The Tower of Babel

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Site: : complete summary text presention: the-tower-of-babel

• The text discusses an impromptu late-night presentation in place of a postponed breakdown of Men in Black. The presenter decides to bring up a discussion about the Tower of Babel, elucidating on different cultural perceptions of the story. They express their alternative view and seek the listeners’ opinions on what they think happened to the biblical tower.

• The presenter reflects upon various theories put forth by their listeners about the Tower of Babel, exploring ideas about its potential destruction or disappearance. Theories include God destroying it, people abandoning it, it being buried or reused, and more. The presenter leans towards the idea that the tower is actually Mount Maru and speculates that place names might have been borrowed from original places where tribes once lived before they became nomadic.• The text discusses the meanings of suffixes and prefixes, focusing on the etymology of the word “Babylon” and its root word “Babyl”. This name is derived from the Akkadian word “bab”, which is often translated as “the gate of the Gods”.

• The suffix “L” in “Babyl” is also noted as potentially meaning God or mighty leader, suggesting the interpretation of “Babylon” as somebody from the something of God, or a place for God.

• A segment of the text also theorizes that the “House of Houses” or the “Temple of God”, referenced in the Bible, could be symbolic of Mount Maru and the natural phenomenon of a large blue beam of energy, which may have held great significance for ancient peoples.• The text discusses the concept of physical objects, like hair or sand, being levitated through electricity similarly to how the Earth might rise up around the inner Earth opening during an electrical strike from above. It theorizes that energy surges, possibly triggered by supernatural beings or giants, have the potential to restructure the Earth’s surface, leading to the creation of phenomena like basalt columns or the rise and fall of mountains.

• The text posits the possibility of a future event where these mythical “beams of light” reappear, indicating the commencement of a new Golden Age, without necessarily necessitating a total atmospheric depressurization or apocalypse. It also considers the existence of various suns or sources of light in our past and their potential terrestrial origins.• The text discusses various worldwide legends, myths, and traditions about a great deluge and people building towers or structures in preparation for a similar calamity. These stories frequently mention a dispersion or confusion of languages and cultures, akin to the biblical tale of the Tower of Babel.

• The work of Sir James George Frazer is mentioned, who found similarities between Old Testament narratives such as the Great Flood and indigenous legends worldwide. Frazer points to tales found in various cultures, all featuring a tower or structure’s construction and eventual collapse.• The speaker discusses having a PO Box to receive content from their followers and encourages people to submit bizarre or thought-provoking content through their website. They express appreciation for a contribution from Kimberly F.

• The rest of the text appears to contain repeated lyrics from a song, emphasizing themes of waking up and moving on from past struggles or heartbreak.• The speaker suggests that the Tower of Babel may be based in a particular area that is no longer at the North Pole on most modern maps. This area is often blurred out on resources like Google Earth, raising suspicions of its contents being concealed.


Site: : full summary text presention: the-tower-of-babel


Well, aloha. What’s up, everyone? Welcome to a special late-night presentation. Basically, normally I’d be doing truth and movies, but I didn’t have time to finish up my breakdown of Men in Black, so that’s postponed till next weekend. So I thought I’d do something in its place instead and talk about one of my favorite subjects, which is Old Testament stories of the Bible, specifically the Tower of Babel. That’s kind of what I wanted to focus on today. I have an alternative view on the Tower of Babel that I thought I’d share with everyone.

What’s up, everybody? In the Chat. I see Kat Van Dew, enigma Bodies zombie SG Good to see everybody in the Chat. Ruthie. Hey, what’s up, Ruthie? Ruthie says, hey. Charles Riston. What’s good? Good to see wow. So many people showing up. I wasn’t sure how many people would even want to watch this late. It’s like 8:30 where I am. But anyways, real laid back. I’m totally got the Chat pulled up right now.

Let’s start off things by I want to ask a question. What happened to the Tower of Babel? I’m sure you guys are familiar with the story, right? That in the Old Testament. And it’s not just in the Bible either. The whole Tower of Babel motif is seen from region to region, nation to nation, culture to culture. They all have their different names for it. But essentially there was this tower that was built allegedly by humans. And the purpose was to reach God, to build a tower so high up that they were going to reach the heavens. And that there was contention amongst humankind and that they weren’t satisfied that God should live way up there in another world and we should be stuck down here. So that’s sort of the gist of all of those stories together.

Wow. Lots of people are jumping in. I’m surprised. What’s up, everybody? So anyways, what happened to it? What do you guys think? I’m in the Chat right now. If you have an idea. What do you think happened to the Tower of Babel? Just whatever first thing that comes to your mind. What do you think happened to it? I mean, obviously, we don’t have it any longer, right? Obviously it’s gone. Wherever it is, it’s supposed to be this huge, massive typically it’s portrayed as what they call a ziggurat. A ziggurat, which is basically typically typically it’s sort of portrayed like this one right here behind me. Sort of a circular tower type structure. Sometimes it looks more pyramidal in structure or whatever, but what do you guys think happened to it? Where is it? What happened? This was supposed to be like the largest, biggest structure ever built ever. Think about this. We have ruins from ancient Greece and, like, Maya civilizations and all these different civilizations that have left their mark that we still can go there today and at least find little pieces of it. So what happened to the Tower of Babel? Anybody in the chat got any ideas? Let me see. What’s up, commander. Hector, good to see you. Good to see you. OOH, I got Thai plasma. Apocalypse says God destroyed it. Like, how that’s? I that sounds good. That’s a little vague. How did God destroy it? If in fact it was destroyed, what did God do to destroy it? Was it just snapping the fingers and it’s obliterated like thanos, like the thanos glove? Or was it broken, like is typically portrayed in tarot cards and stuff like that? Right? God flicked it with his finger right on. I like that. God must have a pretty big finger. You know what I mean?

Let’s see. Destroyed as a warning to men. Yeah, but how destroyed? I mean, let’s get deep. Let’s get specific. How was it destroyed? Right. Supposedly the people walked away from it, says JAMA Barker. I like that. That’s right along what the Old Testament actually says. They just left it alone. The Bible doesn’t even say that it was destroyed at all. So where is it? Right. It got buried. OOH, that’s interesting. Chaos machine says he thinks it got buried. Let’s see if I missed anybody. Oh, what’s up? Good morning. In Sweden. Good morning. God knew humans in space is a bad idea. That’s funny.

All right, what else we got? Just I’m skipping through. Let me make my chat bigger. I got this tiny little chat. Hold on. There we go. Oh, the stones were reused. Okay, I like that. I mean, that makes sense, right? It’s plausible. Ancient dark space program. Right. What’s up, Tiffany vinci, good to see you. I like your little cartoon picture. It’s a mountain now. OOH, I like that one. That’s my favorite one so far because that’s more in line with my actual theory. I’ll share my theory with you in just a bit. Was it historic or metaphoric or right. Interesting. Could the pyramids be related? I think so. Jacob, I think you’re onto something. Let’s see. Zombie SG says the tower is somewhere we have not been yet. I like that too. That aligns with one of my own theories as well. It was reused. Let’s see. Anything else? Any other? The coliseum is the Tower of Babel that’s buried. That’s extremely creative. I really like that one. That would be awesome if we could, it’s the biggest mud flood building. The biggest mud-flooded building is the coliseum. If it was the Tower of Babel, like, just the top of it, you know, it kind of does resemble something like that. Let’s see. Oh, LVK has got a big old comment. Hold on, let me pull this up. It’s hold on. Let me move my comments around. Where’s my comments? My comments are where are my comments? There it is, pal. Now, how do I put that in front of the stuff here? Let’s just scooch it. I don’t know where to put it. Right there. Yeah, sure. Papal. Oh, don’t do that. Hold on, I’m messing it up. I don’t mean to mess it up. Hold on. Comments live chat. Papal. Papal. I hope this works. There we go. Okay, cool. LVK says Jay, I think there was more than one of these towers. They were evenly distributed around the plain. People built them too tall. Something went wrong and started a chain reaction that caused a Scooby meltdown. Okay, interesting. I need to put that hold on. Let’s shrink this down a bit. Scooby Doop. There we go. All right, that’s much better. I’m happy with that. All right, cool. Interesting. Next up oh. Katrina Kemp. What if it was really Mount Maru? Ah, hit the nail on my head, why don’t you? So, yes, that is definitely my theory. That is my working theory as of right now. Oh, Freya says, is this live? Well, let me help you out, Freya, this is super live. Your comments right up there on the screen. It’s totally live. So welcome. All right. Yes, totally live. Anyways, so just an impromptu livestream. My theory is that I’ve mentioned this many times before that many of the modern places that we have place names, historical names for mountains and regions and even nations and stuff that they were borrowed from original places where tribes once lived, where those people lived before they actually settled when they were all nomadic in nature, before they settled down and decided, well, this is going to be our new place that we’re going to stay. Because in many of these ancient myths and legends, various types of God figures and all of their religions and beliefs and myths and stuff, every time across the board, that God figure scattered his own people or her own people, or however you want to see it, right. Scattered them. He brought them all together into one spot, and then every time there was a diaspora, there was a scattering of the people. So they all became nomadic, at least those who were from the land of God or from the Holy Land right. Or the land of peace or Jerusalem or Egypt or Babylon, or there are many different names for, I believe, this original particular place.

You’re super welcome, by the way. Oh, what’s up, Sage? You’re up late. Dang sage is up late. What’s up, Sage? Thank you. All right. Yes, totally live. Anyways, so just an impromptu livestream. My theory is that I’ve mentioned this many times before that many of the modern places that we have place names, historical names for mountains and regions and even nations and stuff that they were borrowed from original places where tribes once lived, where those people lived before they actually settled when they were all nomadic in nature, before they settled down and decided, well, this is going to be our new place that we’re going to stay. Because in many of these ancient myths and legends, various types of God figures and all of their religions and beliefs and myths and stuff, every time across the board, that God figure scattered his own people or her own people, or however you want to see it, right. Scattered them. He brought them all together into one spot, and then every time there was a diaspora, there was a scattering of the people. So they all became nomadic, at least those who were from the land of God or from the Holy Land right. OrYou know, it’s a little addition that you put onto the root of a word or the main word. Right? A suffix goes on the end, so it’s a little addition at the end of a word. A prefix is an addition at the front of a word, right? So even like, the word prefix has a prefix, and it’s the word pre, which means to come before. Right? So something that is fixed before is a prefix, right? At least. So this one right here is a suffix, basically. And this means of. Basically, like, pertaining to, of or of thee.

So we have to ask ourselves, we have to find the root here if we want to figure out what Babylon actually means. We have to find the root. We can take this part and just toss that. Okay? You just toss out that suffix because we’re trying to figure out what the root of this is. What does this actually mean? The suffix means of thee. So I wish I could just disappear that right now. So let’s check out what are we left with? Babyl. Babyl. That’s interesting. Well, if we look at the etymology of it, right? Let’s check it out. It says representing the Greek rendition or Greek version of the Akkadian word bab, which is translated by many people as the gate of the Gods. Oh, that’s interesting. So where do they get the word gods from? Right, well, let’s go to Babel. Hold on. Let’s just go to babel because that’s really Babylon is from the word babel.

All right, so capital of Babylon was babel, right? So if we check this word out right here, how do I highlight that? Where’s babel? Hold up, it doesn’t let me highlight it. Well, I could do it right here. All right, so check this out. You see this L right there? That’s also a suffix, right? So the root of babel is bab, or the root of Babylon is bab. B-A-B-L is a suffix, and it means god or mighty leader. Right? It’s actually like an ancient picture form. The E would be like an ox head, which means strength, and then the L would be like a staff, basically, which implies leadership, so strong leader. And then you get the word god, basically. So bab L is something of God or god’s something, basically. Right.

So this is really interesting. So let’s go back to Babel, which is the capital city of Babylon. I’m not in the chat right now, just so you know. Oh, hold up. Somebody just joined Mystery Mysteries Mystery School. I like that. That’s cool. Welcome. Welcome to the good vibe tribe. Let me scoot you over just a bit here. There we go. All right, cool. So babel, babel, this is the root of Babylon, right? It just means somebody. Babylon means somebody from babel or somebody from the something of God. So we got to figure this out. It says now a ruin near hila in. Hmm. Okay, interesting. I could see how they would say that, right? So let’s see. It says from AKADIAN babelu. Now, this is an interesting word right here. Elu. This il is the exact same as this el right there. It’s just a derivative. It’s just a difference in pronunciation and dialect and accent and stuff like that. This is appropriate for the topic. By the way, did you notice I fixed the volume? I screwed up the volume on the last live stream. God, I messed that up. I know. Everybody was, like, trying to get my attention. Bro, you got an echo. I know. I didn’t even see that in the chat. I felt so dumb. Anyways, hopefully it’s all fixed up. Anyways, where were we? All right, so from the AKADIAN word babel, from the AKADIAN word bob elu. Okay, so let’s focus on elu. We’ll get to Bob in a minute. Right? Eel means God. OOH, this suffix right here just means of. It’s the ancient phoenician letter or proto indoeuropean. I mean, not protopean Hebrew or proto Hebrew or whatever you want to call it. Old Hebrew. It’s the vav, and it’s a connector. It connects one thing with another, and it’s the word picture for a nail, which connects things, one thing to another. It’s something that connects two things together. In the old language, the vav was like a tent peg that was seen as connecting the ground to the tent canopy. Or if you want to look at things on a larger scale in our world, the great Vav is that blue beam that shoots out of Mount Maru and then separates as it gets top close to the firmament up there. And it’s seen as connecting the earth to the sky, which is what the people were allegedly trying to do with this tower, with this tor, with this Tower of Babylon. Good to see you. Thank you so much. Mystery, thanks for joining in your support. All right, hold up. Let’s get back to from the AKADIAN word bob ilu. So of God. Something of God. Oh, gate right here. Boom. Gate of God. There it is. All right, cool. So from they say bob means gate. Okay, I get that. I’m going to share with you my own little interpretation because that’s kind of weird to me. Okay. If you study these ancient languages, especially phoenician and paleo Hebrew, I don’t see okay, let’s check this out. B. This letter B right here. You’re just going to have to take my word for it, or you can look it up if you want to. The letter B is bait, and it means house. Okay? So basically, in this ancient word, we’ve got bait, we’ve got a filler vowel or a vowel that probably didn’t exist originally, and then we’ve got another bait. So house. House. So how does that equate to gate? How does it equate to gate? I don’t get it. Right? I don’t get it. Dan. I don’t get it. I don’t get it. Big Dan. Anyways, I’ll tell you how. So a house and a house, a B and a B. This is also the name Bob. You know what this is? This could be Bib, bob, bub, all kinds of stuff, right? Because this is just a filler vowel. This is to force a dialect. This is to force you to pronounce it in the way that they want you to pronounce it, basically so that they don’t lose their language, which is exactly what happened during the Tower of Babel episode. So BB house. House. What does that mean? Well, it’s repetitive. So just like, if you said Jesus was Lord lord, that means he is the Lord of Lords. Right? Just using a biblical example, since that’s the kick that we’re on. So what is house? House, that means the House of Houses or you could say a temple. Right? That’s the house. That’s God’s house right?

Now, God’s House, which is the House of Houses, is, in my opinion, in my research. According to my research, mount Maru is the plasma volcano located for POW. Right here, baby. Check that out. Hold on, let me zoom in here. Let’s go on a trip. All right. So anyways, here’s the House of Houses right here. POW. This is Mercator’s arctic map of the North Pole. This, as you can read right here, says rupes negra et altissima, which means rock dark or a black rock that is extremely tall or high. I’m just interpreting this how I interpret it, okay? So an extremely tall tower of rock. Basically, this is the tower. I think this is the Tower of Babel. That this is Babel, or the House of the House of God or the Temple of God or biblically speaking, the seat of God, the throne, the place where the throne of God is the resting place of, quote unquote, God. Right? Now, I’m not, like, wanting to debate who God is and stuff like that right now, but I will say like this. If what people in the old days refer to as God, when they saw this massive, huge blue beam of energy, this column, this pillar, this rod, explode out of this black volcano and touch the sky and disappear and spread out and it looked like Odin hanging on a tree. Or Jesus sacrificing himself. Or the phoenix spreading its wings. Or the inner manzool touching the heavens or whatever you want to say. Right? I could see how people would call that God, especially if the second it appears, it changes all life on Earth and everything and all manners of normalcy were forever changed until the next cycle. Right?

So let’s get back to this word over here. Babel. Right? So the house of the house of God or the temple of God or whatever you want to call it, which is the resting place of quote unquote God, is babel. And some say it means gate of God. Some say it means God’s house. That’s what some people say, right? But what I’m saying is B-A-B. B means house. There’s no doubt about it. That’s what it means. Right? That’s what it means. So then we have this word “bal.” B-A-L is just another filler vowel. And it could mean anything. You know what that could mean? B-A-L could mean God. Right here, L means God. So B-A-L is a common word for Lord, God, Baal. It’s a common word in the old world that refers to some type of deity that representsHair? It defies the laws of gravity, as we’re taught, and it floats your physical hair that has no business floating up into the air, all of a sudden leaves your dome, leaves your head, and it reaches up into if it wasn’t connected, your hair would fly up towards the balloon. That’s what electricity can do to physical objects. It can levitate them. Sand does this. Okay? You could do the same thing. Put the balloon above a bunch of sand, and the sand will jump up off the ground and fly directly up into the air.

Now, if you have a really strong electrical current, the mud and the sand and all that stuff that is around this particular place right here, and it stands to reason that it would be muddy if it was sunken and then all of a sudden came up out of the waters and it would be all muddy everywhere, right? All that mud is going to there’s going to be Earth bending at the center of the world as the avatar makes his appearance, and all that mud is going to turn into like types of just to give you an example, like basalt columns. Basically, this is going to be a huge basalt column type of a deal all the way around the inner Earth opening, and it’s going to just pull the Earth straight up and petrify it. That petrification would be less and less, or the rock would be less dense the further down you go. No, that’s not true. I’m sorry. That’s if it’s being struck from electricity from above so reverse that anyways, it would be less and less the further up you go, because the energy is coming up. It’s terrestrial energy, but. If it’s like a lightning strike coming down and it hits a mountain, the mountain would be more dense where the lightning hit it, and then it would be less dense as you go down. So just invert that for this. All right, sorry, I got sidetracked. All right.

So these giants were stacking mountains together. These giants could have been physical actual giants. I do believe that physical, actual humanoid giants did exist and do exist, and that they will return in abundance one day whenever Gigantism is restored to our world. However, sometimes I believe that people confuse Titans and giants and stuff with these other lesser huge beams of light that also surround Mount Maru on that same island and in other places in our world, okay? They have their own beams of light that shoot up, and they look like they sprout legs and arms and stuff, and they look like huge gods that stay in one spot or whatever.

So these gods, these giants, whatever you want to call them, stacked these mountains up, creating Olympus essentially, but were repelled by Jupiter. Jupiter is Zeus. It’s just the Roman version of Zeus, basically. Right. Or father. Yah. Another word for yah is enki, just so you know. E a is how you spell that. Yah, that’s also another word that enki. That’s another epitaph of enki. So Jupiter’s thunderbolts destroyed this tower, this column. This gives you the broken tower, just like in the Tarot cards. I don’t have any Tarot card examples right now, but they have the broken tower, and that’s what this is, the broken tower. If you look at the Tarot cards, it’s broken by electricity, right?

So what happens is there’s a war or there’s a perceived war between the Kraken or the Cthulhu or what’s the name of that monster that’s like a dragon that has lots of different heads, and you cut one off and another one grows in its place? That’s all the red plasma that comes down from the Plasmosphere around our world whenever the electromagnetic barrier goes away during the neutral point of the polarity shift. God, that’s a mouthful, man. And anyways, that red. What is that called? Anybody know? Hydra. Oh, curry. Thank you. I’m gonna leave your comment up there. So the Hydra, right, is the red plasma. It comes down dragons, fire dragons, all that stuff, it’s all spread out because it’s coming from an electromagnetic it’s coming from plasma that is wrapped around our world. Okay, so it’s not a beam, it’s just a big old dish that’s making its way in. So it spreads out like in a plasma ball.

Hey, thanks for my plasma ball, Sage. Totally love it. My son loves it, too. We play it all the time. I use it to teach him stuff. Anyways, and then that is in opposition to the sword to excalibur to the beam of light that is singular. And then it splits into two, or it appears to split into two. It really doesn’t. Okay. It really splits into, like, a bowl shape or like, an inverted dome because it’s conforming to the shape above it, which is an inverted dome. All right, where was I?

So Jupiter throws his thunderbolt, destroys this tower made by stacking mountains from these giants, and here’s a quote from Ovid’s Metamorphosis rendering the heights of heaven no safer than the earth. They say that the giants attempted to take the celestial kingdom Piling Mountains up to the distant stars. This is Mount Maru it’s talking about. Then the all powerful father of the gods, or Yah Peter, right? Father yah, father enki father yahweh, et cetera. Then the all powerful father of the gods hurled his bolt of lightning, fractured Olympus, and threw Mount Peleon down from OSA below. Mexico. Let’s travel to Mexico real quick. I got to remember that, dude, the second I clicked on that, I forgot. Oh, yeah. Hydra. Hydra. Water. I got to remember that. Hydra. Okay, cool. Mexico. Let’s go to Mexico. And then, I don’t know, we might keep going. I’m not sure. There’s a lot to cover, but I kind of want to hang out.

All right. Mexico. Various traditions similar to that of the Tower of Babel are found in Central America. Duh. Some writers connected the Great Pyramid of Chalula isn’t that like hot sauce of chalula? That’s so funny. To the Tower of Babel. The Dominican Friar Diego Duran reported hearing an account about the pyramid from a hundred year old priest at Chalula shortly after the conquest of the Aztec Empire. He wrote that he was told when the light of the sun first appeared upon the land, giants appeared and set off in search of the sun. This is not the first time I’ve come across myths and legends where people were looking for the sun. Right? When the light of the sun first appeared upon the land, giants appeared and set off in search of the sun. Why would you need to search for it if the sunlight is there? Sunlight points you right towards the sun, right? Every time. Sometimes when they say the sun, please keep in mind there were many different suns in ancient times, in times past. Okay? So it’s not always the point of focus. And the blindingly whiteish blue light that we have above us now, there were other suns, and there is an origin to all of those suns. Ultimately a physical origin, a physical place up in the sky, sometimes terrestrially. All right, not finding it, they could not find the sun. They built a tower to reach the sky. An angered god of the heavens called upon the inhabitants of the sky, who destroyed the tower and scattered its inhabitants. They went through their apocalypse, basically, or their apocalyptic event. The story was not related to either a flood or the confusion of languages. Although Fraser connects its construction and the scattering of the giants with the Tower of babel. So that’s interesting, too.

I want to point this out. Just because those blue beams appear or disappear does not necessitate the atmosphere depressurizing, which is what I call the apocalypse, right? There are many cataclysms that are due to polarity shifts, and those beams come up or those beams go down, et cetera, right? But they do not necessitate the sky breaking open. The sky does break open during one of these cycles, right? A cycle of water, a cycle of fire. But you can have these beams shoot up into the sky, into the heavens, and not have the apocalypse or the depressurization of our atmosphere. So please do keep that in mind. Right now, you will have the beams show up or the beams retract during the apocalypse. That’s a guarantee. They will do one or the other. And since they’re gone right now, I speculate that next time it happens, those beams will reappear, and we will enter into a golden age once again.

Another story attributed to the native historian fernando de Alva Cortez how do IFernando says that according to ancient Toltec beliefs, after a great deluge, men multiplied and built a tower, called zakawli, to protect themselves from another flood. This reminds me of the prophecy I mentioned earlier, about Adam passing on the warning of two apocalypses. Their languages were then confused, and they scattered across the Earth.

Another story attributed to the Tahono O’odham people says that Montezuma escaped a flood and tried to build a house reaching to heaven, but it was destroyed by thunderbolts. Fernando explains that thunderbolts are a form of cosmic electrical discharge. Similar stories have been reported in Nepal, where the word “nephilim” means “to come down”, and in Botswana, where the scaffolding of a tall structure collapsed.

Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer documented similarities between Old Testament stories and indigenous legends around the world. For example, David Livingston encountered a tradition in Botswana where builders had their heads cracked by falling scaffolding. Similar stories were found among the Ashanti people with a pile of pestles, and among the Congo people and in Tanzania with stacked poles or trees in an attempt to reach the moon.

The Karen people in Myanmar also have a tradition that their ancestors migrated following the abandonment of a great pagoda, similar to the Tower of Babel. The Admiralty Islands have a legend of confused languages after a failed attempt to build houses reaching the skies.

Fernando notes that the word “Karen” means “of the horn” or “of the protrusion”, relating to Cronos or the horned one. He shows a picture of the Tower of Babel and mentions the Book of Jubilees’ detailed account of its construction.

Fernando concludes by thanking his viewers and mentioning his PO box address.Box. I don’t know how long I’ll have that. I will have the PO box for as long as people want to send me stuff. So if you want to write a letter, if you just want to say hi, you got something cool you want to show me or share with me or a gift or whatever you want, you can send it right there and I will receive it.

Submissions for omens. Also, Kimberly F. Thank you. So if you have some weird, strange video that you’ve recorded, something you’ve captured or something that you want to share that you feel like is an omen or is directly related to my omens segment or possibly other stuff, you can send that to me on my website. All you got to do is go to my website, click on the word omens at the top on the menu and you can leave your submission.

Put my picture back on my avatar. I didn’t do that, Sage. I don’t know why it does that sometimes. Sometimes there’s a glitch and it takes people’s off. Let me see if Wheezy has it. No Wheezy is there, Jay?

We have a typhoon singing in San Diego. That’s interesting. I have no idea what that is. Let’s see what else we got.

Kimberly says hit the like button so we can get to 100,000 subscribers. The only reason I care about that is because my little eight year old is excited as heck to see his daddy get 100,000 subscribers. So if you’d like me to help my little dream come true of seeing my boy smile huge every time, maybe I’ll get a little YouTube button. I don’t know. But anyways all right.

Anyways, I’m going to go. I’m going to go. I’m just babbling now. See what I did there? Until next time, I’m jdreamer saying good vibes and goodbye.

You I try so hard to fade away but something for save me to say it’d be easier for me if I time away to sleep but there’s something holding on the way we escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Baby, time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up.

I know I should have done this. Should have quit this long ago. Can’t send another heartbreak, but it’s time to let it go. It’d be easier for me if I turn away to leave. But there’s something holding. On the way be gone there’s ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up, baby time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up, baby time to wake up time to wake up

close sand.I understand that you would like the text to be formatted into paragraphs for easy reading. Here is the reformatted text:

Or the temple of God? Babel. Boom. So it’s my belief so far that this place right here scooby boop. Let’s just zoom out. This place right here, this land that is no longer at the North Pole on any modern map or most modern maps, I’ve never seen a modern map that has it. Right? And as a matter of fact, this area seems to be off limits. Okay. If you look at the modern maps and stuff like that. If you try to look at this area on Google Earth or whatever, they can’t decide if there’s ice there, if there’s water there. It’s all blurred out. Try to go to northern Greenland or any of the related nearby areas. They’re all blurred out and off limits and stuff. Something’s fishy. Something Sneaky’s going on. Hey, what’s up, Rachel VK? I see you in the chat. All right, hold on. Let me catch up in the chat just real quick. I see all kinds of people trying to get my attention, so I’m just looking for the highlighted Scooby Doo Doo. What do we got here? Raven Fox says, I can listen to you babble all night. Well, thank you. That’s very kind. I accept the compliment. Who else we got? We got Sage helping out with the website. Appreciate you, Sage. Dylan Lawhorn says this is why I love Jay. Super. Appreciate you, Dylan. Tiffany Vinci says we love your research. Awesome. Look into Quebec. Oh, my God. What’s going on in Quebec? I’m just kidding. I have no, like, that’s super vague. Give me a little more. Give me a little more. Look into Quebec. Okay, I hear you. Missy Moho says I love your presentations. Keep up the great work. I found you through Kelly coffee. Hey, shout out to Kelly Coffee. Let’s see. Makes sense. Thank you, JAMA. All right, cool. I think I’m all caught up. Hold on, let me see. Zulu One. What’s up, Zulu one? Much love. Right back to you, Constructor. Construct investigator says yahweh. No, that’s a whole presentation. I love that you’re asking this question. And I have all kinds of thoughts on that answer, on my response to that and my research. I love that topic. But we’re going to have to save that one for another time because that requires way more time to explain. Plus, it’s sort of a detour. Ginger? No, she’s not talking to me. All right, that’s about it. Let me jump back into my little presentation here. All right, so let’s go back to the Tower of Babel. All right, so we broke down. What does babel mean? And I also am saying, I believe that this area was once called Babel and that it had divisions to it. Okay. And that this plane in the middle was once known as the Land of the Shining Light, or the Land Under the Light of the Moon. Because in my cosmology, the moon is a structure that is attached to the firmament, which is like an inverted dome that projects an image down into our sky. So if that’s true and that that inverted dome is at the apex of our SkyDome, then that would be the actual moon, not just the light from the moon. That creates a hologram up in the sky. Tawab. What’s up, Tawab? Good to see you, joshua Adams. Thank you. Man joined. Let me get that down. Well, that’s interesting. All right, see, hold on. Let me pretend. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Eric Kopp says daydreamers oh, there’s four corners of the Earth. Mount Maru. If you cut a pie into fourths, you get four corners right in the middle of the pie. Armies coming from the four corners of the yes, yes. Very good. Excellent. So we’re on the same page. All right, what else we got? Let’s see. Okay, I totally agree with you, Freya, and my sound is still messed up. What are you talking about? Help me out, Sage. What are you talking about? My sounds messed up? Thank you for telling. But, like, give me a little detail, because I thought I fixed this right before my live stream. I spent quite some time trying to fix it up. What’s it sound like? Let me know. I mean, I do have the mic a little close. Do I have that same reverb sound? There shouldn’t be an echo or anything like that, so I’m going to give, like, 10 seconds. If there’s a problem with the sound. I haven’t seen anyone else say that. If there is, let me know. I go in and out of echoing. I don’t know. Don’t let me know if it’s good now. I haven’t done anything. A tunnel. I sound like I’m in a tunnel. Double audio. Okay, thanks for letting me know. Okay. What the hell? Hold on. Let me try to fix this real quick. Audio input. I’ve only got one thing there. Let me check the settings. One moment. My microphone is right there. Oh, that’s interesting. How about this? What if I do this? Okay, so I’ve just made a change. Let me know if you hear any difference, good or bad or nothing at all. After I said I made that change, let me know. Hopefully we can get this fixed up real quick. I appreciate you guys. Let me know. All right, I’m going to try to find the common denominator of what everyone’s saying. All right, so I see double audio from Sage, but I also see that my audio is good. I see that it’s good. Now, let’s see when I switch screens, sometimes it only does it during super chats. It sounds better. I’m getting a little better here. Oh, construct investigator, thank you so much. Super appreciate you. All right, I don’t want to deter too much, but I do want to fix it, so let’s fix it up. If it’s messed up, I sound clear. That’s good. So I had two microphones on. It looks like I muted one of them. So as long as you don’t hear that double echo sound, I’m going to press on. So thank you so much for your help. And high five. We just fixed it together to teamwork. All right, cool. I’m going to stick the comments behind me. Too. Hold on. How do I do that? Let’s do that real quick. Don’t worry, I haven’t lost my mojo. I’m still in it. I’m still excited about it. But thank you for helping me FOW look at that right behind me. All right, cool. Now let’s shrink it a bit so we could still read it. Booyah. Perfect. That looks professional. I like that. All right, cool. Thank you, everybody. Hey, super. Thank all of you for letting me know and for being a part of the team helping out. All right, let’s jump back into the presentation now. I’m going to jump out of the chat real quick so that we can all get caught up and stuff like that. So we’re talking about the Tower of Babel, the Tower of Babylon, right? So what happened to it? That’s still the question, right? If the Tower of Babel is this place right here, then there’s a couple of options. One, it’s still there, and it’s been hidden on our maps, right? That some people know it’s there, but they’ve just taken it off the map and it’s being hidden, but the Land itself is still there. The second option is that it is underwater, that the waters kept on rising and rising and rising, and all this Land went scoop underwater. I tend to believe that it’s underwater at the moment. Now, I believe that the day is coming when this water will get lower and lower and lower, or eventually be removed altogether during the depressurization of the atmosphere. 313 people watching. Oh, my God. High five to all of you. All right, cool. Now let’s jump back to Tower of Babel. All right, so the Gate of the Gods. So it stands to reason that if this is an inner Earth entrance, right? If this is the entrance into if this is a plasma volcano, this very high, black, dark rock, I believe it is a plasma volcano. I kind of think all volcanoes are plasma volcanoes, just not at the moment. One day they may be. But anyways, if this is a plasma volcano, and if it is a cavernous inner Earth system, then tradition says it would be the largest one of any volcano or opening or gate into the underworld that there is. Now. This is also Olympus. Mount Olympus. Did you know Mount Olympus was also destroyed? Right? Mount Olympus was the gathering place of the gods. It was a tower of the gods, theMeeting place of the gods. It was a gate, a transitional place from the Earth to the heavens of the gods. And it was also destroyed by a thunderbolt, which is how it’s depicted in the Tarot cards of old.

Let’s check out some more etymology real quick, because I like that. So if you look in Arabic, this is the letter B, and then the letter B again, just a little different version of it. It says, usually considered borrowing from Aramaic baba, which means gate in Aramaic, right? See how there’s these two b’s and there’s no empty filler? There’s no vowel. That’s an empty filler between them. But there is a suffix that they added onto that, right? So the house of the strong House or the temple, basically, is how I interpret that from Akkadium bab, um, or Babim. Almost the same thing, particularly since the Arabs living in tents did not need doors.

Okay, so it’s talking about how it’s a gate. This right here is the gate into the inner Earth. It’s also the gate or the place where you can depart into the heavens upwards, right? Taking jack’s beanstalk, taking the elevator of the gods. I don’t know what you want to call it. The glass elevator, the portal that takes you up, the tractor beam that lifts things up into the sky, et cetera, right? So you can go up or you can go down, right there.

What else we got? Let’s check out the book of Genesis. Let’s jump into the old Bible. Now, this is from Genesis, chapter eleven. Now, the Book of Genesis talks about the garden, the word Genesis, the root of that is gan or gen, which means garden, interestingly enough, right? GenOn means of the garden, and then GenOn oz means of the strong garden, basically. So the whole Book of Genesis, going all the way back to the original garden, it also implies things like life and stuff like that, because this is where life comes from, in my theory. According to my perspective. Life in abundance, energy, positively charged energy, I should say, because life also comes from above, but that tends to be negatively charged. So evil drops down from above and goodness comes up from within the Earth herself. Life shoots up out of this particular place right here, creates a huge dome around this entire island right here, energetically speaking, because the whole island is magnetic in nature. But this right here is a fully magnetic rock, right? So the plasma conforms to the dome shape of the magnet, creates a little barrier, basically protecting all of the inhabitants inside of it because those who want to come in from the outside would have to face electricity or electrical charges, basically, which would be very difficult to do. Up here, you’ve got the old Euphrates River divided into seven, just like the Bible says.

Let’s get back to the Bible, though. It says now the whole world had one language. That’s interesting enough. Let’s talk about that, please. How in the world did the whole world have one language? How many do we have today? It’s like languages are branching out and branching out and branching out. So if we go back in time and we reverse engineer that, obviously we would have had a common language going all the way back, right? So the sad thing is, all these people, they fight about it and they’re like, our language was the original one. No, our language was. The original one, ha or whatever, they all fight over each other. I believe it was telepathy.

Okay, so if you live in this particular spot right here, you live in an energetically charged environment that amplifies your very soul, that regenerates the skin and your cells, your body on a cellular level, you’re regenerated. So it gives life and life in abundance. But it also magnifies, I guess is a good word, increases your chakras, your auras, your spirit, whatever is giving your body energy that you call spirit or whatever you want to call it, that is amplified too, so much so that you can sense outside of your own body. Many people call this a 6th sense, right? That’s interesting. That’s an interesting way to say that. But it’s the 6th sense, right? Now, imagine some of us have a strong 6th sense today, but imagine if somebody could amplify your very strong or weak 6th sense to the point where you could hear people’s thoughts, where you could sense what someone else is sensing if they open themselves up to you. Because obviously you got to learn the ways of the force, basically, okay? So there’s ways that you could block people so you can have your privacy or whatever. But for those of us who are not too good at that, anybody would be able to read your mind in this particular location, which means all people would be of one mind. They would all come together. They would be able to share one language, which would be an unspoken language, which means there would be no need for writing in this location. None, zero. Writing would have to come later whenever telepathy was broken, whenever telepathy disappeared and went away. Well, all we have to do is figure out what causes the telepathy, right? So hypothetically speaking hypothetically speaking, let’s say it’s I don’t know. Let’s say it’s Scooby Doobie Doob. This rock right here, or the energy that comes out of this rock right here, right? Let’s say this energy shoots out, fills up that entire island with this electromagnetic sort of dome or whatever, right? Increases everybody’s libido, increases their energy, increases their lifespan, increases all this stuff, all these positive attributes. By the way, if you survive the apocalypse, this is one of the rewards, okay? This is one of the possible rewards that you could inherit. So it’s not all bad stuff and scary things or whatever. There’s lots of really cool stuff, okay? Should probably talk about that more. But anyways, this if there’s a big old beam shooting up out of this and that’s what’s responsible for enhancing and increasing our spiritual energy so that we can telepathically communicate with one another, then we could say that when this tower falls when this beam of light retracts and goes back into the Earth to charge during another polarity reversal that all that energy is now gone and taken away from the people and therefore their ability. Right. Their psychic abilities and all that stuff is going to start dwindling and fading away, and the magic will start to disappear.

What else do I got? Hold on, that’s one verse. Jeez, man, can you imagine if I just kept going, let’s break the whole Bible down. God, I would be here forever. All right. Anyways, now, the whole world had one language. This is back in Genesis, chapter eleven, or chapter Elven. The whole world had one language and a common speech. Interesting. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. Let’s talk about that. I’m talking about all this. I love breaking the Bible down. You have no idea.

All right, so check this out. Now, remember, this is a translation that I’m reading. Someone translated this from an older language, obviously not English, American, whatever. This is a translation. This is a watered down version of the original. So let’s use a tool to figure out what the original meant. These people were moving eastward. Well, that’s interesting. Okay. Because if it’s here, right, let’s say it’s the middle of the world, and my hypothesis is such, how in the world do you move eastward and end up here? This is at the North Pole, right? That’s a legitimate question to ask. Let’s figure it out by looking at the original language. This that I’m pulling up right now is called an interlinear version of the Bible. See that? Interlinear FA pao. The Tower of Babel. I’ve got it all pulled up right here. I don’t know why it says Daniel. Pay no attention to that. But anyways, what an interlinear does is it takes the translation that we just read, right, which is and had all the Earth, one language and one speech. It takes that and it shows you the actual modern Hebrew at the very least. I’m sure it’s actually older than the modern Hebrew, but that will suffice for now. Okay, so you can see the exact words that were used and what the translation is underneath it, right? So, for example, this is vayaha, or how do they pronounce that? Vihi. I don’t know. I’m going to say vayaha because that’s how I know how to pronounce that. Vayaha kal haaretz. Okay, so that’s the original language above and what the translation is underneath it.Sure! Here is the reformatted text:

“That translates into or how they translated that was and had, because this vav right here is that little nail. It looks like a nail, right? See that bad boy right there? I don’t know how to highlight that. But you see that right there? That looks like a nail. That is a nail. It’s actually a picture of a nail, and it’s the letter V or the number six. And it attaches things. So typically it’s represented in English by the word. And so that’s why they said and had all the Earth, or ha, which is the aretz, which is terrestrial land, basically. Essentially.

All right, so let’s go back here. Let’s compare this. Now, the whole world had one language and one common speech. All right, well, we just read that, right? And had all the Earth one language and one common speech. You see how some words are reversed, though, because in other countries, they don’t speak all backwards like we do in America. So this is how it should be. Okay, but it’s all mixed up. It’s all babble now.

Max Collins. What’s up? Max Collins, check you out. Welcome. I didn’t know you’re up so late. Good to see you. Max Collins, thank you for your donations to five random people in the Chat. That was awesome. All right, I’m going to take that down, Max, just so that we can show all this stuff real quick. But thank you.

All right, so the whole Earth had one language and one speech. Let’s get to the part in question, which is this part. As people moved eastward, let’s figure out directions. Let’s figure out ancient directions, right? And it came to pass you see that right there? I pretended to look at it and it came to pass. As they journeyed from the east, let’s check this out. This says makadas. Is that what that is? Oh, that’s an M. Makadem micadem. So I’m going to break this down for you, okay? So this Glyph right here, that first one, okay, see that one with a dot underneath it? That’s the letter M, basically, or maim. The letter M is a prefix. That’s not the root of the word. That means from basically, okay? Typically it means from or out of basically. And then kadem or kadim or here they say kadem. So let’s check this word out.

Now, this is interesting. In an interlinear, you can see the word right there, mikadem. And you’re like, I wonder what that means. Yoink, we click on that bad boy. We go over here. It says here’s the Concordance. That’s another useful tool you can use to break down words that are in the Bible. I’m going to go. Let’s see. Where was I? What am I looking for? It’s too big right now. I’m not used to being this big. Hold on. Where it is, where is it? Where is it? Now, see, it says east right here. I don’t think that’s correct. It’s me, Ms. V. What’s up? Oh, thank you. I’m going to leave that up for just a SEC. All right. Thank you, Ms. B. All right, hold on. What am I looking for here? Let me see if I can find it. I’m not used to it being so gigantic. I’m going to make it huge. Hold on, I got to check this out. No, that didn’t help. Where is it? I might have to shrink it for just a SEC. Here we go. Here we go. So you want to look for this part where it says strongs Hebrew 6924. That’s exactly where this word is in the Concordance. So we’re going to click on that. And then we’re going to go down and we see cadem. Remember the word was mi. Cadem or from out of. Right? Or from right. Or sometimes since, basically. Cadem oh, look at that. It does not mean east. It means a four time, which is an old fashioned way of saying ancient times. Okay. And not just ancient times, but typically it implies legendary times, renowned times, basically. Right. A four time. Let’s see if they have anything else here about a four time scoop deep. Let’s see. No, not really. I’m not really seeing it in the modern language. It’s translated thank you, Ms. V. It’s translated as east. However, the ancient word did not mean east, as in freaking left forever. Left forever nonstop. But where is it ancient in days? Here we go. Here we go. See that? In ancient days. Boom. That is a better translation. Okay, so if we go back skew boop. Right? As the people moved in the ancient of days or during legendary times, not these people were headed east. Left. Hold on, let me show you what east is in our world today. East is like this. You’ll never get to wherever you’re going. It’s just a circle. Right? It says, as the people moved in legendary times as the people were moving out a long time ago in the afore times or a long time ago, or in times long forgotten, or old lang Zion. Right. As the people moved during the legendary times, they found a plane in Shinar. This is interesting. Let’s check this plane. Hmm. A plane. We just assume that just means some flat place. And this is probably this is Bible days. So this is probably like a flat place in the Middle East. This is how, like, modern people, modern scholars think. Let’s check out the interlinear and see what it says about this plane in Shinar. Where’d it go? Let’s go back. All right, so FA pao. Right here a plane. You see that? This word right here? Bika b, KOF ayin. And hey, so bika. Let’s check out what that means. We’re going to do the same exact thing, and we’re going to click on bika right here. I’m going to scroll way down because it’s gigantic right now. And strong’s. Hebrew 1237. We’re going to click on that boom. And we’re going to find out what it really means. Oh, would you look at that? It’s not just a flat land, it’s a valley. Let’s go back to the Arctic map here. Oh, look. Do we have a valley? Let’s just double check. Let’s double check our work. Always double check your work. We do check that out. Mountains all the way around. Which means all this land in the middle is Becca. Or a valley.

Hey, Lou. Just chilling. What’s up, dude? Me too.

Oh, wow. There’s a bunch of people watching. That’s cool. Welcome, Lou. Welcome to the good Vibe tribe.

All right, so where were we? Let’s check out what else we got here. We don’t need this one anymore.

All right. A plane. So we figured out plane actually means valley or can mean valley, right? As the people moved in legendary times, they found a valley in Shinar. So that’s really interesting. I’m going to break this down without having to go through it and show you guys all that stuff again, because you can do that on your own if you want to. But let’s look for the suffix. If you look for the prefixes or the suffixes, it’s easy to find the root. The suffix is r or or, which means light or sometimes fire. Right? So something of light, sheen. Well, this word sometimes in the ancient languages was pronounced with an Sh, as in sh, but sometimes it was not. Sometimes it was just pronounced with the regular old S sound scene. Now, Scene was the goddess of the moon, or sometimes the moon itself, sin. It’s actually where that comes from, or that’s part of where it comes from. But anyways, in the old languages, sin did not mean, like, to do evil, okay? It meant the moon, or by extension, the light from the moon, which shines. Right. Shining light. Valley of the shining light. FOW. Boom. Valley of the shining light.

Beautiful awakening 799 thank you. Wow, that’s super. I like your little butterfly. Let me put that up there.

All right, cool.

Oh, yeah, that’s right. So check this out. Beautiful Awakening makes a really good point. So she says B is actually V, or V in Russian, the vav, the Hebrew letter. The letter vav is equal to the number six. Correct. Or I agree. And is the symbol of connection, portraying a bridge in a structure. Yeah, I totally agree with that. So, yes, that’s a good point. Sometimes the letter B, there’s these really interesting little nuances in letters and how they’re pronounced and stuff like that, but sometimes B is pronounced V in various languages, right? For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about,Just think about how Dracula’s talks, okay? Not to play on anybody’s languages or anything, but that’s the only way I can get Americans to understand that, basically, right? Like when he says, I want to suck your blood, or whatever, we would go, I want to suck your blood. It’s something similar to that, basically.

Anyways, all right, let’s get back to Genesis. Boom. Now, the whole world had one language boom. Telepathy and a common speech as people moved eastward or as people moved in the legendary times, or as people traveled or what’s another word for everyone traveling all at once. I don’t want to say exodus, because that means to leave or whatever, but they’re all traveling altogether, basically. An entire tribe, an entire nation of people all traveling together, right? Not as people, like some people, as a huge, massive amount of people moved in legendary times.

They found the valley of light, of shining light, basically. I’m going to take that down. Thank you so much. And they settled there. So papao. They stayed here. They went too. They saw the sign. They saw the light, the light of the world. The wise men follow the light. They saw the light burst out of the earth. They went there during a time of darkness. They settled in this area, which had huge energetic properties and was very beneficial place to live.

All right, let’s go back to this. Then they said to each other, come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly. They used brick instead of stone and tar for mortar. Now, that’s an interesting little note, right? Who cares? You know what I mean? Why is that important? They used brick instead of stone. So what that implies to me is that stone was typical, and using brick was atypical. Why? Could it have something to do with the energetic properties and the heat and stuff that’s given off by this particular structure right here? I think so. Let’s go back.

They used brick instead of stone. That also reminds me of a prophecy that Adam gave to one of his actually, he passed it down to his firstborn sons, and he told them the world would be destroyed by fire and by water. However, there’s a problem. I don’t remember which one comes next. I’m summarizing. Okay. That’s what Adam told his children. So his children were like, wow, thanks a lot. Actually, so they wanted to store all of the world’s knowledge in, like, a library that they had to build in a building. So they made two relics, two old buildings, two huge strongholds to hold all of the world’s knowledge that they had acquired so far. Right. One was made out of brick, the other one was made out of stone. Right. The brick one was just in case the world was destroyed by fire. The bricks would just be baked, and all the information would be saved. The stone one was just in case it was destroyed by water and the stones would remain. Right. Oh, snap.

All right, let’s get back to this. They used brick instead of stone and tar for mortar. Then they said, Come, let us build ourselves a city. I don’t know what accent they had. Excuse me. Sorry. Come. I just like saying it like that. Let us build ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves. Otherwise, we will be scattered over the whole face of the earth. All right, cool. Well, I was distracted by my own accent. Hold on. Let me read that again. Let us build ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves. Otherwise, we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.

So let’s go back to our little map here, right? If they’re all in one place at the top of the world, as some Native American tribes call the place of Emergence, because they came up out of the inner Earth at this particular location, and this was the door. This was the gate of those gods right here. Right. They needed that beam of light, because then when that beam of light, when that tower retracts, they scatter. Why do they scatter? Well, they no longer can understand one another. That’s one huge reason why. Right, but there’s other reasons, too, but basically, it’s probably overpopulated and stuff in this area, I’m sure. So they scatter out, right? So let’s get back to the story. Otherwise, we will be scattered over the whole face of the Earth.

Now let’s take a look at what it says here. Hold on, actually, let’s read on. But the Lord this is a whole nother teaching right here, this word. But let’s read on. But the Lord came down, so that means the Lord, whoever that was, lived above this place, up in the sky. Okay, I don’t want to get too deep, but the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building, and the Lord said, if as one people speaking the same language, they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. So come, let us let’s emphasize that. Let us go down and confuse their language so that they will not understand one another. And this is where the word babble comes from. Babbling a babbling brook. People who babble, et cetera.

Holy cow. Hold on, let me give some shout outs. Wow. It’s just super laid back. Thank you, guys for accent concentration. Pushing button 62, man. Thank you much. Love out to you. And anthraxis. Anthrax axis says man $100. Jeez. Oh, my God. That’s, like, a lot. Thank you. Man, I love these breakdowns. Love the support from the community. 400 plus people in here. Smash the like button. Holy moly. Thank you. I’m very thankful to both of you. I’m going to leave this first one up for just a bit, and then I’ll put yours up there, too. All right? So let me get back to this real quick.

All right, now, think about this. Does it say that the people built the tower? Let’s go back and double check. Right now. You’ll also nowhere in here does it say the tower was destroyed, ever. So let’s check this out again. They used brick instead of stone. Hold on. Let’s go back. Where were we here? Let’s see. Come, let us make okay, so they’re like, hey, we want to build a city. That’s what I hear. Let’s make bricks and bake them. Okay, let’s build some stuff. Right? They used bricks instead of stone and tar from order. Okay, this doesn’t seem like it’s about the tower so far. Then they said, Come and let us build ourselves a city comma hard stop with a tower that reaches to the heavens.

So let’s build a city that has a tower that reaches into the heavens. Let’s build a city here around this tower that reaches up to the heavens. That’s a possibility. I’m just sharing. Holy cow. Anthrax Access just donated ten memberships in the Chat. Everybody gets a membership. You get a membership and you get a membership. You guys got me in a great mood tonight. Thank you. All right, thank you so much to Anthrax Axis, who just donated ten random memberships in the Chat. Let me go back up to I’m going to put your donation up there too, because that was humongous. Thank you so much. Wow.

All right, let me jump back into the presentation here. So did they build the tower? Possibly, but also possibly not. Now let’s see what it says here. The Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. So that sounds like it does imply they may have been building a tower. So let me jump into a theory that I have here, right? Let’s speculate and say that this is a plasma volcano, right? And that this is a place where one of those beams of light or the main beam of light or ionized oxygen is, which I think it is explode giving, life giving, energy allowing things like superpowers like telepathy and stuff like that, right? You want to claim that peace? You want to claim that land especially. I mean, I’m not saying I do, right? I want to live nearby it. Yeah, but I don’t want to claim it. But I’m saying humanity tends to do that, right? Humanity tends to go claim land and build fences and borders and boundaries and stuff like that. But another thing that I would assume that they would do, which would make sense to me, is that theyWould build around Mount Maru here, that they would actually build a center, like a building around it, right, so that people could live on Mount Maru. Because you’re not going to live on the mountain itself. The mountain itself would be very difficult to navigate, super hard to climb and get around and stuff. But if you start building stairways that go around it and stuff and little patios and stuff like that or whatever, you know what I’m saying? Right? Maybe they build around it. Maybe they build on top of it to harness its power. To utilize its power. Maybe they’re doing like the ancient Egyptians did and building the pyramids like I believe that the ancient Egyptians built. Or I don’t know if the ancient Egyptians built them, but somebody built the Great Pyramid on top of one of these inner earth entrances, one of these huge openings that I believe power comes up out of the Earth. Oh, wow. Max, thank you so much. All right, I’m going to put Max up here real quick just to say thank you for your donation. I super appreciate you and your super chat sticker. That was awesome. All right, so I believe that people built the pyramid as a way to harness the energy that comes up out of the earth during certain times, right? I don’t believe that we live in one of those times right now, but I believe we are on the verge, on the fringe of time, where we will transition into seeing these beams of light and energy come up and shoot out of the earth, giving rise to these pillars and columns. And people will see them in all kinds of ways and interpret that in all kinds of ways, right? But they’re places of power. Cathedrals are built on top of cavernous systems. Places of power, pyramids, which means light on the inside or fire on the inside. London high five to London for POW means fire on the inside or light on the inside or energy on the inside, you could say. Right? And then it stands to reason that they built the king and the queen’s little bedrooms, if you want to call them that, inside of the great pyramid, you know what I mean? So that they could have certain people who were approved or voted on or whatever you want to say, go in there, lay down and bathe in this inner earth vril energy, whatever you want to call it, right? Basically to live forever. Right? So it stands to reason that they would do the exact same thing at Mount Maru, that there would be people would I’m sure there was all kinds of drama involved, if that’s true.

All right, let’s get back to the story, though. So the lord came down to see the city and the tower that the people were building, and the lord said, if as one people speaking the same language, they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand one another. This is today, okay? Basically, or this is about to be today. So the lord scattered them from there all over the earth. That is called the diaspora, that’s called the dispersal. That’s called poof. Be gone. That means get out of this land. Go, spread out. All right, so this is what happens. And they stopped building the city. Does it say they stopped building the tower? No, sure does not. They stopped building the city. Interesting. So that implies the tower remained, right? That’s so funny. When I hear people trying to correlate all this with the middle east, the modern Middle East or whatever you want to call it, the desert or whatever, they’re like, oh, we might have found the tower of Babel. Really? Did you really? Because you know how big the tower of Babel is, or the freaking this right here, you know how big that is? Well, it says on here somewhere, but Mercator, who made this map says that it was 33 French miles, which you might as well just say 33 miles, right? So this right here is 33 miles around. That’s an entire city, like my whole city, maybe bigger. And then imagine how high up that goes if the base of it is 33 miles around. Right now, you didn’t find any Ziggurats in the Middle East that are 33 miles in circumference, you know what I mean? That take three days to walk around. I don’t think I’ve ever heard, personally, anybody ever finding a relic like that or a ruin like that 33 miles around. That’s the circumference of this rock right here. Now you can take that measurement and you can figure out how big the rest of the island is, which is fun times.

All right, let’s go back. Thank you guys for your donations. I’m going to take that down. Yes, the original 33, rachel makes a good point. I believe that 33 is a reference to boom. Mount Maru. I believe that’s a total reference to that. That’s the place where you can survive. I know there’s a lot of people on the Internet who are like, it’s the 33rd parallel because that’s the safest place on Earth. All right? I don’t know, you might want to check the history along the 33rd parallel and look at all of the I mean, the Grand Canyon. Isn’t the Grand Canyon on the 33rd parallel? Let me look that up before I start talking trash. Hold on. What parallel is the Grand Canyon on? Papal. What does that say? 36. Okay, close enough, but still, the Grand Canyon is a huge crack in the ground where it opened up. So I’m not saying that’s a super safe place, but I do believe that’s a place where energy, those beams of energy come up out of they don’t just come up out of Mount Maru. Keep that in mind, please. Okay, this is the best place. This is the biggest place. This is the biggest place where the inner Earth energy shoots up and touches the sky. There’s lesser places all over the know. There are people settled in those places and developed places of the pole. They gathered around the pole, and they called them strong poles, or polos or polis or the polises or Metropolis. Or Metropolises, basically. Right.

All right, so let’s continue on. Where were we? That’s why it was called Babel, because the Lord confused the language of the whole world. So this is interesting. If it was the whole world, that means that or that implies that all of the world’s people came from here, or at least our relatives, our ancestors came from this place. And then they traveled outward and they went island hopping, FA pao fapao. Some went this way. The people that lived on this quadrant probably went over here to Grokland and then into Greenland and. Into America. And this is actually the story of what’s that religion? The people that live in Utah. I get blanks sometimes. I forget what they’re called. The Mormons. Yeah, Mormons. So this is what the Mormons say, okay? They also have their own little story of the Tower of Babel and stuff, and they came down into America, which is up here on the map, basically. Look how close that is. All they got to do is go across the Euphrates and go right over there and boom, you’re in America and you’re Mormon. Good job.

All right, anyways, so where were we? Let’s get back to the Bible here. Are we still live streaming? Let me check. Are we I just want to make sure. I think we are. All right, cool. I’m going to pretend like we’re good. Please give me a thumbs up in the chat. If we’re still good, I super appreciate it. And we’ll continue on. All right, let’s continue on. So from there, the Lord scattered them all over the face of the whole Earth. This is the story that people this is the Diaspora. So inversely, think about it, right? If people were scattered from this location, kicked out of the garden, you could say, which was also, by the way, eastward in Eden. Think about that. And theyWent off southward or outwards towards the rest of the world, right towards the furthest, most outer portions of the world, then the inverse of that is destined to occur, which is there would be a gathering. There would be a return to hyperborea or a return to the land beyond the Arctic Circle, right to the lands beyond Southern Bell.

Thank you so much for letting me know. The chat froze. Yeah, I know. That’s weird. I don’t know why the chat froze. I think we’re back, though. I think we’re good. I see all little hearts and stuff. I’ll put those live reactions on there for you guys so we can all hug. Give me a big old hug with all those hearts. Thank you. All right, cool. Yeah, I don’t know what happened to the chat. Isn’t that weird? OOH. Maybe it’s the illuminati. Maybe it’s them. I’m just kidding. I don’t know, maybe it’s me, dude. I’m not the best at computers, but I’m learning.

All right. Anyways, I think I’m done with this Concordance. I’m going to scooch that over. Maybe we might need it again. Tower of Babel. Let’s check this out real quick. You guys want to keep going? You guys want to keep going, agent Smith? Hey, hold on. I got to put my chat up back up. Now, let’s see. Hold on. Let me put this chat back up. Properties. All right. Papal paste. Boom. Do you guys ever watch Enter the Stars? I’m not trying to promote people’s channels or whatever, but sometimes I let you know who I watch. I like watching Casey over enter the stars sometimes. I doubt he likes my channel. I don’t know. But anyways, he did this really good thing on. He’s one of the people that inspired me to do my truth and movie segment, actually. So a big thank you to him. But he broke down this one TV show. I can’t remember the name of it. It’s like fleece or something. What’s sheep fur called? Anyways, there’s this TV show that he’s breaking down, and, man, I want to watch this show. I don’t know. I don’t want to copy him or nothing, but he broke it down pretty well.

All right. Thank you. Zulu One. Thank you, Max Collins. Thank you, everybody in the chat. You guys are awesome. All right, cool. Let’s get back to this presentation. All right, let me take this off for pal. All right, so I’m in Wikipedia. We’re just going to check it out real quick. The Tower of Babel. Oh, I want to check this out, too. You see this right here? Let me make this big. Let’s break down some Hebrew words. All right? You can see that, right? This right here is the letter M. See, when you try to highlight it, because it reads from right to left instead of left to right, it highlights all messed up. So I’m not going to highlight it. See this letter right here? That one, okay, that’s the letter mem, right? This weird Glyph right here, okay? It looks like a little hill with a little flank off of it. That’s the letter mem or M. Same as this one right here next to it, which I can highlight. All right? So that means from, remember, right? And then it says Gadol or Gadal, right? So mi Gadal babel. That’s how they write that, the Tower of Babel. So let’s check that out real quick. Migadol, if you look up, I’m just going to tell you what it means so we don’t waste a lot of time. Gadol means gigantic, essentially. It means great, so big, awesome, terrifyingly, large. Right? That’s what that means, basically. So Migadol babel means the gigantic house of god right there. House. House staff, right? Which means house and then house of the leader, or basically, okay, so gigantic, huge. Just like Rupus Negra says et altissima right there at the middle of it, right? Which we checked out, right? Great. Gigantic, huge. This is not a mountain range. This out here is like a mountain range. These are mountain ranges. Okay? See this? All this crazy stuff over here? These are regular old mountain ranges that we’re used to in this part of the surface of the world. Okay? Over here, these are the Cliffs of Insanity. These are cliffs. These are huge. They’re pulled up into the air by the plasma discharges. And then in turn, this right here is the biggest cliff of all because it’s energy that’s attracting dirt and mud and earth and stuff, and it pulls it up with it into the sky. That’s why Mount Maru is so gigantic and so tall that it reaches up into the clouds and stuff, right? And that’s why it’s dangerous to climb, and that’s why there’s so many legends and stories about it. So there may be caves. I’m just saying. All right, where was I? Do more research on the Hebrew language.

Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. I do like the Hebrew language. I’m not like a pro. I’m not, like, super professional. The archivist, my superhero. What’s up, bro? You’ve been you’ve been kicking butt lately, dude. Congrats on all your subs and stuff. You guys gotta check this dude out. If you like old newspaper articles and stuff that talk about and touch on all these things I’m talking about, man. We got to do a superhero team up, bro. Let me know. Reach out to me, we’ll do it. All right, let me get back to the little Wikipedia article. All right, so Migadol babao or the Tower of Babel. Let me scooch this down a bit. All right, so it’s the narrative in Genesis eleven, as we just found out. It’s an origin myth. Fapal. I love that. And a parable meant to explain why the world’s people speak different languages. Now, you notice that tower did not fall. Do you see how it’s, like, half finished? Okay, that’s because this right here is the unfinished pyramid or fire inside. It’s unfinished. There is no top to this because it’s a volcano, in my opinion. In my humble opinion, and according to my research, this is where I am personally so far. Okay? You don’t have to agree with that. And if you have a different idea, that does not mean I think you’re wrong and I want to debate you or anything. It just means I’m just sharing what I see with you, that’s all.

All right? It’s a parable meant to explain why the world’s people speak different languages. You’re babbling. That’s what they say. According to the story, a united human race speaking a single language and migrating eastward, or in ancient times comes to the land of Shinar, which we talked about. Hold on, I want to actually point something out. A united human race. Let’s think about this and apply this to modern times, right? This is in the middle of the world. This is, I believe, the place of safety. Many people ask me what’s the safest place during the apocalypse? Is Arizona safe? Is Australia safe? No, none of those places are safe. Inside that mountain right there, according to every legend I’ve ever come across, is the safest place in the world. This. Inside this mountain, you cannot die. So that automatically makes it by default. This is Cycros Cave. This is the cave of Zeus. This is the cave of saviors. This cave is energetically amplified to such a degree at the very least, when it’s full of that blue beam energy. Okay, possibly when it’s not, but that’s how strong the energy is. Your cells regenerate. You cannot die in this cave. The legends say. Okay, what did you say? Unite says I’m a climb, that I’m a climb and do a barrel roll, and it ain’t fun to stop me. Don’t try and catch my fate. All right, that’s funny. All right, let me get back in here. So imagine the point I want to make.Is that let’s say, I don’t know, let’s say the world goes to crap. I know it’s hard to imagine. Let’s say the world’s terrible, like at some point way in our future, right, that the world sucks and everything’s upside down and it’s full of evil and bad stuff and there’s an apocalyptic event because of that. I don’t know.

Hey, Max. Thank you again. Let’s just speculate and say that that happens, right? And then for some reason, there’s an exodus or people all around the world, all of these different places which represent all the different various countries and regions in our entire world and all of the world powers and stuff, right? Which, by the way, I speculate on World War II and what it might be about. Might be about this right here. Okay? Just possibly. Thank you so much, Max. All right. Anyways, let’s say you have all these people that return to Hyperborea. They’re going to be of every religion, every race, every color, every ethnicity all over the place. It’s not going to be, oh, the Hebrews or oh, the Mexicans or oh, all black people or all white people or whatever. No, dude, this is why those utopias in the movies are showing you such a mixture of all these different races and all these different colors and stuff is because we’re going to return to one. Okay? This whole place is you better get used to it if you want to come, if you want to be there, in my opinion. Okay.

And it’s very possible that even though it starts off all these people, they gather here from all around the world, all these different and this is what they show you in the movies, too, all these meeting places that are sort of like Utopias and stuff, they start off a mixture. Now, is it possible that over time, they adapt to their brand new environment and they change all collectively? Yeah, that’s totally possible. But just keep in mind, it’s not about race. It’s a race to get there, but it’s not about colors and stuff like that. We’re all one. We’re all going to return to being one. We were separated, and therefore we turned it into different colors and different nationalities and different languages, and everything’s different. But all those differences will change when everything is flipped right side up from the upside down world that we live in right now. Right.

Anyways, where was I? Let’s get back to this little article. All right, cool. So united human race speaking a single language, telepathy will be restored. I know a lot of people really want their language to be the language of the world that will be restored. I believe it’s going to be telepathy. Chaos Machine. What’s up, dude? Let me put you up there. Thanks for all you share, Jay. Much appreciated. You’re super welcome. I’m excited to see your name in the credits. All right, let me jump back up here. I’m going to take that down real quick. Migrating in the ancient times came to the land of Shanar. They agreed to build a city and a tower, possibly, depending on your translation, with its top in the sky. Okay. No mountain that we know of, no modern place in the modern world has a mountain that touches the sky. So people will write this off in the modern, and they’ll be like, oh, that’s just like it’s just really tall, that’s all. No? Okay. The Himalayas don’t touch the sky. They go up there in the lower parts of our atmosphere. They don’t get up there past the stratosphere and stuff like that. This mountain did and will once again hold on, let me see. We got Victor Garcia says, any idea what happened to Brian Austin Lambert? Yes, I do, but you’re going to have to Google that one, buddy. No offense or anything, but that’s too much. It’s off topic right now, and I don’t really want to get sidetracked. Your research is exactly like his. My research is similar to his, but not exactly like his. And he thought that you stretched a bit. Yeah, I do stretch way further than he does, or he did. Yet you’re still here and he’s gone. That’s totally right. And thank you so much, Victor. I appreciate your support. You could totally find all that information on the internet, too, by the way. And plus, I’ve talked about it in many previous videos. All right, so let’s see, where was we? Yahweh. Let’s talk about yahweh. All right, so the old testament god yahweh, observing their city and tower confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other and scatters them around the world. So what happened? That blue beam of energy retracted, went back down inside of the earth, that dome of energy, that mini dome. Like, have you guys ever seen that show under the dome? Or read the book from Stephen king under the dome? That’s a mini dome inside of the earth, which has a larger dome inside of it. So at this land at the north pole would be an energetic field or the odoroboros of electrical current that’s spinning around, because this energy is shooting up, and it is spinning around just like a scalpulus or whatever it’s called, or the staff of hermes, et cetera, right? It’s all spinning because it’s energy, and this is how energy moves. It spirals, basically, right? So it creates this dome of energy that protects this entire island or eden, et cetera, and boom.

Where were we? Oh, and then it goes down, right? So imagine they’re populating in there, right? So they’re inside of here, incubating, populating, all that stuff, and then the energy goes away. They all start speaking different languages. They no longer can communicate telepathically. A hunger starts to develop because they’re not energetically amplified. People start feeling maybe sluggish and tired, and all of the modern effects that we have that are amplified in the modern world start to make their appearance over time. I would assume it wouldn’t just happen instantaneously the moment that beam goes away, but I imagine it would be a noticeable change over time, right? Maybe like years. I’m just guessing. I don’t know.

All right, let’s get back to it. So, some scholars, some modern scholars have associated the tower of babel with known structures, notably edamin nanki, a ziggurat dedicated to the mesopotamian god marduk in babylon. Let’s check this out. No, hold on. Let me show you a picture of this thing. Hold on. Let’s check this out. So they’re saying we think it’s this, we found it. Boom. An aerial view of the remains of Edenanki or whatever. Here’s some trees. I can see those off to the side. I know this is not 33 miles in circumference, right? This is not it, in my opinion. Okay. Was it a structure? Yes, it looks like it was a structure. Okay, but was it the tower of babel? I doubt it. All right, let’s get back here. Where was I? All right, here we go. So some modern scholars think that they found it, right? A ziggurat dedicated to marduk in Babylon. I’m sure it was. While the archaeological record is incompatible with this, identification makes sense, many scholars believe that the biblical story was inspired by Adam Nanki. I disagree with that, but that’s okay. All right, let’s continue on the origin of languages. Blah, blah, blah. We got themes no, we’re going to skip on that authorship. No, we’re going to skip on that. Comparable myths. Here we go. So, comparative mythology, just like we’ve been breaking down, right? Sumerian and Assyrian parallels to the Tower of Babel. So, there are similar stories in Sumerian and Assyrian mythology, huh? Foundation of Eridu. Nebuchadnezzar’s name. Execution texts. Okay, so there’s some parallels. Sweet, let’s skip down to the last section, interpretations. So, philosophical interpretation, theological interpretation, and artistic and literary interpretations. Cool? Awesome. Thanks for hanging out with me. I really appreciate it. I hope that was a great show. Don’t forget to like this video, share this video, hit the subscribe button if you haven’t already, and be excellent to each other, and be the change you want to see.Babel. Let’s check it out. There are, or I’m sorry, there is a Sumerian myth similar. I want to comment on this picture, too. I want to comment on all this. I love all this ancient, weird stuff.

There’s a Sumerian myth similar to that of the Tower of Babel called Inmerkar and the Lord of Arata, where Inmerkar of Uruk is building a massive ziggurat in Eridu. Eridu. This word right here is very similar to Eretz and very similar to Earth. Right? So they’re all similar and demands a tribute of precious materials from Arata. That also reminds me of a place in a movie. Was it dune? Didn’t they have people that sound like that Arata or something?

Joshua Adams gave me $5. Oh, my God. Hold on, let me say thank you, Joshua Adams. Your picture looks like the Terminator. That’s a good picture. I like that. I really appreciate you, your hard work, your channel. Thanks for all these fine folks. Thanks to everyone. I’m like number 81. Let’s get more. Oh, that’s cool. I haven’t even liked it yet. I’m usually the last person to like my own video, but I always do, and thank you so much. I super appreciate you, Joshua Adams. Alright, back to our story.

So in Mercar of Uruk is building a massive ziggurat in Eridu and demands a tribute of precious materials from Arata for its construction, at one point reciting an incantation imploring the god Enqui to restore or in Kramer’s translation, to disrupt the linguistic unity of the inhabited regions named as Shubur Hamazi, Shumer Uriki, or Akad and the Martu land. The whole universe, the well guarded people. That’s interesting. The well guarded people or the people who are guarded by the well, right? Or people who have an electromagnetic dome of energy around their island or their nation or whatever, right? May they all address in leel together in a single language. So that’s super interesting.

My personal belief so far about Enki is that Enki is the beam that shoots up out of this, okay? That beam goes by Atlas. It goes by Jesus. It goes by many names, okay? Not to hurt any feelings or whatever, and I’m not saying your religions are all wrong or nothing. I’m just saying this is my perspective, and that is Enki. Enki means Lord of the Earth. Actually, technically, it means heaven and Earth, okay? Which is the vav of creation or the tent peg that connects the heavens? Atlas holding it up, right? And the Earth. Boom. Going down. It’s that y shape. It’s the flux capacitor shape, et cetera. Oh, the flux capacitor shape. Oh, my God, we got so much to talk about. Hold on. Let me catch up in the chat. Someone said I’m on fire. I am. I’m energetically amplified. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s you guys. Maybe it’s because this is my time. I’m alive at night, dude. When I do my live streams earlier, I’m just like, I’m drinking coffee. Sorry. Hold on. Nighttime is my time. Anyway, where was I? The flux capacitor makes time travel possible, right?

So check this out. Have you guys ever seen that movie called Time Trap where those people go into that cave, and then there’s these energetic barriers, and every time they go through an energetic barrier, time moves differently where they just were, or time moves differently where they are? Like, there’s a time differential between the two. If you have not seen that, I broke that movie down on my Truth in Movies playlist, you got to scroll down a bit because it’s an older one. But I just recently showed that movie to my son also, who loved it. He’s pointing out all kinds of things. He’s like, dad, pause it. I got to tell you. So fun. Anyways, yeah. So the flux capacitor is where this actually is. It’s a physical place. It’s the VOV. It’s the Y in the sky, whatever you want to call it, and where it touches the Earth, this is a place, the Time Cave. Basically, if you go into this cave, like I said, you cannot die. So all those people on the outside of this cave, right, way outside, towards the southern reaches of the world, they’re all going to be smaller in stature compared to the giants who will live here. They’re all going to have shorter lifespans, etc, and time’s going to go by super fast for them. While you’re in the cave, chilling, like, enjoying life for what seems like a few days to you is going to be years and years and years to these people on the outside because you don’t keep track of time like they do or anything, and you’re not aging, right? You could spend 50 years in that cave, come out, go off into Asia up here or something, meet some locals who you knew before, right? But they would look like old people. You’d be like, wow. Oh, my goodness. And they would look at you like you haven’t changed. They’d probably touch your face and stuff. They would be amazed, right? Because there’s a huge time differential when you start getting closer to these energetic sources or places of power. Alright, where was I? Let’s see. We got these different okay, so in addition, a further Assyrian myth myth history dating from the 8th century BC during the Neo Assyrian Empire bears a number of similarities to the later written biblical story. There’s a Greco Roman parallel. Let’s check out Greece and Rome in Greek mythology. Myth history, right. Oh, before it disappears, I want to give another shout out to Anthrax Axis. Huge donation tonight. Thank you so much. I like your little picture there, too. Alright, thank you so much. Alright, let’s get back to the little presentation in Greek mythology, greek and Roman mythology, much of which was adopted by the Romans. I want to talk about all those there is a myth referred to as the Gigantomachi, or some people might call it the Titanomache. The battle that was fought between the giants and the Olympian gods. I guess that would be the Gigantomaki. Maki just means like war, basically. So the war of the giants or the Giant War, the Great War. So there was a war between the giants and the Olympian gods for supremacy of the cosmos. I don’t know about that. Say supremacy of this spot right here on the map, which was the world, especially if you have your little mini dome around you and you’re looking at your own little mini sky. I don’t know if they had a sky or not, or if they just saw our sky. Right. Let’s get back to it. Hold on, let me see. In the chat. Something’s going on in the chat. Did you just donate more memberships? Oh, my God. That was awesome. Thank you. Oh, Kazmej is in the chat. I haven’t seen you in forever. Good to see you. A wrinkle in time. Good one. All those are good. All right, hold on. I don’t want to get too much in the chat here. What’s the movie? Oh, the name of the movie was Time Trap. So check that out. You’ll love it. If you love all my stuff, you’ll love this movie. It’s really good. Plus, in the movie, the way that they found that cave is they’re following a dude who disappeared looking for the Fountain of Youth. So it’s all about where to find the Fountain of Youth.

And Ken’s in the chat. Ken. What’s up, Ken? Good to see you. High five. Thank you so much for your support, man. You guys are awesome tonight. You guys are always awesome. But anyways, let me continue on. Alright, so this is in Greek mythology, greek and Roman mythology, the war between the giants and the Olympian gods who lived on bum, bum Bum, mount Olympus. Bum, bum bum. Right here, right? They fought for supremacy of the cosmos in Ovid. Some historian guy in Ovid’s telling of the myth of the history. The giants attempt to reach the gods in heaven by stacking mountains but are repelled by Jupiter’s thunderbolts. Interesting stuff. Thanks again, Ken.

So check this out. The giants stack mountains on top of each other. Let’s go back to our little map here because I want to show you a story here. Like I said, this place right here is created by the energy of the Earth itself, by electricity, you could say electromagnetism, really. Right. If you rub a balloon just to give you let’s build a bridge. If you take a balloon, you rub it on your hair, and you have a bunch of hair, right? And then you pull the balloon away, what happens to your hair? It stands up, right? It becomes electrified. And then if you take that balloon and you let it go and you put your hand on it, it will stick to your hand, right? Because it’s attracted to your hand. What does that mean? That means that that balloon, when it was rubbed on your hair, acquired a charge of electricity. It became charged. And it can carry that charge with it. If you then touch your hair to something or get your hair near something that can conduct electricity, it will discharge, right?

Well, in this case, this is the same thing. This is an electrified spot on the Earth, okay? This is the same kind of thing. This is like the balloon rubbing up against the surface

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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