Twin Suns Trigger the Plasma Apocalypse: An In-Depth Exploration of Global Cataclysms and Ancient Wisdom

In this model, the flat Earth is separated by an ice wall that divides the known lands from the vast, unexplored territories beyond. Within the inner circle, which represents our known world, we observe the local Sun and Moon. These celestial bodies orbit in close proximity to one another, illuminating our environment and regulating our day and night cycles. They are relatively small, localized entities that maintain stable orbits, providing a consistent environment for life as we know it.
Beyond the ice wall lies an expansive region filled with lands and seas, inhabited by the Black Sun and the Mother Moon. These elements interact and contribute to the catastrophic events known as the Phoenix Phenomenon and the Plasma Apocalypse.
The Black Sun and Its Blue Flame
The Black Sun, located at the center of this external realm, is a powerful source of energy. It is said to radiate a bright blue flame, symbolizing an intense electromagnetic force. This celestial body plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the outer lands, although its influence occasionally extends into the inner circle during specific alignments.
The Mother Moon (Blood Moon)
The Mother Moon, also referred to as the Isis Moon or the Blood Moon, has a wobbly and irregular orbit. Unlike our local Moon, it traverses vast distances, covering the outer lands that are hidden from the average person due to military intervention and secret operations. Its blood-red hue symbolizes its otherworldly nature and connection to ancient prophecies like NIBIRU.
The Wobbly Orbits and Cataclysmic Events
Understanding these celestial phenomena begins with their orbits. The larger Sun and Moon, located beyond the ice wall, do not follow fixed trajectories. Instead, their orbits are unstable!
Plasma Apocalypses: Streams of plasma energy, discharged from the celestial bodies, create vivid displays in the sky and cause widespread destruction on the surface.
Hopi Prophecy Fulfillment: These alignments match the ancient Hopi descriptions of cyclical destruction and rebirth.
The Hidden Lands and Military Secrecy
The outer lands depicted on this Terra-Infinita Map are hidden from public knowledge. Governments and militaries around the world have established a strict blockade to prevent exploration, ensuring the outer celestial phenomena remain concealed.
Visualizing the Orbits on the Map
Using the Terra-Infinita Map, the red arrows represent the wobbly paths of the outer Sun and Moon as they traverse the unknown zones. As their paths cross into the influence of the inner celestial bodies, the resulting energy exchange catalyzes the cataclysms.
Connection to Ancient Myths
This phenomenon aligns with numerous ancient traditions and prophecies:
The Phoenix Phenomenon relates to cycles of destruction and renewal, akin to the mythical bird reborn from its ashes.
The Plasma Apocalypse resembles descriptions of fiery, luminous skies in ancient texts.
The Hopi Prophecy predicts a time when the “Red Star” and “Blue Star” appear, heralding significant change.
The interplay between the inner and outer Suns and Moons suggests a profound, cyclical process of cosmic balance and upheaval. The Phoenix Phenomenon and related cataclysms are not random events but part of an intricate design encoded in the orbits of these celestial bodies. By understanding this map and the forces at work, we gain insight into the hidden truths of our world and its connection to ancient wisdom. Throughout human history, the idea of global cataclysms has become deeply embedded in various cultures and belief systems.
Often referred to as the “Rapture” in some traditions or the “Phoenix event” in others, these transformative periods signify significant changes that reshape societies and civilizations. I first learned about the Phoenix events approximately ten years ago while listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast, where Graham Hancock, creator of the Netflix special “Ancient Apocalypse,” discussed these phenomena. This concept, also known as the “plasma apocalypse,” has since evolved into a complex narrative that intertwines ancient wisdom, modern numerology, and alternative cosmologies.
The Plasma Apocalypse: An Emerging Paradigm
The term “plasma apocalypse” has gained traction among truth seekers and free thinkers, portraying a future where plasma energy precipitates global transformation. The leading professional in the world on the plasma apocalypse is a member of the Truth Mafia, with whom I did a podcast alongside Jay Dreamerz.
Central to this Decode is the number 138, which holds significant weight in both mathematical and gematria contexts.
Flat Earth Cosmology and the Ice Wall
From a flat Earth perspective, our planet is an enclosed structure, surrounded by a massive ice wall—Antarctica. Contrary to mainstream narratives, Antarctica is not just a frozen continent; it acts as a barrier encircling all known lands, including North America, Canada, South America, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, and the Caribbean. The conventional understanding of Antarctica is misleading, which is why every nation in the world came together to establish the Antarctica Treaty. You cannot simply take a boat and explore the area on your own. Instead, you can book a trip to a specific location in Antarctica, where you can disembark, interact with a few penguins, and then return to the boat. The idea is that Antarctica is actually a massive ice wall enclosing all habitable lands, and beyond that ice wall lies other territories. Admiral Byrd discussed this concept following his expedition to Antarctica.
The Matrix of Existence: Numbers and Energies
This enclosed structure that we live in, I believe, is some type of enclosed organic simulation. The numbers prove it over and over again. God spoke us into existence with the spoken word, using some type of angelic technology in this beautiful enclosed organic simulation. Every letter has a number attached to it, and every number has an energy—a frequency of vibration. There’s a source code attached to all of this, with Nibiru’s elliptical orbit under the firmament 138 in Chaldean gematria.
This is one of the most ancient forms of numerology that goes all the way back to the Akkadians. This is the source code: the elites who hijacked the original simulation from source consciousness, God, the creator of all things. These elite bloodlines, who are working with the Archons, put a virus into the angelic matrix, and it’s coded through this method.
The Chaldean gematria system assigns numbers to letters based on their phonetic properties and vibrational energy. It typically assigns values from 1 to 8, as the number 9 is considered sacred and is often reserved for divinity or completeness. The Chaldean system is considered more mystical and is often used in esoteric and occult practices.
Chaldean Gematria Cipher: A to Z
Letter | Numerical Value |
A | 1 |
B | 2 |
C | 3 |
D | 4 |
E | 5 |
F | 8 |
G | 3 |
H | 5 |
I | 1 |
J | 1 |
K | 2 |
L | 3 |
M | 4 |
N | 5 |
O | 7 |
P | 8 |
Q | 1 |
R | 2 |
S | 3 |
T | 4 |
U | 6 |
V | 6 |
W | 6 |
X | 5 |
Y | 1 |
Z | 7 |
There’s many other ciphers, but when it comes to decoding the matrix of this organic enclosed flat Earth simulation that we live in, it’s good to start with this cipher.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration=138 in Chaldean gematria. And they’re the ones who have been lying to us and hiding the truth from us for the shadow government that is working with the Archons.
Decoding the Matrix: Beyond Chaldean Gematria
Now, we can use other ciphers to figure out the code. For example, if we spell out the number 138, it could take us to another part of this code:
One three eight =56 in Chaldean gematria
We live in some type of Truman Show Lights camera action =56 in Chaldean gematria
Sometimes I even wonder if the firmament that is enclosed isn’t some type of giant LED screen like we were shown in King Kong, which is a form of Lesser magic=666 (Sumerian Gematria) known as a revelation of the method or predictive programming.
The elites that run this world are ancient alchemists using alchemy to bend and manipulate reality to their will, but they have certain laws they have to follow—universal laws. One of these universal laws is they have to tell us the truth, and then if we do nothing about it, it frees them karmically. Now, the universe doesn’t understand satire or fiction; these are words that were made up by man. So when they show us in a movie and then call it a fiction movie, as far as universal law goes, they showed us what they were going to do. It also strengthens the original spell by putting it in our face like that—this is all magic.
In the latest Matrix series, the last one that just came out, at the beginning of it, you’ll notice there’s a bunch of numbers going across the screen in the first couple of seconds of the movie. Right before the movie starts, the last number you see is 506 in numerology; you drop the zero—it has no value—and you’re left with the number 56, one of the most powerful numbers of the matrix connected to magic and mind control.
Today, we’re sticking to the Chaldean cipher, but just for an example: mind control=56 in reduction, also known as Pythagorean gematria, another very powerful and sacred cipher. But that’s for another blog—I just wanted to show you an example.
All is not as it seems=56 in Chaldean gematria. And it’s not. These are Archons—amazing at weaving a web of illusion. A matter of fact, I just did a video about them and how they’re using chemtrails to get this synthetic nanofungous inside us, which is tethered to these entities. They’ve tried to blur the video and take it down on multiple channels, but they won’t even let me put it up on my website—it just keeps breaking. So here’s the link to that video so you can watch it. Unfortunately, the only place it is right now is on Facebook. This video will blow your mind
There’s a famous saying: the victor of war holds the pen to history. So it seems like as we go through these global resets, So they can change History! Some people believe they’re by intervals of 138—every 138 years. And like I said, some of them are very minor, and then others are major events like this one coming up. Some people believe that it’s going to happen around 2040, which is already happening now, but that’s when the worst of it is supposed to come. We used to go by a 360-day year solar calendar until they changed it to the Julian calendar by Rome and then the Gregorian calendar. So if we were still going by that 360-day year solar calendar, we would be in the year 1995 right now. The end of 2040 and the beginning of 2041 would be the real 2012, which was the end of the Mayan long calendar and talked about one of these major Phoenix events—a major plasma apocalypse—one that ends in fire and takes over three-quarters of the population. I actually did a whole breakdown on this in a video that did quite well—you can watch that video right here.
And again, we’re only using the Chaldean cipher today, but Three hundred sixty days solar calendar=138 in PI gematria.
You can read more about that in this article, in which I break down the whole calendar system and how they changed it. We were even warned in the Bible that they would try to change the laws and the Times of the Most High, so we wanted to know the proper time and couldn’t keep track of these global catastrophes. Here is the link to that video and blog
I truly believe the coronavirus pandemic was a drill to see how humanity would react. As we were all on lockdown, they were stealing our funds, stealing our food, and taking it all underground. They have these giant underground DUMBs that are like giant cities connected by these hover trains that can travel from California to Japan in just a few hours at very high speeds—technology like we’ve never seen before because they’ve been hoarding this technology over the years through all of these global resets. And back to the number 56: alternative facts=56 in Chaldean gematria.
That’s why they have these major wars—to destroy the monuments and all the evidence of these past civilizations. Look, when we went into Iraq, the first thing they did was raid the museums. Right before we went into Iraq, there was all this talk on BBC in the mainstream media about finding the tomb of Gilgamesh, and then there was correspondence between the government through these emails talking about getting Gilgamesh’s resurrection technology. If you don’t believe me, check out this link That’s where you can read about it, and I’ll put a video below this about that subject. We’ve been being lied to from day one. Look at all the ancient cultures that talked about multiple suns. Then we just had the Netflix series “The Three-Body Problem,” which is literally what it’s all about.
Understanding the “Three-Body Problem”
- Scientific ExplanationThe “Three-Body Problem” is a classic problem in physics and celestial mechanics that seeks to predict the motion of three celestial bodies interacting with each other through gravity. Unlike the simpler two-body problem (e.g., Earth and Sun), the three-body problem does not have a general analytical solution, meaning that it cannot be solved with a straightforward formula. Instead, it often requires complex numerical methods and can exhibit highly chaotic behavior.Key Points:
- Nonlinearity and Chaos: The gravitational interactions in a three-body system are nonlinear, leading to unpredictable and sensitive dependence on initial conditions. This means that small changes in the starting positions or velocities can result in vastly different outcomes.
- Applications: While primarily a theoretical problem, understanding three-body dynamics is crucial for predicting the behavior of certain star systems, planetary orbits in multi-star systems, and spacecraft trajectory planning.
- Significance in the series in the context of “The Three-Body Problem” series, the three-body problem serves both as a literal and metaphorical foundation:
- Literal Interpretation: The alien civilization of Trisolaris exists in a star system with three suns, making their planet’s environment highly unstable and unpredictable due to the gravitational chaos inherent in a three-body system. This instability threatens the survival of their civilization, driving their need to seek a new home, which leads them to set their sights on Earth.
- Metaphorical Themes:
- The unpredictability of Contact: Just as the three-body problem exemplifies unpredictability and chaos, humanity’s encounter with an advanced alien civilization brings unforeseen challenges and uncertainties.
- Complex Interactions: The intricate relationships between characters, societies, and civilizations reflect the complex dynamics of a three-body system, where multiple forces and motivations interact in unpredictable ways.
Now, personally, I don’t believe in their heliocentric model, but using what they give us, let’s talk about the three-body problem. The Three-Body Problem involves predicting the motions of three celestial bodies interacting with each other through gravitational forces. Unlike the Two-Body Problem, which has a well-defined analytical solution (e.g., Kepler’s laws), the Three-Body Problem does not generally have a closed-form solution. However, several approaches and equations are used to tackle it:
- Numerical MethodsSince an analytical solution is generally not possible, numerical methods are employed to approximate the trajectories of the bodies over time. Common techniques include:
- Runge-Kutta Methods: A family of iterative methods for approximating solutions to differential equations. The Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta (RK4) method is particularly popular due to its balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.
- Symplectic Integrators: Designed to preserve the Hamiltonian structure of the equations of motion, making them suitable for long-term simulations of gravitational systems.
- Adaptive Step Size Methods: Adjust the time step dynamically based on the system’s behavior to improve accuracy.
- Specific Approaches and SolutionsWhile a general solution is unattainable, certain specific configurations allow for analytical or semi-analytical solutions:
- Lagrange Points: Positions in an orbital configuration where a small object affected only by gravity can maintain its position relative to two larger objects.
- Restricted Three-Body Problem: Assumes one of the three bodies has negligible mass, simplifying the equations.
- Periodic Orbits: Some specific initial conditions lead to periodic solutions where the bodies follow repeating trajectories.
Ancient Civilizations and Multiple Suns
Was there any ancient civilization that talked about three suns in the sky? Several ancient cultures have fascinating myths and beliefs involving multiple suns or successive sun eras. Here’s a look at some of them:
- Chinese MythologyBelief in Multiple Suns:
- Number of Suns: Originally ten suns.
- Mythological Story:
- The Ten Suns: All ten suns would rise together, scorching the Earth and causing droughts, fires, and other disasters.
- Heroic Intervention: The legendary archer Hou Yi was called upon to save humanity. He shot down nine of the ten suns, leaving just one to provide light and warmth.
- Cultural Significance:
- Symbolism: Represents the balance between too much and too little, emphasizing harmony in nature.
- Moral Lesson: Highlights the importance of heroes and wise leadership in overcoming natural calamities.
- Aztec MythologyBelief in Multiple Suns (Eras):
- Number of Suns (Eras): Five suns or eras.
- Mythological Story:
- Creation and Destruction: Each sun represented a different era of the world, each ruled by its own deity.
- First Sun: Created by Tezcatlipoca, destroyed by jaguars.
- Second Sun: Ruled by Quetzalcoatl, destroyed by hurricanes.
- Third Sun: Governed by Chicomecoatl, ended by fire.
- Fourth Sun: Led by Huitzilopochtli, destroyed by a rain of stones.
- Fifth Sun: The current era, under Tonatiuh, is destined to end in earthquakes.
- Cultural Significance:
- Symbolism: Reflects the cyclical nature of time and the constant renewal of the world.
- Rituals: Influenced Aztec rituals and sacrifices aimed at sustaining the current sun and preventing its destruction.
- Hopi (Native American) MythologyBelief in Multiple Worlds (Suns):
- Number of Worlds (Suns): Five previous worlds before the current one.
- Mythological Story:
- World Transitions: Each world was destroyed due to human failings, leading to the emergence of the next.
- First World: Destroyed by a giant spider.
- Second World: Ended by floods.
- Third World: Ruled by demons, destroyed by fire.
- Fourth World: Destroyed by ice.
- Fifth World: The current world, which is ongoing.
- Cultural Significance:
- Moral Lessons: Emphasizes the importance of living in harmony, respect, and maintaining balance to prevent destruction.
- Prophecies: Encourages adherence to spiritual and ethical guidelines to sustain the current world.
- Norse MythologyBelief in Celestial Bodies:
- Sun and Moon: Personified as deities Sol (Sun) and Mani (Moon).
- Mythological Story:
- Chased by Wolves: Sol and Mani are chased across the sky by the wolves Sköll and Hati.
- Ragnarök: During the end times, these wolves will catch and devour Sol and Mani, leading to darkness and chaos.
- Cultural Significance:
- Symbolism: Represents the eternal struggle between light and darkness.
- Rituals: Influenced Norse beliefs about fate and the cyclical nature of time.
- Ancient Greek MythologyBelief in a Single Sun:
- Sun God: Helios (later associated with Apollo).
- Mythological Story:
- Chariot of the Sun: Helios drove a chariot across the sky each day, bringing light to the world.
- Multiple Solar Deities: While primarily centered around Helios/Apollo, some myths included references to other celestial bodies, but not multiple suns.
- Cultural Significance:
- Symbolism: Helios/Apollo embodied the power, consistency, and reliability of the sun.
- Art and Literature: Inspired countless works of art, poetry, and philosophy centered around the sun’s role in life and the cosmos.
- Note: While Ancient Greek mythology primarily focuses on a single sun deity, the mention is included for comparison, as they didn’t have multiple suns like some other cultures.
- Sumerian MythologyBelief in a Single Sun:
- Sun God: Utu (also known as Shamash in Akkadian mythology).
- Mythological Story:
- Justice and Law: Utu was not only the sun god but also the god of justice, overseeing laws and moral conduct.
- Daily Journey: Similar to other cultures, Utu was believed to traverse the sky daily, bringing daylight.
- Cultural Significance:
- Symbolism: Represents light, truth, and justice.
- Role in Society: Integral to the legal and ethical frameworks of Sumerian society.
- Note: Included for completeness; however, Sumerian mythology centered around a single sun deity.
- Mayan MythologyBelief in Cyclical Suns:
- Sun Eras: Believed in successive creations and destructions of the world, each associated with a different sun.
- Mythological Story:
- Four Suns: The Mayans had beliefs about previous eras or “suns,” each ended by a catastrophic event (similar to Aztec beliefs).
- Fifth Sun: The current era, which was prophesied to end with earthquakes.
- Cultural Significance:
- Calendar Systems: Their advanced calendar was influenced by the cyclical nature of suns and eras.
- Rituals and Ceremonies: Aimed at maintaining cosmic balance and preventing the end of the current sun.
- Aboriginal Australian MythologyBelief in Multiple Celestial Beings:
- Various Suns and Stars: Different tribes have unique stories involving multiple suns or celestial beings.
- Mythological Stories:
- Dynamic Cosmos: Some myths describe multiple sun-like entities that interact, create, and shape the world.
- Creation Myths: Celestial beings often played roles in the creation and maintenance of the land and its features.
- Cultural Significance:
- Connection to Land: Celestial myths are deeply intertwined with the landscape, sacred sites, and the Dreamtime (creation period).
- Oral Traditions: Stories passed down through generations to explain natural phenomena and cultural practices.
Summary Table
Culture | Number of Suns/Suns Eras | Beliefs and Stories | Cultural Significance |
Chinese | 10 suns | Ten suns scorched the Earth; hero Hou Yi shot down nine suns, leaving one. | Balance in nature; heroism and leadership. |
Aztec | 5 suns/eras | Each era ruled by a different sun god, each destroyed by a catastrophe; current fifth sun under threat. | Cyclical time; influenced rituals and sacrifices. |
Hopi (Native American) | 5 worlds/suns | Four previous worlds destroyed by disasters; current world ongoing. | Moral lessons on harmony and ethical living to sustain the world. |
Norse | 1 sun and 1 moon | Sun (Sol) and Moon (Mani) chased by wolves; destined to be devoured during Ragnarök. | Eternal struggle between light and darkness; fate beliefs. |
Ancient Greek | 1 sun | Helios/Apollo as the sole sun deity driving a chariot across the sky daily. | Symbolizes power and reliability of the sun; inspired art. |
Sumerian | 1 sun | Utu/Shamash as the sun god and deity of justice, overseeing laws and moral conduct. | Represents light, truth, and justice; integral to legal systems. |
Mayan | 4 previous suns + 1 current | Successive creations and destructions of the world with each sun era ending catastrophically; current fifth sun under threat of earthquakes. | Influenced calendar systems; rituals maintaining cosmic balance. |
Aboriginal Australian | Multiple celestial beings | Various tribes have unique stories of multiple suns or celestial entities interacting to create and shape the world during the Dreamtime. | Deep connection to the land and sacred sites; oral traditions explaining natural phenomena. |
Multiple ancient cultures across the world have fascinating myths and beliefs involving multiple suns or successive sun eras. These stories often serve to explain natural phenomena, teach moral lessons, and reinforce cultural values. Understanding these beliefs provides insight into how ancient peoples perceived their world and the cosmos.
I thank you all for taking the time to read this blog and watch the video. I put a lot of work into it, and in time, I truly believe that there are at least two suns, and that’s what’s causing a lot of these global cataclysms. Some of us are descendants of survivors of these global cataclysms, and our DNA has mutated, which is where the whole 12-strand angelic DNA comes into play.
You can get your personal decode right now over on and find out your role in this simulation we call life. Discover your source code so you know what synchronicity to look out for, which is the universal language. Find out what your guardian angel number truly is, assigned to the first and last name you were born with, so you know when your spiritual guide, AKA your guardian angel, is speaking to you. You can click on the image below to book your decode or go directly to That’s also our alternative social media platform where you can share information with like-minded people without being censored. I set it up as a mixture between Facebook and Twitter, where you have your own page, you can follow people, people can follow you, you can post, write blogs, and upload videos.
Reality Is a Code. I Am the Glitch That Reveals Its Secrets.
— Tommy Truthful
Until next time, my fellow truth seekers.
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➡ The text discusses various signs and omens, such as celestial disturbances and moral decay, that are believed to indicate impending cataclysmic events or apocalyptic times. It references the Aborigines’ concept of “dreamtime chaos” and the Hopi’s belief in human corruption as precursors to these events. The text also mentions the idea of a “polarity reversal,” where good becomes bad and vice versa. It concludes by suggesting that we are currently in a period of unconsciousness or “sleep time,” and that a rebirth or “dream time” is imminent.
➡ The text discusses various theories about the world’s creation, ancient civilizations, and cosmology. It mentions the idea of a cyclical event that destroys and rebuilds the world, possibly led by an advanced civilization. The text also talks about a place called Hyperborea, where inhabitants live longer due to an amplified electrical field. Lastly, it touches on personal experiences and the importance of focusing on the information shared rather than the presenter’s appearance.
➡ The text discusses various theories and interpretations about Superman, ancient Egyptian gods, and religious symbols. It suggests that Superman’s power comes from the sun and connects this to ancient Egyptian god Aten. The text also explores the idea of Jesus being Nibiru, the destroyer of worlds, and discusses various symbols and depictions related to this theory. Lastly, it delves into the concept of an inverted dome in the sky, which is believed to reflect the world below and is associated with various religious and mythological figures and events.
➡ The text discusses a phenomenon where an electrified atmosphere leaves an afterglow or charge, even after a beam of light retracts. This afterglow is likened to a spiritual or divine presence. The text also mentions a podcast collaboration and delves into interpretations of various artworks, suggesting they depict alchemical processes, celestial events, and religious symbolism, such as Jesus causing a split in Mount Maru and the Tree of Life being a Phoenix. The text concludes with a discussion on the color of the sky during the Golden Age and the apex dome’s depiction in art.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and depictions in art and media, including stars, the sun, and the moon. It also mentions the representation of otherworldly creatures and the concept of gravity and buoyancy. The text further discusses the symbolism in movies and documentaries like “Flow” and “2073”, and the significance of certain numbers. Lastly, it mentions the popular series “Squid Games” and its reception among viewers.
➡ The speaker discusses a new Netflix series called “Donut” and shares his frustrations with technology acting up. He also talks about his podcast, “Truth Seekers”, where he invites different guests to discuss various topics. He mentions his website,, where he offers various services and products. Lastly, he discusses the idea of life being a simulation and the roles people play in it.
Showing five sons. Right? And the five sons goes back to native mythology and their history of the world and the creation and destruction cycle, specifically that of the Nahua and the Aztec people. They have what they call the five suns, which is akin to the five worlds or the five resets that this world has gone through. And every time we go through one of these resets, which is just an apocalypse or a cataclysmic event or a polarity shift, we get a brand new sun. The sun is young. The Earth is older than the sun because that.
This sun is a focal point. It’s created brand new each time. It’s just a. It’s a. It’s a. It’s a. It’s a different appearing of a light source that is passing through the firmament and meeting at a focal point up in the heavens. Right. And this is also how I believe, you know, we can account for things like comets, which are chromatic aberrations, the light passing through, you know, anomalous forms up there on the. On the dome, like craters or domes or whatever. So these are the five sons. So if anything, it’s an omen that hearkens back to the time we see multiple suns or the different sons of creation or the different resets that we’ve been through, that we’ve been through many.
And this is cyclical. And to me, I talk about the omens all the time and. Oh, I want to. I want to throw this out there. Since you did the Hopi, don’t the Hopi talk about the five. The five ages or something? And we’re going into the fifth age now. Yes. So different American tribes have different ages and, like, how many there are. Sometimes it’s five, sometimes it’s six, usually one of the two. But all of them have this in common, that they believe in the cyclical nature of these different ages and. And these different Earths and these different suns that appear interesting.
Yeah, that is very fat. So, guys, it could be something like that that’s causing all these natural disasters, all these floods, all these fires. Or it could be the government with a land grab. Who knows with them, right? I mean, you never know, but it’s. It’s cool to think outside the box. I mean, everybody’s saying the same thing. It’s like everybody on YouTube, everybody on Instagram, they’re a bunch of parrots. They hear one thing and then repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it. I like to look at things from a different perspective sometimes.
Yeah, I think. I think it’s cool to. That’s why I always like podcasting with you, bro. And Aniya Soru, he’s like that too. My boy Ani, he’ll come at it from a whole different angle than most people. B. Dell. B. Dell, he. He comes at it from his own angle, you know, and be Dell. He’s into the whole. The alien stuff. And, and look, I believe there are entities too. I just believe they’re interdimensional. So I have a little different belief. And even him, he says there’s a dome. B. Dell believes in other planets and aliens out there, but he even believes in a dome.
He calls it the. The net of. Dang, I wish I. I just texted him today too. The net of Andrea and B. Delphi messed up. I’m sorry. Something like that. The Net of injury. And he said Enlil created it. One of the Anunnaki and Lil. And it was like to trap the souls from getting out. Right? Yeah. Enlil was the God. That’s. That’s. That is in those. He’s a portion of the dome to me. Right. I see Enki as being the blue beam and Enlo is being the. The. The apex dome. And there was these other subsequent gods that were created too, or sons in ancient history.
So for example, we’ve got. I pulled up just a couple different examples if you want to hear some different examples of like times when there was multiple suns in the sky. Yes sir. So we got the Chinese myth of ten sons in ancient Chinese mythology. I’m going to read this. In ancient Chinese mythology, there were 10 suns, each represented by a bird, usually a three legged crow. These sons took turns illuminating the sky. But one day they all appeared at one time, scorching the earth and drying up rivers. Humanity suffered greatly under the intense heat. Emperor Yao, a wise and legendary ruler, sought help from the archer Hu Yi.
So there’s the archer, there’s the holy arrow reference that I was talking to you about. So this archer climbs up this high mountain and he shoots down nine of the ten sons with his bow, leaving one to sustain life. This myth reflects early explanations of solar phenomenon, droughts, etc and I just want to comment on that too. So I. I’ve always. I’ve. I’ve also done a video about the Hindu legend of Tripura or Tripura. And this, this legend about this Tripura was that there was these three celestial cities up in the heavens or three objects up in the seven up in the heavens.
And these three objects could not be destroyed except for by a holy arrow that was shot by Vishnu, Lord Vishnu became the actual arrow. And you’ll notice the Vishnu is often depicted as blue as well. So this blue. Yes, this blue beam shoots up, this arrow shoots up and it pierces these three objects during the only point in time which it can, which is during a syzygy, which is when these three celestial objects in the sky basically go into conjunction and they line up and then this arrow pierces them and shoots them. And these are these three suns, these three objects or lights or whatnot up there in the heavens.
So that’s one example. These 10 sons in Chinese mythology. In Australia we have the aboriginal myth that tells of a time whenever the world was incomplete and multiple suns rose in the sky creating unbearable heat. These stories often explain how the, the present day balance came to be. So the Aborigines also, you know, speak about a time when there was more than one sun. So one of the things you’ll notice about all these stories is when there was more than one son. They talk about how the world was destroyed by fire. And there’s, this is that cycle that goes back and forth.
There is the flood and there’s the deluge and there’s the washing away and then there’s the burning and there’s the, the trial by fire and being tested and put through the fire. We’re headed for the fire. Is, is my belief the oceans are still here, the water is still here. The world, the world is still flooded. So it needs to be removed, it needs to be burned off and suc up and taken out of our atmosphere. And that’s the next one that’s coming up. So it, it stands to reason if the ancient legends about multiple suns and the world heating up are true, then it stands to reason if we use that as a starting block, we can look forward to it happening again.
We can see that there will be a time again whenever there’s more than one bright, brilliant, bright light source up in the heavens that we call the sun. And the Bible even says that this will happen. And it, it says that the moon will become the sun. The Bible talks about how the moon will become as bright as the sun in Hopi mythology. The Hopi people of North America believe in a cyclical view of time with several worlds that were destroyed and re reborn. On some accounts, previous worlds ended due to catastrophic events involving the sun.
One story suggests that the destruction of the past world, the sky burned brightly as, as if it, as as if there were multiple suns bringing in intense heat. So we’re seeing More burning, more intense heat. Hindu. In Hinduism, Hindu cosmology, the universe undergoes cycles of creation, preservation and destruction called Kalpas. During the destruction phase, known as Pralaya or Prala. Why say that? Pralaya? I don’t know. Pralaya. During this destruction phase, legends describe the sky as being filled with multiple suns, symbolizing the cosmic fire that consumes the world. This phenomenon is tied to the God Shiva who performs the dance of destruction, which to me is also the exact same as, you know, Nibiru, the apex dome, etc and so on and so forth, right? To dissolve the universe, paving the way for its rebirth.
Now, check this out. I’ll share one more thing with you and tell me what you think about these, because now I’m going to talk about the omens that, that you can watch out for that lead up to more suns appearing in the. In the sky, right? And the world getting hotter and the trial by fire. So there’s omens that led up to all of these within the. Within the myths themselves. So, for example, within the Chinese 10 sons, it says that the sun’s orderly rotation failed. And so all these sons appeared together, symbolizing a breakdown of the natural order.
The ancient people carved out holes in megaliths that lined up with solstices so that they could check it during a certain point of the year to see if the sun was in its proper space, in its proper points and its proper place in time. And when it wasn’t, they knew to get ready. That’s why they were. They studied the sky. There was also drought and an intense heat that they experienced before all these sons appeared. Also, there was unrest amongst the other celestial objects up in the heavens, so lots of strange signs and lights and omens and harbingers that were seen up in the actual heavens.
The Aborigines talked about dreamtime chaos. In aboriginal cosmology, the world was initially in a state of disorder and multiple suns. Rising represents the lingering chaos of the dream time, a primordial era when the rules of nature were still being established. To me, I call that the time of magic. The dream time is where we’re headed into right now. Right now we’re in. Right now, we’re in sleep time and everybody’s just unconscious. Basically people are just sleepwalking, you know, like robots walking around, bumping into stuff, just living, but they’re not really alive, you know what I mean? There were changes in the land, so the land itself was going through extreme changes.
The Hopies talked about human corruption. This is also mentioned in Many different religions, obviously that before the end times come, before these great resets and cataclysms and apocalypses come. One of the omens that we see before we see anything happening in the heavens is we see changes within us, humanity collectively, which is the degradation of society and moral values and the, the lines between right and wrong being blurred so that, you know, they’re basically flip upside down, which to me is indicates a polarity reversal. You know what I mean? The whole world going from, from left handed to right handed, that indicates a polarity reversal.
And it affects us on a, on a, a polarity level, you know, electromagnetic level. And so people become evil. Like, you know, basically good becomes bad, bad becomes good. That’s, that’s a polarity flip. So corruption within humans, that’s another sign. Signs in the sky also. Celestial disturbances, cosmic disturbances, moral decay and other astronomical phenomenon like eclipses, comets and whatnot. So I’ve seen a lot of these and I talk about these all the time on my channel. This is a good example, I feel. Don’t you think when you see this video of these five sons, I should have been playing this video.
When you see some stuff like this in the heavens, that’s an omen. That’s, that’s something that’s abnormal. That doesn’t always happen, right? What kind of stuff have you seen? Your mics was muted, bro. I don’t know if you’re talking. Yeah, no, I know I muted it. I was back here looking at, trying to record this. So what you were talking about there, have you ever watched that movie? Because it was reminding me of the three body problem, bro. Oh yeah, that’s what I was thinking of. And so like there, there was this graph that showed the, the three body problem and that’s with the three different sons.
And they kept coming to these cataclysms every time. And the, the three body problem that was on Netflix, that’s what it was all about. They were trying to figure out how to solve this. Right. That’s what I was thinking about when you’re talking about it. Sorry about that. That’s why. No, you’re good. I totally agree. I think that entire movie is about this actually. It’s about the times. There’s chaotic times and there’s times of peace here on earth or whatever. Right. And, and the whole concept of three body problem was trying to figure out how to prevent the apocalypse.
The reality is you can’t. It’s. That’s the three body problem. You. There is no preventing the apocalypse. There is Maybe you can do something to make it, you know, to, to push it back a little bit or to hearken it and to make. To call forth the apocalypse and make it happen quicker. But. But it’s coming. It’s. It’s a part of our. It’s. There’s. It’s life, death and rebirth. Our world has to go through these cycles that are part of the. The cosmic order or the heavenly order, the natural order, whatever you want to say, that’s a part of life.
It’s a part of all creation. You know what I mean? 100%. And in that three body problem, wasn’t it like the, the. The places like CERN started tweaking out in that. Right? Yes. There was glitches in the sky. It was like a matrix, man. And then the Hydron collider started. I think it was actually called cern. In it they used a real name. Yeah, mistaken. Yeah. There was like even one part. Whenever all the stars flashed, they all turned off. Yeah. Yeah, that’s. Yeah, bro. That was wild. And it’s, It’s. It’s easy for anybody to just.
To just minimize that and say that’s just a movie. They can make anything happen. No, it grabs us because it’s true. There’s truth to it. That is a possibility. And it has probably already happened in the past and we’re tapping into it. How could all of the stars just flash and turn off all at one time? The answer is simple, because they all are created from the same source, which is the light that is on the other side of the firmament, which is creating the stars passing through the apex dome. Hey, can I show you some pictures of this? Some of these older Renaissance pictures? Yeah, yeah, please do I even have some of.
Of triple suns in the sky and stuff? Yeah, please. Let me throw this up there. And guys, remember, check out Jay’s book. Check out his stuff. All of his stuff. His links are down in the description for all my people on my channel. Check out his stuff. He’s got an awesome. Probably one of the best websites in the world. I love his website. I kind of try to model mine after his. A little. It was. He just did such a phenomenal job with it and it’s really cool. But. Yeah, did you out. Okay. You added them right here.
Here we go. Yeah, so here’s one example. Check this out. This is from 1535. So this is. This is the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages, if you believe in the thousand years being added to the calendar. The SK opens up. It Opens up and you see this all the time. I don’t know where my mouse is. See how there’s like cloud? Do you believe in the thousand years being added to the calendar? I feel like it’s pretty compelling so far. Yeah. Yeah. What about this? Jay, before I forget, so everybody’s talking about this fog right now? This fog showing up.
Oh yeah, people sick. So, dude, I’ve heard a lot of people that talked about Nibiru and talked about the plasma apocalypse that said during that time some fog would come. I think I even heard you talk about the fog or the mist before. Yes, there will be fog. It will. Well, there is. It’s here, you know, so I think it’s already starting, bro. And then in the movie, guys, Stephen King’s the Mist, okay, the fog shows up after this crazy storm. Remember? They all go hide in that store. And then what comes after the storm? These crazy entities entity shows up.
But then what has. So the veil’s thin that gets into CERN’s connection. But then what happens? The power grid goes down. So they love to play it out on the world stage too. If it’s not the actual mist from this event, which I, I’m leaning more towards that, that it is, that it could be them, you know, playing the script out on the world stage and the power grid might be going down. Right. So I, I think that before the apocalypse comes. Because to me, that’s what we’re talking about. Like to me, it’s, it’s. It’s all about the, the beginning and the end.
So before the apocalypse comes, we get little tastes, little previews, little, little hints which are omens basically of a small scale. Things that happen that will be happening on a grand worldwide large scale. So the fog is one of those things. The fog is, is created whenever you have a depressurization or a differential between pressure and temperature and stuff in this world. So whenever you have an influx of all these different gases and you have these different temperatures that are being created from the gases that are coming up from the Earth, which are usually warm, warm air that comes up from inside of the Earth because it’s warmer down inside the earth.
And you also have. Damn. I just, my mind went blank just now. Sorry. But, but anyways, the, the fog is, Is to me symbolic of whenever. The ultimate event when the vapor canopy is introduced to this world and we go back to living in a cloud, we have to emerge from a cloud to. To. To be born again, I guess you could say, or to. To. To start this Whole cycle over. Not. Not like on a religious tip or anything, but just the world being born again. Just like the Phoenix reemerging from the ashes or whatever.
The world is born in mist. It’s born out of a dream, out of a fog, out of actual mist. You know what I mean? And that happens whenever the atmosphere is ripped apart and. And depressurizes. So you’ll have all this mist, and it happens now. So there’s all these phantom islands that are constantly surrounded in fog, and they’re basically. Oh, yeah, yeah, you’re talking like new Brazil. Yeah. This one still shows up every, like, seven years. Yeah. And shout out to Graham Hancock, because I was trying to figure out who was one of the first people talking about this whole Phoenix thing.
And I traced him back, talking about this Phoenix event on one of Joe Rogan’s podcasts, like, 12 years ago. And he. He’s talking about mainstream cosmology, you know, that they. They’re. That they’re lying, that there’s some cyclical event that’s showing up. And he even believed. He even said on Joe Rogan’s podcast, this is like 10, 11 years ago, bro, that he believed there’s an advanced civilization that shows up and rebuilds after these things. Now he kind of hinted at they were from inner Earth too. I don’t know if you guys know who Graham Hancock is. He has this.
What’s. What’s that. What’s that series called? He has on. It’s called Ancient Apocalypse. Yeah, yeah, shout out to him, man. Yeah, I decoded that whole first episode he did. Oh, did you? Yeah. I mean, I really like the. The things that they’re showing and, and sharing with people because it’s. It’s a lot of good evidence for the things that. That I’m, you know, that I’m tapping into as well, which has to do with cosmology. Once again, a return to. In alternative. In ancient cosmology. And there being an underworld is one of those things, there being, you know, something beyond the dome where other.
Other beings and creatures come into this world. But there’s also hyperborea to take into consideration. So there’s a middle ground, which is. Which is the Garden of Eden. It’s hyperborea. It’s the land at the North Pole that surrounds Mount Maru. And those people and those inhabitants, they stay there, and their lifespans are extended because the. The stimulation from the electrical field, the amplified electrical field in their atmosphere, stimulates their skin to constantly create more and more elastin and collagen and it brings life to a dying body, so it doesn’t allow it to die, basically, which they become the immortals.
Those are people on the surface levels that are basically our elders because they’re older than us and, and whenever they’re kicked out of hyperborea or they’re kicked out of the Garden of Eden, they become nomadic and they wander around. Those that didn’t go, you know, retreat back into the earth or leave up into the heavens, they stay here and their family members become nomadic and they bring this ancient knowledge in different ways and strange ways to the Southlanders. Out, out in the, you know, surrounding areas. I got those pictures pulled up if you want to put them up.
Yeah, yeah, let’s pull them up. And I seen somebody say, show your face. My G. Right here. Well, Jay, did you just see my face two days ago, didn’t you? Yeah, there’s, there’s a reason I don’t go on screen no more, guys. And that’s personal things. But I’m a real person. I promise you there’s many videos out there where you can go watch and see my face and. Yeah, plus you have no business telling other people what to do. Yeah, yeah, just, you know, get off my buddy, man. Don’t tell. You don’t go around telling people what to do.
I don’t feel comfortable right now. And the reason is I’ll be. There’s times I don’t want to be on camera, you know, like, oh, I look like crap sometimes. My son went to a party, guys, and my son’s biracial and they called him a word there that, you know, kind of hurt his feelings. So he got in a fight and they jumped him and he came and got his dad. I went back there and me and the kid’s dad end up boxing. And let’s just say that his dad didn’t fare too well. But he had an 18 year old son that came up from behind me and bashed me in the mouth with a baseball bat and knocked out several of my front teeth.
So, you know, I’m going through some surgeries and stuff. My teeth fixed. That’s the truth. Hey, thanks for sharing that. But even I’m just saying, as my friend, regardless, you, this is your channel and you get to be whoever you want to be on the Internet. You don’t have to show your face. You can show your face. That, that’s your, that’s up to you. Nobody has the right to tell you what to do. And, and also to me, that’s another Omen of the times we live in is that, you know, the humanity is just full of entitled people that feel like they.
They just get to be served and everyone should just do, you know, live up to their expectations or whatever. And you know, like, like somebody saying to. To telling you to. To show your face or whatever, that’s just that they’re paranoid. Oftentimes people start saying like, oh, this channel. They don’t show their face. They. They. No, we don’t know what they look like. Who cares? I’m so sorry, but excuse me, man, that. That’s besides the point. Why don’t you listen to the information and see how that vibes with your life experiences and your. Your learning and your knowledge and stuff and forget all this, you know, trying to create conspiracy theories in your mind and, and jump off the rabbit hole without being tethered.
You know, like I, I bungee cord down into the rabbit hole. You. Some of you people just jump and you’re gone, man. You disappear. Just go. They, dude, they’ve said, look, bro, they’ve said I’m a clone. I’m an AI robot now. They killed the real Tommy Truth. They’re not listening. You know what I’m saying? They’re not. I don’t even care if you are a clone. Like, all that matters to me is that the. What I consider to be the truth vibes throughout me and resonates with me and brings me to freaking life. And that’s why I vibe with you and other truth seekers.
I don’t care. I don’t care what you look like. I don’t care what you sound like. I don’t care. I mean, I, you know, to a certain extent I have to be able to communicate with you, but all that other stuff is people getting lost. They’re getting lost and they’re getting caught up and, and this is. This is exhibited and proof and evidence of their upbringing. They’re. They’re into, you know, all of these reality shows and, and being in everyone’s business and having, you know, the authority and, and being allowed to talk trash or like even on video.
Anyways, I don’t. I don’t want to go off too much on a tangent. All I’m saying is that we’re better than that. And I would just block people like that if I was you, just instantly. Because that. They need to go home. They need to return and, and get better prepared because they’re bad guys. They’re bad guys to me, okay? Why worry about, you know, and that. But. But I felt I’ve told the story before, so. But you got a couple trolls that always want to come in. Show your face, Tommy. Show your face. And you know, I.
I do. To my friends. I can’t wait to meet trolls in the post apocalypse because it’s going to be Dungeons and Dragons, buddy, and I’m good at it. Yeah. Step up, trolls. Let me meet you in the apocalyptic world. In the post apocalypse, if Kronos doesn’t eat your ass. When you get sucked up into the heavens and electrified and turned into stone and petrified and you know you’re pissing your pants because all the stuff you never thought and couldn’t even dream of happening is now happening. Or all the fantasies of the world are now coming true where we’re getting them.
Let me meet up. Meet me on the field. Let me see. Oh, I. I don’t know, bro. I’m a. No, no, no. When we get the superpowers, bro, that’s when I’m telling you. Just wait. I’m gonna. It’s gonna use. You know how in the movie Superman will, like, you know, he’s so strong he could like toss a dude into space. Yeah. I’m gonna slam somebody against the freaking firmament, dude. I’m gonna. I’m tossing trolls. I hope. Guess what? You can’t hide in the post apocalyptic world because there’s going to be telepathy reinstated. Okay. So you can’t hide and think that you’re just gonna not let everyone know that you were a troll in your past life.
I will know, buddy. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think about the new Superman you sent me? You asked me, Tommy, did you see the trailer? And I don’t know if I don’t know what I think about it though. They’re going like back to the old character, ain’t they? Man, I didn’t see too much. There’s a dog. But thank you for sticking up for me, Jay. I love you, brother. You know that. But. Yeah, he’s wearing underwear again. Superman. I don’t like it. I don’t like the underwear, Superman. I’m not feeling it. I think it’ll be cool.
My guess is that, you know, there’s truth to Superman and stuff too, but, you know, this. The time of superheroes was a hot time. It was a hot age. This was back when people were either didn’t wear clothes or they only covered up to bare minimum because the world was very tropical in nature. Well, what gave Superman the power, Jay? Our son, remember? Yeah. Our son gave him the Power. That’s why. Because it was something to do with our son. That in. In our gravity, they said, which. Who even knows if that’s real, but that’s what gave him his powers.
But look at his name. It’s L. It’s all tied to Enlil L. It gets into the Elohim, Saturn L. You know, there’s a bunch of different connections there with Superman. Yeah, that’s Aten. So that sun, that’s the primeval sun. That’s not. This son. This sun’s weak. Hold on. Where’s my. Okay, you got the pictures up there? Yeah, yeah. Okay, so this right here, this is the primeval sun. It’s also, you know, it goes by Yahweh and some other stuff too, but it’s extremely powerful. This is the inverted dome up there in the heavens. It’s. And. And it.
And the light. The. The rays of light that come down are not just light, but they’re radiation and they are electrical and they’re plasma. And they. They snake on down into this world and they bring things to life and they amplify things and they mutate things and they strengthen and it causes all kinds of chaos. That’s why this is also the Chaos Star or the, you know, the. The chaos magic or whatever. You’ll also see, like, here’s another example of, like, the beams that shoot up from the plasma volcanoes. These are the seven septon trio. This.
What do you call it? Septon tree analysis. And they all. They all shoot upwards to this inverted dome. This is a dome up there in the sky. This is Aten. This is the ancient Egyptian God Autumn. Just one of many names. Tetra, Grandma Tan is really. Ain’t that Aten that they’re praying to? I believe so. Yeah. I think so. So, I mean, you’ll see the Tetragrammaton, which, you know is up here at the top. In Judaism, they. They don’t say the real name of God. Yeah, that’s not even a name. This is. This just. This is just.
That’s Yodhe vav. Hey. Which is. Which means I am or I live or I exist. It’s Hawa is also the name of Adam’s wife. It’s actually not Eve, it’s Hava. So this is Ihava, I Eve, or I am or I live or I exist or whatever. But anyways, I don’t want to get too, too far off the topic, but these are different examples of this inverted dome that you see oftentimes depicted right above Mount Maru, right Above where Jesus is, this is a rip, a rip in the sky. And you see how it’s red behind. Right.
In this particular image from the Middle Ages. Right. You’ve got all these clouds that go around. That’s because it’s depressurizing right there. The atmosphere is deep. There’s a pressure differential up here. There’s a lot of other things happening too, because of the super cold conditions and electricity and things. Go ahead. Well, what do you think about this? Okay, so I seen like the, you know, the star they always talk about that led the wise men to Jesus. Yeah, it’s the eight pointed star, dude. And what if Jesus is. Is what is considered like what they’d say Nibiru is or the destroyer.
And that’s when he comes back and judges the. That, you know, there’s theories on that. I’ve always wondered, is there any connection to that, do you think? Is there a connection to what? Jesus and Jesus Christ being Nibiru? Yeah, the destroyer of worlds. Yes, there is a connection. So here, this is another good example too. I really like this one. I like these middle age dark age manuscript drawings and bestiary drawings and stuff. But this is, this is, this is exactly what I’m talking about. You see how like you got the plasma squiggles that are coming down worms? Yes.
So you see that in the ancient Egyptian God Aten as well. But see, here’s a good example. This, this actually has Jesus in it. And many of these will. Let me see if I can find a better one. Hold on, let me see real quick. I think I got another one. So Jesus is. And this one actually shows you. So this is a top. This is, this is a view of the inverted dome up here at the top. This is a view from below. And it always contains the stars and the sun and the moon, three objects.
This one, the sun behind his head. Jay. The iron cross. That is the oldest symbol for Nibiru. Yeah. Which was called the crossing, right? It was that symbol. Yes. That’s the doom shape or the dome shape. So if this, if this right here. Hold on. If this. Let me find a better one. So here’s another one. So this is like an inverted dome up there in the heavens or whatever. If this is made of a reflective substance which all of the religions tend to indicate, then it would reflect, especially when it’s lit up from below, as you see this plasma volcano shooting, you know, light up to it.
If it’s lit up, then it would logically reflect the world below. Now, directly below, this Inverted dome is. Is Mount Maru. And surrounding Mount Maru is a big X in the form of these rivers. That image. Right. So this is. Look, that’s the inverted dome at the top. You can see it up here. Yeah, that’s the inverted. Don’t see how it’s red on the inside, but blue around the edges. There’s like little cloud formation where the blue is up the top. So that’s. That is. To me, that’s Nibiru. That’s the apex dome. That’s Nibiru. Jesus represents the light that is born out of the world coming from this plasma volcano.
This is Mount Maroon. The center is always flanked by two witnesses, which is an anode mountain and a cathode mountain. And, you know, electrically speaking, you have a positive and a negative. And Jesus is in the middle. He’s always directly below this inverted dome. He’s always directly below the Father. You know, sometimes it’s. It’s known as, like, the Father, the Son and all that stuff, but these are different depictions of it. And sometimes you see, like, the fire, the flame comes down and the flame rests upon these people. This is like Pentecost. So whenever. Like Jesus’s followers and the apostles and whatever there was, the day of Pentecost, whenever the Lord above breathed on them this holy, heavenly fire, and the fire descended upon them, and they were.
All of a sudden, they had telepathy. All of a sudden, they had these powers and they had the ability to understand one another. There’s another one, this. This guy standing on the snake and the lion. And there’s the dome with the hand coming out of it right here. Right. This is. This is, to me, the primordial sun. And in many of these depictions, it actually shows the sun and the moon, our sun. This is not the sun. This is not the focal point up there in the heavens, in the sky today, that. Look, it’s setting things on fire.
You see that, right? See all the fires that are coming up and stuff? So there’s a connection between this object, which is blue on the outside and then red on the inside. And it’s also the dome shop shape or the doom shape. In the Colburn Bible, it has an X on it. This is. He’s getting ate by a dragon. Yeah, you’ll see the Fantazoids and. And there’s mutations and stuff, too. So there’s humans and things like that. There’s another one down here. Oh, and that’s Jacob’s ladder, which also represents our. The Kundalini traveling up the. The vertebrae of the spines connecting to the pineal gland, the third eye.
What’s up at the top of that? Jesus. Oh, yeah. So, dude, this is where Jesus goes. So check this out. Hold on, let me find a good. I got another one in here of like. There’s pictures of Jesus being sucked up into this apex dome, up into the heavens. I’ll show you a picture of it, and then I’ll talk about it real quick here. But there’s pictures of him standing on Mount Maru, standing on the. The pinnacle of this mountain. Here’s a good one. So he gets sucked up. And this is the apex dome above. It’s just kind of squiggly right here.
But hold on. So. So you have to imagine that you’ve got Mount Maru, which is like the throne or the seat or the thing that Jesus stands on or rests upon the light of the world, right? That beam shoots up into the atmosphere and it stays for a long time, and it ionizes the surrounding atmosphere. So you don’t even need the original beam. The. The surrounding atmosphere is so electrified or amplified that it leaves an afterglow. It leaves a charge. So whenever that beam retracts after we go through a polarity shift and that beam gets sucked down into the earth to charge once more, where it is now, before the sky opens again, you will have an afterglow, or the spirit of that light, or that phoenix, or that savior figure or that God or angel or whatever.
There will still be an after, an afterglow, a golden afterglow. And whenever the sky opens up once more, that afterglow immediately afterwards, basically, that afterglow gets sucked up along with the aurora borealis and many other things. They get eaten by Kronos. They get pulled up into this opening up there in the heavens. Damn, that’s fascinating. And shout out to my boy, Jacob Israel, another Truth Mafia member. Jacob, I think I seen on my phone, brother, that you messaged me on X, so I’m gonna hit you back. I hope you did, because I’ve been excited to do that podcast with you.
It’s just like, we keep missing each other, and it’s. It sucks because Jacob’s one of the best ones out there. Have you ever podcast with Jacob yet, Jay? No, I don’t think so. Oh, he’s amazing, bro. You would love him. He’s been doing it for a really long time. He’s really good, too. You should check out his channel. Yeah, shoot me a link and I’ll. And I’ll go subscribe and check it out. Yeah, it’s just Jacob Israel. Okay, so. Pretty cool name too. He’s a really good guy though. Yeah, Jacob, we’ll definitely link up, man. I’ll.
I’ll get a hold of you, bro. I met him through Donut factory. Oh, right on. Shout out to our brother Donut. Oh. This is also shown in Within Freemasonry. I’m sorry, like, I don’t mean to. To change the subject. No, you’re good, you’re good. But this is also shown to us within Freemasonry as well. And you see, okay, notice right here how there’s like these three flashes coming out of this apex dome up here. This is how it was described within that Chinese legend. Remember how they said that the sons look like three footed crows or three legged crows? I don’t remember that one, but that’s okay.
Well, these are. Just. Go back to that one. Go back to that one with Jesus. Go back to that one. One more. That one. Yeah, that’s pretty fascinating there. Explain this one. Okay, so this is a traditional depiction of Jesus’s like baptism, you know, I mean, it’s showing multiple things happening at one time, like him walking on water and other things too. But there’s also a play that’s happening with. With perspective. So one perspective is that he’s like, this is like a river and this is just the land and it splits and it just goes that way and it goes that way.
But another perspective is that this is Mount Maru. This is the Split Mountain. This is the Mount of Olives. And it is split. And Jesus is the cause of that split. And that this isn’t water, that this is actually plasma that is erupting up into the heavens and you know, re. Re. Ionizing the atmosphere, basically. And then you have the introduction of like monsters and sea monsters and stuff too. See, how do you see how big he is compared to these little tiny dudes? Yeah, he’s way big. That dude’s got a wing or something or that’s his coat.
No, it’s probably a demon. Yeah, I think. Looks crazy. Yeah. So why? He’s got that same iron cross thing, which is that symbol in Hebrew, man. Right. I’m telling you, there’s something there with that. Check out, look at this one too. This. And this isn’t always even. You know, some of this Renaissance artwork is Christian in nature, but not all of it is. So for example, you can see this is like alchemical work. Yeah, this is. This is some alchemy right here. Yeah, they’re showing you this fluid that is up there around the apex Dome, which is basically a gigantic superconductor.
And that there’s the same. There’s people hanging out of it all the time. It’s showing you that this is the Planet of the Crossing. This is where other humanoid beings come into our world. And you can see the light flashing. The Planet of the Crossing. He’s throwing up blood into that thing too. Yeah, it did look like he was throwing up blood. That was pretty, pretty tight. There it is again with all the little red plasma coming off of it. Look at that. It looks very similar to what the Jesuits use. Yes. I think this is the origin for many of the.
Many of the different types of symbolism. Here it is again with the three lines. I think these three lines are actually just three beams that shoot up from the anode cathode in Mount Maru itself. There’s the Jacob’s Ladder. Here it is again. This is Jonah and the whale or fish or monster or whatever. And here he is up there. Here it is again. But my. I’m actually looking for one that shows. I’m looking for one in particular. Pictures, bro. There’s. There’s many. Like this one right here is actually. This is Mount Maru. But they force a perspective once more.
See on this picture how it looks like you’re looking straight, but you’re actually looking down. This is a view of the top of a mountain going into the Earth. This is going down. This is leading you down into the Earth. But it’s a. It’s a strange perspective because it’s from the side. But they can’t show you the side angle here in the landscape angle with the important stuff up here. If they show you down into the Earth. So they just. They just take the Earth perspective of looking down into it and they flip it sideways and, you know, they can show you both alchemy vibe to it, too.
Yes, that’s. This is all alchemy. This is the origin of alchemy. This is the great alchemical wedding between the Earth and the sky. There it is again. But Jesus is almost always, you know, represented in many of these. There’s sometimes there’s a hand coming out of it. But this was a. This was a son getting back to the sun topic. This was this. Look. You can see the Tree of Life right here. Right. And then the inverted dome right above that. Is that the Phoenix flying up there? Yes. Yes. So there’s also going to be a Phoenix, because the Tree of Life is the Phoenix.
It’s the Jesus symbolism and the light of the world and whatnot. And it’s cyclical in nature. So you’ll see there’s like, there’s often. There’s a volcano. This is a plasma volcano. It’s plasma erupting up out of it. And that’s the Phoenix. That’s where the Phoenix is born. It, it’s born on a mountain and it dies on a mountain. A normal person. Oh, that’s an orange tree, right? Nah, this is the tree of life. That’s what they think. And these are all the different, you know, symbols and stuff that are on there. Yeah, Somebody that doesn’t know there’s the sun and the moon right there.
This is all alchemical. Yeah. So this is like I said, it’s not just Christianity. This one’s really interesting too because look how they had the sun depicted. Right. There’s a moon which is actually like a, like a mirror over here. That’s Isis, the water, the, the. And then you got the male, the sun, the masculine, the feminine and masculine energy, the two polarities. Yeah, that’s interesting. Why does I. That’s cool that the, the, the, the double headed phoenix is over by the male energy and well the females got the double headed peacock. Huh, that’s interesting. Yeah.
So this is like the blue beam is the sword also. So this is the sword of truth. This is the straight and narrow path and it goes straight up to the eye. It’s the beam in the eye. Here’s Mount Maru again. Jesus is inside of it, being born with Mary. There’s the apex dome up there. Oh, here’s a good example. So this one has oftentimes you’ll find the apex dome featured and it has this, it has the sun and the moon and the stars inside of it. And yet this is the background. Notice how it’s all golden.
Yeah, that’s because that’s the color the sky was. This was the golden age. And this is, they had a different looking sky than we did because the, of the different circumstances that were happening with the atmosphere and the earth and stuff. But this right here is the apex dome. This is a cloud. This ribbon is actually a cloud that goes around it. It could be like a super fluid or you know, something like, you know, between a, a vapor and a gas, like electrically amplified. Right, right. Am I tripping or does it look like there’s 3? 3 like it looks like a sun and two moons.
Like one’s being eclipsed by the other. Yeah, I don’t know why they do that. Maybe to put a face on it. So it doesn’t look like Mac tonight from McDonald’s. Okay. I don’t know. I have no idea. But yeah, this is, this is the moon and this is the sun. These are the stars. The stars are not in any of these depictions. They’re not depicted in the background. They’re depicted as being on the apex dome, just like right here. You can find it on, on many of these. See, they put the stars there. Background is golden.
That’s the sky. The stars are up here because this is probably where the stars are created. This is interesting. Hey, this is Snoop Dogg’s little hand signal that he does, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s. That’s throwing some gang signs. Very similar. That’s the number six. Dude, when you do like that. Yeah, It’s Roman numeral 6. Very similar to even this over here in the. Look in the top left handed corner. That looks like some gang writing, right? That’s funny. It was gang banging back in these days. Guys, make sure you smash them like buttons, please. And we got the legend up in here.
We didn’t just have Jacob Israel. Now we got the legend. Donut factory. Oh snap. Shout out to Donut All Star cast. We hung out a little bit last night. We had a good time. Shout out to my brother. This is one of my favorite ones. This is Jesus just hanging out. Is he getting sucked up there too? Yes. Now check this out though. Watch this. So remember that. Here he is again. So this is Mount Maru, okay? He’s not standing on a tree stump. He’s not standing on, you know, some small hill. This is a small depiction.
This is just a cartoon style image. That’s symbolic. This is Mount Maru. This is his feet. This is where he stood. Clearly he goes straight up into this opening that has all this plasma that’s shooting out of it. There it is again. This time it’s not with this time, it’s without Jesus. And then these weird plants back during the Middle ages too. Look at these strange trees, dude. These asparagus trees, all that purple, that’s all tied to Saturn. See how they put the stars in there background. That color purple J. It came from a snail. It was very rare.
So like the peasant class, they couldn’t, they weren’t even allowed to wear that color. There was a certain time you, you could get killed for wearing that color or at least so this, you know, right now see here we have the introduction of otherworldly creatures, monsters, mutants or whatnot, which I think these are just mutated humans. They look like they’re either coming down or they’re getting sucked up. What do you think? I don’t know. Coming down maybe. Right. That one dude, he has. He has freaking entities on his elbows. Yeah, let’s check him out. Look at that, look at that.
He’s got a little, little like a little nose mouth, radioactive looking signal on the one elbow eye. Yeah, but this is that same ribbon, that same blue ribbon. This is the invert. This is the apex dome up there. Do you think they were being sucked up or coming down through the crossing? It could be either one. It depends on what point. So immediately after depressurization, everything’s going to get pulled upwards and outwards out of this world. So it’ll just get sucked out, just like when you first open a soda. But after it reaches equilibrium, the atmosphere and everything, you know, everything has been depressurized.
That’s when things can float back down. And they, then they do float. They don’t just fall down. So the, the buoyancy reaches an equilibrium and then things can float back down to where, you know, gravity restores basically. But it’ll be way less dense and, and way less. Things will be less heavy and so things will be lightweight because of the increased buoyancy. So you hear, you see like many examples of. This is a sun, though. This is the. Many people look at this and say, oh, that’s the sun. They were sun worshipers. This is the sun that they were looking at.
This is not the sun. This is the dome in the sky that was lit up that they could see during these times. Yeah, you can clearly see it. But a lot of people don’t know how to read symbolism, you know, that’s why I love symbolic donut. Shout out to my boy Donut. He’s really good at that too. Picking out symbolism and re. And there’s two donuts in here. This is a different donut. Yeah, that’s the danger Mouse donut. Yeah, yeah, he’s cool as hell, man. He’s from across the pond. And then we got our American Arizona donut.
The famous one. You know, the famous donut, he’s like. He’s like Justin Timberlake. Now. Have you seen the new movie that just came out called Flow? No cartoon. It’s about a cat. I haven’t seen it yet. I’m recommending it to you, my bro. I recommend it. I’m gonna break it down. I’m definitely break it probably, who knows? This Sunday, I don’t know, but it’s soon. I’ll check it out then. Because I love the movies. There’s a scene that is this. There’s a scene where there’s this white bird. It’s basically like a bunch of animals in the apocalypse.
Okay? There’s no humans or anything. It’s just a post apocalyptic world. And it’s from the perspective of these animals. There’s this white bird that goes on the top of this mountain, just like how I showed you with Jesus in Mount Maru. And this bird gets sucked up into this, you know, plasma up above. And this opening up in the sky, they show this. It blew my mind. Well, now, what’s it called again? Let me write that down because I’ll forget. Yeah. Oh, snap. That’s odd. There’s a lot of good movies. Oh, guys, before I forget, Donut.
Listen to this, brother. There’s this new documentary out. It’s called 2073. Donut, watch it. Which 2073. Rearrange that around a little bit. What do you got? 237. Which is the hotel room or the. The room in the Shining? That 237 is a very, very powerful number. And great catch, by the way. Donut on the fire truck and the little meme girl with the fires out there in LA. I seen you caught the 38 on the house and the fire truck, which comes from Murder by Numbers. So I was proud of you for that. I seen that.
Made me very proud of you, just to let you know. But yeah, 2073 J, it’s a new documentary out and it’s straight about the plasma apocalypse. It gets into Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and. And them. Try trying. Well, it also has what’s his face in there, Mark Zuckerberg, how they’re trying to set up this uber bros Society because they know some cataclysm’s coming. It’s very fascinating, bro. It just came out. It’s called 2073, guys. It’s a documentary, but it’s kind of played out in a way. Like a kind of like too. Well now, what’s the name of that movie you told me to watch? Sorry, I’m having like technical difficulties.
That’s why I’m all dark. Dude, electronics. Just do whatever they want. Like, I swear they don’t listen. The movie, I think is called Flow. Let me see. It’s about a cat. You’ll see. It should be like a picture. Yeah, it’s 2024 flow. Definitely check that out, dude, because it’s all over the movie. The whole movie is. Is showing you the truth of the of what has happened and what will happen again. Oh, this cat here. This little. Yes, yes. There’s. There’s no. This is. This whole movie. There’s no talking or anything, dude. But. Yeah, no, it’s.
But it’s. It’s because it’s all animals, and they don’t talk or anything. It’s not like Disney. So. But here’s the thing. The animals are done in such a way that it’s like you hear them talking. It’s like you’re watching this movie, and there’s no words at all. There’s no subtitles. There’s nothing. But because of how these animals act, it’s like you can hear dialogue, which is. I’ll try to get into it, but my son Carmine and Donut try to get me into squid games, and I could not do it. And my son Carmine’s like, dad, what do you mean it’s in English? I said, no, dude, that’s like one of them old Japanese movies or Chinese movies.
It’s not in English. They’re just using English voice actors over it. I. I can’t watch movies like that. It drives me absolutely nuts. Absolutely nuts. But, Donut, are you watching the new squid games, bro? I know my son Carmine said the new. The new one’s pretty good. Yeah, it. No, it’s 2073, my friend. 2073. I said, if you mixed a couple numbers around, you get 237, which is the number of the room in the Shining. But the. The documentary is 2073. Donna said I didn’t like it. The new version of Squid Games. Wow. You like the other ones, though, right? Donut, you should watch that.
Torching 2024. It was kind of like that roasting. There’s so much predictive programming in that. It’s got that. That bold comedian that he. He’s on. He does the roast, you know, I’m talking about Donut. It’s a new Netflix series. It’s called, like, torching 2024. Check it out. You. You do really good at breaking that down. That’s more. I got it all fixed up. Sorry, dude. The freaking. I can’t explain. Like, I use this TV for light. You know what I mean? And I have it on YouTube, and I have it set to, like, some channel that provides the.
The light that I want, and it just turns off all by itself, dude. The tv, it turns off, and then my gaming system turns on and all the. Is acting out of control and doing whatever it wants to do. I’m sorry. My bad. Like that’s called being hacked, brother. This is garbage. What the hell? Why does it, like if, like if I leave something on that the freaking people are, are. They’re coding it, they’ll be like, oh, are you still there? Are you still listening? Are you still watching? For your, for your, for your protection. We need to save energy.
We’re gonna save you some energy and like. No, leave my stuff on. I will leave it on if I want it on. Okay? You don’t need to do stuff on my behalf, dude. My stuff gets messed with so much though. And it’s usually when I’m doing podcasts with certain people. Yeah, that’s why I’m on a VPN right now triangulating in eight different countries at once. They don’t know where they’re hell I’m at. But. Well, Jay, we’re actually at an hour and 37 minutes, that sacred 137 number. We’ll let it get past that. We winded at 138 because that’s a, a number one of our buddies, like.
But yeah, man, thank you know, I really appreciate you coming on. Do you got anything you want to plug? Why don’t you plug your new place where people can send you pictures because your old one got broken. Oh, that’s right. Yeah. So I think Tommy put a link in this video’s description, but I’ll probably update all my videos too. But I, I have a new link for my Omens episode so people can send me, people can send me their video submissions of like strange omens that they’ve recorded, you know, cell phone videos or home videos or whatever.
Pictures too. So those will be, you know, taken into consideration for sharing during my Omen segment. And it’s just my Dropbox. Basically I just created Dropbox. The old software program I was using was like charging too much and the, the memory that they were giving me wasn’t enough. So I took that down from my website for a bit, but I’ll, I’ll add it back. And then of course, you know, check out my website, and there’s a free 24 hour cram session so you can check out all the members only stuff and see all the behind the scenes episodes and back door to my website and all the member stuff and my books and all my merch and all the, all that fun stuff is available, you know, for purchase on my website too.
I was doing plasma apocalypse consultations just to sort of like, you know, do one on one videos, meetings with people to answer questions and help them to better understand the plasma apocalypse and stuff. And many people started to sign up for that. But I haven’t figured out a way to offer that service through my website since I changed stuff. So that’ll be something that returns in the future. Yeah, WIX is always changing everything. I don’t like their new version, dude. I like the old version much better. But then you don’t get the option to turn it back.
You know, it makes me so mad. And don’t forget, guys, if you want to get your decode and find out your role in this simulation we call life. If you’re an npc, maybe one of these very powerful first player characters like J Dreams and Donut. They’re both carriers of the rare Neo code, whether they know it or not. You know, you can get that over on and I make you a custom image. I like this one that I did for Kelly because she was her spirit animals, the same as mine. If you’re a Capricorn, your spirit animal is the snow goose, which sucks.
But hey, you know, it’s a. It’s a very powerful bird. I heard. I always get all those stupid things. I’m a Capricorn, which is like a. It’s a goat mixed with a fish. Donuts is tied to. He’s a half puma, half wolf. I mean, that’s a crazy animal. Yes, well, that’s interesting too. Like the, just. Just the word Capricorn, it implies goat and fish, but it’s actually like Capri, which it has to do with the waters and then corn, which has to do with home horns, which means horns that come up out of the waters. And it might have something to do with the waters above, actually celestial waters.
And then the, the horned one or the horns that come up out of those waters, that, that, that will come down towards us, which is all related to what we were talking about. When are you and Donut gonna do another podcast, bro? I don’t know. Yeah, that was. That was a pretty popular one. So I’ve got a. A podcast called Truth Seekers where I just, you know, I invite guests on or whatever. And Donut was on there and we were talking about his Illuminati worms, which I really like. I really dig this whole Illuminati worm stuff.
So that was really good. But like I said, right. For right now, I’m trying to get as many different guests on as I can so it doesn’t just repeat itself like the. Just the whole podcast. Eventually I’ll Invite the same guests back, you know, it’s. Otherwise you’d be on there, like, you know, all the time or whatever. But right now I want to get as many different ones as I possibly can. And so I’m gonna reach out to my buddy jwtv, shout out to his channel. And then, man, I can’t remember the other person that I just said I wanted to get, but there’s a bunch of people.
And also, I’m open to people, you know, suggestions. I’m. I’m willing to be a guest on other people’s channels too, you know, like, that’s fine. So I can promote, you know, my books and my work and stuff. Yeah, you could probably go hook up with Donut and check out his channel. He’s got some really cool followers. I’m sure he’d have you on, man. Yeah, Once he comes back and is doing, I wanna. I wanna have all you guys on you Donut. I love that idea. I think because my birthday is coming up the 17th, so I already got a bunch of donuts that he’s coming.
I want you to come. I would love you to come on January 17th, brother. You know, we always do a birthday. We need an all star, like Hollywood Square style. Like, we need an all star event. Truth Mafia squad, like the. The top tier. I gotta hit be Della Pon a Soru, you know, all the top dogs and get us up on there together. Yeah, that. That’d be a fun one, man. But thank you for coming on today. And all the links are down in the description. Guys, I’m gonna end this. It’ll play an outro. So if you want to stay on Jay or if you got something to go, you can go and handle that.
Except I’ll hang out and say goodbye. All right, brother, let’s play her out. Yo, we living in the sim reality’s a game NPCs around us they all look the same Soulless entities controlled by AI quantum computer running life Asking why are you just a player controlled by machine Or a first player character living the dream Tap into the code Break free from the lies Decode Georgia matria See through their disguise in the simulation what’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or control can you navigate Elites Use Gematria secrets in the code Find out your archetype Let the truth unfold super quantum computer pulling all the strings NPCs moving like puppets it’s on a swing the Matrix got nothing on the life we lead Green letters Fallen is the truth we need? Are you just a player controlled by machine? Or a first player character living the dream? Tap into the code, Break free from the lies.
Decode your Gematria. See through their disguise in the simulation. What’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or control? Can you navigate? Elites use Gematria secrets in the Code five. I got your archetype. Let the truth unfold. Archetypes defined from NPCs to Neo. First players rise. Let your true self show. Do this.