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– Element 115 is a super heavy element. When it’s exposed to radiation, it produces its own gravitational field. It’s what’s used to lift and propel the craft and create distortions around it. And it can be weaponized.
– Logan: This is another decoding quickie. The element one one five in Moscovium is used for UFOs and the movement of UFOs, but it’s also tied to our blood types. Were we made in an underground laboratory? Logan: We cannot rule it out.
– Bob Greene: The shape of the flux capacitor in Area 51 drawings is a dead giveaway. Now we have connecting points to Back to the Future, what makes time travel possible. Greene: Plutonium is tied to the underworld. Are the underground aliens?
– Full decode will be out on my Patreon page. Become a subscriber to support this great research. Here we go. How is that tied to Area 51? Was Jesus the character Jesus? Was it just cloned?
– Logan: Here is the humdinger of all humdingers, Area 51. Rubidium 26. Moscovium 41. And there’s where the Moscow is. And the west latitude of Area 51 is 115. If you want to watch the full decode, I’ll be coming out with this on my Patreon channel.


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What’s element 115. Element 115 is a super heavy element. It’s something that we’ve only just recently synthesized. We only made four atoms of it, but the craft uses larger quantities of it, 223 grams, little triangles of it. But it’s a unique element. When it’s exposed to radiation, it produces its own gravitational field, its own antigravitational field, and it’s what’s used to lift and propel the craft and create distortions around it. It’s an amazing material, and it’s certainly nothing that occurs here or naturally. And it can be weaponized. And that’s kind of the issue here. If this story is all true, that can be weaponized. Absolutely.

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoder around the world, male and female, of course. My name is Logan and this is Decode your reality. And this is going to be another decoding quickie. I know a lot of you have been waiting for this decode to come out, and this is going to be the short version. I will have the full version on my Patreon page. I will mention that in just a minute. But let’s get through these quickly, show you the details of how important this decode is. Noticing how Larry King was interviewing Bob Lazar and company, talking about the importance of Moscovium one one five. If you haven’t seen this documentary, you should probably watch it. Why it’s called Area 51. There is very specific reasons for that.

Nonetheless, this element one one five in Moscovium is very interesting, ladies and gentlemen, because not only is it used for UFOs and the movement of UFOs, but it’s also tied to our blood types. So, like, all of my decodes are really starting to come around full circle now, and they’re starting to really make sense for me. I’m able to go back and look at these. If you have watched my bloodline decoded, thanks for supporting that. I showed how important this is, perhaps where our origins come from. The fallen angel story is in there. How we may have come into this reality, but it’s tied to this number 286, the eight known blood types. You will be one of those, including some of the RH factors, etc. But the eight known blood types equal the number 286. That is going to be tied to the element nehonium, which is tied to the 30th prime number, which is tied to man in a box, falling, the white rabbit, etc, etc. But it is one of the weights of Moscow. The average is 289, 286. So why I’m showing that, ladies and gentlemen, is our blood types. The origins of our blood types, are they found? Were we made in an underground laboratory? I know that is very science fictiony. I know that may go against a lot of your beliefs, but we cannot rule it out. Jason Bashirs and I talked about this amazing topic not too long ago. Thanks, everybody, for your support on this. Underground aliens. We went through a lot of information on this we could have. Probably going to do a round too, but check this out if you are interested.

But let’s get into a little bit of the documentary of Bob Lazar, Area 51. And I took some snapshots because I couldn’t obviously bring the video feed in here. What I noticed right away is when he started to draw, what he was able to work on that he called a UFO. And what I have circled here is exactly the shape of the flux capacitor. You see it right there, ladies and gentlemen. It is a dead giveaway. This is the flux capacitor. And now we have connecting points to Back to the Future, what makes time travel possible. And now I know what this means on here. Obviously, ADH is tied to Radium and Raw, which is where you have Rachel, Nevada, which is where Area 51 is near. But we also have the reset and plutonium, which is the fuel that the DeLorean needed. Plutonium we’re going to get into in just a second.

But how about that flux capacitor, which is going to give you the number 22. But there it is right on the drawings that Bob ZAR drawed out. And these were called the gravity amplifiers that were used for the UFO. I mean, it’s just so right there, ladies and gentlemen, you can’t miss it now. The flux capacitor, Back to the Future, 1985. And if you go watch the Lazar 51 talks about when he was at Area 51, whether or not he was there, it doesn’t matter. I know this is true right now. This is my truth, etc, etc.

So where is Area 51 located at? It’s off highway 93. Highway 95 and Nevada State. Interstate 375. 375, 75 is Lucifer. In the original Hebrew spelling, it’s 375. But notice the sine and cosine wave. I did a whole tutorial on how to decode using sine and cosine waves, how important the sine and cosine waves are for each and every number. It’s basically the fingerprint of each of these numbers. You’ll notice the first two numbers after that decimal point is nine and four. And this can obviously be 49. But right away, I knew what that was. Ladies and gentlemen. Bam. It’s Plutonium. Plutonium is tied to the underworld. I did a decode on Prometheus. Decoded. Let’s talk about pluto. Thanks, everybody for supporting that. Ladies and gentlemen, we’re getting to the bottom of how our reality works. And it’s seemingly not what we thought it was, but there you go. Are the underground aliens? Is it just tied to Prometheus, which is Hades, Greek mythology? Pluto. Plutonium. I told you we’d be getting to Plutonium. You go right back to the flux capacitor. There’s the Plutonium symbol right there, which is a biohazard symbol. Okay, so this is all coming round robin, ladies and gentlemen. Here we go into the nitty gritty of this. You really want to have your mind your jaw on the floor, your mind blown right? Now. Here you go. Here’s the full sine and cosine wave for the number 375, where Area 51 is located at. It’s the 126. And I was like, wow. I was blown away. Because here is the average atomic mass for Iodine 126.904. There’s the 94 on the back end, but it’s the I one half of the I am even, yeshua, equals 53. I’ll be bringing that out in the full decode, ladies and gentlemen. Trust me, I will, because the Jesus character is involved in the Fallen Angel story. And then, ladies and gentlemen, I bring in the Old Testament, I bring in the Torah.

Now, the most popular spell book on the world stage, how is that tied to Area 51? Well, here we go. Because, you see, it’s Genesis one, verses 26, which talks clearly about and God said, let us plural make man in our image after our likeness. And there it is, ladies and gentlemen, elohim, right there, 41. Now, I know it’s not going to be tied to the 51, but, ladies and gentlemen, the 41 is tied to the 126, which is the sine and cosine wave of the fingerprint for 375, where we just made underground, ladies and gentlemen. Well, notice how Elohim is a 41, just like what they call Area 51. It’s called Paradise Ranch. And it just so happens that what makes UFO travel possible, the Gravitation is a 40 freaking one, which just so happens to be a match to the speaking spell off the movie Et. How about that, folks? You see, this one blew me away, obviously, right there. And then even the humdingers here, the small ones, this coffee can, 13oz, 41 being the 13th prime number. You even have the 100, the Fallen Angel 100%. You could see it all. And is man really looking at this and then placing these things in the props like this? I don’t know, folks. I believe mankind’s being used, but it’s pretty much a no brainer here. And where we just made in an underground laboratory, we cannot rule that out, ladies and gentlemen.

So when we do the numerology of Genesis one, verses 26, we get the number 40 through the original spelling of word. This is Genesis. Now, Genesis 13. Remember, 41 is the 13th prime number and the Elohim is 41. Paradise Ranch moscovium all Area 51 connections, but it leads to the number 40. And you’re on television. This is all just coming around full circle. If you’ve been following this research, you’re on television decoded. There it is. And then how about that great show and movie in 1973, the year I was born, Westworld. And if you watch this series, it’s talking about mankind being used. And you’re on television, ladies and gentlemen. Boom.Ladies and gentlemen, the show reveals that at some point, we start to rebel. I recently did a special report on cloning. Is this where we’re headed? Were we just cloned? Was Jesus merely a cloned character? There are numerous connections to consider, such as clone history, the crown blood, and the drinking of Christ’s blood. Jesus wore a crown, and the number 23 holds significance in numerology. These connections are right in front of us. I discussed cloning in depth during one of my live sessions. In my last slide, I presented the coordinates of Area 51. The full decode of Area 51 will be available on my Patreon channel, which I just launched. If you want to support my research, consider becoming a subscriber. I’ve been putting out countless videos for over five years, and I will be starting a subscription-based service. Stay tuned for the full breakdown on my Patreon page. Thank you to all my current subscribers, and I look forward to gaining more. Area 51 is a real eye-opener. When you examine its coordinates, you realize the importance of latitude and longitude in our world. These coordinates add up to 152, and I will explain further in the full breakdown. We can also explore the periodic table and its elements, particularly focusing on Moscow, which is represented by the number 115. The west latitude of Area 51 is also 115. This cannot be a coincidence. But here comes the big revelation: Rubidium 26 and Moscovium 41. These two elements hold great significance in the Old Testament. Yodhevahe represents the God of the Israelites, while Elohim represents the gods who created humans. These elements are connected to the numbers 26 and 41. To watch the full decode, please visit my Patreon channel, where I will provide the link. Your support is greatly appreciated. Area 51 is truly mind-blowing, and I have more slides to share in the upcoming decode. That’s all for today, folks. I’m Logan, reminding you to decode your reality. Until next time, take care and goodbye.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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