VULTURES | Are Joel Osteen Kanye West TD Jakes Steven Furtick False Prophets of the Apocalypse?

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➡ This text talks about the author’s concerns about famous religious figures like Kanye West and Stephen Furtick. The author questions if Kanye’s move into Christianity is genuine or if he’s leading people in the wrong direction, pointing out some questionable symbols in his performances. The author also expresses disappointment in Stephen Furtick for using hand gestures that could be interpreted as secret symbols. The author leaves it up to the reader to decide if these figures are authentic or not.
➡ Joel Osteen, a popular preacher with a huge church in Houston, Texas, was criticized during Hurricane Harvey in 2017. People were upset because his church, which could hold 16,000 people, didn’t open its doors to those in need during the disaster. Instead, they claimed the church was flooded, but later it was found that the flooding was in an underground parking garage, not the main building. This event made some people question the sincerity of Osteen and his church’s commitment to helping others.
➡ The text talks about a person’s observations and thoughts on various topics, including changes in their personal life, a tragic event in Houston, and their critique of celebrities like Kanye West and their actions. The person also discusses their views on societal issues, such as the removal of God and compassion from people’s lives, leading to hatred. They express their weariness of these issues and their skepticism towards celebrities who claim to be religious figures.
➡ The text discusses the idea of false leaders in Christianity, using the example of Kanye West and his recent actions. It warns against blindly following these leaders and instead encourages seeking personal truth and understanding. The author also mentions the Mandela Effect, a phenomenon where a group of people remember something differently than how it occurred, and promotes his upcoming movie on the topic. Lastly, he introduces his sponsor,, a company that provides environmentally friendly cleaning products.


Hello, my friends. Jacob’s here. One more time. Thank you so much for pressing that play button, for spending some Qt with me today. Quality time. So we could talk about the vultures that are circling around in. By vultures, I mean, you know those people. No, they dress really nice and fancy and they tell you, follow me, follow me. I got the answers. But really, in the scriptures, these vultures, they pick off the dead.

They pick off the dead. It’s like a symbol of religious leaders that are phony and false and fake. We’re going to talk about some heavyweights today. I’m not going to tell you if I think that they’re fake and phony or not. I’m going to leave it up to you. I’m going to leave it up to you. But I’m going to lay some things out that are, well, let’s just say concerning things that I’ve been sharing on the channel for many, many years about people like Joey Osteen at Lakewood Church.

Like, yay. You know, yay. He changed his name to yay. Kanye west. Remember, he was supposed to be the great movement into Christianity. Remember all of that? Yeah, I definitely was correct on that one. With his latest release of Vultures, which, by the way, I kind of titled the album that came out. I didn’t mean to. I compared, know, his Jesus is king and his era where he was doing musicals.

The first one was like, nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar, who’s the king of Babylon? All of the things that I’ve talked about in the past, I said, one day you’re going to see, and then, boom, here we are. The question we’re going to be asking today is whether or not Kanye west is legitimate in his foray into Christianity or if he’s somehow part of something else, maybe brought in to kind of lead the world in a certain direction, maybe not the direction that would be truly endorsed by Christ.

From the clothing he wears to his Jesus tour, which was very interesting. He had a Jesus impersonator, and he pictured himself on artwork as a crucified savior. Many had a problem with some of those ideas. The stage itself, the mountain that is a pyramid, reminded me a lot of the Jesus is King album artwork from his IMAX movie. Here we see him on tour, the top of the mountain, right? And then here we see Jesus’s king many years later.

So it’s interesting, but the coincidence doesn’t stop there. In 2010, when he released power, his music video painting showed many occult symbols from a gigantic horus around his neck to the sword of Damocles dangling above him. A picture of a man about to die, to be born again anew. The beast that has the fatal head wound. Perhaps when he performed this, it was clear that he was part of this group.

But this is where it gets strange. At the BET awards, he was on a volcano. And now, some ten years later, he’s performing as Jesus’s king from a volcano as well. In his release, famous, he was pictured with many naked celebrities, including Donald Trump and George Bush, Kanye west being in bed with them all. And that was, of course, before he got to meet the president and endorse the president in the Oval Office.

A lot of predictive programming, it seems. So are they all in on this together? In bed together? You see Kanye wearing Horus there. You know who else was a big fan of that deity was Aleister Crowley. Many of these secret societies are big fans of bringing about the age of Horus, or the aeon of Horus, the reign of the God man. Here’s Kanye then. Here’s Kanye now. Here’s Kanye performing from a volcano then.

And here’s the volcano he’s performing from now. Now, before you go. No, he’s left that all behind. That’s the whole point. We have to ask ourselves, why then do we see the same symbolism? There’s the Sunday service at Coachella, the very first event. See the all seeing eye. And then there at Lakewood, once again, before we get into all of that, I gotta tell you, the very first thing that really troubled me just recently was Stephen Furtick.

He’s got elevation church. He’s huge. Mega pastor. I enjoy listening to him. I listen to him because he’s funny and he’s well prepared and he’s got some insight. I like to tell people this. People are like, how can you listen to him? Like, because he’s got some stuff that’s interesting, you know, in the scriptures. I’m not comparing him to a donkey, but Balaam the prophet. God spoke to Balaam the prophet through a donkey.

You don’t think that God can use these big time mega pastors, and I’m sure that they do, but I was very disappointed because I was watching furtick just the other day. He’s got his new book out. He’s got his new book out, new you. And it’s like these six simple steps to. I guess he shared this in his last broadcast where he told everybody that we’re going to be doing, like, I guess, over the next course of the next six weeks, he’s going to be doing the six steps.

And he said like six a bunch of times, but over the next six, I want to take these six sayings. But when he did it, he was putting up the super secret hand gesture, you know, the one, the okay sign. But it was very clear from what he was saying that he knew that that okay sign represented six. And if you look at the okay sign, I’m not going to make the hand gesture, but you see, it looks like six six.

I’ve made that sign in the past. I didn’t know any better because I thought it meant okay years ago before my eyes were opened, which is what I said was going to happen many years ago when I’ve been doing YouTube for a long time. If you’re new to the channel, welcome. I’m so happy you’re here. It’s probably that last video that I just did that went like. I don’t know, it just did well.

It did well. It didn’t go like viral or anything, but I got a lot of new people here and I’m really happy that you’re here and I welcome you and I’m so happy that you’re watching this right now. But I didn’t know back in the day that the okay sign, I thought it meant okay, but it really. Six six six. Spooky. But there are a lot of other super secret hand gestures that we see a lot see a lot of world leaders making that it looks like a womb.

And I know there’s another name for it, but it’s like you could do it downwards or you could do it upwards. Diamond Dallas page. He did the diamond cutter. He made that symbol. Notice how I’m not making the symbol because I don’t want anybody to think that I’m in some super secret club. I’m not. But so he does this whole thing where he shoots up the six six six.

He’s talking about his six steps in six weeks. And then he says, and we got people, we got funding, we got this. And he makes the other hand gesture, the super secret hand gesture, and I think, is this why this guy’s a multimillionaire? Is this why he’s so popular? He’s connected to the TD Jakes. TD Jakes who? He’s a big fan of the diddy parties. They call him a power bottom, whatever the heck that means.

I don’t know, virgin ears and I don’t even know if these allegations are true, but him and lecrae and a lot of these other christian artists or whatever they’ve said, oh, we’ve been to the diddy parties. Justin Bieber when he was a young child and usher when he was a young child. They went to Diddy’s place a lot too, from what I hear. There’s a lot of spooky stuff about all these people, but they’re know.

So I was a little disappointed in Furick for him, not knowing that that would be like a stumbling block. I’m like, how do I watch you now? What are you doing throwing up the six six six. Should probably address it. Should probably say, oh, I meant nothing by it. But he knew it meant six six six because he says these six principles and he had the hand gesture up.

You see, a lot of people like to tear down doctrine. They like to say these things and that things. So many videos out about how Stephen Furtick. Isn’t this Stephen Furtick. Let me tell you something. His church, his church, his massive congregation, his universities and his. I mean, he’s a very big name if you don’t know who he is. He’s a great preacher, too. I enjoy listening to him.

A lot of people try to expose him. I don’t want to get into the exposing part. That’s why I like videos like this. They trouble me. But I told you that this was going to be a time where we were going to start to see beyond the veil, if you will. I did this with Joel Osteen. You know Joel Osteen right now. There was this terrible shooting that happened, really terrible.

And it happened at his Lakewood church, which is basically, it’s an evangelical, nondenominational christian church. It’s in Houston, Texas, that can seat like 16,000 people. And it’s like standing room only, mainly because a lot of people like Joel Oste, he’s got like 50,000 members that come in. It’s considered the largest church in America. This guy has like got multimillion dollar jets. He’s got like a yacht. He’s got like many houses.

He’s doing well for himself. I met him, too, because I worked in christian tv for a while. I did. And the owner of the network who was passed on, he was like, I think he was buds with him. So I got to meet the guy. He’s very short. He’s not a very intimidating man when you meet him in person, but he’s always smiling. He’s always doing his whole thing.

And Oprah’s had him on all of these, all these big wigs. They’ve endorsed the man. And he’s got best selling this and best selling that. But many years ago, back in 2017, do you remember Hurricane Harvey? I think that was the name of it, man. It was terrible. It devastated. Remember, it came in at Corpus Christi. And I had said that. I see the symbolism of this. I said, oh, it’s coming to the body of Christ.

It’s going to be a big deal. And then I went on and I told everybody how Joel Lowstein and all of these preachers that are like this, that we were going to come into a time of great revelation. And I mentioned the eclipse, which, by the way, I got a show on the eclipse. I can’t wait to share it with all of you. It’s going to be very exciting because it’s in 2017, and now we’re going to have another one in April 8, 2024.

And there’s like six years, six months, six weeks, and six days in between these two eclipses. And smack dab in the middle of those eclipses was December 14, 2020, which I said, it’s going to begin a time of trouble, Jacob’s time of trouble. And that’s when the wackadoo came out. A lot of things happened on that day, halfway through that period. Remember during that time, a lot of people were having problems getting by.

Joe Lowstein, who’s a multi gabillionaire, he got a PPP loan. Yeah, PPP loan. He got $4. 4 million. They gave it to him because they were on hard times. Meanwhile, they were shutting down businesses that were just trying to stay alive. They were shutting them down because they were opening up pizza places. And do you remember the madness that was back in the day? Well, they got paid.

A lot of these guys got paid when that terrible hurricane happened. You know what he did? You know what he did? They put out a bunch of posts like, oh, don’t come to was, it’s flooded. It’s flooded. And they totally made up stories about this whole thing. And I did a video when everybody needed Lakewood church, the biggest church in America, when they needed it, they weren’t there.

They weren’t there. Oh, my goodness. But the irony is I went back and I watched that video. Do you know when I did that video, it was 77 months and eleven days. If you’re new to the channel, I know that sounds like a little woo woo, but there’s something about numbers. And so when I go back and I look at a video that I did, and I said, oh, you’re going to see how corrupt everything is in the coming days.

That’s what I said. I said we were going to enter into a time of testing when everybody else was like, oh, that revelation twelve sign that happened at September 23, 2017. Everybody saying, we’re going to be raptured away or Jesus is coming back. I said, no, we’re going to enter a difficult time, and it’s going to progressively get worse till we come to that final eclipse. And we’re here in the year of the dragon.

The video about the eclipse and what was going to come after it and how a lot of people were telling, a lot of christians, mind you, a lot of so called prophetic christians were saying that the eclipse was spelling out doom. And I came on and I said, it’s about a time of testing. It’s a time of awakening and renewal, and people are going to start seeing the truth for what it is.

I had said that in that video. I had said that it’s going to be a time of testing. I had said that we’re going to start to see what kind of metal people are made of. I had said that there would be a time of revealing an awakening, if you will, that the lights were going to go on. And that truth that is bursting within us, that has been dead for so long is about to wake people up and get them to see that the nonsense that you’ve been putting your faith in, the religious system, political system, the socioeconomical system, whatever system, the entertainment industry, all this stuff that you get, all this stuff that you’re putting your faith into, all this stuff that you’re getting your joy and your peace from, or so you think it’s time to wake up from that.

And I think that the truth I’ve been saying this, at least the truth about these industries are going to start to be manifest. We’re starting to see that maybe that love of Christ that everybody is talking about, ain’t really the first thing on their minds. So I watched the interviews afterwards where Joel was quickly responding to all the criticism, which, of course, there was that first tweet where it said that they’ve been inundated with severe flooding and so it’s closed for business.

Basically, they put that tweet out, that big one, and they said, if you want, go to these places instead. It wasn’t too long after that that that was taken down completely. So that’s like, that’s clue number one, that their heart wasn’t in the right place to begin with. Clue number two is then the big campaign to say, oh, we never close our doors. And they say it in such a way where if you listen to it, it’s not exactly the doors that we were talking about.

Well, let me start by saying the doors were never closed. And, in fact, we did have people come to the church on Sunday evening, or maybe it was Monday morning, but it was sometime overnight. We had about ten people here at the church, and they rode out the storm here. A few were maintenance people who were keeping an eye on the flooding, were just maintaining the building. Others were here to receive anyone who came into the church and needing help.

So then it wasn’t long after that, all of a sudden, the media was flooded with pictures of flooding. And we were all led to believe that was the Lakewood church and that it was severely flooded. But there was something about those pictures that just really got me thinking. I’m like, I wonder if this has nothing to do with the literal church. I wonder if it has nothing to do with that literal megachurch, that 16,000 seat coliseum that, by the way, Joel Osteen paid for with cash.

For all of you that have mortgages out there, as well as, I’m sure, his $10 million mansion. These people have a lot of money. Prosperity message, right. That God is good and that you’re going to prosper and not the message. That’s true. That when hard times come your way, that perhaps those hard times are there to wake you up and to put you back on the right path.

That when things happen to you, that perhaps it’s not that they’re happening to you so much as that they’re happening for you, and that you need to learn a lesson from this. But that’s not the stuff that Joel’s preaching about. I listened to his brother kind of talk about, know, well, this place has been flooded in the past. And then we start to realize that, oh, my goodness, Lakewood church was never really flooded at all.

In fact, there was nothing really to worry about. And then I took it a step further, and I actually started digging for these pictures. And I saw the pictures and I have them here. And it was an interesting thing, because at the bottom there was a caption that said, these pics were taken of Norfolk by Lakewood church. Hope all is safe and pray for the rain to stop.

Basically, they’re just showing this place called Norfolk. So all you got to do is you look for a campus map, and you find out that this area is like an underground parking garage that, of course, would be flooded, because it probably floods all the time off, like way away from the area that could have helped people. Those pictures that circulated showing that the entrance to the building, there’s no flood.

There were like 20 cars that behind the building, all this stuff, all these pictures were showing that doesn’t look like there was any flooding at all. Even though they were leading people to believe that by clever placement of photos and little newsworthy bites that Joel then persuaded, gave to everyone. Now, this guy is a big player. That’s strange. 77 months and eleven days. That’s strange. It’s also strange how old I’ve gotten since then.

I used to color my hair. I used to do that. I’m thinking about doing it again, but I’m not. I’m actually trying to do a new hairstyle. I don’t know if you noticed. I’m trying to go a little more, trying to grow it out a little bit. It’s probably a little more information than you need to know, but I want to bring you along for the ride. So he’s got his ferraris, he’s got his jets, and he’s got his everything else.

And now this terrible thing happens in Houston at the day of the Super bowl. But a lot of the articles, like New York Post and others, saying that this is where the system failed them. This person went in. I don’t even know. I don’t know if it’s a she or he. I don’t really know. I don’t want to get into the ins and the outs of it, because there’s been, like, one after another after another, after another after another.

This world has failed everybody. This world has failed everybody. It’s taken God out of the equation. It’s taken love and brotherly love and compassion out of the equation. It’s gotten people to just hate, and it’s like, I’m tired of seeing it. And, of course, the mother in law, of the person that went in there and did all this damage, who brought their child, by the way, who ended up getting injured.

The mother in law is like, oh, it’s the state’s fault because the laws on the guns. Here we go again. It’s like, nonstop. You get tired of it. Don’t you get tired of it? I get tired of it. But I gotta tell you something. I thought it was very strange that Joe Loston here he is talking, and he’s addressing, and he keeps talking about the chief. He’s like, well, you know, the chief says, and the chief this and the chief that, and the chiefs win the Super bowl.

And I’m like, it’s just strange. He kept saying chief all the time. They did their press conference, and he’s talking about how devastated he was, but he can’t stop smiling, this dude. He’s so used to smiling all the time. I smile a lot, too, because I try to encourage you, but the guy’s smiling. He’s smiling. It’s very strange. Worse. Of course we’re devastated. Of course we’re devastated. We’ve been here 65 years and have somebody shooting in your church.

But we don’t understand why these things happen. But we know God’s in control. And very strange that he would be smiling, but he’s a strange man. When Kanye came out and he started doing his whole, like, jesus is king, and he was like he was going to be the new messiah, he actually, in his latest song, vultures, which just the COVID of the album alone, where he’s wearing a Jason mask.

Yeah. Who, by the way, is like a zombie killer. If you ever saw any of the Friday the 13th movies, which is weird, because we’ve been talking a lot about the 13, Taylor swift in the 13, the 13 in the Super bowl, the 49 ers. Four plus nine is 13. Everything like 13, right? And I told everybody that the death card, the tarot death card is 13. And we got those two sets of cicadas, the 13 and the 17.

And I explained how it’s symbolic of death and rebirth that we’re in this time, this judgment time that’s coming. It’s big deal. Cicadas are going to bloom and blossom smack dab in the middle, where those two eclipses cross place called Little Egypt, carbondale. Very strange. His album, it looks. It’s terrible. And his wife’s, like half nude, and she’s got, like, a napkin cover in her butt. This is the guy that everybody was giving me a hard time when I said, you wait and see.

I told everybody a long time ago, I said, this is the guy. They chose to get you all to think that this is what Christ is all about. I did. I did. Not to mention his album is titled vultures. And do you know that I did a video called Prophecy Alert? This video right here, because there were these two vultures and there was like a virgin birth that never happened before.

So I married these two stories that came out at the same time where Kanye was doing Jesus King revivals and he’s doing all of his stuff. Had Marilyn Manson there and Justin Bieber, and they were all dressed up in white and trying to look like they were. I don’t know, weird. They were trying to look like they were weird or prophets or whatever, but I did a video and I said, this is what the vultures are.

They’re looking to pick off the dead, the ignorant people, to be carnally minded as death in the Bible. So when you look at the know, because Adam, the instant he ate of that tree, he died. He lost his connection with the truth. And you die spiritually. It’s not a good thing, because you live a miserable life built on your ego. And your ego is only going to bring you down into the muck and the mire, which is why Kanye was wearing and Marilyn and Justin Bieber, they were wearing, like, pig slop boots.

They were like boots that you wear when you’re, like, feeding pigs. And you know scripture. Pigs are very symbolic. That’s where the demons are cast. I knew that Kanye and this group of individuals that were promoting Jesus, this is not the Jesus that many of you are familiar with. This is probably more like the Jesus Barabbas, who really could care less about God. This is what the world cried for.

They didn’t want Jesus to Christ. They wanted Jesus Barabbas. Give us the guy who kills people. Give us the revolutionary, give us the guy that really wants to hurt our enemies, not the one that says, turn the other cheek. Yeah, that’s interesting. I have a poll out on x right now. If you’re not following me on x, it’s Jacob Israel, 71, follow me. And at Jacob Israel, 71 me so I can follow you back.

Put the poll out. And I said, would Jesus tell someone to kill someone? Would he advocate killing another human being? Would Jesus himself kill another human being? Yes or no? So far, most of you were saying no, so that makes me happy, because he wouldn’t. That’s the thing. So I do this video, prophecy alert. A literal virgin birth are Kanye, Bieber, Manson, false prophets of the metaverse. And I compared vultures with false prophets, and I said that false prophets are known as vultures.

And here we are, how many days later? And Kanye is releasing an album, and it’s called vultures. Weirder still from the date when that video came out to the Super bowl, which happened, it was 1222 days or three years, four months and four days, or 40 months and four days. Weird. Probably sounds weird, too. And he showed up at the Super bowl wearing, like, the mask from Jason, and he bought, like, seats right in front of Taylor Swift because he knew they were going to be showing Taylor Swift.

And he’s like, I want to kind of usurp that footage, he spent $7 million on a commercial. I think it was 7 million for the Super bowl. And then he shot the commercial on his phone. Looked horrible. But he’s an artist, right? He’s an artist. But Taylor Swift, the news is going around, wasn’t going to have any of that, even though a rep from Kanye says that, no, Taylor didn’t kick him out.

But in his verse, he says, look, I made Taylor. In his verse he says, I’m Jesus. And I told everybody that he was going to say that. Take a look. Matthew 24, where it says, look, you know the day that’s coming, if they say, here’s Christ or there’s Christ, don’t go. So, I mean, that’s interesting, right? Because everybody’s expecting one just person to be there declaring themselves to be God, and they would think that would be the Christ, right? Everybody’s coming again.

But the scripture says very clearly, don’t go. There are going to be many false christs that rise up in the day. Don’t follow after them. Will show you great signs and wonders, it says in Matthew 24. So much so that it could even fool the very elect. You know, Kanye west and Marilyn Manson and Justin Bieber, they got together, everybody dressed up in white, you know, and around big circle.

And they were in the center of the circle, of course, because, you know, the stars of the show, supposedly, they were praying for demons to be cast on. You judge a tree by its fruit. So, of course, the light of God. Sometimes the truth is something that you have to find humbly and submit to. But the lie, many times is disguised and called the truth. So you tell me, I am going to call all that a little suspect.

I’m not going to be following after them because they’re very much the leaders. Matthew 24 goes on to say that the son of man, when this happens, that you won’t be going over here, going over there to see a literal person, because they’ll say, he’s in the desert. Don’t go there. They’ll say, he’s over in the secret chambers. You got to be part of the club. You got to pay and you got to get in.

You got to be part of the mystical ceremonies. You got to be part of the secret orders. Christ is not there either, according to Matthew 24. But as lightning comes from heaven, from the east to the west, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. The revealing of the son of man. If we’re mankind, the son of mankind would be birthed out of man.

Christ in you. Do you see the symbolism? He’s called the Lord of hosts. A host is a temple, if you will, for the Holy Spirit, which we are. This is great news. We can’t fail. But in that day, wherever the carcasses are, there will be the vultures circling above, gathering together. So the day, the day of the Son of man, the day of Christ, the resurrection of Christ, the return of Christ, if you will.

But Christ never really left. So a better word is the coming of Christ. Erke in Greek, to be manifested, to be revealed, that which is hidden, hidden no more. The truth, the power, the wisdom of God, the righteousness of God, revealed in the world that day. Guess what? Circle and above. Vultures. Vultures. The sign. Vultures, vultures in that day. They’re vultures. They’re circling, gathering, gathering. These christian leaders are like.

They’re just rolling in dough and they got everybody believing everything that they say. But, you know, a tree is known by its fruit. And if the fact that Kanye had his teeth removed to put in titanium fangs so that he looks like the villain from Moonraker, James Bond film and the spy who loved me or whatever, you know, jaws, remember jaws? There’s a big Mandela effect connected to jaws.

And Dolly. Remember Dolly in the movie, she had the braces. She doesn’t have them anymore. If you know anything about the Mandela effect. Woo. I got a movie coming out soon. I don’t know when it’s coming out. I don’t know. I guess it’s coming out soon. They’re working on it. Supposed to be very exciting. But Mandela effect, if you’re into that stuff, I got a whole playlist. If you’re new, all you gotta do is go check it out.

Just go look to my playlists. You go to my YouTube page, click on playlists and look for Mandela effect. You’ll see a bunch of them. Because something’s weird, right? Right. The reality has jumped the shark. Things have gotten very strange. But I’m so super encouraged, and not just because Kanye got weird teeth and he’s looking like a weirdo. He’s looking like a weirdo. There’s gotta be something wrong with him.

Something wrong with him. I feel bad for the guy, I should say. I don’t feel bad for the guy. I feel bad for the people that are putting faith in a guy. There’s a lot of weird things going on with him. I mean, he had his bottom teeth removed to put diamond teeth in a while ago. This is the guy you’re going to follow to the lord, he walked on water, remember? He did all these things.

He wants people to call him the messiah. He wants to because that’s what narcissists do. That’s what they do. They don’t tell you to go, come to the well, and if you drink from the well, you’re going to thirst again. That’s what I say. Come to the channel. Watch the channel. Watch all the cool stuff. Let me speculate and take the things and draw some spiritual conclusion. But take Christ with you.

Go and pray. Ask for the truth, no matter what the cost. You can get that, by the way, I have, like, a bunch of merch. If you’re new, you go to the links in the description. You get all of these t shirts, and you get, like, the mugs. Uranus is a planet. Uranus, by the. That’s. That’s the word for heaven in the Bible. Isn’t that to used to drink this? And I used to, oh, Uranus.

Up Uranus. Get it? I used to make jokes, but now I’m realizing I had heaven in my hand the whole time. It’s all how you perceive things. It’s all when the avail comes off and the truth of these people and the truth of everything in reality comes off and you see just who you are, where the rubber meets the road. Who are you in the Lord’s eyes? I say you’re pretty cool.

And I say you should probably stop putting your faith in multi gabillionaires. I mean, if you want to listen. Like, I like listening. I do enjoy listening to Stephen furty because he’s a good preacher. He’s funny. And you know why? Because he does talk about things from the Bible. And I like to not just listen to him. Like, I don’t go to him to learn. I just go because I got nothing else to do.

I can’t read at the gym so much, but I can listen. I can listen. And sometimes some good stuff comes out of their mouths. After I saw the six six six and the mason signs and all that stuff, I was just a little taken back. It bummed me out a little bit. I’m hoping he didn’t know any better, but, my goodness, did it look like he knew? He’s like, these six and he’s doing the okay sign, these six.

Very strange. So you got to tell me in the comment section. You got to tell me in the comment section. Should I be a little harder on these people? I don’t think so. I don’t want to condemn these people. I don’t know their heart. Let the fruit. Let the fruit manifest. The fact that I’ve done all these videos about Kanye and everything else and that I said, this is going to happen.

The fact that I did the videos about Joel Losti and I said, these things are going to happen. And then here we have it. Here we have it. The truth is coming out. The day that we’re in, you don’t want to be false. The day that we’re in, you don’t want to be foolish. The day that we’re in, you don’t want to be hateful. You want to be kind.

You want to compassionate. You want to be faithful. You want to think the best and not the worst. And I got to tell you something. When this eclipse show comes out, I got such a great message. I feel in my heart and in my spirit and my soul, I feel like something because I’ve been worried about that eclipse and we’ll talk about it on the next show. But in the meantime, hit the like button.

Make sure you share. You subscribe, do all that stuff if you want to have. This is my sponsor. What a great guy. What a great family. What a great company. Trulyfreehome. com. All of these things reusable, okay? Environmentally sound. You’re not going to get a bunch of extra plastic going around. They send you stuff, refills. I just got a package, so I got all my new cleaning supplies that I can now share with all of you that I can now use instead of worrying about spraying a bunch of toxins and all this stuff.

It’s a great company. If you go to trulyfreehome. com and you enter in code, Jacob, you get 30% off. Yeah. And you’re going to get it sent to your house and then you’re going to be able to clean. Not going to worry about your children getting a bunch of carcinogens or toxins or whatever else. Not have to worry about those terrible, terrible smell that burns your eyes. Not got to worry about any of that stuff.

And it cleans great, does a great job. And this helps me because it’s a sponsor. So when you buy, you’re not paying extra, you get a discount and I get a cut. And I like that because it helps me because YouTube isn’t making it that easy. I feel like this is the year, though. I’ve been saying it for a long time. I feel like this is the year.

And I’m glad you’re all here with me and all you that are new. So happy you came by. So happy that you. And I’m hoping you stick with me. Stick with me. I can be a bit much. I can be a little all over the place. But I’ll tell you one thing. You’ll never be the same afterwards because you are more than you know. God has blessed every single one of you.

May not even know who God is or what God is, but I’m telling you there, you got potential, baby. All right. I love each and every one of you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. .


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