Miami Mall Aliens UPDATE
A story has gone viral recently of people claiming to have seen eight to ten foot tall beings walking around at the Bayside marketplace in Miami, Florida. The official narrative here is that what really took place is that some kids were getting in a fight, and then some supposedly lit off fireworks, which led to the response of 60 to 70 police cars. Something way abnormal, something we don’t even see at some of these even larger events that take place.
Some people have come out and given testimonies to the things they’ve seen. And there is footage of a being that people are claiming to have been walking around, taken from a helicopter. First, let’s look at the mainstream story and see what they’re saying took place. On new Year’s day, there was a massive police response in downtown Miami. More than 50 young people armed with sticks began fighting. Police say juveniles were also setting off fireworks, causing chaos.
So now people are posting online saying that police weren’t there to handle a group of rowdy teens, but rather eight to 10ft tall, shadowy aliens. Conspiracy theories are saying a big creature could be seen standing in front of the entrance to the shopping area, Bayside. There were reports that power outages were taking place and the airport was shut down for a time, but the Miami police department came out and said that those claims weren’t true.
This does seem like an unnatural massive response to just some kids lighting off fireworks and getting in fights. And some people took to X and TikTok and claimed that they did see massive eight to ten foot tall beings at the Bayside mall. I was at the Miami Mall yesterday, and the government is lying. There were no kids fighting. Everyone started panicking because these gray creatures were walking around.
They didn’t make any noises or sounds, but stared and watched you move. There has been some counter responses to this this person posted. I’ve called several stores at the Miami Bayside mall and spoken to different employees. Everyone has reported that it was just a big fight and that sticks were involved. No aliens yet. I’ll play part of this testimony of someone who claims that they were there and saw this massive, shadowy alien being.
And then we’ll look at some footage from a helicopter of what people are claiming is this actual massive entity. We had footlock or whatever. Next thing you know, you start hearing all this commotion outside. Sound like firecrackers or something. So it’s like crazy. Like we just see all these people running like old ladies. I’m talking about moving, you know what I’m saying? Like, yo, old people even move.
I’m talking about moving. Next thing you know, real, like, gunshots start going off. So you know what I’m saying? We trying to follow the crowd, get out of there. I look back, I look back. No cap, yo, no cap. I look back. It looked like a big shadow but it was solid at the same time. Like a few shadows, but they were solid at the same time. And it almost looked like they was coming our direction.
Like they was chasing us, but they was disappearing and reappearing closer. So I’m like, yo, so we start really moving. Next thing you know, we start hearing more gunshots. Like these dudes start firing at this. Get outside. Mad police all that. You know what I’m saying? The police is like trying to get all the people that ran out the mall. They like trying to detain these people, whatever.
But me and my girl, we ended up just sliding past all that and everything like that. But a lot of people saying, why didn’t nobody film and all that when that type of is going on? You’re saying like, that like some paranormal nobody thinking about no phone. You’re saying everybody going survival mode. What is strange about this whole event is that we’ve not seen any security camera footage or any police body cam footage or any footage of police arresting these supposed teens that were causing all this problem.
It’s strange to have that massive of a response and not have any footage from the ground of what actually was taking place. Now let’s take a look at what people are claiming is this massive creature walking around outside the Bayside Mall. These are the videos that everyone is referencing. And it does look kind of strange. The quality of the footage isn’t that good, but it looks like a massive thing walking around.
It definitely doesn’t look like a human of any sort. If you look at it in comparison to the police cars, it almost looks larger than one of these police cars if it was laid horizontal. More people have come out and started giving their testimony to what they saw at this event. This video that’s playing now on screen, I’m not going to play because there was kind of annoying loud rap music in the background.
But the person’s claiming he saw massive shadowy figures within the mall and it was just a massive being. And everybody started freaking out. And that’s why everyone started running. I’ll play another quick clip of A testimony and then we’ll get into what may be the most important aspect of this whole thing that you’re absolutely not going to hear on the mainstream media. Man. What’s up, y’all? I’m here to set the record straight, man.
I literally have been getting interrogated by the Miami Police Department for days. My dude. I look. Look at me. It is really aliens. It’s really aliens. And I cannot believe that the Miami Police Department is really going to try to make it seem like they had all those police cars and stuff out there over some kids fighting, y’all. Now this story has gone absolutely viral. And at the exact same time, a Kat Williams interview has absolutely gone insanely viral as well.
These seem to be the two main stories that are completely dominating the topics of everyone’s conversation right now. And what’s important to know about that and what you’ll definitely not hear on the mainstream media is that at the same time that these stories broke and everyone’s talking about it, the Epstein client list came out. This is something that we didn’t know would even come out. When Jeffrey Epstein got arrested, we knew that he had all these different people who were tied and linked to him, and the court, for some reason, wasn’t releasing these people.
Well, we know why, because they’re bought and paid for and people are blackmailed and there’s a lot of shady things going on behind the scenes. But some people who are on that list, and the main one that’s come out so far is Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, other politicians like Bill Richardson, Stephen Hawking, and a lot of other actors and politicians. Anytime there’s a massive breaking viral story or multiple ones at the same time, it’s important to look at what other stories may be being covered up.
We know the mainstream media is completely bought and paid for so they can fabricate stories or blow up multiple ones to try and cover up ones that they don’t want them and their buddies to get in trouble for. Anytime there’s a huge viral story that’s breaking out, or multiple ones at the same time, it’s important to look at what other stories may be being covered up to bring this back to the story in Miami.
Anytime there’s something supernatural or paranormal, there’s only two lenses that we can look at this through. It’s either God and his hierarchy and his forces, or Satan and his hierarchy and his forces at work. Ephesians 612 tells us, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
So what was this event exactly? Kids fighting and setting off fireworks? That prompted one of the largest police responses that we’ve seen in a very long time. Was it, along with the Cat Williams interview, a distraction from the list coming out and people talking about that? Or did massive eight to ten foot tall beings break into our reality from theirs told to us through Ephesians 612 and other places in the Bible and wreak havoc on this place and cause fear in masses of people? Personally, it’s not making sense to me that this was the response for some kids lighting off fireworks and getting in a fight at a mall, but I’ll let you look at the evidence and decide.
I hope and pray you’re well. Thanks for watching and God bless. .