#168 | Black Hoodie Alchemy Empirical Spirituality The Phantom Dream Syndrome w/ Anthony Tyler

Spread the Truth



– The text discusses the content, support models, and hosts of the Juana Juan podcast which delves into investigating the supernatural, specifically homunculuses. It also introduces the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual, a comic book offering a guide into these arcane creatures. The hosts discuss their backgrounds, interests, influences, and their passion for the podcast. ‘
– The speaker explores the concepts of alchemy and its relationship with elements of reality, unseen occult world, plant medicines, spiritual realms, interdimensional aspects, and origination of life. The speaker suggests alchemy as a tool to invoke change in reality and considers it to play a key role in understanding existence and creation, asserting that there is a divine alchemist or creator at the core of it all. They criticize blind religious dogma in favor of an empirical approach to spirituality, encouraging questioning and individual control over one’s spiritual journey. They discuss the concept of God as a potentially incomprehensible, intelligent force guiding existence, while also acknowledged that some concepts have been disproven with the advancement of technology.
– The text explores the concept and application of alchemy and its historical intertwining with spirituality, religion, and secret societies. It discusses the nature of ‘truth’ as determined by sensory observation, the ability of alchemy to make immediate changes in reality, and its transformative role in shaping consciousness. The author also debates the conflation of right/wrong with good/evil and the loss of healthy discourse in the face of differing opinions.- The text discusses the influence of belief and self-perception on one’s ability to accomplish unlikely tasks. It also touches on cultural controversies, online censorship, the power dynamics within large corporations, conspiracy theories involving well-known figures, conspiracy- and occult-related symbols and actions discernible to the well-versed, and the subjective boundary between reality and fiction.
– The text involves a deep conversation about movies, philosophy, spirituality, and alchemy, with a particular focus on the concept of Fight Club, a movie and book, being a metaphor for alchemical transformation. They discuss the habitual process of learning and self-education in history, heuristic methods as the foundation of modern science, and the idea of reality as a transmutative process. Understanding through speaking, the union of reality and imagination, and the potential for belief to shape reality are also explored. ‘
– The text discusses the theory of existing in dual realities as a result of insomnia, using George Luis Borges and the character from Fight Club as examples. It also broaches the topic of societal manipulation through overwork and sleep deprivation, leading into a conversation on inner monologues and thought processes with reference to Julian James’ bicameral mind concept. The text delves into the potency of alchemical and psychedelic experimentation, manifestation, the functioning and power of dreams, and then mentions how dreaming and the altered state of being on the verge of sleep can foster creativity and a profound understanding of existential concepts.- The text is a discussion on neuroscience, dreams, the metaphysical and mysticism. The two participants discuss dream incubation techniques, scientific studies about phantom limb pain, and their personal experimenting with these processes. The discussion delves into neuroscience, our understanding of the subconscious mind, and mystical practices, speculating on the overlap between the scientific and the mystical. They discuss personal experiences and experiments with dreams and physiological sensations, and the importance of introspection and continual learning in understanding these phenomena.- The speaker discusses their spontaneous approach to publishing a book, encourages others to have fun and not take themselves too seriously, and shares about various supporting projects – like paranormal-themed comics, journals, and a pamphlet of the history of The Homunculus. The importance of checking out these projects and staying engaged with the community online is also expressed. ‘


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They said it was forbidden. They said it was dangerous. They were right. Introducing the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual. Dive into the arcane, into the hidden corners of the occult. This isn’t just a comic, it’s a hidden tome of supernatural power. All original artwork illustrating the groundbreaking research of Juan Ayala, one of the only living homunculogists of our time. Learn how to summon your own homunculus. An enigma wrapped in the fabric of reality itself. Their power at your fingertips. Their existence your secret. Explore the mysteries of the Aristotelian, the spiritual, the paracelsian, the Crowleyan homunculus. Ancient knowledge lost to time, now unearthed in this forbidden tale. This comic book holds truths not meant for the light of day. Knowledge that was buried, feared and shunned. Are you ready to uncover the hidden? The Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual. Not for the faint of heart. Available now from Paranoid American. Get your copy@tjojp.com or paranoidamerican.com today.

Welcome to the One on One podcast with your host, Juan Ayala. Sam’s not mysticism. I don’t know what is. And you could take that kernel of legitimate scientific experimentation and really run in quite a few different philosophical directions. And I think that dreams, in the same way that something being viral is not good or bad. Dreams are like phantom limbs, these projections of the psyche that affect our physical life but are not quite there, they’re just below the surface. We don’t have any sort of available access to them until we give them some sort of life, some sort of projection process. And that’s what dreams are. And that’s how the outpour of mysticism comes from this whole dream process because why wouldn’t it? Dreams are that on an evolutionary level, you know what I mean? And then psychedelics are just a piggyback off of that as well and clearly seem to have some incorporated into that evolutionary model little bit as well.

Welcome back to another episode of the Juan Juan Podcast. I’m your host. As always, make sure to follow the show on social media at the Juanajuan Podcast website, TJ Ojp.com. Make sure to get your issue of Paranormality June issue brahman the COVID Look at that head of Florida’s homuncologist. Okay, I made that word up and I don’t even know how to say it, so 2023, Florida edition paranormality. The link is in the description, so make sure to if you go to check out TJ OJP and there’s an exclusive interview in there as well of me, so it’s pretty dope. Occultist Monday comic book all that good stuff. If you’re watching on YouTube, make sure to hit the like, comment, subscribe, share with your friends, all that goodness. And today we have Anthony Tyler with us. What’s up, dude? Hey, thank you very much for having me on, man. It’s a real pleasure. Yeah. From black hoodie, alchemy. I’ve been listening to your show. You go pretty hard in the paint. Figured. And we’re both on the Fringe FM, too, so I figured I’d hit you up and do a little collab because I like your stuff, bro, and I like your latest episode, too. It’s pretty dope. So can you tell the people where they can find you, man? Yeah. Thank you very much. Yeah, the basic website is divmind. Net. You can find black hoodie alchemy on anywhere. You’re getting your streaming action. Fringe FM. You can find me on Twitter. Dive mind. Six, six, seven. Because I’m just a little bit better than a devil. Just go check out the show. There’s a lot of material. I keep it dense, but since you’re being so kind as to let me on your show and plug real quick at the top of it, if anyone’s looking for some out there, sort of like Adult Swim art Bell, if he was on Adult Swim, we’ve got some fun comedy bits on there as well. That Joe Roop of Lighting the Void has gotten in there on it. Some characters, like, making fun of some of the wilder conspiracy theories out there, just having fun with the whole process. We’ve gotten good feedback, so there’s some humor in there. There’s some dense philosophy and esotericism, and there’s some true crime as well, because I have a little bit of that investigative bug in me, naturally, and a lot of the abnormal psychology in that my union sensibility, I guess you could say, feeds into that. You could go check out my books. I have two books out. Dive Manual empirical Investigations of Mysticism and Hunt manual 21st Century Demonology and Fortiana So, yeah, that’s the short of it. Really. Awesome. Do you have a link tree yet, bro? I do not, no. Got to make a link tree. So make a link tree. Send me the link, and I’ll post the links in the description. Make a YouTube do all that stuff, bro. I got you. Yeah. I do appreciate the tips there. Juan’s been at it a little bit longer than my my book I started a while back. Some people I bet, will recognize the name on the indie news website, The Last American Vagabond. And I started getting more into philosophy and Esotericism and ended up kind of wanting to write a book and was also pretty young. It was almost like an apprenticeship in many ways. Ryan of The Last American Vagabond is a super dope guy, but I ended up leaving that Amicably and just been kind of doing my own thing since. So I’ve been at it for a while, but I’m fresh to I’m only a year into doing my own show, so I’m still a little green at it. But I’m no stranger to the microphone. At least that’s. Yeah, no, but your stuff is good and you know the material too, and you know how to do the research. What got you into this whole conspiratorial conspiraciality realm, alchemical Youngian amalgamation, homunculus thing? What got you into all this, bro? Well, not to take any sort of political dive, but just as a brief note, my dad just retired as a detective, so I have a little bit of that investigative bug in me, like I said, and I’m not sticking up for the corrupt organization that a lot of police organizations stands for, but obviously, individual cops can be cool. And my dad, he’s all right, but he embedded that in me a lot. And my great grandfatherI want to talk to you about alchemy because you talk about it a lot and the Young Ying aspect of all this, like how you were talking about the plant world. I recently did an episode on Max Heidel’s rosicrucian cosmo conception where he talks about the different layers of reality, right?

The plants have their own layer of reality. The minerals have their own layer of reality. Humans have their own layer. And then on top of that, there’s an Occultist Monday. You can get your copy on TJ Ojp.com. But the Occultist Monday, the hidden world that we’re not able to see or are you able to tap into. And then this is when you get these plants, right? The plant medicine.

A friend of mine told me that some cultures, the plants are their theory. Are there a way of entering these other realms? Are there a way of calling forth these other forces to come and aid them in their works? There’s talks of shamans and their icaros and how they learn those icaros? Well, they take a heroic dose and they go into the forest or the jungle, whatever it is. And who teaches them the different songs?

The plants teach them the different songs. Who taught you that? The plant. Everything taught me. Like, the jungle taught it to me. So it’s like there’s this aspect of reality, and I always think of, like because I know you’re into serial killers and all that, but I think about sometimes I’ll be driving. I’ll go, Why is the paranormal was this past weekend I was down south with Narco Longo from Old World, Florida, and Professor Longo, and they have an esoteric library, like an occult library or a bookstore. I’m sorry. And I was flipping through these different books that he had there, and he actually gave me a piece of moldivite.

So shout out to Professor Long. He gave me a little piece of moldivite and we were flipping through, like, this alchemical book. I forgot which one it was, but it had all these different plates. And I was just telling him, I go, man, alchemy is such a psychedelic wild thing. The fact that it’s a concept, the fact that it’s an actual philosophy, aside from the hidden symbolism, secret society part of it, but the fact that it’s a thing just blows my mind. And then you start flipping through all these different drawings. Like, what were they actually trying to convey? If they were even trying to convey anything, right? Because we’re here trying to figure it out. But what if they were trolling us the whole time?

Bro yeah, that’s part of why I love alchemy so much, is it’s got some of that trickster, hermetic humorous element to it as well. You look at the people who were alchemists throughout history, most of them had that sort of air to their character. And yeah, alchemy is a tricky thing. Where do you even start to begin explaining it?

At its most basic sense, it conveys change. I was talking with a friend recently, and it could be something so simple as, like, this is an alchemy of flavors in the kitchen. People say that all the time. And that’s like saying, I love this food, as opposed to having real love for somebody, but you can use it like that. And it’s not exactly incorrect, but alchemy from an esoteric historical perspective is, I guess broken down to its most basic terms, the investigation of the action or the action potential and the incubation of that potential.

Because you could get into there’s like the divine masculine and feminine, and if you understand esotericism, that’s just more symbols for you. But some people don’t want to get into gender duality and things. And for whatever it’s worth, you don’t really need that to begin with. I think it is useful because especially historically, you’re really throwing yourself for a loop if you want to understand the symbols and you don’t want to incorporate the masculine and feminine. So there’s that. But it’s not impossible. And at its bare bones, it really doesn’t necessitate that.

You look at biology all around us, like, the buds of the cannabis plant are the uterus of the cannabis plant. That’s what becomes pollinated and forms the sacks for the seeds. Totally. So the whole idea of the action potential and the incubation, the active and the passive or receptive being natural, dare I say, even cosmic like forces of nature is something that’s entirely sound and scientific and logical and is the basis I don’t understand why everyone I mean, teach their own, of course, but I don’t understand why everyone isn’t fascinated with Alchemy. Because once you kind of wrap your head around what it actually is, it’s everything. It’s like the study of becoming of reality.

But the reason why people don’t get into it is it’s easy when you google alchemy, because it happened to me, bro. I wanted to get into alchemy, but every time I would google, it’s like, oh, turning lead into gold. True. Yeah. That’s kind of lame. That is the trope, okay? Right. That’s like the exoteric, like what they put out there. And then when you start to dig into it, you go, wait a minute, what the magnum opus, the minor opus, right? All these different works, and it’s what you dissolve out of existence after you achieve the like you start to get in anything interdimensional, really.

On my show, I always talk about it gets my esoteric nipples hard. So when you start to talk about folkonelli or like any of these other guys, right, st. Germain, John D, Edward Kelly, like all these the greatest alchemists of all time, zozimos of Panopoulos, like all these guys and what they were trying to achieve. Alchemy is at the core of quite literally everything. I’ve related it to chess. There’s a reason why the golden dawn used chess as a form of divination, because there’s occulted origins. And again, I got a comment today that was like, oh, occult doesn’t mean always bad. No, I mean hidden.

Every time I talk about like, I understand that it’s not always bad. And the magic with a K or alchemy or whatever. This force is like the force in Star Wars. You can use it for good and be a Jedi, or you can use it for evil and be a Sith. It’s up to you. But you can tap into it using these technologies. So alchemy being one of them. And the reason I love alchemy is because it’s arranging things in a certain pattern, in a geometric pattern, perhaps, sometimes to invoke a change in reality.

So that to me, is like it puts everything else into perspective, like why certain cities are aligned a certain type of way, and then it just creation itself as a human being. The things that have to go on for us to come into existence, all the things that have to line up auspiciously in a certain pattern for us to be created. My favorite anime is the Full Metal Alchemist. When they try to recreate the human and theyTheir senses. They were using pure observation. Aristotle thought that you created lice in your body because your body was too humid. We know that’s not the case. So it’s like you can’t tell me because you see with your eyes oh, yeah, the sun’s not that it’s not 93 million mile away. That’s bullshit. It probably isn’t 93 million mile away, but you’re simply using your senses.

Ever heard of renetic Heart? Oh, yeah. Their whole reason behind his philosophy was like, wait a minute, the senses can be tricked. So the only thing I can prove is that I’m a thinking thing. Cogito ergo sum, right? That’s the whole reason he came up with that. It’s like the only thing I can prove is I’m a thinking thing. Right? We don’t know if we’re some brain in a VAT jar somewhere. And that’s why, again, questioning reality itself, you know what I mean? You start to ask all these questions, but you’re touching on the senses and I’m like, well, that’s a double edged sword because it’s like, can you truly trust your senses?

And I mean, is there any religion that you could do at the moment to invoke a change, like, immediately? Is there something that you could possibly do real time? Right? Because that’s what everybody wants to see, right? I think that’s what every like they want to see a change happen real time.

And chemicals and the practical alchemy outside of you know what I’m saying? Obviously, if you mix chemicals in a lab, you’re going to get results, which is part of the alchemical process. There’s the practical physical part of alchemy and there’s also the spiritual part, the metaphysical part. But it’s like, what can you do to cause a change immediately, spiritually or metaphysically? Right? That’s why people are in religion, to invoke changes in reality through thought alone. What is praying? You’re trying to invoke a change in the reality world through a metaphysical means. You’re hoping God hears you.

Yeah, these are very good points. Like eyewitness testimony is obviously very touch and go is another example. But to clarify further, I guess I would say the empiricism part of it would be the fact that rather than just simply ritual, alchemy takes it a step further and actually does literal experimentation with it. So whether it’s metallurgy or you’re making tinctures and growing the plants to make those tinctures and botany at large, you’re becoming more familiar not only with whatever you’re growing, but the states of life itself, your own temperament when it comes to patience and all these different things. And there’s a quote from Manley P. Hall, the Masonic scholar, where, to paraphrase it, he says that humans are given a gift by nature and that gift is the gift of labor, because through labor we learn all things.

Certainly don’t trust your senses completely. And if anything, that’s a whole lot to do with why I am an alchemist. I guess I am naturally skeptical and I think that’s a good way to put it. I feel like a beautiful part of alchemy that you don’t find in other disciplines, spiritual schools of thought, is that you use the mental and the physical to balance each other, whereas you find and that’s what ritual and ceremony are. But again, you use that through experimental control methods rather than just let’s bow down and pray however many times a day because that’s what we’re told to do, and you just truly don’t find that anywhere else in history. And alchemy is the historical precedent for science as we know it, even on the mainstream historical records. It’s even confirmed today that we can turn base metals into gold in very specific scientific settings by bombarding it with radiation and shifting the atomic scale. So it seems highly unlikely that anyone was able to do that back then. But I don’t know, maybe. And certainly if anyone did do it, I feel very confident that there were not many. So that was clearly not the basis of alchemy. But it could have actually been in the mix. But for the most part, it was definitely a decoy.

Well, I have two opposing views on that. To be clear, I’m not an alchemist. I consider myself an alchemist being a podcaster, because we’re transmuting people’s thoughts real time as we speak, or we’re connecting different ideas and things in their minds as we speak that they wouldn’t otherwise think about. But I’m not an alchemist in the sense of trying to achieve that magnum opus. I mean, I guess this is my magnum opus, right, the podcast and trying to further its development. But this idea of I think that the gold was the byproduct of something greater. Right. Like this idea of transmuting lead into gold. You have the metaphysical aspect of turning your lead consciousness into gold, humanity itself.

And then when you get into the whole aspect of the Knights Templar and how maybe they were trying to transmute reality itself with all these cathedrals and all that stuff, it starts to how far can you take this technology? Can you transmute the whole world, the existence itself, the solar system, the universe, whatever it is? And I think that the gold was either something to deter people how it does already. When people Google alchemy, the first thing you’re going to get is that. And I think that’s probably by design, because the alchemists were a secret society, that’s the reality of it. There were another sect of a group of individuals who held a certain knowledge that would only be shared between themselves. That’s essentially what it was. I mean, they were a secret society. Yeah.

In that regard, it’s very similar to masonry in the sense that its exoteric nature was more of a trade, whether you were a chemist or a botanist. So like masonry and Masons, that was their exoteric trade? Yeah, exactly. Because in the very beginning, the Freemasons as we know them was the ones building cathedrals. Like Hiram of BIFF, he was like the archetypal mythical Freemason who was building that story probably is not true. That’s probably mythological. But the idea that Masons themselves had this really elaborate secret to the trade itself, you look back at the historical timeline, like all these things that we take for granted now, we could google things and check. Out how to repair a car on YouTube. But back when knowledge was I don’t know, it’s something hard to wrap your head around. These guys would do their Masonic trades in secret, literally even going so far as to what’s the way to describe it. Like using techniques to hide how they were laying the brick and things like that. So it was all like a brotherhood meant to sort of make sure that knowledge and a unique skill set didn’t get corrupted.

And a lot of that, especially the philosophical nature that had to do with the idea that science was taking a backseat to dogma when it came to Catholicism in the west for those reasons, the trade reasons, and that sort of pushback against dogma as opposed to logic. Essentially, masonry and alchemy definitely go hand in hand because, I mean, masonry at its core, you could squabble about certain semantics, but it’s a sort of transIntertwined today, especially in culture wars today. And I’m not trying to rail on cancel culture. I don’t, you know, that’s a different conversation, and frankly, one that’s too petty. I don’t really care. Yeah, and I think that’s by design, bro. I think that’s to keep people suppressed, right, keep people conscious, their consciousness, their spirituality, everything suppressed. And I’ve always said whatever happens between two consenting adults is fine with me as long as you respect and keep the children out of it, because that’s where I draw the line, right? But if you want to dress up as a furry and you want to do furry shit, that’s up to you. I don’t care, right? I’ll respect you. Just leave all the creepy pedophile shit out of it. That’s where I draw the line, really, this idea of people freaking out.

For example, when Elon Musk took over Twitter. And I’m like, hey. And number one, I saw the Rosicrucian symbolism behind it all because he talked about the bird being freed. And I remember in the chemical wedding of Christian Rosencruz, they talk about the bird being free. You have the language of the birds and the green language and all these different things.

So when he was talking about like and this guy has how we mentioned at the beginning like this trickster meme lord memetic magic type s to him, he’s a I was it Joe Rogan or Elon Musk? I was like, I named an episode one time as Elon Musk, a DMT machine elf or something like that. If he came into this reality from that other, like somebody opened up a portal and here comes Elon Musk. But when people are freaking out like, oh, now what? It’s like, well, you fucked up by putting your trust in these huge corporations, you know what I mean? Who cares who owns the platform? People talking about leaving and I was like, who cares? Build your own platform, or whatever it is. Because we see the censorship in these platforms.

And then the thing that really grinds my gears is we’re in this Conspiratorial Alchemical train of thought. We’re always looking for that next esoteric or occult little nugget that’s hidden. And then they silence the sides a certain side, you know what I mean? They’ll silence a certain side. And that kind of nowadays gives credibility to a certain extent. So when you have people boasting all the time well, I got taken off of YouTube or Facebook because I was talking about no, no, you know that there’s a history of them banning that certain type of talk. And you feel good because you’re going against the grain on that certain type of but then they feel like they have more credibility because they knew exactly what buttons to push and then they got the outcome that they wanted. But then they’re going to turn around and go cry about it’s like, no, bro, you know what I’m saying? But then by them doing that and another example, joe Biden does a speech and brings up the New World order. It’s like he knows a certain right? Because it’s about polarity, right? These two sides. A certain side is going to go crazy because he said that one thing. Yeah, because we’re watching for that shit, right? You know what I’m saying?

As a side note, regardless of where anybody listeners wants to go with Illuminati, yeah, you bet your ass those politicians know what people post about on forums. Illuminati confirmed. I remember reading the back in the day, reading some of the Podesta emails, and Hillary Clinton made a joke to someone in the emails about sacrificing someone to why? How many times have you been talking to somebody, bro? Where that comes? Well, maybe my group of friends, I’d probably say that more than the average person, but her out of all people. And then the whole hot dog thing like pizza parties, how many times they ever told somebody you want to have a pizza party or hot dog party or whatever it was. And again, it goes back to this. Alchemical thought that’s why they spoke in code and Trithemius, which was one of John D’s. Like he inspired John D. He was the guy who the father of the right occulting things he talked about.

And I’ve seen this in other Rosicrucian texts too, where you’re reading those emails and you’re reading those letters on those emails. But to the uninitiated, the uninitiated, it means something completely different to the initiated in the same text. So an initiate will look at the text and see something completely different than the uninitiated in the same text. So you can extract two different things from the same thing hidden in plain sight. Now, is it what they’re talking about that we know about with the whole QAnon and all that stuff? We know about that whole side of things. Is it that it could quite possibly be that we could talk about this a little bit for fun? This isn’t something that I would normally talk about on my show because there’s so much already to talk about. But I do have some insight here because I was a little immersed in right before I left. The last American Vagabond was around when the whole pizza gate thing broke and we started receiving a lot more traction for that because we were covering it from just sort of an investigative point of view, unbiased. You could say we were conspiratorial minded, but we were always pretty good about just presenting facts and not jumping to conclusions or anything like that. We were like deep in forums and subreddits and everything and going through all these emails, going through the source material. And firstly, regardless of QAnon piggybacked off of it, QAnon is some wild shit right there. But in terms of the initial, like, set QAnon aside for the sake of a cogent argument, the pedopocracy, as some people have called it, that being a thing, it started to snowball very quickly and a lot of it was highly circumstantial and it turned out to be disproven some of the circumstantial evidence, but a lot of it was weird.

And I do think going through all that just for the hell of conversation, whatever they were talking about, it was definitely code. They were talking about something if it was kids or other humans or drugs or something. The one example that always sticks in my head is Obama ordered 10,000 or $20,000 worth of hot dogs ordered by plane from Chicago right to the White House. The one that got me was when the dude who was it? Hillary got mad at him for doing it at the White House or something like that. What’s that? There was a conversation where I think it was Hillary that got or somebody got mad at know from the emails. Oh, we weren’t supposed to do it. Do what are you doing? Yeah, there was a lot in those emails, man.

Yeah, there was a lot of people because that was WikiLeaks, right? That whole thing. Yes, it was. And I mean, we know what happened to him. Yeah, man, talk about some esoteric shit that was clearly something going on and is still going on and whatever pizza gate, quote, unquote, as it became to the public and then eventually even QAnon after that, these things, as far as I’m concerned, became the red herrings to cover it up. Yeah, you cover your tracks with red paint. I mean, it’s still obviously a trail, but you can’t tell what madeLike, what would happen if I jumped over this ledge? I mean, I’m not the only one. What would happen if I drove into oncoming traffic? I think we all have that’s, like, a normal thing, right? Absolutely. Obviously you don’t act upon those impulses, but, bro, you ever want to just smack the shit out of somebody? Just like, what happened if I just clock this dude right now? What’s? It Fight Club where they go out and pick fights with people? Yeah, try to pick fights with people in that movie, man. Classic.

That movie is one of those movies that no matter how many times you watch it, the ending always gets you, bro. Always. You never expect no matter I’ve seen that movie so many times, and it’s always at the end, like, yo, it was him the whole time. You know what I mean? It was him.

That really is a dope movie. I mean, it shows you a little bit of alchemy and union projection and then gets into the dark side of believing your own bullshit too much and even what one might call a toxic masculinity and domestic terrorism and cultism. Very multifaceted movie and book.

Great story. Oh, it’s a book too. Yeah, it is. I actually read it for the first time early. Fight club earlier last year. Yeah, it’s not that long either. The movie does a great job following the book with some small changes.

I will say, though, surprisingly, the book is even more graphic than the movie. It doesn’t add more where it’s not like yeah, it’s not like a lot of sex graphic or anything but you know how books are. They can get into the deep he goes into the description of the hole that’s in his cheek that comes after a Fight Club session. The book is just brutal, man. It’s a good time.

Yeah. But anyway, yeah, a genuinely alchemical motif there. And the trial and error process like something we haven’t brought up yet. And Fight Club kind of made me think of it. The idea of heuristics and the self education process throughout history when you don’t have anything else to use a Fight Club metaphor to transition. You work with what you got and when you have nothing but pent up rage and you find a way to release it in some sort of cathartic way then you roll with that catharsis that you can find in a way that’s not hurting non consenting people. And that is heuristic.

And for those that don’t know the standard definition of something heuristic can be a descriptive term and actually a unit, like a meme. It could be a heuristic. And it is something like it’s easiest to describe with an example. Plenty of people still think to this day that porcupines can shoot their quills and they cannot. But it’s a bit advantageous for you to consider that they could shoot their quills because you might stay further away. So there’s all these spiritual principles and ideas throughout history that were not exactly logical point A to point B steps but they were trial and error methods of observation and gauging. Those observations that were slowly refined over time.

And that’s where dogma becomes such an issue that it’s not in alchemy. Not as much at least, is that dogma just becomes these rules that were heuristic rules to begin with. This was supposed to be an alchemical evolution of the collective consciousness. We weren’t just supposed to stay with what we learned, like 2000 years ago but we weren’t supposed to forget that either. So a lot of these heuristic heuristic methods were the very foundations of modern science today. That’s part of alchemy because they’re trying to achieve that magnum opus constantly. I mean, they talk about how paracelsis they always talk about the discoloration of the front of them because they’re in front of the furnace for so long. You got Fulcanelli, right? The notebook that he uses, a talisman that he give to consolier and the idea that it was all discolored and wrinkled up because of the constant heat heating. And again, that fire aspect of it, the initiates of the flame of your know, that that makes me think of the whole idea of Prometheus there.

Because with a lot of these spiritual questions, I wonder I like to think about because I’m certainly not a creationist. I think it’s all intertwined, man. I think that science and spirituality there’s the whole idea the God of the gaps and God is used as a place marker to explain what science hasn’t gotten to yet. And I think that there’s merit to that. And I don’t think that one explains the other entirely. I think there’s always going to be that dichotomy, at least from the human perspective.

But yeah, alchemy can really be anything if it has to do with a change in the external and the internal in ways that are reciprocal and communicate with one another. But that’s the beauty of it. It could be your art. It could be anything but gnosis. I mean, it’s whatever divine knowledge is to you. It’s open for interpretation. It’s whatever that one piece of information that’s going to enable that epiphany that’s going to start that epiphany for you of like you ever research a topic and you’re just like missing this one key piece of information for you to actually grasp the concept in your mind. It happens to me all the time to where I’ll read one thing and go, oh, that’s what the whole thing was like. When I was I love it when I started looking into Nietzsche bro, I couldn’t understand what he was about constantly just. I was going to do an episode on it and I still don’t understand his philosophy.

And then when I started to recite it and talk about it bro on air, it clicked like on air as I’m doing the episode, I’m like, oh shit. Now beautiful. Because what people don’t understand the nature of reality and alchemy and magic and all these different things. There’s different ways. And I’m going to use this example. There are certain ways to say things, certain ways of let me just get into the example of there’s books, right? And I’m going to use alkindy’s optics where he talks about how everything is array of light and everything interacts with something else. And that’s an alchemical process and that’s reality. And then he gets into the sacrificial aspect of it, of when you snuff the light out of a living being, you can harness that energy for your magical purpose.

And when I was studying his book, I forgot the name of optics, of light, the astral light. When I was doing the research, somebody talked about how reading that book out loud invokes a different feeling, I guess it unlocks a certain way of interpreting the material, even that is straight up evolutionary. Think about that. We’ve been listening to people talk to us way fucking longer than we’ve been reading. And so we have different, much more well tread, like, evolutionary faculties of our brain and our memory that are more well equipped. Yeah. Like, conversation and community. It’s such an integral part of learning. Yeah.

So when I was speaking it on the podcast, instead of internally processing it, the act of speaking, it unlocked other archetypes and all that shit we can get into, but it unlocked something else in my mind that made me understand it, for whatever reason. Again, an alchemical process, an alchemical change, real time, a transmutation realGeorge Luis Borges was known for his severe insomnia, which allowed him to create stories from his imagination that were influenced by his ability to exist in two different realities. This ability to transcend different states of consciousness, such as during sleep, was also seen in the character from Fight Club who had insomnia and was delusional. Borges’ thought experiment type stories emerged from his ability to exist in this dual reality. This raises the question of how our own sleep deprivation, caused by overwork and the demands of daily life, affects our perception of reality and our susceptibility to the misinformation presented to us by those in power. Some people truly believe in and are influenced by the false narratives created by those in control.

This discussion reminded me of Julian James, a psychoanalyst or anthropologist who wrote a book called “The Bicameral Mind” that explores the origins of mysticism and religious phenomena. He proposed that the beginning of our internal dialogue, which stimulated the development of our sense of self, was connected to the dream process. Dreams played a crucial role in the evolution of human consciousness, leading to the emergence of our individual and collective internal worlds.

Furthermore, considering the evolutionary process of dreaming, one may wonder where the first dream originated and why humans began sleeping at night instead of just taking naps during the day. It is likely that these longer sleeping habits developed over time as a way for humans to adapt and protect themselves from potential dangers during sleep. Dreams not only fulfill certain desires but also contribute to the formation of our individual and collective realities.

The concept of dreams opens up a multitude of possibilities, including the idea of tapping into different dimensions or even creating portals to other realms while we sleep. While our waking reality appears consistent, dreams challenge our understanding of what is real and raise questions about the nature of existence. This connects to the themes explored in the movie “Dark City,” where the protagonist wakes up in a new life each day without any memory of the previous one.

Dreams serve as a driving force for human aspirations, hopes, and fears. They offer glimpses into a mystical realm that often defies scientific explanation. Many people have experienced dreams that seemingly predict the future, adding to the mystery and intrigue surrounding them. For instance, some individuals have reported having dreams that provided them with cryptic but clear insights into future events.

In the field of science, it is believed that the transitional state just before falling asleep, known as the twilight zone, can be a source of profound ideas. Einstein, for example, would sleep deprive himself and leverage this state to access his most insightful scientific breakthroughs. This suggests that the dreamlike state between wakefulness and sleep holds immense potential for creative and intellectual exploration.

One fascinating book that delves into the concept of accessing profound insights through altered states of consciousness is “The Anesthetic Revelation” by Paul Benjamin Blood. The author explores the idea that certain substances, such as nitrous oxide, can provide individuals with incredible moments of clarity and understanding. These peak experiences, occurring at the threshold between consciousness and altered states, have been observed to unlock deep philosophical and existential revelations.

Overall, dreams remain a mysterious phenomenon that taps into realms beyond our normal waking consciousness. They offer a portal to explore different dimensions, challenge our understanding of reality, and provide a fertile ground for mystical and introspective experiences. By delving into our dreams, we may gain valuable insights into the complexities of human existence and push the boundaries of our perception and understanding.And I’m pretty sure it was Einstein for listeners. You could just Google that story. I know it’s a well-known story, so you could find it pretty easy. But as a cherry on top to the kind of dreams thing, there’s a scientific anecdote I love to tell because it never loses its poignancy for me, because I think it articulates dreams. It articulates. The scientific overlap, like mysticism in the modern day, in ways that you can’t dispute, are truly impressive.

And it’s V s. Ramachandran, the neuroscientist book, and his studies done in the book Phantoms in the Brain, and he’s got many fascinating anecdotes in there where he works with people with neurological disabilities of all kinds. And the phantom limb. Yeah, I’m sure everyone knows the basic gist of it, but it doesn’t always happen with amputees. It also happens with people born without limbs. So it’s some sort of evolutionary body map. And when you feel the phantom limb, it’s cold, it’s hard, it’s inert, it’s like a dead petrified limb on you. And it’s very uncomfortable to people. So as trying to trick the neurons. Oh, it was Edison, was it? Very cool.

Okay, so as a way to trick people’s visual process, V. S. Ramachandran basically set up what he called a mirror box. It was similar to a shoebox, where he would reflect the reflection, for lack of better term, of the intact limb onto the place where the limb was missing and he would have the person wiggle it. And he did studies with this and did control methods and everything and found that the placebo people knew what they were doing it wasn’t even like they were tricking themselves. They were simply tricking their brain into a way where when they saw their reflection of their fingers and limb wiggle, they felt the phantom limb animate and sync up with the reflection. And not only that, but in many cases it didn’t work for every single person. But in more cases than not, they could actually exercise it by doing this as like ritual and ceremony and by wiggling their phantom limb by syncing it up with the reflection, they could actually decrease the phantom limb pain.

And one guy had an anecdote in the story that the doctor told. He said that he shrunk his phantom limb through this process all the way down to where he felt he literally felt the sensation of phantom fingers coming out of his shoulders. But then he said he couldn’t shrink it any further because he had no way to sync up the reflections anymore. What the fuck? What is going on there? If that’s not mysticism, I don’t know what is. And you could take that kernel of legitimate scientific experimentation and really run in quite a few different philosophical directions. And I think that dreams in the same way that something being viral is not good or bad. Dreams are like phantom limbs. They are these projections of the psyche that affect our physical life but are not quite there. They’re just below the surface. We don’t have any sort of available access to them until we give them some sort of life, some sort of projection process. And that’s what dreams are. And that’s how the outpour of mysticism comes from this whole dream process because why wouldn’t it? Dreams are that on an evolutionary level, you know what I mean? And then psychedelics are just a piggyback off of that as well and clearly seem to have some incorporated into that evolutionary model a bit as well.

Wow, dude. Yeah, that was a really fascinating explanation, because whatever you’re aligning yourself with, essentially a parallel dimension or a parallel form of yourself, an astral homunculus, if you will, that you’re aligning yourself with and you’re trying to there are various religions, the Timakua in specific as. I’m doing a deep dive on them, but they believe that through certain ceremonies and rituals, it was alchemical. Right. They could infuse the three different worlds that they believed in together, they would collapse in on themselves and they would come together and unify. So they have the upper world, the lower world, and then the spiritual world or whatever it was, and they believed that through certain things they could fuse these worlds together.

And yeah, that’s a really fascinating way of putting have you ever done the I’ve talked about on the show before. Whenever I partake in the cannabis, I don’t really recall my dreams all that much, right? It’ll be very spotty. But have you ever done the skull fuck method, bro?

No. What is that? It’s a dream recollection method. And it sounds really weird, but I’ll tell it to you here. People have heard it before, but essentially you lay down, right? And you lay down and you envision your body, your limbs and everything. You envision your extremities and I’ll send you the article on how to do it. I’ve heard it put some people have told me it’s Masonic. Some people have told me it’s sexual gnosis something or other, right? Whatever. Who cares? It works. Trust me. For anyone listening, try it out. Sounds really weird, but stick with me.

So you envision your extremities and you lay down and you can do the dead man pose, whatever. And you’re supposed to enter that state of where you want to scratch yourself or whatever it is because your body can’t stay still. So it’s like tricking you to itch your nose or whatever. You need to push past all that until you get to that state where you can kind of feel that you’re there, you’re fully aware. And you’re supposed to envision your entire spinal cord from the very bottom to the top. There’s a light illuminating, right? And there’s various ways you can do it. You can either envision a huge blue penis coming from the listen, bro, it’s moving its way up from the bottom of your feet, right? All the way up your entire body. It’s lighting your body up as it’s moving all the way up. And it’s going to pass through your entire body, up through your spinal column, through your spinal cord, and it’s going to go all the way up and the head of the penis, it’s going to insert itself into the bottom of your skull, okay? That’s the skull fuck method. You’re going to do this every single night, Anthony. And I’ll tell you, bro, if that shit don’t work, bro, it works. It’s the weirdest thing. But you can remember your dreams. 98% recollection your dreams and to the point where you can kind of sort of not astral project, but you can interact in the dreams. And I’ve been doing this, I haven’t done it recently, but I’ve done it. And bro, it’s the trippiest. I can remember my dream. I can see people in my dreams. I can recall who they are. I make things happen in my dreams. Like the first time I did it, I was at this outside cinema and there was a whole bunch of Chinese ladies around giving people massages in these beach looking chairs, right? And I was with my cousin and we were having a picnic at this table. And then we started talking about BigfootI appreciate the tips. I got to officialize myself a little more. Dude, I published a book. I published my first book before I even had a website. That’s just how I do it. I just shoot from the hip, buddy.

Yeah, me too, bro. Me too. Trust me, you have to have fun, too while you’re out. You can’t take yourself too seriously either. Amen. Most definitely.

Make sure to check me out, TJ. Ojp.com sure. To get your paranormality June Florida edition issue. Go shout out to Chaz of the Dead. Yeah. Another Homie. Another Homie. Another Florida man. So shout out to yes indeed.

Got the Cultist Monday journals. Check those out. Right? Tgljp.com. Speaking of the empathetic of internal wisdom, I don’t got it on autofocus.

Make sure to get the comic book, the chosen one. Wow. All that good stuff. And also as of this recording, but when this comes out, the Homunculus paranoid American pamphlet will be live. So I’ll be posting that on the social media, too, for people to pick that up. It’s the entire history of The Homunculus, the first ever comic book on The Homunculus. And yeah, it’s going to be really fun. So make sure to check that out. Keep an eye out for that. The links are in the description.

And Anthony Bro. You’re great. It’s really fun. We’ll do it again soon, man. Yeah. Thank you. Likewise. And take care, everybody out there. Thank you. Sam. Sam. It Sam. Sam.

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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