa, why it’s. What’s so bad about it, you know what I mean? But if you take a look at that word, instead of being spelled with a c, it would be this gayin letter, which is basically the het or the chet. I know I’m sort of long winded, but I’ll get back to it.

Raka, right? Which is the r, the head, the reish, which is a head, and then that gain, which is twisted, which means twisted in the head. That’s why. That’s where this verse comes from. So calling someone raqqa basically meant you were calling them an idiot or psycho or out of their minds, etcetera. And you’re not supposed to do that to friends, family just because you’re upset with them or whatever.

Anyways, we get back to the movie and her buddies that are traveling with her, her companions, they’re sick of it there. They haven’t found any signs of this evil entity or Satan or whatever in their world. And they want to go home. They want to go back to paradise. They want to go back to the lands of the elves. And he says, this company has followed you to the very edge of the world.

Boom. I take you back to Mercator’s map of the Arctic. This land is the edge of the world. There are four corners, right here, here, here and here, which represent the ends of the earth, right? Not the outside edge, because the outside edge wraps back around and turns into the firmament, which goes upwards, which is a part of the earth as well. This did not. This was the end of the.

The surface world, which is what we call earth, right. And these were the four corners of the earth, which exists in the middle of the world, not towards the outside edges. Right. So that’s why you see a lot of snow that, you know, they’re, they’re, they’re not in this land right now, but they’re headed towards it in this. In this. She actually says she wants to go further north, right? So they’re not actually here right now, but they’re somewhere near that.

And this guy says, we’ve gone to the very edge of the world, but no one has ever dared search for this last stronghold and ever found anything. A stronghold is another word for a tower or a rampart. It’s. Or a castle, right? Which is what Mount Meru is. So the character says, no one who ever looked for this last stronghold, which is the first and the last stronghold, which is Yggdrasil, or the.

The root or the trunk of Yggdrasil, the world tree. No one’s ever found anything. That’s what these people say. This is what the modern world says. Give up, stop looking for Eden. Stop looking for a physical, actual paradise on earth, because people been looking for thousands of years. Nobody’s ever found anything. But she doesn’t have that heart. And it turns out a few seconds later, they’re in that exact area where they show you this jagged broken mountain.

I’m going to call that. Okay, it looks like it could be some sort of structure, like a castle or whatever, but it’s not the reason that we see this. This is the Disney castle. This is many different things that it’s represented by. This is Mount Meru. It’s broken, it’s split. It’s a split mountain. And it looks like this because the land is pulled upwards from below by the electricity that comes down from above and comes up from the earth terrestrially.

Actually, and it pulls it straight up into the air and petrifies it. And it looks like this, like, jagged mountain or whatnot. This also looks a lot like where, where the bad guys live in the dark crystal. This looks like exactly like where they live too. Same exact concept. I forgot what the names of those guys are. Skeksis. Right, the skeksis. Anyways, they’re inside of it now. So basically they have gone symbolically into like, this type of plasma volcano.

And this elf over here puts his hand in his own torch and he says, my hand is past feeling. He’s saying, I can’t feel fire, it’s not burning me. So he thinks that there’s something wrong with his sensations, that his, his body’s messed up. He says, my hand is past feeling. And she says, no, it’s this place. This place is so evil, our torches give off no warmth.

Now, this is interesting, because fire changes its qualities based upon the atmosphere around it. When the atmosphere around you changes, fire can change, right? So I have a little chat with chat GPT here. At lower pressures, the combustion temperature may decrease due to reduced oxygen concentration. This can result in a flame that is cooler than usual. I’m going to just say that in layman’s terms, right? So it’s easier to understand if you lower the pressure.

So if out here in the surface world, we’re crushed with pressure, okay, there’s lots of pressure, especially if you believe that there’s a firmament, okay, and that there’s gases that are being constantly released from inside of the earth, creatures being born left and right and procreating, adding to the pressure of the surface world where we live, that means that fire will be hotter and hotter and more refined under more pressure.

But when you relieve that pressure and you go towards one of the relief points, which is openings in the earth, right, there’s lower pressure. And when you have lower pressure, you have storms, which they’re said to be a constant storm around this mysterious island at the north pole too. But anyways, so lower pressure inside of this place would have their fire not burn. It could possibly create it so that the fire wouldn’t burn.

Now, under lower pressure, that fire would actually not be, this is filmed in, like, Hollywood or whatever, but they, I don’t know if they know this, but under lower pressure circumstances, where the heat does not burn you of a fire, that fire would stop being so pointy, and so long as it goes up, it would actually branch more out and look like a burning bush or like a dome shape.

Sometimes if there’s no wind or anything. So that’s very interesting to keep in mind. Now, they go on inside of this plasma volcano type place, and he says these orcs were meddling with powers of the unseen world. And they show you right here, you can see that there’s a petrified orc that’s a part of the wall itself. Here’s the actual orc, and it’s become petrified instant, instantaneously. Right.

This is because I believe that electricity has the ability to change our bonds in our very bodies and petrify objects instantly, not just humans, but many different things which gave rise to what we commonly call the Stone age or the age of stone. Right? When things were petrified, the world crossed by plasma. So he says, surely it’s lost, because they’re like, how did this happen? And he goes, oh, it’s lost to the ages.

Now, that was a long time ago. This is the response of many people in today’s world. They’re doubters, they’re disbelievers, because they’re more in the modern world. They don’t look back and consider ancient history, real, forgotten, arcane and esoteric knowledge. So he’s like, oh, it’s lost to the ages. Oh, that was a long time ago. Why are we thinking about the past? Concentrate on right now, which can be wise, but it would be unwise for us, if we want to consider our future, not to consider the past and the things long forgotten about, because they eventually and inevitably will return.

So they find the mark of Sauron on this rock, and she’s like, Sauron was here. And then they find this troll, this frost troll, and they fight it. Then she kills it, and it bows over. Now, take a look at this frost troll troll. It’s basically a giant, and it’s very hairy all over it. You see all this hair that this troll is covered in? It’s a giant, basically, right? And it also see that there’s ice caked all over its hairy body.

Now, if you saw the video that I did about the dogmen or the legendary tribe called the dog headed tribe of humans, right? In that we talked about a story, an actual historic account, where people met these dog headed humans. And when they went to war up in the far north, which is where they were said to have been located, on lofty mountain cliffs and stuff, these dog headed men, when they went to war, they would jump into the freezing cold, icy waters.

Then they would come out, and all that water would freeze in the cold atmosphere and turn into ice. Then they would jump back into the water and get another layer of ice on their hairy skin or on their hairy bodies. They would keep doing this three or four different times, basically making ice armor, which is a type or could be seen as a type of ice trolls because they were also said to be giants.

So it’s interesting that this troll has a type of ice armor on it. And that brings us to the actual introduction, the title of our presentation, the Lord of the the Rings of power. Now we go back to the map. Let’s take a look at this map. These maps, these old, arcane, forgotten maps, especially the ones we have, are of such particular interest to me, especially whenever we see these older maps on here as well.

Now, if you take a look at the land, pay close attention to this mountain range that looks sort of square right here. And then this river right next to it. You see this river? Check this out. This river shoots off to the side and splits into almost about seven different heads right here. And I found an interesting correlation with that same map of the Arctic right here where we have what I call the original Euphrates river, which split into seven different heads right here.

All four of these rivers of the garden of paradise split into different numbers altogether. I believe there was 19 tributaries, which is also very interesting, representing the 19 leaders of the fallen angels that are mentioned in the Book of Enoch. Now, this is an actual depiction of Arda, or earth, in the Lord of the Rings series. Right over here on the left, this represents this land right here.

So this is the Lord of the Rings, the land on the left. That huge continent on the left hand side, represents this land, which is paradise in actuality in our world, on our real earth. Okay. And then over here on the other side is what they call middle earth. As you can see, it’s not even in the middle. That’s weird, right? But this represents the Southlands. Maps can be distorted.

They can be. They can appear differently. The lands can appear differently. All throughout time, cartographers and map makers have made maps in different ways, which have disappeared, distorted the actual lands, the size of the lands, the shapes of the lands, and everything. So all throughout this series, we’re going to focus on middle earth, which is also referenced as the Southlands. Over here on the right, there’s numenor, which we’ll come to in our future episodes right here in the middle, an island between the two.

And then we have this land over here. Take a look at this land. This is the land of the elves. Remember? It represents this land right here, right, this land is surrounded by high and lofty mountains all the way around. You see that? So it acts as a natural wall or defense or barrier. There’s the two trees to the land of the elven race, or the eternal or the immortals, basically.

Right. We also see this in Mercator’s map. Here’s a black and white original version of it. Now, if we take a look at this land right here, which is a paradise, surrounded by high and lofty mountain cliffs, basically. And then outside of it we have this elongated land that looks like a lima bean or something, we take a look at Mercator’s map and we see similarities between this particular section, right, this particular region of paradise and Greenland, which is a part of the Southlands, one of the first lands of the southern areas to actually get close enough to paradise.

Take a look at it. Right, let’s zoom in a bit. I want to show you Greenland and look at the mountain ranges. We actually do have one that is this sort of square valley shape in nature. Just like. Just like the other one that we saw here. It’s just inverted. It goes the other direction. So is this Greenland? Actually, I think it’s possible. It could be. I don’t believe that any of this stuff just made up.

Just so you know. That’s why I do truth in the movies. So you can imagine this is the land of the elves or the elven race. This is the land of the humans, the Southlands. And all of these are basically the Southlands right. Now. Here’s a color version of the exact same thing. We’re going to focus on this quadrant, this actual part, Greenland, gets really close. If you zoom in on Greenland, it’s one of the closest ones in ancient cartography.

If you wanted to get to this land, you could get there, but then you’d be on the land and you’d have to figure out a way around this here huge mountain range. Because these are cliffs. These are the cliffs of insanity. You can’t just walk over them or anything. You can’t climb them. It’s dangerous, extremely dangerous. Especially because of all of the mist surrounding this central land over here.

It would make them very slippery, etcetera. So we’re going to focus on that particular area. If you remember my breakdown of the 21 pilots lore, the band, the 21 pilots, they have in their lore, this land, this mythic land called trench. This legendary land called Trench. Let’s go back. We’re going to focus on this particular region, this quadrant right here, right now. If you look at the sides of this little peninsula, you can see it looks like there’s an area people could inhabit, actual flatlands right here where you could sort of post up while you’re trying to figure out how to get past the wall and get inside.

Right now, in the lore of 21 pilots, they have exact copy. And right here they have what they call DEMA, which is basically a government organization that is posted up on this continent called Trench. Right. With Trench is something that goes down inside of the earth. Right. The opening in the earth. And I just wanted to make a comparison that I did myself between the two overlaying Mercator’s map and that quadrant right there.

I flipped it around because it’s inverted actually. And I overlaid it right on top of the the trench map. And you can see they match up. They actually match up one right with the other perfectly. But if you take a look at the symbol on the 21 pilots map where it says Dima on that little peninsula at the tip, look how they spell Dima. Do you see that? They actually put Sauron’s symbol on their lore sideways to make the e.

This is all related. All extremely interesting that it’s all being connected because they’re all telling the same story over and over again. Now we cut to this new scene where they’re showing you, these people in the Southlands, and they have these, what people believe are like moose antlers. They must be moose antlers because that’s like the biggest antlers, right? And they kind of look like that and they show you.

But these are moose antlers, right? So in the movie, these are gigantic. These are huge and humongous because this is a time on our real earth reflected back to us when gigantism existed and animals grew to humongous proportions two, three, four times larger than they are today. Right? So these are modern moose antlers. And this is what the ancient deer looked like. This is an ancient deer from, like they say, the time of the ice age about 10,000 years ago, right? Give or take, whatever it may be.

This is the time when there was an abundance of oxygen introduced into our world and everything grew to enormous sizes. This is a moose. This gray one is a moose. This is a human. This over here is an ancient deer. This is a modern deer. So you can imagine, you know, if a moose existed back then, it would be way bigger than this deer is, right? So it’s interesting that in the movie they show these gigantic antlers that these people are wearing for some reason.

I don’t know why they’re wearing them. And then they take off and you see this little creature pop up who’s sort of wearing this camouflage, right? Wearing grass and stuff to camouflage itself. These creatures all start popping up, and they’re tiny, and you can see they only go up, like these guys who are walking around in the grass. Look how tall the grass is. It goes up to their knees or something, right? These creatures that pop up, these little humanoids, the grass goes, like, up to their neck.

They’re tiny humans. They’re called harfoots. Now, I don’t know if I. Let’s see. Did I have it? Yes. Okay, so we’ll get to that. So keep that in mind, little tiny people. Keep in mind this region of this map, Dima, this particular peninsula on this old arctic map. Okay? All of it is tying together perfectly. So I’m gonna come back to the Harfoots and relate those to the little people in just a bit.

Now, the leader of these tiny people, they’re called Harfoots. They’re related to Hobbits, basically. So these people ended up giving rise to the race of hobbits, right? These, these Harfoots split, and they evolved in different ways. Eventually they would become hobbits, basically. Right? So this guy is basically the wizard of the Harfoots. He. He sees these travelers. They’re not supposed to be there. So he looks up his book and he finds that there is an image, there is a historic record of people who were antlers, and they would be followed by these giant, evil dogs.

And they’re going to show you these dogs. I didn’t take a picture of them because it doesn’t really show them that well in this episode. But in our future episode, I’m going to show you these prehistoric, evil devil dogs, and I’m going to show you that they really existed in our world. Now, we look up harfoot, and it means, technically, hare foot, or one with hairy feet. But the word har is Tolkien uses a lot of ancient Hebrew and stuff like that.

And arabic words. Har means mountain. So har foot means mountainous foot or giant gigantic foot by implication. Right? And if you take a look, this is a magazine of some har foots, right? We look at this guy’s feet, and you can see that they are actually gigantic. How does a creature, how does a humanoid creature that’s real tiny but has gigantic feet, how does that relate to our real modern world? Because this is us.

We have gigantic feet. Even if you wear a size five or whatever, it doesn’t matter. We need huge feet. We don’t think that we have huge feet because we’re accustomed to them. It’s just normal to us in the modern world. However, this big, huge, flat thing on the bottom of our legs or whatever that we call a foot, I don’t believe it used to be necessary. We didn’t need that much stability.

But as the pressure increased and increased in the world, what we perceive as gravity also increased, which is just a decrease of buoyancy. And because of that, we grew these huge, long feet at the bottom of our feet to keep us more stable. In a world where the atmosphere has been depressurized and that perceived gravity disappears, basically, or things become, you know, they weigh much less. Right. Then you wouldn’t need to have that much stability.

And people actually grew tails for that reason and stuff, and they would have much smaller feet. So it’s just adaptation, basically. Now they’re talking about seeing those travelers with the moose horns, and she says, it’s an omen. I warrant ya. I want you. It’s an omen. Now, omens play a huge part of this story, reflecting back to us and warning us of our very own up and coming apocalyptic cycle that we are going to go through, where our world will be thrown, the modern world will be destroyed, the system we live in will be gone.

Which is why I can’t wait. But our world will turn back into this world, Tolkien’s world, the world of the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. Pretty much every fantasy book and novel and everything, they all share elements of truth, which is why people love them so much. Now, the land in our very real world on the center of that map where tiny people used to live is right here on that exact same quadrant where you find Dima, or you find that little tip that touches Greenland.

And if we zoom in on it, it discusses that this land is known for having tiny people that were known as the pygmies, pygmy or pygmae. And it’s written in Latin right here. It says, pygma hic habitant, uh, for ad blah, blah, blah. Translated, this means, here live the pygmy people who were about 4ft tall, no more than 4ft tall. And it’s what the people who live in Greenland, this is Greenland right here, call the Skraelingers, or the skraeling, also another word for dwarves also.

Right? So vocant just means they call them skraeling. Okay? So in Latin, it says, this is the quadrant of the land where the tiny people live called pygmies. And in Greenland, there’s Greenland again. They call these people Skraelings because these Skraelings could hop over from this island to this island. And people saw these pygmies, these Skraelings, these harfoots and hobbits in Greenland. There’s legends of them all across the place in their actual historic records.

Now we are going to meet Elrond. I don’t know why I didn’t take a picture of Elrond first. Let me show you Elrond. This dude over here on the right is Elrond. Over here we have Galadriel. We already met her. We’ve heard a little bit of her story. Elrond is over here. He’s gonna be another of the main characters who’s going to survive all throughout the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Remember, I’ve broken down the Lord of the Rings, all three movies, and I think I broke down the Hobbit. I can’t remember, but you can go back and watch those as a review. Okay. Elrond plays a part, as does Galadriel. Now we go back. What does Elrond mean? His name means star dome. The etymology of Elrond is an elvish word. Basically, that means star dome, or elf of the cave, mighty one of the cave or the enclosure.

The dome. The Star dome. It’s interesting that they made Elrond a main character, and his name means Star dome. Now, Galadriel is meeting up with Elrond, and she takes a look, and they’re in this Sylvan foresty place. And they have this painting, this picture of a boat that is sailing between these two towers, right? Which symbolically are the pillars of Hercules. That’s what they’re representing. And at the top, you see this eight pointed star, which you’ll see throughout this series.

I will point it out in future episodes. But this eight pointed star is a. It’s a reflection of the land below it that has those four rivers. And then it also shoots out these four beams of light that come out of it, right? And that is the doom shape. That is the depressurization point. That is the true northern star in ancient times. And Elrond walks up to her and he says, I hear that.

It’s said when you cross over. You hear a song when you cross over, crossing over, which is the ancient word Hebrew literally means crossover, or to go from land of death to the land of life. Okay? We land. We live in the land of death. You cross over from this land to the elven lands. That means you become Hebrew. Technically, it has nothing to do with bloodlines and stuff like that.

It’s just an action. Anyways, he says, when you cross over, when you go into the elvish land, or valinor or paradise, you hear a song. There is a frequency that is put out by those beams of energy that shoot up into the atmosphere. And people resonate with it. They pick up on it. Some people right now are hearing a song, a tune, a frequency, a noise, you could say a ringing in your ears, a high pitched sound.

And you don’t know why you’re hearing it, where it’s coming from, why it’s so loud at certain times. And you can’t shake it, you can’t get rid of it. There is a calling that the earth puts out, frequencies. Animals pick up the animals pick up on it and they start changing their migrational patterns, they start going places. He says this song is one whose memory we all carry.

And you are immersed in a light more intoxicating than any sensation in all of middle earth. So when you go to this land at the North Pole, you’re immersed in a light, you hear a song. And we all know the song, basically. And it’s an intoxicating light, right? It’s a frequency that goes through you, into your eyes, and it passes through you. And it. It fixes us, basically.

It changes. It commands DNA, it commands genetics and it fixes it and it. And it tells your body how to write itself. Basically. It gets rid of sicknesses and diseases and stuff. This is. You may recognize these two. This is. This is what they look like in the Lord of the Rings movies when they’re a little bit older. Okay, elves do grow, but they just grow extremely slow in comparison to us today, which are.

We’re all children that have an advanced aging disease. So on the left, Galadriel in the Lord of the Rings. On the right, Elrond, right, Elrond, over time, became more serious. That’s why you see him, Agent Smith, looking, right. He’s more serious because he got involved in politics and stuff. Anyways, this is where they’re from, is this center land in the middle, Valinor. Now keep that in mind because they meet the high king of the elven race right now in this area.

They live in the Southlands. Remember a long time ago they left Valinor, they left that central paradise to go help out and war in the south lands, which is where this takes place right? Now. Galadriel gets back to this elven land that’s in the Southlands where the elves have set up shop and they live there. This is the king of the elven race. Look at this little marker he wears, right? That’s this.

That shape, which is also known as the tet, is his marker that he wears this little badge, right? That’s the king of the Elves, basically. So he is rewarding these adventurers, including Galadriel, with a free ticket to go back to Valinor, which is something that not everyone was allowed to do. Only the most righteous were allowed. The people that proved themselves to be pure of heart, that passed certain tests, they were allowed to go back to Valinor or back to paradise, which makes sense.

You don’t want to introduce a bunch of toxic, nasty poison into the most pure land on earth, right? He says, these heroes shall be granted an honor and granted passage across the sea, to dwell for all eternity in the blessed realm. The far west. Now, let me go back to that map real quick. This is the far west, right here in the exact center. West was down in our world a long time ago.

We have changed directions. We’ve become lost where the lost children, the lost boys, etcetera. The lost tribes. We forgot what direction is. What we call that. North. Right? When in reality, right now, the frequency being put out is a southern frequency, okay? That’s actually true. South, what we call north right now, because the energies get all mixed up, the seasons get all mixed up, etcetera. Anyways, these people who went with Galadriel and herself have been granted an honor to go to this place in the far west, which is also where Osiris lives.

Right? Osiris represents that beam that shoots up and sprouts out little eddies that go up along it, which is the spine of Osiris. Osiris was known as the foremost of the westerners. It’s not that Osiris is from California or, you know, just infinite west in a circle around the globe. Earth or the glob? Earth. West was down. And the entrance, the largest entrance down, was here, right there.

These are the lands of the furthest west, basically the westernmost lands. So Galadriel earned a ticket to the undying lands of Valinor. At last, they are going home. And he lifts his hands, doing the Atlas pose. This is the vav, straight up and breaks off at the top, which is what that beam of light does, those sky beams that shoot up into the sky, they shoot straight up, and then they start to branch off at the top, creating a y shape, you could say it’s actually the ancient letter Vav or the letter six.

The number six, I should say. They’re going home. They’re going to go from Linden, which is where they are in middle earth or the Southlands right now. Let me go back to that map. I want to just make sure I make this point right. This is the land of the elves, also called Valinor. Every continent in our very real world today, Greenland, America, Russia, Siberia, Asia, all of this.

These are all south of the northern land. Okay? It can get confusing with the directions, but everything where we live right now is considered symbolically in the Lord of the Rings, the southern lands. And that’s what they call them. That’s what they call them. Okay, so she earned a free ticket to go from Linden, which is what they call their little region where the elves have settled in the Southlands.

And they’re going to take a trip and they’re going to journey all the way across the great sea. Oh, they’re just showing you the Southlands right now. Sorry. Kind of mix that up. But anyways, that’s the Southlands. I just explained all of the Southlands. Right? So let me go back. I want to explain that a little better. So in this map, okay, they’re in the Southlands. Let’s say that they’re here.

I don’t know. Okay, let’s say they’re here. She gets to go across the great sea and journey back to Valinor, basically garden of Eden. Okay. All right. Now let me get past that little gif I was playing. All right, now we meet Earondir. Earondir is another elf, these little pointy ears right back here. And he, the elven race in the Southlands have been designated as guardians or watchers, people who are watching over and guarding the human race.

Not just guarding them from evil monsters and stuff, which they did, but they’re also guarding them from themselves because that evil energy that comes down, right, the further south you go, the further away from that good, pure energy, from that beam of light that shoots up from Mount Meru, people get so naturally, people are more inclined to do evil. Humans are more inclined to worship Satan or Melkor or Sauron, however you want to say it.

So the elves posted up to sort of watch over and be, be leaders, right? That’s why they’re called the l or the mighty leaders. And so errandir goes into this bar and he’s just checking on things, see how things are going. This one guy stands up, this scrawny little kid right here, he’s like, one day our true king will return, right? That true king is the light of the world.

This is basically us in the modern times where that light has retracted, the energy has retracted, that good terrestrial mother earth energy has retracted, and some people feel abandoned. Some people have, you know, disdain for that. And so they’re. They’re angry about it or whatever, but they look forward to the true king returning. The true king is that Jesus type figure or God or savior or the light of the world, etcetera.

So this kid’s like, one day our true king will return. Not you, elf. He’ll pry us right out of. From underneath your pointy boots, right? The elves wear these little pointy boots. So there is conflict between humanity, which is basically represented by children, which is what we are today, okay? If you’re less than 100 years old, you’re a child, you’re young, okay? Compared to what we used to live to, compared to the potential that is locked away in our DNA, in our genes, that’s lying dormant, just waiting to be activated again.

And people live much longer, once more. And then the elves. There’s a clash between those who are immortal, those who have lived for a very long time, and those who do not. Now, if you take a look at his armor on his chest, you will see what is called the green man face. Now, in that video that I just did about the legendary tribe of the dogmen, we made a correlation between the face of the green man and the legendary hairy tribe of giants, aka the dog faced tribe.

Right? This is how the green man face is normally drawn and depicted, right? You. They show it with leaves, like, coming from the very middle, the bridge of the nose out underneath. All you can really see is these eyes. And it’s covered in shrubbery. It’s covered in growth, nature’s growth. It’s basically moss. This is the jolly green giant, right? Now, these people that lived on a certain island towards the north had their testosterone levels amplified because that was the island of positive energy.

You had the island of negative. The island of positive. The anode and cathode, those can switch, etcetera. People on the male island had an overdose of testosterone, which possibly caused them to grow a lot of hair and go through a crazy puberty cycle. Now, you can imagine this is hypertrichosis. This exists. This is a real person. This is not an actor or anything. There’s a real person with a real condition called hypertrichosis where all the testosterone builds up and your hair just starts to grow everywhere.

Even. I mean, you have hair here already. It’s just real fine. You know what I mean? If you imagine somebody like this growing to be a giant in the land of all men, the male land, the positive land, energetically speaking, right? And then they just become wild and they walk off in nature and they don’t. They don’t, you know, take groom themselves or whatever, Moss will start to grow on them, right? You can imagine they’re just foraging throughout nature and they’ve just got leaves falling on them and stuff.

This is the green man. They turn green. Their hair just grows moss and stuff like that all over it. And this is what they look like, basically. So these elves also, while representing the elven race from the center of the world, also could represent by their armor these dog faced tribes of giants, hairy giants that live for a very long time. Now, Earndir is actually flirting with this human chick the whole time.

And his buddy elf is like, man, you shouldn’t be doing that. What are you doing? And then Arendir’s like, you smell of rotten leaves. Now, that’s interesting to say, right? Especially given what we just discussed with the picture of the green man who is on their armor, who could just be somebody who, with hypertrichosis, who has, who has let themselves go living in the wild, and the leaves are rotting, falling on them.

And remember, they were gigantic too, right? They were said to be gigantic. Now he’s like, has a pairing between elves and humans ever been attempted? Except for, like, twice? So he’s basically ridiculing him, right? This is the beauty and the beast story they’re just sort of hinting at right here. So he goes to say goodbye to his human lover, chick that he has a crush on. And all the elves are being recalled, right? They don’t need to watch over the humans anymore.

They’ve all decided to go back to Valinor because they are not Valinor, but to their land, to Lindor. What was it? Lindor. Lindon, right. They want to go back to their land. They don’t need to watch over the humans because they feel like that evil energy is gone. But that evil energy is not gone. That spirit of Sauron is not gone. Now he finds another omen. He goes to milk this cow, and this black goo drips out of the cow.

It goes from being milk or white liquid, which is typically symbolic in movies and television shows, as being a substance, a type of liquid in nature that creates. Right. You could see this in westworld, actually a lot. They put those robots in that white liquid, right? So the white liquid, symbolically, in the movies, represents posit. Positivity, life creation, etcetera. But the black goo, the black liquid is a substance that takes away life.

It represents death. It represents something that is decaying and falling apart and becoming disgusting, like kind of like oil, basically. Now, one of these human kids goes, he’s nosy around in the basement, and he finds this broken sword piece that used to belong to Sauron. He takes a look at it, and you can see here it’s black. It says ebony blade, and it’s got Sauron’s mark on it.

And it also represents Mount Meru being the split mountain, right? It kind of looks like a mountain in and of itself. So he holds it out, it starts rumbling, and the actual sign starts to glow and stuff. Then we go back to the harfoots, and he looks up at the sky. The harfoot wizard looks up. He’s studying the skies because it’s all starting to look strange. He says, first of big people, now the stars eyes open when they should be sleeping.

Now, this is us. I don’t know about you, but I used to sleep like a baby, and I loved sleeping. But these days, and it might. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. These days, I feel a vibration. I feel a change and an amplification in the frequency all around me, everywhere that is causing me, personally to have sleeping problems. My circadian rhythm is thrown off. And I share this with you because I know and I sense and I feel that it’s happening to others as well.

So he says, eyes open when they should be sleeping. This is what happens. Hey, rock and roller. High five. High five to everybody in the chat. Good to see everybody. Welcome to my channel, rock and rolla, and welcome to the good vibe tribe. So eyes open when they should be sleeping. People getting bigger, the stars changing and acting strange like they’re watching for something. And then this girl, nori, she’s spying on him, and she’s like, please tell me, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by that? And he’s like, the skies are strange when the skies are strange.

That’s an omen that things are about to change in the world that we really actually live in. Okay? Not just in that story. It means this. This story reflects back to us our actual history and the modern world that we live in. Have we looked up lately and seen that the skies are acting strange? Right? Flying ice volcanoes and eclipses and green comets and strange balls of light that seem people are recording all over the place.

And the moon is getting smaller, and academics says it’s getting further away. And, man, there’s so many other things I can’t think of off the top of my head. But we do a segment called omens, usually on Mondays or Tuesdays, and we talk about the strange skies. So she looks up at the skies. Here’s another example. In the movie, they show you the moon. It’s yellow. Look at this.

This is how I remember the moon being when I was a child. For the most part, not just at sunset, not just, I mean, moonset or moonrise or whatever, when the atmosphere messes with the colors and stuff. But when I looked up in the sky, it was more of a yellow tint to it. How many people in the chat remember the moon being yellow in color? And therefore, people used to say the moon was made of cheese.

If I showed you a picture of the modern moon high in the sky today, it would not be that big, and it would be much smaller, and it would be white. The moon has changed colors and is going through a color spectrum change, just as our sun. Our sun is also going through a color spectrum change. It used to be yellow. The sun is now white, and it’s changing color and turning blue.

You’ll see. Now we get back to the sundering seas, where Galadriel is taking her little trip to paradise. Basically, crossing this is. This would be like the Arctic Ocean, right? And you see a ship full of all of these elves who are. Who have qualified to make it to paradise. Now, let’s take a look at this, right? First, they have these little maiden helpers who have veils on.

They take away their swords. They disarm them. You’re not going to need swords in paradise, right? It’s a place. It’s a perfect place, whatever. But it gets more deep than that because these helpers actually put down their swords and then they do this. They start taking off their armor and all of the metallic objects that they’re wearing before they go into paradise. Why on earth would they do that? It’s not just symbolic.

I know many people like to internalize everything and be like, oh, it’s. Well, you know, it’s symbolic. They don’t need to fight. They don’t need this. And that. I’m quite certain that there are dangers in paradise. Okay? Nothing is absolutely perfect. Nothing is absolute at all, actually, I found. So they’re taking off the metal. It’s the metal that they need to remove before this boat makes its way into this circular island at the middle of the world.

In the middle of that circular island is the source of this light that this guy’s reaching out towards, and that is the plasma volcano that is called rupas nigra, the black rock. It is a magnetic mountain. So if they’re headed towards a giant magnetic mountain on a boat, it makes sense that they’re going to take off all of their metal, toss it all into the ocean, right? Get rid of all of their metal before they head towards paradise.

Because if not, there are mini legends that talk about people who have come near these lodestone mountains, and their boat was increased in its speed, and they smashed into these mountains that are made out of magnets or magnetic material. It’s the electricity that magnetizes it. Basically, when you have all that electricity shooting up and causing this bright light, this is something else they show you. Remember how I said there’s a constant storm because of the low pressure that would be around that area? Because there’s an opening in the world, which would be a change in pressure from this, all this immense pressure where we live on the surface.

But the closer you get to this opening in the middle of the world or that island, paradise, the more the pressure would drop. So it would create natural barriers of clouds all the way around this island, or a constant storm, you could say, or fog all the way around this island. So when they get close to it, it’s spreads out. Now, pay attention. This is something interesting around paradise, I believe there is a fog around that island in the middle of the world.

There’s a constant storm or fog or whatever, right? Because of the pressure differential. But that light at the middle, when that light appears and it shines, it gets. It changes things, because it changes the temperature and stuff, and it pushes the fog away. It pushes the fog to. To the extremities of the island and keeps it out. Now, when. When our atmosphere is pulled apart and depressurizes, okay, it creates fog.

So everywhere in the world, you’ll see fog rolling in. When the sky opens up, okay? There’ll be fog everywhere. And that’s why often in the movies see fog mixed with red lights or fantasoids and monsters and stuff, because all these things are introduced at the same time. But in these places of power, where these beams of light shoot up, they change it, and they actually push the fog away, which is going to help to explain in future episodes why the elves can see much further than the humans can, basically.

Now, there’s this part where Galadriel’s having doubts. She’s having second thoughts. She’s like, I don’t know if I’m ready to go into paradise. I still have this, like, evil thought in me. I need to go kill Sauron because he killed my brother, and I’m holding on to this grudge. Now, if you pay attention right here, though, show you that it looks like it’s raining. You see that right there? There’s all these little droplets.

Outside of paradise, it rains what is known as manna. Okay? Now I’m gonna explain manna to you. For those of you who understand the Bible, the Old Testament stories, where the lost tribes wandered about in the wilderness. That ocean that she’s on right now didn’t always used to be there. The Arctic Ocean will be removed one day and will be a desert, okay? It’ll be an electrified, powerful, energetic desert, basically a ghost desert, however you want to see it outside of paradise.

Here’s what happens within those walls of paradise, okay? Or hyperborea. There, the conditions exist to create gigantism, and the. The plants grow all over the place. It’s a garden, and they grow to gigantic sizes. So you have to imagine all of this plethora of flora and fauna growing to gigantic sizes. All of that flora, or all of those plants and flowers and stuff release all of their pollen up into the air.

That blue beam is pushing the winds outward towards the extremities of the islands. That pollen mixes with all of the. That constant storm that’s around the outside, or the fog, basically, that’s around the outside of the island. That pollen goes into it, mixes with it, and pollen is something you can eat and survive and live off of. That pollen mixes and gets wet and mixes with all of that fog around the extremities, encircling the island, falling down into the Arctic Ocean area, or if it’s not there, the desert area, right? And it lands as energized goo.

I’ll say, okay, it’s basically goo. It then dries out, and it hardens to become wafers or things that you can actually pick up and eat, because it’s all of this pollen that’s been mixed with water, and you can eat it. If you leave it there too long, however, it will go bad, and bacteria will start to grow on it because it’s food, basically. And the bacteria is like, hey, I’ll eat that if you don’t want it.

So you have to pick it up quickly or store it, you know, and seal it off hermetically. Seal it up and stuff, if not, then it’s going to go bad. And this is Mana. And this is the exact place where you should expect to find this sort of pollen rain or manna, basically falling down all around the island. And then at the end of the episode, they see their omen, which is the stars falling from the sky.

This is like the falling angels, etcetera. Those creatures, beings coming down from above. Remember I said that there’s creatures below our world that rise up, right? Whenever we go through that electromagnetic neutral point and those electromagnetic barriers go down, there’s nothing preventing life from below us to rise up and to come to the surface world. That’s also the time when angels, otherworldly creatures, they go by many names across time in cultures and religions and stuff.

When they deceive, descend from above, right? And when they fall to the earth, they don’t die. They don’t slam into the earth and break all their bones or whatever. Because when those barriers go down, the atmosphere depressurizes. When it depressurizes and there’s less pressure, there’s an increase in buoyancy, which allows things to just float, right. That’s why some things get sucked up and out during this world storm.

But once it reaches equilibrium, right, whatever comes down in from above can actually just float down. I don’t think it would fall as fast as they’re portraying this in the movie. That comet, that asteroid, whatever you just saw, that’s not Galadriel. They just combine that shot, right? When that comet falls, Galadriel’s like, forget this. I’m not going. I’m gonna go kill Sauron. So she jumps off that boat.

She doesn’t go into paradise. That’s what you’re seeing right there. But that comet is actually. It hits the ground. I’m. It’s not a comet, okay? It’s a person. It’s a creature, it’s a being. It’s a giant, really. And it falls down, and it creates this little crater that’s on fire. And you see this circle of this ring of fire all the way around it. And it actually happens to fall right where the harfoots live, and nori happens upon it.

And it is this guy who is a giant, or, you know, very tall human, I’ll say. Or humanoid. And this is what fell from the sky. This is who fell from the sky. These are one of the ancient angelic races. It looks very human, like an old man or, you know, somebody in his middle aged man, at least, with a beard, wearing a little loin cloth or whatever.

And he is what fell from the sky right here when I showed you that, right here. So this is a human. This is the falling angels. This is otherworldly humanoids, or I call them fractal verse. Travelers that left some other version of earth, some of their world out there in the fractal verse, waited, and they came down and they descended, floating slowly down into our world. Right? They don’t hit the ground and cause it all to light on fire.

That fire is actually coming from him because he is energetically charged. I’ll show you that in the next episode when we figure out when we learn more about this giant bearded guy who just fell from the heavens, basically. And when you look at him from above, it actually kind of looks like the eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings movies. You see that there’s a little iris right there in the middle, etcetera.

But all of this fire is coming from him. It’s not because he hit the ground so hard and the ground caught on fire. Ground doesn’t do that. If you. I don’t know why academics teaches that when a rock hits the ground, it bursts into flames or it catches on fire or whatever. I’ve never seen that in my life. I’ve never seen an example of that. It doesn’t happen.

This flame is plasma, and it’s coming from this guy because he’s charged with energy. And you’ll find out why in the next episode of Truth in movies when we cover episode number two of the Rings of Power. Until next time, I’m J Dreamer, saying good vibes and goodbye. I’ll try so hard to fade away, but something’s forcing me to stay it’d be easier for me if I turn to people but there’s something moving on the way of being hong gone.

There’s only ways to escape, but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Far too many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wait. Wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I know I should have done, should have quit this long ago can’t spend another heartbreak, but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I turn away to flee but there’s something holding on me the way being on gone, there’s only ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up time to wake up.

Five. So many ways to escape, but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up.

Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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