Lady Gaga Abracadabra’ goes beyond simple card tricks. The track’s lyrics and imagery are packed with occult references and draw on ancient ceremonial practices and Kabbalistic insights. When Gaga stated that ‘the song has a spell in it,’ she was being completely literal. Here’s a closer look at the symbolism embedded in ‘Abracadabra.
The Gematria Decode can be found at the bottom of the blog. There are new sections added to the decode that I didn’t cover in this video, as I wasn’t aware of them until I broke it down live. I highly recommend reading the entire blog and reviewing the complete decode to fully grasp the spell she attempted to cast on the masses through her music video, “Abracadabra.” The reason I am doing this is to deconstruct that spell, which helps to diminish any power it holds over anyone. This process unbinds the energies and entities that she has tried to attach to the music.
Some believe that Lady Gaga’s ‘Abracadabra’ was the lifeline her pop career needed. Following a series of releases that failed to ignite much enthusiasm among her fans, ‘Abracadabra’ cast its spell and soared to chart-topping heights. For many, the track is a nostalgic nod to Gaga’s ‘golden age’ around the early 2010s— a time marked by massive hits like ‘Bad Romance,’ ‘Alejandro,’ and ‘Born This Way.
Abracadabra shares another common trait with the aforementioned videos: it’s rich in occult references. The song itself is crafted to resonate like an incantation, and the accompanying video portrays a full-blown occult ritual. This isn’t just creative embellishment—Gaga herself has confirmed that the song has a spell binded within it.
ELLE: “We love the part where the music cuts out and it seems like the dancers are almost attacking you with the same lyrics you’ve been singing…”
GAGA: “‘Abracadabra’ definitely has a spell in it. I think about how negative backtalk, or when people are hard on you, can feel like a spell too. It’s seductive, and you can start to believe it.”
— ELLE, Lady Gaga Discusses ‘Abracadabra’ and Its Impact Following the Grammys Performance
This isn’t a new theme. Much of Gaga’s career has been aligned with the beliefs and agendas of the occult elite, often alluding to their darkest elements. This isn’t crafted just for intrigue; Gaga’s close association with the elite’s favored witch, Marina Abramovic, speaks volumes.

Gaga’s connection with Abramovic extends far beyond casual meetings; she was an apprentice under Abramovic’s Method—a blend of ancient Druidic witchcraft, Kabbalah, and spirit cooking. This method involves mixing blood, urine, and feces for rituals, as evident in the video below. They’re indifferent to public knowledge of these practices because the more people are aware of the spells they cast, the more potent these spells become. Consider the countless young fans who idolize Lady Gaga, aspiring to emulate her. This adoration fuels the power of the entities they engage with, allowing these forces to latch onto those who consume their music and so-called art.
The Day Lady Gaga Stripped To Please Marina Abramovic

Gaga isn’t just acquaintances with a favored occultist of the elite; she actively engages in related rituals. Like any seasoned occultist, Gaga minimizes and sweetens the true extent of her beliefs during interviews. Yet, as we’ve consistently pointed out on this site, symbols govern our world. Her use of symbolism might as well be her openly declaring, “I’m a witch!” for all to hear.
Every aspect of Gaga’s “Abracadabra,” from the lyrics to the visuals in the music video, is infused with profound occult symbolism, beginning right with the title of the song.

Most people associate “ABRACADABRA” with stage magicians at children’s parties, pulling rabbits out of hats. Yet, this term has deep roots in Kabbalah and ancient mysticism. It is believed to derive from the Hebrew phrase “I will create as I speak,” and is also connected to the mystical Abraxas, often found on Gnostic amulets.
Throughout history, ABRACADABRA was used in myriad magical practices, from healing sicknesses to summoning spirits. The occultist Eliphas Levi discusses its Kabbalistic interpretations in his pivotal book, Dogma and Ritual. He describes the “magic triangle,” venerated by pagan theosophists, as the powerful ABRACADABRA, visualized in a descending series of letters:
The magic triangle of pagan theosophists was the celebrated ABRACADABRA, to which they attributed extraordinary virtues and represented as follows:
AThe isolated A represents the unity of the first principle, otherwise, the intellectual or active agent. A united to B represents the fertilization of the duad by the monad. R is the sign of the triad, because it represents hieroglyphically the emission which results from the union of the two principles. The number 11, which is that of the letters of the word, combines the unity of the initiate with the denary of Pythagoras, and the number 66, the added total of all the letters, form kabalistically the number 12, which is the square of the triad and consequently the mystic quadrature of the circle.– Eliphas Levi, Ritual and Dogma
Eliphas Levi also makes a fascinating connection in his text: the number of the beast, or idolatry, is devised by adding a 6 to the double senary of ABRACADABRA, resulting in 18—kabbalistically, a number linked to the symbol of night and profanity in the Tarot, a mysterious number whose Kabbalistic key is 9, the number of initiation. As the sacred Kabbalist explicitly states: “He that hath understanding,” meaning one who holds the key to Kabbalistic numbers, “let him count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six.”
6+6 + 6 = 18 and 1+8=9
Fittingly, Lady Gaga’s song ‘Abracadabra’ explicitly references the Devil within the framework of occult transformation.
Musical Spell
When Lady Gaga says her song “has a spell in it,” she’s not speaking metaphorically—she means it literally. The chorus of the song goes:
“Abracadabra, amor-oo-na-na
Abracadabra, morta-oo-ga-ga
Abracadabra, abra-oo-na-na
In her tongue she said, ‘Death or love tonight’”
The terms “amor” and “morta” are drawn from Latin, translating to “love” and “death” respectively. These words are woven back into the song, evoking the image of a woman “speaking in tongues”—a phenomenon often linked to demonic possession.
As Gaga vocalizes these lines, the music video dramatically depicts a ritual of transformation, overseen by a mysterious “Lady in Red,” suggestive of demonic influences.

It’s fascinating that the video starts with the lady in red saying the phrase “dance or die.” In Latin Gematria (also known as Hebrew or Jewish Gematria—the only actual cipher that is technically Gematria), “dance or die” equals 201, just like Event 201, the pandemic simulation held by the Gates Foundation.
In English (old, no Gematria), “demon possession” = 201, which is what this entire music video is about. We also see a clear motif of nanotechnology, with the spikes on her red hat. As I show below in her Fame commercial video, there’s black goo nanotech and spikes in that video too.
These spikes are directly connected to the vaccines. For COVID-19 vaccines, all approved ones so far use the spike protein. The spike protein is located on the outside of a coronavirus and is how SARS-CoV-2 (the virus) enters human cells. Since it’s on the outside, the immune system can easily recognize it.
The spike protein is unique to SARS-CoV-2—it doesn’t resemble any proteins naturally made in the body. So, antibodies created against it are highly specific. Some people have expressed concerns that the spike protein or other parts of mRNA vaccines build up in the body, particularly in the ovaries or brain. This could lead to reproductive harm, which, let’s face it, is population control! And this isn’t a conspiracy; it comes from a peer-reviewed research study. Here’s the link:
🔗 Nebraska Med Article
If you check Moderna’s website, they openly state their vaccine contains nanotechnology. If you look into the patents, you’ll find these nano-lipids, which are part of their so-called delivery system. You can verify this on government websites where these patents are available.
🔗 NIH Article on Nanotechnology
And just two hours ago today, on March 5, 2025, an article was released about how Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID vaccine broke patent laws in a German court.
I originally wrote this blog on March 3, 2025. However, I realized that I missed an important section related to the “dance of the die” during my live stream. Therefore, I am updating it on March 5, 2025.

From this scene, it’s clear that the Lady in Red holds dominion over these individuals, preparing to evaluate their “performance.” Yet, this is no ordinary dance competition; it’s an occult ritual in disguise.
This notion is underscored by the appearance of a sigil-like symbol that emerges right afterward.
The image, resembling magical sigils, combines “ABRACADABRA” with “Lady Gaga” to mark the beginning of the ritual. The upside-down letters suggest a demonic influence.
In occult symbolism, red represents sacrifice and initiation. The Lady in Red symbolizes transformation, a force that comes into play at the end of the magic ritual.
She observes the dance floor from above, watching a battle of opposites unfold: light against dark, good versus evil, white versus black.

The dancers are dressed in white, but their movements hint at a slow takeover by demonic forces.

Fittingly, the song’s first verse mentions the devil:
Pay the toll to the angels
Drawing circles in the clouds
Keep your mind on the distance
When the devil turns around
In this mysterious verse, Gaga compares angels with the devil, illustrating her journey along a “magical” path. The video enhances this theme by highlighting the stark contrast between light and darkness.

This group’s choreography mimics the movements of the elderly and incorporates canes, reflecting the physical constraints of the material world—where time inevitably brings aging and decay. In esoteric terms, this aligns with Saturn, the deity associated with death and old age, and Satan, who governs the material realm.
In “Abracadabra,” the dance floor becomes a ritual space where these contrasting forces meet to conjure magic. The pre-chorus captures this moment:
With a haunting dance, now you’re both in a trance
It’s time to cast your spell on the night

The idea of using a dancefloor as a ritual space has been a recurring theme in the music industry for decades.

Michael Jackson and the Illuminati! In June 2009, Michael Jackson died as a result of drug-induced homicide, caused by medication administered to him by his doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray. Dr. Murray was later charged with Jackson’s death and is often viewed as a scapegoat for the Illuminati. Jackson tried to warn the world, and because he was about to speak out, he was killed.
Whenever we see the checkerboard floor or the mix of black, white, and red, it’s usually a sign that a major blood sacrifice is about to take place. This exact color scheme is present all throughout Lady Gaga’s Abracadabra video, which makes me wonder—who’s about to be sacrificed? I have a feeling this one is going to be big… I just hope it ain’t us.
In Lady Gaga’s “Abracadabra,” after a vivid interplay of light and darkness, the music abruptly halts, and the dancers, caught in a moment of frenzy, shout the song’s magical words at Gaga.

Some might wonder, “Why is she wearing a cross in such an occult and satanic setting?” The answer is that, like everything else in the video, the cross too carries an occult significance.

While Gaga describes the song “Abracadabra” in interviews as relating to “dealing with challenges” among other common themes, the lyrics distinctly suggest a deeper, spiritual dimension. Consider these lines:
Hold me in your heart tonight
In the magic of the dark moonlight
These words invoke imagery associated with black magic.
Feel the beat under your feet, the floor’s on fire
Here, the ‘floor on fire’ metaphorically references hell—a place tradition says sinners are cast after death. And speaking of which (not a typo), Gaga delivers these lines towards the song’s climax.
Phantom of the dance floor, come to me
Sing for me a sinful melody
Clearly, this song navigates themes of engaging with the darker forces. Could it be that the Lady in Red, whom Gaga seems to be striving to impress, is actually a representation of Satan?

As Above, So Below
From the title “Abracadabra” to the profound depths of its lyrics, complemented by the unmistakable symbolism in its video, the song encapsulates a profound, magical essence. As Gaga delivers a chorus that doubles as an incantation, the accompanying video skillfully presents an occult ritual masquerading as a dance routine. This elaborate display leverages symbolism where dancers in black and white symbolize the eternal struggle between light and darkness, good and evil. Out of this clash of opposites arises a potent force: Magic – believed by occultists to elevate humans to godlike status – visually represented by the color red.
While lauded for her “creativity,” this video in reality recycles familiar symbols and color motifs that have been extensively dissected on this site.
The pervasive use of such specific symbolism across popular culture isn’t coincidental; it represents the favored religion of the occult elite. However, their goal isn’t for the masses to comprehend these signs; instead, they aim to keep us bewildered, disoriented, and enchanted by their sorcery.
More critically, they no longer seek to perform their rituals in secrecy; their ambition is to enact them on a global stage. Ultimately, they strive to appease their earthly sovereign – who endowed them with wealth and power – in the same manner, Gaga seeks to win favor with the Lady in Red.
Now it’s time for my favorite part of the blog: the Gematria decode section. This will reveal the types of energies associated with this spell, as well as the music video and song. Gematria is considered the secret language of the elite and represents the code within the phantom matrix that the Archons control, superimposing it over the organic matrix system created by God. This organic system allows us to incarnate from our light bodies into our physical forms so we can learn our life lessons. Within this context, there exists an organic source code. However, the elite have discovered ways to manipulate this code, injecting specific numbers, energies, and frequencies—what can be seen as a form of number magic—that enhances the power of their manifestation spells.
The Lady in Red is a main theme throughout the music video. If we decode “Lady in Red” using Chaldean gematria, we get 26. Chaldean gematria is one of the oldest and purest ciphers. The two ciphers we will use for this decode are Chaldean—dating back to the Akkadians—and PI.
26 is the number of “The Archons” (which also equals 26 in Chaldean gematria).
As you read this decode, you’ll see the Gnostic occult influence woven throughout the music video. The Lady in Red is a metaphor for Lucifer, Satan, the leader of the material world in Gnosticism—the head Archon known as the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth.
They were also known as the Annunaki (which also equals 26 in Chaldean gematria). The Annunaki, spelled in various ways, are a group of deities from ancient Mesopotamian cultures.
Originating in the Sumerian pantheon, these gods played significant roles in the religious beliefs of the Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. Initially known as descendants of An, the god of the heavens, and Ki, the earth goddess, the Anunnaki have left an indelible mark on history and culture.
The term “Anunnaki” comes from Sumerian and means “princely seed,” though their exact nature and functions varied across different texts and periods.
The Role of the Anunnaki in Mythology
In Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunnaki had diverse responsibilities. They were linked to deciding human fates, with influence extending from the heavens to earthly matters. Some texts placed them in the underworld as judges of the dead. While they included well-known gods like Enlil, Ea, and Ishtar, they were not worshipped as a group. Instead, individual deities had their own cults and temples.
In Christian mythology, these beings became known as fallen angels—worshiped by men and responsible for genetic modifications that corrupted the seed line, enslaving humanity.
Ancient texts describe the Anunnaki as:
- Descendants of An, the sky god
- Rulers of human kings and other gods
- Divided between heaven and earth
The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of humanity’s oldest written stories, references the Anunnaki, offering insight into how ancient civilizations viewed these gods.
In Sumerian belief, they held immense power over:
- The fate of humans
- The actions of other gods
- Natural events on Earth
Sumerian texts suggest the Anunnaki came from a planet called Nibiru. Some writings claim they visited Earth long ago and created humans as workers. However, deeper research suggests that Nibiru is not a planet but a dimension—known as Dimension X—accessible through interdimensional travel via ancient Stargates, positioned along Earth’s natural grid system (dragon lines or ley lines).
The Influence of the Anunnaki on Ancient Civilizations
The Anunnaki were central to the beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia. Seen as powerful deities in Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian traditions, they were thought to control crucial aspects of life and the world itself.
Some of the main Anunnaki gods include:
- Anu – Sky god
- Enlil – Air god
- Enki – Water god
- Ninhursag – Earth goddess
The Anunnaki were believed to reside in both the heavens and the underworld, making key decisions about human destiny. In myths, they:
- Created humans as workers
- Caused a great flood
- Bestowed kings with the right to rule
Ancient texts attribute supernatural abilities to the Anunnaki, depicting them with the power of flight and magic. Artistic depictions often show them with wings and horned headdresses.
Mesopotamian cultures viewed the Anunnaki as divine rulers. Kings claimed their authority stemmed from these gods, securing their rule. Priests performed rituals to appease them, ensuring prosperity.
As Mesopotamian kingdoms rose and fell, the Anunnaki remained influential, their mythology shaping religion throughout the ancient Near East. Sumerians saw them as crucial to daily life, constructing grand temples in their honor. Priests made offerings to maintain divine favor.
The Anunnaki influenced many aspects of Sumerian civilization:
- Government – Kings justified their rule through divine right
- Farming – People prayed for bountiful harvests
- War – Armies sought divine blessings for victory
- Art – Statues and engravings depicted the Anunnaki
What Did the Anunnaki Look Like?
The term “alien” contains the letters A-L-I-E, signifying that it is merely a rebranding for the watchers, the fallen angels, also known as the Archons.
Key physical traits associated with the Anunnaki:
- Humanoid form
- Horned headwear
- Wings or wing-like appendages
- Large, imposing stature
- Radiant or glowing appearance
Descriptions of the Anunnaki varied across different Mesopotamian cultures and periods. Some depicted them as entirely human-like, while others portrayed them as reptilian—exactly how the Archons are described because they are the same.
Brainwash = 26 in Chaldean gematria—exactly what Lady Gaga’s new song Abracadabra is doing: brainwashing people, putting them under mass hypnosis, a form of MK Ultra, just like what happened at the Taylor Swift concert.
Here’s a link to an article discussing how fans experienced some form of mass amnesia at a Taylor Swift concert:
🔗 ABC News: Taylor Swift Fans and Post-Concert Amnesia
T Swift = 26 in Chaldean gematria
Celebrity = 26 in Chaldean gematria
All major celebrities like Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga have undergone extreme MK Ultra Monarch programming. You often hear them say that when they step on stage, their “alter ego” takes over. That’s the entity within them—the Archon or Demon they have invited in!
Cronus = 26 in Chaldean gematria
Kronos = 26 in Chaldean gematria
Cronus (or Kronos) is Saturn. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Cronus was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans. He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age until his own son, Zeus, defeated him and imprisoned him in Tartarus.
I tell people all the time—these celebrities and elites aren’t merely Satanists; they are part of a Saturnalian Death Cult, which is far worse. This is where we get the words Satan, Santa, and Saturday—all deriving from Saturn.
Lady Gaga’s Abracadabra music video is packed with esoteric occult symbolism.
Occult = 26 in Chaldean gematria
Paganism = 26 in Chaldean gematria
Pi Ritual = 26 in Chaldean gematria
Pi (3.14) is often used in occult practices. I guarantee there will be a major ritual on Pi Day (March 14th)—one day before the Ides of March (March 15th), the day Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times.
Pi 3.14 = 26 in Chaldean gematria
Tammuz = 26 in Chaldean gematria
You’ll see below, after I decode Lady Gaga’s real name, that when I start decoding the song Abracadabra, it’s connected to the 33 cipher in PI Gematria. You’ll also see how it’s linked to Tammuz, the son of Nimrod, which is actually where the symbol of the cross originates.
This all ties into the Lady in Red archetype in Abracadabra. Every letter has a number, every number has a frequency—they’re using number magic in ways that the uninitiated don’t even recognize.
Now let’s decode Lady Gaga real name using Gematria, which comes from ancient Jewish Kabbalah mysticism. There is a lot of Kabbalistic alchemical magic in her new song, so we are likely to uncover many hidden codes. We will also determine if Lady Gaga represents a non-player character or a first-player character archetype.
She is completely controlled by the Saturn Moon Matrix, which the Archons ultimately control.
She’s a non-player character, and she has one of these entities within her. She’s pretty much an avatar for the Archons, which in Catholicism or Christian mythology, you would call a demon; in Islam, they would call it JINN!
We know the planets are not what they tell us they are—they’re really other dimensions, and Saturn is the dimension of the fallen angels. That’s why the Internet, which was created at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, has all these quantum computers plugged into it. These computers are connected to social media, stealing energy from the people. This energy is known as LOOSH energy.
LOOSH harvesting = 63 in Chaldean Gematria.
People like Lady Gaga are being used by the elite to harvest the life force of the masses through her music. Think about how many people share her songs, especially this new song, “Abracadabra.”
CERN is built on the ancient temple of Apollo—they are trying to open up the Abyss (Revelation 9:11):
“They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).”
I am the God Apollo = 63 in Chaldean Gematria.
Now, this life force they are harvesting from the masses is being used to open the gates of Hell—this LOOSH energy. Just like they showed us in the movie World of Warcraft when they opened up the portal, and it sucked the life force out of all the people. That’s a form of predictive programming known as “revelation of the method.”
What Is LOOSH? Stop Feeding Dark Dimensional Entities Your Negative Energy
Ever wondered why you never feel good after watching the nightly news? Aside from it being a blatantly fake, narrative-spun propaganda machine, it is also intentionally fear-mongering and stressing you out.
This is because invisible higher-dimensional dark entities (Archons & Chimera) feed off these negative energies and emotions that humans are conditioned to emit.
Before we can understand what LOOSH is, we must first understand what our life force is.
Your life force is the essence of who you are—your energy, your soul, your spirit, eternal and undying. It is your connection to the source and all that is. This life force is yours to give if you choose. It cannot be truly taken, but you can be tricked into giving it away.
- If you choose to acknowledge your divinity and express your life force as a co-creator with the source, it is reflected back to you as love and oneness—a celebration of unity.
- If you allow it to be siphoned away and used to energize and empower dark forces, it is lost, and you are left with nothing.
The dark cannot create—it can only destroy. The dark manipulates you into becoming its energy source to compensate for the living energy it cannot access. This process is known as “looshing.”
The choice is neither good nor bad, but rather a preference that can have profound consequences on your journey of ascension through the densities/dimensions.
There are multiple levels of density/dimensions—states of consciousness used to organize different planes of existence according to vibrational frequency. These planes are neither above nor below but rather interpenetrating and existing in the same space simultaneously.
How Dark Forces Manipulate Humanity
Technological and spiritual limitations prevent dark forces from ascending to higher dimensions. The Freemasonic Jesuit Cabal has even instilled the symbolism of harvesting adrenochrome and LOOSH (negative spiritual energy) throughout children’s movies—like Monsters, Inc., for example.
In the movie, we see various types of “monsters,” which, in reality, represent variations of the overlord reptilian and Archon species. To put it plainly:
- The reptilian species require either stem cell-rich blood or adrenochrome (especially in Vril Lizard Reptilian parasite cases).
- The Archons require our negative, low-vibrational spiritual energies as their preferred source of energy consumption.
Notice in the movie how the “scream canisters” fill up red—symbolic of adrenochrome. The scream harvesting represents low-vibrational spiritual energies being extracted.
The movie’s logo prominently displays the “all-seeing eye,” also known as the “third eye,” pineal gland, or Eye of Ra. This symbolizes the belief that the soul resides here until it reaches a certain level of vibrational ascension.
Gematria Decode of her Song Abracadabra
Since her whole song is filled with ancient Kabbalah alchemical magic, let’s decode it using gematria, which comes from ancient Jewish Kabbalah mysticism. We’re going to use the PI Cipher and maybe a few others, depending on where it leads. Pi is very important in the occult, which is 3.14. This is why we always have major rituals on March 14th, Pi Day.
Let’s start out with the name of the song:
Abracadabra = 33 in PI Gematria, matching alchemy = 33 in PI Gematria.
And that’s exactly what they’re doing—ancient alchemical magic, bending and manipulating reality, casting spells on the audience.
That’s why it’s so important what I do—I’m deconstructing the spell, which takes its power away.
Why I am one of the number one censored people on the Internet?
Beelzebub = 33 in PI Gematria.
This is who they are invoking, also known as the Great Architect in Freemasonry or the god of the Canaanites and Phoenicians that they sacrificed children to, BAAL!
Ba’al Zabub or Beelzebub (/biːˈɛlzəbʌb, ˈbiːl-/ bee-EL-zə-bub, BEEL-; Hebrew: בַּעַל־זְבוּב Baʿal-zəḇūḇ), also spelled Beelzebul or Belzebuth, and occasionally known as the Lord of the Flies, is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal.
In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven deadly demons or seven princes of Hell, Beelzebub representing gluttony and envy. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the Lord of the Flyers, or the Lord of the Flies. The title Baal, Lord, is a Ugaritic and Cananitic term used in conjunction with a descriptive name of a specific god. Here’s the link to his own Wikipedia—it’s fascinating what you’ll read on there: Beelzebub.
This is the entity that they bound to this music, so everyone that buys it, streams it, listens to it, and brings it into their home is inviting this entity into their home.
Black Goo = 33 in PI Gematria.
And we know Lady Gaga has heavily pushed the nanotechnology Black Goo agenda, which is known as programmable matter, in her FAME perfume commercial. She pushed this agenda for the elites, which is the true mark of the beast! This programmable matter is what is in the vaccines.
Moderna’s website discloses the mRNA vaccine is more of an operating system than a vaccine:
“Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the ‘program’ or ‘app’ is our mRNA drug—the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.”
In scientific terms, imagine self-assembling nanobots infused with Black Goo and fashioned into a biometric chip, uploaded into the beast, quantum computer. Also known as The Mark of the Beast.
Black Goo defies the laws of physics in our physical world. It can:
- Stretch to thirty-five times its girth
- Build pliable circuits onto human skin
- Embed itself into the body
- Function as a bio-sensor that would mold itself to the human body
- If broken, the pieces can easily stick together again
Placed on the forehead, Black Goo can read and translate facial expressions. When stretched over the throat, Black Goo turns speech into electrical signals. In the future, it could provide the foundation for soft-bodied robots.
Black Goo has been featured in many movies such as Lucy, Stranger Things, Spider-Man 3, Alien Covenant, Prometheus, A Haunting in Connecticut, Ares, The Matrix, and The Silver Surfer. Predictive programming has been announcing the advent of Black Goo for the last thirty years.
I believe the Black Goo programmable microchip will contain the triple helix DNA genome code of Lucifer, Nimrod, and Apollo. The Book of Daniel prophesied five separate ages, representing gold, silver, bronze, iron/clay, and stone. Humans living in this present fourth age of iron/clay will soon be able to access the philosopher’s stone and its legendary alchemical substance, Black Goo—mixing the iron of technology with the clay of an image, creating an eternal trans-human.
One of the most well-known fallen angels associated with bringing forbidden knowledge to humanity is Azazel from Jewish mythology. Interestingly, Israelites = 33 in PI Gematria, matching Nephilim = 33 in PI Gematria. The Nephilim were the offspring created when fallen angels mated with humans, and we were never supposed to possess this forbidden knowledge of magic.
In the Book of Enoch, Azazel was a leader among the Watchers, a group of angels who descended to Earth and taught humans various arts and sciences, including the secrets of magic, warfare, and metallurgy.
Another prominent figure from the Book of Enoch is Semjaza (also spelled Shemyaza or Semyaza). Captivated by human beauty, they took mortal wives, disrupting the divine order. To gain humanity’s trust, they shared forbidden knowledge:
- Semjaza taught enchantments, spells, and the cutting of roots—a nod to the use of plants in magic and medicine.
- Azazel revealed the art of crafting weapons and armor, introducing warfare and violence.
- Other Watchers shared secrets of astrology, meteorology, and mystical arts.
This infusion of divine knowledge led to widespread corruption and was one of the reasons cited for the Great Flood in biblical narratives.
Nimrod = 33 in PI Gematria
The Tower of Babel
Nimrod is often associated with the construction of the Tower of Babel, a monumental structure built by humanity in an attempt to reach the heavens. This act of defiance against God led to the confusion of languages and the scattering of people across the Earth. Nimrod’s leadership and ambition are central to this narrative, symbolizing human pride and rebellion.
According to some legends, after Nimrod’s death, his wife—who was also his mother, Semiramis—claimed that Nimrod had become a god. She then proclaimed that she had miraculously conceived a son, Tammuz, who was the reincarnation of Nimrod.
The symbol of the cross originally comes from Tammuz (Tammuz = 33 in PI Gematria), just like his father!
Pure DNA = 33 in PI Gematria
If you remember, what caused the Great Flood was the corruption of the seed line—the pure DNA of God—when fallen angels mixed with humans, creating abominations. Now, humanity is repeating this process through technology, nanotechnology, programmable matter, and the third strand DNA, threatening the last of the first player characters left in this reality—the chosen ones.
The Seed = 33 in PI Gematria
Semiramis, Tammuz, and the Queen of Heaven
Semiramis and Tammuz were worshipped as deities, with Semiramis often depicted as the Queen of Heaven and Tammuz as a god of fertility and agriculture. This story symbolizes the cycle of life, death, and rebirth and has been interpreted in various ways throughout history.
It’s highly likely that Nimrod slept with his mother to keep their seed line “pure”—at least their own seed line—because during his time, nearly everyone’s bloodlines were corrupted due to the influence of the fallen angels, also known as the Watchers.
Cast a spell = 33 in PI Gematria, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with this song—casting a spell on the audience. The whole freaking song is an incantation.
Christos = 33 in PI Gematria. This is what they’re trying to destroy!
Secretion of Christ oil is a process occurring in the human brain. The claustrum signals the production of the secretion known as Christ oil or Chrism. This is a literal reference to Christ/God abiding in the human body. Christos (Χρίστος) in Greek means anointed. It is also referred to as the prana/aether or esse. It is an energy that brings life to the body.
Process of Rising the Christ Oil:
- Christ oil is produced in the brain but is yet to get anointed by traveling down and back up the spinal cord.
- The oil flows down to the pelvis area where it reaches the sacral plexus located in the sacrum or sacral bone.
- It travels back up, reaching the solar plexus, the third chakra, where it awaits the germination of the seed.
- Christ oil travels up to the Heart Chakra where it is nourished in love.
- It reaches the Throat Chakra, where it crosses the vagus nerve.
- Reaching the Optic Thalamus, the oil is magnified 1000-fold. Blood and brain regeneration and more take place.
The number 33 is also tied to the 33rd parallel, where the fallen angels brought this forbidden knowledge to man. It’s a way they can use the human vessel as an avatar because God locked them away in another dimension. With this Black Goo, they can take over the human body and interface here in the physical. Singers like Lady Gaga are in contact with these entities known as the Archons.
When Lucifer fell from heaven, a third of the angels fell with him, which is 33 percent. It’s also a way they can mock Jesus Christ, who was crucified at 33 years old in 33 AD.
They want to corrupt our inner Christ, this secretion of Christos that comes down from the pineal gland and travels back up the 33 vertebrae of the spine to the throne of God, within our head. The Temple of God is within you. They put fluoride in our water and toothpaste because fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, your spiritual antenna.
In the world of magic, there is always a struggle between light and darkness, represented as white versus black. There are very powerful first-player character archetypes that work for the light and also possess magic within their blood. It’s important to note that there is nothing inherently evil about magic; it is the practitioner who wields it who can choose to use it for either good or evil.
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