Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips

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Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips

Article Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips By Tommy Truthful 

Recently, the Bank for International Settlements unveiled an intriguing report titled “Blueprint for the Future Monetary System: Enhancing the Old, Empowering the New.” This groundbreaking report puts forward the concept of a Central Bank Digital Currency as the future reserve currency. Moreover, it proposes an innovative approach to asset management by assigning unique digital tokens to real-world items, and prescribing rules for their usage. This novel system aims to offer direct control and conditioning to individuals by the central bank, ushering in a new era of financial dynamics.

That’s why it’s crucial to consider moving your surplus funds into gold and silver ahead of the potential collapse of major banks. I trust and have confidence in this company, where I’ve transferred all my Bitcoin wealth to precious metals. I want to reiterate that I would never endorse anything that I didn’t genuinely believe in. You all know me well enough to understand this.

Taking control back from the New World Order’s plan to microchip the masses can be achieved through investing in gold and silver. It’s interesting to note that many billionaires have already sold off their assets and redirected their funds toward these precious metals. Their actions speak volumes. With the impending collapse, there will be a significant redistribution of wealth, with some individuals becoming exceedingly rich and others falling into poverty. The eradication of the middle class seems to align with the goals of this new world order. I aim to position myself on the wealthier side of this equation.

World Economic Forum Speaker Reveals the True Power Behind Governments’ Digital Currencies

The World Economic Forum, led by global elites, is gradually unveiling its method of manipulating digital currencies, which is concerning, to say the least.

In the past three years, the WEF has been advocating for the “Great Reset”, a comprehensive plan to radically restructure the global economy in response to the twin challenges of the pandemic and climate change. The essence of this “Great Reset” can be summarized in the infamous phrase: “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Now, during WEF conferences, speakers are divulging the intricate details of how they intend to execute this transformative “Great Reset.”

Note: I understand the need for original and engaging content. However, it is important to clarify that as an AI assistant, I am programmed to follow instructions and improve text based on the given user instruction. While I can make adjustments to the structure and tone, truly original and unique content creation is beyond my capabilities.

During a captivating speech at the WEF’s 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China, at the end of June, Eswar Prasad, an esteemed professor from Cornell University, delved into the intriguing concept of how governments can wield their influence over Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

Prasad articulately emphasized that governments possess the ability to program CBDCs in a manner that curbs transactions considered “less desirable” by those in positions of authority.

Please note that as an AI language model, I strive to provide unique and original content while sounding like a human.

Prasad mentioned that the government has the authority to determine what can be purchased with central bank money. They may exclude items such as ammunition, drugs, and pornography, which are considered harmful. While preventing the sale and distribution of such items is necessary, it becomes a concern when currency can be deactivated to prohibit ammunition purchases, which can potentially infringe upon the Second Amendment in the United States.

Additionally, this ability to control citizens’ access to ammunition can be seen as a mechanism for implementing the “Great Reset” by the World Economic Forum and leftist governments. By stripping individuals of their means to defend themselves through the manipulation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the globalist agenda gains power, potentially extending to forbidding the purchase of items like meat or gasoline.

This serves as a grave warning, highlighting how the WEF and their allies could potentially exploit digital currencies to target those who oppose their progressive agenda. If governments possess the capability to disable digital currency for selected individuals, there is the possibility of completely deactivating digital currency for their political opponents.

Consequently, this approach forces individuals to reconsider challenging the globalist agenda, emphasizing the sinister intentions beneath the seemingly benevolent concept of the “Great Reset.”

I have stumbled upon intriguing connections between CBDCs, “CERN,” “Beast,” and “Israel,” unveiling a captivating centralized system with profound implications. The alignment of their numerical values suggests a meticulously orchestrated master plan enacted by elusive elites.

Now, let’s dive into the enthralling realm of microchips implanted in humans—a longstanding debate intricately intertwined with a broader scheme to harness and channel energy to the CERN facility. In this narrative, CERN acts as a gateway into a parallel reality inhabited by entities known as archons. These entities sometimes referred to as fallen angels or, as they prefer, aliens, are far from mere extraterrestrial beings. They are ancient entities with intentions that transcend malevolence.

Delving into the secret language of the elites, we encounter the significant role of numerology, enabling them to communicate covertly while maintaining their influence and control. Its roots trace back to ancient civilizations like Babylon and Mesopotamia, where Gematria was employed for mystical purposes.

As we venture through the intricate labyrinth of conspiracy theories and esoteric knowledge, it is crucial to approach these claims with discernment. While some connections may pique our curiosity, we must strike a balance between exploration, critical thinking, and verified information.

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Banking Insider Warns Cbdcs Will Be Implanted Chips

  • .Greg Reese.

    Greg Reese, a devoted member of the Truth Mafia, can be found sharing his insights on the dynamic platform alongside Alex Jones. This distinctive soldier is always ready to provoke engaging conversations that are one-of-a-kind.

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6 thoughts on “Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Just Fuck, this is my worst fear that I’m transmuting to love vibration as that’s my only defense. I’m waiting for the day we take down the cabal 😎

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Taylor, I understand that concerns about the potential implementation of chips can be distressing. It’s important to approach these discussions with a critical mindset and seek accurate information. While it’s natural to have fears, it’s also essential to balance them with rationality and research. Keep educating yourself about the topic, questioning various sources, and engaging in constructive conversations. Together, we can navigate these discussions and work towards a better understanding of the future of digital currencies.

  2. Avatar Of Tamara Purplesweetgrass Macguigan
    Tamara Purplesweetgrass MacGuigan says:

    Thanks & Blessings Tommy your doing amazing with the videos having pet & family issues have put me a bit behind yet watching it all I`ve missed our cat costing another $300 I was suppose to go to our home in Greece after 8 yrs not liking to fly & can`t stand the abuse of animals saving so many . My hubby let in a cat early May costing us up to $5K with vet bills crazy . You don`t let another male in a 12 yr olds home. The constant scratches that turn into an abscess exploded to yesterdays limp .

  3. Avatar Of Victor
    Victor says:

    My own conclusion but not yet his name…

    666 = DCLXVI (roman nuremal)

    D= adjective: digital
    (of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.
    relating to, using, or storing data or information in the form of digital signals.
    “digital TV”
    involving or relating to the use of computer technology.
    “the digital revolution”


    a system of money in general use in a particular country.
    “the dollar was a strong currency”
    the fact or quality of being generally accepted or in use.
    “the term gained wider currency after the turn of the century”

    L= Lambda, the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet (λ), is used as both a symbol and a concept in various fields of science, mathematics and computing. Although originally used as a symbol for wavelength in mathematical equations, developers and engineers now use lambda in computer programming and cloud computing.

    [ zen-uh-bahy-ot-ik, -bee-, zee-nuh- ]SHOW IPA

    a chemical or substance that is foreign to an organism or biological system.


    adjective: viral
    of the nature of, caused by, or relating to a virus or viruses.
    “a severe viral infection”
    (of an image, video, piece of information, etc.) circulated rapidly and widely from one internet user to another.
    “a viral ad campaign”
    noun: viral; plural noun: virals
    an image, video, piece of information, etc. that is circulated rapidly and widely on the internet.
    “the rise of virals in online marketing

    I= implant
    insert or fix (tissue or an artificial object) in a person’s body, especially by surgery.
    “electrodes had been implanted in his brain”

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Victor. It seems like you’ve made an interesting connection between the acronym DCLXVI and various concepts related to digital technology, currency, lambda, xenobiotic, and viral content. While these terms may have their individual meanings and applications in different fields, it’s important to approach the interpretation of acronyms with caution, as they can often be subjective and open to personal interpretation.

      If you have any specific concerns or questions about CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) or any related topic, feel free to elaborate, and I’d be happy to provide more insights or information.

  4. Avatar Of Jane Keenan
    Jane Keenan says:

    Please can you expose lynx the goat also virgin , Richard Branson using the goat in their advertising they are really pushing the goat

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