But when you examine it and zoom in on it and throw some layers on it, you can see there’s something there. And it’s just kind of creeping around in the sky in the smoke a little bit different from what the orbs are doing. The orbs are zipping around all over the place. And you can see the object right there on the left. It even happens to have something lighting up on the tips or on the ends. When you freeze the frames it looks like one shot and almost looks like a row of windows. As crazy as it sounds right there when it’s lit up.
Very interesting footage here of this object and almost looks like it could potentially be triangular off those first few frames right there. It does indeed look like it looks like a triangular object. And at different times it seems the tips are lighting up and it’s some other stuff going on with it. However, it’s operating. But it was just right there in the broad daylight in the clouds over the palisades fires. And this shot is an orb coming in the frame up top up here. You can see him right here above my mouse. He dives down. He’s all over the place.
He’s going as he pleases, stopping on time, turning, and going wherever he wants. Dives down above the road. You can see right there. And then he ends up coming back out of the same area. You see right there shoots back out up into the sky. These orbs are observing everything that’s going on. Again, this was Santa Monica over the beach. You can see all the smoke in the background. This matches my last video that I dropped in terms of the orbs. So something’s going on. What is it? Let’s talk about it over on the live streams.
Join me Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern, right here on DABU-77, where I’m talking about this in a whole lot more and greater detail. Until next time, eyes to the skies. [tr:trw].