Occult Secrets of the Book of Revelation Decode
[ai-buttons]The Intriguing Insights of Robert Sepper: A Deep Dive into the New Testament’s Book of Revelation
By Tommy Truthful, September 8th
The Book of Revelation stands as an enigmatic testament in the Christian canon. Robert Sepper, an esteemed anthropologist, takes us on a fascinating journey through its pages, unveiling the layers of mystery that have captivated believers and skeptics alike.
The Thousand-Year Legacy and Its Cultural Imprint
At its heart, the Book of Revelation foretells a thousand-year golden age following an apocalyptic period. This prophecy is central to Christian millennialism, where Christ reigns supreme for a millennium. The cultural ripples of this book are seen far and wide. From the religious anticipation of Christ’s reign and the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s temple to secular ideologies like the thousand-year Third Reich dreamt by the National Socialists, Revelation’s influence is undeniable.
Sepper highlights that Revelation also resonates with astrological tones, evident in the frequent use of numbers such as twelve (reflecting zodiac houses) and seven. The book interestingly bears elements reminiscent of the Mithraic mysteries and ancient Aryan traditions. Moreover, the mark of Revelation can be traced in Templar-inspired secret societies and the symbols of Freemasonry.
Ancient Bloodlines and Power Dynamics
Sepper delves into the metamorphosis of ancient nobilities and their age-old power systems. Twelve historic bloodlines, symbolizing the houses of Israel, were influential in this dynamic. This lineage drove European quests to reclaim the Holy Land, playing a pivotal role in birthing European alchemy and esoteric societies.
But in a twist of fate, these original aspirations are now overshadowed by a push for a global Marxist regime. This new order seeks to wipe clean the slate of past structures and cultures, aspiring for a secular global governance.
Unraveling the Mysteries and Symbolisms
Sepper offers readers a treasure trove of insights:
- The vital role of the Book of Revelation in Christian end times prophecy.
- Intricacies of the seven seals, prophetic visions, and the central expectations tied to the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem.
- The rich symbolism in Freemasonry rooted in the prophecies of the Book of Revelation.
- The esoteric secrets of the Mithraic Mysteries and their reflections in the rites of the Essenes.
- The profound links between Templars, the twelve houses of Israel, and European nobility.
Sepper also touches upon how the original goals of Templar-inspired societies were realigned after pivotal events in the 20th century. The vision evolved from one centered around ancient nobility to a more Marxist world order, focused on eradicating pre-existing power structures and cultural identities.
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Robert Sepper’s insights offer a fresh lens through which to view and understand the intricate web of history, religion, and esoteric traditions. If his work resonates with you, consider supporting him on Patreon. Subscribing to his channels will ensure you never miss an update. As Sepper always says, “Leave your thoughts below. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you again soon.”
Thank you Robert, very interesting history 🌸🩵