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Truth in Movies! #97 V for Vendetta

By: JayDreamerZ
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Truth in Movies! #97 V for Vendetta



➡ The host of “Truth in Movies” discusses the film “V for Vendetta”, highlighting its themes of rebellion against a corrupt government, represented by the character Guy Fawkes. The host warns about a heightened state of societal agitation leading to potential martial law and government control under the guise of protection, while also expressing the importance of individuals arming themselves for protection.
➡ The text discusses hypocrisy and the celebration of evil in contemporary society. It highlights the power of manipulation, especially in twisting words and changing context. The argument focuses on the infiltration of ‘evil’ into what is perceived as ‘good,’ gradually poisoning it over time. Despite this, the text asserts that good ultimately triumphs over evil, citing various writings on the principles of good versus evil. The text further delves into faith, arguing that it should be seen as action, rather than just belief. It also emphasises the misuse of symbols, which were once representative of goodness and wholesomeness but are now often seen as signifying evil.
➡ The text discusses the perceived corruption in systems of power where the truth is often manipulated for financial gain or control. However, it suggests that people are becoming increasingly aware of this manipulation, advocating for questioning and challenging the narratives offered by authorities and mainstream media.
➡ This text describes a skeptical narrative of news media, questioning its authenticity and accusing it of propaganda. It proceeds with a monologue by a character named V, challenging the existing systems of oppression and injustice, and appealing for a collective stand on November 5 outside Parliament to reclaim fairness, justice, and freedom.


SA. Welcome to another episode of Truth in Movies. Today is November the fifth, so I thought it appropriate if we bring on the movie V for Vendetta, which stars this guy or this is the original guy behind the mask that you guys all know, Guy Fox. I’ll talk about him in a SEC. But the movie starts off by saying remember the 5 November the gunpowder to treason and plot I know of no reason why the gunpowder to treason ever should be forgot sort of a nursery rhyme, right? The truth hidden within nursery rhymes so that we would remember so that we could say this nursery rhyme and bring to mind the reality of the world that we live in, which is a messed up, crazy place ran by psychotic people, basically, if I’m being honest with myself.

But Guy Fox, right here behind me, you can see him. He says an idea can change the world. And he was arrested for espionage or a form of spying against his own government for treason and for trying to blow up the parliament building, basically. And he was against the government. He was not for it. He did not like it. He didn’t approve of it at all. He was all about the people.

At least, that’s the idea behind the mask, behind the idea of the form of the person. And he says the ideas can change the world. So his visage became the inspiration for the anonymous group. And that’s why they use his mask whenever they do their anonymous posts. You’ll see why in a bit. That brings us to our movie, V for Vendetta. Also v for victory. It’s also what that stands for, too, the Victors.

Victors over this world that we live in today. And, by extension, victors over the people who run this world, but also victors over the apocalypse, should you survive the upcoming change. Because I have a feeling somebody is watching all of this happen. Somebody’s watching all of this crazy stuff go down. And just like V says in the movie, the deeds will not go unpunished, that everything is being recorded and that there will be a reckoning.

We start off by seeing we’re watching the news, some lame on the news, like they all are. And he’s talking about America. Because this is a big pitting, one country versus another country. In this case, it’s England versus America. These are wars and rumors of wars. And these are things that have been spoken about in prophecy that you can expect and that you’re now seeing on the news as we speak.

And he’s talking about it wasn’t the plague that they created. So at this point in the movie, there’s some kind of a plague that’s happening worldwide. And the movie goes into detail about that. He says no one escapes Judgment. Well, these are the hypocrites telling you the truth. They won’t escape judgment either. Excuse me. And so everybody starts cheering on the television. And they love this. They love all the drama, all this Jerry Springer News type garbage and pitting one person versus the other.

That’s because of the amplification of energy in our world or the strengthening of spirit in our world, whatever spirit that people have in general is going to be amplified to the point where they get agitated and they want violence. They crave war and things like that. And so oftentimes I’ve found in my studies that the people that crave these things, when that happens before the end of an age, that the people are rounded up and that they’re taken control of by those governments or by those institutions.

And so they become even more agitated because they’re stuck in their houses or under curfews, et cetera. And so they can’t wait for some sort of a war or a rumor for a war so that they can support it. It’s just like watching sports. It’s like an outlet for their frustration. It’s living vicariously through the television, basically. So she’s like, Enough of that. I turn that off right away.

So she stops watching the news, which is something I recommend. I’ve stopped watching the news. I have not ever tuned into the news for at least seven or eight years. And it’s refreshing, I’ll tell you that, because it’s mostly all garbage and junk, as you’ll see in a minute. So she’s walking over to her friend’s house in the middle of the night and on the speakers it says a yellow coated curfew is now in effect.

So now they have a curfew which is destined to happen. If people’s energy and spirit becomes amplified, like I suppose it will, and that it is, then you’ll see a lot more crazy killings and murders and examples being made on the television which will demand a call to action by the people themselves, because the people will be terrified of themselves and of the population at large. So they’ll say, well, somebody must do something.

Well, of course the government steps in and they institute curfews and martial law, et cetera, right? So that’s the world that we’re looking at. And they say any unauthorized personnel will be subject to arrest. This is for your protection. Now, this is from a movie made a long time ago, but how often these days have you heard this phrase? Even by people who are just innocent, they just mean it.

They mean well and some don’t. But this is their example. This is their justification for all of the bad things they do. It’s for your protection. It’s to protect you. It’s not it’s for their protection. It’s not to protect you at all. This is a lie. This is not true. What protects you are the things that you use to protect yourself with. So if you’re not protecting yourself, you’re not protected.

If you don’t have family that has your back that you know personally and have experienced and walked through life with you’re not protected, okay? Governments are not there to protect. They’re there to govern, which means control. They tell the sheep, this is the things they tell the sheep, oh, it’s for your protection, I promise. I’m protecting you, putting this fence around you and prodding you and poking you in the direction of the meat grinder, okay? This is garbage.

This is happening now. All across the world, people are using this exact same phrase. Well, it’s for your protection. It’s for your protection. They don’t let you do anything in your life for your protection. They’re protecting you against yourself, which means they’re really controlling you, which means they’re protecting themselves. So basically, Evie, this girl in the movie, she’s met up by about two or three different rapists in the movie, and they’re cops and they’re government officials, and they decide that they’re just going to go ahead and get away with it.

They’re going to rape Evie and hurt her and beat her up and probably kill her and stuff, and they’ll get away with it because the people will support that in this day, in this age. The movie is showing you what’s happening now in this day, in this age. Prophecies have already discussed it, that the worst of the people will be leaders amongst them. The people will be led by people that do terrible things to children and people who rapists and thieves and just terrible people, the whole lot, right? The prophecies indicate that the world would be led by those types, that people will flock to those types because those will be seen as admirable qualities, especially if people feign a sense of humbleness or sincerity right behind it, right? They’re hypocrites.

So what does he do? He’s old school. He’s Old Testament. So he walks right up to the wannabe attackers and he’s like, yeah, what’s up? Why don’t you pick on somebody your own side, right? And he has a weapon. You’ll notice V is armed a lot, so the odds are not in the favor of these guys who have, like, a switchblade or I don’t know what they had.

Maybe they had a gun, I don’t know. But Evie definitely didn’t have much of anything except for some pepper spray. Okay? So imagine if he didn’t have any weapons and he just stepped up and said, hey, guys, leave her alone. Well, he’s probably going to die, right? Some of us who have an older mentality, some of us from another time, we don’t resonate with this. You shouldn’t have any weapons, and weapons are terrible and they kill people and all that type of stuff, okay? Those are quite actually tools that you can use for your protection, which is what he does here, and to protect others as well.

But anyways, they don’t want you having any kind of weapons because they’re protecting themselves, right? But V doesn’t care. He’s old school. He comes up, he’s got his weapons, he busts them out. And then he says, we are off to blame in this. Tis too much proved that with devotion’s visage and pious action, we do sugar over the devil himself. And what that means in the modern is people turned a blind eye to evil.

People don’t acknowledge things that on the surface are clearly evil, bad, wrong, immoral, corrupt, unjust things that are evidently all of those things. All of those things that are evident, are gleaned over. They’re dismissed or minimized because the ones who do them are devoted to this visage or this appearance of pious action. It’s called hypocrisy. They pretend to be pious. They’re justified in their own minds, and so they explain those justifications to you with a false sense of humility.

And the people love it, and they eat it up, and they ignore all of the evil and the wrongdoing that in the old days and in the ancient times, according to the old ways, would have helped them to meet a swift end, to reset individuals so that they can try again in the next life. Right? Yeah. Strong repercussions for doing evil in the old world. In this world, it’s almost, if not already.

I don’t know. What do you guys think? It’s almost, if not already? People are rewarded for evil. I mean, you see it all the time. People are rewarded across all the little platforms and everything. They’re rewarded for doing bad. They’re rewarded for doing immoral, gross, disgusting, and base things to themselves and to others. And the people watch it and the people like it, and they click the like button and they want more and they love it and they laugh at it like idiots.

Now, this guy doesn’t understand. Whoa, whoa. What’s that mean? Right? Earlier, they said this to V. They said, Spare the rod. Or they said that to Evie. They said, Spare the rod and spoil the child. Which meant they interpret that Bible verse, which they took out of context to mean that they should hurt Evie so that they don’t spoil her too much, that the cows and the goy or the goyim should be hurt and punished physically so that they learn their lesson, so that they’re being kept in their place.

This is how easy it is to twist another person’s words around, or even especially the words of ancient writings. So V comes in and he represents what the verse actually is talking about. To spare the rod or to put away your belt or to put away the spanking stick or whatever. That’s basically what it is. He says, spare the rod. Right? Whatever measure you use to measure someone else should be measured against you.

Spare the rod. The rod is also a reference, I believe, to the actual rod of, like, the blue beam of light that shoots up out of the ground. The rod and the staff of Psalm 23, right? So he comes in. He says, yeah, let’s do it. I’m all about that life. You want to spare the rod? Here’s my fucking rod. He busts it out and takes care of these punk asses anyways, he says the only verdict is vengeance in the end.

Now, I want to say this to encourage many of you who might feel like evil’s winning evil is going to get away with it, that they are getting away with it. They will not. According to every writing I’ve ever come across on the subject of good versus evil, whether it be prophetic in nature or historic, evil does not win. It’s good at taking over, right? And it always makes its face, and it always has its time of perceived rule, but it always comes to a sudden, quick end.

And oftentimes I found that’s by the judgment of what people call God or nature or polarity shifts and apocalyptic cycles. So the good news is, if you’re out there and you feel like I do, that there’s not much you as an individual can do, although you would like to. And if somehow you woke up with superpowers, the world would be a very different place, and people would sing another tune rather quickly.

But because we don’t and we are not imbued with superpowers at the moment, we wait. We wait for that time of retribution and reckoning, which has always come when it was needed most. That’s the good news. I believe that that’s on the way in the form of, at the very least, and ultimately the apocalypse itself. He says, you may call me V. Right. Also, there’s like the whole the mask symbolism, right? The pasty, pale skinned judges, basically angels that come down from above or whatnot, whenever the world depressurizes and she goes, Are you like a crazy person? I’m quite sure they will say so, right? Of course this is what they will say.

They will change. I mean, if they’re going to change the words of God in the Bible, they change everything. It’s witchcraft, it’s spellcraft. They will change whatever it is to create a different visage or a different perception for the people who they cast the spell on, okay? They will take the same words, but they will twist it with energy, frequency, vibration, inflection tone, or facial features. They’ll change it all and they’ll flip it on its head upside down to make what is good and wholesome and pure and righteous and fun in the world, something terrible, something evil and corrupt.

And they’ll take that same corruption and make it sound like it was the Prior. Also, they see a sign behind them. It says, Strength through unity and unity through faith. This is also something I just wanted to touch on real quick. Faith. Okay? Specifically, I’m reaching out to the Bible reading crowd because I do enjoy the book so much. I just wanted to teach you something, and maybe this is just something that most people don’t know.

Faith today has been the word has been twisted today. It implies belief that they are synonymous, that they are one and the same. They are not. In the old world, faith was an action. Faith was something you did that showed something you believed in. Faith was evidence of what you believe in. Faith was what you do about your beliefs. Okay? So all this just have faith in all this dumb vomit of the modern way we speak, right? I have faith.

That just means I believe. You can wish and hope and believe and cross your fingers all you want to, but if you don’t take a step in the direction of that belief, you will never see it manifest. His name’s V. Her name’s V, basically. Evie or Eve, right? The first woman, hawa or Hava, which essentially means life, right? To give life, he says. You see, I am a musician.

A musician of sorts. Of sorts, right? Frequency. Somebody that works with frequencies and vibrations. And then he goes over to this old Bailey building, which is this court building with this Lady Justice on the top of it, which is they use these symbols. Let me tell you something. Good has been infiltrated by evil. And the worst kind of evil are those who pretend to be good. And let me tell you something else.

This is not a secret organization that do this. This is the television and the news and the media and the radio stations and stuff. They are a classroom in and of themselves that the rest of us watch and emulate and learn from the best. Evil disguises itself as good. So they just show you evil as good on the screens, on the televisions and the songs and whatnot. And the people follow suit, right? There are those from ancient times.

There were different sects. They go by different names, but some were known as the Law of One, which traditionally were like the good guys. And then you have the priests of Baal, which were like the bad guys. It was union versus separation. It was chaos versus order, et cetera. It’s always the age old conflict. But anyways, the good guys at first outnumbered the bad guys. So the bad guys had a clever idea that they would send in sleeper cells, that they would send in spies or double agents into the good guys to pretend to be good.

But in reality, they would take all of that goodness and pureness and wholesomeness and they would slowly start to poison it just a little bit here and there. And because it was just a little bit, there were some who could tolerate it. There were some who allowed it and gave permission for just a little tiny bit of evil because it was sugar coated, it was glazed over, it was repainted.

But at the core, at the foundation, it was evil, it was bad. So they took the symbols that once represented good and wholesomeness, right? And authority and power and respect. They took those symbols and over time, turned them upside down to represent their beliefs and their standards. Which is evil, basically. Right? So they took all these symbols, they hijacked them, they took them over. And now those symbols represent evil.

Although just by themselves, they represent good or evil in this world, they represent evil because they’ve been hijacked. In the old world, they represented good and things that were pure and wholesome and righteous and good qualities. So he goes up to this old courthouse, which is, in my experience, a terrible place. Okay. I don’t care where you are in the world. This is a bad place. All right.

This is a place where they just take people, free people, and they exercise corrupt bad laws or magic spells, basically. And all of the people just allow it to all happen. They just take them. They have this kangaroo court process where it’s all a set up from the beginning. It’s all about making money, okay? This is a place where they make money. This is a business. It’s not a building of justice or anything like that.

There’s. The people that are inside of there are working. They’re not there to help anybody. They’re there to make a paycheck. And whenever the policy enforcers go around enforcing their policies for their business, they write tickets and they issue charges, which is like, this is all business and maritime stuff. You know what I mean? It’s all about money and trade and coming up in your trade, basically. Anyway, so he goes there and he just destroys it.

Papao, boom. Blows it to a million pieces while the music is playing. And he’s laughing and he’s loving it, watching everything just go up in smoke. He says, how beautiful is it? Not? Now meanwhile, the authorities hear about this and they’re not too happy. So they’re reporting and they say it’s Jakovsky’s 1812 Overture, which has very interesting lyrics. Might want to check those out sometime. It says add it to the blacklist.

Now. Look how evil these people just look. Right? How do all of you in the world look at your leaders and you can’t tell they’re evil. Some people are like, don’t be judgmental. Well, guess what? That’s an upside down mode of thought. I’m saying be judgmental. Okay? I don’t know where this whole don’t be judgmental or only God can judge me or whatever. No, that’s garbage, okay? That’s usually what bad guys say.

That’s usually what people in the wrong say. Don’t judge me or whatever. That usually means you’re doing something you shouldn’t be, right? Judging is a natural part of life. Okay? It’s a useful tool. Judge. Look at this guy. Tell me if he’s good or bad. Come on. Just off the top, right. Like in real life. I’m saying he’s a bad dude. Like just purely judging the dude by how he looks.

I Don’t Care If People Are like, well, you don’t know him, you shouldn’t say that, blah, blah, blah. I’m telling you, the body conforms to the spirit, okay? If you can’t acknowledge what you see with your own eyes, then you’re likely to be tricked by it and not realize what’s hiding on the inside. Anyways, he says, add it to the blacklist, he sounds evil too. So they blacklist, right? They just ban anything that is open minded, anything that encourages people to think for themselves or even worse, to rebel against the system, right? I never want to hear that music again.

He says. That also reminds me of all the music that they banned, but at certain frequencies, too. They’ll ban frequencies, not just music, but music at certain frequencies. And then they say, what are you doing about this? He says, we’re calling it an emergency demolition. They’re talking about him blowing up the building. They’re going to twist that. We are calling it an emergency demolition. Now, this is the inverse of very real things that actually have happened, if you think about it, right? So they’re calling it an emergency demolition.

They’re calling it a demolition, right? An organized demolition. When in reality it was a guy that placed a bunch of bombs in the building. We have spin coverage on the network and throughout the interlink, which is like the internet, right? So basically they’re going to spin it. They’re going to lie to the people. And this is them sugar coating even what they’re saying. This is how they talk to each other.

They’re not even playing with one another, only the people at the very top are probably playing with each other. They still speak like this to each other, even though they all know what they’re really saying, right? This dude should just say, sir, we’re going to lie to everybody and tell them that’s not true. You know what I mean? But instead they talk like this. Several experts have been lined up to testify against the Bailey’s structural integrity.

See how they just continue to talk to another like this? Several experts have been lined up to testify. See, this is what they do. They get experts, which is people that they say are experts, to testify to tell you the common people, well, I have with me an expert. So and so is an expert in the field of this. And this is the law now. This is the reality because we brought in this expert.

Forget looking into it for yourself. Forget what you experience with your body and with your own eyes and with your emotions and your senses. Forget all that. Just watch the guy on TV. He’s an expert. He’ll tell you what it really is. And then he says, I want Prothero to speak tonight on the dangers of these old buildings and how we must avoid clinging to the edifice of a decadent past.

This was interesting to me. They want to basically convince the people that there’s something bad about all these old buildings, right? They want the people thinking that old buildings are dangerous or infested or disgusting or rotten or pose some sort of a threat, right? This is very interesting if you think about the old world technology or old world architecture and why buildings in the old world were designed in a way that almost looks like it was purposefully to work with the electricity that was probably more prevalent in the atmosphere and in the earth.

It seems like the old world architecture sure does work a lot with that, right? But they don’t want you to lunk you to it. They want you to think those old buildings are dangerous. And then, oh, just look at this dude’s eyes. That’s why I took a picture of this. Look at this dude’s eyes. Look at these pupils. I don’t know which drugs do that. I’m pretty sure, like many do, right? These guys are totally on drugs.

They’re the most corrupt of all of them, right? Gentlemen, I want that terrorist found. And I’m using so many trigger words today. I want that terrorist found. So they use the words that are applicable to themselves. They will use words that describe themselves. This is called projection at its finest, okay? They’re projecting onto others what they themselves are. This guy is a terrorist. These people that represent the governments of your world, of your countries, your borders and boundaries or whatever, they are terrorists.

They terrorize. They instill fear into the hearts and the minds of the people in order to manipulate them and use them. I want him to understand what terror really means. Well, of course, right? Duh. These are the terrorists, okay? These are the ones that on the news every day scare you. They put terror into your hearts and minds, right? And they tell you what you should be afraid of.

You ever see the boondock saints? Oh, man, we got to break that one down, too. The boondock saints would have been called terrorists, vigilantes, right? I mean, Batman’s a friggin terrorist. You know what I mean? If Batman were real, this is exactly what they would be saying about Batman. They’d be like, oh, he’s a know. That’s kind of how they do with spider man and stuff, too, with that whole newspaper that he works at, right? They’re always painting these superheroes in a bad light or whatever.

Be careful with these words when you hear people using words like this, okay? I’ve found usually the ones that are using these types of words are the terrorists themselves, because the good guys take action. The good guys are taking matters into their own hands, and they’re taking care of business. Like it’s the wild west. The bad guys are like, that terrorizes us. That scares us. So then they take their fear.

They project it onto you, and they say, look, they’re the ones who are scaring all of you. When it’s not all of you who are scared. If you think about it, it’s all of them. Now, Evie works at this news station, and they’re doing this program where they’re going to lie to everybody, and she says, do you think that people will buy this? And this guy says, this is the BTN.

Our job is to report the news, not fabricate it. That’s the government’s job. So basically, this is some lame joke, but it’s true about how they don’t care. They’re not the ones that made these stories up. They’re just reading the teleprompter. Where do the words on the teleprompter come from? I’ll bet you none of you know. I don’t know, and I have a feeling that nobody else does either, except for somewhere at the top.

You know, it doesn’t come from the news corporations. You know, it doesn’t come from the reporters. You know, it doesn’t come from independent investigative journalists that don’t exist in this world on TV. They’re not popular. There probably is real ones. Some of us sort of investigate independently or whatever. It comes from the top somewhere, and they give the same script to every single one of the news agencies.

They tell them all to say the same thing. They don’t question where it comes from. They don’t question the veracity or validity of it. There’s two V words. I didn’t even do that on purpose. They say, look at this douchebag. And this is how they are, too. They wear this stupid monkey suit that says, I’m a professional slave. They comb their hair, all this weird stuff. I mean, if that’s you, that’s fine, whatever.

But that’s just the world that we’re in. And look at his face just already a condescending, douchey looking face, right? And he goes, yeah, the Old Bailey had an albeit improvised sendoff. They were going to destroy her anyway. He just blatantly lies to the people. And do you see how he’s an actor? Your news people, that’s not them. They’re actors. They’re acting. They have a persona. They have a character.

Whenever they jump on screen, okay? They have a character. They jump in character to do the news. So this guy this is not like, oh, man, I learned about this, and wow, this guy is bullshitting you. And when I say this guy, I mean all of your news stations across the board, every one of them, all the crap that you guys watch is all propaganda. All of it.

Like, without exception, I don’t know, maybe with exception, there’s always anomalies and exceptions. But anyways, this guy’s a douchebag. Successful demolition of the old Bailey. See, this is the inverse of things that actually have happened historically right on here. They’re lying and saying it’s a demolition. You see what I’m saying? Without saying it, right? Tell me. Tell me something was done on the inside. Without telling me something was done on the inside.

Anyways, now there’s these reporters on TV. They say, although the demolition. Had been planned lie for some time. Which is funny because that’s actually true in real life. Okay? There have been events that have happened where this one this sentence is true. They’re showing you the inverse. They’re showing you exactly what’s going on, but it’s just inverted. For some time, the music and the fireworks were improvised. And then the other girl that’s watching the TV, this chick, she can’t believe it, and she says, I saw it.

There was no demolition. It wasn’t some thing that the government planned or whatever. It was a bomb that blew it up. I mean, it was demolished. She says, I saw it. I saw the whole thing. Now, this is good that she keeps telling herself this because if she doesn’t, she’ll question herself. So will you. If you don’t remind yourself of the things you have experienced versus what they have told you you might be susceptible to powerful spells that will convince you that you didn’t see what you thought you saw or you didn’t go through what you went through that it didn’t happen the way that you actually remember it happening.

It’s easy to trick the mind and then, static, something’s happening. All the TVs around the world and suddenly all the people look up and they see that they’re interrupted by a gracious and interesting host who has a very important message to share. Good evening, people of the world. Allow me to first apologize for this interruption. I do, like most of you, appreciate the comforts of everyday routine the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition.

I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past, usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle are celebrated with a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November 5. A day that is, sadly, no longer remembered by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat.

There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon appear on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is there is something terribly wrong with this country, with this world, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.

And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.

I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There are a myriad of problems which have conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you. And in your panic, you turned to the now high chancellor. He promised you order, he promised you peace and all that he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

Last night, I sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the 5 November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words. They are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest that you allow the 5 November to pass unmarked.

But if you see what I see if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek then I ask you to stand beside me, one year from tonight outside of the gates of Parliament. And together, we shall give them a 5 November that they shall never, ever be forgot. Voila. In view, a humble vodavillain veteran cast vicariously both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.

This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta held as a votive not in vain for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and virtuous verily this visois of verbiage veers most verbose.

So let me simply add that is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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Government control under guise of protection Guy Fawkes as symbol of rebellion Hypocrisy and evil celebration in society Importance of self-protection against government control Infiltration of evil into good Power of manipulation in contemporary society Rebellion themes in V for Vendetta Societal agitation leading to martial law Truth in Movies V for Vendetta discussion

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