Archaix Paradigm: Simulacrum Calendrics Thesis Challenge to All Critics

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➡ The video blogger is making upgrades to his van for future cross-country vlogs. He discusses the importance of understanding historical chronology, criticizing academia for ignoring it. He argues that ancient calendars, including Sumerian, Vedic, and Mayan, were based on day counts, not years, and that this understanding changes interpretations of ancient texts and timelines. He criticizes others for spreading false narratives and insists on the importance of accurate historical understanding.
➡ The author argues that many historical dates are incorrect because they’re based on years, not moon cycles. He believes that Atlantis and other historical events fit better into history when calculated by moons. He also criticizes others for ignoring his findings and continuing to spread false information. He plans to release more data sets, including one on the date of the Great Flood, and invites others to critique his work.
➡ This text talks about how the year used to be 360 days long, but then something happened in the sky that changed it to 365 days. This event was recorded all over the world and caused people to change their calendars. The text also discusses the Great Pyramid, which it says is a kind of 3D calendar that can accurately date itself. Lastly, it mentions a phenomenon called the Phoenix, which appears every 138 years and is connected to the calendar system.
➡ The speaker believes that the Jewish calendar is misleading and was designed to confuse people about the timeline of events. He claims to have evidence to support his views and has shared this in videos and playlists. Despite some people trying to discredit him, he’s gaining more followers, which he sees as proof that his arguments are compelling. He urges his supporters to let him handle the critics and not to engage aggressively with them.


Welcome to another archaics van vlog. It’s been a while. I did insert a couple jeep vlogs in there, especially for archaics tv, but I’ve got all kinds of work being done on the van. I got a, I got a steel bumper right here in the back, a whole kit that’s already been specifically made to spec. I have to get a welder to put it on. Well, I’m slowly doing upgrades to the van.

Get it all the way I want it. I want it so I can do some real van vlogs cross country like I did in New Mexico and Arizona and California. So, so many new people to my channel don’t understand how critical it is for us, for us to be on the same page. We need to comprehend as a community how much chronological material is out there available to us that has been widely ignored simply because false paradigms have been.

Have been put out there and accepted so blindly. We have no fact checkers. We don’t have people being, you know, we don’t have people who are supposed to. We don’t academia. I’m accusing them that they haven’t done what they’re supposed to do in peer review. Why don’t we have any academic chronologists? None. It is absolutely ignored. And yet we have more chronological information than any other field out there to put together.

I’ve been doing it for 25 years. My chronicon is just an attempt to show you just how much of this data that we have. It is not all the data I have never claimed to have at all, but we have to understand as a community that the resistance to the archaics material is by design. The resistance is real. Once it becomes apparent that the shar Anunnaki dating is wrong and that shars never meant years, and that it was widely known, even in the days of the Greeks, that the shars were days because greek historians factored them as days.

I have shown on my channel, once it becomes widely known that the shah is a single turning of the stars, it automatically puts into perspective so many hundreds of other chronographical markers that we have found strewn through ancient traditions, even legends. But specifically, specifically cuneiform writings concerning king lists and prisms concerning the ten kings before the flood, concerning the eight kings before the flood, concerning the seven anunnaki kings of some weird sumerian dynasty supposedly ruled for 241,200 shars.

So across the spectrum we find christian writers talking. They tell us as well that, oh, look, these writings are 241,200. These are demonic seven kings, and they’re even buying into the same model. It’s like, what are you doing? What are you doing? No christian author should buy into the ancient aliens model. The book of Genesis is very clear. The first time keeping system was the day. And time was factored at night.

The evening in the morning was the first day, and God saw that it was good. The evening in the morning was the second day. The entire sumerian, acadean, babylonian, near eastern model is predicated on the fact that the day began when the sun went down. The night time always preceded the day and began the day count. The char, was simply a turning of the stars. Once you understand that, you understand that there was no 432,000 years according to the vedic system.

No vedic system has these great yugas at 216,000 units. It was always days. How do we know this? Because the older, the older calendars, that all started at the same time as the Kali yuga, that started at the same time as the sumerian and acadean calendars, were the ancient american calendars. They all started within a 21 year period of each other. That should tell you something. As I show on my channel and showing charts, we are talking about 58 centuries for all.

The most ancient calendars in the world that used units of hundreds of thousands to all begin in a 21 year period shows that they were all uniquely a part of one system. That was the day count system, the mayan long count calendar, the olmec calendar. Epigonal. The epigonal system, the calendar round. These were all day count systems. I’m not going to beat you up with it. Archaics veterans already know the mayan long count system.

It deals in the same numbers as the sumerian and the. And the vedic. A single epoch of the Maya was called a bacton. It was 144,000 days. Two of those epic was 288,000 days. Three of those epics was 432,000 days. Just like the sumerian texts that read that the gods appeared 432,000 shars before the flood. It’s only 432,000 days before the great flood of Noah, 22, 39 BC, which means that Enki and the 50 annuna appeared in the year 3439 BC, which the book of Jasher, very specific.

456th year, Annas Mundi was the 456th year of the 1656 years of the. Of the pre flood world in Genesis. When you translate that to our modern ADBC calendar, it is the year 3439 BC. It is the appearance of Enki. But in the Genesis narrative, it is the appearance of Jared, whose name means to descend Jared was who? He’s the father of Enoch. Enoch was who? He’s the architect of the great pyramid.

All this, all this comes through multitudes of data sets. It’s not the subject matter of this video. Once it’s understood that all these ancient calendars are talking about day count systems, the entire Anunnaki narrative fits perfectly, absolutely perfectly. 5239 BC. The beginning of the Anunnaki calendar, 5239 BC, is 432,000 turnings of the stars to the first appearance of the egigi, when the moon appeared in the year 4039 BC.

This is 144 years before the beginning of the annum Dominique calendar, which is known to you guys, my archaic veterans know this is 3895 BC. It’s the Adam and Eve reset. Every bit of this fits together perfectly, like a woven tapestry of chronology. And it’s very easy to understand. At the end of this video, I’m showing you a chart and I’m blowing the chart up. It’s three and a half minutes of me going through one single chart, just blowing up different parts.

For you to understand that everything I’m telling you in this video fits within this chart, that everything we know from the historical and traditional records all fit on this chart, all we have to do is divorce ourselves from the false interpretation of Zechariah sitchin, which is copied by many people, many people who were still stringently. Despite the fact that I have public these data sets, Billy Carson continues to push this narrative.

So I’m going to continue to stay on Billy Carson’s ass. I’m not going to be quiet about it. He’s not the only one. I’m going to reach out and touch some. Some of his compatriots. All these guys are lying to you. These systems are. It’s easily provable. The data sets are out there. No one has ever refuted them and nor can they. They’re set in stone. I have published them freely to the public and I’m going to continue to publish them.

But the char is a day. It never was a year. There is no Anunnaki history going back hundreds of thousands of years. The 241,200 shars of the seven kings of the Anunnak of the Anunnaki prism, called the king list, is very specifically divided by 360 shars. It’s very simple. It’s so simple, that means that the entire 241,200 shars day count is just 670 years. It’s the same 670 years mentioned by the prophet Nostradamus.

670 years. At end of that 670 year period was the typhon flood, known as the Phoenix cataclysm. The great flood of Noah 22 39 BC was the 670th year the reign of the seven Kings was over. It is done. It’s precisely what Nostradamus says, that many will die before the phoenix dies at the end of his reign. 670 years. Guys, I’ve tied all this together for, for you, a nice little package.

It’s a tremendous amount of data, but I’ve abbreviated everything to its lowest common denominators through over 600 and something videos. We need to, we need to understand as a community that we’re never going to be able to put that, put together the accurate history of the world. As long as a significant amount of people are still holding on to this false narrative that shars are years and not days, and that the Egyptians counted everything in the same years we do.

Although the Egyptians text are very specific that they only counted moons. Why is this relevant? It’s relevant because Atlantis is used over and over by these people. Matthew Lacroix real bad about this, Billy Carson’s bad about this, Jimmy Corsetti’s talked about it. I don’t know how far deep into it he is, but Graham Hancock especially, the father of Atlantis deception, Graham Hancock especially, all of them pushing this ice age narrative, which is absolutely uncomfortable.

True, their principal prima facie evidence for ice age dating is the Atlantis story, but that’s only because they’re using the 365. 25 day year of modern times in imposing, imposing it upon a culture that did not factor time. Using this system, the Egyptians counted the moons. This is why all the egyptian papyri say that different events are 23,000 units. This or the king or the gods appeared 14,000 units in the past.

It’s all moons. This isn’t Jason telling you this. I’ve published the data. How many ancient authors corrected, not just, not just drawing a blank? Even in Plato’s day, he was corrected. The 9000 years of Plato was a total mistake on Plato’s part. It’s 9000 moons, and this puts Atlantis where it’s supposed to be. The Sea People’s federation, war against the Greeks in the Mediterranean, and the fall of the hittite empire, the fall of Troy, which is a finger of the hittite empire.

All of this makes sense. It’s in my videos for anybody to watch. All these guys are willingly ignoring all this information, because they have already put out all this false data and they don’t want to retract it. I understand that, but by continuing to put out that false data. Now they’re doubling down. So if they thought there was any backup in me, they’re sort of mistaken. I’m only going to get more and more popular, and my message is going to get wider and wider because it’s not.

It has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with the fact that people are basically intelligent, and once the truth is known, it cannot be covered. So they’re digging themselves a hole deeper and deeper and deeper. I wouldn’t take my spiritual information from somebody trying to sell me crypto any damn way. It’s crazy. Whole thing’s crazy. Crazy. So this is, uh, this is where we’re at.

The day count system and the moon count system are both found in the Old Testament. Do I believe 100% of the Bible is true? Absolutely not. You guys, my arcade veterans, already know where I stand on the Bible, too. It’s a book of good and evil. It contains fact and fictions. Much of it was copied from older sources. There’s no doubt. No doubt, guys, but the sumerian reg, sumerian regna lists the sumerian prisms, the acadean Kish king lists everything.

Everything now fits into where its proper historical perspective. And we no longer have to deal with dates that are impossible. We don’t. We don’t. That’s the importance of those systems. Further, one of the data sets, I’ve talked about it a lot on my channel, but one of the data sets that. It’s the last one. I’ve already released the data sets on the shards on the moon counts and on the accurate dating of Atlantis.

I’ve already released the data sets on how recent the zodiac. How the zodiac is not even ancient. Yeah. On precession, the change of the year from 360 days to 365. 24 days. Those data sets are already released. But I need to release a data set on the great flood, the actual dating of the great flood, how science and chronology merge to exactly pinpoint the great flood of Noah, the typhon flood of Phoenix, 22 39 BC in the month of May.

That’s my last data set that I. That I need to publish. And then I have, like, I think it’s nine, a total of nine data sets that completely undermines almost every paradigm foist about the past. Today, knowing the actual date of the great flood is super important, because then it puts into perspective all the things that we have found chronologically about the unfolding of all these different languages, the development of different linguistics, the rise and fall of the quipu communication system.

All these things are absolutely necessary to understand. The proto chinese, proto sumerian, and proto egyptian hieroglyphs all came from the same system. It is very easily, easily noticeable. Now, we do have problems in anthropology where they have pushed these dates back to impossible times. Literacy has been pushed back too far. Knowing the exact date of the great flood also puts into perspective and allows us to know the exact date of the building of the great pyramid.

Because the traditions attached to the great pyramid were very specifically that it was. That it was built before the great flood. It was to survive the cataclysm known as the great flood. And it was. And it was to have encoded within it the knowledge for a future civilization to be able to decipher so they could understand the situation that we’re in. These cataclysm protocols that need to be understood, they are encoded within the great pyramid.

Is this just Jason speaking, or has he already shown it in myriads of presentations and published books? That’s up for you to decide. I’m always willing to allow an educated public to make the decision. This is why I do not fear debate. I do not fear debate at all. I don’t fear critical analysis of my data, because I will take every single. Every single critical dissection of, or whatever you want to call it.

Anybody, anybody’s. Anybody attempts to critique my material, they can’t do it in a video. There ain’t no way you’re gonna in a video, you’re gonna go through all my data sets. There’s just no way. You’re gonna have to put your. You’re gonna have to put your critique in writing to be taken seriously. There’s no other way. I got too much data. Remember, guys, I’m telling you all the.

If something is true, it can always be seen from multiple different perspectives, multiple different mathematical vantage points. So anybody. Anybody wants to step up to the plate, critique all my material. You got your work cut out for you, but I’m inviting you, definitely inviting it. And you’re gonna have to itemize all. Everything, everything you think is wrong. Bullet point presentation, cite your sources, show me your math, and I will publicize it.

I will put it on my channel. I will put it on my website. I will let people review your material. I’ll give them sufficient time to review your material. And because I’m 100% positive on the arithmetic of my chronology, then I will. I will. I will then dissect your critique, and I will show you why you are wrong. It’s very easy for me to do. Won’t even take any effort, that’s where we’re at.

It is all necessary. The aggression is necessary. Why? Because so many people have put out all this material and they all listen, they all agree with each other. Most of these men have never even done the real research. They read Andrew Collins, they read. They read Zechariah situ. I’ll come out, read four or five books of all these and think they know and think they absolutely understand history.

They understand all these systems. They read two things, paragraphs about procession in one of Graham Hancock’s books and actually think procession is a real thing. Yeah, guys, archaeoastronomy, all these archeologists out there dating ancient monuments using the zodiac. Yeah, well, all that falls apart when you two data sets kill. All that. The very fact that the Greeks invented the zodiac in ancient India, the vedic scholars even admit, oh, we got the zodiac from the Greeks.

Okay, thank you. Alexandrian library, creation of the zodiac. Yeah, guys, take that, the bank. I’m not saying astrology is fake. I’m saying that in astrology, there was no zodiac before the Greeks. And that’s a real big problem. Most ancient zodiac in Egypt is the zodiac of Dendera. That’s a problem because the zodiac of Dendera was built by the Macedonians. Who are the Macedonians? They were the Ptolemies. Who were the Ptolemies? The Ptolemies were the greek rulers of Egypt in the third and second century BC.

Why is that a problem? Because they were educated by Alexander. Library founded by Alexander of Macedon. Do your homework and you’ll find out that all these things, except to be true today, are absolute bullshit. You cannot date monuments prior to the third century BC using a system that was created in the third century BC. Anything prior to that does not have zodiac alignments. You can’t date the zodiac.

That’s how Graham Hancock deceives you and gets you to accept a 10,800 year BC data for a different type of monument. You’ll go, he’ll go through all these ancient monuments and use stellar alignments computer software and get you to think all man. He’s on to something. He’s using a computer showing me that Leo was right here. Therefore, this structure right here was built when Leo was in the car.

This age of Leo, absolute poppy cop. Total bullshit. Now, if you guys think I’m just picking on. I’m picking on Graham Hancock. Let me explain. If you think I’m just picking on Billy Carson, you need to understand, none of these men have come to the. To the table. None of these men have stepped up to the plate. That should tell you something. Nothing out of my mouth should matter as much.

The weight of the evidence and the proofs that I bring to the table, that all this is B’s, nothing I bring to the table should affect you more than the fact of their silence. That should tell you everything. Should tell you everything. Guys. The second. The second body of evidence that completely nullifies all the imposition of archaeoastronomy to use the zodiac to date ancient monuments. And all that absolute b’s is the very fact of the data set that I showed about what happened in the year 713 BC, when the sun retrograded ten degrees and it was recorded in both hemispheres.

That’s another unbreakable data set. All the civilizations in the world only knew a 360 day year. And then something happens in the sky, and then the sun behaves erratically, and it’s recorded in both hemispheres. A plasma discharge from the sky vaporizes 185,000 assyrian soldiers, all wearing armor and all kinds of shit antenna vaporized. In the apocalypse of barrack says, the Israelites went out there and looked at the bat, looked at the.

Look at the battlefield. They found nothing but melted armor and swords and all kinds of stuff. All biological materials have been incinerated. They had turned to ash. It’s crazy. And then every culture, every civilization, every priesthood in the world changed their calendars from 360 to either 364 day days a year with a leap, with a leap year, with a leap date every four years or 365 days a year.

And then they had to take it a day out every ten years or so. They came up with all kinds of different systems. While we have so many different ancient calendars, so what happened? That data set alone, the very fact that the year changed because something in the sky changed, that alone also completely kills archaeological astronomy. If you don’t factor that into your computer simulations, you can’t get an accurate date from a plant, from a stellar, or a plant, a planetary alignment using your software.

If your software doesn’t take that into consideration, you’re. You are off by 5. 24 days for every single year beyond 713 BC. None of your. None of those books matter. Nothing said in those books can be true. That’s how big this is, guys. That’s why archaics has been met with absolute silence. What I have brought to the table collapses. 99% of all information that has already been put into the field.

It is false B’s. There’s some good. There’s some good information out there, but you can’t get it through zodiac dating, you can’t get it through archaeoastronomy. There’s some good chronologists out there in the past, outside of them. Crazy world we live in. These date count systems and these moon count systems are important to understand because it alters the fundament of everything we know in the unfolding, sequential unfolding of historical events puts them in their prominent perspective during the pre flood world.

It allows us to date all the tepe sites. There’s nothing important about Gobekli Tepe. These were the edens of the ancient world. In Turkey. There’s nothing important about the cattle Hoyuk. It’s just another Hoyuk site. The tepe sites were. First, they were the walled enclosures, then came after the Edens were no longer useful, then came the Huyuk sites like cattle Hoyuk. These were different though, because these Hoyuk sites demonstrate a vapor canopy world.

This is another thing that archaics has brought to the table that is being told ignore the vapor canopy scenario changes. It totally alters what we know about the unfolding of historical events. It changes their timing. It gives a. It makes us understand the mechanism of floods, what the phoenix is doing, why it was called the typhon flood in the ancient world. Stupid ass ice age theory is so dumb.

So dumb. Yeah. Guys, uniform uniformitarians are programmed to believe in certain data sets as being true. And they’re not. The more you scrutinize the material, you find out that it’s all built on supposition. Suppositions are built on hypotheses. Hypotheses are built on the framework of theories that were never proven, but were, but were asserted as facts in books from the 1960s, fifties, forties, thirties, thirties and twenties. But when you go back to the original materials, you find out that all these were mere assertions.

They only became fact after publishers turned them into fact over and over and over. They were never made facts by the empirical evidence of observation. It never happened. Never happened. If you’re still believing in NASA, you’re basically living in a pinwheel version of reality. You’re facebook educated and there’s nothing that anybody can do for you. It’s crazy. It’s crazy what people, what people allow themselves to believe. It’s just.

It astonishes me. When we, when we go back to the date count and the moon count systems, it helps. It helps us understand. I showed you guys my data sets. We don’t. Not only do we have the accurate dating for the pyramid excuse me, but the great pyramid dates itself. The Great Pyramid accurately dates itself. Pyramid construction was begun at 2905 BC. It was the year 990 Anno moon dymid construction ended.

1080 moons later. 1080 moons later. 90 years. 90 years of great pyramid construction. It was completed in 20, 815 BC. I have shown this from multiple different mathematical vantage points. I have shown this from scientific analysis. I have shown this from chronographical material, ancient text, and the writings of other chronologists. It’s absolutely precise. The Great Pyramid is self referencing when we understand that the great pyramid of Giza is absolutely a stone lithic, three dimensional template of world calendars.

Every bit of this makes sense. Every bit this makes sense to find all the calendars of the world encoded within the rectilinear dimensions of the Great Pyramid. You guys know it? Mah arcades veterans know. I’m not blowing smoke up your ass. Data set after data set after data set, showing you that the great Pyramid is a prophecy in rock. This was known, as far as it was suspected, a thousand years ago.

It was. Demonstrations began in the 1860s with John Taylor, then Robert Menzies, then astronomer Royale, Charles Piazzi Smith. Yeah, that’s when demonstrations began showing that the rectilinear measurements were actually prophetic timelines. It’s amazing. Then we had a giant in the field of science, Sir Flinders Petrie, who went in there and used a micrometer and measured everything in the great pyramid and scientifically published. His debt is his measurements, and those are the only measurements that I use.

Those are the measurements also only used by engineer David Davidson. And we come. We came to the exact same conclusions. Right. The only difference between David Davidson and I is I had written. I had written chronic on after 20 years of chronological research, and I had a more accurate understanding of the. Of the unfold, sequential unfolding of historical events. He did not have a chronology done, so he wasn’t able to find all the things that I have found and published in my published books in m 1700 and something videos, a whole bunch of articles.

Yeah, guys, this. It’s amazing. It is absolutely amazing. Also, what archegs have brought to the table that no one has ever published before is the phoenix phenomenon found by the day count system. And in the moon count system, it is commissariat. How do we know this? Because in the crying, the Phoenix chronology, it is 138 years, but it’s self referencing. How do we know it’s self referencing? Because every 138 years, the Phoenix phenomenon visits our world somewhere, and in some capacity, at different orders of magnitude.

But 138 years is exactly 1656 moons. It’s self referencing. The pre flood world was 1656 years, which is exactly twelve times 138. The more we study the calendrics of our reality, the more we come into contact with the fact that azop observers of the construct, from within the construct, we are confronted with the perspective of someone observing an unfolding mandelbrot set. Everything is in proportion, everything is repetitive, it’s in a loop and it’s all self referencing.

Can’t make this stuff up, guys. Just can’t make this stuff up. This is exactly, this is exactly why these marriages ignoring this. I wouldn’t doubt it. Like Matthew McCroy maybe, or Jimmy Coursetti have gone, have tried to go deep in my material, but they just weren’t able to because the archaic material is. It overturns all that b’s. We’re talking about ancient aliens and all that crap. So the other thing we have to do, we have to take into consideration is the another thing we have to take into consideration is the dark satellite chronology, the tower of battle story.

All of these are, all of these are found out. All of these unfold and give us more cylindrical information on these ancient calendars and how they process time. Hell, that every time the dark satellite comes, it does major edits to our reality. There is no way this could be possible. If we live in a material, basically a newtonian universe, we can’t live in the world. Uniformitarians tell us for these things to be true.

The absolute precision of chronological systems passing over the 713 BC threshold of the year changing from 360 to 365 days a year is absolutely impossible in a newtonian universe. We are in a construct that can be changed. But if we were in a real world, in a real universe, that change would have never been, never allowed for the perfect unfolding of 138 year Phoenix visitations. Remember, Phoenix is the keeper of the calendar.

Remember, Phoenix was regarded by the israelite tribe of Issachar. Remember, the tribe of Issachar were the one, the only of all the Israelites who were told to be the keepers of the times. Right? So it’s a, it’s by understanding the unfolding of these historical calendar call systems that we understand that the jewish. The jewish calendar is an ex post facto imposition upon our world. It is a falsified construct that leads you into rabbit holes for which you cannot establish.

The jewish calendar was specifically created to throw you off. You are not going to be able to figure out where we are in the timeline of the construct. If you adhere to the jewish calendar. I have shown the data set. It too is an unbreakable data set. I have the video on the lie that is the jewish calendar. It was specifically created to throw you off. And it has done a fantastic job.

Everybody who comes to come into archaic sighting. Well, hey, I don’t understand, Jason, you said this is the year. Excuse me. 2024 is the year. 5918 Annal Moon D. And we don’t understand because the jewish calendar, hebrew year, this is such as such and such. It’s because you don’t know the facts. There isn’t a single jew today that can sit in front of me and defend, defend the integrity of the jewish calendar.

All it takes me, all I have to do is ask him to cite his sources. He’s not going to be able to do it. But I did. I show, I showed you exactly how they created it when they created. And you’re going to be shocked. Those of you who have not seen that video on the lie that is the jewish calendar in my understand. Everything I’m talking about right now is in two playlists.

Everything I’m talking about is video. One is the archaics playlist on bad data. Archaics analysis of bad data. That playlist. And the other one is the annuna files. The annuna files playlist goes deep off into these cylindrical systems. Yeah. You guys just, you need to understand, I don’t want this video to go too long, but you have to understand why. And I need you to stop. There’s. There’s some of you being aggressive going into these other guys channels and.

And leave it. Listen, it’s all the callouts already been done. They listen, they’ve already lost face with the community. They’ve been feeling this. They understand their position. They are know the trajectory of their career from this point on. They’re not dumb. They’re not dumb. The only thing they can do right now is churn and burn. It’s all I can do is churn and burn. Get a whole bunch of people who don’t know anything about anything, and then turn around and, uh, you know, follow it for a while and then realize I’m full of shit.

But it’s okay. It’s okay. I don’t need you to be aggressive. I’m already doing that. And believe me, I’m not. Believe me, I just not. I got too much more data coming out that’s gonna further increase their ability to keep promoting what they’re promoting without looking like total asses. So just let me do my job, guys. I don’t, I don’t need, I don’t need our caves to lose face because you guys are getting too aggressive in their comment sections.

Believe me, they’ve already felt it. They’re gonna feel this more. I’m at the post office on a mission, so it’s critical to understand that this isn’t, so this isn’t just a situation where, you know, like, people try to make it out to be, oh, Jason, let them have their truths. Yeah, I’m not. Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m not liberal, but. Oh, oh, Jason, the, the realm is big enough for you to put your material out there and leave them alone.

Yeah. Well, let me tell you something. I’m gonna tell you the greatest. I’m going to tell you right now that all these arguments that I have heard from different people that are trying to get me to back off and just, just mind my business. I heard that one this morning, too. I’ve gotten over 15,000 new subs in, what, the last two weeks? Yeah, we were all waiting for me to get, to get 138.

It was less than three weeks ago that I had a hundred, that I had, like, 100 and, what, 34,000 subs, and we were all talking about, oh, it’s gonna be awesome when I get 138. Then 138 came, and I only had 138,000 subs for two days. Then I had 139 and 140. Look, guys, the evidence alone that the call outs are working is the fact that so many people are trying to figure out, okay, what is it that’s in archaics that is irresistible, because it must be irrefutable if all these guys who claim to have been promoting the truth and have the receipts are suddenly quiet.

People are basically intelligent, and I’m going to continue running archaics with that assumption. .

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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