THIS IS BLUEBEAM!!! Doenut Factory

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➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including Project Blue Beam, which suggests a plan to remove religious beliefs through the use of hallucinogens. It also mentions various symbols and their significance, as well as the influence of secret societies. The text suggests that social media is being used to manipulate people’s beliefs and behaviors. It ends by predicting a connection between climate change and alien invasions, suggesting these are part of a larger plan to control society.
➡ The text discusses the influence of memes and their role in shaping public consciousness, referencing various events and figures. It highlights the significance of the summer solstice in various rituals and the use of symbolism in mainstream media. The text also mentions the impact of secret societies and their connections to mainstream figures. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of understanding the esoteric, or hidden meanings, behind various societal elements.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and connections between events, such as National UFO Day, the release of Assange, and the helical rising. It also mentions the influence of Masonic and Knights Templar rituals, and suggests that these events are part of a larger, interconnected ritual. The author also discusses the influence of various institutions and individuals on public perception of these events, and suggests that there may be a hidden agenda behind them.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including their creative nature, the influence of big bankers, and the role of secret societies. They also touch on the symbolism found in everyday life, such as the McDonald’s logo and the number 23. They question mainstream and alternative narratives, suggesting that society is being pushed in certain directions intentionally. The speaker also mentions the potential for a shift towards a more religious society and the role of public relations in shaping public opinion.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and their connections to different belief systems, UFOs, and popular culture. It suggests that these symbols are being used to manipulate people’s perceptions and beliefs, possibly as part of a larger agenda. The author also mentions various events and figures in popular culture, suggesting they are part of this symbolic manipulation. The text ends with a call to support independent artists over large corporations.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the symbolism of the Knights Templar, the influence of mainstream artists on global events, and the significance of certain dates and symbols in the music industry. They also touch on the potential dangers of being a fan of certain music groups, the role of alcohol brands in global control, and the recurring pattern of economic crises coinciding with lunar standstills. The speaker encourages viewers to share the video and subscribe to their Patreon for more content.


But up, it’s donut and you tuning into all your Illuminati news. We are going through Project Blue beam right now. This is blue beam. All the videos that are nudging us into removing the abrahamic religious belief systems by resetting the autonomic nervous system through the psilocybin, we’re going to get into it. There’s a lot going on in the news with Homeboy Assange and a lot of truthers have revealed a lot of stuff that I did not know that I’m going to show. That makes it very, very sketchy. A lot of symbolism, a lot of hand gestures, but there’s going to be a big show.

What up, everybody in the chat room? Dee Dee says, what up? From Florida a bot. Hoffman’s hungry for them donuts. So we gonna feed you some donuts and get wicked smart with chan, me and all that. So, hello, everybody. As you enter the room, make sure to smash that, like, button. Absolutely important. It gets it into the algorithm. But this is what’s trending. This is Ezekiel’s will. This is in, like, religious text, this symbology of what they’re saying is the seven stars, which are these, like, alien planets. So all this information of Harvard coming out telling us that there’s aliens, the government, blink 182.

And if you follow this channel, you know about the 128 code. Well, blink 182, that’s that 128 code. For example, national UFO days on July 2, which leaves 182 days until the end of the year. And then you got the masonic connections with Scientology, with Tom Delonge of Blink 182, releasing these classified Pentagon files. Absolutely ridiculous. But if you’re here right now, I don’t believe in coincidences. I don’t think anything is a coincidence. So you being here right now, me being here with you, this is absolutely supposed to be right now in this time. And on a bigger level, like, don’t you kind of think it’s weird how Trump and Hillary are both related to John of gaunt or that you got multiple school and bones members running for office? So whoever they select, it doesn’t matter.

They’re going to be part of a secret society, and these bloodlines run deep. And here’s Hillary Clinton’s new book. It looks like an awful book, but something lost, something gained. It should. You know, this book should just be called sacrifice. I should just remove that. Just write sacrifice, because that is what sacrifice means, is you lose something in a lower nature to gain something in a higher nature. That’s sacrifice. So her book literally means sacrifice. Isn’t that crazy. It’s that word magic. But is it a coincidence that the guy trying to colonize Mars, this national socialist who worked with Disney Project Mars, Doctor Werner von Braun, wrote about a group called Elon colonizing Mars.

And now we got Elon colonizing Mars. I mean, are these coincidences? Absolutely not. Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. Symbols are absolutely connected to ruling. Who rules our symbols rules us. That’s what alfred course he said. And he also wrote a lot about the nervous system and languages and semantics. He argued that human knowledge of the world is limited by the nervous system and languages humans have developed. Now this goes into the mind control through the semantics. But the nervous system is what I’m interested in because that’s where the belief systems are put in place and belief systems are real.

Just look at all the placebo, whatever it’s called, things that they did. They did these placebo experiments and it showed that the belief systems were absolutely real. And this nervous system to reset the autonomic nervous system, according to Timothy Leary, according to John C. Lilly, who was doing these experiments with the dolphins for Mkultra, but he wrote the metaprogramming Timothy Leary took that made it simpler. And it’s about resetting the autonomic nervous system through the hallucinogens, through the psilocybin. Now, the dolphin connection to the aliens like Mars attacks, those are dolphin brain aliens because that was what the research being funded by the government was all about, was communicating with the dolphins.

So the dolphins will give the message to the whales and the whales will go down to Atlantis and speak with the aliens. I mean, all the UFO stuff, this project blue beam stuff, the real reports coming out are all coming out of the ocean. So these UFO’s be coming out of the ocean. But this is just a huge psyop. And I’m going to tell you why, tell you what is going on with the alien blue beam psyop. We were all thinking blue beam was going to be this holographic alien invasion. It absolutely, I think will be.

But right now we’re going through blue beam. But it’s not through holograms, it’s through your cell phone. Your cell phone is telling you aliens exist while you are microdosing and resetting that autonomic nervous system. Because the Concord prison experiment put on by Timothy Leary was to give the prisoners the psilocybin to make them good citizens. And we were all prisoners. And now we’re given the psilocybin to become good citizens and to reset the autonomic nervous system to remove the abrahamic belief system. Maybe that’s what all this holy war is about, is making people exhausted of religion.

I mean, all the red pill people that were not talking during the lockdowns. The reason my channel is not monetized, you can’t send a super chat, is because I was speaking out during this time that you see on the screen when the world. I mean, a entire united connection of all governments and peace and love, staying home together. All these red pill people that popped up after this with, they’re all pushing you into different religious institutions. And there’s an absolute difference between an institution and the people. That’s what Jordan Maxwell always said, is that there’s a difference between people and institutions.

But that’s not what these red pillars say. They target the entire religious groups. But going back to the mushrooms and how long this has been in play through the skull and bones, see Life magazine. This is the Templar color. We’ll break down the Knights Templar colors in the hip hop world. Like Revolt TV. Right? Revolt TV, owned by P. Diddy. Right. Maybe he said that he doesn’t own it anymore, but it is the same logo, just like supreme with hip hop. Or double Xl, the double cross, double XL. I mean, it’s absolutely nuts once you go back and look into these secret orders that aren’t so secret that sit at the UN today.

So these ancient, ancient orders, way older than the Illuminati, are still in the UN today. And Cass Sunstein, he was there to discredit the 911 truth movement, wrote an essay on it, and then was awarded onto the communist Obama regime. He was part of that regime. And he. Then he came out and wrote this book called Nudge. So that’s what’s happening with the psilocybin mushrooms and the alien agenda all being pushed at the exact same time. It’s just marketing and advertising, nudging us into a direction that they want us to go into. Hey, here you go.

Just like when you go to a movie, they show you the popcorn commercial, and then bada bing, bada boom, popcorn cells go up. That’s this nudging behaviorism. And that’s what this whole social media is all about. Social media. It was designed to keep us addicted like a drug. The rat experiments that they did on rats. We’re the rats. That’s why Ariana Grande said, f those rats, and let’s exterminate them. In her last music video, I swear that’s what she says. That’s what that video was about. Because that’s how they look at humans. They look at us as animals, not divine beings.

And you can even see this, they have the elephants there because they think of us as different types of animals. Now, this alien psyop a couple days ago was national UFO day. That’s when Assange was released. It’s also the day the first masonic temple was built. But you got all the big names. Logan Paul asking President Trump about UFO’s and putting a UFO behind him. This was trending. You got Stephen Greer, who’s connected to the Rockefellers and the Clintons as well, and then Billy Carson, who says that the aliens visited him and told him to go to a website so you can purchase his membership course.

I mean, there’s a reason why all this is happening all at once. Because it’s a movie and the heat map is burning up. It’s so hot right now. And that plays along with the ritual, with what is going to be happening. We got to speak to Charles Moskowitz. And he was breaking down. Ow. They had a couple agendas to lock the world down. And one was a climate one, but another one was little spacemen coming down and invading. That was part. So climate, space and all that alien stuff are. You could bet your bottom dollar they’re intermingled, they are connected.

And you’re hearing it here first. You’re hearing it here first. You’re going to see there’s a connection. The heatwave map that is popping off right now is the new lockdown map. That is what to be scared of. I mean, it’s no coincidence that Aldous Huxley, social engineer of the world we live in today, the brave new world era of the 1984, his brother created UNESCO and the Wildlife foundation. And these aliens are coming straight out of UNESCO. When they were showing us the aliens at the mexican congress, that was a UNESCO situation. But that’s not what’s important.

That’s not why we’re here. We’re here to talk about Haktua, the Haktua. That is what is absolutely important. And these memes, memetic, I mean, think about ancient aliens, was the meme, that was like the, one of the original og memes, was this memetic magic putting the aliens into the consciousness, probably through the Disney channel. Ancient aliens, isn’t that on history? Yeah. Okay. It is. Yeah. So when you see History Channel, all you could, all you need to think about, it’s Disney, it’s the Disney Channel, the national treasure, Knights Templar, Disney Channel, and the a, the Aleister Crowley, Twin Peaks, the a and the a, the twin Peaks, ancient aliens.

I think it’s for Venus and Adonis, and we’ll get into that even more. But this Haktua meme girl was trending during the summer solstice. Here’s June 24. That’s the Knights Templar day, John the Baptist day. But it was about fellatio. That’s what this meme was about. And according to Alastair Crowley, who created the AA, that’s what the summer solstice was about. It was about the 69 position. The 69 position for the summer solstice. Shout out to Project Cheney. She shared that the iron sheik was the original Hawk Tua. So the iron sheik did the hawk Tua before her.

So I’m sure there could be a connection there because wrestling, WWF, WCW, the rock and whatnot, that’s all correlated to the simulacrum that we live in. And here’s not a lot of people know this, but this might be Elon Musk burner account. Adrian Ditman, I’m not sure it only got 80,000 subscribers, but this could be his burner account. But it shows the memes the importance of memes. Justin Timberlake’s meme of his viral sexy photo of him was released the same day Jeremy Meek sexy photo was released on June 18. Now this is meme medic magic that’s happening.

The memes are what put Donald Trump into office was through the meme warfare. And to combat the meme warfare, you even got Joe Biden, the greatest president that’s ever existed, doing his laser eye memes. So you can, you can see the importance of the memetic magic that was spoken about by the Timothy, Larry’s and Terrence McKenna’s back in the day. So this was all planned out for a long time. Another thing that happened on the summer solstice that we forgot about. Well, at least I did, and I’m happy. I take these screenshots, is the submersible. The submersible was on the summer solstice, and that was a summer solstice ritual.

Everyone laughed at me when I said this. They’re like, no, it’s not a summer solstice ritual. They were underneath in the vessel for 96 hours. That’s the six nine. It absolutely was a summer solstice ritual. And shout out to the one on one podcast. He made this meme of King Solomon Shamir with the ocean gate, and that went viral. But this royal arch 69 for the summer solstice is absolutely important. The six nine plays huge roles in rituals. That’s when SVB bank collapsed on the 69th day. Gangsta Boo with their 69th album passing away on the summer solstice, while Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton were performing underneath the Royal arch.

And the Royal arch is that six nine? So I got a pattern recognition here of rituals happening on the world stage and during this time of the summer solstice, even Andrew Tate, the most mainstream man in the world. And when I say the most mainstream man in the world, he was the most google man in the world. That means that’s mainstream. If you ask somebody who’s Andrew Tate, they’re gonna know who he is. So it’s not a dis, it’s just a fact. Just like Alex Jones. I’ll say Alex Jones is mainstream. He’s bigger than the mainstream, because if you ask somebody who he is, people will know who you’re talking about.

So it’s in the mainstream consciousness. And he was trending with his cryptocurrency that he was promoting with the bird and the bird rituals, with the bird sicknesses and all that. And the KFC. The colonel was connected to a ton of different secret society organizations. With the checkerboard floor underneath here, there’s an absolute connection to the whole alien agenda, and here’s the. The sacrifice of the chicken. And everybody is getting hijacked through the fifth generation warfare and turning into a zombie. It just reminded me so much of the movie the cell. The ending of the cell was, this is a bit that’s not from the movie that I don’t.

This is just a video I found on YouTube, but the cell. So these memes of frogs can go back to NLP. And Richard Bandler. Richard Bandler wrote a book called Frogs and the Princes. And the guy that was controlling Andrew Tate’s cult, or at least influential to it, told everybody to read this book. And the frog memes, we can see that’s what Alec Jones was famous for, was his frog meme. The frogs are turning sauce. And this just gets weirder and weirder because the pepe. There was a guy, General Pepe, he was connected to a ton of secret societies, and he was a linguist for the East India Company.

I mean, that’s a guy that I need to do a deep dive into. He was inspired by probably Napoleon Bonaparte. French revolution in the french revolution. In the beginning of it, I guess it was a noble cause. And then it gets hijacked. So you get all these movements that might come off as a good cause, but they get hijacked. And then you get the reign of terror, where the word. The whole, you know, you hear about terror all the time. Like Borat, we support your war of terror. That’s coming from the French Revolution. That’s coming from the reign of terror.

And I am so grateful and lucky I get to speak with Cynthia Chung tomorrow. Matt Eretz wife, which will be posted on the Patreon. So early access, go down, click the link below. It’s the only link I got. It’s the only way you could really support the channel, too. But you get a ton of content. We just did a video with James Tunney, so if you like that James Tunney video that we just did, elite war on your soul, wait till you see volume two of that. It’s already up. It’s already playing. It’s uncensored over on the Patreon.

Cheaper than a bag of skittles, cheaper than Netflix, cheaper than all the mainstream places that you could subscribe to. Plus you get just a ton of content. We always be posting content up there, like, at least four times a week. I mean, four times a month. So you’re getting a ton of stuff, and it’s early access and people who can’t afford it. I know the economy is shit right now, excuse my language, but I think that is a good word to use for where the economy is. Don’t worry, I will edit it and put it out publicly.

But if you want to check it out early, go do that. And I mean, just think of Budweiser. Budweiser frogs. That was another meme before the Internet really took off, was the three frogs. And shout out to Jacob Israel. He broke down how the three frogs come out of Satan’s mouth, like in, like, the Bible or something. I’m not really sure about. That was interesting. And the guy who. Look, the guy who went on after making this commercial, went on to make the pirates of the caribbean film. Yeah. So right there, the pirates of the Caribbean are the cilician pirates, a Mithra cult.

This is where you get secret societies like skull and bones. And this whole Johnny Depp ritual that we’ve exposed. When he was doing the thing with Amber, heard pooping out homunculus babies into the bed. We went into that a little bit on the Patreon with Juan. That video’s up, too. But we broke down how this was all Knights Templar symbolism throughout the entire court case. And through the memetic magic. He won the court case. Also, he’s an actor. Another funny thing is that all these actors and mainstream musicians are all the red pill truthers coming straight out of Hollywood in the music industry? But I digress.

The memes of Amber heard who stepped on a bee. They’re both wearing the bee lapel. That, I mean, very. That’s symbolism. That’s absolute symbolism. So if you’re new to the channel, you just click this because you’re like blue beam aliens. I love aliens. Hit that subscribe button. We’re breaking down symbolism, etymology, geomancy, all the things that the world actually operates. This is how the world actually operates. It’s not what you’ve been taught in school. What you’ve been taught in school and on Twitter is the exoteric. And we’re diving into the esoteric, what the initiates mean when they say a the twin Peaks.

That’s why you got on a American Airlines the twin Peaks on national UFO day on seven, to the meme that went viral of the girl seeing an alien. That MFR ain’t real is all symbolic. So here’s national UFO day. It was on June 24 when Assange was released. That’s a huge Masonic and Knights Templar Day. National UFO Day. And July 2, that’s when the aliens invaded Independence Day. Because the real Independence Day, the real July 4, was actually July 2. Benjamin Franklin changed it to July 2, I mean to July 4 because of the helical rising.

So the eleven day theory from the summer solstice to the helical rising is around this time. And I think August 12 will be the helical rising. So all these rituals happening are interconnected. I used to think it was just a one day kind of ritual, but now I can see it’s a yearly ritual. And who knows what calendar they’re using. They could be using multiple different calendars. I have no idea. But let’s look at the chat before I continue so I could take a little breath. Looks like we got almost 1500 people in here. We’re streaming all over the place.

Thank you so much. Over 500 comments already. Hello, everybody. We’re going to dive deep. We’re going to get into the Assange symbolism, which I had no idea. Project Gaslight. Look, we up on rumble, too. Make sure to go subscribe to the rumble if you’re over there on any other channels. A lot of times I delete these videos, but they stay up over there on the rumble to go check it out. Shout out dinosaur. Yo, yo, yo. I know what’s up. Ot’s woo woo. Frog men. Look out, Osama. Mama bear. Mama bear up in here. Hello, mama bear.

All right. I’m gonna get back into it just because we got so many people up in here, and I don’t want to waste your time. So I’m gonna dive right back up into these articles and these stories and just please smash that, like, button that. If you’re not going to support the Patreon and get the wicked smock content early, please just smash that, like, button. Share this video out. So June 24, they released the Roswell report. Roswell’s on the 33rd parallel. Here’s World UFO day. June 24. It’s the same day the premier grand lodge of England was created in 1717 on June 24.

That’s why there’s, the Masons are just an arm of the British Empire. There’s been books written about it. Now, that doesn’t mean that a lot of people freak out. They’re like, oh, all the Mason, not every mason is. But these are top lodges we’re talking about. We’re not talking about your common Mason walking around. You know what I mean? I’m talking about top, top lodges that no one really knows about. You know what I mean? But you guys are smart enough that I already know that. But I just wanted to notate that. So the alien Psyop, I really got hip to it because of this canadian patriot article.

What do UFO’s Lawrence Rockefeller and MkUltra have in common? More than you think. This came out in 2022, and the truth is stranger than fiction. And I’ve done multiple videos with Matt Ehret, and it was just because of this. He goes into Bigelow, Tom DeLonge, connections with Scientology. And Harold put off the Rockefeller connection with the Clintons to do the UFO disclosure with people like Podesta and Doctor Stephen Greer. And then Doctor Steven Greer. Always be crying. He did this video and he crying just like a homeboy. Peterson, Jordan Peterson, always be crying because they probably were compromised.

And this video, this was all out. This is what all the people, everyone loved this video and believed in aliens like normal people. Just like when Netflix came out with game changers by one of the submersible guys, that director who owns, you know, he owns the biggest p. Isolate, vegan, isolate company. And then he makes a movie called the game changers with Arnold Schwarzenegger who says, screw your freedoms. His dad was a national socialist. He likes to flaunt his skull belt. And everybody became a vegan or not even a vegan. They just started eating in the beyond meat.

And people try to beef with me, but I’m beyond impossible. That’s beyond impossible. What really happened when Hillary and Bill Clinton tried to open UFO truth 21 years ago? And this is why you got the Obamas making the Barney and Betty Hill incident into a movie after their big success with leave the world behind. The predictive programming of that, this is their next project, is about aliens. Here’s John Podesta. You got to talk about the aliens so you could absolutely see this deep state connection to these institutions. Tom was right. Tom DeLonge was right with the Kardashians.

Yeah. Okay. You even got religious institutions funding men in black. The movie men in black two and rocket men to the stars is Harold put off creation. Harold put off big scientologist. That goes even deeper. You gotta listen to Matt ehrets videos on it. But blink 182, the 128 code, the 218, it doesn’t matter which way you put it. It’s the one two eight code. This was huge. And leave the world behind. Leave the world behind was released on December 8, one to eight. And it showed the bridge collapsing or this boat. And then this really happened in real life, where the bridge collapsed at 128.

Definitely called that for an entire six months. I was talking only about the 128 code. That’s all I talked about. And then it happened. That was nuts. That was don’t nuts. But blink 182, they’re part of it. They’re part of that. And it’s interesting that this guy, Travis Barker, he was like, he got the skull and bones, but he was in a helicopter crash, and everyone, like, died except for him. I don’t know. It’s. I mean, that’s weird. It’s also weird that I think Trump was supposed to go on a. Oh, look at this. Does that say 33? I sure do.

You sure do say 33. Donald Trump was supposed to be on a helicopter, and he decided not to go. But what we’re looking out for next is the helical rising of Sirius. The entire United States is based off of the Sirius star system. The ancient hieroglyph of Sirius is everything to do with the United States. And the choosing of July 4 was for this helical rising. And the date would be right after the Paris Olympics on one to eight, if this is correct. I don’t know if this is correct or not. I’ve been searching for a long time to see when the helico rising is, and it’s hard to find, but you can see the Beetlejuice movies coming out on nine six, that six nine.

Because the beetlejuice is connected to this whole thing as well with this winter triangle. It’s a. I don’t know. It’s all. It’s all connected. But this 128218, maybe that’s the date that has been foreshadowed with the national emergency tax code. And for people who are like, no, that’s crazy. Look, Donald Trump’s tax code is 882-28-8022 and on this date, on August 8, 2022, that’s when the FBI raided his home. I mean, this also happened in Hawaii. Hawaii had an emergency text alert at 08:08 a.m. these emergency text alert, the first one, for example, for America, was created on the helical rising.

I talked about that three years ago because I just had a gut feeling it was connected. And the 808 was set on fire. On 808. I mean, come on. Come on. Absolutely crazy. So there’s Lawrence Rockefeller, and just think about it. Reagan said they would pause the cold war at the United nations for an alien invasion, an alien threat. And, I mean, that’s what they were calling the lockdowns, too, as an alien threat. That’s what they were saying about it. So I feel like there’s no coincidence that storm, area 51, a Facebook event, which was a meme, went viral.

All the news stations were talking about it, and CNN, Fox News, they disagree, but they will align with the alien agenda. And the alien agenda is absolutely connected to all of this. When the Phoenix lights happened out here in Phoenix, where I’m at, was on March 13, that was when the emergency lockdown started to happen in America. Well, when Trump said it was an emergency, and also after the storm, area 51 event, that’s when all this stuff kicked off. And everybody, it seems like it’s forgetting about what just happened. And they probably want to forget what just happened, because everybody has been in apathy and traumatized through the news, through the fear, through the amygdala hijack of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, to make you more suggestive to what they’re selling.

And what they’re selling is nothing but hate and votes and products. That’s what they want to sell you. They don’t want to sell you beautiful truth and love and honesty, that is not on the agenda. That’s not what sells. What sells on Twitter is hate, fear, division, divide America. So everybody’s burnt out. So here’s the new mythology for everyone to escape in. Everybody is foaming out the mouth and drooling. And I’m not saying that there ain’t ain’t some weird stuff. I’ve seen some weird stuff. I’ve seen that, you know, I’m very piscenian. I’m very creative. Yeah, I like to ground myself because I am too creative and I can get lost in the imagination.

But I’ve seen all of La turn Green when I was driving down the highway. So I’ve seen weird stuff. I know I don’t even want to talk about some of the stuff because I get goosebumps and I get freezing cold when I talk about some things. So I don’t even want to talk about something. So I’m not disqualifying phenomena. I’m not to squalor. Not saying that doesn’t happen, but I’m saying just like yoga, I don’t think stretching calisthenics is a bad thing. But there’s a reason bankers brought it to America. I’m not saying that people doing the psilocybin or microdosing, I don’t know if that’s what you’re into.

I’m sober and vigilant. But if that’s what you’re into, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but I’m saying that there’s a reason JP Morgan, vice president of propaganda, is the guy who brought mushrooms to America. In that Life magazine with Gordon was, do they really have your best interest at heart? The big bankers, the military industrial complex. So that you got to question these things. And this ancient alien stuff is nothing but a new mythology for people to escape. And it is controlled by the system. It’s controlled by the Disney Channel. The History Channel is nothing but the Disney Channel.

And the a in my research is the Twin Peaks. So you got the show Twin Peaks, right. Which is an esoteric show about the Black Lodge. Isaac Weishaupt. Shout out to Isaac and any Asaru at the spiritual shade room really dive deep into this. And I think it’s funny because they have the five one number right here and the 201 two big huge Illuminati numbers. But here’s Aleister Crowley’s twin Peaks, his magical organization in 1907. Going into the dilemma. So you got the seven, seven sevens all over the place. And I mean this is how the political system actually operates.

The political system actually operates through theosophy and. Shout out to base camp and Malcolm. I did a video with Malcolm over on the patreon. Get early access to it. I’m absolutely incredible. But he was breaking down the alt right guy. I forget his name, but he did a theosophical prayer. Michael Flynn or something. I don’t know his name. Mike Flynn. He was leading people in theosophical prayer, which makes sense because that’s how the world actually operates. Even the McDonald’s logo is the Twin Peaks. It’s the two peaks. It’s the a. The a. It’s the twin peaks of Venus and Adonis.

That’s what. So you can’t. We don’t know what it actually means. But for my research looking into this stuff, I think that’s what it means. Venus and Adonis. And that goes into the whole rose symbolism, which is connected highly to secret societies. The war, the roses and Napoleon Bonaparte. So the esoteric, let me give you an example. This letter, this is exoteric. This is w to the mainstream. But the esoteric, it’s the 23rd letter. And look, the twin peaks. There’s two and then three peaks. So it’s the 23. That’s for the initiates only. You got three up here and two down here.

It’s the 23rd letter. The two three or the aa. That’s esoteric. Now, we got almost 2000 people up in here. I’m sure we got 2000 people up in here because we’re streaming on multiple platforms. Make sure to smash that likey poo button was up. Rich, going to the comments real quick. James says it’s doughnut. Thank you so much. What up? What up? My sherry up in here. Shout out to my sherry. I need to fish says was up. Yes. Who else up in here? Team America movie had Paris, France in the beginning May. Oh man. That’s a good connection right there.

I am so won. We. I got nobody to call my own. AIDS. Everyone has AIDS. That movie is so funny. But here’s the AA airline. And on July 2, the 70. No, not the 72nd. July 2 is seven two. That’s 72 on the back of the dollar bill. You got 72 bricks on the Illuminati pyramid. This is all symbolic because in gematria, through a tetraket, which is like the shape of the bowling pins, even bowling is esoteric. We cover so much symbolism over on this channel. And I learned so much from everybody. So put your comments down below because I absolutely am on this learning lesson for you.

I do not know everything for sure. And that’s the beginning of knowledge, is knowing that I know nothing. That’s what I’ve heard. So staying teachable, hopefully I can continue. But here, I just remember this movie came out and this guy was just crying. He was just so sad. And then there was the other ancient alien guy crying too. I forget his name, but he crying, saying the aliens came and did the butt stuff with him. And so he, I mean, he was great. I, I believed him watching. I’m. I believe this guy. He was crying, but I feel like all these guys are compromised.

So Joyce Dojevsky, he was arrested and they did a mock execution of him. So he thought he was gonna die. And that’s what these people do. Like the Bruce, the king Bruce, or whatever his name is that is connected to the Knights Templars. That guy like put this guy up on a flag pole or something, hung him, cut him off before he died. Then they removed his genitals and then burnt it in front of him and then cut his head off and put it so everybody could see it. And then he says, oh no, I’ve changed.

And that’s what I’ve read in Cynthia Chung substack, which is absolutely incredible. So I’m so excited to speak with her tomorrow. And I’ll be posted on Patreon tomorrow. It’s gonna, we’re gonna go into the Knights of Malta. We’re, we’re gonna get into the Knights of Malta. That’s gonna be nuts. But look, Joyce Dojevsky, this mock sex execution happened to him. And that’s all Jordan Peterson talk about. And he was top psychiatrist at Harvard, just like Timothy Larry. So the Timothy Larry connection of counterculture, changing the culture into just bangin and doing drugs, kind of like what we’re at now.

Jordan Peterson may well be, and I don’t know for sure I like Jordan Peterson, but I’m breaking down symbolism and I’m questioning the mainstream narrative, even in the alternative narratives, questioning everything. So instead of making the culture ultra, I guess, leftist, he’s making the culture ultra on the right with order. And that’s what his books are called, the Rules of Life. Giving you a twelve rules of life to live by rules and order. And I’m not saying that they’re bad. I think you should make your bed and clean your room. I’ll be cleaning my room all day.

I, you know, but I, like I said in the beginning, just because things they’re pushing isn’t bad. It could be pushing us into a direction intentionally. And speaking about Doi Stojewski, Henry Kissinger wrote his master thesis on Spangler, who said that western man’s faustian bargain with the devil would be disenchanted from it and then move into a doi Stojevsky Christianity. And we got to talk to Jay Dyer. Shout out to Jay. He would breaking that down. But if the elites know this, like the Kissingers and whatnot. The elites understand the psychology that they know that the world’s gonna turn into an ultra religious Reich.

So they’re just ready for it. And they’re giving us people to move into that. To into that. So here’s Gordon was in right here. JP Morgan Public relations. Now when you see public relations in the course of work funded by the CIA, when you see the word public relations, the National Socialists gave the word propaganda a really bad name through their brainwashing and mind control. So Edward Bernays, he wrote the book propaganda and he changed it. He changed the word propaganda to PR, dobus PR public relations. So he was the public relations manager, the propagandist for JP Morgan.

Now JP Morgan connected to the Titanic and the Federal Reserve and also to the new JP Morgan’s of today with Jamie Dimon who stole our money, taxpayer money, forcefully. So it was actually robbery and made him a billionaire. We pretty, he stole our money and became a billionaire. But no one cares because you got keeping up with the Kardashians and Kanye. So who cares about that Concord prison experiment? You could just see all these connections and what they’re doing is resetting this autonomic nervous system I talked about in my robot programming over on rumble for the alien stuff.

And the alien movie is coming out when is coming out? August 16, which could be dope. I like the alien movies. I mean the symbolism too. Like the symbolism of the v. This goes back to UFO stuff. Jordan Maxwell was talking about the v. There’s that show v. And it was about communism. The dawn of a new day. The sun rising over the mountain would be the new religion. He, Jordan Maxwell talked about a pharaoh seeing a UFO and it was going to bring a religion. And the symbol was the sun rising over the mountain. That’s the Obama logo.

And that’s most of the state seal logos and also the soviet logo. And look, you got the grid right here. This is the checkerboard floor. They’re the egg or the disco ball or the six nine. It’s the royal arch. It’s all royal arch symbolism too. Here’s subway getting in on the national UFO day for June 24. Wanted to document this because they’re saying it’s now July 2, which it is. But if we go back to Vishnu, you can see the disk. So all the symbols that they’re using to remove these religious belief systems that people have had for thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of years, they’re, they’re using the symbols.

They’re using the symbols. So this is the disk, this is the UFO craft, and this is Ezekiel will right here. The Ezekiel will that. Now they’re saying, is this. So we are absolutely in project blue beam right now. This is project blue beam that you are watching through your cell phones while you’re microdosing, and it’s connected to this green agenda. We broke that down already. And how the summer solstice is dedicated to the northeast. And now there’s a dome, a heat dome on the northeast during the summer solstice. I mean, it’s all symbolic ritual. And even the masonic tracing board.

Look, you got the seven stars. What are they calling this new Ezekiel wheel thing? They’re calling it the seven Dyson spheres in the sky. Seven stars in our galaxy are Dyson sphere megastructures. So right there, Masonic right here is Polaris. If you look at the UFO and Independence Day underneath it, it’s Polaris, and it shoots down the light, which is the ladder onto the checkerboard floor, which is the cow. And the cow is an ancient symbol for religions. And then the cow gets abducted into this. That’s the symbol. Shout out to Mario of symbolic studies. He was breaking down the polar, the polar bears and all that.

Um, the polestar. Uh, and when he was doing that, I was like, oh, my goodness. This the UFO symbol symbolism. And look, you got the omega right there. I just am so fascinated by symbolism. Like, why is the east up here, you know? And then look, the northeast, west, south. That’s the news. We get the news. You’re tuning into all your illuminati news. So smash that, like, button. Who’s up in here? Yes. Yes. We just crashed through 2000 people up in here. Heck, yeah. That’s awesome. I’m so grateful. Make sure to smash down that, like I poo button this video doing good because this is a popular topic.

This is a popular topic, the alien agenda. And I’m gonna talk crap about it. I’m gonna talk crap about it. And I’m only talking crap seriously about not real people seeing stuff because we’ve all seen stuff. We’ve all seen some weird stuff go down and strange phenomena. And I’m not discounting that at all, if that’s the word to use. I’m breaking down. There is an agenda happening, and it’s. Everybody’s in line with it. We’re watching a scripted reality. This is a scripted reality that we’re watching. Here’s the Phoenix lights. On March 13, the Phoenix lights flew over Phoenix.

Right here. You can see it right here. It says March 13, right, for 106 minutes, a v shaped object. Remember, I was talking about the v and that symbolism right there? Bada bing, bada boom. Here’s Trump. Trump declared an emergency on March 13, so there’s absolutely a connection to it all. This is a little out of order, but AOC jumps on stage, bumping Cardi B. Here’s Cardi B talking to the greatest communist president of all time. The music industry is repetitive because the repetitivity puts you in a trance, and that’s what it’s all about. Everybody’s under mind control.

And even mainstream media is saying that Taylor Swift might be a psyop. That’s, like, a thing, but, duh. Why do you think Lady Gaga opens up the inauguration? The Hunger Games inauguration. In the Hunger Games, guy just died right before the inauguration. So, I mean, why is she wearing the Hunger Games attire and everyone else was, too? They’re broadcasting a message symbolically to us. I don’t really want to go into the 42 stuff. Um, that’s some gematria stuff, but I’m going to leave that out for now. But here’s Andrew Tate. He has 33 cars. Greta Thunberg is part of the the communist movement, and he also put the eight one two ferrari.

So the 128. So I don’t know. I’m just looking at stuff in the mainstream. Here’s that. Game changers. The game changers. Netflix propaganda made everyone turn into a vegetarian for, like, a week. And then the parasites in their body are like, oh, hell no. But that’s the same thing with the disclosure project. I guess we could talk about Julian Assange now, because Julian Assange was arrested. And look, there’s this illuminati playing card. It does look just like him. Now. I know exactly where Julian Assange is now. He is with Pamela Anderson, and he is getting it in right now with Pamela Anderson.

Not a lot of people know, but Pamela Anderson liked to visit him when he was in jail. And I always thought that was weird. And shout out to project Cheney. I was like, what’s going on with this pamela Anderson? And she brought up how Pamela Anderson is, who got everybody on the Internet through her sexy time tape. Remember, she made that sexy time tape with that rock star, and the only way you could watch it is on the Internet. So this is why Drake leaks out his dragon and sexy red leaks out her sexy tape right before her album comes out.

And even most recently, uh, Ani Asaru tweeted this out. A big sexy. I don’t know if that’s the same person, but, uh, to the Masonic. That’s weird, right? It’s just like Doja cats masonic illuminati party that she threw. Uh, but he does a lot of strange symbolism. I don’t know if what he’s doing is the, the mark master symbolism. I don’t know. It doesn’t look like it, but I’m sure it is symbolism that’s going down. But him being freed, he’s a free man. He’s freed. And the first Freemason lodge was founded on June 24, 1717, the day he was released, right here.

And when he was arrested. Check this out. He’s arrested. You see that three right there? There’s a three. And look, these are checkerboards. But he’s the three. And then there’s another three. So there’s a 33, right there. Isn’t that crazy? A 33, two pillars. I believe it’s all symbolic. And I remember he was holding a book. I don’t remember what book it was, but he came out. I was working for AMTV when this happened. So that’s why I’m so caught up on a lot of geopolitics. I don’t know who this is, but I remember there is connection.

I mean, think about that publicity and that symbolism. Don’t let a good crisis go to waste. This is all crazy stuff. Michael Jackson got them sound paku eyes. We’re coming up into July, August, September, October, November. Jason, that moment you realize the next month, spell out Jason. Friday the 13th, the Knights Templar day. And look, I broke this down 1st, 33 holes. He’s got 33 holes in his mask. When you include his one nose and the two eyes, it’s 33 bada bing, bada boom. But he’s a free man. I don’t know, I feel like it is symbolic.

Like what is this symbol? And what is the symbol of the fist? This is what’s trending is the fist. Now I know the fist symbol is communism, and he does do it a lot. So it is something to notate that he’s done it multiple times. But the fist is symbolism. Like what is the, the one eye like that looks like the bafflement fingers. I don’t know. Oh, here’s the fist again. And another picture. It is symbolic and I’ll show you how it is symbolic. But we’re coming up on July 16 and 17th. Huge day. Prime, prime day.

Everybody’s going to be supporting Amazon, getting rid of the middle class, getting rid of, you know, mom and pop shops. So you know, go support the Patreon. I got the link down below. We just posted a bunch of new videos. We always posting stuff up there. And it’s cheaper than Prime Day. Prime Day is like $15. Amazon’s like $15 Prime Video. And I know people be supporting these mega conglomerates. Go support independent artists like myself. If it’s not me, support someone else. But I know times is tough. But I think it’s weird because the date, July 17.

And I do got the link down below. It’s the only link I got down below. So make sure to go do that now or after the show. But July 17, it’s the emoji. So it’s a day I’m looking out for. Ritual. Just like the helical rising. The helical rising. The 21812 day, August 12. That’s the day I’m looking out for. But July 17 might as well be as well. And then July 20 is the. The fight with Mike Tyson, who’s been under MkUltra for a long time. He’s a MK ultra fighter, and he’s full of tattoos, full of communists.

It’s crazy. So that’s the 201 day. But speaking of, I got to talk about some juggalo stuff. We got over to 2100 people up in here. Oh, my goodness. We don’t go over drink champs a little bit because my boys, Marlon J and Shaggy, two dope, we’re just up on there. And y’all know that I’ve been the juggalo of the year for consecutive 36 years now. But they went on the puff daddy channel on revolt. And this is the logo. I would even say that the whole Middle east conflict was launched off through the mainstream artists like Kanye and whatnot.

But let’s go over the symbolism of the baffle mat in the double x. This is all Knights Templar symbolism. The baphomet was worshipped by the Knights Templars. This was drawn out by Eliphas Levi. Eliphas Levi. The hand going up with the two fingers, and the hand going down with the two fingers. And somebody notated that that’s what he was doing right here, too, sort of with the hand going up, hand going down. But the Templars were worshiping the baphomet with the hand up and the hand down. You see, Beyonce does the same thing with the hand up and the hand down with the two fingers.

It’s absolutely that symbol. You cannot mistake that that is not the symbol of the bafflement, which is the drink champs logo. The hand up, the hand down, the double x. The double cross. You’ve been double crossed by the Knights Templars. And the rose. There’s the rose. The Templar rose. The rose is very significant in the bloodlines. It’s the rose line. You got that in. In France, right? And the color is the black, white and red. I was showing you in the beginning, the black, white and red of Life magazine. Well, here’s revolt. Here’s supreme. Oh, no, you’re just stretching.

That just pops up. Well, supreme also owns another company called Noah. It’s the Knights Templar Iron Cross that Kanye walks on. And it’s the same color. No, I’m not stretching. Double XL. It’s the double cross. It’s the same color scheme. This is absolutely what’s happening now. ICP woot woot was just on drink champs. And shout out to Shaggy two dub for his sobriety. Now, they released this album, the Great Malenko, on June 24. Now, I don’t think they were aware of this, because Disney owns it. Disney put it out and screwed them over big time. And Disney released it on June 24, this date that Assange was released as well.

And then they re released it again on August 12. The helico rising. I mean, come on. These are the two big dates that I just showed you that were significant to the Knights Templars, and they were just on drink champ. Here’s Knights Templars, part of the Disney franchise and whatnot. But Shaggy two dope released a record called Illuminati don’t want me they want my cold body Illuminati don’t want me. And then right after he released this single, he was in a car crash. It was almost fatal. So I don’t even know if they’re aware of this.

So hopefully they. They see this video. But Coolio, who was a juggalo, you could see the hatchet man tattooed on him. Coolio, he was talking about the Illuminati, and then he passed away right after. And he was a huge juggalo. And rapper Foolio. Think about Coolio. There was just rapper Foolio, who just was gunned down as well. So I believe there’s a connection. I do know. Here’s the rose cross, by the way. The rose cross, part of the hermetic order of the Golden dawn, which was created by Samuel Mathers, which could be Marshall Mathers, Eminem’s grandfather, right here.

But the roses are very important into this mythology. Here’s the. The rose cross again, and the blood lines in the Tudor rose. And here’s Jay Z. This is the alcohol they drink on drink champs. It’s the double cross, the double x. It’s the Knights Templar. Double x. And that’s what they drink. That’s what Kanye said to support and drink the Knights Templar. And I think that’s why 50 cent is going to probably go through a ritual, because he has a different alcohol brand that’s competing with it. But Alastair Crowley had an alcohol brand. If you look into the alcohol brand companies and families, they’re part of running the world, because think about how much tragedy comes with alcohol, like, all the crazy alcohol stuff.

But Obama and the FBI made anyone who’s a fan of this band, insane clown Posse, a gang member with the Bloods, the crips, black disciples, Spanish, all the big vice lords, Latin Kings. If you like a band, if you like a certain type of music. Obama put you into this gang with all these big games, which is absolutely nuts. And then they did this rally, and look at the color schemes. Even, like, the juggalo hatchet is the red, white and black. But they put this rally on to fight against the FBI, and Antifa showed up to it.

So I’ve been keeping an eye out because I think that the mainstream have been working really, really hard to control the. The juggalos, but because it’s just the. It’s a huge phenomena. Or maybe they have been controlling it the whole time. And I gotta, you know, I question that. What if I’ve been socially programmed, which is very possible. Now, here’s Obama’s logo of the sun rising over the mountain. I can go even deeper of how this is the symbol for the Colorado airport and the symbol of Bill Gates book. How it all goes back to ancient symbols for world communism to come.

The golden light that will be diffused throughout all the happy world from the rays of the risen sun of socialism. So that’s what antifa is all about. So here’s the rose, the fist, the fist in rose. This is the socialism, the communism. Right here is the Soviet Union of the sun going over the mountain. And the fist, the antifa fist, whenever you see these fists, that’s because there’s an agenda behind it, and it’s all symbolic. Now. I thought it was weird because they were awarded flowers. They award people flowers when they go on the drink champs.

Now, I don’t think I even have that up here, but they. If you go on drink champs, you get awarded roses. So it all goes into the rose symbology. In my last video, the moon is broken. We have a lunar standstill, not seen since 2006, when the subprime mortgage crisis happened. The first major lunar standstill. The last time it happened, the mortgage crisis, subprime mortgage economic collapse happened. And this is happening right now, this lunar standstill, and it happens every 18.6 years. So I did a little math. From 2020, 418.6 leads us to 2006, when the subprime mortgage crisis happened.

But from 2006, you minus it again, 18.6. It brings us to the 1987 black Monday stock market crash. And then I just keep doing it. Every time you do it, it leads us into a time we were in an economic depression or recession or inflation. Happened right here. 1968, the forgotten one did it again. It’s the recession of 1949, then it’s the Great Depression. So you keep doing this, the panic of 1893, by just money seeing it 18.6 years, you will always land in a time during this lunar standstill that there is an economic crisis happening.

So I think it’s absolutely nuts. Absolutely crazy. We got over 2200 people up in here. Now, this has been a big success video with how many views we got, and I would love to see it with more views. So by smashing that like button sharing this video out, it gets it into the algorithm. Very much appreciate it. And I also very much appreciate everybody going down. Click the link below, go subscribe to the Patreon and access all the wicked smock content. Much love, woo woo. And God bless.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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