What the Literal Virgin Birth means to Us Spiritually – The true miracle is Christ In You #fyp

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➡ The text discusses the interpretation of the term ‘virgin’ in the context of Mary, mother of Jesus, suggesting it originally meant a maiden ready for marriage. It also explores the symbolic meanings of names in the Bible, with Mary representing man’s rebellion and Jesus symbolizing salvation. The author also discusses the different genealogies presented in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and the concept of Immaculate Conception. The text concludes by suggesting that the story of Mary and Jesus is symbolic of the spiritual journey of every individual.


Now, I know you’ve heard the story told that Mary was a virgin and that. But I would like to point out a couple of things, and I’m not discounting it. First of all, the word wasn’t virgin. It was maiden in the strongs. It’s just, it’s. It’s a. It’s a maiden who is ready to be married, has a fiance. That’s what the word means, just translated as virgin. Because sometimes it can also be used as someone who has not had relations. But mainly the word virgin. Let me see if I can blow this up so you can see what I’m talking about.

This is from the strongs, and you’ll see a maiden on the bottom. By implication, also, if you look at theirs, it says a marriageable maiden. So that’s the very first definition. Then the second one would be also that the most important one is someone who’s abstained from all uncleanliness, idolatry. That’s what that term really is supposed to mean. It’s supposed to mean that you’ve become like a virgin. You’ve become pure. This is why they were the saints. They were all given new gowns. You know, we’re as filthy rags, but they were given as beautiful, beautiful white gowns, pristine because we’ve been made clean.

We’ve been made pure. We’ve been made as a virgin, ready on her wedding day. It’s Mary. But the story of Mary is your story, too. I’ve explained on the show, names have meaning. Every name has meaning. Every name has meaning. Mary in Greek means man’s rebellion. Christ is literally birthed out of man’s rebellion from God. That’s interesting, right? Because man did rebel. So what did God have to do? He had to send his spirit in the likeness of sinful flesh. We’re sinful flesh. He had to send his spirit into all of us. In the beginning was a word, word with God.

Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. It was a light of all men, especially those that believe. It says, interesting. Had to do this. So the story of Mary, I mean, and once again, I’m not saying it didn’t literally happen. I believe there was a Mary. I believe there was a Joseph. I do find it interesting that the genealogies that were shared in the scriptures, which is in the book of Matthew, like, if you go to the book of Matthew, these are called the gospels in the New Testament. If you don’t know what the Bible is, there are the two books, Old Testament, New Testament, in the New Testament, you have these.

These gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Matthew starts off, has. Here, I’ll show you. It has a genealogy. And if you look at the top, says Matthew 116 17. That’s towards the end, because he starts off basically with Adam, kind of, you know, I think he starts with Abraham in this one. But Jacob is. Is actually Joseph’s father. And Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. So all the generations from Abraham to David, 14 David, to being carried away to Babylon, 14 generations, and from the carrying of Babylon unto Christ, 14 generations.

So in, in Matthew, I’m pointing this out because there’s another breakdown in Luke. In Matthew, it goes through Joseph, the genealogy of Joseph, which is interesting, because if you were to do a genealogy of, say, me, you probably wouldn’t include my stepfather. You would probably include my blood relative. Hmm. Also, there is a lot of suspicion around the fact that other pagan beliefs had virgin birth stories. Other goddesses were born miraculously. But let me tell you something. The birth of Christ is miraculous. And the revelation and the birth of Christ in all of us, even more so as we become the body of Christ.

The mind of Christ were given the name of Christ. So you got these two different genealogies. One goes through Mary in the book of Luke. One goes through Joseph. Very strange. But the Immaculate Conception idea, which is this is a catholic holiday for those who want to know, is the idea that, like, Mary basically was sinless. There’s a lot of debate over that, right? Because, you know, of course, nobody’s without sin. None of us know it all either. You know, it’s. It’s a thing. All right, so listen, I wanted to just share a little bit if it’s okay, because, I mean, I got most of the stuff that I wanted to get out of the way.

Out of the way. I want to share a little bit of this story of Mary, but in a way, you’ve never seen it before. I’m gonna tie it to you. And I wrote this essay. Now, this is my website. This is jacobisrael.com. You can go subscribe there. It’s free. And, you know, I’ve written over the years, for whatever reason, I was on a kick. I wrote so many articles. Okay. And one of the articles that I wrote has something to do with. It’s called the virgin birth. Okay? So this one is the birth of Christ. You see, it’s back from 2011.

I’ve been at this a long time. I’ve been at this a long time. So just by looking at the story. Okay. All right. I’ll just show it to you. And there you go. There’s the 2011. That’s my website. Okay. Let me just come back down to where we were. And I just want to break this down a little bit. And if you don’t mind me reading. So this is in Luke, in the 6th month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee in Nazareth, named Nazareth. Okay? Now, six is the number of man.

An angel, by the way, is not just a literal angel, but it would be like, the word translates into, like, message or messenger or man. But many times an angel is. Could be inspiration sent from God unto the city of Galilee. Galilee is a place. It’s an unbroken circuit. Okay? And an unbroken circuit needs someone to break it. Nazareth means someone who is separated from the womb, you know, separated from the world. A Nazarite grows hair long because he was separate from. From the ways of the world. So if you put Mary, Joseph and Jesus of Nazareth together, you got.

Mary means man’s rebellion. Joseph means God is added. Jesus means God is salvation. Nazareth. So God has added to man’s rebellion. Salvation. So God has put salvation and delivered them and separated them from the ways of the world. That’s the day we’re in. It’s the day when a clam opens up and a pearl is found, that pearl of great spa. Now, a virgin espoused to a man named Joseph of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. Now, as I explained, it’s just a woman of marrying age, or someone who’s prepared themselves for the things of God.

Marriage. One who’s prepared. The literal definition, a marriageable maiden. One who is prepared and ready for marriage, to leave father and mother. Leave father and mother. Isn’t that beautiful? So the version was exposed, meaning promised to be married to what God has added. Okay? Become one with it. To become one with what God added, what God placed inside. And the angel came to her and said, hail, you are highly favored. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. The message of truth, remember, that’s what an angel is. Came in unto her. To her is in the story, symbolic of man’s rebellion.

So man’s soulish nature, the message of truth came to man’s soulish nature and said, you are highly favored. God is with you. Blessed are you. Even though things are hard. You see what I’m getting at here? It’s beautiful. It also pertains to us. And when she understood this, because that’s what the word saw means in this passage. When she saw him, she was troubled. When she perceived this, she was troubled at his saying and cast her mind as to what manner of salutation this should be. It’s troubling. It’s troubling when you actually understand that God is with you, that God’s taking care of you.

And it’s like, am I supposed to believe this? Am I supposed to believe what Jacob’s telling me? Am I supposed to believe that I’m highly favored when I’m going through everything I’m going through? Are you kidding me? That’s what the story says. This mystery, by the way, which is Christ in you. This is what the message says. God is with you. And the angel said to her, fear not Mary, for you found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and you will bring forth a son, and you shall call him Jesus. Jesus. Now, in Adam, all die, but in Christ, all are made alive.

She was dead in Adam till Christ shows up. The last Adam, the last man. There’s the first man. There’s the last man. There’s the first idea you in the world where you just. You got a lot of natures, a lot of names that are not written in the book of life. And then there’s the last you, the Christ in you, where the two become one because you were that virgin. You were the maid, right? You were the maid that was marrying age, and you had your oil. You were ready. You were prepared. So he says, he shall be great.

He shall be called the son of the highest. And the Lord God shall give him the throne of his father, David. He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever. Thank you for that. I appreciate it, by the way. And his kingdom shall have no end once this happens. So basically, once this happens, you’re no longer in charge of your life. You’re no longer in control of your life. Your life is hidden. Christ, okay? But now it becomes clear, like, it’s clear to Mary. The throne of God is within the temple. We are the temple. So Christ is given the wheel to take over.

He’s going to be great in you. He’s going to rule in you. He’s going to. And his rule will be forever in you, not just talking about in the world, because that’s going to happen as well. Then Mary says, how can this be? Seeing, I don’t even know a man, and this is where we get the idea that she’s talking about being a virgin. How could I possibly have a child? This is where we get the literal virgin stuff from. One day someone comes to them, someone who knows nothing about God, okay? Tells them that they are God’s child, and one day the truth of who they are will be revealed within them.

They would be like, what? You get what I’m saying? They can’t even comprehend this. How are you going to tell me that I’m going to give birth to the son of God? I don’t even know God. You get what I’m saying? This is the same thing that we go through when Christ starts working in our life. How is it possible? How can you say that I’m God’s child? I don’t even know God. That’s the way a lot of people are today. And this is why this story also applies to you. And the angel. The angel answers, listen, this is where it gets wild.

The Holy Ghost shall come upon you. The power of the highest shall overshadow you. Therefore, also that holy thing which will be born within you, that pearl of great price, will be called the son of God. What’s being birthed within you is going to be called the Son of God, the child of God. So literally everybody that’s watching right now, what is going to be birthed within you is God’s child. This is why Jesus said, I got to go away because you’re all looking at me and you think that this is it. But when I go, the comforter is going to come to you.

The Holy Spirit is going to come to you. Same thing happened to Mary, see? Happens to you. There’s the connection. And the power of the highest will overshadow you. This is a beautiful thing. So the messenger saying a higher truth is going to come to you. A higher truth, the spirit of truth, which is Christ, is going to be revealed in you. It’s going to be revealed in you and it’s going to overshadow you. Did you catch that? The nature, the name of the living God, love, truth, power, joy, patience, forgiveness is going to overshadow you.

It’s going to be more important to forgive somebody who hurts you. It’s going to be more important to do the right thing than your hurt feelings. You’re going to be overshadowed by the child of God which is in you. This is why you can’t fail. Because with God, this is the next line, nothing shall be impossible. With God, nothing is impossible. So it doesn’t matter if you marry man’s rebellion or mankind have a problem with receiving the truth. You see, it doesn’t matter, Mary, that’s what he’s saying. It doesn’t matter. Mary, what manner of salutation is this? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Doesn’t matter, Mary. That’s the good news. We can’t fail. We can’t fail, thanks to the love of God. I think that that’s pretty amazing. And Mary said, okay, fine. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to your word. Isn’t that interesting? God shows up, overshadows Mary, tells Mary what’s going to happen. Tells Mary not to be afraid, tells Mary, blessed are you. Tells Mary you’re highly favored. She’s like, no, no, no. And then at the end, she’s like, behold the handmaid of the Lord. You can say that. You should say that. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.

Be it according to your word. And the angel departed. Once you get it, you don’t need a messenger to remind you. Clam it. That’s all you gotta do. All right, listen, I think that this was a, uh. This was a fun show. I like to talk about the scriptures. I wish I could do more stuff like that. Um, I would love for all of you to please subscribe to the channel. If you’re new, if you’re coming on here the first time, and if you made it to the end, I’m proud of you. I’m really proud of you.

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And if you want to get yourself, once again, Christmas is here for those you know that. Celebrate it. Get a copy of the calling for your loved ones. Get a bunch of copies, hand it out. If you can afford it, you know, if not, don’t worry about it. And if you can’t, you email me. My email is down there, too, and I’ll send you an ebook for free. I do it all the time when people don’t have, don’t take advantage of. You could, if you could afford $5, please, I could. You know, it took me a long time to write it, and it’s helpful.

September 10. Mars hangs closer to the earth than it has in 6000 years. Like the light that led men from the east to a child in a manger, it could well be a sign of good things to come. Thomas James shall be his name. The world will change because of him. In the small town of Bethel, in a time not unlike our own, a child with a great purpose is born. Years later, alienated by its peers and abused, Thomas suffers a devastating loss when it appears he has nothing left to live for in the world. This is when his true calling begins.

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So if you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to life or why does we suffer, then this story will not only captivate you, it may just open your eyes to a truth that could set you free. Find out what is in us all that makes us heed the calling. All right, listen, I gotta go. I love you all. This has been a great day. Just clam it, everybody, clam it. I think I’m gonna get a shirt. That’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna do a shirt. Clam it. I love you all. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye..



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