Rainbow Bridge Explosion Ritual connection to CERN & Nicola Tesla!

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Rainbow Bridge Explosion Ritual Decode Portal CERN connection!

Rainbow Bridge Explosion

“Rainbow Bridge” equates to 127 in English ordinal gematria. Similarly, “Scarlet album” equals 127.  It’s important to note the 127 connection in the decode I did with Doja Cat and her Scarlet album. You can check out this analysis through the following link: Doja Cat Demons Decode.

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Ani’s insights brought to light some significant events linked to this number. Notably, Buildings 1, 2, and 7 fell on 9/11. Phrases like “Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” and “Bavarian Illuminati” also resonate with 127. Then there’s Pearl Harbor, which occurred on 12/7. The term “Ground zero”? That’s 127 too. Moving forward, the Lahaina fire ignited precisely 127 days after Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson announced his new film where he portrays Maui – the Polynesian fire god. Intriguingly, “Polynesia” also adds up to 127.

There’s a significant connection to the number 15 in Chaldean cipher, and we see this with the Rainbow Bridge equating to 127 in the English ordinal cipher, a noteworthy figure. The anniversary of Pearl Harbor, also on December 7, coincides with Nikola Tesla’s birthday, and there’s an intriguing link between Tesla and the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls. Currently, the government reports no evidence of a bomb at Rainbow Bridge, stating it wasn’t a terrorist attack. Intriguingly, phosphorus, linked to the number 15 on the periodic table and known for its high flammability, comes into play here. From today, the anniversary of JFK’s assassination, to December 7th spans fifteen days. In Chaldean Gematria, the oldest and most pure cipher, CERN equals 15, as does Hawaii, adding to the cipher’s significance. It has been three months and four days since the Maui massacre, connecting to pi, as 3.14 represents pi. The numbers for bomb, Israel, and CERN all equal 15, suggesting the use of CERN in opening portals to other dimensions.

Rainbow Bridge Explosion

In Hawaiian culture, rainbows symbolize hope, transformation, and divine intervention. They are seen as bridges between the spiritual realm and the physical world, associated with the rain and fertility god, Lono. Hawaiians view rainbows as messages or omens from ancestors or gods, pathways for gods to descend to Earth, and for the deceased to ascend to the heavens. The connection to phosphorus is further highlighted by a recent massive fire in Hawaii. The atomic weight of phosphorus is thirty, aligning with demiurge, which equals 30 in Chaldean Gematria. In Gnostic culture, the concept of the Demiurge is often linked to archons, which are described as interdimensional entities from another realm. The Demiurge is typically portrayed as a lesser divine figure or a false god who is responsible for the creation of the material world. This entity is often depicted as being ignorant of the true, spiritual reality that lies beyond the physical universe it has created. The archons, in this context, are usually considered as subordinate beings or administrators working under the Demiurge, often seen as impediments to spiritual enlightenment and the soul’s return to the divine fullness.

December 7th, Tesla’s birthday, raises questions about the re-emergence of ancient legends and sacred regions. Could Niagara Falls be a portal or gateway between realms, dimensions, and even the afterlife? Could ancient stellar beings communicate cosmic knowledge to modern humans attuned to it? This exploration delves into ancient mythology and modern symbolism, examining the potential for portals and gateways symbolized by the Thunderbird, the Horned Serpent, the Maid of the Mist, and the Rainbow Bridge. It posits that Tesla, after harnessing Niagara’s power, took on aspects of the Thunderbird archetype.

Nikola Tesla (Bird – Man)

To many Native American tribes around the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls was home to cosmic-spirit-beings called Manitous. The Onguiaahra, an early native tribe in the area, gave their name to the Niagara River. French explorers named them “Neutrals” due to their peacemaking role among warring nations. These tribes shared a belief in a cosmic battle between the Thunderbird of the sky realms and the Great Horned Serpent of the underworld, symbolizing a struggle for cosmic balance.

The Thunderers, or thunderbirds, believed to reside in the upper worlds, are named for the thunder created by their wings. Lightning is said to flash from their eyes, often in an attempt to destroy their underworld enemy. These beings communicate with humans, sometimes transferring knowledge or transforming humans into Thunderbirds, allowing them to traverse realms, possibly through portals and gateways. Tesla’s connection to this mythology is profound, as he harnessed Niagara’s energy, potentially opening pathways between realms and embodying the Thunderbird archetype.

Niagara Falls: The Cosmic Crossing &Amp; The Rainbow Bridge Between Realms

  • Nikola Tesla, often hailed as the “Master of Lightning,” paralleled the legendary Thunderbird in his astonishing demonstrations. He captivated audiences with displays where he seemed to be engulfed in lightning, with bolts seemingly emanating from his fingertips.
  • Tesla harbored dreams of flight and dedicated himself to devising flying machines, echoing the soaring capabilities of the Thunderbird.
  • Tesla entertained the possibility of interstellar communication, akin to the Thunderbird’s mythical abilities. He believed he had not only sent messages to Mars but also speculated about receiving responses from the distant planet.
  • In his later years, residing in a New York hotel room, Tesla developed an extraordinary bond with a pigeon, which, in a remarkable twist, began to embody traits reminiscent of the Thunderbird. Tesla perceived this pigeon as a messenger capable of revealing universal secrets. He reported witnessing an intense, brilliant light shining from the bird’s eyes at its passing, a phenomenon that resonates with the luminescent qualities attributed to the Thunderbird.Image023 -
  • “Yes, I cherished that pigeon, as deeply as a man cherishes a woman, and she returned my affection,” Tesla once reflected. For him, the pigeon was not just a bird but a companion whose wellbeing was paramount. Whenever she fell ill, Tesla devoted himself to her care, finding meaning and purpose in his life through their bond.

    One evening, as Tesla lay in bed, the pigeon entered through the window. He sensed immediately that she bore significant news — the end of her life was near.

    “And then, as I received her message, a remarkable radiance shone from her eyes – intense beams of light. It was an actual, potent, overwhelming light, brighter than any I had ever managed to produce in my lab,” Tesla recounted.

    The demise of the pigeon left a void in Tesla’s life. He felt as though his life’s mission had concluded. Not long after, Tesla himself departed this world, perhaps following his beloved pigeon into the unknown, much like the mythical Thunderer.

    While Tesla Was Drawn To The Falls Through Dreams And Visions, In Hopes Of Harnessing Its Energy, Others See The Enormous Cataracts As The Ultimate Test Of Fate! For Some Daredevils Niagara Provides Them With An Opportunity To Take A Symbolic Leap Of Faith. Stunts Have Included Folks Going Over The Falls In Barrels, Jet Skis, Walking Tightropes And Even Going Over The Edge With No Accouterments At All. Although Some Have Survived The Leap, Others Were Not So Fortunate. The Common Denominator Appears To Be These Daredevils Are Perceivably At Peace With The Sacred Falls Possibly Being Their Final Resting Place. One Such Dare Devil Was Annie Edson Taylor. She Was An American Adventurer Who On Her 63Rd Birthday, October 24, 1901, Became The First Person To Survive A Trip Over Niagara Falls In A Barrel. After Climbing Inside Her Airtight Wooden Barrel, The Air Pressure Was Compressed To 30 P.s.i. With A Bicycle Pump. Annie Was Protected By Nothing More Than A Few Blankets And Her Favorite Heart Shaped Pillow. Surviving The Plunge With Only A Few Bumps And Bruises, Annie Became The First In A Long List Of Daredevils To Plunge Over The Falls Tempting Fate. While Daredevils Tempt Fate Taking Symbolic Leaps Of Faith From The Falls, The Occasional Lost Soul May Visit The Falls With Their Fate Predetermined. A Final Destination. Each Year, On Average, Between 20 And 25 People Decide To End It All At Niagara Falls. Local Historian Paul Gromosiak Once Wrote That 2,780 Known Suicides Occurred Here Between 1856 And 1995, Having Compiled His Grisly List From Newspaper Accounts Of Witnesses Seeing Someone Jump Or Of Bodies Recovered In The Lower River. The Actual Number, He Acknowledged At The Time, Is Probably Much Higher As Many Of The Bodies Are Never Recovered. The Souls Of The Suicidalist Enter The Afterlife Via Several General Locations Around The Falls. Many Decide To Go Over The Falls, Some Leap From The Rainbow Bridge And Yet Others Take A Final Wade Into The Turbulent Whirlpool. Is It Possible That Some Of These Suicidalist Subconsciously Recognize That The Veil Between Worlds May Be Thinner Here. Could The Falls And The Surrounding Landscape Be A Gateway To The Afterlife &Amp; Beyond? If So, Could It Also Be Birth Portal? Historically, Niagara Falls Was Established As The Ideal Honeymoon Destination By The French In The Early 1800S. It Has Been Said That Napoleons Brother, Jerome Bonaparte, Travelled By Stage From New Orleans To Spend His Honeymoon In Niagara Falls And Returned Home With Flowing Reports. Since This Time Niagara Falls Has Become Known As The Honeymoon Capital Of The World. Honeymooners Feel Niagara Falls Has A Mystique Unequalled Anywhere. Not Only Is The Awe Inspiring Beauty And Amazing History A Draw, But Rumor Has It, “There Is Something In The Water.”! That “Something” In The Water Supposedly Can Both Act As An Aphrodisiac &Amp; Increase The Chances Of Conception (Birth)! Imagine That…… While Some Are Leaving This Realm For The Next (At The Precise Location That Felt Right), Others Are Conceiving &Amp; Birthing Life Into Existence. Could There Be A Life/Death Cycle Occurring? Could The Veil Between Worlds Be Thinner Around This Sacred &Amp; Cosmic Landscape? And Last But Not Least, Could There Really Be “Something In The Water”? Although The Popular Phrase Is, “There Is Something In The Water”, The Truth Is, That “Something” May Be Incredible Amounts Of Negative Ions In The Air (Created By The Water). Negative Ions Are Odorless, Tasteless, And Invisible Molecules That We Inhale In Abundance In Certain Environments. Think Thunderstorms, Mountains, Waterfalls And Beaches. Ions Are Molecules That Have Gained Or Lost An Electrical Charge. They Are Created In Nature As Air Molecules Break Apart Due To Sunlight, Radiation, Moving Air And Water. Studies Have Shown That In Most Cases Positive Ions Are Unhealthy While Negative Ions Have Many Positive Effects On A Person. The Friction Caused By Waterfalls (Water+Air) Create Very Large Amounts Of Negative Ions Which Are Then Spread Via The Falls Mist. Niagara Falls Is Said To Be The Worlds Largest Natural Negative Ion Generator! A Few Of The Positive Effects Created By Niagara’s Negative Ion Mist Generator May Include…

    Niagara Falls: A Place of Dreams, Daring, and Mystical Powers

    Niagara Falls, a magnificent natural wonder, has been a source of inspiration and awe for many, including the visionary Nikola Tesla, who was captivated by its potential to harness energy. However, for others, the colossal waterfalls represent a different kind of allure – a testing ground for fate and a symbol for life’s ultimate leap of faith.

    The Daredevils’ Playground

    For thrill-seekers and daredevils, Niagara Falls is a stage for breathtaking stunts, ranging from barrel jumps to tightrope walks, and even free falls. While some have miraculously survived these perilous feats, others have met a tragic end. Annie Edson Taylor, a notable adventurer, became the first person to survive a barrel plunge over the falls on her 63rd birthday in 1901. Her survival against the odds set a precedent for future daredevils seeking their moment of fate at the falls.

    A Somber Attraction for the Despondent

    Conversely, Niagara Falls also draws individuals facing despair, becoming a final destination for those contemplating suicide. According to historian Paul Gromosiak, thousands have chosen the falls as their end point since 1856. Whether leaping from the Rainbow Bridge or wading into the whirlpool, these tragic acts raise questions about the falls’ role as a possible threshold between worlds, a gateway where the veil to the afterlife might be at its thinnest.

    A Portal of Life and Love

    Amidst these stories of death and danger, Niagara Falls also symbolizes love and new beginnings. Established as a prime honeymoon destination in the early 1800s, the falls have earned the title “Honeymoon Capital of the World.” Couples are drawn not only by the breathtaking beauty and romantic history but also by the legendary powers attributed to its waters. Rumors suggest the falls’ waters possess aphrodisiac qualities and may even boost fertility.

    The Power of Negative Ions

    Beyond myths and legends, the falls’ true magic may lie in its generation of negative ions. Created by the interaction of water and air, these ions are believed to offer numerous health benefits. As the world’s largest natural generator of negative ions, Niagara Falls’ mist may positively impact mood, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. This phenomenon, fueled by nature’s forces, offers a scientific explanation for the sense of euphoria and vitality often experienced by visitors.

    Niagara Falls, therefore, stands as a complex symbol – a place of scientific wonder, a stage for human courage and despair, and a natural source of healing and rejuvenation. Whether it’s Tesla’s dreams, daredevils’ bravery, mournful souls seeking peace, or lovers embarking on a new journey, the falls continue to be an enigmatic force, captivating the hearts and imaginations of all who encounter its majesty.


    Maid Of The Mist

    The Enigmatic Power of Niagara Falls: A Fusion of Nature, Myth, and Science

    The majestic Niagara Falls, renowned for its breathtaking beauty, might also hold the key to profound mental and physical benefits, courtesy of its status as the world’s largest natural negative ion generator. This fascinating interplay of natural forces could explain the legendary ‘honeymoon effect’ and the transformative experiences reported by many visitors.

    Enhancing Mental Well-being

    Numerous studies have highlighted the potential of negative ions to balance serotonin levels in the bloodstream, enhancing mood and possibly alleviating symptoms of depression. This natural mood elevator may contribute significantly to the sense of euphoria experienced by visitors, making the falls a natural sanctuary for mental rejuvenation.

    Boosting Physical Health

    Research indicates that negative ions may enhance our ability to absorb and utilize oxygen, leading to improved overall health and vitality. This phenomenon has been utilized in Russia for decades, with negative ion generators employed to enhance athletic performance and mandatory ionization in many hospitals, underscoring the health benefits of this natural wonder.

    Purifying the Environment

    Negative ions play a critical role in cleansing the air of harmful particles like dust, pollen, and smoke, while also neutralizing surface bacteria and fungi. They counteract the negative effects of positively charged ions, which are linked to depression, stress, and sleeplessness, thus creating a healthier, more harmonious environment.

    As Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., author of “The Owner’s Manual for the Brain,” notes, for a significant portion of the population, negative ions can create an exhilarating sensation, akin to ‘walking on air.’

    The Honeymoon Effect and Life-Death Cycle

    Could the falls’ powerful generation of negative ions be a factor in the famed ‘honeymoon effect,’ acting as a natural aphrodisiac and mood enhancer? Moreover, for those who arrive at the falls in despair, might the invigorating environment, charged with negative ions, instill a newfound hope and desire for life?

    Niagara Falls: A Cosmic Gateway?

    The convergence of ancient legends and the modern phenomenon of life and death at Niagara Falls suggests it could be more than a natural wonder; it might also be a cosmic gateway. This otherworldly portal, perhaps a ‘stargate’ of sorts, seems to exist at the intersection of opposing cosmic forces, offering a unique vantage point to observe and learn from these mystical energies.

    Modern Symbolism and the Maid of the Mist

    Is it possible that cosmic symbolism, emerging through this thin veil, has manifested in art, architecture, and even the natural landscapes surrounding the falls? The story of the Maid of the Mist, intertwined with the falls, adds another layer to this tapestry of myth and mystery, hinting at the profound connection between our world and realms beyond our understanding.

    In essence, Niagara Falls stands as a testament to the interconnectedness of nature, legend, and science – a place where the physical and metaphysical merge, offering a glimpse into the profound mysteries of our universe.

    Maid of the Mist

    Maid Of The Mist

    The Maid of the Mist: A Modern Echo of Niagara’s Mystical Past

    “The Maid of the Mist” stands as a captivating embodiment of Niagara Falls’ rich tapestry of folklore, intertwining ancient legends with contemporary experiences. This iconic vessel, more than just a tourist attraction, symbolizes the enduring legacy of the region’s mystical past and its continuous influence on the present.

    Revisiting the Legend

    The legend of the Native American maiden, who courageously sailed over the falls and was miraculously saved by the Thunderers, continues to resonate in the journey of “The Maid of the Mist.” Launched in 1846, this boat symbolically retraces the maiden’s path, offering passengers a visceral connection to the ancient lore.

    Journey of the Maid

    “The Maid of the Mist” begins its voyage on the tranquil waters of the Niagara River, near the Rainbow Bridge – itself a potent symbol of transition and connection between realms. The journey takes passengers close to the American and Bridal Veil Falls, culminating in an awe-inspiring passage through the mist-shrouded expanse of the Horseshoe Falls.

    Symbolism of the Route

    The voyage’s symbolism is profound, starting from the Rainbow Bridge, often perceived as a metaphorical gateway between different worlds. The encounter with the Bridal Veil Falls, formerly known as Iris Falls, adds another layer of mythical resonance. Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow, further cements the connection between the natural wonder and the ethereal realms, bridging earthly experiences with celestial phenomena.

    In essence, “The Maid of the Mist” is more than a simple vessel navigating the waters of Niagara. It is a living symbol, a modern-day incarnation of ancient myths, carrying with it the spirit of the Native American maiden and the mystical essence of the falls. Through its daily voyages, the Maid perpetuates the cycle of legend and reality, blending the mystical past of Niagara with the tangible experiences of the present.

    Rainbow Bridge: No Evidence Crash, Explosion Was Terrorist Attack, Gov. Says

    The International Rainbow Bridge: A Symbolic Gateway at Niagara Falls

    The International Rainbow Bridge, gracefully arching over the Niagara River since 1941, is more than a mere architectural feat; it’s a symbol steeped in rich symbolism and history. As the rushing waters of the Niagara Falls flow beneath it, the bridge stands as a testament to the blend of natural wonder and human ingenuity.

    Inspirations and Symbolism

    The name “Rainbow Bridge” is thought to be inspired by the biblical passage from Genesis 9:12–17, a reference deeply etched into the adjoining Rainbow Tower. This connection to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, where the rainbow symbolized a covenant between God and humanity, imbues the bridge with a profound sense of hope and renewal.

    The Musical Heart of the Bridge: The Rainbow Tower Carillon

    The Rainbow Tower, an integral part of the bridge’s structure, houses a unique musical instrument known as a carillon. This instrument, consisting of a baton keyboard connected to a series of bells, resonates with melodious tunes and tones, filling the air around the bridge. The carillon’s music, echoing across the waters and landscape, plays five times daily throughout the year, adding a harmonious backdrop to the majestic scenery.

    Biblical Engravings and Their Significance

    Adorning the Rainbow Tower are several biblical engravings that further emphasize the bridge’s connection to the story of the rainbow in Genesis. These engravings not only enhance the bridge’s aesthetic appeal but also deepen its spiritual and cultural significance, linking it to themes of promise, hope, and the harmonious coexistence of nature and humanity.

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    The Rainbow in Biblical Scripture: A Symbol of Covenant and Divine Glory

    The imagery of the rainbow in the Bible is a powerful symbol, representing God’s covenant and the majestic presence of the divine. In Genesis 9:12, the rainbow emerges as a sign of the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures on Earth. This covenant assures that never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life, with the rainbow serving as a reminder of this promise.

    Genesis: The Covenant of the Rainbow

    In Genesis, God’s words to Noah after the great flood are profound and reassuring. The bow set in the clouds stands as a testament to the promise that the Earth will not be consumed by floodwaters again. It symbolizes hope, a renewed relationship between the divine and all living beings, and a commitment to the sustenance and continuity of life on Earth.

    Ezekiel: The Radiance of Divine Glory

    In Ezekiel 1:28, the rainbow is depicted as part of a divine vision, surrounding the brightness of the Lord’s glory. This imagery paints the rainbow not just as a symbol of a covenant but as an integral aspect of the divine presence, embodying the magnificence and awe-inspiring nature of God’s glory.

    Revelation: A Vision of an Angel

    In Revelation 10:1, the rainbow takes on a different yet equally powerful symbolism. An angel adorned with a rainbow on his head symbolizes the merging of human and divine realms. The angel’s appearance, with the rainbow, the sun-like face, and pillars of fire for feet, evokes a sense of awe and wonder, emphasizing the might and majesty of divine messengers.

    The Rainbow: A Multifaceted Biblical Symbol

    In these scriptures, the rainbow is portrayed as a multifaceted symbol – a sign of God’s enduring promise to humanity, a part of the divine aura, and an element of celestial beings. It is a recurring motif that connects various narratives in the Bible, illustrating the diverse ways in which the divine communicates with and reassures humanity. The imagery of the rainbow in biblical texts continues to inspire faith, hope, and reverence, making it a powerful and enduring symbol in religious and cultural contexts.

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    The Rainbow: A Symbolic Bridge Across Cultures and Time

    The rainbow, with its captivating spectrum of colors, has long been a source of fascination and inspiration across various cultures, artistic expressions, and scientific explorations. Regarded as the “path of the gods,” the rainbow’s ethereal beauty has illuminated ancient myths, inspired artists and poets, and intrigued scientists with its mysterious charm.

    Mythological Significance of the Rainbow Bridge

    In numerous mythologies around the world, the Rainbow Bridge, or the “Shimmering Path,” is revered as a celestial link between the earthly and the divine realms. It is perceived as a sacred pathway, facilitating communication and connection between humans and the gods. This cosmic bridge is often symbolized as a portal or gateway, signifying transitions and the merging of different worlds.

    Iris: The Rainbow Goddess

    The presence of Iris, the Greek goddess personifying the rainbow, is symbolically resonant in various sacred geographical features. Goat Island, previously known as Iris Island, and Bridal Veil Falls, once referred to as Iris Falls, bear witness to her mythological significance. Iris, in Greek mythology, serves as a divine messenger, creating a bridge between the gods and humanity through the rainbow. Her role highlights the rainbow’s symbolism as a link between different realms, embodying communication, connection, and the transcendent nature of the divine.

    The Enduring Allure of the Rainbow

    The rainbow continues to captivate the human imagination, symbolizing hope, promise, and the unifying bond between the earthly and the celestial. Its representation across various cultures and myths underscores its universal appeal and enduring significance as a symbol of connection, enlightenment, and the mystical journey between worlds. The rainbow remains a timeless emblem, bridging the gap between the tangible and the ethereal, the human and the divine.

    The Whirlpool Vortex
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    The Niagara Whirlpool: A Marvel of Natural Forces

    The Niagara Whirlpool, situated downstream from the awe-inspiring Niagara Falls, is an extraordinary natural wonder, showcasing the incredible power and beauty of nature. This whirlpool, formed by the dynamic forces of the Niagara River, presents a captivating spectacle of swirling waters that draw the attention of visitors and nature enthusiasts alike.

    Formation and Characteristics of the Whirlpool

    The whirlpool is a vast and deep body of water, measuring approximately 125 feet in depth and spanning an impressive 1200 feet across. Its counterclockwise circulation makes it one of the largest natural whirlpools on the planet. The whirlpool’s formation is a result of the Niagara River making a sharp 90-degree turn to the right, creating the perfect conditions for the water to rotate.

    The Dynamic Process of the Whirlpool

    When the river is at its fullest, the waters rush over the rapids and flow into the whirlpool. The water then travels counterclockwise around the pool, moving past the whirlpool’s natural outlet. A unique phenomenon occurs when the water attempts to cross over itself to reach this outlet. The resulting pressure forces the water beneath the incoming stream, forming a powerful and mesmerizing vortex.

    The Whirlpool’s Vortex: A Display of Nature’s Power

    This swirling vortex is a testament to the immense power of natural water forces. The whirlpool offers a spectacular display of nature’s ability to sculpt and shape the landscape, creating a mesmerizing dance of water that captures the imagination and inspires awe.

    Niagara Falls: The Cosmic Crossing &Amp; The Rainbow Bridge Between Realms

    The Symbolism of the Niagara Whirlpool: A Portal in Native American Lore

    The Niagara Whirlpool, beyond being a natural spectacle, holds profound symbolic significance, particularly in Native American legends. This swirling water vortex is perceived not merely as a geological phenomenon but as a mystical portal bridging different realms.

    A Connection to the Underworld Deities

    In Native American mythology, the whirlpool is often associated with the activities of underworld deities, such as the water panther and the horned serpent. These mythical beings, integral to the lore of various tribes, are believed to use the whirlpool as a passage to transition between the underworld and the earthly realm. The thrashing and turbulent movement of the whirlpool’s waters are seen as evidence of these deities’ movements – a visual representation of their tails stirring the waters as they traverse the boundaries of different worlds.

    The Whirlpool as a Cosmic Indicator

    The idea of the Niagara Whirlpool serving as a telltale sign of cosmic entities moving between realms offers a fascinating insight into how natural phenomena were interpreted in ancient times. To the indigenous people, the whirlpool was more than a water body; it was a significant spiritual landmark that indicated the presence and activities of powerful forces from the spiritual realm.

    Sky Wheels and Googie Towers

    In a broader cultural context, the whirlpool’s symbolism finds echoes in other architectural and natural structures that have been imbued with cosmic or otherworldly significance. Concepts like ‘Sky Wheels’ and ‘Googie Towers’ in various cultures represent a fascination with the heavens and the celestial, much like the whirlpool’s representation of a connection between the earthly and the supernatural. These structures and phenomena serve as reminders of humanity’s enduring quest to understand and connect with the greater universe.

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    Niagara’s Skyline: A Showcase of Cosmic Symbolism

    Niagara Falls’ skyline is graced by two remarkable structures, the Sky Wheel and the Skylon Tower, which together symbolize a harmonious balance of cosmic energies. These architectural marvels offer more than just a visual spectacle; they embody the essence of cosmic balance, with the tower representing masculine energy and the wheel symbolizing the feminine.

    The Sky Wheel and Skylon Tower: Vistas of the Sacred Landscape

    Both the Sky Wheel and the Skylon Tower provide visitors with a unique perspective of Niagara’s sacred landscape, akin to the bird’s eye view associated with the legendary Thunderbird. This elevated viewpoint offers an unparalleled opportunity to experience the grandeur of Niagara from a heightened perspective.

    The Skylon Tower: A Modern Monument to the Cosmos

    Rising 520 feet from street level and 775 feet from the base of the falls, the Skylon Tower, completed in 1965, is a striking example of Googie architecture. This architectural style, characterized by its futuristic, space-age design, is inspired by elements of modernity such as automobile culture, jets, and the atomic age. The Skylon Tower, with its Googie influences, resembles a colossal space antenna or a cosmic receiver, reaching ambitiously towards the sky.

    Googie Architecture and Cosmic Influence

    The pinnacle of the Skylon Tower is adorned with a disc-shaped structure, reminiscent of a flying saucer. This unique feature, capped with copper, serves as both an observation deck and a rotating restaurant, further emphasizing the tower’s space-age aesthetic. The design of the Skylon Tower, with its Googie architectural elements, symbolizes humanity’s fascination with the cosmos and the quest to reach beyond the earthly realm.

    Screenshot 2023 11 22 232720 -The Sky Wheel, towering at 175 feet, offers visitors a unique perspective high above Niagara Falls, providing stunning views that are unparalleled. Its design and function carry subconscious symbolism, particularly that of a stargate. When observed in time-lapse imagery, the Sky Wheel’s rotation gives the impression of a portal or stargate, a gateway through which one can traverse space and time.

    A crucial element of stargate symbolism is the “Point of Origin” symbol, which is used as a reference point for returning after traveling through space and time. Generally, this Point of Origin represents Earth, but it can also be specific to cities, each having their own unique markers. Symbolically, the Point of Origin is often depicted as a pyramid with an open bottom.

    In a remarkable display of synchronicity, the Sky Wheel incorporates this very symbol into its structure. The pyramid with an open bottom as the centerpiece of the Sky Wheel not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also imbues it with deeper symbolic meaning. This design choice connects the Sky Wheel to the broader concept of stargates and portals, suggesting that it’s more than just a Ferris wheel – it’s a symbol of journeying, exploration, and the interconnectedness of different places and times.

    Through the portal 

    Through The Portal Symbolism

    Niagara Falls, with its unique positioning and symbolism, seems to embody a realm that exists between cosmic dimensions. This idea is further accentuated by the notion of portals or gateways, which serve as symbolic devices for transportation between these dimensions.

    One significant location in this context is Goat Island, known historically as Iris Island, situated between the falls. It is a place steeped in sacred significance, and here, we find a striking sculpture of Nikola Tesla, often referred to as the “bird-man.” This sculpture not only honors Tesla’s scientific achievements but also commemorates his deep connection to Niagara Falls.

    Tesla’s childhood dream was to harness the energy of Niagara Falls, which he saw as a powerful natural force. He achieved this dream by tapping into what he referred to as “The Power Portal.” This portal, in Tesla’s view, was not merely a source of immense energy but also a symbolic gateway, blending the physical and metaphysical, the scientific and the mystical.

    The presence of Tesla’s sculpture on Goat Island serves as a physical reminder of this portal concept. It suggests that Niagara Falls, and Goat Island in particular, might be more than just a natural wonder; they could also be symbolic representations of gateways or portals between realms, bridging the gap between our physical world and other, perhaps unknown, cosmic dimensions. This adds an intriguing layer of mystique and wonder to the already awe-inspiring natural beauty of Niagara Falls.

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    The power portal

    Niagara Falls Rainbow Bridge

    According to legend, the area beneath Niagara Falls was believed to be the home of the chief of the Thunderers, or thunderbirds, and served as a portal to the sky realms. These Thunderers, revered in Native American mythology, were powerful spiritual entities associated with thunder and lightning.

    The mythological significance of this location is rich and deep-rooted. The thunderbirds were seen as protectors and powerful beings who could control the weather, especially storms and thunder. Their home beneath the falls, therefore, was not just a physical space but a sacred and mystical point of contact between the earthly realm and the higher, celestial domains.

    In modern times, visitors to Niagara Falls can embark on the “Journey Behind The Falls” tour, which allows them to experience the falls from a unique vantage point. This journey offers a glimpse into what it might have been like to view the falls from the perspective of the ancient Thunderers. It’s a pathway that takes you close to the cascading waters, providing an almost mystical experience, akin to stepping into a different realm.

    This experience, in a way, symbolizes a journey into the past, connecting us with the legends and the spiritual beliefs of the Native Americans who held these falls in great reverence. It allows visitors to momentarily step into a world where myth and reality converge, offering a brief encounter with the awe-inspiring power of nature that was once seen as a gateway to the divine.

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    To align with our exploration of cosmic symbolism, it is notable that the viewing areas beneath the falls are often referred to as portals. To access these water portals, visitors navigate through a tunnel that strikingly resembles a wormhole.

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    The wormhole-like tunnel guides visitors to various portals, including the Cataract Portal and the Great Falls Portal.

    Now you can see the connection to the Rainbow Bridge explosion, And December 7th, which coincides with the anniversary of Pearl Harbor and Nikola Tesla’s birthday. This connection extends to CERN, other dimensions, and the cosmic Rainbow Bridge, linking us to different realities.

    Cosmic Conclusions: Could Niagara Falls be a cosmic landscape situated between otherworldly realms? The legendary underworld of Niagara and the sky realms could be interconnected and possibly accessed through stellar doorways or portals.

    Local legends depict cosmic beings traveling between space and time, life and death, via portals and cloud gateways. These same legends portray Niagara and several of its natural features as catalysts for accessing these realms.

    In recent times, daredevils, honeymooners, and those contemplating suicide have continued to challenge fate and the life/death cycle. Could they, too, have subconsciously recognized that the veil is thinner at Niagara, so to speak?

    Today, a cosmic mist still pervades the air, and cosmic symbolism has re-emerged in the modern era. The “Maid of the Mist” boat once again sails upon the sacred waters. These waters flow beneath the “Rainbow Bridge” before entering the “whirlpool-vortex.” Portals beneath the falls allow us to visit the realm of the Thunderers. A Googie (space-age) tower rises into the heavens, appearing as a cosmic antenna (transmitter-receiver) topped with a symbolic UFO.

    Could Niagara be a cosmic landscape sandwiched between otherworldly dimensions, a stellar portal between realms?

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