Islands of Bones Cyclical Flood Theory 1871Islands of Bones Cyclical Flood Theory 1871
➡ This video talks about two different ways of understanding the world’s history: uniformitarianism and catastrophism. Uniformitarianism suggests that the world’s features were formed over a long time, while catastrophism believes that sudden disasters shaped the world. The speaker argues that catastrophism is more accurate, using examples of sudden changes in geography and historical records from ancient thinkers. He criticizes uniformitarianism as a recent idea that was popularized due to funding and political shifts, rather than its accuracy.
➡ The text discusses two theories about the history of the earth: uniformitarianism, which suggests slow, gradual changes over time, and catastrophism, which suggests sudden, catastrophic events. The author criticizes famous scientists like Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin for promoting uniformitarianism, arguing that evidence like mixed animal fossils and changes in geography point to catastrophic events. The author also suggests that the Great Pyramid of Giza might have been built as a warning about these catastrophic events. Finally, the author discusses the possibility that these catastrophic events could be linked to biblical floods.
➡ The speaker discusses the theory that a massive flood in 2239 BC created the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and destroyed various ancient structures. They also mention the “Phoenix number” 207, which they believe is significant in predicting such events, as seen in ancient Chinese texts that predicted a great flood. The speaker also suggests that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was built as a warning system for future generations about these catastrophic floods. Lastly, they express their intention to reach out to others to discuss the actual date of the great flood.
➡ The text discusses how scientists from various fields started to adopt uniformitarian principles to secure funding and avoid being shunned in peer reviews. However, one scientist disagreed with the new narrative of the ice age, arguing that the data actually pointed to a massive flood. He also found evidence of a reset phenomenon that could completely wipe the slate clean. The text also criticizes the scientific establishment for promoting false theories and refusing to admit their mistakes.
➡ In 1958, NASA was established and a big campaign was launched to educate American youth about evolution and natural selection. However, the author argues that there are many scientific discoveries that challenge these widely accepted theories, but these findings are often suppressed or hard to find. For example, human artifacts and remains have been found in coal, which contradicts the belief that coal takes hundreds of thousands or millions of years to form. The author suggests that there was once a thriving civilization in North America that was completely buried, and evidence of this can be found in various artifacts and structures discovered deep underground.
➡ The text discusses various books and theories that challenge the uniformitarian model, which suggests that humans evolved from primitive hominids over millions of years. The author highlights numerous archaeological findings, such as artifacts found in coal seams and ancient structures, that suggest advanced civilizations may have existed in the past. The author also mentions the idea of ‘resets’ in human history, where advanced societies are wiped out by cataclysms and new societies emerge. The author encourages readers to explore these alternative theories and question the mainstream understanding of human history.
➡ The speaker discusses a theory that the world was populated and full of infrastructure before recorded history. They mention a scientist who disagreed with the ice age theory and whose work was overlooked. The speaker also talks about their upcoming Q&A session and warns about imposters on social media. They then delve into a book that suggests the northern hemisphere was recently underwater, which is supported by the discovery of frozen animal carcasses in the north.
➡ The text discusses a theory that a massive flood, not glaciers, caused the scattered boulders and deposits found all over the earth. This flood, which only affected the northern hemisphere, also explains the disappearance of large mammals and the presence of their remains in unexpected places. The text suggests that this flood was caused by a shift in the ocean’s center of gravity, and that such events could happen again. It also mentions that this theory challenges the traditional ice age theory and the work of geologist Charles Lyell.
➡ The text discusses a theory that after 2040, due to a shift in the Earth’s equator, Australia will become prime real estate. The theory suggests that a depressurization event at the equator will cause a tsunami that will devastate the northern hemisphere, depositing debris at the North Pole. As the waters recede, they will leave behind new land masses in the southern hemisphere, making areas like Australia and New Zealand larger. The text suggests that this cycle has happened before and will happen again, changing the world as we know it.
➡ The article talks about a theory that a massive fire destroyed the world, including human civilization and large animals, or megafauna. After the fire, a huge tsunami from the equator covered the northern hemisphere, depositing the remains of these animals all over. As the water receded, these remains formed islands. The article suggests that this cycle has happened multiple times and that the southern hemisphere is due to flood the northern hemisphere again. The author also discusses the idea that the Arctic was once a semi-tropical climate, supporting a large number of megafauna, and that this changed when a vapor canopy collapsed, flash freezing everything and creating the current icy conditions.
➡ The article discusses the theory that woolly mammoths and rhinoceroses had long hair not for protection from cold, but as a cooling system, similar to many tropical animals. It also suggests that a vapor canopy could have allowed for the growth of large amounts of food and diffused sunlight, supporting the existence of large mammals. The article also mentions evidence of humans and large mammals coexisting, and the possibility of a massive flood event. Lastly, it speculates about the location of pre-flood civilizations, suggesting they may have been in the southern hemisphere.
Guys, let me get my audio check in real quick. We got a whole lot to cover, so I’m not gonna waste much time. Just take one person to tell me my audios is working. Prime sound is great. Thank you. Brenda dark. Hey, buddy. Nanny puffins. Slow down. Danny Puffins, you can’t just show up on other people’s channels trying to fight everybody because they’re lying on me or because they disagree with me or because they misrepresent what I say.
Girl, you all over the place. Yeah. I appreciate. I appreciate the respect, though, that you do that you do accord me. That is good. I appreciate that, Danny Puffins, but you got to get off that. You got to get off that xeno warrior princess attitude. All right, let’s remove that from studio. Hello. Otter. Otter. Chris Topher. I’ve been seeing your name quite a bit, a lot lately. George Abdullah.
Always see you. All my moderators. Okay, after this video, sometime tonight, I will be posting. There were so many of you, we literally had to create an email list and just go by numbers. It was just way too many people to fit into the raffle deal. So, uh, we just put numbers in there, and then whatever number we pulled out that corresponded to the email list. So then we had to look up each email to find out who that individual was.
I don’t know. I don’t know any of these people. Guys. Twelve. We have twelve winners so far. This is just the first time. You guys know I’m liquidating a lot of my library. Not what you see here. These books here from 16, 1689, a whole shelf of 17 hundreds. And the rest are 18 hundreds to 1902. I don’t know. I’m not. These right here are the archaics material.
Got a whole stack of books I’m sharing with you today because it’s relevant to what we’re talking about. It’s relevant to this amazing book from 1871. I presented this data in the past before, but we didn’t take it seriously. Three people at the table were high as hell, and it was just a wrong atmosphere. My audio was terrible. It was. It was a. It was a microphone speaker that I didn’t know how to use.
So it war. It warbled a lot. And that information, their information, deserves to be represented in a more serious context. And that’s what we’re going to do here. Because 1871 cyclical flood theory is amazing. It’s absolutely amazing because it makes sense of our world, and it completely trashes using the same data. It completely trashes ice age theory. Remember, ice age is not a fact. It is still a theory.
As a matter of fact, it’s 59 different theories because they can’t even get it right. Yeah, so we’ll get it. We’ll get into that. We will get into that. Let’s see. Audio is excellent. Thank you, David. So we have twelve winners. Each winner is getting a book, a book from the 18 hundreds. Each winner is getting archaics merchandise in the package. We change it up, throw different stuff in there.
Each winner is also getting a second book. And that second book is guaranteed to be over 110 years old. It these are the twelve winners get. We’re going to pick another twelve winners in the near future, probably at the Florida meetup. We didn’t really have time. We were, we were really, we really had an awesome meetup in Houston. I mean, we lost track of time. I even forgot to do the raffle.
Somebody had to remind me. We just had time to do a raffle right there for six winners. Little twelve year old girl. One that wasn’t set up, guys. It was. That girl wanted it. She made that happen. She made that happen. That girl wanted that bad. And, uh, she wanted to be a winter bad. You can just feel her energy in there and she, and she made it happen.
It. She really shocked us when we hit, when we were doing the rotisserie, went in there, all those people, we had over 100 something participants, and we pulled out her. Yeah, it wasn’t when we did that in front of everybody, guys, it was not stage. I mean, I shouldn’t be shocked because this is also one of the subject matters of my channel, that we do influence reality. We can affect the field.
We often do. We do it every day. Most of the time we’re doing it in the negative. But she did that. She did that in a room full of witnesses. And it really, really, I was taken aback by being in the presence of such high energy like that. I had forgotten what it’s like. I mean, I’m normally, I’m normally the one in. I don’t know. I just don’t know what happened.
This little girl, all hats off to her. Hats off to her because she did that. She was like the star of the show. Didn’t even know she was coming. But her dad’s cool as hell. Met him, talk to him. He’s got definitely got a reason to be proud. So Florida’s gonna be the same way, guys. We’re still selling tickets for the Florida meetup. We’re gonna have a blast in Florida.
We’re already talking. We’re already talking about doing something a little bit different. Oh, Florida is gonna be a lot like San Diego, but I’m not having a bunch of guests. I may. I may have people contact me that want to come in, and I’ll probably. I’ll probably allow them to speak. You know, it all depends. Houston. Houston was just me. Martin has some court proceedings, stuff like that.
He’s not in trouble or anything like that. It’s all. It’s a court proceedings for. For all, like, medical disability, stuff like that. And he was unable to come to the United States at that time. I’m hoping we can get him here in the near future. So. But, yeah, I’ve got. I’ve got. I’ve got people I’m in contact with, and I. And if they want to come in and give a 30, 45 minutes speech on the floor to event, I’m all for it.
I mean, if that’s you, if that’s you and. And you’re also in the same position, to me, you have a. You have a community and you listen, but go ahead and contact me. I got a lot of good names from that post today. I appreciate you guys. I asked you for names of people who would be willing to come on to my channel that come from basically the judeo christian background and would like to.
Would like to discuss or debate the date of the great flood. I’ll even give them carte blanche to go ahead and tell me what the. What the date of the great flood is and to provide all their evidence before I. Before I even speak, because I know the date of the great flood, and I know it by many different species of mathematical analysis. The calendrics don’t lie. My archaics veterans already know what I’m talking about.
But it’s very easy, easy to show someone an accurate chronology once you understand exactly where they got their numbers. Yeah, guys. So I’m cool with that. I’m really cool with. I’m really cool with that. Yeah. Jamie Robbins, you can speak. You can get on that microphone and do it. Florida. We’re gonna do something a little different. Um, Florida’s awesome, guys. We got friends in Florida, but I think we’re going to.
After the event, we’re probably going to make a late night of it. We’re going to get a lot of good sleep the day before. We’re going to make a lot. And after the event, we’re going to pick somewhere, a restaurant or something like that. Go hang out, maybe a restaurant bar type deal, something that can take all of us in. There and we’ll just go take over the place and we’ll just make it public.
And that’s not something you got to buy tickets for. That’s not the venue. The venue that, you know, the venue that we’re getting is insured and all that. But as far as coming just to hang out, if you didn’t go to the event, you can meet us at whatever restaurant we post. We gotta. We’re gonna have to find a place in Tampa that can take us. It’s got to be able to take 150 to 300 people.
Something somewhat outdoor venue or maybe a whole food court with a bunch. I don’t know. We just have to figure it out. Figure it out. Talking about doing a hangout till about midnight, 01:00 or so. All right. Okay. 1440, 1400 people in here. It’s pretty good. Really, really surprised lately, getting 4400 and 4500 people live at the same time. But then again, it goes by subject matter and a crown was given to him.
That crown was the Corona guys. You all saw it. There was a hundred million witnesses to the passing of the crown. We have left the first seal. We are at the very beginning of the second seal. For those who are anointed, for those, for those who are vibrating on a whole other frequency, for those who are led by the spirit, who still have that connection to source, this is a show.
It’s an amazing time to be alive. That’s what it is. But for those who are still steeped into the lower negative bass frequencies of the collective, who are still a part and participating in dungeon programming, who have not quite broke, break. You know, they haven’t broken free yet. Remember, you gotta break free or die trying. That’s the whole point of an immortal passing through this construct. It’s also the point of this video.
Hey, Jeff Stout, my buddy. But, uh, that was my best friend in like 3rd, 4th grade. We did, we did a skit together. Little did I know I’d be doing skits in front of the whole world, but I did one with him in third or fourth grade. It’s crazy. And we were buds for a while. We separated, there were buds again. They used to, when I was a juvenile, used to hide me from the police.
Yeah, it’s crazy. Crazy. Then I got real trouble and I just signed a full confession because I really, I really wasn’t the participant that they tried to make me out to be. I just signed a full confession, turned myself in. And Jeff stout, he used to be. He used to be the guy trying to save Jason always trying to talk Simpson to me. But listen, the spirit wasn’t ready for me.
I was a prodigal son. I was supposed to go through a long period of darkness to come out to be the man that I am today. And there’s nothing Jeff stout here could have ever done to stop that. But I do appreciate the sentiment. He lives in Hawaii now. As a matter of fact, dawn was talking about taking a trip out to Hawaii. Jeff, so you got my email.
I would like to talk and discuss some of that, see, see about getting out there. So I need to visit my publisher too, on the way San Diego. So anyway, uniformitarianism, guys, you got, you guys know already, don’t have any respect for it. Two scientific school, basically schools of thought. One of them is ancient. It goes back to the days of Pliny, a naturalist, a geographer, Strabo, another geographer historian named Diodorus Siculus.
These men live 2000, 202,000, 102,000 years ago. These men left those writings today that we have. And they’re fascinating. They’re fascinating, but these men were catastrophists. The reason they were catastrophists is just like Lucretia showed, and I have quoted Lucretia’s many times on my channel. The entire history of the world is punctuated by earthquakes and tsunamis that have destroyed whole civilizations. The entire history of the world, that was the, that was the idea up until the 18th century.
In the late 17 hundreds, we had a school start rising, trying, trying to, trying to make, tell a different story. They were ignoring the catastrophist evidence and now thinking that maybe, maybe some of these things that we see around us are after long periods of time. They were created in long periods of time and not from sudden catastrophes. Now on my channel I’ve gone through, I have hundreds of videos where I show, saw myriads of pieces of data points and data sets that almost everything in our world is the result of multiple different catastrophes.
I’ve even dated those and provide mathematical framework showing you different. The nemesis, x object timeline, the Phoenix phenomenon timeline, the dark satellite timeline. Those are three of the major ones. There are minor ones as well. But we don’t, we don’t have any evidence of uniformitarianism. The cities of South America that are found high in the Andes mountains at 12,000ft altitude were not built there. They ended up there moments after the entire south american area uplifted 12,000ft.
How do we know? I’ve shown the evidence on my channel. It’s not my, it’s not my research. I’m reading from the old books and the old books especially. The archaeologist Poznansky in 1901 and 1902, who was on site, found the fossilized coastlines, 12,000 foot altitude, found the docks in the quays, found all the evidence of a bay and everything underneath. It was formerly underwater. All the archaeology, the most ancient archaeology, is all above the 12,000 foot imaginary waterline.
The seas never change the levels. It never happens. The sea, for thousands of years, has always been basically the same exact level. What changes is the submarine topography. As I showed in 1902, scientific soundings of us geological survey ships showed in 1902. The water was only 600ft deep. After the volcanic eruption in 1902 of Mount Pele, it was now 3400ft deep. The ocean level never changed. The beach didn’t change.
It’s all still there. The. It’s under the water. The submarine topography changes. Mountain ranges are created in minutes. Mountain ranges sink in minutes. Like Davis island, with 5000 occupants, sank below the sea. No one’s ever seen it before. The giant granite quay of Lisbon, Portugal, in the year 1755, during the great earthquake, transcontinental asian european earthquake fell throughout the Mediterranean and Africa too, probably. A worldwide quake in 1755 had the people of Lisbon, Portugal, terrified.
A whole bunch of them ended up on one place they thought was safe. A gigantic granite quay right there on the edge of the city bordering the ocean. 60,000 people in less than 10 seconds vanished when the entire quay just went straight in the water. And the in the in flooding water prevented nothing from coming up. Every ship in the harbor, every body, every article of clothing, everything that was floating, all the flotsam and jetsam from that was thrown out, all gone.
The ocean was clean. We don’t know what happened to them, because that quay didn’t just go down, it went down and kept going down in order to pull all those people so far deep, 60,000 people lost their lives in a second. This is the history of our world. It is a history of catastrophes. The uniformitarian model is a poison that was introduced, was introduced and funded by rich oligarchs.
I’ve told that story as well. Charles lied. Charles Darwin. These men are not the first. They’re the ones that became famous for the idea of things being hundreds of millions of years old. I’m not saying the world is not hundreds of millions years old. What I’m saying is the distribution of geographical features that we see and we call topography around us is of late provenance. It’s all very recent.
It’s demonstrably. So we’re going to get into a book right here. 1871. This man was amazing, because 37 years after Charles Lyle had released that data that basically told the world, oh, look, man, we’ve got it all wrong. Everything. Geology. Well, here’s a new science of geology. All these rocks prove that everything’s millions of years off. Listen, none of that, none of that was true. Every bit of that was artistic license.
Scientists revolted against Charles Lyle and Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin felt the pressure so much when he created the origin of species and basically put an outline together for natural selection. Even though no pre, no, no, in no, uh, intermediate, transitional life forms have ever been found, what we find fossilized is the exact same life forms that we find alive today. So it’s all. He couldn’t, he couldn’t explain this.
And at the end of his life, and they never cite this, but I have on my channel, Charles Darwin said that after looking and examining all the evidence, nothing could be truer than the fact that our world has been destroyed multiple times. This is 100% a uniformitarian statement. No, I’m. Excuse me, I’m sorry. It is a catastrophe statement. No uniformitarian could agree with that. These are the two schools of thought.
They’ve been at war for a while, but funding is why you haven’t heard that catastrophism is the only school of world history that has been acknowledged since the scientists of the alexandrian library. Since Lucretius wrote his most fascinating 7355 line form on the nature of the universe, which describes our world. And I’ve quoted him showing you that he knew about the phoenix phenomenon. He knew about that the sun darkened at specific times and that, and that the period was so, so long, people forgot.
Lucretius wasn’t the only one. Pliny the Elder isn’t the only one. I’ll be doing a video on Pliny soon. We’ll be reading out of his book. It’s fascinating natural history. But these men, they’re not the only one. They’re not the only ones from the ancient world. I’ve mentioned Strabo, I’ve mentioned Diodorus Siculus. These men were all catastrophists. But there’s so many more that we have. We have those writings.
It was only in the last 250 years that this uniformitarian poison has surfaced. Not only has it surfaced, but it was instantly funded. It was funded to. Everybody’s careers were modified because many people signed the contract. And what I mean is, a lot of these people, these scientific establishments, they’re very smart, they saw the writing on the wall and they realized, damn. In their postdoctorate studies and their peer reviewed materials, they realized real quick, in the 1850s, 1860s and 1870s, they knew that something had happened.
There was a. There was a political shift. And if they were to bucket, they will never get funding or recognition for their fields. So botanist and paleobotanist and astronomers and. And ethnologist and archaeologist and geologist, they all got on board. Just took 30 years, because they realized, damn, I can get funded if I write a book on paleobotany and I throw in their uniformitarian principles. I can borrow from Charles Lyle.
As long as I paint ancient plants under the guise of uniformitarianism, I’m going to live like a fat. Like a fat cat because they’re going to fund me, they’re going to put my books out, and I’m not going to be. I’m not going to be shunned in peer review. This is what happened. Anthropologists bit to. This was how this is a 30 year period, but there’s one man I’m going to introduce you to who didn’t bite.
Not only did he not bite, but he couldn’t stand this new idea, not just uniformitarianism, because he, too, kind of, kind of fell for the. Some of the uniformity made sense to him. He kind of fell for some of that. But he saw that the uniformitarians were building a new narrative, and that new narrative was ice age. He took the exact same data as we’ll show in this.
In this video, and he. And he showed conclusively in 1871 that ice age is bullshit, and that all this data actually shows a flood mechanism that is unheard of. It is nothing like I have ever seen presented in any material before. It literally changes. Changes what? The scope of the damage. This was not a phoenix phenomenon event. It could have happened on a phoenix phenomenon here. But this is something else.
This. I believe this man found the 21 78 reset phenomenon, which is attached to the phoenix phenomenon only because it’s every 138 years. But I think this man found a totally different mechanism that completely washes the slate clean. Yeah, we’re not talking about the great flood of Noah. We’re not talking about the old gygeon delusion. 1687 BC or 22 39 BC flood of Noah, when the Mediterranean and the Black Sea were created in a day when the pillars of Hercules blood broke.
We’re not even talking about the Gihon flood. When Inky appeared with 50 Annuna, 432,000 turnings of the stars, twelve centuries before the great flood in 22, 39 BC. We’re not even talking about that event. That was 3439 BC, called the Gihon flood. One third of the world. According to the ancient records, one third of the world perished. But we’re not even talking about that. But we very well could be talking about the Adam and Eve reset in the year 3895 BC, year one of the ancient Anna Mundi calendar.
If it’s not that date, then we would be talking about 5239 BC, which is the very first year of the entire historical record. It is as far back as the archaics research will go because it’s all we have. It’s all the data that we have only goes back that far. Remember, archaics is advanced research of chronological history of artificial intelligence. X. I have literally deconstructed all the ancient calendars of the world and showed them to you what their origin was, how they.
How they factored the passage of time. And I showed you what their begin dates were and what that means for us today. So what this man has found can only be something so systemic, that is, it is a absolute 100% reset of the world. It’s far worse than the phoenix phenomenon, but it’s amazing because he provides all the evidence. It’s crazy. So, all right, guys, I’m going to introduce you to this guy.
Make sure my chats going good. Present share screen. I’ll just share that entire screen. How about that? All right, now y’all are all in my business. All right, so this is. This is the book, 1871. You have to understand, he’s a scientist, so he’s still speaking from scientific perspective. Cyclical deluges and an explication of the chief geological phenomena of the globe. Don’t get offended, guys. Of the globe.
By proofs of periodical changes of the earth’s axis. Yeah. This is going to go way beyond any type of temporal pole shift, lithospheric displacement, the mechanism that he is, that he is describing. I have never come across anything like this, but it makes absolute sense, embracing a theory founded on geographical facts on the true geological formation of carboniferous mineral. All right, this guy is William Bassett Walker. William Bassett Walker.
All right? 1871, right there at the bottom. 1871, carboniferous mineral, coal. Talking about here is coal. So we have to. We have to. Let me stop sharing real quick. All right, so I just wanted to show you. This is the book we’re going. We’re going to be talking about. But because he is focusing on carboniferous mineral, he is focusing on the distribution of coal seams, coal flats, coal fields, coal deposits, distributed all over the world.
He has found something that is so compelling for 1871 and yet he had not, he had not put together what these other men had put together. Years later, those books I showed, I have twelve books to show you that’ll blow your mind. The type of data that’s in these books. For example, we’re going to go through these books first and then I’m going to, then I’m going to go through the 1871 71 text so you can really get a grasp of the data.
This he’s presenting, this is evolution cruncher. I’ve told you guys about it. If there’s anybody in the world who’s still clinging to, to anything NASA tries to promote or anything the uniformitarians promoted, listen, anybody still trying to cling to that need to read this book. Need to read this book. This book literally dices through and shows you from other scientists who have pretty much discredited every scientific theory out there.
Just go, they just going through them just showing that they’re all B’s. It’s all arbitrary. You are being deceived. It’s all, it’s all heavily funded. Now you have to remember guys, pill down, Piltdown man in 1912 was supposed to be the evidence for evolution. Scientific community got caught. 1953 another scientist came out and well, first of all in 1912 when Pilme came out, they had it, they had a, a specialist on dental stuff.
Look at, look at pill down man. It was supposed to be the missing link. Oh, evolution is true. 1912 made world news. Scientific establishment, they funded encyclopedias, books. Now in 1913, 1415, all through World War one, World War two, what do you have? You have hundreds of millions of people educated that evolution is real. They came from a monkey, chimpanzee, all because this little skeleton right here was said to be the missing link.
This one, this one little piece right here. But this dentist in 1913 analyzed it and he published that somebody had filed all the teeth down from, from a monkey, just a period, wasn’t a hominid. There’s, this isn’t a missing link. Somebody had filed the teeth down. They shut him up. 1953, scientists were looking at Piltdown man and all the people who are a part of the hoax by 1953 were dead.
They’re gone. So other scientists come out and they start researching pill down man. They find out pig bones, pig teeth. They’re looking through this whole thing in the entire skull, what is is plaster. There wasn’t a skull. There was nothing there but teeth and the teeth have been filed down to deceive other, other scientists. This is the scientific establishment, proof of evolution, don’t have anything else, but they foisted that upon the people.
And it worked for a long time. By shutting people down. By shutting them up. Yeah, just like 1837, when Colonel Howard vice was president, almost out of funding, and he needed to have a major discovery in the great pyramid. So he and another man went inside the great pyramid and painted, using the dyes that are all up and down the nile that have been used for thousands of years.
He used the same dyes and he did a crude painting of Khufu’s cartouche in, in the relief Davidson’s relieving chamber in the great Pyramid and then had somebody else discover, you know, go up in there and discover it. And then World news published that Colonel Howard Weiss made a huge discovery. He has affirmatively proven that Herodotus of Haller, Karnasus in 450 bc was absolutely correct in his book the histories.
Khufu did build the pyramid, absolute b’s. But they silenced Humphreys brewer because Humphreys Brewer came out and said, man, I helped paint that. You’re a lion ass. We need that with that. Eight thousands of years old. But this is what the scientific establishment, establishment which is also egyptologist, this is what they do. They lie. They’re no different than religious organizations and they’re no different than, than government organizations.
That’s what they do. They deceive you. So that’s what happened in 1953. It was affirmatively shown that all that was B’s, the whole stories in here with a whole bunch of other scientific discoveries. Oh, this is a fascinating book. Whole bunch of scientific discoveries that have all been disproven. But do they rewrite the history books? No. Do they rewrite the science books? No, no, they don’t. Science will never admit to its wrongs, ever.
So. Oh, this is 1953. Now in 1958, two things happen. Two things happen. In 1958, NASA comes out. NASA is very heavily funded and it’s promoting the idea that, you know, all the NASA ideas, which are absolutely b’s. We’ve been through that many times on my channel. Now, at the same time, in 1958, a massive well funded campaign was unleashed on the youth of America. Cartoons, comic books and a massive amount of educational programming, all talking about evolution, natural selection, dinosaurs just, just going off.
It was 1958 is when this started. This, the establishment started heavily funding this false paradigm of uniformitarianism, despite the fact that they have been caught over and over and over lying about different artifacts. So I’m bringing these books to your attention because scientists have found many amazing things that completely overturn the uniformitarian model, but they’re suppressed. You get them in really interesting books. But the interesting books aren’t on National Geographic.
They’re not on the History Channel, unless you’re talking about ancient aliens. They’re not anywhere that the ordinary individual will find them. You have to go to the specialist literature. You have to have a library that you have taken a very long period of time to build in order to find this data. It’s not freely available. You have to really search for it. Even the William Cordless books I’m going to show you.
I have the whole collection now. But it took a lot to get that collection. Yeah, guys, they are. Even this book, a lot of people say they’re having trouble trying to find it. Evolution. Evolution handbook. Other people say it’s on eBay. Some people are selling it for three or $400. Other people can find it cheap in a bookstore for $5. Just where it is. It’s just way. It’s the state of things, guys.
So also in this book, you’re gonna find out human skeletons have been found in coal scenes. How’s that possible? How is that possible? If coal took hundreds of thousands or millions of years to form, if coal, which is a fossil, you know, to a fossil fuel byproduct, if coal really was what the uniformitarians tell us it is, how is it that we have found so much stuff in coal? Not in the mud above it, not in the clay below it, but the coal seams are packed with artifacts.
Yeah, the fried bird skull, a juvenile jawbone of a child, two gigantic human molars. Remember, in the vapor canopy period? Humans are huge. Yeah. A perfectly formed human leg and a femur encased in coal. A gold chain discovered in 1891 in Morrisville, Illinois, dropped out of a shovel of coal when the coal broke up on the floor. A gold chain. What civilization met their fate in an incendiary firestorm that reduced all the people and all the wood and objects of their culture and civilization to a bed of coal that got crushed under a great weight? We don’t know what year did that happen, but it’s all here.
Remember, in archaics? I’ve promoted over and over and over. Guys, we’re in a programmed loop. Yeah. A lot of people waking up will make their exodus because the AI system that governs this entire construct no longer wants you here. You have become an errant. You have become a problem. But there’s a lot of people who will loop back and start all over again and live through all these historical routines in the development of their.
More. They’re not ready right now. They’re not ready. They’re gonna be, they’re gonna stay on. They’re gonna stay on this roller coaster. Another ride. All kinds of jewelry been found in coal seams right here in this book. A steel cube. In 1885, Isadore bronze foundry at Volvo Lock, Austria. The coal was broken up in a perfectly geo, a perfect geometrical steel black cube. A cube. Some type of technology fell out of a piece of coal.
An iron pot. A perfectly preserved iron pot was discovered in 1912. 1912 at the municipal electric plant in Thomas, Oklahoma. Remember I told you guys about what they found 2 miles under heaven or Oklahoma? It was a whole city infrastructure. I’m gonna show you. I’m gonna show you some more about that. So I’m just going through some deep, going through some. Some of these. A child spoon found in 1937.
Coal. Now we’re talking about things. We’re talking about 50 to 500 foot of depth. These coal seams and all these things are found in them. How they, how’d they get there? Wedge shape object, a metallic object. All found inside pieces of coal. Man made objects suspended in rock, objects that were made by people. Here’s a whole list. Have also been found in non coal materials like limestone. Iron nails have been found in the fossil record.
Iron nails one inch long. Gold thread. Yeah. Gold thread embedded at a depth of eight of eight inches of stone. Stone that was broken up. Rock. Eight inches into that, a gold thread pops out. How’d that happen? More iron nails. Some iron nails have been found inside. Quartz. Wow. Okay. And it says right here, according to scientists, quartz does not require millions of years to form. It’s B’s.
Anyway. I’m not gonna get a silver vessel, a bell, a metal screw, a bowl of unknown metallic alloy. More iron nails. All these things have been found in coal seams. The list just goes on and on, guys. A small figurine of baked clay found at a depth of 320ft in a coal seam. A bronze coin at 114 foot deep in Chillicothe, Illinois, Illinois, 1871, found by weld. Well, well, drillers.
Yeah. This video is not about all these. I just knew. I just need you to understand that many videos in archaics present the data showing that North America is completely buried. There is an original infrastructure that was absolutely buried. Sometimes it’s 2 miles underneath, sometimes it’s 600ft. But North America was a thriving civilization. It was completely buried. And the Phoenix phenomenon isn’t really adequate. The Phoenix phenomenon doesn’t destroy things like that, not unless it’s, it’s, it’s the toys.
The 21 78 event. Marques veterans know exactly what I’m talking about. Only the 21 78 event could really do that. Or the, or the 3895 BC, Adam and E, Adam and Eve reset. That may have done it as well, because we’re talking about, we’re talking about ocean basins emptying. Yeah. The great flood is never the whole world. Never in the world’s history has the whole world been underwater.
So that’s not how, that’s not how a great flood works. But ocean basins change, and new dynasties are built upon drying ocean beds. We’ve seen this many times. So, yeah, there’s, you guys just need to get this book to see. Or in the future, we might just do a full dissertation on, on, on evolution crunchers. That would be a long video. Tile paving in 1936, below Plateau City, Colorado, close to Grand Junction, somebody was digging a cell, a cellar out in the floor, fell out from underneath them into a cavern, and they found tile paving, mortar.
Have no idea when this was built. Sometime in the past, the land that they bought from the United States was buried in a previous civilization. Crazy. Some of these ruins are miocene animals. Vapor canopy horses, three toed horses, three toed sloth, saber toothed tigers are often found distributed among these types of ruins. Remember in another, in a previous video, I’ve also explained to you the underground cities in Mexico are far deeper than tennis, Titland and the pyramid cities.
And that William Niven had excavated at 25 foot depth and found a whole nother, a whole nother layer of infrastructure down there. And it was mixed with, with human skeletons and mammoth bones everywhere. So with, with the pyramids and broken architecture. Excuse me. So, yeah, this just goes on. It’s a lot. Yeah. Wooden, unrecognizable wooden things that were shaped by human hands. Just, it just goes on. Actual bones that have been carved into works of art.
Rhinoceros horns that have been, that have been designed. Designer rhinoceros horn, I guess. Yeah, we got a lot. So I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna waste any more time. I said evolution cruncher has a lot of these things. William Corliss of the source book project strange artifacts. Again, he focuses to, on the coal seams. How did all these artifacts get perfectly preserved, but they’re inside lumps of coal? See, we have a lot like american antiquarian.
In the original National Geographics. We have these testimonies because the ovens that were being used in the 1870s, 1880s and 1890s required coal. Coal is not delivered like it is today. Today we get. We get machined coal that comes in these small lumps, so nothing’s ever found. And when it is found, it. It’s. It’s covered up. But in the 18 hundreds, coal was delivered by wagon and there would be a giant piece of coal and they chipped off a big old piece, and then you carried this, this.
This big lump of coal into your home and you put it in your coal bin. When you needed coal, you would take a coal hammer and you would just break a piece off. These are when these discoveries were being made. This is before they started pre packaging coal into small pellets. But people would open hit that coal and I would. I would pop a beautiful vase with gold and silver inlaid.
Yeah. Oh, we need. You need to. I didn’t. I don’t have the book here, but I read it. I read it years ago. But Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson in forbidden archaeology talk about these things as well. So, again, unknown Earth, a handbook of geological enigmas. This is a book by a scientist citing nothing but scientific reports showing that we have unusual phenomena, unusual geology, all over the world that the uniformitarian model cannot account for at all.
I love William Cordless again. William Cordless, ancient man, a handbook of puzzling artifacts. Again, this book is absolutely packed with things that you wouldn’t believe that we have discovered all kinds of things. They had electricity back then and they. I tell you all the time, it only takes 200 years to go from horse and buggy to Hadron Collider. So how many times do you think in about 5800 years of recorded human history that we have been technologically advanced? When you break down the traditions to their lowest common denominators, we find post reset societies that are always trying to describe things beyond their frames of reference.
This is a great clue as to what is happening. A society begins to read and write hundreds of years after a reset. They’re remembering through oral tradition things that are beyond their frames of reference. So it takes on traditional mythological tones. But when you reduce all these traditions and legends and lore to their lowest common denominators, you see over and over and over, new societies after cataclysms are describing that technologically advanced cultures were existing at the cataclysm.
So, yeah, this is. This is what we get. This is what Lucretia said. Lucretius, on the origin of the. Of the universe, said the same thing in his poem 2100 years ago, which was published in 53 BC said the same thing. History of the world is punctuated by cataclysms, floods, and earthquakes and that. And that our whole history of the world is told in retrospect by the descendants of survivors.
This is. That’s what he said. He’s not the only one. I did mark a page here. What’s this? Oh, fossil footprints. Yeah, this is William Cordis. Guys, I have to show these things. This is fossilized technology. He’s got a whole section in here of artifacts that can only be components to technological devices. Found where? In coal seams embedded in feet deep of limestone. How that happened? How’d it happen? So all this is necessary so I can.
So I can. So you guys can get a full grasp of what we’re going to talk about in the scientist book from 1871, which has given us the business. So, yeah, over and over, more curiosities from coal. He lists a bunch of things that are all discovered in coal. And again, we just don’t understand. We just don’t understand how the hell the entire world is full of coal seams that have these amazing artifacts in them with human skeletons.
They’ve all been found in coal seams, so all at different depths. Curious human skeletons. Bones embedded in rock. Human bones embedded in rock. Yeah. Oh, I got to do a video on this. I promise to do a video. Yeah. He’s got a huge section on the antiquity of ancient american man. A huge section on that, and all archaeology stuff. It’s amazing. Yeah. William Cordis. Guys, it’s awesome. Book again.
Handbook of unusual natural phenomena. This to book is back. This book is also packed with scientific reports that are showing that the uniformitarian model cannot be true. It is missing too many components. It is not a workable model of our history or our reality. It’s not the only one. We also have William Cordis. You understand this is the source book project. He spent his whole life amassing all these scientific reports just like Charles Fort did.
Again, here’s mysterious universe, a handbook of astronomical anomalies. Again, the astronomy does not support the uniformitarian model at all. And speak of the devil. Charles. For the complete works of Charles for. Right here. Book of the damned low. New lands, wild talents. Those are the four books of Charles Fort. Recommended reading. If you don’t read anything in your life, you should read the complete works of Charles Fort because they will completely change, change your idea of what you previously thought.
The type of world was that you live in. You can’t read this book, which is nothing but scientific reports, reports and eyewitness accounts taken from all over the world. 500 years of collected data by, by a man who, that’s all he did. He just collected all this data and put it all together for you to see. He throws some opinions in there. He’s real cynical. I love his humor.
But you know what? You can’t finish the complete works of Charles Fort and still think you live in the world presented by uniformitarians. You can’t. To be a uniformitarian today, you have to be brainwashed into collective educational programming. Any but anybody now promoting uniformitarianism, they are 100% brainwashed. And they’re brainwashed because they have absolutely refused to look at all the things that overturn the uniformitarian and model. So again, Darwin’s mistake is another fantastic bottle.
Bottle, I said bottle book that shows you that science today is full of shit. Absolutely full of shit. This book is fascinating. Full of pictures and again, coal scenes. Again, he goes into and explains. It doesn’t, it doesn’t even make sense. Everything that has been found in coal, coal deposits doesn’t even make sense according, because it just, it’s crazy. Just crazy. But, uh, yeah, he goes and he’s got another list.
Some of, some of, there’s some crossover with, with the other list. But he’s talking about thimbles. Just a sewing thimble. Thimbles that have been found in impossible places, reported in american antiquarian hammers that have been found in, in solid rock. A whole kettle that was found inside a coal seam. How did that happen? It’s got some interesting pictures. A coal seam that has a three toed reptile print in the ceiling.
It’s coal, but there’s a three toed reptile print upside down in the ceiling. How’d that happen? A lot of stuff in this book. This is another, this is another, this is another one. I would, I would recommend people look at. Yeah, you guys know the anti Kythera computer? You guys, I’ve talked about it. I’ve showed you guys that, that it’s probably, it’s probably modeled after the 583 bc phoenix phenomenon.
They, there are historical texts. They talk about a device just like this that was used by Thales of Miletus when he predicted the sun darkening. And we know that the prediction of the sun darkening was not an eclipse, it was, it was the phoenix phenomenon. So technological artifacts that have been found, he goes into it in this book to say that, look, there’s too many of them that have been found and suppressed for us to ever believe.
The uniformitarian model. The uniformitarian model promotes that we came from more primitive hominid forms and that eventually different over hundreds of thousands and millions of years present humans develop from these hominids. Uniformitarian is absolute bullshit. There is no way we would have ever been survived. Well, when you look at the. When you look at the record of everything that was living in this world in different biospheres, we would have never survived that.
Never survived all that. We would have been eaten off the world a long time ago. Crazy. All right, so this is no book that I would all definitely. Oh, this is a real good one. This is sourcebook project. Uniformitarianism has to ignore everything in this book. Neglected geological anomalies. They are neglected because they do not fit the model. They just don’t fit it. They do fit the catastrophe model.
Some of you guys deep in the mud floods, and some of you guys are real deep into the. Anybody doing mud flood research and anybody doing meltology research, you need to get the whole collection of William Cordis. You’re gonna find a lot of the information that it’s very difficult to find. You’re gonna find all of it. You’ll have. You’ll have endless amounts of videos to do out of the William Cordless deal.
I promote that. Yeah, this is the world. The world’s big enough guys for. For all of us to be producing this material. I’m never going to be able to do it all, but somebody needs to get the whole collection of William Corliss and just start putting all that information on YouTube so everybody can see how profound this is. All right, so we have three more I’m going to show you before I get into the presentation, ancient structures.
Again. Again, remarkable stuff. But these are from the historical record. All the. All the archaeology in this book and all of the illustrations, all the things that are found. These are. This is Sumer, Akad. This is ancient Israel. This is Egypt, South America, Urim Baba Valley, Yangtze Valley of China. All of this is recognizable history, even if it’s an anomaly, even if it’s very unusual about how technologically advanced some of these structures are.
So I have to show you this so you understand just how incredibly amazing this is, because this is not recognizable. Whatever culture or civilization that built the things that are seen in this book buried at different levels all over the world, isn’t anything that we have in historical record. This comes from an entire different epic. Before sumer, before our recorded history, our entire world was already populated. It was already full of infrastructure.
So. And, of course, uniformitarians will always have to ignore William Cortis research on biological anomalies. Yeah. Things that do not make, make sense at all, that we are deteriorating and getting smaller and smaller as opposed to the, the idea of natural selection and all that. So those are my book recommendations. Some of them were very hard and difficult to find. Yeah, that’s all I needed to get all that out, and it took almost an hour, but I needed to get all that out.
So you’ll understand just how compelling this scientist who disagreed with ice age theory, who for 37 years had been enduring the fame of Charles Lyle, who got funded and got to watch as all these other people in his field take sign the contract. And in signing the contract, their books were promoted, their, their research was promoted, and his book fell to the wayside until Jason of Archaics found it in old PDF or somebody sent it in an email and I just left it alone for about six months and then when I started reading it, I couldn’t stop.
So I’m all about, you guys already know, I’m all about giving credit where credit is due. And this man’s, this man’s name and research needs to come back, back to the forefront. It’s fascinating. All right, let’s see here. Share my screen. Check my chat real quick. I haven’t, haven’t had a chance to look at my chat, guys. I never do. I’m always talking. My next video is straight QA and it’s going to be, I do advanced q and A from arcades veterans and I do my baby Phoenix Q and A’s.
I’ve always kept them separate, but are probably two days from now, we’re going to do a q and a, probably three, maybe 4 hours. And we’re just gonna get a bunch of stuff out. You get a bunch of stuff out and it’s gonna be open to all. It’s gonna, it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be for my, for my advanced, um, for, it’s gonna be from archaics, veterans and baby phoenixes.
But we’re just going to do a universal q and A, which I don’t think I’ve ever done one before. I like that squirrel sniper. Thank you for providing the free PDF’s, if you can find them all. It’s awesome. I’m not on Instagram. There, there are people masquerading as me on Facebook and Instagram. That is not me. Don’t fall for that shit. It’s not me on Instagram, and it’s not me on Facebook, and I don’t interact on telegram at all.
I have a telegram, but I haven’t been on there in over a year. I think I’m locked out of it. Evolution cruncher. And the other. Those other books. Charles for William Corliss. Yeah. Now, Charles Ford. Charles, for those of you who really want to get your start in all this type of material to blow your mind about how odd our world truly is, Charles for Charles Ford is where you start.
He wrote all those books a hundred years ago. 500 years of data all put together. Charles for the complete. The complete works of Charles for. Should cost you 20, $30. Unless you can find a free PDF, it’s 20 or $30. You can get them off Amazon. You can get them everywhere. That book is still popular. I just happened to have an old one that I just showed you, but that book is very popular.
I get. I think I gave my paper back. I have a brand new paperback version. I’m almost positive I gave it to Big John, because I got the old one. All right, guys, let’s get into this. 1871. I’ve kept on hold long enough. Yeah. Anybody. Anybody able to provide those links to. To any of the books that I’m talking about, please do so, so people don’t have to spend their money on it.
All right? See here? Better talk out loud or I’ll miss something up. I’m sharing my screen. Share the big screen. All right. Put you guys right back in my business. There we go. All right, so move. Moving on. Moving through. I’m gonna read to you, then I’m gonna provide the commentary. Why? Why? What’s relevant? Why it’s relevant. So for as the southern hemisphere indicates the absence of water in the south in recent prehistoric times, so does the north present evidence of.
Of the former existence of much more water than it now contains. The prairies of North America, the plains of Europe, and a large part of Asia were recently under sea. In my videos, we are not the first. Part one and part two, I show you guys footage I took. I recorded with my camera in the van of the broken landscape of New Mexico in Arizona to southern California.
And in there, I’m giving you commentary, showing. Look, guys, you need to wrap your mind around what you’re looking at. The reason new met west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and southern California. Look this way. Is because in recent times, all of this was under siege. This was the bottom of an ocean. The. All this. Gee. All this geography and geological features demonstrate that this was under extreme pressure underwater for a long period of time.
And it was only recently that it drained out. So I had, I had, I had shown all that and showed other books that were talking about that. Other scientists and researchers who said the same thing about New Mexico, Arizona and southern California before I ever read this book. This guy says the same thing, but he even goes further. He says that the entire northern hemisphere, everything north of the equatorial ring, and just so we can all be on the same page, this man’s idea, what he’s about to present as the reason why these world destructions occur with water, works perfectly on both the globe and the flat earth model.
Doesn’t matter what your paradigm is, because all the activity happens at the ring of the equator. That on a globe model it’s called the equatorial bulge. On the flat earth model, it’s just the, it’s just the zero degree whatever. It’s the, it’s the. Not the prime meridian, but it’s the, it’s the zero degree parallel. It’s a rain that separates the north from the south. So this man’s idea, he believed the world was a globe.
He was educated in uniformitarian. Even though he broke away from it, he still had that education. Well, what he’s saying happens is astonishing. But the evidence, the very first thing we read right here is that he’s telling you that all over North America, all over Europe and Asia is the evidence of the bottom of ocean beds at a very recent time. For those of you, for those of you who don’t know, 99% of the cultures that go back 5000, 4003, thousand years are all located north of the equator.
That’s right. The southern hemisphere, except for a little strip of land in South America, has always been almost completely barren. There’s a reason for that. This. Let’s move on. The very extensive prevalence of the waters where now they are not from the arctic regions to this great sahara, is undeniable. This is a scientist basically telling you that in the northern hemisphere it is undeniable. Every bit of this was, was recently.
Now when you’re talking, when you’re talking, when a scientist says recently, he’s talking in terms of thousands or tens of thousands of years, not like, not those steeped in uniformitarianism who are talking about hundreds of thousands and millions of years, his idea is something very recent. Proofs of the sudden and violent change in the structure of the earth’s surface are to be found as cuvier, judged in the frozen carcasses of animals in the north.
And in the opinion of the same distinguished man, the evidence also exists of a great deluge a few thousand years ago that’s a hell of a statement. It completely defies the uniformitarian model. Now, the fact that he mentions the frozen carcasses, this is interesting. You guys know that 2. 5 million mammoths have been found in the permafrost. They’re perfectly preserved. They’re frozen in Siberia. Now, more megafauna like, like the giant wolf, the the saber toothed tiger, the three toed sloth, the giant, the giant two horned boar, the, uh, what is it? The.
The miocene horse. It’s called the miocene horse, but it’s megafauna. It was alive at the same time as the woolly mammoth. Same time. The same time as the woolly rhinoceros. They have all been found in the permafrost of Alaska, Canada, in Russia. This is all. This is all. This is all getting very close to the arctic circle. So these these frozen animals are all. All been found in the north.
They’re. They’re. They’re direct evidence of the phenomena that he’s going to be destroying describing. We may therefore assume that such a deluge as cuvier and others find to have been among the comparatively recent phenomena of the globe, best explains the scattered boulders which have hitherto been regarded as the great proof of glacial action, and also most of the alluvial deposits which are strewn over all the earth. So he’s saying that there’s a mechanism that floods the entire northern hemisphere to such a degree that it kills everything.
Only in the northern hemisphere, it floods the entire northern hemisphere. And the distribution of boulders, that has been. That has been the evidence that was used by uniformitarians to promote ice age theory is completely undone because they’re. They are shown to have been blown the wrong way. This is critical to understand. This man spent a lot of time showing how, yeah, we got boulders in different areas, but the uniformitarians are trying to say that these boulders are because glaciers of ice came, came from the north toward the south and deposited the boulders.
But the. But the distribution of boulders shows that they moved in the opposite direction. They came from southerly places and were pushed north. This is critical to understanding this amazing phenomenon that he’s going to describe. Old shells have been washed out of their graves and mixed with newer shells, rendering doubtful, as Sir C. Lyell, Charles Lyell admits, the evidence of shells in strata. All these last cited facts, and with them, the entire disappearance of the huge mammals of a recent age, which are puzzles, if not contradictions, to orthodox geologists, are fully accounted for by a nearly universal deluge.
Now, he does quite quote Charles Lyle a lot, but he’s also very critical of him. His whole book is critical of Charles Lyle. But what we find interesting here is that in Mexico, remember, the megafauna have been found with human skeletons in pyramid architecture, infrastructures that have been buried. This has been found in Mexico also. The mound builder civilization of Ohio. Yeah. Geometrical mounds that are made of precision.
Yeah. They got trees on them and all now, but they didn’t back then. That whole civilization. Also, until the Smithsonian got involved, that civilization was producing skeletons that were seven and a half to nine foot tall human skeletons. And in the graves were found smoking pipes made of carved mammoth bone and rhinoceros horn. Yeah. Showing that these. That these creatures were there. There has also been one find reported by american antiquarian of mammoth bones in Cahokia.
That’s the mound builder civilization. So we’re talking about something that’s far more recent than uniformitarians would ever admit. We’re talking about humans living during the same period as the megafauna, using the megafauna as steeds and beasts of burden. Cohabit. Cohabit. Cohabitation with mega. Megafauna. We may therefore assume that such a deluge as cuvier and others find to have been among the comparatively recent phenomena of the globe best explains the scattered boulders.
Did I just read that? Yep, did read it. It’s twice. All right. The american pampas is a district three times as large as the whole of France, and it is a vast deposit of mud in which are entombed mammiferous remains in wonderful abundance. I just told you that earlier, guys. Woolly rhinoceros, miles seen horse, three toed sloth, giant. The. The giant wolf. I can’t remember what his name was.
Huge, like the dire was called the dire wolf. The dire wolf, the mastodon, the woolly rhinoceros, the woolly mammoth. All these. This is the mammoth. Mammoth, the giant beaver, giant skunks, all that mammiferous remains in wonderful abundance. One cause alone can explain its existence, namely a deluge sufficiently vast to leave behind as it surged and rolled to the mouth of what is now la Plata, that prodigious residuum of mud and animals which its mighty force had swept from the north.
This is. This is very critical to understand what’s going on here. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. He is describing. He is describing that all these animals. Well, he describes it later. They’re all dead and they’re all floating and they’re coming down from the north as they’re being deposited waters keep going back toward the equator. You’ll understand in a minute. It’s amazing. The clay deposit of the pampas is one of the most beautiful geological facts and deserving of careful investigation.
I think the huge mammifers of the pampas are not in their birthplace, and that they have been born thither, not by flowing streams, but through a geological convulsion which destroyed them all at a stroke. I’ve provided evidence for this on my channel. Remember the mammoths that were frozen in place with buttercups still on their tongues? Undigested. Yeah. Giant woolly rhinos that have been found standing right next to an apple tree, frozen solid and then embedded in the permafrost.
It’s all been found and a whole lot more. The immediate result would be the destruction of all the living creatures of that part of the world and the vast clay deposits of the pampas. If it were not so, it would be hard to conceive of and explain two important facts. The sudden and simultaneous annihilation of the huge terrestrial animals which inhabited the american continents, and the immense accumulation of pampean mud.
The Pampean earth is the last, is the last deposit of great importance, which preceded the existing episode. Meaning all this has been found under this massive layer of mud that’s been frozen in the north. Our world is built on top of it. So it’s very interesting. That’s a. That’s a double. It is that of Doctor Edmund Hitchcock, who says that all of the northern parts of the american continent have been swept over by a powerful current from the northwest to the southeast.
The diluvial waters must have been oceanic. What other agency could have here produced a current 2000 miles in width? There is no reason to suppose the inequalities of surface which now exist were essentially different at the epoch of diluvial action. For we find the boundaries uniformly obstructed in their path, just as they would have been if the present mount. I cut something off. If the present mountains had been there.
So it was. It wasn’t just part of North America. The entire north american continent had been flooded. But the depositing of all the pampean mud and the depositing of all the hundreds of millions of mammalian forms came from the north. The destruction came from the south. But all these mammals came from the north and were deposited. This is going to be explained. The explanation almost slaps you in the face when you hear it.
We’re not talking about reptiles and amphibians being deposited. We’re talking about mammalian life forms being deposited. All right. I am unable to see how glacial agency could have transported detritus in a southerly direction several hundred miles over nearly all the most elevated ridges of the american continent, and even have driven it upwards along slopes considerably inclined, as appears to have been done on the western side of New England.
All right, he’s. He’s quoting somebody. He. This is not him saying this. You can see that. You can see the quotation marks on the bottom. There’s another scientist he’s quoting who is baffled, saying, I am unable to see how all these bodies of mammalian life forms could have been deposited such great height throughout the Americas. I’m unable to understand how all this happened, um, concerning. Concerning the water coming from the north.
And that’s what this guy is going to describe. In following the profound reflections of mons atomar, we are constrained to admit that it has been established beyond doubt that the immediate cause of the cataclysm which is known by the name of Noah’s flood was a disturbance of the equilibrium of the ocean, the inevitable consequence of a change of its center of gravity. I don’t know if it was Noah’s flood and nor does he, but Noah’s flood in 1871 was really the only flood that anybody ever talked about.
They weren’t talking about the Ogaiji and Deluge, they weren’t talking about the Gihon flood, and they weren’t talking about the. The capture flood when the moon appeared. They were just, well, Hans bell horber was talking about the capture flood at this time. And then 19. Oh, 119. Oh two. Hans. Hans Bellamy picked up the torch on that, but still, he’s talking about a great flood. He just said, noah’s flood.
It could be, might not be. So the inevitable consequence of a change of the center of gravity. This is key. This is amazing because it shows why this destruction was done the way it was. And what has happened probably many times, can be safely calculated to happen again and from the same causes. We’re gonna get to those causes in a minute. Blew my mind when I read it.
The ocean will take repossession of its former bed in the northern hemisphere. The South Pacific, South Atlantic and Antarctic oceans will be suddenly poured across the equator and submerged the northern hemisphere, the high grounds rising above the level of the Southern Ocean will form the archipelago of a new Polynesia. Australia. Excuse me, Australia, by the Great Barrier Reef, being laid dry, will be joined to New guinea and thus acquire a new eastern seaboard 1200 miles long.
This is amazing. Guys, I have explained to you over and over that after 2040, Australia is going to be prime real estate. I’ve been telling you that for three and a half years, way before I read this book, that after 2040, because of a 30 degree shift, Australia is going to be in a prime area. But his, what he’s revealing is far deeper, and it may completely change my own output once I consider everything he’s talking about.
It doesn’t change the fact that Australia’s prime real estate, it changes the dynamic as to why. He is explaining that this phenomenon at the equator depressurizes underground and forces the equatorial bulge to go down and cause it’s the only thing holding back the southern hemisphere oceans. There is far, he explains, there is far more water in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere. There’s less land, therefore there’s way more water in the southern hemisphere.
He says a depressurized, a depressurization event causes the equatorial bulge in a series of earthquakes to just go down. And as soon as it goes down, it creates a tsunami at the equator of pressure incoming from the southern hemisphere, and a tsunami overtakes almost all of the northern hemisphere, destroying everything, collecting it all at the north Pole, collecting all the dead bodies, all the floating mammalian life forms, reptiles and amphibians sink.
All of the bloating mammalian life forms are concentrated. The tidal waves come in, come in closer to the. To the north pole, and then the waters equal out and they have to return. But as the waters are returning, all the mammalian islands of. Of fuse together, rotting, bloated mammalian megafauna. Islands of them are floating together, concentrated, and they get deposited all over North America, Russia and Europe as the waters recede back to the equator, once the waters go all the way back, the pressure is built back up, and the entire equatorial equatorial area just raises just a little bit like it is today.
It’s called the equatorial bulge. What’s really interesting is, is I don’t. You guys know that I don’t believe in NASA. I don’t believe in. I don’t. I believe it’s an intelligence organization. They’re full of shit. But it’s so weird how they put all this real minute minutiae, this data about Mars out, and all these topographical features of Mars. And even if Mars is absolute fiction, we’ve never seen anything there at all.
It’s very interesting that they claim that Mars has an equator that has a bulge on it and that it seems to be artificial. It’s very interesting. Very interesting. So this is what he’s describing. He’s literally describing that there’s a cycle, and in this cycle there’s a, it’s a simple, it’s as simple, it’s as simple as the equatorial rain just going down to be level with the rest of the world instead of being a bulge.
And it just causes this massive flooding because there’s nothing to hold back the pressure of the southern ocean. There’s way more water and at greater depths, and it just comes in, washes the northern hemisphere completely. Then it deposits all the boulders and deposits all the water and all that stuff as it reverses back in the world to new heavens and the new earth. It’s a whole new world.
So I mean, if you want to get poetic about it, God baptizes the earth. It’s a whole, it’s a whole, whole new life for the world, basically killing most of the stuff that’s here. It’s crazy, but that’s, that’s his. All this is where he’s going with all this information. The greater part of England, Scotland and Ireland will become what they were before the last catastrophe, which acted in the opposite direction.
Unknown continents will emerge from the ocean abyss of the south. What he is describing is here may be knowledge that the elite already possess. And I know some of you get offended with the word elite, but what are we gonna call them? What are we gonna call them? So they’re buying up all this real estate in Australia and New Zealand. Why? Why? What do they know? According to this scientific model right here, which was suppressed in favor of a lie, uniformitarianism that was funded in these days, right here we had the Rockefellers and carnage, Carnegies and the Rothschilds rising in power.
Did they know about this? Did they suppress this guy’s research because he was on it? According to him, the next time this depressurized pressurization event happens, the southern hemisphere, Australia, is going to increase in size by four times. New Zealand will, will be merged with tap, I mean, New Zealand will be merged with it, Tasmania will be merged with Africa, Africa will get way bigger. The southern hemisphere will have all the land masses.
The northern hemisphere will just be islands. Yeah, this is what he’s describing. The northern hemisphere is going to be the empty hemisphere on the next cycle, and then all the civilizations will, will uh, will be, will develop in the southern hemisphere this time. So this is what he’s trying, he’s talking about a cycle and that all the geological and geographical evidence shows that this is the cycle and that ice ages don’t exist.
This is what he’s showing as a matter of fact, the mountains will not rise, but the effect will be the same by the retiring of the sea from the southern half of the earth’s surface, thus placing the continental hemisphere on the southern instead of as at present on the northern side of the equator. This is the absolute, absolute total destruction of the northern hemisphere. At a glance at a map of the world informs us that the mass of water is very unequally proportional, proportioned out between the northern and southern halves of the globe.
In the northern hemisphere, the land bears to the sea the proportion of 415 to 1000 in the southern of 129 to 1000. So that is hugely disproportionate, meaning there is way more land mass in the north of the equator and there’s way more water ocean south of the equator. And that this is how this cycle balances things out. It literally allows civilizations and human development and animals also to thrive in one hemisphere as we’ve seen for the past 5000 years.
For the past 5000 years, all the civilizations of antiquity were north of the were north of the equator, except a small little band right there, Tiwanako right there in South America. Yeah, guys, it’s crazy, crazy. The next one, they’re all going to be in the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere is going to be barren. A glance at a map of the world. I got a couple doubles in here.
I’m sorry about that. Torn from his bed, old ocean carried with him his mud, with which he formed the extensive lands of transport which constitute the diluvium. Gigantic streams of water mingled with earth, sand and pebbles form the alluviums of the great valleys. Finally, erratic boulders sustained by the ice were raised by the piling up of the arctic waters to the altitudes they now occupy and remained shelved on the sides of mountains whose tops they were unable to scale.
Thus was produced the last deluge about 4200 years ago. He’s dating the great flood. He’s dating the great flood of Noah. I don’t know if what he’s describing is the great flood of Noah. I have my doubts. I think it’s something bigger. I think it’s the Adam and Eve reset cataclysm or the 5239 BC year one of the Anuna calendar that I’ve told you guys so much about and showed you in charts.
I think it’s bigger. So. Which is commonly known as the deluge. Everyone has heard of the extraordinary object found in the last century on the banks of the Lena, north Siberia. The ice, in melting, exposed the body of a mastodon. In such perfect preservation that dogs ate its flesh until Doctor Clark conveyed the skeleton to St Petersburg, Russia, in the museum of which it now stands, buffon mentions six elephants preserved in the ice near the Ohio.
In America, I can’t pronounce this serious. Shoe discovered another on the banks of Alicia, a large river which empties itself into the icy sea. In short, there is scarcely a canton in Siberia which does not contain the bones of elephants. The islands on the icy sea furnish enormous quantities, which is put forward as a proof that this drear region was at one period possessed of a genial climate.
If, as geologists assert, coal is derived from vegetable matter grown in situ and then submerged, how are we to account for the arctic regions being so abundantly provided with coal that it is found cropping out from the sides of the sandstone cliffs and water worn nodules of that mineral cumbering the beaches over large areas? So I’m going to talk about that coal real quick. What we have is a scenario.
The very fact that coal has been found underneath these clay deposits, underneath these mammoth, these, these, uh, uh, basically islands, islands of bones. What had happened was all the water came from all the water of the southern hemisphere dumped into the northern hemisphere, overtook all the continents while exposing dry land to the southern hemisphere. But it had to go back. Once it hit, once it hit the arctic and compressed all the, all the floating detritus and it.
And this took, this took days, maybe even weeks. The water starts going back. As it’s going back, the bloated, the bloated, decayed remains of hundreds of millions of mammalian life forms were fused together as they were rotting and floating in these waters. They are deposited as islands. And this is how they’ve been found. All over the northern hemisphere, boneyards full of megafauna have been excavated. Then they’ve been buried under this diluvium, this clay, all this silt that just came down.
Waters drained out, the sun baked the area and nobody knew any that was down there for a long period of time. But underneath that are clay. I mean, our coal deposits that are packed full of human artifacts and some with human remains. How do we account for that? I’m going to tell you the evidence, the evidence suggested by all this data that I just showed you in these books.
The fact that coal is packed with human artifacts tells me that the world was burned. Human civilization was burned. It’s completely cold. This is ashes. This is ashes, wood. All organic materials, people, animals, all kinds of stuff, all their belongings, everything is. It’s roasted, it burns when it. But once it burns, it layers were deposited on top of it. A lot of these layers above coal is red dirt.
It’s all over this coal. A lot of times, coal is found in red dirt. My. My archaics veterans know exactly what I’m talking about. These, these. There’s been a lot of YouTube videos showing these red dirt deposits are huge all over the place, but coal is found underneath them. So we have a infrastructure that is populated by humans and megafauna. It is completely burned. The world is burned.
It’s destroyed by fire, not by flood. It’s destroyed by fire. It’s gone. And then all of a sudden, the southern hemisphere implodes. A tsunami from the equator all the way around the equator. A tsunami all at once takes over the entire northern hemisphere, washes away all life, and then deposits the dead floating mammalian carcasses all over this area. And as the water recedes, all these islands of bones are set, are set in place.
The water goes back to the southern hemisphere and a whole new cycle begins. This is what this man, this is the picture that all this data presents. And his, his whole idea is that, um, the southern hemisphere is what is. Is what flooded the northern hemisphere, and that the sand, that there was a reverse period, reversal period. And now it’s time for the southern hemisphere to again flood the northern hemisphere.
It’s getting that time, so. I already got that one. Let’s see. We arrived at the conclusion that grand delusions are periodical. All right, he’s mentioning the procession of the equinoxes, but that’s. But then again, you guys know how I feel about that. I haven’t found any evidence of it. I saw. I saw all these historic texts talking about the pole stars and all that and found any evidence of it.
Seems like a real nice theory, but I haven’t seen anybody be able to demonstrate it. All right. And we find on inspection, that the earth has actually been ravaged by a succession of general cataclysms. Allusion has been made to the. To the extinct elephants referred to by Sir Roderick Murchison in his address to the Royal Geographical Society for 1866. The heads of which, he says, were for the most part turned towards the south.
That is so important, guys. Tens of millions, thousands, maybe thousands, maybe tens of millions of all these megafauna were facing the south when they died. Told you that’s extremely important. Remember, some of them were frozen solid, as if the animals had been retreating southward when caught either by an inundation proceeding from the north polar regions or by a change of climate due to a wide elevation of land whereby their former pasture grounds became converted into the frozen soil in which the mammoths have been preserved to this day.
They were flash frozen, guys. They were flash frozen, preserved in place, and then entombed and buried there by the flooding. All northern Siberia, which is now glacial, was during the age in which the mammoth lived, covered with a vegetable vegetation adequate to support vast hordes of these animals, even up to the 75th degree of north latitude. We’re talking about a vast horde of mammalian lifeforms that don’t just require a lot of vegetation, they require a tremendous amount of oxygen.
This is what they needed. If they’re all facing the south, if they were all facing the south when they were flash frozen, it’s probably because instinct, they have visceral instincts. They probably knew that the danger was approaching from the equal. The danger was a pro. They probably couldn’t see it. They’re animals. Probably couldn’t see it, didn’t know what. But instinct told them, face south, something was wrong. They just didn’t realize.
There’s a 300 foot tall tsunami coming, coming at about 450 miles an hour toward them. But before it even reached them, they were flash frozen. Why? Why were creatures flash frozen toward. Toward the art, toward the North Pole and not the equator, where the tsunami began? What’s really easy to answer because it was a vapor canopy that collapsed. And we’ve been through multiple presentations about what happens when a vapor canopy collapses.
When that vapor canopy collapses, all that moisture up there flash freezes everything at the extremities toward the poles. So this is a. This guy. This guy’s putting. This guy’s amazing material. He’s putting, putting out. It’s for 1871. It’s phenomenal. So I finished that. Let’s see. As if the animals have been retreating. You’ll see southward when caught either by an inundation proceeding from the north polar regions or by a change of climate due to a wide elevation of land whereby their former pasture grounds became converted into the frozen soil in which the mammoths have been preserved to this day.
All right, we got all that. Because fossil vegetation and animal remains proper to a temperate climate are now found in the boreal regions, they hold that those now frigid lands must at one time have enjoyed such a semi tropical climate as we now have in the south of Europe. Absolutely, absolutely, 100%. Under the vapor canopy. There was no north Pole. Remember, we have maps of Antarctica from the 14th, 15th and 16 hundreds maps of Antarctica, ice free, that show the rivers, valleys and mountains.
And we have reports from the US Navy Geological Survey office that those old maps are literally accurate compared to. To the soundings that the US Geological Survey has done in Antarctica, saying that those mountains and those valleys and those in those rivers are basically exactly where they’re supposed to be. The maps are accurate. How is that possible? It’s two mile high ice cap there today. How is it possible? It’s possible because we’ve had multiple vapor canopies and every time a vapor canopy collapses, it creates.
It creates all that two mile high ice cap. Because the vapor canopy collapses, the extremities freeze. The extremities freeze, guys, that’s where all it came from. Remember, it’s not snowing in Antarctica. It’s not snowing in the Arctic. You got to understand. This is why ice age theory. There’s 59 or 60 different theories. They can’t figure out where all the snow came from. Yeah, guys, a half an inch a year of snow falls in Antarctica and the Arctic, a half an inch? That’s not enough at all to produce two mile high snow caps.
This is why uniformitarians say that those snow caps have been there. It took hundreds of thousands of years to build up. They have to say that to support their model. But it’s not true. How do we know it’s not true? Because we have maps of Antarctica that show there was no. Are you going to tell me that those cartographers made those maps 250,000 years ago? Are you going to say that they made those maps 25,000 years ago? This is how ridiculous uniformitarianism is.
It’s dumb. See the habitat of vast herds of gigantic animals whose consumption of food would be so great that none but a semi tropical climate, with its quick and succulent growth of vegetation, could have supplied their wants. There it is. The North Pole was under a vapor canopy, meaning the animals could have had plenty of oxygen because of their size and they had plenty of flora to feed on.
How do we know? Because we have seen. We’ve excavated them. We have excavated under the permafrost, apple trees of gigantic size of all kinds of plants. What is it? Spurgeon Litz? I can’t remember. You guys know. Many of you know what I’m talking about. There’s an island in the Arctic called. Called Spitz virgin or something. All those. It’s like a whole forest found underneath the ice. It’s crazy.
He might mention it here. I can’t remember. Mammoth was clothed with hair to enable it to dwell in a cold climate. Therefore, it did dwell in the cold north, North Siberia. We take leave to object to that deductive conclusion. I love this guy. So he’s basically saying that uniformitarians are trying to claim to support ice age theory that mammoths had long hair. It’s called the woolly mammoth and also the woolly rhinoceros.
They had long hair. And that long hair was taken as a evidence by the uniformitarians trying to promote ice age theory as to protect them from the arctic cold. He says, we take leave to object to that deductive conclusion. The indian bear has an exceedingly thick coat of hair, yet it chiefly inhabitants. The hot in hat inhabits the hottest part of India. Now, what this guy did not know in 1871 is that research in the 1990s has concluded now that the hair follicles in the skin of the woolly mammoth and the woolly rhinoceros, the hair was designed as a cooling system.
It had nothing to do with protecting from the cold. As a matter of fact, many tropical species of mammalian and marsupial life forms are shaggy. They have a lot of hair. So he was right in 1871 to object. But he used the indian bear as an example, not knowing that, that almost all tropical animals are an example of that being some really ridiculous thinking that long hair is for the Arctic only.
It’s crazy. All right, so question Bo. Such extreme northern winter season would have permitted the growth of food in sufficient quantities for such huge feeders. This is a very valid point. It absolutely supports vapor canopy. No such extreme northern winter season would have permitted the growth of food in sufficient quantities for such huge feeders. There is also the important difficulty of light. When the boreal regions would be enwrapped in their long winter darkness, vegetation would cease.
Thus, this important objection exists even if we put aside the question of climate. Remember in the book of Genesis, remember seasons? The rainbow did not appear until the great flood. And in the archaics research, I show the great flood was what? The collapse of a vapor canopy. Is he describing the flood of 22 39 BC of Noah? I doubt it. I doubt it. I believe he’s describing something far worse.
38 95 BC, Adam and Eve Reset Genesis one. But I could be wrong. He could be describing. He could be. This whole scenario he’s describing could be 5239 BC, year one of the anuna calendar. I don’t know. I’m even open to the fact that he could be describing 22 39 BC, which means that the whole entire history of the 1656 years of the pre flood world did not happen anywhere near the Near east.
It would have happened in the southern hemisphere. If this is what we get in the sumerian records, remember, the sumerian records are very clear. Where did the Annuna come from? Where did the Sumerians claim that these amazing people came by ship? Ship? Where do they come from? They came by way of Dilman. Where is that? You’re coming straight out by ship from the southern hemisphere to use Bahrain as a staging area before they entered the Tigris Euphrates and then colonized Egypt.
Colonized India, Mohenjo daro, Harappa, lairic colonized Canaan, colonized Turkey, colonized all. All of the Tigris Euphrates. It makes sense. It means the pre flood world would have been in the southern hemisphere. And this is why we can’t find any of those ruins. Why? Because the southern hemisphere is almost all water. So I’m just. I’m just bouncing ideas off, guys. I’m not yet convinced that this massive flooding he describes is what Noah’s flood was, but I am absolutely convinced that he is.
That he has found that he is basically describing how. How the this reset cycle really occurs. I’m not talking about the 138 year phoenix phenomena. I’m talking about the big reset. So it’s very interesting. I find this fascinating, but he’s right about the climate. Yeah. Hundreds of millions of mammals require that size, require a lot of oxygen, and they also require a lot of food in seasons would have prevented them from being able to eat the way they need to.
There’s too many skeletons. It shows to. The abundance of mammalian life forms is. Is massive. So we have a vapor canopy, and under the vapor canopy, everything grows larger. Remember the plants, the animals. And it solves the polar light problems, because under a vapor canopy, sunlight is diffused throughout the entire. The entire sky. The polar region would have been. Would have been darker, but it still would have got that ultraviolet light that it needed.
Under the vapor canopy, which the native Americans called the dark purple light period spider grandmother had her web over the sky. Remember that? Her web dropped the necessary do to make sure that there was enough water, but it didn’t rain. Genesis says the same thing. There was no rain in the pre flood period. So just connecting the dots, among the latest discoveries relating to the assumed ancient climate of the north polar regions is the natural history of fossil plants recently discovered by Mister Whymper.
That’s a hell of a name, mister. Mister Whymper, whose collection consists of 95 species, indicative of a climate similar to south Italy. Wow. The ancient climate of the north polar regions. According to these 95 specimens found by this guy, in the permafrost. Here it is, same climate as south Italy. What is he saying? He’s saying the North Pole was mediterranean climate. That’s what he’s saying. Again. Vapor canopy again.
Why? Why war? Were hundreds of millions of life forms in the north, all facing south. They weren’t running. We didn’t find them in the permafrost running. They were frozen solid. Why? They faced south because that’s where the destruction was coming. But before, before that tsunami could reach them, the collapse of the vapor canopy instantly fell, froze the northern regions. They were frozen in place. Once they were frozen in place, the tsunami came and buried them.
The more we advance towards the north of Russia, the more extensive are the fossil bones of the elephants met with. Travelers tell us of islands in the icy sea which are literally a conglomerate of ice, mud, sand and bones. Billings voyage. Speaking of one of these, what is that? Indigirka. Must be russian indigirka, situated opposite this island of bones, situated opposite the mouth of the Lena. Says the whole island, which is about 33 leagues long, is all bones except three or four small rocky mountains, is a mixture of ice, bones and sand.
And as the shores fall from the heat of the sun’s rays thawing them, the tusks and bones of the mammoth are found in great abundance. Guys, I haven’t. Hold on. I haven’t checked my chat in a while. Okay. Everything going good? Great. I’m gonna finish out 1 hour and 49 minutes. Man, I can’t believe I made good time like that. Still got a few more stills to go over.
All right. I’m sure my screen and finish. Finish up. All right. All right. So we got. Every year during the summer, innumerable fishermen’s barks direct their course towards the Isle of bones. And during the winter, immense caravans take the same route. All the convoys are drawn by dogs. They return laden with mammoth tusks, each weighing from 150 to 200 pounds. Some have been found which weighed 350 pounds.
That’s a hell of a tusk. The fossil ivory from the Isle of bones has served as a quarry for this valuable material for export to China. China for the past 500 years, and it has been exported to Europe for upwards of 100 years. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Locals have been digging all these animals out of late years. We have obtained convincing proofs that the mammoth and many other extinct mammalian species very common in caves, occur also in undisturbed alluvium embedded in such a manner with works of art as to leave no room for doubt that man and the mammoths coexisted and also died together.
Wow. This is a scientist telling us that in these flood deposits, the mammalian life forms of the megafauna are found among human artifacts of art, showing that mankind and the megafauna coexisted. But we already knew this. We knew this from Mexico, we knew this from Akamboro. We’ve already know. We already. We knew this from a cahokia and other discoveries, but it’s good to see it in this book, 1871.
But one circumstance more convincing than any other is related by Doctor Schmerling from all the indications he found in the 40 caverns he explored, in some of which the bones of man and of extinct animals were found together, the bones of man so rolled and scattered as to preclude all idea of their having been intentionally buried on the spot. It was manifest that the organic and the inorganic contents of the caverns had been swept into them by streams communicating with the surface of the country.
Land shells, freshwater fish, a snake, as well as the bones of several birds were amongst the mass, probably rolled the beds of streams before they had reached their cavernous destination. What we have here is a scientist who, after excavating 40 caves, found humans and mammalian and avian life forms all mixed together so perfectly that he concluded these were not natural interments, that a, that a flood had happened, and that because these were caves, they filled up with water and flowing into those caves were all these bloated carcasses of humans and animals.
And they just went in there and as the water went down, it deposited all, all of these feeded, bloated, broken carcasses that were all fused together of human and man and megafauna and birds, and that’s where he found them. He says these were not natural. These weren’t natural burials. This was the result of a cataclysm. Professor Huxley remarks, there can be no doubt that the physical geography of Europe has changed wonderfully since the bones of men, mammoths, hyenas and the rhinoceros were washed pell mell into the cave of ingress.
Sir Charles Lyell confesses that after a very patient examination of the comparative antiquity of the fossils, it is impossible to come to any other conclusion than that man was introduced into the world at an earlier period than geologists have believed. This is uniformitarian brainwashing. This is Sir Charles Lyle, father of uniformitarianism. Listen, this guy here, father of the geologic column, this is absolute bullshit, what this man just said.
Sir Charles Lyle confesses that after a very patient examination of the comparative antiquity of the fossils. It is impossible to come to any other conclusion than that man was introduced into the world at an earlier period than geologists have believed. The truth is just the opposite, that the fossils were created in a more recent period than geologists will admit. It’s just the opposite. Charles Lyle is the origin of this great deceit of uniformitarianism.
This is an anti catastrophist perspective. Catastrophism is revealing the truth. The entire fact that their fossils all fuse together, man and megafauna, is catastrophism. Charles Lyle repackages it, trying to make it sound like this all happened 250,000 years ago. It just shows us all modern man is older than we thought. Modern man may be older than our. Older than we then we thought. But that. But that’s not what his intent was in making this statement.
This is a uniformitarian statement. It’s a lie. For example, the philosophic Darwin in his researches says it is impossible to reflect on the changed state of the american continent without the deepest astonishment. The mind at first is irresistibly hurried. Excuse me, hurried into the belief of some great catastrophe. But thus to destroy animals both large and small, in Patagonia, for example, up to Bering straits, we must shake the entire framework of the globe.
Charles Darwin is also poisonous. He’s casting doubt. He’s literally trying to. Trying to paint any picture of doubt other than the truth, which is catastrophism. Read. Let me read it again. Charles Darwin in his this is philosophic Darwin. It is impossible to reflect on the changed state of the american continent without the deepest astonishment. He’s astonished. Why? Because he’s not a catastrophist. He’s astonished. Why? Because the american continent shows nothing but catastrophe.
So he says, the mind at first is irresistibly hurried into the belief of some great catastrophe. Do you see the doubt he’s injecting into his statement? As if there’s another truth and that catastrophism isn’t real. This isn’t the result of a catastrophe. Therefore they import uniformitarianism. This is why almost every scientist alive today is a dumb ass. None of them do their own research. None of them go back and look at the findings of predecessors to find out how this poison of uniformitarianism was introduced into the field and funded.
I just don’t have any respect for them, guys. I can’t. More. Over and over and over and over, the more I read from these original scientific thinkers, the more I find out of this, of this toxic poison that was that was introduced into the field by these men. Yeah, right here. It’s crazy. The mind at first is irresistibly hurried into the belief of some great catastrophe. Every part of that sentence, the syntax, infers that some great catastrophe isn’t what happened here, but they don’t offer what happened.
So it’s crazy guys. Yeah. We would have to shake the entire framework of the globe. That is the point of uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism absolutely tries to kill any idea of worldwide catastrophe. This is the point of uniformitarianism. It had always been the point. Everything you see is a process that took hundreds of thousands to millions of years. Yeah. Everything you see, the entire world. Every. Every. Every system, every development, this is what uniformitarianism promotes.
Just the fossils and artifacts found in coal seams completely overturns uniformitarianism. But you’ll still get them dumbass guys on YouTube trying to argue it. In order to promote uniformitarianism, you have to ignore thousands of data points, thousands of discoveries. You have to ignore all that. It’s crazy. The whole of Norfolk was made a heap of rubbish, composed of every known stratification, if not from deluge, causes affecting ocean levels.
Why is this ever reoccurring? Twelve hundred feet of sea level marks. Coincidental, I guess. Mark’s coincident with the raised beaches in both hemispheres. I don’t really understand what he’s talking about. I know the whole of Norfolk was made a heap of rubbish. I know that under Norfolk, in the UK, under Norfolk is one of the largest coal coal layers ever found. It extends underneath the Atlantic and connects to continental Europe.
Remember what the coal seams really are? They are the burned remains of a pre existing world that was inhabited by people and animals. And they’re in there. And their cities and infrastructure, all of it was torched and burned before the tsunami came and washed it all away. And buried and buried. All the evidence, if not from deluge, causes affecting ocean levels, why is this ever reoccurring? Twelve hundred feet of sea level.
Sea level marks coincident with the raised beaches in both hemispheres. I have to go back. Oh, there it is. Okay, I’m glad I’m focused out. This continues. All right, so the whole of Norfolk was made a heap of rubbish. Composed of every known stratification of the world, mixed up with pachyderm, mammals, serpents, crocodiles and sharks of the torrid zone. The equator. What were sharks of the equator done? Deposited toward the north Pole? Because the tsunami came from the equator in juxtaposition with the walrus, whale, and narwhal of the Arctic Ocean, lying side by side with the horse, wolf, pig, bear, bison and deer, including the latter species, the large irish elk.
That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Can you imagine that? Whales, dolphins, sharks, all found side by side with mammal, with, I mean. I mean, creatures from the ocean of the equatorial area are found right there in the arctic barrier. With everything else, it’s these tsunamis washed all life forms to the center, crushed them with pressure. Even sharks were probably crushed under all that weight. The most striking peculiarity about this for a forest bed is the extreme contrast between its animal and vegetable remains.
The latter, with one or two exceptions, almost exactly resemble the present flora Great Britain, whereas the former are utterly unlike any animals now living in these islands. All the geological changes above referred to have therefore taken place within the lifetime of existing species of plants and trees. This flood that destroyed everything was in the last 5000 years. That’s amazing. What other fluviatile agency except the mighty force set in action by the swift waters of a deluge alternately from either pole would satisfactorily account for such dread phenomena as we have elsewhere.
Related, the bare fact of mammaliferous remains of the pachyderms found in north Siberia in a conglomerate of ice, sand and mud. We consider should to all reasoning minds be indubitable evidence of deluge action in connection with astronomical signs, we may expect the next deluge from the South Pole. All right, South Pole, guys, he said, he says all that water, all that water is coming from the southern hemisphere.
So we also think that the day will arrive when the great Giza pyramid will be found to have been built as a warning guide to man. The deluge was threatened in the year of the hebrew world, 1536, and began December 7, 1656, and continued 377 days. So he still thinks that what he found and all this evidence is, is the great flood of the Bible. He may be right, he may be wrong.
It may be floods, other floods that I have found that were even before that mentioned in other ancient texts, so I don’t know. But he’s absolutely right. 1536 was 120 years before the great flood. That’s when Noah was given a warning that, hey, the great flood is coming. 1656 is the exact year on the old world’s calendar. You guys already know that it’s a phoenix phenomenon number. It’s divisible by 138, so it’s very interesting.
But the most interesting takeaway here is that in 1871, this man connected the great pyramid of Egypt to being some type of warning guide to future man of this phenomenon, if you have not seen my Giza playlist, lost scriptures of Giza, lost secrets of Giza playlist, my pyramid research, then this, this right here probably means nothing to you, but my archaics veterans already know just how incredibly special that great pyramid is and how it is intrinsically linked to the number 138.
Buffon thinks that the hebrew and grecian deluges were the same and arose from the Atlantic and Bosphorus bursting into the valley of the Mediterranean. Guys, again, in my older presentations on my Phoenix phenomenon presentations, I showed you the great flood of 22 39 bc is what created the Mediterranean Sea. It also created and busted right through the Bosporus and created the Black Sea. It is what destroyed Malta, giganteum Temple, the hypoxium, and distributed those megalithic gigantic bricks and blew them all as if a tsunami just wiped them all.
And I’ve showed that on my channel as well. He may be right. This describes the great flood of Noah. I don’t know. I just don’t know. But it does describe a massive flood, so just don’t know. But I will say this, man, a great pyramid reference is so awesome. It’s just so awesome. Guys. 2 hours and seven minutes. Ah, it’s a phoenix number. 2 hours and seven minutes.
My presentation is done. Why is it a phoenix number? Because 207 is half of 414. 414 is a cursed earth period. Our case veterans know what I’m talking about. And if you took 207 years, you’d find out that that many months is also a phoenix number. Crazy ancient chinese text. As I show on my charts and in my published books, 207 years, the Chinese knew the great flood was coming because they saw that all the stars told the story of the world be destroyed.
Excuse me, the world being destroyed flood. There was a five planet alignment and where it happened in which constellation told the Chinese that the great flood would happen in 207 years. I always found that very fascinating because 207 is a phoenix number. But the Chinese just had, it had a little backwards. But the Chinese had a lot of things backwards. Remember they called, they called the seven kings of the Annuna, the Anunnaki.
Oh, they called them the dragon kings, and they even date them to the exact time that the Sumerians had. Remember the 7670 years before the flood was the reign of the seven kings. And according to the sumerian prism, the king’s list, it specifically says that the seven kings ruled for 241,200 shars, or turnings of the stars. That’s days, which is only 670 years. The same 670 years mentioned by Nostradamus, who also mentioned the pre flood period and phoenix numbers.
He also mentioned the phoenix. I’m going off into other topics right now, guys. This is all my phoenix phenomenon data. I’m done. That’s my presentation. I did this presentation way back, but it was. It wasn’t good because I had a crowd. I had a crowd around me and my audio was absolutely terrible. I just didn’t present it right this time. I got to do it and show you a bunch of stuff from these other books and give some shout outs to some other books that you could order and you got access to free downloads.
I’ve seen some PDF’s, downloaded some free PDF’s to some of those books that I showed you. Even cyclical deluges. You can read more from this book. There is a free PDF online of it. 1871 cyclical cyclical deluge theory. It’s amazing book. I just paraphrased, it showed you some of the crossover. But the greatest takeaway for me out of this whole presentation is the fact. It’s the fact that this man in 1871 had had a suspicion that the great flood, I mean, that the great pyramid of Egypt is actually some type of monument designed to warn future generations of this mechanism of flooding.
And that’s exactly what the ancient traditions say the great Pyramid was built to do. It was built to survive a flood, but also it was built to be decoded by a technic, technologically advanced civilization in the future that would figure out what they needed to do to survive the next event. That’s what the great pyramids about. All right, guys, I’m hungry. My coffee. My coffee cold. Love you guys.
Keep their vibration up. I’m gonna reach out to some of the. I’m gonna reach out to some of these, oh, some of these hosts you guys gave me a bunch of. A lot of them are christian. That’s good. You gave me some, some really good names in my community post who to reach out to to talk about the actual date of the great flood. I’m really thinking about doing a panel seen of several of what I want to all chime in on it, but all I know the date of the great flood and I can easily show it through multiple different data sets.
But it’s good. It’s good to hear what other people can bring to the table and. But we’re going to do that. I’m going to reach out to some people, but meanwhile I’m going to hit this awesome outro and I love you guys. .