Whats REALLY Happening on Mount Hermon in 2024?

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This story released on December 8th, the same day the movie Leave the World Behind was released. December 8th (12/8) is a representation of the number 128, a very significant number among the shadow government.

During 9/11, the first tower collapsed at 10:28 AM Eastern Standard Time. Then, you had Matthew Perry sacrificed on October 28th (10/28), another representation of the number 128. On that same day, it was his ex-girlfriend Julia Roberts’ birthday. Julia Roberts starred in the film Leave the World Behind, which was released on December 8th (12/8).

January 28th (1/28) is yet another representation of 128. On that date in 1986, the Challenger shuttle exploded. Fast forward to January 28th, 2022, when a bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh—the same day Joe Biden was supposed to discuss the infrastructure bill there.

Bridge collapse = 128 in English ordinal Gematria, which comes from Jewish Kabbalah mysticism—the secret language of the elite. And let’s not forget another bridge collapse in Baltimore, MD, which occurred at 1:28 AM.

On December 8th (12/8), Assad’s regime fell. Now, these stories are going viral.

After the Israel Defense Forces captured the Syrian side of the strategic Mount Hermon on Sunday, along with a buffer zone that has existed between the countries since the 1970s, the military stressed that the move was temporary. However, they acknowledged that troops would likely remain inside Syrian territory for the foreseeable future.

Mount Hermon is where the 200 fallen angels descended to give man forbidden knowledge.

Mount Hermon = 156 in English ordinal Gematria. 9/11 is the 156th prime number. Remember, on 9/11, the first tower collapsed at 10:28 AM.

One five six = 128.

You see, the 156 number is connected to 666 (the number of the beast) and also tied to 33. Where is Mount Hermon located? On the 33rd parallel. The number 33 represents the third of fallen angels that followed Lucifer—the 33 percent. It’s also the highest level you can reach in the secret society, the Scottish Rite.

On this mountain, they have an 8-pointed star, which is tied to stargates and the Mesopotamian demon god Pazuzu.

I recently did a complete video breakdown on Pazuzu that you can watch here:

And here’s another link to more information about the 8-pointed star, also known as the Chaos Star, used in chaos magic. It’s also called the Star of Babylon, representing the return of the fallen angels:

This is biblical prophecy unfolding right in front of our eyes.

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➡ Mount Hermon, a mountain located at the intersection of Syria, Israel, and Lebanon, is making headlines again. This mountain, steeped in ancient lore and religious significance, is where, according to the Book of Enoch, fallen angels descended and shared forbidden knowledge with humans. Recently, Israeli forces took control of a Syrian outpost on the mountain, sparking speculation about the mountain’s historical and spiritual significance. As tensions rise, questions are being asked about whether these events are simply geopolitical or if they signal a return to the mountain’s mysterious past.
➡ A group known as the Watchers descend to Earth, choosing human wives and teaching men forbidden knowledge in exchange for marriage. These unions result in the birth of giants, who consume all resources and eventually turn to cannibalism. The knowledge shared by the Watchers also leads to the creation of weapons and widespread violence. As chaos ensues, humans cry out to Heaven, leading to divine intervention.
➡ A council decides to end the actions of the Watchers on Earth, leading to a harsh punishment where the Watchers are chained and their children are destroyed. Before being imprisoned, they witness their children, the Nephilim, fight and destroy each other in a war involving advanced technology. This conflict is a prelude to a great flood, which is hinted at but not described in the Book of Enoch. The story of Enoch is well-known and referenced in other texts, such as Genesis 6 and the New Testament, explaining the lack of detail in these references.



Something strange is happening in the Middle east and nobody seems to be talking about it. Have you noticed that Mount Hermon is popping up in the news again? Well, take a better look, because it is. This legendary mountain sitting right where Syria, Israel and Lebanon meet has always been a hotbed of mystery. But now something strange is actually brewing again. And it’s got Syria’s Book of Enoch vibes to it, in my opinion. So let’s dive into this place and why it’s currently blowing up again in the news, because things are about to get strange, stranger than most people even realize.

Now, the Book of Enoch talks about the Watchers, 200 celestial beings, aka fallen angels, who descended upon the peak of Mount Hermon back in the days of Noah. On this mountain summit, they made an oath binding themselves to the act that would shake the foundations of creation. They took human women as wives, and they birthed those women, birthed the Nephilim, AKA giants, beings of immense powers and corruption. They are the men of renown. Okay? That’s what the Bible calls them. This is what Genesis 6 is talking about. And this just wasn’t a rebellion. This was an effort to usurp the divine order.

You see, the Watchers, AKA the fallen angels, shared with humans forbidden knowledge, such as metalworking, how to create different weapons of war. Just basically, they gave them technology. In exchange for what? For their women. This led humanity down a dark path of misery and ruin. These actions marked the days of Noah, a time when Jesus himself warned would echo in the last days, he said. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of man. Meaning that the events that took place back then on Mount Hermon at the end of the world.

Right, so let’s talk about Caesarea Philippi, AKA the Gate of Hades. Okay. At the foot of Mount Hermon lies Caesarea Philippi, a site that Jesus traveled to. And a site that is deeply intertwined with ancient worship and dark rituals. It was believed to be an actual gateway into Hell. This was a place of pagan temples, a center for worship of the creature called Pan, and the location the ancients believed housed the very gates of Hell. Physical location. Okay. It is here at the base of Mount Hermon that Jesus made one of the most profound declarations in his ministry.

Jesus’s words weren’t just symbolic. They were a direct challenge to the spiritual forces that had claimed that region of Mount Hermon as their own. You see, Caesarea Philippi, AKA Mount Hermon, was ground zero for this ancient rebellion of fallen angels. And Jesus stood there declaring victory over the powers of the scene and the unseen realm. Okay, so what does that have to do with today? Well, here’s where it gets tricky, guys. Thousands of years later, Mount Hermon is back in the news again in December 2024. As I record this right now, a few hours ago, the Israeli forces took control of a Syrian outpost at the mountain summit.

While the official explanation centers on security, those familiar with the mountain’s history cannot ignore the deeper implications. Right, so why Mount Hermon? Why now? With all the geopolitical stuff happening in the world at the moment, why is it happening right now? Is there something ancient to it, something more spiritual, something darker that’s involved in this? Maybe. You see, this mountain’s shadow stretches into the supernatural and its past as where the watchers fell down. Doesn’t seem to be a coincidence. You see, when Jesus linked the end times to the days of Noah, he wasn’t speaking lightly. Those days were marked with corruption, forbidden unions, forbidden technology, and the unleashing of spiritual forces on humanity, forces that humanity could not control.

You see, Mount Hermon was just central to that. And the story of its role in the rebellion of the fallen angels is a focal point of divine judgment. Right, but could this activity on Mount Hermon right now signal the return of those days? Maybe. What do you think about it? You know, this mountain has always been a threshold between worlds, a place where the oaths were sworn, where the gates were open, and where humanity’s fate was altered forever. As tensions rise right now on Mount Hermon, we just have to ask ourselves, guys, is this just another chapter in geopolitical history, or are we witnessing something far greater? You see, the events unfolding right now could be part of a larger narrative.

Is it possible that the events that are happening right now on Mount Hermon can be linked back to what Jesus said in the days of Noah? I don’t know. But one thing is for sure, the coincidences cannot be ignored. Now, to get even deeper into this subject, I’m going to show you an interview I had with Timothy Alberino where he talks in depth about the Book of Enoch, about Mount Hermon, and about some of the things that transpired during that time. Enjoy. Mount Hermon has always been considered by these ancient Near Eastern cultures and even by the Romans and the Greeks, to be what we would call today an Axis Mundi, a gateway to another realm, or perhaps a portal somewhere else.

Right. This. It’s a cosmic mountain. This is the way that the Mesopotamians would have viewed Mount Hermon, it’s a cosmic mountain. And so it was believed that there was a gate there to the netherworld. And part of this is. Part of this lore revolves around the Anakian tale. And I say part of it because the Greeks had their own reasons for believing that, and the Canaanites had their own reasons for believing it. But obviously the Hebrews believe that because of the Anakian tale, that the Watchers descended here. And it’s not coincidental that it was upon the slopes of Hermon that Jesus transfigured before his disciples.

And it’s not coincidental that it was at the base of Hermon where he declared that the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. And he did this specifically at the site of the. Of the Grotto of Pan, which was thought to be an entrance into the netherworld or the underworld. So Mount Hermon is a cosmic mountain. In the cosmology of the Mesopotamians and the ancient Near Eastern cosmology, it is a cosmic mountain. And again, if that means something like a portal or a gate to hell or an axis mundi, whatever that means, it was viewed as this place where heaven and earth and the underworld were connected.

That’s what’s known as an axis mundi. First, Enoch relates an incredible story, a remarkable tale, and it is. It turns out that this story lays the foundation for some of the most enigmatic references in the Old and New Testament of the Bible. So this isn’t just some fanciful fiction that the Hebrews told their children at nighttime, some bedtime story. The story of first Enoch is foundational to Hebrew cosmology, to ancient Hebrew cosmology. You cannot remove the Enochian tale from ancient Hebrew cosmology. That’s how foundational it is. And the story involves a company of 200 angels who the Book of Enoch denominates watchers.

And these angels were observing the daughters of men. And of course, this is the reference in Genesis 6. They were observing the daughters of men. They saw that they were comely, that they were fair, that they were beautiful, and they desired to take them as wives, in fact, their desire. There’s two explicit things they desired, two things that are conspicuous and one thing that is inconspicuous, two things that are directly mentioned, and the final motivation is inferred. So there’s three motivations here. So the first thing we have to understand about the story of the Watchers is that there are three motivating factors that led to this transgression, which forms the beginning of the narrative.

The historical narrative in the Book of Enoch. And the first motivation is the watchers desired to marry and copulate with the daughters of men. So they desired to wed these women and to impregnate them. The second desire was to progenerate through them their own offspring. They wanted to procreate and have children with their wives, with their human wives. That’s the second motivation, the third motivation. And the first two are implicit. The third one is inferred. So the first two motivations are implicit in the text, in the narrative of first Enoch. This third motivation that I’m going to explain is inferred in what happens.

And the third motivation is they wanted to usurp dominion of the Earth from the. From the sons of Adam through the agency of their hybrid offspring. That’s the third motivation. And that is, as I said, not implicit in the text. It’s inferred. So the watchers, with these desires in mind, concocted this plan. They were going to descend to the Earth in direct defiance of God. They knew that what they were about to do amounted to a grave transgression. And so what they did before they enacted, before they effectuated this plan, was they bound themselves by an oath.

And the Book of Enoch says that they bound themselves by mutual imprecations, which means it’s, we’re all in this together, we’re binding ourselves together so that we will all have to pay the penalty for this great sin. So they bind themselves by mutual imprecations. And then. And then they descend to the Earth. And the point of arrival happens to be the summit of Mount Hermon. And Mount Hermon is in the. In the Lebanese mountain range, in the Lebanon mountain range, and it is one of the highest peaks. And the watchers descend to Hermon. It’s not clear if they bind themselves by the oath before or after.

I think they bind themselves by the oath actually when they. When they arrive, because Mount Hermon was forever after known as the Mountain of Oath. So probably they bind themselves with an oath after they descend to Herman. And as I said before, I don’t. I do not envision the watchers flapping their wings, you know, with descending, alighting under the summit of Herman with these big, you know, bird wings. I think that they arrived at the helms of advanced aerospace vehicles, in other words, UFOs. So once they bind themselves by this oath, they descend into the plains and they began to.

They begin to choose from among the daughters of men suitable wives. Each one chose a singular wife. And the sense, isn’t that they were invading the villages and throwing these women over their shoulders. This is not what’s being communicated, rather the way I envision it. I think the way that’s implied in the way it’s implied in the text is that the Watchers were covertly observing the villages and choosing each one of them, which woman from these various villages that they wanted to take as a wife. And then a transaction occurs. And this is not exactly implicit in the text.

This is also inferred in the text. The Watchers engage in a transaction with the fathers of the maidens that they want to wed. And remember, the motivation here is not just to copulate with these women, but rather to wed them, to take them as wives and procreate offspring with them, to have families, right in the manner of the sons of Adam. And so the Watchers, once they have the maidens that they desire to wed, they go to their fathers and they make a transaction. And the transaction is something like, again, this is inferred in the text.

The transaction is something like, I desire to wed your daughter, and here’s what I’m going to give you as a dowry as payment in exchange for your daughter’s hand in marriage. And this is all being done in accordance with the customs of the ancient Near East. So the Watchers are engaging in the cultural norms here revolving around marriage, revolving around the covenant of marriage. And those norms involve something like a dowry, a payment for the daughter’s hand in marriage. And this is a patriarchal society. So the fathers had the authority to give their daughter’s hands in marriage.

The women really didn’t have a say, although I do believe that the women were willing. Were willing participants, because they’re later on judged for their transgression with the Watchers. So there’s. It’s not that the Watchers are forcibly taking these women and demanding that the fathers give them their hands in marriage. Rather, there’s a transaction happening here, a bargain. And it turns out it’s a Faustian bargain, because in exchange for their daughter’s hands in marriage, the Watchers teach the sons of Adam. They teach the men, they instruct them in the knowledge that the men were already striving to learn and what that.

That informs us that the Watchers already knew what kind of knowledge these men wanted, so they already came to the table with a bargaining chip in mind. You want to know X, Y and Z? We can teach you these things. And in exchange, you give us your. Your daughter’s hands in marriage. So it’s a transaction and this is important because it’s a legal transaction that the Watchers are after. This is a legal transaction with the rightful regents of the Earth, the sons of Adam. And so the Watchers are obviously trying to accomplish something with legal cover, otherwise they would just have taken these women by force.

They did not. They wed them. And you can envision the Watchers. And of course, the Watchers are going to be received as the gods. The gods have descended. And you can imagine being a father of one of these maidens, this, this transcendent being, one of the gods wants to marry my daughter and is going to give me as a dowry, is going to instruct me in the secrets of heaven. So it was a very favorable transaction for the sons of Adam and again, I think specifically the sons of Cain. But, but that’s, that’s just my hunch, let’s say.

So as the story goes, the Watchers wed the daughters of men. And we can imagine that this happened with all the pomp and ceremony and circumstance that, that such a wedding would have elicited. The gods are marrying these women, right? 200 watchers. So this is probably a really big celebration. And then the Watchers begin to teach men the secrets, the knowledge they were striving to learn. In the meantime, as this is happening, the Watchers copulate with their wives. Their wives become pregnant, they conceive, and they give birth to giants. Some ancient texts suggest that some of the women’s wombs were split open during birth or were split open by the enormous size of the, of the babies that are growing in their wombs.

But I don’t think that’s really historically accurate inasmuch as this is a historical narrative, because the women are later turned into Sirens, they’re later judged. So I think that the most of them and the Watchers instruct their wives in the secrets, in these forbidden secrets. So the women are participating in the iniquity of the Watchers. They’re not just giving birth and dying, apparently, according to the narrative. So I think that the women were giving birth to normal sized babies, just like babies that are born with gigantism. And those babies, as they progress into, into toddlers and then into adolescents, experienced an accelerated rate of growth.

Again, just like babies who are born with gigantism, they’re born at a normal size and rate, but it’s like the valve is never shut off. The puberty, the growth spurt never stops. They just keep going and going and going. But in the case of gigantism, it results in very large, but Weak human beings, human beings who have dysfunctional organs and who are usually not very athletic. Andre the Giant was a. Was an exception, and even he died young, the wrestler. But most people with gigantism do not live very long, in contrast to the offspring of the Watchers, who were superhumanly enhanced with the DNA of their angelic fathers.

And so these would have been superheroes, basically hybrids. They would have bet they would have been human enough to appropriate, and this is important, the authority and dominion of the sons of Adam on Earth as given by God that mandate. But yet at the same time, they were infused with the remarkable genetic markers and capabilities of their. Of their angelic fathers. And they grew to great stature. According to the Book of Enoch, they began to consume all of the acquisitions of the land. In other words, they were eating all the food. And human beings were forced to feed the giants, according to Enoch.

And when they could no longer sustain them, their appetites, the giants began to feed on man. And, and as all of this is unfolding, mankind is, is through the knowledge of the Watchers. They’re developing various kinds of technology, including implements of war. Azazel, specifically the Watcher Azazel taught men how to forge weapons and make armaments of war. And this is proliferating all kinds of bloodshed on the Earth. So there’s a. There’s a murderous bloodlust that is introduced to the knowledge of the Watchers that had not previous previously existed in the world. So the Watchers, the knowledge of the Watchers is corrupting mankind, and they’re becoming murderous and bloodthirsty and are becoming very idolatrous and altogether wicked, so that by the time the flood comes, their thoughts are only evil continually, as the Bible says.

And so eventually, there’s so much chaos and havoc and death and war unfolding in the Earth that men began to cry out to God to petition Heaven, and their petitions are brought before the King of Heaven. The angels bring their petitions to the King of Heaven, and it is decided that the Good Watchers, by the way, these, the, the divine counsel is apparent in first Enoch, because you have the Good Watchers in heaven and you have the apostate Watchers on Earth, the defected Watchers on Earth. And you have the Good ones in Heaven. And these are the Good ones are referred to as the Holy Watchers of Heave Heaven.

This terminology, Holy Waters, is also apparent in the Book of Daniel. And so this is effectively members of the Divine council. This is the council of the King. And the prayers of, and the petitions of the people who are dying and suffering on Earth, who are being living in this nightmarish dystopia on planet Earth. Their petitions are coming before this council and before the king. And the king decides. The king and his council decide that they’re going to put a stop to the activity of the Watchers on the Earth. And what happens is this judgment comes forth, this very, very punitive judgment comes forth in which the Watchers are to be bound in chains and their offspring are going to be destroyed before a cataclysm destroys the Earth.

And so the Watchers are bound in chains. God dispatches some of the good guys to come and bind them in chains. But before they’re imprisoned in what Peter calls Tartarus in Second Peter in the New Testament, directly referencing this story from one Enoch, before they’re bound in chains in the abyss in Tartarus, they’re forced to behold the annihilation, the destruction of their beloved sons. And so they have to watch as God incites the offspring of the Watchers into fratricide, into a. A civil war, a hybrid civil war in which they utterly annihilate each other. And this is part of the judgment of the Watchers.

They have to watch their offspring, the Nephilim, the giants, go to war with one another. And I don’t envision this as, you know, big dumb giants clonking each other over the heads with clubs. This is a technological war. They’re bringing into this conflict all of the technology and knowledge of their fathers, of the Watchers. This is. They’re bringing to the. They’re bringing into this, into. Into battle the. The armaments forged from the knowledge of the Watchers. So I envision this much more like the ancient Sanskrit epics of India, in which you have this. These epic battles in which the gods and mortal men are locked in these bloody conflicts.

And in the midst of these wars, you have this. These amazing advanced aerospace vehicles being deployed, which are called vimanas in the Sanskrit epics. And these vimanas are like warships, flying warships that are able to discharge what appears to be some sort of laser or missiles. And it’s all very much. It’s all described in lurid detail in Ramayana, the Mahabharata. And I think this is probably what this conflict between the offspring of the Watchers, this, this, the hybrid civil war that’s unfolding between the various factions of giants on Earth looked like. It looked like. It looked like superhuman giants and their advanced technology fighting each other.

But in the midst of this battle are also human beings who are also fighting on one side or the other, just like the Sanskrit epics, right? So something like that, in my estimation, is unfolding in this fratricidal. Fratricidal conflict. Conflict that’s unfolding on planet Earth before the flood. And so the watchers are witnessing their offspring kill each other. And then. And this all happens as a prelude to the cataclysm of the flood, which is never actually described in the Book of Enoch. But it’s coming in the background. You know it’s coming. But it’s never actually described in the historical narrative.

But that’s pretty much what brings the narrative to an end, is God chooses to preserve the line of Adam through Noah and some of the animal life on earth, and everything else is destroyed. And so all of these things that I’m saying that come from the narrative of Enoch, these form the substrate of ancient Hebrew cosmology, the foundational level of ancient Hebrew cosmology. So that when you get to Genesis 6, for example, and we read that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and took wives from among them, and then we see that the Nephilim result from this union, we know that the author is referencing the Enochian tale, and this is why he doesn’t further elaborate on what he’s saying in Genesis 6.

It’s a strange digression in the Genesis narrative without any further elaboration of what he’s talking about, the author of Genesis, why doesn’t he have to elaborate on this strange reference? Because it’s already well known. The story is already widely disseminated. It’s well known among the ancient Hebrews, in other words, the Book of Enoch. In other words, the narrative of First Enoch is already widely disseminated and well known in the form of oral tradition at the very least, and possibly in written form. That’s why you have this referent in Genesis 6, this enigmatic reference to the sons of God, Nephilim, with no further explanation.

There’s no need for any further explanation. Everyone already knows what he’s talking about, Right? And so this is why also, you get to the New Testament, you have Peter and Jude referencing those angels who sinned in the days of Noah and as a consequence of their sin, are now chained in gloomy darkness and Tartarus, or the abyss. That’s a direct reference to the Enochian tale, to the narrative of first Enoch. Divine warrior marching on armor circle wings, darkest sin with the power of Jesus, I will always win.


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