Evidence of Physical Alien Abductions Theyve Made Contact Lorraine McAdam

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➡ Author Lorraine McAdam shares her long-held story of persistent extraterrestrial contact in her book “Phantoms in the Night”. The notion, previously known to only her close family, also extends to seemingly interdimensional experiences of friends and family, prompting a move to uncover relevant narratives on Patreon in an uncensored format.
➡ The speaker discusses a troubling past event, initially dismissed as spiritual oppression or imagination, wherein they experienced traumatizing events that were later identified in the book “Communion” as akin to extra-terrestrial abduction. Originating from Blackburn, UK and near to a Ministry of Defence factory, the speaker entertains the possibility that black budget programs may be responsible but also acknowledges the global phenomenon. The speaker then shares a vivid recollection of an abduction event which involved passing through physical barriers and onto a blue-lit cylindrical craft. This event raises intriguing questions about advanced technologies, potential human-alien cooperation, and the existence of a ‘Grenada agreement’ that supposedly permits abductions in exchange for alien technology. Additionally, encounters with Nordic-type beings are mentioned, all of which are purportedly detailed in the speaker’s book.
➡ The speaker describes various experiences of encountering what they believe to be demons or extraterrestrial beings, often during times of vulnerability or illness. These experiences occasionally resulted in physical evidence, such as nail marks. They also mention a recollection of seeing hieroglyphics similar to Egyptian ones, leading them to theorize a connection with a past life in Egypt. The speaker also mentions encounters with “Nordics” – beings different from others – in their teenage years.
➡ The person recalls strange visit from two men who professed to be Mormons, following which one of them, a blonde, returned alone – an unusual event. Later in life, this person experienced a blackout during a night alone, and heard a mysterious voice summoning them to their garden. Upon refusal, they felt paralyzed and blacked out, only to have a vivid dream about a tall man in a diver’s suit with piercing blue eyes. This dream led to thoughts about potential connections between the person’s family lineage and potential encounters with extra-terrestrial beings.
➡ The speaker speculates about their encounters with Nordic Extra-Terrestrials (ETs), suggesting they might be part of a federation with the Gray aliens, who could also be biological drones serving Nordics. The speaker uses their platform to share such experiences and invite listeners to a Patreon page for further discussions and podcast content.


Super looking forward to this and I received an email a few weeks ago and we’ve been kind of doing our best to get this scheduled. I think today is obviously meant to be. I’m very interested because first I’m going to give a quick introduction. So writing Phantoms in the Night, or ETS, this was not easy for author Lorraine McAdam, and what she relates in this book might not be believed by the vast majority of people, which is why she delayed writing it for so long.

Indeed, until now, only those in her close nuclear family had known of the details of her story, which has been a lifetime of experiences. But in her heart, she eventually realized that withholding her story of what she has now come to believe is some form of ongoing Et contact. Now this is very interesting because I have friends and family that have had very bizarre experiences and they used to think they were ETS from possibly another planet.

Now they think they might be interdimensional and there’s so many people have had these experiences. So I’m really looking forward to hearing about your testimonies and experiences. So check this out. I am super stoked about this. We are Pivoting and we are going to offer you exclusive content ad free, uncensored, on Patreon. There’s a whole bunch of stuff that I’ve wanted to talk about for the past few years that I haven’t been able to really talk about and now I’m going to talk about it.

We’re going to talk about it on Patreon. You can watch it on Patreon and you can sign up for as little as a buck. So check us out ad free. You’re going to love it. Be the change you want to see and see at Patreon. And before we get started, though, I got to ask, how the heck are you? I’m fine, thanks. I’ve had a busy day. I am also still teaching.

I’m a part time teacher. I teach English. I run my own tuition business, so I’ve been teaching earlier and then I was in a meeting that I had to go to and then I did my shopping and then I rushed back. So I’m a little bit what’s the word you use in America? I’m kind of juggling a lot of so I can think of words we use in America that I won’t say here, but it sounds like you’re super busy.

Well, seriously super. Thank you to spending time with us. And I’m always fascinated to hear about some of these testimonies that seem so far out. Yet at the same time, if you’ve ever had an experience like this or know people that have, it makes it a lot more believable. So let’s talk about it. Where should we start? Where would you like to start with your experiences? Do you want to go back to the first one or something more recent? Your call.

I think perhaps to give the audience an idea of my story, it’s best to start from the beginning, as they say, really where I think it began, because what happened was I was twelve years old when these things started to happen to me. The backgrounds in my family, which I stated in my book, is that we have got psychic ability innate within the family. My grandmother, not my mum, but my grandmother was a spirit medium.

She could also do psychic readings of I know it sounds silly, but she read tea leaves. She was known for that, and quite accurately as well. So I believe my mom told me, although my mom isn’t with us anymore. I’ve heard of that. That goes back, I think. Oh yes. So that was my grandmother, but unfortunately I didn’t really know her. I didn’t get to know her because she died when I was a baby, unfortunately.

But this is from hearsay in the family. And it’s one of the reasons I’ve wondered since if this is maybe in the DNA or something and if that’s why they attract to you. I have kind of theorized about that. So I was twelve years old and the first thing I heard was kind of whispering voices in my room, in my bedroom where I was sleeping. And I found this quite scary.

And then it kind of went from that. Like two people were conferring but whispering. I couldn’t tell what they were saying. And then it went from that to hear this really loud buzing the nearest I can describe it is if you ever heard bees droning on, but that amplified and then it kind of seems to be behind you, that buzing. And then it seems to be filling you from top to toe.

And then I’d be paralyzed completely. I wouldn’t even be able to open my mouth and scream or anything. And then I would black out and it would be nighttime when I blacked out, be in the dark. And then suddenly it would seem to transition, only seconds to transition to daylight. And at the time when this was happening, this happened on a regular basis for me being twelve to 16.

And at this time, because I had no knowledge of ETS, and I want to stress that I had no knowledge of ETS or either of Nordic ETS or the more classical gray ETS. I knew nothing about the abduction scenario at that time. I was only a child, really. Essentially the most frightening things I thought that happened to me as a kid, I kind of put it down to either demon oppression or demon possession because I was a Christian, I was brought up as a Catholic, so I immediately jumped.

You kind of judge things through your own cultural filter. So that’s how I looked at it. I ascribed it at first to some kind of demonic oppression. And I got the church praying for me and I got them to come in and cleanse my room and things like that and pray over it, my bedroom and stuff. So I did share, or I did try and articulate what was happening to me.

But my mom kind of put it down to me having a vivid imagination and going through puberty. She just wrote it off as me having a vivid imagination and going through puberty. And I really desperately wanted to believe that this was just some kind of spiritual oppression, because an alternative would be hard to cope with, to think that actual beings are coming and taking you somewhere, then putting you back.

And it was almost like what I believe was the grays. They were trying to tell me, no, we’re not demons. We’re actual physical beings coming from somewhere. Because I had an experience where well, I was put back in the garden outside in the summertime, and I was locked out, of course, because I was put back in the wrong place deliberately. So I had to knock my mum up to let me back in the house.

Does that make sense? Because I was literally locked out. And then she accused me of deliberately climbing down the down pipe. An attention seeking behavior, really. She said I’d deliberately done it just to get her up, to annoy her, more or less. And then another time, they paralyzed me. But I didn’t go unconscious. And what they did, I could feel them drawing on well, I could feel something hard pressing into my back.

I don’t know whether it was a finger or a pencil or whatever it was. I don’t know, some kind of crayon. But when I was let out of the paralysis and I came to, I was wearing a sort of winter night dress at the time that this happened. It was a long winter night dress. It was pale blue. And when I took it off, there were kind of like hieroglyphic symbols and cross hatch patterns on the back of it.

So that was something physically there. And it absolutely terrified me, this. And I remember I just put it in the laundry basket, because, of course, I was only a kid, and I didn’t do the washing at that point, but I just wanted it to go away. And then my mom actually accused me because I’m quite artistic, I can draw and paint. She knew I was good at art, but, I mean, this wasn’t art as such.

It was more like hieroglyphics. But she accused me of doing it myself. And she made me wash my nighty and hand wash it to punish me. And all this stuff did come out, but it was filled. The water made it this, like, filthy black color. And then another time, I found two hangers, the plastic quartz hangers, fused together in my wardrobe. Like something really hot had made them fused together, and, like, Atari thing came off on some of my claws.

So I had all of this in my teenage years and to cope with it. In the end, what I did, I sort of compartmentalized it because obviously you have to get on with the mundanities of your normal life in the meantime when these things are happening to you. And I quickly realized that any attempts to articulate it apart from to the church with a certain amount of sympathy from the church, but as I say, the church put it down to spiritual oppression.

So that did no good at all. And my mom just put it down to imagination. Why I’m saying this, I think, is I want to stress if anyone’s watching this, that if your child comes to you and tells you that these things are happening to them, listen rather than dismiss, is what I would advise. And I know it’s hard to understand and it’s a really difficult area, and it really wasn’t until the early 90s that I actually began to understand what had been happening to me, because there were no books on it.

Then in the mid 70s, there was Eric Von de Nikon’s Chariots of the Gods was out, but there was no books about abduction. And it was only the pivotal communion when that came out. Whitley strive this communion, and I came across that in a bookshop. Do you mind if I just hold up there? I’ve got the front cover of that book, if I could hold it up. Absolutely.

Because this is what I saw, and I saw this face on the front cover. And of course, when I saw that, you probably recognize that it’s the original communion front cover, I looked at it and I thought, Good God, I know that face. And what I’d assumed to be something demonic because of the big black eyes, et cetera, and the horrible color of pale color of the skin, I now began to think, well, what the heck is this? So I got the book.

I bought the book and I read it twice through, and I actually ended up with PTSD after reading Communion because I was forced, for the first time, to face the fact that maybe I hadn’t been interacting with something spiritually oppressing me, but something physical with ETS, in fact, because a lot of my experiences that I’d had, I could identify with. Whitley Stryber. Right away. The things he was talking about, the paralysis, the blacking out, other abductees also that he had connected with, talked about hearing the buzing.

So I had to accept, as it were, that I’ve probably been interacting with ETS. And that was very hard for me to accept it. I actually ended up on tablets. Yeah, it wasn’t good. Sure. No, I could imagine you’re trying to cope with that, and anybody trying to deal with that could deal with some major PTSD. Absolutely. Now, so where did you grow up? Where was this happening? I grew up in the UK, in a county called Lancashire.

Blackburn is kind of the middle of the UK, just above Manchester. Does that help? If I say Manchester, were you close to a military base? I was close to an Ordinance Factory, and I’ve often wondered if that could have been a factor. What is that? Well, both my mum and dad worked at the Royal Ordinance Factory. It was a weapons manufacturer for the Ministry of Defence, and it was very close by.

It was within walking distance and it was heavily guarded. You couldn’t go in unless you had a pass. Mom and dad both had a pass and they had to also sign the Official Secrets Act. So I often do wonder about that. It’s no longer there. There’s a housing estate there now. It was knocked down in the sort of late, early ninety s, I think. But it was, in its day, a very and it was a target, I believe, for the Nazis during the Second World War.

It had been there a long time. So it had been up there for what, 50, 60 years? Yeah. Okay. And do you have a specific blood type that is called RH negative blood? I don’t have it personally, but it was Grandma’s blood type, I believe, although she’s no longer with us, unfortunately. But I just know because she used to go and give blood. So, yes, there is a DNA connection there.

Yes. Yeah. Why do you ask? Because it seems to a lot of people that have certain experiences describe their blood type as being RH negative or somebody in the family. And yes, I would say there oftentimes could be a connection. Also, you brought up the location that your parents worked at. And I have another friend that I’m going to leave his name confidential, but he shared stuff with me off air about experiences he’s had with the Grays, and he has security clearances as from but I wondered oftentimes Whitley, I did an interview with him.

Great interview, very nice. Whitley Stryberg. Yes. One of the things that he oh, wow. One of the things he said that really made me question what it was that abducted him, though, was when he described the tool that was used to extract fluids from him. And I thought to myself, it sounds like what a veterinarian would use. Right? And then I started thinking to myself, well, if these beans are coming from Zeta Reticuli, which is what some people claim, why would they use a tool like that? I would think that they would have something much more sophisticated.

That’s just the thought that came to my head. I’m not saying I’m right, but that’s what came to my mind. So then I started I know I can understand that. Yeah. And so then I started thinking about possibly are there programs that are very black budget, off the books kind of thing, where it’s done by people and certain technologies to create these effects of abduction by extraterrestrials. But then when I talk to people that are on other places that are not in America.

I’m like, okay, this is a global phenomenon. So I want to hear more about your tell me more about your experience, like what you actually remember. I’ve heard the buzzing. I’ve heard of that before. The passing out. I’ve heard of that before. Very telltale signs. Do you remember being taken? And tell me about the hieroglyphs and the tar and just all the details, please. This is fascinating. Yeah, well, that would come off on my clothing and still has on occasion, I have a cardigan upstairs that it just won’t come out.

It’s ruined it. So it still happens from time to time. When I say about the hangers being fused together, what I did with those, I threw them in the bin, because at the time, as I say, I didn’t want to face up to the fact that something very weird was going on, so I got rid of them. But I would often get, like, unexplained bruises is what I forgot to say, and marks on me, strange markings and things like that that I couldn’t explain away, and it was very frightening.

Ask for what you just said about it could be somebody masquerading. Is that what you were implying? That it could be somebody masquerading as ETS, but really they’re human? Is that what you’re implying by that? In certain circumstances, I question that, yes, I understand. The only thing I would say to that is that I did have a really vivid recall of, I believe, what happened during an abduction.

A really vivid dream. Because I was in the 90, I was wearing in reality and I was kind of floated down to the floor, put on a light what appeared to be a stretcher that was literally floating above the floor. And then I zoomed out through my house wall. So do we have that kind of technology? Is our physics that advanced? Because I was taking through what was literally a brick wall, my bedroom wall, and I could see as I went through, I could see spider webs inside the brickwork.

And I remember seeing this really vividly in spiders inside the brickwork. And then all I can remember is I was floated up to a cylindrical craft, which was emitting a kind of deep blue light in a circular deep blue light from the bottom. And as was going towards that, I blacked out. So if this is us, then I would postulate that maybe it’s us working with them. That could be a scenario that you might want to consider, that it’s us cooperating with them in abductions.

Because I’ve since read about have you read about the Grenada agreement that we are alleged with the were was that a was made with Eisenhower back in the day? Supposedly, yeah, I think it was Eisenhower or one of the others or Truman. I’m not sure. I can’t remember now. But I know that there is alleged to have been a Grenada agreement where they said, in exchange for technology, can we take a few of your citizens and do experiments, et cetera, and we’ll hand over some of our technology.

So whether that has been assisted by deep black military operatives, I don’t know, because the only kind of uniform people I’ve seen have been the more Nordic type, so I really don’t know. I can tell you about that. Yeah, absolutely. You remember seeing them? Yeah, I’ve seen them. I believe I’ve met them on the ground as well. Incognito Nordic type, but it’s all in my book. That it’s all kind of as far as I can remember.

It just depends which bit you want me to talk about. Well, okay, so let’s do this. You said you remember seeing the graves. Yes, but only in my bedroom when I managed to break free from the hold. I believe it’s a mental hold on you more than anything. And I used to manage sometimes to break free from it through prayer and asking for deliverance. Because, of course, remember, I’m still thinking the demons.

So to some extent, I’m postulating they have to respect God as much as we do, because sometimes that would work and get them to leave me alone. I have to say I forgot to say that. So I would argue that maybe they have a healthy respect for God or source or whatever you want to call God or however you think of Him. And I would see them. Yeah, I saw them.

And of course, when I saw Whitley striper’s communion, I then recognized, oh, my God, I know that know, as I say, what I had assumed was something demonic. And you would see them in your do you remember how they would get in your room and what they would do to you when they were in the room with you? No, I would only get glimpses when I managed to very briefly break free from the paralysis, which would be I would count in seconds.

They would quickly get a grip back on you. I once saw that the hands were around my waist, the typical great, the long fingers, the free fingered hands. And I dug my nails deliberately into these hands and they did the same back to me. And when I came out of the paralysis or the blackout, there were nail marks on my own hands, which really terrified me because I thought, well, this has got to be something real that’s done this.

So, yeah, I did get glimpses when I was really ill with flu one time when I was a student in my first year at university doing my bachelor’s degree, I was staying in this really old house and I got flu. I didn’t put this in my book, actually. I wish I had, because it only came back to me when I was talking to someone else the other day on a podcast but I were really, really poorly with flu.

Everyone in the house had it. There was, like an epidemic that winter. And my temperature was, like, rocket high. I just couldn’t even keep the bed claws on or anything. And I turned round and there was a hooded one in my room. And he just looked at me. And I don’t know whether he was there to help me. I can only postulate that maybe he was. Because what I did, I looked at him and I thought, Why are you dressed like Spiderman? And I know that sounds really funny because his cloak was a bit like, you know, Spider Man’s cloak.

And I thought, you big twit, what are you doing wearing that? And I ran across the room and put my lamp on and he kind of disappeared as soon as I did that. I must have run right past him. But whether he was there in a benevolent capacity, I don’t know. Because it was after that my temperature started to go down and I started to get better after seeing this one.

I was older then. I was kind of in my sort of early 20s, so I wonder about that. Yeah. Interesting. You didn’t see the face. I saw his face kind of in profile. So I’m assuming it was one of them because he was quite small. They’re not very tall. They’re about four or six, tops, even. The taller ones of them. And how many fingers? I didn’t see his fingers.

He was just wearing this ridiculous cloak. And it was his energy as well. I felt like you recognize their energy after a while. Does that make sense? I don’t know whether it does because sometimes I get this feeling of foreboding before they take me. I actually get this warning within myself that they’re around. It’s almost like they can cloak be invisible. I believe I’m starting to write a second book, actually, about what I feel.

I’ve called it starting from me. What can I tell you about the ETS? I’ve been contacted by if I manage to get that published. I’ve only just started working on it, but one of the things I’ve said about them is I believe that they have cloaking technology. Definitely. They can be invisible if they want to be. And I would even say they might come from another dimension altogether.

But the physics is definitely way ahead of ours. Yeah. And when you went in the vision that you had or the very lucid dream that might have been experience you had, you go up into this craft. That’s a rod shaped craft. You remember going through the wall, but it wasn’t rod shaped. It was like your classic saucer shape. But it had this for want of a better word, I think it was open, waiting to receive me and that they must have some kind of technology that can literally float you.

I don’t know how they do that. Is it vibration, I really don’t know. That can literally float you up on a floating stretcher, which I seem to be on. And then I just passed out because I must have been terrified. I don’t know. It’s horrible, really, to go through. You don’t say. Catch up in a little bit. Yeah, I could definitely see now you told me. I want to hear more about these hieroglyphics that you saw.

Could you actually write them out again and draw them? No, it’s such a long time ago. They were kind of like Egyptian ones. They resembled Egyptian ones, I would say, more than anything. They weren’t like the have you seen the Aztec hieroglyphics? I’m presuming you might know the difference. Yeah, they were definitely like one thing that sticks out in my mind is the Egyptian symbol for the bird, which is like it literally does look like a bird now.

That was one of them. So I really don’t know why on earth they would put that on the back of my night dress unless they would I wonder they were trying to say to mean because I have theorized and I firmly believe in reincarnation and I wondered the message there was we’ve met you before in a past life that you lived in Egypt. Because I’ve been told by more than one person in psychic consultations that I’ve lived a past life in ancient Egypt.

So I wonder if that was their way of saying, we’ve met you before. We know your soul signature, or whatever you want to call the soul, the essence or know. I’m thinking of the ibis. I’m thinking of Lord Thoth. Yeah, because isn’t the beat bird symbol is the symbol for car or energy or the essence? Isn’t that correct? Am I right? I think I am. I will have to double check.

Yeah, I think I might be right about that. It almost like they were saying to me, look, we’ve met you before, we know who you are. You’ve interacted with our race before, even in a past existence. I don’t know. I’m just theorizing that could have been why. Yeah, it must have been a reason, is what I’m saying, for them to do that. Although I was terrified at the time as a kid.

Yeah. And let’s take it back to the experiences when you actually saw what you described them as Nordics. Yeah, well, I believe I had encounters with Nordics but didn’t realize who I was encountering, if that makes sense. In my teenage years. The first one I talk about is the girl at the bus stop. I’ll call her because I never found out her name because I used to live on this huge social housing estate with my mum.

My mum left my dad when we were younger, unfortunately, and I ended up living with my mum. And thing I want to stress is that I was going to pre nursing college at the time because I wanted to train to be a nurse. And that’s what you did back then in the would queue quite often in the morning with lots of other kids that were going to college on the bus.

But every time I saw her and I only met her twice, this is the weird thing. There was just me and her each time and it was almost like I could feel her energy was different. That’s all I can tell you because I have this innate psychic ability, I believe. And I would stare at her and we would stare at each other intently till the bus arrived. And she would look at me and I’d look at her and I’d think, there’s something about you.

I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something different about you. I used to think, and significantly, I’d get on the bus, but she didn’t. And it was almost like I thought, well, why have you been standing there all that time? This is something else. I’ve since remembered that she didn’t actually get on and she had this beautiful skin, very beautiful woman, high cheekbones. I have tried to provide a picture of her in my book because I have a good memory for faces.

And then later on I had this visit from these two weird Mormon type characters and they came to my door professing to be Mormons. And one was darker, one was very blonde, very pale skin, very handsome, both of them. And they talked about the Angel Moroni and all the things they talk about. But the weird thing was the blonde ones came back on his own and he came back on it.

And I’ve been told they’re not supposed to do that. That’s something that they never do. Plus he came uninvited. He just came back. And all I can remember is that I sat him on the couch, I offered him a drink and that we chatted, but I cannot remember the life of me what we chatted about. Which leads me to wonder, was he a Nordic Indies guys? When I kind of look back on it, although I have to stress that at the time I wasn’t aware of the Nordic aliens or Pleiadians or whatever you want to call them.

I’d never heard of them. I in no way connected this with ETS at the time. I just want to stress that. And then the kind of more dramatic one that I remember was in 1995, later on in my life, I just got engaged and I was living with my ben fiance. He’s now my husband, and he was doing a night shift on Casualty because he was a junior doctor at that point and I’d been left on my own and there was this massive blackout.

Oh, sorry, just a moment. Sorry. No problem at all. It was my laptop playing up. Yeah. What was I saying? Yeah, so there was this blackout. So I went to bed, thought nothing of it. I thought I’ll just go to sleep. And then I heard these voice, and this is the first time I’ve ever experienced this. This was different. I have to stress from what the grays do.

And I heard this whispered male voice. It wasn’t shouting. It was kind of a gentle, soft male voice said in my head, just said, come to the garden. Come to the garden now. And I just said, no, because of the negative experiences I’d had to that date. I just said, no, I don’t want to. I’m not coming. Get lost. I don’t want to come to the garden. And I think whoever it was just ignored me and thought, right, we’re going to tell you anyway, because I got like you see, this is where I think that maybe they have similar technologies because I did experience buzing again and the paralysis and then I kind of blacked out, or what I perceived as blacking out.

And I thought, oh, no, they’re doing it again. And then I came to about six a mish, and it was broad daylight because it was summertime at the time, so it was coming light early, and I went to make myself a drink and then I went back to bed. And what happened after that was that my head was just full of these stills, and I kept having flashes of things.

And then I kind of fell asleep. And I have this really vivid dream where I was wearing the night dress I was wearing in reality, it was like a long blue cotton night dress. And I went to the top of the stairs, and at the bottom of the stairs there was a man waiting for me. He was very tall. He would be about, I’d estimate, at least six foot six because I’m only little, even I’m only five foot four.

And he came way above me, and I went down the stairs to greet him if I knew him. And his eyes were a very vivid blue. They were bigger than our eyes. And he was wearing a mask up to here. And I’m wondering if that was some kind of protection against germs that they may pick up on when they’re interacting on this planet or something like that. And he had like a navy blue tight fitting, like what looked like a diver’s suit.

And his head was covered, but I could see that he had very pale skin and very blue eyes, very piercing blue eyes. And when I went down the stairs and we kind of hooked as if we were all friends. And then as I looked up at the dining room ceiling, it was like it opened up and I could see a hangar full of black Tic TAC shaped craft.

They were really shiny, and they were against like they were on a black shiny surface where they were parked, and it was all black around them, and the ceiling was curving in around them, if that makes sense. And it was almost like I was looking at a hangar where craft was stored, these craft. And that’s all I remembered about that. And then when I woke up from that dream, I thought, what the hell was that? And even though I tried to close my eyes again and go back to sleep, I just kept getting, like, these stills flashing at me where I was walking down a corridor accompanied by this same guy.

And there were guards on either side dressed similarly to him, and they were saluting him by pressing the fist to the chest. And I assumed they were saluting him and that maybe he was some kind of senior figure. But I couldn’t for the life of me work out why on earth I was there with him. Why would I be being led down this corridor? And I could see the Celtic knot, maybe you know what I mean by the Celtic knot symbol.

And the fleur de lee carved into these corridor walls, which were black, very shiny. Shiny, but carved into the walls. And I remember that as long as I live, I’ll remember that experience. And I’ve since found out that the flirty lee is in our family shield, the McAdam family shield, which goes all the way back to the De Gordon family. Adam de Gordon is who I’ve descended from, who was a Norman Lord, who in turn, came from Scandinavia.

So that’s where my family goes back to. And there are some people that theorize that the Scandinavian race was seeded by the Pleiadians or the Nordics. So again, I’m led to wonder, is there a DNA link that’s attracting them to me as well? Yeah, that’s what it sounds. No, this is amazing. I’m just listening to all this and doing my best to connect as many dots as possible.

You said you, like, blacked out, right? When you had that vision and you felt the effects you felt prior when you had been taken, did I hear that right? Yeah, there were similar effects. I assumed it was the grays again, but this man was not a gray. That was at the bottom of my stairs, and he was in everything around him. It was not like a dream, although it was a vivid dream, essentially.

It was more like recall, conscious recall, if you will, of some things that were happening during an abduction. And he looked like your classic Nordic Et. Pale skin, blue eyes, very tall, extremely tall. Yeah, at least six. Six. Does that make sense? Am I saying that right for your American? Did you wake up to this? Or was this, like, something that you actually did you wake up to this recall, or will you walk us to the point of recall again? Just take us back to that.

Yeah, what happened was, even though I said, get lost, I’m not coming to the garden, I believe I was taken anyway because I had this very vivid dream, like a waking dream. Do you understand what I’m saying? So you’re doing your thing. You get invited to a garden. You’re just going through your regular, and who invites garden? Well, I believe it was this man that I saw at the bottom of the stairs eventually.

Yeah, because I went down. Yes. Okay. And it was light. Hold on a second. I’m so sorry. Okay, so you’re at your house. That’s okay. You’re at the stairs of your house, and then you see this guy standing at the stairs of your house, this really tall man that has a mask on and the pale skin and the blue eyes. During the day? Yes, that’s right. No, during the night, it’s still nighttime.

So that’s what makes me think this was a lucid waking. Although it felt like a dream, I don’t think it was. Does that make sense? Yeah, it was like he was controlling it. Okay, and so prior to that, prior to that, everything. Do you believe you just woke up at this point in time? Or this is before you’re going to bed, like this is after dinner? When exactly in the night is this? It’s during the night, the early hours of the morning.

I’m circa about 01:00 a. m. Something like that. I’m guessing because it was dark and the blackout had happened. And then I heard the voice in my head, please come to the garden. Come to the garden now. But then I said no, I don’t want to come. Get lost. Because of my negative experiences that I’d had up to that point. And then I believe, I’m speculating that it was them controlling it from then on, and that what I perceived as dreaming was actually reality.

Does that make sense? And that I went down the stairs, and it was almost like they were saying, we’re friendly. We’re not going to hurt you. And he didn’t look like anything like the Grays, the typical Gray. He looked like an Audic to me. I felt his energy was benevolent, friendly, caring, loving energy, which has been reported in other contacts with Nordic ETS. Now do you see the Greys as possibly being, like, working for this specific Nordic that you had contact with, or maybe their civilization? I honestly don’t know whether that’s the case or not.

I would postulate that they are loosely affiliated under, can I say, federation or something, and that they have to follow certain rules about contact and getting permission and things like that to interact with citizens on Earth. I would postulate that they may have been in the same Federation loosely, because two experiences that I’ve had, I feel that Nordic technology is very similar to theirs. There is a school of thought that says they’re enemies that I’ve read.

I’ve read that, although that’s not what I felt. But then there’s another school of thought that says that the Grays are just merely biological drones, that the robots working and doing a job and collecting specimens and things, et cetera, for these more superior, blonde, pale skinned people. So it depends, I think, which you subscribe to. Certainly with my own experiences, I’ve definitely seen them together. I believe I’ve seen them alongside each other, if that makes about that, I hope you’re enjoying the presentation and having a fantastic day.

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Oh yeah, and I’ll see you on Patreon for part two of this podcast, which includes about another 40 minutes of awesome information. We have a ton of exclusive content on Patreon. You definitely want to check us out over there because you know what? We can talk about it on Patreon. Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam. .

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