The BIG Event is Coming!!!

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➡ The speaker in this text is discussing various conspiracy theories and predictions. They mention a code “one two eight” that they believe is linked to significant events. They also talk about the yield curve in finance, suggesting that when it inverts and then uninverts, a major event or distraction is likely to occur. Lastly, they discuss the influence of celebrities, particularly Taylor Swift, in politics and the potential for a significant event to occur at the Super Bowl or Mardi Gras.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the significance of certain numbers and events, such as the Super Bowl and the Challenger explosion. They also mention the potential for future significant events, hinting at a possible economic collapse and a major earthquake. The speaker also talks about the Patreon platform, where they decode events and discuss theories. They end by discussing the possibility of time manipulation and the Mandela effect.
➡ The text discusses a theory that certain dates, like January 28, February 18, and August 21, are significant due to their numerical values. It suggests that these dates are used by elites for planning major events, based on numerology and astrology. The text also mentions a theory about people faking their deaths and living under new identities. Lastly, it discusses a series of recent factory explosions, particularly at chicken plants, and suggests a connection to certain dates and numerology.
➡ In the podcast, Tommy predicts significant events happening on specific dates, including April 10 and 11, and March 6, based on patterns he’s noticed in past events. He connects these dates to historical events like the Challenger explosion and the formation of the Illuminati. He also mentions a major event in February, and encourages listeners to stay alert. Tommy ends by urging listeners to share this information and subscribe to their channel.


Yo, what up? It’s donut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. The big event is coming. Yes. We’re gonna break down. Why? Yeah, this is. Nope, nope. Somebody says, this is that fear. Nah, nah. We gonna crack some jokes. But I got some real evidence of something about to go down. This is gonna be some wicked smart information that we’re going to get into on the yield curve.

The 49 ers, the San Francisco Bridge. And like I said yesterday, I said, look out for the one two eight code. Tommy Trufo and I have been covering this one to eight code for over two months now over on the Patreon. So shout out to all the loyal Patreon subscribers. We’ve been breaking down how this code things happen on these dates. January 20 eigth and yesterday, January 20 eigth, one of the hugest events took place.

Yes. All over the news. Nuclear warnings all over the news because of this happening, which is setting us up for something big, all this new stuff. Three us troops killed on the one two eight code. Lindsey Graham right here. Hit Iran now. Hit them hard. January 20 eigth. One two eight. Just watch the videos that we did over the last few days. Now put a one in the comment, if you could hear me.

Okay. Make sure you smash that, like button and share this video out. Especially if you’re on Facebook, share this video out because they are suppressing this channel. Absolutely. But this is the way the similacrum works, is through numbers, codes, dates, astrological alignments, geomancy bloodlines, all of this. And football. Look. Just look at this. Biden vows retaliation after us troops killed and 49 ers and chiefs to face off in 2024.

This is the cathartic experience for the masses. The bread and circus show of imitation warfare. A cathartic experience. Different cathartic experiences happen through art or watching the football game, the gladiator Games. And a big event is on the horizon. With the Super bowl about to happen the day after the dragon year on February 11 on the 36th parallel. So we definitely called that right. One two eight. So that’s all going to happen on that date.

We see it everywhere. The Super bowl will be taking place on the 36th lay line. That’s where you got Nashville, Tennessee. That’s why Taylor Swift’s all in the news. Jelly rolls all on the news. The Tennessee is very connected to the 36th parallel. But the one two eight code as well. Paradise, Nevada, is December eigth. Nicki Minaj’s birthday as well as she’s in the news right now, absolutely all scripted and the leave the world behind movie produced by the Obamas about a cyber incident happening.

Now, what is the big event that is about to take place? I’m not too sure. But if you look at these wicked smart finance people and look, I ain’t a finance person. I don’t know anything. I’m just doing some studying and research. Because every single time this yield curve gets inverted and then does this reverse, something big happens. You can see it on these little dots, these little red dots.

Let’s see if I could pull this image up right here. Whenever this happens, where the yield curve inverts and then uninverts where it goes up, this means the economy is falling apart and the powers that be wants a decoy, a distraction. So they set up a false yes, an ff. I don’t even know if I want to say the word, but some big event, some big distraction will happen.

Let’s just look through history when this happened. In 2020. C 19 2008, we had a great recession. com bubble. And you can go, the list goes on when you keep on looking at it. The inverted yield curve. And I posted something over on Twitter. Make sure to go follow me over on the x where I wrote a lot about it. On what this means that the yield curve inverts before a recession.

The last three yield curve inversions preceded the. com bubble, the great financial crisis of eight, and then the lockdowns. The thing is, it’s actually when the yield curve uninverts that poop hits the fan. And the yield curve just uninverted last week, which means that the poop hitting the fan scenario goes from a midterm to a short term prospect. So something is going to happen pretty soon, according to this, according to pattern recognition.

Now, what is it going to be? Me and Tommy truthful been looking at the Golden Gate bridge talking about bridge collapses. And it’s interesting that the 49 ers are now in the Super bowl. And this is all connected to the bridge currency, the new currency system of the swift system. That’s why Taylor Swift’s all in the news right here. Taylor Swift and the swift system. These words are symbols, and the words getting put into our head is just a way of control.

Now, I don’t know what’s going to happen at the bridge right here in a collapse, but this is something that we’ve been looking out for, because the new bridge currencies of the cbdcs and cryptos and blockchain and all that. Now, Taylor Swift Illuminati celebrity. I broke this first, and now mainstream news is starting to break it. That Taylor Swift could sway the 2024 election. And having Joe Biden use an Illuminati celebrity for a political outcome, that’s like the number one topic I talk about on this channel, how these Illuminati celebrities are utilized, going back to the Illuminati, utilizing the celebrities to get votes, to get the young people involved, because young people, all they want is power.

They don’t care about people in the future, so they bribe them. The Illuminati bribes them. According to Philo Kennegy, the guy who created the Illuminati, this is according to him, they bribe the youth, the artists, so with power with that, because they don’t care about the future. So you think anything’s changed in the last 2300 years? Absolutely not. Donald Trump utilized Michael Jackson because Michael Jackson would bow down.

Not Michael Jackson bow down. Michael Jackson would make bankers tremble because of the star power. Because these artists are mystics. And Doja Cat, Beyonce and Taylor Swift are all doing alchemy. I proved it. Go look at my video on how they’re all working together, using their stages as an alchemical transmutation for the females wildest dream. Biden is eyeing a huge celebrity surrogate, Taylor Swift. The swifties, who are getting brainwashed, they’re forgetting their memories.

So here she is from Nashville. It’s all connected to Nashville. 36 lay line. She voted doing the illuminati eye. She voted Rock the vote. Lil John does this, too. This is what MTV is all about, rock the vote. This is just getting the mass minds ready for what’s to come. And now check out Taylor Swift’s homes. You got to look at this. And we just crashed through the thousand people, Mark.

I’m going to remind everybody every time we pass through a thousand people to smash that, like, button. Get us in the algorithm, share the video out. But check out Taylor Swift homes. She’s got so many different houses. I’m in an apartment and I never know if I’m going to be able to pay all the bills. And look at these homes. So all the swifties who are going to get upset, I’m talking about their God.

Look, don’t feel bad if we make fun of celebrities a little bit. Look how they’re living. I mean, it goes on and on. So many different properties. It’s crazy. Absolutely nuts. Because they’re important assets to the control system. And this whole thing of her and the AI and these things pushed is just to get you ready for the Super bowl. This is all promotion as she’s bringing more money to the Super bowl than ever.

That’s what it’s all about. Taylor Swift from Nashville, 36 parallel rock the boat. That’s what it’s all about. What is this big event going to be whenever this yield curve inversion happens and then it reinverts up? That’s when these false events happen. These big events, these big distractions we just showed you right here on the slides of how that works, you’re here in a first. Smash that like button, please and thank you.

Now, it could happen maybe at Mardi Gras, maybe at the Super bowl. We know that the Super bowl, there’s a lot of predictive programming. The new Travis Scott music video with Playboy Cardi where they both do the satanic chantings at their concerts, talks about football and ab, I’m not even going to say the word, but it seems like predictive programming, just like in the Batman movie. So something going to happen? I don’t know what’s going to happen.

I’m looking into it. Put your comments down below what you think is gonna happen. I’m not sure we’ll see because it’s gonna happen very soon as they are kicking off this war stuff with Iran, which was predicted through General Wesley Clark. This is an old clip. I’m not going to play it because they always hit you with a copyright, but he says the agenda in this video. General Wesley Clark, when I worked for AMTV, we used to play this clip all the time and its last target was Iran.

Now the occult goes into some of the mascots and this is something that I’m going to be diving deep into. Every year we do a Super bowl party over on the Patreon. So make sure to go subscribe to the Patreon after this video or right now because we have a lot of fun over there. During the big distractions, we decode the Super bowl. We do all that. We have a good party, the Grammys coming up.

We’re going to do the same thing. Then Mardi Gras. We’re going to have a party and a movie night as well. So go support the channel and go over down to the Patreon or just smash that likey poo because I understand that times is tough and the economy is about to crash and crumble. So let’s get wicked smart. So it’s a wolf for Kansas City. And this was in the news about wolves being infected by the parasite that the cats give off, which kind of gives me like, oh, man.

Maybe the Knights Templars were sniffing cat butts because they’d done these studies on wolves that sniff the cat butt and get the parasite that they become super alpha dogs in a sense, where they just go into battle sort of. That was the whole theory. And it kind of makes it like that. There’s even a South park episode about that. But the mind parasites with the cats, American Airlines, all this stuff’s happening.

All this stuff’s breaking down these flights. Talking about the one two eight code. There was a Pan am flight, two eight one, which was hijacked back in the day in 1968, but there’s that one eight two. The space shuttle destroyer exploded. We’re going to bring Tommy truthful on to go over this and much more, but that happened as well. We’ll see that code all over the place. But all this stuff’s happening with airplanes.

The Titanic sinking April 15. Just a lot of things to look into. I got all these different slides. The Super bowl, just so much going on. Absolutely. So much going on. Absolutely insane. And what it’s leading to is the omega event, the 24 letter in the greek Alphabet. If you look at all the different things that happened throughout the years, they were named after the greek Alphabet. And 2023, 2022 was the 23rd, the Trident, which is Ukraine.

And 2024 24 will be omega. And I believe this is connected to the collapse of currency and shutting down banks. But let’s bring on Tommy truffle over at the truth mafia. What is going on, my friend? What’s up, brother? How are you doing today? I’m doing good. I’m doing good. I got all your links down below. You just did a cool stream. I was tuning into it. Oh, yeah.

Well, my boy Bdell, 114, he’s phenomenal. Well, you’re phenomenal, bro. And shout out to Bdell as well. He’s phenomenal as well. But look right here on your page, yours says, one two eight. This is a topic that we’ve been talking about a lot, especially over on the Patreon. If I go down right here, one two eight code, December 1. We’ve been talking about it for a while. Yeah, your Patreon, November 2, one two eight code, telling people what about happened.

We’ve been talking about it for probably a year and a half now. Honestly. I heard you say a couple of months, but we’ve been talking about it since we met. And that was 921, the day Jeffrey Dahmer released his series. What was that? 2022, when me and you did our first podcast? Brother. Okay, we were talking about it then. Yeah, we talked about it. We brought it up.

Then I think I learned about it from you. So, yeah, tell us a little bit about this one to eight code, because we were able to predict one of the biggest events of the year. That’s leading us in the nuclear war. Yeah, and that’s interesting that you said that when you were saying that before we get into the one two eight code, I’ll come back full circle, because this 211 really sparked my interest.

You said the Super bowl is on 211. Did I hear you right? Yes, it is. It is on 211, the day after the year of the dragon. What’s up with that number? Okay, well, 211 is the 47th prime number, which is like the 47 degree masonic compass. And I did the Gamatri on it, guys. And in the reverse ordinal cipher, Super Bowl 24 equals 211, and that’s the day it’s on.

This is high ritualistic magic. That’s why it’s done on certain lay lines under certain astrological alignments, which we just Jupiter or Pluto into Aquarius. Big things are going on right now. We entered that on, I believe, the 20 January, and then we’ll go out for a minute, and then we enter it again on November 19, and we stay there until 2043. So Pluto was the God of death, right, in the greek and roman pantheons.

Now, you know what? Homeboy brother Aniyasaru at the spiritual shade room has also been connecting the dots on Saturn. Jupiter conjunction, how that is connected to assassinations. So something’s coming up, bro. Something big. Yeah, something big is coming. But anyways, in that 211 code, we have Super Bowl 24 broadcasting is 211. It’s going to be one of the biggest broadcasting events ever. High ritual climate crisis, digital slave doomsday clock, and new world currency.

Satanic rituals is in that cipher as well as nuclear weapons. So Donut said on one two eight, there was a major article talking about nuclear events and nuclear weapons. Also, the earthquake is in that cipher, and that’s what I’m watching out for, a major earthquake event. So this one two eight code, a major event we had was the Challenger explosion. And I took from the challenger, and I’m like, okay, let me see.

From the Challenger event until the Super bowl. Just see if there’s anything there, which is exactly 1984 weeks. 1984. You got the old Orswell 84, right? And that is 38 years, guys, which is a huge number. It’s on the COVID of murder by numbers, the 38, which is death. Murder, rip. It’s one of the biggest numbers. That’s what got me really into looking more at the numbers. How? In the movie murder by numbers, they show the 38 because it’s connected to murder.

Yeah, it’s on their cover in the name murder and numbers. But, dude, that image right there, donut that you just showed, if you go look into these astronauts, dude, they’re still alive, bro. And that image was on the guy’s website. He’s a CEO at this company. The company got shut down now, but if you go look at that blog. I did. That image is in there, and you’ll see the company is working for.

Guys, it looks exactly like that image. Scroll down. I’ll show you the one I’m talking about. Just go down a little bit. It’s coming up. It’s right under this guy’s. Bam. There it is. That was on his website. Cows and trees website. I mean, come on, dude. It’s so similar. That’s crazy. He’s the CEO of that company that just happened to have that. Now, their company went under, but that’s where he was working.

And it’s like all these people have twin brothers now, or twin sisters. All the people that were survivors of this flight, which happened on January 20 eigth, like Donut said, 911, the tower collapsed at 1028. Right? The bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh the day Joe Biden was going to do the infrastructure bill on January 20 eigth. Now, this is very important, because that was 119 days before the Golden Gate bridge’s birthday.

And it happened at 639. Well, Nikola Tesla equals 119. It was 119 days before the Golden Gate bridge’s birthday. And Nicola Tesla said, if you knew the power behind three, six and nine, you would have the keys to this reality. And the bridge collapsed at 639, which is three, six and nine. So there’s something big going on. And with Tesla, if you look at them, dates right from the day the challenger collapsed until this upcoming Super bowl.

That’s 456 months, which, in the latin cipher, Tesla’s time machine is four, five, six. California annihilated is four, five, six. Hidden patterns. Right? So we know they like to manipulate the timeline. We see it with CERN. Oh, by the way, CERN equals one two eight in this same cipher Latin. So with CERN, we’ve all heard of the Mandela effect, where they’re going back, manipulating the timeline, and then something might be slightly changed.

It seems like it’s ramping up, though. And the one two eight code is interesting because I did some research, and the climate protesters were wearing. We got 1028 days left. Or 1028. Julia Roberts birthday. Matthew Perry’s death date. One two eight. But 1028 is 33 months. 1028 days, you mean. Yeah. Equals 33 months. Wow, that’s interesting. Right? So you even got that in there? That is pretty interesting.

I never knew that. It’s good to look like trace days from different events. Oh, you want to know what else, donut? What do you think the connection is between the challenger and 911? Brother, what is it? Okay, so the challenger blew up. 187 months later, 911 happened. Yeah. So there’s something up with this code. It’s crazy. And a couple of other dates that I’m looking out for, as we did predict this one through the code is February.

What would it be? February 18. That’s two one eight. Yeah, that’s the next one to look out for, which is one two eight. It’s just the numbers mixed around. Right. So it could be eight two one too. So remember we said that August 21 is another day. So you got January 20 eigth, February 18 and then August 21. These are all just different ways to manipulate the numbers.

And you got to remember this, guys. Millionaires don’t use astrology and numerology. Billionaires do. You know what I’m saying? So for you not to realize that these elites are doing everything when it comes to these numbers and astrological alignments. That’s how they plan these type of events on the world stage. Just like with the challenger, they killed off these characters on the world stage. And then they were reborn under another character.

Every one of them. They’re all still alive. I mean, you can clearly look at and see they’re all still alive. There’s not that many coincidences in the world that all these people just happen to have. If you scroll all the way down donut, show the comparisons of them. Brother of their so called twins. There you go. There’s one. And it tells you right where. You can read it yourself.

Where they work now. Yeah, they went into witness protection. I would give an argument for that. The black dude might be his brother. Because to me it doesn’t look that similar. Doesn’t look anything like him. Yeah, to don’t I don’t think. But that dude, the white dude at the top. But people do. When they age, we do change. Like, I start to look more like Chan every day.

Yeah, but that white dude up at the top, it’s him. It’s his same nose and all people change. My grandpa don’t look nothing like he looked when he was young. You know what I’m saying, right. Somebody brought up the massive chicken plant and I want to bring that up because I did hear about it. It does go into egg rituals. So let me pull that up real quick.

Massive chicken plant fire, Texas. Chicken, chicken plant. Who going chicken hunting? We going chicken hunting. Chicken had a mother and chicken. Chicken plant fire, Texas. I bet that smelled good. Oh yeah, that was no need for the air fryer. Little chicken. I don’t see it. But I did hear about it. I was watching that. Let me see what this one says. You don’t see the chicken plant? I only see the news.

But I think it was a foster’s farms. But I got to keep looking. Oh wait, that’s not it. I don’t even know what the heck that is. Let me see. 1 second. But it goes into a code. Let me see. Foster enter the stars. Was talking about it this morning. So shout out to enter the stars. I think that’s his name. Foster farms. Maybe nothing did happen, I don’t know.

Please put the link in if there is. Maybe it didn’t happen, but I saw people talking about it earlier. The watchman. Please put the link in so we could share it to everybody. And we are about to crush through over 2000 people. Whenever we crash through thousand people. I like to remind everybody to please smash that like button. Share this video. Oh yeah, I found it. You want me share? Yeah, put it in the private and I’ll pull it up.

Tommy, thank you so much. Oh wait, no, I’m sorry, I messed up. This is something else. Yeah, I know that too. The foster farm is the ff. Yeah, this one. But here, this is crazy though. Speaking of one two eight and chicken plants, this happened on January 20 eigth of 2021. It was a chicken plant that blew up. Oh dang. Die after liquid nitrogen leak at Georgia poultry plant.

That is kind of fascinating though, with the one two eight code. Put it in the private chat so I can share it. Here you go. It’s not from this year, but it just goes into that whole code with them doing events on that day. Here, I’ll put it in the private chat. Brother. Shout out to Australia. So there might be some connection there if we can really find that a chicken plant blew up like they’re saying, because there’s one that happened on the 20 eigth of 2021.

So that’s right, a day apart. So if we find one really did happen this year too, that would be fascinating to say the least. That’s crazy, bro. Yeah. So right here, there was six dead at a poultry plant that happened on one to eight as well. So you can see that one to eight be popping up. And they got the orange school bus in the background. That orange code is huge too, guys.

They love the color orange in these rituals. I wish I could find this chicken factory one he’s talking about. Yeah, me too. If somebody could put it in the comments, that’d be great. Oh, here. Is this it? Large fire at Feather crest chicken farm. Here it is. Got it. Okay, this is interesting now, guys, because we just seen. Okay, here I’m putting in the check. We just seen that there was a freaking chicken explosion in January 20 eigth of 2021.

And now there’s another one today, right, which is a large fire at Feather crest chicken farm. So how many days is that in between each other, I wonder? I’m about to look at that real quick. That would be 128 of 2021 until 129. Now, it doesn’t say the date that this happened, so maybe this might not be the one. What? The one I just shared? Yeah, because it doesn’t have a date on it.

It’s for today. Yeah, it’s probably good. It’s probably good. I just wish it would have a. Yeah. It says, 2 hours ago, large fire at Feathercrest chicken farm in Curtain. I can share my screen and show you mine has a date. Okay. No, you’re good. 2 hours ago. Then it says, twelve days ago, factory explosion chose 23 people in Thailand. So there’s been a lot of this factory explosion shit going on.

Eleven days ago, another one with connected to DNA. What the hell is that all about? Firework explosion victims taken to thai temple where family gives DNA to identify. Oh, wow, listen to this. Factory explosion kills 23 people in Thailand. And then it says the family is taken to a temple where they’re given DNA to identify. Oh, really? Because 23 is the number of DNA. So that’s interesting. You got 23 chromosomes from your mom.

And then right here, the evergrand as well happened on the one, two, eight day. So there’s a lot that happened. That chicken one did happen though. That’s wild. That’s some wild. It’s called large. Did you type in large fire at feather crest chickens? Type that in large fire? Feather crest chickens. Let me pull that up. Yeah, I see it. So this says like 2 hours ago. So that’s like recent.

So that’s kind of weird. I don’t think I was talking about this one earlier from the video I was watching earlier, but this just happened. I don’t know. That’s crazy though. This is, like, even weirder. Well, there’s something going on with this chicken archetype right now with the one, two eight. We need to look into a little more behind chicken Egg rituals, too. The beginning of the year for the year of the rabbit.

It started off with an egg shortage. That’s true. The whole egg thing. And this is the beginning of the year for 2024. So I don’t know. But there is action to the chicken, too, because it’s the demiurge. It’s all the bayoff. You showed his name, the abrassic symbol. He’s got the head of the chicken. Remember? Yeah, you showed him numerous times. That little guy. He’s got, like, little legs like a snake head.

Yeah, they love that guy. That’s their little buddy right there. This gentleman right here. And if you look right here, it says iaw. Now, this goes into the EU. Iao. These are the sacred vowels that I think hold reality together. At least that’s what I think they believed. But iao. Right, we see iaw. But is I, o in our language, in english, and everything goes in this order.

Iao. Tick is I. Tac. Is a toe. Is o. Iao. Tic, tac, toe, net, tin, yah, who. Everything goes in this order. It’s the sacred vowels of the iao. Well, iao equals nine in chaldean, and nine is a very sacred number. Oh, right here, bro. You see, it says right here, ia omega. Oh, yeah, right there. Iao. So it’s the Ia omega. I mean, that’s definitely where that symbolism you got with the chicken, you can’t deny that.

Absolutely not. It’s definitely connected to that. And you see it with the abrassics demon, too. It shows that same chicken, dude. And that was all in Jupiter ascending, the movie Jupiter ascending. We went over that a little bit tonight in our podcast. We got what you got planned, Tommy, I want to keep this broadcast short. I think it was super critical information that we gave. What are you looking out for this month, this week? What’s on your horizon? Could I give a couple of dates that I’m watching, please? Okay, the dates I’m watching.

Guys, go ahead and get your pen and pad out and mark these dates down. The date april 10. I believe there will be staged events on April 10 and april 11. Write them days down. And if you go on that blog I did about the challenger on truthmafia. com, it’s in detail, explaining why I believe these days are going to happen. It’s connected to the challenger blowing up and that’s exactly 1776 hours from the 30 eigth anniversary.

Yeah. That’s when the illuminati was formed, which is also 73 days. And the challenger blew up 73 seconds after it took off. Right. I would continue it on, too, because the Titanic sunk on the 14th and the 15th right there. Oh, wow. Yeah. Plus, this year, that’s right after the eclipse, bro. The major eclipse. Right. That takes place. Yeah. That’s a big day that I’m watching out for as well as there’s one in March.

I don’t know if I put it on here, but. Hold on. Let me see. I thought I did. I’ll come back to that one, but that’s a good one right there. February 10. Pay attention for that days, guys, because I’m pretty sure we’re going to see some staged events, and then I’ll come back for an update on this March event, because there’s definitely going to be a big one in March.

Oh, I remember it. March 6. Sorry. March 6. March 6, which is 36. Okay. Yeah, that whole 36 and all the rituals we’ve seen on the 36th parallel. But there was a major events take place connected to that number. Israel and Hamas. Right. That was after the 36 year anniversary of Hamas. And then you had Hawai take place, and that had to do with three days after Hawaii was the 36 year anniversary, since harp was patent, so they love that 36 number.

And let’s not forget that Joe Biden continuing on with this one two eight code that Joe Biden sent a text message alert at two one eight. That’s why I’m looking out for February 18. Two one eight and Hawaii is the pattern recognition they sent out at. Sure, it was about three years prior, but eight caught on fire on eight. Eight in the eight area code in Lahaina. Rest in peace, everybody.

Hold on 1 second. I figured I couldn’t remember with the 36. Here’s why, guys. From January 20 eigth, the 30 eigth anniversary of the challenger, that’s exactly 38 days. And if you remember correctly, that’s one month and seven days. That was the exact time frame from when the girl, Tiffany Gomez, flipped out on the plane, said, that person ain’t real. 38 days later, Lahaina blows up. So we’ve seen this number sequence.

38 days, which is one month and seven days, which is 17. That kill code, both them numbers are heavily influenced with that kill code. So that’s why I believe we’ll have a major event on March 6. And that’s all I got to say. Well, thank you guys for tuning in. Make sure to smash that, like, button. Share this important information out. This yield curve thing, I mean, absolutely incredible.

Something big is about to happen very shortly. You heard it here with Tommy truthful dough nut. All our links are down below. Make sure to go subscribe. Much love. God bless you all. 38 minutes. Bye. .

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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