Yes, the Texas power grid will be impacted by the April 8 eclipse by Tommy Truthful
An upcoming solar eclipse is anticipated to see a significant drop in energy supply to Texas’s power grid, as a lack of sunlight will see solar generation suddenly and dramatically decline.
A total solar eclipse—when the sun is completely shrouded by the moon—is set to occur on April 8. The eclipse will pass from northern Mexico across the southwest and into New England. A 100 percent loss of sunlight is due to occur in Texas from around 12:10 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. CT (1:10-4:10 p.m. ET).
According to Hugh Cutcher, a data scientist for solar power forecaster Solcast, most of the continental U.S. will experience a “significant drop” in solar generation. Still, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) will be “heavily impacted by the eclipse’s effects.”
Solcast projections suggest that should the skies be clear that day because the eclipse will occur in the middle of the day, ERCOT’s solar production will suddenly drop from nearly 15,000 to around 1,000 megawatts before returning to normal. It estimates that the overall loss to the grid will be 11.7 percent of its total daily solar generation.
Solar Eclipse Warning Issued as Texas Power Grid Faces Energy Plunge (
Let’s take a look at gematria, which comes from Jewish Kabbalah mysticism. The elites have a secret hidden language of symbols and numbers. There’s also an organic source code because we live in some type of simulation—the numbers prove it over and over again. These numbers are sourced from the article linked above this text.
“Abilene, Texas” equals 117 in English ordinal gematria, as does “A Nuclear War.”
This is what I believe will unfold: the twin eclipses make an X over the New Madrid fault line—X marks the spot. America is being offered up as a sacrifice.
I actually did a detailed blog on the New Madrid fault line and the New Madrid prophecy. Here’s the link to that full breakdown:
“Market Crash” equals 117 in English ordinal.
If they knock the power grid down, we already know the government ran drills called Cyber Polygon, where they planned for this exact thing. And why would they do that, you might ask? Well, to flip us from a physical dollar to a digital currency. This has been a long-term agenda of the global elite in control of the media, the political system here in America, and the power grid! And just pay attention to your news cycle—all they talk about is war, war, war, war. “World War 3” equals 117.
Pattern recognition is very important; we need to pay attention to these patterns. This is how the elite speak to each other without the uninitiated knowing what they’re talking about.
Cutcher said this would amount to a loss of 16.9 gigawatt-hours—enough to power 1.69 billion LED lightbulbs—but that further solar projects coming online before April “makes it likely this number could be higher.”
ERCOT’s projections, published on March 7, suggest solar output would drop from 99.2 percent just after noon on April 8 to 7.6 percent at 1:40 p.m.
Notice how they use the number 169 numerous times in this story? “Digital currency” equals 169 in English ordinal gematria, as does “FEMA camps in Texas.”
“Nuclear disaster” equals 169 as well. Are you starting to see the pattern now? And this is all in the English ordinal cipher, where A=1, B=2, C=3, all the way through Z=26, based on the English language. “October eleventh” equals 169. This is a number I keep seeing repeatedly in all of my decodes. So, I went and looked at the calculator to see how many days there are from April 8, the eclipse, until October 11 of this year. And guess what, guys?
From and including: Monday, April 8, 2024, to and including: Friday, October 11, 2024.
Result: 187 days. It is 187 days from the start date to the end date, end date included. 187 is the homicide code. What do they have planned for October 11th of this year? Mark that day on your calendar!
“Brotherhood of Death” equals 187 in English ordinal gematria, known as “The Skull and Bones Society.”
“Fort Worth TX” equals 187.
“Truth mafia dot com” equals 187.
I was meant to decode this, my brothers and sisters. I’m doing exactly what I was created to do. It’s all within the organic source code. This is how we see events manifest before they even happen, and it’s why we are the world’s number one censored platform.
While the eclipse is expected to affect power generation in other regions, Texas’s power grid generates a larger proportion of its supply from solar power, whereas grid operators in New York or New England tend to limit solar power to residential buildings.
By comparison, the New York power grid solar generation is predicted to peak at just over 3,500 megawatts before falling to less than 250 megawatts.
ERCOT plans for the eclipse and “will use available tools to balance the system” when it occurs. In the days and hours before the eclipse, generation, and weather forecasts will be monitored to ensure demand is met.
A spokesperson for ERCOT told Newsweek that it “is working on forecasting models to reflect solar generation on the grid during the eclipse” and “does not expect any grid reliability concerns during the eclipse.”
ERCOT has previously suffered from strains on the power grid due to extreme weather patterns. It noted “tight grid conditions” in January due to a cold snap increasing demand. A prolonged heat wave in the summer of 2023 threatened to do the same.
When a solar eclipse occurred in August 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information estimated that the U.S. lost around a quarter of its solar power generation capacity. Still, it noted that it did not cause any operational issues.
The challenge for power grip operators is not just the loss of power but also the suddenness with which it happens. Like any large fluctuations in supply or demand, this can place strain on transmission.
Vahe Peroomian, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Southern California’s Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, explained in a March 8 article for The Conversation: “Because solar power production falls quickly during the eclipse’s peak, grid operators may need to tap into reserves at a rate that may strain the electrical transmission lines.
“To keep things running smoothly during the event, grid operators will rely on local reserves and minimize power transfer between grids.”
He noted that, like other renewable energy sources, solar power was variable—only being generated when the sun was shining—and so power grids usually rely on battery storage to bridge the time difference between when solar power is generated most and when it is needed most, which could also be used in the event of an eclipse.
The spokesperson said, “ERCOT will use all available tools to maintain grid reliability, continue to monitor conditions, and keep the public informed through our communications channels.

“If you enjoyed this decode and breakdown, please feel free to check out some of our other breakdowns and decodes by clicking on the links below. Also, please leave your comments as I love to hear your feedback. I answer every single person personally. If you think I’m reaching, you can say so, but I believe the evidence is more than sufficient when it comes to this decode. They won’t do anything on the day of the Eclipse. It’ll be a certain number of days from the Eclipse, and 187 days after the Eclipse is looking pretty good to me. This will take us to October 11th of 2024. Mark that day on your calendars, brothers and sisters, as some sort of staged event will happen on that day.”
YouTube banned my big YouTube channel, truth Mafia podcast, on March 14th, known as Pi Day 3.14, Which is fitting considering I started Tommy That has now merged into on March 14th of 2022; for all of you who have been on the journey with me, you remember. What’s the one thing I’m always warning you guys about? Nibiru!
Destroyer of Worlds nibiru=314 In English ordinal gematria, this action on YouTube let me know what I was being censored for talking about. But don’t worry, we have a new YouTube channel. Here’s the link to our new channel: Make sure you subscribe, hit the bell, and hit all so you get all notifications. Thank you for supporting my movement. Tommy, Truthful wouldn’t exist without you.
In solidarity, Tommy Truthful & the TruthMafia Team
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Thanks Tommy, Great work you do always 🤩
I’m from Dayton Ohio where the 1st 4 games of March Madness take place. Dayton is called the ‘Epicenter of Basketball’. I know nothing about Basketball, but I do know a lot about Dayton.
I know that Coach Grant the UD Flyer’s daughter committed suicide recently (by the numbers). His son wears 33 jersey.
I have an overwhelming feeling that the Dayton Flyers will win this tournament.
Here are just a few items (the list is endless) that are Screaming Ritual and DAYTON.
1) Google ‘Dayton Ohio Crossroads of America’ – it is in Vandalia a suburb of north Dayton where Trump was at the airport. I would suggest that the eclipses are the Alef (the above) and the Tav (the Below) X…being Dayton where I75 goes N to S and I70 goes E to W across the US.
2) Dayton is in the path of Eclipse Totality. USA Today names Dayton one of the top 12 places to watch. The eclipse happens on 4/8 the last day of March Madness tournament.
3) But wrap your head around this…when you change the D&A (DNA) around for Dayton you get ‘Adyton’ which is the Holy of Holies in a Greek Temple. Changing the DNA WILL affect the Holy of Holies in the Human Temple! (Bible says ‘You are the Temple’)
What happens in the Spiritual manifests in the physical.
4)Trump & Kanye came to Dayton for the Oregon District Mass Shooting Ritual on BO’s Birthday 8/4/2019. Happened across from BLIND BOB’s Bar. To get there you have to go through GATE St and PINE(Pineal) St the killing was on 5th.
5) Dayton has the Apollo 15 at the Airforce Museum. Trump is the Apollo & Janus(two-face) archetype. He initiated Warp Speed.
6)Dayton is home of the Wright Brothers and Warped Wing.
7)Tom Hanks call gave a Graduation Speech calling WSU the ‘Chosen Ones’. There is a Tom Hanks Theatre at WSU and the sidewalks form a sigil of Baphomet.
8) March Madness began here yesterday.
9)The 1/10/1937 quote from Charles Kettering ‘I am the enemy of the world being finished’. That is Dayton(Kettering), Ohio. Christ’s last words were “It is Finished’
10) We are the HEARTLAND, the GEM City and have the Dayton Dragons, WPAFB with “Hangar 18…Aliens”.
11)The 1st Marianist (Mary/Isis) worship in the US began in Dayton at ‘Nazareth’ Farm (Now called University of Dayton). Marianist were birthed coming up the river from the QUEEN city – Cincinnati.
12)Nancy Cartwright (Female) is the voice of Bart Simpson (Male) is from Dayton/Kettering.
13)Trump coming to town last week and pushing the ‘Blood Bath’ comment out is in no way by chance, it is an orchestrated ritual.
14)Spielberg’s Super 8’s setting was WPAFB, where Aliens are released from a train wreck.
15)Many Operation Paperclip Scientist were assigned here.
Soooo much more.
here’s 16-21: (antichrist birthing ritual cont.)
16) On Thursday March 21, 2024 the front page of the Dayton Daily News has 3 guys with RED paint on their bare chests. It looks like a BLOOD BATH.
So there is: Trumps Dayton ‘BloodBath’ comment, the 3 guys cheering team for UD is called the RED SCARE, and these connect to TOM HANKS via the bloody ball in Castaway. Tom had the Ball with the BLOOD face on it. Tom was the one to call WSU (Dayton University) students “Chosen Ones”.
17) Just before March Madness began the headlines had Coach GRANT (from WSU) exiting (White guy), and article below it was Coach GRANT (from UD) winning (Black guy). Duality-opposites, as above so below. GRANT evokes Ulysses S GRANT (also from Ohio) associated with…drum roll…the CIVIL WAR. Also GRANT is found in Rev 3:21…To him that overcometh will I GRANT to sit with me in my throne…
18) I’ve lived in and around Dayton for 62 years and just last week is the first time I have EVER heard of “Calamityville”. It’s on 506 Xenia Drive Dayton (Fairborn). It’s the biggest disaster preparedness sight in US.
Headlines say: “From Cement Mill To Calamityville.” Cement is Masonry connection (Masonic) To Destruction.
Calamityville-54r,207Rev,81RR. The New Atlantis-54r,207Rev,81RR. PERFECT MATCH
19) ISIS, Married Brother OSIRIS, the had HORUS. Brother SET killed OSIRIS chopping him up into 14 pieces. ISIS found all the pieces (except the Lorena Bobbitt piece) and she resurrected OSIRIS.
O(Resurrected), Isis,Horus,Osiris.. Flipped OHIO.
20) 88 counties in OHIO
21) UD’s odds of winning…75 to 1.
Strongs 75 -AGONIZOMAI (110 ordinal): To Struggle, literally (to compete for a prize), figuratively (to contend with an adversary. (UD FLYERS 110ordinal)