You? A Christian? Stop Playing – Lets Examine! | Tuesday Night Live – 6:30 PM Eastern Time!

Spread the Truth



➡ This is about a group of people meeting on Zoom and YouTube for a religious gathering. They share prayers, songs, and discuss their faith. They encourage each other to spread their beliefs and help in their communities. They also remind each other to self-reflect and improve their spiritual lives.
➡ This text is about a religious gathering where the speaker emphasizes the importance of self-examination in one’s faith. He suggests that being a follower of Jesus Christ should reflect in our actions and lifestyle, not just in church but also in our daily lives. He encourages everyone to live a life that truly reflects their faith, and not just pretend to be religious. He also warns about the dangers of becoming too comfortable in our faith and forgetting to continually examine ourselves.
➡ This text is about a group discussion where people are sharing their personal experiences and beliefs. They talk about overcoming personal struggles, like addiction, and the importance of respect and understanding in their community. They also discuss the need for careful and thoughtful conversation about sensitive topics, and the importance of turning to their faith for guidance. They end by expressing their love and support for each other.
➡ This text is a long prayer asking for God’s help and healing for various people with different problems. The speaker is praying for forgiveness, guidance, and strength, and asking for God’s presence in the lives of those mentioned. They’re also praying for physical healing for those who are sick, and for spiritual strength for everyone.
➡ This text is about a group of people praying together and discussing their faith. They ask God for wisdom and strength, and they pray for each other’s struggles. They also talk about their desire to serve God better and make more disciples. They express their love for each other and their commitment to improve and grow in their faith.
➡ The speaker is expressing gratitude to their community, acknowledging that they’re all trying their best and are open to feedback for improvement. They also mention the importance of self-examination and growth, and encourage open discussions about issues. The speaker reassures the community of their love and appreciation, and ends by saying they’re proud of everyone’s efforts.
➡ This text is about the importance of staying connected to Jesus Christ and not becoming complacent in our faith. It warns against being idle or a “busy body” in the church, and instead encourages us to actively live out our faith and listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. The text also emphasizes the need for self-examination and making changes in our lives to better follow Jesus. It ends with a call to prayer and a reminder that when we truly live out our faith, others will notice the difference in us.
➡ This text talks about the importance of listening to God’s guidance and changing our bad habits. It emphasizes that we should focus on living a good life and not get distracted by worldly desires. The text also encourages us to read and understand the Bible, as it can help us deal with life’s challenges. Lastly, it advises us to be careful about the company we keep, as it can influence our behavior and beliefs.
➡ This text talks about the importance of self-examination and obedience to God’s will. It emphasizes that while God is always there to help us when we make mistakes, we shouldn’t take His forgiveness for granted. The text also encourages us to listen to the Holy Spirit, who guides us towards positive change. Lastly, it reminds us that we should support each other in our spiritual journeys and strive to improve ourselves.
➡ This text is about a person’s journey to finding faith and leaving behind harmful habits like drug use. The speaker shares how they found love and purpose in their faith, and how it helped them overcome their addiction to substances like weed. They also discuss the importance of staying focused on faith and not getting distracted by worldly knowledge or desires. The speaker encourages others to seek the same transformation, warning them about the dangers of sin and urging them to let their faith guide their actions.
➡ This text talks about self-reflection and the importance of being honest with ourselves and God about our struggles and sins. It encourages us to open up to God and others about our issues, and to seek help and guidance from the Holy Spirit. It also emphasizes the power of prayer and the hope we can find in Jesus, even when we’re dealing with difficult problems. The text ends with a call to be strong, courageous, and ready to fight against the challenges we face in our lives.
➡ This text is about a conversation where people discuss personal struggles and how they cope with them. They talk about the importance of being honest with oneself and trying to improve every day. They also discuss health issues, like needing glasses or dealing with sickness, and how these can be related to personal choices, like diet or substance use. The conversation ends with a debate about whether using marijuana for medical purposes is a sin or not.
➡ The text discusses the use of substances like wine and marijuana, comparing their effects and discussing their use in a religious context. It suggests that while these substances can be used responsibly, they can also be a hindrance to a clear mind and spiritual growth. The text encourages self-reflection and dialogue with God to determine if these substances are beneficial or detrimental to one’s spiritual journey. It also emphasizes the importance of not causing others to stumble in their faith due to one’s personal beliefs or actions.
➡ The speaker is discussing the importance of maintaining a clear mind in order to stay close to God. They believe that anything that clouds your mind, like drugs or alcohol, can lead you away from God. They also emphasize the importance of understanding and respecting each other’s struggles, as everyone has their own battles to fight. The speaker encourages everyone to seek God’s guidance in overcoming their personal challenges.


God bless everybody that’s on YouTube. Hopefully y’all can hear me. Let me know if y’all can hear the audio. God bless everybody. We’re here on Zoom with a lot of awesome people. Hopefully you can see them on the gallery view. And it’s little by little, people keep on coming. So that’s a blessing. We’re seeing brothers and sisters come every week, so that’s a blessing. And you, that’s on YouTube.

Thank you for tuning in as well. It’s an honor that you’re taking of your time on Tuesdays to be here. If you guys know that every weekend there’s going to be a video dropping, there’s going to be a documentary dropping or a film that’s always going to continue. But every Tuesday we’re going to have Tuesday Night Live. The purpose of these is to bring some fellowship, encouragement so that we can be vulnerable with each other and talk with each other.

And at the same time that hopefully this can encourage you to either find a local fellowship near your home. Right. Or even in your home, decide to start doing Bible studies with your family, with your friends, with your neighbors. Right. And doing devotionals or helping out, volunteering at a local community, doing something that you can spread the gospel. Because we’re in difficult times in this world, okay? But as we do so, as we even consider to spread the gospel, as we even consider to do anything, one of the most crucial things that we have to do is examine ourselves.

Okay? Because when you examine yourself, you can see where you stand. And when you examine yourself, the Holy Spirit is going to start showing you things that you need to adjust, that you need to correct, that you need to make sure that’s on point even before I pick up this. Right. Right. There’s a lot of different checks that I do. Right? I told you. Hey, can you hear me? Well, that’s a check, right? Rob, when he came in, he’s like, Charlie, can you hear the audio? Well, check, check.

Right. We’re checking with each other to make sure that the quality is on point so that we can do the best that we possibly can. Well, the same thing with our spiritual walk. There are checks that we have to do. There are checks and balances that we have to do. And today we’re going to talk about those checks and balances. But we’re going to start with some praise and worship first.

Okay. If you can also consider thumbing up the video, sharing this live stream, we’re going to have some good conversations in the name of Jesus Christ. Okay. So thank you for being here. And remember, every Tuesday, we hope that you make this a place that you pass by and we can fellowship together. All right, brother Rob, you ready? Yeah, go ahead, Chris. Yes, Chris, what’s up? Yes, sir.

Heidi has been going back and forth with our lovely brother and sister on prayer time, and since I see them tonight, do you guys want to take the prayers? Come on, now. Give me a thumbs up. You got it. Because I don’t want it. I think he’s calling Ernest, because I saw he thumbed up, though. But we don’t have the live. The YouTube. YouTube? Yeah, we don’t have the YouTube people.

Okay. Because. Yeah, that’s important. The YouTube people. Yeah. You’re muted, bro. Heidi can take those if you guys want to do the chat ones. Perfect. Okay. So you do Zoom and she does YouTube. Cool. Awesome. As the live stream goes on, we’re going to be keeping track of prayer, so we can pray over them tonight as well, live. So keep on posting your prayer request on YouTube. Post them on the zoom.

It’s going to be an awesome thing. Okay. But like I said, today we’re going to examine ourselves, okay? And for self examination, we’re going to have to have some good conversations. So get ready for that. All right? All right, brother Rob, you ready? Yeah. And put your prayer request. You could start doing that now in the chats. Whether it’s in the chat on the zoom or the chat on the YouTube or Facebook, wherever you are, we will find you.

And I wanted to start out with some scripture as we’re going, because I’m sure it’ll be brought up, but this will be the little preface for us. Scripture is the greatest place. At least it’s the greatest place for me to do that self examination. The author of Hebrews makes it very clear when we look at Hebrews twelve as we start to stew on this self examination, thinking. And first off, it’s a great thing if you’re here because you’re in with other people, like minded christians who have struggles.

We all have struggles. And if we say that we don’t, we’re lying. And that would be the struggle. Hebrews twelve, starting with twelve, one says, therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance, the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith.

I love those two words. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross scorning its shame. And sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. So thank you, Jesus, for taking that penalty of our sin. And thank you, Lord. Daily when we go about our walk. And we maybe stop thinking about you in certain moments. And think that it’s all about us. And that we’re the ones that are the pioneers of our direction.

And the perfectors of all that we do continue to remind us in communities like this today, Lord, that the pioneer, the originator of my faith, of everyone’s faith here is you, Jesus. And you are the one who gives us that perseverance. So when we feel like we can’t do it, God, you are here with us to let us know that we can. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Father.

Thank you, Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, amen. Why don’t we start out with a song called Egypt? I thought about it was a subject matter that we were dealing with. Mentioned a couple times that you might be going through your own Egypt right now. Some kind of bondage. And God sets you free. And so we’ll start out with that. I won’t forget the wonder of how you brought deliverance.

The exodus of my heart. You found me, you freed me, held back the waters for my release. O yah. You’re the God who fights for me. Lord of every victory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You have torn apart the sea. You have led me through the deep. Hallelu. Hallelujah. A cloud by day is the sign that you are with me. Fire by night is the guiding light to my feet you found me, you freed me, held back the waters from my release.

O yah. Because you’re the God who fights for me. Lord of every victory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You have torn apart the sea. You have led me through the deep. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You stepped into my Egypt. You took me by the hand. You marched me out in freedom into the promised land. And now I’ll not forget you, God, I’ll sing of what you’ve done. Death is swallowed up forever by the fury of your love.

As you stepped into my Egypt. You took me by the hand. And you marched me out in freedom into the promised land. And I will not forget you, God. I’ll sing of all you do that this swallowed up forever by the fury of your love. He’s the God who fights. You’re the God who fights for me. Lord of every victory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You’ve torn apart. You have torn apart the sea.

You have led me through the deep Hallelujah. Hallelujah. One more song for us. If my heart is so overwhelmed and I cannot hear your voice I will hold on to what is true though I cannot see if the storms of life they come and the road ahead gets steep I will lift these hands in praise I will believe I remind myself of all that you’ve done and the life I have because of your son love came down and rescue me love came down and set me free oh, I yours I am forever yours mountain high, valley low I sing out to remind my soul I’m yours I am forever yours my heart is filled with hope when my heart is filled with hope and every promise comes my way when I feel your hands of grace rest upon me staying desperate for you, God staying humble at your feet I will lift these hands and praise I will believe I remind myself of all that you’ve done and the life I have because of your son sing.

Love came down love came down and rescue me love came down and set me free oh, I am yours I am forever yours mountain high, mountain high or valley low I sing out to remind my soul I’m yours I am forever your I’m yours forever I’m yours I’m yours forever I’m yours I’m yours Jesus because I am yours I am yours for all my days Jesus I am yours sing that out.

If I am yours I am yours for all my days Jesus. I am. Love came down love came down and rescued me love came down and set me free I am yours I am forever yours and mountain high, mountain high or valley low I sing out to remind my soul that I’m yours I am forever yours I’m yours and yours forever I am yours I’m yours forever singing and believing I am yours I’m yours forever I’m yours I’m yours forever we are yours Jesus we are yours we’re yours forever we are yours we’re yours forever we are yours, Jesus amen.

Thank you to brother Tally, brother Chris, sister Heidi, and we look forward to the word that you’re going to speak through them, Lord, today, and all of those who are going to witness and testify in Jesus name. Amen. Let’s unshare the. Yeah. Well, that’s awesome, brother. Thank you for always taking time. We don’t even coordinate anymore in terms of. We know that you’re either going to be here and if you’re not, you can’t.

But thank you for going above and beyond always. It’s my pleasure. Yeah, God’s good and it’s not a burden at all for me, that’s for sure, brother. So what I’m going to do, because I don’t know why the button just stops on us because this happened last week. I can’t unshare it. So I’m going to jump out and I’ll come back in. Awesome. No worries, brother. No worries.

Thank you for your efforts. All right, brother. Sure. My awesome, awesome, awesome. So for those that are here, either on YouTube or you’re joining here on Zoom, on the YouTube, on the pinned comment, that’s the zoom link. If you want to join, or you can stay on YouTube, it’s perfectly fine. Either way, it’s going to be a blessing. Okay. So I do want to just say that topics like this that we’re going to talk about today can sometimes irk a few people.

But that is okay because I would much rather you be upset than be in a position that you say, tally, why didn’t you talk to me about this? Or tally, why didn’t you talk to me about that? And the topic that we’re going to talk about is self examining ourselves. It’s a very crucial aspect of life. Okay. I’m going to share something on the screen. Let me know if you can see it.

Okay. Now understand that on YouTube, I think they can see it on YouTube, too. So that’s a blessing. Yeah, they can see it on YouTube. Okay. Awesome. And we have someone from Texas, Guatemala. God bless you guys for being know. It’s a blessing that all of you from different parts of the world are here. That’s such a blessing. So hear me out here for a moment. Hear my heart as I speak to you on this topic.

That is that every single day. I just pulled the statistics as of 06:00. Okay. The statistics as of 06:00. And this is based on all hospital reported events around the world. There have been, in this year alone, 2024, 8,448,303 deaths this year. And in terms of deaths today, 124,959 today. And if we pull the counter up right now, the counter is a lot higher because that number changes every single minute.

Okay, so what does that mean? That means that here on Zoom, we have about 20 people. That’s a blessing. On YouTube we have about 85. That’s a blessing. On Facebook we have a few more. That’s a blessing. But the statistics are quite possibly in a position that not all of us will enter the kingdom of heaven. Right? The statistics may show that some of us may or may not.

My desire is that all of us do so when we talk about these topics, these aren’t topics that are just talked on because we want to talk about it and be annoying. But the reality is that there is a destination. Matthew 25 46 and these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal. And our desire is that you, me, all of us, we can continue to self examine our lives to make sure that we make it to that life eternal.

Okay? So for that to happen, we have to walk with Jesus, all right? Because he is our salvation. Without him, we are absolutely nothing. Okay? But once Jesus begins to live in you, and once Jesus begins to make a change in your life, that change is pretty evident. Wouldn’t you agree on YouTube, wouldn’t you agree that that change when Jesus Christ came into your life? I know that when Jesus Christ came into my life, some of the first things he began to do was change how I talked was change how I dressed, even.

Pull your pants. Pull your pants up. We didn’t taste the same. After. Changes begin to happen, when God begins to live in you. So these changes that the Holy Spirit does in you are amazing. There are people that join a pentecostal church as an example, and because they see the denomination, everyone’s putting this, or there was one that I used to go to that everyone had to wear a white shirt, a black tie.

So the changes were superficial. Because when you walked out of the church, you were the same heathen. That was when you came in. You just played the part. Okay? When the Holy Spirit actually changes your life, that change is something that is tangible in our walk. As we begin to walk, I can only speak of me, right? Tally every day he is working on me. I am not the same person I was yesterday.

I’m a different person today. Tomorrow, I’ll be a different person tomorrow. So these changes, they’ll continue through our whole walk. So this is why we must be a people that is able to be molded like clay. Let me explain to you something. John 1415. Who are these verses aimed at? Right. If ye love me, keep my commandments. Right? Ephesians five one be ye, therefore, followers of God. As dear children, we’re to be imitators of Christ.

The word Christian itself, right? It means followers of Christ, right? Are we following God or are we following the images of this world? Many times before each other, before brothers and sisters in the Lord, we put on the Christiansee mask. I knew one guy, and he and I laugh about this now because he’s changed a little bit. God has been working in him but we would be walking to the church at one point in time, and I remember he loved women.

He admitted it. That was his main issue. He loved women, okay? So as soon as he saw a woman, he’d be like, whoo, what a blessing from the Lord? Say something like that, right? But then when he in church, oh, he speaks in tongues now. I bought a Honda, but I shit about Ikea, right? And it’s like, wait a minute. What are you like when he goes into the church, all of a sudden, we got Benny Hinn here.

When he’s out in the public, in the public realm, it’s a whole different thing. What I am saying is that we may be able to fool each other. We may be able to fool each other, but there is one who we cannot fool. And he knows all of what we do every moment, every second, every single hour. So what I am saying is, family, we have to examine ourselves.

It says, ye cannot drink of the cup of the Lord and the cup of the devils, of devils. Ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table and of the tables of devil. So when God begins to live in you, something starts to happen. Then that conviction begins to mold you. Then that begins to change you. And there’s a step in our lives that happens to all christians, I think.

I know. It’s happened to me that we become really comfortable with our walk and we stop self examining where we are and family. I’m telling you right now, the time for self examination is not tomorrow. It’s not next week. It’s today. All right? Examine yourselves. Whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves. Know that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates.

How can you find out if you’re an imitator of Jesus Christ? If you’re a follower of Christ, if you don’t examine yourself today, if I were to pick up your phone and I would go through your browsing history, would I find the follower of Christ there? If we were to go to what you listen to in terms of music, right? Would we find the follower of Christ there? And we’re not trying to be illegalistic here.

That’s not what it is. Anytime we talk about living holy for God, we want to turn into legalism. No, that’s not what I am saying. What I am saying is that if you are an imitator of Jesus Christ and he begins to shift and change your life, changes will happen. And as these changes are happening, seducing spirits will try to get you to stop changing so they’ll lull you a little bit into that false sense of security in a way so that you can start just.

It’s okay. It’s just a little bit of this. It’s just a little bit of that. It’s just a little bit of the other. But then, little by little, you can find yourself at a point that, without you even knowing it, you’re at a point that you have to ask this question. If we were to look at your life today, in fact, there’s a problem in the body of Jesus Christ that I want to mention real quick, that is a lot of us at one point in time or another.

And I noticed that when I say things, I say us. We I. We all fall for a point in time where we’re, like, on autopilot in the church, and you have to be careful when you’re idle, because you can easily become a busy body. How many people out there don’t want to tell a street preacher how to street preach? But they never street preach? How many people out there don’t want to tell you how to listen? The harvest is plentiful, and the laborers are few.

We can’t be comfortable. You have to snap out of this comfortable thing that you got, and you have to let that holy spirit do what he’s doing. Because you and I know, you and I know, you and I know that the Holy Spirit convicts, and when he convicts, we have to listen. Okay, I’m sorry. Before we begin to talk on this topic, let me stop sharing my screen real quick.

I want to read something. Can you guys hear me? Okay. Real quick. All right. And listen. I’ve been at that point where I myself have been a busy body, all right? I’ve been at that point where I myself have been out there, the spectator. It’s like the spectator in a basketball game. Jump higher. They ain’t know. Go this. They ain’t doing know. Listen, what I’m trying to tell you is that we have to make sure that we’re abiding in Jesus Christ, okay? So let me read something for you real quick, and then we’re going to begin discussing, all right? John 15, four through six.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine. No more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me, ye can do nothing. So this is very important here. We have to abide in Christ, right? Without him, we can do absolutely nothing.

We are in dangerous times. We are in times where ephesians 612 warns you. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities. So these entities, these seducing spirits, they study you day and night. They throw intrusive thoughts on you day and night. They want to make you comfortable, and they don’t want you to progress in the walk, in the lifestyle, and in the calling that God has for your life.

And if you abide in Christ, he abides in you. Changes in self examination are crucial. All I am saying is today, as you’re watching this broadcast, my brothers, my sisters in the Lord, today it’s going to be very important in your walk for you to ask God what is it that he has for you and how can you get going on what he has for you? And when you ask it, oh, amazing things will happen.

It says, if a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered. And men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned. As we started this whole thing, we talked about, the statistics around the world are not in our favor for people to make it right. People are dying left and right. We take life for granted. Tomorrow I’ll repent.

Tomorrow I’ll start seeking God. Tomorrow I’ll start doing this. And God is convicting and knocking at our door. Listen, none of this living, holy living for Jesus can be done without Jesus. This is all about Jesus. What I am saying is that if you are indeed in Jesus and Jesus is in you, changes are going to happen. But your life, and I’m telling you, in my life, I’ve had moments where I’ve gotten comfortable, okay? And that’s exactly where the devil wants you.

And you have to make a decision. It’s a very simple decision to follow Jesus, to follow the king. And if you make that decision, changes are going to happen. I want us to pray real quick, right there where we’re at. And then I want us to have some discussion. The reason I want us to pray is because, listen, we live in a day and age where someone typed in the comment on their works based salvation.

No, it’s not workspace salvation. How many times did God tell the church to repent in revelation? How many times has God told the church to repent continuously? God is telling us, if you love me, how can I know you love me? You do what I do, right? If you love me, you do what I’m telling you to do right. So when Jesus Christ is in you, changes happen, okay? They happen.

And all I am saying is that the devil is out here trying to get us to be. We’re not talking about the legalistic thing. We’re talking about the changes that happen when the Holy Spirit is in your life and he begins to change you. And we’re losing that in the modern day church. In the modern day church, we’re losing that. Look at the modern day church. How is that? Right now we have podcasts, we have music.

Any music you want, you got it. Any streaming you want, you got it. Anything you want to see, you got it. But we’re one of the most illiterate churches around the world. Think about that. America, which was the place that used to send evangelists and missionaries all over the world, we’re now in need of men and women to stand up and proclaim the gospel. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we want to thank you.

We want to thank you, heavenly Father, for your dear son Jesus Christ in the book of revelation. You tell us to come out from among her, my people, the book of Revelation as well. When you’re talking to the churches, you call them to a higher standard. All throughout the New Testament, you’re calling your church to a higher way of living. Why? So that we can boast about our good works? No, why? So that we can show off that we’re living holy as some people do.

Look at me, I don’t sin. Oh no. God forbid we boast about anything. We boast about Jesus, but you call us to a higher level of living. Because when people look at Rob, when people look at Chris, when people look at Pastor Lou, when people look at Ernest and Amy, when people look at all of you on YouTube, they should be able to say there’s something different in that person.

The world is radical about the world. You don’t see muslims compromising. You don’t see Jehovah witness compromising. You don’t see atheists compromising. You don’t see the world compromising their standards. Yet the church is always trying to compromise its standard and try to be like the world. Well, God called us to be separate from the world. And that comes your self examination, the examining our lives and saying, heavenly Father, what changes do you want to do in me today? Only you can answer that question.

Heavenly Father, what changes do you want in me today? He may just say, hey, do you remember yesterday when you talked to your wife that way? Go ahead and fix that. Go ahead and apologize to her. Hey, do you remember the other day when you partook a little bit in gossip and you shouldn’t have? Go ahead and repent of that. And next time go ahead and fix that.

Hey, do you remember that day that you could have actually done something, but you said you’ll do it tomorrow and you took tomorrow for granted. From here on out, you’re going to do every day what I’ve called you to do. You’re going to preach, you’re going to teach, you’re going to do everything I called you to do. And what happens in our lives? See this whole self examining thing, I didn’t make it up.

It says it in the scriptures. Examine yourself whether ye be in the faith. I didn’t write it. What I am saying is that when you examine yourself, changes begin to happen. And when changes begin to happen, people are going to say, whoa, who is? I knew him as how he used to be, but he is different. And then they’ll see that you’re a different person because you’re born again and you’re a member of the kingdom of God in heaven.

If there is one among you today that you know that God has been asking you to make a change, I don’t know what it is, but you know that God has been asking you to fix an attitude. God has been asking you to fix a behavior. God has been asking you to take him more seriously. It’s as simple as simply repenting. Heavenly Father, I repent, heavenly Father. You’re right, heavenly Father, I know I shouldn’t be eating some twinkies at midnight, but gluttony, gluttony is just.

Maybe God is convicting you of gluttony so that you can live a little bit longer, so that you can preach the gospel longer. Maybe God is convicting you of what you’re watching online because he knows that you’re going to stumble into lust and that’s going to lead towards problems in your marriage. When God is convicting. Listen, in Jesus mighty name, amen. I love you guys and I’m sorry to rant, but I really care about you guys a lot.

And I’ve been there. Have you ever been there, Brother Chris? In those moments where the devil with seducing spirits, he’s gotten you to a point of being so comfortable that, yes, of course we know where our salvation comes from. Our salvation comes from the Lord. If we boast on any, then we boast on the Lord. We’re not talking about any of that, but we’re talking about when the holy spirit convicts you and you convince yourself of just staying comfortable.

What do you think, Chris? You’re muted. You’re muted trying to be a good. You know, I can give a lot of testimony about the wrong side of the fence on that one, but the right side of the fence on serving the Lord. I know this. It was a foolish man that didn’t consider the words of God at a younger age. Because as he manifests his presence in different situations that I find myself in, I can usually always go to scripture and find scripture that helps me deal with it and to manage the situation in the proper way.

But the enemy has done quite the number on us, especially in western culture, especially in America. We’ve taken rarely. And again, I was the same condition most of my life. Religion was an add on to my life, my faith in Jesus. I didn’t add my life to that. And that’s where we really get messed up. We have to have our priorities right. And when we’re more concerned with our next trip, our next ball game, our next restaurant, our next this, our next that which I did most of my life, our focus is wrong.

And it’s easy to fall into that state of lukewarm. It’s all good. I said a little prayer or this or that, and I’ve selected some verses today that. They’re gut punch verses. But you know what? It’s in the word of God. And honestly, as much as it may hurt us to bring these things up and talk about it, wouldn’t we rather get as much repentance and forgiveness out of the way now, instead of when we’re standing in front of Jesus? Because we’re not going to be saying mistakes and all this and that.

He’s going to. No, just tell me what was in your heart when you did that. What was the reason behind that? And so we should always be asking the Lord to reveal the true identity of who we are before him? I can give a crap what the world thinks. I used to give a crap, but now I don’t. It’s like, lord, whatever it is you want to see in me, that’s my focus.

Now. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to be nice and kind to people. But that just means if you want to treat me poorly, I’m not going to be a fool before God. I’d rather be a fool before men. You said you had a verse. Can you want to share any of those verses? I know they’re gut punches. Sure. There’s just a little paragraph. The caption I have on this is checking yourself.

Are you a log inspector first? So Tally’s heard me say that log inspector one many times, and some of the rest of you have. But brother tally and I carry a burden on our hearts to convey God’s word as accurately as possible. Examining ourselves daily and dying to ourselves daily is a responsibility we all carry as believers. Jesus said, we will be known by our fruit. When examining our lives, we should be able to say, who I was in the world is now being transformed into the likeness of our Lord Jesus.

Our desire is that we are so clear with the scripture that you’ll be able to deal with the majority of your unrighteous things. Now, on this side of things, instead of when we are standing before our Lord Jesus, we should take full advantage of repentance, forgiveness now, which leads to sanctification and holiness. So the first verse is one Peter four, one through two. These are all in the new king James version.

Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that ye no longer live, the rest of this time in the flesh for the lust of man, but for the will of God. John three, five through seven. Jesus answered, most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and of the spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born the spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said this to you. You must be born again. The majority of my life, I’d say, yeah, sure, or whatever. I’m born again. Didn’t even know what it meant, actually. Even though I went to church, prayed at meals, and then when I actually started experiencing it, it’s like, oh, this makes a lot more sense now because that old crappy stuff I used to do is falling off as the Lord is placing something different in there.

And I’m like, oh, Lord, you’re so good. One corinthians 1533 to 34, do not be deceived. Evil company corrupts good habits. Awake to righteousness and do not sin. For some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak these this to your chain first, John. And think about that, guys. How many of us let people into our lives that actually pull us down, and we’re not pulling them up.

If we ever get pulled more their direction, then we’re pulling them towards the Lord. We got to really consider that relationship closely. One John 518 20. We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. Oh, my goodness. Look at the world we’re in today. This is even more true today. We know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding that we may know him who is true, and we are in him who is true in his son Jesus Christ.

This is the true God and eternal life. Now this one here, man. This is very relevant to things I’ve been experiencing in the last few days. Two Peter 218 to 22. For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lust of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in air, while they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption, or by whom.

A person is overcome by him also, he is bought into bondage. For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome. The latter end is worse for them than the know. I’ve talked to different people, and they’ve overcome addictions, and then they end up going back to them and those addictions.

It’s way worse the second time around, third time around, fourth time around. And earlier in my life, I would have laughed at a verse I just like, yeah, whatever. I’m here to testify this is absolutely true. And so if you find yourself in that category, just cry out to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit will always be there for us. So here’s the rest of that verse. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than having known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.

But it has happened to them. According to the true proverb, a dog returns to his own vomit and a sow having washed to her wallering in the Minor. And then I thought, this one. We all need to think carefully about this one. Our hearts, probably most of us here, is like, I really want to stick in there with people. I really want to go through the rough times with them.

I really want to go to endure things with them. And this verse today, when I read this, was particularly impactful. But Titus, three, nine to eleven. But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and striving about the law, for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a divisive man or woman after the first or second adamation, knowing that such a person is warped and setting and being self condemned. So we need to evaluate our interactions that we have with people the way the scripture wants us to, because there’s times that we can be too good, too nice, too kind, and what happens? We’re interfering with God’s will.

And those are tough ones, man. I’ve done that before, and it’s like, oh, I want to help out. Then I find a few weeks, a few months later, all I did is set that person back six months. Whatever I did, whatever I said, then, whatever the Lord was putting them through, they had to go through it anyway. And so I’m very cautious now where I want to say.

I just want to refer to scripture. So the last scripture I have is romans 612 through 14. Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey in its lust. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourself to God as being alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.

So beyond that is just a couple of paragraphs, and then I have the ten questions. So whenever you want to introduce those into the mix, tally, answer your call. Sure thing. I also want to let everyone understand one thing no one is saying. Make sure that you don’t mix one thing with the other. When we talk about when we backslide and we say, God will always be there to restore us, when Adam and Eve fell, God was there to restore.

And when the prodigal son fell, the prodigal son’s father, he was out there looking for his son. So don’t misunderstand that we’re talking about examining ourselves and think that we’re trying to say that we’re the most holiest of holies. That’s not it at all. We’re challenging ourselves like we’re challenging you. As the scripture says, examine yourself to see whether ye be in the faith. We didn’t make that Bible verse up.

That Bible verse is there, right? So that means that we have to examine ourselves. And the reason we examine ourselves is because when we allow the holy spirit to convict us and change us, that change is special. When we just change because we want to change, or when you do things just because you want to impress up, that stuff is not going to last. But when the Holy Spirit is in you, he begins to shift you, and he begins to change you.

It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. It’s a beautiful, beautiful sight. Okay? We’re different people. We’re a chosen generation. God has called us for awesome, awesome things. Okay? We have to put forth that effort. When the Holy Spirit convicts you because he wants what’s best for you. He desires what’s best for you and for your family. Okay? So if you’re on YouTube and if you need any prayer or you need anything like that, make sure you post them on there.

We’re going to definitely be praying for you. And understand that as brothers and sisters, we have to sharpen each other. We have to hold each other accountable. We have to say to each other, hey, listen, after we finish these Tuesday live gatherings, the first thing we do on Wednesday, Chris and I, is talk about how we could have done a better job. Are we doing the right thing? What can we do better for the gospel? Hey, did we handle this the right way? We’re always self examining each other.

There’s no shame in that. Do you understand how beautiful it is that you have a father in heaven that wants to convict you and wants to. Shannon. Hey. Hey. I love you. When you hear that conviction, that’s a loving dad. Christina, what’s up? Hey, Rob. Rob, Rob, I didn’t forget about you. Rob, right? Michelle, Lou, I didn’t forget about you, right. Shauna. Tiana, Meza family. Right. Crystal. It’s a beautiful thing when you have.

You know why he wants to challenge us? Because he wants us to take us from that spectator view and get you to actually out there running. And if you can’t run, walk. And if you can’t walk, crawl. But he wants to get you going. Okay, I’ve been a person who’s a spectator. And what I mean by that, I mean that I’ve just always made excuses instead of following in God’s instructions.

If God tells you to move a cup from one place to the other, that’s obedience. That’s beautiful, right? If God tells you to move from here to down there, that may be a bigger task, but it’s still obedience. It’s all about just being obedient. It’s not about showing off of all the things you’re doing or. No, it’s not that. What we’re trying to tell you is that listen to the holy spirit.

He may just be preparing you for something special, but we have to lower our defense mechanism. I know on Zoom we’re good, but I know that sometimes people can be really upset when we talk about this topic, when we talk about grace of God. And everyone loves that, and I love it, too. But with the grace of God also comes that now he’s in us, and now he’s like, hey, tally, tally, I didn’t like what you did last week, tally, I didn’t like what you did yesterday.

Tally, you better check yourself. You better check yourself. I just want to say. Right. You can start with your questions, brother, and then we’ll start some discussion. I just want to say real quick, I know those were some gut punch verses, and because they were, don’t let that make you think I’ve got it all figured out. Those were just the verses. But this is the only caution that I give to all of us.

The condition of our heart when we sin. If our heart is. It’s not a big deal. He died for me. My sins are covered. You know what? That’s a big deal. Don’t ever fall into the delusion. Oh, man. Yeah. Don’t ever fall into that delusion that our hearts. Okay. It may take you ten years to overcome some sins. And this is the other thing, too. When we talk about this stuff, God knows every one of our starting points.

All of us here right now, we know where we are at this current moment. That’s it. That’s why we can never judge others and say things about others. We can sharpen one another. And if someone’s doing something, we could say, oh, man, I don’t know. What do you think before God? What do you think about that? But we all have different starting points. That’s why we have to just love and accept one another.

But the heart, and Tally mentioned it earlier, don’t ever let your heart be unaffected by your sin. I would be weeping bitter tears to change that. Chris, I equate it to when you go to a nurse and she’s lost her bedside manners. When you go to a nurse and I’ve had some, it’ll be like, oh, this ain’t free. Calm down, homie. Relax. Treating me like when you’ve lost that first love and that sin no longer hurts.

We got a problem. And you know what? I’ve been there. See, people get upset. Oh, you’re talking. Listen, I’ve been in this walk. I’ve been at a point where I’ve been know. And maybe you’re like. Like Chris said, we don’t know your starting point, and we don’t know your end point, but when you’ve lost that first love, man, it’s sad. It’s sad, man. I’ve been there when that.

Hallelujah. You say hallelujah, and it doesn’t mean anything because that’s why the Bible says, restore unto me the joy of thy salvation. I remember the first few days when I was saved, man. The only thing that mattered was Jesus, man. And then as we mature in the Lord, we get ourselves wrapped in so many different things and we lose that love. And it’s like that nurse, it’s like that doctor, listen, I have a doctor that I got to wait six months to see him, but when you see him, he’s like, tally, what’s going on? But then you go to another one dry.

I’m like, bro, what’s wrong with you, man? I’m coming to you to what? I’m going to let you poke me with know, because you know what I’m talking about. Ask yourself as Chris is going to ask these questions. These aren’t because we have it all figured out. It’s just ask yourself, am I taking God for granted in the wrong way? There are certain things I take him for granted in the good way, which is anything I do.

I got God with me. Bring it. I got God with me. That’s different. But am I sinning? Taking for granted he’ll forgive me? You see what I’m saying? It’s a mindset. That’s what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about I trust in my salvation, I trust in the Lord, and I’m not talking about that. But you know what I’m saying? When you’re like, just a little bit of weed, you’ll forgive me.

Listen, we can fool each other, man, but we can’t fool God, bro. So all I’m saying is that you know your walk. I know my walk. Examine yourself. That’s it. And Esteban, we’re going to get to you in a moment, but we’re having some good dialogue. And I’m sorry that I’m ranting, but I just really feel passionate about this topic. Go ahead, Chris. It just came to me when you said what you did.

If you’ve fallen away from your first love. But, brother, can you give a quick explanation for those that I never got that first love? What would you recommend to them to those that they’ve never got that first love? Yeah. That maybe aren’t even saved yet or don’t even know what you’re talking about when you say, okay, so that first love is when. Listen, if you’ve never been at a point in your life where offending the Lord hurt where walking in a way that he didn’t call you to walk hurt where, man, I remember, man.

Listen, let me tell you my story, how I lost my first love, okay? I’ve been there when I first came to Jesus Christ. And I’m sorry that I’m ranting on this, but it’s important. Listen, when I first came to Jesus Christ, I remember I had to walk 45 an hour to a church. And I loved it, man. And I was walking to the church singing coritos, you know what I mean? I won’t sing for you guys because I sing horribly, but I was singing corridos.

That’s like puerto rican hymns and stuff like that. And I was just excited. I didn’t know nothing about no illuminati. I didn’t know nothing about no knowledge. All I knew was that I was in love with the one who changed me. I no longer wanted to cuss. And sometimes I became a little bit overzealous of telling people, repent, repent for everything. Because to me, it was like, how are you sitting against God? He saved me.

It’s a shift that happens in you, but then slowly but surely, and it happened with our sister. Tracy has a video on the dangers of knowledge. Because sometimes as you start maturing, you start learning things. And now the things of God just become secondary to your theology or to your know. And it happened to me in my walk. And as I started walking in the lord, I knew a lot of Baba verses, but I knew less of my father.

And I just tell you guys, if you’ve never experienced that disgust for your old man, ask him today to let you feel that. But when you ask him and you repent and you believe, get ready because your life is going to change upside down. Okay? The sins that you enjoy right now, when he comes inside of you drinking that liquor, it won’t be easy. Your hands going to shake when you try to drink it.

It won’t be easy because he’s going to convict you of the things that he has to convict you so that he can be glorified in your life. So I’m sorry to rant. Go ahead, bro. Real quick, brother, when you were just talking the time before, you said it very quickly. You said, smoke little weed or a little weed. So what’s your opinion on that? So, for me, I used to smoke weed all the time.

I smoked Herb like herb was morning. It was like my snack, just like you would eat twinkies or snickers. For me, it was like, wake up in the morning, scrambled egg, bacon, little token, go to work, little token. It was a natural thing. I smoked weed for anything. And I used to justify it, too. It’ll cure my anxiety. It’ll cure my know. You know what happens, though. So when God came in my life, God had to tell me, tally.

I want to cure your anxiety, tally. I’m the one who should be getting the glory for your problems and your anxieties going, know. So when I came to Jesus Christ and he came in me and he saved me, that’s when he began to shift, and it became nasty. I couldn’t tolerate the smell. I couldn’t tolerate the taste of it. And then I honestly began to heal, Chris, because when I was able to mask my problems with weed and drugs and alcohol, I could never deal with the problems.

But when I was able to take God, my problems, apart from the weed and apart from the maskings of this world, that’s when he began to deal with my problems in my life. And, man, you talk about dealing with trauma when the holy spirit begins to convict you and tell you stuff. It took years of healing. It took years of. Was that. Was it pretty much in a similar boat, except I actually grew it because I live out in the country, too.

So add another sin on top of the other sins and all that, but same thing. Oh, it’s great for my anxiety. I can work longer. This is awesome. It’s all good. And it was just the deception of the enemy. And for me, it was a pretty dramatic experience. And for those of you out there that maybe want to be set free from it, this may be something you ask lord.

I was running. Heidi and I used to run four or 5 miles a day, and I was out running one day by myself. I don’t know why we weren’t running together that day. He runs faster, and it almost sounded like an audio voice. It was so clear. Cast away, Natavia. I’m like, what? I said, oh, boy, this is really good. Now I’m hearing voices. If you want to stop smoking pot, cast away, Natavia.

And I said, yes, I do want to stop smoking pot. Heidi never really got into that, and it was just an issue. And I’m just telling you my experience. I’m not saying this will happen for everybody. For me, it was phenomenal. It was just like something was pulled from the tips of my toes all the way out the top of my head, and it was the fastest I ever ran that day.

My head was very clear from that point forward. In fact, this was like 30 some years ago. The Lord was put me on a path, and the enemy sidetracked me. He got me looking at things of the world and working all kinds of crazy hours, but I was set free from that for, like, 15 years. Then in Michigan, when it came about that medical marijuana was legal I thought, well, what’s the big deal? I never asked the Lord it was okay.

I’m telling you what, when I smoked that weed for the first time, I can’t even explain to you the paranoia, the mind anxiety that I went through. And then coming, the realization, oh, my goodness, I was set free from this all those years ago. All I can think of is that name was the spirit. Whatever spirit. That spirit was called for whatever reason, and I hope no one listens, that’s their name, because it’s not against you.

But I know something was pulled from me, and I think there’s a lot of people out there that may think it’s okay. I’ve heard this argument, well, God made it, then it’s okay. But I just want to say to all of you, be very careful. And this is why I don’t like partaking in any of those kinds of things. And I used to drink party mushrooms, acid, all that stuff.

I want my mind to be clear. If the Lord whispers to me, Chris, I got an assignment for you. I don’t want to be what Lord? I want to be ready. I mean, think about it. He may give us that opportunity. So since you haven’t heard Heidi’s voice and she’s over here just writing away, I’m going to have her read these questions and then we can talk about them.

The word has been an ever increasing cesspool. Oh, the world has been an ever increasing cesspool of sin. The enemy has devised many ways to distract us from being kingdom thinkers and doers. Only when we absorb enough scripture and commit ourselves to serve and obey our Lord Jesus do we gain the right understanding. We have been defeated by many years. A cunning disinformation to make us believe we are always going to be slaves to sin.

That’s a lie from hell, and we need to collectively stop believing it. The Lord tells us in revelation 321, we can be an overcomer as he is an overcomer. The Holy Spirit promises us that we will not have more than we can handle and will always provide a way of escape. There’s only one reason that we are continuing in willful sin. We are not actively looking for a way to escape.

We still have unconscious sin to contend with. But until the Holy Spirit reveals that to us, we have no understanding of it. Are you willing to check yourself daily according to the word for any kind of behavior, habits, lifestyles, addictions, anything that’s unpleasing to God? Do you believe it is possible to live your life without willful sin? Will you commit to being a log inspector of yourself before looking at others.

Is there any part of you that you have not allowed the Holy Spirit access to? Do you feel as though there’s anything in you that keeps you from becoming as Christ like as possible? If our Lord Jesus appeared before us now, would you run to the embrace of his loving arms? Or would you be occupied with thinking about the last sins that you did? What would have to change in your life before you would feel comfortable having every thought that was on your mind displayed to the world? Is the way God views you way more important to you than the way a person does? Would you rather try to live a pleasing life to the Lord now, or take your chances when you’re standing before him? Have you come to a point of despising pride, arrogance, rebelliousness and sin? So those are intended to be used for us to go before the Holy Spirit and see if there’s an area in our lives that maybe we’re not aware of, or a blind spot.

Sometimes it takes quite a while before we’re ready to swing the door open to every room that’s inside of us, to every little passageway, every little dark corner, every little thing that makes up who we are. And we want to be able to get so comfortable with God. He’s a loving father. He would never take anything that he found. He knows it’s already there anyway. He just wants us to understand that he knows it’s already there and he’s ready to help us deal with it.

So let me ask, is there anyone that I know this is the vulnerability time, but is there anyone that, when one of these questions was read, that you feel like the Holy Spirit? And if you want to share, great. And if you’re reserved about, that’s understandable, too. Just know that when we come forward openly to one another, it creates an effect amongst all of us of being willing to share more, being willing to be more accountable, being willing to faithful one another.

If we truly have a desire in our hearts to be of one accord? When we hear of a struggle of a brother and sister, our first go to thing, I’m going to pray for that person that the Lord would guide and direct them on what steps he wants them to take to resolve whatever the issue may be. If we find ourselves with the least little bit of a judgmental spirit, we need to smack that down right away.

And the one thing I wanted to explain about are you at a point in your life where every thought that’s in your mind you could put on display to the world and it would be okay with you. I’m not saying you might not be a little embarrassed or you might be like. What I’m saying is, I’ll just use myself. For example, in the past, I’ve looked at porn.

If a porn image comes in my mind, and the Lord pretty much gave me a very effective way to deal with it. Imagine his blood dripping off those images, and it takes them away really fast. But if someone was viewing my mind and they saw that image for a brief second, you may think, well, how embarrassing that was. And they would turn that channel, man, that guy, he’s really got big problems.

No, leave it on for the second, 10th of a second and you’ll see me rise up with the Holy Spirit in me with a flaming sword, stabbing that image. That’s what we want people to see as christians, who we are. We’re going to deal with all the same kinds of problems and issues that other people do, but we’ve got a different way of coming to a resolution. That’s what should be on display in this world.

Sorry, no. Amen. Amen. It’s important for us to examine ourselves, family. As he was talking about medical marijuana and all of the things, let me tell you, I am a person that at the age 36, I could be on full time disability. My doctors were ready to fill out all the paperwork needed for me to be able to get a Social Security check and just be disabled. God had to work in my life a lot.

A lot. I had to turn over to him many of the things that I was turning over to man and God was able to shift a lot of things. So all we’re saying is, if you’re convicted, know, if you’re know, let’s pray again. Let’s take some time to pray. Sarita. Sister Sarita, would you be able to pray with us? What do you think? Sure. Okay. Lead us into prayer, Sarita.

And just, I think for all of us, this is a hard topic. And like Chris said, the thoughts in his mind, if we were able to see the thoughts that we all go through, forget about it. But there’s hope in Jesus. That’s all we’re saying. There’s hope in Jesus. But we have to let Jesus rule over our many. I’ve had heart surgeries. I’ve had anything you can. It wasn’t until, in my case, my illnesses in my body, I turned them over to Jesus that he changed a lot of behaviors in me.

It took years. Like Chris said, we don’t know what your starting point or final point is. But we hope that if you’re watching this stream today, that in the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit can touch you. Go ahead, Serita. Our precious heavenly Father, we just come before you right now and I have to confess and repent for my own sins. As I’ve been examining myself, I pray, Father, that not only for the first time in my life, but for many times I have fought the evil of gluttony and overeating and not fasting enough for you, and not being able to overcome where I would be able to spend more time in fasting and praying.

And so I come before you and humbly ask that you would forgive me. And I ask, Father, that your spirit would come and help us. Each one of us, Father, we love you and we praise you and we thank you. That you have such mercy and such grace that you love us so much that you’re right there. All we have to do is cry out to you for help.

And I’m crying out to you for help. In this area of my life that I have struggled with, I do desire to be all of me for you. And yet I find it so easy. I’m drawn away by my own lust and by the temptations of the enemy. But yet you’re greater in me than you are in the world. And help me not to forget that. Help me to be able to claim your scripture that says that we are not a part of those who fall back into perdition.

But you have called us out of darkness and into your glorious light. I pray, Father, for each person who is a part of this Bible study fellowship, that your Ruach Hakodesh, your holy spirit, would fall upon each of us and help us, Father, for this is the time in our lives where we are coming to the end of time very quickly. We know that the time is near.

You are coming, and we must fall upon our knees before you. We need you to break us. We need you to heal us. We need you to convict us. We need you to set us free. Help us to be strong and bold and courageous. Help our hands to war and our fingers to fight, Father, that we could come against these giants that are in our lives. That we could overcome them like David did of Goliath.

We just give you all the praise and all of the glory. For we know, Father, that you are most holy and you deserve our praise. If it wasn’t for you, we couldn’t be holy. We wouldn’t even be able to follow any of your commandments and do as you would have us to do. For you are the vine and we are the branches, and we desire to be a part of the vine, a part of you.

I praise you and I thank you. And I know that everyone else here, in the sincerity of all of our heart, Father, we just worship you in spirit and in truth and in unity. Hallelujah. Praise the name of Yahweh in Yeshua Hamashiach’s name. That was awesome. That was awesome. We’ve been here talking about this topic, and it’s a blessing. We’re going to be praying for the prayer requests as well, very shortly.

Chris asked some questions on there, and as Sister Sarita was praying as well, she mentioned some key things, that the only reason we stand is because of God. Right? Does anybody have anything that they want to share? I know, Esteban, you have your hand up each of us. We’re going to be praying around 08:00 eight five. So as we start discussing this, if we could all take one, two minutes as we talk it through.

If not, we’ll just go straight to prayer. We just want to make sure that we can go at this. Okay, go ahead, Esteban. How are you doing, brother? I’m struggling. I want to go back to something you said earlier. Well, first of all, you’re right, this is not a fun topic to discuss. It’s tough, um, because most of the time, when we think about ourselves, when we’re focused on ourselves, when we’re thinking, we’re doing it from a skewed view.

We’re skewing our own view of ourselves most of the time. But when it comes to a question like this, if we really want to know the answer, then we’ve got to be honest with ourselves. And a lot of times, that’s not easy. Or at the very least, we have questions, as I do even now, man, just struggling to listen, struggling to stay awake. And I’m thinking of Peter when he was with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.

Three times, Jesus asked him to stay awake and pray. And, you know, the flesh is weak, but in some aspect, it’s also strong in the sense that it’s easy to give into, hard to resist, and just trying to. That question that brother Chris asked, to examine yourselves, but praise the Lord. If there’s some uncomfortableness, I believe that that’s at least an indicator of God’s mercy, trying to set you straight.

Amen, brother. I feel you on that. And I appreciate that, Esteban, and know that we’re always there for, you know, my challenge to you brother. It’s my challenge to myself. Every day is just do your best today. Do your best today. So that means. I’m not saying you, I’m talking about general. If someone’s struggling with an attitude problem, sometimes thinking about tomorrow may agitate you more that you’re going to have to deal with other.

Just today. Today I’m going to focus on this. Then tomorrow I’ll focus on that and remembering that it’s by his strength and getting to going. All right. Because it’s the only way we’re going to make it, man. Via Jesus, for Jesus, by Jesus. And when he convicts, we listen and we take action. Right. And sometimes today I’m going to focus on my anger issue. Tomorrow I’m going to focus on my cussing.

Next week I’m going to focus on my overeating. And by the time you know it, by the time the year ends, you’ve tackled a lot of issues. I was talking about. By the time I was 35, 36, I had three heart attacks. See, here’s the thing. If you end up getting sick, listen to me for a moment. Let’s say, for example, you end up needing glasses. For example, Chris has glasses on.

Amy has glasses on. Michelle has glasses on. Sarita has glasses on. Deborah has glasses on. Okay. You didn’t willy nilly go out there and play paintball so that you can get your eyes knocked out. No, it just know you just needed glasses. So if you end up in a position that you end up being a little bit sick happens. You didn’t look for it. I was looking for a lot of my issues.

And when you overeat or when you get stressed and you do things you shouldn’t do, there’s a lot of things that could come from that. So I had to surrender a lot of things that I was giving over to pharmacia as an example, or I was given over to weed, or I was given over to alcohol. I was given a lot of things over in life as God kept on changing me in my walk.

We’re talking about many years ago. All I’m trying to say is that just like that example of the glasses, don’t willy needily go out there looking for your eyes to be shot. Know the Holy Spirit convicts you to be doing something. It’s for a purpose. Okay? When God told me, tally, you got to stop drinking soda. And I love that soda. I love that Coca Cola, man. I love that Coca Cola with some, you know, but you know how much sugar that has in know, but God was like, okay, so you willy nilly take a two liter of soda, but then you got to poke yourself with insulin.

No, stop drinking the soda. Stop drinking some more water. Then you don’t have to put insulin. It’s not the devil. It’s not the Coca Cola demon. You have a choice of taking it or not taking it. Right? So what we’re saying is, yes, we’re going to go through issues in life, but trust me, take these things to God. Let the conviction of God help you. And just like with the temptations, no temptation has overtaken you except that which is common to man.

But with the temptation, God provides a way out and a way of escape. Right? Same thing with our lives. Okay, you take him to the father. Take him to the father. You know what I mean? That’s it. You don’t think Chris doesn’t want to wear glasses, but you know what? He has to wear glasses. That’s just the way it goes. But he didn’t just go poke his eye out by himself.

Just moral of the story, don’t go poke your eye out. All right, Shelly. What’s up, Shelley? Hey, brother. So your opinion about marijuana is that it’s a sin, right? Well, elaborate a little bit more. Okay, that’s a broad. Give me an example. Well, people have Parkinson’s. People have multiple sclerosis, and it’s a plant that God made. And I know that it can be taken, and I have taken it where it’s too much, and it’s not a sober mindedness, or if you take it all the time, then it can destroy your life and make you lazy.

But is it really bad to take a little bit at nighttime? Sometimes we’re allowed to have a little wine. In the Bible, it says you can have a little wine for your often infirmities. Marijuana helps with pain. It helps with. Some people have multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s. Like me, I have went back and forth with it, whether it’s a sin or not. I’m really not totally convinced that it’s a sin.

I feel like it’s a sin in my life when I overdo it. And I’ve been there, and that’s not good. But a little bit, I don’t know, doesn’t seem like a sin to me. I got you, and I’m sure I’m not alone either, but a lot of other. I can only give you my opinion based on my life and my walk with Jesus, Shelley. Right. Because I can’t pull up proverbs 1525.

Weed is a sin. There’s no Bible verse that I can pull on that. Okay? So I don’t want to do that. But I can tell you that in my life, nine times out of the ten times that I ever smoked weed, I’m just talking about me, tally. And I did it justifying it for a migraine or justifying for back pain or justifying for anything. I just wanted to get high.

Me. Tally, I’m not saying that’s you or that’s anybody else. I’m talking about me. Nine times out of the ten times that I ever smoked herb, I used all an excuse. I used to tell my dad before he actually tried to WHOOP me, and he would. His dad just helps me with my anxiety. PTSD from when my mom died. All sorts of stuff. He’s like, my belt is going to cure that.

Know, the chocolate will take that anxiety away. Real know. So we can justify a lot of things, right? So what I can tell you from my part, Shelley, is if you’re having issues sleeping at night, and I am not a doctor, let’s put that clear, because I know the YouTube situation. I’m not tally md here, okay? I’m not a doctor. But I can tell you that nine times out of the ten times, even ten times out of the ten times, when we are doing these types of things, they’re going to cause our minds not to be clear, not to be sober, not to be at a point that we’re making wise, good decisions.

Not only that, but when we justify any type of drug usage, I don’t think that we’re supposed to get high. If you’re asking for that, I don’t consider that we’re supposed to be high. But what I’m telling you on top of that is it was when I gave up all of those drugs that God was able to deal with the real reason why I struggled with anxiety. Chris just posted this verse where it says, be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

Right? So part of being sober is making sure that you’re sober minded. And, Shelly, here’s the thing. When I struggled to sleep at night, it was for a reason. It was trauma, okay? A lot of unresolved trauma. When I had anxieties, it was a lot of unresolved issues. Try doing this. And this is just my best advice, okay? Anything that has a hold on you that much that we try to gasp, try to just give it up for a whole month, try.

I have. Okay, good. And then carry that on to the next month and then the other month. Yeah, go ahead. You say that it makes you not sober minded. I don’t feel like it’s like that for me. They have it in gummy form and if I take five milligrams, it really helps. And I do feel better. And you call it getting high. But what does wine do? I don’t.

Well, a lot of people do. And scripture says we can. There was people in the Bible that didn’t. But it does say that you can have a little wine for your oft infirmities. Wine also makes you relax. Marijuana makes you relax. And it’s like a natural plant that God made. So I think that if it’s taken responsibly and it’s not overly done, that it’s not bad. Just like wine.

So here’s what I would say. It sounds like you’re convinced in your point of view, you’re convinced there’s nothing I can do to unconvince that. No, you can. Otherwise, I’m just trying to have dialogue. No, I know that. I get what you’re saying. But what I’m saying is it sounds like I can show you about. There’s no way that I can point to the scripture and tell you that smoking weed is necessary.

There’s nothing. I don’t smoke it. Yeah, okay. But there’s so many examples trying to tell us, for us to be sober minded, and like I mentioned to you, you need to look past as to why you’re taking those gummies. There’s a reason why you’re taking gummies. By the way, don’t you remember the war on crime? At one point in time, if you sold even a bag of weed, you went to jail for 2030 years.

Now you can buy weed in any corner, in every moment, in every place. And via Pharmacia, there’s a lot of deceptions that are going to be out there. And all I’m saying is that if you’re at a point in your life and in your walk, that you want to smoke herb or take the gummies or do what you have to do, I suggest that before you do that, write down on a piece of paper the symptoms of why you’re doing it.

And nine times out of ten, when you take these things to God, he’ll convict you on what to do. And you’re not going to have to take that herb. You’re not going to have to take that weed. You’re not going to have to do that because God definitely wants you sober minded. He doesn’t want you to be in this type of position. But it’s going to be one of those things that, like I said, it sounds like you’re convinced already on this.

There’s nothing I can do. No, I want to have a discussion about it. I think I bring some valid points. Okay. Do you think a person that takes a glass of wine is not sober minded? Maybe I could be a little bit ahead, maybe. Wait, real quick. Could you answer that question? Do you think that a person. I think it’d be helpful if I hope. Go ahead, Rob.

Can you tell me your thoughts first and then you, Rob? Well, because I think that the thought from the word that I want to give Shelley is to be helpful for you and to tally, because I don’t think you’re being helpful for tally, and let me explain why. So this is somewhat of a be. I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but I think Romans 14 deals with the issue of what our faith allows and what it says specifically.

It talks about food and drink. It talks about things, but I personally think that it’s relevant to your conversation right now. And it’s Romans 1422 that says specifically. So whatever you believe, Shelley, about these things, keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself or herself, in this case, by what she approves. And that being said, the verse just before, which is most important, our brother Tally had said that this was a stumbling block for him, and he needed to remove it from his life, and he felt that that was a way that he could worship.

It was a choice that he needed to make because it was a crutch for him. And so 21 verse 1421. Romans 1421 says it’s better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall. So, in deference to tally, if you have an opinion, Shelley, about marijuana, and I do, too, I think that it can be used as a medicine, and I’ve seen it do so effectively for things like you had talked about, particularly for tremors and things like that.

So I understand that. But if we were talking about alcohol and you knew that tali, let’s say he had a problem with alcohol, and you’re like, I don’t think it’s a problem. Know, I think you should be able to just walk into a bar if it causes Tali to stumble. The decision that you should make in this conversation is not to seek validation from Tali, who says that it affected his faith and God led him to stop it, but for you to keep it between yourself and God.

If your faith Shelley tells you that this is allowable for you, then great. Not everything’s beneficial. And the message that we get today is for you simply to self reflect and decide whether your use of this is for something medicinal, that is a benefit for you, that keeps you closer to God. Or is it something that is an impediment from you being closer to God? One of the biggest things that I was able to discover that God revealed to me as a worship leader, because so many times I was going through the motions, and I viewed worship as singing and raising hands, maybe, and doing things outwardly, particularly singing, because that’s what I did in order to show God my appreciation for him.

But oftentimes that worship, that we think of it as a music thing and a call response thing with a worship leader, that worship can come with our choices. And for Tali, his choice was to remove that entirely from his life. For yours, it doesn’t involve that. But where your choice should go, in answer to your question here is Tali is not the right person to ask this question to because he’s not going to agree with you.

You have to keep it between yourself and God. Keep connected to God. Imagine yourself, like Ezekiel 47, as a tree that is rooted into the living water, the endless flood of living water that is a flood of grace. And if you do that, you will bear fruit. And I believe that if you choose not to do that and you unplug from God, so to speak, you’re not going to bear fruit, and God’s not going to use you.

But the greatest beautiful thing, and I love that Sister Heidi had said this particularly with revelation three. She had mentioned revelation three about overcoming. But what I love about that, that’s the church of Laodicea that God is talking to, and the ones who he says he’s going to spit them out of his mouth as lukewarm. But what he says, which is a great promise for us, and that I can trust it for you, Shelley, is that if you’re not meant to partake in marijuana, that God will rebuke you.

As many as I love, he says, just a few lines before the overcoming. I rebuke and chasten, be zealous, therefore, and repent. And one of the most beautiful things about revelation three for me, that God preaches to those lukewarm people is normally we’ve heard of Jesus saying, ask, seek, and knock. You do the knocking, you do the asking, and the door will be open for you. But in revelation three, he actually says to the lukewarm, he says, behold, I stand at the door.

Jesus says, I’m the door. And he knocks. He says he won’t let you go, so trust in him. Take this to God, Shelly. Leave it between you and God. And don’t seek approval from Tally, because think about the fact that you might be causing him to stumble. Hopefully that’s helpful. That’s really good. I appreciate that. Hey, can you message me? Okay, I’ll message you. Yeah, we’re in contact.

It’s good. We’ll talk. It’ll be good. Kali, I have a question for you. This came up in a conversation I had with a friend, and they had, over the last eight years, four different times, started smoking pot, stopped smoking pot, and had a discussion with them, and very resistant. But then they quit, and they were talking about how great it was and how wonderful the clarity was, and that their joy was coming back to their heart again, and they were seeing things more clearly.

And that separation that they felt from God was now being restored. And it broke my heart that a few weeks later, this person went back to it. What would you tell a person like that? That’s me. You’re talking about me. The difference is that I’m not doing it like I was all day, every day. I changed it. I’m just doing it a little bit a night, and it helps.

I’m just saying the words that you spoke to us. I’m not saying. I know that I spoke myself, and it concerns me. Let’s talk about it. Okay. So here’s what I would say. All right. First of all, trying to ask the holy spirit to give me the way to express it the best way possible. We knew that this was a hard topic. Right. Of examining ourselves. Right. Okay.

So, Shelley, if I may. I just being honest with you, have I ever disrespected you? No. Never. Have I always given you respect? Yeah. Okay. Have I ever come at you the wrong way? No. Okay. So if I can. As I’m. I’m talking, if I’m trying to get my point across, if you can allow me to share it, that’ll be great. Okay. All I’m trying to do here is make sure that we do whatever we got to do to make sure that we can reach people.

That’s all we’re doing. And I know in this case, you’re struggling with weed. I get that. And it could be edible. It could be a popcorn if you want to. But just as right now, you’re at a point that you’re struggling with that aspect of weed. There are people in this room that are struggling with porn, okay? There’s people watching this on the stream that are struggling with some sort of an addiction or some sort of a problem.

So don’t think that just because we’re talking about the weed issue that we’re coming at you. You know what I mean? Just want you to know that there is anger, there’s rage, there’s bitterness, there’s adultery, there’s all sorts of things in this room. So as we’re talking about it, I just want you to understand that aspect, okay? It’s extremely important for me to just share with you that, at least from my perspective, from my perspective and my walk in Jesus Christ, that we do everything and anything possible to cast down anything that we have, okay? All of our cares, all of our anxieties, all of our problems, all of our fears, all of our worries, all of our.

Everything. And for me, when I was in a position that I was addicted to marijuana, whether I justified it or didn’t justify it, whether I was or I wasn’t, it definitely caused me to stumble in a very huge way. There is a battle for our minds. A battle for our minds. And that battle that’s happening for our minds is a constant one, okay? This is why the word of God tells you, casting down imaginations to the authority into the word of Jesus Christ, okay? So because there’s a war on our mind, because God is always telling us to take these intrusive thoughts to the word of Jesus Christ, okay? Because God is calling us to be sober minded.

Why would we want to do anything in our walk or in our life that causes us not to be at a point that we are sober minded. Why? Amen. Amen. So all I am saying is that, okay, now, if someone is truly ill and a doctor says, here’s a blood pressure pill, hey, right? Let me give you an example. My daughter, how many times when we took her to the doctor because she was going through an issue, that it was an issue with her, she was showing a lot of different symptoms, and the doctors would say, we’re going to give her this pill.

We’re going to give her that pill. No, let’s diagnosis. Are you going to take insulin if you haven’t checked if you got diabetes? No. Right? So what I’m saying is sometimes we justify a lot of the things that we love to do, okay? There’s a lot of people that say, I drink wine. Those are separate videos. Drinking wine, smoking weed, we can tap into all of these aspects, but the bottom line is that anything that takes you away from having a sober mind is destructive to your walk in Jesus Christ and is destructive entirely to what God has for your life.

Okay, you can believe me. You cannot believe me. That’s okay. I totally get that. But why is it that this topic really flustered a lot of feathers in every aspect, but at least Shelley was able to talk about what it flustered her. A lot of us, even in all of us, there’s something. So let’s all take the lessons learned and say, you know what, God? What is it that you want me to improve on? God, what is it that you want me to do? And if you want me to make a video on smoking herb, we’ll talk about that.

There’s no problem talking about that. But just like weed, just like herb, just like alcohol, just like many of these things can take you away from having a sober mind. There’s a lot of other sins that do the same. So, Shelley, I love you very much. All right? I care for you very much. I don’t have the time to interact with you every day, so if you hit me up, I can’t do it.

Can’t do it. Okay. All right. So I’m horrible at that, but I love you very much. All right. Anyone else has anything else that they want to discuss? Because I know this is a good topic. I just want to say, praise the Lord. This is how we learn to be of one accord. It’s these hard things that proves the depth of love we’re willing to have with one another, and we should rejoice in these times.

This is what grows us to levels that we’ll never get to unless we have this kind of stuff. Brother, when you’re ready to have that topic or have that video, I would definitely want to be a part of that, because Brother Rob, all y’all, said some very true and important things, and I can also, myself, give a little bit of clarity on both the alcohol and the pot as.

But, yeah, I liked what Chris said, because Chris had kind of said that he went back to it a little bit, and he started to feel paranoia. And I would say that that was God’s chastisement. And I didn’t get a chance to say, like, a personal experience, too. The last time I smoked weed, I was a Christian. I was in faith. My brothers really was a lot more into it.

And this was about seven years ago, and that was the last time I did it, because the chastisement that I got from God because he’s looking out for us and he’s there and he will correct us, is I got to a level of paranoia. It was one of those experiences, and a lot of people who’ve had this before, they know what I’m talking about. I thought I was going to die, and I already had, like, a blood pressure issue.

And what it does is it makes your blood pressure higher. And I’m sitting there, and there’s. My brothers, used to these things, trying to talk me down. And I’m sitting there as this is all happening, going, I lead worship at a church. What am I doing? I knew that it was chastisement from the Lord. And it was like, all right, God, I’m sorry. Thanks for the reminder. I never want to feel like this again.

Good, Chris, I’m sure Chris. That probably lit something on. Chris, I would like to say something, if I may. Please do it. In regards to examining yourself and a little bit of what Shelley was saying, especially when you said both Rob and Chris, as well as tally, in regards to backsliding and things like that. Before I became a Christian, before I even started even knowing, having a relationship with God, I’m from the city, and I’m from the streets.

I always tell people I’m from the hood, and that’s where I come from. I grew up drinking, smoking, drinking, smoking, drinking, smoking, waking up, smoking and drinking. And that’s a weakness for me. That’s something that God delivered me from. I would not want to go back to it. I understand people fall, and that happens to them, but I know if I go back, I don’t know what I’ll become, and I don’t ever want to experience that.

So one of the things I asked for was to be released from that, because that had a hold on me. I lost a lot of friends when I came to the faith, because I didn’t want to drink with them no more. I didn’t want to party with them no more. They started looking at me differently. They started not talking to me the same way, kind of like I was being pushed out, if that makes any sense.

So I say, listen, shelley, to each his own. I can never tell you or tally or Bob or Chris or anyone tell you what to do and how to feel, but just know you. Just be mindful sometimes when you speak on things. Just be very careful when you’re discussing certain things, because you never know how strong a person is on the faith or how weak a person is in the faith.

You know, what I mean? So sometimes there’s triggers. There are things that people remind them of certain things. And me, I know how when it comes to people having past and dealing with, struggling with pornography and things like that, I get it. So a lot of people I know in Christianity, especially in the churches, or religious wise, especially pentecostal, they love passing judgment on people. And a lot of people, they’re very scared to speak or even shy.

So I have to commend you, Shelley, for even saying what you said, because many people, they won’t have the courage or the strength to even admit what they’re doing. And I just wanted to just say that, like I said, I respect this body. I respect everyone here. I love everyone here. And I’m just glad that tally brought this up as a very. Wow, very powerful. I didn’t know which way it was going to go, but it’s like Chris said, everyone’s in one accord, and at the end, everything is peaceable, which is good.

I thank God for that. He’s here in the midst. I know that he’s definitely here. It’s a hard topic, and I knew that it was going to be a hard topic. No disrespect meant to anyone in talking the topic. But at the same time, it’s one of those things that we all got to keep on growing with each other, and we’re all trying to learn with each other and grow with each other and do the best that we possibly can within the circumstance.

Now, one thing I do want to say is, because it is going to be a good discussion, the same way that we. This is just my opinion, because based on my conviction of things, of how I was walking and we got to get to prayer, I remember when I had given up smoking herb and walking in my walk, and I just did not like it. But whenever the doctor would prescribe something that I would take, like, still.

It’s still pharmacia in a way, right? And God will always tell me, tally, the same way that you’ve turned in many of these things to me, right? And you scrutinize that, scrutinize this. And I’m telling you that God began to work in so many aspects of my life. So the same way we would look at a person who smokes weed, as an example, be like, oh, you shouldn’t smoke weed.

There’s a lot of things that sometimes we’re consuming that if we change certain things in our life that begin with conviction, that you may be able to have that same dislike for that thing. Does that make sense? I’m confusing. I don’t know how to talk. That’s good. Does that make sense? Because, for example, I willingly, for many years, destroyed my body so I wouldn’t have an issue with taking a blood pressure pill.

Right. And eating totone with all the salt that I could eat. All that salt. You know what I mean? And it’s still something that’s in my body that could cause issues. I had to adjust certain things, lower my salt intake, work out more, fix this. Because when God’s convictions hit, it’s not just one thing, it’s going to go everywhere. So the same way that we’re talking about that, let’s apply it to all aspects of our life and love you guys.

We got to pray. Any final words, Chris? And I’m sorry we didn’t discuss it more, but I think we did a lot today. Just real quick, and hopefully you guys caught this. I’m very sensitive to gossip. I was hoping that by me saying, I have a friend, which I consider shelly, we talked back and forth several times for her to understand. The enemy was throwing the rope out to lasso her in again.

And I wanted her to have you guys without me being connected and saying, well, that’s Shelly. I would never do that. And I don’t want you, any of you, to think I did that, because she was the one that said it was me. And I was surprised she actually said, just. It hurt my heart. It hurt Heidi’s heart when this all started back up again, and we’re like, oh, lord.

So we love her. We’re going to continue to pray for and we’re going to believe by faith that we will be reunited in fellowship once again and that the Lord’s name will be glorified, because that should always be all of our agenda. He gets glorified. Amen. Wait, I’m sorry. Excuse me, but does Shelley leave? No, no. I’m going to have a conversation with have it. And that’s something that I’m going to be having.

Listen, I’ll be honest. I apologize if I offended her. Please. Oh, no, not at all. You didn’t offend her, dude. No, you did. Awesome. And I don’t think any of us offended her, nor did she offend us. But here’s the thing. Number one, we have to keep a schedule because I work about 1012 hours a day, so I’m exhausted. So we got to keep a schedule. And number two, going back and forth like that, there are certain things that are better kept offline.

I’ll be honest with you, I think I do the best that I possibly can. And I got a lot to work on, on being able to work with people, but there’s no way that I’m going to be able to go back. We’re going to tap into wine. So then after we handle wine, then it’s going to be, what about this? And then there’s certain things that better kept offline and just have an example.

We can talk about it later on. Because sometimes, and I’ve been there, too, when you’re convinced in your mind of something, there’s nothing that’s going to change it. Not a Zoom call at 08:00 at night. This is not going to solve it. So it’s better to just call it a day. We’ll talk later on. We’ll handle it in private. We’ll be all right. Everything’s going to work out.

At the end of the day. My daughter. I talk to my daughter all the time. I tell her, listen, if you want to play games, go get an Atari. You know what I mean? I don’t have the ability for that. Not because I think it’s a game, but because I honestly just don’t like to be at a point where we go back and forth. We set a bad example, we disrespect people.

These are not easy. We can’t just give easy responses to many of these things. We got to go to the word of God, and we got to take time and talk through each other and pray with each other. So some of these things are going to be, this is what we’re going to do every week. And we’re going to grow with each other and we’re going to get there.

But, yeah, I’m going to have a conversation with her. We’re going to break some bread. We’re going to talk. We’re going to make sure we do that. But I can’t go in the tit for tat. There’s no way that I can do that. I’m not going to win that. No one’s going to win that. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Right. And what happens is then the enemy will get her to say something, or me to say something.

We haven’t prayed over it. We actually haven’t even talked. Did I do a Bible study on wine today? No, I didn’t do that. So I’m not prepared to talk about wine. Did we do one on weed? No. We’re talking about sins in general. So what I have to do is have to say, okay, you know what? Let’s use wisdom for a moment. Calm things down for a moment.

You chill out. We’ll talk later on. We’ll figure things out. If we have to make a video on the topic, we’ll talk about, you know, we’re trying our best that we can with what we. No, Shelly, we love you. I love you. I ain’t got no problem with just at 08:00 at night for me to go into a Bible study about wine. It took me hours, and I wouldn’t be dedicating my full time to it.

I’ll be disrespecting you by just, hey, wine’s a sin. This is a sin. That’s a sin. I can’t do that. We have to go to the word of God. We have to break things, too. And we will. We’ll do. Yeah. Hopefully that. I see the marijuana topic is big, though, because it’s in the comments like crazy. So we’re going to have to deal with it. I’m sorry, Shayna.

My apologies. No, it’s fine. Like my pastor says, I have to have a disclaimer. You were great. So I don’t think you should second guess yourself. You say you did perfect. You didn’t say nothing wrong. I never want to offend anyone. I know how I was and what I did, and I just don’t want to go back to it. So when people say things like afflictions and addictions, I know exactly what that is.

And I know about the people that I lost, people that I’m still losing because of those things. Thank you for sharing. Colleagues, we love you. If you want to have the prayer time now, I’m more than happy to stay on. If anybody wants to talk about some of these things more. Yeah, let’s go ahead and pray. And then we’ll have. Zane has something to say as well. Thank you, Zayn.

And again, for all of you that are watching this, listen, again, I don’t have all the answers. I don’t. But I think the main gist of it is we have to examine know to the best that we know. And if we do that, we’re going to be all right. I have to examine myself. We all got to examine ourselves. So let’s go ahead and pray, and hopefully you can tune in next Tuesday as well.

We’ll keep it going. Shelley, I’ll be in contact with you and we’ll have a conversation. All right. All right. Let’s go ahead and prayer request. Father God, we do come before you envisioning right now, you on your throne with Jesus at your right hand. We envision, Lord, that you’ve heard every thought. You’ve heard every word. You know how much we love you. And you know how much we place things before you if we do at times.

So, Lord, we seek to have forgiveness if we’ve placed anything before us and in between you and us, Lord, we give thanks that Jesus came and became the intermediator between you and us to draw us closer to you by washing the sins away, Lord, may we respect that so much and not dirty up the garments in willful sin. So with that, what you left in the holy spirit, we ask to be filled with your holy spirit, Lord.

Lord, we desire for you to put a great amount so that we would hunger and thirst for righteousness, Lord, that we just couldn’t get enough of your word in us, Lord, that we love you so much that not even one little speck of sin, Lord, we’d want to have in our life. Father, just as you had your people leave the land of Egypt, you took good care of them all the gold and valuables was freely given to the people.

And then you had them leave in peace. You opened up the sea and you provided a land of honey and milk and honey, Lord, we don’t want to be afraid because of the giants, Lord. We don’t want to grumble. Father, help us. We cry out to you to guide and direct our thoughts. Our tongue and our actions. Reveal to us what needs to be revealed so that we are full of thanksgiving and full of praise, lord, and full of boldness to go after those giants and get that milk and honey to get that deep relationship with you as you design for us to have.

Lord, we think of Kimmy, mama bear and Euro. They’re placed on the prayer list by a brother. Lord, we don’t know what their full circumstances are. But we do pray, Lord, that they would sense your presence in their life, Lord, whatever their heart cry is, each time they put their head on a pillow, we ask, father, that they would hear your voice, Lord, remove any unclean spirit that’s preventing them from hearing your voice in their hearts.

We pray that they would see the deceptions if there is any. And if there’s healing that needs to be placed, Lord, that that would take place in their lives. So whatever it may be, we pray for these souls. We pray for J Rod, for his family trying to present the gospel to him. Lord, may jrod be able to live a life, Lord, in obedience to you. A life that is a testimony to the family and depend on you giving the words so that it can be spoken in your proper time.

Lord God, we pray for Jesus’coming for health and salvation for them and their family. Lord, may their name be kept in the book of life. May they be able to turn away from the things of this world and turn to you and hold on to your truth and realize that there is life eternal in it and come to repentance. We pray for Tina, regenerated lady. She has a cousin named Joyce with a brain aneurysm.

She had surgery on 121 and now has pneumonia. Lord, how lonely it would be to be in a hospital bed and have many thoughts and pain. We pray for Joyce, Lord God, that your healing touch would be there. That as many who are on the bed in illness, Lord, is a time oftentimes many hear your voice. And we pray that to be so for Joyce. We also ask, Lord, that her husband, who has to travel an hour and 15 minutes to get to the hospital, has safety in traveling to and fro and is able, Lord God, to go through this difficult time.

So we thank you for the love that Tina has for her cousin to bring her name before all of us. That we could pray for these two going through this very difficult time. Lord, may your presence be ever so strong there in that hospital. And we would ask even that the support staff of caregivers, Lord, could be encouragers to them as well. That they could be a testimony to them.

Infallible praying for a crazy life situation that’s taking place, Lord God, you know what that is. And we ask that your hand be in this individual’s life, that they would see what you’re doing to draw them close to you. That whatever this situation is, it sounds like it’s of the enemy if it’s crazy. So, Lord, may your direction, may your guidance, your words penetrate the mind of infallible.

That they would know what your direction is for them and that they would tune out the enemy. Dee Tran a brother is going through some health issues and personal issues, Lord, we pray for Romeo, that he would, Lord God, during this time of being on bed rest. For personal issues, Lord, that he wouldn’t seek the things of this world, but would seek truth. And that it would make sense to him.

That if anything seems foggy in his mind, Lord, that it would be crystal clear, Lord Jesus, that you are the way and the truth and the life. And that realizing you are the master physician. We pray for Belchus Cabera, nasal sinus congestion, and also for discernment. Father God, you are truly the one we need to go to to have the answers to our questions. May Belchus turn to you in each and every way seeking what you would want them to do.

And as their body has this issue going on, we do pray Lord God, for your healing touch to be there and that Belchus faith would not fail them, but they would continue, Lord, to be faithful and true to you. Pray for Sister Nancy and that she would, it’s kind of, I think unspoken. So we’ll just pray for her and that she would, whatever it is that is needing some assistance from you Father God, that you know what her heart cry is.

And Lord, we will say please help this sister so that her faith even increases in you and that the enemy wouldn’t have any hold on any issue. LJ Lacroix at home and not feeling well, Father, thank you. That by faith that these requests are being laid here before your throne and that we have faith in knowing that you’re hearing them and that you Lord, want to know what’s going on with your children.

So by faith we ask for a healing touch physically and also spiritually to increase our faith that anything meddling of the enemy that’s taking place, we’re going to reject it and have even stronger faith in you, Lord Jesus, because you are the master healer. Innate ways continue hard on the path, holding tight into the word of Jesus. I pray that you’d be able to keep on this path and not let any type of disturbance of the world, Lord, shake this individual.

That this individual would stick to the truth and never waver. Crystal or, excuse me for Cheryl. Cope with pain and fatigue and other circumstances, Lord, we pray for wisdom for Cheryl. We pray that whatever type of ailment is taking place, Lord, that your healing touch would be upon her. And that whatever these circumstances, Lord, we tap in and ask for your wisdom so that choices that are being made would be always choices that lead closer to you and into your understanding.

So may they have peace, Lord, in drawing closer to you in these times, holy squires, to have pain leave, Lord yes, especially during this time with holly. That your presence would be ever so strong. Whether holly is bedridden or able to walk and move around, that she would depend on you even more. And whatever attacks it may be from the enemy, Lord God, we ask that it would leave in Jesus name and that holly could have relief, Lord, and praise your name even more.

Bear him company for their son’s bowels, Lord, we do pray that this son, Lord, would have a healing touch from you, Lord, we’re seeking to have your hand, your divine healing to be upon their son. Lord, may your, may. Your requester that’s placing this before you, Lord, have faith that comfort can come on behalf of their son by placing this at your feet. Solo board gaming night regarding assist on brain Lord God, we know that you are the master physician and whether it’s concerning somebody’s bowels or their brain, Lord, we ask for your healing touch to be upon them in a special way.

May they praise your name all the more. Lord God, not allowing any foothold of the enemy to take place in doubt, and not allowing any foothold whatsoever of the enemy to decrease them praising your name. May they sing your name, Jesus, in a sweet way, making Lord their faith increase even more. Thank you father, for the honor to pray for these individuals. Thank you for this discussion we’ve had tonight.

Lord, we love you, we praise your name and we eagerly await that time when we can be in embraced with you. Lord God, we ask for wisdom concerning the matters discussed tonight. Lord, we don’t want to go through this world without your wisdom. So we’re asking by faith, believing that you will bless us with it. Bless us with discernment as we discuss things with our other brothers and sisters on the chat.

Lord, that we can be in unity in your name, Jesus. It’s because of you we can say these things. Amen. Did you guys get any prayer requests? Ernest and Amy not really, but we did. We were just listening. We were just listening and just kind of jot down. Well, she wrote down some stuff we already snotted. Yeah, we got a little bit. I mean, we didn’t get none, but we were just listening and she was led to.

I just want to make sure that we’re not leaving any prayers. Yeah, I pray a little bit. Just a little bit. Oh father, our dear heavenly, righteous, true father. Thank you, yahweh, for everything you have, dear, for us and things you are doing for us. We come to you with a sincere heart and an open mind, father, ask you to hear our prayers and let them go up.

And just as a sweet smelling aroma, yaku, give us your heart so we can examine ourselves righteous for you and purge out the things that’s not for you, not from you, of you. Father, I just pray you just examine us and just let us be able to get the log out of our eyes. And if it takes an escavira to get it out, just let your spirit be the escavira so we can pluck it out, so we can see clearly and we can see the ways that you want us to see.

We want to pray not only in this aspect for our sister Sarita, but also for myself and others who followed in this, father, that let us let go of the gluttony. And to learn how to fast more and pray more and give you more of our time, father, because we fall short in that area. I mean, it could be not just gluttony from food. It can be gluttony from other things.

Anything that takes away time from you, father, that we’re spending more time. And that’s a form of gluttony. And we just indulging in it too much. And we just ask that you just purge that out of sister Serita and myself and others lives, father. And for our dear brother Esteban, we pray for him so he can examine himself, so he can be more honest with himself. And just give him the confidence and the happiness that he deserves.

Because he are fearfully and wonderfully made, father, in your image. And just continue to let your kadesh just be with him. And just give him the courage to live for today. Because tomorrow can take care of itself. And just give you praise and honor today. And for Shelly as well. And for others as well. We just pray that for the things that she’s in, father, for the taking of the pot or whatever, father, I just pray that you just lay it on.

Tell his heart to say the right words. Let his words come through. But not only his words, father, I pray from anointed. I pray that you just touch her heart. You prick her heart with your spirit. And anoint her mind to receive the truth and your truth for her. And not nobody else, but your truth for her on this subject, Father. And just guide her in your truth, Father.

And just let her understand and give her a clear understanding about it, Father, because you know the truth and you know the clear understanding. And also for my dear brother Chris, no, I’m saying for healing. And just to keep him. Just keep him on fire for you, him and my dear sister Heidi as well. Just keep them on fire for you. Just keep them lifted up. And you keep giving them wisdom of encouragement.

And to disciple others to get closer to you, Father. And for tally to keep on pushing on and pushing forward to doing what he’s doing. To help lead, guide and direct us into your truth. And also for Brother Rob to keep singing those beautiful hymns to you, Father. And just lifting us up and letting our spirit be uplifted with singing of hymns and songs. And father, I just want to just thank you for everything you have did and just for this meeting that you have let us partake in today and just continue to let us grow in you and let us examine ourselves.

Let us examine ourselves the way that you have us. And you called us who we are supposed to be, Father. And just let us not look at our salvation and our walk as towards other christians or other people that think that we may think they have it all right, because your relationship with us is different from theirs. Let us hold fast to your relationship that we have with you, the true or true relationship with us, being intimate with you, giving you all that we have.

And, father, I just pray that we just let go of these early things and just hold fast to you and just hold you and just. We cherish you and we just give you all the honor. You have been so good to us. You have been so good to us. And I just lift your name on high and we pray these things in the mighty, mighty name of Yahusha mashiach.

We pray. Thank everyone for being patient with Tally and I, our conversations. I wish you guys could listen to them all. We’re always focusing on just a couple things. How can we all become better servants to the most high? That’s where our focus is. And how can we duplicate making disciples so more and more and more and more people? And we certainly do not have it figured out yet, but our hearts are.

So thank you all for your patience. We will continue to try. Yeah, absolutely. Listen, we’re all just trying. If I sound exhausted, it’s because I’ve been up working since six and it’s 847, so I’m hungry. Oh, look at Shannon. What a nice guy. Tell him hi. Tell him hi. So, listen, we ain’t got it all figured out yet. We’re going to figure it out. Hindsight is 2020, so in hindsight, you can always say, I could be better at that or be better at this.

Be at. Be at the other. But just know I love all of you very much, and it takes all of us to continue to grow in this. And if at any point in time, you feel that we could have done a better job, we love that. Brotherniptali@gmail. com tell me, Tally, you did horrible at this. Hey, I’m there for it. I’m not a defensive person. I’m not going to get defensive or upset.

If anything, I’m going to figure out how to get better. That’s what this is about, self examination. Catherine, you don’t have to worry about Shelley. I know that you’re worried about Shelley. And I’m not saying not to be worried about Shelley, but we’re going to make sure we not worry in the sense we’re going to make sure we reach out. I’m going to make sure I reached out.

And this is not a random caller or random, if you tuned in last week, I said I wanted to use one of Shelley’s pictures in my videos. So this is not a random caller that just said, let me call at this point in time. No, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that sometimes comes out like this. And this is why sometimes we just have to say, all right, just call it a day.

But yeah, no, she’s going to be cool. Catherine, I love the fact that you guys love each other and everyone loves each other. That’s what this is about. It’s just that if we don’t proceed with certain topics, there’s no way that we’re going to actually get to going. Yeah, no, Catherine, I know you have a lot of love and you’re a person who cares about a lot of people.

You’re awesome. So I want you to know that sometimes the opposite thing would have been we would have gone bickering back and forth. We’ll still be bickering back and forth. And you know what? That’s not productive. That’s not good, right? It’s just a bad example. And I’m human. At the end of the day, I haven’t eaten my food. I got to eat some rice and beans pretty soon.

So I’m going to end up saying something that ain’t good. Right? So the opposite end is just me saying, you know what? Let’s just call it a day. You know what I mean? Call it a day. That’s why I said, have I ever disrespected you? Because the answer is no. Anybody who goes to our community, they know that we just trying our best. That’s all we’re trying to do.

So we’re going to get better. If at any point in time anything was done correctly, email me. Brethrenitalia@gmail. com I’ll take the feedback. I’ll grow from it, learn from it, get better, and know that at the end of the day, we’re just trying the best we know. So we love you guys very much. And also, I just wanted to say kudos to everyone who’s part of this, all of you that are here, we did a little bit extended than normal.

All of you that are on YouTube, thank you for being a part of this. Cheryl cope. Thank you for being kind. And see, like, Cheryl gave me feedback. I’m not going to be like Cheryl. We don’t like, you know, we take feedback and we grow from it. That’s all it is. Listen, this is about being self examining each other. No, wait. This is training me up, because if you would have asked me questions ten years ago, I would have been like, you know what? No, we ain’t talking about that.

But now I’m like, okay, let’s talk about it some more. Let’s talk about it some more. Okay, enough. But we’re going to get better. We’re going to get better. That’s what this is about. If we don’t learn from these things and grow from these things, we’re never going to get better. How many congregations don’t have issues and then they never talk about it, and then it just ends up to something bananas.

All we talked about today is self examination. It just happened to be that weed came out of it. But let’s be honest here. There’s a lot of stuff that didn’t come up here that we were all feeling. So whether it’s lust or rage or anger or unforgiveness or bitterness, so it’s good that we talked it through. But just want you to know that this wasn’t a random call.

This wasn’t something that just happened. And I’m still going to use one of her pictures in one of my videos. I love her, man. There’s no way that we would have set a bad example if we keep on going back and forth because I’m going to say something that I’m not prepared for. And if you know me, I don’t make videos unless I study them really good, go through them back and forth because I just don’t like to speak for speaking.

So I apologize if I offended anybody. But you guys know we love you. Play. Can you hear me? Where do we send the beans and rice? I know. Telling you, man, I got to eat, man, I got to eat my rice and beans and go to bed right after. But just know that we love you guys. You know what I mean? We love you guys. This is a good time.

Honestly, I’m excited about tonight. I don’t mind these combos. So I love them. I love it. All right, I got to stop the live because I got to go to bed, but the zoom will still continue here. And again, guys, thank you guys for bearing with us. Listen, I’ll repeat it again. I will probably not be the best friend in your life. I tell that to a lot.

That’s why I don’t have many friends. I can’t text you back and forth all day. I can’t call you every day. I can’t do most every day. Even if you live near me. Ask Pastor Lou. He lives ten minutes from me. Ask him how many times he’s ever been in my house. It ain’t going to happen. It’s not on purpose. It’s not because I don’t want to. It’s just I don’t know if I’m descendant from a nomad or know.

Ask Ernest and Amy. They lived in Florida. I saw them know. So my life is, I go to work at six, come home at six, do ministry work, do preachings, do videos, do this, do that and the other. So I’m getting to used to this stuff, too. So thanks for your grace on that. And like I said, whatever. We can improve, brother naphtali@gmail. com. And we’ll get it cracking.

All right. Love you, brother. Have a good night. Love you. And I’m proud of all of you. I’m proud of all of you for bearing with us. All right? We’re trying our best, so. And I’m going to reach out to Shelley. Don’t worry, she’s going to be all right. I’m going to be all right. We’re all going to be all right. All right. So, Esteban, before we get to you, Zane had her hand up a long time.



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