Gods 10 Plagues Against Egypt (Part 2) & Tomb of Nephilim Giant Gilgamesh Found & Hillary Asks for Access to His Resurrection/Rejuvenation Technology in Leaked Emails

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➡ The ancient city of Uruk, famous for being the capital of King Gilgamesh, was reportedly discovered under the Iraqi desert, with findings closely matching descriptions from the epic of Gilgamesh. However, the discoveries were allegedly suppressed, with unknown developments due to conflicts within the country.

Blog By Tommy Truthful

Gods 10 Plagues Against Egypt: A Profound Challenge to Ancient Deities

Ancient Egypt, with its rich pantheon and meticulous religious rites, was not only a civilization of grand architectural feats but also of deeply embedded spiritual beliefs. Each deity in the Egyptian pantheon had its role, governing specific aspects of nature and life. However, when the Most High God, decided to challenge these deities through a series of plagues, the very foundations of Egyptian beliefs were shaken.

One of the most devastating of these plagues was the swarm of locusts, symbolizing a direct opposition to Serapia – the deity Egyptians revered to guard them against such invasions. Imagine the might of a god being nullified so brazenly, undermining the faith of many.

Similarly, when Egypt, which worshiped not one, but six sun and moon gods, was shrouded in an impenetrable darkness, it sent a powerful message. It was as if the Most High was throwing a direct challenge, dimming the lights overseen by the likes of Ra, the sun god, and Thoth, the moon deity.

Yet, the final and most heart-wrenching plague was the death of the firstborn. This wasn’t just a challenge to the gods and goddesses but a proclamation against the divine standing of Pharaoh himself. This plague hit the core of Egyptian society and hierarchy, unraveling the aura around their living deity – the Pharaoh.

Gods 10 Plagues Against Egypt weren’t mere punishments; they served a higher purpose. They were demonstrations of the unparalleled power and dominance of The Most High, emphasizing that He wasn’t a regional deity but the supreme ruler of all realms. The God of the Hebrews was staking His claim, showing that not only could He challenge the gods of Egypt but that He alone had the might to rescue and champion His chosen people.

But what do these plagues signify for us today? They’re not just historical events but profound lessons. They remind us of God’s unwavering justice and the lengths He would go to for His people. In an age where oppression and injustice are rampant, they serve as a beacon of hope that there’s a divine force that champions righteousness.

In essence, the 10 plagues of Egypt stand as a testament to God’s unmatched power, His commitment to justice, and His enduring love for His people. They beckon us to believe in a force greater than any worldly power, a force that stands for righteousness and love. Through the sands of time, the plagues resonate, telling us that no matter the might of oppressors, justice will always prevail.

The descendants of Cain, who are believed to be pulling the world’s strings, are seemingly retaliating for these ten affronts against their deities through the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Intriguing connections between numbers, events, and histories have always captured the human imagination. The number 93 appears significant in Chaldean Gematria, a system of assigning numerical values to a word or phrase. Remarkably, “the ten plagues of Egypt” equates to 93, and the discussion of Yahshua (commonly known as Jesus) starts in the 930th chapter of the New Testament. The phrase “Crucifixion of Jesus Christ” also aligns with this number, matching the ten plagues. Interestingly, during the 303rd anniversary year of modern-day Freemasonry in the United States, often referred to as the new Babylon, the coronavirus emerged.

There’s an underlying narrative that suggests this was an act of vengeance against God for the ten plagues by targeting His son, the messenger, Jesus Christ. The term “Abomination of Desolation” also resonates with the number 93 in Chaldean Gematria. This term is linked to heinous acts committed against the sanctity of holy places. Antiochus Epimanes, a Seleucid King reigning between 175 BC and 164 BC, notoriously oppressed the Jews, and even dared to erect an altar to the Greek god Zeus in the Israelite temple. His actions foreshadowed the future antichrist’s intent to force worship upon a false god.

Antiochus’s ruthless attempts to suppress Jewish customs and traditions led to his infamy. Erecting the forbidden altar and sacrificing a pig on it, considering himself a manifestation of Zeus, outlawing circumcision, and enforcing sacrifices to Greek gods are among his notorious acts. Furthermore, many Jews faced death or slavery under his reign when they defied his “Abomination of Desolation.”

In modern times, there’s speculation about the rebirth of Osiris, a false god of resurrection, assumed to be the forthcoming Antichrist. As per this belief, he may reintroduce human sacrifices in the prophesied third temple. The birth of the Red Heifer, necessary for the purification ritual for building this temple, has reportedly taken place. Theories suggest cloning techniques might be involved, combining DNA from figures like Nimrod, Osiris, and Gilgamesh to create the ultimate Antichrist, an affront to God.

Intriguingly, WikiLeaks emails have mentioned the discovery of Gilgamesh’s grave, just before the invasion of Iraq. Additionally, stories circulate about the “Kandahar Giant” in Afghanistan – a supposed Nephilim, offering more threads in this intricate tapestry of belief, history, and prophecy.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Gods 10 Plagues Against Egypt Decoded.

Gilgamesh’s tomb believed found

Unearthed Secrets: The Mystery of Gilgamesh’s Tomb and Curious Emails from Hillary

The line between myth and reality often blurs, especially when intriguing discoveries come to light. So, if someone whispered rumors about Joe Biden invoking arcane forces to battle fantastical foes, it might raise an eyebrow but not shock us. While that may be far-fetched, a more chilling reality lurks beneath whispers linking Hillary Clinton to the ancient legend of Gilgamesh and the mysterious Nephilim.

Yes, it sounds like the plot of a thriller, but bear with me. Mention of Clinton, Gilgamesh, and the buried Nephilim might have you reaching for a dose of skepticism, but recent decodes have given this tale unexpected weight.

State Department emails, unveiled through a FOIA release, have unearthed a startling find: an email supposedly titled “Request for information on the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, his resting place, and the enigmatic buried Nephilim.” It’s enough to set the imagination aflame, and as Halloween draws near, one can’t help but wonder about the layers of mysteries that might still remain hidden.

Tomb Of Nephilim Giant Gilgamesh Found &Amp; Hillary Asks For Access To His Resurrection/Rejuvenation Technology In Leaked Emails

I’ve come to trust few sources as implicitly as “America Uncensored,” which has confirmed the authenticity of this narrative. The image in question is derived from our comprehensive research, but I’d always encourage readers to take an active role in their quest for knowledge. Navigate to the FOIA website and select “Department of State FOIA log 2018.” You’ll discover the mentioned email on page 470 under the label F-2019-02110.

Our trail ends here for now. The undeniable fact is that within the State Department’s archives lies an email referencing “the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh and the buried Nephilim.” Any further details, however, tread into the territory of conjecture. Given what is commonly said about Hillary Clinton’s devious strategies, one can’t help but imagine the worst.

Although it’s unclear if there’s a direct link to Hillary, caution and due diligence are advised. The email cites “Denetra D Senigar” and is dated 12/13/2018, which marks its receipt, not its dispatch. Interestingly, a quick online search for Denetra D Senigar yields no significant hits, hinting at the possibility of a pseudonym. Meanwhile, a deep dive into Clinton’s archived emails with the keyword ‘Nephilim’ comes up empty. Yet, when the name Denetra D Senigar is plugged in, an overwhelming 12,726 results emerge, suggesting that this mysterious name might be a clandestine identifier tied to Clinton. It’s crucial to understand that Clinton’s covert correspondences would not be archived under her known address; this particular request was aimed at the State Department but seemingly emerged from an alternate Clinton account.

One can’t help but ponder if the email contains coded language, perhaps with “Gilgamesh” acting as a cipher. If so, what then are the “buried Nephilim?” And surely, hiding a message under such a glaring headline seems counter-intuitive.

Did you know that “Gilgamesh” clocks in at 28 in Chaldean numerology? It’s no random occurrence; this number has an ethereal tie to Osiris, the God of Resurrection, who reigned for exactly 28 years. If that doesn’t raise some eyebrows, get ready for this: the technology associated with Gilgamesh’s resurrection chamber has been a subject of intense interest, particularly highlighted in confidential emails.

Gilgamesh Equals 28 In Chaldean Germantria.

But the plot thickens. The term “Babylonian” also resonates with the number 28 in the same Chaldean cipher. Why is this relevant, you may ask? Well, this could be the arcane reason behind the invasion of Iraq, which was once the heartland of ancient Babylon. Could it be that the true motive was to acquire this arcane resurrection technology?

So, there you have it—a cosmic connection among Gilgamesh, Osiris, and Babylon, all mysteriously tethered by the enigmatic number 28. Could this be a historical and spiritual puzzle waiting to be solved?

Where was the resurrection chamber found? Iraq? Which is ancient Babylon.

Babylon Equals 28 In Chaldean

Diving into ancient lore, Gilgamesh is recognized as a legendary Sumerian king, often elevated to godly status in historical texts. Some tales even depict him presiding over the dead in the netherworld. On the other hand, the Nephilim are traditionally viewed as celestial beings who defied divine decree and forged unions with mortal women, siring the legendary giants.

With all this, consider the cryptic experiments at CERN and the burgeoning discussions around the Mark of the Beast. When you factor in the looming narrative of a DNA-altering vaccine, it almost seems as though there’s a concerted effort to revive these ancient beings for an impending celestial battle.

But heed this: in the ultimate tale, God emerges victorious.

Clinton’s clandestine communications shed light on a startling reality. Those who assert God’s nonexistence are, paradoxically, fervently reinforcing His presence. Their true allegiances are gradually coming to light. What, then, was the enigmatic agenda Hillary harbored, and how far has it progressed?

This discovery sparks a flurry of questions, providing clarity to some while deepening other mysteries.

The Enigmatic Tomb of Gilgamesh: A Confluence of Legends

In the heart of Iraq, archaeologists may have stumbled upon a discovery that has the potential to rewrite the annals of history. Rumors swirl of a tomb, one that could possibly belong to none other than King Gilgamesh, the legendary ruler and central figure of the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh, often cited as the earliest known piece of literature.

The Epic of Gilgamesh: More than Just a Tale

Hailing from ancient Mesopotamia, the Epic of Gilgamesh is more than just an old story. It’s a tapestry of myth, history, and timeless human experiences, illustrating the adventures of Gilgamesh and his companion Enkidu as they face gods, monsters, and the existential ponderings of mortality and the afterlife.

But who was Gilgamesh, really? Beyond the annals of literature, Gilgamesh was believed to be a historical king who ruled the Sumerian city-state of Uruk around 2700 BCE. His reign and subsequent tales of valor and wisdom set him apart, intertwining him with other prominent figures and deities from various cultures.

Intersecting Legends: Nimrod, Osiris, Apollo

Over time, tales of Gilgamesh’s exploits and character traits drew parallels with other notable figures:

  • Nimrod: Biblically, Nimrod is recognized as a mighty hunter before the Lord and is often associated with the Tower of Babel. Some scholars and enthusiasts speculate a connection between Nimrod and Gilgamesh based on their similar attributes and significance in their respective cultures.
  • Osiris: The Egyptian god of the afterlife, Osiris, is another figure that shares thematic connections with Gilgamesh. Both grapple with themes of death, rebirth, and divine-human interactions. The cycle of Osiris’ death and resurrection is a cornerstone of Egyptian mythology.
  • Apollo: Representing a Grecian twist, Apollo, the god of music, arts, knowledge, and the sun, resonates with Gilgamesh’s quest for knowledge and understanding. Though separated by geography and time, the core tenets of their stories echo similar sentiments.

Unearthing a Legacy

The potential discovery of Gilgamesh’s tomb isn’t just an archaeological milestone; it’s a testament to the enduring nature of stories and legends that transcend generations. If validated, this find would bridge the gap between myth and reality, offering tangible proof of a figure whose legacy has survived millennia.

As investigations continue, the world watches with bated breath, eager to learn more about a king whose story began in the cradle of civilization and traveled through time, intersecting with various legends, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of history.


The Mysterious Discovery of King Gilgamesh’s Tomb

In the heart of modern-day Iraq, whispers of a monumental discovery are drawing global attention. The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest literary works known to humanity and written millennia before Christ, reverberates the tale of Gilgamesh, the revered ruler of the city of Uruk. This ancient city, it seems, has given Iraq its very name.

A recent expedition spearheaded by a German team claims to have unearthed not just snippets, but the entirety of Uruk. And in an astonishing revelation, nestled where the Euphrates once meandered, might just be the final resting place of its illustrious King.

Jorg Fassbinder, representing the Bavarian Department of Historical Monuments in Munich, while conversing with the BBC World Service’s Science in Action program, expressed caution but palpable excitement. “It’s early to confirm if it indeed is King Gilgamesh’s tomb, but the structure aligns eerily with descriptions in the epic,” he mentioned.

The tale, beautifully captured on clay tablets, chronicles that after Gilgamesh’s demise, he was interred beneath the Euphrates. This tomb was notably formed when the river’s waters mystically parted.

“Right at the city’s outskirts, we stumbled upon a site – a possible burial structure, seated in the heart of what was once the Euphrates River,” elaborated Mr. Fassbinder.

Modern technological advancements played a pivotal role in this groundbreaking discovery. Through magnetization variations in the terrain, researchers can “peer” beneath the surface. As Fassbinder explains, contrasting magnetism between mudbricks and the Euphrates sediments offers a comprehensive structure, culminating in a magnetogram. This essentially serves as a detailed blueprint of ancient Uruk.

Mr. Fassbinder’s revelation contained one more surprise, “In our explorations, we were taken aback to find structures, previously chronicled by the Epic of Gilgamesh.”

This fascinating blend of legend and archaeology not only reiterates the rich tapestry of human history but also underscores the power of stories, which, millennia later, still guide us to forgotten worlds.


King Gilgamesh’s Tomb: A Mesopotamian Marvel

Spanning a sprawling 100 hectares, the expedition’s findings have been nothing short of extraordinary. “Our explorations revealed garden formations and agricultural structures that echo descriptions from the epic. Moreover, we uncovered remnants of ancient Babylonian domiciles,” shared an enthusiastic team member.

Yet, among the myriad of discoveries, one stood out, leaving the team in sheer awe: a remarkably intricate canal network. The evidence hinted at an advanced society that had harnessed the power of water. Signs of structural damage revealed that some of these channels experienced flooding, leading to the destruction of a few houses. This wasn’t just a rudimentary irrigation system; it was a testament to advanced civil engineering.

Drawing parallels to another renowned city, a researcher commented, “Imagine a landscape mirroring Venice, but set amidst the arid dunes.” This Mesopotamian ‘Venice in the desert’ has redefined our understanding of ancient urban planning and promises to rewrite chapters of history.

“In the shadows of ancient legacies, the tomb of King Gilgamesh may conceal more than just a ruler’s remains. Whispered tales hint at a resurrection chamber, and in this age of science and ambition, cloning emerges as our modern Prometheus. Could it be that from Gilgamesh’s ancient DNA, the Antichrist will be born anew? In our quest for mastery, are we on the precipice of awakening an ancient prophecy?” – Tommy Truthful.

P.S. Dive into my in-depth analysis of the “Blue Fire Code.” Discover how advanced, almost otherworldly technologies—reminiscent of the legendary fallen angels—are potentially being employed, like geoengineering and weather manipulation, to specifically target those resisting certain vaccines. These resistors are opposed to what they perceive as a genetic intervention, intriguingly linked to the 3rd strand of DNA, echoing the legends of figures like Nimrod, Apollo, and Lucifer.

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2 thoughts on “Gods 10 Plagues Against Egypt (Part 2) & Tomb of Nephilim Giant Gilgamesh Found & Hillary Asks for Access to His Resurrection/Rejuvenation Technology in Leaked Emails

  1. Avatar Of Taylor Laurie
    Taylor Laurie says:

    I love the fact that more than 3000yrs have elapsed since Gilgamesh lived and yet there is his body, looking like he is asleep and will awaken soon, maybe his genes are building a new Gilgamesh, but how will his spirit be revived as for sure the personality has moved on?🌸

    • Avatar Of Theresa Nichols
      Theresa Nichols says:

      There is no (God breathed) spirit in man-made or grown flesh. The spirit(s) to occupy these man made creatures are demons. These are the results of a Frankenstein and his monster. Man piecing together a laboratory grown entity occupied by demons. Antichrist will be such. Satan in a constructed monster resembling man but definitely not made in the image of God, but in the image of Satan. 666 all the way.

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