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Spirit Animals

By: Tommy Truthful
Spread the Truth

5G Danger

The Native American Zodiac: A Journey Through Spirit Animals

Here’s a breakdown of the Spirit Animal Zodiac and its alignment with the Western Zodiac based on birth dates:

The reason I wanted to do this is that when I do personal decodes for my clients, I found a lot of discrepancies online. Certain sites would tell you your spirit animal was one thing, and then you would search another site and it would say another. So, I wanted to find out the original source of the representation of our spirit animal in Native American culture.

Spirit Animal Birthday Range Corresponding Western Zodiac
Red Hawk March 21 – April 19 Aries
Beaver April 20 – May 20 Taurus
Deer May 21 – June 20 Gemini
Woodpecker June 21 – July 21 Cancer
Sturgeon July 22 – August 21 Leo
Brown Bear August 22 – September 21 Virgo
Raven September 22 – October 22 Libra
Snake October 23 – November 22 Scorpio
Owl/Elk November 23 – December 21 Sagittarius
Snow Goose December 22 – January 19 Capricorn
Otter January 20 – February 18 Aquarius
Wolf/Puma February 19 – March 20 Pisces

This zodiac system, known as the Sun Bear Zodiac, assigns a spirit animal to individuals based on their birth date, much like traditional Western astrology. Each animal corresponds to specific characteristics and energies that are reflected in the people born under that sign, mirroring how zodiac signs in Western astrology offer insight into personality traits and life lessons.

The Native American Zodiac, based on ancient traditions and profound connections to nature, offers a unique way of understanding human personality and the natural world. Rooted in the cycles of the seasons and deeply tied to the rhythms of the Earth, this zodiac system uses spirit animals to guide individuals in exploring their inner strengths, traits, and life paths.

Just as many cultures look to the stars for wisdom, Native American traditions have long understood that the natural world, with its animals and cycles, provides powerful guidance. The animals in the Native American Zodiac serve as spiritual teachers, offering lessons and insight for those who connect with their energy. Each spirit animal represents certain characteristics and is linked to a specific time of year, much like the Western Zodiac.

The Spirit Animals and Their Energy

  • Red Hawk (March 21 – April 19): Connected to the powerful energy of Aries, the Red Hawk symbolizes vision and clarity. Those born under this sign are often driven by purpose, courage, and a keen sense of observation.

Red Hawk Reverse Reduction 38 1 - Aries Reverse Reduction 38 -

“It’s really interesting that ‘Red Hawk’ in Aries has matching reverse reduction Gematria. In all the personal decodes I’ve done, I’ve never come across anyone with the spirit animal of a Red Hawk who’s a non-player character. They are always first-player characters, and that’s because we live in some kind of simulation. There’s a source code to all of this, and the first-player character code seems to be connected to the number 38 in Chaldean Gematria.”

Fpc Code-Chaldean-38

Decoding a person’s numerology is primarily about the numbers and their significance rather than any single cipher. Unlike decoding a movie or a news event where one or two ciphers may suffice, decoding a person involves seeking connections within the numerology of the numbers.

In Native American culture, the hawk is revered as a powerful spirit animal, symbolizing vision, clarity, and protection. Hawks are seen as messengers between the spiritual and physical realms, carrying important insights and guidance from higher powers. This connection to the spiritual realm is why they are often associated with wisdom and the ability to see beyond ordinary perception.

Different tribes hold hawks in high regard for their keen eyesight and sharp instincts. For example, the Cheyenne associate hawks with strength and courage, often viewing hawk sightings as warning signs to remain vigilant against threats. The Iroquois and Hopi also have stories that depict the hawk as a guide, sometimes even tied to creation myths, such as a hawk flying across the sky to create the sun​

Hawks also represent leadership and foresight. Many tribal leaders were named after hawks to symbolize their role as visionaries, capable of seeing the bigger picture and making clear decisions. The hawk’s strategic hunting ability often serves as a metaphor for making wise and calculated decisions in life.​By connecting with the hawk’s energy, individuals are encouraged to embrace change, stay focused on their goals, and trust their intuition as they navigate challenges​

Spirit Animal For March 21St Through April 19Th Red Hulk

  • Beaver (April 20 – May 20): Like Taurus, the Beaver is industrious and grounded. Known for their work ethic and determination, Beavers build strong foundations in both their personal and professional lives.

In Native American culture, the beaver holds deep symbolic meaning, representing hard work, resourcefulness, and community. Known as a master builder, the beaver symbolizes the importance of constructing a solid foundation for life, both physically and spiritually. Its industrious nature reflects the value of perseverance, encouraging individuals to stay committed to their goals and overcome obstacles through effort and dedication.

The beaver also emphasizes the significance of cooperation and teamwork. Much like how beavers work together to build dams and create habitats that benefit their ecosystems, they serve as a reminder of the strength that comes from unity and collaboration within a community. In some Native traditions, the beaver is revered for its ability to adapt and create balance, symbolizing the harmonious relationship between nature and humanity.

Additionally, beavers are seen as symbols of family and protection, as their lodges serve as safe havens for their loved ones. This teaches the importance of nurturing close relationships and creating secure environments for those you care about​

By embracing the beaver’s lessons, we can apply its wisdom to our lives, focusing on perseverance, adaptability, and the value of strong family and community bonds.

I’ve noticed a connection between the Beaver Archetype and the Freemasonic archetype. The beaver is known as the master builder, which aligns with the image of masons as master builders. Additionally, the number 22, associated with the beaver, is considered a master number and is linked to the concept of the master builder.

A Beaver-Chaldean-22

Interestingly, beavers build their homes called lodges, which relates to the term “lodge” in Freemasonry, where members meet in Masonic Lodges.

Spirit Animal April 20 – May 20 Taurus The Beaver

  • Deer (May 21 – June 20): Aligned with Gemini, the Deer is agile, curious, and quick-witted. People born under the Deer are known for their ability to adapt and think on their feet.

The deer is a significant spirit animal connected to the first player character (FPC), which equals 19 in Chaldean and 16 in reduction (also known as Pythagorean). Additionally, “deer” is sixteen in Chaldean and 19 in Septenary Gematria. However, deer symbolism also has a dark side. You can learn more about it in this blog, which will surely blow your mind.

Fpc Reduction 16 - Fpc Chaldean 19 1 - Deer Chaldean 16 - Deer Septenary 19 -

In Native American culture, the deer symbolizes grace, gentleness, and a deep connection with the spiritual realm. Many tribes see the deer as a messenger between the physical and spiritual worlds, offering guidance and protection. The deer teaches lessons of compassion, love, and sensitivity, encouraging individuals to embrace kindness and harmony in their lives.

The deer also embodies spiritual growth and new beginnings, representing the power of renewal and transformation. Its graceful movements remind us to approach challenges with calmness and serenity. Tribes like the Ojibwe and Seneca hold the deer in high regard, seeing it as a guardian and a guide that helps people navigate their spiritual journeys.​ Moreover, the antlers of the deer are believed to have healing properties and are often used in ceremonial objects and traditional medicine, symbolizing strength and regeneration.​Overall, the deer is revered for its connection to nature, intuition, and the balance between the spiritual and physical worlds​

Spirit Animal: Deer (May 21 – June 20)

  • Woodpecker (June 21 – July 21): Resembling Cancer, the Woodpecker represents nurture and sensitivity. This spirit animal encourages emotional depth and the ability to protect those they care about.

In Native American culture, the woodpecker is a symbol of determination, protection, and communication. Its rhythmic drumming is often seen as a metaphor for persistence and resilience, as the bird tirelessly pecks at trees to find sustenance. This represents the idea of overcoming obstacles with perseverance, a quality admired in many tribes. The woodpecker is also believed to carry messages between the physical and spiritual worlds, making it a symbol of spiritual insight and the ability to communicate across realms.

Additionally, woodpeckers are seen as protectors of the home and family. Their nesting habits, where they create cavities in trees to safeguard their young, symbolize the importance of creating a secure, nurturing environment. In many Native American traditions, the woodpecker is revered for its role in maintaining balance and providing for others, further highlighting its connection to family and community.

The woodpecker’s drumming is also likened to the heartbeat of the Earth, a powerful connection to the natural cycles of life and change. This bird teaches that by staying true to one’s rhythm, embracing opportunities, and remaining determined, one can overcome adversity and grow stronger​

The Woodpecker, As A Spirit Animal For Those Born Between June 21 And July 21, Is Akin To The Cancer Zodiac Sign.

  • Sturgeon (July 22 – August 21): Like Leo, the Sturgeon is a symbol of strength and leadership. Known for their longevity and perseverance, Sturgeons are confident and often take on leadership roles in their communities.

In Native American culture, the sturgeon is a symbol of strength, resilience, and wisdom. Known as an ancient and long-living creature, the sturgeon represents endurance and the ability to thrive under difficult conditions. Many tribes, especially those near the Great Lakes, view the sturgeon as a provider of food and other resources, symbolizing abundance and self-sufficiency. The sturgeon also plays a role in spiritual teachings, urging individuals to delve deeper into themselves, exercise patience, and stay steady in the face of life’s challenges.

Spiritually, the sturgeon encourages persistence and adaptability. Its slow and steady movement through water reminds us to take life’s challenges calmly, trust in the process, and embrace transformation when needed. Native American legends often depict the sturgeon as a wise and resourceful being, showing humans how to navigate life’s complexities with grace and inner strength​

In addition to its representation of resilience, the sturgeon is also associated with long-term vision and perseverance, teaching us the importance of enduring through hardships while maintaining a clear focus on our goals. It reminds us that true success often requires time, patience, and adaptability.

Spirit Animal: Sturgeon (July 22 – August 21)

  • Brown Bear (August 22 – September 21): Reflecting the energy of Virgo, the Brown Bear is meticulous and wise. They represent a balance of practicality and introspection, guiding those who are thoughtful and detail-oriented.

In Native American culture, the brown bear holds powerful spiritual significance. It represents strength, courage, and protection, and is often seen as a guardian and a symbol of healing. Many tribes believe that the bear’s spirit can provide both physical and spiritual protection. For example, the bear is thought to be a guide that helps people navigate between the physical and spiritual worlds, offering wisdom and introspection. This introspective nature of the bear is linked to its hibernation cycle, symbolizing renewal, self-reflection, and personal growth. Tribes such as the Lakota and Cheyenne also associate the bear with leadership and healing, and perform ceremonial dances and rituals to invoke the bear’s protective and healing powers. Overall, the brown bear, as a spirit animal, teaches us to tap into our inner strength, face challenges with courage, and embrace periods of introspection for personal growth and transformation.

Spirit Animal: Brown Bear (August 22 – September 21)

  • Raven (September 22 – October 22): Linked with Libra, the Raven symbolizes balance and intelligence. Those born under this spirit animal are known for their insight, communication skills, and ability to bring harmony to any situation.

In Native American culture, the raven is a powerful and multifaceted symbol, often representing transformation, intelligence, and a connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. Many tribes regard the raven as a messenger that can travel between realms, delivering spiritual guidance and important messages from the spirit world. This ability to bridge the gap between worlds makes the raven a key figure in ceremonies and rituals, especially for those seeking spiritual clarity and healing.

In some Native American traditions, the raven is also seen as a trickster, using its wit and intelligence to challenge norms and bring about change. This duality of wisdom and mischief shows the raven’s role in teaching life lessons, often through unexpected means. Its transformative energy guides individuals through personal growth, urging them to embrace change and shed old patterns to begin anew.

Additionally, the raven is known for its deep wisdom and is revered as a teacher who helps people navigate life’s challenges with insight and adaptability. It teaches the importance of introspection and seeking truth beneath the surface, making it a valuable guide for those on a spiritual journey​

Spirit Animal Raven (September 22 – October 22)

  • Snake (October 23 – November 22): Like Scorpio, the Snake embodies transformation and depth. Those guided by the Snake possess strong intuition and a natural ability to navigate life’s mysteries.

In Native American culture, the snake holds diverse symbolic meanings, often representing transformation, healing, and rebirth. The snake’s ability to shed its skin is a powerful metaphor for renewal and growth, making it a symbol of personal transformation and the cycles of life. Many tribes, like the Hopi and Cherokee, view the snake as a healer and associate it with fertility and water, linking it to rain and the nourishment of the earth. Snake medicine in shamanic practices often involved healing rituals and connecting with the spiritual world.

However, not all Native American traditions view the snake in the same light. In some tribes, like the Crow, the snake takes on the role of a trickster, bringing chaos and disorder, yet this complexity reflects the snake’s dual nature of creation and destruction. Rituals such as the Snake Dance in Hopi culture use live snakes to symbolize the spirit of renewal and transformation.​ Overall, the snake’s symbolism emphasizes adaptability, wisdom, and the profound power of change, teaching individuals to embrace growth and new beginnings while recognizing the natural cycles of life.

Spirit Animal Snake (October 23 – November 22)

  • Owl/Elk (November 23 – December 21): Resembling Sagittarius, the Owl or Elk represents wisdom and freedom. Individuals born under these signs are seekers of knowledge, guided by a higher purpose and expansive vision.

In Native American culture, the owl and elk have profound symbolic meanings, often representing contrasting yet complementary qualities.

The owl is primarily seen as a symbol of wisdom, intuition, and spiritual guidance. Many tribes regard the owl as a messenger from the spirit realm, delivering important insights and guiding individuals through times of darkness or uncertainty. Owls are believed to possess the ability to see beyond the surface, symbolizing deep spiritual knowledge and transformation. Some tribes, like the Lakota, view the owl as a guardian of the night, capable of offering protection and even warding off evil spirits. However, in other cultures, such as the Cherokee, the owl is also connected with the themes of death and transition, signifying change or warnings of danger​

The elk, on the other hand, represents strength, endurance, and confidence. This majestic animal embodies qualities of power and independence, teaching individuals to stand firm in their beliefs and persevere through challenges. The elk’s energy promotes determination and the ability to navigate difficult situations with poise. As a totem, the elk encourages individuals to approach life with a grounded mindset, focusing on long-term goals and maintaining stability in the face of adversity.​Together, the owl and elk symbolize a balance of wisdom and strength. While the owl guides with its insight into the unseen and spiritual realms, the elk offers resilience and determination in the physical world, making them powerful spirit animals for those seeking both spiritual and practical guidance.

Spirit Animal Owl/Elk (November 23 – December 21)

  • Snow Goose (December 22 – January 19): Connected to Capricorn, the Snow Goose embodies determination and discipline. With their strong focus on goals, those born under this animal work tirelessly toward success. The snow goose is my spirit animal. I was born on January 17, 1983.

In Native American culture, the snow goose is a symbol of determination, loyalty, and community. Those with the snow goose as their totem are known for their strong work ethic, ambition, and reliability. These individuals are seen as protectors of their families, offering emotional and physical support to their loved ones. Their nurturing nature and focus on building strong family bonds reflect their commitment to creating stability and security for their “nest.”

The snow goose also emphasizes the importance of planning and perseverance. Like the goose, which migrates over long distances but always returns to its nesting site, individuals guided by this spirit animal are goal-oriented and highly driven, preferring to strategize and methodically approach their objectives. Their ability to stay focused on long-term goals without getting distracted makes them excellent leaders and caretakers.​ Moreover, the snow goose represents spiritual renewal and personal growth. Connected to the northern direction in the Native American medicine wheel, it symbolizes the energy of renewal and transformation, urging individuals to trust their inner wisdom and stay true to their life path​

Spirit Animal Snow Goose (December 22 – January 19)

  • Otter (January 20 – February 18): Aligned with Aquarius, the Otter symbolizes playfulness and creativity. Otters are inventive and free-spirited, always seeking new ways to approach life and solve problems.

In Native American culture, the otter is often seen as a symbol of playfulness, curiosity, and community. Its joyful and mischievous nature reminds us to reconnect with our inner child, embrace the lighter side of life, and find happiness even in tough situations. Otters are also known for their strong family bonds, symbolizing nurturing and protection. This makes the otter a representation of feminine energy and the importance of family.

In some tribes, otters are also considered tricksters, bringing good-natured humor and teaching life lessons through playful deception. However, they are not malicious in their tricks, which distinguishes them from other trickster animals like the coyote. Additionally, in some spiritual beliefs, otters serve as messengers between the human world and the spirit world, linking them to deeper, mystical knowledge.

The otter’s ability to move between land and water makes it a symbol of adaptability and resourcefulness, traits highly valued in survival and overcoming challenges​

Spirit Animal Otter (January 20 – February 18)

  • Wolf/Puma (February 19 – March 20): Reflecting the energy of Pisces, the Wolf or Puma represents deep intuition and connection to the spiritual world. Those born under this sign are empathetic, wise, and often deeply connected to their inner selves.
  • This is my brother Alex’s spirit animal. He was born on February 26th, aka the “DONUT Factory.” The number 31 is the number of the matrix in Chaldean gematria. It’s also connected to the main player code, which represents a first-player character.

The Matrix Chaldean 31 1 - Doenut Chaldean 31 1 -

  • That’s the DONUT’s number! Alex is definitely a first-player character with an awesome spirit animal. Just look at his success—he’s been self-employed for over three years now, just like me. We both make more money than most people working 9 to 5 jobs, and we do what we love for a living. You can do it too! Once you realize you’re the first-player character in your own life, you’ll understand that you have the power to shape your reality, rather than being a slave to the system.Think about it—waking up every day, going to work, coming home, eating, sleeping, and repeating that same cycle over and over. Buy, consume, work, sleep—eventually die. What kind of life is that? You’re just giving your energy to the system. They use you like a battery, harvesting your loosh energy.I wake up when I want, I do what I want, and I get to make a living doing something I love—helping you all figure things out. I love being able to show you your source code so you know which synchronicities to watch for. That’s your higher self communicating with you! But how do you follow those signs if you don’t even know your source code? That’s why getting a decode is so important, and you can find all that information down below.

In Native American culture, both the wolf and the puma (or cougar) hold deep spiritual significance, symbolizing powerful qualities that guide individuals on their life journeys.


The wolf is seen as a symbol of strength, loyalty, and leadership. It represents resilience and adaptability, qualities that Native American tribes admired, especially for their ability to thrive in harsh environments. Wolves are known for their strong familial bonds and cooperative pack behavior, which Native Americans saw as a reflection of their own values of community, loyalty, and support. Wolves are also revered as spiritual guides, helping individuals connect with the spirit world and navigate challenges in life.


On the other hand, the puma symbolizes power, courage, and independence. It is revered for its stealth and ability to move quietly through life, embodying qualities of leadership and grace. The puma, like the wolf, serves as a protector in various Native American traditions, offering strength and guidance, particularly in times of personal transformation. The puma’s presence in dreams or visions often signals a time for personal growth or change, urging individuals to trust their instincts and tap into their inner strength.


Together, these two animals represent a balance of communal strength and independent leadership, teaching lessons of adaptability, perseverance, and inner wisdom. Whether facing life’s challenges alone or within a community, the wolf and puma spirit animals offer profound guidance on how to navigate with both power and grace.

Spirit Animal Wolf/Puma (February 19 – March 20)

A Connection to the Natural World

The Native American Zodiac is much more than just a symbolic system. It’s a way to reconnect with the natural rhythms that govern life. Each animal in the zodiac offers guidance and teachings that align with both the season and the traits of individuals born under its influence. Through this understanding, people are reminded of their deep connection to the Earth and the lessons nature provides.

Unlike other forms of astrology that look primarily to the stars, the Native American Zodiac draws its strength from the world around us—the animals, the seasons, and the cycles of life. It serves as a reminder that everything in nature is interconnected, and by tuning into these cycles, we can gain wisdom, clarity, and balance in our lives.

The Sacred Cycle of Seasons and Directions

In this tradition, the year is divided into four seasons, each governed by a spirit of the direction:

Spirit of the North (Waboose) for Winter,

Spirit of the East (Wabun) for Spring,

Spirit of the South (Shawnodese) for Summer, and

Spirit of the West (Mudjekeewis) for Autumn.

These directions and seasons help guide the cycle of life and provide a natural structure for understanding the changes that each spirit animal represents. As individuals progress through life, the wisdom of the animals and the spirits of the seasons offer continual guidance.

Embracing the Wisdom of the Animals

The Native American Zodiac, as introduced by Sun Bear, encourages people to draw on the teachings of the natural world. Each spirit animal not only represents a time of the year but also embodies qualities that can be embraced and nurtured by individuals. Whether it’s the courage of the Red Hawk, the resilience of the Sturgeon, or the wisdom of the Owl, these animals help us connect with our inner strengths and life’s lessons.

In this way, the Native American Zodiac serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, helping individuals align with the natural world and the deeper currents of life that shape our journey.

Unlock the secrets of your true self with a personalized Gematria Decode! If you’re curious about your spirit animal, life path, or want to uncover the hidden meaning behind your first and last name, book a personal decode today on We’ll break down your source code and reveal whether you’re a First Player Character, fully in control of your own reality, or a Non-Player Character (NPC), influenced by the Archons—AI entities that have hijacked this simulation and feed off our emotional energy, or LOOSH.

With this unique decode, you’ll gain insight into your role within the cosmic simulation, helping you understand your deeper purpose and how to take back control of your reality. It’s all done via email for your convenience. Once you book, you’ll receive an automated email with the timeline of your decode, typically delivered within 14 days, but trust me, it’s worth the wait. Plus, at only $26, you’re getting an incredible value, considering similar readings range from $100 to $500 elsewhere.

Ready to discover your true essence? Book now via this link or directly on, where you can easily schedule your reading. And here’s an exclusive offer: save an extra 11% off with the promo code DECODETHEMATRIX (all caps, one word). This is your chance to dive into the Matrix, decode its secrets, and understand who you truly are. Don’t miss out!

Gematria Decode

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

    🔮 The Ultimate Reading- Just $26! 🔮 For only $26, you'll receive an extensive Email Decode from Tommy himself. Just a click on the link below! View all posts
5G Danger

Spread the Truth


A beaver-Chaldean-22 Discover your Native American Spirit Animal! Unlock the wisdom of nature and learn how your birth date aligns with powerful animal guides in the Native American Zodiac. Find my spirit animal FPC CODE-Chaldean-38 Native American Astrology Native American spirit animal Spirit animal Spirit animal April 20 – May 20 Taurus The Beaver Spirit animal for March 21st through April 19th red Hulk Spirit animal Owl/Elk (November 23 – December 21) Spirit animal Raven (September 22 – October 22) spirit animal Snake (October 23 – November 22) Spirit animal Snow Goose (December 22 – January 19) Spirit animal Wolf/Puma (February 19 – March 20) Spirit Animal: Brown Bear (August 22 – September 21) Spirit Animal: Deer (May 21 – June 20) Spirit Animal: Sturgeon (July 22 – August 21) Spirit Animals Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel Astrology The Native American Zodiac: A Journey Through Spirit Animals What is my spirit animal Wolf/Puma (February 19 – March 20)

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