The key to the Matrix the Number 17

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The key to the Matrix the Number 17 by Tommy Truthful

Hey, my name is Tommy Truthful. I was born on January 17th, 1983. Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of synchronicity with the number 17, which led me to decode its significance within the matrix we live in. I can’t believe how important and significant this number is. Please leave your comments and feedback on this post. Let me know if you’ve been noticing any synchronicity lately. If so, what number are you seeing manifest in your life?

The Key To The Matrix The Number 17

Did you know that the number 17 is the key to the Matrix—a system built and set up by the Anunnaki to enslave humanity? There’s a secret language of symbols and numbers, a way they communicate so that the uninitiated don’t understand their true meaning. Remember in the movie The Matrix how certain characters could read the green letters of the matrix? Those green letters were the code, and this code is known as gematria. One of the purest and oldest forms of gematria is called the Chaldean Numerology Cipher:

1: A, I, J, Q, Y
2: B, K, R
3: C, G, L, S
4: D, M, T
5: E, H, N, X
6: U, V, W
7: O, Z
8: F, P

This Chaldean numerology system assigns numbers to letters, with values ranging from 1 to 8, and all the numbers together add up to 36. This cipher goes back to the Acadians. Matrix = 17, Neo = 17, HAARP = 17, Nibiru = 17, Enlil = 17, Ritual = 17, Gold=17. Enlil is the one who built the soul net around the Earth, which is our firmament, to trap us within this dimension so we are stuck in a life-death-rebirth cycle. They are harvesting our energy—Loosh energy—which comes from fear and terror. This is why the media keeps us in states of fear. The legend suggests that we were engineered by a superior race to extract gold, and we can see the significance of the number 17 in relation to gold.

HAARP is a weapon system created by these fallen angelic entities! And remember the whole Q movement? Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet. The first Freemasonic Lodge of England, known as the Mother Lodge, was formed in 1717.

Properties of the number 17:


  • Number of the Son of Man, according to Abellio.
  • Represents the action of evolution on the Cosmos and its tendency toward karmic liberation, 1 + 7 = 8, according to R. Allendy.
  • Symbol of the man participating in both worlds, celestial and terrestrial, according to Prevorst.
  • Saint Augustin declares: “In the number seventeen as in its multiples we find an admirable sacrament”.
  • Seventeen restores harmony after the fights of existence. It is the image of the initiate who has succeeded in his interior marriage.
  • According to Guy Tarade, it is the number of the Holy Spirit.
  • According to the Book of the Balance of Jâbir Ibn Hayyân, alchemist and Sufi, the form (sura) of anything in the world is 17; the number 17 represents the base of the theory of the Balance and has to be considered as the rule of the balance of each thing.
  • Ominous number for Italians, like 13 in the West. In Italy, there’s no bedroom 17, no 17th floor, etc., because in Roman numerals, 17 is written XVII, considered the anagram and numerical value of the Latin expression VIXI, which means “I lived” and by extension “I am dead.”

In the Bible:

  • Seventeen people and nations were present at the Pentecost: Galilee, Parthians, Medes and Elamites, peoples from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya around Cyrene, residents of Rome, Jews and proselytes alike, Cretans and Arabs. (Ac 2,7-11)
  • Joseph was seventeen years old when he was sold by his brothers and escorted to Egypt. (Gn 37,2)
  • The seventeen Judges from the death of Joshua until Samuel: Othonial, Aod, Samgar, Jahel, Deborah, Barac, Gideon, Abimelech, Thola, Jair, Jepheth, Abezan, Ahialon, Abdon, Samson, Eli, and Samuel.
  • Rehoboam, son of Solomon, reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem. (1 K 14,21)
  • Jehoahaz, son of Jehu, reigned seventeen years in Israel to Samaria. (2 K 13,1)
  • The Ten Commandments of God were given in 17 verses in the twentieth chapter of the book of Exodus.
  • Jacob lived seventeen years in Egypt. (Gn 47,28)
  • The Pentateuch contains 5852 or 17 x 7 x 7 x 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 verses. 1533 verses of Genesis can also be expressed as 17 x 70 + 7 x 7 x 7 or 17 x 7 + 707 + 707. The book of Exodus contains (17 + 17) x (17 + 17) + 57 or 1213 verses. It is 17 x 7 shorter than 666 + 666.
  • The 17th book of the NRSV is the shortest.


  • Jesus traveled seventeen years for his preparation before his public ministry.
  • The prayer of the Rosary of the Virgin Mary is composed of 17 Pater and 153 Ave Maria. And the sum of the 17 first numbers gives 153.
  • The Jewish law counts seventeen blessings.
  • According to a passage of the Talmud, it is written that the complete Torah included initially 17 books.
  • According to visions of Anne-Catherine Emmerich, seventeen women followed the Way of the Cross. And in the visions of the brother Joseph-Francis, the Cross measured 17 feet.
  • The revelations received by Mary Jane of the United States enumerate seventeen joys that the Blessed Virgin Mary experienced, the greatest being placed on the Throne of God. No one else has ever acquired this honor.
  • The apostle James wrote his Epistle seventeen years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  • The attack missed against John-Paul II, that occurred on an anniversary date of the appearances of Fatima, happened at 17 hours 17.
  • The seventeen liturgical gestures, rak’a, in the Islamic tradition compose the five daily prayers. Seventeen words also compose the call to prayer.
  • The number is called “antiphraxis” (interposition) by the Greeks because it is located between the numbers sixteen (square number) and eighteen (double square).
  • The death of Osiris would have occurred on the 17th day of the month of Athyr according to Egyptian mythology.
  • Raoul Auclair notices that one of the appearances of the Virgin Mary expresses the number 17. It was on January 17, 1871 (1 + 8 + 7 + 1 = 17) at 17 hours, in the village of Pontmain, having 17 hamlets. This appearance, proceeding in 17 phases, occurred 17 years after the date of the blooming of the Mystery of Mary: the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. She appeared ahead of 70 people, pronouncing no word but writing her message in gold letters on the sky of the night. This message comprised 70 signs.
  • Some people believed that the Sky was divided into 17 celestial layers.
  • Jâbir Ibn Hayyân, in his book “Book of the Seventy” (Kitâb al-sab’în), attaches great importance to the numerical series: 1, 3, 5, 8, and 28 (the sum of 1, 3, 5, and 8 giving 17), because according to him: “All, in the universe, is governed by the number 17—the metals, for example, have 17 ‘power'” and the form of anything in the world is 17.
  • The Flood began on the 17th. The Ark of Noah was on Mount Ararat (altitude of 17000 feet) on the 17th.
  • The mummy of King Tutankhamun was wrapped in 17 cloths.
  • The Parthenon has 17 columns in length.
  • Formerly, the Chinese had a bureaucratic constitution of 17 articles.
  • The Alhambra, a splendid Moor palace that inspired Escher, has 17 types of mosaic (in fact all possible types).
  • Henry IV celebrated his marriage a second time on December 17, 1600 in the Cathedral of St. John in Lyon. His wife, Mary Medicis, arrived with approximately 5000 Italians in 17 galleys.
  • The first wife of Henry VIII had 17 children who died before reaching 1 year old.
  • Shakespeare wrote 17 comedies (in the 17th century).
  • Hamlet reigned 17 years.
  • The Great Lodge of England, which made speculative Masonry, was founded in 1717.
  • The French Revolution occurred in 1789 (8 + 9 = 17).
  • The number 17 holds particular importance in the tradition of trade corporations, recognizing 17 companions initiated by Ali, 17 owners of Muslim corporation founders initiated by Selman-i Farsi, and 17 major corporations.
  • At Quatrain 5,92 of Nostradamus, it is written: “After the seat held seventeen years”.
  • Beethoven wrote 17 quartets. The first performance of Water Music by Handel occurred on July 17, 1717 (the day of the yellow pigs!). It was in 1717 that Domenico Zipoli embarked for America (he arrived in July). Gossec wrote a symphony in 17 parts. Titchenko wrote a concerto for violoncello and 17 wind instruments. Senfl wrote a mass in 17 parts (given to the Festival of Ambronay on October 2, 1994). Op. 54 of Mendelssohn: 17 variations for piano. Bach had an orchestra of 17 musicians during the period of Weimar when he wrote the concerto for 2 violins BWV 1043 (France-Music, Bach, and Europe, December 10, 1995). In 1895, St. Saens published 17 volumes of the work of Branch (Radio Classic, December 13, 1995, 15h30).
  • There’s a famous passage in Theaetetus of Plato where it is written that Theodorus (the professor of Plato) proved the irrationality of sqrt(3), sqrt(5), …, taking all the cases until the square root of 17, where he stopped. But we don’t know the exact meaning of the Greek word (mu)(epsilon)(chi)(rho)(iota), translated by “until” by Heath: either “until… excluding”, or “until… included”. (An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Hardy/Wright, section 4.5, p 42-44).
  • In Muslim folklore, the symbolic number 17 appears especially in legends, in particular in the 17 advices murmured to the ear of the king during his coronation and in the 17 components of the banner (Mr. Mokri, The Secrets of Hamza).
  • It is especially in Shiism (and, by its influence, in the religious literature of Turks of Anatolia) that a quasi-magic importance is attached to the number 17… The mystic Shiists had, from an ancient period, a veneration for the number 17; this veneration originates from the old Pythagorean speculations based on the letters of the Greek alphabet… 17 represented the number of those who will be resurrected, each of these persons having to receive one of the 17 letters of the alphabet, which is composed of the supreme name of God, which is in relation with the Arcane 17 of the Tarot.
  • In Lebanon, there are officially 17 religions: 5 Islamic groups, 11 Christian groups (4 Orthodox, 6 Catholics, 1 Protestant), and 1 Judaic.
  • For the ancient Greeks, 17 represents the number of consonants in the alphabet; it is divided into 9 (number of the dumb consonants) and 8 (number of the semivowels or semi-consonants). These numbers were also in relation with musical theory and the harmony of the spheres.
  • Pluto is the only planet outside the ecliptic plane; its orbit is inclined at 17 degrees. The last mission on the Moon was Apollo 17, in 1972 (17 x 116). The period of the revolution of Callisto, discovered in the 17th century by Galileo, around Jupiter, is 17 days.
  • According to some NASA documents, it would be necessary to cover more than 17 times the distance Earth-Moon to reduce the gravitational attraction of the Earth to a millionth of that at the surface of the Earth.
  • The age of the universe is about 10^17 seconds.
  • There are 17 muscles in the tongue.
  • The symbol indicating the constant, which would be the most famous in mathematics, is the 17th letter of the original Greek alphabet, pi. The original alphabet comprised three letters that are now obsolete, one was digamma, the sixth letter.
  • The selenium element [Se], of atomic number 34 (17 x 2), was discovered by Jons Berzelius in 1817 (1 + 8 + 1 + 7 = 17).
  • The Japanese poetry Haiku contains 17 syllables.
  • The scale of Holder is composed of 17 notes.
  • The first atomic bomb, prepared by 1700 persons, was released on Hiroshima with 17 seconds of delay (newspaper of France 2 August 6, 1995 at 20 hours).
  • Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948, at 17h17.
  • November 17, 1972 (1972 = 17 x 116): return of Peron General in Argentina, after 17 years of exile.
  • It was the parallel 17 which divided the North and the South of Vietnam.
  • Two of the most important earthquakes in 1994 and 1995 occurred on January 17: January 17, 1994, in California (Los Angeles), and January 17, 1995, in Japan (Kobe). In both cases, the latitude was 34° (=2 x 17), and the longitudes were respectively -118° and 135° (- 118 + 135 = 17).
  • In India, they speak 17 languages.
  • In the Great Pyramid, on the walls of one of the bedrooms of “dump” is written several marks of hieroglyphs, with the red paint. One of these marks has been translated as “year 17“, and it was concluded, perhaps a little too quickly, that the Pyramid had reached this level the 17th year of the reign of the Pharaoh.
  • Seventeen days separate the feast of the Presentation of Mary, November 21, from the feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8.
  • The mass of Neptune is 17 times that of the Earth.
  • The girls having 17 years old, have on average 17 square meters of skin.
  • The 17 is the smallest number (integer) whose writing in French constitutes a compound word: “dix-sept”.
  • The White House is located on 17th street in Washington.
  • In the Odyssey of Homere, Ulysses spent 17 days reaching the Phaeacia.
  • Eighth prime number, by theosophical reduction, 17 gives also 8: 1 + 7 = 8.
  • Anniversary of marriage: weddings of jewelry.


  • The number 17 is used 13 times in the Bible. But if we count also all the numbers having “17” or “seventeen” in their manner to be written, but which are not, however, equal to 17, the four following references would be retained: Jg 8,14 with sixty-seventeen; 1 Ch 7,11 with 17200; Ezr 2,39 and Neh 7,42 with 1017. Then, the number 17 would be used 17 times in the Bible.
  • The number 130 is used 17 times in the Bible.
  • In 17 places in the NT, God is called the God Unique. The verb “to pay” is used 17 times in the NT, and the word “manna” and the verb “to kneel” 17 times in the Bible.
  • In the Revelation of John, 7 is used 53 times and designates 17 different elements: 7 Churches of Asia, 7 spirits, 7 candelabras, 7 seals, etc.
  • In the Bible, 17 numbers are multiples of 17.
  • The fourteen epistles of Saint Paul in the Bible use, on the whole, 17 different numbers written in their cardinal form, and the sum of their occurrences gives 81.

The number 17 is not just a number; it’s a gateway to deeper understanding—a link between the material and spiritual worlds, the key to karmic liberation. From the structure of the cosmos to ancient alchemy, 17 is everywhere, hiding in plain sight.


“One last thing, did you know that the 17th card in the tarot deck is the Star card? The imagery on that card is an 8-pointed star, which is tied to the Anunnaki Stargate Technology.

Ishtar-Star (1)

Check out this blog for more information on how the 8-pointed star is connected to CERN and the opening of dimension X, also known as Nibiru.” 

Book your Gematria decode today to find out if you are a carrier of the Neo Code. Just click on the image below to get your personal decode. We will let you know whether you are a non-player character or a first-player character. It is all connected to your name in the Chaldean cipher, which is based on numbers one through eight because they did not use the number nine, as it was considered divine. The sum of numbers one through eight adds up to 36 (seven one=36 in reduction, also known as Pythagorean Gematria). Neo code equals 36 in Chaldean Gematria, so the numbers 17 and 36 are interconnected.

Seven One-Reduction-36

We decode your first and last name using Gematria and can tell you whether you’re a non-player character or a first-player character. Some first-player characters are carriers of the Neo code. You can book your decode now on We offer a $26 basic decode and a $62 decode. For $62, you get the first one plus we break down the 12-strand DNA. If you are a carrier of this 12-strand DNA, it will all be tied to your code in Gematria.


Truth Mafia

We exist within a simulation. Originally created by source consciousness, the Annunaki, also known as the watchers or the fallen angels, hijacked it and enslaved humanity. They enslaved us to mine gold, and we can see a connection between the number 17, the matrix, and Enlil, the Annunaki son of Anu. Their geoengineering technology, HAARP, also equals 17.

#Matrix #Anunnaki #ChaldeanNumerology #Gematria #HAARP #Nibiru #Enlil #EnergyHarvesting #LooshEnergy  #AncientMysteries #Symbolism #Numerology #17 #BibleProphecy #HiddenInPlainSight #TheMatrixIsReal #TruthSeeker #17IsTheKey

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

    🔮 The Ultimate Reading- Just $26! 🔮 For only $26, you'll receive an extensive Email Decode from Tommy himself. Just a click on the link below! View all posts

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